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Choral Handbook

Introduction: My name is Miss Sarah Esslinger (she/her), and I

teach choir at Columbia Area High School. I graduated from The
Pennsylvania State University in 2024 with degrees in music
education and vocal performance. This is my first year teaching at
Columbia. I am looking forward to making music with you during
this school year!

In this handbook, you will find information about ensembles,

lessons, auditions, dress code, grading, important dates, and more.
This information should be shared with students and
parents/guardians. Please take note of all event/performance dates,
which are found on the last page of the handbook.

Contact Information:
Room Phone: 570-441-0280 (ext. 1000)
Room: 123 Columbia High School

Table of Contents
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1
Contact Information ........................................................................................................................ 1
Classroom Philosophy .................................................................................................................... 2
Classroom Expectations .................................................................................................................. 2
Ensemble Listing ............................................................................................................................ 3
Extracurricular Offerings ................................................................................................................ 5
Lessons ............................................................................................................................................ 6
Audition Procedures........................................................................................................................ 6
Performance Attire .......................................................................................................................... 7
Attendance Policy ........................................................................................................................... 7
Grading Policy ................................................................................................................................ 7
Concert Calendar ............................................................................................................................ 9

Classroom Philosophy: The expectation of the Columbia choirs is to foster an inclusive and
supportive atmosphere where music can be explored. I expect every student to share their best
voice, but I do not expect every student to be the best voice. The vocal contributions of every
student will be appreciated and encouraged. Singing is never used as a punishment. Students will
be assigned seats according to voice part and type. The goal of music in my classroom is lifelong
musical engagement.

Classroom Expectations:

1. Be Kind – The choral classroom is an inclusive space. All students will be treated with

2. Be Responsible – Take responsibility for your singing and your actions. Respect the
space that you are in. Gum, food, and drinks (except water) will not be allowed in
rehearsal or performance spaces. Students will be held responsible for lost or damaged

3. Be On Time – Be on time to rehearsals, performances, and lessons. Turn all assignments

in on time. Late assignments will be deducted 10% for each day late, up to 50%.

4. Be Prepared – Bring your folder, music, and pencil to all rehearsals, performances, and
private lessons. Complete all assignments before class.

- Every week, one student in each choir will be chosen as “student of the week.” On
Friday, that student will be allowed to: conduct a piece one-time through, choose
which pieces we sing for the day, or choose their own seat for the following week.

- If all students in a choir have met expectations for an entire week, students will be
rewarded with a “Quartet Friday.” On Friday, students can sing and sit with their
chosen quartet (comprised of a soprano, alto, tenor, and bass).

- When a student is not meeting expectations, they will first be given a warning. The
student will meet privately with Miss Esslinger to discuss classroom expectations and
how the student’s behavior can be adjusted to meet those expectations.

- If the expectations are still not being met after a warning has been issued, Miss
Esslinger will call the student’s parents/guardians to discuss how the student’s
behavior can be adjusted.
- If the expectations are still not being met after a warning has been issued and a
student’s parents/guardians have been called, the student’s grade will be deducted
half a letter grade for each repeat behavior.

*Serious violations may result in direct involvement by administrators after the initial incident.

Ensemble Listing: There are six choirs offered at Columbia High School, and descriptions are
found below. Students are allowed to participate in more than one choir. For questions about
scheduling ensembles, please reach out to the guidance counselor, Mrs. White.

Concert Choir (CC) – Concert Choir meets for 45 minutes every day during sixth period
(12:30-1:15PM). Concert Choir is a SATB (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass) ensemble. Typically
comprised of 60 students, Concert Choir is the largest choral ensemble. 9th-12th grade students
are allowed in Concert Choir. Concert Choir is unauditioned, and every student is welcome.
Students are not required to have prior experience in choir. Musical knowledge is encouraged,
but not required for admission. Concert Choir performs at least once per semester. Concert Choir
performs at the Winter and Spring Concerts, and other performances are scheduled throughout
the year when possible.

