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Task 2 : Some think most crime is the result of circumstances e.g.

poverty and other social

problems. Other believe that most crime is caused by people who are bad by nature. Discuss both
views and give your own opinion
Task 1
The figure illustrates the process of recycling aluminium beverage cans
It takes six weeks for the whole recycling process to finish and there are eleven distinct stages
required to turn used aluminium cans of drinks into new ones, from the initial collection of
aluminium waste to the eventual production of recycled cans.

At the first stage of this process, used cans made of aluminium are collected and transported by
truck before being deposited into a factory where they are rinsed with water. The clean cans are then
crushed and compressed into bales. Next, the compressed bales are transported to a recycling plant
where they can be processed. In this factory, the crushed craps are erased with chemicals.
At the seventh step of the process, the erased scraps are heated in a furnace to produce molten
aluminium which are then poured into moulds. These moulded aluminium is then weighed before
being rolled into flattened layers of aluminium, which can be finally used to produce end products:
new beverage cans.

Task 2 : Some think most crime is the result of circumstances e.g. poverty and other social
problems. Other believe that most crime is caused by people who are bad by nature. Discuss both
views and give your own opinion

People have differing views whether criminal acts are the products of environmental factors or
criminals are innately evil. In my opinion, only a minority of unlawful actions are done by inborn
villains, most crimes are driven by external circumstances
Advocates of crime being attributed to an innate characteristic are most likely to be shocked by how
brutal and horrific a crime can be and they accept no possible justification for any motives behind
such inhuman actions such as a murder or massacre. In Vietnam, for instance, a juvenile delinquent
named Luyen broke into a jewelry shop and killed the owner, his wife and the 18-month-old
daughter. Such serious crime caused a massive public outrage among people, possibly leading some
people to believe that most crimes are committed by those who are cruel by nature and enjoy
satisfaction from hurting other people.
Nevertheless, I support the opinion that the majority of crime are the ramifications of pressing social
issues facing our society and justice system, the chief of which is poverty coupled with economic
inequality. Most impoverished people living in inner city, for instance, do not have access to
education, healthcare and fundamental needs such as food and clean water, and living in such
circumstances make it impossible for them to find a decent job to support life and their family
throughout the day. As a result, they are forced to turn to the life of a criminal as the only way to
escape the poverty and inequality.
In conclusion, while I can relate to those who think that most criminals are bad and cruel by nature, I
strongly agree that it is circumstances especially inequality and poverty that breed evils out of a

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