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Awards and recognitions In Sports

 Sports Ministry of India offers the sports awards for those players who have performed well in
the field of sport. The main aim of sports wards is to enhance the player's spirit and recognize
their notable achievements in their field of sports.
 Most of the sports awards annually presented on 29th August, which is also known as the
National Sports Day in India as it is the birth date of legendary hockey player Dhyan Chand. At
the Rashtrapati Bhavan, the President of India gives away sports awards. However; some of the
notable sports awards are:-

i. Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna: The highest sports award in India.

ii. Arjuna Awards: Given to best sportsperson in each sport every year.

iii. Dronacharya Awards: Given to best sports coach.

iv. Dhyan Chand Awards: Highest award in the field of sports for lifetime achievement.

v. Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Puruskar: Given to organizations and individuals (except sportsperson
and coaches) who have contributed for the development of sports in India.

vi. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Award: Given to the universities for best performance in sports.

vii. Tenzing Norgay Adventure Award: Given to individuals for excelling in adventure activities on
sea, land and air.

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