Upper Voice Choir (UVC) – Upper Voice Choir meets for 45 minutes on odd days (1, 3,
5) during second period (9:30-10:15AM). Upper Voice Choir is a SA (Soprano, Alto) ensemble.
Upper Voice Choir is typically comprised of 30 students. 9th-12th grade students are allowed in
Upper Voice Choir. UVC is an auditioned ensemble. Students are required to have prior
experience in choir. Students must have skills in vocal technique, sight-reading, and music
notation. Upper Voice Choir performs at least twice per semester. Upper Voice Choir performs
at the Fall Showcase, Winter Concert, Music in Our Schools Month Concert, and Spring
Concert. Other performances are scheduled throughout the year when possible.

Lower Voice Choir (LVC) – Lower Voice Choir meets for 45 minutes on even days (2, 4,
6) during second period (9:30-10:15AM). Lower Voice Choir is a TB (Tenor, Bass) ensemble.
Lower Voice Choir is typically comprised of 30 students. 9th-12th grade students are allowed in
Lower Voice Choir. LVC is an auditioned ensemble. Students are required to have prior
experience in choir. Students must have skills in vocal technique, sight-reading, and music
notation. Lower Voice Choir performs at least twice per semester. Lower Voice Choir performs
at the Fall Showcase, Winter Concert, Music in Our Schools Month Concert, and Spring
Concert. Other performances are scheduled throughout the year when possible.

Honor Choir (HC) – Honor Choir meets for 75 minutes on Monday and Friday from 3-
4:15PM. This choir is extracurricular, as it meets outside of the school day. Honor Choir is a
SATB (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass) ensemble. Only 10th-12th grade students are allowed in
Honor Choir. Typically comprised of 40 students, Honor Choir is smaller than Concert Choir.
Honor Choir is an auditioned ensemble. Students are required to have prior experience in choir.
Students must have advanced skills in vocal technique, sight-reading, and music notation. Honor
Choir performs at least twice per semester. Honor Choir performs at the Fall Showcase, Winter
Concert, Music in Our Schools Month Concert, and Spring Concert. Other performances are
scheduled throughout the year when possible.

Jazz/Pop Choir (JPC) – Jazz/Pop Choir meets for 120 minutes on Wednesday from 3-
5PM. This choir is extracurricular, as it meets outside of the school day. Jazz/Pop Choir is a
SATB (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass) ensemble. Jazz/Pop Choir is small, typically comprised of
12-15 singers. 9th-12th grade students are allowed in Jazz/Pop Choir. Jazz/Pop Choir is an
auditioned ensemble. Students are required to have prior experience in choir. Students must have

skills in vocal technique, sight-reading, and music notation. Students should be familiar with jazz
and pop standards. Jazz/Pop Choir performs at least twice per semester. Jazz/Pop Choir performs
at the Arts Day, Winter Concert, Music in Our Schools Month Concert, and Spring Concert.
Other performances are scheduled throughout the year when possible.

Madrigal Choir (MC) – Madrigal Choir meets for 75 minutes on Tuesday and Thursday
from 3-4:15PM. This choir is extracurricular, as it meets outside of the school day. Madrigal
Choir is a SATB (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass) ensemble. Madrigal Choir is small, typically
comprised of 12-15 singers. 9th-12th grade students are allowed in Madrigal Choir. Madrigal
Choir is an auditioned ensemble. Students are required to have prior experience in choir.
Students must have skills in vocal technique, sight-reading, and music notation. Madrigal Choir
performs at least twice per semester. Madrigal Choir performs at the Fall Showcase, Winter
Concert, Renaissance Faire, and Spring Concert. Other performances are scheduled throughout
the year when possible.

Extracurricular Offerings:

Honor Choir, Jazz/Pop Choir, Madrigal Choir – As mentioned above, Honor Choir,
Jazz/Pop Choir, and Madrigal Choir meet outside of school hours. Students in these choirs
should make alternate travel arrangements with their parents/guardians.

Festivals – All students are welcome and encouraged to audition for PMEA
(Pennsylvania Music Educators Association) festivals. Audition music will be made available to
students at the end of the preceding school year. District auditions will take place on October 23,
2022. Information about PMEA festivals can be found here. If interested, please reach out to
Miss Esslinger.

