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The Government and

Politics of the European


8th edition

Neill Nugent
© Neill Nugent 1989, 1991, 1994, 1999, 2003, 2006, 2010, 2017
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First edition 1989
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Third edition 1994
Fourth edition 1999
Fifth edition 2003
Sixth edition 2006
Seventh edition 2010
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Chapter 1
Setting the Scene: The ‘Crises’, the Challenges, and
Their Implications for the Nature and Operation of
the EU

The Economic and Financial
Crises and Challenges 2
The European Union (EU) has been subject to unprecedented crises and chal-
The Migration Crisis 6 lenges in recent years. The nature of these crises and challenges, the approaches
Towards Intergovernmentalism adopted in attempting to tackle them, and their implications for the operation
in EU Decision-Making of the EU are explored at various places throughout this book. However, an
Processes9 overview of them is given in this chapter so as to enable, from the very outset
The EU’s Leadership Deficit 10 of the book, their features, their inter-relationships, and their significance to be
Increasing Differentiation 11
The recent crises and challenges are not the first to have been faced by the
Brexit: A Major Fracturing 12 European Community (EC)/EU in its history of now 60 plus years – dating the
The Increasing Role of, start of this history to the 1952 treaty that created the European Coal and Steel
and Exercise of Power by, Community (ECSC). Previous crises and challenges have included:
The European Identity • The 1965–66 ‘empty chair’ crisis, when France – in protest against a number
Challenge15 of perceived supranational developments in the EC – all but withdrew from
active participation in Community decision-making institutions.
Rising Euroscepticism 16
• The ‘eurosclerosis’ period of the late 1970s and early 1980s, when much-
The Legitimacy/Democracy needed decisions, especially on the internal market, could not be made
Challenge16 because the prevailing decision-making rules and norms required unanim-
The EU’s (Declining?) Role ity in the Council.
and Influence in the • The budgetary crises of the early-to-mid 1980s, when the financing of EU
International System 18 policies came to be questioned, especially in relation to the ‘disproportion-
Concluding Remarks 19 ate’ UK contribution.
• The break-up of the Soviet bloc and then of the Soviet Union between 1989
and 1991, which led to ten Central and Eastern countries (CEECs) join-
ing the EU by 2007. This huge expansion in EU membership created the
challenge of ensuring that a successful Western European organisation was
transformed into an equally successful pan-European organisation.
• The ‘treaty crises’ of the 1990s and 2000s, when ‘constitutional advances’
were threatened following the rejections in national referendums of the
Maastricht, Nice, Constitutional, and Lisbon Treaties.

However, serious though they were, none of these past crises and chal-
lenges were on the scale of those of recent years and none resulted in the EC/
EU experiencing such turbulent times. Past crises and challenges were focused

2 | The Government and Politics of the European Union

around specific issues – most commonly, the supra- Poor economic performances
national/intergovernmental balance between EC/EU
institutions – but the recent crises and challenges After relatively high economic growth in the 1980s
have been multidimensional in nature. They have also and 1990s, the economies of most of the eurozone
been unprecedented in the severity of their implica- states performed relatively poorly in the early years
tions, bringing into question the very nature of the of the new millennium, with Germany being the
European integration process and the appropriateness most important exception. Economic growth and
and competence of the EU as a functioning political investment rates were generally low, unemployment
and economic system. In short, the recent crises and rates were high, and there were insufficient structural
challenges have been truly ‘system-challenging’. reforms of production practices – especially regard-
There has naturally been much overlapping and ing the operation of labour markets. These features
many interconnections between the varying dimen- resulted in, amongst other things, most eurozone
sions of the recent crises and challenges. Nonetheless, economies losing relative competitiveness and levels
it is useful – for clarification purposes and for assist- of government debt rising.
ing a furthering of understanding – to group each As the economic and financial crises intensified, so
of the main dimensions under its own heading. The then were poor economic performances exacerbated,
organisation of the chapter is thus based on the vary- especially in weaker eurozone states. The most eye-
ing dimensions. catching aspect of these poor performances was high
unemployment levels, which peaked at 27 per cent in
Spain in 2013 and in Greece in 2015.
The poor economic performances were important
The Economic and Financial both in themselves – not least because of the social
disruption they caused – and as a major contributory
Crises and Challenges factor to the banking and ensuing sovereign debt and
eurozone crises that came to dominate EU affairs from
When reference is made in a general way to ‘the EU 2007–08. They significantly contributed to the crises
crisis’ or ‘the EU’s crises’, it is normally the ‘economic because low economic growth increases governmen-
and financial crises’ that are in mind, or perhaps just tal expenditure (social welfare payments are higher)
the ‘eurozone crisis’ which has been the most promi- whilst at the same time limiting the ability of govern-
nent crisis within the crises. The eurozone crisis has ments to increase income.
been the most high-profile dimension of the crises
because the creation of the euro, which most EU
member states now use and which all non-eurozone The banking crisis
states – apart from Denmark and the UK – have a
treaty obligation to eventually join, is widely seen as In response largely to rapidly rising property prices
being one of the EU’s most important policy achieve- and low borrowing rates, and assisted by light gov-
ments. The possibility that has existed since 2007–08 ernmental regulatory controls, many banks in the EU
that one or more of the eurozone’s members might over-lent in the mid-to-late 2000s. That is to say, they
have to exit the single currency system, and that the engaged in risky lending behaviour for which they
system itself might not be sustainable, has raised were not adequately capitalised. This over-lending
questions not only about the viability of the eurozone became sharply exposed from 2007–08 when the
but also about the EU itself. This is because a serious property boom came to an end, debtors were unable
undermining of one of the EU’s core policy accom- to repay loans to banks, and the collapse of the US
plishments would show the EU to have an inadequate subprime bank Lehman Brothers in 2008 raised ques-
system of governance. tions about the financial exposure and vulnerability
The eurozone crisis has, however, been but one ele- of many European banks, especially eurozone banks
ment, albeit the element on which most attention has (because many banks had grossly over-lent and there
been focused, of three – interrelated and overlapping – were doubts about whether their governments would/
dimensions of the wider economic and financial crises. could provide them with bailouts). The banking crisis
Setting the Scene | 3

became particularly acute in Ireland, Greece, Cyprus, consequence of such differences, the banking union
Portugal, and Spain. that was agreed between 2012 and 2015 remains more
In this situation, bank depositors naturally became fragmented along national lines than it presents itself
anxious, which led to large and damaging capital as being. Nonetheless, important rules have been put
flights from particularly weak banks and banks based in place.
in states with weak economies. The governments of The banking union is based on a single rulebook,
the states that were particularly hit by the banking which consists of a set of legislative texts with which all
crisis felt obliged to intervene so as to save their fail- financial institutions in the EU (including over 8,000
ing banks and to maintain the credibility and integrity banks) must comply. Included in the rulebook are
of their banking systems. However, this intervention stronger prudential requirements for banks, improved
involved very great increases in public, or sovereign, depositor protection, and rules for managing failing
debt, which resulted in the financial systems of the banks. For eurozone states (and non-eurozone states
states concerned appearing to become precarious, that opt to join), there are two further pillars of the
which in turn resulted in a downgrading of their banking union:
national bond holdings (which meant they had to
promise a higher yield on the loans they had to take • A Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), under
out to bail out their banks). This meant they had which a Supervisory Board operating within the
less money available for other purposes – including framework of the European Central Bank (ECB) is
stimulating their economies. There was thus what the the central supervisor and monitor of ‘significant’
European Council President, Herman Van Rompuy, (that is, large) financial institutions. The supervi-
called ‘a vicious cycle between banks and sovereigns’ sion and monitoring include the conduct of ‘stress
in which government support for banks directly cre- tests’ on financial institutions and the use of inter-
ated sovereign debt problems. vention powers where necessary – with the latter
The vicious cycle would not have existed had it been including, for example, the setting of capital and
possible for EU bailouts to be made directly to banks risk limits and requiring changes in management.
but – because primarily of concerns about the rigour • A Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM), which
of some national regulatory standards – Chancellor provides for a Single Resolution Board (SRB) to deal
Merkel insisted that they be made to national gov- with the resolution (essentially, the identification of
ernments. This impasse was eventually politically problems and possible solutions) of failing banks. A
resolved at the June 2012 European Council meet- Single Resolution Fund (SRF) – consisting of €55
ing when Germany agreed to the use of EU funds to billion drawn from banks in participating states – is
directly recapitalise banks, subject to them being more available for bank recapitalisations and restructurings.
centrally controlled and supervised – and thus not
being able to act irresponsibly again. Thus were laid
the initial foundations of what has come to be called The sovereign debt and euro crisis
the European Banking Union (EBU).
The EBU was created with the purpose of making The flawed nature of the eurozone system
banking across the EU, but especially within the euro- and the steps taken towards its fundamental
zone, safer and sounder by laying down harmonised
banking standards and centralised arrangements for
bank supervision and resolution. Given the high polit- As noted above, the banking crisis led to a sovereign
ical sensitivities associated with these matters, the new debt crisis. It did so primarily because governments
system took some time to be established. Foremost had taken on massive debt to bail out national banks,
amongst the problems were inter-member state and which led to investors wondering whether govern-
inter-institutional differences over such key questions ments could repay their own (now inflated) debts.
as which parts of the banking union should apply to National debts arise because governments have
all EU states and which only to eurozone states, and spent more than their income (most of which comes
what should be subject to EU/eurozone regulation from taxation) and therefore have to borrow to bridge
and what could be safely left to national regulators? In the gap. Virtually all non-oil-rich states carry public
4 | The Government and Politics of the European Union

debts, and so have to build debt repayments into their be accompanied by the beneficiary states adopting
budgetary calculations. However, as has just been austerity policies that would enable them to reduce
shown, the banking crisis greatly increased the size of their public debts. For their part, debtor states took
the public debts of some EU states – notably Cyprus, the view that austerity policies would prevent them
Greece, Ireland, Portugal, and Spain. It did so because from being able to invest and restructure and thereby
governments used public funds to provide support to reduce their public debt through economic growth.
banks that were threatened with collapse, but provid- As a result of these broad differences of view and as
ing this support – which most commonly was in the result also of the fact that virtually all significant deci-
form of loans, bailouts, and guarantees to banks – sions on the sovereign debt and eurozone crises had
involved governments themselves having to take on to be taken by unanimous vote – sometimes by all EU
more borrowing. Making things worse, because the member states, but more often just by eurozone mem-
economies of the states that were having to take on bers – decision-making was protracted, incremental,
increased borrowing were generally seen as being conducted in countless and assorted formal and
weak, loans on the international markets were only informal forums from European Council and Euro
available at comparably high rates of interest. Summits downwards, and highly intergovernmental
The sovereign debt crisis, which peaked in 2010–12, in character.
led to the eurozone crisis, as the single currency system But, notwithstanding the decision-making dif-
came to be seen as being incapable of dealing with the ficulties, many important decisions were (eventu-
challenges facing it. The incapability stemmed from ally) taken, both in respect of providing assistance to
the fact that whilst the eurozone was based on a mon- indebted states and strengthening the eurozone sys-
etary union – with a single currency, interest rate, and tem. Regarding the provision of assistance to indebted
exchange rate – it was not accompanied by common states, the sizes and forms of assistance naturally
economic and fiscal policies or by common political varied, but broadly took the form of direct loans from
structures capable of imposing strong and common other eurozone states (with Germany being the main
‘solutions’ to the challenges to the eurozone system. contributor) on condition that the recipients imple-
So, there was no facility, as there would be in a fully mented austerity and restructuring measures designed
developed Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), to improve their economic performances and public
for the automatic transfer of financial resources from finances. By 2015, the Commission was reporting
central funds to parts of the system in urgent need that significant progress was being made in most of
of assistance. More specifically, there was no mecha- the recipient states, especially Cyprus, Ireland, and
nism for the likes of Cyprus, Ireland, and Greece to Portugal. Regarding strengthening the eurozone sys-
be ‘bailed out’. They could, of course, look to other tem, a range of centralising measures were put in place
eurozone states to look on them favourably and to that considerably stiffened the pressures on states to
provide assistance, but there was no obligation – let be fiscally tight and, in particular, not to run large
alone automacity – on other states to do so. The euro- budgetary deficits. The most notable of these meas-
zone crisis may thus be said to have been self-inflicted ures were contained in the 2012 Treaty on Stability,
in that the eurozone system rested on a flawed design. Coordination and Governance – more commonly
The design had functioned reasonably satisfactorily referred to as the Fiscal Compact. At the heart of the
when the economic weather was fair, but came under measures were tighter versions of existing rules cover-
severe strain when it became stormy. ing budgetary deficits and national debts that were set
The lack of strong central political institutions and out in EMU’s Stability and Growth Pact. The Fiscal
fiscal instruments could perhaps have been overcome Compact was open to all EU member states – and
had there been a consensus between eurozone states in the event all signed up to at least parts of it apart
about how to tackle the sovereign debt and eurozone from the Czech Republic and the UK – but it was only
crises. But there was not. Broadly speaking, creditor mandatory for eurozone states. The tighter provi-
states, of which Germany was by far the most impor- sions contained in the Compact and accompanying
tant and influential, were not wholly averse to mak- legislation stopped well short of making the eurozone
ing funds available to assist debtor states, but they a fiscal union: there was to be no significant central
believed the provision of financial assistance should fundraising via taxation, nor was there to be a huge
Setting the Scene | 5

transfer of funds from the subnational to the EU lev- had reluctantly adopted their own austerity measures
els. But, a central fund – in the (eventual) form of the ‘in exchange’ for eurozone financial support – there
European Stability Mechanism (ESM) – with a lend- were marked variations in the preferences as to how
ing capacity of €500 billion, was created to assist states to deal with Greece. On the one hand, many of the
in financial difficulties, and much greater monitoring creditor states, led by Germany but with strong sup-
and appliance powers were given to EU institutions, port from, amongst others, the Netherlands, Finland,
especially the Commission, to ensure that the public and Austria, took a hard line and wanted the austerity
finances of member states were better controlled and conditionality line not only to be continued but to be
that economic coordination between states was greatly stiffened with the addition of coercive powers for use
improved. In time such measures may come to be seen against laggards. This was not because of difficulties
as important steps taken in the building of, if not a in raising the resources to assist Greece – with Greece
federal union, at least a federal compact of sorts. accounting for less than 2 per cent of EU gross domes-
tic product (GDP), the availability of resources was not
a major problem – but rather because member states
The Greek crisis
had lost confidence in Greece and believed that unless
Greece had long been the most problematic of the austerity was imposed on it, it would be in continual
indebted eurozone states – not so much because of the economic and financial trouble and would just keep
size of Greece’s debts but rather because its govern- returning for further funding. As the German Finance
ments had displayed no firm evidence of being able Minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, put it when arguing
or willing to fully tackle the debts. This situation was that there was nothing wrong with insisting on aus-
exacerbated in January 2015 when an anti-austerity terity: ‘The problem is that for the last five years the
government that was dominated by the radical left medicine has not been taken as prescribed’ (quoted
Syriza party was elected to power. Although it contin- in Garton Ash, 2015). On the other hand, France and
ued to receive EU financial support, the new govern- some indebted southern EU states – notably Cyprus
ment refused – even when deadlines for the receipt and Italy – were more sympathetic to the argument
of new payments and the repayment of existing loans that public interventionist measures to directly sup-
loomed – to make the cuts to public expenditure that port growth were required, and also took the view that
its EU (and International Monetary Fund (IMF)) coercive measures ‘imposed by Brussels’ to restrain
creditors were requiring. In effect the government was public expenditure would likely fuel the already rising
saying to the eurozone’s decision-makers: we want to euroscepticism in the EU.
stay in the eurozone; we need more loans and existing But though there were deep divisions between the
debt restructuring (the latter meaning debt write-offs eurozone member states over how to deal with Greece,
and longer repayment schedules); but we are not pre- few wanted to see it exit the single currency – Grexit
pared to create further hardship for our citizens by as it came to be called. This was for a mixture of three
undertaking the public expenditure cuts – most nota- reasons, each of which says much about the nature of
bly in the form of reducing pensions and other welfare the EU as a political and economic system. The first
benefits and increasing value added taxes – that the reason was that a Grexit would have been extremely
rest of the eurozone is demanding of us. This posi- damaging for the eurozone as a whole. Its prestige
tion was backed by the Greek people in an emergency and standing would have taken a serious blow and its
referendum that the government called at short notice future stability would have been endangered in that
in July 2015. once it had been established that exiting the eurozone
This stance of the Greek government – and its was possible, investors might turn their attention to
somewhat flamboyant Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras – other weak national eurozone economies. In other
revealed the depth of internal political divisions within words, the eurozone had become, like the EU more
the eurozone on economic policy and also on how the generally, an entangled and interdependent system in
eurozone system should be managed. Whilst no euro- which the fortunes of one member state could have
zone state had much empathy for the way in which the major implications for others. If Greece was to be
Greek government acted – least of all those eurozone forced out of the euro and the principle of the irrevers-
states such as Portugal and Spain, which, in 2011–14, ibility of membership was ended, then others might
6 | The Government and Politics of the European Union

well follow and the eurozone system itself might even So, though experiencing considerable internal divi-
collapse. Thus, regardless of whose ‘fault’ Greece’s sions about preferred courses of action, eurozone
situation was, the cost of Greece failing was too high decision-makers were able to do enough ‘to keep
for everyone else. The second reason was concerns the show on the road’ when they were put under
that a Grexit might open the door to the extension intense pressures by both the eurozone crisis in
of Russian influence in the eastern Mediterranean. general and then specifically by the Greek crisis.
Clearly, the uncertainties and instability that would However, at the same time, they were incapable
accompany a Grexit might make the (hard left) Greek and/or unwilling to correct the design flaw of EMU
government open to approaches of various sorts from by laying down sufficiently robust foundations for
Moscow. (Indeed, as the crisis was developing Tsipras the eurozone’s long-term stability and success –
visited Moscow to meet with President Putin.) And which most economists think requires the creation
the third reason was that, for all the hostility most of a fiscal union. As is shown in the next section on
eurozone leaders harboured towards the Syriza gov- the migration crisis, EMU is not the only policy area
ernment because of its perceived irresponsibility and with a design flaw.
unwillingness to deliver on past promises, there were
widely felt feelings that the Greek people should not
thereby be punished – and it was assumed in most
EU circles that a Grexit would have, in the short The Migration Crisis
term at least, potentially disastrous consequences
for ‘ordinary’ Greeks. The EU may not be a federal The gravity of the crisis for the EU
system and EU citizens may not think of themselves
first and foremost as being Europeans in the same way system
as most people in Vermont or South Dakota think of Of the various crises and challenges the EU has faced
themselves as being Americans, but some sense of EU in recent times, two have brought seriously into ques-
citizens as being part of ‘us’ does exist – at least in EU tion the continued operation of core parts of the
decision-making circles, if not necessarily amongst the EU system. The first of these crises and challenges
EU populace as a whole. has been the above-analysed economic and financial
So, for all the irritations felt, and occasional open crises, which have threatened the eurozone system.
annoyance displayed, by EU leaders in the first half The second has been the migration crisis, which has
of 2015 towards the Syriza government, every effort threatened the Schengen system: that is, the system
was made to keep Greece aboard the eurozone. It was that enables passport-free movement for EU citizens
not until July – when the crisis peaked as repayment between most EU states (see below).
dates on existing loans were missed, capital controls The migration crisis has resulted in the Schengen
were introduced, and banks were closed because they system being challenged in three ways. First, mem-
were running out of money – that eurozone leaders ber states have, in response to the crisis, introduced
(meeting in a special Euro Summit) gave the Greek temporary border restrictions and controls between
government a final ultimatum of three days to come internal Schengen borders. Second, Greece’s very
up with a credible, austerity-based, reform package ‘in membership of Schengen has been threatened by
exchange’ for new negotiations on the extra loans it perceived inadequacies and failures in its procedures
desperately needed. Given that they had no option if and facilities for dealing with migrants. Third, the
Greece was to retain its euro membership, the Greek sensitivities associated with the migration crisis have
government and Parliament duly approved the pack- been so intense and some of the divisions between
age, even though it included measures they hitherto Schengen states been so deep that much-needed deci-
had strongly resisted – including VAT increases, pen- sions have not always been possible. This was seen
sion cuts, and a new civil code procedure involving an particularly when several Schengen states, particularly
overhaul of Greece’s slow judicial sector. This altered Central and Eastern European states, were unwill-
approach led to a new (third) €85 billion bailout ing and/or unable to accept a key step identified by
package for Greece being agreed in August. the Commission in 2015 as needing to be taken to
*  *  * help deal with the crisis – namely, that all Schengen
Setting the Scene | 7

member states should be obliged to accept a propor- A number of reasonably quick decisions were taken
tionate number of migrants. by the EU on specific and immediate issues, includ-
Along with the economic and financial crises, the ing increasing the number and capability of patrol
migration crisis has also posed a major challenge for boats and rescue missions in the Mediterranean, using
the EU in a less direct way in that it has promoted migration management support teams in ‘hotspot’
populism, nationalism, and euroscepticism across locations (especially in Greece), and financially sup-
much of Europe. One reason for this has arguably porting refugee camps. But, such measures naturally
been the absence of ‘quick fix’ solutions on which took time and finance to be assembled and to become
decision-makers have been able to readily agree. operational.
Another possible reason has been that migration is Crucially, however, little could be agreed initially
focused on specific and identifiable issues that most on the major outstanding issue that lay at the heart
citizens (with varying degrees of sophistication) can of the problem: dissuading and stopping would-be
understand and can be drawn into, but often on the migrants from attempting to journey to the EU. The
bases of misunderstandings fuelled by partisan media main reason why so many wanted to make the jour-
coverage. But, whatever the precise reason or reasons, ney was, of course, obvious: their home countries
the rise of ‘anti-system’, and often ‘far-right’, political were dangerous and poor, whilst the EU was stable
forces has been potentially politically explosive, both and rich. But why did the increased pressures on the
for the EU as a whole and for many of the main parties external borders develop into a crisis?
in its governments. It has contributed to eurosceptic-
tinged governments being elected to power in several
states – including Hungary, Poland, Slovenia, and the Reasons for the crisis
UK – and it certainly assisted the ‘leave’ side in the The migration problem developed into a crisis for
2016 UK referendum on EU membership. somewhat similar reasons to those that applied in
respect of the eurozone crisis: a mixture of basic
design flaws and disagreements between the member
The rapid escalation of the crisis states regarding what should be done.
Regarding basic design flaws, a core principle of
The numbers of irregular migrants attempting to the EU is free movement and right of residence for
enter the EU significantly increased in the early 2010s, EU citizens. A further enhancement of this principle
largely in response to the internal hostilities and exists within the Schengen system, which provides for
instability in Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Very visible passport-free travel between the 26 member states.
manifestations of what rapidly escalated into a crisis These 26 Schengen members include all EU states
began to occur from 2014 as hundreds of thousands except Ireland and the UK (which have Schengen opt-
of asylum seekers and economic migrants arrived outs), plus Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, and Romania
at the EU’s borders, many of them on overcrowded (which are legally obliged to eventually become mem-
boats in the Mediterranean and Aegean seas – some bers, but are judged to be not currently – November
of which sank, resulting in drowning tragedies. The 2016 – suitable for membership). Non-EU Schengen
EU became overwhelmed, with the number of asylum members are Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, and
applications in 2014 increasing by over 40 per cent to Liechtenstein.
626,000, and then increasing again by over 90 per cent The main design flaw in the Schengen system is
in 2015 to approaching 1.2 million. that the principle of free movement of people can
The preferred destination of most migrants was only work smoothly: if the common external borders
Northern Europe, especially Germany, but they are strong and are accepted by all Schengen states as
mostly arrived initially in Greece. This resulted in being strong; if intelligence information gathered at
them being detained in settlement and migration the common external borders is automatically and
camps of various sorts, before setting out on often quickly passed on; if excessive migration pressures
hazardous and blocked journeys north via Balkan are not exerted at the common external borders; and
countries and Austria or Hungary (see Map 5.5 on if there are excessive migration pressures, member
p. 66). states are willing and able to deal collectively with the
8 | The Government and Politics of the European Union

large numbers of migrants. None of these conditions approaches can be seen as having been considered and
have existed during the migration crisis. So, as with at least partially tried:
the eurozone’s foundations, the Schengen system’s
foundations were not designed to deal successfully • Distributing migrants between the member states.
with troubled and stressful times. In 2015, the Commission – under pressure from
Regarding disagreements between member states, Germany, where most migrants who had been
Germany, and more particularly Chancellor Merkel, given asylum rights were locating – set out a
was initially welcoming to the greatly increased num- scheme for 120,000, later increased to 160,000,
ber of migrants arriving from the summer of 2014 – an migrants to be distributed on an enforceable and
attitude that may itself have increased the numbers, proportionate between Schengen states. Although
especially the numbers wanting to reach Germany. initially gaining a qualified majority in the Council,
But, this welcoming policy was taken unilaterally and this proposal came to be strongly opposed by
other states, especially Central and Eastern European Central and Eastern European states, which were
states, were less favourably disposed. As the numbers unused to inward migration from outside Europe,
of migrants increased, several Schengen states (includ- thought it would be potentially costly, and in some
ing even Sweden – traditionally a welcoming state for cases thought it intruded too much on national
displaced persons) began imposing border controls sovereignty. The scheme, which would have meant
between themselves and other EU states. The fact is forcing states to take in people they did not want
that on the key issues of how many migrants to accept, and sending people to states they did not want to
where to put them, and how to pay for them, mem- go to, was never implemented.
ber states displayed little solidarity. Most were just • Assisting with tackling the underlying problems
relieved that – unlike Greece, Italy, and Malta – the in countries that are ‘exporters’ of migrants. This
problem was not right on their doorsteps. involves many aspects of the EU’s external poli-
cies, including the promotion of good govern-
ance, financial aid, technical assistance, and the
Difficulties in ‘resolving’ the crisis use of (mainly) soft policies to advance peace
and security.
The EU is a relatively rich and stable socio-economic • Discouraging potential migrants from being
area, with poor and unstable neighbours to its south attracted to the EU. This has not become an offi-
and south-east. Inevitably, therefore, it is a target cial EU policy, but the unwelcoming stances taken
for many migrants, and became particularly so after by many EU states (including the UK, which is
the collapse of the 2011 ‘Arab Spring’ and then the not a Schengen member) to political migrants has
civil war in Syria, which created enormous disrup- delivered the clear message that migrants are not
tions and hardships in North Africa and parts of the welcome. Tightened external borders have also
Middle East. been intended as a discouragement.
As the scale of the crisis became increasingly clear, • Returning irregular migrants where possible. In
the Commission issued a communication in May terms of dealing with other states, this has been
2015 entitled A European Agenda on Migration, which particularly pursued with Turkey. This has been
set out immediate and long-term plans for deal- because nearly all migrants from Syria arriving in
ing with the crisis (European Commission, 2015f). Europe (who, during the crisis, have accounted
Some of the immediate plans were already begin- for about 50 per cent of migrants) have done so
ning to be employed, albeit not wholly successfully, via Turkey, and there was an estimated 2.5 million
including the posting of extra border guards and the Syrians in Turkey in late 2015. In March 2016 the
above-noted increased support for rescue missions EU and Turkey agreed that in exchange for Turkey
and migration camps. But, given that the EU was strengthening its border controls in the Aegean
not, and is not, willing to have an ‘open door’ policy and taking back Syrian migrants who reach Greece
forever, what about longer-term solutions? From the illegally (which the EU hoped would prevent and/
Commission communication, subsequent documen- or dissuade migrants from crossing to Greece), the
tation, and the actions of policy-makers, four main EU would: relocate in Europe Syrian refugees based
Setting the Scene | 9

in Turkey; grant visa-free travel to Turkish citizens; as seemed to be necessary and politically possible.
accelerate Turkey’s EU membership application; In the wake of Lisbon Treaty ‘exhaustion’, and with
and give €6 billion to Turkey, nominally to help it future major treaties likely to be subject to very dif-
to manage the migration crisis. The clearly unbal- ficult national ratifications, there has been no wish to
anced nature of this agreement and the high price repeat the exercise and introduce further institutional
demanded by Turkey showed both the depth of the and policy process reforms – at least until they become
EU’s wish to de-escalate the migration crisis and its unavoidable.
heavy dependence on Turkey if the de-escalation But, the fact is that the reforms made by the Lisbon
was to be achieved. Treaty have increasingly come to be viewed by many
as being inadequate in enabling the EU to effectively
By mid-2016 the last two of these measures appeared tackle the many pressing issues it faces. In particular,
to be having some, albeit limited, effect, with a marked the Lisbon Treaty reforms are widely viewed as her-
decline in the number of attempted migrants – espe- alding a step backwards for the European integration
cially by those using the eastern Mediterranean route process in so far as, unlike the EU’s previous revising
(which involves crossing the Aegean Sea from Turkey treaties, its provisions for EU decision-making did not
to Greece). consist of unqualified movements in the direction of
further supranationalism. Rather, by strengthening
the institutional position and capacity of the European
Council – the forum in which Heads of Government
Towards Intergovernmentalism meet, in which they take many important political
in EU Decision-Making decisions, and in which virtually all decisions are
taken by unanimity – there was a marked tilt in an
Processes intergovernmental direction. This movement may
have been politically necessary, because many member
The political and governmental challenges that have states wished to re-assert their control over key EU
faced the EU in recent years have been different in decisions, but it arguably weakened the EU’s decision-
character to the challenges posed by the economic and making capacity, especially in respect of being able
financial and the migration crises discussed above. to respond quickly to major challenges such as those
One way in which they have been so is that it is not thrown up by the economic and financial and the
so easy to pinpoint the start of the political and gov- migration crises.
ernmental challenges, since most of their dimensions Taking the economic and financial crises, these
were gradually building up over time rather than have clearly further strengthened intergovernmental-
suddenly erupting as was the case with the economic ism. They have done so in that most major decisions
and financial crises in 2007–10 and the migration concerning the crises – ranging from the size and con-
crisis in 2014–15. Another way in which the political ditions of bailouts, through the creation of new sup-
and governmental challenges have been different is porting mechanisms for the eurozone, to establishing
that circumstances have not arisen that have required frameworks to improve the regulation of banks –
immediate attention and major reforms so as avoid have been so sensitive and/or politically charged that
a collapse of the EU’s political and governmental Heads of Government have wished or have needed
arrangements. Indeed, it has not seemed to be appro- to be directly involved in decision-making. In conse-
priate or practical to respond to the political and quence, Heads of Government, meeting formally in
governmental challenges with specific reforms akin the European Council and (for eurozone members)
to those used to deal with the economic and financial Euro Summits and informally in seemingly never-
and the migration crises. For the fact is that the Lisbon ending rounds of bilateral and multilateral meetings,
Treaty, which was signed in 2007 and came into effect have been more directly involved in EU decision-mak-
in 2009, incorporated the best part of a decade of ‘con- ing than ever before. Of course, any decisions taken
stitutional’ thinking and negotiations and in so doing by the national leaders at European Council or Euro
had already made such changes to the EU’s institu- Summit levels are, as with most EU decisions, exten-
tional structures and decision-making arrangements sively prepared by the European Commission, and if
10 | The Government and Politics of the European Union

the decisions need to be given legal effect (neither the consequence, the EU was slow to respond to the
European Council nor Euro Summits can make EU economic and financial crises, with a lack of clarity
laws), then the Commission again becomes involved existing as to who should ‘take charge’. There was a
as too do the EP and the Council of Ministers – with ‘leadership deficit’ in that, unlike at national levels,
the latter usually having the possibility of taking its there was no obvious single source of leadership.
decisions by qualified majority vote. So, the increasing Somewhat ironically, this leadership deficit arose
involvement of the Heads of Government in EU deci- partly because the EU has, especially since the Lisbon
sion-making, which the crises have promoted, does Treaty entered into effect, almost a leadership surplus
not mean that supranationalism has withered, but it in that there are many potential sources of leader-
does mean that it has increasingly come to operate in ship. So, regarding the economic and financial crises,
an overarching intergovernmental context. institutional actors with strong claims to exercise at
A key feature of the EU’s political and govern- least some leadership have included the European
mental arrangements – the balance between suprana- Council and its President, Euro Summits and their
tionalism and intergovernmentalism – has thus been President (the same individual is President of both
seriously shaken in recent times. This in itself does institutions), the Ecofin Council, the Eurogroup, the
not constitute a crisis, but it has raised important Commission and its President, and the European
questions about how the EU does, and should, oper- Central Bank (ECB). Non-institutional actors with
ate. So have other challenges to the EU’s political and leadership claims have included strong eurozone
governmental arrangements, some of which have been states – most notably Germany and France, and espe-
seen to threaten the very continuance and stability of cially the former given that it has the largest economy
the EU’s political and governmental systems. It is with in the EU and is the largest contributor by far to the
these other challenges that much of the rest of this eurozone’s underpinning financial instruments.
chapter is concerned. An important reason the EU was not always able
to respond sufficiently quickly, especially in the early
stages, with appropriate policies to deal with the eco-
nomic and financial crises was thus partly because
The EU’s Leadership Deficit of policy actor pluralism and associated uncertain-
ties over who should be taking the lead and making
The EU’s system of governance is quite different to decisions. This uncertainty resulted, at times, in what
the systems that exist in individual states. A key aspect amounted to competition between policy actors, with
of this difference concerns the location of political the Commission in particular constantly on guard to
leadership. In individual states, it is usually obvious ensure it retained its traditional position as the EU’s
who is primarily responsible for providing leadership. main agenda-setter and policy-proposer.
Specific arrangements vary according to the nature But, in addition to the policy actor pluralism,
of national systems – for example, most EU member there were also – as was shown above – significant
states are parliamentary systems but a few are presi- differences between key policy actors as to what the
dential or quasi-presidential, and most are unitary appropriate policy responses should be to effectively
states whilst a few are federal or quasi-federal – but meet the challenges of the economic and financial
in broad terms at national levels some combination crises. These differences naturally made the exercise of
of the head of government and the government itself strong and decisive leadership and the accompanying
are seen as the main source of leadership. They are necessary driving-through of contentious decisions
expected to provide this leadership on the basis of the all the more difficult. Taking the European Council
political and policy orientations and preferences they and Euro Summits, one of which ultimately had to
presented to citizens in the elections that led to them give political authorisation to most decisions, each
assuming office. member state brought its own national and political
The EU does not have a comparable system of preferences to negotiations. Given that virtually all
leadership. There are no institutions or individu- decisions by these institutions need to be approved
als clearly charged to provide a lead on the basis of by unanimity, attempts to provide them with strong
popularly approved orientations and preferences. In and bold leadership are thus almost bound to meet
Setting the Scene | 11

with resistance and to make quick, let alone radical, Disaggregation, or differentiation as it is more
decision-making impossible: as indeed was the case commonly called in the EU context, has continued
from the very beginning of the crises. to develop since the Maastricht Treaty, both infor-
Notwithstanding the almost endless deliberations mally and in treaty-authorised forms (see Leuffen,
on improving EU leadership that were conducted dur- Rittberger, and Schimmelfennig, 2013; Buonanno and
ing the ‘constitutional decade’ that led to the Lisbon Nugent, 2013: 326–8). That is to say, it has become
Treaty, the economic and financial crises thus high- increasingly common for some EU policy activities
lighted that the EU’s ‘leadership deficit’ very much not to involve the participation or full participation of
remains. This is perhaps inevitable in a voluntary all member states. The economic and monetary crises
membership organisation with deep internal divi- have advanced this tendency, particularly in that they
sions. Formal rules (as in treaty provisions) can only have forced eurozone states to accept that the single
do so much. As is shown later in the chapter, foreign currency system needs to be underpinned by appro-
policy is another area where the Lisbon Treaty tried to priate fiscal measures. Accordingly, a raft of new legal
provide for more effective leadership, but with only provisions covering a range of fiscal- and banking-
limited effect. related matters have been put in place via both treaties
Of course, the attempted exercise of strong and and legislation, some of which do not apply, or do not
effective leadership would be highly divisive and dis- fully apply, in non-eurozone states. The most notable
ruptive given the major differences that exist between of these provisions is the above-mentioned 2012 Fiscal
the EU’s principal policy actors on most major issues, Compact, which does not fully apply to non-eurozone
as Chancellor Merkel found to her cost during the states and does not apply at all to the UK and the
migration crisis. But be that as it may, there can be Czech Republic, which refused to sign the Treaty.
little doubt that the EU’s leadership difficulties are not It should be emphasised that differentiation is not
conducive to strong and effective decision-making. in all respects necessarily ‘bad’ for European integra-
tion. Indeed, it can be highly functional in that it is
a useful device for enabling European integration to
proceed when only some of the member states wish
Increasing Differentiation to move forward, or are capable of moving forward,
in particular policy spheres. However, unlike in, for
Since the 1992 Maastricht Treaty, the EU has been example, the USA or Canada, where policy differences
based on the assertion that it is involved in ‘the process also exist between the constituent units (states and
of creating an ever closer union among the peoples provinces respectively), in the EU many of the dif-
of Europe’ (TEU, Article 1). However, notwithstand- ferences are on core system-wide matters – including
ing the implication of this treaty article that the EU is internal and external border controls, the currency,
embarked on a path of increasing integration between foreign policy, and most taxation issues. Inevitably,
all of its members, even before the Maastricht Treaty permitting (or, more accurately, having to permit)
entered into force the integration process displayed differences in such key policy areas weakens the EU’s
consciously designed and officially approved disaggre- capacities and potential.
gating features, with neither the European Monetary Related to increased policy differentiation in the
System (EMS) (which was designed to bring much context of the economic and financial crises, there
greater stability to currency exchange rates) that was has been an increased tendency of decisions to be
launched in the late 1970s nor the Schengen system taken without representatives of all EU member states
(that provided for easier cross-border movements being present. The Eurogroup (which brings together
by people) that was created in the mid-1980s involv- the Economic and Finance Ministers of eurozone
ing all member states. The Maastricht Treaty itself states) has existed since the early days of the single
then further authorised disaggregation by permitting currency, but initially it was very much secondary in
Denmark and the UK to be able to opt out of the EMU its decision-making capacity and willingness to the
system that was to be built in the following years and Ecofin Council (which brings together the Economic
also allowing the UK to opt out of the Treaty’s Social and Finance Ministers of all EU states). However,
Chapter. the eurozone crisis has brought the Eurogroup much
12 | The Government and Politics of the European Union

more centre stage, with eurozone minsters meeting Brexit, as UK withdrawal came to be called, had
frequently during particularly difficult times of the featured prominently on the British political and
crisis and with them making decisions either by them- economic agendas for some years, with the UK having
selves or for later virtual ratification, as appropriate, long been the EU’s most eurosceptic (Geddes, 2013)
by the Ecofin Council or Euro Summits. and ‘awkward’ (George, 1998) member state. This
This ‘exclusion’ of non-eurozone states from very euroscepticism and awkwardness resulted in the UK
important decision-making processes was no more continually pressing for European integration to pro-
clearly shown than on the weekend of 11–12 July 2015, ceed on a minimalist basis, in which the focus should
when the Greek crisis was at its height and Grexit was be primarily on the creation of a liberal internal mar-
a real possibility. During much of the Saturday and ket and in which most other policy matters should be
Sunday the Eurogroup was in almost permanent ses- left to intergovernmental cooperation. But although
sion, with a view to presenting its findings to a Euro UK governments struck minimalist stances, until 2016
Summit that was convened for the Sunday afternoon. they continued to take the view that whilst integration
Provision was also made for an emergency European had advanced further than they would have wished, it
Council meeting in the event of a Grexit (though nonetheless was in British interests to continue to be
doubtless this meeting would have been for informa- an EU member.
tion-giving rather than decision-making purposes), but However, the political background to the gov-
in the event an EU summit proved not to be necessary ernment’s position changed in 2010 when David
as, on the basis of recommendations made to it by the Cameron’s Conservative Party, sections of which had
Eurogroup, the Euro Summit agreed to open negotia- increasingly come to question whether it was in British
tions with Greece on a new bailout to be drawn from interests to be a member state, was elected to office.
the ESM. These reservations were initially held in check by being
obliged to govern in coalition with the pro-EU Liberal
Democrats until 2015, but during the 2015 election
Brexit: A Major Fracturing campaign the Conservatives promised, in large part
so as to avoid losing votes to the eurosceptic United
As shown in the previous section, differentiation Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), to hold an
has been used to enable member states that do not ‘in/out’ referendum by no later than the end of 2017
want, or do not have the capacity, to participate in should they win an overall parliamentary majority.
some policy areas not to do so whilst continuing to Such a majority was duly (and unexpectedly) won, with
be EU members. The UK has been by far the great- the consequence that Cameron’s – now Conservative-
est beneficiary of differentiation, most notably with only – government embarked on a campaign of trying
its opt-outs from the single currency, the Schengen to renegotiate some of the terms of the UK’s EU mem-
system, and much of the area of freedom, security and bership before the referendum was called.
justice (AFSJ) policy area. But, differentiation was not The UK entered the ‘renegotiations’ in a seemingly
sufficient to prevent the UK from deciding in 2016, by relatively strong position. This was partly because it
referendum, to seek to leave the EU. was not seeking too much. Its aims were mostly ‘soft’
This most dramatic fragmentation in the EU’s his- in that even before the negotiations opened Cameron
tory initially began to look possible at much the same had already either been given informal support for
time as the Union was experiencing the other crises some of his aims by other Heads of Government or
and challenges that are considered in this chapter. had backed down on matters where there was seem-
For the first time in the EU’s history, a member state ingly insuperable opposition – as with his initial hopes
took steps that could result in it withdrawing from that agreed changes in the terms of Britain’s rela-
membership. (Greenland left the EC in 1985, but it tions with the EU would be guaranteed in EU treaty
is a self-governing territory of Denmark rather than reforms and, more importantly, that the UK would
an independent state.) Moreover, the possibility arose be given opt-outs of some kind from the EU’s free
not in connection with a small member state but movement of EU citizens principle. The government’s
rather, as measured by size of population, the EU’s position was also relatively strong because the other
third largest member state. 27 member states wished, albeit with varying degrees
Setting the Scene | 13

of enthusiasm, the UK to remain a member. They UK Council Presidency due to commence in the sec-
did so because a British withdrawal could result in ond half of 2017 (in the event, Britain decided not to
direct economic damage for them, would constitute take up its Presidency and the EU-27 decided to bring
a serious blow to the EU’s prestige and international forward other scheduled Presidencies by six months).
standing and influence, and would weaken the EU’s Clearly the long-term effect of UK withdrawal, on
strength and capacities in many policy areas – not least both the UK and the EU, will take many years to deter-
foreign and external security policy. mine and will depend in large part on the exit terms
In the referendum campaign itself, Cameron and that are negotiated. Will, for example, the UK: con-
the ‘Remain’ side concentrated on the economic and tinue to be a full member of the internal market?; con-
political disadvantages and risks of exiting the EU tinue to participate in EU foreign and defence policy
and on the (in the event, relatively modest) ‘conces- actions?; continue to financially support policy pro-
sions’ that had been won in the negotiations that grammes with which it wishes to be associated, and if
could be presented to voters as meaning that Britain’s so, which ones?; and continue to work closely with the
position in the EU was now improved and that its EU on clear cross-border issues (such as countering
core interests were better protected. But this was terrorism and tackling environmental issues)?
not enough, and the referendum was lost, with the
British people voting to leave the EU by 51.9 per cent
to 48.1 per cent, on a 72 per cent turnout. As in all
referendums there were a number of reasons for the The Increasing Role of,
exit vote, prominent amongst which in this case were and Exercise of Power by,
opposition to the free movement of people principle
(popularly expressed as ‘too many immigrants’) and Germany
‘too much control from Brussels’.
The referendum result produced immediate Germany has long been the most powerful EU mem-
domestic and EU political turmoil. Domestically, ber state in terms of the size and strength of its
the main consequences were that: David Cameron economy. Since German unification in 1980 it has also
resigned and was replaced by Theresa May as Prime been, by some way, the largest member state in terms
Minster; the composition and structure of the govern- of the size of its population with, in 2016, a population
ment were re-shaped – partly to reflect the post-Brexit of 82 million as compared with France’s 66 million,
situation; and deliberations began in (the new) gov- the UK’s 65 million, and Italy’s 61 million.
ernment over when to invoke Article 50 TEU (which Until recently, Germany has usually been seen as
is the article formally notifying the EU of the inten- being part of the solution to EU problems, especially
tion to withdraw and which sets a two-year timetable in that it has been willing to use its vast resources for
from the notification date for the negotiations to be the greater good. However, during the recent crises it
completed). At EU level, immediate consequences has come to be viewed as being part of the problem in
included: the (voluntary) resignation of the UK both economic and political senses.
Commissioner (followed shortly by a replacement, Regarding the economic sense, Germany in recent
who was given a less prestigious portfolio); attempted years has run up huge export surpluses, largely on the
(and unsuccessful) pressure from leading EU figures back of domestic wage restraint. This has imposed
(including the Presidents of France, the Commission, severe economic pressures on its main trading part-
and the European Parliament (EP)) on Britain to ners, which are mainly other EU states. The tradi-
invoke Article 50 quickly, so that the UK’s exit would tional response of states to such trading pressures is
not be unduly delayed; some inter-institutional com- to address the problem by devaluation but, of course,
petition between the Council and the Commission to this is not possible for those states that are part of the
lead the EU side in the Brexit negotiations (broadly currency union. German economic success is thus
speaking, it was decided that the Commission would seen as a major cause of the economic difficulties of
handle most technical and detailed points, whilst the other eurozone states.
Council would deal with more political matters); and Regarding the political sense, in the past Germany
deliberations over what to do about the forthcoming never sought by itself to exercise a leadership role in
14 | The Government and Politics of the European Union

the EU – largely because of the emotions associated by domestic opinion – being somewhat unsympa-
with its historical inheritance. Its strength and size thetic to governments that have not been more careful
did, of course, result in it being a prominent player with the management of their public finances. And a
in many policy deliberations, but it did not attempt third reason has been the growing asymmetric nature
to assume leadership within them. Prior to the crises, of the Franco-German relationship, which itself has
the closest it came to being a policy leader in a major partly arisen from the much stronger performing
area of policy was in respect of the creation in the German economy. That the relationship is no longer
1990s and then the early operation in the early 2000s one of co-equal partners was clearly seen during the
of EMU, but it was a leadership it did not attempt to (almost fevered) rounds of negotiations in July 2015
exercise by itself but rather in close cooperation with on whether Greece could remain within the euro:
France. despite almost continual pressing from President
This situation has changed somewhat during the Hollande – in both bilateral meetings and on the
migration crisis (see the migration section above) margins of Euro Summits – to adopt a ‘softer’ line
and the economic and financial crises. This has been towards Greece, Chancellor Merkel held firm and a
especially so during the eurozone crisis, with Germany very tough set of austerity conditions was imposed on
exercising a much more pre-eminent policy position it ‘in exchange’ for another EU bailout.
than at any time in the EU’s history. In the seemingly The de facto leadership position taken by Germany
never-ending discussions and negotiations on how during the crises has certainly contributed to the
the EU, and especially the eurozone, should react to (constantly ongoing) realignment of power relations
and deal with the crises, Germany has been to the within the EU. For some observers, it has done so in
fore in advancing – and driving through – policies a potentially dangerous way in that federal or quasi-
based on its own preferred approach, which rests on federal political systems (and the EU is surely at least
liberal economics and a balanced, or nearly balanced, the latter) depend, for their effective functioning and
national budget. More specifically, whilst Germany internal stability, on balanced power relationships
has been willing to support various forms of economic between their constituent units (that is, the member
assistance to debtor states, including bailouts, it has states in the case of the EU). Should one constituent
insisted that they only be made available if the recipi- unit or group of units become dominating, and espe-
ents commit to tough austerity conditions designed to cially if it/they adopt policies that are not supported
reduce and eventually eliminate national debts. by, but must be applied by, other units, then dissatis-
There have been a number of reasons for this faction is likely to develop within the system.
increased pro-activism of Germany. One has been There have been some signs of this within the
a resolve within Germany that the euro should be eurozone, with debtor states – and especially Greece –
based on sound economic and monetary practices, deeply resenting the austerity policies that have been
which, as just noted, is taken particularly to mean perceived as being imposed on them as a condition
that all euro member states should maintain sound of receiving financial assistance. This imposition has
public finances. Arguably it was partly Germany’s been identified particularly with Germany, though
fault that such sound practices became less common resentment towards Germany has been partly held in
in the approach to and during the crises – because check by the fact that it has not acted alone, with most
Germany had, with France, promoted a more flex- eurozone decisions having required the unanimous
ible interpretation of (the German-designed) Stability approval of all eurozone states and also with Germany
and Growth Pact in 2003–05 – but nonetheless, dur- having been consistently supported in its stance by
ing the crises Germany’s position hardened, with it other creditor states. Another reason why resentment
increasingly being emphasised that the position of the towards Germany has been checked is that it has not
euro should not be allowed to be endangered by the sought to act as a hegemon (dominating power) in
‘irresponsible’ (for which read ‘inefficient’ and ‘profli- the traditional sense. Rather, it has been a reluctant
gate’) behaviour of the governments of some member hegemon in that in so far as it has displayed hegemonic
states. Another reason for the increased pro-activism tendencies, they have, as Bulmer and Paterson (2013)
has been Germany’s position as the eurozone’s major have shown, been constrained by both international
creditor state, with the German government – pushed and domestic factors and been somewhat reluctantly
Setting the Scene | 15

exercised. Moreover, they have mainly been confined system – as in the cases of Belgium and Canada, then
to the economic sphere – albeit that this is the sphere the existence of strong policies at the central level is
that has dominated EU policy affairs in recent years. likely to be disputed and the existence of the system
itself may be challenged.
*  *  * Since the EC was founded in the 1950s, the great
In its early years, the European integration process majority of people resident within the borders of the
was, as is shown in Chapter 2, in large part driven EC/EU have consistently thought of themselves as
by the containment of Germany. Once the EC/EU being French/German/Italian and so on before they
became established, ‘the German problem’ withered have thought of themselves as being European. This is,
as Germany came to be seen as being – with France – of course, hardly surprising given that, in most cases,
at the very core of the system and the main potential the member states of the EU have been long-established
rescuer of it in times of crisis. Now, a ‘German prob- and thus have developed strong attachments, and given
lem’ is widely seen as being back on the agenda. also that the public services that most directly impact
on citizens – notably education, health, and social
­welfare – are still provided by national governments.
But, the eurozone crisis revealed the hard challenges
The European Identity this lack of a shared sense of identity amongst EU
citizens – the absence of a demos as it is often put by
Challenge academics – can create for the EU as a functioning
political and economic system. For when indebted
Democratic political systems are best served if they are states looked to the EU for financial assistance, popular
based on a shared identity amongst citizens. Of course, sentiment in other member states was not that fellow
citizens in all political systems have many different European citizens should be helped but rather that
interests and views on any number of matters that are they had created their own problems and should dig
in the public domain. But, if these different interests themselves out of their self-inflicted difficulties. ‘North
and views do not exist within a context of some degree Europeans’ tended to view the predicament of ‘south
of shared feelings of commonality between citizens, Europeans’ in an unsympathetic manner.
then the political systems that take decisions in their This lack of a collective spirit was seen most
name and on their behalf are likely to experience dif- sharply in respect of Greece, where popular opinion
ficulties. These difficulties can vary considerably in in Germany – the state that was the major contributor
nature, ranging from problems with the implementa- to aid packages – opposed ‘bailouts’ to a country that
tion of decisions, through questioning of the legitimacy was widely perceived to tolerate widespread corrup-
of the decisions taken, to the system itself coming to be tion, incompetent governance, and an insufficiently
torn by internal dissension and being challenged. hard-working population. In such an operating politi-
Given this desirability of the existence of some cal environment, Chancellor Merkel’s government,
shared identity between citizens, federal and quasi- even had it wished to be ‘generous’ to Greece, had
federal political systems – which almost invariably little choice but to take a hard line and, in effect, insist
have been created on the foundations of previously that Greece’s creditors impose austerity on Greece ‘in
existing political units (such as states in the USA and exchange’ for financial assistance.
provinces in Canada) – often have to work hard, espe- Within the eurozone, creditor and debtor states thus
cially in their early years, to encourage and forge feel- became sharply pitted against one another in terms of
ings of commonality. When they succeed, as the USA how the crises should be tackled, which made quick
has done since the civil war (most US citizens think of and effective decision-making impossible. Creditor
themselves first as being Americans and only second states mostly favoured tight economic and financial
as being New Yorkers or Georgians), the political policies and the full repayment of debts – even after
system can be stable and work in a reasonably harmo- the IMF insisted in July 2015 that Greece would never
nious and integrated manner. But where they do not be able repay the over €200 billion it jointly owed to
wholly succeed – in the sense that regional identities the EU and the IMF. In short, creditor states, led by
remain strong, even paramount, in some parts of the Germany, wanted what amounted to the imposition
16 | The Government and Politics of the European Union

of austerity measures and policies on the debtors. For 2009) in which decision-makers became more circum-
their part, debtor states mostly argued that the key spect and began to focus more exclusively only on really
requirement was that conditions needed to be created important EU-wide matters. In this spirit of a con-
in which their economies could grow, and this neces- straining dissensus, on assuming office in November
sitated some measure of debt relief and expansionist 2014, the new College of Commissioners led by Jean-
rather than contractionist measures and policies. Claude Juncker announced a programme of policy and
legislative activities that was much reduced in volume
compared with those of its predecessors, though it still
contained bold objectives – including building a single
Rising Euroscepticism digital market, advancing energy union, and creating a
new investment fund focused particularly on employ-
Linked to the lack of collective identity that exists ment promotion.
across the EU, which was clearly displayed during the Rising euroscepticism has thus had an impact on
eurozone crisis, there has been a sharp rise in euro- the atmosphere in which the EU’s operations are
scepticism since 2007–08. Prior to the economic and conducted and has had some direct impact on the
financial crises, ‘hardline’ euroscepticism – that is, operations themselves. In the EP, for example, the
support for withdrawal from the EU – never topped election in 2014 of a large eurosceptic bloc has forced
10 per cent across the EU as whole (see Leconte, 2010). the centrist and europhile political groups to work
Indeed, only in the UK were there consistently signifi- more closely with one another than formerly. And in
cant levels of support (over 20 per cent) for hardline member states where domestic support for euroscep-
euroscepticism before the crises. tic parties has significantly risen – including France,
These low levels of support for hardline euroscepti- Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, and
cism allied with the position of most people – which Hungary – governing parties have tended to become
was a mixture of disinterest in the integration process less willing to give ground to the Commission or to
and mild support for it – is commonly credited with other member states in negotiations on politically
providing the bases for the ‘permissive consensus’ sensitive issues. Moreover, Brexit has shown where
(Inglehart, 1971) that so characterised the European euroscepticism can lead to, which has encouraged
integration process into the 1990s. The existence of most governments wanting to be seen to be tough in
this permissive consensus resulted in political elites defending perceived national interests and wanting to
being able to build European integration whilst being be tough also with UK so as to discourage domestic
relatively insulated from citizens’ views. EU-level euroscepticism.
powers and policies could thus be developed without But, very important though it has been, the extent
too much public questioning or opposition. and the depth of the rising eurosceptism should not be
However, as the economic and financial crises exaggerated. In this context it was very noticeable that
unfolded so did euroscepticism grow, not least in the even at the height of the Greek crisis in July 2015, when
debtor states that were subject to ‘instructions from most Greeks were blaming Germany for the tough aus-
Brussels/Bonn’ to impose tighter economic and finan- terity conditions that were being ‘imposed’ on them,
cial policies. This growth in support for euroscepticism the great majority of Greeks continued to support
was seen both in public opinion polls, where a pre-crises Greece’s membership of both the eurozone and the EU.
majority having a favourable opinion of the EU turned
to a minority by 2012, and in elections – not least the
EP elections of 2009 and more especially of 2014, The Legitimacy/Democracy
where eurosceptic parties (mainly, but not exclusively,
from the far right), polled significantly. Inevitably, this Challenge
rising eurosceptism resulted in an advancing of the
movement from the permissive consensus in which EU As was noted above, for many years European integra-
political elites had had a relatively free hand in their tion developed on the basis of a ‘permissive consensus’
policy deliberations and actions to a ‘constraining dis- in which political elites advanced integration and in
sensus’ (Down and Wilson, 2008; Hooghe and Marks, which citizens did not become directly involved. This
Setting the Scene | 17

lack of direct involvement of citizens was wholly under- subject to tighter monitoring by the Commission,
standable, with the EU generally seen to be an economic with financial penalties being available to it in the
success and with control of the public services that most event of breaches of the revised and stricter Stability
directly affect citizens remaining firmly at the national and Growth Pact rules.
level. The debate surrounding the democratic and
However, since the early 1990s the existence and legitimacy bases of the EU was put into a particu-
acceptability of the permissive consensus has increas- larly intense perspective by the Greek crisis in 2015.
ingly been questioned. Two main factors account for Following the election to government in January 2015
this. First, since the ‘re-launch’ of the integration project of the Syriza-headed coalition government commit-
in the mid-1980s – with the Single European Market ted to an explicit anti-austerity programme, eurozone
(SEM) programme and the Single European Act (SEA) decision-makers insisted that the Greek government
– the EU has steadily assumed a much greater range of apply a tough austerity programme as a condition of
policy ­responsibilities. Its policy reach has deepened being given the financial assistance it urgently needed.
in relation to market-related ­ matters and has been As a way of averting this pressure, in July the Greek
extended to policy spheres as various as equal oppor- Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, called an emergency
tunities, foreign policy, and monetary policy. As this referendum asking the Greek people whether or not
policy deepening and w ­ idening has occurred, then so the eurozone’s terms should be accepted, with the
has it increasingly been asked ‘why do the processes that government making it clear it believed they should
democratise and legitimise decision-makers at national not. But, when the Greek people supported the gov-
level not also apply at European level?’ In short, the EU ernment – with over 60 per cent voting against the
has increasingly been seen to display democratic and austerity measures – the response of other eurozone
legitimacy deficits. Second, some member state govern- states, led by Germany, was not to soften the terms
ments have stoked popular concerns about aspects of being offered but actually to stiffen them. Faced with
the integration process, not least by choosing to hold, the probability of Greece’s exit from the eurozone if
or being constitutionally obliged to hold, referendums they maintained their anti-austerity stance, the gov-
on particular questions – mostly involving national ernment, as was explained earlier in the chapter, had
ratifications of EU Treaties. The first referendum to little choice but to climb down and to accept much
promote such concern was held in Denmark in 1992, the same conditions that the Greek people had just
where a national referendum to ratify the Maastricht rejected. As was widely asked at the time: what price
Treaty was rejected – in no small part because the now for democracy in Greece?
Danes were reluctant to commit to the Maastricht In so far as eurozone political leaders commented
Treaty provision that all member states apart from the on the democratic and legitimacy implications of
UK must join the single currency system that was about the events of July 2015, it was to say that it was
to be built. The Danish ‘No’ led to a widespread debate not only Greek leaders who had democratic bases.
across the EU over whether EU decision-makers were They too had been elected to office; they too had
getting too far ahead of public opinion on integration responsibilities to their electorates, and amongst
issues. Subsequent rejections of EU Treaties by Irish these responsibilities was looking after the interests
voters on both the Nice and the Lisbon Treaties and by of their domestic taxpayers and bank depositors – the
French and Dutch voters on the Constitutional Treaty ­ultimate providers of existing and future financial
have had a similar impact – though they have not done assistance to Greece. Were the political representa-
much to slow down the decision-makers. tives of 309 million people living elsewhere in the
The crises have intensified and sharpened the eurozone to be told what to do by the representatives
debate about the EU’s democratic and legitimacy cre- of the 11 million Greeks?
dentials, not least as a result of the stronger powers the This last question highlights the problems the EU
(non-elected) Commission has gained over the fiscal has with democracy and legitimacy. The EU is not a
policies of eurozone states. Control of the national political system with a directly accountable source of
budget has traditionally been seen as one of the core leadership and decision-making capacity, but rather
elements of sovereignty, but following the Fiscal Pact is a system in which leadership and decision-making
Treaty the national budgets of eurozone states are now capacity are shared, both between levels (especially the
18 | The Government and Politics of the European Union

EU and national levels) and between differing actors at

the levels. Such a system can operate in a satisfactory
The EU’s (Declining?)
democratic and legitimate manner if the key political Role and Influence in the
leaders at central level are elected to power on the
basis that they will look primarily to the political sys-
International System
tem as whole and if they have reasonably robust and
independent powers to take decisions that are system- The EU has long been an extremely important pres-
wide in their consequences. But, this is not the case in ence and has exerted considerable influence on the
the EU, for the main political leaders are, and perceive world stage in terms of economic matters, especially
themselves as being, primarily not EU-level represent- trade. However, despite having foreign policy on its
atives but rather sub-EU-level (that is, national-level) agenda since the early 1970s, it has always struggled
representatives, and their ability to take strong system- to assert itself in respect of foreign policy and interna-
wide decisions is in practice heavily circumscribed by tional security matters.
political realities. Since the Maastricht Treaty, when a Common
There is thus a constantly ongoing debate and Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) was given explicit
accompanying unease about the EU’s democratic and treaty foundations, the EU has developed a com-
legitimacy bases, which the crises have exacerbated. plex institutional machinery for dealing with foreign
At the heart of the debate and unease is that key and external security policy, has issued numerous
EU decision-makers are not publicly accountable – declarations on important foreign and external secu-
either because they are not elected (as in the case of rity policy issues, and has even undertaken ‘soft’
the European Commission and its President or the security actions – most of them focused on peace
European Council President) or because where they monitoring and peace promotion – of various kinds
are elected it is in national elections in which EU-wide (see Chapter 22). But, notwithstanding the fact that
matters rarely feature to any significant degree. important developments have occurred since the
The sensitivity of this topic was clearly demon- Maastricht Treaty, the fact remains that the EU is still
strated in 2014 when much was made by ‘defenders’ not capable of ‘punching its weight’ in respect of for-
of the EU’s democratic credentials of the way in eign and external security policies.
which Jean-Claude Juncker became the new President In response to this unsatisfactory state of affairs,
of the Commission. For the first time, the President the Lisbon Treaty sought to strengthen the EU’s for-
was, in effect, chosen by the EP, on the basis of him eign and external security institutional capability. It
being the nominated candidate of the political group did so in particular by making revisions to the Treaty
that gained most seats in the May 2014 EP elections. on European Union (TEU) that: set out in greater
Unquestionably this marked a ‘democratic advance’ detail than hitherto the nature of the CFSP’s goals;
of sorts, but the fact was that during the election were more explicit than formerly about how defence
campaign there was virtually no public perception policy was an integral part of the CFSP; established in
that voters were being invited to select the next a single post a High Representative of the Union for
Commission President, let alone what the policy Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (in effect, an EU
implications might be of voting for one national Foreign Minister); and created a European External
political party as opposed to another (it is not possible Action Service (in effect, an EU diplomatic service).
to vote in EP elections directly for political groups). (These Lisbon Treaty changes are all considered in
(See Chapter 12 for a fuller account of the selection greater detail in Chapters 7 and 22.)
of Juncker.) But, since the Lisbon Treaty came into effect in
Even more clearly, the sensitivity of the topic was late 2009 there is little evidence of the EU having
openly displayed during the 2016 British referendum become a more united, let alone a more effective,
campaign, when much was made by the ‘Out’ side international actor in respect of important for-
of the undemocratic nature of the EU. Running, and eign and security policy issues. It did contribute
seemingly successful, themes of their campaign were significantly to the negotiations on the agreement
‘Let’s take back control of our country’ and ‘Return that was concluded with Iran in mid-2015, which
power from unelected people in Brussels’. involved limitations being placed on Iran’s nuclear
Setting the Scene | 19

programme ‘in exchange’ for the lifting of trade

sanctions. But, on most other key issues it has not
Concluding Remarks
been a key player. There was, for example, no clear
or strong EU response to the ‘Arab Spring’ of 2011, The crises and challenges faced by the EU in recent
and when atrocities accompanied the closing days of years have been both system-shaking and system-
the Gaddafi regime in Libya the EU member states shaping, with questions having arisen concerning
could not agree how to react. The consequence of core aspects of the EU’s very nature. Amongst the key
this lack of agreement was that France and the UK questions that have been, and still are being, asked
took direct interventionist action themselves in are: can the EU be an effective organisation when it
the form of air strikes, but they did so under the has such disaggregated leadership?; is the EU’s (now
umbrella not of the EU but rather of the North long-standing) differentiation morphing into a two-
Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). On other speed Europe based on eurozone insiders and outsid-
major foreign and security policy issues of recent ers?; what are the consequences for the EU of Brexit
years – including the civil war in Syria, Russian and of Germany’s seeming increasing assertiveness
intervention in the Crimea and the Ukraine, and and dominance?; and what are the implications for
terrorist actions stemming from bases in the Middle the integration process of rising euroscepticism, of the
East – the EU has similarly been internally divided lack of emergence of a European identity, and of the
on what actions, be they defensive or offensive, to continuance of democratic and legitimacy deficits?
launch. The answers provided by EU decision-makers to
There is nothing new about this relative weak- most of these sort of questions are not instant but are
ness of the EU in respect of foreign and external addressed gradually and usually in an incremental
security policy, or the reasons for it. As is shown in manner over a considerable period of time. This is evi-
Chapter 22, the weakness arises mainly from two denced in the nature of the responses to the eurozone
closely interconnected factors: the intergovernmen- crisis, where from the early days of the crisis there
tal nature of CFSP decision-making and the very was no shortage of short-term decisional responses
differing national interests that member states often to immediate problems, but there was not much in
have in relation to particular foreign and external the way of a ‘big picture’ response. A ‘big picture’
security problems. But because the existence of a response did not become available until December
weak foreign and external security policy is not new, 2012, when the presidents of the European Council,
this does not mean that the weakness does not pre- the European Commission, the Eurogroup, and the
sent a serious challenge for the EU. On the contrary, ECB issued a report, which had been requested by the
with international terrorism presenting an increas- June 2012 European Council, setting out a specific
ing threat to all, with the Middle East ever more tur- and time-bound road map for the achievement of a
bulent, and with Russia seemingly becoming more ‘genuine’ EMU. In their report (Van Rompuy et al.,
aggressive, the foreign policy and external security 2012), the four presidents identified four building
challenges to the EU have become more important blocks as being necessary:
than ever.
This relative weakness of the EU as a foreign and • an integrated financial framework;
security policy actor is arguably mirrored by compa- • an integrated budgetary framework;
rable weaknesses in other spheres of external relations, • an integrated economic policy framework; and
with even the much-trumpeted strength in external • appropriate mechanisms of democratic legitimacy
trade declining as the size of the EU’s economy and and accountability, which would be necessary
its proportion of world trade have declined relatively. because all of the specific proposals made under
Webber (2016) shows the extent of the decline across the first three building blocks implied deeper inte-
a number of policy areas with, for example, the former gration.
gravitational pull of the EU as a major international
‘normative’ power – especially in promoting human However, apart from the first of these – which
rights, democracy, and regional cooperation – having was already being partially constructed, in the form
significantly weakened. of the EBU, when ‘the Four Presidents’ Report’ was
20 | The Government and Politics of the European Union

being compiled – not much progress had been made EMU building blocks will ­continue – as called for in
in putting these building blocks into place by the time the follow-up Five Presidents’ Report. But, practical
a similar report with similar conclusions, this time progress will, of necessity, be on a step-by-step basis.
known as ‘the Five Presidents’ Report (the President As the following chapters of this book show,
of the EP was added), was issued in mid-2015 (Juncker this situation regarding the creation of a deeper
et al., 2015). This lack of major and decisive action stems EMU encapsulates many of the core features of
partly from a lack of clear and undisputed leadership, the European integration process more generally: a
but mainly from differences between the member state constantly changing institutional architecture (seen,
governments on what to do: differences that are based for example, in the increased management powers
on national interests and political orientations. So, for of the Commission and the ECB in respect of euro-
example, the second building block identified in the zone economies); varying decision-making speeds
Four Presidents’ Report, which involves the creation of (the EBU was constructed very quickly, but the other
a fiscal union – that is, a union with significant direct building blocks of a ‘genuine’ EMU are advancing
tax-raising and revenue distribution and redistribu- only very slowly); an overall edging forward of the
tion powers – touches on a host of highly politically integration process, but only on a gradualistic basis;
sensitive and divisive issues. Doubtless a strong ‘push’ and, increasingly, important aspect of integration not
for a fiscal union and for the advancement of the other involving all EU member states.
Part I
The Historical Evolution

No political system or organisation can properly be understood unless it is

Chapter 2 set in its historical and operational contexts. The structure and functioning
The Post-War of government institutions, the nature and dynamics of political forces, and
Transformation of the concerns and conduct of those who exercise power do not happen by
Western Europe chance. They are shaped, and are constantly being remoulded, by evolving
forces and events.
Chapter 3 Though a relatively new organisation, the European Union (EU) is no less
The Creation of subject to these dictates than are long-established nation states, and like them
the European its nature cannot be appreciated without reference to its historical sources or
Community to the world in which it functions. Thus, the EU is often criticised for being
weak in structure and quarrelsome in nature, with far too much bickering
Chapter 4 over detailed matters and not enough visionary thinking and united action
The Deepening of to tackle major policy problems such as promoting economic growth and
the Integration tackling unemployment. Unquestionably there is much in these criticisms,
Process but that the EU should find harmonious collective policy-making difficult is
not surprising to anyone with a historical perspective. For before they joined
Chapter 5 the European Community (EC)/EU member states made decisions for them-
The Widening of selves on most matters. It is not easy, especially for large states or for states
the Integration that believe themselves to have special interests, to have to cede sovereignty by
Process transferring decision-making responsibilities to a multinational organisation
in which other voices may prevail. Any explanation and understanding of what
the EU is, and what it has and has not achieved, must recognise this. The EU
must, in other words, be seen in the context of the forces that have made it and
are still making it. Some of these forces have served to push the member states
together. Others have resulted in progress towards cooperation and integra-
tion sometimes being slow, difficult, and contested.
The sovereignty issue may be used to illustrate the importance of both
historical background and contemporary operational contexts in explaining
and evaluating the EU. Many of the EU’s opponents and critics subscribe to
the view that the nation state, not an international organisation, is the ‘natu-
ral’ supreme political unit. They argue that insofar as transferences of power
to Brussels, Luxembourg, and Strasbourg – the three main seats of the EU’s
institutions – undermine national sovereignty, they should be resisted. But
what proponents of this view all too often fail to recognise is that national sov-
ereignties were being steadily eroded long before the EC/EU was established,

22 | The Historical Evolution

and, since it was established, sovereignties have been further eroded by forces
that are not a consequence of EU membership. Whether it has been because of
movements in financial markets, transfers of capital within multinational cor-
porations, changing trade patterns, or US military dominance, EU states have
become increasingly affected by, and at the mercy of, international developments
they cannot control. This loss of power may not have involved legal transfers of
sovereignty as has been the case within the EU, but it has had a very similar effect.
The fact is that in an ever expanding range of policy sectors, states have not been
able to act in isolation but have had to adjust and adapt so as to fit in with an
array of external influences. The EU should not, therefore, be viewed as consti-
tuting a unique threat to the sovereignties of its member states. On the contrary,
it is in some ways an attempt to meet this threat by providing a means by which
member states, if not able to regain their sovereignty, can at least re-assert control
over aspects of decision-making by cooperating together at levels and in ways that
match post-war internationalism.
The purpose of Part I is thus to provide a base for understanding the EU by
tracing its evolution and placing it in its historical and operational settings.
There is always a problem in knowing quite where to start with the history of
almost any subject of study. How far back is it necessary to go to be able to prop-
erly describe and explain the subject – the subject in this case being the process
of European integration. Many studies of European integration take the end of
the Second World War as their starting point, but Chapter 2 of this book begins
with an outline of some of the major divisions that characterised Europe before
1945, so as to emphasise how momentous the post-war transformations that have
occurred in Europe as part of the European integration process have been. The
European integration process was, however, essentially confined until the 1990s
to Western Europe, with the consequence that although the EU now includes,
amongst its membership, states from across the continent, it was constructed
by Western European states. Chapter 2 therefore focuses on the nature of, and
the factors that explain, what developed into a transformation in the relations
between the states of Western Europe after the Second World War.
Chapter 3 analyses the creation in the 1950s, with only six states as founding
members, of the three European Communities: the European Coal and Steel
Community (ECSC), which was founded by the Treaty of Paris in 1951, and the
European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) and the European Economic
Community (EEC), which were both established in March 1957 with the signing
of two Treaties of Rome.
Chapter 4 takes an overview of the deepening of the integration process since
1957. This deepening has taken a number of forms, most particularly a growth
in the complexity and powers of EC/EU institutional structures and decision-
making processes and a great expansion in the number of policy activities in
which the EC/EU is involved.
Chapter 5 looks at the widening of integration through the accessions of new
member states. In a series of enlargement rounds starting in the 1970s the EC/
EU broadened out to such an extent that by the mid-1990s virtually all Western
European states were members. This virtual completion, in terms of member-
ship at least, of Western European integration has been followed in the 2000s by
the extension of the integration process to former communist states in Central,
Eastern, and Southern Europe.
Chapter 2
The Post-War Transformation of Western Europe

Historical Divisions 23 he European integration process was initiated and developed in
The Post-War Western Europe. It was extended to Central and Eastern Europe only
Transformation25 after the key features of the European Union (EU) as they are today
had been created and become established. Until the collapse of communism
Explaining the
Transformation, and its in Central and Eastern Europe in 1989–90, countries such as Bulgaria, Estonia,
Nature27 Latvia, Hungary, and Poland were either part of the Soviet Union or were
located within the Soviet bloc. As such, they were quite outside the processes
Concluding Remarks:
The Ragged Nature of the
that, until the early 1990s, were focused exclusively on drawing Western
Integration Process in European states increasingly close to one another in an array of cooperative
Western Europe 36 and integrative relationships.
An understanding and analysis of the European integration process must
therefore begin by focusing on Western Europe.

