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Y7 Progress Check – 3.

Rounding and Estimation

Base Skills Core Skills

Round numbers to nearest whole number, 10 100 etc (K38a) Round numbers to a specified number of significant figures (K122a)

Round numbers to a specified number of decimal places (K39a) Use estimation to check calculations (K123a, K123b)

Round numbers to a specified number of decimal places (K39a) Use estimation to check calculations (K123a, K123b)
Extension Skills
Convert into and out of standard form (K212a, K212b, K212c, K213a, K213b)

Convert into and out of standard form (K212a, K212b, K212c, K213a, K213b)

Convert into and out of standard form (K212a, K212b, K212c, K213a, K213b)

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