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Leader that I chose is Charles Manson

1. A lot of people say that you were a manipulator that never killed anyone with your own
hands, is it true?
Answer: Of course not, I shooted one black guy, but he survived.
2. How was your childhood? Maybe there will be an answer about your mental health.
Answer: Maybe, my mother was a prostitute and alcoholic, when I was 5 my mother was
arrested, and when she finally returned that was my first and last good childhood
memory. But then I started to steal from people and forgot about school, and for that I
was in jail 2 times.
3. How did you start “Family” ?
Answer: That was a time of hippies, drugs and marijuana. I started “Family” like a hippie
commune, where everybody chilled and listened to my lessons and songs.
4. What was your biggest crime?
Answer: I think my biggest crime was murdering Sheron Tate and her guests, but I
wasn’t there and didn’t kill anyone, so, can it be my crime?
5. How many people did “Family” kill?
Answer: There were 8 people, 1 fetus and 1 attempted murder.
6. What was your main target?
Answer: To start a race-war that will end white people's existence, but black people
couldn’t make a civilization, and they would die too, and then “Family would come out
from the bunkers and start a new civilization without government and morals.
7. How many years did you spend in jail
Answer: In jail I spended 45 years.
8. What was your dream?
Answer: I always wanted to become a famous musician, I wrote more than 80 songs, but
nobody listened to them. Even now when my songs are on Spotify, no one listens to
9. Do you act psycho or you really are?
Answer: I always acted psycho, but I never was. When you pretend to be psycho, a lot of
people start to be afraid of you.
10. Are you feeling guilty?
Answer: Nope, and never was.

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