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The Millennium School, Mathura

Syllabus PT 1 (2022-23)
Class - 9
Term Name of chapters No. of Chapters
कबीर - साखियाॉ
रसिान - सवैये
ऱऱद्यद - वाि
दो बैऱों की कथा
Hindi अथथ की दृष्टि से वाक्य भेद 9
अनच्ु छे द
औपचाररक व अनौपचाररक पत्र
Fun They Had
The Road Not Taken
Sound of music
The Lost Child
English Grammar 10
Subject Verb Agreement
Present Tense
Reading: Discursive paragraph
Descriptive paragraph
diary entry
Herons Formula
Maths 4
Linear Equation in 2 Variables
Coordinate Geometry
1.Matter in our surroundings.
2 Is matter around us pure.
Science 4
4.The fundamental unit of life
Ch. The french revolution
Ch. India size and location
Social Science Ch. What democracy? Why democracy? 5
Ch. The story of village Palampur
Ch. People as resource
IT Unit 1 -Communication 1

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