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Tacloban City
Control No. EDSGEEL -002-001
Title of Form: HAND-OUTS IN
Revision No. 00
Date October 24, 2023


Overview of Environmental Data
• Environmental data refers to information collected from various sources related to the
natural world and human activities that impact the environment.
• It encompasses a wide range of variables such as temperature, precipitation, pollution
levels, biodiversity, land use, and more.
• Analyzing environmental data helps scientists, policymakers, and researchers make
informed decisions regarding environmental protection and sustainable practices.
Importance of Data Analysis in Environmental Science
• Informed Decision Making: Data analysis provides the basis for making informed
decisions about environmental policies, conservation efforts, and resource management.
• Monitoring and Detection: It helps in monitoring changes in the environment, detecting
trends, and identifying potential issues or hazards.
• Predictive Modeling: Data analysis enables the development of predictive models to
forecast environmental changes and assess potential impacts.
• Evaluation of Interventions: It allows for the evaluation of the effectiveness of
interventions, such as pollution control measures or habitat restoration efforts.
• Scientific Understanding: Through data analysis, scientists gain a deeper understanding
of complex environmental systems and their interdependencies.
Types of Environmental Data
1. Spatial Data
• Definition: Spatial data refers to information that is associated with specific geographical
locations or areas on the Earth's surface.
• Examples: GIS (Geographic Information System) data, satellite imagery, maps, and GPS

2. Temporal Data
• Definition: Temporal data pertains to information collected over a specific period,
allowing for the analysis of trends and patterns.
• Examples: Time-series data, climate records, seasonal variations, and long-term trends in
environmental parameters.

3. Qualitative Data
• Definition: Qualitative data provides descriptive information about environmental
attributes that cannot be easily quantified.
• Examples: Observational notes, interviews, photographs, and narrative descriptions.
4. Quantitative Data
• Definition: Quantitative data involves numerical measurements or counts of
environmental variables.
• Examples: Temperature readings, pollutant concentrations, species abundance, and
population sizes.
Data Collection and Sources
1. Direct Observation
• Definition: Direct observation involves physically gathering data through personal
inspection or visual assessment.
• Examples: Field surveys, biodiversity assessments, and visual inspections of
environmental features.
2. Remote Sensing
• Definition: Remote sensing utilizes aerial or satellite-based technologies to collect data
from a distance.
• Examples: Satellite imagery, LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), and aerial photography.
3. Sensor Networks
• Definition: Sensor networks consist of distributed sensors that collect data in real-time
from various locations.
• Examples: Weather stations, air quality monitors, and automated water quality sensors.
4. Historical Records
• Definition: Historical records involve using archival data from past sources to analyze
environmental changes over time.
• Examples: Climate archives, old maps, and written accounts of environmental conditions.
1. Data Quality Assurance (DQA)
• Purpose: DQA ensures that collected data meets specific quality standards and is reliable
for analysis.
• Processes:
• Data validation: Checking for accuracy, completeness, and consistency.
• Calibration and sensor check: Ensuring measuring instruments are accurate and
properly calibrated.
• Data documentation: Recording metadata, including collection methods,
instrument specifications, and any potential biases.
2. Data Quality Control (DQC)
• Purpose: DQC involves ongoing processes to maintain data integrity and address errors
or anomalies.
• Processes:
• Outlier detection: Identifying data points that deviate significantly from the
expected range.
• Data cleaning: Removing or correcting erroneous or inconsistent data.
• Regular audits and reviews: Periodic checks to ensure data quality remains high
over time.
3. Metadata Management
• Definition: Metadata includes information about the data itself, such as when and where
it was collected, the methods used, and any known limitations.
• Importance: Proper metadata management ensures transparency, reproducibility, and
allows for meaningful interpretation of the data.
In conclusion, environmental data analysis is a critical component of understanding, managing, and
protecting our natural surroundings. It involves the collection of various types of data, ensuring their
quality and integrity, and applying analytical techniques to extract valuable insights for informed decision-
1. Data Cleaning and Formatting
• Definition: Data cleaning involves identifying and correcting errors, inconsistencies, and
inaccuracies in the dataset to ensure its quality and reliability.
• Processes:
• Removing Duplicates: Identifying and eliminating identical or redundant records.
• Handling Outliers: Detecting and addressing data points significantly deviating
from the norm.
• Dealing with Inconsistencies: Resolving discrepancies in data formats, units, or
• Standardizing Values: Ensuring uniformity in categorical variables for consistent
• Importance: Proper data cleaning enhances the reliability and accuracy of subsequent
analyses, leading to more meaningful insights.
2. Data Transformation and Normalization
• Definition: Data transformation involves converting data into a suitable format for
analysis. Normalization scales data to a standard range to facilitate fair comparisons
between variables.
• Processes:
• Logarithmic Transformation: Stabilizing variance and reducing the impact of
extreme values.
• Min-Max Scaling: Rescaling data to a specific range (e.g., [0, 1]).
• Z-Score Standardization: Scaling data to have a mean of 0 and a standard
deviation of 1.
• Importance: Data transformation and normalization ensure that different variables are
on a comparable scale, which is crucial for many machine learning algorithms.
3. Data Storage and Retrieval
• Definition: Data storage involves organizing and archiving datasets for easy access and
• Methods:
• Databases: Structured storage systems for efficient querying and retrieval of
specific data subsets.
• Cloud Storage: Online platforms (e.g., AWS, Google Cloud) for scalable and
accessible data storage.
• File Systems: Organizing data files in directories or folders for easy navigation.
• Importance: Proper data storage ensures data integrity, accessibility, and security,
facilitating efficient data management.
4. Handling Missing Data
• Definition: Missing data refers to the absence of values for certain variables in a dataset.
• Strategies:
• Deletion: Removing records with missing values (listwise deletion) or entire
variables (variable-wise deletion).
• Imputation: Filling in missing values using statistical techniques like mean
imputation, regression imputation, or predictive modeling.
• Importance: Handling missing data prevents biases and maintains the integrity of
analyses and models.
5. Data Documentation and Metadata
• Definition: Data documentation includes information about the dataset, its collection
methods, variables, and any associated details.
• Components:
• Study Design: Details about the research objectives, data collection methods, and
sampling procedures.
• Variable Descriptions: Definitions, units of measurement, and possible value
ranges for each variable.
• Data Sources: Information about the origin of the data, including references or
links to external sources.
• Importance: Proper documentation and metadata facilitate reproducibility,
transparency, and understanding of the dataset, even by users who were not involved in
its collection.
In conclusion, effective data management and preprocessing are crucial steps in the data analysis
process. They ensure that the data used for analysis is reliable, accurate, and properly prepared for further
processing or modeling. These steps collectively contribute to the quality and validity of insights derived
from the data.
1. Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion
a. Measures of Central Tendency
• Mean: The arithmetic average of a set of data points. It is calculated by summing all values
and dividing by the total number of observations.
• Median: The middle value in a dataset when it is arranged in ascending order. It is less
sensitive to outliers compared to the mean.
• Mode: The value that occurs most frequently in a dataset.

