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1. What is trends SHRM?

The trends in SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) typically refer to the evolving
practices and strategies within the field of human resources. Some common trends include a focus
on employee well-being, remote work policies, diversity and inclusion initiatives, technology
integration in HR processes, and continuous learning and development opportunities. These trends
can vary over time as the business and workforce landscape evolves. For the most up-to-date
information, it's recommended to refer to SHRM publications or resources.

2. ?
3. What is Employee Engagement?

Employee engagement is a human resources (HR) concept that describes the level of enthusiasm
and dedication a worker feels toward their job. Engaged employees care about their work and about
the performance of the company, and feel that their efforts make a difference.

4. Write any two factors influencing Employees management?

Two factors influencing employee management include:

1. Communication: Effective communication is crucial in employee management. Clear and

transparent communication helps convey expectations, provide feedback, and foster a
positive work environment. Miscommunication can lead to misunderstandings, decreased
morale, and a lack of alignment with organizational goals.

2. Leadership Style: The leadership style within an organization significantly impacts employee
management. Leadership that is supportive, empowering, and values employees’
contributions tends to foster a positive work culture. On the contrary, autocratic or
unsupportive leadership can result in dissatisfaction and hinder employee engagement.

5. What is Competency HRM?

Competency in Human Resource Management (HRM) refers to the set of knowledge, skills, abilities, and
behaviors that employees need to perform effectively in their roles within an organization. HR
professionals often use competency frameworks to identify and define these essential elements. These
frameworks help in assessing and developing employees, aligning individual and organizational goals,
and ensuring that the workforce has the capabilities required for success.

Competency-based HRM involves processes such as:

1. Competency Identification: Defining the specific competencies needed for various roles within
the organization.
2. Assessment: Evaluating employees’ existing competencies through methods like performance
reviews, assessments, or 360-degree feedback.
3. Development: Implementing strategies to enhance or develop employees’ competencies through
training, mentoring, or other learning initiatives.

By focusing on competencies, HRM aims to align the skills and behaviors of individuals with the
strategic goals of the organization, contributing to overall performance and success.

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