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The Laws of the Bible ‘THE TEN COMMANDMENTS: ww revealed to Moses on Mt. ane taeda ‘the foundation of the “and culture of the Hebrew people, because this law was super 10 ands iaman laws of the surrounding the ures, it served 0 ift the Hebrews to a generally hig her pl of living. {oa Ranetples of God's law are elet~ nal. ¢ commandments ‘of God in Thich man's duties are set forth, are Maitworthy and true, They are stead- fast forever, they are unchangeable (Psalm 111:7, 8). al fematkable Ten Command- ments (also called the Decalogue) are ment {ara which was the basis for everything required of God's people Ss may be seen in the following: 1."Thou shalt, have no other ‘gods ‘efore me,” Ex. 20: i ‘This is the foundation of worst “ihe Sovereignty of God. It. the basis of the many denuncia~ tions of false gods. Confirmed in the New Testament, Nat. 2:37, 38....- 2."Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image,” EX. 20:4-6.61 This principle limits true worship. Tris Phe ass of the condemns. tion of idolatry and the forbidding of heathen forms of worship. Confirmed in the New Testament, TJohn 5:21. 4."Thou shalt not take the name of br Lord thy God in vain,” e si life and, This principle of reverence for a4 may well be the (or also for respect for properly consti- tuted authority. Confirmed in the New Testament, Matt, 5:33... 4 4."Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy,” Ex. 20:8-11....61 This principle also applied to the yearly feasts and holy days which Pointed to the Messiah. However, in the New Testament these were obliterated at the cross. Confirmed in the New Testament, Weekly Sabbath, (Luke 4:16; 23: 56, Hebrews 4:4, 10) .. 51, 754 186 lonour thy father and thy moth- Bx. 2012. a6 Fis is the foundation for family Confirmed Eph, 6:1-3, 6."*Thou shalt not kill,” Ex. 20: the New Testament, 165-166 This principle teaches the sacred ness of human life, We ought to endeavor to save life rather than take it. Confirmed in the New Testament, Matt, 5:21, 22; Rom. 13:9.4, 137 7.""Thou shalt not commit adultery,” Ex, 20: 81 ‘This is the principle of sexual pur- ity, Related to this principle are the prohibitions of incest, seduc- tion, prostitution, etc, Confirmed in the New Testament, Matt. 5:27, 28; Rom. 13:9.4, 137 8.""Thou shalt not steal,” Ex. 20: 15. “61 This principle of property rights is the basis for the many com- mands stressing ru jonesty in all financial and commercial dealings. Confirmed in the New Testament, Rom. 13:9, Eph. 4:28..137, 165 9.""Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor,” Ex. 20: 16. o OE ‘The principle of respect for truth Fine foundation for legal. and civil justice and for strict keeping of vows. Confirme Rom. 1339 10,“Thou shalt not covet . in the New Testament, "Ex. DAT .eeeeeereeees “61 principle of respect for others might be considered the basis for the Old Testament emphasis upon thoughtfulness and kindness to the poor and weak. Confirmed in the New Testament, Luke 12:15, Rom, 13:9...62, 137 Thus, almost all of the laws of the Pentateuch may be seen to be implicit in the basic principles of the Decalogue. THE CIVIL AND CRIMINAL LAWS OF THE BIBLE Abortion miscarting yy second party, Abstinence, going without. ‘Commanded