Historical Divisions
The inheritance
Throughout its history Europe has been characterised much more by divi-
sions, tensions, and conflicts than it has by any common purpose or harmony
of spirit. This applies to Western Europe as much as it does to the European
continent as a whole.
Language has been perhaps the most obvious divisive force. Linguists may
identify structural similarities between European languages, but the fact is that
most peoples of Europe, including of Western Europe, have not been able to,
until recently at least, directly converse with one another. (Fifty-six per cent
of Europeans now say they can hold a conversation in at least one foreign
language.) Religion has been another source of division, with the northern
countries of Western Europe (except Ireland) being mainly Protestant in
their Christian inheritance and the southern countries (including France
but excluding Orthodox Greece) being predominantly Catholic. Contrasting
cultural traditions and historical experiences have further served to develop
distinct identifications – and feelings of ‘us’ and ‘them’ – across the map of
Western Europe.
Along with the legacies of power struggles and wars, such differences help to
explain why Western Europe has been divided into so many states, each with
its own identity and loyalties. Some of these states – France, Spain, and the

24 | 

UK, for example – have existed in much their present middle of the nineteenth century, Britain was indus-
geographical form for centuries. Others – including trially and commercially dominant. Gradually it was
Germany, Italy, and Ireland – were constituted only challenged – particularly by Germany, but also by
comparatively recently, mostly in the nineteenth and Belgium, France, and others – so that by the early
early twentieth centuries as nationalism flourished years of the twentieth century competition between
and as force was used to bring nation and state into these countries for overseas markets was fierce. At
closer alignment. the same time, the economies of the northern coun-
Until at least the Second World War, and in some tries were increasingly differentiated from those of
cases well beyond, linguistic, religious, and cultural the south, with the former mostly having substantial
divisions between the Western European states were industrial bases whilst the latter remained predomi-
exacerbated by political and economic divisions. nantly agricultural and underdeveloped.
Political divisions took the form of varying systems Western Europe was thus long divided and many of
of government and competing ideological orienta- its divisions were sources of tension, hostility, and war.
tions. In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Finding their expression in economic and ideological
autocracies existed alongside emerging, and more competition, drives for national power and prestige,
liberal, parliamentary democracies. Between the two and territorial disputes, and compounded by danger-
world wars parliamentary democracy found itself ous mixtures of assertive/weak/incompetent leader-
under attack and in some cases was overthrown: ships, the divisions ensured that until after the Second
in Italy in 1922 by Fascism, in Germany in 1933 by World War rivalry and distrust governed the relation-
Nazism, and in Spain after the 1936–39 civil war by ships between most of the states most of the time.
conservative authoritarianism. By the late 1930s, very In the twentieth century alone two devastat-
different political regimes were in place in the major ingly destructive world wars, both of which began
Western European states (see Box 2.1). It was not until as European wars, were fought. The First (1914–18)
the mid-1970s – following the collapse of the dicta- saw the countries of the triple entente – Britain,
torships of the Iberian peninsula and the overthrow France, and Russia – plus Italy from 1915, fighting
of the military regime in Greece – that parliamen- against Germany and Austria–Hungary. The Second
tary democracy finally became general throughout (1939–45) saw Germany, assisted from 1940 by Italy,
Western Europe. attempting to impose itself by force on virtually the
Economic divisions were no less marked. From whole of Europe outside the Iberian peninsula.
the beginning of the Industrial Revolution until the

The background to the Second

BOX 2.1
World War
The political systems of Western The background to the Second World War is worth
Europe’s major states in the late outlining briefly because it puts in perspective how
1930s dramatically different, and how suddenly found,
were the more cooperative relationships between the
France Weak parliamentary system Western European states in the post-1945 era.
(the Third Republic) The period between the First and Second World
Germany Nazi dictatorship (under Adolf Wars was characterised by particularly sharp and fluid
Hitler, from 1933) inter-state relations in Europe. There was no stable
Italy Fascist dictatorship (under alliance system and no clear balance of power. For
Benito Mussolini, from 1922) the most part, European states, including Western
Spain Conservative military European states, regarded one another with, at best,
dictatorship (under General suspicion. Though multilateral and bilateral treaties,
Franco, from 1937) agreements, and pacts abounded, there was little
UK Strong parliamentary system overall pattern to them and few had any lasting effect.
States came together in varying combinations on
The Post-War Transformation of Western Europe | 25

different issues in a manner that, far from indicating and Switzerland) were not occupied. By May 1945,
mutual confidence, was increasingly suggestive of fear. when German government representatives agreed to
From time to time in the inter-war period propos- unconditional surrender, Nazism and Fascism had been
als for greater cooperation between European states defeated, but economies and political systems through-
were advanced, but little came of them. The interna- out Europe had been severely shaken, cities and towns
tional climate – characterised by national rivalries and had been destroyed, and millions had been killed.
clashing interests – was not favourable, and most of
the leading advocates of closer linkages were seen as
having, as indeed they did have, specific national pur-
poses in mind. Aristide Briand, for example, who was The Post-War Transformation
French Foreign Minister from 1925 to 1932, supported
European cooperation but clearly had as his prime After the Second World War, the relations between
aim a stable European political system that would the states of Western Europe were transformed. There
preserve the peace settlement that had been imposed were, and indeed still continue to be, three principal
on Germany by the 1919 Versailles Treaty. Gustav aspects of this.
Stresemann, by contrast, who was the German Foreign
Minister from 1923 to 1929, saw European coopera-
tion as a way in which Germany could loosen the grip Unbroken peace
of Versailles and regain its position as a major power.
The lack of any real interest in European cooperation Western European states have lived peacefully with
before the Second World War is revealed in the func- one another since 1945 and armed confrontation
tioning of the League of Nations. Established in 1919 to between any two has long since ceased to be even
provide for international collective security, in practice remotely possible. As Altiero Spinelli, one of the great
it was dominated by the Europeans and had some advocates and architects of European integration,
potential as a forum for developing understandings and observed in 1985, shortly before his death:
improving relationships between the European states.
However, it failed. It did so for three main reasons. [a] major transformation … has occurred in the
First, its aims were vague and were interpreted in differ- political consciousness of Europeans, something
ent ways. Second, it was intergovernmental in its struc- which is completely new in their history. For
ture and therefore dependent on the agreement of all centuries, neighbouring countries were seen as
member states before any action could be taken. Third, potential enemies against whom it was necessary
and crucially, the states wanted different things from to be on one’s guard and ready to fight. Now,
it: some – notably France, most of the medium-sized after the end of the most terrible of wars in
Central European countries that had been constituted Europe, these neighbours are perceived as
in 1918–19 out of the collapsed Austria–Hungarian friendly nations sharing a common destiny.
Empire, and to some extent Britain – saw it as a means (Spinelli, 1986: xiii)
of preserving the Versailles status quo; others – particu-
larly Germany and Italy – wanted to use it to change the Spinelli’s view of a common destiny is question-
1919 settlement and were prepared to leave or ignore it able, but the reality and importance of the transforma-
if it did not serve that purpose. tion from hostile to friendly relations is not. Certainly
Inter-war Europe thus experienced rising tensions the states have continued to compete against one
as national rivalries remained unharnessed and, above another in many areas, and this has led to strains and
all, as German territorial and power ambitions could tensions, but their disagreements have been mostly on
not be satisfied. When war finally did break out, issues where military conflict has not been remotely
the Axis Powers (Germany and Italy) gained control relevant to the resolution of differences.
for a while over virtually the whole of the continent Indeed, not only has military conflict been irrel-
from the Atlantic to deep inside the Soviet Union. In evant to the resolution of differences, but such friction
Western Europe only Britain and those countries that as has occurred has been within a context in which
remained neutral (Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Western European states have usually shared similar
26 | 

views on who can be seen as friends and who are would have been almost inconceivable to pre-war lead-
real or potential enemies. Until the revolutions and ers. This development subsequently broadened and
upheavals in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union in intensified, to the point that by the 1970s representa-
the late 1980s/early 1990s, communism was the most tives of the European Community (EC) governments
obvious common threat and this led most significant (numbering nine from 1973 when Denmark, Ireland,
Western European states to become members of the and the UK joined) were meeting regularly to consider
same military alliance: the North Atlantic Treaty topics that a generation or two before would not even
Organisation (NATO). With the communist danger have been regarded as proper subjects for international
now removed, Western security arrangements have negotiations: for example, how might research informa-
been revamped to adjust to a situation in which tion be pooled to the general advantage, to what extent
Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs) and by what means should sheep farmers be subsidised,
are now partners in both NATO and the EU and in what should be the maximum weight of lorries permit-
which the main potential security concerns are seen as ted on the roads of member states, and could common
being of a different nature: Russian assertiveness, the foreign policy positions be adopted?
bubbling national and ethnic tensions in parts of the
former Soviet Empire, the turbulence of the Middle
East, and the threat of international terrorism. New channels and processes
Paralleling, and partly occasioned by, the increasingly
A transformed agenda diverse international agenda, there has been a gradual
transformation over the years in the ways in which
Throughout the international system the subject mat- states in the international system interrelate with one
ter of discussions and negotiations between states another. The traditional diplomatic means of inter-
has become much more varied. Whilst, as numer- state communications – via Ministries of Foreign
ous international political tensions and armed con- Affairs and embassies – have declined in importance
flicts have shown, the case should not be overstated, as new channels and processes have become estab-
international agendas have become less focused than lished. In the Western world in particular there
formerly they were on traditional ‘high policy’ issues are now few significant parts of any state’s political
and have become more taken up with ‘low policy’ and administrative systems that do not have some
issues. That is, policies concerned with the existence involvement in the management of external relations.
and preservation of the state (such as territorial issues, Written communications, telephone conversations,
balance of power manoeuvrings, and defence consid- electronically transmitted messages, and bilateral and
erations) have been joined by policies that are more multilateral meetings between states increase by the
concerned with the wealth and welfare of populations year. Contacts range from the ad hoc and informal to
(such as policies on trade, monetary stability, environ- the regularised and highly structured.
mental protection, and airline safety). As with changing agendas, changing forms of inter-
This change in the content of international agen- state communication were developed and utilised par-
das was particularly quickly ‘off the mark’ in Western ticularly quickly in Western Europe after the Second
Europe after the Second World War where, within a few World War. Working often within the forums of
years, a transformation can be said to have occurred. newly created Western and Western European-based
Classic ‘power politics’ did not disappear, but they organisations (see below), Western European govern-
were rapidly not as dominant or as prominent as they ments were, from the late 1940s, in increasing contact
had been. By the mid-1950s representatives of Western with one another to discuss, and often negotiate about,
European governments, and especially representatives a range of policy matters. This growing contact took
from the six states that would become the founding a major step forward from the early 1950s when the
members of the European Communities (Belgium, European Communities were established and began
France, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, and the functioning, for then representatives of the member
Netherlands), were engaging in detailed negotiations on states became increasingly enmeshed in collective insti-
policy matters – mainly economic policy matters – that tutions and policy-making processes on a daily basis.
The Post-War Transformation of Western Europe | 27

This enmeshing between EC member states reinforce one another. It should be recognised, too,
became ever more intensive from the late 1950s as the that their usefulness as explanations is not constant,
European Economic Community (EEC) (which began but varies over time. So, for example, whilst political
operating in 1958) began to broaden its policy port- ideals and utopian visions of a united Europe had
folio. The enmeshing also became more geographi- some part to play in the early post-war years, they
cally spread as the EC began enlarging from the early increasingly counted for less as hard-headed national
1970s: enlarging to the point that by 1995 all Western calculations of economic and political advantages and
European states of a significant size had joined (the disadvantages came to loom larger as the principal
now titled) European Union apart from Iceland, determinants of the nature and pace of the integra-
Norway, and Switzerland. tion process.
Today in the EU, representatives of the governments
of all member states meet every working day for such
purposes as taking binding decisions (decisions that in The deep roots of integration?
many circumstances may be taken by majority vote),
exploring possibly advantageous policy coordination, Some commentators and practitioners have found the
and exchanging views and information. At the lower roots of post-war developments in the distant past.
end of the seniority scale, junior and middle-ranking Supporters and advocates of European integration
officials, often working from tightly drawn negotiating have been especially prominent in this regard. They
briefs and with their actions subject to later approval have suggested that Europe is, and has long been, a
from national capitals, convene in committees to try to unique and identifiable entity. As evidence of this it
hammer out detailed agreements on proposed legisla- is often argued that Europe was the cradle of modern
tion. At the top end of the scale, Heads of Government civilisation and from this there developed European
regularly meet, for what are often wide-ranging delib- values and a European culture, art, and literature.
erations, in a wide variety of forums. Walter Hallstein, a key German figure in the creation of
the European Communities in the 1950s and the first
President of the Commission of the EEC, typifies this
Explaining the Transformation, sort of view:

and its Nature Europe is no creation. It is a rediscovery. The main

difference between the formation of the United
As has been noted above, until recently the European States of Europe and that of the United States of
integration process was essentially a Western European America is not that America did not have to merge
integration process. The countries of Central and a number of firmly established nation states, but
Eastern Europe that have become members of the EU that for more than a thousand years the idea of a
in the 2000s joined an organisation made by countries unified Europe was never quite forgotten …
of Western Europe.
In seeking to explain post-war Western European [The advocates of a European federation] know
cooperation and integration different commentators that Europe shares a sense of values: of what is
have often highlighted different factors, and some- good and bad; of what a man’s rights should be
times indeed have looked in rather different direc- and what are his duties; of how society should be
tions. Four explanatory approaches will be outlined ordered; of what is happiness and what disaster.
here. These approaches emphasise: the deep roots of Europe shares many things: its memories that we
European integration; the impact of the Second World call history; achievements it can take pride in and
War; the increasing importance of interdependence; events that are shameful; its joys and its sufferings;
and the differing positions of Western European and not least its tomorrows. (Hallstein, 1972: 15
states. For analytical purposes these approaches will and 16)
be considered separately, but it should be recog-
nised that, in practice, they are by no means mutu- Clearly there is much idealism in this. People
ally exclusive but rather complement, overlap, and such as Hallstein are suggesting that, transcending
28 | 

the differences, divergences, and conflicts between And in any event, the system lasted at best only from
peoples and states, there has long been a certain com- 1815 to the Crimean War. It then gave way to the wars
monality and identity of interest in Europe based on of the mid-nineteenth century and later to the balance
inter-relationships between geography and historical, of power – which was hardly based on European trust
political, economic, social, and cultural developments. and cooperation – as the means of seeking to preserve
It is a contentious view and certainly not one to which the peace.
many contemporary historians would attach much It is perhaps in the field of economic history that
importance. Divisions and dissension, they would the most fertile ground for identifying long-term
contend, have been more prominent than identity of influences and explanations of European integration is
interest or shared values and experiences. Such limited to be found. From the late eighteenth century national
commonality as existed has largely been a conse- economic integration began to occur, as barriers to
quence of geographical proximity. economic activity within states were dismantled. This
But if the ‘idealistic’ interpretation no longer finds helped to promote, and in turn was encouraged by,
much favour, there are still those who stress the national political integration, which manifested itself
importance of the deep roots of European integration. in nationalism and in the elevation of the sovereign
Inter-state relations in the nineteenth century are state to the status of the supreme collective unit. From
sometimes seen as foreshadowing post-1945 devel- the middle of the nineteenth century, the achievement
opments insofar as peace endured for much of the and successes of this internal economic and political
century and did so, in part at least, as a result of under- integration, allied with an increasing interconnect-
standings and agreements between the major powers. edness in Europe that followed from technological
However, a problem with this view is that it overstates change and economic advance, resulted in increasing
the extent to which the nineteenth century was a inter-state cooperation to promote trade, competi-
century of peace, and it also exaggerates the extent tion, and growth. For some economic historians an
to which the states did cooperate. Arguably, the so- embryonic European economy was being established.
called Concert of Nations was an embryonic attempt Pollard, for example, has written of the mid-nine-
to exercise strategic control through diplomacy and teenth century:
summitry, but that was at a time when conserva-
tive autocracies ruled much of Europe and many of Europe’s industrialisation proceeded relatively
today’s states did not even exist in their present form. smoothly, among other reasons, precisely because
it took place within what was in many essentials a
single integrated economy, with a fair amount of
Photo 2.1 Walter Hallstein, an early advocate movement for labour, a greater amount of free-
and architect of European integration and dom for the movement of goods, and the greatest
President of the European Commission 1958–67 freedom of all for the movement of technology,
know-how and capital. (Pollard, 1981: 38–9)

But unlike the customary pattern within nation

states, there was nothing inevitable about European
economic integration. Nor was there a clear and
developing relationship between it and political inte-
gration. On the contrary, from the last quarter of the
nineteenth century, states, for a variety of reasons,
moved increasingly in the direction of economic pro-
tectionism and at the same time developed national
identities and consciousness such as had not been seen
before. In the first part of the twentieth century, and
especially between the wars, the European free trading
system virtually disappeared as states sought to pro-
tect themselves at the expense of others and national
The Post-War Transformation of Western Europe | 29

economies were increasingly re-shaped along autarkic before that unfettered and uninhibited nationalism
lines. Alongside these increasingly closed economic was a recipe for war, which in the post-1945 world
systems developed the ever sharper political tensions was increasingly seen as meaning mass destruction.
and rivalries between the states that were noted earlier. At the international level this thinking was reflected
The European historical experience thus empha- in calls for a larger and more powerful body than the
sises the extremely important, but often overlooked, pre-war League of Nations, and it played an impor-
fact that although industrialisation and economic lib- tant part in the establishment of the United Nations
eralisation provide potential bases for the furtherance (UN) in 1944. But the fact that the two world wars
of interconnections, agreements, and harmonious had begun as European wars, and that Germany was
relations between states, they do not ensure or guar- generally considered to be responsible for those wars,
antee them. The powers of Europe went to war with also brought forth demands and moves for specifi-
their principal trading partners in 1914. Furthermore, cally European arrangements. Amongst the strongest
between the wars economic linkages did little to bring advocates of the creation of European arrangements
the nations together or to act as a restraint on govern- were many of those who had been associated with the
ments when divergences developed in their aims and Resistance movements of continental Europe which,
strategies. This must be borne in mind when, later in from 1943 onwards, had come to be linked via liais-
this chapter, attention is turned to modernisation and ing networks and from which ideas and proposals had
interdependence as explanations for post-war political been generated looking forward to a post-war world
and economic integration. Doubtless they have both that would be based more on cooperation and less on
been extremely important but, as pre-1939 European confrontation.
history demonstrates, they do not have an inevitable There was thus a widely shared optimism at the
integrationist logic attached to them. Much depends end of the Second World War that if the European
on their relationship to the circumstances of the time states could work together in joint schemes and
and, as will now be shown, these were very different in organisations, barriers of mistrust could be broken
the post-1945 world from what they had been before down. On this basis, over 750 prominent Europeans
the Second World War. came together in The Hague in May 1948 and from
their Congress issued a call to the nations of Europe
to create a political and economic union. This stimu-
The impact of the Second lated discussions at governmental levels, and in May
World War 1949 the Statute of the Council of Europe was signed
by representatives of ten Western European states.
The Second World War unquestionably marked a Extracts from the Statute are set out in Box 2.2.
turning point in the Western European state system. As the extracts show, the Council of Europe was
Just a few years after the end of the war states were established with grandiose, idealistic it may be said,
cooperating, and in some instances and in some ambitions. However, in practice the Council proved
respects were even integrating, in a manner that would to be a disappointment to those who had hoped it
have been inconceivable before the war. Fundamental might serve as the basis for a new Western European
to this transformation were a number of factors result- state system. In part the problem was that its aims
ant upon the war that combined to bring about a were too vague, in part that its decision-making struc-
radical change in both the climate of opinion and per- ture was essentially intergovernmental and therefore
ceptions of requirements. These factors were political weak, but the main problem was that some of its
and economic in nature. members, notably the UK, were not very interested
in anything that went beyond limited and voluntary
Political factors cooperation. (Ernest Bevin, British Foreign Secretary,
commented on proposals for a really effective Council
These may be subdivided into four broad areas. of Europe thus: ‘Once you open that Pandora’s box,
you’ll find it full of Trojan horses.’) But the weak-
(1) Combating nationalism. The Second World War nesses of the Council should not be overstated. It
produced a greater realisation than had existed ever was to perform, and continues to perform, certain
30 | 

Box 2.2

Extracts from the 1949 Statute of the Council of Europe

Convinced that the pursuit of peace based upon justice and international co-operation is vital for the
preservation of human society and civilisation;
Reaffirming their devotion to the spiritual and moral values which are the common heritage of their peoples
and the true source of individual freedom, political liberty and the rule of law, principles which form the
basis of all genuine democracy;
Believing that, for the maintenance and further realisation of these ideals and in the interests of economic
and social progress, there is a need of a closer unity between all like-minded countries of Europe;
Considering that, to respond to this need and to the expressed aspirations of their peoples in this regard, it
is necessary forthwith to create an organisation which will bring European States into closer association,
[the signatory states have] in consequence decided to set up a Council of Europe consisting of a committee
of representatives of governments and of a consultative assembly, and have for this purpose adopted the
following Statute:

Article 1
a. The aim of the Council of Europe is to achieve a greater unity between its members for the purpose of
safeguarding and realising the ideals and principles which are their common heritage and facilitating
their economic and social progress.
b. This aim shall be pursued through the organs of the Council by discussion of questions of common
concern and by agreements and common action in economic, social, cultural, scientific, legal and
administrative matters and in the maintenance and further realisation of human rights and fundamental
freedoms …

useful functions – notably in the sphere of human By the late 1940s it was clear that the legacy of war had
rights through its European Convention of Human left the continent, and with it Germany, divided in
Rights, and as a forum for the discussion of matters two. In Winston Churchill’s phrase, an ‘Iron Curtain’
of common interest to its member states. (The value now divided East from West. In the East, a swathe of
of this latter function long lay particularly in the fact states were either incorporated into the Soviet Union
that, unlike other Western European regional groups, or became part of the Soviet communist zone, which
virtually all Western European states were members of resulted in them being forcibly cut off from develop-
the Council. From the 1990s, as Central, Eastern, and ments in Western Europe and being obliged to focus
Southern European states became members, an addi- their political and economic ambitions and activities
tional value became acting as a forum for establishing in accordance with Moscow’s will.
links and building understanding between the EU and In the West there was no question of the victori-
non-EU European states.) ous powers – Britain and the United States – seeking
or being able to impose anything like a Soviet-style
(2) The new political map of Europe. Although it straitjacket on the liberated countries. Nonetheless, if
was not immediately apparent when hostilities ceased Western Europe did not quite take on the form of a
in 1945, the Second World War was to result in a bloc, liberal democratic systems were soon established
fundamental redrawing of the political map of Europe. everywhere outside the Iberian peninsula and somewhat
The Post-War Transformation of Western Europe | 31

similar political ideas prevailed in most of the states. relations to US–Soviet relations, and the onset of
Inevitably this facilitated intergovernmental relations. the Cold War in 1947–48, combined from the late
Perhaps the most important idea shared by the 1940s to produce the possibility of Europe becoming
West European governments stemmed directly from a battleground between East and West. This in turn
the East–West division of the continent: there was promoted a sense that Western Europe was beginning
a determination to preserve Western Europe from to look like an identifiable political entity in a way that
communism. Not only had the Soviet Union extended it had not done before. Not all states or politicians
its influence far into the European heartland at the shared this perspective, but from many of those who
end of the Second World War, but in France and did there emerged a desire that the voice of Western
Italy domestic communist parties were commanding Europe should be heard on the world stage and a belief
considerable support and from 1947 were engaging in that this could be achieved only through unity and
what looked to many like revolutionary activities. The by speaking with one voice. For some of the smaller
USA shared the anti-communist concern of Western European states, which had rarely exercised much
European governments, and the encouragement and international influence and whose very existence had
assistance that it gave to the Western European states periodically been threatened by larger neighbours,
after the war to cooperate with one another was partly the prospects of such cooperation were particularly
driven by a belief that such cooperation could play a attractive.
major part in helping to halt the communist advance.
In March 1947 President Truman, concerned with (4) The German problem. The future of Germany
events in Greece – where communists were trying to naturally loomed large in the minds of those who had
overthrow the government – outlined what became to deal with post-war reconstruction. Three times in 70
known as the Truman doctrine, which amounted years, and twice in the twentieth century, Germany had
to a political guarantee of support to ‘free peoples occupied much of Europe. Rightly or wrongly it had
who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed come to be seen as innately aggressive. As a consequence,
minorities or by outside pressures’. This political the initial inclination of most governments after the war
commitment was quickly followed up in 1948 by was to try to contain Germany in some way. Just how
economic assistance in the form of Marshall Aid (see this should be done, however, divided the wartime
p. 32), and in 1949 by military protection with the allies, with the result that matters drifted until what was
foundation of NATO and a guarantee to the then ten initially intended as an interim division of Germany
NATO Western European states (Canada and the USA into zones gave way, as the Cold War developed, into a
brought the founding membership to 12) of US mili- de jure division: the Federal Republic of Germany (West
tary protection against a Soviet attack. Germany) and the German Democratic Republic (East
A role for the USA in Western Europe at this time Germany) were both formally constituted in 1949.
should not be seen as having been unwelcome, for By this time, the Soviet Union was replacing
contrary to the impression that is sometimes given Germany as the perceived principal threat to democ-
by some commentators, US aid was not insidiously racy and stability in Western Europe. As this occurred,
imposed on unwilling states but was actively sought. those who were already arguing that a conciliatory
At the same time, the extent of US influence on approach towards Germany ought to be tried – since
Western European inter-state relations should not be a policy of punitive containment had demonstrably
exaggerated. By its political, economic, and military failed between the wars – saw their hands strength-
interventions and assistance the USA did exert inte- ened by a growing feeling that attempts must be made
grationist pressures and did help to make a number to avoid the development of a political vacuum in
of developments possible, but the US government West Germany that the communists might attempt to
wanted much more Western European inter-state exploit. Furthermore, and the US government played
integration than was actually achieved. an important role in pressing this view from the early
1950s, use of West Germany’s power and wealth could
(3) The new international power balance. The post- help to reduce the contributions that other countries
war division of Europe, the moving of the inter- were making to the defence of Europe. The per-
national power balance from inter-European state ceived desirability and need to incorporate the Federal
32 | 

Republic into the Western European mainstream, was in its political, security, and economic interests –
allied with the willingness of Konrad Adenauer – the the USA stepped in with economic aid in the form of
West German Chancellor from 1949 to 1963 – and the European Recovery Programme, or Marshall Aid
his governments to accept incorporation, thus further as it came to be known after the US Secretary of State,
stimulated the pressure for inter-state cooperation George Marshall, who championed it. But there was a
and integration. condition attached to the aid: the recipient states must
endeavour to promote greater economic cooperation
amongst themselves. As a result, the first major post-
Economic factors
war Western European organisation, the Organisation
Just as pre-war and wartime experiences helped to for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC), was
produce the UN, so they also stimulated an interest established, with 16 founding member states, in April
in the creation of new international economic and 1948. Its short-term task was to manage the US aid,
financial arrangements. The first fruits of this were encourage joint economic policies, and discourage
realised at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944, barriers to trade; in the longer term, its stated aim
where the representatives of 44 countries, with the was to build ‘a sound European economy through the
UK and the USA playing the leading roles, agreed to cooperation of its members’. In the event, although
the establishment of two new bodies. The first was the OEEC did some valuable work – the most notable
the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which was perhaps being to establish payments schemes which
to alleviate currency instability by creating facili- in the 1940s and 1950s did much to further trade
ties for countries with temporary balance of pay- between the member countries – it never made much
ments difficulties to have access to short-term credit progress towards its grander ambitions. Rather like
facilities. The second was the International Bank for the Council of Europe, its large and somewhat hetero-
Reconstruction and Development (the World Bank), geneous membership, coupled with the strictly inter-
which was to provide long-term loans for schemes governmental nature of its decision-making structure,
that required major investment. In 1947, at much the meant that ambitious proposals were always success-
same time as the IMF and the World Bank became fully opposed. Partly as a result of this, and partly in
operative, international economic cooperation was recognition of growing interdependence amongst all
taken a stage further when 23 countries negotiated industrialised countries, in 1961 the OEEC gave way
the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
whose purpose was to facilitate trade through the low- Development (OECD), whose membership was made
ering of international trade barriers. open to non-European countries and which was to
Although Western European governments (or, have broader objectives reflecting wider and changing
more usually, national representatives, since govern- interests.
ments on the continent were not properly restored The OEEC thus stemmed from post-war circum-
until 1945–46) played their part in creating the new stances that mixed the general with the particular.
international economic arrangements, it was felt in That is to say, attitudes coming out of the war that
many quarters that there should also be specifically favoured economic cooperation between Western
Western European-based economic initiatives and European states were given a direction by particu-
organisations. In 1947–48 this feeling was given a lar requirements that were related to the war and
focus, an impetus, and an urgency when the rapid its immediate aftermath. Only three years later, a
post-war economic recovery that most states were able similar mixture of general underlying and specific
to engineer by the adoption of expansionist policies triggering factors combined to produce the first of the
created massive balance of payments deficits, and dol- European Communities: the European Coal and Steel
lar shortages in particular. Governments were faced Community (ECSC). As will be shown in Chapter 3,
with major currency problems, with not being able to in a number of ways the ECSC was to mark a major
pay for their imports, and with the prospect of their advance in the Western European integration process,
economic recovery coming to a sudden and premature not least in that its institutions were empowered to
end. In these circumstances, and for reasons that were act not only on an intergovernmental basis but also,
not altogether altruistic – a strong Western Europe in some circumstances, on a supranational basis: that
The Post-War Transformation of Western Europe | 33

is, some binding decisions could be taken without all Table 2.1 The creation of major Western and
member states necessarily agreeing with them. Western European international organisations
in the early post-Second World War years*
*  *  *
The most dramatic effect of the Second World War in 1948  rganisation for European Economic
Europe was, of course, the division of the continent. Co-operation (OEEC)
The war precluded the possibility of Central and 1949 North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)
Eastern European states participating in the new coop- 1949 Council of Europe
eration and integration schemes that were launched in 1951 European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC)
the west of the continent in the post-war years. 1954 Western European Union (WEU)
In Western Europe, the effects of some of the 1957 European Economic Community (EEC)
political and economic factors associated with the
and European Atomic Energy Community
Second World War, such as the presence of Resistance
leaders in governments, were essentially short term.
Furthermore, some of the factors, such as the increased 1960 European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
need and willingness of the Western European states * Indicates year founding treaty was signed.
to cooperate with one another to promote economic
growth, were not so much caused by the war as given
a push by it. Nonetheless, taken together the factors promoting Western European cooperation and inte-
produced a set of circumstances that enabled Western gration in the formative post-war years, the former
European cooperation and integration to get off the have now declined in relation to the latter. The impact
ground in the 1940s and 1950s. of modernisation is generally agreed to be a key reason
Western European states naturally differed in the for this. It has broadened the international agenda
particulars and perceptions of their post-war situ- from its traditional power and security concerns to
ations. As a result, there was no general agreement embrace a range of economic and social issues, and at
on precisely what the new spirit of cooperation the same time it has produced an interconnectedness
should attempt to achieve. Many different schemes and interrelatedness between states, especially in the
were advanced and many different organisations were economic and monetary spheres, that amounts to an
established to tackle particular issues, problems, and interdependence.
requirements. Thus the war did not produce anything Economic interdependence has arisen particu-
remotely like a united Western European movement larly from three features of the post-1945 world: the
between the states. But it did produce new realities enormously increased volume of world trade; the
and changed attitudes that enabled, or forced, virtu- internationalisation of production, in which multi-
ally all the states to recognise at least some common- national corporations have played a prominent part;
alities and shared interests. As a consequence, the and – especially since the early 1970s – the fluc-
way was opened for a number of new and inter-state tuations and uncertainties associated with currency
Western European and Western European-dominated exchange rates and international monetary arrange-
organisations to be established (see Table 2.1). Of ments. Within Western Europe there have been many
these organisations, those that were able to offer clear regional dimensions to this development of interde-
advantages and benefits to members were able to act pendence, two of which have been especially impor-
as a base for further developments. As the ECSC in tant in promoting the integration process. First, since
particular was to quickly demonstrate, cooperation the Second World War the external trade of all signifi-
and integration can breed more of the same. cant Western European countries has become increas-
ingly Western European focused. The EC/EU has
played an important role in encouraging this trend,
Interdependence and all EU-15 member states (that is, pre-May 2004
members) now conduct at least 60 per cent of their
It has become customary to suggest that whilst trade inside the EU. Second, from the 1960s monetary
both political and economic factors were crucial in power within Western Europe increasingly came to be
34 | 

held by those who made the monetary decisions for not exist before the Second World War or were seen
the strongest economy: Germany. Changes in German as being of purely domestic concern. Now it is com-
interest rates or exchange rates had immense and monly accepted that if these issues are to be properly
potentially very destabilising implications elsewhere managed they must be dealt with at the inter-state level.
in Western Europe. Governments thus discuss, and in the EC from the early
As a result of interdependence, a wide variety of 1970s began adopting understandings and developing
economic and financial issues have increasingly come joint policies on, matters as diverse as trans-frontier
to be no longer limited to, and indeed in some respects television arrangements, data protection, and action
not even much related to, national boundaries. States against drug traffickers and football hooliganism.
have become increasingly vulnerable to outside events But despite all the attention that is now given to
and increasingly unable to act in isolation. They must interdependence as the motor of European integra-
consult, cooperate, and, some would argue, integrate tion, and despite the associated assertion that reason-
with one another in the interests of international and ably quickly after the Second World War economic
national economic stability and growth. In conse- factors came to far outweigh political factors in shap-
quence, when a problem has been seen to require a ing relations between Western European states, the
truly international economic effort, European states – case should not be overstated. One reason for this is
and initially, of course, only Western European states that modern interdependence does not necessarily
– have been prepared to find solutions at this level: in produce an unavoidable set of integrationist processes
the IMF, in GATT and its successor the World Trade and developments. There is certainly an integrationist
Organisation (WTO), in the Bank for International logic attached to interdependence, but for much of
Settlements, and elsewhere. When a regional response integration to actually proceed political choices and
has seemed more appropriate or more practical, decisions have to be made. As the history of negotia-
European-based arrangements have been sought. The tions on European integration since the Second World
most obvious examples of such arrangements have War demonstrate – from the negotiations in the late
been EC/EU-based. For instance: the decisions that 1940s to establish the Council of Europe to the nego-
were taken in the 1950s to create a common mar- tiations in the early 2000s on a Constitutional Treaty
ket and then to launch the Single European Market for Europe – politicians, and indeed publics, are capa-
(SEM) programme in the mid-1980s were rooted ble of adopting an array of often sharply conflicting
in beliefs that the dismantlement of trade barriers views of what is necessary and what is desirable when
between Western European states would further their they are faced with particular choices and decisions.
economic efficiency and prosperity; the development A second reason for exercising some caution when
of European research programmes from the early evaluating the impact on integration of economic
1980s was in response to an increasing recognition interdependence is that political factors have contin-
that Western European states must pool their scientific ued to be important in shaping the nature and pace
and technological resources and knowledge if they of integration processes. This was clearly illustrated in
were to be able to compete successfully in world mar- the wake of the 1990 reunification of Germany, when
kets against the Americans, the Japanese, and other a powerful stimulus to a new round of integration-
competitors; and the movement towards Economic ist negotiations was the growing conviction amongst
and Monetary Union (EMU) from the late 1980s was decision-making elites, most particularly in France,
based on the assumption that the coordination and the that if Germany was to be prevented from dominating
convergence of national economic and monetary poli- the EU it must be tied more tightly to its neighbours. A
cies and the establishment of a centrally managed sin- third reason for not overemphasising the importance
gle currency was necessary for the completion of the of modern interdependence to the neglect of other fac-
SEM programme and would serve to promote further tors is that interdependence of a quite different kind –
trade, growth, and prosperity in participating states. different in that it has arisen not from modernisation
Economic interdependence is not the only feature but rather from the relatively diminished significance
of modern interdependence. Advances in communica- of the European states in the post-1945 period – has
tions and travel have increasingly placed on the inter- continued to play an important part in encouraging
national and European agendas issues that either did cooperation and integration between states. So, for
The Post-War Transformation of Western Europe | 35

example, with respect to the external political role the European integration process there were considera-
of the EU, the fact that since the Second World War ble variations in the judgements of the governments of
Western European states had relatively limited power Western European states on whether, in what circum-
and weight when acting individually on the world stances, and in what ways cooperation and integration
stage provided a powerful inducement for them to would serve their national interest.
try to speak as one if they wished to exert a significant These variations stemmed largely from real and
influence on world political events. Accordingly, from objective differences in the situations of Western
the early 1970s, they gradually strengthened their European states. These differing situations are
mechanisms for inter-state foreign policy cooperation explored later in this chapter and in Chapter 4, but to
so as to enable them to engage in extensive consulta- give just three very brief examples here: Germany and
tions, and increasingly to adopt joint positions, on Italy were both interested in establishing themselves
foreign policy issues. Similar processes have been back in the European mainstream; as the most obvi-
under way also in respect of security considerations, ous Western European ‘victor’ of the Second World
with the perception, until the collapse of commu- War and with its close links with the USA and the
nism, of the Soviet Union as Western Europe’s main countries of its Empire and then the Commonwealth,
political enemy, allied with the inability of any single UK governments in the early post-war years saw no
Western Europe state to offer by itself a wholly cred- need to get too close to other Western European
ible defence capability, encouraging close military states; and as virtual military dictatorships, Spain and
cooperation between the states in the context of both Portugal were excluded from most formal coopera-
the Western Alliance and associated Western Europe tionist and integrationist developments.
defence groupings. The Soviet threat has now disap- In consequence, the advancement of cooperation
peared, but potential security dangers of many kinds and integration between Western European states in
still abound and these have played an important part the post-war years was far from coherent or ordered.
in ensuring that not only civil security but also mili- In the late 1940s and into the 1950s most states
tary security is now prominently on the EU’s agenda. were willing to be associated with intergovernmental
organisations that made few demands on them – and
hence joined the OEEC and the Council of Europe
National considerations – but there was usually less interest when organisa-
tions were proposed that had specific policy purposes
Differing national positions and preferences
or that went beyond intergovernmental cooperation
Although most Western European states after 1945 into supranational integration. Whilst all Western
paid at least lip service to the idea of a united Western European states were touched by at least some of the
Europe, there was no consensus amongst them on what general cooperation- and integration-inducing factors
this should mean in practice. The rhetoric was often that have been examined on the last few pages, the dif-
grand, but discussions on specific proposals usually ferences between them resulted in their capacity and
revealed considerable variations in ambitions, motives, enthusiasm for cooperation and integration varying
intentions, and perceptions. Most crucially of all, states in terms of both nature and timing. As a result, the
differed in their assessments of the consequences for more ambitious post-war schemes – for the ECSC,
them, in terms of gains and losses, of forging closer for a European Defence Community (EDC, which in
relations with their neighbours. These differing assess- the event was never established), and for the EEC and
ments resulted in some states being prepared and able Euratom – initially involved only a restricted mem-
to cooperate and integrate more than others, or being bership. It was not until circumstances and attitudes
prepared to do so at an earlier time. For the fact is that in other states changed, and until an obstacle that
in conducting their relations with their neighbours emerged amongst the founding states themselves – in
Western European states were no more willing to act the form of President de Gaulle’s opposition to UK
on the basis of general and idealistic integrationist membership – was removed, that the EC gradually
beliefs than they were than when they were dealing expanded in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s to include
with non-Western European states. Rather, as Alan eventually virtually all of Western Europe’s larger and
Milward (2000) has shown, from the very early years of medium-sized states.
36 | 

The founding members of the European looked comforting, and a possible source of assistance,
Community: Belgium, France, West Germany, to Italy’s nervous Christian Democratic-led govern-
ments. Third, Italy faced economic difficulties on
Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands
all fronts: with unemployment, inflation, balance
What were the particular circumstances and needs in of payments imbalances, currency instability, and –
Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, especially in the south – poverty. Almost any scheme
and the Netherlands that resulted in these states that offered the possibility of finding new markets and
being the first to show a willingness to go beyond the generating economic growth was to be welcomed.
cooperative intergovernmental ventures that were Integration was seen as helping France to deal
established in Western Europe in the late 1940s? Why with two of its key post-war policy goals: the contain-
did these states negotiate and sign the three treaties – ment of Germany and rapid economic growth. In
the 1951 Treaty of Paris and the two 1957 Treaties of the early 1950s the ECSC was especially important in
Rome – that founded the European Communities? this regard, offering the opportunity to break down
It was only cautiously, tentatively, and not without age-old barriers and hostilities on the one hand and
reservations that each came to the view that the ben- giving France access to vital German raw materials
efits of integration, as opposed to just cooperation, and markets on the other. Later in the 1950s, when
would outweigh what appeared to be the major disad- ‘the German problem’ was seen as less pressing but
vantage – a loss of sovereignty. Some of the perceived German economic competition seemed to be posing
advantages that supranational organisations could an increasing threat, France took steps in the nego-
offer were shared by all of the six, but there were also tiations that produced the EEC to ensure that as part
more nationally based hopes and ambitions. of the price of continued integration certain French
For the three Benelux countries, their experience interests – including economic protection for its farm-
of the Second World War had re-emphasised their ers – would be given special treatment.
vulnerability to hostile and more powerful neighbours Konrad Adenauer saw Western European uni-
and the need to be on good terms with West Germany fication as a means by which German self-respect
and France. Related to this, their size – Belgium and could be regained and by which the Federal Republic
the Netherlands were only middle-ranking European could establish itself in the international community.
powers whilst Luxembourg was a very small state – Western Europe would also, along with the Atlantic
meant that their only real prospect of exercising any Alliance, provide a much-needed buttress against
sort of influence in Europe, let alone the world, was the perceived threat from the East. More specifically,
through a more unified inter-state system. As for the ECSC would enable West Germany to rid itself
economic considerations, they were used to the idea of Allied restrictions and interference, and the more
of integration since Benelux economic agreements open markets of the EEC would offer immense oppor-
and arrangements pre-dated the Second World War, tunities for what, in the 1950s, quickly became the
and negotiations to re-launch and deepen these had fastest growing economy in Western Europe.
been under way well before the war ended. There was
also the fact that not one of the Benelux states was in
a strong enough position to ignore Franco-German
initiatives for economic integration.
Italy, too, had a number of reasons for welcoming
Concluding Remarks: The
close relations with other Western European states. Ragged Nature of the
First, after more than 20 years of Fascist rule followed
by military defeat, European integration offered the
Integration Process in
prospect of a new start, and from a basis of respect- Western Europe
ability. Second, in May 1947 (as also occurred in
France) the Communist Party left government and After the Second World War, the way in which
for some years thereafter seemed to be intent on fer- Western European governments related to and com-
menting internal revolution. The clear anti-commu- municated with one another was gradually trans-
nist tenor of other Western European governments formed. A key role in this transformation was played by
The Post-War Transformation of Western Europe | 37

new international governmental organisations (IGOs). and perceptions of what might be possible and what
Some of these IGOs were global in their composition, was necessary. This remains the case to the present
others were regionally based; some had sweeping but day. In consequence, the processes of cooperation and
vaguely defined responsibilities, others had specific integration have operated in many different forums,
sectoral briefs; most were purely intergovernmental in at many different levels, in many different ways, and at
structure, but those that were within the framework of many different speeds. Even in the EC/EU, which has
the European Communities were overlain with supra- been at the integrationist core, the course of the
national powers. At a minimum, all provided frame- integration process has varied considerably with, for
works in which national representatives met with one example, the mid-1970s until the early 1980s being
another to discuss matters of mutual interest. years of relatively slow integrationist advance and
As later chapters of this book will show, the the mid-1980s until the early 1990s being years of
European Communities – which from the 1960s rapid progress.
increasingly came to be referred to in the singular as It is, of course, the conflicting nature of many of
the European Community (EC) – were to develop into the factors that have driven and shaped the integra-
the best known, most developed, and most important tion process that has resulted in the process being so
of Western Europe’s, and ultimately Europe’s, inter- rocky, uncertain, and unpredictable. Moreover, the
state organisations. But the EC was never the only factors themselves have been subject to considerable
significant Western Europe-wide organisation, and it and unforeseeable change, no more so than since
was not the first such organisation to be established. the early 1990s with the context in which the pres-
On the contrary, after the Second World War, numer- sures that affect the furtherance of integration being
ous proposals were advanced and many arrangements transformed by the ending of the Cold War and the
were set in place for organised cooperation and inte- break-up of the Soviet Union. After four decades of
gration amongst the states. The more ambitious of Europe having been politically divided in two, dec-
these sought to bring the whole of Western Europe ades in which Western Europe tended to think of
together in some sort of federal union. The more cau- itself as being Europe, fundamental issues concerning
tious were limited to the pursuit of restricted aims for the nature of the continent as a whole came onto the
just some of the states. agenda. In these circumstances, new links, contacts,
So although the logic of circumstances and of polit- and forms of cooperation were rapidly established
ical and economic changes brought the states much between the countries of Western and Eastern Europe,
more closely together, there can hardly be said to have advanced not least by many of the latter seeking EU
been a common and coherent integrationist force at membership within only a few years of having been
work in Western Europe in the post-war years. Far released from Soviet domination. The manner in
from the states being bound together in the pursuit which the developments in the former communist
of a shared visionary mission, relations between them bloc transformed what had been a Western European
were frequently extremely uncomfortable and uneasy, integration process into a European integration process
based as they were on a host of different national needs is explored in Chapter 5.
Chapter 3
The Creation of the European Community

The European Coal and

Steel Community 39 The European Coal and Steel Community
From the ECSC to the EEC 42
Much of the early impetus behind the first of the European Communities,
The EEC and Euratom the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), was provided by two
Treaties44 Frenchmen. Jean Monnet, who had pioneered France’s successful post-war
Concluding Remarks 46 experiment with indicative economic planning, provided much of the techni-
cal and administrative initiative and behind-the-scenes drive. Robert Schuman,
the French Foreign Minister from 1948 to early 1953, acted as the political
advocate. Both were ardent supporters of European unity, both believed
that the Organisation for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC) and the
Council of Europe – where anyone could be exempted from a decision – could
not provide the necessary impetus, and both came to the conclusion that:

A start would have to be made by doing something both more practical

and more ambitious. National sovereignty would have to be tackled more
boldly and on a narrower front. (Monnet, 1978: 274)

Many of those who were attracted to the ECSC saw it in very restrictive
terms: as an organisation that might advance limited and carefully defined
purposes. Certainly it would not have been established had it not offered to
potential member states – in particular its two main pillars, France and West
Germany – the possibility that it might serve to satisfy specific and pressing
national interests and needs. But for some, including Monnet and Schuman,
the project was much more ambitious and long term. When announcing the
plan in May 1950, Schuman – in what subsequently became known as the
Schuman Declaration – was quite explicit that the proposals were intended to
be but the first step in the realisation of a vision of a united Europe that would
have Franco-German reconciliation at its heart. But, he famously warned:

Europe will not be made all at once, or according to a single plan. It will be
built through concrete achievements which first create a de facto solidarity.
(The Schuman Declaration is reproduced in Salmon and Nicoll, 1997: 44–6)

In similar vein, Monnet informed governments during the negotiations:

The Schuman proposals provide a basis for the building of a new Europe
through the concrete achievement of a supranational regime within a
limited but controlling area of economic effort … The indispensable first

40 | The Historical Evolution

principle of these proposals is the abnegation steel production to finance the ECSC’s activities. Four
of sovereignty in a limited but decisive field. main institutions were created, as set out in Box 3.1.
(Monnet, 1978: 316) In its early years the ECSC was judged to be an eco-
nomic success. Customs tariffs and quotas were abol-
The German Chancellor, Konrad Adenauer, agreed ished, progress was made on the removal of non-tariff
with this. Addressing the Bundestag in June 1950 he barriers to trade, the restructuring of the industries
stated: was assisted, politicians and civil servants from the
member states became accustomed to working with
Let me make a point of declaring in so many words one another, and, above all, output and inter-state
and in full agreement, not only with the French trade rapidly increased (although many economists
Government but also with M. Jean Monnet, that would now query whether the increases were because
the importance of this project is above all political of the ECSC). As a result, the ECSC helped to pave the
and not economic. (Quoted in ibid.: 319–20) way for further integration.
However, the success of the early years was soon
Schuman made it clear in his Declaration that checked. In 1958–59, when cheap oil imports and a
whilst he hoped other countries would also par- fall in energy consumption combined to produce an
ticipate, France and West Germany would proceed over-capacity in coal production, the ECSC was faced
with the plan in any event (West Germany having with its first major crisis – and failed the test. The
already agreed privately in principle). Italy, Belgium, member states rejected the High Authority’s proposals
Luxembourg, and the Netherlands took up the invi- for a Community-wide solution and sought their own,
tation, and in April 1951 the six countries signed uncoordinated, protective measures. The coal crisis
the Treaty of Paris, which established the ECSC for thus revealed that the High Authority was not as pow-
a period of 50 years from the entry into force of the erful as many had believed and was not in a position
ECSC Treaty. The ECSC duly came into operation in to impose a general policy on the states if they were
July 1952 and lasted until the expiry of the Treaty in determined to resist.
July 2002, when ECSC responsibilities and activities This relative weakness of the High Authority/
were transferred to the European Community (EC). Commission to press policies right through is one of
The ECSC Treaty broke new ground in two prin- the principal reasons why truly integrated Western
cipal ways. First, its policy aims were extremely ambi- European coal and steel industries, in which prices
tious, entailing not just the creation of a free trade and distributive decisions are a consequence of an
area but also laying the foundations for a common open and free market, have never fully emerged.
market in what at the time were some of the basic Many barriers to intra-European Union (EU) trade
materials of any industrialised society: coal, coke, still remain. Some of these, such as restrictive prac-
iron ore, steel, and scrap. This, it was hoped, would tices and national subsidies, the High Authority and
ensure orderly supplies to all member states, produce then the Commission have tried to remove, but with
a rational expansion and modernisation of produc- only partial success. Others, particularly in the steel
tion, and improve the conditions and lifestyles of sector, have been formulated and utilised by the
those working in the industries in question. Second, it Commission itself as its task switched from encourag-
was the first of the European inter-state organisations ing expansion to managing contraction.
to possess significant supranational characteristics. But arguably the major problem with the ECSC
These characteristics were to be found in the new was that as coal and steel declined in importance in
central institutions, which had the power, amongst relation to other energy sources, what increasingly was
other things, to make and oversee laws in such impor- required was not so much policies for coal and steel in
tant areas of activity as: the abolition and prohibition isolation, but a coordinated and effective Community
of internal tariff barriers, of state subsidies, and of energy policy. National differences have prevented
restrictive practices; the harmonisation of external such a policy being developed, although there has
commercial policy; and imposing levies on coal and been progress in recent years.
The Creation of the European Community | 41

Early advocates and architects of European integration

Photo 3.1 Jean Monnet, the main deviser of Photo 3.2 Robert Schuman, former French
the Schuman Plan and President of the High Prime Minister, Foreign Minister 1948–52, and
Authority of the ECSC, 1952–55 presenter of the Schuman Declaration of 9 May
1950 advocating the creation of the ECSC

Photo 3.3 Konrad Adenauer, German Photo 3.4 Alcide de Gasperi, Italian
Chancellor 1949–63 Prime Minister 1945–53
42 | The Historical Evolution

Box 3.1

The main institutions created by the ECSC Treaty

The High Authority. There were to be nine members of this appointed institution, including at least one
from each member state. Crucially, all must be ‘completely independent in the performance of their duties’.
In other words, no one would be, or should regard themselves as being, a national delegate or representative.
The High Authority was given strong independent powers, including on the prohibition of subsidies and
aids, decisions on whether or not agreements between undertakings were permissible, and action against
restrictive practices. The membership and powers of the High Authority combined to give it a clear supra-
national character.
The Council of Ministers. Ministers from the national governments constituted the membership of the
Council, with each state having one representative. Decision-making procedures in the Council depended
on the matter under consideration: sometimes a unanimous vote was required, sometimes a qualified
majority, sometimes a simple majority. The main responsibility of the Council was to ‘harmonise the
actions of the High Authority and that of the Governments, which are responsible for the general economic
policies of their countries’ (Article 26, ECSC Treaty). More specifically, the Treaty gave the Council formal
control over some, but far from all, of the High Authority’s actions.
The Common Assembly. Members were not to be elected but to be chosen by national parliaments. The
Assembly’s powers – notwithstanding an ability to pass a motion of censure on the High Authority – were
essentially only advisory.
The Court of Justice. Since many ECSC decisions were to have legal status, a court was needed to settle
conflicts between the states, between the organs of the Community, and between the states and the organs.
The Court was to be composed of six members – one from each member state. The Court’s judgements
were to be enforceable within the territory of the member states.

From the ECSC to the EEC itself, though willing to rearm, was not willing to do
so on the basis of the tightly controlled and restricted
The perceived success of the ECSC in its early years conditions that other countries appeared to have in
provided an impetus for further integration. Another mind for it. In these circumstances the French Prime
institutional development of the 1950s also played an Minister, René Pleven, launched proposals in October
important role in paving the way for the creation of 1950 that offered a possible way forward. In announc-
the two additional European Communities that were ing his plan to the National Assembly he stated that
to be created in 1957. This was the projected European the French government ‘proposes the creation, for
Defence Community (EDC). our common defence, of a European Army under
In the early 1950s, against the background of the the political institutions of a united Europe’ (Pleven’s
Cold War and the outbreak of the Korean War, many statement is reproduced in Harryvan and van der
Western politicians and military strategists saw the Harst, 1997: 65–9). By the end of 1951 the six govern-
need for greater Western European cooperation in ments involved in the establishment of the ECSC had
defence matters. This would involve the integration agreed to establish an EDC. Its institutional struc-
of West Germany – which was not a member of the ture was to be similar to the ECSC: a Joint Defence
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) – into Commission, a Council of Ministers, an advisory
the Western Alliance. The problem was that some Assembly, and a Court of Justice.
European countries, especially France, were not yet In May 1952 a draft EDC Treaty was signed, but in the
ready for German rearmament, whilst West Germany event the EDC and the European Political Community
The Creation of the European Community | 43

that increasingly came to be associated with it were not

established. Ratification problems arose in France and BOX 3.2
Italy, and in August 1954 the French National Assembly
rejected the EDC by 319 votes to 264 with 43 absten- Extracts from the Messina
tions. There were a number of reasons for this: continu- Resolution*
ing unease about German rearmament; concern that
the French government would not have sole control The governments … believe the moment has come
of its military forces; doubts about the efficiency of an to go a step further towards the construction of
integrated force; disquiet that the strongest European Europe. In their opinion this step should first of all
military power (the UK) was not participating; and a be taken in the economic field.
feeling that, with the end of the Korean War and the They consider that the further progress must be
death of Stalin, the EDC was not as necessary as it had towards the setting up of a united Europe by the
seemed when it was first proposed. development of common institutions, the gradual
Following the collapse of the EDC project, an merging of national economies, the creation of a
alternative and altogether less demanding approach common market, and the gradual harmonization
was taken to the still outstanding question of West of their social policies.
Germany’s contribution to the defence of the West. Such a policy appears to them to be indispensa-
This took the form of a revival and extension of the ble if Europe’s position in the world is to be main-
Brussels Treaty ‘for collaboration in economic, social tained, her influence restored, and the standard of
and cultural matters and for collective defence’ that living of her population progressively raised.
had been signed in 1948 by the three Benelux coun-
tries, France, and the UK. At a conference in London * The full Resolution is reproduced in Salmon and Nicoll,
in the autumn of 1954, West Germany and Italy 1997: 59–61.
agreed to accede to the Brussels Treaty and all seven
countries agreed that the new arrangements should
be incorporated into a Western European Union To give effect to the Messina Resolution, a com-
(WEU). The WEU came into effect in May 1955 as a mittee of governmental representatives and experts
loosely structured, essentially consultative, primarily was established under the chairmanship of the Belgian
defence-orientated organisation that, amongst other Foreign Minister, Paul-Henri Spaak. The UK was
things, permitted West German rearmament subject invited to participate and did so until November 1955,
to various constraints. It also enabled West Germany but then withdrew when it became apparent that its
to become a member of NATO. hopes of limiting developments to the establishment
The failure of the EDC, especially when set along- of a loose free trade area were not acceptable to the
side the ‘success’ of the WEU, highlighted the dif- six. In April 1956 the Foreign Ministers accepted the
ficulties involved in pressing ahead too quickly with report of the Spaak Committee and used it as the
integrationist proposals. In particular, it showed that basis for negotiations that in 1957 produced the two
quasi-federalist approaches in politically sensitive Treaties of Rome: the more important of these trea-
areas would meet with resistance. But, at the same ties established the European Economic Community
time, the fact that such an ambitious scheme as the (EEC) and the other the European Atomic Energy
EDC had come so close to adoption demonstrated Community (Euratom).
that alternative initiatives, especially if they were based Both before and after April 1956 the negotiations
on the original Schuman view that political union between the six governments were extensive and
could be best achieved through economic integration, intense. At the end of the negotiations it can be said
might well be successful. It was partly with this in that, in broad terms, provisions were made in the
mind that the Foreign Ministers of the six ECSC states treaties for those areas upon which the governments
met at Messina in Sicily in June 1955 to discuss pro- were able to reach agreement, but where there were
posals by the three Benelux countries for further eco- divisions matters were largely left aside for further
nomic integration. At Messina the Ministers agreed on negotiations and were either omitted from the treaties
a resolution, extracts of which are set out in Box 3.2. altogether or were referred to only in a general way. So
44 | The Historical Evolution

Photo 3.5 Signing of the EEC Treaty, Rome,

25 March 1957 The EEC and Euratom Treaties
The policy concerns of the EEC
Of the two Rome Treaties the EEC Treaty was by far
the most important. Article 2 of the Treaty laid down
broad objectives, as can be seen in Box 3.3.
Many of the subsequent Treaty articles were con-
cerned with following up these broad objectives with
fuller, though still often rather general, guidelines for
policy development. These policy guidelines can be
grouped under two broad headings.

Policy guidelines concerned with the establish-

ment of a common market
The common market was to be based on the following:

1 The removal of all tariffs and quantitative restric-

the EEC Treaty set out reasonably clear rules on trade, tions on internal trade. This would make the
but only guiding principles were laid down for social Community a free trade area.
and agricultural policy. 2 The erection of a Common External Tariff
The inclusion in the EEC Treaty of topics such (CET). This would mean that goods entering the
as social and agricultural policy reflected a series of Community would do so on the same basis no
compromises amongst the six countries, especially matter what their point of entry. No member state
between the two strongest ones – France and West would therefore be in a position to gain a competi-
Germany. France feared that Germany was likely to tive advantage by, say, reducing its external tariffs
become the main beneficiary of the more open mar- on vital raw materials. The CET would take the
kets of the proposed customs union and so looked Community beyond a mere free trade area and
for compensation elsewhere. This took a number of make it a customs union. It would also serve as the
forms, most notably: insisting on special protection
for agriculture – French farmers had historically been
well protected from foreign competition and around
one-fifth of the French population still earned a liv- BOX 3.3
ing from the land; pressing the case of an atomic
energy Community, which would help guarantee Article 2 of the EEC Treaty
France greater independence in energy; and seeking
privileged relations with the six for France’s overseas The Community shall have as its task, by estab-
dependencies. lishing a common market and progressively
Eventually the negotiations were completed, and approximating the economic policies of Member
on 25 March 1957 the two treaties were signed. Only in States, to promote throughout the Community a
France and Italy were there any problems with ratifica- harmonious development of economic activities,
tion: the French Chamber of Deputies voted 342 for a continuous and balanced expansion, an increase
and 239 against, and the Italian Chamber of Deputies in stability, an accelerated raising of the standard
voted 311 for and 144 against. In both countries the of living and closer relations between the states
largest opposition bloc comprised the communists. belonging to it.
The treaties came into effect on 1 January 1958.
The Creation of the European Community | 45

basis for the development of a common external Second, because there were some provisions for
trade policy – known as the Common Commercial non-market policies: in the proposed common
Policy (CCP). policy for agriculture, for example, which was given
3 The prohibition of a range of practices having as a special place in the Treaty precisely because of
their effect the distortion or prevention of competi- (mainly French) fears of what would happen should
tion between the member states. agriculture be exposed to a totally free market; in
4 Measures to promote not only the free movement the proposed social policy, which was intended to
of goods between the member states but also the help soften unacceptable market consequences; and
free movement of persons, services, and capital. in the proposed common transport policy where
specific allowance was to be made for aids ‘if they
meet the needs of coordination of transport or if
they represent reimbursement for the discharge
Policy guidelines concerned with making the
of certain obligations inherent in the concept of
Community more than just a common market a public service’. Third, because the Treaty was
Making it exactly what, however, was left unclear, as highly dependent on the future cooperation of the
it had to be given the uncertainties, disagreements, member states for successful policy development,
and compromises that formed the background to the there was never any question – given the Christian
signing of the Treaty. There was certainly the impli- Democratic and Social Democratic principles of
cation of a movement towards some sort of general most EC governments – of an immediate aban-
economic integration and references were made to the donment of national economic controls and of a
‘coordination’ of economic and monetary policies, remorseless and inevitable drive towards uninhib-
but they were vague and implicitly long term. Such ited free-market capitalism.
references as there were to specific sectoral policies –
as, for example, with the provisions for ‘the adoption
of a common policy in the sphere of agriculture’, and The policy concerns of the
the statement that the objectives of the Treaty ‘shall …
be pursued by Member States within the framework
Euratom Treaty
of a common transport policy’ – were couched in The policy concerns of the Euratom Treaty were nat-
general terms. urally confined to the atomic energy field. Chapters
of the Treaty covered such areas of activity as the
*  *  * promotion of research, of the dissemination of
The EEC Treaty was thus very different in character information, of health and safety standards, and of a
from the constitutions of nation states. Whereas the nuclear common market. However, and even more
latter have little, if anything, to say about policy, than with the EEC Treaty, differences between the
the EEC Treaty had policy as its main concern. The states on key points resulted in the force of many of
nature of that concern was such that many have the provisions of these chapters being watered down
suggested that the policy framework indicated and by exceptions and loopholes. For example, under
outlined in the Treaty was guided by a clear phi- Article 52 an agency was established with ‘exclusive
losophy or ideology: that of free-market, liberal, right to conclude contracts relating to the supply
non-interventionist capitalism. Unquestionably of ores, scarce materials, and special fissile materi-
there is much in this view: on the one hand, the als coming from inside the Community or from
market mechanism and the need to prevent abuses outside’. Article 66, however, set out circumstances
to competition were accorded a high priority; on in which states could buy on the world markets pro-
the other hand, there were few references to ways vided Commission approval was obtained. Similarly,
in which joint activities and interventions should Treaty provisions aimed at a pooling and sharing of
be promoted for non-market-based purposes. But technical information and knowledge were greatly
the case should not be overstated. First, because weakened – largely at French insistence – by provi-
competition itself was seen as requiring consider- sions allowing for secrecy where national security
able intervention and management from the centre. was involved.
46 | The Historical Evolution

The institutional provisions of the The greater intergovernmental character of the insti-
tutional arrangements of the 1957 treaties took the form
treaties of less independent powers for the Commission, as com-
The ECSC Treaty served as the institutional model for pared with the equivalent powers of the High Authority
the EEC and Euratom Treaties, but with modifications in the ECSC Treaty, and a requirement that most of the
which had as their effect a tilting away from suprana- key decisions in the Council would have to be made
tionalism towards intergovernmentalism. As with the unanimously. However, there were grounds for believ-
ECSC, both the EEC and Euratom were to have four ing that the system could, and probably would, serve
principal institutions. These are set out in Box 3.4. as a launching pad for a creeping supranationalism.
One of these grounds was provision in the EEC Treaty
for increased use of majority voting in the Council as
the Community became established. Another was the
BOX 3.4 expectation that the Assembly would soon be elected
by direct suffrage and that its authority would thereby
The main institutions created by be increased. And a third was the seemingly reasonable
assumption that if the Communities proved to be a suc-
the EEC and Euratom Treaties* cess the member states would become less concerned
about their national rights and would increasingly cede
An appointed Commission would assume the role
greater powers to the central institutions.
exercised by, and in its composition would be similar
to the nature of, the ECSC’s High Authority. It would
be the principal policy initiator, it would have some
decision-making powers of its own, and it would
carry certain responsibilities for policy implementa- Concluding Remarks
tion. But it would have less power than the High
Authority to impose decisions on member states. The Treaty of Paris and the two Treaties of Rome
are thus the founding treaties of the three European
A Council of Ministers, with greater powers than its Communities. At the time of their signings they marked
equivalent under the ECSC, would be the principal major steps forward in the development of post-war
decision-making body. Most decisions would be inter-state relations. They did so by laying the bases for
taken unanimously, but circumstances in which signatory states to integrate specific and core areas of
majority and qualified majority votes were permis- their economic activities and by embodying a degree
sible were specified. of supranationalism in the decision-making arrange-
An Assembly would exercise advisory and (limited) ments they established for the new Communities.
supervisory powers. Initially it would be composed Insofar as it was the first treaty, the Treaty of Paris
of delegates from national parliaments, but after holds a special place in the history of European inte-
appropriate arrangements were made it was to be gration. In terms of long-term impact, however, the
elected ‘by direct universal suffrage in accordance EEC Treaty has been the most important in that it has
with a uniform procedure in all Member States’. been on its wide policy base that much of European
integration since 1958 has been constructed.
A Court of Justice was charged with the duty of
Though they laid down reasonably clear guidelines
ensuring that ‘in the interpretation and application
on, and requirements for, certain matters, the founding
of this Treaty the law is observed’.
treaties were not intended to act as straitjackets with
respect to the future shape and development of the
* A similar institutional structure was created for both
Communities. A Convention signed on the same day as Communities. Rather, they provided frameworks within
both of the Community Treaties – 25 March 1957 – speci- which certain things would be expected to happen and
fied that the ECSC Assembly and Court of Justice should other things could happen if decision-makers so chose.
be common to all three Communities (that is, the ECSC, Attention in the next two chapters turns to the
the EEC, and Euratom). development of European integration since the Rome
Treaties came into force in January 1958.
Chapter 4
The Deepening of the Integration Process

Treaty Development 47 ince the European Communities were created in the 1950s, European
Development of Policy integration has advanced in many ways. One, much-used and very useful,
Processes49 analytical device for capturing the nature of the ways in which integration
has advanced is to distinguish between deepening and widening. Deepening
Development of Policies 50
refers to the development of vertical integration: that is, to the ever more
Concluding Remarks 53 intense nature of the integration that exists between member states. Widening
refers to the development of horizontal integration: that is, to the growing
geographical spread of the European Community (EC)/European Union (EU)
via the accessions of new member states.
This chapter outlines the most important aspects of the deepening of the
integration process. The examination does not take the form of a detailed
account of the unfolding of every aspect of EC/EU deepening. For those who
want such an account, a useful starting point is Dinan, 2014. Nor does the
chapter provide a chronological history – a Chronology of Main Events is
included at the end of the book. Rather, the chapter provides an overview of
the main features of the deepening process.
Three features are considered: treaty development; the development of
policy processes; and the development of policies. Since each of these features
is explored at length in other chapters of the book, attention in this chapter is
restricted to the identification of key points associated with the features and to
showing how they have impacted on one another.

Treaty Development
As was shown in Chapter 3, the Treaty of Paris and the two Treaties of Rome
constitute the founding treaties of the European Communities. Over the years,
in response to pressures for the EC/EU treaty framework to be extended,
strengthened and made more democratic, the founding treaties have been
amended and supplemented by subsequent treaties. The EU’s treaty frame-
work today is thus radically different from the framework that was laid down
in the 1950s. Table 4.1 lists the EC/EU’s major treaties.
The first major set of revisions to the founding treaties were incorporated
in the 1986 Single European Act (SEA), which was something of a mixed bag,
containing tidying-up provisions, provisions designed to give the Community
a broader policy remit, and provisions altering aspects of Community deci-
sion-making. There were two main aspects to these last provisions. On the
48 | The Historical Evolution

Table 4.1 The EC/EU’s major treaties

Name of Treaty Date signed Entered into force

Treaty establishing the European 18 April 1951 23 July 1952 (The Treaty was signed for a
Coal and Steel Community 50-year duration. When the duration expired
in 1952 responsibility for coal and steel was
transferred to the European Community.)
Treaties establishing the European 25 March 1957 1 January 1958
Economic Community and the
European Atomic Energy Community
Single European Act 17 and 28 February 1986 1 July 1987
Treaty of Maastricht 7 February 1992 1 November 1993
Treaty of Amsterdam 2 October 1997 1 May 1999
Treaty of Nice 26 February 2001 1 February 2003
Treaty of Lisbon 13 December 2007 1 December 2009

one hand, the capacity of the Council of Ministers for moving to Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)
to take decisions by qualified majority vote (QMV) with a single currency; the latter, most notably, by fur-
was strengthened, with the purpose of enabling the ther extending provision for QMV in the Council and
Community to pass the laws that would be necessary by creating a new legislative procedure – co-decision
to give effect to the aim that was agreed at the June – which, for the first time, gave the EP the power of
1985 Milan European Council meeting of ‘completing’ veto over some legislative proposals.
the internal market by December 1992. On the other The 1997 Amsterdam Treaty was neither as far-
hand, with a view to be seen to be doing something reaching nor as ambitious as either the SEA or the
about the so-called ‘democratic deficit’, the influ- Maastricht Treaty. Indeed, for Euro-enthusiasts it was
ence of the European Parliament (EP) (the Assembly something of a disappointment in that it did not com-
started calling itself the European Parliament from plete what had been intended to be its main job, namely
1962) was strengthened via the creation of a two-stage adjusting the composition of the EU’s institutions in
legislative procedure – ‘the cooperation procedure’ preparation for enlargement. Nonetheless, it was sig-
– for some legislative proposals. Taken together, the nificant for the integration process in that, like the SEA
Milan summit and the SEA are often described as and the Maastricht Treaty, it too carried policy and
heralding the ‘re-launch’ of European integration in institutional deepening forward, albeit more modestly.
that they provided the foundations for a considerable In respect of policy deepening, its main contribution
increase in the pace of integration after some years of, was to strengthen the EU’s decision-making capac-
if not sclerosis as is sometimes claimed, slow integra- ity in certain JHA spheres. In respect of institutional
tionist advance. deepening, its most important changes were to extend
The 1992 Maastricht Treaty built on the momen- the co-decision procedure to more policy spheres and
tum that the SEA provided for the integration process to virtually abolish the cooperation procedure.
and advanced it significantly further. It did so in two The 2001 Nice Treaty was always intended to be
main ways. First, it created the new organisation of the limited in scope in that its remit was largely restricted
EU, which was based on three pillars: the European to dealing with the ‘Amsterdam leftovers’. That is to
Communities, a Common Foreign and Security Policy say, its main task was to make changes in the com-
(CFSP), and Cooperation in the Fields of Justice and position of the EU’s institutions and in the voting
Home Affairs (JHA). Second, like the SEA, it furthered strengths and voting procedures in the Council so as
policy and institutional deepening: the former, most to enable the EU to absorb applicant states, whilst at
notably, by laying down a procedure and a timetable the same time not undermining the capacity of the
The Deepening of the Integration Process | 49

EU to function in a tolerably efficient manner. This, come into force. Over time, ‘realities’ increasingly
as Chapter 6 shows, the Treaty did. favoured the latter position and the prospects of the
The most recent of the EU’s major treaties – the whole of the Treaty entering into force were eventu-
2007 Lisbon Treaty – continued the pattern of all the ally dropped. Another IGC was convened in 2007
treaties since the SEA in that it provided for advances and – acting on the basis of tight guidelines issued to
in both policy and institutional integration. As is it by the European Council – it quickly agreed a new
shown in Chapter 7, the institutional advances were treaty: a treaty that removed the controversial sym-
the most significant, including as they did provision for bolic aspects of the Constitutional Treaty but that left
a new position of European Council President and for most of its other contents intact. However, the new
a more united and identifiable position – entitled High treaty – the Lisbon Treaty as it became called after
Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and being formally signed in the Portuguese capital – also
Security Policy – than had hitherto existed in respect ran into ratification difficulties when the Irish people
of representing the EU in external political relations. rejected it in a referendum in June 2008. (Ireland was
But the Lisbon Treaty was also in important the only country in which a referendum on the Lisbon
respects different from earlier treaties in that it was Treaty was held.) The entry into force of the Treaty
subject to a much longer and more tortuous period of was, in consequence, further delayed: until the Irish
preparation, negotiation, and ratification. The roots people ratified it in a second referendum that was held
of the Treaty lay in the 2000 Nice summit, where in October 2009. The Treaty eventually took effect in
the leaders of the member states, aware that the Nice December 2009.
Treaty they had just contracted was much more mod-
est in nature than many would have liked, agreed
that another Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) Development of Policy
should be convened in 2004. This Nice agreement was
quickly overtaken by a momentum that the next IGC Processes
should be much more ambitious than its predeces-
sors, with the consequence that at their December The founding treaties indicated a pattern of
2001 Laeken summit the leaders decided to convene policy-making and decision-making in which the
a Convention on the Future of Europe that would Commission would propose, the Parliament would
prepare the ground for the scheduled 2004 IGC. The advise, the Council would decide – usually by una-
Convention submitted its recommendations – which nimity – and the Court of Justice would interpret
were for a Constitutional Treaty – and these were when law was made. For many years this is how
broadly accepted by the IGC. But the Constitutional inter-institutional relationships and processes gener-
Treaty ran into major ratification difficulties, largely ally worked in practice, and indeed in a few decision-
because the use of the word ‘constitutional’ in its title making areas they still do so. But since the re-launch
(the Treaty was never formally called a ‘constitution’) of the integration process in the mid-1980s there have
elevated its perceived importance and encouraged been many additions and amendments to the pattern.
some member states to hold referendums on it. There Five of these additions and amendments are particu-
had been difficulties in ratifying earlier treaties, but larly worth noting.
these had not been seen at the time as being insu- First, the relationships between the four institu-
perable, and in the event they proved not to be so. tions themselves have altered in a number of ways.
But the difficulties with ratifying the Constitutional As integration has evolved, all of the institutions
Treaty were of quite a different order, with two found- have extended their interests and simultaneously
ing member states – the Netherlands and France – become increasingly less compartmentalised and less
­rejecting the Treaty in referendums held in mid-2005. ­self-contained within the EU system. This has led not
The consequences of these referendums was initially only to a certain blurring of responsibilities as the
disputed, with many ‘pro-integrationists’ arguing for dividing lines between who does what have become
a continuation of the ratification process in the hope less clear, but also to changes in the powers of, and
that somehow the Treaty could be rescued, and with balance between, institutions as there has emerged
many others concluding that the Treaty could never a more general sharing of powers. So, for example:
50 | The Historical Evolution

the Council of Ministers has usurped some of the processes and channels operate in particular cases,
Commission’s proposing responsibilities by becom- and what types of interactions occur therein, varies
ing progressively more involved in helping to initiate considerably from sector to sector, and can even do so
and set the policy agenda; the Court has significantly from decision to decision.
affected the direction and pace of the integration Fourth, policy processes have become, in some
process by issuing many judgements with consider- respects at least, more efficient and democratic. They
able policy and institutional implications; and the have become more efficient insofar as treaty reforms
EP, greatly assisted by treaty changes, has steadily have made it possible for an increasing number of
extended its influence, especially its legislative influ- Council decisions to be taken by QMV rather than
ence. Indeed, such has been the increase in the EP’s requiring unanimity. Decision-making has thus been
legislative role that the former Commission–Council less hampered by having to wait for the slowest. Policy
axis on which EU legislative processes were based has processes have become more democratic insofar as the
been replaced by a Council–Commission–EP triangle. EP – the only EU institution to be directly elected –
Second, an increasing range of participants not has become more influential.
associated with the four main institutions have Fifth, policy processes have become more supra-
become involved in policy-making and decision- national in character. Whilst it is the case that
making. The most important of these participants are many types of decisions can still only be taken if all
the Heads of Government who, in regular summits – member states agree, and as such decision-making
known as European Council meetings – have come is intergovernmental, many key and binding deci-
to assume key agenda-setting and decision-taking sions can be taken without all member states giving
responsibilities that have had the effect of reducing their explicit approval. This is the case where non-
the power and manoeuvrability of both the Council governmental EU institutions are assigned inde-
of Ministers and the Commission. The increasing pendent powers: as, for example, the Commission is
involvement of the Heads of Government has been in respect of competition policy and the European
no more clearly seen than in the context of the post- Central Bank (ECB) is in respect of eurozone mon-
2007–08 economic and financial crises, which has etary policy. It is the case also where QMV can be
resulted in them – sometimes in full summits and used in the Council: and it is now available for most
sometimes in Euro Summits (meetings of eurozone types of policy decisions.
Heads of Government) – taking key decisions on such
matters as bailouts to indebted states and reforms
to the EMU system. In this post-2007–08 world, the
power of the German Chancellor – and more broadly Development of Policies
of Germany in respect of EMU matters – has increas-
ingly been wielded. Prominent amongst other actors The EU’s policy portfolio has expanded steadily over
who have inserted or attempted to insert themselves the years, stimulated and encouraged by treaty provi-
into decision-making processes are the many national sions, the increasing internationalisation and compet-
and transnational sectoral interests and pressures that itiveness of economic forces, a growing recognition of
have come to cluster around the main institutions in the benefits of working together, integrationist pres-
order to monitor developments and, when possible, to sures emanating from central institutions (notably the
advise or pressurise decision-makers. Commission and the EP), and the stimulus that policy
Third, policy processes have become more varied development in one sphere has given to developments
and complex as they have come to function in many in other spheres.
different ways at many different levels. In addition to
what occurs in the structured settings of Council and
Commission meetings, parliamentary plenaries and The internal market
committees, and Court sittings, there is a mosaic of
less formal channels in which representatives of the The policies that lie closest to the heart of the EU’s
institutions, the states, and interests meet and interact policy framework are those related to what used to
to discuss and produce policies and decisions. Which be called ‘the Common Market’ and is now known as
The Deepening of the Integration Process | 51

‘the internal market’ or ‘the Single European Market’ Economic and Monetary Union
(SEM). In essence, these policies are designed to pro-
mote the free movement of goods, services, capital, Closely associated with the internal market momen-
and people between the member states, and to enable tum has been the building of EMU. Having long been
the EU to act jointly and present a common front in identified as a Community goal, real progress towards
its economic and trading relations with third coun- EMU only began to be made in the late 1980s when
tries. Since the mid-1980s – when the creation of the most of the member states – strongly encouraged by
SEM was given priority via the ‘1992 programme’ and the President of the Commission, Jacques Delors –
the SEA – there has been considerable development came to the view that harmonised macroeconomic
of these market-based policies. This has resulted in and financial policies and a single currency were
a great increase in the range and extent of the EU’s necessary if the internal market was to realise its full
regulatory presence, which is somewhat ironic given potential. Accordingly, a strategy for creating a sin-
that a key aim of building the internal market has gle currency-based EMU gradually developed. This
been to liberalise and deregulate the functioning of was put into specific form – with the laying down
the market. It has, however, been generally recognised of procedures and a timetable – in the Maastricht
and conceded by EU decision-makers that the market Treaty. Central to the Maastricht provisions on EMU
can operate on a reasonably fair and open basis only if were conditions – called convergence criteria – that
key features of it are properly managed and controlled countries would have to meet if they were to become
from the centre. members of the single currency system. The qualifying
The EU has thus developed many policies with conditions – low rates of inflation, low interest rates,
direct implications for the operation of the mar- the avoidance of excessive budgetary and national
ket. Amongst the regulatory activities in which EU debt deficits, and currency stability – were designed
decision-makers have been much concerned are: the to ensure that the single currency zone would be
establishment of essential conditions for product based on sound foundations. The conditions were
standards and for their testing and certification (the subsequently used as a basis for the development of a
details are usually worked out by European standards Stability and Growth Pact (SGP), which was a frame-
organisations); the liberalisation of national econo- work for national economic and monetary policies
mies, including opening up to competition national within the single currency zone designed to ensure
monopolies and protected industries in such spheres that stability would not be threatened by national
as energy, transport, and telecommunications; the imbalances or ‘irresponsible’ national policies.
laying down of criteria that companies must satisfy The Maastricht Treaty offered the possibility of the
if they wish to trade in the EU market (this has been single currency system being launched in 1997, but
very important, for example, in the sphere of finan- that proved to be premature. However, the system did
cial services); and controlling the circumstances in come into operation on 1 January 1999, with 11 of the
which governments can and cannot subsidise domes- EU’s 15 member states fixing their exchange rates and
tic industries. the common currency – the euro – coming into exist-
In addition to these ‘pure’ market policies, several ence. Of the four non-participating states, Denmark,
policy areas in the broader social sphere that have Sweden, and the UK chose not to join, whilst Greece
market implications have also become increasingly was unable to meet the convergence criteria. Greece’s
subject to EU policy interest and, in some cases, regu- position was, however, quickly deemed to be in
latory control. This has usually been a consequence order and it too became a member of the system on
of some mix of genuine social concern coupled with 1 January 2001. National banknotes and coins were
a recognition that divergences of national approaches phased out in the participating countries in early 2002
and standards are not compatible with fair compe- and were replaced by euro notes and coins.
tition and are not helpful for economic growth in The states that became EU members in 2004, 2007,
the EU. Examples of policy areas that have become and 2103 were all required to commit to joining the
subject to such policy attention are employment, the single currency system, but they were not permitted
environment, consumer protection, and working to join immediately. Rather, they were required to
conditions. wait for at least two years so as to see whether they
52 | The Historical Evolution

could meet the convergence criteria after assuming EU standards to chemical safety requirements – that do
membership. In the event, several of the new member not require much direct EU expenditure, though they
states have found meeting the convergence criteria a do often require considerable expenditure by public
struggle and by the time of writing (autumn 2016) and private bodies in the member states. Second,
only seven of the twelve 2004/2007/2013 accession the EU has always had very limited involvement
states have joined the eurozone. But though the pro- with ­policy areas that account for the bulk of pub-
gress of some 2004/2007/2013 accession states towards lic expenditure – notably social welfare, education,
membership of the single currency system has been health, and defence. These policies have been viewed
relatively slow – and the onset of the economic and as being essentially national responsibilities.
financial crises has raised questions for them about the The main exception to this lack of involvement with
wisdom of ­joining – the fact is that 19 EU states now heavy expenditure policy areas has been agriculture,
have the same currency, and therefore also the same where the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has
interest rates and external exchange rates. imposed heavy burdens on the EU’s annual budget. Since
As was shown in Chapter 1, when the economic the early 1980s a series of measures have been adopted
and financial crises began to unfold from 2007–08, that have had the effect of bringing many aspects of the
the single currency’s structural foundations proved CAP’s problems – including heavy overproduction –
to be too weak to deal quickly and effectively with the under control, but agriculture still accounts for around
strains that were placed on the eurozone. The ‘M’ in 40 per cent of EU budgetary expenditure.
EMU was strong, but the ‘E’ was weak. That is to say, Paralleling the attempts to bring the CAP under
EMU was a monetary union but it was not – as many control has been increased spending on other policy
commentators had long argued it needed to be if it areas that also impose budgetary demands. Regional
was to be secure – also an economic union with cen- and social policies have received particular attention,
tralised fiscal capacities and regulatory powers over especially via the development and growth since the
key aspects of member states’ economic policies and 1970s of the EU’s two main cohesion funds – the
structures. Yet, even though some EMU members had European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and
to pay a high price for this weakness – by being made the European Social Fund (ESF). In more recent years,
subject to stiff austerity policies (that were driven more funding has also been channelled to the likes of
especially by Germany) – as a condition of being research, energy, and employment promotion policies.
assisted out of the crises that impacted on them, there Beyond economic and economic-related policies,
was little serious questioning at governmental levels of the EU has also moved into other policy areas over
the overall merits of EMU. The focus was on reform- the years. The most significant of these areas – signifi-
ing the system, not scrapping it. In consequence, as cant in that they involve highly sensitive policy mat-
is shown in Chapters 1 and 20, a strengthened EMU ters that are far removed from the original European
system was duly created. Economic Community (EEC) policy focus on the
construction of a common market – are foreign and
security policy, defence policy, and JHA policy. These
Other policies policy areas are still very much in the course of devel-
opment, but they nonetheless have advanced con-
Notwithstanding the impression that is often given siderably in both institutional and policy terms. This
of an ever-expanding EU, its budget only accounts advancement is seen in the treaties, with the de facto
for just over 1 per cent of total EU gross domestic growing role of foreign policy from the early 1970s
product (GDP) and less than 3 per cent of total EU first being given treaty acknowledgement by the SEA,
public expenditure. This is both a consequence of and and with both foreign and defence, and JHA policies
a reason for the nature of the EU’s policy portfolio. being important components of, and being consider-
There are two main reasons for the proportionately ably strengthened by, the Maastricht, Amsterdam,
very low level of EU spending. First, many of the poli- Nice, and Lisbon Treaties.
cies that the EU has developed are essentially regula- So extensive and diverse has policy development
tory in character. That is, they involve laying down been since the Community was established that there
rules on all sorts of things – from specifying air quality are now very few policy areas where significant EU
The Deepening of the Integration Process | 53

policies are not to be found. No other combination of its institutional structure and in the continuance of
states has arrangements even remotely like those that the common market/internal market as the ‘core’ of
apply in the EU, where cooperation and integration policy activity.
are consciously practised across such a wide range However, in many fundamental ways European
of policy sectors and where so many policy responsi- integration has clearly advanced considerably since it
bilities have been transferred from individual states to was given its initial organisational expression by the
collective institutions. founding treaties. This advancement is seen not least
The nature of the EU’s policy interests and respon- in the multifaceted nature and extent of integration
sibilities are examined at length in Part IV of the book. deepening, which has taken two broad forms. On the
one hand, there has been a considerable development
of institutional integration, with institutional and
policy-making arrangements becoming more numer-
Concluding Remarks ous and more complex. On the other hand, there has
been a comparable development of policy integration,
The EU is still recognisably based on the three with the EU’s policy responsibilities now extending,
European Communities that were founded in the to at least some degree, into just about every area of
1950s. The most obvious ways in which it is so are in public policy.
Chapter 5
The Widening of the Integration Process

Enlargement via his chapter examines the widening of the integration process. That is
Enlargement Rounds 55 to say, it examines Economic Community (EC)/European Union (EU)
Why Has the EU Been enlargement. The chapter begins by emphasising how the enlarge-
Willing to Enlarge? 71 ment process has mainly proceeded via a series of enlargement rounds. This
The Impact of Enlargements is followed by an examination of key features of the enlargement rounds
on the EU 73 and of the member states that have been, and may in the future be, part of
them. Attention is then turned to the EC/EU’s positions on enlargement:
Concluding Remarks 74
why has it been prepared to enlarge given that in most respects it has been a
successful organisation and that many applicants might have been thought to
have threatened the success? The different ways in which enlargements have
impacted on the nature and operation of the EC/EU are then considered.

Enlargement via Enlargement Rounds

From an original EC membership of six (see Map 5.1), the EU has grown in
size to 28 member states at the time of writing (autumn 2016). This great
increase has mainly taken place not on a one-by-one basis but rather in a series
of enlargement rounds. In these rounds, states with significant shared char-
acteristics have lodged membership applications at about the same times and
have subsequently become members at either precisely the same times or at
times that have not been too far apart. As Table 5.1 shows, there have been four
enlargement rounds to date: the first resulted in Denmark, Ireland, and the UK
acceding in 1973; the second, which is commonly called the Mediterranean
round, resulted in Greece acceding in 1981 and Portugal and Spain doing so
in 1986; the third, which is often referred to as the EFTAn round (because the
applicants were all members of the European Free Trade Association) resulted
in Austria, Finland, and Sweden joining in 1995; and the fourth, which may
be called the 10 + 2 round (both because ten of the newcomers were Central
and Eastern European countries (CEECs) and two were small Mediterranean
islands and also because ten states joined in 2004 and two did so in 2007),
resulted in Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania,
Malta, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia acceding in 2004, and Bulgaria and
Romania acceding in 2007. In time, a fifth enlargement round – the Balkan, or
perhaps South-Eastern, round – is likely to be added to this list, but it will be
drawn out over some years and currently has only one entry against its name
– Croatia, which joined in 2013.

