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Akademis Jaury Jusuf Putera Hospital / Muhammad Mursyid

Period December 13th-17th 2023

No. Date of
Patient Detail of Patient Treatment Recommendation
1. 17/12/2023 Mrs. R Pre-Treatment Diagnosis:  Spontaneous  Exclusive
30 years old G2P1A0 40 Weeks 1 Day of Gestational Vertex Delivery Breastfeeding for
DOB: 05/04/1993 Age 2nd Stage of labor + Implant Acceptor
LMP: 11/03/2023  Early Initiation of 6 months
Candidate Breastfeeding
MR: 284752
Referral: -  Implant insertion
Education: Post-Treatment Diagnosis:
Senior High Term Delivery + Implant Acceptor
Payment Method: Outcome:
Government Male, BW: 3050 gram, BL: 49 cm, A/S: 8/10

2. 15/12/2023 Mrs. N G3P2A0  Lower Segment  Exclusive

35 years old 1st Caesarean Section in June 2017 due to Transverse breastfeeding for
DOB: 06/07/1988 Breech Presentation Caesarean Section 6 months
LMP: 15/03/2023 2nd Caesarean Section in December 2020  Bilateral  Early
MR: 285705 due to 1 Previous Cesarean Section mobilization
Tubectomy  Control for
Referral:- Pomeroy
Pre-Operative Diagnosis: surgical wound
Education: Modification
Senior High G3P2A0 39 Weeks 2 Days of Gestational
School Age + 2 Previous Caesarean Sections +
Payment Method: Female Sterilization Acceptor candidate
Insurance Post-Operative Diagnosis:
2 Previous Caesarean Sections + Term
Delivery + Female Sterilization Acceptor

Male, BW: 2900 gram, BL 48 cm, A/S 8/10
Akademis Jaury Jusuf Putera Hospital / Muhammad Mursyid
Period December 13th-17th 2023

Total Cases :2
Vaginal Delivery :1
Lower Segment Transverse Caesarean Section :1

Family Planning :2
Implant :1
Bilateral Tubectomy Pomeroy Modification :1

Makassar, December 18th 2023

Known by,

dr. Muhammad Mursyid


dr. Lenny Maria Lisal, Sp.OG, Subsp. Obginsos

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