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The Impact of Effective Feedback: A Lesson Learned and Implemented

An instance of good feedback that I received as a learner was when my teacher

provided me with specific and actionable feedback on a writing assignment. She
pointed out areas where I could improve my grammar and mechanics, but she
also praised my creativity and writing style. This feedback helped me to see my
strengths and weaknesses as a writer, and it motivated me to continue working
hard to improve my skills.
What made this feedback effective was that it was:
• Specific: My teacher provided me with specific examples of areas where
I could improve.
• Actionable: My teacher gave me suggestions for how I could improve my
• Positive: My teacher praised my strengths as a writer.
Her feedback taught me that effective teaching goes beyond simply delivering
information. It's about creating a supportive environment where students feel
empowered to learn and grow. It's about celebrating their strengths, providing
them with tailored feedback, and helping them see their mistakes as
opportunities for improvement. These principles are now the cornerstone of my
teaching philosophy, guiding me in my efforts to create a positive and nurturing
environment where all students can reach their full potential in learning English.
Now, I try to give my students feedback that is specific, useful, and tailored to
their individual needs. I also try to point out their strengths and give them
concrete suggestions for improvement. I believe this creates a positive learning
environment where students feel comfortable taking risks, trying new things,
and becoming better learners.

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