56 | The Historical Evolution

Map 5.1 The founding member states












Black Sea



Mediterranean Sea


The founding member states 1 Albania
2 Switzerland

In addition to increasing the size of the EC/ so by broadening integration out from its founding
EU, each of these enlargement rounds has made base, by granting accession to a large state – the
distinctive contributions to the nature of the inte- UK – with the potential to disrupt the then virtu-
gration process. The first enlargement round did ally established Franco-German informal leadership
The Widening of the Integration Process | 57

Table 5.1 The enlargement rounds

Enlargement round Date of accession Member states acceding

The first 1 January 1973 Denmark, Ireland, the UK

The Mediterranean (first phase) 1 January 1981 Greece
The Mediterranean (second phase) 1 January 1986 Portugal and Spain
The EFTAn 1 January 1995 Austria, Finland, Sweden
The 10 + 2 (first phase) 1 May 2004 Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia,
Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia
The 10 + 2 (second phase.) 1 January 2007 Bulgaria and Romania
The Balkan (projected) 1 July 2013 Croatia

of the Community, and by bringing in two states The 1973 enlargement: the UK,
– Denmark and the UK – that over the years have
been firmly in, indeed may be said to have gener- Denmark, and Ireland
ally led, the ‘Euro-cautious’ camp on integration- Three factors were especially important in governing
ist matters. The second round gave integration a the UK’s attitude towards European integration in
decided tilt to the south and a tilt also to less pros- the post-war years. First, the UK saw itself as oper-
perous states. The third round – which, because the ating within what Winston Churchill described as
acceding states were all relatively small, prosperous, three overlapping and interlocking relationships: the
and well functioning, was by far the easiest round Empire and Commonwealth; the Atlantic Alliance and
to negotiate and manage – meant that virtually the ‘special relationship’ with the USA; and Western
all of Western Europe was now part of the EU: Europe. Until the early 1960s Western Europe was
when the three EFTAns joined the only significant seen as being the least important of these relationships.
Western European states to remain outside the EU Second, successive British governments were not pre-
were Norway, Iceland, and Switzerland. The fourth pared to accept the loss of sovereignty that integration
enlargement round was the most momentous implied. There were several reasons for this, of which
round of all. It was so both in terms of the number the most important were: Britain’s long-established
of acceding states and in terms of it transforming parliamentary tradition; the record, in which there
what had been a process of Western European inte- was considerable pride, of not having been invaded or
gration into a near Europe-wide process of integra- controlled by foreign powers in modern times; a gener-
tion. Prior to the collapse of communist regimes in ally held view that cessation of sovereignty was neither
Central and Eastern Europe in 1989–90, followed desirable nor necessary, since Britain still saw itself as
by the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, CEECs being a world power of the first rank; and a certain
had not been eligible for EC membership and in distaste with the idea of being dependent on the not
any event had not been sufficiently politically inde- altogether highly regarded governments and countries
pendent to contemplate applying. But, the events of ‘the Continent’. Third, Britain’s circumstances were
of 1989–91 transformed the political and economic such that three of the four main integrationist organi-
landscape of Central and Eastern Europe, and sations to be proposed in the 1950s had few attractions
opened the door to a transformation in EU mem- in terms of their specific areas of concern: the restric-
bership in the 2000s. tions on national decision-making powers entailed
*  *  * in the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC)
Each of the enlargement rounds will now be reviewed, looked very unappealing to a country whose coal and
with a particular focus on the motivations of the steel capacity far exceeded that of any of the six; the
applicants. European Defence Community (EDC) would have
58 | The Historical Evolution

limited governmental manoeuvrability and options at that the UK was no longer a world power of the
a time when Britain’s defences were already stretched first rank. Paralleling this decline, the nature and
by the attempt to maintain a world role; and Euratom status of the ‘special relationship’ with the USA
looked as though it would involve sharing secrets with weakened and became increasingly questionable.
less advanced nuclear powers. Only the European Furthermore, the British Empire was giving way to
Economic Community (EEC) seemed to have much the Commonwealth, a very loose organisation and
to offer, but foremost amongst the problems it carried not one that was capable of providing the UK with
with it was its proposed supranationalism. Attempts much international political support. Economically,
were made to persuade the six not to be so ambi- trade with the Commonwealth was declining, whilst
tious and to direct their attention to the construction indicators on growth in trade, investment, gross
of a Western European free trade area, but with no national product (GNP), and income per head all
success. As a result, and with a view to increasing showed that by the early 1960s the member states
its bargaining power with the six, Britain looked to of the EC were outperforming the UK. Quite simply
other non-signatories of the Treaty of Rome. This the figures appeared to show that in economic terms
led, in January 1960, to the Stockholm Convention, the Community was a success and was so at a time
which established the EFTA. The founding members when the UK’s pattern of trade, even when not a
of EFTA were Austria, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Community member, was turning away from the
Sweden, Switzerland, and the UK. Commonwealth and towards Europe. Moreover, the
Shortly after the EEC began functioning in 1958 growing economic strength of the EC seemed to be
the attitude of the UK government began to change linked with growing political status.
and membership came to be sought. The first enlarge- Thus, when Pompidou opened the EC door, the
ment of the Community could, in fact, have occurred UK government willingly entered.
much earlier than it did had President de Gaulle not
opposed UK applications in 1963 and 1967. He did *  *  *
so for a mixture of reasons: he feared the UK would Denmark and Ireland were not interested in joining
rival and attempt to thwart his desire to place France the Communities that were founded in the 1950s.
at the centre of the European stage; he believed UK Both of their economies were heavily dependent on
membership would unsettle the developing Franco- agriculture, so the ECSC had little to offer them.
German alliance – an alliance that was given sym- As for the EEC, there were several reasons to doubt
bolic force with the signing in 1963 of a Friendship that it would be to their benefit, the most important
Treaty between the two countries; and he was suspi- of which was that both countries had strong eco-
cious of the UK’s close links with the USA, thinking nomic and historical links elsewhere: in Denmark’s
they would pave the way for American penetration case with the other Scandinavian countries and
and domination of Europe if the UK joined the with the UK; in Ireland’s case with the UK. These
Community. So the UK was barred from Community links with the UK resulted in both of them tying
membership until de Gaulle was replaced as French their willingness to join the EC with the outcome
President by Georges Pompidou in 1969. A different of the UK’s attempts to gain membership, so they
view was then taken in Paris: the UK might serve as both applied and then withdrew their applications
a useful counterweight to the increasingly strong and on two occasions in the 1960s and then became
self-confident Germany; UK governments would members in 1973.
lend support to France’s opposition to pressures from Like Denmark and Ireland, Norway paralleled
within the Community for increased supranational- the UK in applying for EC membership in the 1960s
ism; and France would probably gain economically (twice) and early 1970s. On the third occasion terms
by virtue of having better access to UK markets and of entry were agreed by the Norwegian government,
as a result of the UK being a net contributor to the but were then rejected by the Norwegian people in a
Community budget. referendum in 1972 following a campaign in which
The reasons for the UK’s changed position on suspicions about the implications for Norwegian
Europe were a mixture of the political and the agriculture, fishing, and national sovereignty featured
economic. Politically, it was increasingly clear prominently.
The Widening of the Integration Process | 59

Map 5.2 The first enlargement round (1973)











Black Sea



Mediterranean Sea


The first enlargement round (1973)
1 Albania
2 Switzerland
Existing member states

New member states

60 | The Historical Evolution

The Mediterranean enlargement: governments of the founding six states did not wish to
be too closely attached. Not that there was anything
Greece (1981) and Spain and in the treaties to specify that members must be liberal
Portugal (1986) democracies: Article 237 of the EEC Treaty simply
stated ‘Any European State may apply to become a
In the 1950s the Greek economy had been unsuitable member of the Community.’ The assumption was,
for ECSC or EEC membership, being predominantly however, that a democratic political system was a
peasant-based. Additionally, Greece’s history, culture, necessary qualification for entry. Economically, both
and geographical position put it outside the Western Spain and Portugal were predominantly agricultural
European mainstream. But just as the countries that and underdeveloped, and both pursued essentially
joined the Community in 1973 would have liked to autarkic economic policies until the end of the 1950s:
have become members earlier, so was the accession factors that hardly made them candidates for the
of Greece delayed longer than Greek governments ECSC and that had the knock-on effect of excluding
would have liked. The initial problem, recognised them from the negotiating processes that led to the
on both sides when Greece made its first approaches EEC (which were opened up by the ECSC six only to
to Brussels soon after the EEC came into being, was the UK – which then withdrew at a very early stage).
the underdeveloped nature of the Greek economy. A So although both Spain and Portugal requested nego-
transitional period prior to membership was deemed tiations on association with the Community as early as
to be necessary and this was negotiated in the form 1962, and Spain made it quite clear that its request was
of an Association Agreement that came into force in with a view to full membership at some future date, both
1962. Full incorporation into the Community would, it countries were treated with caution by the Community.
was understood, follow when the Greek economy was Eventually they were granted preferential trade agree-
capable of sustaining the obligations imposed by mem- ments, but it was only with the overthrow of the Caetano
bership. However, between April 1967, when there regime in Portugal in 1974 and the death of the Spanish
was a military coup in Greece, and June 1974, when leader General Franco in 1975 that full membership
civilian government was re-established, the Association became a real possibility. Portugal applied in March
Agreement was virtually suspended. It might be thought 1977 and Spain did so July 1977. The negotiations
that this would have further delayed full membership, were protracted and difficult, covering, amongst many
but in fact it had the opposite effect. After a general problems, the threat posed to other Mediterranean
election in November 1974 the government immedi- countries by Spanish agriculture, the size of the Spanish
ately made clear its wish for Greece to become a full fishing fleet, and the implications of cheap Spanish and
member of the Community. The Commission issued Portuguese labour moving north. As with the Greek
a formal opinion that Greece was still not economi- negotiations, political factors helped to overcome these
cally ready and proposed a pre-accession period of difficulties: the EC member states wished to encourage
unlimited duration, during which economic reforms political stability in Southern Europe; there was the
could be implemented. In response, the Greek gov- opportunity to widen and strengthen the political and
ernment restated its wish for full membership, and economic base of the Community; and, by helping to
particularly emphasised how membership could help link Southern Europe to the north, there were seen to be
both to underpin Greek democracy and to consolidate strategic advantages for both Western Europe and the
Greece’s Western European and Western Alliance North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO).
bonds. The Council of Ministers was sympathetic to
these arguments and rejected the Commission’s pro-
posal. Membership negotiations were opened in July
1976 and Greece entered the Community in 1981. The EFTAn enlargement: Austria,
As with Greece, for many years both political Finland, and Sweden (all 1995)
and economic circumstances resulted in Spain and
Portugal being unsuitable for EC membership. In 1992 the EC formally opened accession nego-
Politically, both countries were authoritarian dicta- tiations with Austria, Finland, and Sweden, and in
torships until the mid-1970s, to which the democratic 1993 it opened negotiations with Norway. These
The Widening of the Integration Process | 61

Map 5.3 The Mediterranean enlargement round (1981 and 1986)












Black Sea



Mediterranean Sea


The Mediterranean enlargement round (1981 and 1986)
1 Albania
2 Switzerland
Existing member states

New member states

Greece acceeded in 1981

Spain and Portugal acceeded in 1986
62 | The Historical Evolution

negotiations were concluded successfully in March European Market (SEM) programme – gathered pace
1994, with a view to each of the countries becoming in the late 1980s and early 1990s. This concern played
members of the EU after the terms of accession had an important part in encouraging the EFTA countries
been ratified at national level. to reconsider the attractions of EC membership. It
Two sets of factors stimulated the four states (and also led the EC – concerned that a widening of its
Switzerland too – of which more below) to seek membership might threaten its own deepening – to
membership of the EU. First, what previously had suggest that EC–EFTA relations be strengthened by
been regarded as virtually insuperable obstacles to EC the creation of a European Economic Area (EEA)
membership came, in the late 1980s and early 1990s, which would, in effect, extend the internal market
to be seen as being less of a problem. For Austria and programme to the EFTA states but would stop short
Sweden (and also Switzerland) the end of the Cold of EC membership. The EEA was duly negotiated, but
War reduced the importance of their traditional ratification ran into difficulties when in December
attachment to neutrality. For Finland, the difficulties 1992 the Swiss people narrowly voted – by 50.5 per
posed by the country’s relative geographical isolation cent to 49.7 per cent – against Swiss membership. This
and special position in relation to the Soviet Union resulted in Switzerland not being able to join the EEA,
disappeared. Second, Austria, Finland, Sweden, and in the timetable for bringing the EEA into effect being
Norway, plus Switzerland, Iceland, and the micro- delayed, and in the Swiss government being obliged to
state of Liechtenstein, made up the membership of put aside Switzerland’s EU application.
EFTA, with which the EC already had special relations. By the time the EEA did come into effect, in
When EFTA was constituted in 1960 – with Denmark, January 1994, it had already come to be accepted by
Portugal, and the UK then also as members, but not most interested parties, including the governments
at that stage Finland, Iceland, or Liechtenstein – it had of the EC, that the ambitions of the governments
two principal objectives: the establishment of a free of Austria, Finland, Sweden, and Norway would be
trade area in industrial products between the member satisfied only by full EU membership. Accordingly,
countries, and the creation of a base for making the accession negotiations were opened with all four states
whole of Western Europe a free trade area for indus- in early 1993. They proceeded much more easily and
trial goods. The first of these objectives was established quickly than had negotiations in previous enlarge-
in 1966 with the removal of virtually all customs duties ment rounds. This was partly because the applicants
and quantitative restrictions on trade in industrial were already well prepared for EU membership –
products between EFTA countries, and the second was having well-functioning market economies, hav-
achieved in 1977 with the creation of an industrial free ing already incorporated much of the Community’s
trade area between the EC and EFTA. acquis into national law, and having firmly established
Over time, however, despite relations between the democratic political systems. It was partly also because
EC and EFTA being friendly, and being indeed further many of the matters that normally have to be covered
developed via cooperation in such areas as environ- in accession negotiations had already been resolved in
mental protection, scientific and technical research, the EEA negotiations and agreement.
and transport policy, the EFTA states increasingly In the event, Norway, as in 1972, did not ratify the
came to view key aspects of the EC–EFTA relationship accession treaty and so did not accede with the other
as unsatisfactory. One reason for their dissatisfaction three states in January 1995. In the Norwegian ratifica-
was that the EC was collectively much stronger than tion referendum campaign issues raised echoed those
EFTA. Another, and related, reason was that the EC of 1972, though with the additional argument being
was prone to present EFTA with de facto situations made by the opponents of membership that Norway
to which the EFTA countries had little option but to had no need to join the EU since it was a prosperous
adjust – as, for example, when the Community laid country that, thanks to the EEA, already had the trad-
down product specifications. This latter problem, ing ties with the EU that it required.
of having to accept trading rules they had played no In consequence, to this day, Norway continues to
part in helping to formulate, became of increasing be a member of EFTA, with Switzerland, Iceland, and
concern to EFTA countries as the EC’s programme Liechtenstein being the other members. The EEA also
to complete its internal market by 1992 – the Single continues to exist, although Switzerland, of course, is
The Widening of the Integration Process | 63

Map 5.4 The EFTAn enlargement round (1995)












Black Sea



Mediterranean Sea


The EFTAN enlargement round (1995)
1 Albania
2 Switzerland
Existing member states 3 Serbia-Montenegro
4 Former Yugoslav Republic
New member states of Macedonia
5 Bosnia and Herzegovina
Note: the territory of East Germany (the German Democratic Republic) 6 Slovenia
was incorporated into a united Germany in 1990. 7 Moldova
64 | The Historical Evolution

not a member. Iceland, Norway, and Switzerland all EU market was clearly crucial for trade, whilst the EU
participate in many EU programmes and activities. as an organisation offered a framework and policies to
A reduction in the size of EFTA looked likely assist with and to underpin economic liberalisation,
for a while, with Iceland applying for EU member- restructuring, regeneration, and growth.
ship in July 2009 in the wake of its economy having In the early 1990s the (then) EU-12, prompted
been severely damaged by the global financial crisis. and guided by the Commission, were quick to assist
However, on making a rapid economic recovery, with CEECs as they set out on their paths of fundamental
the election to power in 2013 of a eurosceptic govern- economic and political reconstruction. The assis-
ment, and with the continuance of long-held concerns tance, which took various forms, was given on the
about the potentially damaging implications of the assumption that it was but the first step in what was
EU’s Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) for its very likely to be a long transitional process of building
important fishing industry, Iceland withdrew its EU EU–CEEC relations. Certainly, EU membership for
membership application in March 2015. CEECs was generally regarded by EU decision-mak-
ers not to be a realistic prospect for many years. After
all, the CEECs were still in the very early stages of
The 10 + 2 enlargement: Cyprus, post-communist reconstruction and were nowhere
the Czech Republic, Estonia, near being ready to meet the demands and disciplines
Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, of EU membership. Furthermore, from the very early
1990s the EU was itself preoccupied with other mat-
Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia ters, including the EFTAn enlargement round and
(all 2004); Bulgaria and Romania preparing for European Monetary Union (EMU).
(both 2007) However, notwithstanding the reservations of
most of the member states about moving too
As noted above, the 10 + 2 enlargement round invol­ quickly, an incremental process of ‘rhetorical ratch-
ved ten CEECs plus the two Mediterranean islands of eting-up’ soon began to unfold in which increas-
Cyprus and Malta. ingly specific promises about membership were
made to CEECs. A key step in the process occurred
at the June 1993 Copenhagen European Council
Central and Eastern European countries
where, in the knowledge that applications from
After gaining their independence in 1989–90 following CEECs were likely in the near future, EU leaders
the collapse of communism, most CEECs were soon declared in the Conclusions of the Presidency (in
openly expressing the hope that, as they established effect, the official communiqué of summit meet-
liberal democratic and market-based systems and as ings) that ‘the associated countries in Central and
East–West relations were transformed, the way would Eastern Europe that so desire shall become members
be eased for their accession to the EU. Whilst the of the European Union. Accession will take place as
circumstances of individual CEECs varied, they were soon as an associated country is able to assume the
all driven by a broadly similar mixture of overlapping obligations of membership by satisfying the eco-
and interconnected political, security, and economic nomic and political conditions required’ (European
motivations. Politically, there was a widespread desire Council, 1993: 12).
to become (re)integrated into the European, and So as to ensure that the enlargement to CEECs
more broadly the Western, world. This resulted in would not threaten the functioning or continuing
CEEC governments necessarily seeking membership development of the EU, the Copenhagen summit also
of the EU – the organisation which both symbolised laid down – for the first time in the Community’s
‘the new’ Europe and embodied much of its drive. In history – conditions that countries aspiring to mem-
security terms, EU membership was seen as offering a bership would have to meet. All that had existed
measure of ‘soft’ security protection – to bolster the hitherto was the very open Article 237 of the EEC
‘hard’ protection of NATO, which most CEECs also Treaty which stated ‘Any European State may apply
were seeking to join – especially against any commu- to become a member of the Community. ... The
nist revival or nationalist surge. And economically, the conditions of admission and the adjustment to the
The Widening of the Integration Process | 65

Treaty necessitated thereby shall be the subject of an were made to the existing main spending areas – agri-
agreement between the Member States and the appli- culture and structural policies. As for the requested
cant State.’ The Copenhagen conditions – or criteria opinions on the applicants, the Commission recom-
as they came to be known – were designed so that mended that negotiations should be opened with
there would be a convergence between existing and five of the ten CEECs – the Czech Republic, Estonia,
new member states in respect of their political and Hungary, Poland, and Slovenia – plus Cyprus, but
economic systems and also that new member states should be delayed with the other five – Bulgaria,
would be able to adopt and implement Union laws Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, and Slovakia until their
and policies (these laws and policies being generally economic (and in the case of Slovakia, political) tran-
referred to as the acquis). The Copenhagen criteria are sitions were further advanced. (Malta had suspended
reproduced in Box 5.1. its application at this time.) The European Council
Between March 1994, when Hungary applied, accepted the Commission’s recommendations at its
and January 1996, when the Czech Republic applied, December 1997 Luxembourg meeting and negotia-
ten CEECs formally applied for EU membership tions with what came to be referred to as the ‘5 + 1
(see the Chronology for the dates of applications). first wave’ states duly began in March 1998.
The December 1995 Madrid European Council for- Before long, however, the Luxembourg decision
mally reacted to these applications by requesting the came to be viewed as having been mistaken. One rea-
Commission to investigate the implications for the son for this was that the link that had long been rec-
EU of enlargement to these countries and to produce ognised between enlargement and European security
opinions on each of the CEEC applicants. This led to was put into sharper focus with continuing turbulence
the issuing in July 1997 of the Commission’s influen- in the Balkans. In particular, the NATO campaign
tial communication Agenda 2000: For a Stronger and in Kosovo in early 1999 highlighted the continu-
Wider Union (European Commission, 1997a), which ing dangers in South-East Europe and the broader
claimed that enlargement could be achieved with little dangers inherent in letting ‘second wave’ countries
extra cost to the Union provided significant reforms believe they were being left on one side. A second
reason was that some of the second wave countries
began to narrow the economic gap between them
and first wave countries. And a third reason was that
BOX 5.1 the Luxembourg summit had not only differentiated
between first and second wave countries, but had also
The Copenhagen criteria decided that Turkey – which had applied for member-
ship as long back as 1987 – was not yet eligible to be
Membership requires that the candidate country even considered. Strong expressions of dissatisfaction
has achieved stability of institutions guarantee- by the Turkish government about how Turkey was
ing democracy, the rule of law, human rights being treated, coupled with suggestions that it might
and respect for and protection of minorities, be forced to look elsewhere for friends, resulted in the
the existence of a functioning market economy EU having to reconsider its position on Turkey.
as well as the capacity to cope with competitive Accordingly, the enlargement strategy was revised
pressure and market forces within the Union. at the 1999 Helsinki summit where it was decided
Membership presupposes the candidate’s ability that: negotiations with the second wave 5 + 1 states
to take on the obligations of membership includ- would be opened in early 2000 (the 1 being Malta – see
ing adherence to the aims of political, economic below); decisions on the preparedness for member-
and monetary union. ship of all 10 + 2 states to become EU members would
The Union’s capacity to absorb new members, be made solely on the basis of their progress in nego-
whilst maintaining the momentum of European tiations, not on when the negotiations with them were
integration, is also an important consideration in opened; and Turkey would be given the status of being
the general interest of both the Union and candi- a ‘candidate country’.
date counties (European Council, 1993: 12). Such was the progress in the accession nego-
tiations with the second wave states, which opened in
66 | The Historical Evolution

Map 5.5 The 10 + 2 enlargement round (2004 and 2007), plus the Croatian accession (2013)












Black Sea
3 8



Mediterranean Sea


The 10 + 2 enlargement round (2004 and 2007), plus the Croatian accession. 1 Albania
(All of the 10 + 2 joined in 2004, except Bulgaria and Romania 2 Switzerland
which joined in 2007. Croatia joined in 2013.) 3 Montenegro
4 Former Yugoslav Republic
of Macedonia
Existing member states 5 Bosnia and Herzegovina
6 Slovenia
New member states 7 Moldova
8 Kosovo

This map shows the situation in 2016.

The Widening of the Integration Process | 67

February 2000, that it soon became apparent to both Cyprus and Malta
participants and observers that far from enlargement
proceeding in a series of stages, as had been assumed, Although they are geographically distant from
there was likely to a ‘big bang’ enlargement round some the Western European heartland, the two small
time before the June 2004 European Parliament (EP) Mediterranean states of Cyprus and Malta are usually
elections – with perhaps all negotiating states other thought of – and have mostly thought of themselves –
than Bulgaria and Romania joining the EU. In as being part of the Western European tradition.
November 2000 the Commission set out a revised In the late 1980s interest in possible EU member-
enlargement strategy, incorporating a more flexible ship developed in both states. It did so not without
framework and a ‘roadmap’ allowing for negotiations considerable internal dissension and doubts, but the
with the more prepared states to be completed by attractions of being a member of the economic area
December 2002. The Commission’s strategy and tar- with which they conducted most of their external eco-
gets were welcomed by the December 2000 Nice sum- nomic relations, having full access to EU programmes
mit and the June 2001 Gothenburg summit confirmed and funding opportunities, and becoming part of EU
that EU-15 leaders hoped negotiations with applicants decision-making systems were increasingly recog-
that were ready could be concluded by December nised. For Cyprus there was an additional attraction:
2002. This hope was realised at the December 2002 EU membership, and possibly even just talks about
Copenhagen summit when the European Council, on membership, might open the way to a solution of ‘the
the basis of reports and recommendations from the Cyprus Problem’ (see below).
Commission, decided that an accession treaty could Both countries applied for EC membership in July
be signed in April 2003 with all negotiating states 1990. Their applications were not received with any
apart from Bulgaria and Romania, with a view to them enthusiasm in EC circles. This was partly because of a
becoming members in May 2004 – that is, in time for reluctance by the EC to tackle the institutional ques-
them to be able to participate fully in the June 2004 tions that would be raised by the accession of very
EP elections. It was further decided that if Bulgaria small states. In the case of Cyprus, it was also because
and Romania made satisfactory progress in complying it was the view of most EC decision-makers that
with the membership criteria, they could anticipate problems arising from the division of the island and
membership in 2007 (European Council, 2002b). Turkey’s occupation of North Cyprus – over 30,000
Accession treaties with the ten states – eight CEECs, Turkish troops had been based there since a Turkish
plus Malta and Cyprus – were duly signed in April invasion in 1974 occasioned by a right-wing Greek
2003. By September 2003, all eight CEECs had held coup on the island – must be resolved before the
successful ratification referendums and, as scheduled, accession of Cyprus could be contemplated. However,
the eight, along with Cyprus and Malta, became EU the prospects for both countries improved in June
members on 1 May 2004. 1993 when the Commission issued its official opinions
Bulgaria and Romania did not advance as rapidly on the two applications. Whilst recognising that there
in their transitions as had been hoped and through- were many difficulties ahead, the Commission gener-
out much of 2003–04 doubts were being expressed ally supported the applications and, in a significant
in EU circles as to whether they should be granted break with the past, indicated that it did not favour
the scheduled 2007 admission. Particular concerns allowing the partition of Cyprus to be a reason for per-
were expressed about the robustness of their admin- manently excluding Cypriot accession. The European
istrative and judicial systems and the continuance Council moved the process further forward when it
of excessive corruption in public life. However, decided at its June 1994 Corfu meeting that ‘the next
concerned about the possible negative implications phase of enlargement of the Union will involve Cyprus
that delaying Bulgarian and Romanian membership and Malta’ (European Council, 1994). An election in
could have, the European Council at its December Malta in 1996 then delayed Malta’s plans, by bring-
2004 meeting decided to authorise the signing of ing to power a government that put the EU applica-
accession treaties in April 2005. These treaties were tion on hold. Nonetheless, the Cyprus application
signed and both states became EU members in continued to be advanced and accession negotiations
January 2007. opened in March 1998 in parallel with the opening of
68 | The Historical Evolution

accession negotiations with the five first wave CEECs. 2002 Copenhagen summit, a ratification referendum
In September 1998 a further change of government in on its accession treaty was held successfully in Malta
Malta resulted in the country’s membership applica- in April 2003. In Cyprus the government decided
tion being revived and the EU opened accession nego- that a referendum would not be held unless it could
tiations with it, alongside negotiations with the second be tied in with a resolution of the Cyprus Problem.
wave CEECs, in February 2000. With no such resolution seemingly pending, Cyprus’s
Cyprus’s situation within the enlargement round membership was ratified by the Cyprus Parliament in
was always extremely difficult and sensitive. On the July 2003 – thus resulting in Cyprus being the only
one hand, the Greek Cypriot government, acting in one of the ten acceding states not to directly seek the
accordance with its established position in interna- approval of the national electorate.
tional law and in the name of the Republic of Cyprus, In the autumn of 2003 the UN, which had made
insisted from the very outset of its attempt to join the various attempts over the years to broker a Cyprus
EU that it represented the whole island and would be peace settlement, sought to take advantage of Cyprus’s
conducting accession negotiations on that basis, even scheduled EU membership to launch another round
though in practice its writ ran only in the south. On of peace negotiations. The hope was that with the
the other hand, the Turkish Cypriot leadership in the question of Cyprus’s EU membership ‘resolved’, both
north, strongly supported by Turkey, totally rejected sides would display increased flexibility. A highly
the right of the Greek Cypriots to claim to be nego- detailed settlement plan – known as the Annan Plan,
tiating on behalf of all of Cyprus. EU leaders hoped after the UN’s Secretary General – was issued, but
that a solution to this situation – which is commonly despite being revised several times to meet objections
referred to as ‘the Cyprus Problem’ – would be found it was rejected by the Greek Cypriot government on
before the end of the accession negotiations, but there the grounds that it was too favourable to the Turkish
were never solid grounds for these hopes. Delaying Cypriots. Both sides did, however, agree to put the
Cyprus’s accession until the Cyprus Problem was Plan to binding referendums to be held on the same
resolved remained a possibility throughout the acces- day in April 2004 in both parts of the island. In the
sion negotiations, but not a very realistic one after referendums, the Turkish Cypriots voted to accept the
Greece threatened to veto all of the EU aspirants if Plan by 64.9 per cent to 35.1 per cent on a 87 per cent
Cyprus’s accession was postponed. At the same time, turnout, but the Greek Cypriots, encouraged by their
however, accepting a divided Cyprus as an EU mem- President, voted to reject it by 75.8 per cent to 24.2
ber risked damaging the EU’s relations with Turkey. per cent on a 89 per cent turnout. The fact that in the
At their December 1999 Helsinki European Council south of the island there was no penalty of exclusion
meeting, the EU-15 leaders agreed on how they would from the EU for voting for rejection was a major factor
manage the conflicting pressures associated with the in determining the outcome. Accordingly, on 1 May
Cyprus application. On the one hand, they declared 2004 the whole of Cyprus legally joined the EU, but
that whilst a settlement was much desired, it would the part of the island that had voted to accept the Plan
not in itself be a precondition for Cyprus’s accession. was, in practice, excluded. Despite periodic rounds
On the other hand, they sought to mollify Turkey of negotiations aimed at reaching a settlement, the
by stating that ‘Turkey is a candidate state destined Cyprus Problem remains to the present day.
to join the Union on the basis of the same criteria
as applied to the other candidate States’ (European
Council, 1999d: 3). The enlargement to Croatia, and
With no solution reached by the time of the key the ongoing Balkan round
December 2002 Copenhagen summit – the summit
that took final decisions on which of the 10 + 2 appli- The June 2003 European Council meeting at
cant states had completed accession negotiations and Thessaloniki confirmed the EU membership ambi-
the target date for their accession – the EU-15 lead- tions of the countries of the Western Balkans (which,
ers acted on the basis of their Helsinki decision and in essence, means the countries that were formerly
decided Cyprus could join the EU in May 2004, along part of Yugoslavia, plus Albania). The Conclusions
with the eight CEECs and Malta. Subsequent to the of the summit included: ‘The European Council …
The Widening of the Integration Process | 69

reiterated its determination to fully and effectively political, administrative, judicial, and internal security
support the European perspective of the Western systems. Lack of respect for democratic freedoms,
Balkan countries, which will become an integral part rule of law problems, clientelism, and corruption are
of the EU, once they meet the established criteria’ all seen by the EU as presenting significant problems
(European Council, 2003a: 12). in most of the aspirant Balkan states. Second, some
In fact, at the time of Thessaloniki summit the of the Balkan states have ‘special political problems’
opening to the Western Balkans had already been associated with them. These include FYROM having
launched, with Slovenia, which was relatively advanced its accession path blocked by Greece, on the grounds
in political and economic terms, being part of the that FYROM’s insistence that it calls itself Macedonia
10 + 2 enlargement round. Croatia too was generally could be interpreted as a claim on part of Greece’s
ahead of other Balkan countries in term of its political territory. Another ‘special political problem’ concerns
and economic development, so moves for it to open Serbia and Kosovo, where the former fiercely disputes
accession negotiations were already well underway by the right of the latter to have declared independence
the time of the Thessaloniki Declaration. Negotiations from it in 2008. Third, the Bulgarian and Romanian
with Croatia were duly formally opened in October accessions are now widely viewed in EU circles as
2005 and it became an EU member state in July 2013. having been permitted to occur prematurely. At the
As Table 5.2 shows, Western Balkan countries are time the decisions were made to permit Bulgaria and
at various places in ‘the queue’ for EU membership. Romania to become members it was recognised that
But, the progress of all is protracted and will continue in some respects the two countries were not quite
to be so for the foreseeable future, with the European ‘ready’ – not least in terms of the robustness of their
Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, having public institutions and their application of the rule of
indicated soon after assuming office in 2014, that law. However, political decisions were made to pro-
there was no prospect of any accessions before the ceed with their applications, though both countries
end of his College: that is, before the end of 2019 at were made subject to unprecedented post-accession
the very earliest. monitoring processes. But, continuing post-accession
There are a number of reasons why the fur- institutional and rule of law problems in Bulgaria and
ther enlargement to the Balkans is proving to be Romania have shown how difficult it is to interfere
slow. First, the Balkan states seeking membership with a country’s internal politics once it has become
are mostly very underdeveloped and problematic a member state. Lessons have, therefore, been learnt
in terms of important aspects of their economic, by the EU from the ‘mistakes’ with Bulgaria and

Table 5.2 The Balkan enlargement round*

Name of country Date of EU membership Membership status Opening of membership

application negotiations

Albania April 2009 Candidate country Not opened

Bosnia and Herzegovina February 2016 Potential candidate Not opened
Croatia February 2003 Became an EU member October 2005
state on 1 July 2013
Former Yugoslav Republic March 2004 Candidate country Not opened
of Macedonia (FYROM)
Kosovo Not yet applied Potential candidate Not opened
Montenegro December 2008 Candidate country June 2012
Serbia December 2009 Candidate country January 2014
* As of December 2016
70 | The Historical Evolution

Romania, with the consequence that states that now seen to be, notwithstanding ‘improvements’ that have
wish to become EU members are being required to been made over the years, too often breached. Indeed,
demonstrate full or (or nearly full) compliance with at times they have seemed to be seriously threatened,
EU standards before accession. such as in July 2016 when there were mass arrests and
As part of this raised compliance requirement, the suspensions of thousands of public service officials
EU has become much more involved in providing and other employees following a failed uprising by
pre-accession assistance to would-be members and sections of the armed forces.
the tenor of accession processes has become much Second, the overall ‘balance sheet’ of Turkish
more conditional. That is, the advancement of acces- accession in terms of its implications for the EU (see
sion processes – which go through many stages even Box 5.2) has not clearly been seen as being in the
before accession negotiations are formally opened – black and in the view of some member states has
are highly dependent on potential members meeting been seen as being decidedly in the red. The most
specified conditions: conditions that are, broadly difficult of the perceived disadvantages and risks are
speaking, based on the potential members ‘EU-ising’ those that involve ‘values’: is Turkey a ‘European
themselves. If appropriate EU-ising is deemed by ‘country?; would Turkish membership be ‘a step too
the EU to be occurring, then accession progress is far’ if the EU is to maintain any real sense of identity?;
likely to be formally recognised by the potential and would Turkish accession not involve bringing an
members being given Stabilisation and Association Islamic country into what is an international organisa-
Agreements (SAAs), being granted candidate coun- tion that is based essentially on Christian values? Such
try status, and eventually by accession negotiations questions have been asked particularly in some of
being opened. those member states that have harboured most reser-
Unsurprisingly, given all of these considerations vations about Turkish membership, including Austria
and the increasingly staged nature of accession pro- and Germany.
cesses, the next accessions to the EU, though part of a Third, there is the non-settlement of the ‘Cyprus
broad Balkan enlargement round, are likely to occur on Problem’. This results in Turkey continuing to occupy
a very incremental and also probably individual basis. the north of the island and therefore also, since in legal
terms the whole of Cyprus joined the EU in 2004,
Turkey physically occupying EU ‘territory’. A settle-
The special case of Turkey ment on Cyprus is clearly a prerequisite for Turkish
membership – not least since without a settlement
Turkey applied for EU membership in 1987: that is, Cyprus would veto Turkey’s accession.
long before the EFTAn states, which became EU mem- The EU’s relations with Turkey have thus been
bers in 1995, the 10 + 2 states, which became members extremely difficult. They have, in essence, been based
in 2004/07, and Croatia, which became a member in on trying to maintain a balance in which, on the
2013. Yet, Turkey is still not an EU member and there one hand the EU has close relations with this very
is no foreseeable prospect of it becoming so. Accession important country, but on the other hand member-
negotiations with Turkey were formally opened in ship prospects are delayed. If Turkey does eventually
October 2005, but they have proceeded at a glacial become a member, it will not be for many years to
pace and at times have been virtually stalled. come and in all probability it will be only on a partial
There have been three central problems from the membership basis in that it will not be a full partici-
EU’s viewpoint with the Turkish application. First, pant in all EU policies.
Turkey’s record in respecting democratic and human On a final note regarding the Turkish application,
rights – one of the Copenhagen criteria – is deemed the possibility cannot be discounted that Turkey
to have been, and still to be, unsatisfactory. Turkey is may become so disillusioned with the protracted
a democratic country in that its leaders are elected to nature of the process that it may withdraw its
office, but many of the associated features of democ- application – and perhaps settle for various forms
racy and of open political systems – including respect of privileged relations with the EU. (For a fuller
for minority rights, for independent judicial and account of Turkey and the EU, see Aydin-Düzgit
administrative systems, and for the rule of law – are and Tocci, 2015.)
The Widening of the Integration Process | 71

BOX 5.2

Perceived benefits and disadvantages/risks for the EU of Turkish

Perceived possible benefits
• Turkey’s population is currently (2016) 76 million and is predicted to rise to about 95 million by 2030.
So, the size of the EU’s internal market would be greatly increased. (A customs union exists between the
EU and Turkey, but many internal barriers to trade still exist that would have to be removed if Turkey
becomes part of the internal market.)
• The demographic nature of Turkey’s population, which is much younger than that of the rest of the EU,
would help address the problem of the EU’s ageing labour force.
• Turkey occupies a key geo-political location, which would help strengthen the EU’s links with the Islamic
world and the Middle East.
• Turkey has the largest number of military personnel in NATO after the USA, so the EU’s military capac-
ity would be greatly increased

Perceived possible disadvantages/risks

• Turkey would be the largest member state on accession, which would have major institutional and policy
process implications.
• Turkish membership would mean that about 20 per cent of the membership of the EU would be
Muslim, which would risk transforming the EU’s nature in many ways.
• Turkey is relatively poor gross domestic product (GDP) per head is about 30 per cent of the EU average),
so it would be a major claimant on the EU budget.
• The EU’s external borders would adjoin ‘troubled states’, including Iraq, Iran, and Syria.

Why Has the EU Been Willing has ultimately taken the view that the advantages of
membership outweigh the disadvantages. The nature
to Enlarge? of the perceived advantages has normally included
the likelihood of increased economic growth and of
Enlargement has occurred in rounds, or stages, increased political influence. The nature of the per-
because European states have qualified and applied for ceived disadvantages has normally included concerns
EC/EU membership at different times. As the previous about losses of national sovereignty and the national
few pages of this chapter have shown, this has been for implications of certain EU policies.
a number of reasons. One reason has been differences So, states have sought EU membership because
in the nature of national economies and economic the perceived benefits of membership have seen to be
needs in would-be EC/EU states. A second reason has greater than the perceived costs. But what about the
been differences in national political systems, with a EC/EU’s position? Why has it been so willing to open
key point here being that membership has always only its doors to applicants?
been open to liberal democratic states. And a third A difficulty in seeking to answer this question is that
reason has been different perceptions by national the EC/EU has never had a clear policy on enlargement.
politicians of the likely gains and losses that are likely It has reacted to applications rather than proactively
to accrue from EC/EU membership. setting out its own preferences and goals. As was noted
But although there have been important differ- above, the 1957 Treaty stated that ‘Any European State
ences between applicant states in respect of their atti- may apply to become a member of the Community…’,
tudes and approaches to European integration, each but this gave no indication as to whether applications
72 | The Historical Evolution

would be welcomed or how the word ‘European’ have contained four had Norway ratified the accession
would be interpreted. In consequence, there was noth- treaties its government negotiated) – the EC/EU could
ing to stop France twice vetoing applications from the accommodate the new members without itself having
UK in the 1960s, even though the UK was seemingly to make too many adjustments.
eminently suitable for membership in that it was a But, with the completion of the EFTAn round the
long-established and democratic Western European challenges posed to the EU by membership appli-
state with a market economy. The 1993 Copenhagen cations changed and became much more testing.
criteria clarified the EU’s up to a point, but even then For, following the 1995 enlargement, only Iceland,
the criteria were less a set of positive guidances to EU Norway, and Switzerland remained as potential ‘easy’
enlargements and more conditions for opening acces- applicants. All other possible applicants were to the
sion negotiations with applicants. East or South-East and virtually all of them, with the
The answer to the question why the EU has gener- partial exceptions of the two small Mediterranean
ally favoured enlargement is thus best approached, islands of Cyprus and Malta (though the former car-
initially at least, by looking at particular membership ried its own unique challenges) presented considera-
rounds. Up to and including the EFTAn round there is ble difficulties as regards EU future membership: they
no great difficulty explaining the EC/EU’s willingness all were relatively poor; they all had long been outside
to enlarge. It is true that doubts about the wisdom of the ‘Western mainstream’; and they all were still in the
enlarging were expressed by EU policy-makers at the process of establishing their democratic credentials.
time of each of the first three enlargement rounds. Given the challenges posed by post-EFTAn appli-
So, the first enlargement round saw concerns in cants, why was the EU – a highly successful organisa-
some EC quarters about whether the UK would be a tion in most respects – willing to risk enlargement to
wholehearted participant. During the Mediterranean CEECs? And why does it remain committed to further
round questions were raised about whether the appli- enlargement when, with the exception of Iceland, the
cants were ready for membership given the relatively only realistic acceding states in the foreseeable future
underdeveloped nature of their economies and the are Turkey (with which accession negotiations were
fledgling nature of their newly established democratic opened in 2005) and half a dozen or so small states in
systems. And prior to the EFTAn round some EU the formerly troubled Balkans? Would not a more sen-
practitioners – including the then President of the
­ sible approach have been, and be, to have established
European Commission, Jacques Delors – made known very close relations with applicants and would-be
their fears that enlargement could divert attention applicants whose membership has seemed to present
from such pressing tasks as developing the Maastricht major challenges for the EU, but to have stopped short
Treaty provisions on EMU and the Common Foreign of offering them a membership perspective?
and Security Policy (CFSP). But notwithstanding these Two types of explanation for why the EU has
doubts, existing member states were willing to accept proceeded, and continues to proceed, with enlarge-
new members for a number of reasons: the applicants ment are especially persuasive. These explanations are
were Western European states and consequently were examined at some length on pp. 457–59, so it will suf-
generally seen as being part of the post-Second World fice here to give them just an outline summary:
War Western European ‘family’; though some of
the applicants were relatively underdeveloped eco- • Rationalist explanations emphasise that whilst it
nomically at the time of their applications, they all had is indeed the case that the potential benefits for
functioning market-based economies that appeared the EU of admitting CEECs and South-Eastern
capable of ‘catching up’ reasonably quickly; most had European states were, and are, less strong than they
well-embedded democratic systems, and those that did have been with most previous acceding states, the
not (Greece, Portugal, and Spain) found favourable cost–benefit balance sheets from the EU’s view-
receptions from existing member states to calls to help point have, nonetheless, still been in the black. In
them to consolidate the re-establishment of democ- economic, political, and security terms, the EU has
racy; and because the enlargement rounds were limited had more to gain than lose by opening accession
in scope – with none containing more than three new negotiations with and admitting CEECs, Balkan
members (though the first and the third rounds would states, and even, ultimately, Turkey.
The Widening of the Integration Process | 73

• Constructivist explanations question whether the that have been provided for in all rounds of treaty
balance sheets have in fact been positive from the reform since the Single European Act (SEA). These
EU’s perspective, or at least from the perspective of changes to Council voting arrangements have been
all existing EU member states. For constructivists, successful in that, along with other factors that are
the values shaping and determining the behaviour explored in Chapters 10 and 18, they have helped to
of key EU enlargement policy actors have been, ensure that widely expressed predictions – that were
and are, more important determining factors in heard particularly before the 10 + 2 enlargement
explaining post-1995 enlargement processes than round – that the addition of more member states
have been measurable balance sheets. A particularly would lead to much slower decision-making and even
important value is seen as being the inclination of decision-making deadlocks, have not come to pass.
EU politicians and officials to empathise with, and Second, the EU’s institutions have naturally grown
seek to support, geographically proximate states in size to accommodate representatives of acceding
that are attempting to ‘Westernise’, ‘Europeanise’, states. This has had a number of consequences, some
and ‘democratise’ themselves. of which have not been helpful in terms of institu-
tional efficiency. For example, it is generally agreed
But whichever of these explanations is deemed to that the College of Commissioners and the EP are now
be the more plausible – and they probably should not too big and unwieldy. This was recognised before the
be seen as being in competition with one another but 10 + 2 enlargement occurred, which resulted in both
rather as being potentially mutually complementary – the Constitutional Treaty and the initial version of
it is clear that as the EU has extended the enlarge- the Lisbon Treaty providing for the size of the College
ment process to increasingly ‘difficult’ states, so has it to be reduced and for the size of the EP to be capped
become increasingly watchful of applicants. Accession (see Chapter 7). However, the reduction in the size of
processes have become more elaborate, accession the College had to be scrapped as part of a package
negotiations have become much more conditional – of measures designed to persuade the Irish people to
in the sense that they involve little in the way of real approve the Lisbon Treaty, whilst even with its cap –
negotiations and are mainly about monitoring the of 751 – the EP still remains by far the largest parlia-
extent to which applicants are absorbing and adjusting ment in the democratic world.
to the EU acquis – and the EU has become much more Another institutional problem related to the
actively involved in assisting applicants to make the increased size of the EU is language. There are now
transitions that are necessary to become EU members 24 officially recognised EU languages. For routine
(see Gateva, 2015). day-to-day operations this causes inconveniences but
not major problems because officials of the institu-
tions work, whatever their nationality, mostly in either
The Impact of Enlargements French or English. However, considerable problems
do arise when institutional business is being con-
on the EU ducted by non-officials – such as Members of the
European Parliament (MEPs) and representatives
All enlargements have inevitably affected and changed in the European Economic and Social Committee –
the Union (and before it the Community) in impor- because they may well not have non-native language
tant ways. Six ways are especially worth noting. skills and, even if they do have good French or English,
First, enlargements have been an important driving may insist on using their native language. Inevitably,
force behind treaty reform, with existing member states reliance on interpreters reduces spontaneity and can
wanting to avoid post-enlargement decision-making cause delays if interpreters are not available. Delays
difficulties by ‘easing’ decision-making mechanisms. can also be caused by the requirement that many EU
The most obvious instance of this concern feeding documents (though generally not internal working
into treaty changes is the way in which the inevitably documents) must be translated into the EU’s official
greater difficulty of obtaining unanimity in an expanded languages. Translation delays have been a particular
Council of Ministers has been a major reason behind problem for legislative processes. Various devices are
the increases in qualified majority voting (QMV) used to try and minimise these linguistic problems,
74 | The Historical Evolution

including use of language relays and pressures being of member states providing leadership on different
placed on officials to produce short documents, but issues, The Franco-German axis, which formerly did
some difficulties inevitably remain. much to set the pace of the integration process, is still
Third, many EU policy outcomes have had to influential but inevitably it is not as dominant as it was
become more flexible so as to satisfy the wider range when there were fewer member states. More generally,
of national and political interests that enlargement as the number of smaller states has increased, it has
has brought into policy-making processes. The larger not been as easy for the larger states to push through
and the more heterogeneous the EU has become, their preferences.
the more it has been the case that there have been Fifth, policy debates, concerns, and priorities have
national representatives in policy deliberations that been affected by new members bringing with them
have wanted different outcomes. One way of dealing their own requirements, preferences, and problems.
with this challenge to decision-making has been the For example, the growing influence, as a result of the
above-mentioned extensions to QMV provisions in Mediterranean round enlargement, of southern, less
the Council. But another response has been to make industrialised, and poorer countries quickly led to
some policies less binding in nature, with discretion calls both for a re-orientation of the CAP away from
given to national authorities regarding the extent to northern temperate products towards Mediterranean
which and the ways in which the policies are applied. products, and for strengthened and re-focused redis-
In recent years, considerable use has been made of tributive policies to directly assist economic develop-
this more discretionary and less rigid policy approach. ment in the south. The EFTAn enlargement quickly
The approach has been applied particularly in sensi- played a part in increasing the attention being given
tive policy areas such as social policy and employment by the EU to such matters as openness and account-
policy, often using what is known as the open method ability in decision-making and to efficiency and sound
of coordination (OMC) – which relies not on ‘top financial management in decision implementation.
down’ and binding legislation but rather on semi- And the 10 + 2 enlargement produced pressures for
voluntary cooperation to achieve agreed goals. (The the EU’s budget to be focused more towards assisting
OMC is explained in Chapter 18.) with economic development in the CEECs and also
The ultimate in policies being flexible is where a contributed to the EU’s relations with Russia being
member state or states does not participate in a policy, given a higher priority.
or at least not fully participate. Known as differen- Sixth, enlargement has made the EU a more impor-
tiation, this practice has developed in response to the tant and influential international organisation. The
inability or unwillingness of some states to be involved EU’s member states account for: around one-sixth
in policies that either create domestic difficulties for of the worlds’ states (not counting micro-states);
them or to which they are opposed. It may have been all of the larger, and traditionally more influential,
reasonable to have expected and required all member European states to the west of the former Soviet
states to ‘swim abreast’ when there were only a few Union (minus the UK, post-Brexit); and a population
of them, but such a requirement has become increas- of over 500 million (around 440 million post-Brexit).
ingly unrealistic as the EU’s membership has grown This results in the EU being a key international power,
and become more diverse. Rigidity would have been especially commercial power where it accounts, pre-
a recipe for major policy difficulties and possible Brexit, for around one-fifth of world imports and
paralysis in some areas if it had continued to be strictly exports (not counting commerce between the mem-
applied. Accordingly, outside the ‘core’ internal mar- ber states themselves).
ket policy area, there are now a number of important
policy areas where not all member states are equally
involved. Amongst the most notable of these policy
areas are EMU, aspects of the area of freedom, security Concluding Remarks
and justice (AFSJ), and defence.
Fourth, in so far as member states provide lead- EU enlargement is best viewed not as series of dis-
ership for the EU, this leadership has become more crete events but rather as an ongoing process. For
spread out, with different member states or groups the fact is that since 1961, when the UK made the
The Widening of the Integration Process | 75

first formal accession application of any state, there 10 + 2 rounds being extremely protracted: from the
has barely been a time when the EC/EU has not been lodging of the membership application to assump-
involved in some combination of considering the tion of membership the longest waiting periods were
merits of membership applications, conducting acces- the thirteen years and ten months for Cyprus and
sion negotiations, and ‘fitting in’ newcomers. This is a Malta, followed by the ten years and one month for
situation, moreover, that is likely to continue for the Hungary and Poland (later surpassed by Croatia’s ten
foreseeable future, with, at the time of writing, acces- years and six months); from the formal opening of
sion negotiations underway with Montenegro, Serbia, accession negotiations to accession the longest periods
and Turkey, applications lodged by Albania, Bosnia were the seven years and three months for Portugal,
and Herzegovina, FYROM, and Serbia, an applica- the six years and eleven months for Spain, and the six
tion from Kosovo likely in the foreseeable future, and years and two months for the ‘first wave’ CEECs and
applications from such former Soviet states as Georgia Cyprus. If Turkey eventually becomes a member, it
and the Ukraine possible in the more distant future. will far outdistance all previous records, whatever basis
Enlargement has been a very difficult policy area is taking for measuring. Third, since the completion
for the EU. There have been three main reasons for of the EFTAn round, virtually all of Europe’s richer
this. First, an EC/EU enlargement policy resting on and democratically well-established states have been
clear and consistent principles has never been devel- EU members. With the exception of Iceland, Norway,
oped. This absence is largely explained by (changing and Switzerland, only ‘difficult’ states are now outside.
and evolving) differences between the member states But notwithstanding the many difficulties that have
on a range of enlargement and enlargement-related been associated with it, enlargement has transformed
matters. A particular difficulty in trying to develop the political map of Europe. From the six original
such a policy now would be finding agreement on founding members, the EU expanded in the 1970s,
the ‘What is Europe?’ question. Second, the EC/EU 1980s, and 1990s to embrace virtually the whole of
has had little control over the lodging of applications, Western Europe. It then – dramatically and momen-
which has meant that, starting with the Mediterranean tously – expanded in the 2000s to incorporate much
round, it has been drawn into accession processes of Central and Eastern Europe and to transform what
with applicants much earlier than ideally it would had been a process of Western European integration
have liked. This resulted in the Mediterranean and into a process of near Europe-wide integration.
Part II
The Evolving Treaty Framework

From 1957 to the mid-1980s there was only modest treaty development within the
Chapter 6 EC. However, from the mid-1980s rounds of treaty reform were carried out every
From Rome to Nice few years. Five major new treaties were concluded and brought into force – the
1986 Single European Act (SEA), the 1992 Maastricht Treaty, the 1997 Amsterdam
Chapter 7 Treaty, the 2001 Nice Treaty, and the 2007 Lisbon Treaty. In addition, another
The Constitutional major treaty – the Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe – was agreed by
and Lisbon Treaties the governments of the member states, but it did not come into effect because of
ratification problems.
Chapter 8 Part II examines all of these treaties and shows how they have been central
Treaties and the to the evolution of the European integration process. The treaties are exam-
Integration Process ined individually in Chapters 6 and 7 and then collectively in Chapter 8. There
is also an explanation in Chapter 8 of why there have been no major rounds of
treaty reform since the Lisbon Treaty, but there have been mini-treaties that
have not involved all member states.

Chapter 6
From Rome to Nice

Up to the Single European he founding treaties of the 1950s that created the European Communities
Act79 have been supplemented and amended in various ways by subsequent
The Single European Act treaties. This chapter examines these treaties up to the 2001 Treaty of Nice.
The Maastricht Treaty 81
The Treaty of Amsterdam 85 Up to the Single European Act
The Treaty of Nice 88
Concluding Remarks 91 In addition to accession treaties providing for the enlargements of the
Community, a number of other treaties were also concluded in the period
between the signing of the Treaties of Rome in 1957 and the Single European
Act in 1986. Four of these treaties were of particular significance:

Treaty Establishing a Single Council and a Single Commission of the European

Communities. Signed in 1965, coming into force in 1967, and generally known
as the Merger Treaty, this treaty established a single Council of Ministers for all
three Communities (though different individuals would attend different meet-
ings) and merged the High Authority of the ECSC, the Commission of Euratom,
and the EEC Commission into one Commission. The powers exercised by these
merged bodies were still to be based on the founding treaties: in other words,
the treaties and the Communities themselves were not merged. To clarify and
simplify the existing texts relating to the single Community institutions, this
treaty was repealed by the 1997 Amsterdam Treaty and its relevant parts were
incorporated as appropriate into the Community Treaties.

Treaty Amending Certain Budgetary Provisions of the Treaties and Treaty

Amending Certain Financial Provisions of the Treaties. The first of these trea-
ties was signed in 1970 and the second in 1975. Together, they laid down a
budgetary procedure and allocated budgetary powers between the EC insti-
tutions. Of particular importance, given its relative weakness in most policy
areas, were powers allocated to the EP. The 1975 Treaty also established a
Court of Auditors to examine the accounts of all revenue and expenditure of
the Community.

Act Concerning the Election of the Representatives of the Assembly by Direct

Universal Suffrage. Signed in 1976, but not ratified by all the member states
until 1978, this Act provided the legal base for direct elections to the EP and

80 | 

laid down certain rules for their conduct. The Act did negotiate and prepare treaty reforms. (See Chapter 8
not directly increase the Parliament’s powers. for an account of how IGCs operate.) The IGC duly
undertook its work in the second half of 1985 and cul-
minated at the December 1985 Luxembourg summit
when the national leaders agreed to what they called
The Single European Act (SEA) the Single European Act (SEA). After legal and trans-
lation work had been undertaken on the political deal
It was recognised at the June 1985 Milan European reached at the summit, the SEA was formally signed
Council meeting that the legislative measures that in February 1986, but it did not come into force until
would be required to give effect to the priority Single mid-1987 because of ratification difficulties in Ireland.
European Market (SEM) programme would have little The SEA contained a wide range of measures, the most
chance of being passed unless Community decision- important of which are set out in Box 6.1.
making procedures were changed. Accordingly, and The SEA provided a major boost to the European
because too it was thought certain other treaty- integration process. It did so in two main ways. First,
related matters required addressing, it was decided to it strengthened the treaty base for policy activity,
establish an Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) to most particularly in respect of the completion of the

Box 6.1

The most important provisions of the Single European Act

• Completion of the internal market by 1992 was identified as a specific goal and was incorporated into
the EEC Treaty. (A programme for completing the internal market had already been agreed at the June
1995 Milan summit, but according the goal treaty status enhanced its prospect of success.)
• A number of new policy areas – most of which were already being developed – were formally incorporated
into the EEC Treaty, so the capacity for decision- making in these areas was increased. The new policy
areas included environment, research and technological development, and ‘economic and social cohesion’.
• A new legislative procedure – the cooperation procedure – was established with a view to improving the
efficiency of decision-making in the Council of Ministers and increasing the powers of the EP. Regarding
the first of these aims, the Council’s ability to take decisions by QMV was extended to most decisions
subject to the procedure. Regarding the second aim, the single reading of legislative proposals under the
established consultation procedure was extended to two readings and it was made more difficult for the
Council to ignore the EP’s views. Several legislative areas were covered by the new procedure includ-
ing, crucially, most of the measures ‘which have as their object the establishment and functioning of the
internal market’.
• The EP’s role and potential influence in the Community was further increased by the establishment of
a new ‘assent procedure’. Under the procedure, the EP’s approval, by an absolute majority of members,
became necessary both for the accession of new members to the Community and for association agree-
ments between the Community and third countries.
• European Political Cooperation (EPC) – the official Community term for the foreign policy cooperation
that had increasingly been practised since the early 1970s, but outside the treaty framework – was put on
a legal basis (but not by treaty incorporation).
• Meetings between the Heads of Government in the framework of the European Council, which had been
taking place since 1975, were given legal recognition (but not by treaty incorporation).
• The capacity of the Court of Justice, which had been weakened by workload overstretch, was extended by
a provision for the establishment of a new Court of First Instance.
From Rome to Nice | 81

internal market where a deadline of December 1992 problem of a ‘democratic deficit’, which had been
was set for its completion. Second, it strengthened only partially addressed in the SEA, was increasingly
the Community’s institutional system, especially in seen as needing attention as the Community exercised
respect of the increased capacity of the Council of increasing power over a broad range of policy areas,
Ministers to take decisions by QMV and the increased but did so in a political context where its decision-
legislative powers given to the EP. makers were not democratically accountable.
The external factors arose largely from the break-
up of the communist bloc and the Soviet Union. As
The Maastricht Treaty with internal factors, there were four main aspects to
this. First, the collapse of communism in Central and
Eastern Europe from the autumn of 1989 resulted
The background to and the in pressures for the Community to consolidate and
making of the Treaty strengthen itself so as to be better able to meet
the challenges of the rapidly transforming Europe.
Many of the Community’s decision-making elites Second, the unification of Germany, which formally
– both in Community institutions and in member took place in October 1990, increased the potential
states – were disappointed with the SEA. It did not, for German domination of the Community and led
they believed, sufficiently advance the process of inte- many to conclude that it was necessary to advance the
gration, so even before the SEA was ratified the view integration process in order to ensure the consolida-
was being expressed in many influential quarters that tion of a European Germany rather than a German
further integration would soon be necessary. In the Europe. Third, the break-up of the Soviet Union in
second half of the 1980s a number of factors combined 1991 added to the sense of uncertainty about the
to give weight and force to this body of opinion. These future nature and stability of the European continent
factors were both internal and external in nature. and added to existing pressures for a strengthening of
The internal factors were mostly associated with the Community’s policy and institutional capacities.
the stimulus to further integration provided by the Fourth, the ending of the Cold War heralded the dis-
‘re-launching’ of the Community in the mid-1980s. appearance of the framework that had provided much
This re-launching, which was embodied in the SEM of the rationale, focus and setting for the foreign and
programme and in the SEA, contained its own inte- defence policies of most Western European countries
grationist logic in that it gave greater urgency to for over 40 years and in so doing raised many ques-
some long-standing but unresolved issues facing the tions about the suitability of existing arrangements in
Community and it also served to bring new issues the post-Cold War era.
onto the Community’s agenda. Four factors were From the mid-1980s several factors thus com-
of particular importance in this respect. First, many bined to build up a head of steam for another
member states increasingly came to the view that round of treaty-based integration between the mem-
the full benefits of the SEM would only be realised ber states. The processes that produced what became
if action was taken to bring about Economic and the Maastricht Treaty involved the convening of two
Monetary Union (EMU). Second, there was growing IGCs – one on Political Union and the other on the
acceptance of the need for a ‘social dimension’ that EMU. These IGCs met throughout 1991 and cul-
would soften and offset some of the liberal market/ minated at the December 1991 European Council
deregulatory implications of the SEM. Third, the pro- in Maastricht where, in a summit marked by ill-
gressive dismantling of border controls in the internal temper, brinkmanship, and threat of breakdown –
market created pressure for new and greatly improved all of which were largely accounted for by the UK’s
mechanisms at Community level to deal with such unwillingness to commit to the proposed European
problems as cross-border crime, drug trafficking, single currency or to be bound by the European Social
international terrorism, and the movement of peoples Charter – political agreement on the contents of
(the latter included growing concern about the ‘threat’ the Treaty was eventually reached. After subsequent
of mass migration from Eastern Europe and North careful examination by a working party of legal and
Africa to Western Europe). Fourth, the long-standing linguistic experts, the Maastricht Treaty was formally
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signed, by Foreign and Finance Ministers, in February Communities was preserved and in several important
1992. Ratification problems then ensued – notably respects was extended and strengthened by revisions
in Denmark, where the Treaty was rejected in a ref- of the EEC, ECSC and Euratom Treaties.
erendum held in June 1992 but was later endorsed Article 1 of the revised EEC Treaty stated the
in a second referendum held in May 1993, and in ­following: ‘By this Treaty, the High Contracting Parties
Germany, where a case brought before the German establish among themselves a European Community.’
Constitutional Court that the Treaty infringed the This meant that the European Economic Community –
country’s constitution was not dismissed (though even the EEC – was renamed the European Community. A
then only with qualifications) until October 2003. rather confusing situation was thereby produced, in
Resolution of the German Constitutional Court case which the European Community became part of the
enabled the Treaty to come into effect on 1 November European Communities, which in turn became part of
1993 – ten months later than originally planned. the European Union.
Two important new principles were introduced
into what now became the Treaty Establishing the
The contents of the Treaty European Community (TEC). First, the much dis-
cussed principle of subsidiarity was formally incor-
Like the SEA, the Maastricht Treaty was something of a porated, though only in somewhat vague terms.
mixed bag in legal terms. It included: a new ‘umbrella’ European Council meetings subsequently developed
Treaty on European Union (TEU), the provisions of guidelines designed to assist with the application
which were largely beyond the jurisdiction of the ECJ; of the principle, with subsidiarity generally being
substantial revisions to the post-SEA founding trea- taken to mean that policies should be decided at the
ties; and numerous protocols and declarations. national level, and perhaps even at regional or local
At the heart of the Treaty was the creation of a new levels, whenever possible. Second, the TEC established
organisation: the European Union. The EU was to be Union citizenship, with every national of a member
based on what quickly came to be referred to as its three state becoming a citizen of the Union. Though sym-
‘pillars’ – though the word ‘pillar’ was not used in the bolically significant, the practical effect of this was
Treaty. The pillars were: the European Communities; limited since citizens of the Union would only ‘enjoy
a Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP); and the rights conferred by this Treaty’. One of these
Cooperation in the Fields of Justice and Home Affairs rights was the right to live and work anywhere in
(JHA). The Union was assigned a range of objectives, the territory of the member states, subject to certain
would be based on a set of guiding principles – includ- limitations. Union citizens were also given the right
ing subsidiarity and respect for democracy and human to vote and stand as candidates in EP and local elec-
rights – and would be governed by an institutional tions, again subject to certain limitations. Because the
structure presided over by the European Council. principles of subsidiarity and Union citizenship were
Most of the provisions of the Treaty were con- incorporated into the TEC, and not just confined to
cerned with the three pillars, which in the case of pillar the Common Provisions of the TEU, they were subject
one meant amending the treaties of the three European to the jurisdiction of the ECJ.
Communities, and in the cases of pillars two and three Other revisions made by the Maastricht Treaty to
meant laying down guiding principles and operating the TEC covered institutional and policy changes.
rules for the CFSP and for JHA within the TEU.
There now follows a summary of the main provi- 1 Institutional changes. The revisions falling under
sions of the Maastricht Treaty (a longer outline is this heading were mostly designed to improve
contained in the sixth edition of this book). the efficiency and democratic nature of the
Community’s institutional structures and deci-
sion-making processes. Regarding efficiency, the
Pillar one: the European Communities
most significant changes concerned the Council of
This was by far the most important pillar since it Ministers, which was empowered to take a greater
incorporated most of the EU’s policy responsibili- range of decisions on the basis of QMV. Regarding
ties. Under the Treaty, the acquis of the existing three the Community’s democratic nature, the most
From Rome to Nice | 83

significant changes concerned the EP, which was this view was partly undermined by the fact that
given increased powers and influence in several two states – Denmark and the UK – were granted
areas – notably in respect of the making of legis- protocols (in Denmark’s case only after the Treaty
lation where, under a newly created co-decision was initially rejected in a national referendum)
procedure, it was given, for the first time, a veto stating that they were not obliged to join the single
power. The main institutional changes are set out currency system.
in Box 6.2.
2 Policy changes. The EC’s policy competences were Pillar two: a Common Foreign and Security
extended and strengthened. The main ways in
which they were so are set out in Box 6.3. Of these
ways, the most important and potentially far- The SEA stated that the member states ‘shall endeav-
reaching was the laying down of a plan and a sched- our jointly to formulate and implement a European
ule for building an EMU that would be based on a foreign policy’. The TEU greatly stiffened this aim by
single currency, and hence also on single exchange specifying that the EU and its member states ‘shall
and interest rates. In the view of many practitioners define and implement a common foreign and security
and observers, the decision to build EMU marked policy … covering all areas of foreign and security
a major step in a federalist direction. However, policy’, and by further specifying that the common

Box 6.2

The most important institutional provisions of the Maastricht Treaty

• A new legislative procedure – the co-decision procedure – was established. In effect the co-decision
procedure extended the cooperation procedure by allowing – if the Council and the EP could not agree
at second reading – for the convening of a conciliation committee and for a third reading of legislation
by both the Council and the EP. Unlike the cooperation procedure, however, which enabled a determined
Council to ignore the EP’s expressed views, the co-decision procedure would allow the EP, for the first
time, to veto legislative proposals it did not wish to accept.
• The policy areas subject to the cooperation procedure were revised, with some areas previously covered
by the procedure being transferred to the new co-decision procedure, and some new policy areas previ-
ously subject to the consultation procedure being transferred to it.
• The scope of the assent procedure was extended.
• From January 1995 the term of office of Commissioners was extended from four to five years so as to
bring the lifespan of a Commission closely into line with the lifespan of a Parliament. The national
governments were to nominate by common accord, after consulting the EP, the person they intended to
appoint as the President of the Commission. Other members of the Commission were to be nominated
by the national governments in the established manner, but now in consultation with the nominee for
Commission President. The entire prospective Commission was to be subject to a vote of approval by
the EP before being formally appointed by common accord of the national governments.
• A Committee of the Regions was established to provide the Council and the Commission with advice on
matters of major importance for the regions
• The ECJ was given the power to impose fines on member states that failed to comply with its judgments
or failed to implement Community law.
• The EP was to appoint an Ombudsman to receive complaints from citizens ‘covering instances of malad-
ministration in the activities of the Community institutions or bodies, with the exception of the Court of
Justice and the Court of First Instance acting in their judicial role’.
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Box 6.3

Main pillar one policy changes made by the Maastricht Treaty

The main features of the EMU were defined and a timetable for establishing it was specified. Regarding
the features, EMU was to include the irrevocable fixing of exchange rates leading to the introduction of a
single currency and to the establishment of a European Central Bank (ECB) which would operate within
the framework of a European System of Central Banks (ESCB). Regarding the timetable, EMU was to be
established in three stages, with stage three beginning no later than 1 January 1999 for those states which
could meet the specified convergence criteria. In a protocol attached to the Treaty it was recognised that
the UK ‘shall not be obliged or committed to move to the third stage of Economic and Monetary Union
without a separate decision to do so by its government and Parliament’. In another protocol the Danish
government reserved the right to hold a national referendum before participating in the third stage
of EMU.

• Some policy areas in which Community involvement had not had an explicit Treaty base and some in
which the Community had not previously been much involved were brought into the TEC for the first
time. Development policy was in the first of these categories. Public health, consumer protection, trans-
European networks, and the competitiveness of industry were amongst those in the second.
• Community responsibilities in some policy areas that were first given treaty recognition in the SEA were
further developed. This applied particularly to research and technological development, the environ-
ment, and economic and social cohesion. As part of the strengthening of economic and social cohesion,
a new fund – the Cohesion Fund – was established to provide financial assistance for environmental
programmes and trans-European transport infrastructures.
• A policy area that created particular difficulties during the negotiations both before and at Maastricht
was social policy. Eleven member states wished to build on and give a firm treaty base to the Social
Charter, which had been adopted (by eleven votes to one) by the European Council in 1989, whilst the
UK government wished to see no extension to the Community’s existing responsibilities in this area.
After almost bringing the Maastricht summit to the point of collapse, the impasse was resolved by the 11
contracting a separate protocol and agreement on social policy.

policy ‘shall include all questions related to the secu- Council should, on the basis of unanimity, define
rity of the Union, including the eventual framing of a common positions. Member states should ensure
common defence policy, which might in time lead to that their national policies conformed to such
a common defence’. common positions. On the basis of general guide-
The objectives of the Common Foreign and lines from the European Council, the Council
Security Policy (CFSP) were defined only in general could decide that a matter was to be the subject of
terms. More specific definition and elaboration of the joint action.
principles and general guidelines of the CFSP were to • In deciding on joint action, or at any stage during
be the responsibility of the European Council. the development of a joint action, the Council
There were to be three principal ways in which the could determine that implementation decisions
objectives of the CFSP were to be pursued: should be taken by QMV.
• The Western European Union (WEU), which ‘is
• Systematic cooperation was to be established an integral part of the development of the Union’,
between the member states on any matter of was requested ‘to elaborate and implement deci-
foreign and security policy that was of general sions and actions of the Union which had defence
interest. Whenever it deemed it necessary the implications. The Council shall, in agreement with
From Rome to Nice | 85

the institutions of the WEU, adopt the necessary rather loose and informal cooperation between the
practical arrangements.’ member states. Regarding the institutional aspects,
whilst intergovernmentalism continued to prevail, a
This second pillar of the TEU thus put European small element of supranationalism appeared with the
Political Cooperation (EPC), which had been well possibility of qualified majority decisions on certain
established for some time, within the broader frame- aspects of policy implementation, and a somewhat
work of a Common Foreign and Security Policy. larger element appeared with provision in the TEC for
The pillar was also extremely significant in that it a common visa policy and for decisions on visas to be
introduced two important new elements into the determined by QMV from 1996.
West European integration process. First, although
foreign policy remained essentially intergovernmental
in character, some foreign policy decisions – albeit
only ‘second-order’ decisions – became potentially
subject to QMV. Second, defence made its first formal
The Treaty of Amsterdam
appearance on the policy agenda, albeit somewhat
tentatively. The background to and the
making of the Treaty
Pillar three: cooperation in the spheres of
Article N of the TEU specified that another IGC
Justice and Home Affairs should be convened in 1996 to examine the operation
The member states were to regard the following of the Treaty. This specification was included mainly
areas as matters of common interest: asylum pol- at the behest of those member states that were dissatis-
icy; rules governing, and controls on, the crossing fied at what they felt to be the insufficient integration-
by persons of the external borders of the member ist progress of the Maastricht Treaty. The advance
states; immigration policy and residence rights of notice given in the TEU of the convening of another
third-country nationals; combating drug addiction; IGC in 1996 allowed the Amsterdam Treaty to be
combating international fraud; judicial cooperation considered and prepared over a much longer period
in civil matters; judicial cooperation in criminal mat- than had been either the SEA or the Maastricht Treaty.
ters; customs cooperation; and police cooperation to As part of the preparation the European Council
combat terrorism, drug trafficking and other serious decided at its June 1994 Corfu meeting to establish a
crime through an EU-wide police intelligence office ‘Reflection Group’, charged with clearing some of the
(Europol). Any measures taken in regard to these ground for the IGC by examining and elaborating ideas
matters were to be in compliance with the European for Treaty revisions. The Reflection Group was com-
Convention of Human Rights. posed of 18 members: one representative from each
In the nine areas of common interest the Council member state (mainly junior ministers from Ministries
could adopt joint positions, promote forms of coop- of Foreign/External Affairs, or very senior diplomats);
eration, and draw up conventions to be recommended two representatives from the EP (one Socialist and one
to the member states for adoption in accordance with Christian Democrat); and one representative from the
their respective constitutional requirements. Commission (the Commissioner with responsibility
As with the CFSP pillar of the TEU, the significance for the IGC). The main thrust of the Group’s report
of the Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) pillar lay not when it was issued in December 1995 was to recom-
only in the substantive content of its provisions but mend that the IGC should focus on trying to achieve
also in the broader contribution it would make to the results in three main areas: making Europe more rele-
integration process in Europe. There were, as there vant to its citizens; enabling the EU to work better and
were with the CFSP pillar, policy and institutional prepare for enlargement; and giving the EU greater
aspects to this. Regarding the policy aspects, a legal capacity for external action. However, beyond agree-
base was given to cooperation in areas of activity ment on these questions and on a few broad principles
that in the past had either been dealt with purely and specific issues, it was clear that there were deep
on a national basis or had been the subject of only divisions in the Group on the traditionally difficult
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topics. The positions taken by the national representa- translation work had been undertaken, the Treaty was
tives were not identified, but the report was studded formally signed in October 1997.
with such phrases as ‘one of us believes that’, ‘one of At the time of the signing of the Treaty it was generally
us is opposed to’, and ‘a broad majority of members anticipated – largely because the new treaty’s contents
of the Group favours’. Given the already well-known were much more modest than those of the Maastricht
position of most governments on most EU issues, and Treaty – that there would be no major ratification dif-
especially the UK’s continuing opposition to further ficulties. But though ratification was never seriously
integration, most of these phrases could be interpreted endangered, it was considerably delayed. The main
without too much difficulty. problem was that some of the member states had to
The experience of the Reflection Group did not thus deal with domestic political and legal difficulties before
augur well for the IGC, which was formally launched ratification could be effected. In France, the ratification
at a special Heads of Government meeting in Turin in process could not even begin until the national constitu-
March 1996. Little was achieved in 1996 or early 1997 tion had been amended to take account of some of the
on the more controversial questions: should there be Treaty’s justice and home affairs provisions. France was
extensions to QMV in the Council, should the balance the last member state to ratify, in March 1999, and the
of votes in the Council be weighted more towards the Treaty eventually came into force in May 1999.
larger member states, should the powers of the EP be
extended, and should parts of the CFSP and JHA pillars
be transferred to the first pillar and/or be placed on a The contents of the Treaty
more supranational basis? Few IGC participants were,
however, overly concerned about the lack of progress. It was always likely that the Amsterdam Treaty would
There were two reasons for this. First, EU negotiations not be as innovative or as important as either the SEA
on constitutional/institutional issues – and indeed on or the Maastricht Treaty. The intention from the outset
most major contested issues – customarily begin slowly was that it would essentially be a revising rather than
and then speed up as deadlines approach. Second, there a pioneering treaty. Moreover, even in respect of revi-
were strong grounds for believing that the main obsta- sions, the great issue of internal EU debate in the mid-
cle to achieving progress – the UK government’s oppo- to-late 1990s – EMU – was not on the IGC’s agenda.
sition to further integration – would be at least partly The Treaty had no great projet to guide and drive it,
removed by the likely outcome of the general election in the manner that the SEA had the SEM and the TEU
that had to be held before the scheduled conclusion of had EMU. There was a major new EU projet in hand
the IGC at the June 1997 Amsterdam summit. by the time the negotiations on the Treaty started –
The UK obstacle was indeed duly removed when, in preparing for the anticipated accession of CEECs – but
the May 1997 election, the Conservatives were defeated although this issue featured prominently in the IGC’s
after 18 years in government and replaced by Labour. deliberations it was not placed centre stage in the
Tony Blair, the new Prime Minister, declared that his Treaty itself. This was because, with enlargement still
government would pursue a policy of ‘constructive some way off, the governments of the member states
engagement’ with the EU and this was immediately were just not subject to enough pressure to find the
reflected in the closing weeks of the IGC when the UK’s political will to reach agreement on key institutional
approach became much more positive than it had been issues. The issue was, therefore, postponed to another
under the Conservatives. There was not a complete pol- day, via the attachment to the TEC of a ‘Protocol on
icy about-turn, but on most issues the UK’s previous the institutions with the prospect of enlargement of
‘awkwardness’ and isolationism largely disappeared. the European Union’ in which provision was made for
The UK’s changed stance helped to make the another IGC to be convened ‘at least one year before
Amsterdam summit, which marked the last stage of the membership exceeds twenty’. Its task would be to
the IGC, much smoother than the Maastricht sum- carry out ‘a comprehensive review of the provisions
mit. There were still differences to be resolved at of the Treaties on the composition and functioning
Amsterdam and not a few tensions in the air, but of the institutions’. Significantly, however, the bases
political agreement on the contents of the Treaty was on which an agreement could be reached on two of
reached relatively easily. After the necessary legal and the most difficult institutional issues – the size of the
From Rome to Nice | 87

Box 6.4

The most important provisions of the Amsterdam Treaty

• The cooperation procedure was virtually abandoned and the remit of the co-decision procedure was
extended to 23 new areas.
• The co-decision procedure was streamlined and the EP’s position under the procedure was strengthened.
• There was increased provision for the use of QMV in the Council.
• The EP’s de facto right to approve the European Council’s nominee for Commission President was
given treaty status; the nominations of the national governments to the College must now be made ‘by
common accord’ with the President-designate; and the Commission would now be required to work
‘under the political guidance of its President’.

Internal policies
• A number of JHA and JHA-related policy areas were transferred to the EC, with the purpose of facilitating,
within a period of five years after the entry into force of the Treaty, the adoption of measures that would
result in the progressive establishment of ‘an area of freedom, security and justice’ in which there would be
free movement of persons behind a common external border. The UK and Ireland were given opt-outs from
these free movement of persons provisions and Denmark also was not to be fully associated with them.
• Underpinning the free movement of persons title, the Schengen acquis (which consisted of rules and
supporting measures dealing with the abolition of checks at internal borders) was integrated into the EU
framework through a protocol. Ireland and the UK were allowed to opt-out from the Schengen Protocol.
• Pillar three of the TEU was refocused and re-titled ‘Provisions on Police and Judicial Cooperation in
Criminal Matters’.
• A new title on employment was inserted into the TEC and the Social Chapter of the TEC (which existed
only as a protocol attached to the Treaty because of the opt-out the UK government had negotiated at
Maastricht) was fully incorporated into the TEC.

External relations
• QMV was established as the norm, subject to exceptional circumstances, for adopting and implementing
joint actions and common positions.
• A new device of ‘constructive abstention’, was introduced whereby a state abstaining in a vote could
issue a declaration that would result in it not being obliged to apply the decision taken, whilst recognis-
ing that the decision did commit the EU.
• A new post of CFSP High Representative was created to assist the Council, and especially the Council
Presidency, in all CFSP matters.
• Specific security issues were identified for the first time as falling within the remit of the EU, with the
incorporation of the so-called Petersberg tasks of ‘humanitarian and rescue tasks, peacekeeping tasks and
tasks of combat forces in crisis management, including peacekeeping’.

Closer cooperation
The possibility of the development of policy activities without all member states participating (as seen in the
Maastricht Treaty provisions for EMU and the Social Charter) was advanced with the incorporation of provisions
in the first and third pillars of the TEU to allow a less than full complement of member states – but constituting
‘at least a majority’ – to establish closer cooperation between themselves, and for this purpose to be able to make
use of the EU’s institutions, procedures and mechanisms. Flexibility of this kind was to be used only as a last
resort and was made subject to various restrictions – including that it should not affect the acquis communautaire.
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Commission and voting weights in the Council – Distinctive features of the IGC are outlined in
were identified in the Protocol with a statement that Chapter 8 and have been described in detail by David
at the time of the next enlargement of the Union ‘the Galloway (2001) and by Church and Phinnemore
Commission shall comprise one national of each (2002). The most important of these features was the
of the Member States, provided that, by that date, narrow focus of the IGC as compared with its prede-
the weighting of the votes in the Council has been cessors, and indeed also its successors. Whereas all
modified … notably [by]compensating those Member other IGCs have ranged widely across EC/EU affairs,
States which give up the possibility of nominating a the 2000 IGC was focused very much on institutional
second member of the Commission’. issues. This did not, however, make its operation any
The contents of the Amsterdam Treaty were, as smoother, for institutional matters bring national sta-
compared with the SEA and the TEU, thus relatively tus and power positions very much to the fore. With
modest. It was a modernising and consolidating the French Council Presidency, which oversaw the
treaty rather than a transforming one. But, though second half of the IGC, being increasingly suspected
the Treaty lacked the élan and drive of the SEA by smaller member states of looking too much to the
and Maastricht Treaties, it did nonetheless contain interests of the larger member states, it was perhaps
changes of significance for the governance of the EU. unsurprising that the Nice European Council, which
The most significant of these changes are outlined marked the culmination and close of the IGC, broke
in Box 6.4. (More detailed outlines are given in the the length record for all European summits – being
fourth to sixth editions of this book.) spread over four days.
The narrow focus of the Nice Treaty helped to
make its ratification relatively straightforward, except
in Ireland where domestic political circumstances
The Treaty of Nice resulted in the Irish people rejecting the Treaty in a ref-
erendum held in June 2001. The Treaty therefore had
The background to and the to be put on hold until, in a second referendum held in
October 2002, the Irish people gave it their approval.
making of the Treaty The Treaty came into force in February 2003.
With enlargement negotiations opening in 1998 with
six candidate countries and negotiations with another The contents of the Treaty
six likely to open in the near future, the Heads of
Government of the member states decided at their The composition and functioning of the
June 1999 Cologne summit that the IGC provided institutions
for in the Amsterdam Treaty Protocol should be
convened in early 2000 and concluded by the year’s The Commission. The IGC did not, as many thought
end. Accordingly, the IGC opened in February 2000 it should, take a decision on the maximum size of
and closed at the December 2000 Nice European the College of Commissioners. Rather, it agreed that
Council. The remit of the IGC was initially limited from 2005 the College would consist of one national
to the so-called ‘Amsterdam leftovers’ – that is to the per member state, thus resulting in the five largest
composition of the Commission, the weighting of states losing their right to have two Commissioners.
votes amongst the members of the Council, and the It was further agreed that once the EU numbered 27
further extension of QMV to new policy areas. From members a decision would be taken on the exact size
the beginning of the IGC, however, the Commission of the College and on arrangements for a fair rotation
and some of the member states lobbied for an addi- system between the member states.
tional item to be placed on the agenda, namely the Arrangements for the appointment of the College
strengthening and simplification of the closer coop- were changed, most notably with the replacement
eration procedure that had been created under the of unanimity by QMV in the European Council and
Amsterdam Treaty. Eventually, this item did become Council of Ministers for key decisions on the nomina-
part of the agenda, as did a number of other issues as tion of Commission President and the nomination
the IGC progressed. and subsequent appointment of the whole College.
From Rome to Nice | 89

The powers of the Commission President were also in nature. Many of the extensions that were agreed
strengthened, including by enabling him to decide on covered relatively uncontentious and not very politi-
the Commission’s ‘internal organisation’, to allocate cally significant matters. Amongst politically important
the responsibilities of Commissioners and to require matters to move to QMV were measures to facilitate
a Commissioner to resign after obtaining the approval freedom of movement of the citizen, measures assist-
of the College. ing judicial cooperation in civil matters, the conclu-
sion of international agreements in the area of trade in
The Council of Ministers. A central feature of the IGC services and the commercial aspects of property, and
was – with enlargement looming and the prospect of actions in the field of industrial policy. A partial and
many small states joining the EU – a determination by deferred switch to QMV was agreed for matters relat-
the large member states to protect their position when ing to visas, asylum, immigration, and other policies
votes are taken in the Council. Various options were related to free movement of persons. (For a full list of
explored on this, with it eventually being agreed that the QMV extensions, see European Commission, 2001;
the mixed solution that is set out in Box 6.5 would Bond and Feus, 2001; Galloway, 2001.)
apply from 1 January 2005.
As in all IGCs since the SEA, much attention The European Parliament. One of the few institu-
was given to further extensions of the use of QMV tional provisions agreed in the Amsterdam IGC to
However, of the 70 or so treaty provisions still subject help prepare the EU for enlargement was the setting of
to unanimity, only 45 were discussed. The remainder – a ceiling of 700 on the size of the EP. Under pressure
including such areas as common defence, revision of not to reduce the size of national representations by
the treaties, and comitology – were left aside because too much, this ceiling was raised by the Nice IGC to
they were deemed to be constitutional or too sensitive 732, but on a phasing-in basis.

Box 6.5

QMV voting provisions in the Council of Ministers as established by the

Nice Treaty *
1 The voting weights of the member states under QMV were changed. Overall, small states continued to
be over-represented, but there was some tilting of the balance towards large member states. Germany
remained particularly under-represented in terms of voting weight in relation to population size –
which was largely because France was especially resistant to Germany having more votes than the other
large states.
A related decision assisting large states was that the threshold for a qualified majority was raised. The
EU-15 requirement – 62 votes out of 87, or 71.26 per cent – would be replaced by a system in which the
QMV threshold would be 255 out of 345, or 73.91 per cent, when the EU reached 27 members. (For an
account and full analysis of the QMV debate and decisions of Nice, see Galloway, 2001: 76–93.)
2 Provision was made for any member state to request verification that a qualified majority represented
at least 62 per cent of the total population of the Union. If it did not, no decision could be taken. This
stipulation clearly advantaged the more populous states.

Slightly offsetting these two provisions that were to the advantage of large states, it was, also agreed at Nice –
on the insistence of smaller states – that decisions taken by QMV must be approved by a majority of states.

