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Azərbaycan Dövlət İqtisad Universiteti

UNEC Biznes Məktəbinin MBA Proqramı

Semestr: Autumn, 2022/2023
Müəllim: Rzayeva Irada Ilham
Fənnin adı: Air transport economics
Qrup: E18-21
Təhsil alanın imtahan suallarına verdiyi cavablara müəllimin şərhi Hər suala verilən bal
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3-cü suala dair:
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Müəllimin imzası:

Bilet № _2_

1. Please describe advantages and disadvantages of Air transportation in comparison with

Sea/Ocean/River transportation.

2. Please read the following case study and advise which factors could lead to the Air traffic growth in
Dominican Republic:
The number of passengers transported by the Dominican Republic airlines has significantly grown
between 2015 and 2018, contributing to a better connectivity between DR and Cuba, Haiti, Puerto
Rico, Saint Martin, British Virgin Islands, Aruba, Antigua and Barbuda and Jamaica. They also
performed charter flights to Central and North America. The flight movements (entries and exits)
reached 5,987 operations in 2016, representing a growth of 58.9%. In 2017, the number of flights
was 9,865, a growth of 64.8%.

3. Please calculate unemployment rate for the following case and advise how unemployment rate is
affecting Airline industry:
Consider a country that has a population of 9,000,000, with 500,000 unemployed. 20 percent of the
total population is less than 16 years old, and 5 percent of the total population is retired and not

 3 sual cavablandırılacaq;
 Cavablar lakonik və səliqəli (anlaşıqlı) xətlə yazılmalıdır;
 Toplam Aİ balı 15...
“Biznesin idarə edilməsi”
kafedrasının müdiri i.e.n., dos. S. Məmmədova

Protokol № 2, 07.10.2022

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