b. Measures of Dispersion
• Range: The difference between the maximum and minimum values in a dataset. It
provides a simple measure of the spread of data.
• Variance: A measure of the average squared deviation of data points from the mean. It
quantifies the spread of data.
• Standard Deviation: The square root of the variance. It provides a more interpretable
measure of spread in the same units as the original data.
2. Frequency Distributions and Histograms
• Frequency Distribution: A summary of the number of times each value occurs in a
dataset. It provides an overview of the distribution of data.
• Histogram: A graphical representation of a frequency distribution. It displays the
frequency of each value or range of values as bars.
3. Probability Distributions
• Definition: Probability distributions describe the likelihood of different outcomes in a
random experiment.
• Types:
• Normal Distribution: Bell-shaped distribution characterized by a symmetric,
unimodal pattern. Many natural phenomena follow this distribution.
• Poisson Distribution: Describes the number of events occurring in a fixed interval
of time or space, given a constant average rate.
• Exponential Distribution: Describes the time between events in a Poisson process.

4. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

• Definition: EDA is an approach to analyzing datasets to summarize their main
characteristics, often with visual methods.
• Techniques:
• Boxplots: Displaying the distribution of a dataset's summary statistics, including
median, quartiles, and potential outliers.
• Scatter Plots: Examining the relationship between two continuous variables.
• Correlation Analysis: Assessing the strength and direction of association between
two or more variables.
• Outlier Detection: Identifying data points that deviate significantly from the rest
of the data.
• Summary Statistics and Visualization: Calculating and visualizing descriptive
statistics to understand the dataset's characteristics.
In conclusion, descriptive statistics play a fundamental role in environmental science, allowing
researchers to summarize, analyze, and interpret data. Measures of central tendency and dispersion
provide insights into the central values and spread of data. Frequency distributions and histograms offer
a visual representation of data patterns. Probability distributions help model and understand random
processes. Exploratory data analysis aids in uncovering relationships and patterns within the data, serving
as a crucial step in the scientific inquiry process.
1. Hypothesis Testing
• Definition: Hypothesis testing is a statistical method used to make inferences about a
population based on sample data.
• Steps:
1. Formulate the Hypotheses:
• Null Hypothesis (H0): A statement of no effect or no difference.
• Alternative Hypothesis (H1): The statement we are trying to find evidence for.
2. Collect and Analyze Data:
• Collect sample data and perform relevant statistical tests.
3. Evaluate the Evidence:
• Use the test statistic and p-value to determine if there is enough evidence to reject
the null hypothesis.
4. Draw Conclusions:
• Based on the evidence, decide whether to reject or fail to reject the null
2. Confidence Intervals
• Definition: A confidence interval is a range of values within which we believe a population
parameter lies, with a certain level of confidence.
• Calculation:
• It is typically calculated as: Confidence Interval = Sample Statistic ±
(Margin of Error) Confidence Interval= Sample Statistic ± (Margin of Error)
• Interpretation:
• For example, a 95% confidence interval implies that we are 95% confident that the
true parameter falls within the specified range.
3. ANOVA and Regression Analysis
a. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
• Definition: ANOVA is a statistical technique used to compare means between more than
two groups.
• Applications:
• In environmental science, ANOVA can be used to compare means of different
treatments, such as pollutant levels in different regions.