*Under the Lisbon Treaty, these voting arrangements would stay in place until 2014, and in some circumstances could be used
until 2017.
90 | 

The ECJ and the CFI. A number of changes were replaced by the possibility of an appeal to the European
made to the Treaty articles covering the EU’s courts Council, which would be able to act by QMV.
with a view to preparing them for enlargement, As for changes to the application of decision-mak-
improving their functioning, and amending and clari- ing procedures, there were a number of extensions to
fying their responsibilities. Four of these changes were the use of procedures. First, the Treaty provided for the
especially important. possibility of enhanced cooperation being used in the
First, the size of the Court of Justice (ECJ) remained second (CFSP) pillar for the implementation of joint
unchanged at ‘one judge per Member State’, but that actions and common positions that did not have mili-
of the Court of First Instance (CFI) – which hitherto tary or defence implications, although any state that
had not been specified in the Treaty – was now speci- objected to its use could ask that the matter be referred
fied as being ‘at least one judge per Member State’. to the European Council for a unanimous decision.
Second, ECJ cases previously dealt with in full Second, the remit of the co-decision procedure (which
plenary session would now normally be dealt with in gives the EP a veto over proposals) was extended,
a Grand Chamber – comprised, though this was not including to certain anti-discrimination measures,
specified in the Treaty itself, of at least 11 judges. judicial cooperation in civil matters (except family
Third, to lighten the workload of the ECJ, the types law), and specific industrial policy support measures.
of cases coming before the CFI was widened to include The EP’s hopes and request that the procedure should
most direct actions and, for the first time, preliminary apply to all decisions where QMV applied was resisted,
rulings in specific areas. with the consequence that in some important policy
Fourth, so as to allow the CFI to take on its new areas – including agriculture and competition – the
responsibilities, the Council, acting unanimously, was consultation procedure, which only gives the EP con-
given the power to establish judicial panels to hear and sultative and advisory powers, would still apply. Third,
determine certain classes of cases that hitherto have the assent procedure (under which decisions require
been handled by the CFI. Decisions taken by judicial the assent of the EP) was also extended, including to
panels would be subject to a right of appeal to the CFI enhanced cooperation when the matter concerned
‘where there is a serious risk of the unity or consist- covered an area falling under the co-decision pro-
ency of Community law being affected’. cedure and to decisions relating to whether ‘there is
a clear risk of a serious breach by a Member State’
of the principles on which the EU is founded. (The
Decision-making procedures Amsterdam Treaty had established the use of the
The Nice Treaty was much more restrained than had assent procedure for breaches of EU principles, but
been the SEA and the Maastricht and Amsterdam had restricted its application to determining whether ‘a
Treaties in making changes to the form and applica- serious and persistent breach’ already existed.)
tion of the EU’s decision-making procedures.
The most striking changes to form were to the
Amsterdam-created flexible cooperation procedure –
New competences
now re-named enhanced cooperation under the Nice The IGC’s focus on institutional issues meant that not
Treaty – which had provided a base for states to engage as much attention was given as had been in previous
in a policy activity without all states participating. The IGCs to extending the EU’s policy competences. Only
Amsterdam arrangements had been widely criticised two significant extensions were made.
for being too restrictive and almost unworkable. Two First, following on from the 1999 Tampere sum-
changes were made to those arrangements to make mit which focused on justice and home affairs
enhanced cooperation more flexible and potentially matters, new forms of cooperation in the fight
more usable. First, the minimum number of member against organised crime were identified. Following
states required for enhanced cooperation was set at on also from Tampere, the means of operationalising
eight, as compared with the Amsterdam stipulation such cooperation were strengthened by giving treaty
that a majority of states was required. Second, in the recognition and support to the European Judicial
first and third pillars, the possibility of any single Cooperation Unit (Eurojust) which the Tampere
state vetoing enhanced cooperation was removed and Council had decided to establish for the purposes of
From Rome to Nice | 91

facilitating coordination and action between national The Union contributes to the preservation and
prosecuting authorities in respect of serious cross- to the development of these common values
border crime. whilst respecting the diversity of the cultures and
Second, the objectives of social policy were wid- traditions of the peoples of Europe as well as the
ened with the addition to the list of social policy national identities of the Member States and the
objectives of two new objectives: combating social organisation of their public authorities at national,
exclusion and the modernisation (but specifically not regional and local levels; it seeks to promote bal-
the harmonisation) of social protection systems. anced and sustainable development and ensures
free movement of persons, goods, services and
capital, and the freedom of establishment. (Official
The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the
Journal, C364: 43, 18 December 2000)
European Union
At its Cologne meeting in June 1999, the European Following the Preamble, the substantive contents
Council declared that ‘the fundamental rights applica- of the Charter were set out in six chapters, the con-
ble at Union level should be consolidated in a Charter tents of which are summarised in Box 6.6.
and thereby made more evident’ (European Council, Some governments wanted to take advantage of the
1999b: 18). The European Council further declared 2000 IGC to give treaty status to the Charter. However,
that a draft document should be prepared in advance resistance from the UK government, with some support
of the December 2000 European Council meeting, from four other states, resulted in it not being mentioned
when it would then be considered ‘whether and, if so, at all in the Nice Treaty. However, it was ‘solemnly pro-
how the Charter should be integrated into the treaties’ claimed’ at Nice by the Council, EP and Commission.
(ibid.: Annex iv). Quite where this left the Charter in legal terms was uncer-
The composition of the body – called a Convention – tain, though it was clear it would have at least some legal
charged with drawing up the Charter was broadly impact for it did, in effect, come close to giving formal
outlined at Cologne and then specified at the October recognition to a series of rights that hitherto had become
1999 Tampere summit. It had 62 members, drawn recognised in the Union’s legal system but in a somewhat
from four sources: 15 representatives of the heads tangential manner. The status of the Charter was to
of state and government; a representative of the become one of the more controversial issues considered
President of the Commission; 16 members of the in the processes that led to the Constitutional and Lisbon
EP; and 30 members of national parliaments. This Treaties. As will be seen in the next chapter, it was given
membership was quite unique in that for the first time full treaty status under the Constitutional Treaty but this
EU representatives were meeting with national repre- was subsequently qualified under the Lisbon Treaty.
sentatives to draft a Union text. A much broader, and
arguably more democratic, base was thus being used
than in IGCs, which are composed of governmental
representatives. Concluding Remarks
The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European
Union was agreed by the Convention in October 2000. The EC/EU’s treaty framework evolved considerably in
Its high tone and ambitions may be seen by quoting the period from the Treaties of Rome to the Treaty of
from its Preamble: Nice, with all of the treaties advancing the integration-
ist process in some way. The SEA and the Maastricht
Conscious of its spiritual and moral heritage, the Treaty were the most ambitious of the treaties. They
Union is founded on the indivisible, universal were so because of the wide range of policy and institu-
values of human dignity, freedom, equality and tional measures they contained and also because they
solidarity; it is based on the principles of democ- each did something for the integrationist spirit over
racy and the rule of law. It places the individual and above the specific treaty additions and amend-
at the heart of its activities, by establishing the ments they contained. So, the SEA, along with the
citizenship of the Union and by creating an area of already agreed SEM programme to which the SEA gave
freedom, security and justice. a treaty-base, heralded the re-launch of the integration
92 | 

Box 6.6

The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union: summary of

the key contents of the Charter’s six titles
I (Articles 1–5): dignity. Rights covered under this chapter include: the right to life, including the prohibition
of the death penalty; the integrity of the person including prohibition of the reproductive cloning of human
beings; and the prohibition of torture or inhumane treatment.
II (Articles 6–19): freedoms. Included here are the right to liberty and security; respect for private and family
life; protection of personal data; freedom of thought, conscience and religion; freedom of expression; free-
dom to conduct business; and the right to property.
III (Articles 20–26): equality. Amongst the rights recognised in this chapter are equality before the law,
nondiscrimination, equality between men and women, and the rights of the child.
IV (Articles 27–38): solidarity. This chapter includes workers’ rights to information and consultation within
undertakings, the right of collective bargaining and action, fair and just working conditions, health care
rights, and consumer protection.
V (Articles 39–46): citizens’ rights. Rights listed here include the right of a citizen to vote and stand as a
candidate at EP and municipal elections in the member states in which he or she resides, the right to good
administration, the right of movement and residence within the Union, and the right of diplomatic or
consular protection by the authorities of any member state in a third country in which the member state of
which he or she is a national is not represented.
VI (Articles 47–50): justice. This chapter includes the right to an effective remedy and to a fair trial, the
presumption of innocence and right of defence, and adherence to the principles of legality and proportion-
ality of criminal offences and penalties.

process after years of relative stagnation and provided member states in the Union. However, criticism of the
a major stimulus to the integrationist momentum. IGC for not having addressed wider issues of EU’s gov-
The Maastricht Treaty laid the foundations for EMU ernance – concerning, for example, the power balance
and also created a symbolically important new organi- between the Union and the member states or the ‘con-
sational form – the European Union – based on three stitutionalisation’ and simplification of the treaties –
pillars. misunderstand what the IGC was established to do. It
The Amsterdam Treaty was disappointing to those achieved its main purpose, which was to take decisions
who looked for major reforms in advance of the about EU institutions that created the necessary bases
enlargement of the EU that was beginning to loom. for the planned expansion of the EU to incorporate
Nonetheless, it did help to pick up integrationist pro- Central, Eastern and Southern European countries.
gress after the caution that had followed upon the 1992 Beyond providing for this widening of the EU, the
Danish ratification referendum on the Maastricht Treaty also provided for some deepening by further
Treaty and it also signalled the wish of the UK govern- edging forward the integration process through, for
ment to enter the EU mainstream. example, the increased powers given to the EP and the
As for the Nice Treaty, it was narrower than its pre- wider legal base of QMV in the Council.
decessors in that it was concerned almost exclusively The broader issues that critics of the Treaty would
with institutional matters. The IGC that produced it have liked to have seen explored in the 2000 IGC were
was, as Galloway (2001: 21) has observed, driven largely scheduled for another IGC that a declaration attached
by concerns about the relative power and influence of to the Nice Treaty programmed to be convened in 2004.
Chapter 7
The Constitutional and Lisbon Treaties

The Making of the

Constitutional Treaty 93 The Making of the Constitutional Treaty
The Constitutional
As was noted at the end of Chapter 6, it was recognised at the time agreement
was reached on the Nice Treaty that it contained little more than the minimum
The Intergovernmental that was necessary to enable the EU to enlarge. The Treaty made provision for
fitting the new member states into the Commission, the Council, the EP and
The Contents of the the other EU institutions, but it did little to tackle wider matters relating to
Constitutional Treaty 96 how the much larger and more heterogeneous EU could function with effi-
Ratifying the ciency and effectiveness.
Constitutional Treaty 97 Thus recognising the limitations of the Treaty they had contracted, the
From the Constitutional national leaders agreed at Nice to open up a debate on the future of the EU
Treaty to the Lisbon Treaty 98 and to convene another IGC in 2004. To facilitate the debate and help prepare
the IGC, the December 2001 European Council meeting issued the Laeken
The Contents of the
Declaration on the Future of the European Union which provided for the estab-
Lisbon Treaty 102
lishment of a Convention on the Future of Europe (European Council, 2001).
Concluding Remarks 108

The Constitutional Convention

The Laeken Declaration declared that the soon-to-be enlarged European
Union needed to become ‘more democratic, more transparent and more effi-
cient’ (European Council, 2001: 21). The Union also needed to resolve three
basic challenges: ‘how to bring citizens, and primarily the young, closer to
the European design and the European institutions’; ‘how to organise politics
and the European political area in an enlarged Union’; and ‘how to develop
the Union into a stabilising factor and a model in the new, multipolar world’
(European Council, ibid.).
These general aims and challenges resulted in the Convention being asked
to examine a number of key issues. These included establishing a better divi-
sion and definition of EU competences, simplifying the Union’s instruments,
increasing democracy, transparency and efficiency, and simplifying and reor-
ganising the treaties – with this to include the option of leading ‘in the long
run to the adoption of a constitutional text in the Union’ (European Council,
2001: 24).
The Convention was composed of 105 members (see Box 7.1). As had been
the case with the Convention that had drawn up the Charter of Fundamental

94 | The Evolving Treaty Framework

of the Convention proceeded, it became increas-

BOX 7.1 ingly clear from statements by governmental leaders
that the final document would be likely not just to
Membership of the Constitutional provide a ‘starting point’ for IGC discussions but in
Convention many respects would determine them. It also quickly
became clear that the Convention was not going to
• a chairman, the former French President,
Valery Giscard D’Estaing, and two vice chair-
restrict itself to a minimalist interpretation of its remit
but was going to draw up a full draft constitution for
men: Giuliano Amato, a former Italian Prime the Union. These developments resulted in the work
Minister, and Jean-Luc Dehaene, a former of the Convention attracting growing attention, not
Belgian Prime Minister; least from national governments – some of which
• representatives of the Heads of State or
Government of the member states (15);
replaced sitting Convention representatives with more
senior figures.
• representatives of the Heads of State or
Government of the candidate states (13);
The Convention’s draft had been scheduled to be
presented to the June 2003 Thessaloniki European
• representatives of the national parliaments of
the member states (30);
Council, but in the event only Parts I and II of what
was a four-part text were ready. Parts III and IV were
• representatives of the national parliaments of
the candidate states (26);
considered and approved at a final Convention ple-
nary in July. On the insistence of Giscard D’Estaing,
• representatives of the European Commission (2); chairman of the Convention, who feared open divi-
• representatives of the European Parliament (16). sions would weaken the weight of the Convention’s
position, texts were adopted by consensus rather than
In addition to these 105 members (all of whom by voting. The final text was formally presented to the
were backed up by alternative members): Italian Council Presidency on 18 July 2003.
This final text took the form of a Draft Treaty
1 Representatives of the (then) soon-to-be acced- Establishing a Constitution for Europe (European
ing states were able to play a full part in the Convention, 2003). Its contents will be considered
proceedings of the Convention, but were not later in this chapter, since most of them were incor-
empowered to prevent any consensus emerging porated by the ensuing IGC. Suffice it to note here
between the 15 member states. that the recommendations were, for the most part,
2 Observer status was given to: the European relatively modest and essentially incremental in
Economic and Social Committee (3 repre- nature. This is precisely the reason most of them
sentatives); the Committee of the Regions were acceptable to the IGC: they were set within the
(6); the social partners (3); and the European general thinking frameworks of national govern-
Ombudsman. ments. (For detailed accounts of the operation of the
Constitutional Convention, see: Castiglione et al.,
2007; Norman, 2003.)
Rights (see p. 91), the dominant presence amongst the
membership was parliamentarians rather than gov-
ernmental representatives. The Convention was thus
not intended to replicate an IGC.
The Convention opened its proceedings on 28
The Intergovernmental
February 2002. Its work was undertaken in four Conference
forums, as set out in Box 7.2.
The Laeken Declaration had stated that the The IGC opened on 4 October 2003. In terms of its
Convention’s ‘final document will provide a start- composition it was similar to previous IGCs, with
ing point for discussions in the Intergovernmental Heads of State or Government formally at the apex,
Conference, which will take the ultimate decisions’ Foreign Ministers meeting regularly to review and
(European Council, 2001: 25). As, however, the work prod progress, and most of the detailed work being
The Constitutional and Lisbon Treaties | 95

undertaken by senior national officials. The states

that were scheduled to join the EU in May 2004 were BOX 7.2
accorded full IGC membership.
However, in terms of its functioning the IGC was The working forums of the
very different from earlier IGCs in that its agenda Constitutional Convention
was largely set by the Draft Treaty Establishing a
Constitution for Europe that had been agreed by the
Constitutional Convention. It was also supposed to
• The Office of the President. Giscard D’Estaing did
much to set the focus and pace and to shape the
be different from its immediate predecessors by being outcomes of the Convention. He had clear ideas
completed more speedily: the European Council asked on a number of issues, including strengthening
that it be concluded ‘as soon as possible and in time the European Council, moving the Commission
for it to become known to European citizens before to a more collegial model, and simplifying
the June 2004 elections for the European Parliament’ procedures in the interests of efficiency and
(European Council, 2003a: 2). democracy. In the closing period, when disa-
As always, governments approached the IGC with greements between Convention members were
a mixture of views. On particular issues individual creating difficulties, he was highly proactive in
governments were decidedly in favour of some meas- ensuring progress was made.
ures being adopted, decidedly opposed to others and
open on some. So, for example, nine states – the Czech
• The Praesidium. This was composed of 13
Convention members, including the Chairman
Republic, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, and two Vice-Chairmen. Its job was to provide
Portugal, Slovakia, and Spain – wanted the inclusion direction and impetus, most particularly by
of a reference to Europe’s Christian inheritance and ensuring the work of the Convention was
values. Seven (smaller) states – Austria, Denmark, being properly organised and tasks were being
Estonia, Ireland, the Netherlands, Portugal, and completed.
Slovenia – wanted to retain the system of a rotating
Council Presidency. And eight (including all former
• Working Groups. Eleven of these were estab-
lished to examine particular issues in depth.
‘non-aligned’) states – Austria, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Ireland, Poland, Sweden, and the UK – were
• Plenary Sessions. Normally held over a two-day
period at least once each month, plenaries held
opposed to the inclusion of a collective defence clause. general debates, deliberated on working group
To try and ensure such differences between states reports and gradually moved towards the adop-
were not given too much of an airing, which would tion of a final text.
have slowed progress, the approach of the Italian
Presidency was to stick as closely as possible to the The work of the four forums was supported by a
Convention’s Draft Treaty. Attempts by governments well-organised and flexible secretariat.
to re-open particular matters that had been agreed in
the Convention were generally discouraged. However,
two issues proved to be highly troublesome, and
could not be resolved before the European Council weights be abandoned in favour of a double major-
met in Brussels on 12–13 December 2003. The first ity system in which majorities would be deemed to
concerned the size of the College of Commissioners. exist for proposals that were supported by a majority
The Convention had recommended that from 2009 of states representing at least 60 per cent of the EU’s
the size be reduced to 15, but with non-voting total population. Germany was especially anxious to
Commissioners also to be appointed. Most member accept this recommendation, believing that the Nice
states had concerns about this, but small states partic- arrangements had assigned a disproportionately large
ularly did so because the Commission traditionally has voting weight to Poland and Spain – 27 votes to each
been seen as helping to protect the interests of smaller despite both countries having populations of just
states against larger ones. The second concerned vot- under 40 million, whilst Germany with its population
ing arrangements in the Council of Ministers. The of just over 80 million was assigned – with 29 – only
Convention had recommended that QMV voting two more votes.
96 | The Evolving Treaty Framework

At the December summit, agreement could not a single treaty. Far from being the relatively short
be reached on these two issues. If the Council voting document that many – especially Euro-enthusiasts –
system issues had been resolved then an agreement had hoped it would be, the CT was extremely long. It
probably could have been found also on the size of the consisted of a preamble, four parts that ran to a total
College issue, but Poland and Spain refused to abandon of 448 articles, 36 protocols, 2 annexes and 50 declara-
the system that had given them such over-generous tions (Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe,
treatment. Accordingly, and amidst whispered accusa- 2004). The way in which the four parts of the CT were
tions from some participants that the Italian Presidency organised is set out in Box 7.3.
had not handled proceedings well, the summit failed to The specific contents of the CT will not be described
finalise the text of the Constitutional Treaty. here as most of them are covered in the description
It was thus left to the succeeding Council Presidency later in the chapter of the contents of the Lisbon
– Ireland – to pick up the pieces and try to find a con- Treaty – which succeeded the CT when the latter
sensus. In so doing it was greatly assisted by a general failed to be ratified. (For detailed accounts of the con-
election in Spain in March, which saw the incumbent tents of the CT, see: Church and Phinnemore, 2005;
conservative government replaced with a socialist gov- Phinnemore, 2004; and the sixth edition of this book.)
ernment that was – partly because it was keen to estab- However, the main overall features of the CT will be
lish close relations with France and Germany – more outlined. Six were especially important.
flexible on the Council voting issue. This left Poland First, despite the use of the symbolically important
isolated: a position that, as both a new member state word ‘constitution’, the hope of Euro-enthusiasts that
and a member state that knew it faced political battles a reasonably simple document would be produced
ahead on the likes of CAP and the cohesion funds, it that would be widely recognised as being a ‘proper’
did not wish to be in. constitution was not realised. It partly would have
Accordingly, the Irish Presidency was authorised been so had the CT been confined to Part I and the
by the European Council in late March to reconvene Charter of Fundamental Rights, for they covered
the IGC. An agreement was subsequently brokered much of the sort of ground that is found in national
on the Commission and Council issues: on the for-
mer, the size of the College was capped, but on the
basis of a formula that was different to that proposed BOX 7.3
by the Convention, and from 2014 rather than 2009;
on the latter, Council voting weights were dropped, The four parts of the
but the thresholds for majorities was raised from
what the Convention had advocated both in respect Constitutional Treaty
of the number of member states and the proportion
of the EU population they represented (see below for Part I (Articles 1–60) laid down the general rules
the details on both issues). The IGC was concluded at and principles underlying the Union. The EU’s
the European Council meeting in Brussels on 17–18 objectives, powers, institutions and decision-
June 2004. After the customary work by lawyers and making procedures were all identified.
translators, the Constitutional Treaty was formally Part II (Articles 61–114) incorporated the Charter
signed in Rome on 29 October 2004. of Fundamental Rights, which had been ‘solemnly
proclaimed’ at Nice, into the Treaty.
Part III (Articles 115–436) covered the Union’s
The Contents of the policies and functioning. Most of this part incor-
porated provisions of existing treaties – notably the
Constitutional Treaty Treaty Establishing the European Community.
Part IV (Articles 437–448) consisted of general and
The Constitutional Treaty (CT) would have replaced final provisions, including procedures for adopting
the EU’s existing treaties – that is, the TEU, the TEC and revising the Treaty.
and the Euratom Treaty in their post-Nice forms – with
The Constitutional and Lisbon Treaties | 97

constitutions. However, such is the nature of the EU and most areas of CFSP and all of ESDP – unanimity
that the governments of member states generally continued to prevail. Moreover, intergovernmentalism
wish to codify many detailed matters concerning the may be said to have been given a boost by the strength-
Union’s functioning, and hence wished the long and ening of the capacity of the EU’s most intergovernmen-
detailed Part III – in essence an amended version of tal institution – the European Council – through the
the TEC, covering many technical matters of little creation of the new post of European Council President.
interest to the ordinary citizen – to be part of the CT. Sixth, and crucially, the significance of the CT lay
But, in any event, Parts I and II were weak on some not only in its specific provisions for EU structures,
traditionally core constitutional matters: there was institutions, decision-making processes and policies.
no enunciation of a clear philosophy of government; It also had potentially great symbolic significance with
there was no robust underpinning of EU citizenship its use of the word ‘constitution’ and with treaty status
(which remained weak); there was no provision for an being given to the already much-used EU ‘anthem’
EU budget capable of financing significant spending (Beethoven’s ‘Ode to Joy’) and flag (the distinctive
policies; and the instruments given to the EU to pro- twelve yellow stars on a blue background). This sym-
tect and promote the interests of its citizens via foreign bolic entrenchment suggested to many Europeans – of
and defence policies remained relatively weak. both europhile and eurosceptic persuasions – a highly
Second, most of the CT’s contents were taken from significant advance in the process of ‘building Europe’.
the treaties it was designed to replace – namely, the TEU Largely because of this symbolic importance, the
and the TEC as they had been amended over the years – Treaty attracted much more political attention during
plus the Charter of Fundamental Rights. In consequence, the treaty-making process than had earlier amending
most of the Treaty confirmed the existing treaty acquis. treaties and led to major – and ultimately insuperable
Third, the new content was largely of the type that – problems when ratification processes began.
had featured in all of the treaties since the SEA. That is, it
consisted, for the most part, of relatively modest changes
designed to make the EU more efficient and more demo-
cratic. To give just one example: much publicity was given Ratifying the Constitutional
to the new post of Union Minister for Foreign Affairs, but
this was really just a merging of two existing positions – Treaty
the Council’s High Representative for the CFSP and the
Commission’s External Relations Commissioner. As with all of the EU’s treaties, the CT could not enter
Fourth, an important theme running through into force until it had been ratified by all of the member
some of the changes was to give the EU greater coher- states. Aware that ratification by all 25 member states
ence and identity. This was seen in the ‘transfer’ of was by no means a formality, it was specified in Part IV
the JHA pillar to the TEU (though the CFSP pillar of the Treaty that if by two years after the signing of the
continued to be located in the TEU), the assignment Treaty four-fifths of the member states had completed
of legal personality to the EU, the creation of a semi- ratification but one or more states ‘have encountered
permanent President of the European Council, and difficulties in proceeding with ratification’, the mat-
the above-mentioned merging of the existing separate ter would be referred to the European Council – for
Council and Commission foreign policy posts into a unspecified action. With the Treaty being formally
single Union Minister for Foreign Affairs. signed in October 2004, all member states were thus
Fifth, changes in institutional provisions and deci- obliged to try and ratify by October 2006 at the latest.
sion-making arrangements did not have much overall In the past, member states have almost invariably
effect on the intergovernmental/supranational balance ratified post-accession treaties by a parliamentary vote.
within the Union. A small tilting in a supranational The exceptions have been those occasional instances
direction was seen in the increased capacity of the when referendums have been used: in Ireland for all
Council to take decisions by QMV. But this increased four treaties from the SEA; in Denmark for the SEA,
capacity applied mostly to relatively low-key and tech- Maastricht and Amsterdam Treaties; and in France
nical areas. In highly sensitive areas – including treaty for the Maastricht Treaty. With the Constitutional
reform, enlargement, financial matters, social policy, Treaty more widespread use of referendums was
98 | The Evolving Treaty Framework

always likely: partly because of the perceived highly In France, 54.9 per cent voted against ratification on a
symbolic importance of the Treaty – it was widely seen 69.7 per cent turnout, whilst in the Netherlands 61.7
as being much more than ‘just another’ amending per cent voted against on a 63 per cent turnout.
treaty – and partly because of the much larger num- The question then became ‘what now?’ EU leaders
ber of member states in the enlarged EU. Quite how quickly divided on this. Should the ratification process
widespread promises of referendums were to become, continue, on the basis that all states should express their
however – amounting ultimately to almost half of the view and with the CT’s own ‘four-fifths’ provision (see
member states – was not anticipated. A major factor above) suggesting the Treaty was not necessarily lost
bringing about the increase was domestic political because a couple of states had failed to ratify. Prominent
pressures. In the UK, for example, Prime Minister amongst those advocating continuation were the
Blair, anticipating the next general election, responded Luxembourg President of the Council, Jean-Claude
to a Conservative Party promise that it would call a Juncker, President Chirac, and Chancellor Schröder.
referendum on the Constitutional Treaty by promis- Foremost amongst those taking a contrary view was
ing one himself. This in turn heightened pressures on Prime Minister Blair, who hinted the ratification process
President Chirac to hold a referendum in France. should at least be put on hold because the Treaty could
A referendum is, of course, much more difficult for not enter into force unless it was ratified by all member
a government to control than a parliamentary vote. states and that no longer looked to be possible
Citizens can ‘cause problems’ in two ways: by taking a As it happened, a European Council meeting was
contrary view to the government on the issue at stake, already scheduled for the week after the referendums.
or by expressing a view on an issue or issues other than With realities beginning to be absorbed, and with
the one that features in the referendum question. Both governments that had promised referendums increas-
of these ‘problems’ influenced voting when ratifica- ingly realising that roll-on effects from France and the
tion referendums were held in France on 29 May 2005 Netherlands would likely now make the referendums
and three days later in the Netherlands on 1 June. in their own countries much more difficult to win, the
By the time the French and Dutch referendums were summit decided on caution. In a Declaration it was
held, ten member states had, in fact, already ratified stated that the matter would be set aside until the first
the Treaty, though only in one – Spain – by referen- half of 2006 so as to allow for a ‘period of reflection
dum. The majority in favour in Spain was comfortable [which] will be used to enable a broad debate to take
enough, with 76.7 per cent of those who voted favour- place in each of our countries …’ (European Council,
ing ratification, but the turnout was, at 42.3 per cent, 2005b). Those states that had not yet conducted their
very low. In France and the Netherlands the possibility ratification processes were given discretion as to
of No votes increased over the course of the referendum what to do. In the event, this resulted in all of those
campaigns. One reason for this was growing opposition states that were committed to holding referendums
to the form of the Treaty, which was seen by many as postponing them, except Luxembourg where the
embracing elite rather than popular wishes. Another arch Euro-integrationist, Prime Minister Juncker,
reason was concerns about the supposed ‘Anglo- proceeded with the referendum that was already
American’ social and economic values contained in scheduled for early July. In this most integrationist
the Treaty: although, in reality, the CT contained no of member states, 56.52 per cent voted Yes and 43.48
significant changes in values from previous treaties, voted No, on a 90.5 per cent turnout.
opponents of the Treaty presented it as doing so – to the
background of concerns about whether existing welfare
systems could be sustained. And a third reason was that
various ‘non-Treaty’ matters featured in the campaigns From the Constitutional Treaty
– including political opposition to the governments in
power, insecurities arising from the May 2004 enlarge- to the Lisbon Treaty
ment and projected Turkish accession, and resentment
in the Netherlands over the country being the largest The ‘period of reflection’ was more protracted than
per capita contributor to the EU budget. The outcomes had been anticipated. Indeed, for the first few months
of the two referendums were clear rejections of the CT. there was not much public reflection at all beyond
The Constitutional and Lisbon Treaties | 99

exchanges between EU practitioners as to whether the complete a questionnaire outlining their stances on
CT was now dead or could be revived. Understandably, key treaty issues.
the governments of those member states that had As the German Presidency stepped up the pace, a
ratified the CT – ultimately numbering 18 – were few governments began to make clear, not least for
inclined, initially at least, to support pressing ahead domestic political reasons, particular matters they
with the CT, whilst the governments of states where would wish to see addressed in the new treaty. Very
ratification problems had occurred, or promised to much to the fore in this regard was the UK govern-
occur, were more cautious. However, during 2006 a ment, which made much of what it called its ‘red lines’
tentative position began to emerge under which the These consisted essentially of sovereignty-related mat-
governments of all member states gradually came to ters, including greater opt-outs for the UK from
informally coalesce around the view that, on the one JHA provisions and a guarantee that the Charter of
hand, the ‘constitutional’ aspects of the CT would Fundamental Rights would provide no new legal
have to be dropped but, on the other hand, the more rights in the UK.
‘routine’ reformist aspects of the Treaty should largely Anxious that the treaty-making process should be
remain. Crucial to the emergence of this position was conducted as fast as possible and should not result
a resolve on the part of virtually all member states that in a re-opening of traditionally divisive issues, the
the new treaty should be capable of being presented as Presidency increasingly made it clear that the conven-
being much more ‘low key’ than the CT, and there- ing of a traditional IGC in which governments bring
fore capable of being ratified in the customary way of their lists of preferences and demands to the table
ratifying EU Treaties – by parliamentary votes – and was not being envisaged. Rather, the IGC would be
not requiring national referendums (except in Ireland, largely confined to considering what elements of the
where it is politically, and many argue constitution- CT would have to be amended or dropped to ensure
ally, required). national ratifications.
The task of determining the contents of the The sherpas duly produced a draft IGC mandate
CT’s successor began early in the German Council that was adopted by the June 2007 European Council
Presidency of the first half of 2007. The initial steps meeting and was included in the summit’s Presidency
were handled by a team of ‘sherpas’ – made up of Conclusions (European Council, 2007a: Annex 1).
senior officials from the member states – whose Highly significantly, the mandate was very specific and
task was to draft a ‘Berlin Declaration’ that would tight, with much that was to go into the new treaty
be issued in March 2007 to celebrate the fiftieth – which was entitled The Reform Treaty – not being
anniversary of the EEC Treaty. When it appeared, merely outlined but actually being written. Included
the Berlin Declaration was somewhat bland, but it in the mandate was acceptance of the UK’s ‘red lines’.
and the processes associated with its making were The specificity of the mandate succeeded in doing
important in advancing the treaty-making process. what it was supposed to do: de-politicise much of the
One way in which they were was that the negotia- ensuing IGC. Some political discussions did occur in
tion of the Declaration provided Chancellor Merkel the IGC. Poland, for example, successfully pressed that
and her support team with opportunities to sound an extension to the possible use of Nice voting rules
out member state governments on options for a until 2017 be included in the Treaty itself and in an
replacement to the CT. A second way in which accompanying protocol rather than being confined
the Declaration assisted the treaty-making was in to a declaration. And the UK successfully pressed to
some of the language the Declaration contained. further widen the JHA opt-outs it had already been
Especially helpful was the assertion ‘… we are granted in the IGC mandate and to tighten language
united in our aim of placing the European Union guaranteeing that CFSP matters would be beyond the
on a renewed common basis before the European reach of the ECJ. But, for the most part the IGC was
Parliament elections in 2009’, which signalled an largely a technical exercise conducted by lawyers and
agreed political determination to resolve the mat- subject experts. Indeed, the relative lack of political
ter (German Presidency of the European Union, input is no more clearly see than in the fact that follow-
2007: 2). Shortly after the issuing of the Declaration, ing the formal launch of the IGC on 23 July, Foreign
member states were invited by the Presidency to Ministers (who, as with past IGCs, were politically
100 | The Evolving Treaty Framework

Box 7.4

The making of the Lisbon Treaty

2000 December The Treaty of Nice is politically agreed.
2001 February The Treaty of Nice is formally signed. Attached to the Treaty is a Declaration on the
Future of the European Union that: calls for a ‘deeper and wider debate about the future
of the European Union’; commits to a decision being taken at the December 2001
European Council meeting on how the debate should be continued; and states that an
IGC will be convened in 2004 to consider the broad questions raised in the debate.
December European Council at Laeken agrees on the Laeken Declaration on the Future of the
European Union. The Declaration includes a decision to ‘convene a Convention
composed of the main parties involved in the debate on the future of the Union’
(European Council, 2001: Annex 1, p. 24). The Convention will be chaired by Valery
Giscard d’Estaing and will ‘pave the way’ for the next IGC (ibid.).
2002 February Constitutional Convention opens.
2003 June The Convention’s Draft Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe is presented to
the European Council, which considers it to provide ‘a good basis for starting in the
Intergovernmental Conference’ (European Council, 2003a: 2).
October IGC opens.
December European Council fails to end the IGC, as scheduled. The main reason for the break-
down in negotiations is Polish and Spanish opposition to the voting weights assigned
to them in the Council of Ministers, though an insufficiently focused Italian Council
Presidency is a contributory factor.
2004 June Agreement on remaining unresolved issues in the Constitutional Treaty (CT) is
reached at the European Council, under the Irish Council Presidency.
October The CT is formally signed by national leaders in Rome.
2005 May and Ratification referendums in France and the Netherlands result in ‘No’ votes.
June In the light of the two negative referendum results, the European Council calls for a
‘period of reflection’ on how next to proceed with the treaty reform process and says it
will return to the matter in the first half of 2006 (European Council, 2005b: Declaration
… on the Ratification of the Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe).

responsible for the conduct of the IGC) met only once The efforts to ensure that the Treaty was, or could
more – at an informal meeting on 7–8 September – be presented as being, sufficiently different from the
until they convened on 15 October to finalise matters. CT to minimise the number of ratification referen-
The Reform Treaty was then politically agreed by the dums that would be held were successful. Although
Heads of State and Government at an informal meeting referendums were considered by a handful of member
on 18 October. It was subsequently formally signed – in state governments, the only state in which a referen-
Lisbon, on the insistence of the Portuguese Presidency dum was eventually held was the one in which, for
which was determined to have the Treaty named after domestic constitutional reasons, it was always going
its national capital – on 13 December 2007. to be unavoidable: Ireland. Elsewhere, ratification
The Constitutional and Lisbon Treaties | 101

Box 7.4 continued

2006 June The European Council asks the forthcoming German Presidency (January–June
2007) to prepare a report that ‘should contain an assessment of the state of discussion
with regard to the Constitutional Treaty and explore possible future developments’
(European Council, 2006: 17).
2007 March The Berlin Declaration indicates an intention to resolve the Treaty problem before the
2009 EP elections.
June The European Council decides that ‘after two years of uncertainty over the Union’s
treaty reform process, the time has come to resolve the issue and for the Union to
move on’ (European Council, 2007: 2). It is agreed to open an IGC almost immediately,
charged with the task of drawing up a ‘Reform Treaty’. A tight mandate is agreed
that ‘will provide the exclusive basis and framework for the work of the IGC’ (ibid.:
Annex 1).
July The IGC opens.
October An informal summit agrees on the contents of the new treaty.
December The Lisbon Treaty (as the Reform Treaty now becomes known) is signed in Lisbon by
national leaders.
2008 June The Lisbon Treaty is rejected by Irish voters in a ratification referendum. (Ireland is the
only member state to hold a referendum on the Treaty.)
2009 June The European Council provides Ireland with a number of concessions, clarifications
and assurances on the Treaty in the hope this will result in it being ratified in a second
June The German Constitutional Court withholds approval of the Lisbon Treaty until a
law is passed strengthening the German Parliament’s participation in EU law making
September The German Parliament passes the law required by the Constitutional Court.
October The Irish people approve the Lisbon Treaty in a (second) referendum.
October The Polish President, Lech Kaczynski signs the law that ratifies the Lisbon Treaty in Poland.
November The Czech President, Vaclav Klaus, signs the law that ratifies the Lisbon Treaty in the
Czech Republic.
December The Lisbon Treaty enters into force.

was by parliamentary votes, supplemented in a hand- eurosceptic Presidents delayed giving their required
ful of cases by other measures. These other measures formal approval of the Treaty
contributed to ratification delays in a few states, As had happened with the ratification of the Nice
notably Germany – where the national Constitutional Treaty, the Irish referendum, which was held in June
Court deliberated on whether the Treaty breached 2008, resulted in a rejection of the Lisbon Treaty: by
Germany’s constitution and then ruled, in July 2009, 53.6 per cent to 46.4 per cent on a 53.1 per cent turnout.
that it did not as long as the German Parliament was As also had happened with the ratification of the Nice
given stronger supervisory powers over EU decision- Treaty, deliberations in Ireland and the EU about what
making – and Poland and the Czech Republic where to do next gradually – and almost inevitably – led to
102 | The Evolving Treaty Framework

it being decided that Ireland should, after being given First, the process of trying to find an acceptable new
assurances on issues that had seemingly played an impor- treaty dated back to 2001 (if the Laeken Declaration is
tant part in producing the rejection of the Treaty, vote taken as the first step) and governments did not want
again. The assurances took two forms. The first, which to see the process further extended any longer than
was agreed at the December 2008 summit, addressed was necessary. There just was little taste for starting
concerns that under the Lisbon Treaty Ireland would again from square one and putting all national pref-
not always have a Commissioner. The assurance took erences back on the table. To have done this would
the form of a statement that provided the Lisbon Treaty have been to re-open issues that, in the context of the
entered into force, the Treaty stipulation that the size of Constitutional Treaty-making process, had already
the College of Commissioners would be reduced to two been long negotiated and on which agreements had
thirds of the number of EU members would be replaced been reached only with great difficulty. The position
by the existing Nice system of one Commissioner per of the German Presidency when it started the new
member state. The second form of assurance, which was treaty-making process rolling – ‘let’s confine ourselves
agreed at the June 2009 summit, involved committing to making such changes to the Constitutional Treaty
to a legally binding Protocol to be attached to the EU’s as are necessary to ensure ratification’ – was generally
treaties that would allay Irish concerns that its policies welcomed by the governments of the member states.
in regard to taxation, military neutrality, ethical issues Accordingly, a twin-track approach was taken, both by
(especially abortion) and aspects of social matters would the German Presidency as it prepared an IGC mandate
not be affected by the Treaty. With these two assurances for the June 2007 European Council meeting and then
given and other sympathetic noises being made, the in the subsequent IGC itself. On the one hand, there
Irish government held a second referendum in October was the removal of those symbolic high-profile aspects
2009 and, as it had done with its second referendum on of the Treaty – the constitutional aspects – that had
the Nice Treaty, won a comfortable majority: the Lisbon led many member state governments to holding, or
Treaty was endorsed by 67.1 per cent to 32.9 per cent on promising to hold, referendums. On the other hand,
a 58 per cent turnout. special measures of various kinds – in the form of opt-
The Irish ‘Yes’ resulted in the Polish President, Lech outs and clarificatory statements – were created for
Kaczynski, quickly approving the Treaty, which left the member states that had either been unable to ratify the
signature of the Czech President, Vaclav Klaus, as the Constitutional Treaty and/or that looked as though
only remaining obstacle in the way of final ratification. they would have considerable ratification difficulties
On 3 November, after ‘winning’ from the European with the Lisbon Treaty.
Council an extension of Protocol 30 of the Lisbon Second, the factors that had led to the contents of
Treaty to the Czech Republic – and thereby limiting the the CT remained. There was still felt to be a need for
possible impact on the Czech Republic of the Charter new treaty measures that would, for example:
of Fundamental Rights – and after a ruling by the
Czech Constitutional Court that the Treaty was not in • give the European Council greater institutional
conflict with national constitutional law, Klaus signed capacity (hence the retention in the Lisbon Treaty
the law ratifying the Treaty in the Czech Republic. of the CT’s provision for the creation of a new semi-
In consequence, the Lisbon Treaty entered into permanent post of European Council President);
force on 1 December 2009: almost eight years after • enhance the EU’s external profile (hence the reten-
the start of the treaty-making round at the December tion of the CT provision that, in effect, merged the
2001 Laeken summit! Council post of High Representative for the CFSP
with the Commission post of Commissioner for
External Political Relations.
The Contents of the Lisbon • improve the operational performance and cohesion
of the College of Commissioners (hence the reten-
Treaty tion of the CT reduction of the size of the College,
albeit not until 2014, to two-thirds of the number
The Lisbon Treaty is made up overwhelmingly of the of member states [so as to encourage the Irish in
contents of the Constitutional Treaty. There are two their second referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, this
main reasons for this. change was subsequently dropped and replaced by
The Constitutional and Lisbon Treaties | 103

Box 7.5

The principal ways in which the Lisbon Treaty is different to the

Constitutional Treaty
The form and symbolic content of the treaties
• The LT does not repeal the existing treaties and consolidate them into one treaty. Rather it amends and
adds to the existing treaties.
• The Treaty Establishing the European Community (TEC) is re-named the Treaty on the Functioning of
the European Union (TFEU).
• All references to the word ‘constitutional’ are removed.
• The CT article on the symbols of the Union – flag, anthem and currency – is removed.
• The Charter of Fundamental Rights is not incorporated into the treaties, but rather it was ‘solemnly
proclaimed’ by the Presidents of the Commission, Council and EP in December 2007. However,
notwithstanding its non-incorporation, Article 6 of the amended TEU states the Charter ‘shall have the
same legal value as the treaties’.
• Throughout the existing treaties ‘Community’ is replaced by ‘Union’.
• The CT provisions creating new legislative acts – in particular laws (equivalent to current regulations)
and framework laws (equivalent to current directives) – are dropped.
• The CT-created title of ‘Union Minister for Foreign Affairs’ is replaced with ‘High Representative of the
Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy’.

Changes of substance
• The CT changes to voting arrangements in the Council – with the replacement of the triple majority
system and use of voting weights by a double majority system – is retained, but its introduction is post-
poned until 2014. Between 2014 and 2017 a transition process will operate during which the possibility
of voting weights being used is retained. A new delaying formula to assist states in a minority will apply
from 2017 (see Box 7.6)
• The CT provision to reduce, from 2014, the size of the College of Commissioners to two-thirds of the
number of member states is dropped. (It was retained in the Lisbon Treaty as originally adopted, but the
existing arrangement of one Commissioner per member state was later restored as part of the attempt to
persuade the Irish to ratify the Treaty.)
• New legal bases are created for combating climate change and for member states acting in a spirit of soli-
darity in respect of energy policy.

Opt-ins, opt-outs and clarifications

• In a Protocol, the UK and Ireland are given the power to choose whether to participate in third pillar
issues that are transferred to the first pillar.
• In a Protocol it is stated that the Charter of Fundamental Rights contains no new legal rights
in UK or Polish law. In October 2009 the European Council extended the Protocol to the Czech
• In a Protocol it is stated that the CFSP does not undermine the independence of member states in
respect of the conduct of national foreign policies.
• In a Protocol (the principle of which was agreed at the June 2009 summit) Ireland is assured that the
Treaty does not affect its policies on taxation, military neutrality, ethical issues (especially abortion) and
aspects of social policy.
104 | The Evolving Treaty Framework

the existing system in which each member state has – by parliamentary votes rather than by referen-
one Commissioner]); dums except where the latter are a constitutional
• enhance the Council’s decision-making capacity (Ireland) or a political (sometimes Denmark)
(hence the retention of CT provisions increasing the requirement – applied also to the new treaty.
ability of the Council to take decisions by QMV); • To accommodate a (limited) number of press-
• replace the weighted voting system in the Council ing national and institutional interests. Although
by a simpler system (hence the retention, though the intention was not to permit matters relating
in an amended form, of the CT replacement of to particular national and other interests to be
the existing triple majority system with a double re-opened either in the mandate given to the IGC
majority system based on a combination of the or in the IGC itself, accommodations were made
number of states voting for a proposal and the in few cases. The UK was the major beneficiary
populations they represent); of this, partly because of its sheer persistence and
• further tackle the ‘democratic deficit’ problem partly because it was recognised that its govern-
(hence the retention of CT extensions to the applica- ment needed a strong case to be able to argue with
bility of the co-decision procedure [which strength- credibility that the Treaty was so different from
ens the EP] and of the CT-created citizens’ initiative the Constitutional Treaty that the referendum that
procedure – which empowers citizens to call on the had been promised on the CT (and which almost
Commission to initiate a legislative proposal). certainly would have been lost) no longer applied.
• To recognise new issues impacting on the political
In consequence, the contents of the Lisbon agenda. In recognition of increasing concerns about
Treaty were based overwhelmingly on the contents climate change and energy supply, new legal bases
of the Constitutional Treaty. The form of the CT were created for tackling climate change and for
was changed, but most of its substantive contents prioritising member state solidarity on energy policy.
remained. In the words of a senior Commission
adviser ‘Broadly speaking, it can be said that some 95 As for the overall importance of the Lisbon Treaty
per cent of the 2004 Constitutional Treaty has been for the integration process, views on this greatly vary,
retained, in terms of both institutional structure and with some regarding it as marking a very significant
the substance of the policies’ (Ponzano, 2007: 16). integrationist advance in the integration process and
Box 7.5 outlines the main ways in which the Lisbon others seeing it as including only modest reforms. The
Treaty is different from the Constitutional Treaty. The reasons for these different judgements are to be found
changes contained in the Lisbon Treaty were made largely in the prior views of commentators, with those
primarily for three main reasons. inclined to a eurosceptic view seeing the Treaty as
containing major supranational advances and those of
• To make the Treaty more acceptable to citizens. a more europhile disposition seeing it as embodying
Changes made for this reason included drop- too many missed opportunities and a tilt in a inter-
ping the CT constitutional language and symbols. governmental direction.
Related to this elimination of the constitutional However, no matter what the Treaty’s signifi-
language and symbols, the CT consolidation of the cance is judged to be in terms of its implications for
existing treaties into a single treaty was reversed European integration, there is no doubt, as Box 7.6
and the treaties remained separate. These changes shows, that the Treaty has a very considerable amount
enabled governments to (correctly) portray the of content and that much of this content involves
new treaty as being essentially an amending treaty more than marginal adjustments to the EU’s pre-Lis-
in the tradition of the SEA and the Maastricht, bon rules and arrangements. To be sure, the constitu-
Amsterdam and Nice Treaties. As such it also gave tional language and symbolism of the Constitutional
governments good grounds to claim that the tradi- Treaty were removed and the Lisbon Treaty was
tional bases for national ratifications of EU Treaties largely confined – like its SEA, Maastricht, Amsterdam
The Constitutional and Lisbon Treaties | 105

Box 7.6

The main provisions of the Lisbon Treaty

Treaty Structure
• Most of the Treaty is concerned with amending and adding to the Treaty on European Union (TEU)
and the Treaty Establishing the European Community TEC). The TEC is re-named the Treaty on the
Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
• The third ‘pillar’ of the TEU – Provisions on Police and Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters – is
moved into the TFEU. This enables most of the EU’s justice and home affairs (JHA) policies to be
brought together in a new Title V of the TFEU covering the ‘Area of Freedom, Security and Justice’.
• The second ‘pillar’ of the TEU – the Common Foreign and Security Policy – is largely unchanged. It
continues to be located in the TEU rather than being ‘transferred’ to the TFEU and it continues to be
based primarily on intergovernmental operating principles.
• Throughout the EU’s treaties, the word ‘Community’ is replaced by ‘Union’.

The Nature and Competences of the Union

• A new Article 2 TEU sets out the values on which the Union is founded. They are ‘the values of respect
for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including
the rights of persons belonging to minorities’.
• A new Article 3 TEU (which is a revised ex-Article 2) amends the objectives of the Union. They include
the promotion of peace, offering Union citizens an area of freedom, security and justice (AFSJ) without
internal frontiers, the establishment of an internal market aiming at full employment and social progress,
and the combating of social exclusion and discrimination.
• The Union is given a legal personality in international law.
• The competences of the Union are set out. They fall into three broad categories: exclusive, shared, and
supporting or supplementary. The main exclusive competences are the Common Commercial Policy
(CCP), the customs union, competition rules necessary for the functioning of the internal market, and
monetary policy for euro members.
• Policy competences are strengthened in a few areas, including energy, tourism, and climate change.

Legal Acts and Procedures

• The remit of the co-decision procedure is extended, including to agriculture, fisheries, the structural
funds, transport, and third pillar issues that are transferred to the first pillar. The procedure is re-named
the ‘ordinary legislative procedure’.
• The remit of the assent procedure is extended and the procedure is re-named the ‘consent procedure’.
• The annual budgetary procedure is simplified and the EP and Council become co-equal decision-makers.
The distinction between compulsory and non-compulsory expenditure is abolished.
• The multi-annual financial frameworks (within which annual budgets must operate) become legally
binding and must be approved by the EP.
• A new hierarchy of norms is established distinguishing between legislative acts, delegated acts, and
implementing acts. The Council and the EP are to jointly decide on how to control delegated and imple-
menting acts (including whether, and what sort of, comitology is to apply).
• Citizens become empowered to invite the Commission to submit a legislative proposal by collecting one
million signatures in a ‘significant number’ of member states.
106 | The Evolving Treaty Framework

Box 7.6 continued

The Institutions
The Commission
• The President of the Commission must now be nominated by the European Council ‘taking into account
the elections to the European Parliament’. The nominee is then ‘elected by the European Parliament by a
majority of its component members’ rather than, as previously, ‘approved by the European Parliament’.

The European Council

• It is established as a separate institution distinct from the Council of Ministers.
• It is to elect its own President, by QMV, for a 2½-year term which may be renewable once.
• The responsibilities of the President are to be confined to European Council business.

The Council of Ministers

• As from November 2014, QMV voting arrangements in the Council are changed from the Nice triple
majority formula to a double majority formula in which, when the Council is acting on a proposal from
the Commission or the High Representative, a majority must contain at least 55 per cent of the member
states comprising at least 65 per cent of the EU population. The majority must also include at least 15
member states and a blocking minority must include at least four. When the proposal does not emanate
from the Commission or the High Representative, the qualified majority must consist of at least 72 per
cent of the member states comprising at least 65 per cent of the EU population.
Until 2017 a member state may insist that in a particular vote the Nice voting rules should apply.
In a formula that is based on the Ioannina Compromise, a new mechanism allows a number of
member states representing 55 per cent of the population or 55 per cent of the number of member states
needed to constitute a blocking minority to ask for a delay and reconsideration of a draft law before it is
• There are some 40–45 (depending on exactly what is counted) extensions to QMV, most particularly in
the areas of freedom, internal security and justice. Areas where unanimity – and hence the national veto
– remains include the CFSP (except implementing measures), the CSDP, enhanced cooperation, treaty
reform, taxation and aspects of social policy.
• The Presidency of the Council is to be held by groups of three members for a period of 18 months, with
each member of the group chairing for six months.
• The Foreign Affairs Council is to be chaired by the occupant of the new post High Representative of the
Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.
• The proceedings of the Council are to be open when it is exercising its legislative functions.

European Parliament
• Its size is set at 750 plus its President. Seats are to be distributed between the member states on the basis
of degressive proportionality, with no state to have either more than 96 members or less than six.
• Its powers are strengthened by extensions to the remit of the co-decision (now ordinary) and assent
(now consent) procedures and by increased powers over trade policy and the budget.

The CFSP and the CSDP

• A new post of High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, charged to
contribute to the development of the CFSP and to conduct the CFSP as mandated by the Council,
replaces the two posts of High Representative for the CFSP and Commissioner for External (Political)
The Constitutional and Lisbon Treaties | 107

Box 7.6 continued

• The High Representative is to be appointed by the European Council acting by QMV, with the
agreement of the President of the Commission. The High Representative is to have a base in both
the Council and the Commission: by chairing the Foreign Affairs Council whilst also being a Vice
President of the Commission.
• A new European External Action Service is to be created to assist the High Representative.
• In both the Treaty itself and in attached protocols the legal independence of member states in the foreign
and defence policy areas is stressed.
• Defence policy is given a higher treaty profile, under the title of Common Security and Defence Policy
(CSDP). Within the CSDP, a new mechanism of ‘permanent structured cooperation’ is created for states
that wish to make more binding commitments than others and that meet certain criteria in terms of
military capabilities.

• The roles of national parliaments are increased in two ways. First, the Commission becomes required
to reconsider a proposal if one-third of national parliaments claim it may breach the subsidiarity prin-
ciple. If the Commission then presses on with the proposal and a majority of parliaments continue to
object, the Commission must refer the proposal to the Council and EP where a 55 per cent majority in
the Council or a simple majority in the EP can block the proposal. Second, all national parliaments are
empowered to veto a European Council decision to change Council decision-making in a given area or
case from unanimity to QMV (itself a new power for the European Council).
• Simplified procedures are introduced for future modest amendments to the treaties. These procedures
take various forms depending on the nature of the amendments, but they normally require unanimous
approval by the national governments and approval too by the EP and/or national parliaments.
• Member states are given the right to secede from the Union and general arrangements for so doing are
set out.

Opt-outs, exceptions, and clarifications

The Treaty contains a number of opt-outs, exceptions and clarifications designed to deal with particular
concerns of governments. Some of these measures are explicitly directed to a particular member state or
states whilst others are generally applicable but are included at the pressing of a particular member state
or states. The measures are contained amongst the 38 Protocols and 65 Declarations that accompany the
Treaty. Prominent amongst ‘the national measures’ are:

• Protocols 19 and 20 allow the UK and Ireland to choose whether or not they wish to participate in meas-
ures designed to strengthen the Schengen system (the two states are not full members of the Schengen
• Protocol 21 allows the UK and Ireland not to take part in measures concerned with the creation of the
AFSJ, but allows them to opt-in.
• Protocol 30 states that no court – European or national – may rule that UK or Polish law is inconsist-
ent with the contents of the Charter of Fundamental Rights. During the Treaty’s ratification process, the
Protocol was also extended to the Czech Republic.
• Declarations 13 and 14 (which were inserted at UK insistence) state that the responsibilities and powers
of the member states for formulating and conducting their foreign policies are not affected by the CFSP.
• A protocol (that was agreed in principle at the June 2009 European Council meeting as an inducement
to Ireland to ratify the Treaty) states that the Treaty does not affect Ireland’s policies on taxation, mili-
tary neutrality, ethical issues (especially abortion) and aspects of social policy.
108 | The Evolving Treaty Framework

and Nice predecessors – to amending and adding to existing treaties. These changes and additions were
existing treaties. But, the number of amendments and mostly made with a view to simplifying and clarifying
additions was large, and many of them have had a the nature, enhancing the operation, and strength-
very clear impact since the Treaty entered into effect. ening the democratic character of the enlarged EU.
To give just a few instances of changes that have had a (For further commentaries on the significance of the
very noticeable impact: Lisbon Treaty, see Kurpas, 2007; Ponzano, 2007.)
Documents 8.1 and 8.2 set out the contents of the
• The new and strengthened competences given to EU’s two main treaties – the TEU and the TFEU – as
the EU – in such policy areas as internal security they are post-Lisbon.
and energy – have improved the EU’s capacity for
developing appropriate and cohesive policies.
• The strengthened institutional position of the
European Council – witnessed in its new official Concluding Remarks
status and in the creation of a new post of semi-
permanent President of the European Council – The Lisbon Treaty was made in a quite different man-
have helped to make the European Council a more ner to the EU’s preceding treaties. It was so in two
central and active, but also more ‘normal’, EU main ways. First, the processes leading to its finalisa-
decision-maker. tion were extremely protracted. They started with
• The creation of the posts of European Council the 2001 Laeken Declaration and were not completed
President and of High Representative of the Union until late 2009 when the Irish people voted Yes in
for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy has provided their country’s second ratification referendum and the
the potential for stronger and more focused EU Czech and Polish Presidents, who had withheld their
leadership. Their creation has also, however, confirmation of their country’s ratification until after
resulted in some inter-institutional tensions, with the Irish vote, gave their assent. Second, the processes
the European Council President, the European were much more complex, involving as they did a
Commission President and, where foreign policy Constitutional Convention – which was relatively open
is involved, the High Representative, becoming in its operation and in which political actors independ-
involved in some jockeying for position. ent of national governments had a significant role to
• The new voting rules in the Council from 2014 play – and two IGCs that were conducted along tradi-
have involved a significant tilt in the balance of tional – that is, closed and somewhat secretive – lines.
power within the Council towards larger member But though the treaty-making process was differ-
states. ent, the outcome was, ultimately, strikingly similar
• The increases in QMV provisions in the Council to predecessors. For the Lisbon Treaty is a consoli-
have facilitated decision-making in some policy dating rather than a radical document. It contains
areas, including very important JHA areas. measures that go some way to meeting the stated
• The extensions to the reach of the co-decision goals of the Laeken Declaration – of making the
procedure and the revisions to the budgetary EU ‘more democratic, more transparent, and more
procedures (both multi-annual and annual) have efficient’ (European Council, 2001: 21) – but there
significantly extended the powers of the EP. is no suggestion of an attempt to transform the
nature of the EU. There is, for example, no funda-
In summary, whilst the Lisbon Treaty disap- mental upheaval in the EU’s institutional structures,
pointed those who had been strong supporters of nor any great extension in its policy competences.
the Constitutional Treaty and who wished for major As such, the Lisbon Treaty is the latest in a line of
integrationist advance, the Treaty is more than a mere treaties that have since the mid-1980s amended and
tidying-up exercise. It is true that it does not contain extended the EU’s founding treaties. In the tradition
anything comparable to the SEA’s internal market of earlier amending treaties, it has adjusted, and in
mission or the Maastricht Treaty’s arrangements for some respects advanced, the integrationist process
creating EMU. But it does contain significant changes in an incremental manner. Arguably, the adjust-
and additions to the structure and contents of the ments and the advances provided for in the Lisbon
The Constitutional and Lisbon Treaties | 109

Treaty are of a lesser order than those contained in certain state-like characteristics. But they would have
the SEA and the Maastricht Treaty, where bases were been characteristics only in appearance, for the sub-
laid for significant policy extensions and for new stantive contents of the CT were little different from
decision-making procedures. what ultimately appeared in the Lisbon Treaty.
Of course, if the Constitutional Treaty had been And, in any event, not all of the symbols have
approved its symbolic aspects would have distin- disappeared with the demise of the Constitutional
guished the Treaty from predecessors. The use of the Treaty. Certainly there has been no noticeable decline
word ‘constitutional’, the official adoption of a flag in use of either the anthem or the flag since the CT
and an anthem, and the appointment of someone with was dropped. Indeed, both featured prominently at
the title of ‘Foreign Minster’ would have given the EU the Lisbon Treaty signing ceremony!
Chapter 8
Treaties and the Integration Process

Treaties and the Nature of fter the SEA it became customary for rounds of treaty reform to
European Integration 111 occur on a regular basis. One reason for this was that the logic and
The Making of EU Treaties 121 momentum of the integration process required periodic revision of the
treaties so as both to ‘catch up’ with evolving realities and to enable desired
Treaties That Do Not Apply
in All of the Member States 124 developments to occur. Another reason was that because all EU Treaties are
a consequence of intergovernmental bargaining, some governments were
Concluding Remarks 125 inevitably disappointed with the outcomes of treaties and so started pressing
for another round of treaty reform almost before a negotiated treaty had been
ratified and applied. And a third reason was that the Maastricht, Amsterdam,
and Nice Treaties explicitly provided for further rounds of treaty reform: in the
Maastricht case in response to pressures from dissatisfied governments at the
Treaty’s outcome, and in the Amsterdam and Nice cases in consequence of a
general recognition that the treaties were leaving unfinished business.
This chapter builds on the earlier chapters that have examined specific trea-
ties in detail by stepping back and examining how rounds of treaty reform have
fitted into and have contributed to the integration process. The chapter also
considers how the Lisbon Treaty provided for changes in the nature of treaty-
making and why there has not been another round of major treaty reform
since the Lisbon Treaty.

Treaties and the Nature of European

In terms of understanding the foundations, development and essential nature
of the EU, the ‘stories’ of the treaties are extremely revealing. They are so
because they highlight and confirm the following long-established characteris-
tics and features of the integration process.

Economics before politics

Some of the major advances in integration have involved agreeing to inte-
grate aspects of economic activity and then, at times seemingly almost as an
afterthought, realising that this requires political integration too if there is to
be political direction and control. In practice there has naturally been consid-
erable overlapping and blurring between the economic and the political, but

112 | The Evolving Treaty Framework

from 1950–51, when the ECSC was created, the eco- member states participating) that were added to the
nomic has at times and in important ways preceded TEC and the third pillar and the constructive absten-
the political. tion provision that was added to the second pillar. The
In terms of the treaties, the strengthening of the Nice Treaty streamlined the Amsterdam-enhanced
EU institutions that has been provided for in all of cooperation arrangements, primarily by making them
the treaties since the SEA has been largely a conse- easier to apply. The Lisbon Treaty continued with the
quence of this being seen to be necessary if (mainly tradition of broadening the treaty base for greater flex-
economic) policy development is to be achieved. The ibility, including by allowing an unspecified number
extent to which much treaty reform has involved of member states to engage in ‘permanent structured
‘catching-up’ with economic integration and needs is cooperation’ in the defence policy sphere and by
no more clearly seen than in the way that every post- giving some states, notably the UK, opt-in/opt-out
foundation treaty has involved extensions to QMV. options in respect of a number of JHA matters.
Indeed, the main rationale for the convening of the
IGC that produced the first major post-foundation
treaty – the SEA – was that QMV extensions were a Incrementalism
prerequisite for the passage of the SEM programme.
Subsequent treaties have continued with this exten- The integration process has been characterised by an
sion programme, to such an extent that virtually all almost constant edging forward, with ‘advances’ fol-
economic policy matters where legislation is made are lowed by pressures for more advances. Phases and
now subject to QMV apart from in such ‘hard core’ forms of integration have frequently followed almost
areas as taxation and social security. inevitably and logically from earlier – and often less
significant – phases and forms. In a pattern well
understood by those who are persuaded by historical
Flexibility institutionalist interpretations of the evolution of the
integration process (see, for example, Pierson, 1998),
When the member states, or a sufficient number of and especially by the importance of ‘path depend-
them, have wished to act together in a policy area ence’ in shaping the nature of the evolution, the treaty
and the established mechanisms have been judged to architects have, as Wessels (2001: 212–14) has shown,
be not suitable for the purpose, then alternative ways developed an almost ideal three-step type of integra-
of proceeding have usually been found. This was, for tion cascade. In the first phase, governments realise the
example, the case with the establishment and develop- advantages of cooperating with other EU countries in
ment of EPC from the early 1970s, the EMS from the a particular policy area and attempt to do so on a very
late 1970s, and the Schengen system (designed to assist loose intergovernmental basis, often on the margins of,
free movement of persons) from the mid-1980s. or even outside, the EU framework. When this form of
All of the EU’s treaties since the Maastricht Treaty cooperation proves to be insufficient, the governments
have built on and extended this tradition of being move to the second phase, which sees the policy area
adaptable and innovative in respect of policy devel- given clear treaty recognition and moved firmly into
opment. The Maastricht Treaty did so via the con- the organisational framework of the Union, but still
struction of two non-Community pillars (which was on an essentially intergovernmental basis in that the
because some states regarded it as either premature role of the Commission is limited, the EP is at best
or undesirable to bring the policy areas covered by given only consultative rights, Council decisions are by
the pillars into the EC) and also via, for the first time, unanimity, and the Court has few – if any – powers. In
the non-inclusion of member states in a core policy the third phase, governments realise they must permit
area specifically identified in the treaties (the UK and stronger decision-making processes if aims are to be
Danish opt-outs from EMU). The Amsterdam Treaty achieved, so a more supranational route is taken with
incorporated new policy opt-outs (for Denmark, greater powers and roles assigned to the Commission,
Ireland, and the UK), and further ‘constitutionalised’ EP, and Court, and QMV permitted in the Council.
flexibility by the enhanced cooperation provisions The precise way in which this incremental inte-
(allowing some policies to be developed without all grationist logic works does, of course, vary according
Treaties and the Integration Process | 113

to an array of circumstances. However, justice and of a treaty provision that has reversed an aspect of
home affairs may be taken as an example of how it European integration to any significant degree.
has worked in a particular policy area. From mod- Perhaps the greater emphasis given in the EEC Treaty
est beginnings in the mid-1970s when, quite outside than in the ECSC Treaty to unanimity in the Council
the framework of the treaties, governments began to may be thought of as such an example, but that was
cooperate with one another on such matters as cross- as the European Community was being established,
border crime and illegal movements of persons, the and the EEC Treaty as a whole did, of course, mark a
policy area has steadily developed: intergovernmental major step forward in integration. The attention given
cooperation was stepped up in the 1980s through what to subsidiarity in the Maastricht Treaty may perhaps
became known as the Trevi process; justice and home be thought of as another example, but its inclusion
affairs (JHA) was given treaty status in pillar three of was partly for symbolic reasons and the way in which
the Maastricht Treaty, though very much on an inter- it was described in the Treaty did not give it great
governmental basis; the Amsterdam Treaty transferred bite. And a third example may be thought to be the
much of pillar three to pillar one, made some provi- attempted strengthening of the institutional capac-
sion for QMV, and added new justice and home affairs ity of the essentially intergovernmental European
issues to pillar three – including provisions for tighter Council in the Lisbon Treaty through the creation
and stronger police cooperation; the Nice Treaty fur- of a semi-permanent president. But, these possible
ther extended QMV in the policy area; and the Lisbon exceptions notwithstanding, the fact is that there have
Treaty abolished pillar three, grouped most JHA policy been no ‘hard’ treaty ‘reversals’, such as a change from
matters together in the TFEU – in a broader and QMV to unanimity in Council voting procedures, the
strengthened new title on the ‘Area of Freedom, removal of a competence from the EP, or a policy
Security and Justice’ – and established the ‘ordinary sphere being removed from an EU treaty because of
legislative procedure’ (the former co-decision proce- it coming to be deemed to be an exclusively national
dure) with QMV as the norm for the policy area. responsibility.
Box 8.1 shows how the treaties have advanced
integration in an incremental manner by, on the one
hand, expanding the EU’s policy remit and potential Increased length and complexity
and, on the other hand, strengthening the EU’s insti-
tutional and decision-making arrangements. These The treaties are the outcomes of negotiations between
two aspects of increasing integration are, of course, national governments. In the negotiations, govern-
closely linked, as the steadily increasing powers of ments attempt to make the EU more effective and
the EP demonstrate. The EP has been the greatest efficient, but they also seek to promote and defend
institutional beneficiary of treaty reform, with every national interests. These objectives are not always
treaty since the SEA having significantly strengthened easily compatible, with the consequence that the EU’s
its powers: by creating new legislative procedures that treaties have become lengthier and more complex
are to its advantage; by widening the remit of those so as to enable agreements on their contents to be
procedures; and by enhancing its powers in respect reached.
of many decisions that are not taken through normal On length, post-Lisbon, the TEU contains 55 arti-
legislative procedures – such as the appointment of cles and the TFEU no less than 358. (The original EEC
the Commission President and the size and composi- Treaty contained 240.) In addition, the Lisbon Treaty
tion of the multi-annual financial frameworks and the contains 37 Protocols and 65 Declarations, most of
annual budgets. These steadily increasing powers have which are attached to the TEU and/or TFEU.
resulted in large part from policy transfers to the EC/ On complexity, this is no more clearly demon-
EU having produced growing demands – not least strated than with the TEU. In some respects it is a
from MEPs themselves – for EU decision-making pro- framework treaty, laying down general principles
cesses to have more accountable and democratic bases. and a structure for the EU. But in other respects it
The incrementalist logic of the treaties in an inte- is a substantive treaty, specifying in Title V quite
grationist direction is perhaps most starkly witnessed detailed provisions in the CFSP and CSDP policy
by the difficulty in identifying a single clear example areas: areas that the member states preferred not
114 | The Evolving Treaty Framework

Box 8.1

Summary of the contents of the main EU Treaties

Name of Treaty/ Institutional provisions Policy provisions
Date signed/
Date came into

Treaty of Paris Creates: – Lays foundations for a common market in

April 1951 – High Authority coal, steel, coke, iron ore, and scrap.
July 1952 – Council of Ministers (with some QMV)
– Common Assembly
– Court of Justice

Treaty of Rome Creates: – Lays foundations and timetable for a

Establishing the – Commission customs union with removal of internal
European – Council of Ministers barriers to trade and the establishment
Economic – (QMV more restricted than under the of a common external tariff; foundations
Community Treaty of Paris) also laid for deeper economic integration
March 1957 – Assembly ⎫ through the creation of a common market
January 1958 – Court of ⎬ to serve all three and some common policies including
Justice ⎭ agriculture and transport.

Treaty of Rome Creates: – Provides for the possibility of a common

Establishing the – Commission market in nuclear materials, but with
European – Council of Ministers safeguards built in. Other activities in the
Atomic Energy – Assembly ⎫ nuclear field to be promoted.
Community – Court of ⎬ to serve all three
March 1957 Justice ⎭
January 1958

Single European – E uropean Council is given legal recognition. – The aim of completing the internal market
Act – The legal capacity of the Council to take by 1992 is given treaty status.
February 1986 decisions by QMV is extended – notably – New policy areas are added to the EEC
July 1987 to internal market measures. Treaty, notably environment, economic
– A new legislative procedure – the and social cohesion, and research and
­cooperation procedure – is created, development.
which gives the EP more powers. – European Political Cooperation (foreign
– An assent procedure is also created, which policy) is given legal recognition.
results in the assent of the EP being required.

Treaty of – Creates the European Union as a three- – A framework and timetable for creating
Maastricht pillar structure. Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) is
February 1992 – Extends legal base of QMV. incorporated in the EC Treaty.
November 1993 – Creates co-decision legislative procedure, – Pillars two and three create the treaty
which increases the power of the EP. ­foundations for a Common Foreign and
Security Policy (CFSP) and Cooperation in
the Fields of Justice and Home Affairs (JHA).
Treaties and the Integration Process | 115

BOX 8.1 Continued

– Several new policy areas are added to the

EC Treaty, including development, public
health, and consumer protection.

Treaty of – Extends legal base of QMV. – CFSP provisions are strengthened.

Amsterdam – Extends the co-decision procedure to – Much of JHA pillar is transferred to EC
October 1997 more policy spheres, and amends pillar.
May 1999 aspects of the procedure to the EP’s – New policy areas are added to EC pillar,
advantage. including anti-discrimination, promoting
– Creates enhanced cooperation employment, and consumer protection.
– Creates new post of High Representative
for the CFSP.

Treaty of Nice – Changes national representations in – Only marginal extensions of existing policy
February 2001 EU institutions in preparation for areas, mainly in the JHA and social policy
February 2003 ­enlargement. fields.
– Changes QMV weightings
– Extends legal base of QMV.
– Small extensions to application of co-
decision procedure.
– Makes enhanced cooperation procedure
easier to apply.

Treaty of Lisbon – European ‘Community’ disappears. – JHA policy area is greatly strengthened.
December 2007 – T  he third ‘pillar’ is moved into the – Defence policy is given fuller recognition.
December 2009 TFEU, but the second ‘pillar’ remains
in the TEU.
–C  reates two new important posts:
­European Council President; High
­­Representative of the Union for ­Foreign
Affairs and Security Policy (which
merges the existing leading foreign
policy posts in the Council and the
– Extends legal base of QMV.
– New voting system is created in the
Council, though not to come into effect
until 2014, and even then there are transi-
tional ­arrangements.
– S ignificant extensions to application of
co-decision procedure, which i­s ­re-named
‘the ordinary legislative p­ rocedure’.
116 | The Evolving Treaty Framework

Document 8.1

The (post-Lisbon) Treaty on European Union: contents

Preamble Articles
Title I Common provisions 1–8
Title II Provisions on democratic principles 9–12
Title III Provisions on the institutions 13–19
Title IV Provisions on enhanced cooperation 20
Title V General provisions on the Union’s external action and specific provisions on
the Common Foreign and Security Policy
Chapter 1 General Provisions on the Union’s external action 21–22
Chapter 2 Specific Provisions on the Common Foreign and Security Policy
Section 1 Common provisions 23–41
Section 2 Provisions on the Common Security and 42–46
Defence Policy
Title VI Final provisions 47–55

to have ‘communitarised’ – primarily because they were added, the number of decision-making pro-
wanted them to continue to be essentially intergov- cesses increased even further. Significantly, the CT
ernmental in character. (See Document 8.1 for the and Lisbon Treaty IGCs made little progress in sim-
TEU’s contents.) plifying this mosaic.
As for the TFEU, as it (in its various forms) has had Not only have the treaties produced a steady
new policy competences and decision-making arrange- increase in the number of decision-making processes,
ments added in rounds of treaty reform, so has it but they have also produced some extremely com-
become ever more impenetrable for all but subject spe- plicated processes. The prize for complexity should,
cialists. The Treaty was tidied up a little as part of the perhaps, be awarded to Article 7 TEU which, in its
Amsterdam revisions, but not in such a way as to make post-Lisbon Treaty form, includes the following:
it accessible to ‘the ordinary citizen’, and the Nice and
Lisbon Treaties have done nothing to ‘improve’ this 1 On a reasoned proposal by one-third of the Member
situation. (See Document 8.2 for the TFEU’s contents.) States, by the European Parliament or by the
Many of its articles cover the sort of subject matter that Commission, the Council, acting by a majority of
would normally be expected to be found in policy legis- four-fifths of its members after obtaining the consent
lation rather than a document which – in effect – serves of the European Parliament, may determine that
as a key part of the EU’s ‘constitution’. there is a clear threat of a serious breach by a Member
The sphere in which treaty negotiations have State of the values referred to in Article 2 [which
produced the most complex outcomes is in respect states the Union is founded on ‘the values of respect
of decision-making processes, which have become for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality,
more numerous over the years. Following the Nice the rule of law, and respect for human rights, includ-
Treaty, there were no less than 38 combinations of ing the rights of persons belonging to minorities’] …
possible voting modalities in the Council and par- 2 The European Council, acting by unanimity on a
ticipation opportunities for the EP. Of the 38 combi- proposal by one-third of the Member States or by
nations, 22 were legislative in nature (Wessels, 2001: the Commission and after obtaining the consent
201). When the positions of other EU institutions of the European Parliament may determine the
Treaties and the Integration Process | 117

existence of a serious and persistent breach by a changed, with the successful launch of the euro, the
Member State of the values referred to in Article 2, considerable progress being made on JHA issues, and
after inviting the government of the Member State the impending ‘big bang’ EU enlargement all indicat-
in question to submit its observations … ing rapid integration advance. The CT was intended
5 The voting arrangements applying to the European to both symbolically signal and further assist with this
Parliament, the European Council and the Council advance.
for the purposes of this Article are laid out in
Article 354 of the Treaty on the Functioning of
the European Union [Article 354 contains further Interplay between supranational
voting rules].
and national actors
The many protocols and declarations that cus- Some analysts of European integration have made
tomarily have been attached to the treaties provide much of the role played in the integration pro-
another dimension of the highly complicated nature cess by supranational actors, most particularly the
of the EU’s treaties. Protocols have the same bind- Commission, the EP, and the CJEU. Others have
ing legal effect as treaty articles, but declarations played down the role of these actors and have argued
are essentially political statements. Designed for a that whilst they may have exercised some influence
variety of purposes – such as providing clarification on the course of events, the EU’s key actors have been
on treaty articles, laying down bases for extra-treaty representatives of the governments of the member
policy activity, and ‘exempting’ particular member states meeting in the European Council and the
states from specified treaty commitments – proto- Council of Ministers. (There is a review of these dif-
cols and declarations can make the understanding ferent interpretations of the integration process in
of treaties even more difficult for all but the trained Chapter 24.)
expert. At first sight, the decision-making processes asso-
ciated with the making of the EU’s treaties would
appear to provide support only for the second of
Variable pace these analytical interpretations: the membership of
IGCs has consisted of national governmental repre-
The pace of the integration process has varied con- sentatives, with the Commission being present but
siderably since the Community was founded in the having no vote and the EP not even participating in
1950s with, in very general terms, the periods up most IGC meetings; decision-making in the IGCs
to the mid-1960s, from the mid-1980s to the early has been based on bargaining between the national
1990s, and from the late 1990s to the mid-2000s governmental representatives, with agreements on
being times of rapid integration, and the late 1960s some particularly difficult issues being reached only
to the early 1980s, the mid-1990s, and from the mid- after hard direct negotiations between Heads of
2000s being more sluggish. Treaties reflect this vari- Government; and the supranational EU institutions –
able pace. The Maastricht Treaty, for example, was especially the Commission and the EP – have been
negotiated at a time when the governments of most generally disappointed with the outcomes of the
member states were generally optimistic and ebul- IGCs, with both having pressed for greater extensions
lient in their attitudes to European integration, with to their own powers than have been incorporated in
the consequence that they wanted to see, and made the treaties.
sure that they did see, major integrationist advances However, although the making of the EU’s trea-
incorporated into the Treaty. By contrast, when the ties may appear to provide strong support for an
Amsterdam Treaty was being negotiated the mood intergovernmental interpretation of the integration
was less upbeat – not least because the 1992 Danish process, the case should not be overstated. First,
referendum had obliged supporters of further inte- treaty-making processes are not typical EU decision-
gration to become more ­cautious – and so less was making processes since they lead to what Peterson
sought from, and less was put into, the Treaty. With (1995) has called ‘history-making’ decisions, and
the Constitutional Treaty, the atmosphere had again are therefore the very processes in which the role of
118 | The Evolving Treaty Framework

Document 8.2

The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union: contents

Preamble Articles
PART ONE Principles 1
Title I Categories and areas of Union competence 2–6
Title II Provisions having general application 7–17
PART TWO Non-discrimination and citizenship of the Union 18–25
PART THREE Union policies and internal actions
Title I The internal market 26–27
Title II Free movement of goods 28–29
Chapter 1 The customs union 30–32
Chapter 2 Customs cooperation 33
Chapter 3 Prohibition of quantitative restrictions between 34–37
member states
Title III Agriculture and fisheries 38–44
Title IV Free movement of persons, services and capital
Chapter 1 Workers 45–48
Chapter 2 Right of establishment 49–55
Chapter 3 Services 56–62
Chapter 4 Capital and payments 63–66
Title V Area of freedom, security and justice
Chapter 1 General provisions 67–76
Chapter 2 Policies on border checks, asylum and immigration 77–80
Chapter 3 Judicial cooperation in civil matters 81
Chapter 4 Judicial cooperation in criminal matters 82–86
Chapter 5 Police cooperation 87–89
Title VI Transport 90–100
Title VII Common rules on competition, taxation and approximation of laws
Chapter 1 Rules on competition
Section 1 Rules applying to undertakings 101–106
Section 2 Aids granted by States 107–109
Chapter 2 Tax provisions 110–112
Chapter 3 Approximation of laws 114–118
Title VIII Economic and monetary policy 119
Chapter 1 Economic policy 120–126
Chapter 2 Monetary policy 127–133
Chapter 3 Institutional provisions 134–135
Chapter 4 Provisions specific to member states whose currency 136–138
is the Euro
Chapter 5 Transitional provisions 139–144
Title IX Employment 145–150
Title X Social policy 151–161
Title XI European Social Fund 162–164
Title XII Education, vocational training, youth and sport 165–166
Title XIII Culture 167
Title XIV Public health 168
Title XV Consumer protection 169
Title XVI Trans-European networks 170–172
Treaties and the Integration Process | 119

Document 8.2 continued

Title XVII Industry 173
Title XVIII Economic, social and territorial cohesion 174–178
Title XIX Research and technological development and space 179–190
Title XX Environment 191–193
Title XXI Energy 194
Title XXII Tourism 195
Title XXIII Civil protection 196
Title XXIV Administrative cooperation 197
PART FOUR Association of the overseas countries and territories 198–204
PART FIVE External action by the Union
Title I General provisions on the Union’s external action 205
Title II Common commercial policy 206–207
Title III Cooperation with third countries and humanitarian aid
Chapter 1 Development cooperation 208–211
Chapter 2 Economic, financial and technical c­ ooperation with 212–213
third countries
Chapter 3 Humanitarian aid 214
Title IV Restrictive measure 215
Title V International agreements 216–219
Title VI The Union’s relations with international organisations and third 220–221
countries and Union delegations
Title VII Solidarity clause 222
Title I Institutional provisions
Chapter 1 The institutions
Section 1 The European Parliament 223–234
Section 2 The European Council 235–236
Section 3 The Council 237–243
Section 4 The Commission 244–250
Section 5 The Court of Justice 251–281
Section 6 The European Central Bank 282–284
Section 7 The Court of Auditors 285–287
Chapter 2 Legal acts of the Union, adoption procedures and
other provisions
Section 1 The legal acts of the Union 288–292
Section 2 Procedures for the adoption of acts and 293–299
other provisions
Chapter 3 The Union’s advisory bodies 300
Section 1 The Economic and Social Committee 301–304
Section 2 The Committee of the Regions 305–307
Chapter 4 The European Investment Bank 308–309
Title II Financial provisions 310
Chapter 1 The Union’s own resources 311
Chapter 2 The multi annual financial framework 312
Chapter 3 The Union’s annual budget 313–316
Chapter 4 Implementation of the budget and discharge 317–319
Chapter 5 Common provisions 320–324
Chapter 6 Combatting fraud 325
Title III Enhanced cooperation 326–334
PART SEVEN General and final provisions 335–358
120 | The Evolving Treaty Framework

national governments is likely to be most prominent. of states. So, for example, the SEA provided such a
Second, although it does not have voting powers, policy base when, largely at the behest of the poorer
the Commission is an active participant in IGCs and member states, it included provisions for the devel-
the EP was allowed to make a direct input into the opment of redistributive policies. The Maastricht
Amsterdam, Nice, and CT IGCs. Third, there is evi- Treaty did much the same thing, with the creation of
dence – provided, for example, by Beach (2005) – to a Cohesion Fund that would be directed at the four
indicate that the Commission and the EP have been poorest member states (Greece, Ireland, Portugal
able to exercise some influence in IGCs. The influ- and Spain). The granting of special dispensations has
ence has, however, been ‘contingent upon the nego- most commonly taken the form of the opt-ins/opt-
tiating context and whether they [supranational EU outs that, as has been described both in this chapter
institutions] use appropriate leadership strategies’ and earlier chapters, some states have been given as
(Beach, 2005: 245). Fourth, and in many respects the price for persuading them to sign and/or ratify
most importantly, all of the treaties since the SEA treaties.
have advanced the supranational character of the EU,
most obviously via the progressive expansion of the
use of QMV and increased powers being given to the An elite-driven process
EP. The increased institutional status and capacity
given to the European Council by the Lisbon Treaty Insofar as political and administrative elites tend
have been seen by some commentators as marking an to set the policy agenda, and insofar as they usu-
intergovernmental shift, but it was more of a rather ally take decisions without directly consulting their
modest intergovernmental injection in that, like its electorates, political activity in all nation states – in
predecessors, the Treaty also further expanded the Europe and beyond – may be said to be elite-driven.
legislative capacity of the EU, increased the ability of But this is particularly the case in the EU because of
the Council to act by QMV, and increased the EP’s the weak lines of accountability between decision-
powers. makers and the citizenry. There is no opportunity to
elect a European government or parliament with full
decision-making powers. Arguably this would not
Benefits for everybody matter too much if there were grounds for believing
that most citizens were strongly supportive of the
The integrationist advances achieved in the treaties integration process, or were happy to leave decisions
have been made possible by the member states judg- about integration to the appropriate elites. However,
ing it to be in their interests to promote integration. public opinion polls have suggested that in some
Certainly in all of the treaty-making negotiations there member states considerable reservations and doubts
have been disagreements between the states as to just have existed at various times.
how much, and what kind of, integration they have The extent to which the integration process
wanted. But it has nonetheless been recognised that is elite-driven, and the extent to which elites do
there are benefits for all to be gained from the inte- not always reflect popular concerns, has been
gration process – with the furtherance of economic demonstrated by difficulties in ratifying the trea-
growth and the promotion of harmonious relations ties. Problems began with the ratification of the
between the states of Europe being the most obvious Maastricht Treaty, when not only did the Danes vote
benefits. No in their first referendum and the French almost
However, because of their own distinctive needs vote No, but opinion polls indicated that German
and preferences, states have sometimes argued that and UK voters too might have rejected the Treaty if
in addition to taking a share of general benefits they they had been given the opportunity to do so. The
should also be awarded special benefits and/or be increased caution shown by national representatives
given special considerations. The award of special in the 1996–97 IGC can perhaps be seen as partly
benefits in treaties has usually taken the form of pro- reflecting greater sensitivity to the popular con-
viding a base for some sort of policy development that cerns that the Maastricht ratification process had
will be especially helpful to a particular state or group highlighted. However, the extent of this sensitivity
Treaties and the Integration Process | 121

should not be overstated, as is demonstrated by the

fact that despite all the post-Maastricht talk about
The Making of EU Treaties
promoting openness and democracy in the EU,
there was no movement towards opening up the The traditional way
treaty-making process to popular participation. On
the contrary, only the Danish and Irish governments Intergovernmental conferences
included referendums as part of their national ratifi- Treaty-making is very much an intergovernmental
cations of the Treaty. And only the Irish government process, as the name of the forum – Intergovernmental
consulted the people on the ratification of the Nice Conferences (IGCs) – that has been used since the
Treaty – who duly rejected it at the first time of ask- SEA for deciding on the contents of all of the EU’s
ing, though more for domestic political reasons than major treaties makes clear. The key actors in IGCs are
because they opposed the Treaty. representatives of the governments of the member
The most dramatic, and in its consequences states, and unanimity amongst them is necessary for
most important, demonstration of the elite-driven treaties to be agreed.
nature of the integration process occurred when, Each IGC has had its own distinctive features, but
for reasons that were set out in Chapter 7, several all have displayed most of the features of a broad pat-
member states moved to hold referendums on the tern, which will now be outlined.
Constitutional Treaty. In two of the EU’s found- The treaty-making process has started with a deci-
ing states – France and the Netherlands – the sion by the European Council to establish an IGC.
Treaty was rejected by the people. This was not so These decisions have been made for a variety of spe-
much because voters objected to specific Treaty cific reasons, which were outlined in Chapters 6 and
provisions, but rather for a range of ‘non-Treaty’ 7. However, the specific reasons have been framed
reasons including concerns about such aspects of within a shared recognition on the part of the gov-
the integration process as the 2004 enlargement, ernments of most member states that the EC/EU has
possible Turkish accession, the perceived increasing needed treaty reform for reasons of operational effi-
influence of liberal market principles, and – in the ciency and effectiveness.
Netherlands – the financing of the EU budget. The IGCs work within a remit given to them by the
French and Dutch referendums showed, as other European Council. Prior to the Lisbon Treaty IGC,
planned national referendums may have shown if these remits were mostly couched in fairly general
they had proceeded, that aspects of the integration terms, which left ample room for political debate and
process are not so strongly supported by citizens as contestation within IGCs. However, as was shown in
they are by elites. Chapter 7, the Lisbon Treaty IGC was obliged to oper-
Significantly, the general reaction of EU lead- ate within a very tight remit. This remit took the form
ers to the difficulties encountered with ratifying the of a mandate agreed at the June 2007 meeting of the
Constitutional Treaty was not to conclude that the European Council that, on most of the more poten-
referendums had shown that many European citizens tially divisive issues, virtually prescribed what should
did not want the Treaty and therefore they – the be in the Treaty.
­leaders – should dispense with it. Quite to the con- The length of IGCs has varied considerably, partly
trary, the reaction was, on the one hand, to press reflecting timetables given to them by the European
ahead with as much of the Treaty as was possible and, Council and partly reflecting the ease/difficulty with
on the other hand, to do whatever was necessary to which agreements have been reached. From the for-
minimise the need for further ratification referen- mal opening of an IGC to political agreement on the
dums. There was a broad agreement that as much as contents of a new treaty at a European Council meet-
possible of the Treaty should be saved, but wherever ing, the shortest IGCs have been those that produced
it could be avoided the people should not be asked the SEA and the Lisbon Treaty, both of which were
for their views in referendums for they might say No of just four months’ duration. However, the neces-
again. Of course, this is precisely what the Irish did in sary legal and linguistic work that follows political
their first referendum on the Lisbon Treaty – so they agreement on the contents of a treaty before it is
were asked to vote again! formally signed is technically part of the IGC process,
122 | The Evolving Treaty Framework

Box 8.2

The operation of Intergovernmental Conferences

• Working parties of national experts have been established to examine particular issues as and when they
have been deemed to be necessary. They have identified relevant points and have tried to establish a
consensus wherever possible, but they have not normally engaged in negotiations in the sense of trading
points on matters that are contentious or have a clear political dimension.
• A group known as the ‘personal representatives of the minister’ or the ‘preparatory group’ has under-
taken most of the detailed negotiations. The members of the group have been mainly very senior
national officials – mostly the Permanent Representatives of the member states to the EU. The frequency
of meetings has depended on progress and on the overall IGC timetable, but fortnightly meetings have
tended to be the norm.
• Foreign Ministers have, nominally at least, overseen the process and provided political guidance and
impetus. However, in practice it has usually been difficult for them to exercise this role in a manner that
has enabled them to exert authority over the Conference, not least because many IGC issues are highly
specialised and beyond the normal departmental remits of Foreign Ministers.
This lack of influence of Foreign Ministers was seen most clearly in the Lisbon Treaty IGC where the
highly specific nature of the mandate given to the IGC meant there was little for Foreign Ministers to do
other than keep a general watching brief. Most of ‘the politics’ of the treaty-making had been dealt with
under the German Presidency when the mandate was being negotiated, with the IGC being left to deal
largely with technical and legal matters.
• IGCs culminate at a European Council meeting, where all outstanding issues are negotiated and traded.
Almost invariably, the main players – the Heads of Government – are subject to information overload as
a battery of information on issues that needs to be resolved is directed at them. Much of the business is
conducted in an almost feverish atmosphere, with deadlines postponed, much of the business conducted
in informal bilaterals and huddled groups, and often with at least one delegation threatening to return
home if it is not given further satisfaction or if a deal is not made.

which means that, strictly speaking, the duration of ten of the Foreign Affairs Ministers, and three of the
the SEA and Lisbon IGCs was six months, not four European Council (Wessels, 2001).
months. The longest IGC was that which produced Because IGCs are intergovernmental in character,
the Amsterdam Treaty, which opened in March the EU’s two main non-governmental institutions –
1996, was not concluded politically until the June the Commission and the EP – have struggled to exert
1997 summit, and did not see the Treaty signed until much influence. The Commission has been a partici-
October 1997. pant in IGCs at all levels and has done its utmost – not
Deliberations in IGCs have taken different forms, least via the submission of position papers – to influ-
but they have normally occurred at the four levels ence outcomes. However, because it has not enjoyed
set out in Box 8.2. The main responsibility for pull- the same negotiating status as the member states, and
ing everything together has lain with the Council certainly has been in no position to attempt to veto
Presidency, and in the future presumably will lie with agreements, its negotiating hand has been weak and
the European Council President. its influence on eventual outcomes has usually been
With their extensive structure, IGCs have inevitably marginal.
taken up many working hours. Leaving aside expert The EP has been even more disadvantaged than the
group work, the 2000 IGC took up 370 hours, involv- Commission because it has not fully participated in
ing thirty meetings of the personal representatives, all IGC meetings. This is precisely why it so favoured
Treaties and the Integration Process | 123

the Constitutional Convention that laid the founda- Post-Lisbon Treaty ways
tions for the CT IGC. Like the Commission, the EP
has made submissions to IGCs and, again like the Such was the regularity of rounds of treaty reform
Commission, it has usually been disappointed by IGC after the SEA that an expectation developed that the
outcomes. treaties would be substantially reformed at regular
intervals. Indeed, the agreements on the Maastricht,
Amsterdam, and Nice Treaties were accompanied by
Ratifying treaties
formal European Council commitments that further
With the exception of the Amsterdam Treaty, all of the IGCs would soon be held. But the problems associ-
major post-foundation treaties have run into serious ated with the Constitutional Treaty followed by the
ratification problems. These problems have taken a Lisbon Treaty were so drawn-out – over virtually
number of forms, the most dramatic and high profile the whole of the first decade of the 2000s – that
of which have been negative referendum results. Most they resulted in there being little appetite for further
member states have ratified the treaties by parliamen- major treaty reforms. Indeed, it was with an almost
tary votes, but each round of treaty reform has been audible sigh of relief that the European Council
accompanied by at least one referendum. This pattern announced in December 2007, immediately after
started with the SEA, when the Irish government was the signing of the Lisbon Treaty, that ‘The Lisbon
forced by the country’s Supreme Court to hold a ratifi- Treaty provides the Union with a stable and last-
cation referendum. Since then, in every round of treaty ing institutional framework. We expect no change
reform apart from the Nice and Lisbon rounds at least in the foresee-able future …’ (European Council,
one other member state has joined Ireland in holding 2007b: 2). Accompanying this ‘treaty-making fatigue’
a referendum – either because it has been politically was a recognition that future major treaty reforms
unavoidable or because of governmental choice. will be the subject of pressures in many member
The ratification difficulties have resulted in the states for ratifications not to be by the traditional
schedule for the implementation of all of the post-foun- method of parliamentary votes but rather by national
dation treaties apart from the Amsterdam Treaty being ­referendums – which could well make some national
seriously affected. In the case of the Constitutional ratifications extremely difficult.
Treaty, it resulted, of course, in the Treaty not being But, of course, the intention and the widely held
implemented at all, although most of its contents sub- wish to put treaty reforms aside for the foreseeable
sequently reappeared in the Lisbon Treaty. future has not meant that traditional and new pres-
Somewhat ironically, given that it works to the sures for reform have not existed. The traditional
advantage of ‘the awkward squad’ rather than ‘good pressures have mainly arisen from desires to further
club members’, ratification difficulties can bring improve the operation of the EU, to strengthen its
national gains. The most obvious way in which this competences, and to increase its legitimacy and demo-
has occurred has been in the form of ‘concessions’ – cratic bases in the eyes of citizens. The new pressures
contained in Protocols and Declarations attached to have mainly concerned aspects of the EU’s increasing
the treaties – to bring dissenters onside. differentiated nature, and especially relations between
But it is not just the fact of ratification difficulties the eurozone and non-eurozone states.
that can bring national benefits, but also the promise Aware of the growing difficulties of treaty-making,
of them. In this context there is no doubt that the Article 48 of the post-Lisbon TEU provided for future
negotiating hand of UK governments in IGCs has treaty reform to take place in one of two ways. One
been strengthened by a recognition by other member of these ways is similar to the traditional proce-
states that unless the UK government can make a dure (examined above), though with the Convention
convincing case at home that it ‘did well’ in the IGC, method integrated into the procedure. There is the
UK ratification could be very difficult. This was no possibility of a Convention not needing to be called
more clearly demonstrated than in the Lisbon Treaty if the European Council, after obtaining the consent
IGC, when from the early preparatory stages there of the EP, decides by a simple majority that the scale
was an inclination to accommodate most of the UK of the proposed amendments does not warrant the
Government’s high-profile ‘red lines’. convening of a Convention.
124 | The Evolving Treaty Framework

So, the post-Lisbon Treaty version of the proce- in that neither a Convention nor an IGC has to be
dure contains the established problems of traditional convened and there is little likelihood of governments
treaty-making, notably the convening of an IGC in choosing, or being obliged, to hold national refer-
which agreement requires unanimous approval by endums for ratification purposes – which is a strong
all member states, and ratification by all member possibility under the ordinary procedure. But, the fact
states. is that under the simplified procedure treaty amend-
This revised traditional procedure is called the ments still require unanimous agreement by the
‘ordinary revision procedure’. The name is, how- national governments and, in effect, also by national
ever, misleading since it implies the procedure will parliaments.
be the normal and most commonly used procedure. Up to the time of writing (autumn 2016), there has
In fact, it is intended for use only when the condi- been only one use of the simplified procedure, which
tions for using the simplified procedure (described involved variant one being used for the following two
below) do not exist. Given the problems that have sentence additions to Article 136 of the TFEU:
been associated with the traditional procedure,
there has, to date, been no attempt to initiate the The member states whose currency is the euro may
ordinary procedure by convening a Convention or establish a stability mechanism to be activated if
an IGC. indispensible to safeguard the stability of the euro
The other way set out in Article 48 of reforming the area as a whole. The granting of financial assis-
treaties provides for a ‘simplified revision procedure’. tance under the mechanism will be made subject
This procedure, which is intended for use in very spe- to strict conditionality
cific and limited circumstances, is ‘simplified’ in that it
does not require the convening of either a Convention The purpose of this very minor amendment,
or an IGC. It has two variants: which was one of many responses to the eurozone
crisis, was to create a legal base for the creation of
• Variant one applies only to Part III of the TFEU a permanent lending mechanism within the euro-
(see Document 8.2) and may not include any zone. The amendment was purposely minimalist
increase in the competences conferred on the so that it could be quickly agreed and would not
Union. Under this procedure, the European require any national referendums to be ratified. It
Council, after consulting the Commission and the was agreed by the European Council in December
EP, may take an amending decision by unanimity, 2010, approved by the EP in March 2011, signed –
which then has to be approved by all the member also in March 2011 – by all 27 member states, and,
states. after national ratifications, entered into force in
• Variant two exists for two types of amendments: May 2013.
extending the use of QMV provisions in the TFEU
and in Title V of the TEU (though this latter CFSP
coverage does not include defence policy matters);
and, under the TFEU, changing a special legisla-
Treaties That Do Not Apply in
tive procedure (which normally would mean the All of the Member States
consultation procedure) to the ordinary legislative
procedure. This procedure enables Treaty revisions Two important treaties of recent years have not
to be made if they are agreed by the European involved all of the EU member states. Although they
Council acting by unanimity, if an absolute major- make use of the EU’s organisational structures, in legal
ity of MEPs give their consent, and if no national terms they are not EU Treaties but rather are inter-
parliament objects. governmental treaties. As with the Article 136 TFEU
amendment (see above), both treaties form part of
Despite its name, the simplified procedure does not the complex set of legal rules that were laid down by
provide an ‘easy’ way of amending the treaties. Clearly the EU from 2010 in response to the economic and
it is potentially easier than the ordinary procedure financial crises.
Treaties and the Integration Process | 125

Treaty Establishing the European As with the ESM Treaty, it is intended by most EU
practitioners that the TSCG will eventually be fully
Stability Mechanism incorporated into the EU’s legal framework.
This treaty was a natural follow-on from the Article
136 amendment in that it sets out the details of the
operation of the eurozone’s new funding ­mechanism –
called the European Stability Mechanism (ESM).
Concluding Remarks
Formally two treaties under this name were signed:
one in July 2011, which it was quickly decided was not All of the treaties that have been examined in this
substantial enough, and another in February 2012. chapter have contributed significantly to the devel-
The treaty, which is concluded only between eurozone opment of the European integration process. None
members, entered into force in September 2012. of the treaties has, however, come close to marking
The Treaty created the ESM to replace two earlier the end of the process or even to identifying where
temporary EU funding programmes. The ESM was to that end could be. With the discussions and nego-
be a permanent fund for member states in financial tiations that have taken place before and at all the
difficulties and was to be based on a new international major IGCs having been characterised by consid-
organisation based in Luxembourg. It was to have a erable differences between the participants on the
maximum lending capacity of €500 billion, with the nature and pace of integration, what has emerged
capital drawn from the member states. from the processes that have produced the treaties
It is envisaged that by 2025 at the latest, the ESM have been compromises. These compromises have
will be changed from being an intergovernmental included aspects of different visions of the future
agreement to becoming fully integrated within the EU of Europe, and compromises that, whilst failing to
legal framework. advance integration as much as some governments
had hoped, have advanced it further than others
have liked. There has, therefore, as was noted at the
beginning of the chapter, never been any shortage
Treaty on Stability, Coordination of important political actors wanting to return to
and Governance in the Economic treaty-making. Nor has there has been a shortage
and Monetary Union of good reasons for periodically re-examining the
Also known as the Fiscal Stability Treaty and the However, the drawn-out and politically divisive
Fiscal Compact, the key features of this treaty were proceedings that (eventually) produced the Lisbon
outlined in Chapter 1. In essence, it strengthens Treaty and the likelihood that the outcomes of any
fiscal and economic policy coordination between major new rounds of treaty reform will be very dif-
signatory states, with the imposition of financial ficult to ratify in all member states – not least because
penalties being possible on eurozone states that do of probable strong pressures in some member states
not meet specified and tight public deficit and debt for ratifications to be via referendums – make it
requirements. unlikely that a traditional round of treaty-making
The Treaty had originally been intended for all will be attempted in the foreseeable future. There
EU states, but the Czech Republic and the UK were may well be increasing pressures to hold such a
opposed to aspects of it, so it was signed in March round – in the context, perhaps, of strengthening
2012 by 25 of the EU’s then 27 member states. It EMU and/or creating a more integrated federalist
entered into force in January 2013 in the 16 member structure – but they are likely to meet with stiff resist-
states that had ratified it by then, and it has since been ance. Rather, such treaty-making as is attempted is
ratified by all other signatories. likely to be confined to specific matters where the
The entire Treaty is binding for all eurozone states, post-Lisbon simplified procedure can be used or to
but non-eurozone states that sign it have the option of matters that do not necessarily involve all member
only being bound by some of its terms. states participating.
Part III
The Institutions and Political Actors of
the European Union
There are five main EU institutions: the Commission, the Council of Ministers,
Chapter 9 the European Council, the European Parliament, and the Court of Justice
The Commission of the European Union. Chapters 9–13 consider each of these institutions.
Chapter 13 is also taken as the most appropriate place to examine the nature
Chapter 10 and status of EU law.
The Council of Chapter 14 looks at those institutions which, though not given a chapter in
the European Union their own right, nonetheless also exercise a significant influence in the EU: the
European Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions,
Chapter 11 European agencies, the European Investment Bank, the European Central
The European Bank, and the Court of Auditors.
Council Chapter 15 moves away from institutions to examine the roles and influ-
ence of interests in the EU system. The word ‘interests’ is used rather than
Chapter 12 ‘lobbyists’ or ‘pressure groups’ because it better captures the range of activities
The European that are involved.
Parliament The final chapter in this Part looks at what are in many ways the most
important EU actors of all: the member states.
Chapter 13
European Union
Law and the EU’s

Chapter 14
Other Institutions

Chapter 15

Chapter 16
The Member States

Chapter 9
The Commission

The College of requently portrayed as the civil service of the EU, in reality the
Commissioners129 Commission is rather more and rather less than that. Rather more in
The Services 140 the sense that the treaties and political practice have assigned to it much
greater policy-initiating and decision-making powers than those enjoyed, in
The Commission’s
Hierarchical Structure 143 theory at least, by national civil services. Rather less in that its role in policy
implementation is greatly limited by the fact that the member states are
Decision-Making charged with most of the EU’s day-to-day administrative responsibilities.
Mechanisms in the
The Commission is centrally involved in EU decision-making at all levels
and on all fronts. With an array of power resources and policy instruments
Power Resources 146 at its disposal, and strengthened by the frequent unwillingness or inability of
Responsibilities147 other EU institutions to provide clear leadership, the Commission is at the
The Varying (and Declining?)
very heart of the EU system.
Influence of the Commission The Commission is something of a hybrid in that it has both political and
in the EU System 159 administrative branches and undertakes both political and administrative
functions. This hybrid character of the Commission is a central theme of
Concluding Remarks 161
the chapter.

