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Acid rain is rain that is more acidic than

Acid rain's spread and damage involves

weather, chemistry, soil, and the life
cycles of plants and animals on the
land and from acid rain in the water.

Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, the

major sources of acid rain.
Measurement of acidity of Rain


Wet Deposition Dry Deposition

Acid Rain
Wet Deposition:- Dry Deposition:-
◼ Wet deposition ◼ Dry deposition
refers to acidic rain, refers to acidic
fog, and snow. As gases and
this acidic water particles. About
flows over and half of the acidity
through the ground, in the atmosphere
it affects a variety falls back to earth
of plants and through dry
animals. deposition
◼ Burning coal, Oil and natural
gas, in power stations makes
electricity, giving off sulphur
dioxide gas.

◼ Burning petrol and oil in

vehicle engines gives off
nitrogen oxides as gases.

◼ These gases mix with water

vapour and rainwater in the
atmosphere producing weak
solutions of sulphuric and
nitric acids – which fall as acid
Effects Of Acid Rain

Effects Of Acid Rain

a). On Non-Living b). On Living c). On Soil

a). Effect on non-living

The Taj Mahal in Agra, suffering

from sulphur di oxide, sulphuric acid
and other fumes pollutants released
from Mathura Refinery.

Acid Rain causes extensive damage to

building, statues, bridges, &
structural materials of marble, lime
stone, etc.
b). Effects on Living
•On Human Health
◼ The sulfur dioxide and
nitrogen oxide gases,
causes respiratory diseases
like asthma, chronic
bronchitis, etc.

◼ Tiny Particles cause

difficulty in breathing for
humans and animals &
also lead to permanent
lung damage.
•On Water Animals

◼ Acid Rain increases the acidity of lakes & rivers,

which is directly effect the aquatic ecosystem.
c). On Trees & Soil
◼ Acid Rain dissolves all the nutrients and the useful
minerals for the tree to grow.

◼ Weakens the process of photosynthesis.

◼ Acc. to modern researches, Acid Rain leaches potassium,

calcium, magnesium, etc essential elements from the top
of soil & When soil is contaminated, cereal (arable)
production crops.

◼ Acids activate aluminium from the soil which leaches into

water and fish die. Drinking water is contaminated.
Solution Of Acid Rain
◼ Fit scrubbers into factory’s chimneys,
which are chemical filters that remove
impurities such as sulphur from
◼ Cars can be fitted with special
converters which remove dangerous
◼ Governments need to spend more
money on pollution control.
◼ Governments need to invest in
researching different ways to produce

◼ Acid rain is slowly destroying our planet. It is our

responsibility to make sure that we protect the
earth for future generations to enjoy.

◼ We should stop polluting, for example riding your

car just to go to your neighbors five houses away
from yours, or factories should have filters so that
less pollution goes in the sky.
◼ R.K. Khitoliya (2007), Environmental pollution
management & control for sustainable development.

◼ D.D. Mishra (2010), fundamental concept in

Environmental Studies.

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