Aaron, Le' Nazarite 4., Num. ‘Abusive Lan; To parents, To the deal ‘Accomplice, partner in crime. \Sondgmmed, Prov. 29:24 504 ‘Accusation, False, false blame. In Decalogue, Ex. 20: Prohibited again, Ex. Talebearing ¢' John censures, Luke Actions at Law, lawsuits, Haste unwise in, Prov, 25: A higher way, Matt, 5: ‘Among brethren, 1 Cor. 6: ‘A General Rule, Heb. 12:14... Adjudication at Law, see Actions at ‘Lam. Adoption, act of taking another's child ‘as one’s own, No Specific Biblical Law. Spirit of 4, R 15. 133 Allusion to Custom, 4: Adultery, unchaste living. ‘Condemned unequivocally in Ten ‘Commandments, Ex. 20:14..... 61 With a virgin, Ex. 22:16, 17. 63 With a slave, Lev. 19:20. Neighbor's wile, Lev. 20:10 Suspect tested, Num. 5:11~29. Incest condemned, Deut. 27:20. .168 “Tokens of virginity” ‘accepted in evidence, Deut. 22:13-21. Various cases, Deut. 22: Adultery in heart, Matt. Absolutely forbidden in Covenant, Eph. 5:3..... Advocate, counselor, lawyes Example: Tertullus, Acts Used of Jesus, I John 2: Aflicted, stricken, Duty to, Matt. 25:34-45 Agriculture, Laws Re stealing pasturage, Ex. Burning crops, Ex. 22:6 Gleanings left, Lev. 19:9-10.... Mingling ‘banned, Lev. 19:19. Purifying land, Ley. 19:23-25. Selling of land forbidden in Canaan, Lev. 19:23-28. Sabbatical Year, Lev, 25:2~" Year of Jubilee, Lev. 25:8. . Aliens, strangers, foreigners. Religious oe Ex, 12:48-49... 55 Justice for, Ex. 22:21... 3 Jews may enslave, Lev, 25:44 ‘An exemption for, Deut 14 ‘Usury allowed, Deut. 1: reassel be king. Deut. 17:18 2721161 iegiance, fidelity, loyalty. First to God, Acts aul we To government, Rom. 13:1-7. Alliances, Political, coalitions. With idolatrous nations, forbidden, Ex, 23:32, 33....... 64 Alms, charitable gifts. Enjoined, Deut, 15:7-11.......+-159 Christian duty, | Tim, 6:18...... Animals, Domesticated. Pit accident blame, Ex, 2 Dangerous, Ex. 21:28-32. Powered by § CamScanner img the we, Deut. 2 Levincal svatem, Dei wulsappeals, Acts 28:10) ath ples for Honesty stressed, : Compensation, see Damages, Complicity, see: Accessory Compromise, mutual setilement, ‘Solomon advised, Prov, 25:8 Jesus advises, Luk Concubines, second: ; bought, Ex. 2127-11 C. captured, Beut, 21 ond "one. alowed 10 renge deall of another. General law, Nun 38:19 Eee concern refuges ron’. i m “person 10 whom goods’ are of, Ex. 2210-13... Must be just, Lev, 19:36, Bastard, illegitimate child. Law regarding, Deut. 23:2. .., see Assault and Battery. metimes written, Jer, 32:1 Court’ of Law, place and appointed for the administration inded, Ex. 23:2-8..., Mosaic system, Deut, 1:15: Appeal to higher, Deut. Decision binding, Deut. Contempt of, Deut. 17:12-; Death penalty for, Ex, 22:19. Prohibition of, Lev. 1 Betrothed Men, fiances. Militarily exempt, Deut. 2 Bill of Divorce, see Divorce, reer Mosaic ¢., Ex. 34:28... privilege of elder son, i 18. Covetousness, avarice, In Decalogue, Ex. 20:17, broken law, Mic, 2:2. Creditor, man to whor C. of a'slave, Ex, 2 General law,’ Ex, 22:35-7 by, Lev. 25:14-17,; Qe Usury by, Deut, Crime, inst God forbidden, Ex. 20:7.61 Blind, without sight. Cruelty to, Deut. 27:18. Boring Bar of slave, Ex. 216... ibery,, perverting justice for a'price, bited, Ex. 23:8. Curse upon, Deut. 27:28. Guilt for death of, Ex. 22:2. Burial, interment. Executed criminal to be buried Cross-Questioning, Cruelty, brutality, a field, Ex. 22:6... cases involving’ death ire plurality of witnesses, Not remitiabie, Num, Calle, livestock. Theft of animai, Ex, 2 No interbreeding, Lev, 19: . iracter, Defamation of. Of wife, Deut, 22:13-19.... an harm to, Ex. 21 2. iption law, Lev. 25: Deed, Land, Jer. 32:12, 14, 44... 