The College of Commissioners

The College of Commissioners sits at the summit of the Commission and it
and its members constitute the Commission’s political branch.

Originally there were nine Commissioners, but with enlargements their
number has grown: to 13, to 14, to 17, to 20, to 25, to 27, and to 28 following
Croatia’s accession in 2013. The reason for the lack of symmetry between
the number of Commissioners and the number of member states prior to
2004 is that each of the larger states (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the
UK) used to have two Commissioners. However, so as to avoid the size of
the College becoming too big after enlargement it was agreed at the 2000
Nice summit that from January 2005 all member states would have just one
Commissioner and that when the EU numbered 27 member states the num-
ber of members of the Commission would be less than the number of mem-
ber states. The IGC that produced the Lisbon Treaty, following in the steps

130 | 

of the IGC that produced the Constitutional Treaty, nominated would be required to appear before the
duly decided that from 2014 the size of the College Parliament and a vote on confirmation would be held.
would be reduced to the equivalent of two-thirds The assumption would be that if the nominee was
of the number of member states. However, this not confirmed his candidature would be withdrawn.
reduction was later removed from the Lisbon Treaty Chancellor Kohl, acting in his capacity as Council
by the European Council as part of its attempt to President, confirmed that the EP would indeed have a
persuade the Irish to vote Yes in their second de facto veto over the nomination. In the event, Santer
referendum on the Treaty in 2009. In consequence, was confirmed, but only by a narrow majority. As for
the ‘one Commissioner for each member state’ the vote of approval on the whole College, the EP held
Treaty provision remains. ‘hearings’, with each of the Commissioners-designate
being required to appear before the appropriate EP
committee before the plenary vote was held. There
Appointment was strong criticism of five of the Commissioners-
designate, but given that there was no provision for
Prior to the College that took office in January 1993, singling them out in a vote, the EP, after being given
Colleges were appointed every four years by common certain reassurances by Santer, gave a vote of confi-
accord of the governments of the member states. dence to the new College.
The Maastricht Treaty changed this procedure, pri- The Amsterdam Treaty confirmed the de facto
marily in order to strengthen the links between the confirmatory power the EP had assigned to itself on
Commission and the EP. This strengthening was the appointment of the Commission President. The
achieved in two ways. The first was by formalising and Treaty also gave the President-designate a potential
somewhat stiffening practices that developed in the veto over the national nominees for appointment
1980s regarding the appointment of the Commission to the College. (Under the Maastricht Treaty he was
and its President: the member state governments now supposed to be consulted on the national nominees
became obliged to consult the EP on who should be to the College, but in practice this amounted to little
President, and the College-designate became obliged in 1994.) The Nice Treaty further altered the proce-
to present itself before the EP for a vote of confidence. dure by specifying that the decisions in the European
The second was by bringing the terms of office of the Council on the nomination of the President and
EP and the College into close alignment: Colleges on the other Commissioners plus the decision on
would now serve a five-year term and would take up the appointment of the whole College could hence-
office six months after EP elections, which are held forth be made by qualified majority vote rather than
on a fixed basis in the late spring (normally June) of by consensus. The Lisbon Treaty then introduced
years ending in four and nine. (So as to bring about the requirement that in making its nomination for
the alignment, a transitional two-year College served College President the European Council should take
from January 1993 to January 1995.) into account the recently held EP elections and also
On the occasion of the first application of the stated, in what was intended to have symbolic reso-
new appointments procedure – in respect of the nance, that the proposed candidate should be elected
College that assumed office in January 1995 – the by – not, as previously, merely be approved by – the
EP pressed its new powers to the full. When Jacques EP. The Lisbon Treaty also stipulated that one of the
Santer, the Luxembourg Prime Minister, was nomi- Commissioners should be the person holding the new
nated as President-designate in mid-1994 (the post of High Representative of the Union for Foreign
Commission President is formally nominated before Affairs and Security Policy (see Chapter 7).
other Commissioners) – at short notice and as a com- Accordingly, the relevant post-Lisbon Treaty pro-
promise candidate following the UK government’s visions on the appointment of the President and the
refusal to support the Belgian Prime Minister, Jean- College are as set out in Document 9.1.
Luc Dehaene – the EP was in fact barely consulted. Treaty rules do, of course, often tell only part
However, the EP made it quite clear to the European of the story of what happens in practice, since the
Council (the forum in which the nominee of the circumstances in which the rules are applied and
national governments is agreed) that whoever was interpreted vary from case to case. This has been
The Commission | 131

Document 9.1

The post-Lisbon Treaty provisions on the appointment of the President

of the College and of the other Commissioners

Taking into account the elections to the European Parliament and after having held the appropriate
consultations, the European Council, acting by a qualified majority, shall propose to the European
Parliament a candidate for President of the Commission. This candidate shall be elected by the European
Parliament by a majority of its component members. If he does not obtain the required majority, the
European Council, acting by a qualified majority, shall within one month propose a new candidate who
shall be elected by the European Parliament following the same procedure.
The Council, by common accord with the President-elect, shall adopt the list of the other persons
whom it proposes for appointment as members of the Commission. They shall be selected, on the basis
of the suggestions made by Member States, in accordance with the criteria set out in paragraph 3, second
subparagraph [which states that Commissioners shall be chosen ‘on the ground of their general compe-
tence and European commitment from persons whose independence is beyond doubt’].
The President, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and
the other members of the Commission shall be subject as a body to a vote of consent by the European
Parliament. On the basis of this consent the Commission shall be appointed by the European Council,
acting by a qualified majority (Article 17, TEU).

… The European Council, acting by a qualified majority, with agreement of the President of the Commission,
shall appoint the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy … (Article 18, TEU).

clearly illustrated in recent rounds of appointing the The delayed ratification of the Lisbon Treaty
Commission President and College, all which have meant that the first use of its provisions for the
been highly politicised both in terms of the political nomination of the Commission President was not
composition of the incoming College and in terms of until 2014. With Barroso announcing that he would
inter-institutional (especially European Council–EP) not be standing for a third term, from mid-2013 the
relations. Accounts of the appointment of the two names of several leading EU politicians were mooted
Presidents and three Colleges that preceded the cur- in political circles and in the media as being potential
rent Jean-Claude Juncker-headed College – that is, the contenders. However, the EP, resolved to take advan-
Colleges headed by Romano Prodi (1999–2004) and tage of its new Lisbon Treaty powers, moved quickly
by José Manuel Barroso (2004–09 and 2009–14) – are to assert that it, and not the European Council, now
given on pages 106–111 in the seventh edition of this had the right of initiative on who should be the
book. Accounts of the appointment of Juncker and of nominee. The Parliament duly operated on the basis
his College now follow. of this assumption and worked with the transnational
European party political federations (under whose
The appointment of Jean-Claude Juncker as umbrellas the political groups in the EP operate) to
create a process that led to most of the federations
Commission President nominating, before the May 2014 EP elections, a
As noted above, the Lisbon Treaty did not change the candidate for Commission President. The candidates
appointment processes of the Commission President then attempted to generate ‘conventional politics’
and the College per se, but it did give the EP a poten- during the EP elections, including through holding
tially greater role. televised debates (which, in the event, were mostly
132 | 

Photo 9.1 José Manuel Barroso, President of the nominated, by 26 votes to 2 (the UK and Hungary
European Commission, answering questions in voting against), the candidate of the largest political
the European Parliament, November 2009 group in the EP after the elections – which was the
centre-right European People’s Party. This candi-
date was Jean-Claude Juncker, a former long-term
Prime Minister of Luxembourg and a politician with
extensive experience in EU circles – including as chair
of the influential Eurogroup of eurozone Finance
Ministers. On being nominated, Juncker embarked on
a campaign of trying to persuade as many EP politi-
cal groups as possible to support him in the plenary
vote on whether or not he was to be confirmed as
Commission President-designate. After he had pre-
sented an accommodating paper outlining the politi-
cal priorities of his Presidency and had delivered the
customary pre-vote plenary address, his nomination
was confirmed – by 422 votes to 250, with 47 absten-
tions and 10 invalid votes.
The process involved in the selection of Juncker
was more high profile, more separated from the
appointment of the other Commissioners, and,
overall, much more politicised than had been the
case with previous Commission Presidents. There
will be no turning back from this. The details of the
process may come to be adjusted, but it is incon-
ceivable that the EP will permit a return to the past
practice of the European Council independently
making the nomination of Commission President-
designate. It is now established that the Commission

aired only on specialised channels). In what came to

be widely called the Spitzenkandidat (top candidate) Photo 9.2 Jean-Claude Juncker, European
system, the EP insisted throughout the candidate Commission President, November 2014–
selection and then the EP election campaign pro-
cesses that the European Council would be obliged
to nominate as Commission President the nominee
of the political group that gained the most seats or
headed the coalition with the largest majority in the
new Parliament.
Some member state governments were concerned
about the EP’s interpretation of the Lisbon Treaty’s
provisions on the nomination of the Commission
President, with the governments of the UK and
Hungary being especially vocal in arguing that the EP
did not have the power to nominate. However, in late
June, the European Council, anxious to avoid what
could have become a major inter-institutional clash
with the EP, made the first use of QMV to determine
its nominee for Commission President and duly
The Commission | 133

President should reflect the political party ori-

entation of the Parliament. In all probability, an BOX 9.1
enhanced and intensified Spitzenkandidat system
will apply in the future. The Commissioners

The appointment of the Juncker College

• One Commissioner per member state, including
the President and the High Representative.
There are three stages in the process of appointing • Five-year term, which may be renewed.
Commissioners. • Each Commissioner is nominated by his/her
member state, but must be acceptable to the
The nomination stage. After, or possibly at the same
time as, the President is nominated, the name of the • The College as a whole must be approved by the
EP after individual ‘hearings’.
Commissioner who is also to be High Representative
of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy is • Commissioners must be independent and not
act as national ‘representatives’.
decided by the European Council, by QMV if neces-
sary, with the agreement of the President-designate. • Each Commissioner has a portfolio.
Then all remaining member states – that is, those
which have not been ‘assigned’ the President or
High Representative posts – nominate ‘their’ candi- only applies to the whole College: the EP has no
dates. Or, rather, nominations should only be made formal power to withhold approval from individual
by member states at this point but, in practice, the nominees. However, in practice the EP clearly can
names of at least some nominees are commonly threaten to withhold approval of the whole College
made public before the European Council has agreed if particular Commissioners-designate fail to pass
on who it is to support to be President and High muster with MEPs – and so the Parliament does have
Representative. a de facto veto over every Commissioner-designate.
Efforts by Presidents-designate to influence the Since the appointment of the Santer College, the EP
nominations made by member states have, in practice, has used its power of consent over incoming Colleges to
met with only very limited success. Juncker fared only ‘require’ all Commissioners-designate to appear individ-
marginally better than his immediate predecessors, as ually before ‘examining’ EP committees in US Senate-
seen in the fact that even before he had been formally type public ‘hearings’. Each hearing lasts for three
nominated as President-designate by the European hours and is held before members of the EP committee
Council in late June 2014 the governments of several or committees covering a Commissioner-designate’s
member states had already released the name of their portfolio, which means that between 60 and 100 MEPs
likely nominee and by the time the EP confirmed his normally attend each hearing (see Photo 12.1).
nomination (in mid-July) the number of released Following each hearing, MEPs who are members
names amounted to almost half of the Commissioners- of the relevant examining committee or commit-
designate. Juncker’s room for manoeuvre in exercising tees hold discussions on the performance of the
influence was further restricted by some member Commissioner-designate they have seen and take a
states holding back on names he preferred in the hope vote. The outcomes of their deliberations and vote are
of persuading him to give their nominee an important then communicated to the Parliament’s Conference of
and/or specified portfolio, and by the EP indicating it Committee Chairs and Conference of Presidents (the
would be unlikely to confirm the College-designate if latter of which is composed of the political group lead-
it did not contain at least as many females (nine) as ers), which decide whether a Commissioner-designate
were member of the Barroso II College. is acceptable. In the ensuing two to three weeks, before
the vote of consent is formally taken by the EP in ple-
The European Parliament approval stage. This stage nary session, various manoeuvrings – which include
consists of the College-designate being ‘subject as a inputs from the Commission President-designate and
body to a vote of consent by the European Parliament’ which are focused particularly on the suitability of
(Article 17(7) TEU). This requirement of approval individuals to be Commissioners at all or to hold the
134 | 

portfolio they have been assigned – occur, with the as being more political in nature than those of his
aim of ensuring that approval is given. predecessors. He has come near to suggesting that
The hearings on the Juncker College were compli- his Commission has a political mandate and he
cated by the raised political tensions that had been gen- has made little secret of his, and of his College’s,
erated by the Spitzenkandidat process. This was seen close working relations with the leading centrist
both in the partisan rumbustiousness of a few hearings political groups in the EP. (See Dinan, 2016, on
and also in the hints from MEPs during the hearings this claim by Juncker to be leading ‘a more politi-
that if attempts were made to veto a nominee from their cal Commission’.) However, he has only been able
political family then they would not hesitate to retali- to press this claimed political underpinning of his
ate in kind. For the most part, however, the hearings College so far, not least because the Commission
focused, as in the past, on the personal competences exists and operates within a context in which it is
of Commissioners-designate and their suitability for required by treaty and is forced by practical circum-
the portfolios they had been assigned. Most hearings stances to be, and to be seen to be, politically impar-
proceeded to the relative satisfaction of MEPs, but in tial and independent.
five cases reservations were expressed and in one case This emphasis on impartiality and independ-
– that of the Slovenian nominee, Alenka Bratusek – ence is no more clearly seen than in respect of
MEPs decided that she had performed so weakly that the national affiliations of Commissioners. Although
she was unacceptable to the Parliament. individual Commissioners frequently are referred
The EP’s reservations regarding the five cases were to as ‘the Finnish Commissioner’, ‘the Hungarian
quickly resolved – partly by the individuals concerned Commissioner’, and so on, Commissioners are in
directly satisfying MEPs and partly by Juncker tweak- fact not supposed to be national representatives.
ing the content of a few portfolios. Bratusek, however, Rather, the Commission ‘shall promote the general
had little option but to withdraw her candidacy and interest of the Union’ and Commissioners ‘shall be
she was replaced with another Slovene nominee. chosen on the ground of their general competence
When all remaining matters were resolved, the EP and European commitment from persons whose
gave its consent to the composition of the College in independence is beyond doubt’ (Article 17, TEU).
late October – by 423 votes to 209, with 67 absten- Much the same sentiments pertain to the requirement
tions and 52 not voting. Most EPP (centre-right), that Commissioners should ‘neither seek nor take
S&D (centre-left), and ALDE (liberal) MEPs voted instructions from any Government or other institu-
in favour of confirmation whilst most of the MEPs tion, body, office or entity’ (ibid.). These requirements
of other groups and non-affiliated MEPs either voted are designed to ensure that in undertaking its tasks the
against, abstained, or did not vote. Commission looks to the EU-wide interests and that
any internal divisions that may exist do not match the
The formal appointment stage. The final stage in nationally based divisions of the Council.
the appointment of a new College is by approval of In practice, full impartiality is neither achieved nor
the governments of the member states, meeting in attempted. Although Commissioners are formally
the forum of the European Council. The European appointed by the European Council with the agree-
Council formally appointed the Juncker College on 23 ment of the President-designate and the EP, in reality
October 2014, with its term of office being set from 1 all but the President and the High Representative
November 2014 to 31 October 2019. are national nominees. It would therefore be quite
unrealistic to expect Commissioners, upon assuming
Photograph 9.3 shows the College that took office office, suddenly to detach themselves from previous
in November 2014. loyalties and concern themselves solely with ‘the
wider European interest’ – not least since a factor in
their nomination by national governments is likely
Impartiality and independence to have been an expectation that they would keep an
eye on the national interest. The Treaty’s insistence
Juncker has sought to take advantage of his more on the complete independence of Commissioners
politicised appointment to present his Commission is therefore interpreted flexibly. Indeed, total
The Commission | 135

Photo 9.3 College of Commissioners 2014–19

neutrality is not even desirable since the work of Commissioners ‘must not defend the view of the
the Commission is facilitated by Commissioners government that proposed their appointment, but
maintaining their links with sources of influence must be solely committed [to] the general interest of
throughout the EU, and they can most easily do this the Union’ (Zalan, 2015: 2).
in their own member states. But the requirements
of the system and the necessities of the EU’s institu-
tional make-up are such that real problems arise if Characteristics of Commissioners
Commissioners try to push their own states’ interests
too hard. It is both legitimate and helpful to bring There are no rules concerning what sort of peo-
favoured national interests that may have wider ple, with what sort of experience and background,
implications onto the agenda, to help clear national member state governments should nominate to be
obstacles to the advancement of Commission pro- Commissioners. It used to be the case that most
posals, and to explain to other Commissioners what Commissioners tended to be former national politi-
is likely to be acceptable in ‘my’ national capital. But cians just short of the top rank. However, as the EU,
to go further and act virtually as a national spokes- and the Commission with it, has become increas-
man, or even to be seen as being over-chauvinistic, ingly important, so has the political weight of the
as a few Commissioners occasionally have been, is College’s membership increased, and now most
to risk incurring the displeasure of the Commission Commissioners are former ministers, and some of
President and losing credibility with other them very senior ministers.
Commissioners. So, for example, in December 2015, Given the diverse political compositions of the
the Hungarian Commissioner, Tibor Navracsics, EU’s national governments, there is naturally a range
who had written to the other Commissioners object- of political opinion represented in the Commission,
ing to the Commission’s registration of a European with its political balance reflecting the political com-
Citizens’ Initiative that criticised the Hungarian position of the governments of the member states
Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán, was sent a letter of at the time the College is appointed. Crucially, all
rebuke by President Juncker reminding him that governments have made it their custom to nominate
136 | 

people who are broadly pro-European and who have Inevitably, given the importance of the office,
not been associated with any extremist party or until 2014 when (as shown above) it lost its sole
any extreme wing of a mainstream party. So, whilst power to independently nominate who should be the
Colleges certainly contain party political differences, Commission President, the European Council was very
these are usually within a range that permits at least careful about who it nominated. This was witnessed
reasonable working relationships. by the last four Presidents it chose: Jacques Delors was
Amongst important characteristics of the 28 a former French Finance Minister; Jacques Santer and
Commissioners at the beginning of the Juncker Romano Prodi were former Prime Ministers – Santer
College in November 2014 were: nine were women of Luxembourg and Prodi of Italy; whilst José Manuel
(the same number as in the Barroso II College); nine Barroso was the serving Prime Minister of Portugal.
were returning Commissioners (a much lower per- As noted above, in 2014 the EP’s recommendation
centage than normal); four were former prime minis- to the European Council followed in this tradition of
ters and four were former deputy prime ministers; and nominating ‘big names’, with Juncker being a former
in terms of their political background, 15 were centre- Prime Minister of Luxembourg. (If the EPP had not
right, eight were centre-left, and five were liberals. been the largest political group in the Parliament after
the 2014 EP elections, the nominee probably would
have been Martin Schultz – the S&D ‘candidate’ and
The President of the College the then President of the EP.)

The most prestigious and potentially influential

College post is that of the President. Indeed, such has Commissioners’ portfolios
been the increased role and profile of the President in
recent years that it is common to speak of a ‘presiden- All Commissioners have portfolios: that is, particu-
tialisation’ of the Commission as having taken place. lar areas of responsibility. Some portfolios – such as
Although most important Commission deci- Competition, Trade, and Environment – are more or
sions must be taken collectively by the College, the less fixed, whilst others, especially those of a broader
President: and less specific nature, can be varied, or even created,
depending on how a new President sees the role and
• Is the most prominent, and usually the best known, tasks of the Commission and depending sometimes,
of the Commissioners. too, on the pressures to which he is subject from
• Is the principal representative of the Commission Commissioners-designate and national governments.
in its dealings with other EU institutions and with Commissioner portfolios carry with them respon-
outside bodies. sibilities for leading and driving the work of those
• Is expected to give a sense of direction to his parts of the Commission services that are related to
fellow Commissioners and, more broadly, to the the content of their portfolios. Commissioners are
Commission as a whole. Indeed, Article 17 (6) TEU not formally the heads of services, but they are their
states the President ‘lays down guidelines within political reference points and overseers. As can be seen
which the Commission is to work’. in Box 9.2, the relationships between Commissioners
• Allocates Commissioners’ portfolios (see next and the services are usually not on a simple one-to-
section). one basis.
• May require fellow Commissioners to resign. Prior to the implementation of the Amsterdam
• Is directly responsible for overseeing some of Treaty, the distribution of portfolios amongst the
the Commission’s most important administrative Commissioners was largely a matter of negotiation
services – notably the Secretariat General which, and political balance. The President’s will was the
amongst other functions, is responsible for the most important factor, but he could not allocate posts
coordination of Commission activities and for rela- simply in accordance with his own preferences. He was
tions with the Council and the EP. intensively lobbied – by the incoming Commissioners
• May take on specific policy responsibilities of his themselves, and sometimes by governments trying
own, usually in harness with other Commissioners. to get ‘their’ Commissioners into positions that were
The Commission | 137

especially important from the national point of view. policy work was assigned to other Commissioners, in
Bearing in mind all these difficulties, it is not surpris- the usual way. Though not described as being ‘jun-
ing that unless a resignation, death, or enlargement ior’ Commissioners, these other Commissioners were
enforced it, reshuffles did not usually occur during the required to work via ‘their’ Vice-President(s) in newly
lifetime of a Commission. established Commissioners’ groups or, as they are also
Clearly this situation meant that Commissioners known, project teams. One of the new Vice-Presidents,
were not necessarily assigned to the most appropri- Frans Timmermans, was designated as the First Vice-
ate posts, and also that not much could be done if a President. The Juncker College is thus more hierarchi-
Commissioner was not performing satisfactorily. The cally structured than its predecessors. (See Box 9.2 for
situation was, however, partly addressed in a declara- the assignment of portfolios in the Juncker College.)
tion attached to the Amsterdam Treaty and has since
been strengthened, with the situation now being that,
apart from in respect of the special portfolio of High Commissioners’ cabinets
Representative, ‘the responsibilities incumbent on the
Commission shall be structured and allocated among To assist them in the performance of their duties,
its members by its President … . The President may Commissioners have personal cabinets. These consist of
reshuffle the allocation of those responsibilities dur- small teams of officials numbering, under rules intro-
ing the Commission’s term of office’ (Article 248, duced by Juncker, as follows: the President – 12 cabinet
TFEU). In practice, up to the time of writing (late members and 19 support staff; the High Representative
2016), no significant re-shuffling of portfolios has – 11 and 15; the First Vice-President – 8 and 11; Vice-
occurred once a College has assumed office, though Presidents – 7 and 10; other Commissioners – 6 and 10.
adjustments have necessarily had to be made when a Members of cabinets used to be mostly fellow
Commissioner has resigned, as the UK Commissioner nationals of their Commissioners, which enabled
did after the June 2016 Brexit referendum. (In prac- cabinets to act as important links with Commissioners’
tice, resignations are rare, though a handful did occur home bases. But President Prodi wanted cabinets to
in 2014 as the end of the College’s term of office have a more multinational character. To give effect
loomed and some Commissioners sought ‘bolt holes’ – to this, new rules were introduced which still apply,
including in the EP.) requiring that each cabinet should include at least
There is no doubt that, notwithstanding Article 248, three nationalities and indicating that the chef de cabi-
recent Presidents have been lobbied by Commissioners- net or the deputy chef de cabinet should preferably be
designate and national governments on portfolio allo- of a different nationality to the Commissioner.
cations – especially concerning such key portfolios as Typically, a cabinet member is a dynamic, extremely
Internal Market, Trade and Competition. However, hard-working, 35–50-year-old, who has been sec-
there is also no doubt that recent Presidents have onded or recruited from some part of the EU adminis-
acted much more autonomously than their predeces- tration or from the civil service of the Commissioner’s
sors when assigning portfolios. That this is so was member state.
no more clearly seen than at the beginning of the Cabinets undertake a number of tasks: they gather
Juncker College, when the incoming President initi- information and seek to keep their Commissioner
ated a major re-organisation of the structure of the informed of developments within and outside of
College that involved the creation of a new type of his/her allocated policy area; they liaise with other
portfolio. This creation was partly to deal with the parts of the Commission, including other cabinets,
increasing problem for Presidents of finding a suf- for purposes such as clearing up routine matters,
ficient number of substantial portfolios to satisfy building support for their Commissioner’s policy pri-
the work expectations of incoming Commissioners orities, and generally trying to shape policy proposals
and partly also to improve the internal efficiency as they come up the Commission system; and they
of the College. Juncker’s creation involved a new act as a sort of unofficial advocate/protector in the
type of Commissioner, with seven Vice-Presidents Commission of the interests of their Commissioner’s
being given leading and coordinating responsibili- country. Over and above these tasks, the President’s
ties in broad areas of policy activity. More specific cabinet is centrally involved in brokering agreements
138 | 

Box 9.2

The Juncker College*

Name and Age Member State Portfolio Main Direct Services Responsibilities
Jean-Claude Luxemburg President Secretariat-General; Legal Service; DG
Juncker Communication; Bureau of European Policy
59 Advisors
Frans Netherlands First Vice-President: Internal Audit Service
Timmermans Better Regulation,
53 Inter-Institutional
Relations, Rule of
Law & Charter of
Fundamental Rights,
Federica Italy Vice-President and European External Action Service; Service for
Mogherini High Representative Foreign Policy Instruments
41 of the Union for
Foreign Policy and
Security Policy
Kristalina Bulgaria Vice-President: DG Budget; DG Human Resources and
Georgieva Budget and Human Security; European Anti-Fraud Office, DG
61 Resources Translation, DG Interpretation.
Maroš Šefčovič Slovakia Vice-President:
48 Energy Union
Jyrki Katainen Finland Vice-President: Jobs,
42 Growth, Investment
and Competitiveness
Valdis Latvia Vice-President: The
Dombrovskis Euro and Social
43 Dialogue
Andrus Ansip Estonia Vice-President: Digital
57 Single Market
Vĕra Jourová Czech Justice, Consumers & DG Justice; the relevant parts of the Consumer,
50 Republic Gender Equality Health and Food Executive Agency
Dimitris Greece Migration and DG Home Affairs; the relevant parts of the
Avramopoulos Home Affairs and Research Executive Agency
61 Citizenship
Günther Germany Digital Economy and DG for Communications Networks, Content
Oettinger Social Affairs and Technology; DG Informatics; the relevant
60 parts of the Education, Audio-visual and
Culture Executive Agency; the Executive Agency
for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises; the
Innovation and Networks Executive Agency; the
Research Executive Agency
The Commission | 139

BOX 9.2 Continued

Vytenis Lithuania Health and Food DG Health and Consumers; the relevant parts
Andriukaitis Safety of the Consumers, Health and Food Executive
63 Agency
Margrethe Denmark Competition DG Competition
Tibor Hungary Education, Culture, DG Education and Culture; Joint Research
Navracsics Youth and Sport Centre; the relevant parts of the Education,
48 Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency; the
Research Executive Agency
Pierre France Economic and DG Economic and Financial Affairs; DG
Moscovici Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs Union
56 Taxation and Customs
Violeta Bulc Slovenia Transport DG Mobility and Transport; the relevant parts
50 of the Innovation and Networks Executive
Jonathan Hill UK Financial Stability, DG Financial Stability, Financial Services and
53 Financial Services Capital Markets Union
and Capital Markets
Carlos Moedas Portugal Research, Science and DG Research and Innovation
43 Innovation
Marianne Belgium Employment, Social DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion;
Thyssen Affairs, Skills and Eurostat
58 Labour Mobility
Elżbieta Poland Internal Market, DG Enterprise and Industry; DG Internal
Bieńkowska industry, Market and Services; the relevant parts of the
50 Entrepreneurship, Executive Agency for Small and Medium-Sized
SMEs and Space Enterprises.
Cecilia Sweden Trade DG Trade
Phil Hogan Ireland Agriculture and Rural DG Agriculture and Rural Development; the
54 Development relevant parts of the Research Executive Agency
Corina Creţu Romania Regional Policy DG Regional Policy
Miguel Arias Spain Climate Action and DG Climate Action; DG Energy; The Euratom
Cañete Energy Supply Agency; the relevant parts of the
64 Executive Agency for Small and Medium-Sized

140 | 

BOX 9.2 Continued

Name and Age Member State Portfolio Main Direct Services Responsibilities
Karmenu Vella Malta Environment, DG Environment; DG Maritime Affairs and
64 Maritime Affairs and Fisheries; the relevant parts of the Executive
Fisheries Agency for Small and Medium-Sized
Christos Cyprus Humanitarian DG Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection;
Stylianides Aid and Crisis the relevant parts of the Education, Audiovisual
56 Management and Culture Executive Agency
Johannes Hahn Austria European DG Enlargement
56 Neighbourhood
Policy and
Neven Mimica Croatia International DG Development and Cooperation –
60 Cooperation and EuropeAid
* At time of assuming office in November 2014.

from the many different views and interests that exist Of the established staff, about half are employed in the
amongst Commissioners and in the Commission AD grade, which is the grade that deals with policy-
system as a whole so as to ensure that, as an institu- making. (See Nugent and Rhinard, 2015, for a detailed
tion, the Commission is clear, coherent, cohesive, and breakdown of the Commission’s staffing figures.)
efficient. The main reason that the size of the Commission’s
services is so small is that they do not, for the most
part, deal with the labour-intensive task of dealing
with ‘front-line’ policy implementation. That respon-
The Services sibility lies with administrative bodies based in the
member states.
Below the Commissioners is the Commission’s Appointment
administration, which is commonly known as the
Commission’s services. This is by far the biggest ele- Permanent staff are recruited on the basis of open
ment of the whole EU administrative system, though competitive procedures, which for the AD grade in
it is tiny as compared with the size of administrations particular is highly competitive. An internal career
in the member states: EU member states average structure exists and most of the top jobs are filled via
around 300 civil servants per 10,000 inhabitants, as internal promotion. However, pure meritocratic prin-
against 0.8 per 10,000 for all EU institutions. ciples are disturbed by a policy that tries to provide for
In 2016 the Commission’s staffing establishment a reasonable national balance amongst staff. All gov-
numbered just over 25,000, to which must be added ernments have watched this closely and have sought
some 8,000 in non-established posts of various kinds. to ensure that their own nationals are well represented
The Commission | 141

throughout the EU administrative framework, espe- Most of the organisational units carry the title of
cially in the upper reaches. For the most senior posts Directorate General (DG) whilst those that do not are
something akin to an informal national quota system known as general or special services. A list of the DGs
has operated, though this is now not as prevalent as it and other services is given in Box 9.4.
was before a reform programme that has been under The size and internal organisation of DGs and
way since the early 2000s to modernise Commission specialised services varies. Most commonly, they
personnel, management and administrative policies. have a staff of between 200 and 500, divided into six
The multinational staffing policy of the Commission, to ten directorates, which in turn are each divided
and indeed of the other EU institutions, has both into three to six units. However, policy importance,
advantages and disadvantages, as is shown in Box 9.3 workloads, and specialisations within DGs produce
Internal mobility between posts is encouraged, and many departures from this norm. Thus in terms
for those in senior and sensitive posts is obligatory. of size, DG Translation is the largest DG, with a
staff of almost 2, 300 to handle the EU’s 24 official
languages and 552 possible language combinations.
Organisation (In practice, most day-to-day work is conducted in
English and French.) Other large DGs include the
The Commission’s services are divided into organisa- Joint Research Centre (with just under 2,000 staff),
tional units in much the same way as national govern- Development (with over 1,000), and Agriculture
ments are divided into ministries and departments. (with almost 1,000).

Box 9.3

Advantages and disadvantages of the Commission’s multinational

staffing policy
1 The staff have a wide range of experience and knowledge drawn from across all the member states.
2 The confidence of national governments and administrations in EU decision-making is helped by the
knowledge that compatriots are involved in policy preparation and administration.
3 Those who have to deal with the Commission can often more easily do so by using their fellow nationals
as access points. A two-way flow of information between the Commission and the member states is thus

1 Insofar as some senior personnel decisions are not made on the basis of pure meritocratic principles but
result in part from a wish for there to be a reasonable distribution of nationals from all member states
in the upper reaches of the Commission, two damaging consequences can follow. First, the best avail-
able people do not necessarily fill all posts. Second, the morale and commitment of some staff can be
2 Senior officials can occasionally be less than wholly and completely EU-minded. For however impartial
and even-handed they are supposed to be, they cannot, and usually do not wish to, completely divest
themselves of their national identifications and loyalties.
3 There are differing policy styles in the Commission, reflecting different national styles. These differences
are gradually being flattened out as the Commission matures as a bureaucracy and develops its own
norms and procedures, but the differences can still create difficulties, especially when there is an influx of
staff into middle-ranking and senior grades following EU enlargements.
142 | 

BOX 9.4

Directorates General and the main general and special services of the
Directorates General

Agriculture and Rural Development Migration and Home Affairs

Budget Mobility and Transport
Climate Action Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations
Communication Regional and Urban Policy
Communications Networks, Content and Technology Research and Innovation
Competition Secretariat-General
Economic and Financial Affairs Service for Foreign Policy Instruments
Education and Culture Taxation and Customs Union
Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Trade
Energy Translation
European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid
Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital
Markets Union
Health and Food Safety Main General and Special Services

Human Resources and Security European Anti-Fraud Office

Informatics European Political Strategy Centre
Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs Internal Audi Service
International Cooperation and Development Legal Service
Interpretation Publications Office
Joint Research Centre
Justice and Consumers
Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

*Situation in October 2016.

There is no hard and fast reason why some services support for policies than directly handling policies, but
have DG status and others do not. It is true that non- this is not always the case. So, the Secretariat-General,
DG services tend to be more concerned with providing which carries the main responsibility for ensuring the
The Commission | 143

Commission as a whole functions coherently, effec- not members of the Council of Ministers – the body
tively, and efficiently, is a DG whilst the Legal Service, that, often in association with the EP, takes most final
which also deals with all policy areas, is not. Non-DG decisions on important policy matters. (The High
services should not, therefore, be thought of as being Representative, who chairs the Foreign Ministers
junior to DGs. Council but is not a voting member of it, is the excep-
tion to this.)
These structural arrangements mean that any
The Commission’s notion of individual responsibility, such as exists in
most member states in relation to ministers – albeit
Hierarchical Structure usually only weakly and subject to prevailing politi-
cal currents – is difficult to apply to Commissioners.
The hierarchical structure of the Commission is as It might even be questioned whether it is reasonable
set out in Box 9.5. It is a reasonably clear s­tructure, that the Commission should be subject to collec-
although in practice complications can occur – espe- tive responsibility – as it is by virtue of Article 234
cially at the topmost levels. One reason for this of the TFEU which obliges it to resign if a motion
is that an imperfect match exists between some of censure on its activities is passed in the EP by a
Commissioners’ portfolios and the responsibili- two-thirds majority of the votes cast, representing
ties of services. With more services than there are a majority of all members. Collective responsibil-
Commissioners, some Commissioners have to carry ity may be thought to be reasonable in so far as
responsibilities that touch on at least part of the work all Commission proposals and decisions are made
of several services, as Box 9.2 shows. Another reason collectively and not in the name of individual
is that the lines of division between the responsibili- Commissioners, but at the same time it may be
ties of Vice-Presidents and other Commissioners are thought to be unreasonable in so far as the ability
sometimes blurred. of the Commission to undertake its various tasks
Another structural problem concerning Comm­ successfully is highly dependent on other EU actors.
issioners is the curious halfway position in which In practice no censure motion has been passed
they are placed. To use the British parallel, they are although, as is described in Chapter 12, one came
more than permanent secretaries but less than min- close to being so in January 1999 and it was the near
isters. For whilst they are the principal Commission certainty of one being passed that prompted the
spokesmen in their assigned policy areas, they are Santer College’s resignation in March 1999.

Box 9.5

The hierarchical structure of the Commission

• All important matters are channelled through the weekly meetings of the College of Commissioners. At
these meetings decisions are almost invariably taken by consensus, but majority voting is possible.
• Before College meetings, agenda items are discussed by relevant Commissioner groups and must be
‘cleared’ by the relevant Vice-President and the First Vice-President.
• In particular policy areas the Commissioner holding the portfolio in question, working closely with the
relevant Vice-President, carries the main leadership responsibility.
• DGs are formally headed by Directors General, who are responsible to the appropriate Commissioner.
• Directorates are headed by Directors, who report to the Director General or, in the case of large DGs, to
a Deputy Director General.
• Units are headed by Heads of Unit, who report to the Director responsible.
144 | 

Decision-Making Mechanisms energy are to be researched and developed probably

would originate in DG Energy, but would have direct
in the Commission implications for DG Research and Innovation, DG
Budget, and perhaps DG Internal Market, Industry,
The hierarchical structure that has just been described Entrepreneurship and SMEs. Sometimes policy and
produces a ‘model’ route via which proposals for legislative proposals do not just touch on the work
decisions make their way through the Commission of other DGs but give rise to sharp conflicts, the
machinery. This route is set out in Box 9.6. From sources of which may be traced back to the conflicting
the ‘model’ route all sorts of variations are possible, ‘missions’ of DGs: for example, there are sometimes
and in practice are commonplace. For example, if disputes between DG Competition and DG Regional
draft proposals are relatively uncontroversial or there and Urban Policy, with the latter tending to be much
is some urgency involved, procedures and devices less concerned than the former about rigidly applying
can be employed to prevent logjams at the top and EU competition rules if European industry is thereby
expedite the business in hand. One such procedure assisted and advantaged. Provision for liaison and
enables the College of Commissioners to authorise coordination is thus essential if the Commission is
the most appropriate amongst their number to take to be effective and efficient. There are various pro-
decisions on their behalf. Another procedure is the cedures and mechanisms aimed at providing this
so-called ‘written procedure’, by which proposals that necessary coordination. Five of these are particularly
seem to be straightforward are circulated amongst all worth noting.
Commissioners and are officially adopted if no objec- First, at the level of the DGs, various management
tion is lodged within a specified time, usually a week. practices and devices have been developed to try to
Urgent proposals can be adopted even more quickly rectify the increasingly recognised problem of hori-
by ‘accelerated written procedure’. zontal coordination. In many policy areas this results
Another set of circumstances producing departures in important coordinating functions being performed
from the ‘model’ route is when policy issues cut across by a host of standing and ad hoc arrangements: inter-
the Commission’s administrative divisions – a very service groups and meetings are the most important
common occurrence given the sectoral specialisations of these arrangements, but there are also task forces,
of the DGs. For example, a draft directive aimed at project groups, and numerous informal and one-off
providing a framework in which alternative sources of exchanges from Director General level downwards.

Box 9.6

‘Model route’ for the development of a proposal within the Commission

• An initial draft is drawn up at middle-ranking policy grade level in the ‘lead’ DG. Liaison with other DGs
that have an ‘interest’ is conducted by various means, including the convening of inter-service groups.
Outside assistance – from consultants, national officials and experts, and sectional interests – is sought,
and if necessary contracted, as appropriate. The parameters of the draft are likely to be determined by
a combination of existing EU policy commitments, the Commission’s annual work programme, and
guidelines that have been laid down at senior Commission and/or Council levels.
• Progress is ‘monitored’ by the Secretariat-General, which needs to be assured that appropriate ‘tests’
(including of subsidiarity and proportionality) are met and that correct procedures are used.
• The draft is passed upwards – principally through superiors within the DG, through the cabinet of the
Commissioner responsible, and through the weekly meeting of the chefs de cabinet – until the College of
Commissioners is reached. During its passage the draft may be extensively revised.
• The College of Commissioners can do virtually what it likes with the proposal. It may accept it, reject it,
refer it back to the DG for redrafting, or defer taking a decision.
The Commission | 145

Second, the main institutional agency for pro- tank (then known as the Forward Studies Unit, but
moting coordination is the Secretariat-General of since reconstituted and now called the European
the Commission, which is specifically charged with Political Strategy Centre) – than to the views of his
ensuring that proper coordination and communica- fellow Commissioners.
tion takes place across the Commission. In exercis- Fourth, there are the College-level coordinating
ing this duty, the Secretariat-General satisfies itself mechanisms created by Juncker, which were outlined
that all Commission interests have been consulted above. These mechanisms are the seven coordinating
before a proposal is submitted to the College of Vice-Presidents and the related Commissioner project
Commissioners. teams, which bring together Commissioners with
Third, the President of the Commission has an overlapping and closely linked policy responsibili-
ill-defined, but generally expected, coordinating ties. Amongst the groups are: Energy Union; Digital
responsibility. A forceful personality may be able to Single Market; and Jobs, Growth, Investment and
achieve a great deal in forging a measure of collec- Competitiveness.
tive identity out of the varied collection of people Fifth, the College of Commissioners, in theory at
from quite different national and political back- least, is in a strong position to coordinate activity and
grounds who sit around the Commission table. But take a broad view of Commission affairs. Everything
it can only be done tactfully and with adroit use of of importance is referred to the Commissioners’
social skills. Jacques Delors, who presided over three weekly meeting and at that meeting the whole sweep
Commissions between 1985 and 1995, unquestion- of Commission interests is represented by the portfo-
ably had a forceful personality, but he also displayed lios of those gathered around the table.
traits and acted in ways that had the effect of under-
mining team spirit amongst his colleagues. For exam- *  *  *
ple, he indicated clear policy preferences and interests Commissioners’ meetings are always preceded by
of his own; he occasionally made important policy other meetings designed to ease the way to decision-
pronouncements before fully consulting the other making:
Commissioners; he criticised Commissioners during
Commission meetings and sometimes, usually by
implication rather than directly, did so in public too;
• Informal and ad hoc consultations may occur
between Commissioners who are particularly
and he frequently appeared to give more weight to affected by a proposal.
the counsel of personal advisers and to people who
reported directly to him – drawn principally from his
• The above-described groups of Commissioners
exist for the purpose of facilitating liaison and
cabinet and from the Commission’s in-house think cooperation and enabling discussions at College
meetings to be well prepared and efficient.
• The First Vice-President takes a leading role in
Photo 9.4 Jacques Delors: President of the determining when matters are ready/need to be
European Commission, 1985–95 placed on the agenda of a College meeting, and
liaises closely with other Commissioners, especially
Vice-Presidents, on this.
• The Commissioners’ agenda is always consid-
ered at a weekly meeting of the heads of the
Commissioners’ cabinets (known as Hebdo).
These chefs de cabinet meetings are chaired by
the Commission’s Secretary-General and are
usually held two days before the meetings of the
Commission itself. Their main purpose is to reduce
the length of College meetings by reaching agree-
ments on as many items as possible and referring
only controversial/difficult/major/politically sensi-
tive matters to the Commissioners.
146 | 

• Feeding into chefs de cabinet meetings are the

BOX 9.7
outcomes of meetings between the cabinet members
responsible for particular policy areas.
• Officials from the different cabinets, who are gener- Power resources of the Commission
ally well known to one another, often exchange
views on an informal basis if a proposal looks as • Its powers of initiative (which are exclusive and
though it may create difficulties. (Officially cabinets
do not become involved until a proposal has been • Its neutrality (which results in it being seen as
less partisan and more trustworthy than most
formally launched by a DG, but earlier consulta-
tion is common. If this consultation is seen by DGs other EU actors).
to amount to interference, tensions and hostilities • It is present in virtually all decision-making
forums and at all decision-making stages (and
can arise – not least because cabinet officials are
usually junior in career terms to officials in the so is very well-informed about the positions of
upper reaches of DGs.) other actors and is often looked to by them for
There is, therefore, no shortage of coordinating • Its access to information about EU policies
and needs (an access that is assisted by it being
arrangements within the Commission, not least at
Commissioners level. Of course, not all coordinat- surrounded by hundreds of expert and advisory
ing problems have been resolved with, for example, committees).
departmental and policy loyalties sometimes still • Smaller states often look to the Commission for
leadership and protection – and most EU states
seemingly tending to discourage new and integrated
approaches to problems and the pooling of ideas. As are small.
in most administrations, demarcation lines between
spheres of responsibility are sometimes too tightly
drawn and policy competences are sometimes too politicians – the legitimacy that stems from having
jealously guarded – especially by larger and tradition- been directly elected by citizens and the power to not
ally relatively independent DGs (such as Agriculture only propose policy measures but also to actually take
and Competition). But, notwithstanding such dif- final decisions on them. But, the Commission does
ficulties, the various efforts that have been made over have a key resource of politicians: the power to initiate
the years to improve internal coordination, and hence policies. Where legislation is concerned, this power is
Commission coherence and effectiveness, seem to mostly exclusive to it. Where other measures are con-
have been broadly successful. cerned, the initiating power is shared with other EU
actors – most particularly the European Council and
the Council. Even, however, where the Commission’s
initiating powers are not exclusive, its position can
Power Resources be greatly strengthened by other actors often finding
it logistically difficult to develop initiatives without
Like all political actors, the Commission needs power receiving considerable assistance from the Commission.
resources to be able to exercise influence. As Box 9.7 As regards the Commission having resources that
shows, the Commission is well endowed with such are normally associated with public administrations,
resources. the most important of these are its access to, and its
The power resources available to the Commission understanding of, information about the operation
illustrate the special nature of the Commission as an of EU policies: what is working well?; what needs
institution, and especially the ways in which it com- reforming?; what would be the consequences, for the
bines features of being both a political institution and EU as a whole and for parts of it, of introducing a
an administrative institution. As regards it having particular policy or policy amendment? Often only the
resources that are normally associated with political Commission, drawing on its many sources of infor-
institutions, it does not have the resources that are most mation, is in a position to make accurate judgements
associated with, and are most important for, national on such questions.
The Commission | 147

Moreover, such judgements by the Commission are appropriate initiatives to that end.’ This means,
more likely to be generally trusted than are judgements amongst other things, that the Commission is charged
by, say, a national government or a political group in with the responsibility of proposing measures that
the EP. This brings in another type of power resource are likely to advance the development of the EU.
of the Commission: those that stem from the unique Where legislation is envisaged, this power to propose
nature of the EU and the Commission’s special posi- is exclusive to the Commission ‘except where the
tion in it. The Commission’s duty to be neutral and Treaties provide otherwise’ (Article 17, TEU). The
non-partisan mean that policy proposals stemming most important areas where the treaties do so pro-
from it generally are given a more favourable reception vide otherwise are in respect of certain AFSJ matters.
than are proposals coming from a more sectional or Where proposals do not involve legislation, as in the
perceived special interest source. This is not, of course, CFSP area, the Commission’s proposing and initiating
to say that there are not circumstances in which powers are shared with the member states.
Commission proposals do not run into stiff resist- In addition to its formal treaty powers, political
ance, but even then the Commission’s special position realities arising from the institutional structure of
in the EU system gives it considerable advantages. the EU also dictate that the Commission is centrally
Amongst these advantages are that, unlike national involved in formulating and developing policy. The
administrations, the Commission is physically present most important of these realities is that there is noth-
in virtually all policy-making forums and at all policy- ing like an EU Head of Government or Council of
making stages (including all Council meetings and EP Ministers capable of providing the EU with clear and
committees) and so is well-placed to be able to antici- consistent policy direction, let alone a coherent legis-
pate the reactions of other institutions to proposals it lative programme. Senior Commission officials who
makes and to be able to explain and defend its stances. have transferred from national civil services are often
The Commission’s power resources will be further greatly surprised by the lack of political direction from
explored and illustrated in the next section on the above and the amount of room for policy and legisla-
Commission’s responsibilities. tive initiation that is available to them. Their duties
are often only broadly defined and there can be con-
siderable potential, especially for more senior officials,
to stimulate development in specific and, if they wish,
Responsibilities new and innovative policy areas.
An indication of the scale of the Commission’s
Some of the Commission’s responsibilities and pow- proposing activities is seen in the fact that in an aver-
ers are prescribed in the treaties and in EU legislation. age year it issues up to 2,000 proposals for directives,
Others are not formally laid down but have developed regulations and decisions, most of which are, admit-
from practical necessity and the requirements of the tedly, administrative in nature. It also normally issues
EU system. around 250–300 communications and reports, 5–10
Whilst recognising that there is some overlap Green Papers, and a couple of White Papers.
between the categories, the responsibilities of the Although in practice they greatly overlap, it will be
Commission may be grouped under six broad head- useful here, for analytical purposes, to look separately
ings: proposer and developer of policies and legislation; at policy initiation and development on the one hand,
executive functions; guardian of the legal framework; and legislative initiation and development on the other.
external representative and negotiator; mediator and
conciliator; and promoter of the general interest. *  *  *
Policy initiation and development takes place at several
levels in that it ranges from sweeping ‘macro’ policies
Proposer and developer of to detailed policies for particular sectors. Whatever the
policies and legislation level, however, the Commission – important though it
is – does not have a totally free hand in what it does.
Article 17 TEU states that ‘The Commission shall As is shown at various points elsewhere in this book,
promote the general interest of the Union and take all sorts of other actors – including the European
148 | 

Council, the Council, the EP, national governments, by removing regulatory barriers and creating a fully
sectional groups, regional and local authorities, and functional digital single market. Examples of the lat-
private firms – also attempt to play a part in the policy ter include: attempting to generate a more integrated
process. They do so by engaging in such activities as approach to a policy area – as with the 2015 Green
producing policy papers, issuing exhortations and Paper: Building a Capital Markets Union and the 2015
recommendations, and lobbying. Such activities are follow-up Action Plan on Building a Capital Markets
frequently designed to exert direct policy pressure on Union; attempting to strengthen existing policy
the Commission. From its earliest deliberations on a frameworks – as with three communications that were
possible policy initiation, the Commission has to take issued between 2010-2014 setting out ideas for tight-
note of many of these outside voices if its proposals are ening and further integrating the many dimensions
to find broad support and be effective in the sectors to of industrial policy; and attempting to promote ideas,
which they are directed. The Commission must con- discussion and interest as a possible preliminary to
cern itself not only with what it believes to be desirable getting a new policy area or initiative off the ground –
but also with what is possible. The policy preferences as with the 2005 discussion document A European
of others must be recognised and, where necessary and Institute of Technology? that was issued as part of the
appropriate, be accommodated. mid-term review of the Lisbon Process.
Of the many pressures and influences to which But whatever their particular focus, most – though
the Commission is subject in the exercise of its policy not all – policy initiatives need to be followed up with
initiation functions, the most important are those that legislation if they are to have bite and be effective.
emanate from the European Council and the Council.
When these institutions indicate that they wish to *  *  *
see certain sorts of proposal laid before them, the If the Commission is well placed with regard to policy
Commission is obliged to respond. However, impor- initiation and development, it is even better placed
tant though the European Council and the Council with regard to legislative initiation and development,
are as policy-initiating bodies, the extent to which they for it alone normally has the power to initiate and
undermine the initiating responsibilities and powers draft legislative proposals. The other two main insti-
of the Commission ought not to be exaggerated. For tutions involved in the legislative process, the Council
the institutional structures and compositions of the and the EP, can request the Commission to produce
European Council and the Council make it difficult proposals, but they cannot do the initiating or draft-
for them to be bold and imaginative. They tend often ing themselves. Moreover, after a legislative proposal
to be better at responding than at originating and has been formally tabled the Commission still retains
proposing, which results in the Commission not only a considerable measure of control, for it is difficult
taking instructions from them but also using them to for the Council or the EP to amend it without the
legitimise its own policy preferences. Commission’s agreement: the Council can only do so
The Commission’s policy-initiating activities cover by acting unanimously and the EP can only do so in
both major and cross-sectoral policies and policy specified circumstances and then only with the sup-
programmes and also specific policy areas. Examples port of an absolute majority of its component mem-
of the former include: the 2014 Communication… on bers. That said, where EP-Council deliberations result
Long-Term Financing of the European Economy, which in them reaching an agreement the Commission tends
established the need for and possible ways of raising to fall in line and to amend its proposals accordingly
new investment in the European economy and the fol- As with the preparation of policy proposals, the
low-up 2014 Communication From the Commission… Commission makes considerable use of outside
An Investment Plan for Europe, which set out plans for sources, and is often subject to considerable outside
a new investment fund capable of generating some pressures, when preparing legislative proposals. The
€300 billion of ‘new money’. Another example of the preparation of legislative proposals is thus often
former type of policy-initiating activity is the 2015 accompanied by an extensive sounding and listening
Communication… A Digital Single Market Strategy for process, especially at the pre-proposal stage – that
Europe, which set out a 16-point strategy for opening- is, before the Commission has formally presented a
up digital opportunities for people and businesses proposal to the Council and the EP. In this process an
The Commission | 149

important role is played by a vast network of advisory tees, with over 20 committees for products covered
committees that have been established over the years. by a market regime plus half a dozen or so more
general committees. Most of the agricultural advisory
committees have a membership of around 50, but
The Commission’s advisory committee there are a few exceptions: amongst the largest are
network those dealing with cereals, milk and dairy products,
The committees are of two main types. and sugar, whilst amongst the smallest are the veteri-
nary committee and the committee on hops.
Expert committees. These consist of national offi- In addition to these two types of committees there
cials, experts and specialists of various sorts. Although
are many hybrids with mixed forms of membership.
nominated by national governments, the committee
members are not normally viewed as official govern-
Most of the advisory committees are chaired and
mental spokesmen in the way that members of Council
serviced by the Commission. A few are serviced by the
working parties are (see Chapter 10), so it is usually
Council and technically are Council committees, but
possible for them to conduct their affairs on a reasonably
the Commission has observer status on these so the
informal basis. Many of these committees are well-estab-
distinction between the two types of committee is of
lished, meet on a fairly regular basis, and have a more or
little significance in terms of their ability to advise the
less fixed membership; others are ad hoc – set up, very
frequently, to discuss an early draft of a Commission
The extent to which policy sectors are covered by
legislative proposal – and can hardly be even described
advisory committees varies. One factor making for
as committees in that they may only ever meet once or
variation is the degree of importance of the policy
twice. In terms of their interests and concerns, some of
within the EU’s policy framework – it is hardly sur-
the committees are wide-ranging, such as the Advisory
prising, for example, that there should be many more
Committee on Restrictive Practices and Dominant
agricultural advisory committees than there are edu-
Positions and the Advisory Committee on Community
cational advisory committees. Another factor is the
Actions for the Elderly, whilst others are more special-
dependence of the Commission in particular policy
ised and technical, such as the Advisory Committee on
areas on outside expertise and technical knowledge. A
Unfair Pricing Practices in Maritime Transport and the
third factor is the preferences of DGs – some incline
Committee of Experts on International Road Tariffs.
towards the establishment of committees to provide
them with advice, whilst others prefer to do their lis-
Consultative committees. These are composed of tening in less structured ways.
representatives of sectional interests and are organised The influence exercised by advisory committees
and funded by the Commission without reference varies enormously. In general, the committees of
to the national governments. Members are normally national experts are better placed than the consulta-
appointed by the Commission from nominations tive committees. There are a number of reasons for
made by representative EU-level organisations: either this. First, Commission consultation with the expert
umbrella groups such as BusinessEurope (sic) and committees is usually compulsory in the procedure for
the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) drafting legislation, whereas it is usually optional with
or more specialised sectoral organisations and liai- the consultative committees. Second, the expert com-
son groups such as the European Tour Operators’ mittees can often go beyond offering the Commission
Association (ETOA) and the Partnership for Energy technical advice and alert it to probable governmental
and the Environment (EPEE, which represents reactions to a proposal, and therefore to possible prob-
the heating, cooling and refrigeration industry in lems that may arise at a future decision-making stage
Europe). The effect of this appointments policy is if certain views are not incorporated. Third, expert
that the consultative committees are overwhelmingly committees also have the advantage over consultative
composed of full-time employees of associations and committees of tending to meet more regularly – often
groups. As would be expected, agriculture is a policy convening as necessary when something important is
sector where there are many consultative commit- in the offing whereas consultative committees tend
150 | 

to gather on average no more than two or three times of the different types of EU legal instruments). In recent
a year. Usually, consultative committees are at their years, however, with the Commission conscious of a
most influential when they have high-ranking figures growing expectation that it should issue laws only when
amongst their membership, when they are given the they are absolutely necessary, the number has fallen to
opportunity to discuss policy at an early stage of devel- around 1,500 per year, of which about two thirds are
opment, when the timetable for the enactment of a ‘basic acts’ and one-third are ‘amending acts’.
proposal is flexible, and when the matter under con- Because they are ‘non-political’ acts, most Commi­
sideration is not too constrained by existing legislation. ssion legislation is confined to the filling-in of details
or to the updating of specifications of various kinds
that follow automatically from primary legislation
Executive functions that is made by the EP and Council, or sometimes
(but not much, post-Lisbon) just the Council. Much
The Commission is closely involved in the manage- of it concerns Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
ment, supervision and implementation of EU policies. Box 9.8, which lists just a few of the many Commission
Just how involved varies considerably across the policy laws that were issued in late June 2016, illustrates the
spectrum, but as a general rule the Commission’s sorts of matters covered in Commission legislation.
executive functions tend to be more concerned with But not quite all of the Commission’s rule-making
monitoring and coordinating developments, laying powers are confined to the routine and the straightfor-
down the ground rules, carrying out investigations ward. In some areas opportunities exist to make what
and giving rulings on significant matters (especially in verges on ‘policy’ law. For example, in managing EU
the competition policy area and in respect of applica- trade policy the Commission has considerable discre-
tions for derogations from EU law) than they are with tion in deciding whether to apply preventive measures
detailed ‘ground level’ policy implementation. in order to protect the EU market from dumping by
Three aspects of the Commission’s executive func- third countries. And in applying the EU’s competition
tions are worth special emphasis. policy, the Commission has taken advantage of rather
generally phrased treaty articles to issue regulations
and decisions clarifying and developing the position
Rule-making on, for example, restrictive practices.
It is not possible for the treaties or for primary legisla- Because legislation issued in the name of the
tion to cover every possible area and eventuality in Commission can have considerable consequences for
which a rule may be required. In circumstances and member states, a complex set of ‘controlling’ arrange-
under conditions that are defined by the treaties and/ ments were developed over the years that were designed
or EU legislation, the Commission is therefore given to ensure that, when exercising its rule-making pow-
rule-making powers. This puts the Commission in a ers, the Commission was not able to be too independ-
similar position to national executives where, because ent of the Council. The arrangements were based on
of the frequent need for quick decisions in that grey committees of member state representatives – com-
area where policy overlaps with administration, and monly called ‘comitology’ committees – that exercised
because too of the need to relieve the normal legislative different levels of control over the Commission (see
process of over-involvement with highly detailed and the sixth edition of this book for details).
specialised matters, it is desirable to have truncated and The comitology system was completely overhauled
special rule-making arrangements for administrative following the Lisbon Treaty, with the above-noted
and technical law. The Lisbon Treaty formalised this division of ‘non-political’ legislation into delegated
distinction between ‘political’ and ‘non-political’ legis- and implementing acts resulting in the following
lation, calling the former ‘legislative acts’ and dividing arrangements:
the latter into ‘delegated acts’ and ‘implementing acts’
(see below on delegated and implementing acts). Delegated acts are deemed to be of ‘general applica-
The Commission used to issue at least 4,000 adminis- tion to supplement or amend non-essential elements’
trative legal acts per year – in the form mainly of regula- of the original law (Article 290 TFEU). This potential
tions and decisions (see Chapter 13 for an examination for delegated acts to amend original laws (and thus
The Commission | 151

Box 9.8

Examples of typical Commission legislation

• Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/1017 of 23 June 2016 amending Annex XVII to Regulation (EC)
No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the Registration, Evaluation,
Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) as regards inorganic ammonium salts.
• Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/957 of 9 March 2016 supplementing Regulation (EU) No
596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to regulatory technical standards
for the appropriate arrangements, systems and procedures as well as notification templates to be used for
preventing, detecting and reporting abusive practices or suspicious orders or transactions.
• Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/1056 of 29 June 2016 amending Implementing
Regulation (EU) No 540/2011 as regards the extension of the approval period of the active substance
• Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/1057 of 29 June 2016 establishing the standard import
values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables.
• Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/1058 of 29 June 2016 closing the tendering proce-
dure for the buying-in of skimmed milk powder under public intervention opened by Implementation
Regulation (EU) 2016/826.
• Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1059 of 20 June 2016 excluding from European
Union financing certain expenditure incurred by the Member States under the European Agricultural
Guarantee Fund (EAGF) and under the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).

Source: Official Journal of the European Union, late June 2016.

potentially generate new legal constraints) has resulted new legal obligations. In these cases, aspects of the old
in comitology committees being replaced with a post comitology system remain in place, but the number of
hoc control procedure by which, after the adoption by procedures used has been reduced to two: the advisory
the Commission of a delegated act, the Council and procedure (in which the Commission is only obliged
Parliament have the right to directly intervene and to take a committee’s opinion into account) and the
reject the act. Whilst this may seem like a powerful examination procedure (which allows a simple major-
control mechanism, in practice the Commission gains ity of member state representatives on a committee to
considerable latitude, for not only does it no longer reject a proposed implementing act and also allows
need to consult a comitology committee in advance of the Council or Parliament to pass non-binding reso-
adopting a delegated act, but the political mobilisation lutions if either feels the Commission is consistently
and attention to detail required by the Council and exceeding its rule-making powers). Clearly this pro-
Parliament to overturn a delegated act makes it unlikely cedure is potentially restricting on the Commission,
that they will do so. Indeed, from the entry into force of but in practice it is not unduly so as committees tend
the Lisbon Treaty until the end of 2014 the Council and to operate on a mainly consensual basis. Indeed, with
the Parliament each rejected only one delegated act out implementing legislation not usually being put to the
of approximately 200 adopted over that period. vote if the Commission judges it will not be approved,
there are very few Commission defeats.
Implementing acts are used when specifications are
required for the uniform application of the original *  *  *
law (Article 291 TFEU). Thus, in principle, imple- The arrangements for dealing with ‘non-political’
menting acts specify what member states need to do in legislation can be seen as a means by which the gov-
order to implement the original law and do not create ernments of the member states and the EP seek to
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ensure the Commission does not become too inde- which is directed to direct income support for farm-
pendent of them. In conceptual terms, the controls ers – are taken by the Commission, usually via an
on the Commission’s ability to make administrative appropriate committee made up of representatives of
legislation are one of a number of mechanisms and national governments. The day-to-day application of
devices found throughout the EU system used by the agricultural policy and management decisions occurs
EU’s principals – mainly the national governments, at national levels through appropriate agencies.
but increasingly also the EP – to maintain control Second, there is cohesion policy spending, which
over their agents, especially the Commission. But the accounts for over 35 per cent of total EU expendi-
importance of the formal controls should not be exag- ture. The EU’s cohesion policy is aimed at reducing
gerated. For the fact is that the Council and the EP are economic and social disparities in the Union, at
protective of their powers and would move quickly both national and regional levels. There are three
against the Commission if it was thought it was abus- main funds: the European Regional Development
ing its powers. Moreover, the Council and EP know Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF),
that that it is just not in the Commission’s long-term and the Cohesion Fund (see Chapter 20 for details).
interests to try and force unwelcome or unpopular Programming, partnership, co-financing, and evalu-
measures on them. The Commission wants and needs ation are key principles of cohesion policy. The
the cooperation of the Council and EP. practical effect of this in management terms is that
cohesion policy is based on a tiered system in which
Management of EU finances the roles and responsibilities of actors, including the
Commission, vary at different levels. The key fea-
On the revenue side of the budget, EU income is subject tures of the system are: overall strategic decisions are
to tight constraints (see Chapter 23 for an explanation taken by the Council, on the basis of Commission
of budgetary revenue). In overseeing the collection of proposals; broad programming decisions for member
this income the Commission has two main duties: to states and regions are developed jointly between the
see that the correct rates are applied within certain cat- Commission and member states (with it being left to
egories of revenue, and to ensure that the proper pay- member states as to who participates on their side,
ments are made to the EU by those national authorities but with regional and local authority involvement
that act as the EU’s collecting agents. expected); implementation decisions are monitored
On the expenditure side, the administrative by the Commission but are undertaken through
arrangements vary according to the type of expendi- appropriate member state institutional arrangements
ture concerned. The Commission must, however, involving national, regional and local authorities, and
always operate within the approved annual budget also social partners and representatives of civil society.
(the EU is not legally permitted to run a budget defi-
cit) and on the basis of the guidelines for expenditure *  *  *
headings that are laid down in multi-annual planning Moving beyond the specific aspects of the Commission’s
instruments, known as multi-annual financial frame- financial management functions to look at the overall
works (MFFs), on which all EU annual budgets are picture, it is clear that the Commission’s ability to
based. Of the various ways in which the EU spends its manage EU finances effectively is greatly weakened by
money two are especially important in that together the fact that the Council and the EP (especially the for-
they account for over 75 per cent of total budgetary mer) control the upper limits of the revenue base and
expenditure. take framework spending decisions. In the past, this
First, there is spending on agriculture and rural sometimes caused considerable difficulties because it
affairs, which accounts for over 40 per cent of the meant that if it became obvious during the course of a
annual budget and is used for agricultural support financial year that expenditure was exceeding income
and rural development purposes. This spending draws the Commission could not step in at an early stage and
on two funds: the European Agricultural Guarantee take appropriate action by, for example, increasing the
Fund (EAGF) and the European Agricultural Fund for value added tax (VAT) ceiling on revenue or reduc-
Rural Development (EAFRD). General management ing agricultural price guarantees. All the Commission
decisions on the use of funds for agriculture – most of could do, and regularly did, was to make out a case
The Commission | 153

as to what should be done. This dependence on the Supervision of ‘front-line’ policy

Council and EP remains, but the general situation is implementation
not as fraught as it was, because the use of MFFs since
1988 has meant there have been clearer controls on The Commission’s role with regard to the implemen-
the growth of both income and expenditure. Another, tation of EU policies is primarily that of supervisor
quite different, factor in weakening the Commission’s and overseer. It does undertake some direct policy
financial management capability is that it does not implementation, most notably in connection with
itself directly undertake much of the front-line imple- competition policy – which is considered below in
mentation of EU spending programmes and schemes. the section on the guardian of the legal framework
Rather, it mostly works through external – mainly and in Chapter 20. However, the bulk of the practical/
national and subnational – agencies which, acting on routine/day-by-day/frontline implementation of EU
its behalf, execute over 80 per cent of the EU budget. policies is not undertaken by the Commission itself
In response to criticisms (not least by the Court but is delegated to appropriate agencies within the
of Auditors) of the misuse of funds, since the early member states. Examples of such national agencies
2000s an ongoing programme of financial manage- are: customs and excise authorities, which deal with
ment reforms has been underway. Amongst the many most matters pertaining to movements of goods and
changes to procedures and practices that have been services across the EU’s external and internal borders;
introduced are: the adoption of activity-based manage- ministries of employment, which check working con-
ment and budgeting, to provide for improved financial ditions – including health and safety standards in the
planning and the better alignment of political priori- workplace; and ministries of agriculture and agricul-
ties and the allocation of resources; the enhancement tural intervention boards, which are responsible for
of accountability procedures within the Commission; controlling the volume of agricultural produce on
a sharper separation between the approval and the domestic markets and which deal directly with farm-
auditing of expenditure functions; and less contracting ers and traders about payments and charges.
out of implementing functions to private sector agen- To ensure that policies are applied in a reasonably
cies (such contracting out had become increasingly uniform manner throughout the member states the
common in the 1990s, largely as part of an attempt to Commission attempts to supervise, or at least hold a
deal with Commission under-staffing). watching brief on, the national agencies and the way
they perform their EU duties. It is a task that carries
*  *  * with it many difficulties, four of which are especially
Before leaving the Commission’s responsibilities for important.
financial management, it should also be noted that First, in most policy areas the Commission is not
the Commission has responsibilities for coordinating sufficiently resourced for the job. There just are not
and managing finances that are not drawn exclusively enough officials in the DGs, and not enough money
from EU budgetary sources. For example, it assists in to contract the required help from outside agen-
the management of the European Fund for Strategic cies, to see that the likes of the agriculture, fishing
Investments (EFSI), a fund that was launched and regional policies are properly implemented. The
by Jean-Claude Juncker when he was appointed Commission is therefore heavily dependent on the
Commission President and which became opera- good faith and willing cooperation of the member
tional in autumn 2015. The EFSI, which draws only states. However, even in those policy spheres where
modestly on EU funds, seeks to mobilise €315 bil- it is in almost constant communication with national
lion between 2015–18 to generate additional invest- officials, the Commission cannot be aware of every-
ment in such key areas as infrastructure, research thing that is going on, and with respect to those areas
and investment, and small and medium-sized busi- where contacts and flows of communication between
nesses. Other non-budgetary financial management Brussels and national agencies are irregular and not
responsibilities include environmental programmes, well ordered it is almost impossible for Commission
scientific and technological research programmes, officials to have an accurate idea as to what is hap-
and educational programmes in which the member pening ‘at the front’. Even if the Commission comes
states are joined by non-member states. to suspect that something is amiss with an aspect of
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policy implementation, lack of resources can mean legislation are respected. This role links closely with
that it is not possible for the matter to be fully investi- the Commission’s executive functions, especially
gated. In respect of fraud, for example, there are only its supervisory and implementing responsibilities.
around 400 officials, of whom about half are inves- Indeed, the lack of a full EU-wide policy-implement-
tigators, in the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), ing framework means that its legal watchdog role
which is part of the Commission but which has opera- serves, to some extent, as a substitute for the detailed
tional independence to conduct investigations. day-to-day application of policies that at national level
The second difficulty is that even when they are involves such routine activities as inspecting premises,
willing to cooperate fully, national agencies are not checking employee lists, and auditing returns. It is a
always as capable of implementing policies as the role that is extremely difficult to exercise: transgres-
Commission would wish. One reason for this is that sors of EU law do not normally wish to advertise their
some EU policies are, by their very nature, very dif- illegal actions, and they are often protected by, or may
ficult to administer. The Common Fisheries Policy is even be, national authorities.
one such policy, with its numerous rules on fishing The Commission may become aware of possi-
zones, days at sea, total allowable catches, and conser- ble illegalities in one of a number of ways. In the
vation requiring surveillance measures such as obliga- case of non-transposition or incorrect transposi-
tory and properly kept logbooks, port inspections and tion of a directive into national law this is obvious
aerial patrols. Another reason why national agencies enough, since directives normally specify a time by
are not always capable of effective policy implementa- which the Commission must be supplied with full
tion is that national officials are often poorly trained details of national transposition measures. A sec-
and/or are overburdened by the complexities of EU ond way is through self-notification. For example,
rules. The jumble of rules that officials have to apply is states are obliged to notify the Commission about
illustrated by the import levy on biscuits, which varies all national draft regulations and standards concern-
according to cereal, milk, fat and sugar content, whilst ing technical specifications so that the Commission
the export refund varies also according to egg content. may satisfy itself that they will not cause barriers
Another example of rule complexity is seen in respect to trade. Similarly, state aid must be referred to
of the export of beef, which is subject to numerous the Commission for its inspection. Self-notifications
separate regulations, which themselves are subject to also come forward in respect of restrictive business
an array of permanent and temporary amendments. practices because although parties are not obliged
The third difficulty is that agencies in the mem- to notify the Commission of such practices, they
ber states do not always wish to see EU law applied. frequently do so, either because they wish for clarifi-
Competition policy, for example, is rich in such cation on whether or not a practice is in legal viola-
examples, but sometimes there is little action the tion or because they wish to seek an exemption (if a
Commission can take against a deliberately recal- notification is not made within a specified time limit
citrant state given the range of policy instruments exemption is not permissible). A third way in which
available to governments that wish to assist domestic illegalities may come to the Commission’s attention
industries and the secretiveness with which these can is from the many representations that are made by
often be arranged. individuals, organisations, firms and member states
The fourth and final difficulty is that EU law who believe that their interests are being damaged
can be genuinely open to different interpretations. by the alleged illegal actions of another party. For
Sometimes indeed it is deliberately flexible so as to example, Germany has frequently complained about
allow for adjustments to national circumstances. the amount of subsidies that many national govern-
ments give to their steel industries. And a fourth way
is through the Commission’s own efforts. Such efforts
The guardian of the legal may take one of several forms: investigations by one of
framework its small monitoring/investigatory/fraud teams; care-
ful analysis of the information that is supplied by out-
In association with the EU’s courts, the Commission side agencies; or simply a Commission official reading
is charged with ensuring that the treaties and EU a newspaper report that suggests a government or a
The Commission | 155

firm is doing, or is not doing, something that looks however, be a form of obstruction, in that states know
suspicious under EU law. it could be years before the Commission, and even
Infringement proceedings are initiated against more the CJEU, brings them to heel. Environmental
member states for not notifying the Commission of legislation illustrates this, with most states not having
measures taken to transpose directives into national fully incorporated and/or implemented only parts of
law, for non-transposition or incorrect transposition long-standing EU legislation – on matters such as air
of directives, and for non-application or incorrect pollution, bathing water, and drinking water.
application of EU law – most commonly in con- With regard to what action the Commission can
nection with the internal market, industrial affairs, take if it discovers breaches or prospective breaches
indirect taxation, agriculture, and environmental and of EU law, that depends very much on the circum-
consumer protection. Before any formal action is stances. Four different sorts of circumstances are set
taken against a state it is informed by the Commission out in Box 9.9.
that it is in possible breach of its legal obligations. If,
after the Commission has carried out an investigation, *  *  *
the breach is confirmed and continues, a procedure As with most of its other activities, the Commission’s
comes into force under Article 258 TFEU whereby the ability to exercise its legal guardianship function is
Commission blunted by a number of constraints and restrictions.
Three are especially important:
shall deliver a reasoned opinion on the matter
after giving the State concerned the opportunity to • The problem of limited resources means that
submit its observations. choices have to be made about which cases are
worth pursuing, and with how much vigour. For
If the State concerned does not comply with the example, only around 100 officials undertake the
opinion within the period laid down by the Com- detailed and highly complex work that is necessary
mission, the latter may bring the matter before the to give effect to the Merger Regulation.
Court of Justice of the European Union. • Relevant and sufficiently detailed information can
be difficult to obtain – either because it is delib-
Since most infringements have implications for the erately hidden from prying Commission officials
functioning of the market, the Commission usually or because, as is the case with many aspects of
seeks to ensure that these procedures operate accord- market conditions, reliable figures are just not
ing to a tight timetable: normally a state is given about available. An example of an EU law that is difficult
two months to present its observations and a similar to apply because of lack of information is the 1979
period to comply with the reasoned opinion. Council Directive on the Conservation of Wild
Most cases, it must be emphasised, are settled at Birds (79/409/EEC), which was amended in 2009
an early stage. So in an average year the Commission to become an EP and Council Directive (2009/147
issues up to around 1,000 letters of formal notice, 500 EC). Amongst other things, the Directive provides
reasoned opinions, and makes 150 references to the protection for most species of migrant birds and
CJEU. One reason for so many early settlements is forbids killing for trade and by indiscriminate
that most infringements occur not as a result of wilful methods. Because the shooting of birds is popular
avoidance of EU law but rather from genuine differ- in some countries, several governments were slow
ences over interpretation, or from national adminis- to transpose the Directive into national law and
trative and legislative procedures that have occasioned have been reluctant to do much about applying
delay. the law since it has been transposed. On the first of
Although there are differences between member the implementing problems – transposition – the
states in their enthusiasm for aspects of EU law, most Commission can acquire the information it needs
wish to avoid open confrontation with EU institu- since states are obliged to inform it of the measures
tions. If states do not wish to submit to an EU law it they have taken. On the second of the implementa-
is therefore more customary for them to drag their tion problems, however – application of the law
feet rather than be openly obstructive. Delay can, by national authorities against transgressors – the
156 | 

Box 9.9

What can the Commission do about breaches of EU legislation?

• Non-compliance by a member state. Until the entry into force of the Maastricht Treaty in 1993, the
Commission was not empowered to impose sanctions against member states that were in breach of
their legal obligations. Respect for Commission decisions was dependent on the goodwill and politi-
cal judgement of the states themselves, backed up by the ability of the Commission to make a referral
to the Court of Justice – though the Court too could not impose sanctions. However, the Maastricht
Treaty gave the Commission power, when a member state refuses to comply with a judgement of the
Court, to bring the state back before the Court and in so doing to specify a financial penalty that should
be imposed. The size of the penalty must reflect the seriousness of the legal infringement, the duration
of the infringement, and the state’s ability to pay (using GDP as an indicator). The Court takes the final
decision. The first state to be fined by the Court was Greece, which in 2000 was held to have failed to
fulfil its obligations on waste directives and was ordered to pay €20,000 per day until it complied with
the Court’s judgement. On a much bigger scale, in May 2002 the Commission asked the Court to fine
France €242,650 per day for being in breach of EU insurance laws.
• Firms breaching EU law on restrictive practices and abuse of dominant market positions. Treaty provisions,
legislation, and Court judgements have established a considerable volume of EU law in the sphere of
restrictive practices and abuse of dominant market positions. If at all possible, the Commission avoids
resorting to law and taking formal action against firms. This is partly because of the ill-feeling that can be
generated by open confrontation and partly because the use of law and formal action involves cumber-
some and protracted procedures to establish a case. Offending parties are therefore encouraged to fall
into line or to reach an agreement with the Commission during the extensive informal processes – which
can last several years – that always precede formal proceedings. If, however, informal processes fail, fines
and required actions can result. Such was the case in May 2009 when the Commission imposed a fine
of €1.03 billion on the US computer chipmaker Intel for ‘illegal anti-competitive practices’. Intel had,
the Commission concluded after a long investigation, given rebates to major computer manufacturers
provided they bought the computers’ central processing units (the computers’ ‘brains’) from Intel. This
arrangement, in the view of the Commission, left the computer manufacturers with no choice but to
buy from Intel and, in consequence, reduced consumers’ choice and also discouraged innovation. In the
words of the Competition Commissioner, Neelie Kroes ‘Intel has harmed millions of European consum-
ers by deliberately acting to keep competitors out of the market for computer chips for many years. Such a
serious and sustained violation of the EU’s antitrust rules cannot be tolerated’ (EUobserver, 13 May 2009).
In July 2009 Intel launched an appeal against the decision at the EU’s General Court, claiming that the
fine violated its human rights and also arguing that such fines should only be issued as a result of criminal
investigations and not from administrative proceedings. In June 2014, the fine was upheld in its entirety.

