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Exercise 5., page 210
The city I’d like to visit
The city I would like to visit is Paris, France. This is a dream from a distant
childhood, because I really want to see the Eiffel Tower. For me, Paris is a city
of romance and love. I myself am a sensual and emotional person, I believe very
much in the power of love and know what it is capable of, so for me this
curiosity is like a place of power. Especially now when I began to learn French,
and plunged into the culture of this country in more detail - I realized that I
really want to go to its capital. For me, this city must be with someone to visit.
With a friend, or the best option with your partner to fully get through the
atmosphere of this city. I know how much apart from the center Paris dirty city.
It is necessary to move a few steps from the tower and there is already a pile of
garbage and homeless people around. However, I would very much like to
climb the Eiffel Tower, and look at the opening landscape from a distance of
more than 300 meters. I especially like the night view, the way it lights up and
glitters illuminating the whole city. Of course, I want a memorable photo and
another moment in the piggy bank of memories, and childhood dreams come
true. I believe that after the victory I will realize my dream and finally see the
tower with my own eyes. And it is desirable that this was the first, but not the
last time.

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