b. Regression Analysis
• Definition: Regression analysis is used to model the relationship between a dependent
variable and one or more independent variables.
• Applications:
• It can be used to predict environmental outcomes based on factors like
temperature, humidity, and pollution levels.
4. Non-parametric Methods
• Definition: Non-parametric methods do not rely on assumptions about the underlying
distribution of data.
• Applications:
• In environmental studies, non-parametric tests may be used when the data does
not meet the assumptions of parametric tests, such as in cases of non-normality.

5. Applications in Environmental Studies

• Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs):
• Inferential statistics are used to assess the potential effects of human activities on
the environment, helping in decision-making.
• Pollution Monitoring:
• Statistical techniques are employed to analyze data related to pollutants,
including their concentration levels, sources, and dispersion patterns.
• Climate Change Studies:
• Inferential statistics are used to analyze trends in temperature, precipitation, sea
level rise, and other climate variables.
• Biodiversity Conservation:
• Statistical methods help in assessing the diversity, distribution, and abundance of
species, as well as the impacts of conservation efforts.

In summary, inferential statistics are vital in environmental science for drawing conclusions about
populations based on sample data. Hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, ANOVA, regression, and non-
parametric methods offer a range of powerful tools to analyze and interpret environmental data. These
techniques find extensive applications in studies related to pollution, climate change, biodiversity, and
environmental impact assessments.
1. Introduction to GIS (Geographic Information Systems)
• Definition: GIS is a system designed to capture, store, analyze, and present spatial or
geographic data. It integrates various types of data to provide a comprehensive view of a
location or area.
• Components:
• Hardware: Computers, GPS devices, and data capture tools.
• Software: GIS software enables the manipulation and analysis of spatial data.
• Data: Spatial data layers, including points, lines, polygons, and raster images.
• Procedures: Methods for data collection, processing, and analysis.
• People: Skilled individuals who use GIS to solve spatial problems.

2. Spatial Data Types and Formats

• Spatial Data Types:
• Vector Data: Represented by points, lines, and polygons. Points have coordinates,
lines connect points, and polygons are enclosed areas defined by lines.
• Raster Data: Represented by a grid of cells or pixels, each with a value. Suitable
for continuous data like temperature or elevation.
• Data Formats:
• Shapefiles: Common vector data format containing multiple files (e.g., .shp, .shx,
.dbf) for storing attribute and spatial data.
• GeoTIFF: A standard raster data format with embedded geospatial information.
• KML/KMZ: Keyhole Markup Language, used for geographic visualization in tools
like Google Earth.
3. Spatial Data Manipulation and Visualization
• Data Manipulation:
• Overlay Analysis: Combining multiple layers to identify common features or areas
of interest.
• Buffering: Creating a zone of a specified distance around a feature, often used in
environmental impact assessments.
• Clipping: Extracting a subset of a spatial dataset based on a defined boundary.
• Data Visualization:
• Maps: Representation of spatial data on a two-dimensional surface, allowing for
visual interpretation.
• Choropleth Maps: Use color gradients or patterns to represent data values within
• Scatter Plots: Plotting points with spatial coordinates for analyzing spatial
4. Spatial Interpolation Techniques
• Definition: Spatial interpolation is the process of estimating values at unobserved
locations within the range of sampled data points.
• Techniques:
• Kriging: A geostatistical method that models spatial dependence to predict values
at unsampled locations.
• Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW): Assigns values based on the weighted average
of surrounding sample points.
• Spline Interpolation: Uses mathematical functions to create a smooth surface that
passes through sample points.
5. Mapping Environmental Data
• Applications:
• Land Use Planning: Mapping areas for urban development, agriculture, and
• Natural Resource Management: Identifying and managing resources like forests,
water bodies, and minerals.
• Environmental Monitoring: Tracking changes in pollution levels, wildlife habitats,
and climate variables.
• Spatial Analysis in Environmental Studies:
• Species Distribution Modeling (SDM): Predicting the distribution of species based
on environmental variables.
• Habitat Suitability Analysis: Assessing the suitability of an area for specific species
or ecological communities.
In conclusion, spatial data analysis, facilitated by GIS technology, plays a crucial role in
understanding and managing the environment. Through GIS, diverse spatial data types can be
manipulated, visualized, and analyzed to support decision-making in environmental studies, resource
management, and urban planning. Techniques like spatial interpolation aid in filling data gaps, while
mapping provides a powerful tool for visualizing and communicating complex environmental information.

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