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ደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ የትምህርት DEBRE BERHAN UNIVERSITY


3.3. Duties and Responsibilities of College Internal Quality Assurance Coordinators

1. Monitor and ensure the implementations of quality enhancement changes, packages,

values and tools introduced by Debre-Berhan University, such as:

 Ensure shared vision, missions, goals and strategies among all college communities and make
sure that they are interpreted in the annual plans of the college.
 Ensure and safegard the implementation of Debre Berhan University quality standards and
 Initiate and ensure the development and implementation of quality standards at college and
program levels.
 Promote and monitor quality enhancement tools including BSC, Kaizen, and Quality circles.
 Ensure the implementation of quality enhancement packages at all levels of colleges, etc.
 Document and report quality assurance activitites.

2. Monitor and ensure the existence of quality and relevance of program approval systems,
and regular and periodic curriculum, monitoring and review systems, such as:
 Monitor and enhance the implementations of modularization
 Monitor and assure quality curriculum /module development
 Monitor and ensure the relevance of programs to national and global context, and to the
competitive market
 Assure continuous program and course evaluation systems for maintaining continuous
relevance and up-to-dateness of programs and courses

 Enhance individualized learning, localized and globalized learning

 Monitor and assure programs to meet future needs of the community and individuals to
meet the coming challenges in the new millennium
 Document and report periodic review processes of programs and curriculum

3. Monitor and enhance the quality of teaching-learning process to assure:

 Conformity of programs, teaching-learning processes, and assessment to the standard of
higher education
 The effectiveness of teaching-learning processes in relation to the program aims and
curriculum content as they evolve over time;
 Periodic review of teaching-learning processes: to what extent the teaching-learning
process is student-centered, and the range of teaching methods that are used;

ደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ የትምህርት DEBRE BERHAN UNIVERSITY

 The availability and use of specialist equipment, other resources and materials to support
the teaching-learning process;
 Document and report periodic reviews of the teaching-learning process.

4. Monitor and enhance quality of assessment procedures, learning outcomes, students progress,
and success rates, such as:
 Monitor and ensure the college’s assessment quality assurance system
 Clear assessment strategies, processes, and procedures to assure the assessment of students
 Ensure students’ assessment on the basis of published criteria, regulations and procedures that
are applied consistently
 Clear procedures to assure the quality of the examinations: exam development, administration
and item bank, etc
 Ensure the existence of student appeals procedure.
 Document and report periodic reviews of the appropriateness of assessment process
 Monitoring and ensuring documentation of dropout, pass rates and academic success
enhancement plan:
 To collect information about the dropout and success rates among the students
 Pass rates or success rate: number of students, successfully finishing the program
 Dropout rate: number of students that do not finish the program.
 Monitoring students’ progress: Ensure how students’ progress is systematically recorded and
monitored, how feedback is given to students and corrective actions are made where necessary.
5. Quality Assurance of the academic staff: Ensure colleges’ staff quality and competentence to
conduct the core activities of the institution: teaching and learning, research and community
service are required through monitoring and documenting:

 Adequate staff mix and appointment procedures

 An adequate staff appraisal system
 Staff development activities, such as staff access to professional development to improve
the teaching performance, including peer observation, subject and pedagogical trainings
and mentoring programs;
 Document and report periodic reviews of the quality of academic staff
6. Quality assurance of the facilities: An institution has clear procedures to ensure that the quality of
its facilities needed for student learning are adequate and appropriate for each program offered:
 Adequate checks on the ICT and computer facilities
 Checks on the library and databases quality and adequacy
 Adequate checks on the laboratories
 Classrooms and other services including students’ clinic, and cafeteria
ደብረ ብርሃን ዩኒቨርሲቲ የትምህርት DEBRE BERHAN UNIVERSITY

 Document and report periodic reviews of the quality of facilties of learning resources

7. Quality assurance of student support services: monitor and enhance a system that
 Ensures clear procedures to assure the quality of support and advice for student.
 Ensures the establishment of a learning environment to support the achievement of
quality student learning,
 Ensures teachers’ involvement that is supportive of learning and is appropriate to the
activities involved, but also a social or psychological environment.
 Ensures students’ satisfaction based on regular evaluation their experience on
areas, such as:
 Arrangements for academic and tutorial guidance, support and supervision;
 Quality of administrative student support seervices.
 Evaluations of students’ course experience
 Department/ college relations with students (e.g. at least 2 meetings per semester)
 Fitness between college/department responsibilities and allocated resources
 Students’ satisfaction with inputs, processes, and outputs, such as library and data
base resources, staff quality, assessment, and instructional methods, and other
support services
 Document and report periodic reviews of the quality of student support services

8. Initiate and monitor self-assessment, and development of quality enhancement plan at

college or program level:
 Initiate or conduct self-assessment of its core activities and of the college/department/ as a
whole to learn about its strengths and weaknesses. This self-assessment must lead to a
quality improvement plan.
 Monitoring, self-evaluation, quality inspection, use of quality indicators and benchmarks (the
use of external benchmarking and other comparators both at home and overseas ;)
 Initiate and support to conduct tracer study or collect and use of external stake holders’
structured feedback from the labor market, alumni, or government (public).
 Enhance the establishment of relationship/links with alumni, , co-operation and ties with other
institutions and representatives of employers , and work the market intelligence,
9. Monitor and enhance the quality of research and community service performances
 Enhance research on teaching and learning, assessment, alumni, etc.
 Enhance or promote research quality standards, output publications, partnership and fund
generation, etc.

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