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Substitute the values into the formula: [\Delta \pi = \frac{0.0345 \times 2.

23 \times 10^{-4} \times

50}{1 - 0.0345}] [\Delta \pi \approx 0.038 \mathrm{~atm}] So, the osmotic pressure difference,
$\Delta \pi \approx 0.038 \mathrm{~atm}$. Finally, for part (c): (c) Required outlet pressure from the
pump: The required outlet pressure from the pump can be estimated using the osmotic pressure
difference and the reject stream concentration. Given: Reject stream concentration = $5.25
\mathrm{wt} %$ The required outlet pressure can be estimated to be slightly higher than the osmotic
pressure difference to overcome the reject stream concentration. Therefore, the required outlet
pressure from the pump can be estimated to be approximately $0.04 \mathrm{~atm}$ higher than
the osmotic pressure difference. So, the estimated required outlet pressure from the pump is
approximately $0.078 \mathrm{~atm}$. In summary: (a) Mass flux of solvent,
$\mathrm{N}_{\mathrm{w}} \approx 8.51 \times 10^{-3} \mathrm{~kg} / \mathrm{m}^{2} \cdot
\mathrm{hr}$. (b) Osmotic pressure difference, $\Delta \pi \approx 0.038 \mathrm{~atm}$. (c)
Estimated required outlet pressure from the pump is approximately $0.078 \mathrm{~atm}$.

The solution to this problem involves calculating the expected number of edges in a random
simple graph with a vertex set of {1,2,...,10}.

Step 1: Calculate the total number of possible edges in the graph.

In a simple graph with n vertices, the total number of possible edges can be calculated using the
formula n choose 2 (nC2), which is equal to n(n-1)/2. In this case, with 10 vertices, the total
number of possible edges is 10 9 / 2 = 45.

Step 2: Calculate the probability of each edge being present in the graph.
Since the graph is random, each edge has an equal probability of being present. The probability
of an edge being present in the graph is 1/2, as for each pair of vertices, there are two
possibilities: either the edge is present or it is not.

Step 3: Calculate the expected number of edges.

The expected number of edges can be found by multiplying the total number of possible edges
by the probability of each edge being present. Therefore, the expected number of edges is 45 *
1/2 = 22.5.

Step 4: Check the output.

The resulting expected number of edges is 22.5.

Thus, the expected number of edges in the random graph is 22.5.

The capstone project seeks to push the boundaries of robotic arm control systems by tackling
issues related to accuracy and effectiveness. The research is centered on creating new
methods and algorithms to elevate the overall performance of robotic arms across different
uses. The main goals include refining precision in positioning, optimizing motion planning, and
simplifying control procedures. The project harnesses state-of-the-art technologies like machine
learning and advanced sensor integration to achieve exceptional levels of accuracy and
efficiency. The outcomes showcase substantial improvements in the robotic arm's capacity to
carry out intricate tasks with heightened precision and speed, thus presenting a valuable
advancement in the development of robotic systems across various industries. The discoveries
hold significance for automation, manufacturing, and other sectors where precise and efficient
robotic arm control is crucial.

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