585, 546 Dishonesty, lack of integrity, General line, Lev. 6:2 3.05... gg Rights 6 Dress, clothing, No mixed attire, Deut. 2: Wearing 1. of o} forbidden, Deut Used as pled ; Drunkenness, intoxication, OF son, habitual, Deut, 31:20....164 EGER oF exh, Gal $281 HL Employee, one hired by anoiher. Prompt wages to, Lev. WIS, 98 No oppression of, Deut. 24:14..2166 nployer, one who hires another. I kindly, Lev. 25:43. Spiritual emphasis, Eph. Enidence, items in proof, No false witness, Ex. Sin to withhold, ‘Lev. 5: In capital cases, Deu E. necessary, Deut. I Extortion, illegal extraction. “Eye for an Eye,” see Lex Tallonis. False Witness, unirue testimony. In Decalogue, Ex, 20:16 Forbidden, Ex. 23:1...0°017117" 6: Case procedure, Deu, 19:16-19,.162 Familiar Spirits, Consulting, Prohibited, Lev. 19:31. Fpenaly, Lev. 20:6, 27; ine, money penalty. For theft, Ex. 22 For fraud, Lev. 6:5. Adultery charge, Deut. 2 Fire, burning. Law concerning, Ex. 22:6....... 62 Forcible Entry, break in. On killing thi see’ Adultery, ption. n of, Lev, 19:13, 35,... 9 Gleaning, collecting remnants’ from harvested field, General law, Lev. 19:9-10, Repetition, Deut. 24:19-21 orging eater, ited, Lev. 19:16, Government, Mosate, ludicial system, Ex. 18:13-26,.59, 60 Eldership, Num, 11:16-25,..130, 131 Theocratic, Deut. 29:1-13... 171 Greed, see Covetousness, Hearing, legal appearanee, Guaranteed, Deut. 1:1 Heirs, inheritors, Classes, Num. 37:8-11....,., Of two wives, Deut, 21:18-17, Heresy. false teachin Prohibited, Deut. 1 Mire, rent. Hired property, Ex. 22:14-15,... 63 Homestead, family land, house, Redemption of, Lev. 25:25-34. . .104 146 136 164 18,,.157, 158 Powered by § CamScanner Homicide. killing General law, Intentional ‘Accidental. E: Murder defined, Num. No enmity before, Num. 3 Required evidence, Num, 38:36, 144 Iscapital erime, Num. 35:31, 2144 Bribed murderer, Deut, 27:25... Honesty, just dealings, General, Lev, 19:35-36, Commercial, Deut. 25:13. Hospitality, Kind treatment, ‘Negative rule, Ex. Gleaning law, Lev. 19:10, 8 To strangers, Deut. 10:18-19... 155 Hunting, pursuing game, General law, Lev, 17:13. Fowling, Deut, 23:6-7.. Husband, male spouse, Jealous h., Num. 511-31. 026114 New, exemption of, Deut. 24:5. 166 Micgitimate Child, sce Bastard. Incest, intercourse of near of kin. Defined, banned, Lev, 18:6-1 Penalties, Lev. 20:11-21. Inbertane, bestowed proper ‘Of daughters, Num. S7:e-117.. .136 Law of eldest, Deut, 21:15-17, . 164 Levirate marriage, Deut. 25:5... 1166 Inquest, official inquiry. Instructions, Deut. 21:1- Intention, aim, purpose. d. murder, Ex, 21:14 General Murder, not Interbreeding, Forbidden, Lev. 19: Interest, fee for use of mi Ban on usury, Deut, 23:19) Exception, Deut. 23:20 Intoxication, see Drunker Jail, prison, Before trial, Num. 15:34. ‘Judicial Corruption, bri Banned, Lev. 19:15 sGondenined, Mic. 3 jury, legal panel ‘Seventy elders, Num, 11 Iustice, equity. Exhortation to, Ex, 23:1-8.... Legal aim, Deut. 16:18-20 igjadements, Deut. 25:1-3... laapping, theft of a persor Prohibited, Ex, 21:l6ersor’ ess. 62 Labor, see Empioyee, Employe Land, estate, country. Original titie, Gen. i3:14-17 Sale, Redemption, Lev. 25: Landmarks kept, Deut, 19: Public sale of, Ruth 4: hfilten deed, Jer, 32:9-10. Sold for debt,’ Neh. 5:3-5. ays thet, General law, Ex. 20:15. Restatement, Ex, Of lost goods, Lev. 6:2-6 man being. 