Commission has been much less able to make not normally wish to upset or politically embar-
judgements about whether states are fulfilling their rass the governments of member states if it is at
responsibilities: it is very difficult to know what all avoidable. The Commission does, after all,
efforts are really being made by national authorities have to work closely and continuously with the
to catch shooters and hunters. national governments both on an individual and –
• Political considerations can inhibit the Commission in the Council – on a collective basis, so it is in
from acting as vigorously as it might in certain its interests to operate in a flexible and politically
problem areas and in particular cases. An impor- sensitive manner. An example of political pressures
tant reason for this is that the Commission does inhibiting the Commission in this way is provided
The Commission | 157

Box 9.9 continued

In July 2016, a record fine of €3 billion was imposed on truck makers – Volvo/Renault, Daimler, Iveco,
and DAF – after a five-year investigation revealed a 14-year-old cartel to fix prices and pass on the costs
of compliance with stricter emission rules. Significantly, one of the truck makers – MAN – was not fined
as it was the company that revealed the existence of the cartel.
• Firms breaching EU rules on state aid. The TFEU provides the Commission with the power to take action
against what is deemed to be unacceptable state subsidisation of business and industry. This power
can take the form of requiring that the state aid in question be repaid, as was the case in October 2015
when Fiat and Starbucks were each required to pay back between €20 million and €30 million to the
Luxembourg and Netherlands tax authorities for receiving tax breaks that amounted to state aid which
gave them an unfair advantage over competitors.
In what was arguably the most dramatic decision in the whole history of EU competition policy, in
August 2016 the Commission decided that Apple, the US technology firm, should repay €13 billion to
the Irish government because tax rulings by the Irish authorities had constituted ‘an undue advantage
that is illegal under EU state aid rules’.
More generally, however, indeed in about 95 per cent of cases investigated by the Commission, state
aid applications and allegations result in the aid being authorised.
• Potential breaches of EU rules on company mergers. Under the EU Merger Regulation (Council
Regulation 4064/89, as amended by Council Regulation 139/2004), the Commission is assigned
considerable powers to oversee and vet proposed concentrations between companies that are deemed
to have an EU-wide dimension. Information regarding proposed mergers and takeovers above certain
limits has to be notified to the Commission. On receipt of the information the Commission must
decide within one month whether it proposes either to let the deal go ahead because competition
would not be harmed, or to open proceedings. If it decides on the latter it has four months to carry
out an investigation, in the course of which it is entitled to enter the premises of firms and seize
documents. Any firm that supplies false information during the course of a Commission inquiry, or
conducts a merger or takeover without gaining clearance from the Commission, is liable to be fined
up to 10 per cent of its annual sales. In practice the Commission normally authorises the proposed
mergers that are referred to it, though conditions are often laid down requiring, for example, some of
the assets of the merging firms to be sold off. The best known prohibition is the Commission’s deci-
sion in 2001 not to authorise the proposed €42 billion merger between the US companies General
Electric and Honeywell, even though the US authorities had cleared the merger subject only to minor
divestment. Explaining the decision, the Competition Commissioner said the companies made too
few concessions, too late, and that ‘The merger … would have severely reduced competition in the
aerospace industry and resulted ultimately in higher prices for customers, particularly airlines’ (The
Guardian, 4 July 2001).

by the above-cited Conservation of Wild Birds ple of the inhibiting role of political pressures is
Directive: in addition to the practical problem of the cautious line that the Commission has often
acquiring information on the killing of birds, the adopted towards multinational corporations that
Commission’s sensitive political antennae serve appear to be in breach of EU competition law: to
to hold it in check in that it is well aware of the take action against multinationals is to risk gener-
unpopularity and political difficulties that would ating political opposition from the member states
be created for some governments, such as the in which the companies are based, and also risks
Spanish and Maltese, if action were taken against being self-defeating in that it may cause companies
the thousands who break this law. Another exam- to transfer their activities outside the EU.
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External representative and Council Secretariat (often on a fixed-term basis), plus

seconded officials from national diplomatic services.
negotiator Fifth, as was shown in Chapter 5, the Commission
The Commission’s roles in respect of the EU’s external is entrusted with important responsibilities with
relations are considered in some detail in Chapter 22, regard to applications for EU membership. Upon
so attention here will be limited simply to identifying receipt of an application the Council normally asks
the roles. There are, essentially, six. the Commission to carry out a detailed investigation
First, the Commission is centrally involved in deter- of the implications and to submit an opinion. If and
mining and conducting the EU’s external trade relations. when negotiations begin, the Commission, operat-
On the basis of Article 207 TFEU, and with its actions ing within Council-approved guidelines, acts as the
always subject to Council approval, the Commission EU’s main negotiator, except on showpiece ministe-
represents and acts on behalf of the EU both in formal rial occasions or when particularly sensitive or dif-
negotiations, such as those that are conducted under ficult matters call for an inter-ministerial resolution
the auspices of the World Trade Organization (WTO), of differences. When negotiations are completed the
and in the more informal and exploratory exchanges Commission makes a recommendation to the Council
that are common between, for example, the EU and – in practice to the European Council – as to whether
Japan over access to each other’s markets. an applicant should be accepted for membership. The
Second, the Commission has important negotiat- whole process – from the lodging of an application to
ing and management responsibilities in respect of the accession – can take years.
various special external agreements that the EU has Finally, whilst the essentially intergovernmen-
with many countries and groups of countries. These tal nature of the CFSP and CSDP mean that the
agreements take many forms but the more advanced Commission’s role in respect of foreign and defence
include not only privileged trading conditions but also policies is essentially supportive and secondary to that
financial aid and political dialogue. of the Council and is not in any way comparable to
Third, under Article 220 TFEU, the High the role it undertakes with regard to external trade, it
Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and still has a significant part to play. It does so in two par-
Security Policy and the Commission (which is rather ticular respects. First, under the post-Lisbon TEU, the
confusing as the High Representative is a member High Representative is based in the Commission as well
of the Commission) represent the EU at, and par- as in the Council. Second, the effectiveness of many
ticipate in the work of, a number of important inter- CFSP policies are highly dependent on the use of policy
national organisations. Four of these are specifically instruments – concerned often with trade and develop-
mentioned in Article 220: the United Nations (UN) ment aid – that are managed by the Commission.
and its specialised agencies, the Council of Europe,
the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Mediator and conciliator
Europe (OSCE), and the Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development (OECD). Much of EU decision-making, not least in the Council,
Fourth, the Commission, working closely with the is based on searches for agreements between compet-
European External Action Service (EEAS – see Chapter ing interests. The Commission is very much involved in
22), has responsibilities for acting as a key point of trying to bring about these agreements, and a great deal
contact between the EU and non-member states. Over of its time is taken up looking for common ground that
150 countries have diplomatic missions accredited to amounts to more than the lowest common denomina-
the EU, whilst the EU has over 140 delegations and tor. This mediating and conciliating role obliges the
offices abroad. The Commission is expected to help in Commission to be sometimes guarded and cautious
keeping the diplomatic missions informed about EU with its proposals. Radical initiatives, perhaps involv-
affairs, either through the circulation of documents ing what it really believes needs to be done, are almost
or by making its officials available for information certain to meet with fierce opposition. More moderate
briefings and lobbying. As for the EU’s own delega- proposals on the other hand, perhaps taking the form
tions and missions, they are heavily staffed by offi- of adjustments and extensions to existing policy, and
cials originally drawn from the Commission and the preferably presented in a technocratic rather than an
The Commission | 159

ideological manner, are more likely to be acceptable. the benefits to be gained from the next deal, it should
Hence the Commission must often subject itself to a keep at least one eye on the horizon. As many have
somewhat grudging incrementalism. described it, the Commission should be the ‘con-
The Commission is not the only EU body that science’ of the Union.
consciously seeks to oil the wheels of decision-making. In looking to the general interest, the expectation
As is shown in Chapter 10, the Council itself has is that the Commission should avoid partisanship
mediating mechanisms, notably via its Presidency. and should seek to promote the good functioning
But the Commission is particularly well placed to and cohesion of the Union as a whole. This is seen to
act as mediator and conciliator. One reason for this require acting in ways that strike a balance, and if nec-
is that it is normally seen as being non-partisan: its essary reconciles differences, between different actors
proposals may therefore be viewed less suspiciously and interests: for example, between the net contribu-
than any that come from, say, the chairperson of a tors to and the net beneficiaries of the EU budget.
Council working party. Another reason is that in Worthy, however, though it may be in theory, this
many instances the Commission is simply in the best neutral role is difficult to operationalise. One reason
position to judge which proposals are likely to com- why it is so is that it is highly questionable whether
mand support, both inside and outside the Council. such a thing as the ‘general interest’ exists: there are
This is because of the continuous and extensive few initiatives that do not threaten the interests of at
discussions that the Commission has with interested least one member state – were this not to be the case
parties from the earliest considerations of a policy there would not be so many disagreements within the
proposal through to its enactment. Unlike the other European Council and the Council.
institutions, the Commission is represented at virtu- In practice, therefore, the Commission tends not
ally every stage and in virtually every forum of the to be so detached, so far-seeing or so enthusiastic in
EU’s decision-making system. pressing the Union esprit as some would like. This is
Although there are naturally limitations on what not to say that it does not attempt to map out the
can be achieved, the effectiveness with which the future or attempt to press for developments that it
Commission exercises this mediating role can be con- believes will be generally beneficial. On the contrary,
siderably influenced by the competence of its officials. it is precisely because the Commission does seek to act
Whilst, for example, one Commission official may play and mobilise in the general interest that the smaller
a crucial role in driving a proposal through a Council EU states tend to see it as something of a protector
working party, another may so misjudge a situation and hence are normally supportive of the Commission
as not only to prejudice the Commission’s own posi- being given greater powers. Nor is it to deny that the
tion but also to threaten the progress of the whole Commission is sometimes ambitious in its approach
proposal. Many questions must be handled with care and long-term in its perspective. But the fact is that
and political sensitivity. When should a proposal be the Commission operates in the real EU world, and
brought forward, and in what form? At what point will often that necessitates looking to the short rather than
an adjustment in the Commission’s position open the to the long term, and to what is possible rather than
way to progress in the Council and/or the EP? Is there what is ideally desirable.
anything to be gained from informal discussions with
the Council Presidency or the EP’s rapporteur? These,
and questions such as these, call for highly developed
political skills. The Varying (and Declining?)
Influence of the Commission
Promoter of the general interest in the EU System
In performing each of the above tasks the Commission Previous sections of this chapter have shown that
is supposed to stand apart from sectional and national the Commission has access to a wide range of power
interests. Whilst others might look to the particular, it resources and draws on these to exercise a very con-
should look to the general; whilst others might look to siderable influence in the EU system. Box 9.10 outlines
160 | 

key factors favourable to the exercise of Commission Unquestionably, there is something in this view. The
influence, with particular reference to its ability to explanation for why it has happened lies in a number of
provide leadership for the EU. factors, which are set out in Box 9.11. Most of these fac-
But whether the influence is quite as strong today as tors have been inescapable, such as the growing powers
it was in the mid-to-late 1980s and early 1990s – when of the European Council and EP and the fact that there
Jacques Delors was Commission President and new is less room for major new policy initiatives as the EU’s
policy programmes were rapidly coming on-stream – policy portfolio has become ever more crowded. But
is a matter of some academic debate. Certainly there a few factors have been at least partly avoidable, most
are many commentators who suggest there has been notably the damage done to the Commission’s status and
a marked decline in the influence of the Commission prestige by the 1999 forced resignation of the College and
since the days when it was leading the march to com- the poor performances in office of a few Commissioners.
plete the internal market and was championing such
initiatives as EMU and the social dimension. According
to this view, there has been a particular diminution in BOX 9.11
the Commission’s initiating role and a corresponding
weakening of its ability to offer real vision and leader- Factors explaining a relative decline
ship. The Commission has become, it is claimed, too
reactive in exercising its responsibilities: reactive to the in the influence of the Commission
pressures of the many interests to which it is subject;
reactive to the immediacy of events; and above all • The policy ‘pioneering’ days are largely over.
reactive to the increasing number of ‘instructions’ it • The increasing influence of the European
receives from the European Council and the Council
(see, for example: Bickerton et al., 2015a and b) • The increasing influence of the European
• Loss of status: the 1999 crisis, internal College
divisions, poor performances in office of a few
BOX 9.10
• The Commission has suffered some ‘defeats’
and failures in recent years. For example: it has
Circumstances favourable to the exercised little influence in recent IGCs; it was
exercise of Commission leadership unsuccessful in 2005 in preventing a loosening
of the Stability and Growth Pact; the economic
• When it has strong and clear powers (for exam-
ple, its competition policy powers are very
liberalisation programme has not advanced as
far or as rapidly as the Commission has wanted.
strong but its defence policy powers are weak). • The growing importance of the use of ‘new
• When QMV applies in the Council (because
the Commission is then less subject to member
modes of governance’ (NMG) – which are based
on flexible and non-legislative policy instru-
state control). ments, notably via the open method of coordina-
• When control mechanisms are weak. tion (OMC) – has weakened the Commission’s
• When there is uncertainty of information
amongst the member states (because they are
influence. This is because the Commission does
not have exclusive initiating rights or strong
more likely to be susceptible to Commission implementing powers in the increasing number
leadership). of policy areas where NMG is used.
• When there is an absence of strong conflicts in
the Council and the EP (because there is less
• Like national administrations, the Commission
has been affected and infected by prevailing
likelihood of a body of opinion being resistant notions of rolling back the responsibilities of
to Commission proposals). public sector organisations and of concentrating
• When there is the possibility of exploiting
differences between member states.
on making them more efficient in what they do,
not more powerful in what they could do.
The Commission | 161

But, the extent to which there has been a decline in

the position of the Commission should not be exagger- BOX 9.12
ated. Certainly it has had to trim more than it would
like, and it has suffered its share of political defeats – The academic debate on the
not least in its wish for stronger treaty-based powers. influence of the Commission
But it still commands extensive power resources, it
still has key duties to undertake, and in some respects There is an extensive academic debate regard-
its powers have actually increased as it has adapted ing the extent to which the Commission exercises
itself to the ever-changing nature of, and demands leadership and undertakes its various roles in an
upon, the EU. As has been shown, the Commission independent manner. Broadly speaking, there are
exercises, either by itself or in association with other two ‘polar’ views, with variations stretched out in
bodies, a number of crucially important functions. between.
Moreover, it has been at the heart of pressing the case
for, and putting forward specific proposals in rela- • The ‘intergovernmentalist’ view sees the
Commission as essentially being an ‘agent’, oper-
tion to, many of the major issues that have been at
ating on the basis of guidelines and instructions
the heart of the EU agenda in recent years, including:
given to it by its ‘principals’ – with the govern-
consolidating and further extending the internal mar-
ments of the member states operating collec-
ket; defending the eurozone system; promoting the
tively in the European Council and the Council
Europe 2020 strategy for increased economic growth
being the most important principals.
and employment; and creating a comprehensive and
effective EU-wide migration policy. • The ‘supranationalist’ view sees the Commission
as not being so controlled by its ‘principals’.
Rather, the ‘agent’ is able to escape control
in important respects, as a focus on decision-
Concluding Remarks making processes rather than just on decision-
taking demonstrates.
The Commission is in many ways the most distinc-
tive of the EU’s institutions, combing as it does both
political and administrative features and responsi- restricted and the exercise of what powers it has need
bilities. Partly because of its distinctiveness, it has been to be firmly controlled. But, for those who are more
the focus of extensive debate amongst both academics integrationist in spirit, a strong and not over-shackled
and practitioners. Commission is vital if the EU is to have policies that
To the fore in the academic debate have been dif- are sufficiently creative and ambitious to tackle the
ferent views on the extent to which the powers exer- many policy problems the EU faces.
cised by the Commission are exercised at the behest But whatever position is taken in these and related
and on the direction of other EU actors – notably the debates, it is indisputable that the Commission is
European Council and the Council – or are exercised a core institutional presence in the EU. There are
in an at least quasi-independent manner. Box 9.12 few EU activities in which it is not involved in some
summarises the ‘polar’ views taken by contributors to significant way. However, the increasingly frequent
this debate. appearance on the EU agenda of politically sensitive
Amongst practitioners, debate has tended to be matters, coupled with the desire of national politicians
focused mainly on the extent to which an institution not to cede too much power to others if they can avoid
that is unelected should be exercising significant pow- it, has resulted in member states being reluctant to
ers. For those who are of the view that the independ- grant too much further autonomy to the Commission.
ence of member states must be safeguarded as far as But, nonetheless, the Commission remains central
possible, the powers of the Commission need to be and vital to the whole EU system.
Chapter 10
The Council of the European Union

Responsibilities and he Council of the European Union – which is more commonly referred
Functions 163 to simply as the Council (the name used in the Lisbon Treaty) and at
Composition 166 times the Council of Ministers – is the principal meeting place of the
national governments.
The Operation of the
Council 171 When the Community was founded in the 1950s many expected that in
time, as joint policies were seen to work and as the member states came to trust
Concluding Remarks 181 one another more, the role of the Council would gradually decline, especially
in relation to the Commission. This has not happened. On the contrary, by
guarding and building on the responsibilities that are accorded to it in the trea-
ties, and by adapting its internal mechanisms to enable it to cope more easily
with the increasing volume of business that has come its way, the Council not
only has defended, but in some respects has extended its power and influence.
This has naturally produced some frustration in the Commission, and also
in the EP. It has also ensured, especially when set alongside the increasingly
important position of the European Council in the EU’s institutional system,
that national governments have remained centrally placed to shape and influ-
ence most aspects of EU business.

Responsibilities and Functions

The functions undertaken by the Council can be classified in various ways.
Hayes-Renshaw and Wallace (2006: 322–7) identify four main functions:
legislative – developing and making legislation; executive – taking direct
responsibility in some policy areas for exercising executive power; steering –
‘devising the big bargains that orient the future work of the Union’ (p. 325);
and forum – ‘providing an arena through which the member governments
attempt to develop convergent national approaches to one or other policy
challenges in fields where the Union does not have clear collective policy
powers’ (ibid.).
A three-fold classification is used here. As compared with the Hayes-
Renshaw and Wallace classification, their legislative function is broadened,
their executive function is retained, a different category – mediator – is added,
and their steering and forum functions are subsumed within the first and third
categories. The steering function is, however, revisited in Chapter 11, for much
of what the Council does in this regard takes the form of preparing European
Council decisions and declarations.

164 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

Policy and law-maker a significant role in policy initiation, and sometimes

legislative initiation. Article 241 TFEU is especially
The principal responsibility of the Council is to take useful: ‘The Council acting by a simple majority may
policy and legislative decisions. As is shown through- request the Commission to undertake any studies the
out this book, the exercise of these responsibilities is Council considers desirable for the attainment of the
shared in various ways with other EU institutions – common objectives, and to submit to it any appropri-
especially the Commission and the EP. ate proposals.’ In the view of many observers the use
The extent to which the Council must work that has been made of this article, and the very specific
with, and is dependent upon the cooperation of, instructions that have sometimes been issued to the
the Commission and the EP in respect of policy Commission under its aegis, are against its intended
and decision-making varies between policy areas and spirit. Be that as it may, the political weight of the
according to what type of decisions are being made. Council is such that the Commission is bound to pay
In broad terms, the Council has most room for inde- close attention to the ministers’ wishes.
pendent manoeuvre when it is not acting within ‘the In addition to Article 241, four other factors have
Community method’ (see Chapter 18), for then the been also useful in boosting the Council’s policy role
roles and powers of the Commission and the EP are in areas that are subject to the Community method
normally restricted. Amongst policy areas where the when legislation is envisaged:
Community method does not apply are foreign and
defence policy, which have increased in importance 1 The ability of the Council to adopt recommenda-
in recent years as the EU has come to issue numerous tions and opinions. These are legislative acts with-
declarations on foreign policy matters and has come out binding force – that is, member states are not
to engage in an array of foreign policy actions. obliged to ‘download’ them into national legislation.
The Community method – which is used for the However, they carry political weight and it is difficult
making of EU legislation – places limitations on the for the Commission to ignore them. Sometimes they
Council in two main ways. First, it is normally res­ are explicitly designed to pressurise the Commission
tricted to acting on the basis of proposals that are to come up with proposals for legislation.
made to it by the Commission. Second, the EP has very 2 The increasingly developed Council machinery,
important legislative powers. Prior to the Maastricht which has grown in size over the years and become
Treaty, the Council was formally the EC’s sole legis- more specialised. There are now many places in
lature, but under the co-decision procedure that was the Council’s network where ideas can be gener-
created by the Treaty the EP became co-legislator with ated. The most obvious of these is the Council
the Council in those policy areas where the procedure Presidency (see below), which can be much to the
applies. As a result of subsequent treaty reforms, the fore in prompting the Council to consider new
procedure – which, tellingly, was re-named the ‘ordi- policy directions and priorities.
nary legislative procedure’ by the Lisbon Treaty – now 3 The growing propensity to use Council Conclusions
applies to most significant legislation. to indicate to the Commission the preferences of
An indication of the Council’s legislative role is member states on a given topic. Such indications
seen in the volume of legislation it approves, either by can be crucial in assisting policy formation.
itself or jointly with the EP. In 2014 it adopted (not 4 The increasing willingness of the member states to
counting amending acts) two directives (an unusually found aspects of their cooperation not on EU law
low number), 47 regulations and 335 decisions under but on non-binding agreements and understand-
its own name, and with the EP adopted 37 directives, ings. Such non-legal arrangements, which do not
58 regulations, and 41 decisions. have to be initiated by the Commission and which
It should not be thought that because the TFEU are not subject to EP approval, are increasingly
stipulates that the Council can normally only develop found in a number of domestic policy spheres
legislation on the basis of Commission proposals, the where national differences can make it very difficult
Council is thereby deprived of all powers of initiation. for legislation to be agreed. Such, for example, is the
In practice, ways have been found if not to circumvent case with the non-monetary dimensions of EMU
the Commission entirely at least to allow the Council and also with the Europe 2020 strategy – which
The Council of the European Union | 165

focuses mainly on the promotion of economic operational activity involves putting civilian, police,
growth and employment and much of which is and military personnel into ‘troubled areas’ – as many
built not on legislation but on the much looser EU operations now do in the form of EU ‘special
OMC (see Chapter 18). representatives’, ‘monitors’, ‘observers’, and ‘mis-
sions’ – policy execution is very much in the hands of
Another important policy matter in which the the Council, working usually in very close liaison with
Council is a key player is the EU’s annual budget, which appropriate agencies from member states.
requires both the Council’s and the EP’s approval. As
is shown in Chapter 23, after the Commission issues
a draft budget the Council and EP engage in intensive Mediator
negotiations on its contents, with the Council almost
invariably pressing for reductions in the overall size The Council exercises important responsibilities in the
of the Commission’s draft and the EP pressing for key activities of mediation and consensus-building. Of
increases. A compromise is the inevitable outcome. course, as the forum in which the national representa-
tives meet, the Council has always served the function
of developing mutual understanding between the
Executive member states, both on prospective and established
and on general and specific EU matters. Moreover,
The Commission is the principal EU institution a necessary prerequisite for successful policy devel-
responsible for the implementation of EU policies and opment has always been that Council participants
laws. As was shown in Chapter 9, it is the Commission display an ability to compromise in negotiations. But
that liaises with and oversees the work of the various as the EU has grown in size, as more difficult policy
agencies that undertake most of the ‘front-line’ EU areas have come onto the agenda, and as political
policy implementation in the member states and it is and economic change has broken down some of the
the Commission that undertakes the limited amount pioneering spirit of the early days, so has positive and
of direct EU-level policy implementation in non- active mediation come to be ever more necessary:
foreign policy areas. mediation primarily between the different national
However, as was also shown in Chapter 9, in and ideological interests represented in the Council,
undertaking many of its implementation functions but also between the Council and the Commission,
the Commission is obliged to work with and through the Council and the EP, and the Council and non-
committees composed of national governmental offi- institutional interests. The Commission has taken
cials. These committees are extremely technical and on much of this task, but so too have agencies of the
are not formally part of the Council machinery or Council itself – most notably the Presidency and the
system, but they do give the Council indirect execu- General Secretariat.
tive powers by virtue of the fact that the Commission
has to work through them. In some circumstances *  *  *
committee challenges to Commission executive deci- The Council has both gained and lost responsibilities
sions result in references to the ministers for final over the years. The most obvious gain has been the
resolution. extended scope of its policy interests. As is noted at
The foreign and defence policy areas provide for several points in this book, the EU’s policy remit is
the most obvious and direct Council executive activ- now such that there are very few spheres of public
ity. Many of the declarations issued by the Council policy in which the EU is not involved to at least some
on foreign policy matters are, in effect, executive extent. This in turn means that there are few policy
decisions in that they involve the operationalisation spheres in which the Council is not seeking to launch
of principled positions developed and pronounced or shape initiatives and to take decisions of some sort.
earlier by the European Council and the Council itself. There are, however, two respects in which the
Often these operationalisations involve close liaison Council may be said to have lost responsibilities over
with the Commission, especially where trade and the years, or at least to have become obliged to share
development policy instruments are involved. Where them. First, as is shown in Chapter 11, the European
166 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

Council – the body that brings together the Heads of

BOX 10.1
Government or State – has assumed greater responsi-
bility for taking the final political decisions on highly
sensitive and contested issues and such ‘history-
Formations of the Council
making’ issues as new EU accessions, institutional
General Affairs
reforms, and the launching of broad policy initiatives.
Foreign Affairs
Second, as was noted above and is shown at greater
Economic and Financial Affairs
length in Chapter 12, the powers of the EP have greatly
Justice and Home Affairs
increased, especially in respect of the making of legis-
Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer
lation where the vast majority of Commission legisla-
tive proposals now need not only Council but also EP
approval if they are to be adopted and enforced.
Transport, Telecommunications and Energy
Agriculture and Fisheries
Composition Education, Youth, Culture and Sport

The ministers
Beyond the General Affairs, Foreign Affairs, and
Ministerial meetings are at the apex of the Council Ecofin Councils, other matters are dealt with, as
machinery. Legally there is only one Council, but in can be seen from Box 10.1, by sectoral or techni-
practice there are more in the sense that the Council cal Councils, which are composed of Ministers of
meets in different formations to deal with different policy Agriculture, Transport, Environment, and so on. The
areas. There used to be over 20 of these formations, but relatively small number of Council formations and the
changes over the years – designed primarily to improve broad policy responsibilities of each formation means
the consistency and coherence of the Council’s work– that member states often send more than one minister
have resulted in there now being ten (see Box 10.1). to the same Council meeting, though when this hap-
Because of their importance, three formations of pens ministers normally only attend for the agenda
the Council merit a particular mention: items that directly concern them.
There is no hierarchy between the Council forma-
• The General Affairs Council is responsible for tions and any can adopt a decision that falls under the
horizontal matters (that is, coordination between remit of another – which is most likely to happen if the
different policy areas), for institutional and admin- relevant formation is not scheduled to meet for some
istrative matters, and for preparing and following time and a matter is ready for a final decision to be taken.
up meetings of the European Council (the last of The national representatives who attend ministe-
these functions being undertaken in liaison with the rial meetings can differ in terms of their status and/
European Council President and the Commission). or policy responsibilities. This can inhibit efficient
• The Foreign Affairs Council deals with the Union’s decision-making. The problem arises because the states
external policies, namely the common foreign and themselves decide by whom they wish to be repre-
security policy, the security and defence policy, sented, and their decisions may vary in one of two ways:
external trade, development cooperation, and
humanitarian aid. 1 Level of seniority. Normally, by prior arrangement,
• The Economic and Finance Council (Ecofin) also Council meetings are attended by ministers of a
has a broad remit in that few economic and similar standing, but circumstances do arise when
financial issues are excluded from its portfolio. Its the various delegations are headed by people at
meetings often are preceded by meetings of the different levels of seniority. This may be because
Eurogroup, which brings together the Economic or a relevant minister has pressing domestic business
Finance Ministers of the states that are members of or because it is judged that an agenda does not
the eurozone. warrant his or her attendance. Occasionally he or
The Council of the European Union | 167

she may be ‘unavoidably delayed’ if a meeting is meeting (briefing sessions may be held in national
unwanted and/or has a politically awkward issue capitals, permanent representations, or delegation
on the agenda. Whatever the reason, a reduction in rooms in the Council building), fully understands the
the status and political weight of a delegation may implications of what is being discussed, and does not
make it difficult for binding decisions to be agreed. make negotiating mistakes. Sometimes, when very
2 Sectoral responsibility. Usually it is obvious which confidential matters are being discussed or when a
government departments should be represented meeting is deadlocked, the size of delegations may,
at Council meetings, but not always. Doubts may on a proposal from the President, be reduced to
arise because agenda items straddle policy divi- ‘Ministers plus two’, ‘Ministers plus one’, or, excep-
sions, or because member states organise their tionally, ‘Ministers and Commission’.
central government departments in different ways.
As a result, it is possible for ministers from rather *  *  *
different national ministries, with different respon- The regularity with which meetings of individual for-
sibilities and interests, to be present. The diffi- mations of the Council are held reflects their impor-
culties this creates are sometimes compounded, tance in the Council system and the extent to which
especially in broad policy areas, by the minister there is EU policy interest and activity in their area. So,
attending not feeling able to speak on behalf of the Foreign Affairs and the General Affairs Councils
fellow national ministers with a direct interest and meet the most frequently, with usually at least one
therefore insisting on the matter being referred meeting per month. The Ecofin, Agriculture, and JHA
back to national capitals. Councils meet most months, whilst the other Councils
do not normally meet more than twice during each
States are not, therefore, always comparably rep- Council Presidency.
resented at ministerial meetings. But whether a coun- Altogether there are usually around 70 formal
try’s lead representative is a senior minister, a junior Council meetings in an average year: 67, for example,
minister or, as sometimes is the case, the Permanent were scheduled for 2016. Each Council formation
Representative, the Deputy Permanent Representative has customary months in which it meets with, for
or even a senior diplomat, care is always taken to instance, the Education, Culture, Youth and Sport
ensure that national interests are defended. The main Council normally meeting in May and November.
way this is done is by the attendance at all meetings Ultimately, however, the scheduling of meetings is at
of not only lead national representatives but also of the discretion of the Presidency, which plans a pro-
small supporting national delegations. These delega- gramme well in advance of assuming its six-month
tions comprise national officials and experts plus, at tenure of office. Although meetings are held through-
important meetings or meetings where there is a out the year, there is a slight bunching towards the
wide-ranging agenda, junior ministers to assist the beginning and ending of Presidencies so as to enable
senior minister. So, for example, Trade Ministers priorities to be set and some Councils to be able to
usually accompany Foreign Ministers to meetings assist in preparing the June and December European
of the Foreign Affairs Council when trade issues are Council meetings. Council meetings are normally held
to be considered. Normally four or five officials and in Brussels, but the April, June, and October meetings
experts support the ‘inner table team’: that is, the most are held in Luxembourg.
senior national representative(s) who actually sit at Unless there are particularly difficult matters to be
the negotiating table. However, the format of seating resolved, meetings do not normally last more than a
arrangements can vary between meetings, so though day. A typical meeting begins about 10 a.m. and fin-
most commonly inner table representatives consist of ishes around 6 p.m. or 7 p.m. Foreign Ministers and
just one, they do sometimes consist of two – especially Ecofin Ministers are the most likely to meet over two
if an agenda demands it or if states press it for it for days, and when they do it is common to start with
domestic political reasons (as, for example, federal lunch on day one and finish around lunchtime on
states such as Germany or Belgium sometimes do). day two.
The task of the supporting teams is to ensure that the Outside the formal Council framework, ministers,
head of the delegation is properly briefed before the particularly Foreign Ministers and Ecofin Ministers,
168 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

have periodic weekend gatherings, usually in the JHA Councils. It also often deals with issues for other
country of the Presidency, to discuss matters on an Council meetings that are particularly sensitive or
informal basis without the pressure of having to take controversial. COREPER II is assisted in its tasks by
decisions. In 2016, 22 informal ministerial meet- the Antici Group, which is made up of senior officials
ings were scheduled. Such informal gatherings are from the Permanent Representations and which,
especially common in the opening weeks of Council in addition to assisting COREPER II, acts as a key
Presidencies, when Presidencies are keen to discuss information-gathering and mediating forum between
their priorities with colleagues and to gain feedback the member states.
on what will and will not be possible. At COREPER I meetings, national delegations are
headed by the Deputy Permanent Representatives.
COREPER I works mainly for the Councils not
The Committee of Permanent covered by COREPER II. Because of the nature of
Representatives the business covered by these Councils, COREPER I
tends to deal with more technical policy and legisla-
Each of the member states has a national delegation tive matters than does COREPER II. COREPER I is
– or Permanent Representation as they are formally assisted by its equivalent of the Antici Group: the
known – in Brussels, which acts as a kind of embassy Mertens Group.
to the EU. The Permanent Representations are headed In addition to preparing Council meetings,
by a Permanent Representative, who is normally a COREPER also exercises a number of more general
diplomat of very senior rank, and are staffed, depend- functions on behalf of the ministers in the Council
ing on the size of the member state and therefore of and EU systems. As Bostock (2002: 215) has put it:
its administration, by about 70–100 officials, plus COREPER ‘should be thought of as a co-ordinator
back-up support. About half of the officials are drawn of Council business, partly as a fixer and trouble-
from the diplomatic services of the member states and shooter’. It is able to exercise such roles because,
about half are seconded as technical attachés from again to quote Bostock (p. 226), it ‘is a body com-
appropriate national ministries, such as Agriculture, posed of officials with the seniority and proximity
Trade, and Finance. to ministers to take a politically informed view, but
Of the many forums in which governments meet with the diplomat’s and bureaucrat’s obligation to
‘in Council’ below ministerial level, the most impor- master the technicalities of the dossier before him’.
tant is the Committee of Permanent Representatives Such qualities make COREPER members ideal when
(COREPER). Although no provision was made for – as COREPER I members usually do – they rep-
such a body under the Treaty of Paris, ministers estab- resent the Council in trilogues and/or conciliation
lished a coordinating committee of senior officials committee meetings with the EP under the ordinary
as early as 1953, and under the Treaties of Rome the legislative procedure (on the procedure, see Chapters
Council was permitted to create a similar committee 12 and 19).
under its Rules of Procedure. Under Article 4 of the But whilst not querying COREPER’s central role in
1965 Merger Treaty these committees were merged the Council system, it has to be recognised that there
and were formally incorporated into the Community has been a marginal decline in its position and effec-
system: ‘A committee consisting of the Permanent tiveness in recent years. One reason for this is that, as
Representatives of the Member States shall be respon- will be shown below, in the increasingly important
sible for preparing the work of the Council and for and busy foreign and security and economic and
carrying out the tasks assigned to it by the Council.’ finance policy areas, very senior Council committees
There are in fact two COREPERs: COREPER II have come to act almost on a comparable level to
and COREPER I. Both normally meet once a week. COREPER and to have acquired a considerable meas-
COREPER II is the more senior, with member state ure of discretion in how they operate. Another reason
delegations at its meetings headed by the Permanent is that COREPER has inevitably become less ‘club-
Representatives and with its agendas being the more bable’ as the EU has grown in size, which has reduced
‘political’ of the two COREPERs. It works mainly COREPER’s ability to ‘get things done’ through infor-
for the General Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Ecofin, and mal means.
The Council of the European Union | 169

Committees and working parties directed. An outline of the most important Council
committees is given in Box 10.2.
A complicated network of committees and working In addition to the committees listed in Box 10.2,
parties assists and prepares the work of the Council many other committees also assist the work of the
and COREPER. Council. They range in the subjects they cover from
the Social Protection Committee to the Committee for
Civilian Aspects of Crisis Management. Some of these
Council committees
committees shade into working parties and undertake
Council committees are composed of national offi- much the same tasks as them.
cials, are serviced by Council administrators, and have In addition, there has been an increasing ten-
as their task providing advice to the Council and the dency in recent years for ad hoc committees of
Commission as appropriate, and in some instances as senior national officials – sometimes referred to as

Box 10.2

Key Council committees

• The Special Committee on Agriculture (SCA). Because of the volume and complexity of EU activity in the
agricultural sector, most of the ‘routine’ and ‘non-political’ pre-ministerial-level work on agriculture
is undertaken not in COREPER but in the SCA. The SCA, which is staffed by senior officials from the
Permanent Representations and national Ministries of Agriculture, usually meets at least weekly.
• The Trade Policy Committee (TPC). Any significant action undertaken by the EU in international trade
negotiations is preceded by internal coordination via this committee. The committee performs two main
functions: it drafts the briefs that the Commission negotiates on behalf of the EU with third countries
(the committee’s draft is referred, via COREPER, to the ministers for their approval); and it acts as
consultative committee to the Council and the Commission on what should be done when problems
arise during the course of a set of trade negotiations. Both advisory and controlling functions are thus
exercised in relation to the Commission. The committee normally meets once a week: the full members
– who are very senior officials in national Ministries of Trade or the equivalent – meet monthly and
deal mostly with overall trade policy issues; the deputies – who are middle-ranking officials from the
Ministries, or sometimes from the Permanent Representations – meet three times a month and deal
mostly with more specific trade matters. At meetings of both formations of the committee the national
representatives are accompanied by small teams of national experts. Working parties, which meet as and
when it is necessary, assist the committee.
• The Economic and Financial Committee, which was established at the start of the third stage of EMU in
January 1999, focuses on economic and financial policy, capital movements, and international monetary
relations. The members of the Committee – of which there are two from each member state (one from
the administration and one from the national Central Bank), plus two from the Commission, and two
from the European Central Bank – are senior and influential economic and financial experts; they are, in
other words, people who can normally communicate directly with whomsoever they wish, and who are
customarily listened to.
• The Political and Security Committee (PSC, though more commonly known after its French acronym –
COPS) is the Council’s main CFSP committee. It is composed of senior officials from the Permanent
Representations, though sometimes it also meets at the level of Political Directors of the member states.
• The Standing Committee on Operational Cooperation on Internal Security (COSI) was provided for by the
Lisbon Treaty so as to facilitate and promote the coordination of internal security operational actions.
It is one of a number of committees in the AFSJ area. Others include the Security Committee, and the
Strategic Committee on Immigration, Frontiers and Asylum (SCIFA).
170 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

‘High-Level Groups’ – to be established for the pur- working parties are in session in Brussels on most
pose of developing initiatives and policies (though working days. On completion of their analyses and
not of course for the purpose of drafting legislation), deliberations of the work in hand – often Commission
especially in new and sensitive areas. An example is the proposals – working parties report to COREPER or to
High-Level Group on Education and Training, which one of the Council’s senior committees.
normally meets twice a year.

Working parties The General Secretariat

The role of Council working parties (also known as The main administrative support for the work of the
working groups) is more specific than that of most Council is provided by the General Secretariat, which
of the committees in that their main job is to carry is headed by the Council’s Secretary-General who is
out detailed analyses of formally tabled Commission appointed by the European Council.
proposals for legislation. The number of working The Secretariat has a staff of just over 3,000, most
parties in existence at any one time varies according of whom are located in Directorates General deal-
to the overall nature of the EU’s workload and the ing with different policy areas. Of the 3,000, around
preferences of the Presidency in office, but in recent 500 are at diplomatic level. The Secretariat’s base,
years there have usually been over 150, with the which also houses Council meetings, is located in the
largest number being in the agricultural policy area. Justus Lipsius building, which is situated opposite the
(It is impossible to give a precise figure of the num- Berlaymont building (the main Commission build-
ber of working parties because many are ad hoc in ing) in the Schuman area of Brussels and is also not
nature.) Members of working parties, of whom there far from the EP building.
are usually between two and four per member state, The Secretariat’s main responsibility is to service
are almost invariably national officials and experts the Council machinery – from ministerial to commit-
based either in the Permanent Representations or in tee and working party levels. This involves activities
appropriate national ministries. Occasionally govern- such as preparing draft agendas, drafting or assisting
ments appoint non-civil servants to a working party with the drafting of documentation, keeping records,
delegation when highly technical or complex issues providing legal advice, processing and circulating
are under consideration. decisions and documentation, translating, and gener-
The name ‘working party’ suggests that meetings ally monitoring policy developments so as to provide
would be attended by a relatively small number of an element of continuity and coordination in Council
people, who would soon likely develop a ‘clubba- proceedings. This last task includes seeking to ensure
ble’ atmosphere. But, in fact, with as many as four a smooth transition between Presidencies by perform-
or even five being in each national ‘team’ and with ing a liaising role with officials from the preceding, the
representatives from the Commission and General incumbent, and the incoming Presidential states.
Secretariat also attending working party meetings, In exercising many of its responsibilities, the
there can be well over 100 people present – not Secretariat works particularly closely with the Council
counting translators! Presidency. This is essential because key decisions
Like most Council meetings, working party meet- about such matters as policy priorities, the setting of
ings are set before the start of Presidencies, though meetings, and the composition of agendas are primar-
with flexibility built in. Working parties with a heavy ily in the hands of the Presidency. Before all Council
workload may meet as many as ten times during a meetings at all levels Secretariat officials give the
Presidency. Usually there is an interval of at least two Presidency a full briefing about subject content, the
weeks between meetings so as to allow the Council’s current state of play on the agenda items, and pos-
Secretariat time to circulate minutes and agendas – in sible tactics – ‘the Poles are isolated’, ‘there is strong
all of the languages of the member states. But, if a work- resistance to this in Spain and Portugal, so caution
ing party is dealing with a contested piece of legislation is advised’, ‘a possible vote has been signalled in the
which the Presidency is keen to advance, meetings agenda papers and, if taken, will find the necessary
are likely to be held weekly. Up to 15 or so different majority’, and so on.
The Council of the European Union | 171

The extent to which Presidencies rely on the

Secretariat varies considerably. Because of their more BOX 10.3
limited administrative resources, smaller member
states tend to be more reliant, but larger states also Council Presidencies scheduled for
have much to gain by making use of the Secretariat’s 2017–21*
resources and its knowledge of what approaches are
most likely to be effective in particular situations. Malta Jan–June 2017
The main reason why Presidencies are sometimes a
Estonia** July–Dec 2017
little reluctant to make too much use of the Secretariat
is that there is a natural tendency for Presidencies to Bulgaria Jan–June 2018
rely heavily on their own national officials as they Austria July–Dec 2018
seek to achieve a successful period of office by getting
Romania Jan–June 2019
measures through. Something approaching a dual
servicing of the Presidency is apparent in the way Finland July–Dec 2019
at Council meetings, at all levels, the President (the Croatia Jan–June 2020
chair) sits with a member of the Secretariat to his/her Germany July–Dec 2020
left and a deputy chair (and national expert) to his/her
right. (Other officials from the Presidency’s member Portugal Jan–June 2021
state sit to the side, since the national interest must Slovenia July–Dec 2021
still be represented.)
* Shadings indicate trio Presidencies.
** The UK was scheduled to assume the Presidency in
July 2017, but following the 2016 Brexit referendum
vote it decided not to undertake its Presidency. In conse-
The Operation of the Council quence, succeeding Presidencies were brought forward by
six months and the opportunity was taken to establish an
order of Presidencies until 2030.
The Council Presidency Source: Council press release, 26 July 2016, 475/16. The
full list of Presidencies up to 2030 can be found here.
The rotation system
Up to the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty in
December 2009, the Council Presidency rotated
between the member states on a six-monthly basis:
January until June, July until December. The rota- but mainly to try and improve continuity and enhance
tion used to be in alphabetical order, but following consistency between Presidencies.
the 2004 enlargement it was decided to arrange it The trio system was formalised and strengthened
so that small states, who now constituted the great in a Declaration annexed to the Treaty of Lisbon,
majority of EU member states, would not normally which stated that the Presidency would now ‘be held
follow one another and that Presidencies would be by pre-established groups of three Member States for
arranged into groupings of three states, referred to as a period of 18 months’ (see Document 10.1). The
the ‘trio’, consisting ideally of one large or medium- existing system of one state chairing all meetings for a
sized state plus two others. Box 10. 3 lists the first six-month period was, however, retained, apart from
few years of the Presidency rotation that was agreed for the Foreign Affairs Council which is chaired by the
shortly after the Brexit referendum in 2016, for the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs
years up to 2030. and Security Policy (on the High Representative, see
The trio grouping of Presidencies grew out of a Chapters 7 and 22). In a discretion that was inserted
long-standing practice of preceding, current, and particularly to assist very small member states with
succeeding Presidencies working closely with one limited administrative resources, the three states in the
another. This practice developed partly to assist small Presidency group would be able to alter this arrange-
member states when they occupied the Presidency, ment if they so chose.
172 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

Document 10.1

The grouping of Council Presidencies as set out in Declaration 9 of the

Treaty of Lisbon
Article 1
1 The Presidency of the Council, with the exception of the Foreign Affairs configuration, shall be held by
pre-established groups of three Member States for a period of 18 months. The groups shall be made
up on a basis of equal rotation among the Member States, taking into account their diversity and
geographical balance within the Union.
2 Each member of the group shall in turn chair for a six-month period all configurations of the Council,
with the exception of the Foreign Affairs configuration. The other members of the group shall assist the
chair in all its responsibilities on the basis of a common programme. Members of the team shall decide
alternative arrangements between themselves.
Source: Declaration 9 attached to the Treaty of Lisbon ‘… concerning the European Council decision on the exercise of the
Presidency of the Council’.

The Council Presidency system post-Lisbon thus is December). And, in a change introduced by the
that the Presidency is held for 18 months by groups of Lisbon Treaty, meetings in the foreign affairs and
three member states, with each of the states assuming security sphere, including ministerial-level meet-
‘the lead’ for six months. ings, are chaired by the High Representative or his/
her representative.
As the chair of meetings, the Presidency has consid-
The tasks of the Presidency erable – though not complete – control over how
The main tasks of the Presidency are as follows. often Council bodies meet, over agendas, and over
what happens during the course of meetings.
1 To arrange (in close association with the General
Secretariat) and to chair Council meetings from 2 To build a consensus for initiatives. A successful
ministerial level downwards. These tasks are under- Presidency is normally regarded as one that gets
taken by the lead Presidency state. things done. This can usually only be achieved
However, there are some exceptions to, and varia- by extensive negotiating, persuading, manoeu-
tions on, these arranging and chairing responsibili- vring, cajoling, mediating, and bargaining with
ties. For example, where it is clear that dossiers will and between the member states, and with the
be dealt with mainly during the next Presidency Commission and the EP.
or where issues will be dealt with at ministerial As Tallberg has observed (2006, 2008), within the
level during the next Presidency, then some of Council itself a number of factors have combined
the Council’s sub-ministerial meetings – though to increase the importance of ‘the Presidency
not COREPER – are chaired by the state holding compromise’. Foremost amongst these factors
the next Presidency. In the same spirit of trying are the increased range and complexity of EU
to ensure that a single member state assumes business, the increased number of member states
responsibility for taking issues through the Council and therefore also of national preferences, and
machinery, all meetings dealing with the EU’s the increased availability of QMV – which has
annual budget are chaired by the state holding the resulted in it becoming common practice for the
Presidency during the second six-month period Presidency to attempt to find a qualified majority
of the year (the annual budget is finalised in and then work to bring the dissatisfied on board.
The Council of the European Union | 173

3 To offer leadership. Very much overlapping with Representative and the European External Action
the building of consensus task, Presidencies have a Service (EEAS), though the Council Presidency
responsibility to offer leadership. As has just been retains an important external representative
shown, this can involve leading the way in efforts function in non-CFSP/CSDP sectoral areas with
to forge acceptable deals between member states. important external dimensions – such as energy,
But, it can also involve attempting to prioritise new transport, and environment.
issues and ensure existing issues are taken forward.
Work programmes are important frameworks via Advantages and disadvantages of holding the
which Presidencies provide and organise leader-
ship in issue areas. Each trio Presidency issues an
18-month work programme before it enters office. Holding the Presidency – especially the lead Presidency
This programme is then followed up by work – has advantages and disadvantages. One obvious
programmes from each of the three states as they advantage is that there is considerable prestige and
take the chair. status associated with the position, with media focus
In unforeseen circumstances – such as responding and interest on the Presidency invariably being high.
to a major economic and monetary challenge or A second advantage is that because the occupation
to an external crisis – Presidential leadership may of the Presidency puts states at the very heart of EU
require initiating policy responses and cajoling affairs, Presidencies have the potential to do more
the EU institutions and the member states to be than they can as ordinary member states to help shape
proactive in responding to the problem in hand. and set the pace of EU policy priorities. The extent of
During its Presidency in the second half of 2008, this potential should not, however, be exaggerated for
France was seen – and was generally praised – for though Presidencies set out their priorities when they
offering strong leadership as the depth of the world enter office, they do not start with a clean sheet, but
economic recession and monetary crisis became rather have to deal with much uncompleted business
increasingly clear. from previous Presidencies and with rolling work pro-
grammes. Furthermore, their time in office is relatively
4 To ensure continuity and consistency of policy short, and is just not long enough for the full working-
­development. A mechanism used for this purpose through of policy initiatives – especially if legislation is
has been the trio which, as Document 10.1 shows, involved. And a third advantage is that there is some
is required post-Lisbon to operate on the basis of leeway for bringing Council positions closer to the
a common programme. This notion of a common positions of the Presidency. As Tallberg (2004: 1019)
programme builds on an increased attention to has put it, Presidencies can use their privileged access to
medium-term planning that has been increasingly information about states’ preferences and their access to
emphasised by, and within, all EU policy institu- instruments of procedural control to ‘steer negotiations
tions since the early 2000s. away from their worst alternative and towards their
It has to be said, however, that most informed preferred outcome’. Schalk et al. (2007) and Thomson
observers think that, in practice, the introduction (2008) confirm Tallberg’s finding about the ability of
of the trio system has not greatly improved the Presidency’s to tilt decisional outcomes in their favour,
Council’s policy efficiency or effectiveness. though both stress that this is time-dependent and only
takes place in the closing stages of decisional proceed-
5 To represent the Council in dealings with outside ings. As Thomson describes it: ‘Member states that hold
bodies. This task is exercised most frequently with the presidency when a legislative proposal is adopted
regard to other EU institutions and with non- as law pull decision outcomes towards their favoured
member countries in connection with external EU policy positions’ (Thomson, 2008: 611).
policies. Regarding the first of these, this particu- As for the disadvantages of holding the Presidency,
larly takes the form of ministers appearing before one, especially for smaller member states, is the heavy
EP committees and, to a lesser extent, EP plenary administrative and financial burdens that are attached
sessions. Regarding the second, the Lisbon Treaty to it. These have, moreover, increased over the years as
transferred much of this responsibility to the High the EU has moved into an increasing number of policy
174 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

areas and has acquired many more members. To take issue instructions to other formations, has some-
just the chairing of meetings, an average Presidency times resulted in the European Council, though
involves the chairing of 35–40 ministerial meetings not formally part of the Council system, trying to
and as many as 2,500 COREPER and working party resolve thorny issues and issuing general guidelines
meetings. There are also many conferences, events, to ensure that there is an overall policy direction and
and meetings to be hosted in Presidency states. Indeed, coherence in the work of the Council. The European
it was the growing extent of the financial and adminis- Council can only go so far, however, in performing
trative burdens along with the greatly increased num- such problem-solving and coordinating roles: partly
ber of smaller member states that lay mainly behind because of the infrequency of its meetings; partly
the movement towards trio Presidencies. because some Heads of Government prefer to avoid
A second disadvantage is that although, as has just getting too involved in detailed policy discussions;
been noted, there is some room for Presidencies to but, above all, because the national leaders are sub-
attempt to bring issues closer to their own preferred ject to similar national and political divisions as the
positions, it is generally expected that Presidencies ministers.
will adopt a broadly consensual approach on disputed The Council’s hierarchical structure is neither
issues – which on some issues can limit the ability of tight nor rigidly applied. So, for example, important
governments to defend their own national interests. committees and working parties can sometimes com-
Such was the case in the first half of 1999 under the municate directly with ministers. Nonetheless, the
German Presidency and in the second half of 2005 hierarchy does, for the most part, work. This is best
under the UK Presidency, when both governments felt illustrated by looking at the Council’s procedures for
inhibited about over-pressing their dissatisfaction with dealing with a Commission proposal for a significant
the deals that emerged on the financial perspectives for piece of legislation.
the 2000–06 and 2007–13 periods respectively.
And a third disadvantage is the blow to esteem and The first stage is initial examination of the
standing that is incurred when a state is judged to Commission’s text. This is undertaken by a work-
have run a poor Presidency. Member states generally ing party or, if it is of very broad application, several
viewed as having operated poor Presidencies include working parties. If no appropriate permanent working
France (in the second half of 2000), Italy (in the sec- party exists, an ad hoc one is established.
ond half of 2003), and the Czech Republic (in the first As can be seen from Box 10.4, several factors can
half of 2009). affect the progress of the proposal in the Council, from
working party level upwards. They include the urgency,
complexity, and controversiality of the proposal; the
The hierarchical structure competence and flexibility of the Commission as it
explains and defends ‘its’ proposal; and the extent to
A hierarchy exists in the Council. As indicated above, which member states are able and willing to compro-
it consists of: mise on the contents of the proposal.
An influencing factor that has greatly increased
• Ministers – with all ten formations being of equal in importance over the years is whether the proposal
status and with no ministerial-level formation could be subject to QMV when it appears before the
empowered to issue instructions to other Council ministers. Formal votes are not called below ministe-
formations. rial level, but the possibility of them being taken can
• COREPER and a few specialised high-level commit- affect the progress of a proposal at all levels. If a vote
tees such as the SCA and the PSC. is not possible and unanimity is required, then work-
• Committees and working parties, of which there ing party deliberations may take as long as is necessary
are approaching 200 in total. to reach an agreement – which can mean months or
even years. If, however, QMV is possible, delegations
The lack of a hierarchy within the ministerial that find themselves isolated in the working party
level, and in particular the inability of the ‘coordi- must anticipate the possibility of their state being
nating’ formation – the General Affairs Council – to outvoted when the ministers consider the proposal,
The Council of the European Union | 175

significant contestation between states is involved on a

BOX 10.4 proposal, there may need to be as many as a dozen or so
working party meetings before the proposal is passed up
Principal factors determining the the Council system. The first, and possibly also the sec-
progress of a proposal through the ond, meeting normally consists of a general discussion of
Council key points. Subsequent meetings are then taken up with
article-by-article examinations of the Commission’s
• The urgency of the proposal. text. If all goes well, a document is eventually produced
• The controversiality of the proposal and
support/opposition amongst the states.
indicating points of agreement and disagreement, and
quite likely having attached to it reservations – in the
• The extent to which the Commission has tailored
its text to accommodate national objections/
form of footnotes – that states have entered to indicate
that they are not yet in a position formally to commit
reservations voiced at the pre-proposal stage. themselves to the text or a part of it. (States may enter
• The complexity of the proposal’s provisions. reservations at any stage of the Council process. These
• The ability of the Commission to allay doubts of
member states by the way it gives clarifications
can vary from an indication that a particular clause of a
draft text is not yet in an acceptable form, to a general
and answers questions. withholding of approval until the text has been cleared
• The judgements made by the Commission on
whether, or when, it should accept modifica-
by the appropriate national authorities.)

tions to its proposals. The second stage is the reference of the working
• The competence of the Presidency. party’s document to COREPER – which in the case
• The agility and flexibility of the participants to
devise (usually through the Presidency and the
of Commission proposals for legislation is normally
COREPER I – perhaps via one of the Council’s high-
Commission) and accept compromise formulae. level committees. Placed between the working parties
• The availability of, and willingness of the states
to use, majority voting.
and the ministers, COREPER acts as a sort of filtering
agency for ministerial meetings. It attempts to clear as
much of the ground as possible to ensure that only the
most difficult and sensitive of matters detain the minis-
ters in discussion. So when the conditions for the adop-
and may therefore feel it necessary to engage in dam- tion of a measure have been met in a working party,
age limitation. This usually involves adopting some COREPER is likely to confirm the working party’s posi-
combination of three strategies. First, if the proposal tion and advance it to the ministers for final approval. If,
contains matters that are judged to be particularly however, agreement has not been reached by a working
important to national interests (they are commonly party, COREPER can do one of three things: try itself to
referred to as ‘red lines’), then this is stressed during resolve the issue (which its greater political status might
the working party’s deliberations – in the hope that permit); refer it back to the working party, perhaps
other delegations will take a sympathetic view and will with accompanying indications of where an agreement
either make concessions or not seek to press ahead might be found; or pass it upwards to the ministers.
too fast. Second, if the proposal is judged to be not
too damaging or unacceptable, then attempts will be Whatever progress proposals have made at working
made to amend it, but it is unlikely that too much of party and COREPER levels – and in practice most
a fuss will be made. Third, if internal deliberations matters requiring a Council decision are resolved at
cannot resolve a matter judged to be of considerable these levels – formal adoption is only possible at min-
importance, an attempt may be made to ‘do a deal’ or isterial level. Ministerial meetings thus constitute the
‘come to an understanding’ with other delegations so third and final stage of the Council’s procedure. Items
that a blocking minority of states is created. on ministerial meeting agendas are grouped under
The General Secretariat of the Council is always two headings: ‘A points’ and ‘B points’.
pressing for progress and tries to ensure that a work- Matters that already have been agreed and on
ing party does not need to meet too often. But, if any which it is thought Council approval will be given
176 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

without discussion, are listed as ‘A points’. These can do not. ‘Extra sectoral’ items are usually placed on
cover a range of matters – from routine ‘administra- agendas when everything has been agreed, a deci-
tive’ decisions to controversial new legislation that was sion needs to be taken, and the relevant sectoral
agreed in principle at a previous ministerial meeting Council is not scheduled to meet in the immediate
but upon which a formal decision was delayed pend- future.
ing final clarification or tidying up. ‘A points’ do not • As well as policy issues, agenda items can also
necessarily fall within the policy competence of the include administrative matters, such as appoint-
particular Council that is meeting, but may have been ments to advisory committees (which are usually
placed on the agenda because the appropriate forma- placed under the ‘A points’).
tion of the Council is not due to meet for some time.
Ministers retain the right to raise objections to ‘A
points’, and if any do so the proposal may have to be
withdrawn and referred back to COREPER. Normally, Decision-making procedures
however, ‘A points’ are quickly approved without
debate (mainly through the Antici and Mertens net- Taking decisions
works in preparation for the COREPER meetings). As is shown in Box 10.5, the treaties provide for three
Such is the thoroughness of the Council system that basic ways in which the Council can take decisions: by
ministers can assume ‘A points’ have been thoroughly unanimity, by qualified majority vote, and by simple
checked in both Brussels and national capitals to majority vote.
ensure they are politically acceptable, legally sound,
and not subject to scrutiny reservations. ‘B points’
may include items left over from previous meet-
• Unanimity used to be the normal requirement
when a new policy was being initiated or an
ings, matters that have not been possible to resolve existing policy framework was being modified or
at COREPER or working party levels, or proposals further developed. However, treaty reforms since
that COREPER judges to be politically sensitive and the SEA have greatly reduced the circumstances in
hence requiring political decisions. All ‘B points’ will which a unanimity requirement applies and it is
have been extensively discussed by national officials at now confined to just a few policy areas and types of
lower Council levels, and, on most of them, a formula decisions. Included amongst these are policy direc-
for an agreement will have been prepared for the min- tional decisions within the framework of the CFSP/
isters to consider. CSDP, enlargement decisions, ‘constitutional’
decisions, and many decisions with financial impli-
*  *  * cations – including virtually all of those touching
Ministerial meetings can have very wide and mixed on taxation. Unanimity is also required when the
agenda. Four observations are particularly worth mak- Council wishes to amend a Commission legislative
ing about the sorts of agenda items that arise. proposal against the Commission’s wishes.
Abstentions do not constitute an impediment to
• There are variations regarding what ministers are the adoption of Council decisions that require
expected to do. The range of possibilities includes unanimity. Furthermore, the TEU provides for
the taking of final decisions, the adoption of ‘constructive abstentionism’ in the CFSP area,
common positions, the approval of negotiating whereby an abstaining state ‘shall not be obliged to
mandates for the Commission, the resolution of apply the decision, but shall accept that the deci-
problems that have caused difficulties at lower sion commits the Union. … If the members of the
levels of the Council hierarchy, and – simply – the Council abstaining in this way represent at least
noting of progress reports. one third of the Member States comprising at least
• Some items concern very general policy matters, one-third of the population of the Union, the deci-
whilst others are highly specialised and technical sion shall not be adopted’ (Article 31 TEU).
in nature. • Qualified majority voting now applies to most types
• Most items fall within the sectoral competence of of decision where legislation is being made and to
the ministers who have been convened, but a few some – mainly executive – CFSP/CSDP decisions.
The Council of the European Union | 177

given a more direct effect, which naturally favours

BOX 10.5 the larger member states. However, so as to assuage
the concerns of states which felt the Lisbon Treaty
Decision-making in the Council rules were less favourable to them – which meant
particularly Poland and Spain, plus most of the
Ministers may take decisions in one of three ways: very small states (all of which had benefited from
‘generous’ weighted votes), the introduction of
• By unanimity. Although rounds of treaty reform
have greatly reduced the number of decisions
the new rules was delayed until November 2014,
and until March 2017 a member state could insist
that require unanimity, it still applies to many that in a particular vote the pre-Lisbon Treaty rules
types of decision – including all major decisions should still apply.
in such key policy areas as foreign, defence,
enlargement, and taxation.
• Simple majority voting, in which all states have
one vote each, is used mainly for procedural
• By qualified majority. Prior to the entry
into force of Lisbon Treaty-created rules in
purposes and, since February 1994, for anti-dump-
ing and anti-subsidy tariffs within the context of
November 2014, QMV was based on a triple the Common Commercial Policy (CCP).
majority system in which qualified majori-
ties consisted of 74 per cent of weighted votes
(states were assigned a number of votes in Until the mid-1980s, proposals were not usually
approximate proportion to the size of their pushed to a vote in the Council when disagreements
population) cast by a majority of member states, between the states existed, even when majority voting
with an optional check that the majority repre- was permissible under the treaties. A major reason for
sented 62 per cent of the population of the EU this was the so-called Luxembourg Compromise of
(see the sixth edition of this book for details). 1966, which was a political deal between the member
Since November 2014, the triple majority states that was interpreted as meaning that, whatever
system has been replaced by a simpler double the treaties might say about voting arrangements,
majority system in which majorities require the any state had the right to exercise a veto on questions
approval of at least 55 per cent of the member that affected its vital national interests – and states
states (72 per cent if the proposal does not come themselves determined when such interests were
from the Commission) representing at least 65 at stake. (For a fuller account of the Luxembourg
per cent of the EU’s population. To safeguard Compromise and its consequences, see the fifth edi-
against the possibility of three of the largest tion of this book, and Teasdale, 1995.) However,
states joining together to limit a proposal, a though majority voting has now come to be used and
blocking minority must consist of at least four the Luxembourg Compromise is all but dead, the
states. member states still prefer to take decisions by una-
• By simple majority. This applies only to rela-
tively minor and procedural matters.
nimity. They do so because it is recognised that the
functioning and development of the EU is likely to be
enhanced if policy-making processes are consensual
In practice, there is always a preference for consen- rather than conflictual. Thus, national authorities are
sus whatever procedure applies. unlikely to undertake the necessary task of transpos-
ing EU directives into national law with much enthu-
siasm if they are seen as being domestically damaging,
As was explained in Chapter 7, and as is shown in or if they are imposed on a dissatisfied state following
Box 10.5, QMV rules were changed by the Lisbon a majority vote in the Council. Nor is it likely that
Treaty, with the weighted vote and triple majority national bureaucracies will be helpful about imple-
system being abolished and replaced with a simpler menting unwanted legislation. More generally, the
double-majority system in which a qualified major- overuse of majority voting on important and sensitive
ity exists if at least 55 per cent of member states matters is likely to create grievances that could have
representing 65 per cent of the EU’s population disruptive implications right across the EU’s policy
are in favour of a proposal. Population size is thus spectrum.
178 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

For good reasons, as well as perhaps some bad, view that Britain was attempting to use agricul-
decision-making in the Council thus usually proceeds tural prices to force a more favourable outcome
on the understanding that difficult and controversial on concurrent negotiations over UK budgetary
decisions are not imposed on dissenting states without contributions.
full consideration being given to the reasons for their • By increasing the number and variety of interests
opposition. When it is clear that a state or states have and views represented in the Council, EU enlarge-
serious difficulties with a proposal, they are normally ments have made unanimity all the more difficult
allowed time. They may well be put on the defensive, to achieve and hence have increased the necessity
asked fully to explain their position, pressed to give for majority voting.
way or at least to compromise, but the possibility of • All treaties since the SEA have extended the number
resolving an impasse by a vote is not the first port of of policy areas in which majority voting is consti-
call. Usually the item is held over for a further meeting, tutionally permissible (see Part II for details).
with the hope that in the meantime informal meetings Moreover, the discussions that have accompanied
or perhaps COREPER will find the basis for a solution. treaty reforms have been based on the assumption
All states, and not just the foremost advocates of reten- that the new voting provisions would be used.
tion of the veto (as a guarantee of state sovereignty over • In July 1987, the General Affairs Council, in accord-
any given issue) – initially France and from the early ance with an agreement it had reached in December
1980s the UK – accept that this is the only way Council 1986, formally amended the Council’s Rules of
business can be done without risking major divisions. Procedure. Amongst the changes was a relaxation of
But though there are good reasons for preferring the circumstances by which votes could be initiated:
consensus, it came to be accepted from the early 1980s whereas previously only the President could call for
that the unanimity principle could not be applied too a vote, since the amended Rules came into effect it
universally or too rigidly. It was recognised that QMV has been the case that any national representative
would need to be increasingly used, and in practice it and the Commission also have the right, and a vote
has been so. Several interrelated factors explain this must be taken if a simple majority agrees.
increased use of majority voting.
Figures on the use of QMV are, in fact, lower than
• Attitudes have changed. There has been an increas- might be supposed. Votes are now explicitly used in
ing recognition, even amongst the most rigid about 20 per cent of the cases where they could be.
defenders of national rights and interests, that deci- When there are formal votes, it is unusual for more
sion-making by unanimity is a recipe not only for than a couple of states to abstain or vote against.
procrastination and delay, but often for unsatisfac- (There is a considerable academic literature on vot-
tory decision-making (‘lowest common denomina- ing in the Council. See, for example, Golub, 2012;
tor’ outcomes), or even no decision-making at all. Häge and Naurin, 2013; Hosli et al. 2011; Naurin and
The situation whereby consensus remains the rule Wallace, 2008; Thomson, 2011.)
even on issues where states would not object too Such low figures for the use of votes do not, how-
strongly to being voted down, has come to be seen ever, provide a full picture of the impact of QMV on
as unsustainable in the face of the manifest need for voting behaviour in the Council. This is because what
the EU to become efficient and dynamic in order, really amounts to majority voting can occur without a
for example, to assist its industries to compete formal vote being taken. In about 10 per cent of cases
successfully on world markets. they are implicitly used in the sense that states that are
• The ‘legitimacy’ and ‘mystique’ of the Luxembourg known not to be in favour of a proposal choose not to
Compromise were dealt a severe blow in May 1982 register a dissenting vote. This can be because a state
when, for the first time, an attempt to invoke the that is opposed to a proposal that otherwise commands
Compromise was overridden. The occasion was an general support prefers to try to extract concessions
attempt by the UK government to veto the annual through negotiation – perhaps at working party or
agricultural prices settlement by proclaiming a vital COREPER stage – rather than run the risk of pressing
national interest. The other states did not believe for a vote and then finding itself outvoted. Or it can be
that such an interest was at stake and took the because the Presidency announces that ‘we appear to
The Council of the European Union | 179

have the necessary majority here’, and this is left unchal- Council. Crucially, a strong preference for consensual
lenged by a dissenting state and therefore not formally decision-making remains a key feature of Council
voted on – unless an important point of principle or a ­decision-making processes, and can be expected to
damaging political consequence is at stake, a state in a remain so. Quite apart from the fact that unanimity is
minority may prefer not to create too much of a fuss. still required by the treaties in some important areas,
Or, it can be because – in a practice that has increased there continues to be a strong preference for trying to
since the 2004 enlargement – a government that is reach general agreements where ‘important’, ‘sensi-
opposed to a proposal chooses to register its opposition tive’, and ‘political’ matters, as opposed to ‘technical’
not in a dissenting vote, but in a dissenting statement matters, are being considered. This may involve delay,
that is attached to the minutes of the Council meeting. but the duty of the national representatives at all
So, the importance of QMV lies not only in the Council levels is not only to reach decisions but also
number of votes that are held. Its existence affects to defend national interests.
Council processes in many ways, most obviously in
that when it is available – and its ‘reach’ has spread
The conduct of meetings
greatly over the years – it not only permits votes to be
taken but it also forces states that are dissatisfied with The formal processes by which Council meetings are
a proposal to look for deals with other states and/or conducted and business is transacted are broadly simi-
for ways to protect themselves. Where, by contrast, lar at ministerial, COREPER, and working party levels.
unanimity applies, states can be encouraged to ‘grand- With working parties normally attended by at
stand’ and to look for ‘compensations’ in areas that least 100 people and COREPER and ministerial meet-
have little to do with the proposal in hand. ings by about 150, meetings have to be held in large
That all said, the impact of QMV should not be rooms, as photograph 10.1 shows. At one end or one
overstated. As Box 10.4 shows, many factors combine side of the meeting table sits the state that is in the
to determine the progress of proposals through the Presidency chair – whose delegation is led by the most

Photo 10.1 A Council meeting in session: Ecofin Council, 17 February 2015

180 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

senior figure present from the state; at the other end or new points are raised; there are huddles of delegations
side sit the Commission representatives; and ranged during breaks; requests for adjournments and post-
between the Presidency and the Commission are the ponements are made to enable further information
representatives of the member states, with national to be sought and more consideration to be given; and
delegations sitting together. The delegation from the contact may be made with national capitals for clari-
country holding the Presidency chair sits to the right fications or even, occasionally, for authorisation to
of, but separate from, the Presidency team. adopt revised negotiating positions. Not surprisingly,
As indicated earlier, the Presidency plays a key role delegations that are headed by ministers with domes-
in fixing the agenda of Council meetings, in terms tic political weight, that are well versed in EU ways,
of both content and the order in which items are that have mastered the intricacies of the issues under
considered. The room for manoeuvre available to the consideration, and that can think quickly on their feet,
Presidency should not, however, be overstated, for are particularly well placed to exercise influence.
quite apart from time constraints there are several A device that used to be much employed at Council
other factors that serve to limit options and actions. meetings, especially when negotiations were mak-
For example: it is difficult to exclude from the agenda ing little progress, was the tour de table procedure,
of Council meetings items that are clearly of central whereby the chair invited each delegation to give a
interest or need resolution; the development of roll- summary of its thinking on the matter under con-
ing programmes means that much of the agenda sideration. This ensured that the discussion was not
of many meetings is largely fixed; and anyone in a totally dominated by a few, and more importantly it
COREPER or a ministerial meeting can insist that a allowed the position of each member state to be estab-
matter is discussed provided the required notice is lished. It could thus help to reveal possible grounds
given. Therefore, a Presidency cannot afford to be too for agreement and provide useful guidance to the
ambitious or the six-month term of the state in the President as to whether a compromise was possible
chair will probably come to be seen as a failure. With and/or whether an attempt should be made to proceed
this in mind, the normal pattern for an incoming to a decision. Enlargement has made the use of this
chair of a sectoral Council is to take the view that of, procedure less practical because it is so time consum-
say, eight proposed directives in his or her policy area, ing, but Presidencies do still sometimes employ it if
he or she will try to get four particular ones through there seems to be no other way forward. When it is
if conditions are favourable (especially since this will employed, only representatives from states that are
also involve approval by the EP). This is then reflected opposed to a proposal are encouraged to speak, and
in the organisation of Council business, so that by then their interventions are normally restricted to
the end of the six-month term two may have been three minutes.
adopted by the Council (and the EP) whilst another Enlargement has also had another effect on the
two may be at an advanced stage (with trilogues with conduct of meetings: by greatly increasing the num-
the EP possibly already having commenced). This ber of people who attend it has made meetings more
means that such files would be synonymous with ‘ripe formal. It is not practically possible to engage in ‘real’
fruit hanging on lower branches of a tree waiting to be negotiations in a room of 150 or so, with microphones
easily picked’ by an incoming Presidency. being used, with a considerable physical distance often
At ministerial level, Council meetings can often between people who are addressing each other, and
appear to be chaotic affairs: as indicated above, not with a heavy reliance on translators. The fact is that
counting interpreters there can be up to 150 people in since the 2004 enlargement an increasing amount of
the room – with each national delegation represented time at Council meetings – especially at ministerial
by a team of perhaps four or five at any one time, the level meetings – is taken up with heads of delegations
Commission by a similar number, and the Presidency virtually reading out what amount to pre-prepared
being supported by both General Secretariat and statements.
national officials; participants frequently change – The nature of meetings thus places a considerable
with ministers often arriving late or leaving early, and burden on the Presidency to find a way forward on
officials coming and going in relation to items on the disputed matters. Much of this task is most fruitfully
agenda; ministers may need to be briefed by officials if undertaken before and between formal meetings and
The Council of the European Union | 181

can involve, for example, leaning on the Commission Brussels come to know each other extremely well as a
to amend its proposal, persuading a disgruntled state result of dealing with the same dossiers and attending
to take a softer line, and seeking to isolate the most the same meetings. They use these contacts – which
‘hard-line’ state in the hope that it will back down. can become social as well as professional – to assist
But, the Presidency can use formal meetings too. So, with the resolution of policy difficulties. So, for
for example, an astute and sensitive chairperson is example, national officials based in the Permanent
often able to judge when a delegation that is causing Representations may know their counterparts in other
difficulties is not terribly serious: when, perhaps, it is Permanent Representations well enough to be able to
being awkward for domestic political reasons and will judge when a state is posturing and when it is serious,
not ultimately stand in the way of a decision being and when and how a deal may be possible. A sort of
made. A poor chairperson, on the other hand, may code language may even be used between officials to
allow a proposal to drag on, or may rush it to such signal their position on proposals. So if, for example,
an extent that a state which, given time, would have a national representative declares that ‘this is very
agreed to a compromise may feel obliged to dig in important for my minister’, or ‘my minister is very
its heels. strongly pressurised on this’, the other participants
recognise that a signal is being given that further delib-
erations are necessary at their level if more serious dif-
Informal processes and relationships
ficulties are to be avoided when the ministers gather.
A final feature of Council decision-making proce-
dures, that has already been suggested but merits
being made explicit, is the extremely important role of
informal processes and relationships. Three examples Concluding Remarks
will be taken to demonstrate this.
First, many understandings and agreements are In recent years a number of important reforms have
reached at the lunches and dinners that are very been made to the structure and functioning of the
much a part of ministerial meetings. These meals are Council. These have sought to deal with such per-
attended only by ministers and a minimal number of ceived problems as power being too dispersed, insuffi-
translators (most ministers can converse directly with cient cohesion between and sometimes within sectoral
one another, usually in French or English). Councils, and decision-making processes still often
Second, when difficulties arise in ministerial nego- being rather cumbersome and slow.
tiations a good chairperson will make advantageous Arguably the reforms have still not gone far enough.
use of scheduled or requested breaks in proceedings to Many have argued that what is most needed to deal
explore possibilities for a settlement. This may involve with at least some of the weaknesses is the creation of
holding off-the-record discussions with a delegation a ‘super’ Council of European Ministers, armed with
that is holding up an agreement, or it may take the the authority to impose an overall policy pattern on
form of a tour of key delegations – perhaps in the subsidiary sectoral Councils. However, though such a
company of the relevant Commissioner and a couple Council could indeed be useful for identifying priori-
of officials – to ascertain ‘real’ views and fall-back ties and knocking heads together, it would be unwise
positions. to hold out too many hopes for it, even if the practical
Third, what happens between meetings, at all lev- obstacles to its establishment could be overcome. For,
els, is frequently crucial in shaping and determining other than at the most general of policy levels, any
decisional outcomes. When problems arise, EU policy dream of the national politicians who are at the apex
practitioners – in the institutions, in the national of the Council system being able to rationally for-
Permanent Representations, and in national capitals mulate and implement clear and overarching policy
too – are in frequent contact with one another via frameworks in some sort of detached way that would
telephone, email, and informal conversations. Indeed, serve the ‘EU interest’ just does not accord with politi-
many of the policy practitioners who are based in cal realities.
Chapter 11
The European Council

Origins and Development 183 his chapter examines the institution that brings together the national
Membership184 leaders of the EU member states. From being only very marginally
involved in activities in the early days of the European Communities,
The European Council
the leaders, meeting in the European Council, have increasingly established
‘their’ institution as the de facto ‘head of governance’ of the EU.
The European Council and
the EU System 198
Origins and Development
Concluding Remarks 200 Although no provision was made in the founding treaties for summit meetings
of Heads of Government, a few such gatherings did occur in the 1960s and
early 1970s. At the Paris summit in 1974 it was decided to institutionalise these
meetings with the establishment of what soon became known as the European
The main reason for the creation of the European Council was a grow-
ing feeling that the Community was failing to respond adequately or quickly
enough to new and increasingly difficult challenges. Neither the Commission,
whose position had been weakened by the intergovernmental emphasis on
decision-making that was signalled by the Luxembourg Compromise, nor the
Council of Ministers, which was handicapped both by sectoralism and by its
practice of proceeding only on the basis of unanimity, were providing the nec-
essary leadership. A new focus of authority was seen as being required in order
to make the Community more effective, both domestically and internationally.
What was needed, argued France’s President Giscard d’Estaing, who with West
Germany’s Chancellor Schmidt was instrumental in establishing the European
Council, was a body that would bring the Heads of Government together on
a relatively informal basis to exchange ideas, to further mutual understanding
at the highest political level, to give direction to policy development, and per-
haps sometimes to break deadlocks and clear logjams. It was not anticipated
that the leaders would concern themselves with everyday matters or with the
details of policy.
The formal creation of the European Council was very simple: a few para-
graphs were issued as part of the Paris communiqué. Two points about the
communiqué are particularly worth emphasising. First, it was vague and left
important questions unanswered, especially regarding the precise role and
functioning of the European Council. Other than saying it would ensure pro-
gress and that an overall approach and consistency was taken in the activities of

184 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

the Communities, what the European Council would the European Council at the head and very heart of
do was left open. Second, it had no treaty standing. It EU decision making – not on a day-to-day basis but
announced a political agreement between the national rather from a more distanced position where it is
leaders, but it did not formally or legally integrate the centrally involved in setting the overall parameters of
European Council into the Community framework. the EU system. Legally binding decisions are made by
The European Council was thus part of the ‘unoffi- other EU institutions, but major political decisions
cial’ approach to integration – that was also seen in the concerning the institutional and policy development
1960s and 1970s with the Luxembourg Compromise of the EU are now almost invariably taken by, or at
and the development of foreign policy cooperation – least are channelled through and given clearance by,
rather than the ‘official’ treaty-based approach. Over the European Council.
the years, however, there has been a gradual ‘constitu-
tionalisation’ of the position and role of the European
Council, with the ‘culmination’ of this constitutionali-
sation process being the Lisbon Treaty, which estab- Membership
lished the European Council – which hitherto had
not been listed in the treaties as one of the EU’s main Prior to the Lisbon Treaty there were two ‘tiers’ of
institutions – as a fully fledged EU institution. membership of the European Council: the Heads
It might have been thought that the limited treaty of State or Government of the member states and
base of the European Council – not recognised at the President of the Commission; and – to provide
all until the SEA and remaining largely outside of the first tier with assistance – the Foreign Ministers
the Community/Union legal framework until the of the member states and one other member of the
Lisbon Treaty – would have hindered its ability to Commission.
exercise influence and establish itself as an important From the late 1990s, it became increasingly com-
decision-making institution. In practice it has not mon for certain sectoral ministers, especially Ecofin
been a hindrance at all because the status of those Ministers, to also make an appearance at summits
who attend meetings – most notably the principal when agenda items warranted it. In response to
participants: the national leaders – is such that there is this practice and to make for greater flexibility in
little to stop them from deciding amongst themselves the operation of summits, the 2002 Seville summit
what the European Council will and will not do. As made provision for Foreign Ministers to be replaced
a result, the evolution, operation, and influence of in the meeting room by other ministers for specific
the European Council have owed much more to the agenda items. It did so simply by specifying that
preferences of those attending European Council ‘Each delegation shall have two seats in the meeting
meetings and to political and practical necessities than room’ (European Council, 2002a: Annex III – Rules
they have to treaty stipulations. Indeed, in order to for Organising the Proceedings of the European
give itself maximum flexibility and manoeuvrability, Council).
the European Council has been careful to avoid being This change at Seville highlights a practice that
based on or subject to tight treaty rules and require- has been always been part of European Council
ments. It has been careful also to place itself mainly meetings: in an attempt to encourage a more open
(though not exclusively) in the TEU – which, until the and relaxed atmosphere than applies in Council
Lisbon Treaty, was largely beyond the jurisdiction of meetings, there has been a tight restriction on the
the Court of Justice of the European Union – rather number of people who are allowed to be present
than in the TEC (now TFEU). in formal summit sessions. Prior to changes made
The opportunity to decide for itself what it does by the Lisbon Treaty, the only people permitted
has resulted in the European Council exercising a access to the meeting room were: the two formal
number of roles and performing a number of func- members per delegation (with sectoral ministers
tions. The precise nature of these roles and functions sometimes replacing Foreign Ministers); the Council
are explained in some detail later in the chapter, so Secretary General (who, pre-Lisbon, was also the
suffice it to note here that they add up to an extremely High Representative for the CFSP); the Council
important and impressive portfolio. Indeed, they put Deputy Secretary General; the Secretary General of
The European Council | 185

the Commission; a very small number of Council European Council President (see below) becomes a
Presidency, Council Secretariat, and Commission European Council member, though like the European
senior officials (sitting back from the main table); Commission President, he cannot (under Article 235
national civil servants, but only on the basis of one TFEU) cast a vote on the (relatively rare) occasions
adviser per country being allowed entrance at any when the European Council takes a decision by vot-
one time; and interpreters. ing. The Lisbon Treaty also specifies that the occupant
The Lisbon Treaty changed this situation by of the new position it created of High Representative
making two important changes to the membership of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
of the European Council. First, as can be seen in will take part in the work of the European Council,
Document 11.1, it more clearly restricts member- but he/she is not made a member of it.
ship than hitherto had been the case to just one tier, As a result of the Lisbon Treaty changes, the
consisting of the Heads of State or Government plus people present in formal summit sessions has
the European Council President and the President been altered in the following ways: there are more
of the Commission. The phrase ‘Heads of State or occasions when sectoral ministers rather than
Government’ is used (as it always has been) because Foreign Ministers accompany the Heads of State
in a few member states – notably Cyprus, France, or Government; there are more sessions when
Lithuania, and, on an internally contested basis, the Heads meet without ministerial accompaniment;
Czech Republic, Poland, and Romania – Heads of State the European Council President is present; and
are also Heads of Government or have certain func- the High Representative attends for external affairs
tions normally associated with Heads of Government. agenda items.
Occasionally, domestic political disputes arise over But though physical presence in the summit meet-
whether the President or Prime Minister should ing room is kept as tight as possible, several hundred
attend a summit. Other ministers – though not now officials attend European Council meetings. Each
with Foreign Ministers given any precedence – can member state has a suite in the vicinity of the summit
still attend summit sessions, but more specifically only meeting room, which is available to its official del-
to assist and when the agenda so requires. Second, egation and from which officials may be summoned
the occupant of the Lisbon Treaty-created post of as required. At Seville it was decided that official

Document 11.1

Key Treaty provisions on the European Council

1 The European Council shall provide the Union with the necessary impetus for its development and shall
define the general political directions and priorities thereof. It shall not exercise legislative functions.
2 The European Council shall consist of the Heads of State or Government of the Member States,
together with its President and the President of the Commission. The High Representative of the
Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy shall take part in its work.
3 The European Council shall meet twice every six months, convened by its President. When the agenda
so requires, the members of the European Council may decide each to be assisted by a minister and,
in the case of the President of the Commission, by a member of the Commission. When the situation
so requires, the President shall convene a special meeting of the European Council.
4 Except where the Treaties provide otherwise, decisions of the European Council shall be taken by

Source: Article 15, Treaty on European Union.

186 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

delegations would be restricted in size to 20 people. The eurozone crisis, which followed in the wake of
However, these are supplemented by numerous other the economic and financial crisis and developed in
officials who make up what are customarily described intensity from 2010, resulted in the governmental
as the non-official or technical delegations. leaders of euurozone states coming to the view that
The European Council membership is thus they occasionally needed to meet separately from
based on the Council of the EU model in the sense the full European Council. After all, why should
that it is made up of national delegations, plus the non-eurozone governmental leaders (numbering
Commission. Unlike in the Council, however, the nine at the time of writing in autumn 2016) par-
participants in formal European Council sessions are ticipate in meetings discussing such matters as
not accompanied by teams of national officials. The eurozone rules and bailouts to indebted eurozone
original thinking behind this restriction on access to states? Accordingly, Euro Summits (as they came to
the summit meeting room was that it would encour- be known) began to be occasionally held and were
age relaxed informality, and in any event was not given legal, though not EU treaty, status in the 2012
strictly necessary as the European Council is not a Fiscal Pact Treaty – which was signed by 25 of the
law-maker. However, in practice it has proved dif- EU’s then 27 member states (see Chapter 1). Euro
ficult to achieve the desired mood, not least because Summit meetings are held at least twice a year,
of the increased number of participants following with ordinary meetings held, whenever possible,
EC/EU enlargements and the increased importance after European Council meetings. The President
of decisions taken at European Council meetings. As of the Euro Summits is whoever is President of the
photograph 11.1 shows, the physical setting of sum- European Council which, as is shown below, means
mits does not encourage informality! that since 2014 the President is Donald Tusk – the
former Prime Minister of a non-eurozone state
*  *  * (Poland).

