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BCT – 2A
Pakistan Studies
Assignment 04

Submitted to: Sir Zeeshan Izhar

Submitted by:
Name: Registration No.
Faiza Riaz SP23-BCT-015
Iman Fatima SP23-BCT-021
Javaria Maqbool SP23-BCT-023
Khadija Qadir SP23-BCT-024
Identify and describe the factors behind Military being stronger as
compared to State in Pakistan. Discuss in detail the impact of National
Security Council (NSC) on political system of Pakistan.

Historical role of military:
The military has played a significant role in the history of Pakistan since its creation. Some key
aspects are as under:
Partition and Independence (1947): Pakistan gained independence from British rule in 1947, and
the military played a crucial role in the partition of British India into two separate nations, India,
and Pakistan. This movement led to many challenges and mass migration of refugees.
Kashmir Conflicts: the military has been involved in several conflicts with India over the Kashmir
region. The first war between India and Pakistan took place in 1947-48, and subsequent conflicts
occurred in 1965, 1971, and 1999(Kargil War). The military has played a central role in these
conflicts but still this issue is unresolved.
Role in governance: The military has directly governed Pakistan for a significant portion of its
history. Generals like Ayub Khan, Yahya Khan, Zia Ul Haq, and Pervez Musharraf have led military
regimes. During these periods, the military often justified its intervention by citing the need for
stability, economic development, and combating corruption.
International Peacekeeping: Pakistan has contributed significantly to international peacekeeping
missions, deploying its military personnel to various conflict zones under the auspices of the
United Nations.
The relationship between the civilian government and the military has been complex and has
evolved over time. The military role in Pakistan has been a subject of debate and contention.

Strategic importance of military:

Here are some key aspects highlighting the strategic importance of military:
National defense:
• External threats: one of the primary functions of a military is to safeguard the nation from
external threats. A strong and capable military act as a deterrent and provides a means
to defend the country’s borders in the event of an armed conflict.
Economic impact:

• Defense industry: the military can stimulate economic activity through the defense
industry. The production and maintenance of military equipment creates jobs, promotes
technological advancements, and contributes to a nation’s industrial base.
Strategic Planning and Intelligence:

• Risk assessment: military intelligence and strategic planning help governments assess
potential threats, understand the capabilities and intentions of other nations, and
formulate policies to safeguard national interests.

• Digital defense: in the modern era, the military’s role extends to cybersecurity. As cyber
threats become increasingly sophisticated, the military plays a crucial role in protecting
national interests in the digital domain, including critical infrastructure, communication
systems, and sensitive data.

Influence in Foreign Affairs:

In Pakistan, several factors contribute to the military being perceived as stronger compared to
the state. Historically, frequent military coups and periods of martial law have entrenched the
military's influence. The military's extensive involvement in politics, security concerns related to
regional neighbors, and a perceived lack of civilian governance effectiveness have also
contributed to its prominence.

The National Security Council (NSC) in Pakistan, established in 2004, plays a crucial role in shaping
the political landscape. Comprising military and civilian leaders, the NSC influences major policy
decisions, especially those related to national security and foreign affairs. This dual-military and
civilian structure provides the military with a significant say in matters traditionally under civilian

On the topic of foreign influence, the role of external actors in Pakistan's political affairs is
notable. Foreign powers often seek to influence decisions through diplomatic channels,
economic aid, or security partnerships. This external involvement can shape domestic policies
and impact the delicate balance between civilian and military authorities.
Economic interests:
Military and Business intersection:
In Pakistan, the military is not just about tanks and soldiers; it's also involved in businesses.
One of these is the Fauji Foundation. These military owned enterprises have shares in everything
including finance, manufacturing, and real estate. The money earned through these businesses
goes back to the military, contributing to their financial strength and making them more self-
sufficient. The profits they earn from these ventures give them a say not only in defense matters
but also in the country's economic scene. adding a distinctive layer to its overall impact on the
nation's affairs
Defense budget emphasis
Pakistan invests a huge chunk of its national budget into defense more than other important
sectors such as education, health, and other civilian sectors. This makes the military stronger
since this helps ensure that the military has enough finances to fulfill its needs easily.
Military's Hand in Resources: Beyond Defense Lines
The military doesn’t just do its defense tasks but is also actively involved in control and
management of land and various resources. Involvement in agricultural projects and other
ventures grants the military economic leverage and control over critical assets.
Tackling Corruption:

