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Covid-19, The virus that shut down the world.

It is one of the most dangerous challenges that our

world has faced in our lifetime. To contain the spread of the virus, many have been closed by the
government. Flights, Churches, and many Establishments that resulted in a huge loss on
employment and affected a lot of people specially those who lived in a third world country such
as, Filipinos. It has been a couple of years since it hit the entire world and one of the most
difficult changes in this time is losing your love ones to the thing that you don’t see. As the
world helping together, researchers around the world together with the government, the world
health organization, the people around the world fought the Coronavirus trough Teamwork. Our
world now has changed and continue to adapt to the new normal where we use face mask to limit
the transmission of the virus, work from home set up have been implemented, home schooling
for the youth, testing centers to detect the virus and specially the vaccines developed.

The human spirit never ceases to amaze when put to the test. Unity made us stronger and be able
to flatten the curve and made us adapt to live in the New Normal.Covid-19, The virus that shut
down the world. It is one of the most dangerous challenge that our world has faced in our
lifetime. To contain the spread of the virus, many have been closed by the government. Flights,
Churches, and many Establishments that resulted in a huge loss on employment and affected a
lot of people specially those who lived in a third world country such as, Filipinos. It has been a
couple of years since it hit the entire world and one of the most difficult changes in this time is
losing your love ones to the thing that you don’t see.

As the world helping together, researchers around the world together with the government, the
world health organization, the people around the world fought the Coronavirus trough
Teamwork. Our world now has changed and continue to adapt to the new normal where we use
face mask to limit the transmission of the virus, work from home set up have been implemented,
home schooling for the youth, testing centers to detect the virus and specially the vaccines
developed. The human spirit never ceases to amaze when put to the test. Unity made us stronger
and be able to flatten the curve and made us adapt to live in the New Normal.

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