Photo 11.1 The European Council in session, 15 February 2013

The European Council | 187

The European Council The Lisbon Treaty accordingly provided for the
creation of a new post of European Council President.
The creation of the post The appointment of the first two
incumbents of the post
Prior to the Lisbon Treaty, the Presidency of the
European Council was held concurrently with the As can be seen in Document 11.2, the European
Presidency of the Council. So, it rotated between the Council President is elected to office by the m
­ embers
member states every six months. As with the Council of the European Council by QMV, for a maximum
Presidency, this arrangement had advantages and of five years (two terms of two and a half years
disadvantages. The advantages included that every each). In practice, the use of QMV was avoided
six months there was the possibility for a new Head with the appointment of the first two incumbents
of State or Government to inject an innovative dyna- of the post and is likely to be so in the future. The
mism into EU processes at the very top level and main reason why unanimity has been, and is likely
also that every few years (though with enlargements to continue being, preferred is that the authority of
the gaps between the years greatly increased) every the President clearly would be undermined if it was
member state was given its chance to be ‘in the spot- known that he/she, even before assuming office, was
light’. The disadvantages included the disruptions that not ­supported by the governments of all member
never-ending turnovers created, the enormous burden states.
placed on the shoulders of the national leader of the In the run-ups to the appointments of the first two
state occupying the Presidency, and the high depend- President, there existed two broad views, with various
ence of the European Council on the competence of a
person who was in the position of European Council Photo 11.2 Herman van Rompuy, President of the
chair not because of his/her credentials for doing the European Council, December 2009–November 2014
job but rather as a side-effect of national politics.
The participants in the 2002–03 Constitutional
Convention took the view that the disadvantages
of the existing situation outweighed the advan-
tages and opted to discard the rotating European
Council Presidency and replace it with a new post of
semi-permanent and appointed European Council
President. The Convention’s recommendation on
this matter was not seriously challenged in either of
the subsequent IGCs that led to the Lisbon Treaty.
Certainly there were voices expressing reservations,
based principally on concerns that the new post
would result in (further) confusion over the location
of leadership in the EU, would weaken the position of
the Commission and especially that of its President,
and would signal a shift towards greater control by
the member states of EU affairs. But, these two lat-
ter concerns worked ‘both ways’ and were important
reasons why some national governments supported
the creation of the new post. France and the UK were
especially to the fore in wanting to strengthen the
institutional position of the European Council and to
see greater European Council control over the politi-
cal direction of the Union.
188 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

Photo 11.3 Donald Tusk, European Council of Donald Tusk, the serving Polish Prime Minister,
President, December 2014– as his successor. Crucial to Tusk’s appointment was
strong backing from the German Chancellor, Angela
The first European Council Presidents were thus
both serving prime ministers. They were, therefore,
well known, and doubtless reassuring, to most of
those who appointed them. Their appointments also
owed much to being part of package deals in which
factors other than their personal competence loomed
large. So, the appointment of Van Rompuy – a centre-
right and male politician from a small member state –
was ‘balanced’ by the appointment of Catherine
Ashton – a centre-left and female politician from a
large member state (the UK) – to the new post of High
Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and
Security Policy. The appointment of Tusk was also
part of a wider deal in which the centre-right, which
shadings in-between, amongst the member states on had a large majority in the European Council and had
what sort of person should be appointed. In what just secured the largest number of seats in the EP,
might be called the ‘bolder’ view, the post was seen as assigned itself the Commission and European Council
needing to provide the EU with vigorous leadership, Presidencies (Juncker and Tusk respectively), whilst
and in particular as enabling the EU to project itself the post of High Representative went to the centre-left
more effectively and dynamically on the world stage. Federica Mogherini.
Those taking this view inclined to appointing a ‘big
hitter’, which was normally taken as meaning a serv-
ing or a former head of government with a forceful The powers, influence, and styles
personality from a large member state. In what might of European Council Presidents
be called the ‘meeker’ or consolidationist view, what
was thought to be needed was a competent politician As can be seen in Document 11.2, most of the treaty
who had displayed good mediating and chairing skills powers of the European Council President are phrased
in national, and perhaps also EU, politics. in very general terms. What, for example, does the key
On the first occasion the new Lisbon Treaty rules phrase ‘drive forward its work’ mean? In practice, as
were used, in early November 2009 just after the the different ways in which the first two Presidents
Treaty had been ratified, the meeker view prevailed have gone about undertaking their duties have shown,
and Herman van Rompuy, the serving Belgian Prime it largely means whatever the incumbent interprets
Minister was appointed by consensus. The member it as meaning, given: his personality and ambition;
states most strongly supporting his appointment were the manoeuvrability and flexibility he is given by the
many of the EU’s smaller states – which feared a member states; and the operating circumstances in
strong President could work too much in the inter- which he finds himself.
ests of the larger member states – plus, crucially, To support him in the exercise of his duties the
France and Germany, whose leaders seemed to have President has a personal cabinet of 14–15 officials.
become increasingly concerned that they could be Although he is not head of the Council Secretariat –
overshadowed on the European stage by too power- that is the Secretary-General of the Council – he can
ful a European Council President. Shortly before Van also call on the Secretariat when needed.
Rompuy had completed his terms of office (his first Regarding the interpretation of the role of
term having been renewed without controversy), there European Council President, Van Rompuy chose to
was a slight tilting towards the bolder approach with give it a relatively low profile and to concentrate on
the appointment, at a special summit in August 2014, improving the operation of the European Council
The European Council | 189

Document 11.2

The Treaty provisions on the President of the European Council

5 The European Council shall elect its President, by a qualified majority, for a term of two and a half
years, renewable once. In the event of an impediment or serious misconduct, the European Council
can end the President’s term of office in accordance with the same procedure.
6 The President of the European Council:
a) shall chair it and drive forward its work;
b) shall ensure the preparation and continuity of the work of the European Council in cooperation
with the President of the Commission, and on the basis of the work of the General Affairs Council;
c) shall endeavour to facilitate cohesion and consensus within the European Council;
d) shall present a report to the European Parliament after each of the meetings of the European
The President of the European Council shall, at his level and in that capacity, ensure the external repre-
sentation of the Union on issues concerning its common foreign and security policy, without prejudice
to the powers of the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.
The President of the European Council shall not hold a national office.
Source: Article 15, Treaty on European Union (Post-Lisbon Treaty).

by trying to ensure its meetings were as well pre- direction, with increasingly difficult EU–Russia rela-
pared as possible, especially in respect of arranging tions naturally being of particular concern to a Polish
­pre-agreements on difficult and contentious issues. national.
He and his team engaged in an almost constantly As for his general approach to and style in the job
ongoing, semi-networking, process of keeping in of European Council President, in his first term of
touch with the Permanent Representations of the office (which coincides with the time of writing this
member states and with national capitals, for the pur- chapter) Tusk was a little more assertive than had been
pose of facilitating decision-making. Van Rompuy did Van Rompuy, seeing his role going beyond brokering
not, for the most part, strike out with major initiatives compromises to providing leadership when necessary
of his own, but concentrated more on reaching prag- and when possible. But, of course, he was naturally
matic agreements. Words commonly used to describe obliged not to over-reach himself given his ultimate
the approach and style of his Presidency are ‘concilia- dependence on the member states for all European
tory’ and ‘consensus-seeking’. Council decision-making.
Although he undertook the external representative
functions assigned to him by the TEU, Van Rompuy *  *  *
did not become much actively involved in foreign There is the potential for tensions, and even turf
and security matters. This was partly a matter of disputes, between the President, the European
personal inclination, but was a consequence too of Commission President, and the High Representative.
his term of office coinciding with the height of the Regarding relations with the European Commission
economic and monetary crisis, which he was obliged President, whilst the European Council President
to prioritise. is restricted to operating within the framework of
Tusk, by contrast, as a former Foreign Minister European Council activities, the fact is, as will be
as well as Prime Minister, was more disposed than shown below, these activities cover virtually all spheres
Van Rompuy to take an active interest in foreign of EU operations. Regarding relations with the High
policy matters. Circumstances also pushed him in this Representative, the requirement that the European
190 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

Council President ‘shall, at his level and in that capac- Location

ity, ensure the external representation of the Union’
is a recipe for obvious ‘who does what’ problems and Up to 2001 summits were held in the country of the
uncertainties. (rotating) Presidency. However, with security becom-
To date, even though personal relations between ing an increasing problem and with the prospect of
the holders of these posts have not always been close, enlargement meaning that without a change a large
reasonable working relations have been established. number of summits would be held in small states, the
The European Council President and the European 2000 IGC annexed a declaration to the Nice Treaty
Commission President, for example, have, especially stipulating that ‘as from 2002, one European Council
under Tusk and Juncker, sought to safeguard and meeting per presidency will be held in Brussels. When
advance the interests of their institutions, but they the Union comprises 18 members [which, of course,
have been able to collaborate when necessary. So, for it has since May 2004], all European Council meetings
instance, both have usually welcomed – sometimes will be held in Brussels’. The declaration related, how-
together and sometimes separately – high-level visit- ever, only to the end-of-Presidency summits: that is, to
ing dignitaries to Brussels. those held in June and December. The Brussels move
was ‘completed’ in late 2009 when new European
Council Rules of Procedure stated that, apart from
in exceptional circumstances, ‘The European Council
Organisation shall meet in Brussels’ (European Council, 2009b: 52).

Frequency, location, and length of Length

summits The ‘standard model’ for summits has been that they
have been held over a two-day period, beginning
Frequency in the early afternoon of day one and ending in the
From the Maastricht Treaty until the entry into late afternoon of day two. From this model, there
force of the Lisbon Treaty, the European Council have been various departures in practice, most of
was required to meet at least twice a year. These two them arising from the length and nature of agendas
required meetings were held at the end of each six- and the politics of meetings. The longest summit to
month Council Presidency, in June and December. date was at Nice in December 2000, where disagree-
However, from the late 1990s it became increas- ments over the contents over what became the Nice
ingly common for there to be three or four meetings Treaty resulted in the meeting extending into a fifth
per year. The 2002 Seville summit regularised this day. Under Donald Tusk an effort has been made
de facto situation by specifying that the European to tighten and shorten summits, with several having
Council would henceforth meet in principle four been confined to one day.
times a year: twice during each Council Presidency. Rules of procedure adopted in late 2009 (which
As can be seen in Document 11.1, the Lisbon Treaty still apply at the time of this writing) formalised the
made it a treaty requirement that there should be at expectation that ‘normal’ summits would be held over
least four summits a year: twice during each Council two days:
Presidency. Two of these summits continue to be held
in June and December, whilst the others are normally Each ordinary meeting of the European Council
in March and October. shall run for a maximum of two days, unless the
The Treaty also empowered the European Council European Council or the General Affairs Council,
President to convene special summits when required. on the initiative of the President of the European
It is a power that Van Rompuy and Tusk have both Council, decides otherwise. (European Council,
used with some regularity: to call special summits on 2009b: 53)
the eurozone and Greek financial crises, the Russian
occupation of the Crimea and the associated crisis The timing and length of special summits depends
over the Ukraine, and the European migration crisis. largely on the reasons for which they have been called,
The European Council | 191

but they rarely extend into a second day and often last migration crisis from late 2014.
for just a few hours. • The Commission may be pressing policy initiatives
for which it is seeking European Council approval.
This was, for example, the case with a number
Preparing summits of papers and proposals it submitted in 2013–15
designed to increase investment in the European
The creation of the new position of European Council economy.
President in the Lisbon Treaty naturally resulted in
most of the responsibility for preparing summits being
• There may be a need, or a wish in some quarters, to
use a summit to make or to formalise institutional
given to him. (For a description of the pre-Lisbon change. This is, however, not so important now as
Treaty arrangements, see the sixth edition of this in the first decade of this century – the so-called
book.) However, it was widely felt by many national ‘constitutional decade’ – when many summits were
governments and other EU actors that all preparatory much taken up with treaty reform matters.
arrangements should not be put wholly in the hands
of the new President. Accordingly, the new post-
• Decisions may be needed on matters that have come
to be accepted as requiring European Council reso-
Lisbon Treaty rules of procedure made provision – as lution, or at least approval. So, for example, several
Document 11.3 shows – for the Head of Government summits in 2011–13 held discussions/negotiations
of the Council Presidency state, the Commission on the broad contents of the 2014–20 multiannual
President, and the General Affairs Council also to have financial framework (MFF).
an involvement in preparations.
• Business may be left over from, or have been
referred from, previous summits. For example, the
June 2015 summit referred the UK’s wishes to rene-
Setting the agenda gotiate its membership terms in advance of holding
The sorts of matters that appear on the agendas of a referendum on its continued membership of the
normal summits are considered later in the chapter, EU to the December 2015 summit, which then
but the circumstances that can bring them onto agen- onward referred it to the February 2016 summit.
das will be outlined here. • Reports may have to be considered, or at least
noted. For instance, amongst reports submitted
to the June 2015 summit were a Commission
• Some issues are almost invariably on the agenda
communication on the creation of a digital single
because of their intrinsic importance. So, time
is usually allowed for a discussion of the general market and a Council report on the progress being
economic situation in the EU, and some time is made in creating ‘a more effective, visible and
normally also set aside for a consideration of devel- result-oriented’ CSDP –which the December 2013
opments relating to the internal market, EMU, and European Council meeting had decided was an
the promotion of employment. It used to be the important goal.
case that the March summit in particular consid- • External relations usually require discussions,
ered market-related matters, but this practice has declarations and decisions. For example, amongst
been largely dropped. Enlargement also used to matters considered at the March 2015 summit were
usually feature prominently on agendas, but with the European Neighbourhood Policy, the Eastern
much of the momentum having gone out of the Partnership, Russia/Ukraine, and Libya.
enlargement process since the Croatian accession
in 2013 it does not now feature as regularly as it did.
• The contextual environment within which the EU The conduct of business
operates can ‘force’ issues onto the agenda. So, for
example, the global financial and economic crisis Summits can naturally vary in terms of how precisely
that erupted in 2007–08 resulted in subsequent they are arranged and conducted. The most obvious
summits giving a top priority to examining, and variation arises from the contents of agendas, with
taking decisions on, a range of remedial measures. some summits being assigned fewer working sessions
Similarly, this was seen with the increasingly acute than others.
192 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

Document 11.3

Preparing European Council meetings

Article 2
Preparation for and follow-up to the proceedings of the European Council
1 The President of the European Council shall ensure the preparation and continuity of the work of the
European Council in cooperation with the President of the Commission, and on the basis of the work
of the General Affairs Council.
2 The General Affairs Council shall prepare and ensure the follow-up to meetings of the European
Council, in liaison with the President of the European Council and the Commission.
3 The President shall establish close cooperation and coordination with the Presidency of the Council
and the President of the Commission, particularly by means of regular meetings …

Article 3
Agenda and preparation
1 In order to ensure the preparation provided for in Article 2(2), at least four weeks before each
ordinary meeting of the European Council … the President of the European Council, in close
cooperation with the member of the European Council representing the Member State holding
the six-monthly Presidency of the Council and with the President of the Commission, shall submit
an annotated draft agenda to the General Affairs Council. Contributions to the proceedings of the
European Council by other Council configurations shall be forwarded to the General Affairs Council
at the latest two weeks before the meeting of the European Council. The President of the European
Council, in close cooperation as referred to in the first subparagraph, shall prepare draft guidelines
for the European Council conclusion and, as appropriate, draft conclusions and draft decisions of
the European Council, which shall be discussed in the General Affairs Council. A final meeting of
the General Affairs Council shall be held within the five days preceding the meeting of the European
Council. In the light of that final discussion, the President of the European Council shall draw up the
provisional agenda.
2 Except for imperative and unforeseeable reasons linked, for example, to current international events,
no other configuration of the Council or preparatory body may, between the session of the General
Affairs Council at the end of which the provisional agenda for the European Council is drawn up and
the European Council meeting, discuss any subject submitted to the European Council.
3 The European Council shall adopt its agenda at the beginning of its meeting. As a rule, issues entered on
the agenda should have been examined beforehand, in accordance with the provisions of this Article.

Source: Rules of Procedure of the European Council (European Council, 2009b).

Thus bearing in mind that variations occur, the First, decisions are almost invariably taken by una-
‘standard model’ for the conduct of business at nimity or, to be more precise since votes are only
European Council meetings that last more than one rarely taken, by consensus. This is largely a conse-
day is as set out in Box 11.1. quence of a mixture of political choice and neces-
Three points about the conduct of business in the sity, with it being recognised that immense internal
European Council particularly merit emphasising. political problems and disharmony would arise in
The European Council | 193

Box 11.1

The ‘standard model’ for European Council meetings

The specifics of the scheduling of summits varies, most notably with regards to whether one- or two-day
summits are planned and whether they are timed to open before or after lunch. The following describes the
customary format of two-day summits that open after lunch.

• On the basis of the agenda that has been agreed in advance, a plenary session is held in the afternoon of
day one. Since 1987 this session has included an address from the President of the European Parliament.
Ministers in attendance may have separate meetings.
• During breaks there are informal discussions between summit participants and between participants and
their supporting national delegations.
• In the evening, dinner provides another opportunity for further informal discussions. The Heads of
Government and the President of the Commission on the one hand, and other ministers in attendance
on the other, usually dine separately.
• What happens after dinner depends on what progress has been made during the day. Occasionally, there
are reconvened plenaries in an attempt to make progress with uncompleted business, and often bilateral
late-night meetings are held. During the night, officials work on a draft of conclusions on the first day’s
business (‘pre-drafts’ are written before summits open) and/or on a form of words that can serve as a
basis for further negotiations the next day.
• Another plenary session is held in the morning and sometimes also the afternoon of day two. This
usually picks up from the previous day’s discussions, but with the draft that has been worked on during
the night now tabled. With the participants trying to move towards conclusions, breaks in the proceed-
ings are sometimes called so as to permit delegations to study the implications of proposals or to allow
informal discussions to take place.
• The summit ends with the issuing of ‘European Council Conclusions’. Everything in the statement is
customarily agreed to by all summit participants.
• Press conferences, including by each Head of State or Government from all of the member states, are
held for the up to 4,000 journalists who attend European Councils and who do so much to turn the
summits into major media events. Different versions of what has happened are often given on these

the EU were the European Council to use major- (Article 15: 4, TEU). And the treaties do not much
ity voting for the high-profile decisions it com- ‘provide otherwise’: with appointments to certain
monly takes. Wessels (2015) describes the European senior positions being the main area where they do
Council as being subject to a strong ‘club spirit’, in (see below).
which participants try to find agreements and in Second, regarding which states exercise most power
which they are usually very solicitous and accom- in the European Council, there is no simple answer to
modating when a member state clearly has major this question. The large states, and especially Germany,
difficulties with an issue. naturally have more political and economic weight. It
This long-standing preference for consensual deci- is thus easier for them to be more insistent on a mat-
sion-making was given treaty status by the Lisbon ter and, if necessary, to threaten to use the veto that
Treaty which, as Document 11.1 shows, included in all European Council members in theory have but
its new TEU article on the European Council: ‘Except that small states are more reluctant to exercise. So, if
where the Treaties provide otherwise, decisions of the UK had been the size of, say, Slovenia, it is very
the European Council shall be taken by consensus’ doubtful whether the other member states would have
194 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

agreed, as they did at the December 2015 summit, to preferences of the participants and changing circum-
renegotiate some of the UK’s accession terms stances and requirements. So, in the second half of
But, large states do not always ‘get their way’. the 1970s, when President Giscard d’Estaing and
Factors other than size determine influence, with the Chancellor Schmidt determined much of the direction
extent of the influence states exercise often varying and pace of European integration, considerable time
between policy areas. So, Germany may be a hegemon was given to general discussions of major economic
in respect of eurozone-related policy matters, but it is and monetary problems. For much of the 1980s, by
not so in respect of foreign policy. And Cyprus, as a contrast, when some participants – notably Margaret
very small state (it has a population of less than one Thatcher and the representatives of the Commission –
million) may normally exercise only modest influ- began to press particular distributional questions, and
ence, but it has been a key player in respect of relations when policy issues were increasingly referred ‘upwards’
with Turkey, where in recent years it has habitually from the Council of Ministers for resolution, the sum-
vetoed the opening of new negotiating chapters. mits came to be much concerned with quite detailed
There are, therefore, ‘non-size’ factors that also decision-making. Towards the end of the 1980s another
determine influence. Amongst these factors are: the shift began to occur as summits devoted increasing time
importance of a policy area to a state’s core interests and attention to the general direction and development
(the more important an issue is seen to be to a mem- of the Community. This shift has continued and has
ber state, the more other states are inclined to accom- resulted in the European Council increasingly assum-
modate a distinctive national position); the standing ing the role of a sort of board of directors: setting the
and competence of the governmental head; and the overall framework and discussing and taking broad
resolve of a member state to want to maximise its decisions on major and contested issues, but leaving
potential influence (which Germany, because of the the operationalisation of the outcomes of its meetings
legacy of the past, generally does not want to do in the to management (which in the European Council’s case
sphere of foreign policy). means a mixture of the European Council President,
Third, the European Council Conclusions – which the Commission, the Council, and the EEAS). Since
summarise the outcomes of summits, including deci- 2010 many European Council meetings have been held
sions taken – are mostly prepared before the national in circumstances of high political tension, with the
leaders meet and involve a time-consuming pro- Greek/eurozone crisis followed by the migration crisis
cess with participation by ‘the whole Brussels and featuring prominently on summit agendas.
national machineries… . Most formulations in the The main topics and areas with which the European
Conclusions … are not the result of intense debates Council concerns itself can be grouped under six
among the governmental leaders themselves; quite headings.
often the members merely agree to a draft prepared
by national ministers and/or high-ranking civil serv-
ants’ (Wessels, 2015: 135–6). Usually, only the most The evolution of the European
contested of matters are extensively discussed. Union
Although this item appears only occasionally on
European Council agendas as a topic in its own right,
Activities reviewing and guiding the general evolution of the EU
is what several specific items are, in effect, concerned
As was noted above, the European Council is rela- with. Some of these items – constitutional and institu-
tively free to decide what it may and may not do. The tional reform, EMU, and enlargement – are dealt with
few treaty and other legal provisions that relate to its separately below. Others include:
responsibilities are, for the most part, vague, whilst
the political status of its members is such as to put it • Setting out guidelines for general policy devel-
generally beyond much challenge. opment and also sometimes for development in
As a result, the activities undertaken by the European specific policy areas. So, the June 2014 summit
Council have tended to vary, according both to the adopted a document called ‘Strategic Agenda for the
The European Council | 195

Union in Times of Change’, which identified five MFFs. In the two years or so before final agreement
priority areas for the next five years – jobs, growth, is reached on the overall size and composition of
and competitiveness; empowering and protecting MFFs, this item is almost invariably on summit
citizens; energy and climate policies; freedom, secu- agendas.
rity, and justice; and the EU as a strong global actor.
The summit further ‘invited the EU institutions and
the Member States to fully implement these priori- ‘Constitutional’ and institutional
ties in their work’ (European Council, 2014: 1). matters
• Monitoring progress in the creation of the internal
market. These come up in the European Council in three main
• ‘Troubleshooting’ when progress in building the forms.
EU is threatened – as with measures agreed at the First, the European Council takes important deci-
June 2009 summit to try and persuade the Irish sions relating to treaty development and reform. As
people to approve the Lisbon Treaty. Box 11.2 shows, since the mid-1980s it has been a key
• Setting out framework principles when this is player in respect of the establishment and remits of
deemed necessary – as with periodic statements IGCs, finalising the contents of treaties, and deciding
since the early 1990s emphasising the importance what is to be done when treaties run into ratification
of subsidiarity. difficulties.
• Framing the parameters of EU income and expend- Second, a range of specific institutional matters
iture by determining the size and shape of the EU’s are considered and decided at summits, such as the

Box 11.2

The European Council and the ‘constitutionalisation’ of European

• The June 1985 Milan summit established the IGC that paved the way for the SEA, which was agreed at
the December 1985 Luxembourg summit.
• The IGCs that worked on what became the Maastricht Treaty were established over a series of four
summits in 1989 and 1990 (two regular and two special). The final negotiations on the Treaty were
conducted at the December 1991 Maastricht summit.
• Preparations and arrangements for the 1996–97 IGC were decided at summits between 1994 and 1996
– notably Corfu in June 1994, Cannes in June 1995, and Madrid in December 1995. The contents of the
Amsterdam Treaty were finalised at the June 1997 Amsterdam summit.
• The Amsterdam summit made provision for the convening of another IGC to prepare for enlargement,
whilst decisions on the convening and agenda of the 2000 IGC were taken at the June 1999 Cologne
summit. The contents of the Treaty were finalised at the December 2000 Nice summit.
• The Nice summit provided for another IGC, which led to later summits determining the preparations
for the Constitutional Treaty IGC – including creating the Constitutional Convention. The final contents
of the CT were agreed at summits in December 2003 and June 2004 (the first of these summits reached
agreement on virtually everything except national voting weights in the Council).
• After the failure to ratify the CT: the June 2005 summit decided on a ‘period of reflection’; the June 2006
summit asked the forthcoming German Presidency to prepare a report to enable progress to be made; the
June 2007 summit decided to convene an IGC, on the basis of a very tight mandate; the October 2007
summit agreed on the contents of the Lisbon Treaty; the June 2009 summit agreed on a list of measures
designed to persuade the Irish people to ratify the Treaty.
196 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

number of seats in the EP that are to be assigned to also Euro Summits, have considered and authorised
acceding states and the location of newly created EU numerous actions relating to the crises, with matters
offices and agencies. covered including tighter macroeconomic coordina-
Third, the European Council takes important tion, banking reform, the promotion of investment,
personnel decisions. Most notably it: appoints its rescue mechanisms for eurozone states in financial
own President; appoints the High Representative of difficulties (with Greece featuring particularly promi-
the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy; nently), and the rules of the eurozone. As a number of
appoints the President, the Vice President, and the academic commentators have observed, the European
Executive Board members of the European Central Council emerged as the centre of gravity in EU
Bank (ECB); proposes to the EP the person it wishes to responses to the crises (see Dinan, 2013; Chang, 2013;
see appointed as Commission President and proposes Puetter, 2015). Moreover, Herman Van Rompuy has
to the Council the person it wishes to see appointed written of his five-year Presidency as being at the bed-
as Council Secretary General; and it formally appoints side of the euro: ‘From crisis summit to crisis summit,
the Commission as a body, once it has been given we were rewriting the basic rules of monetary union’
an EP vote of consent. Given the importance of (quoted in De Schoutheete, 2015).
these appointment powers, personnel decisions can
sometimes become extremely politicised, difficult,
and protracted. However, decisions can be taken by
QMV if necessary, and though this is avoided if at Most important decisions relating to EU enlargement
all possible, it was used in 2014 with the decision are taken at European Council meetings, usually –
to nominate Jean-Claude Juncker as Commission although not always – on the basis of recommenda-
President-designate (see Chapter 9). tions from the Commission. In the years leading up
to the 2004 and 2007 enlargements, there were few
summits when enlargement did not feature promi-
The economic and monetary nently on the agenda, whether it was in the form of
policies of the European Union considering membership applications, authorising
the opening of accession negotiations, hearing reports
Summits have long reviewed the overall economic from the Commission on the progress of negotiations,
and social situation within the EU and looked in a deciding whether negotiations had been successfully
general way at questions relating to economic growth, concluded, setting accession dates, or – as was the case
trade patterns, inflation, exchange rates, and unem- with the Turkish application – dealing with problems
ployment. Until the early 1990s, however, differences arising during the accession process.
between the member states about what should be By way of illustrating the range of enlargement
done, coupled with a widely shared determination to matters with which the European Council can become
ensure that national hands remained firmly placed on involved, amongst the many key decisions taken in
key economic controls, meant that these discussions the process that led to the 2004 enlargement were:
usually produced little beyond general exhortations the agreement at the June 1993 Copenhagen sum-
on topics such as controlling inflation, tackling unem- mit that CEECs could become members of the EU;
ployment, and encouraging investment. the setting-out at the December 1994 Essen summit
However, in recent years these economic delib- of a pre-accession strategy; the confirmation at the
erations, whilst still falling far short of producing a Luxembourg 1997 summit of the Commission’s rec-
common economic policy for all member states, have ommendation that negotiations should open with five
acquired more bite. The main reason for this has been CEECs and Cyprus in 1998; the similar confirmation
the post-2008 global financial and economic crises, at the Helsinki 1999 summit that negotiations should
followed from 2010 by the eurozone and Greek crises, be extended in 2000 to the five remaining CEEC appli-
which have obliged the EU’s national leaders, along cants and Malta; and the agreement at the December
with EU policy-makers at all levels, to examine what 2002 summit that ten states had completed the acces-
EU level responses are appropriate. Accordingly, since sion negotiations successfully and could join the EU
2008 the European Council, and where appropriate on 1 May 2004.
The European Council | 197

However, since the ‘big bang’ enlargement of policy areas such as external trade, development,
2004 and 2007, the enlargement process has become climate change, and energy are largely, or at least in
much less intense. Croatia’s accession in 2013 was many respects, external in character. Summits thus
relatively straightforward and the incoming Juncker often have such topics on their agendas and may
Commission indicated in the autumn of 2014 that look at them with a view to considering the EU’s
there would be no more accessions in the foreseeable relations with the likes of the United States, Russia,
future. In consequence, enlargement has come to China, and Japan, or with a view to coordinating
feature less on summit agendas, though from time to the EU’s position in international negotiations (such
time: updating reports from the Commission on the as at G8 and G20 summits or in the World Trade
progress being made by applicant states are noted; Organization). As was noted earlier in the chapter,
there are occasionally pronouncements designed to because of the overlapping and interconnected nature
breathe life into the Turkish accession process; and of foreign and security policy with other policies
Council recommendations may be endorsed – as with external implications, and because also of the
when the June 2013 summit decided to open accession somewhat ambiguous phrasing of the TEU on the
negotiations with Serbia. matter – where the European Council President, the
Commission President, and the High Representative
External relations are all assigned responsibilities – a sometimes uneasy
division of labour exists regarding who is to represent
In addition to the ‘special case’ of enlargement, the the EU in high-level external policy exchanges and
European Council is involved in the EU’s external negotiations.
relations in three principal ways. Third, the European Council has long issued decla-
First, since the Maastricht Treaty the European rations on important aspects of international political
Council has been assigned by the TEU a guidance role affairs, with topics that have much featured in recent
on the overall principles and direction of the EU’s years including Libya, Syria, and Russia/Ukraine.
foreign and security policy. The post-Lisbon Treaty Sometimes the declarations have had policy instru-
formulation of this role is set out in Document 11.4. ments attached to them, but usually only ‘soft’ instru-
Second, many non-foreign policy issues are not ments in the form, for example, of mild economic
purely internal EU matters. On the contrary indeed, sanctions or modest economic aid.

Document 11.4

The Treaty provisions on the Foreign and Security Policy Roles of the
European Council

1 The European Council shall identify the Union’s strategic interests, determine the objectives of and
define general guidelines for the common foreign and security policy, including for matters with
defence implications. It shall adopt the necessary decisions. If international developments so require,
the President of the European Council shall convene an extraordinary meeting of the European
Council in order to define the strategic lines of the Union’s policy in the face of such developments.
2 The Council shall frame the common foreign and security policy and take the decisions necessary for
defining and implementing it on the basis of the general guidelines and strategic lines defined by the
European Council. The Council and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and
Security Policy shall ensure the unity, consistency and effectiveness of action by the Union.
Source: Article 26, Treaty on European Union.
198 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

Specific internal policy issues The European Council and

Despite the original intention that the European the EU System
Council should operate at a fairly general level,
in practice it often concerns itself with quite spe- As the previous section showed, the European Council
cific internal policy issues. There are three main concerns itself with various activities, the relative
reasons for this: (1) some issues are so sensitive importance of which can vary from summit to sum-
and/or so intractable that it requires the author- mit. Five broad functions, which can be analytically
ity of national leaders to deal with them; (2) the separated but which in practice greatly overlap, are
European Council is, because of its non-sectoral associated with these activities. The functions are set
nature, often the best-placed institution to put out in Box 11.3.
together broad-ranging policies or broker deals One function, it should be emphasised, that the
that cut across policy sectors; and (3) the status European Council does not exercise is that of legis-
of the European Council in the EU system is now lator. As Document 11.1 shows, the TEU prevents
such that the general expectation and assumption it from taking legislative decisions. Its decisions are
is that most policy matters of significance ought at political decisions. When it is intended that its deci-
least to be given clearance, if not be determined, at sions should be given legal effect, the customary EU
European Council level. legislative procedures have to be applied. And in those
These differing reasons have resulted in three procedures there is no guarantee that a European
broad types of internal policy involvement by the Council agreement will automatically produce ease
European Council. First, it sometimes plays a sig- of passage. One reason for this is that the policy
nificant role in policy initiation. For example, since guidelines laid down by the European Council are
the late 1980s it has prompted initiatives in such sometimes insufficiently precise to clear all politi-
areas as immigration, drugs, and terrorism. Second, cal obstacles. Another reason is that governments
policy involvement can take the form of tackling
issues that the Council has been unable to resolve
because of differences between member states and/
or that it is deemed necessary the European Council BOX 11.3
should resolve because of their importance or
controversial nature. Climate change, energy, and Functions of the European Council
migration are examples of such policy areas in
recent years. Third, and this has become of increas- • It is a forum, at the highest political level, for
building mutual understanding and confidence
ing importance as the number of policy issues that
are ‘referred up’ from the Council for final resolu- between the governments of the EU member
tion has declined (largely as a consequence of QMV states.
resulting in fewer blockages at Council level), the • It identifies medium- and long-term EU goals.
European Council has become less concerned with • It is a policy initiator and dispenser of policy
arbitrating and acting as a final court of appeal on
internal policy issues and more concerned with • It makes an important contribution to the coor-
dination of EU policy goals and activities.
encouraging and guiding. This is illustrated by
the frequent messages it sends to other EU insti- • It is a political (not a legislative) decision-
maker – both on matters that have come to be
tutions, especially the Commission, via summit
Conclusions, with Conclusions frequently studded accepted are its ultimate responsibility (most
with phrases such as the European Council ‘invites notably constitutional and major institutional,
a report on’, ‘calls for action to be taken in regard policy, and budgetary issues), and on matters
to’, ‘confirms its full support for’, ‘welcomes the that, because of their importance or their
progress made by’, ‘endorses the steps taken in con- political complexity and sensitivity, it is thought
nection with’, and so on. should be referred to it.
The European Council | 199

occasionally decide after a summit that their delega- solutions. However, the extent of the undermin-
tions have given too much away and that ground must ing should not be overstated as the Commission
be recovered by taking a tough line in the Council. President participates in the political discussions
Institutionalised summitry in the form of the with national leaders at the summits, and the
European Council has inevitably strengthened the preferences and solutions that are indicated and
position of national governments in the EU system. decided are often based on reports and documents
It has also added an extra intergovernmental ele- submitted by the Commission to the summits.
ment to the nature of the EU by virtue of the leaders • The Council has lost power to the European
virtually always acting on the basis of consensus – Council by virtue of the increasing tendency of
either because they are required to do so or, in those most major issues to go through summits in some
instances where voting is possible, because they prefer form. As Hayes-Renshaw and Wallace (2006: 1)
to do so. note, one role of the European Council is to act
However, although the European Council is ‘as a higher level of the Council of Ministers, by
unquestionably a very important EU institution, attempting to settle those issues on which the
its roles in the EU system are not wholly fixed. For ministers have been unable to reach agreement’.
the most part it focuses on ‘very high’ politics – by And, as Wessels (2015: 93) puts it: ‘The politi-
attempting to provide strategic direction for the EU cal weight of the governmental heads as ultimate
and taking major – ‘history-making’ (Peterson and decision-makers is on its own sufficient to reduce
Bomberg, 1999: chapter 1) – decisions. It tries to the Council’s decision-making autonomy.’
avoid becoming too involved in policy details. But However, the extent of the Council’s loss of
this position of dealing with ‘the big picture’ and power should not be exaggerated. One reason
leaving detailed and operational matters to others is why it should not be so is that there is no rigid
not applied with complete consistency. What hap- hierarchical relationship between the two bodies
pens at individual summits is not part of any wholly in the sense that the Council always feels obliged
regularised or consistent pattern. Thus, some sum- to refer all significant matters ‘upwards’ for final
mits are relatively low-key affairs and do little more decisions. It is true that most broad-based or very
than pronounce on some aspects of current inter- significant initiatives are referred to the European
national developments, indicate one or two policy Council, but often that is for little more than politi-
initiatives in fringe policy areas, and cobble together cal approval or for information. Certainly it would
a concluding statement exuding general goodwill. be quite erroneous to suppose that the European
Other summits, by contrast, are surrounded by an Council takes all ‘first-order’ decisions and the
atmosphere of crisis and prophecies of catastrophe Council is confined to ‘second-order’ decisions.
should they fail to produce firm decisions on key A second reason why the extent of the loss should
and pressing issues. Occasionally they do fail, but not be overstated is that there is no consistent line
the forecasted catastrophes never quite happen, and of division between the two regarding who does
the next summit, or next but one, is usually able to what, other than the Council being responsible
find an agreement via the customary EU method of for making legislation. A third reason is that most
compromise. issues considered by the European Council have
already been prepared, channelled and filtered by
*  *  * the appropriate formations of the Council. And a
The creation and development of the European fourth reason is that since the European Council
Council has inevitably had implications for the role meets for only six to eight days a year, it cannot
and functioning of the other principal EU institutions. normally hope to do anything more than sketch
outlines in a restricted number of areas.
• The Commission has experienced some undermin- • The EP has been largely bypassed by the European
ing of its special position regarding policy initiation Council and so could be regarded as having expe-
as a result of the European Council’s increas- rienced some net loss of power. It is true that the
ing habit of indicating policy preferences and European Council President gives a verbal report
200 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

on each summit meeting to the next EP plenary On the other hand, there have been positive achieve-
session, and it is also the case that the EP President ments: understandings between national leaders have
addresses the opening sessions of summits in order been furthered; important goals have been identified/
to inform the national leaders of the EP’s thinking given an impetus/brought to a conclusion – such as
on key issues. However, there is no evidence that on enlargements, the internal market, institutional
either of these procedures produce much in the reform, and EMU; and agreements have been worked
way of influence. Far more important is the almost out on matters that were either unsuitable for, or
complete lack of input by the EP into European could not be resolved by, the Council.
Council agendas or deliberations, and the tendency That there should be both pluses and minuses in
of the Council of Ministers to take the view that the record is not altogether surprising. The summits
proposals that stem from European Council deci- are, after all, conducted on a relatively loosely struc-
sions do not permit it much manoeuvrability when tured basis and it is thus perhaps inevitable, given the
dealing with the EP. participants, that they should be drawn into attempt-
• Since the European Council operates largely ing to do a host of different things. It is also inevitable
outside the framework of the TFEU, and since its that summits should experience many of the problems
decisions are political rather than legal in character, of intergovernmental conflict that are so characteristic
its existence has had few implications for the Court of the Council.
of Justice. Or rather it has had few direct implica- Aware of the European Council’s weaknesses, the
tions. Necessarily, however, in so far as important government of the member states – led by the gov-
decisions are taken that are beyond the Court’s ernments of the large member states – used the
‘reach’, this constitutes a weakness in the influence treaty reform process that led to the Lisbon Treaty
of the Court. to strengthen the European Council’s institutional
capacity. They did this by replacing the six-month
rotating Presidency of the European Council by a
more permanent President. The evidence to date indi-
Concluding Remarks cates that whilst this change has marginally improved
the operational functioning of the European Council,
The record of the European Council is mixed. On it has not in itself greatly impacted on the European
the one hand, there have been failures, or at least the Council’s (already very significant) position in the
non-fulfilment of hopes. This was particularly so in EU system. But what has impacted on the European
the period from about 1980 to 1988: summits became Council’s position in the EU system is ‘events’ since
rather routinised and immersed in specifics; too the first European Council President assumed office –
much time was devoted to policy detail rather than with crises, and especially the eurozone and migration
to mapping out the future; and disputes about distri- crises, bringing the European Council more centre
butional issues were seemingly always on the agenda. stage than ever.
Chapter 12
The European Parliament

Powers and Influence 201 his chapter examines the European Parliament. It does so by analysing
Elections210 the EP’s powers and influence, EP elections, political parties and the EP,
the composition of the EP, the organisation and operation of the EP,
Political Parties and the
and concludes with some thought on whether the EP is a ‘proper’ parliament.
European Parliament 213
Organisation and Operation 219
Concluding Remarks: Is the
Powers and Influence
EP a ‘Proper’ Parliament? 225
For long after it was first constituted as the Assembly of the European Coal and
Steel Community, the European Parliament – the title it adopted for itself in
1962 – was generally regarded as a somewhat ineffectual institution. This repu-
tation is no longer justified, for whilst it is true that the EP’s formal powers
are not quite as strong as those of national legislatures, developments over the
years have come to give it considerable powers and influence in the EU system.
As with national parliaments this influence is exercised in three main ways:
through the legislative process, through the budgetary process, and through
control and supervision of the executive.

Parliament and EU legislation

The EP is an extremely active legislator. During the 2009–14 Parliament a
total of 1,071 legislative acts were voted on in plenary session (European
Parliament, 2014). There are a number of ways in which the Parliament can
influence the nature and content of the EU’s legislative output.
First, it sometimes participates in policy discussions with the Commission
at the pre-proposal legislative stage. The Commission may, for example, float
a policy idea before an EP committee, or committee members themselves may
suggest policy initiatives to the Commission.
Second, the EP can formally adopt its own ideas for suggested legislation.
There are two main ways in which it can do this. One way is to adopt own
initiative reports – that is, reports that the Parliament itself initiates. Since
1982, the Commission has agreed in principle to follow up on any reports to
which it does not have major objections, though in practice it has often either
not done so or not done so in ways that the EP intended. Well over 100 own
initiative reports are adopted in an average year, most of which do not call for
legislative proposals. The other way of adopting ideas for legislation is under

202 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

Box 12.1

The EU’s legislative procedures and the EP

• The consultation procedure. Under this procedure the EP is asked for an opinion on Commission propos-
als for legislation. Once that opinion is given the Council may take whatever decision it wishes, even if
the EP’s opinion is negative.
If the Council acts prematurely and does not wait for Parliament to make its views known, the
‘law’ will be ruled invalid by the CJEU. Any uncertainty on this point was removed by the isoglucose
case ruling in 1980, when the Court annulled a Council regulation on the ground that it had been
issued before Parliament’s opinion was known. The isoglucose case ruling does not give the EP an
indefinite veto over legislation under the consultation procedure, for it is obliged by treaty to issue
opinions and in some of its judgements the Court has referred to the duty of loyal cooperation
amongst EU institutions. However, the ruling does give the EP a very useful delaying power, of up to
about three months.
What use the EP is able to make of the consultation procedure depends, in part at least, on its
own subject competence and its tactical skills. The standard way of proceeding is to take advantage
of Article 293 TFEU, which states: ‘As long as the Council has not acted, the Commission may alter
its proposals during the procedures leading to the adoption of a Union act.’ If the Commission can
be persuaded to alter a proposal so as to incorporate the EP’s views, the prospect of those views
becoming part of the text that is finally approved by the Council is greatly enhanced. With this
in mind, the EP attempts to convince or to pressurise the Commission. Normally, pressurising
takes the form of voting on amendments to proposals but delaying voting on the resolution that
formally constitutes the opinion until after the Commission has stated – as it is obliged to do –
whether or not it accepts the amendments. If the Commission does accept the amendments, the
EP votes for the legislative resolution and the amendments are incorporated into the Commission’s
proposal. If the Commission does not accept the amendments, or at least not all of them, the
EP may judge the Commission’s position to be unsatisfactory and as a result may seek to delay
the progress of the proposal by referring it back to the appropriate parliamentary committee for
further consideration.

Article 225 TFEU, which, states that ‘The European during the 2009–14 session (European Parliament
Parliament may, acting by a majority of its component (2015: 17) – partly because absolute majorities can
members, request the Commission to submit any be difficult to obtain. The Commission has promised,
appropriate proposal on matters on which it considers including in a 2010 inter-institutional agreement
that a Union act is required for the purpose of imple- between the EP and the Commission, to give such
menting the Treaties.’ An example of such a request requests all possible consideration and where possible
being made was in November 2008 when, by 590 votes to come forward with appropriate proposals or to
to 23 and with 46 abstentions, the EP voted to request include them in its work programme but, in practice,
the Commission to draft a legislative proposal to there has not been much evidence of them having had
strengthen the current law on equal pay. Political real- much impact.
ities make it difficult for the Commission not to act Third, the annual budgetary cycle provides oppor-
on Article 225 requests, but, as Judge and Earnshaw tunities to exercise legislative influence. In large meas-
(2008: 195–6) show, it has not always rushed to do ure this dates back to the Joint Declaration of 30 June
so. Moreover, only a handful of legislative Article 225 1982 by the European Parliament, the Council and the
requests have been adopted to date – just 18 in total Commission on various measures to improve the budgetary
The European Parliament | 203

Box 12.1 continued

• The ordinary legislative procedure. Up to the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty this procedure was
known as the co-decision procedure. The word ‘co-decision’ highlights a key difference between this
procedure and the consultation procedure: whereas under the consultation procedure the EP is formally
restricted to advising, under the ordinary procedure it is a co-decision maker with the Council. The EP
thus has the power to veto legislative proposals, which naturally greatly increases its bargaining power
when, as is almost invariably the case, it is seeking not to reject but rather to amend legislative proposals.
The significance of the Parliament’s powers under the procedure is symbolised by the fact that legisla-
tion that is subject to the procedure is made in the name of the EP and the Council, whereas legislation
that is made under the consultation procedure is made in the name of the Council only.
Another important difference between the two procedures is that whereas the consultation procedure is
a single reading procedure the ordinary procedure is potentially a three reading procedure. If the Council
and the EP reach agreement on the proposal at first reading (as, in practice, they normally do), the proposal
can be adopted at that stage, but if there is no agreement the Council adopts a ‘common position’ that
must then be referred back to the EP. When doing so, the Council is obliged to provide the EP with an
explanation of its common position – including reasons for any EP amendments that have been rejected.
If the Council and the EP are still at odds after the second reading, the proposal falls if the Parliament has
rejected it by an absolute majority of its members and it is referred to a conciliation committee if the EP
has amended it by an absolute majority. Conciliation committees – which, in practice, are only occasionally
required – are composed of an equal number of representatives from the Council and the Parliament. If
agreement is reached in conciliation committee, the text must be approved by the EP by a majority of the
votes cast and by the Council acting by qualified majority. If no agreement is reached the proposal falls.

• The consent procedure. Under this procedure, which was known as the assent procedure pre-Lisbon
Treaty, the EP must consider proposals at a single reading. As with the ordinary procedure, the EP has
veto powers under this procedure but it cannot make amendments. In some circumstances the consent
requires an absolute majority of Parliament’s members.
The procedure is not – and never has been – used for ‘normal’ legislation but is reserved for special
measures, including certain citizenship-related issues. As a non-legislative procedure, it is also used for
the ratification of international treaties and the accession of new member states.

procedure. Amongst the ‘various measures’, it was agreed member states that claimed that a number of EU pro-
that if the EP put appropriations into the budget for grammes stemming from EP initiatives and approved
items for which there was no legal base – in other words under the budgetary procedure were illegal because they
if the EP opened new budget lines – the Commission did not have an authorised legal base.
and the Council would seek to provide the necessary Fourth, the EP can influence, albeit perhaps rather
base. It was further agreed that expenditure limits in indirectly, the Commission’s annual work and legisla-
respect of legislation should not be set in the legislative tive programme – which is essentially a planning tool
process, but in the budgetary process – where the EP of an indicative nature. The procedure is as follows.
had, until recently, more power. For the most part this (1) The Commission adopts its annual work pro-
understanding between the institutions has worked well gramme, which includes all proposals of a legislative
and has enabled the EP to promote favoured policies, nature, in the autumn. Several factors determine the
including employment generation and regional policies. contents of the programme, most notably: the politi-
It is an understanding, however, that requires the three cal priorities of the Commission; commitments that
institutions to work closely together, as was demon- are pending; initiatives that are deemed to be neces-
strated in 1998 when the ECJ ruled in favour of four sary to give effect to existing policy developments;
204 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

preferences that have been indicated by the Council • Distinguishing between amendments that have a
and the EP that the Commission is willing to advance; political edge and those that are essentially techni-
and priorities identified in Council planning pro- cal or procedural in nature.
grammes. (2) The programme is considered by appro- • The fact that, as Corbett (2001: 363) has noted, the
priate EP committees, with a dialogue often taking significance of EP amendments varies according
place between MEPs and Commission representatives. to circumstances. For instance, some amendments
(3) A resolution on the programme is voted on in an under the ordinary procedure are adopted primar-
EP plenary session, usually in December. ily for tactical reasons ahead of negotiations with
Fifth, and most importantly of all, the EP’s views the Council.
must be sought in connection with important/sig- • How to count when some, but not all, of an
nificant/sensitive legislation, with its powers varying amendment is accepted by the Council. This is a
according to the legislative procedure applying. Since particular problem under the ordinary procedure,
the Lisbon Treaty came into effect there have been with many amendments leading to compromises
three procedures to which legislation may be subject. negotiated between the EP and the Council.
The nature of these procedures and the policy areas
to which they apply are described in some detail in Notwithstanding, however, these difficulties, some
Chapter 19. Box 12.1 provides a summary of the pro- indication of the influence exercised by the EP can be
cedures as they affect the EP. gauged from the fact that under the ordinary proce-
Which procedure applies to a particular legisla- dure hardly any legislative proposals now go to the
tive proposal depends on which treaty article(s) the final conciliation stage. For example, between July
proposal is based. It is in the EP’s interest that as 2014 and May 2016, of 109 completed ordinary proce-
much as possible is based on the ordinary procedure, dures, 84 (77 per cent) were completed at first reading,
where its powers are strongest, and as little as possi- 21 (19 per cent) at early second reading, and 4 (4 per
ble is based on the consultation procedure, where its cent) at second reading (European Parliament, 2016).
powers are weakest. Since the co-decision procedure In other words, all completed procedures (which,
was created by the Maastricht Treaty, all subsequent of course, does not mean all procedures) were in an
revising ­treaties – those of Amsterdam, Nice, and acceptable form to the EP well before the end of the
Lisbon – have benefited the EP by ‘upgrading’ policy second reading.
areas from the consultation and cooperation proce- Even if the precision of statistical estimates of the
dures to the co-decision/ordinary procedure. Since EP’s legislative influence may be questioned, two
the Lisbon Treaty entered into force, over 90 per cent matters are incontrovertible. First, the EP is centrally
of legislative proposals fall under the ordinary proce- involved with the Commission and the Council in
dure. Box 19.1 on pp. 332–3 lists the policy areas to the making of EU legislation. It is so most notably,
which the ordinary procedure does not apply. as Chapter 19 shows, when EP committees examine
Commission proposals, in trilogues when the key EP,
*  *  * Commission, and Council actors on proposals explore
It is impossible to estimate the precise effect of EP the possibilities for a deal, and in plenaries when votes
deliberations on the final form of legislative acts. on legislative proposals are taken. Second, EP activity
One reason for this is that a great deal of EP persuad- does have a significant impact on the outcome of leg-
ing and lobbying cannot be monitored because it is islative processes. Whilst only a handful of legislative
carried out via informal contacts with Commission proposals are actually blocked by the EP, many pro-
and Council representatives, often even before a posals are significantly altered, including on matters
Commission proposal has formally been launched. of political substance.
That is to say, EP influence is exercised not just by
the formal acts of approving, rejecting, and amend- *  *  *
ing legislative proposals. Second, statistical analyses Having established that the EP does have a genuine
of the extent to which EP amendments are incorpo- legislative influence – an influence that many national
rated into final legislation struggle with the following parliaments cannot match – three weaknesses to
problems: which it is subject need to outlined.
The European Parliament | 205

The first and most obvious weakness is that the EP decisions; as such, it is similar to the decrees, ordi-
does not have full legislative powers. Unlike national nances, and other minor legislative acts that national
parliaments, it does not have the final say over what administrations issue and that are commonly accepted
is and what is not to become law. On the one hand, it as an inevitable aspect of decision-making in the mod-
does not have the capacity to exercise a fully ‘positive’ ern world.
legislative role by initiating, developing, and passing
into law its own proposals. On the other hand, its
‘negative’ legislative role is also circumscribed, for Parliament and the EU budget
whilst the ordinary and consent procedures do give
it a veto over most legislative proposals, under the As is shown in Chapter 23, there are two very differ-
consultation procedure the Council has the power ent dimensions of EU budget-making: the making of
to overturn EP amendments that have or have not MFFs and the making of annual budgets. The first of
been accepted by the Commission, and to ignore the these is the more important in that the contents of
EP’s rejection of legislative proposals. Moreover, the annual budgets have to be set within guidelines laid
Council can also choose not to act at all on legislative down in MFFs.
proposals it does not like – and there are always many Since budgetary decision-making and the EP’s
proposals upon which the Parliament has given an powers and influence within are examined at some
opinion that still await a Council decision. (Proposals length in Chapter 23, only a summary of key points
subject to the ordinary procedures are not exempt will be given here.
from such Council inaction, since the restricted time-
table that is attached to the procedure only comes Multiannual financial frameworks
into play once the Council has adopted its common
position.) Following a series of intense disputes in the early-
The second weakness is that although the EP usu- to-mid 1980s between the Council and EP over the
ally attempts to deliver opinions as soon as possible contents of the EC’s annual budget, in 1988 the EP,
to ensure they are available to the Council at an early the Commission and the Council of Ministers put
stage of its deliberations, it is not unusual – although their names to The Interinstitutional Agreement on
more so than it used to be – for the Council, before Budgetary Discipline and Improvement of the Budgetary
the opinion of the EP has been delivered, to take pre- Procedure. This committed all three institutions to a
liminary decisions or to adopt common positions ‘in financial perspective for the years 1988 to 1992. The
principle’ or ‘pending the opinion of the European financial perspective was, essentially a medium-term
Parliament’. This is especially common when the financial framework for the annual budgets.
initial referral to the EP is delayed, when there is Since the expiry in 1992 of the first financial
some urgency about the matter, or when a Council perspective, MFFs – as financial perspectives are
Presidency is anxious to push the proposal through. now called – have been agreed every seven years
Whatever the reason, in such circumstances the EP’s between the Commission, the Council, and the EP.
opinion, especially under the consultation procedure, Unquestionably, MFFs have given the EP some budg-
is reduced. etary leverage – not least because since the very first
The third weakness is that the EP does not have full financial perspective they have required EP endorse-
powers over ‘administrative’ legislation, even though, ment, which was elevated to a consent power by the
numerically, it makes up most of EU legislation (most Lisbon Treaty. But, overall, the Parliament has not
commonly in the form of Commission regulations been able to exercise as much influence on the con-
and decisions). The EP’s powers over administrative tents of MFFs as has been sought or hoped. This has
legislation have been extended since the Lisbon Treaty been because the key actors in shaping MFFs have been
(see pp. 150–2), but some MEPs still regard the pow- the Commission – which has set the broad agendas via
ers as being too weak given the political and expendi- initial and then revised proposals – and the govern-
ture implications of some of this legislation. However, ments of the member state which, in both the Council
that said, the fact is that administrative legislation is and the European Council, have contested key issues
usually highly technical and of a kind that needs quick whilst giving relatively attention to EP priorities. The
206 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

Parliament has exerted as much influence as it can – by But notwithstanding the relative smoothness of the
producing reports and recommendations, questioning annul budgetary process after 1988, a running sore
the Council and Commission, and holding debates for the EP that frequently surfaced was the distinction
and votes – but it has been kept largely to the margins. between compulsory and non-compulsory expendi-
It has managed to persuade the governments of the ture and the EP’s weak powers in regard to the former.
member states to make some modest adjustments to This sore was removed by the Lisbon Treaty, which
the MFFs that have been agreed at European Council abolished the distinction, made for full parity between
level, but the approvals the Parliament has given to the EP and Council as the budgetary authorities, and
MFFs have been essentially approvals of Commission- simplified the annual budgetary procedure.
sponsored and member state-negotiated deals.
A main part of the problem for the EP has arisen
from it being so difficult and so protracted a process to Control and supervision of the
reach agreement on the contents of MFFs at member executive
state level. In consequence, by the time preliminary
MFF deals (finally) reach the EP for its consent, the Virtually all parliaments have difficulty exercising
clock is ticking on the need to reach final agreements controlling and supervisory powers over executives.
and member state positions are quite rigid. Member They are hampered by the executives, which do not
states are thus unwilling and often unable to do more welcome the prospect of being investigated and there-
than make a few concessions to bring the EP aboard. fore seek to protect themselves behind whatever con-
stitutional, institutional or party political defences are
available. They are hampered also by the parliamen-
Annual budgets
tarians themselves, who tend not to have the requisite
Thanks mainly to the 1970 Treaty Amending Certain information, the specialist knowledge, or the neces-
Budgetary Provisions of the Treaties and the 1975 Treaty sary resources that are required to properly monitor,
Amending Certain Financial Provisions of the Treaties, and if necessary challenge, executive activity.
the EP enjoyed from the 1970s considerable treaty The EP shares these problems but also has two
powers in relation to the EU annual budget. These additional ones of its own. First, a key aspect of con-
powers included: (1) the right to propose ‘modifica- trol and supervision of executives concerns policy
tions’ to compulsory expenditure (essentially agricul- implementation: is policy being implemented effi-
ture), though with final decisions being taken by the ciently and for the purposes intended by the relevant
Council; (2) the right to propose ‘amendments’ to law? The Commission is the most obvious body to
non-compulsory expenditure (most non-agricultural be called to account on this question. But in many
items), with the EP having the final decisions within policy spheres the Commission’s executive role is
limits; and (3) the right of approval or rejection, with very limited and consists essentially of attempting to
the Council, over the whole budget. coordinate the work of outside agencies operating
Following the introduction of direct elections for at different administrative levels. Such agencies, of
MEPs in 1979, extensive use was made of the powers which national governments are the most important,
just listed. Virtually all aspects of the rules, includ- are often reluctant to open the books to or cooperate
ing the power of rejection, were tested to see how with EP investigators. Certainly there is no question
far they could be taken. Major confrontations with of government ministers allowing themselves to be
the Council, far from being avoided, seemed at times grilled by the EP on the competency and honesty of
almost to be sought as the EP attempted to assert their national bureaucracies.
itself. The 1988 introduction of financial perspectives The second problem specific to the EP is that on
served, however, as had been intended, to take much broad controlling and supervisory issues – such as
of the heat out of the annual budgetary decision- whether the EU executive is acting responsibly in the
making process, and since 1988 the annual budget execution of its duties, and whether it is fulfilling its
has been agreed by the two co-decision makers – the treaty obligations – problems arise from the blurring
Council and EP – on time and without excessive con- of roles between the Commission, the Council and
troversy. the European Council. Insofar as the Council and the
The European Parliament | 207

European Council undertake what are in effect execu- the European Council is required to submit the name
tive powers, the EP’s supervisory powers are weak- of another candidate who is then subject to the same
ened. This is because Parliament’s access and treaty procedure.
powers are not so strong in relation to the Council and As was shown in Chapter 9, in 2014 the EP took
the European Council as they are to the Commission. advantage of the rather generally phrased wording
of Article 17:7 to introduce the Spitzenkandidaten
(lead candidate) system, which resulted in the
The Commission
European Council having little choice but to accept
In relation to the Commission, the EP has eight main as Commission President-designate the person (Jean-
supervisory powers and channels at its disposal. Claude Juncker) who was the nominee of the larg-
First, prior to the Lisbon Treaty, the nominee for est political group after the EP elections. Inevitably,
Commission President had to be approved by the EP. this has resulted in the President of the Commission
The Lisbon Treaty strengthened this power of the EP becoming more closely associated with the EP, both in
by specifying that the European Council’s proposal of terms of working and accountability relations.
a candidate for Commission President must be made Second, the Commissioner-designate ‘shall be
‘(t)aking into account the elections to the European subject as a body to a vote of consent by the
Parliament’ (Article 17:7 TEU). The candidate is then European Parliament’ (Article 17:7 TEU). Since
‘elected’ by the EP by a majority of its component this power of approval, in a slightly different form,
members, and if the necessary majority is not obtained was first given to the EP, by the Maastricht Treaty,

Photo 12.1 Dimitris Avramopoulos, Commissioner-Designate for Migration, Home Affairs and
Citizenship, during his EP confirmation hearing on 30 September 2014
208 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

each Commissioner-designate has been subject to a Further, closely related, steps forward have been
three hour or so grilling – known as a ‘hearing’ – by taken by succeeding Commission Presidents, who
the appropriate EP committee(s) before the con- have indicated they will respond positively to any
firmation vote. The confirmation vote itself cannot request from MEPs to dismiss an individual mem-
be on individual Commissioners but must be on ber of his College. For example, in 2004, President
the College as a whole. However, as was shown in Barroso promised that if MEPs passed what amounted
Chapter 9, some changes to the personnel and the to a motion of no confidence in a Commissioner,
allocation of portfolios in recent Colleges have been he would require the individual to resign or at least
made following indications by MEPs that the hear- would appear before Parliament to explain why he
ing performances of a few Commissioners have been was not insisting on the Commissioner’s resignation.
unacceptable. Fourth, under Article 233 TFEU, the EP ‘shall dis-
Third, the EP can dismiss the College – but not indi- cuss in open session the annual general report submit-
vidual Commissioners – by carrying a motion of censure ted to it by the Commission’. This debate used to be
by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast, including a one of the highlights of the parliamentary year, but it
majority of all MEPs. This power of dismissal is obviously has never produced significant results and is now of
too blunt a controlling instrument for most purposes little consequence.
and it has never been carried through. However, it came Fifth, under Article 318 TFEU, ‘The Commission
close to being so in January 1999 when a number of fac- shall submit annually to the European Parliament and
tors came together to produce a groundswell of dissatis- to the Council the accounts of the preceding financial
faction amongst MEPs with the Santer College. Amongst year relating to the implementation of the budget. The
the factors were: a Court of Auditors report that revealed Commission shall also forward to them a financial
(yet again!) evidence of ‘missing’ EU funds and was statement of the assets and liabilities of the Union.’
strongly critical of aspects of Commission management On the basis of an examination of the accounts and
practices; the suggestion that some Commissioners were the financial statement, and having examined also the
favouring relatives and friends for appointments and the annual report of the Court of Auditors, Parliament
awarding of contracts; and a rather dismissive response ‘acting on a recommendation from the Council, shall
by the President of the Commission, Jacques Santer, to give a discharge to the Commission in respect of the
the criticisms that were being made about himself and implementation of the budget’ (Article 319 TFEU).
some of his colleagues. It was only after Santer agreed Under its discharge powers, the EP invariably requires
to the creation of a special committee of independent the Commission and other institutions to take appro-
experts to investigate the allegations of fraud, nepotism, priate steps to ensure action on the comments appear-
and mismanagement that the threat of dismissal receded, ing in the decision on discharge.
though even then the motion of censure was supported Sixth, the remits of EP standing committees are
by 232 MEPs, with 293 voting against. broad enough to allow them to attempt to exercise
The special committee’s report was issued supervisory functions if they so choose. However, the
two months later, in March, and was highly criti- Commission is not anxious to encourage investiga-
cal of aspects of the College’s work and behaviour tions of itself, and the committees are not sufficiently
(Committee of Independent Experts, 1999a). Most well resourced to be able to probe very deeply. The
damaging of all was the much-quoted sentence: ‘It Committee on Budgetary Control, which is specifi-
is becoming difficult to find anyone who has even cally charged with monitoring policy implementation,
the slightest sense of responsibility’ (point 9.4.25). is in a typically weak position: with only a handful of
Meeting almost immediately after the report was senior officers employed to assist it, it cannot hope to
published and aware that MEPs were likely to carry do anything other than cover a small fraction of the
a motion of censure on it by the necessary two-thirds Commission’s work.
majority, the Santer College collectively resigned. Seventh, the EP is empowered to establish special
The resignation was widely interpreted as a triumph committees and committees of inquiry on almost
for the EP and as a highly significant step forward any subject. The work of such committees can range
in its long campaign to exercise greater control over widely, including investigating Commission activi-
Commission activities. ties. So, for example, the Special Committees on Tax
The European Parliament | 209

Rulings, which was established in 2015 in the wake of opportunities to challenge the Council on its general
the so-called ‘Lux Leaks’ scandal (involving alleged conduct of affairs.
favourable tax breaks to multinational corporations in First, it has long been the case that the Presidency
Luxembourg and elsewhere), included in its remit the of the Council appears before EP plenaries at the
Commission’s treatment of state aid arrangements in beginning and end of each six-month term of office.
the member states. This practice was made into a requirement by new
Finally, questions can be asked of the Commission. Rules of Procedure adopted by the European Council
These take different forms: written questions, oral as the Lisbon Treaty came into effect:
questions in question time, and oral questions with
debate. In total, around 12,000 questions are asked The member of the European Council represent-
in an average year, of which the great majority are ing the Member State holding the Presidency of
written. the Council shall present to the European Par-
liament the priorities of the Presidency and the
results achieved during the six-month period.
The Council
(European Council, 2009b: 53)
The EP is less able to control and supervise the
Council than it is the Commission. There are three Second, ministers from the Presidency usually
main reasons for this. attend the EP committees that deal with their spheres
The first reason arises from the role of the Council of responsibility at least twice during their country’s
as the main meeting place of the governments of the Presidency. MEPs can use these occasions for informal
member states. To make it, or any of its members, discussions with the Council, or to have wide-ranging
directly responsible to the EP would be to introduce question and answer sessions on the Council’s priori-
a measure of supranationalism into the EU that is ties and performance.
unacceptable to member state governments. Council Third, ministers from the Presidency also regularly
members are to be responsible to their national par- attend EP plenary sessions and participate in impor-
liaments. This means that the Council as a collective tant debates.
body is not responsible to anyone, whilst individual Fourth, the EP can, through the Presidency, ask
members are not responsible to an EU institution. questions of the Council. Around 1,000 questions
Second, the very nature of the Council – with its (most of which are in written form) are asked per year.
ever-changing composition, its specialist Councils, In one important respect the EP’s supervisory
and its rotating Presidency – means that continuity of position over the Council (and the Commission) was
relations between it and the EP is difficult to establish. boosted by the Lisbon Treaty, with it being accorded,
Third, politicians from the Council are often very as is shown in Chapter 22, the power of consent over
cautious about being too open with the EP in respect many international treaties: a power that was used,
of such sensitive policy areas as the AFSJ, the CFSP, for example, in 2012 when the Parliament rejected
and aspects of EMU. This reluctance, which can occur the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)
at national levels too, is partly because decisions in because of civil liberties concerns. Necessarily, the new
these spheres sometimes need to be made quickly Lisbon power has resulted in the EP having consider-
and in secret and partly because some member states able contact with the High Representative for Foreign
favour intergovernmentalism as the prevailing deci- Affairs and Security Policy.
sion-making mode in these sensitive areas. The EP
is thus left to make the best it can of its powers to be
The European Council
consulted, to be kept informed, to ask questions, and
to make recommendations. If the EP is not able to call the Commission fully
The amount of access the EP gets to the Council to account and is greatly restricted in its ability to
depends in large part on the attitude of the Council exercise control over the Council, it is even weaker in
Presidency. There are, however, certain set points of being able to exercise any supervisory power over the
contact which, if they do not enable the EP to exer- European Council. This is largely because of the nature
cise control over the Council, at least provide it with of the European Council: it is an intergovernmental
210 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

institution that is largely outside the framework of to maximum advantage by use of confirmation hear-
the TFEU; it meets normally for only between eight ings. Significantly, the first President-designate of the
and twelve days a year; and the Heads of Government, Bank, Wim Duisenberg, stated at the time of his con-
who make up most of its membership, not only have firmation hearing in 1998 that he would withdraw his
no great wish to be accountable to MEPs but can candidature if the EP did not give him its approval. He
also ensure that they do not become so since it is at also undertook to keep the EP fully informed about
European Council meetings that final decisions on the work of the Bank and to appear personally before
the contents of the treaties – which set out the main the EP’s Economic Committee at least once a quarter.
operating principles of the EU – are taken. This undertaking was given, in an amended form,
The TEU and the TFEU make provision in a treaty status by the Nice Treaty, and now constitutes
few instances – such as in regard to EMU – for the part of Article 284:3 of the TFEU: ‘The President of
European Council, or the Heads of Government the European Central Bank and the other members
meeting in the composition of the Council, to inform of the Executive Board may, at the request of the
or consult the EP, but these are anticipated as being European Parliament or on their own initiative, be
for only occasional use. In only two sets of circum- heard by the competent committees of the European
stances does the European Council come into regular Parliament.’ In practice, especially since the onset of
contact with the EP. The first is at the opening session the eurozone crisis, the President of the ECB has duly
of European Council meetings, when the EP President made regular appearances before the EP.
is permitted to address the summit to inform it of Other quasi-executive bodies in which the EP has a
the views of MEPs on current issues. The second role in the nomination process include the executive
has treaty status in that the Lisbon Treaty formal- boards of some of the EU agencies which have been
ised and modified the former practice of the Head established over the years. Amongst these agencies are
of Government of the Council Presidency appearing the European Environment Agency and the European
before the EP after the ‘end of term’ European Council Medicines Agency.
meeting. Under the post-Lisbon Article 15:6(d) TEU, Beyond quasi-executive bodies, the EP also has
the President of the European Council ‘shall present a role in the appointment and overseeing of certain
a report to the European Parliament after each of the other EU bodies. Two of these bodies are especially
meetings of the European Council’. important. First, the EP is consulted on the appoint-
What this all adds up to is that the EP can exert ment of members of the Court of Auditors. It is a
very little direct influence on the European Council, consultation that, as with other appointment powers,
let alone control over what it does. The fact is that has resulted in committee ‘hearings’ followed by a
there are only limited linkages between the two insti- vote. However, there have been occasions when nega-
tutions, and there is no reason to suppose that the tive EP opinions of nominations have been ignored
participants at summits make a habit of looking over by the Council. Second, the European Ombudsman,
their shoulders in anticipation of how the EP will view who investigates cases of alleged maladministration,
the outcome of their deliberations and negotiations. is appointed by the EP, with the Council having no
input at all. Indeed, the Ombudsman is virtually
a quasi-parliamentary post in that not only is the
Other bodies
incumbent appointed by the EP but the duties of the
The EP has a number of supervisory powers in rela- post are regulated by Parliament and are annexed to
tion to other EU bodies. Some of these bodies are of a the Parliament’s Rules of Procedure.
quasi-executive nature.
The most prominent of the quasi-executive bodies
is the European Central Bank where, under Article 283
TFEU, the EP must be consulted on the nominees for Elections
the Bank’s President, Vice-President, and Executive
Board members. As with the powers given to it on the Until 1979 MEPs were nominated by the national par-
appointment of the College of Commissioners, the liaments from amongst their members. Various con-
Parliament has sought to use these treaty provisions sequences followed from this: parties not represented
The European Parliament | 211

in their national legislature could not be represented numbers of citizens MEPs represent. This is because
in the EP; virtually all MEPs were pro-integrationist, national allocations of EP seats are distributed using
since sceptics in national parliaments were generally the principle of degressive proportionality, whereby
unwilling to allow their names to be considered for the number of citizens per MEP increases as the size
nomination; and MEPs had limited time to devote to of member states increases. The reason for using this
their European responsibilities. principle is much the same as applies to the member-
However, Article 138 of the EEC Treaty included ship and/or voting arrangements of most other EU
the following provision: ‘The Assembly shall draw up institutions: to ensure smaller member states can have
proposals for elections by direct universal suffrage in confidence that their voices have the potential to be
accordance with a uniform procedure in all Member heard and that their representations are not totally
States.’ The Assembly approved such proposals as early swamped in EP decision-making processes. As can be
as 1960, but found itself frustrated by another Article seen in Table 12.1, in 2014 the number of citizens per
138 requirement which stated: ‘The Council shall, MEP ranged from over 875,000 in Spain to 77,000 in
acting unanimously, lay down the appropriate provi- Luxembourg. The overall average was 660,000 citizens
sions, which it shall recommend to Member States for per MEP.
adoption in accordance with their respective constitu-
tional requirements.’ That the first set of direct elec- *  *  *
tions were not held until 1979 is witness to the feeling A subject that has been much discussed in the context
of some member state governments – initially mainly of EP elections is voter turnout. Many have argued
the French, later the Danes and the British – that that a high turnout would serve to enhance the EP’s
direct elections were rather unwelcome, both because legitimacy and democratic base, and as a consequence
they had supranational overtones and because they would also place the EP in a strong position to press
might be followed by pressure for institutional reform for increased powers.
in the EP’s favour. Even after the principle of direct In the event, turnout has been relatively low and
elections was eventually won and it was agreed they has declined in every election since the first direct elec-
would be held on a fixed five-year basis, no uniform tions in 1979. In 1979 only 62 per cent of those eligible
electoral system could be agreed, nor has been agreed to vote did so; in 1984 the figure was 61 per cent; in
since. Consequently, the eight sets of direct elections 1989 it was 58 per cent; in 1994 it was 56.5 per cent; in
held to date – in 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, 1999, 2004, 1999 it was 49.8 per cent; in 2004 it was 45.5 per cent;
2009, and 2014 – have all been contested on the basis in 2009 it was 43.2 per cent; and in 2014 it was 42.6
of different national electoral arrangements. The 1999 per cent. As Table 12.1 shows, in 2014 turnout was
elections, however, did bring a significant movement highest in Belgium – where voting is obligatory and a
in the direction of standardisation in that the UK did national election was also held on the same day – and
not use its traditional single member constituency was lowest in Slovakia.
first-past-the-post system but rather proportional Three main factors combine to explain the low
representation on a regional basis, which meant that turnouts. First, because EP elections do not offer
for the first time proportional representation – albeit any prospect of a change of government, switches
in different forms – was used in all member states. in policy, or the making or unmaking of political
This situation was repeated in 2004, 2009, and 2014. reputations, they do not greatly stimulate popular
(See Table 12.1 for the electoral systems used in 2014.) interest or political excitement. Second, the election
In addition to the differences arising from the campaigns have little overall coherence or coordina-
usage of varying versions of proportional represen- tion. They are essentially national contests, but of a
tation, two other differences between the states’ EP secondary sort. ‘European’ issues have never made
electoral arrangements merit note. The first is that much of an impact. In 2014, for example, there was
voting does not take place on the same day. In 2014, little sense of the centre-right majority in the 2009–14
for example, voting was between Thursday 22 May Parliament defending its record or of the centre-left
and Sunday 25 May. The second difference, and one seeking to gain control. Third, those individuals and
that is important in terms of the democratic base of political forces that normally do much to focus atten-
the EP, is that there is a considerable variation in the tion on and generate interest in national electoral
212 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

Table 12.1 Member states and the 2014 European Parliament elections

Number Number of Eligibility Electoral system Number of Electoral

of citizens per for constituencies turnout
MEPs MEP (in election (%)
thousands) (years)

Austria 18 486 18 PR with PV 4% threshold Single 45.7

Belgium 21 477 21 PR with PV 5 (3 electoral 90.0
Bulgaria 17 454 21 PR 5% threshold Single 35.0
Croatia 11 407 18 PR 5% threshold Single 25.2
Cyprus 6 127 21 PR 1.8% threshold Single 44.0
Czech Republic 21 465 21 PR with PV 5% threshold Single 18.2
Denmark 13 417 18 PR with PV Single 56.3
Estonia 6 224 21 PR with PV Single 36.4
Finland 13 404 18 PR with PV Single 40.9
France 74 873 18 PR 5% threshold 8 42.4
Germany 96 832 18 PR Single (with 16 48.1
Greece 21 506 25 PR 3% threshold Single 59.0
Hungary 21 458 18 PR 5% threshold Single 28.9
Ireland 11 351 21 PR with STV 4 52.4
Italy 73 816 25 PR with PV 4% threshold 5 57.2
Latvia 8 287 21 PR with PV Single 53.0
Lithuania 11 284 21 PR with PV 5% threshold Single 46.7
Luxembourg 6 77 18 PR with PV splitting Single 85.5
Malta 6 81 18 PR with STV Single 74.8
Netherlands 26 653 18 PR with PV Single (19 37.5
electoral districts)
Poland 51 763 21 PR with PV 5% ­threshold Single (13 22.7
electoral districts)
Portugal 21 480 18 PR Single 33.9
Romania 32 655 23 PR 5% threshold Single 32.2
Slovakia 13 415 21 PR with PV 5% threshold Single 13.1
Slovenia 8 286 18 PR with PV Single 24.1
Spain 54 875 18 PR Single 45.8
Sweden 20 503 18 PR with PV 4% threshold Single 51.1
United Kingdom 73 839 18 PR (Northern Ireland PR 11+1 (Northern 34.2
with STV) Ireland)
TOTAL 751 42.6
PR = proportional representation without preferential voting.
PR with PV = proportional representation with preferential voting.
STV = single transferable vote.
Sources: various, but especially European Parliament (2014b).
The European Parliament | 213

campaigns tend to approach EP elections in, at best, a Supporters of European integration have hoped
half-hearted manner: few ‘big names’ are candidates; that the federations might develop into organisations
national political parties are generally reluctant to providing leadership, vision, and coordination at
commit resources; party activists tend to be uninter- the European level, and perhaps might even serve as
ested; and a conscious attempt is made by some gov- agents of unification to their heterogeneous member-
ernments to play down the importance of the elections ships. They have largely failed to do so. Their princi-
because they are frequently interpreted as being, in pal weakness is that, unlike national parties or the EP
part at least, ‘mid-term’ national elections or unof- political groups, they are not involved in day-to-day
ficial referendums on the government’s performance political activity in an institutional setting. Hence
in office. they have no clear focus and cannot develop attach-
These three factors have thus combined to make EP ments and loyalties. From this, other weaknesses
elections appear as being much less important – in the flow: low status; limited resources – they are heavily
sense of something significant and identifiable being dependent on the EP political groups for administra-
at stake – than national elections. In consequence, tive and financial support; and loose organisational
they have also resulted in media interest being limited structures based on periodic congresses and bureaux
and EP elections having a relatively low visibility in meetings.
most member states. The federations, therefore, have not been able to
do very much, even though there certainly are tasks
that EU-wide transnational parties could usefully
Political Parties and the perform, such as long-term policy planning, the har-
monisation of national party differences, and edu-
European Parliament cating the electorate about Europe. Such influence
as they have exercised has been largely confined to
Party political activity takes place at three main levels loose policy coordination – effected partly through
in relation to the EP: the transnational, the political periodic meetings of national leaders, usually before
groups in the EP, and the national. European Council meetings – and to EP elections
when manifestos have been produced and a few joint
The transnational federations activities have been arranged. Even the manifestos,
however, have reinforced the general picture of
Very loosely organised transnational federations, weakness for they invariably have been somewhat
grouped around general principles, exist for coor- vague in content (necessarily so given the need to
dinating, propaganda, and electioneering purposes. reconcile differences), and have been utilised by only
They are based on affiliation by national parties, from a few of the constituent member parties (because
both within and outside the EU. EP elections are contested, for the most part, along
The three main federations were created in simi- national lines).
lar circumstances in the mid-1970s out of existing, An attempt was made to move beyond the fed-
but extremely weakly based, liaising and information- erations’ weaknesses in the months before the 2014
exchanging bodies, and as a specific response to the EP elections within the context of the newly cre-
continuing development of the EC and the anticipated ated Spitzenkandidat system (see Chapter 9), with
future use of direct elections to the EP. These three fed- the main candidates for Commission President
erations are: the European People’s Party (EPP), whose all being chosen, on a contested basis in some
membership consists of almost 80 centre-right parties cases, by their transnational federations. The ulti-
from over 40 European countries; the Alliance of Liberals mately successful candidate, Jean-Claude Juncker,
and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) whose membership was the nominee of the EPP. The Spitzenkandidat
consists of 61 liberal parties from across Europe; and system and the role of the federations in it were
the Party of European Socialists (PES), which has 33 full strongly opposed by many national leaders, not
member centre-left parties and over 20 associate and least Chancellor Merkel, but the probability is that
observer parties drawn from most European countries. it will be retained in some form.
214 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

Beyond the three main federations, other group- In recent years there have usually been between
ings of an even looser nature have surfaced from time seven and nine political groups in the EP: eight at the
to time, usually in order to coordinate election activi- time of writing (autumn 2016). The main reason for
ties. They have included Green, Regional, Communist, there being so many is that, with proportional repre-
and Extreme Right alliances. All have been internally sentation being used for EP elections, MEPs reflect the
divided and have been hard-pressed to put together wide range of political opinion that exists across the
even minimal common statements. EU with regard to ideological and national orienta-
tion. Since direct elections were introduced in 1979
there have never been fewer than 60 national political
The political groups in the parties represented in the EP, and in recent elections
there have been considerably more than this. After the
European Parliament 2014 elections 186 national parties were represented
Partisan political activity in the EP is mainly chan- in the Parliament.
nelled via political groups. The rules for the composi- The main characteristics of the political groups in
tion of political groups have changed over the years in the EP are set out in Box 12.2, with the groups listed in
response to the increasing size of the Parliament. In the descending order of their representations. The size
the 2014–19 Parliament, at least 25 MEPs drawn from of the representations is given in Figure 12.1.
at least one-quarter of the member states are necessary As suggested in the outlines of the groups in Box
to form a group. 12.2, group formation and composition is highly fluid.
Groups have been formed and developed for a The extent of this is demonstrated by the fact that
number of reasons. The principal basis and unifying although the number of groups has remained rela-
element of most of the groups is ideological identifica- tively stable over the years, since direct elections were
tion. Despite the many differences that exist between first introduced only the two largest groups – the EPP
them, MEPs from similar political backgrounds and and the S&D – have survived in recognisable form.
traditions are naturally drawn to one another – all the Moreover, both of these have been subject to con-
more so when cooperation serves to maximise their siderable changes in their memberships as a result of
influence, as it does in the EP in all sorts of ways, from enlargements, election results, and – especially in the
(s)electing the President to voting on amendments to EPP’s case – defections from and to smaller groups.
Commission proposals. As is also suggested in Box 12.2, all the political
Organisational benefits provide another induce- groups have significant internal divisions, usually of
ment to political group formation. For example, funds both an ideological and a national character. Internal
for administrative and research purposes are distrib- division within a group does, of course, undermine
uted to groups on the basis of a fixed amount per group coherence, which has a weakening effect. But, though
(the non-attached being regarded as a group for these this is recognised, whatever their ideological princi-
purposes), plus an additional sum per member. No ples might suggest to them it is all but impossible for
one, therefore, is unsupported, but the larger the group French MEPs, for example, to vote in favour of cuts in
the more easily it can afford good back-up services. agricultural support measures or for Polish MEPs not
There are also advantages in the conduct of par- to support increases in the Structural Funds.
liamentary business that stem from group status, In addition to ideological heterogeneity and
since the EP arranges much of what it does around national attachments, three other factors also make
the groups. Although non-attached members are not for looseness and a limited ability on the part of the
formally excluded from anything by this – indeed groups to control and direct their members. The first
they are guaranteed many rights under the Rules of of these factors arises from the political powers of the
Procedure – in practice they can be disadvantaged: EP and the institutional setting in which it is placed.
in the distribution of committee chairmanships for With no government to sustain or attack and no
example, where the largest political groups get first government-sponsored legislation to pass or reject,
choices on the most important and prestigious com- MEPs do not have the semi-automatic ‘for’ or ‘against’
mittees; in the preparation of the agendas for plenary reaction that is so typical of much national parliamen-
sessions; and in speaking time during debates. tary behaviour. The second factor is structural. Unlike
The European Parliament | 215

parties in national legislatures, the political groups an unwelcome own initiative report being approved
are not part of a wider organisational framework by a committee? In dealing with such questions inter-
from which emanate expectations of cooperative and nal group differences may have to be tackled, and
united behaviour, and generally recognised notions sometimes they may not be resolved. But of the many
of responsibility and accountability. Rather, most of influences bearing down on MEPs, political group
them are weak, quasi-federal bodies functioning in membership is normally the single most important
a multicultural environment. This is evidenced in a factor correlating with how they vote, and is consider-
number of ways: the constituent member parties of ably higher than voting along national lines. There are
the larger groups hold their own separate meetings some differences between researchers on how high the
and have their own leaderships; in seeking to encour- correlation with political group membership actually
age group unity, group leaders can invoke no effective is, but overall it seems that in the three main ‘centrist’
sanctions against, and can withhold few rewards from, groups – the EPP, the S&D, and the ALDE (which,
MEPs who do not fall into line; and in looking to their as is shown below, are in effect the most important
political futures, it is not only their political group or groups in terms of exercising influence) – MEPs vote
its leadership that MEPs must cultivate but also their with their group over 85 per cent of the time, whilst
national parties at home. The third factor is that MEPs for all groups the average is just over 70 per cent.
have claims on their loyalties and votes that sometimes Regarding the implications of the political group
compete with the claims of the political groups. One composition of the EP for the overall balance of power
source of such claims is the numerous interest groups in the Parliament, in very broad terms it can be said
with which many MEPs are closely associated. Other that from 1979 to 1989 a nominal centre-right major-
sources are the EP intergroups, which bring together, ity existed, from 1989 to 1994 there was a nominal
usually on a relatively informal basis, MEPs from left-green majority, from 1994 to 1999 there was no
different political groups who have similar views on nominal majority either to the right or to the left,
particular issues. Over 50 intergroups were established from 1999 to 2014 there was a centre-right majority,
at the beginning of the 2014–19 parliamentary session, and since 2014 there has been a centrist majority based
including groups on creative industries, disability, on the EEP, the S&D, and ALDE which has worked
extreme poverty and human rights, and trade unions. together against the ‘anti-establishment’ parties –
However, despite the many weaknesses of the polit- which gained about 30 per cent of the vote in the 2014
ical groups, it is important to emphasise that they are elections.
of considerable importance in determining how the The nature of the political balance existing at any
EP works. Some of their functions and tasks and the one time unquestionably affects the interests and
privileges they enjoy are specifically allocated to them priorities of the EP, with groups from the left tend-
under the Rules of Procedure or by parliamentary ing, for example, to be more sympathetic to social
decisions. These include guaranteed representation and environmental issues than groups from the right.
on key EP bodies and committees, and speaking rights However, the significance of the nature of the overall
in plenary sessions. Other functions have not been balance is not as great as it normally is in national par-
formally laid down but have developed out of politi- liaments. There are four main reasons for this. First,
cal necessity, advantage, or convenience. This is most important issues, sometimes of an organisational or
obviously illustrated by the way the groups are the domestic political nature rather than an ideological
prime determiners of tactics and voting patterns in nature, can divide groups that otherwise appear to
the EP, the decisions on which are normally taken in be obvious voting partners. The many and various
the week prior to plenary sessions which is set aside liaising channels and mechanisms that exist in the EP
for political group meetings. At these meetings efforts via which groups attempt to reach agreements and
are made to agree a common group position on mat- strike deals cannot always bridge these divisions. On
ters of current importance. For example: should a many issues it is by no means unusual for the views
deal be attempted with another political group on the of political groups on the centre-left and centre-right,
election of the EP’s President?; what is the group’s or at least of many MEPs within these groups, to be
attitude towards a Commission proposal for a direc- closer to each other than to the views of other left
tive?; what tactics can the group employ to prevent and right groups. This has been especially the case
216 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

Box 12.2

Political groups in the EP

• European People’s Party (EPP). The EPP, which has been the largest group in the EP since 1999, used to
be based on European Christian Democracy, and in particular the large Christian Democratic parties of
Germany and Italy. Over the years, however, other centre-right parties, mostly from a conservative tradi-
tion, have been absorbed into the group. The group is the largest in the Parliament and contains MEPs
from all member states apart from the UK. (UK Conservatives use to be group members, but after the
2009 EP elections they left to help form the ECR group.) The EPP has had some difficulty in maintaining
internal ideological cohesion, but is broadly a pro-integrationist group of the moderate political right.
• Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D). Calling itself the Socialist Group until the 2009 EP
elections, this group adopted the new S&D name after the 2009 elections to accommodate the wishes
of the new Italian Democrat Party which is made up of former communists and left-wing Christian
Democrats. The group includes at least one MEP from every member state and is the second largest group
in the Parliament. Although broadly a grouping of social democrats, the members of the group have
sometimes found cooperation difficult. In part this has been because of diversity within the group about
the nature of the commitment to socialism and social democracy, with opinions ranging from ‘tradi-
tional state interventionists’ to ‘moderate’ and ‘modernising’ social democrats. In part it has stemmed
from differences over the bases and direction of European integration. And in part it has been caused by
national party groups being reluctant to concede national interests to wider European interests.
• European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) This group was formed after the 2009 EP elections, with three
main component elements – the UK Conservative Party, the Polish Law and Justice Party, and the Czech
Civic Democratic Party – plus an assortment of populists and conservatives. The group has mostly, though
not entirely, stopped short of the virulent euroscepticism that characterises the EFD, but it is a firmly anti-
federalist group of the political right. Many of its members supported the Brexit referendum in 2016.
• Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE). This group, which until the 2014 election had long
been the third largest group in the Parliament, is a strongly pro-European integrationist and centrist

since anti-establishment parties of the far-right made way for votes to be effective. In consequence, it is
significant advances in the 2014 elections, which has necessary for groups from both left and right – and
resulted in the centrist political groups in the EP especially from the EPP, the S&D, and the ALDE – to
working closely with one another on most issues. The work together if the EP is to make full use of its pow-
second reason is that many matters that come before ers. And the fourth reason is that most EU decision-
the EP cut across traditional left–right divisions. Such making processes are characterised by bargaining
is the case with much of the essentially technical leg- and compromising. So, for example, the EP is almost
islation with which Parliament deals. Such too it is constantly involved in inter-institutional dealings
the case with issues such as action to combat racism with the Commission and the Council. As a result,
in Europe, the provision of assistance to the countries MEPs are accustomed to exchanging points and cut-
of the developing world, and the further development ting deals in all sorts of ways: ways that often result in
of economic and political European integration. The alliances being made that are not based on ideological
third reason is that the EP frequently and consciously identities.
attempts to avoid being divided along left–right lines Given these circumstances it is not surprising that
when it votes because it is in its institutional interests the most dominant voting pattern in the EP is not
to do so. For example, under several procedures an along ‘hard’ left–right lines. Simon Hix has noted in
absolute majority of MEPs must vote in a certain his writings (see, for example: Hix et al., 2007; Hix,
The European Parliament | 217

Box 12.2 continued

group. It is comprised primarily of national parties from the political centre and the right, but there
are also certain leftist elements. In the Parliament it has often occupied a key position in determining
whether majorities can be obtained in votes. Whilst not being in any sort of alliance with the EPP, it has
tended to work more closely with it than it has with the Socialists.
• European United Left/Nordic Green Left (GUE/NGL). This group is made up mainly of left Socialist and
former Communist parties, plus a small number of Nordic leftist Greens. It tends towards euroscepti-
cism, though from an ant-capitalism rather than a national sovereignty viewpoint. It presses for greater
emphasis to be given to social and environmental issues. Disparate views within the group coupled with
a very loose group structure make for little internal group cohesion.
• The Greens/European Free Alliance (Greens/EFA). This group was formed in 1999 largely as a
marriage of convenience. It brings together greens and regionalists of various sorts. Beyond
supporting green issues and greater regional autonomy, the group is not very homogeneous, with
some of its MEPs coming from a clear left background and others seeing themselves as being neither
left nor right.
• Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy (EFD). Created after the 2004 EP elections as the Independence
and Democracy Group (Ind/Dem), this group is comprised of eurosceptics of various persuasions,
including the UK Independence Party which has long campaigned for British withdrawal from the EU.
Its message is that there should be a ‘Europe of Sovereign Nation States’ and that further European inte-
gration should be firmly opposed. On principle, the group does not attempt to persuade its constituent
national delegations to vote as bloc.
• Europe of Nations and Freedom (ENF). Following the 2014 elections, Marine Le Pen, the leader of the far
right Front National party in France, tried to from a political group, but was unable to do so – partly
because some potential supporters were deterred by the perceived racist tones and perceptions of her
party. However, in June 2015 she was successful in forming a political group.
• Non-attached (NA) MEPs are drawn from many different persuasions, with the strongest element being
right-wing populists and hard-right extremists.