13) 99 167 83 anol 1.97 64 Ioan, ted, Ex, 22:251f.... 63 rt Satis law of retaliation. tye forse Ee Sa. 62 Restatement, Lev, 24:17-21 103 To false witness, Deut, 19:19... .162 Jesus speaks, Matt. 5:38-44..... 4 Libel see Sande Limitations, 7 Ins ven, Eas seveeee OL The Laws of the Bible year, Lev, 25:44 inion ee Actions at La Ubery, legal possession. Uns Goon - 0st Goods, mispliced iten ‘Thelt of Lev. gas6., Finder duty, Deut, 3 Lass, illeg ‘Mandamus, Writ Respect for, Det ‘Manslaughter, man’ Voluntary, Num. 35:21. Involuntary, Deut. 19:4-6., Marrage, matrimony Alig seduction, Ban on incest, Lev. i8: Polygamy bane Douw 1711. 184 Divorce bill Beut. 24:1. 166 Exemption for, Deut, 24:3. 7" "166 Jesus speaks, Matt, $:31-337 21.7 °4 Mayhem, intentional mutilation, ‘slaves, Ex. 21:26-27, ‘Third patty in, Deut, 25211213. "167 Measures, Just, Lev. 19:35-36. ry Matters, war affairs, rsal service, Num, Minimum age for, Num. Selected service, Nu Military policy, Camp cleanliness, Deut, Logistic support, Judg. 20:10, Exemptions: ‘New house owner, Deut, 20: Betrothed man, Deut. 20:7. Coward, Deut.’20: Miscogenaion, Fa Prohibited, Fi Nissis for lw, “Ex. rai 14 6. isrepresentation, frau General law, Ex. 31-3, forte, surety pledge. Land m., Neh. Murder, ee Homicide, Negligence, laxness, Pit left open, Ex. 21:33-34 Of animal owner, Ex. 21: Oath, a solemn attestation, Penalty for, Lev. 6:2-5. False, banned, Lev. tae Adultery trial, Num, Appeal to God, Deut. 6:13. Oppression, unjust seve strangers, Ex. 22:21 Of servants, Deut, Curse for, Deut. 37:19. Orphan, parentless, ‘Not to afflict, Ex. 22:22, +63 Justice for, Deut, 24:1 1166 Tithe for, Deut. 26:12-13.,... 21.167 Parents, father and mother. General law, Ex, 20:12, of, Ex. 21:17...., Ridugor beac Pardon, reprieve, absolution, David issues, 11 Sam, 19:23. Perjury, lying under oath. General law, Lev. 6:2-5. Basis for, Lev. 19:12, .. 5 Perpetuities, for duration of sige. Law regarding, Lev. 25:23-34.. .104 Polygamy, multiple marriage, Tolerated, Ex. 21:10. Forbidden, Deut. 17:17, Evil effects, Deut. 21 oor, one lacking necesiis, Justice for, Ex. 23:3, 6. xv Poll Tax, individual fe ripened, Ex Soa 15:34, ee Procedure; legal course of et Evidence, Ex, 22:13) Jailing, Num 15:34 Refuge city, Num. 35 ‘Testimonies, Nun, 3 Appeals, Deut. 1 Court order, Det 6 Analysis of, Deut. 22:17-22. 21.164 Taking criminals, ‘Deut. 2 Pleading, Deut. 21:20. pour tia. Deut. fanity, blasphemy. "romero 90 Property, Personal, Respect for, Ex. 20:15. No coveting, Ex. 20: Slaves as, Ex. 212 Violence to, Ex. 21:33 ‘Trespass of, Ex. 21:28-36. Loaned, rented, Ex. 22:14-15. Strayed, Lev. 6:2-5........ Lost, Deut. 22:14. Use of others Deut Taal Nedempatt fev, 25:29 ‘Eicoiemy Ley, 2551-33 dicated, Lev, 27:16-25. Inheritance of, Num<2? For daughters; Num. 36: Landmarks of, Deut, 19:14, Home safety, Deut. 22:8, . Prostitution, illegal sex traffic. Forbidden, Lev. 19: For both sexes, De : Punishment, penalty for crime, 19.64 pata punishment, Death for Kidnapping, Ex. 31 ‘Abusing parents, Es 5i Witcheral 18. Bestiality, Ex. 16 Mlegal sacrifice, Ex, 22:30.