Composition Program – PMEA (Pennsylvania Music Educators Association) sponsors a

composition program each year in which composers can receive feedback and recognition for
their compositions. The program includes compositions by high school students. If interested,
please reach out to Miss Esslinger. Website:

Crescendo Student Conference – On January 31, 2023, a virtual conference will be held
by PMEA (Pennsylvania Music Educators Association) for high school students interested in
exploring music as a career. Topic sessions include music composition, fear and anxiety in
music, electronic music, video game music, and more. If interested, please reach out to Miss
Esslinger. Website:

Future Music Educators Honors Symposium – This is an opportunity for high school
seniors who have been accepted at a college or university to major in music education. Held
during the All-State Festival from April 6 to 9, this symposium helps students learn more about
the field of music education. If interested, please reach out to Miss Esslinger. Website:

Music Performance Assessments – In the spring, specified choirs will be attending an

MPA (Music Performance Assessment) at The Pennsylvania State University. Music
Performance Assessments provide soloists and ensembles with ratings based on their
performance level. These assessments provide valuable feedback on how to continue growing as
a soloist or ensemble. More information about solo and ensemble opportunities will be shared
with students as it becomes available. Website:

Lessons: All choir students will be assigned a biweekly group lesson. Each student is
responsible for keeping track of their lesson time/days.

How long are lessons? Each lesson will last twenty minutes.

How do I know when my lesson is? Miss Esslinger will email each student and their
homeroom teacher by September 2 with their lesson time.

What happens in lessons? Miss Esslinger will teach students about vocal technique and
apply this knowledge to choral repertoire. Students are expected to come to lessons prepared
with their folder, music, and pencil.

Audition Procedures: Students are required to audition for Upper Voice Choir, Lower Voice
Choir, Honor Choir, Jazz/Pop Choir, and Madrigal Choir. An audition is not required for Concert

When are auditions? Auditions will occur on Wednesday and Friday in the first week of

Where are auditions? Auditions will take place in the choir room.

How do I sign up? Students can sign up for auditions here. Please take note of the day
and time you sign up for on this form.

What should I expect? Miss Esslinger will explore each student’s range using vocalizes,
ask questions about musical notation, and provide a short sight-reading exercise. Miss Esslinger
will then ask students to sing a short excerpt from a solo song of their choice.

What should I prepare? Students should come prepared to perform a solo song. This song
can be from any genre of music, at any difficulty level, and in any language. Most importantly,
songs should demonstrate students’ love for singing.

How will I know if I get into an auditioned choir? Miss Esslinger will email students with
the audition results by Monday, August 29.

Questions? Email Miss Esslinger.


Performance Attire:
The dress code of black attire is the same for all choirs.

Students may wear any combination of the following: black blouse with black skirt/pants, black
dress, and black shirt with black pants. Blouses/shirts/dresses must be at least three-quarters
sleeve length, and midriffs should not be visible. Dresses/skirts must be knee-length. Black dress
shoes must be worn.

Hair should be kept out of students’ faces. Limited jewelry should be worn. If there are any
questions or if you cannot obtain appropriate clothing for financial reasons, please email Miss

Attendance Policy:
Lessons and Rehearsals: Regular attendance is expected, and attendance will be taken at
the beginning of each lesson and rehearsal. As with other academic classes, attendance is
not factored into grades. However, poor attendance can result in the lowering of a
student’s grade. If a student receives two unexcused absences, their grade may be
lowered by one letter. An unexcused tardiness of more than fifteen minutes will count as
an unexcused absence.

Performances and Dress Rehearsals: Attendance at performances and dress rehearsals is

required. If you have a conflict with a performance or dress rehearsal date, please reach
out to Miss Esslinger as soon as possible. If a student receives an unexcused absence,
their grade will be lowered by one letter.

Grading Policy: Students will receive a letter grade for their ensemble(s). This grade will be
comprised of the following:

20% – Written Assignments

- Written work will be assigned throughout the school year, and due dates will be provided
for each assignment. Written assignments may include measuring numbers, writing
translations of texts in scores, theory work, and history research.

