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UPM-CALC/SEM1/2023-24/CEL2106/THT/WEEK 2

Name: …………………………………………………. Group:


This is an individual weekly activity for you to carry out. This activity should be completed
before the next class.

1. Read on how to write the work experience section on a resume and answer the
following questions:

 What are some tips for writing your previous work experiences?
 What to include in a resume experience section?
 How do you format the experience section on a resume?

2. Read on the use of Action Verbs in resume writing and answer the following

 When do we use action verbs in a resume?

 How do we use action verbs in a resume?
 What is the function of action verbs in a resume?
 What are the suitable tenses in using action verbs?

3. Share your findings in class in Week 3.

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