°7..21 63 Sabbath violation, Ex, 35:2.11 75 Sodomy, Lev. 18: 198 Human Sacrifice, Lev, 199 Adultery, Lev, 20:10. 199 Incest, Lev. 20:11-14. 199 Fornication, Lev, 21:9. £100 Blasphemy, Lev. 24:11-14,.01.11103, Murder, Num. 35:16-21 14a Teaching error, Deut 1572158, Court contempt, De Disobey parents, Deut, 21:18, Incontinence, Deut. 2:31-24,.. Rape, Deut, 22: Sabeting, Ex. 321 2) 28.. Burnin; Hanging, Deut, 21:33 Lesser Panishents Banishment, Ezra 7.26, ........388 Imprisonment, Gen, 39:26, 3 Scourging, Lev, 38 30... Retaliatory, se¢ Lex Taiionis. Quarantine, see Sanitation, Rape, ravish sexually. Deaih penalty, Deut, 22:25-27...165 Redemption, a buying back, Of property. Lev. 25:25-34..; 510 or sory i ra 38 HGF Refugee Slave, escaped 3 aw concerning, Deut, 23:15-16.165 Retaliation, see Lex Talionis. Revenge, personal retaliation. Forbidden, Lev. 19:18, 98 Powered by § CamScanner The Laws of the Bible sce Servant, Ho Statin Assault a Hom, PEIVEESe SCX rohibited, Deut. 23 Stealing, 9 bornatlon Ti ebeariny + and Repeated, Lev. pee Forbidden, Deut. 19:16-21..0... Talion, sce Lex Talionis. Taxation, revenue, tribute. Poll ¢., Ex. 30: 11-16... 2.444 ++70-71 Assessment, Ex, 38:24-26......._78 Priest exempt, 124. 1388 Testimony, statement of witness. Self Incrimination, sell STE Only truth, Ex, 20:16 61 SSteetody. Deute 17: 161 Suppression of, Lev. 1 84 S Bond, slave. Plural 7, Num. 35:30. 1144 “General Lins. Repeated, Deut. 19:15......5 55.162 Theft, stea General law, Ex. Kidnapping, Ex. 21 Instructions, Ex. 22 Other types ¢., Lev. Allowed taking, Deut. 23 Thief, robber. Killed in act, Ex. 22:2. id as slave, Ex, 22:3... Degree, forcing testimony. Principle wrong, Deut. 16:19... .160 Tithing, giving a tenth, Mosaic law of, Ley. 27:30-33....107 Title, see Land, Trespass, violation of rights, Restitution for, Ex. 22:5, 9. 62 By animals, Ex. 21:28-36 Adultery with, Debtors to Poor Israelite, Lev. Treatment of, Lev. Oppression of, Deut. 6 Sexual Crimes,’ see under specific of- fenses, such as Adultery, Bestiality, Incest, Rape. Seduction, Sodomy, etc. Slander, see Talebearing. Innocent #., Deut. 23:24-25, By creditor, Deut. 24:10, custodi Testament interest.) rbidden, Lev. 25:35-37.......104 Exception, Deut. 23:20,..... 17! Historical case, Neh. 5:1-13:394"395 Vagrancy, loitering. Of a son, Deut. 8-21. ......164 Virgin, chaste woman. Dowry of, Ex. 22:17 63 Proofs of, Deut. 22:13-21 164 Betrothal of, Deut. 22:23-24. .. 1165 Ward, one under guardian, Protected, Ex. 22:22 63 Provided for, Deut. 14:28-29, ...159 Gleaning rights, Deut. 24: 166 Weights, amounts, Justice’in, Lev. 19:35-36. 99 Restatement, Deut. 25:13-16....167 Widow, woman whose husband died, Protected, Ex. 22:22-23. 63 Provided for, Deut. 14:28-29, ..1159 Gleaning rights, Deut. 24:19... 166 Duty of brother-in-law, Deut. 25:5-10.... + 166-167 Wife, female spouse. Unfaithful w., Num, $:11-31....114 Unfair charge, Deut. 22:13-21. 11164 Sce also Marriage, Husband, etc. Will, final testament. When in force, Heb. 9:16-17.....189 Powered by CamScanner

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