20% – Video Assignments

- Video assignments will be periodically assigned throughout the school year, and due
dates will be provided for each assignment. Video assignments should include both audio
and visual of the student singing. They can be recorded using a phone, laptop, tablet, or
other device. If students do not have access to a recording device, they should reach out
to Miss Esslinger. Video assignments will be graded according to a rubric (provided to
students in advance). The rubric categories are technical accuracy, intonation, dynamics,
tone, phrasing, tempo, interpretation, and diction.

25% – Lesson Participation and Preparedness

- Students are responsible for attending and keeping track of all lessons. Students should be
prepared at lessons with their folder, music, and pencil. Students should also be familiar
with music assigned at the previous lesson or rehearsal. If students have questions about
their music, they are welcome to ask Miss Esslinger during their lessons. Lesson
participation and preparedness will be graded according to a rubric (provided to students
in advance). The rubric categories are attendance, materials, knowledge of music,
engagement, and application.

25% – Rehearsal Participation and Preparedness

- Students are responsible for attending and keeping track of all rehearsals. Students should
be prepared at rehearsals with their folder, music, and pencil. Students should also be
familiar with music assigned at the previous lesson or rehearsal. Rehearsal is an
opportunity for students to learn the other parts, not their own. Rehearsal participation
and preparedness will be graded according to a rubric (provided to students in advance).
The rubric categories are attendance, materials, knowledge of music, engagement, and

10% – Performance Participation and Preparedness

- Attendance at all performances is required. Students should follow the dress code for
performances. Students should be prepared at performances with their folder, music, and

Grades will be distributed according to the following scale:

A 94-100%
A- 90-93.99%
B 83-89.99%
B- 80-82.99%
C 73-79.99%
C- 70-72.22%
D 63-69.99%
D- 60-62.99%
F below 60%

Concert Calendar (2022-2023)*

• August 22 – First Day of School!
• August 23 – Informational Meeting for students and parents (optional), 3PM
• August 24 and 26 – Choir Auditions, 9AM-12PM and 1-2:30PM
• August 29 – Choir audition results posted, Choir rehearsals begin

• September 2 – Lesson times emailed to students
• September 16 – All choirs perform at 7PM football game, student arrival time: 6:30PM
• September 30 – Honor Choir performance at State College Care Facility, student arrival
time: 6PM

• October 8 – LVC attends Penn State “Men of Song Festival,” 8AM-5PM, Concert: 3PM
• October 22 – Car wash fundraiser (all choirs), 1-4PM
• October 23 – District auditions at Williamsport High School, 1-5PM

• November 4 – Fall Showcase at 7PM (UVC, LVC, HC, MC), student arrival time:
• November 19 – Jazz/Pop Choir performance at Arts Day, 11AM-3PM

• December 2 – In-School Concert for Elementary School (all choirs)
• December 7-8 – Dress rehearsals during scheduled rehearsal time
• December 9 – Winter Concert (all choirs) at 7PM, student arrival time: 6:15PM
• December 20 – UVC in-school caroling
• December 21 – LVC in-school caroling

• January 2 – Welcome Back to School!
• January 12-13 – District Chorus
• January 28 – UVC attends Penn State “In High Voice Festival,” 8AM-5PM, Concert:
• January 31 – Crescendo Student Conference (virtual)

• February 4 – Bake Sale fundraiser (all choirs), 1-4PM
• February 13 – UVC in-school Galentine’s Day event
• February 14 – LVC in-school Valentine’s Day event

• March 8-9 – Dress rehearsals during scheduled rehearsal time
• March 10 – Music in Our Schools Month Concert at 7PM (UVC, LVC, HC, JPC),
student arrival time: 6:15PM
• March 24-25 – Region Chorus

• April 6-9 – All-State Festival
• April 15 – Madrigal Choir performance at Renaissance Faire, 11AM-3PM
• April 21 – All choirs perform at 7PM baseball game, student arrival time: 6:30PM

• May 12 – In-School Concert for Middle School (all choirs)
• May 13 – Music Performance Assessments at Penn State
• May 17-18 – Dress rehearsals during scheduled rehearsal time
• May 19 – Spring Concert (all choirs) at 7PM, student arrival time: 6:15PM

• June 9 – Last day of choir rehearsals, Happy summer!

*This calendar is tentative. Events, dates, and times may change.

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