There have been reports of corruption within the military, like mishandling funds or getting
involved in economic activities for personal gain. This contributes to the perception of the
military as an economic actor with vested interests.
Foreign Support Dynamics
Over the years, countries like the United States and China have pitched in with significant military
and economic aid. This external support plays a big role in shaping how strong and capable the
Pakistani military is.
Finding the balance between security and economy:
Pakistan keeps a close eye on national security, especially with its history of tensions with India.
This focus influences how economic policies are crafted, connecting stability in the economy with
national security concerns. It's a delicate balancing act for the government.
Navigating civil military relations
The military's historical involvement in politics reverberates in economic decision-making.
Military interventions and indirect influence in civilian governance intermittently impact
economic policies and resource distribution. The military's involvement in politics doesn't just
affect governance; it also has a say in economic decisions. Whether through direct interventions
or indirect influence, the military's role in civilian affairs has a ripple effect on economic policies
and how resources are distributed.

1.Perceived internal security threats:

Internal security threats such as insurgencies, terrorism and separatist movements in Pakistan
pose significant challenges to the country and its stability and sovereignty, with direct
implications for national security. By fighting them, the army plays a key role in protecting the
country and its citizens.
2. The role of the military in combating internal security threats:
The Pakistan Army takes an active role in countering internal security threats. It works closely
with civilian law enforcement agencies to effectively manage and combat these threats. Through
joint operations, intelligence sharing and coordinated action, the army aims to restore peace,
maintain stability, and protect the country from various internal security threats.
3. Impact of internal security threats on military strength:
The presence of internal security threats can significantly affect the strength of the military
compared to the Pakistani state. The military and its increased role and influence in combating
these threats increases its perceived strength. Continuous commitment to security issues shapes
the perception and position of the army in the country, further strengthening its position as a
central institution in the country's security affairs. By meeting these internal security challenges,
the army not only secures the country but also strengthens its authority and influence in the
country. However, it is important to find a balance between military and civilian power to ensure
a functioning democracy and preserve the principles of good governance.

Concentration of power:
If the National Security Council is dominated by the military, decision-making authority may be
centralized. Such concentration risks marginalizing public authorities and undermining the
principles of balanced and decentralized control structures.
Civil-Military Relations:
The existence of the National Security Council leads to conflict between the government and the
army. The fact that the military has significant authority in the National Security Council can affect
the civil-military balance and lead to violence or power conflict.
Establishing the National Security Policy:
The National Security Council is responsible for establishing the national security policy. If the
military perspective dominates, it will put defense and security issues ahead of the country's
other interests, affecting resource allocation and leadership.
Impacts on democracy:
The involvement of the military in political decision-making processes through the National
Security Council will challenge democratic standards. A military-dominated National Security
Council could restrict the freedoms of elected representatives and create tension between
democratic government and the military.
Democratic Dilemmas:
The role of the National Security Council often involves balancing the provision of security with
the protection of democratic values. Maintaining this balance is important for Pakistan's political
system because overemphasis on security at the expense of democracy may harm democratic
Policy Development and Implementation:
The National Security Council is responsible for establishing and approving the federal
government's security policy. If the military plays a significant role in the National Security
Council, it can influence the development of policies based on its strategic goals. This can lead to
militarization of authority, which can obscure other aspects of governance.
Critical Decision Making:
In times of crisis, the National Security Council has become an important decision-making body.
A strong military presence in the National Security Council can cause important security-related
decisions to become more important than other decisions, which can limit the choice of public
Independent monitoring:
The participation of the National Security Council in political decision-making processes will be
limited. It is considered a form of oversight of independent organizations. Although the purpose
of the National Security Council is to ensure national security, excessive interventions, especially
of a military nature, can put pressure on the independence of elected representatives and
democratic governance.
Impact on Civilian Organizations:
The role of the National Security Council may affect the operation and independence of civilian
organizations. The military's use of significant force can undermine the role of civil society and
national security services and create conflict in the distribution of fire and electricity.
Public Perception and Trust:
The perception of the National Security Council can affect public confidence in the government,
especially if it is seen as under military control. Public perception that the military has a negative
influence can undermine trust in the democratic process and civil society.
Long-term political security:
Decisions taken by the National Security Council may have long-term effects on security
management. Military power's imposition of laws that interfere with democratic rights or create
conflict can affect the country's governance and politics.
Role of Foreign Relations:
The meeting and decision of the National Security Council will affect Pakistan's relations with
other countries. A military-led National Security Council could shape foreign policy decisions to
consider security concerns that could affect good relations and cooperation abroad.
Institutional Checks and Balances:
The existence of the National Security Council, especially the presence of a strong military, can
upset the balance of checks and balances in the government. This may impact the ability of other
institutions, such as the judiciary and legislature, to provide quality care.

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