2008; Hix and Hoyland, 2011) that ‘ideological’ vot- Earnshaw (2008) note, whilst voters in European elec-
ing along left–right lines has increased in the EP over tions are mobilised primarily around national party
the years and the EP has come to operate more on programmes and affiliations, the candidates who are
ideological grounds and less on national grounds. elected by this process operate within the EP in trans-
But, the fact is that much voting has long remained national groups of which voters are almost completely
grouped mainly around an alliance of centre-left unaware. Indeed, groups sometimes are not even in
and centre-right, which the greater strength of the existence at the time of EP elections: as with, for exam-
anti-establishment parties in 2014 has only served to ple, the ENF in the 2014–19 Parliament.
increase. Voting strength in the EP is based mainly on
the EPP, the PES, and the ALDE coming together in a
‘grand coalition’. National parties
On a final point concerning the political groups,
it is to be noted that the key position they occupy in National political parties are involved in EP-related
organising and controlling much of the activity of the activities in three main ways. First, most candidates in
EP raises further questions – in addition to those aris- EP elections, and virtually all of those who are elected,
ing from EP elections – concerning the relationship are chosen by their national parties. This means that
between the EP and EU democracy. For, as Judge and MEPs inevitably reflect national party concerns and
218 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

ALDE: 69
EPP: 217


ECR: 73
S&D: 189

EFD: 45

ENF: 39
NA: 17

Figure 12.1 Political groups in the EP as of winter 2016

are normally obliged, if they wish to be re-selected, to within general party guidelines. The problem is simply
continue to display an awareness of these concerns. that each national party group inevitably tends to have
Second, EP election campaigns are essentially its own priorities and loyalties. Moreover, when there
national election campaigns conducted by national is a clash between the positions of a national group
parties. Use may be made of transnational manifes- and its political group, the former usually takes prec-
tos, but voters are directed by the parties primarily edence (see Hix et al., 2007).
to national issues and the results are mainly assessed
in terms of their domestic implications. That the
European dimension is limited is no more evident Composition
than in the fact that the most dominant pattern in EP
elections is a movement away from governing parties In addition to party political attachments, four other
and large opposition parties towards smaller opposi- aspects of the composition of the EP are particularly
tion parties. There is no consistent left–right move- worthy of comment.
ment in voting patterns across the member states.
Third, in the EP itself national party groups exist
within the political groups. This is an obvious potential The dual mandate
source of political group disharmony and sometimes
creates strains. Problems do not arise so much from After the 1979 election some 30 per cent of MEPs
the national groups having to act on specific domes- were also members of their national legislature. This
tic instructions and pressures. This does sometimes figure was inflated, however, because many MEPs had
occur, but in general the organisational links between contested the election primarily for domestic political
the national groups and national party leaderships reasons and had no firm commitment to completing
are weak and the former have a reasonably free hand their terms of office. By the end of the parliamentary
The European Parliament | 219

term the number of dual mandates had been more The member states with the highest proportion of
than halved. What therefore seemed to be a big women MEPs elected include Finland, Sweden, and
drop after the 1984 elections, to around 12 per cent Estonia, which all have over 50 per cent. The states
of MEPs holding a dual mandate, in fact reflected a with the lowest proportion include Italy and the Czech
trend that was already well under way: a trend that was Republic, which each have less than 20 per cent. In most
assisted from 1984 with the holding of a dual mandate member states a higher proportion of women were
being discouraged in most member states and being elected to the EP in 2014 than had been elected to the
forbidden by national law in some. Only six per cent national parliaments in the previous national elections.
of MEPs who were elected in 1999 were simultane-
ously members of their national parliaments. Competence and experience
Dual mandates have the advantage of strengthen-
ing links between the EP and national parliaments, but It is sometimes suggested that MEPs are not of the
the disadvantage of reducing the amount of time and same calibre and do not carry the same political
energy that is available for each post. Reacting to an weight as their counterparts in national legislatures.
increasingly accepted view that being an MEP should Because the EP is not high profile, the argument runs,
be a full-time job, a 2002 Council Decision abolished it mostly attracts second-rate parliamentarians, or
the dual mandate as from the 2004 EP elections. those who regard it merely as a stepping stone to a
national career or advancement.
There is some truth in this view. Major national
Continuity figures have tended either not to contest EP elections
or not to complete their terms of office. (The provi-
Change and turnover in personnel affects the way
sion in the 1976 ‘Direct Elections Act’ making national
most organisations work. The EP is no exception
governmental office incompatible with EP membership
to this: the more effective MEPs tend to be those
has not helped in this regard.) Additionally, a few MEPs
who have developed policy interests and expertise in
have transferred from the EP to national legislatures.
European affairs over time and have come to know
But the situation should not be exaggerated. The
their way around the EU system.
competition to become an MEP is normally fierce and
Lack of continuity in membership was a problem
requires all the customary political skills. Most MEPs
after the first EP elections in 1979, with nearly one-
have considerable public experience, either in national or
quarter of MEPs being replaced before the 1984 elec-
regional politics, or in an executive capacity with a major
tions. However, as noted above, that was always likely
sectional interest. A handful of former prime ministers
as many of the prominent politicians who stood in 1979
and senior ministers are normally elected in EP elections.
had no intention of making a political career in the EP.
Perhaps the key point to be emphasised is that
Things have since settled down and now only a rela-
it should not be assumed that those who choose to
tively small proportion of MEPs resign before the end
stand for and work in the EP are necessarily settling
of their term of office. However, the turnover of MEPs
for second best. Many are firmly committed to their
between parliaments is certainly higher than in most
responsibilities and have developed competences and
national parliaments, with in recent elections usually
experience that may be different from, but are not nec-
between just 40 and 50 per cent of those who have been
essarily inferior to, those of national parliamentarians.
elected being returnees (49. 4 per cent in 2014).

Gender Organisation and Operation

As in national parliaments, women are proportion-
ately under-represented in the EP. In the Parliaments The multi-site problem
elected in 1994, 1999, and 2004, the figure hovered
around 30 per cent, in the 2009–14 Parliament it was The work of the EP is carried out on three sites in
35 per cent, and in 2014 the number elected was 37 three different countries. Full plenary sessions are held
per cent. in Strasbourg, whilst mini-plenary sessions are held in
220 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

Brussels. Committees and political group meetings are pronouncements and activities can be unwelcome to
held in Brussels, except for plenary weeks when they the Council and the Commission, outside legislative
are held in Strasbourg. Over half of the just over 6,000 procedures they do not normally have such politi-
staff who work in the EP Secretariat, including most of cally damaging or unmanageable consequences as can
those engaged in ‘policy’ work, are based in Brussels, be the case when national parliaments act in ways of
with the rest located mainly in Luxembourg. (These which national governments disapprove.
figures do not include the 600 or so who work in the A second, and closely related, reason is the lack
secretariats of the political groups.) of any clear and consistent identification, of either a
This situation is clearly unsatisfactory and is a positive or a negative kind, between the EP and the
source of grievance and annoyance for most MEPs. EU executive. In national parliaments business is
Reasonably conscientious MEPs may well have to shaped to a considerable degree by political attach-
change their working location up to half a dozen ments. But the Commission is made up of officials
times in an average month. An average work diary is who are nominally non-partisan, whilst the Council
likely to look something like this: four days attending is multi-party, multi-ideological, and multi-national
the monthly plenary in Strasbourg; from two to five in its membership. As for the ‘persuasive devices’ that
days in committee(s) and mini-plenaries, usually in national executives have at their disposal to encourage
Brussels; two to four days in political group meet- loyalty, neither the Commission nor the Council has
ings and group working parties, usually in Brussels; patronage to dispense.
and whatever time remains, in the constituency (if A third reason is that the EP is entitled to adopt
the MEP has one), visiting somewhere as part of an its own Rules of Procedure. This it has done, amend-
EP delegation, in Brussels or Luxembourg consulting ing and streamlining the Rules in order to make itself
with officials on a report, or at home. more efficient and more influential.
If the EP had just one base, and especially if that
was Brussels, it is likely that the EP’s efficiency, influ- Important organisational positions and bodies
ence, and visibility would all be increased. However,
the European Council has the power of decision on Most decisions about the operation and functioning
the matter, and hard lobbying from the Luxembourg of the EP are not taken in plenary session but are del-
and French governments has ensured that arguments egated to EP offices and bodies.
for ‘sense to prevail’ and a single site in Brussels to be The President of the EP is elected to office, for
agreed have not been acted upon. a renewable two-and-a-half-year term. Because no
political group has an overall majority in the EP, the
main centrist groups normally come to an informal
Arranging parliamentary business arrangement whereby two of them (normally the EPP
and the S&D) each assumes the Presidency for one
Relative independence term during the five-year lifetime of a parliamentary
Compared with most national parliaments, the EP session. After the 2014 EP elections, the outgoing
enjoys considerable independence in the arrangement President, Martin Schulz of the S&D, persuaded MEPs
of its affairs. This is not to say it can do whatever it to re-elect him after the EP elections – an unprec-
likes. The treaties oblige it to do some things – most edented occurrence in EP history.
notably deliver its views on Commission proposals for According to the EP’s Rules of Procedure, the
legislation – and prevent it from doing others – such President ‘shall direct all the activities of Parliament’.
as censuring the Council. But on many agenda, time- In practice, this means that the President has many
table, and other organisational matters the EP is, to a functions, including presiding over debates in the
considerable degree, its own master. chamber, referring matters to committees as appro-
A major reason for this independence is the special priate, and representing the EP in dealings with
institutional setting in which the EP operates. The EU other EU institutions and outside bodies. An effec-
executive does not have to be as concerned to control tive President must be an administrator and a politi-
what the EP does as do national governments with cian, skilled in organising and also in liaising and
their legislatures. This is because although many EP bargaining.
The European Parliament | 221

The Bureau consists of the President and the EP’s three types: inter-parliamentary delegations to main-
14 Vice-Presidents. Like the President, the Vice- tain contacts with non-EU countries that are not seek-
Presidents are elected for a two-and-a-half-year term ing EU membership; joint parliamentary committees
of office, though by tradition the posts are distributed to maintain contacts with the parliaments of countries
amongst the political groups and member states. that are seeking membership and/or have associa-
Various financial and administrative organisational tion agreements with the EU; and EP delegations to
matters are dealt with by the Bureau, such as draw- multilateral assemblies including the ACP–EU Joint
ing up the EP’s draft estimates and deciding on the Parliamentary Assembly (see Chapter 22); and the
composition and structure of the Secretariat. To assist Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly.
it in the performance of its duties, and in particular
to take responsibility for financial and administrative
matters concerning members, five Quaestors, who are The committees of the EP
also elected, sit in the Bureau in an advisory capacity.
Organisational matters, other than matters of rou- Much of the EP’s work is carried out by committees.
tine which are dealt with by the Bureau, are the These are of two main types. The first and by far the
responsibility of the Conference of Presidents. This is most important are standing or permanent commit-
composed of the EP President and the chairs of the tees, of which there are 20 in the 2014–19 Parliament
political groups. MEPs who are not attached to any (see Table 12.2). The second are ad hoc committees,
political group can delegate two of their number to which are established to investigate specific problems
attend meetings. Matters that fall within the remit and topics.
of the Conference of Presidents include the follow- MEPs are assigned to the standing committees at
ing: deciding on the seating arrangements in the the beginning and halfway through each five-year
Chamber – a potentially sensitive and highly symbolic term. Under the EP’s Rules of Procedure, all commit-
issue when groups do not wish to be seated too far to tee members are elected to their positions on the basis
the left or too far to the right of the hemicycle; arrang- of proposals made by the Conference of Presidents
ing the EP’s work programme, including assigning the to Parliament which are ‘designed to ensure fair rep-
drafting of reports to committees and drawing up the resentation of Member States and of political views’.
draft agendas for plenary sessions; and authorising What this means in practice is that the political groups
the drawing up of own initiative reports. By and large negotiate the share-out of committee memberships on
the Conference responds to matters coming before it a basis proportionate to their size. Most MEPs become
from EP committees and groups rather than imposing a member of one standing committee – though a few
itself on Parliament. Decisions are made by consensus are on as many as three – and a substitute member of
whenever possible, but if none exists matters are put to another.
a vote, with group chairs (though not the non-attached The standing committees, which in most cases
delegates who do not have voting rights) having as have 40–60 members, perform various duties, such
many votes as there are members of the group. as exploring ideas with the Commission, fostering
Two other Conferences also have an organisational own initiative reports, and discussing developments
role: the Conference of Committee Chairs and the with the President-in-Office of the Council. The
Conference of Delegation Chairs. The Conference of most important task of most of them, however, is to
Committee Chairs brings together the chairs of EP examine Commission proposals for legislation. The
committees on a monthly basis to undertake such customary way of proceeding (other than when a pro-
tasks as arranging for necessary liaison between com- posal is completely straightforward and uncontrover-
mittees, settling inter-committee disputes, and gen- sial, which may result in it being dealt with by special
erally monitoring the progress of business through procedures allowing for rapid approval) is as follows:
the committee system. The Conference of Delegation
Chairs, which meets monthly to discuss common 1 Each proposal is referred to an appropriate commit-
organisational and planning matters, brings together tee. Should a proposal overlap the competency and
the chairs of nearly EP 35 delegations. These delega- interest of several committees, up to three may
tions, each of which number about 15 MEPs, are of be asked for their views, but one is named as the
222 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

Table 12.2 Standing committees of the 3 A first draft is produced for consideration by the
European Parliament committee responsible according to an agreed time-
table. Drafts are normally presented in four main
Foreign Affairs parts: Amendments to the Commission Proposal
– Human Rights sub-committee (if there are any); a Draft Legislative Resolution; an
– Security and Defence sub-committee Explanatory Statement; and Annexes (if there are
Development any), which include the opinions of other commit-
International Trade tees. How much discussion the draft provokes,
Budgets and how many committee meetings are required
Budgetary Control
before a text is adopted that can be recommended
to the plenary, depends on the complexity and
Economic and Monetary Affairs
controversiality of the subject matter. Factors that
Employment and Social Affairs
are likely to shape the reactions of committee
Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
members include national and ideological perspec-
Industry, Research and Energy tives, lobbying by outside interests, and views
Internal Market and Consumer Protection expressed by the Commission.
Transport and Tourism 4 The rapporteur acts as the committee’s principal
Regional Development spokesperson when the report is considered in
Agriculture and Rural Development the plenary. In this capacity he or she may have
Fisheries to explain the committee’s view on amendments
Culture and Education put forward by non-committee members, or be
Legal Affairs called upon to use his or her judgement in making
Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs recommendations to Parliament on what it should
Constitutional Affairs do when the Commission goes some, but not all,
Women’s Rights and Gender Equality of the way towards accepting committee-approved
Petitions amendments. Occasionally – as when, for example,
the Commission offers a mixed package – commit-
tee meetings may be hurriedly convened during
plenary sessions.
committee responsible and only it reports to the 5 Where the ordinary legislative applies, the role and
plenary session. activity of committees at the second reading stage
2 The responsibility for drawing up the committee’s are similar to those at the first reading. That is, they
report is entrusted to a rapporteur. Though formally examine the proposal (which is now in the form of
chosen by their fellow committee members, in the Council’s common position) and make recom-
practice rapporteurs are, as are committee chairs, mendations to the plenary. The responsibility for
appointed as a result of negotiations between the drawing up reports is conferred automatically on
political groups: negotiations that in this case the committee involved in the first reading and the
are carried out by group ‘coordinators’ from the rapporteur remains the same. The reports normally
different committees. When drawing up the report, have two main sections: Recommendations for the
the rapporteur can call on various sources of Second Reading, which may include approval of,
assistance: from the EP Secretariat, from her or rejection of, or amendments to, the common posi-
his own research services (the EP provides funds tion (amendments are often aimed at re-establish-
to enable each MEP to have at least one research ing the EP’s position as defined at the first reading),
assistant), from the Secretariat of his or her politi- or producing a compromise with the Council; and
cal group, from research institutes, and even from Justifications or Explanatory Statements.
the Commission. Some rapporteurs hardly use 6 The committee that has dealt with a proposal at the
these facilities and do most of the work themselves; first and second readings is not directly concerned
others do little more than present what has been with the proceedings if a conciliation commit-
done on their behalf. tee is convened under the co-decision procedure.
The European Parliament | 223

However, the EP delegation to a conciliation sessions are held in Strasbourg and last from Monday
committee always includes some members of the to Thursday. The EP ceased holding Friday plenary
committee concerned, including the chairperson meetings in 2001, largely because of poor attendance
and the rapporteur. on that day.
In addition to full plenaries, six mini-plenaries are
*  *  * held each year. They normally take up two half-days
As for the influence exercised by the standing commit- (from lunchtime on day one to lunchtime on day two)
tees, this varies between committees according to the and are held in Brussels.
factors set out in Box 12.3. The agenda for plenaries is drafted by the President
and the Conference of Presidents in consultation
with the Conference of Committee Chairs and the
Plenary meetings EP Secretariat. Their recommendations have to be
approved by the plenary itself. With time tight, items
There are twelve full plenary meetings, or p
­ art-sessions that many MEPs consider important inevitably do not
as they are officially known, each year: one each get onto the agenda, and those that do make it nor-
month apart from August, plus an extra one in the mally have to be covered at pace. Strict rules govern
autumn when MEPs consider the annual budget. The who can speak, when, and for how long: the effect of

Box 12.3

Factors determining the influence of EP committees

• The significance of the policy area within the EU system. The Internal Market Committee, for example,
deals with matters that loom larger in the EU scale of things than the Culture and Education Committee.
• The extent of EU policy development. There can be more opportunities to exercise influence when EU policy
is in the process of formation than when it is well established. So, the Committee on Environment, Public
Health and Food Safety is advantaged in this regard whereas the Committee on Agriculture is disadvantaged.
• The power of the EP within the policy area. The influence of the Committee on Budgets is enormously
enhanced by the real budgetary decision-making powers that the treaties give to the EP. The Committee
on Foreign Affairs, by contrast, though dealing with extremely important subject material, is limited in
what it can do because of the essentially intergovernmental character of the policies with which it deals.
• Committee expertise. Many committee members do not have the requisite specialised skills to be able to
explore relevant issues in depth or to question the Commission on the basis of a fully informed under-
standing of policy. For example, few members of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy have a
technical background (though they may develop an expertise as a result of their committee membership).
The Committee on Legal Affairs, on the other hand, is composed mainly of lawyers or legal experts.
• Committee chairmanship. Committee chairs can be vital in guiding the work of committees. They can
help to push business through; they can assist rapporteurs in rallying support for reports that are to be
debated in plenaries; they can help to create committee harmony and a constructive working atmos-
phere; and they can do much to ensure that a committee broadens its horizons beyond simply reacting
to initiatives presented to it by others.
• Committee cohesiveness. One of the reasons why, for example, the Committee on Development is more
influential than a number of other committees is that it tends to display a high degree of cohesive-
ness. With members of the committee being united on the desirability of improving conditions in the
developing countries, discussions tend to revolve around questions of feasibility rather than ideological
desirability. The Agriculture Committee, on the other hand, attracts MEPs who are both supportive and
critical of the CAP and hence it often tends to be sharply divided.
224 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

the rules is often to restrict speakers to committee and the European Council President on European Council
political group spokesmen. meetings, and reports by the Head of Government of
Full plenaries have three standard elements. First, the Council Presidency.
the bread-and-butter business is the consideration of The EP in plenary does not, it should be said, give
reports from committees. As indicated earlier, these the impression of being the most dynamic of places:
reports usually lead either to resolutions embody- attendance in the chamber is normally poor; political
ing opinions or to resolutions embodying own ini- group leaders and committee spokespersons dominate
tiatives. Second, time is set aside for debates on speaking time; the order of speakers and the amount
topical and urgent matters. As with the reports, these of time they have to speak are largely pre-arranged;
debates frequently result in the adoption of resolu- translation problem limits spontaneity (all 24 offi-
tions. Finally, statements are made by the Council and cial EU languages are used, with MEPs who speak
the Commission and there are also question times ‘mainstream’ languages often preferring to use their
with both institutions. Who delivers statements and national language); and much immediacy is lost by the
answers questions on behalf of the Commission and practice of taking most votes in clusters at allocated
the Council depends on the importance and policy voting times rather than at the end of debates (these
content of the issues at stake, preferences expressed by voting times are often not even on the same day as the
the EP, and who is available. debate). Nonetheless, working procedures have been
In addition to the three standard activities, there gradually improved over the years, most notably by
are a number of other possible agenda items, such as the removal of much minor business from the floor
addresses by distinguished foreign guests, reports by of the chamber.

Photo 12.2 European Parliament chamber, Strasbourg

The European Parliament | 225

Concluding Remarks: Is the this are that it cannot overthrow a government, its formal
legislative powers remain weaker than those of national
EP a ‘Proper’ Parliament? parliaments, and in some important spheres of EU
policy activity – notably EMU and foreign and defence
The EP has clearly assumed an increased role in the policies – the Parliament is largely confined to informa-
EU over the years. Several factors account for this, tion-receiving and consultative roles. These perceived
not least the Parliament’s own efforts to increase its weaknesses have in some respects been highlighted and
powers. exacerbated during the crises the EU has experienced
In attempting to enhance its role and influence, in recent years, with many key decisions (notably on
the EP has pursued a dual strategy. On the one the eurozone crisis and migration) being taken by gov-
hand, there has been an incrementalist approach in ernments on an intergovernmental basis and with the
which the Parliament has used its existing powers Commission reducing the volume of new legislation it
to the full and done whatever it can to determine brings before the Parliament and making more use of
how far these powers can be pressed. As part of this non-legislative policy instruments (soft power).
approach, the EP has, for example, interpreted its However, the extent to which the EU has been
Maastricht-granted confirmation power on incom- marginalised by the crises and the significance also of
ing Colleges of Commissioners as giving it the right the ‘formal powers gap’ between the EP and national
to ‘interview’ Commissioners-designate. In 2014 it parliaments should not be overstated. Regarding the
went further by interpreting the Lisbon Treaty stipu- former, the EP is not alone amongst parliaments in
lation that the European Council should take ‘into seeing many of the issues at stake during the cri-
account’ the elections to the EP when proposing a ses being dealt with primarily by governments. Of
candidate for the President of the Commission, to necessity (not least because of the need for quick
create the Spitzenkandidaten system, which virtually and often secretive decisions), this has also been
allowed it to decide that Jean-Claude Juncker would the pattern at national levels. Regarding the latter,
be the President. Beyond these self-assumed execu- the powers gap has greatly narrowed over the years,
tive appointment powers, the EP has also contracted and in many important respects the Lisbon Treaty
a number of inter-institutional agreements with the narrowed it further. Indeed, the EP may be said to
Commission and the Council (on such matters as the have been the principal institutional beneficiary of
budgetary procedure and conciliation meetings) that the Treaty, with gains for it including: significant
have enhanced its institutional position. extensions to its legislative powers; stronger budget-
On the other hand, there has been a maximalist ary powers; and EP approval becoming necessary
approach, which has been directed at achieving funda- for a number of important decisions that hitherto
mental reform of inter-institutional relations, and espe- only required Council approval, such as the use of
cially increasing the powers of the Parliament vis-à-vis enhanced cooperation and a wide range of interna-
the Council. So, in the periods leading up to rounds of tional agreements.
treaty reform, the EP, taking advantage of the debate But, in any event, when assessing the importance of
about the ‘democratic deficit’, has consistently called the EP, attention should not be restricted to its formal
for, amongst other things, extensions of co-decision- capabilities. For when the comparison with national
making legislative powers with the Council across the parliaments is extended to encompass what actually
policy spectrum (significant progress was achieved in happens in practice, the powers exercised by the EP
the Maastricht, Amsterdam, and Lisbon Treaties), and are, in several key respects, comparable to the powers
the application of the co-decision-making procedure exercised by many national parliaments. Indeed, it is
(now ordinary procedure) whenever QMV applies in not difficult to make out a case that in exercising some
the Council (conceded in the Lisbon Treaty). of its functions – most particularly scrutinising legisla-
But notwithstanding the increased powers and influ- tive proposals – the EP exerts a greater influence over
ence it has secured, the EP is still widely viewed as not affairs than do the more executive-dominated parlia-
being quite a proper parliament. The main reasons for ments of many member states.
Chapter 13
European Union Law and the EU’s Courts

The Need for EU Law 227 his chapter considers the interrelated topics of EU law and the EU’s
courts. Because it covers many areas of EU activity and because also it
The Sources of EU Law 228
takes precedence over national law, EU law is a key feature of the EU
The Content of EU Law 232 system. As it impacts extensively and directly on national sovereignties, it is
The Status of EU Law 233 often also a controversial and contested feature. The need for EU law and the
sources, the content, and the status of that law are all examined in the chapter.
The Court of Justice of
the European Union 234
Crucial to the successful operation of the EU’s legal system are the EU’s
courts, which operate within the framework of the Court of Justice of the
Types of Cases Before European Union (CJEU). The courts are charged to ensure that EU law is
the Courts 238
upheld in a uniform manner throughout the EU system. Accordingly, the
The Impact and Influence chapter also analyses the structure of the CJEU system, the type of cases
of the Courts 243 brought before the courts, and their impact and influence.
Concluding Remarks 245

The Need for EU Law

An enforceable legal framework is the essential basis of decision-making and
decision application in all democratic states. Although not itself a state, this
also applies to the EU because the EU is more than merely another inter-
national organisation in which countries cooperate with one another on a
voluntary basis for reasons of mutual benefit. Rather it is an organisation in
which states have voluntarily surrendered their right, across a broad range of
important sectors, to be independent in the determination and application of
public policy.
Regarding the determination of public policy, if there was no body of law
setting out the powers and responsibilities of the institutions and the member
states of the EU, and if there was no authority to give independent rulings
on what that law is and how it should be interpreted, effective EU decision-
making on policies would not be possible. Of course law is not the only factor
shaping the EU’s decision-making processes. As in any organisation, practice
evolves in the light of experience of what is possible and what works best. The
tendency not to press for a vote in the Council even when it is legally permis-
sible is an obvious example of this. But the law does provide the basic setting in
which decisions are made. It lays down that some things must be done, some
cannot, and some may be. So, it is by virtue of EU law that the Commission
takes binding decisions on the permissability of proposed mergers between
large companies and that the Council and EP determine the size and shape of

228 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

the EU’s annual budget, restrict what and how much obviously, in the identification of the Commission,
fishermen can catch in the seas surrounding the EU, the European Council, the Council of the EU, the
and specify that products not meeting designated European Parliament, and the Court of Justice of the
standards cannot be sold in the EU’s market. European Union as the key decision-making insti-
Regarding the application of public policy, the tutions, and by the specification (in general terms)
existence of EU law is also crucial because if the deci- of their roles and powers and of what must be the
sions taken by the EU’s policy-makers only took the nature of the relations both between them and also
form of intergovernmental agreements, and if those between them and the member states. As for the
agreements could be interpreted by member states establishment of individual rights, the treaties have
in whatever way was most beneficial and convenient long had much to say about economic freedoms but
for them, common policies would not in practice in recent rounds of treaty reform they have increas-
exist and the whole rationale of the EU would be ingly also emphasised civil freedoms. The key article
undermined. The likes of the EU’s competition and in this respect is Article 6 TEU, which states that: (a)
agriculture policies, and the approximation of EU the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European
trading standards on matters as diverse as maximum Union (see Chapters 6 and 7) has the same legal value
axle weights for lorries and minimum safety standards as the treaties (though Protocol 30 of the Lisbon
at work, are effective only because they are based on Treaty limits the potential impact of the Charter in the
common laws that are capable of uniform interpreta- Czech Republic, Poland, and the UK); (b) the Union
tion in all member states. shall accede to the [1950] European Convention for
the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental
Freedoms; and (c) fundamental rights shall constitute
general principles of the Union’s law.
The Sources of EU Law In addition to including not dissimilar content to
national constitutions, the EU’s treaties may also be
An EU legal order is thus an essential condition of said to be constitutional in nature in respect of the
the EU’s existence. The sources of that order are to be status of their contents and how they are determined.
found in a number of places: the treaties, EU legisla- Treaty law is not ‘ordinary’ EU law that is made
tion, judicial interpretation, international law, and the by ‘ordinary’ law-making procedures, but rather is
general principles of law. primary law. That is to say, it is a higher status law
in the sense that all ‘ordinary’ EU law must have a
treaty base and in that also treaty law is made by its
The treaties own procedure. As is shown in Part II of this book,
up to the Lisbon Treaty this procedure took the form
Are the treaties the EU’s constitution?
of Intergovernmental Conferences (IGCs), which
The EU’s treaty structure is, as was shown in Part II were extensively pre-prepared, usually lasted several
of this book, made up of two main component parts: months, culminated at European Council meetings,
the Treaty on European Union (TEU) and the Treaty and had outcomes that were subject to national
on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). ratification processes – which in some member states
Do these two treaties constitute the EU’s constitution? were very high profile and difficult. The Lisbon Treaty
National constitutions in liberal democracies amended this procedure by adding a convention stage
­normally do two main things: they establish an insti- to what was now called ‘the ordinary revision proce-
tutional structure for decision-making, and they set dure’ and also creating a ‘simplified revision proce-
out – often in a bill of rights or a declaration of dure’ for modest amendments (see Chapter 8). Both
­liberties – the freedoms to which citizens are entitled procedures normally require unanimous approval
and restrictions on the power of decision-makers by national governments and ratification by member
over the citizenry. The relevant component parts of states according to their respective constitutional
the EU’s treaties cover the first of these tasks, and to requirements.
a considerable extent the second too. The establish- As well as covering ‘traditional’ constitutional
ment of the institutional structure can be seen, most matters, the treaties are also much concerned with
European Union Law and the EU’s Courts | 229

something that is not normally considered to be Chapters 9 and 19). Whilst there is no hard and fast
appropriate subject matter for constitutions: policy. distinction between EP and Council, Council, and
This takes the form of the setting-out of general Commission legislation, the first two tend to be broader
principles on the one hand and the identification of in scope, to be concerned with more important mat-
policy sectors and activities that are to be developed ters, and to be aimed at laying down a legal framework
on the other. The main general principles are those in a policy sphere. Commission legislation – of which
that are designed to promote competition and the in terms of volume there is much more than EP and
free movement of goods, persons, services, and capi- Council and Council-only legislation – is largely of an
tal, all behind a Common External Tariff (CET) and implementing, administrative, and technical nature
a Common Commercial Policy (CCP). The policy and is usually subject to tight guidelines laid down in
sectors and activities that are identified, with varying enabling EP and Council or Council legislation.
degrees of precision on how they are to be developed, The Constitutional Treaty tried to clarify the some-
include: agriculture, social affairs, transport, regional what confusing nature of EU legislative instruments
affairs, the environment, and economic and monetary by distinguishing between legislative acts, which it
union (all in the TFEU), and foreign, security and named laws and framework laws, and implementing
defence policy (in the TEU). The inclusion of policy acts, which it named regulations and decisions. The
content is the main reason why the EU’s treaties are Lisbon Treaty maintained this hierarchical distinction
so much longer than national constitutions: the TEU between legislative acts and implementing acts, but
has 55 articles and the TFEU has 357! abandoned the terminology of laws and framework
The treaties thus do not formally constitute the EU’s laws for legislative acts and reinserted the long-used
constitution in that they do not set out in a single and terminology – based mainly on regulations, directives
readily understandable document that is called a con- and decisions – for both legislative and implementing
stitution the fundamental bases of the EU’s principles acts. An opportunity for terminological clarification
and powers. Moreover, as Christiansen and Reh (2009: was thus not taken, though there was provision for
especially chapters 1 and 3) have pointed out, in so far ‘implementing’ or ‘delegated’ to be henceforth added
as the EU may be said to have a constitution there are to the titles of executive acts.
other sources in addition to the treaties. These other The TFEU post-Lisbon thus distinguishes between,
sources, which include Court judgements and inter- as preceding treaties have, the following types of
institutional agreements, are part of an implicit, incre- legislation: regulations, directives, decisions, and rec-
mental, and ongoing constitutionalising process. ommendations and opinions. The nature of and the
But although the treaties may not be the EU’s differences between these types of legislation are set
constitution in a formal sense, they nonetheless have out in Box 13.1.
many clear constitutional features. Amidst the politi-
cal heat and debate surrounding the demise of the *  *  *
Constitutional Treaty (see Chapter 7), sight was In order to accommodate the mosaic of different
perhaps sometimes lost of the fact that in important national circumstances and interests that exist on
respects the EU may be said to have already had a many policy issues, the EU’s legislative framework
constitution, albeit of a rather non-traditional kind. needs to be creative, flexible, and capable of permit-
ting differentiation.
There are four main ways in which it is so:
EU legislation
• As Box 13.1 shows, the EU makes use of a variety
Laws adopted by the EU institutions under Article of formal and quasi-formal legislative instruments.
288 TFEU constitute secondary legislation. They are As Saurugger and Terpan (2016) note, the develop-
concerned with translating the general principles of ment of non-binding ‘new governance’ methods
the treaties into specific rules and are adopted by the has in some respects challenged the traditional
European Parliament and the Council, by the Council, distinction between what is law and what is not.
or by the Commission according to the procedures Hard and soft law are not completely opposing
described in other chapters of this book (see especially governing methods.
230 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

Box 13.1

The different types of EU legislation

A regulation under Article 288 TFEU is:
1 Of ‘general application’; that is, it contains general and abstract provisions that may be applied to partic-
ular persons and circumstances.
2 ‘Binding in its entirety’; that is, it bestows rights and obligations upon those to whom it is addressed, and
member states must observe it in full and as written.
3 ‘Directly applicable in all Member States’; that is, there is no need for national implementing measures
to be taken in order for a regulation to have binding force within the member states. Regulations specify
the date on which they are to take legal effect. Normally this is the same day as, or very shortly after, they
are published in the Official Journal of the European Union. This in turn is usually only a day or two after
they have been adopted.

Most regulations are adopted by the Commission as delegated or implementing regulations and concern
highly specific and technical adjustments to existing EU law.

A directive ‘shall be binding, as to the result to be achieved, upon each Member State to which it is
addressed, but shall leave to the national authorities the choice of form and methods’ (Article 288 TFEU).

In theory, a directive is thus very different from a regulation: it is not binding in its entirety but only in ‘the
result to be achieved’; it is addressed to member states and does not claim general applicability; it is not
necessarily addressed to all member states; and appropriate national measures need to be taken to give the
directive legal effect. As a consequence, directives tend to be rather more general in nature than regulations.
They are less concerned with the detailed and uniform application of policy and more with the laying down
of policy principles that member states must seek to achieve but can pursue by the appropriate means under
their respective national constitutional and legal systems.
The distinction between regulations and directives should not, however, be exaggerated because in prac-
tice a number of factors often result in a blurring. First, directives are almost invariably addressed to all

• There are considerable variations between direc- • Provided the Commission is satisfied that the
tives regarding the time periods permitted for relevant provisions are not ‘a means of arbitrary
incorporation into national law. For example, discrimination or a disguised restriction on trade
amending directives may have to be incorpo- between Member States’ and do not ‘constitute
rated almost immediately, whereas innovative or an obstacle to the functioning of the internal
controversial directives, or directives that require market’ (Article 114:6 TFEU), member states
substantial capital expenditure in order to be prop- are permitted to apply national legislation that is
erly applied – as is common with, for example, ‘tougher’ than EU legislation in respect of certain
environmental directives – may not be required to matters where there is not complete harmoni-
be incorporated for some years. sation. Policy areas where this occurs include
• Devices that allow for adaptation to local conditions protection of the environment and of the working
and needs are often either attached to legal texts or environment.
are authorised by the Commission after an act has
come into force. Examples of such devices include There used to be several thousand legislative
exemptions, derogations, and safety clauses. instruments issued each year, comprising around
European Union Law and the EU’s Courts | 231

Box 13.1 Continued

states. An important reason for this is that directives are frequently concerned with the harmonisation or
approximation of laws and practices in fields of EU activity. Second, some directives are drafted so tightly
that there is very little room for national authorities to incorporate adjustments when transposing direc-
tives into national law. Third, directives contain a date by which the national procedures to give the directive
effect must have been completed. The Commission has to be notified of national implementing measures,
and states that fail to comply by the due date are liable to have proceedings initiated against them, which
can ultimately result in a case before the Court. Fourth, the Court has ruled – so as to prevent member
states taking advantage of their own failures to comply – that directives may be directly applicable when
national implementing legislation has been unduly delayed or when it has departed from the intent of the
original directive.

A decision ‘shall be binding in its entirety upon those to whom it is addressed’ (Article 288 TFEU). It may
be addressed to any or all member states, to undertakings, or to individuals. Many decisions are highly
specific and, in effect, are administrative rather than legislative acts. Others are of a more general character
and can be akin to regulations or even, occasionally, directives.

Decisions are adopted in a whole range of circumstances. For example: to enforce competition policy; to
institute a pilot action programme; to authorise grants from one of the EU’s funds; to allow an exemption
from an existing measure; or to counter dumping from a third country.

‘Soft law’
Recommendations and opinions are explicitly stated by Article 288 TFEU as having no binding force, but
this does not mean lack of legal effect. Indeed, on occasions the Court has referred to them. The same
applies to some of the other non-binding, ‘soft law’, devices used by the EU institutions for such purposes
as floating ideas, starting a legislative process, promoting coordination, and encouraging harmonisation.
These include memoranda, communications, conventions, programmes, guidelines, agreements, declara-
tions, and resolutions. A typical example of soft law is a Commission recommendation of July 2014 encour-
aging member states to adopt best practices so as to protect citizens from the effects of excessive gambling
(European Commission, 2014).

4,000 regulations, 2,000 decisions, and 120 directives. Judicial interpretation

However, the numbers have dropped considerably in
recent years, partly because of a drive by all decision- The Court of Justice of the European Union consists
making institutions to lighten and simplify the EU’s of two courts: the Court of Justice and the General
legislative framework. Not counting amending acts, Court – the latter of which was called the Court of
in an average year there now are around 1,000 regula- First Instance (CFI) until its name was changed by
tions, (the great number of which are Commission the Lisbon Treaty. The former is the more senior of
regulations), 700–800 decisions, and 20–30 direc- the two courts in that it deals with most cases raising
tives. The vast majority of these legal instruments major issues – including those of a ‘constitutional’
consist of administrative measures of a routine, ‘non- and/or ‘political’ nature – and in that also General
political’, recurring kind. Many are replacements for Court judgements are, subject to specified conditions,
instruments that have either been repealed (usually subject to appeal to the Court of Justice. When, there-
because, as with most CAP-related legislation, they fore, reference is made to EU law arising from judicial
have become out-dated as a result of changing market interpretation, the reference is normally to Court of
conditions) or have expired. Justice case law.
232 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

Although case law has not traditionally been a viewed as constituting part of EU legislation, even
major source of law in most of the EU member states, though the Court of Justice has ruled that they are
the rulings of the EU’s courts have played an impor- superior in the hierarchy of EU law than secondary
tant part in shaping and making EU law. This stems law (Case 24/72).
partly from the courts’ duty to ensure that EU law is
interpreted and applied correctly. It stems also from
the fact that much of EU statute law is far from clear The general principles of law
or complete.
Article 19 TEU states that ‘The Court of Justice of
The lack of precision in much of the EU’s statute
the European Union … shall ensure that in the inter-
law is due to a number of factors: the relative newness
pretation and application of the Treaties the law is
of the EU and its constituent parts; the developing
observed.’ The implication of this and of certain other
nature of EU law in many sectors; the often sharply
Treaty articles (notably 263 and 340 TFEU) is that the
differing views of policy actors within EU decision-
EU’s courts need not regard written EU law as the only
making processes, which can lead to weak compro-
source of law to which they may refer.
mises in the content of agreed legal texts and to the
In practice this has meant that the EU’s courts,
avoidance of necessary secondary legislation; and the
when making their judgements, have had regard to
speed of change in some spheres of EU activity, which
general principles of law when these have been deemed
makes it very difficult for the written law to keep
relevant and applicable. Exactly what these general
abreast of developments. In many fields of apparent
principles of law are, however, is a matter of contro-
EU competence, the EU’s courts thus have to issue
versy. Suffice to note here that principles that have
judgements from a less than detailed statutory base.
been cited by the courts include ­non-discrimination
In the different types of case that come before them –
(whether between nations, product sectors, firms, or
cases of first and only instance, cases of appeal, and
individuals), adherence to legality, and respect for
cases involving rulings on points of EU law that have
procedural rights.
been referred by national courts – the EU’s courts
therefore inevitably often go well beyond merely giv-
ing a technical and grammatical interpretation of the
written rules. They fill in the gaps in the law and, in so The Content of EU Law
doing, they not only clarify the law but also extend it.
The content of EU law is described at some length in
International law Part IV of the book, in the context of the examination
of EU policies that is presented there. Attention here
International law is notoriously vague and weak, will, therefore, be confined to three points of general
but the EU’s courts have had occasional recourse to significance.
it when developing principles embodied in EU law. The first point is that EU law is not as wide-ranging
Judgements have also established that insofar as the as national law. It is not, for instance, much con-
EU has been increasingly developing an international cerned with criminal law, property law, or family law.
personality of its own and taken over powers from the Nor does it have much to do with policy areas such
states, the same rules of international law apply to it as education or health. What EU law is primarily,
as apply to them, for example with regard to treaty although by no means exclusively, concerned with –
law and the privileges and immunities of international and in this it reflects the aims and provisions of the
organisations. This process is being further advanced treaties – is economic activity. More particularly, EU
by the Lisbon Treaty having accorded (in Article 47 law is strongly focused in the direction of such areas
TEU) legal personality to the EU. of activity as the customs union, the internal market,
The many international agreements to which the competition policy, agriculture policy, and fisheries
EU is a party – including association, cooperation, and policy. It also makes up a significant element of the
trade agreements – are sometimes viewed as another law applying in the member states in such policy areas
dimension of international law. However, since they as energy, transport, regional development, and the
are implemented by legislative acts they are better environment.
European Union Law and the EU’s Courts | 233

The second, and related, point is that in virtually powers stemming from limitation of sovereignty
all policy areas EU law sits side by side with national or a transfer of powers from the states to the
law. As Box 17.4 (p. 309) shows, the TFEU identifies Community, the Member States have limited their
five areas where the Union has exclusive competence. sovereign rights, albeit within limited fields, and
However, it is only in respect of the customs union have thus created a body of law which binds both
and the Common Commercial Policy (CCP) that a their individuals and themselves.
comprehensive code of EU law exists in a major policy
area that applies in all EU states. Even in areas where EU law thus constitutes an autonomous legal sys-
there is a high degree of EU regulation, such as with tem, imposing obligations and rights on both individ-
the functioning of agricultural markets, national laws uals and member states, and limiting the sovereignty
covering various matters still exist. As Boxes 17.1 and of member states. There are two main pillars to this
17.2 show (pp. 305–6), EU law thus constitutes an legal system: direct effect and primacy.
important part of the overall legal framework of mem-
ber states in some policy spheres, whilst being of only
marginal significance in others. Direct effect
The third point is that the range of EU law has
broadened considerably over the years. As already This term – which is sometimes also called direct
noted, EU law is primarily economic in character, applicability – refers to the principle whereby certain
but less dominantly so than it was. The great expan- provisions of EU law may confer rights or impose
sion in recent years of law related to the creation obligations on individuals that national courts are
of the area of freedom, security and justice (AFSJ) bound to recognise and enforce. Having initially
is testament to this. So too is the considerable vol- established the principle in 1963 in the case of Van
ume of EU environmental law that now exists, with Gend en Loos (Case 26/62), the Court, in a series of
EU laws dealing with matters as diverse as air and judgements, has gradually strengthened and extended
water pollution, the disposal of toxic waste, and the the scope of direct effect so that it now applies to most
protection of endangered bird species. This expan- secondary legislation except when discretion is explic-
sion of EU law into an increasing number of policy itly granted to the addressee. Many of the provisions
areas has occurred, and is still occurring, for several of the treaties have also been established as having
reasons, prominent amongst which are: recognition direct effect, although the Court has ruled that it does
of the benefits that joint action can bring to many not apply to all spheres.
fields of activity; pressures from sectional interests;
and acceptance that the internal market can function
smoothly, efficiently, and equitably only if there are
common rules not just on directly related market Somewhat surprisingly, until the Treaty of Lisbon
activities but also on matters such as health and there was no explicit reference in the treaties to the
safety at work, entitlements to social welfare benefits, primacy or supremacy of EU law over national law.
and mutual recognition of educational and profes- Clearly the principle is vital if the EU is to function
sional qualifications. properly, since if member states had the power to
annul EU law by adopting or giving precedence
to national law, then there could be no uniform
or consistent EU legal order: states could apply
The Status of EU Law national law when EU law is distasteful or incon-
venient to them. From an early stage, therefore,
In Case 6/64, Costa v. ENEL, the Court of Justice stated: the Court took an active part in establishing the
primacy of EU law. National courts, it consistently
By creating a Community of unlimited duration, asserted, must apply EU law in the event of any
having its own institutions, its own personality, conflict, even if the domestic law was part of the
its own legal capacity of representation on the national constitution. An example of a Court state-
international plane and, more particularly, real ment on primacy may be taken from Simmenthal v.
234 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

Commission (Case 92/78) where the Court con-

cluded that:
The Court of Justice of the
European Union
Every national court must, in a case within its
jurisdiction, apply Community law in its As noted above, the Court of Justice of the European
entirety and protect rights which the latter Union consists of two courts: the Court of Justice and
confers on individuals and must accordingly the General Court. There used to be a third court –
set aside any provision of national law which the European Union Civil Service Tribunal, which
may conflict with it, whether prior or dealt with internal EU staffing matters – but following
subsequent to the Community rule. a Council decision in 2015 this was incorporated in
2016 into the General Court.
In general, national courts have accepted this view Both courts are located in Luxembourg. Neither of
and have given precedence to EU law. A few problems them should be, though the Court of Justice in partic-
have remained – notably in relation to fundamental ular sometimes is, confused with the Strasbourg-based
rights guaranteed by national constitutions – but for European Court of Human Rights, which is part of the
the most part the authority and binding nature of EU Council of Europe institutional system.
law has been fully established.
The Treaty of Lisbon consolidated the principle by
giving it explicit treaty recognition for the first time. Membership
However, the recognition did not take the form of
inclusion in the Treaty but rather recognition in a The Court of Justice consists of 28 judges – one
declaration on primacy that was attached to the Treaty from each member state. The Court is assisted by 11
(see Document 13.1). advocates-general.

Document 13.1

Declaration 17 of the Treaty of Lisbon

Declaration concerning primacy
The Conference recalls that, in accordance with well settled case law of the Court of Justice of the
European Union, the Treaties and the law adopted by the Union on the basis of the Treaties have primacy
over the law of Member States, under the conditions laid down by the said case law.
The Conference has also decided to attach as an Annex to this Final Act the Opinion of the Council
Legal Service on the primacy of EC law as set out in 11197/07 (JUR 260):
Opinion of the Council Legal Service
of 22 June 2007
It results from the case-law of the Court of Justice that primacy of EC law is a cornerstone principle of
Community law. According to the Court, this principle is inherent to the specific nature of the European
Community. At the time of the first judgment of this established case law (Costa/ENEL, 15 July 1964,
Case 6/641*) there was no mention of primacy in the treaty. It is still the case today. The fact that the
principle of primacy will not be included in the future treaty shall not in any way change the existence of
the principle and the existing case-law of the Court of Justice.
* ‘It follows … that the law stemming from the treaty, an independent source of law, could not, because of its special and
original nature, be overridden by domestic legal provisions, however framed, without being deprived of its character as
Community law and without the legal basis of the Community itself being called into question.’
European Union Law and the EU’s Courts | 235

The General Court also used to consist of one has been a legally qualified ‘man of affairs’ (and most
judge from each member state. However, following judges have been men) who has been involved with
the incorporation of the Civil Service Tribunal into judicial, governmental, or academic work in his native
the General Court and a related 2015 Council decision country in some way, but who has often not served in
to expand the Court’s size to better enable it to deal a judicial capacity for long (if at all) or at a high level.
with an increasing workload, the Court’s membership There is no evidence of ‘political’ appointments hav-
is being progressively increased so that it numbers 59 ing being made, in the way that they are to the United
judges from 2019. States Supreme Court, but the fact is that soundness
All the judges and advocates-general are appointed and safeness have been as important as judicial ability.
for a six-year term of office that may be, and fre- This now seems to be gradually ­changing – in no small
quently is, renewed. To ensure continuity, turnover is part because of the scrutiny now being undertaken by
staggered in three-yearly cycles. the 255 panel.
Under Article 253 TFEU, the judges and advocates- In addition to the judges and the advocates-general,
general are appointed ‘by common accord of the each of whom are assisted by legal secretaries, the Court
governments of the Member States’ from amongst of Justice and the General Court employ a staff of just
persons ‘whose independence is beyond doubt and over 2,000, of whom almost half are engaged in linguis-
who possess the qualifications required for appoint- tic services and the rest undertake supporting duties.
ment to the highest judicial offices in their respective
countries or who are juriconsults of recognised com-
petence’. The Lisbon Treaty supplemented Article 253 Organisation and numbers of
with a preliminary stage under which, in a new Article cases
255, before being appointed by the member states
the suitability of nominated candidates is considered In most respects, the two courts are organised in simi-
by a seven-member panel (known as ‘the 255 panel’) lar ways.
consisting of former EU and national supreme court
judges and legal experts, one of whom must be pro-
The Court of Justice
posed by the EP.
It used to be the case that, notwithstanding the The judges elect one of their number to be President
formal stipulation that appointment is ‘by common of the Court for a term of three years. The President’s
accord of the governments of the Member States’, each principal function is to see to the overall direction
state was actually permitted to nominate to both the of the work of the Court by, for example, assigning
Court of Justice and the General Court and the nomi- cases to the Court’s chambers and appointing judge-
nations were virtually automatically accepted. Post rapporteurs. The President is also empowered, upon
Lisbon Treaty, this is no longer so, for two reasons. application from a party, to order the suspension of
First, because the membership of the General Court Union measures and to order such interim measures
is being increased to more than double the number of as are deemed to be appropriate.
member states. Second, because the 255 panel is not Assisting the judges in the exercise of their tasks are
giving favourable opinions on all candidates. In the the advocates-general. The duty of advocates-general
first four years of its operation (2010–14), the panel is ‘acting with complete impartiality and independ-
examined 67 candidates, 35 of whom were renewals ence, to make, in open court, reasoned submissions
and 32 of whom were ‘first timers’. Of the 32, seven on cases which … require his involvement’ (Article
were given negative opinions, which resulted in their 252 TFEU). This means that an advocate-general,
nominations being withdrawn (Bobek, 2015: 164). on being assigned to a case, must make a thorough
When making their nominations, governments examination of all the issues involved in the case,
have in the past tended not to be overly worried about take account of all relevant law, and then present his
the judicial qualifications or experience of their nomi- conclusions to the Court. The conclusions are likely
nees and have instead looked for a good background in to include observations on the key points in the case,
appropriate professional activities and public service. an assessment of EU law touching on the case, and a
At the time of initial appointment, the typical judge proposed legal solution.
236 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

The increasing number of cases coming before Table 13.2 Cases before the General Court
the Court – in the 1960s there were around 50 in an 2014–15: number and stages of proceedings
average year, today there are usually around 700 (see
Table 13.1) – has made it impossible for everything 2014 2015
to be dealt with in full plenary session. The over- New cases 912 831
whelming number of cases are therefore dealt with
Completed cases 814 987
by one of the Court’s chambers. Cases that involve
complex findings of fact, or novel or important points Cases pending 1423 1267
of law, and which do not require to be heard by the Source: Court of Justice of the European Union (2016): 3.
full Court, are handled by chambers of five judges.
Over half of cases are dealt with by such a chamber.
Virtually all other cases – that is, cases that are based
upon relatively straightforward facts, raise no substan-
heavy workload problem by assigning most cases to
tial points of principle, or where the circumstances are
chambers, so too does the General Court. But whereas
covered by existing case law – are handled in chambers
in the Court of Justice over half of all cases are dealt
of three judges.
with by chambers of five judges, in the General Court
The Court is obliged to sit in full plenary session
around 85 per cent of cases are dealt with by chambers
only in very restricted circumstances, and does so only
of three judges.
rarely. However, on matters of particular importance
As stated above, the heavy workload resulted in the
it does sometimes meet in a Grand Chamber, num-
2015 decision to increase the size of the General Court.
bering 15 judges.

The General Court The procedure of the courts

The main organisational difference between the Court Most of the work of the two courts is conducted
of Justice and the General Court is that no advocates- largely away from the public eye via the communica-
general are appointed to the latter. When the exercise tion of documents between those directly involved in
of the function of advocate-general is seen as being cases, interested parties, and Court officials. Not much
necessary – which it is not in all cases – the task is happens in open court, and in some cases the parties
undertaken by one of the judges; the judge so desig- do not require a public hearing at all.
nated cannot take part in the judgement of the case. So as to provide a flavour of Court procedures, an
As Table 13.2 shows, the number of cases coming outline of how direct action cases (which tend to be
before and dealt with by the General Court are some- the most important cases in terms of setting important
what higher than the numbers of the Court of Justice. case law) are typically channelled through the Court of
Accordingly, just as the Court of Justice deals with its Justice will now be given:

• Relevant documentation and evidence is assem-

Table 13.1 Cases before the Court of Justice bled. In complicated cases, involving for example
2014–15: numbers and stages of proceedings* the alleged existence of cartels, hundreds or even
thousands of separate items of evidence may be
2014 2015 collected. The Court (though more so in the
New cases 622 713 General Court than in the Court of Justice), under
the direction of a duly appointed judge-rapporteur,
Completed cases 719 616
may have to take a very proactive role in gather-
Cases pending 787 884 ing the information that it needs and in soliciting
* The figures represent the total number of cases without the views of interested parties. This may involve
account being taken of the small number of cases where holding a preparatory inquiry at which oral and
cases are joined because of their similarity. documentary evidence is presented. (In prelimi-
Source: Court of Justice of the European Union (2016): 2. nary ruling cases the procedure is very different: the
European Union Law and the EU’s Courts | 237

national court making the reference should have Deliberations are in secret and if there is disagree-
provided with its submission a summary of the ment – as sometimes there is – the decision is made
case and of all relevant facts, a statement of the legal by majority vote. Judgements must be signed by all
problem, and the – abstract – question it wishes the the judges who have taken part in the proceedings
Court to answer.) and no dissenting opinions may be published. (In
• A public hearing is likely to be (but is not always) their oath of office members swear to preserve the
held at which the essentials of the case are outlined, secrecy of the deliberation of the Court.)
the various parties are permitted to present their
views orally, and the judges and advocates-general
may question the parties’ lawyers. *  *  *
• Following the public hearing, the advocate-general Three problems associated with the proceedings of
appointed to the case examines it in detail. He and both of the Courts ought to be mentioned. First,
his staff look at all relevant EU law and then come there is a lengthy gap between cases being lodged
to a decision that they consider to be correct in and a final decision being issued. Table 13.3 gives the
legal terms. A few weeks after the public hearing average length for the main types of cases before the
the advocate-general presents his submission to an Court of Justice in 2014 and 2015, with direct action
open session of the Court. cases in 2015, for example, taking almost 18 months.
• Acting on the advocate-general’s submission, As for the General Court, the average length of pro-
and on the basis of a draft drawn up by the ceedings was 23.4 months in 2014 and 20.6 months in
judge rapporteur, the Court prepares its decision. 2015. Both these Court of Justice and General Court

Photo 13.1 The First Chamber of the Court of Justice delivering a judgement
238 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

Table 13.3 Duration (in months) of proceedings the CFI) was initially greatly restricted when it was
in the Court of Justice 2014–15 established in 1988 to relieve the workload of the
Court of Justice, treaty reforms have so extended its
2014 2015 potential jurisdiction that now there are only a few
References for a preliminary ruling 15.0 15.3 types of cases with which it cannot deal. Second, in
describing the responsibilities of the courts, the TFEU
Direct actions 19.7 17.6
mostly refers to ‘the Court of Justice of the European
Appeals 14.4 14.0 Union’ – that is, it does not distinguish between the
Source: Court of Justice of the European Union (2016): 2. Court of Justice and the General Court. Third, most
of the decisions of the General Court are subject to
appeal to the Court of Justice on points of law.
figures signify an appreciable reduction compared As a preliminary, let it just be said that, in very
with the average figures of most preceding years, broad terms, the Court of Justice’s main – and
but they still involve a considerable wait for parties unstated – role is to deal with matters that are of con-
involved in legal disputes. A major factor explaining siderable importance to the EU’s legal order, whilst
these lengths of time is that all documents have to be the General Court is charged with dealing with mat-
translated – into all 24 official languages of the Union ters that are generally more routine in nature. This
in preliminary ruling cases. In special cases, however, division results in the Court of Justice being the com-
interim judgements are issued and accelerated pro- petent court to deal with failures of member states to
cedures are used. Second, lawyers’ fees usually mean fulfil obligations, preliminary references from courts
that going before the Courts in direct action cases in the member states, and appeals against General
can be an expensive business, even though there is no Court decisions in direct actions. The General Court
charge for the actual proceedings in the Court itself. has responsibility for annulments, failures to act, dis-
This does not, of course, place much of a restriction putes relating to compensation for non-contractual
on the ability of national governments or EU institu- liability and, since it merged with the European
tions to use the Courts, but it can be a problem for Union Civil Service Tribunal, staff cases. Tables 13.4
individuals and small firms. There is a small legal and 13.5 indicate the numbers of the types of cases
aid fund, but it cannot remotely finance all potential dealt with by the two courts.
applicants. Third, the use of majority voting, coupled
with the lack of opportunity for dissenting opinions,
has encouraged a tendency, which is perhaps inevi-
table given the different legal backgrounds of the Table 13.4 New cases brought before the
judges, for judgements sometimes to be less than Court of Justice 2013–14 according to types of
concise, and occasionally even to be fudged.
2013 2014
References for a preliminary ruling 450 428
Types of Cases Before the Direct actions 72 74
Courts Appeals 161 111
Appeals concerning interim measures   5   0
The EU’s courts cannot initiate actions. They must and intervention
wait for cases to be referred to them. Cases coming Requests for an opinion   2   1
before the courts take a number of forms, the most
Special forms of procedure   9   8
important of which are outlined below. They are
outlined by taking the courts together rather than Total 699 622
separately. There are three reasons for this. First, Source: Court of Justice of the European Union (2015): 94.
although the jurisdiction of the General Court (then
European Union Law and the EU’s Courts | 239

Table 13.5 New cases before the General Court of preliminary rulings must be accepted and applied
2013–14 according to types of action by the national court that has made the referral.
Virtually all preliminary ruling cases are dealt with
2014 2015 by the Court of Justice and, as can be seen in Table
Actions for annulment 319 423 13.4, constitute the great majority of the cases that
come before it each year. Preliminary rulings serve
Actions for failure to act 12 12
three principal functions. First, they help to ensure
Actions for damages 15 39 that national courts make legally ‘correct’ judgements.
Arbitration clauses   6 14 Second, because they are generally accepted by all
Intellectual property 293 295 national courts as setting a precedent, they promote
Appeals 57 36
the uniform interpretation and application of EU law
in the member states. Third, they provide a valuable
Special forms of procedure 88 93
source of access to the Court for private individuals
Total 790 912 and undertakings who cannot directly appeal to it,
Source: Court of Justice of the European Union (2015): 182. either because there is no legal provision or because of
insufficient funds.
The case of Corina van der Lans v. KLM (Case
C-257/14) shows how all three of these functions
Reference for a preliminary ruling can apply in a single case. In summary, the District
Court in Amsterdam referred the case to the CJEU
The types of case referred to in the sections below are to enquire whether the airline KLM was in breach of
known as direct actions. That is, the Union’s Courts the 2004 Airline Passenger Compensation Regulation
are called upon to give a judgement in a dispute for delaying Ms van der Lans’ flight by 29 hours. The
between two or more parties who bring their case Regulation provides for compensation and assistance
directly to court. References for preliminary rulings to passengers in the event of, amongst other possible
are quite different, in that they do not involve giving problems, long delays, but enables airlines to escape
judgements in cases but rather giving interpretations liability if delays are caused by ‘extraordinary circum-
on points of EU law to enable national courts to make stances’. In September 2015, the Court of Justice ruled
a ruling. against the KLM claim that an unexpected technical
References are made under Article 267 TFEU, problem in itself can be classified as ‘extraordinary
which states that national courts may, and in some cir- circumstances’. Rather, the Court stated that such cir-
cumstances must, ask the Court to give a preliminary cumstances can be so classified only if they relate to an
ruling where questions arise on the interpretation of event which is not inherent in the normal exercise of
the treaties or the validity and interpretation of acts the activity of the air carrier concerned and is beyond
of the institutions of the Union. The Court cannot the control of the carrier on account of its nature or
make a pronouncement on a case that happens to origin. These circumstances did not apply in the case
have come to its attention unless a reference has been of Ms van der Lans, so the airline was liable to pay
made to it by the appropriate national court. It is the compensation.
exclusive prerogative of the national court to apply An example of a preliminary ruling with impor-
for a preliminary ruling, with parties to a dispute in tant institutional implications is that made in a
a national court having no power to insist on a refer- case referred to the Court in February 2014 by
ence or to object to one being made. Once a reference the German Constitutional Court. The case (Case
has been made, the Court is obliged to respond, but it C-62/14) c­ oncerned the compatibility with the TFEU
can only do so on questions that have been put to it of a mechanism – Outright Monetary Transactions
and it may not pronounce on, or even directly attempt (OMTs) – that was announced by the ECB in August
to influence the outcome of, the principal action. 2012 to deal with the sovereign debt crisis and calm
Interpretations made by the Court during the course monetary markets. Under OMTs, the Bank can
240 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

purchase government bonds of indebted states in The Maastricht Treaty gave to the Court, for the
secondary bond markets on a conditional basis which, first time, the power to impose penalties on member
in the opinion of a number of prominent objectors states for not complying with Court judgements in
in Germany, exceeds the Bank’s authority because it respect of failures to fulfil obligations. The possibility
strays beyond monetary policy into the realm of fis- of fines only arises after extensive exchanges between
cal policy. In its judgement, which was issued in June the Commission and the state in question, after the
2015, the Court declared the OMT programme to be state has been given every opportunity to submit its
legal as it ‘does not exceed the powers of the ECB in observations, and after a time limit for compliance
relation to monetary policy and does not contravene has been specified and has not been met. If these con-
the prohibition of monetary financing of EU nations’. ditions apply, the Commission may bring the matter
This judgement was widely seen as greatly empower- back before the Court. In so doing, the Commission
ing the Bank and, by some observers, as more broadly must specify the amount of the lump sum or penalty
empowering EU ‘non-political’ institutions. payment to be paid ‘which it considers appropriate in
the circumstances’ (Article 260 TFEU). If the Court
finds that the member state has not complied with its
Failure to fulfil an obligation judgement, it may impose a lump sum and/or recur-
ring penalty payment. An example of such an imposi-
Under Articles 258 and 259 TFEU, the Court of Justice tion is that imposed on Greece in July 2009 for failing
rules on whether member states have failed to fulfil to fully abide by a previous Court ruling to recover
obligations under the Treaty. Failure to fulfil an obli- illegal subsidies paid to the state-owned Olympic
gation cases constitute virtually all of the direct action Airlines. The Court imposed a €2 million fine and a
cases that come before the Court. €16,000 daily penalty to be paid until the funds were
Initial actions against states for failures to act may recovered. Another example is penalties imposed on
be brought either by the Commission or by other Italy in December 2014 for failing to tackle the dump-
member states In either eventuality, the Commission ing of illegal waste. A €40 million fine was imposed
must first give the state(s) against which the charge and a further €42.8 million fine would be imposed
is made an opportunity to submit observations and for every six months that Italy failed to implement a
then deliver a reasoned opinion. Only if this fails to proper clean-up programme.
produce proper compliance with EU law can the mat-
ter be referred to the Court.
In practice, failures to fulfil obligations are usu- Application for annulment
ally settled well before they are brought before the
Court. When an action is brought to the Court, the Actions for annulment account for a considerable
Commission is almost invariably the initiator. It is volume of the cases brought before the CJEU. Indeed,
so partly because if a member state is behind the with all but the most high-profile and important of
action it is obliged, as has just been shown, to refer such cases being dealt with by the General Court, they,
the matter to the Commission in the first instance. as Table 13.5 shows, constitute about 40 per cent of
It is partly also because member states are extremely the General Court’s new cases in an average year.
reluctant to engage in direct public confrontation Under Article 263 TFEU, the Court ‘shall review
with one another (although they do sometimes try the legality of legislative acts, of acts of the Council, of
to encourage the Commission to, in effect, act on the Commission and of the European Central Bank,
their behalf). other than recommendations and opinions, and of
Such cases have led to rulings against, for example, acts of the European Parliament and of the European
Italy (that its duties on imported gin and sparkling Council intended to produce legal effects vis-à-vis
wine were discriminatory), the UK (that it had intro- third parties. It shall also review the legality of acts of
duced insufficient national measures to give full effect bodies, offices or agencies of the Union intended to
to the 1976 directive on sexual discrimination), and produce legal effects vis-à-vis third parties.’ Judicial
Belgium (for failing to implement directives to har- review of acts of the European Council and of the
monise certain stock exchange rules). agencies was only introduced by the Lisbon Treaty and
European Union Law and the EU’s Courts | 241

is potentially very important, with the extension of the grounds that it was discriminatory but rather because
Court’s powers to the European Council in particular the ECB had exceeded its powers as it ‘lacks the com-
marking a very significant advance in its remit and, petence necessary to regulate the activity of securities
more broadly, a very significant advance also in the clearing systems as its [treaty] competence is limited
constitutionalisation of the EU. to payment systems alone’ (General Court of the
The Court cannot conduct reviews on its own ini- European Union, 2015)
tiative, but only in response to actions brought by a As the just cited example shows, an important
member state, the EP, the Council or the Commission. aspect of Court activity in annulment cases arises in
Reviews may be based on the following grounds: ‘lack connection with the Treaty base(s) upon which EU
of competence, infringement of an essential proce- legislation is proposed and adopted. Of some signifi-
dural requirement, infringement of the Treaties or of cance here is that are several procedures by which EU
any rule of law relating to their application, or misuse law can be made (see Chapter 19 for details), each
of powers’ (Article 263 TFEU). If an action is well of which is different in terms of such key matters as
founded, the Court is empowered under Article 264 whether QMV rules apply in the Council and what
TFEU to declare the act concerned to be void. are the powers of the EP. Which procedure applies
The highest profile annulment case in recent years in a particular case depends on the article(s) of the
was in 2004, when the Commission brought an Treaty upon which legislative proposals are based. It
action against the Council in connection with EMU’s thus naturally follows that if a legislative proposal is
Stability and Growth Pact (SGP). In the autumn of brought forward by the Commission on a legal base
2003 the Commission had recommended that the that a member state or the EP believe to be damaging
Council require France and Germany to take the to their interests and/or legally questionable, and if
necessary measures to reduce their budgetary deficits political processes cannot bring about a satisfactory
under Article 104(9) TEC. However, no majority resolution to the matter, they may be tempted to
existed for this in the Council, so as an alternative appeal to the Court.
the Council decided, in effect, that the excessive defi- Similarly, institutions sometimes appeal to the
cit procedures should be suspended whilst France Court when they believe their prerogatives have been
and Germany took other correcting action. Deciding infringed during a legislative procedure. The EP has
that this Council decision undermined both its own been very active in this regard, taking a number of
authority and the credibility of EMU, the Commission cases to the Court, usually on the grounds that either
brought an action for annulment against the Council. it should have been consulted but was not, or the
When it delivered its opinion, in July 2004 (in Case Council changed the content of legislation after it left
C-17/04, Commission v. Council), the Court basically the EP and the EP was not re-consulted. In general,
ruled in favour of the Commission, but refrained from the Court has tended to support the EP in such cases.
insisting that the Council follow the Commission’s Article 263 also allows any ‘natural or legal person’
recommendations. The judgement played an impor- (that is private individuals or companies) to institute
tant part in the subsequent Council deliberations that proceedings for annulment. Cases brought on this
led to a reform of the SGP in the spring of 2005. basis have included appeals by companies against
Another example of an important annulment case Commission decisions to refuse to authorise subsidies
is United Kingdom v. European Central Bank (Case and challenges to Commission decisions on abuse of
T-496/11), in which the UK claimed the ECB exceeded dominant trading positions, restrictive practices, and
its powers by requiring, in a policy framework paper company mergers. Generally, rulings have tended to
issued in 2011, that clearing houses that process strengthen the hand of EU institutions and to serve
financial trades must be located within the eurozone. as useful underpinnings to some EU policies, notably
The UK government, which brought the case because competition policy and commercial policy.
it thought the location requirement could be dam- In certain policy spheres, of which competition is
aging to the City of London, claimed the proposal the most important, the Commission is empowered
undermined the functioning of the internal market. to impose financial penalties to ensure compliance
In March 2015, the General Court annulled the with EU regulations. Under Article 262 TFEU, the
ECB’s proposed oversight system, though not on the regulations governing such policy spheres may allow
242 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

unlimited jurisdiction to the Court with regard to This means that the Union may have actions
the penalties. This means that aggrieved parties may brought against it on the ground of it having com-
appeal to the Court against Commission decisions and mitted an illegal act. The complex mechanisms of the
the penalties it has imposed. As such, this is another CAP have produced by far the greatest number of such
form of action for annulment. The Court may annul cases, threatening indeed to overwhelm the Court in
or confirm the decision and increase or decrease the the early 1970s. As a consequence, the Court became
penalties. In the great majority of judgements the increasingly unwilling to accept ­non-contractual lia-
Commission’s decisions are upheld. (See Chapter 9 bility cases, at least on the basis of first instance, and
for examples of fines imposed on firms for breaches made it clear that they should be brought before
of competition law.) national courts.
In the 1970s the Court also ruled that the cir-
cumstances in which the Community could incur
Failure to act non-contractual liability and be liable for damages
were strictly limited. Of particular importance
Under the treaties there are provisions for institutions in this context were judgements in 1978 on two
to be taken to court for failure to act. These provisions joined cases concerning skimmed milk (Cases 83
vary in nature between the treaties. Under the TFEU, and 94/76, and 4, 15, and 40/77). Community leg-
should the EP, the European Council, the Council, islation obliged the food industry to add skimmed
the Commission, or the ECB fail to act on a matter milk to animal feed as part of an effort to reduce
provided for by the Treaty, the member states and the surplus of powdered milk. A number of users
the other institutions and, in restricted circumstances, challenged the legality of this on the ground that the
‘natural or legal persons’ may initiate an action under Community’s solution to the problem was discrimi-
Article 265 to have the infringement established. Such natory. In its first judgement the Court ruled that
actions are not common, but one that attracted much the powdered milk regulations were, indeed, invalid
attention was initiated by the EP, with the support of because they did not spread the burden fairly across
the Commission, against the Council in 1983. The the agricultural sector. In its second judgement,
case concerned the alleged failure of the Council to however, it ruled that only in exceptional and spe-
take action to establish a Common Transport Policy, cial circumstances, notably when a relevant body
despite the provision for such a policy in the EEC had manifestly and seriously exceeded its powers,
Treaty. The judgement, which was delivered in May should the Community be liable to pay damages
1985, was not what the EP or the Commission had when a legislative measure of a political and eco-
hoped for. The ECJ ruled that whilst there was a nomic character was found to be invalid.
duty for legislation to be produced, it had no power
of enforcement because the Treaty did not set out a
detailed timetable or an inventory for completion; Staff cases
it was incumbent upon the national governments to
decide how best to proceed. By the early 2000s, over one-quarter of the cases
coming before the CFI involved disputes between the
EU and its staff. This type of case increasingly came
Action to establish liability to be seen as not being appropriate for the already
overloaded CFI, so the Nice Treaty provided for the
‘In the case of non-contractual liability, the Union establishment of the European Union Civil Service
shall, in accordance with the general principles com- Tribunal, which was created in November 2004 and
mon to the laws of the Member States, make good any came into operation on 1 October 2005. However, as
damage caused by its institutions or by its servants in noted above, in 2015 it was decided to revert to past
the performance of their duties’ (Article 340 TFEU). practice and merge the Tribunal (which was dealing
Under Article 268 the Court has exclusive jurisdic- with between 150 and 200 new cases a year, many of
tion to decide whether the Union is liable and, if so, which became the subjects of appeal to the General
whether it is bound to provide compensation. Court) with the General Court.
European Union Law and the EU’s Courts | 243

Appeals are conducted mainly in national courts. Another lim-

itation is that many EU activities are beyond the reach
Under Article 256 TFEU, certain decisions of the of the EU’s courts because they do not have clear legal
General Court are subject to appeal to the Court of bases. Some such activities are based on traditional
Justice. intergovernmental forms of cooperation, as is the case
Appeals cannot be made on the substance of a case, with most foreign and external security policies and
but only on points of law. There are three broad grounds actions, whilst an increasing number are based on
for appeal: the General Court lacked jurisdiction, it forms of ‘soft law’ and coordination associated with
breached procedural rules, or it infringed Union law. the so-called ‘new modes of governance’, as is the case,
Most, but not all, of the appeals fail. They do so because for example, with many economic, social, and employ-
the Court of Justice will only accept appeal on points of ment policies. (See Terpan, 2015 for an analysis of the
law, not points of substance, and also because the General growing importance of soft law in the EU.)
Court follows previous case law of the Court of Justice. However, notwithstanding these limitations, the
There are usually between 100 and 200 appeals EU’s courts still have two very important functions
each year, constituting some 15–20 per cent of the in respect of EU law. First, they are responsible for
Court of Justice’s workload. directly applying the law in certain types of case.
Second, they have a general responsibility for inter-
preting the provisions of EU law and for ensuring
The seeking of an opinion that the day-to-day application of the law by national
agencies and courts is consistent and uniform.
Under Article 218 TFEU, a member state, the EP, the Inevitably, for the reasons explained earlier in the
Council, or the Commission may obtain the opinion of chapter, these duties result in the courts – and espe-
the Court of Justice on whether a prospective interna- cially the Court of Justice – making what, in effect, is
tional agreement is compatible with the provisions of the judicial law. This is most clearly seen in four respects.
treaties. Where the opinion of the Court is adverse, the First, as noted above, the Court of Justice has clari-
agreement cannot enter into force without being suit- fied and strengthened the status of EU law. Landmark
ably amended or without the treaties being amended. decisions of the 1960s and 1970s, such as Van Gend
An example of an extremely important opinion is en Loos and Costa v. ENEL, were crucial in paving the
that issued in 1994 in respect of external powers. The way to the establishment of a strong legal system, but
Commission took the case before the Court, arguing later decisions have also been important. For example,
that (the then) Article 113 of the EEC Treaty, which in its 1992 judgement in Francovich and Bonifaci v.
gave the Commission sole negotiating powers in respect Italy (Joined Cases 6/90 and 9/90) the Court ruled that
of certain international commercial agreements, should individuals are entitled to financial compensation if
extend to trade in services and trade-related aspects of they are adversely affected by the failure of a member
intellectual property rights. The Court ruled (Opinion state to transpose a directive within the prescribed
1/94) that the Community and the member states period. And in its 2005 judgement in Commission
shared competence to conclude such agreements and (supported by the European Parliament) v. Council
therefore the Commission did not have sole negotiating (supported by eleven member states) (Case C-176/03)
powers. (The Commission’s external negotiating pow- the Court strengthened the EU’s implementation
ers were later extended in the Lisbon Treaty.) capacity by ruling that in some circumstances criminal
law sanctions can be used for offences against EU law.
Second, EU policy competences have been both
The Impact and Influence of extended and limited by Court judgements. Social secu-
rity entitlements illustrate this. Most governments have
the Courts not wished to do much more about entitlements than
coordinate certain aspects of their social security systems.
A limitation on the impact and influence of the EU’s The Court, however, through a number of judgements,
courts is that most EU law is directly implemented by often based on the TFEU (and before it the TEC) rather
national agencies and legal proceedings in respect of it than on legislation, has played an important part in
244 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

pushing the states towards the harmonisation of some of should be excluded from the German market on
their practices, for example with regard to the rights of health grounds. In March 1987 the Court upheld the
migrant workers. It has also extended the provisions ‘mutual recognition’ principle and ruled that a blanket
of certain laws in ways the states did not envisage when ban on additives to beer was quite disproportionate to
they gave them their approval in the Council. However, the health risk involved; the German insistence on its
perhaps being influenced by the more eurosceptic cli- own definition of beer amounted to a barrier to trade.
mate that has prevailed throughout much of the EU in Fourth, the powers and functioning of the institu-
recent years, the Court has stopped short of trying to tions have been clarified, and in important respects
harmonise too much. So, for example, in cases such as have been significantly affected, by the Court. Four
Dano v. Jobcenter Leipzig (Case C-333/13) (judgement important judgements will be cited to illustrate this.
given in November 2014), and Jobcenter Berlin Neukölin First, in 1980, in the famous isoglucose case (Case
v. Nazifa and others (Case C-67/14) (judgement given 138/79), the Court ruled that the Council could not
in September 2015), it has greatly restricted the rights adopt legislation until it had received the EP’s opinion
of economically inactive EU citizens who are resident (see Chapter 12 for further consideration of this case).
in a member state other than their own to access non- Second, in 1988, in the ‘Wood Pulp’ cases (Joined Cases
contributory social assistance benefits. 89, 104, 114–117, 125–129/85), the Court upheld and
The area where the EU’s courts have exercised the strengthened the power of Community institutions to
greatest influence in strengthening and extending EU take legal action against non-EC companies. (In this
policy competence is in regard to the internal market. In case the Commission had imposed fines on a number
some instances this has been a result of practices being of American, Canadian and Finnish producers of wood
ruled illegal and in others it has been a consequence pulp in respect of concerted practices that had affected
of judgements pressurising, enabling, or forcing the selling prices in the Community. The Court ruled that
Commission and the Council to act – as, for example, in the key factor in determining the Community’s jurisdic-
deregulating air transport following the 1986 Nouvelles tion was not where companies were based, nor where
Frontières case in which the Court held that the treaty any illegal agreements or p ­ ractices were devised, but
rules governing competition applied to air transport. where illegalities were implemented.) Third, in 1992, in
Third, judgements have saved the EU the need to Spain, Belgium and Italy v. Commission (Joined Cases
make law in existing areas of competence. A particu- 271, 281 and 289/90) – which involved the liberalisa-
larly influential judgement in this context was issued tion of the monopolistic telecommunications services
in February 1979 in the (now famous) Cassis de Dijon market – the Court ruled that the Commission’s powers
case (Case 120/78), which concerned the free circula- in relation to competition policy were not limited to the
tion of the French blackcurrant liqueur of that name. surveillance of rules already in existence but extended
The Court ruled that national food standards legis- to taking a proactive role to break monopolies. The
lation cannot be invoked to prevent trade between fact that the Council could have taken appropriate
member states unless it is related to ‘public health, fis- measures did not affect the Commission’s compe-
cal supervision and the defence of the consumer’. The tence to act. Fourth, in 2000, in Germany v. European
principle of ‘mutual recognition’ – whereby a product Parliament and Council (Case 376/98) Germany suc-
lawfully produced and marketed in one member state cessfully sought annulment of the Tobacco Advertising
must be accepted in another member state – was thus Ban Directive which would have gradually phased-out
established, with the result that the need for legislation virtually all tobacco publicity and sponsorship by 2006.
to harmonise standards in order to facilitate trade was The Court ruled that the Commission had been incor-
much reduced. Of course the Cassis de Dijon judge- rect to use Article 100a TEC (now 114 TFEU) – which
ment did not, and does not, rule out challenges to the provides for internal market harmonisation and elimi-
principle of ‘mutual recognition’, or to its application. nation of competition measures – as the legal base of
For example, in the much publicised and influen- the Directive. This was because other treaty articles
tial case Commission v. Germany (Case 178/84), the excluded harmonisation measures designed to protect
German government attempted to protect its brew- and improve human health and Article 100a could not
ers by arguing that whereas their product was pure, be a general power to regulate the internal market.
most so-called foreign beers contained additives and
*  *  *
European Union Law and the EU’s Courts | 245

It will be noted that many of the cases cited above

are now twenty and more years old. That so many of
Concluding Remarks
the most influential cases are now long-standing is
often used by commentators to suggest that since the The legal framework described in the previous pages
early 1990s the Court has been less path-breaking and constitutes the single most important feature distin-
more cautious in its judgements. The Court has, it is guishing the EU from other international organisa-
argued, become more focused on technical decisions, tions. The member states do not just cooperate with
more deferring to known positions of member states, one another on an intergovernmental basis but have
and more restricted in what it can do by the growth developed common laws designed to promote near
of soft law that is beyond its scrutiny. Doubtless there uniformity. The supremacy that applies in the inter-
is something in this, but the ‘retreat from activism’ pretation, application and adjudication of these laws
interpretation should not be overstated since many constitutes a central element of the supranational
significant new judgements continue to be made, character of the EU.
not least in politically sensitive policy areas where This has necessarily involved the member states in
the political decision-makers often find it difficult to surrendering some of their sovereignty, since they are
make unambiguous decisions. Such areas are highly obliged to submit to a legal system over which they
varied in nature, ranging from fundamental rights have only partial control. In consequence of this, the
(which have greatly expanded in the Court’s work- governments of member states are sometimes obliged
load since the Lisbon Treaty made the Charter of to apply laws they do not want and are occasionally
Fundamental Rights of the EU clearly enforceable), prevented from introducing laws they desire.
access to welfare systems, and corporate taxation. The EU’s courts have played an extremely impor-
The fact is that the EU’s court system has had tant part in establishing the EU’s legal order. This is
and continues to have a very considerable impact on because between them they exercise three key legal
the content of EU law. This has been for a number roles. First, there is the role of constitutional court
of reasons, not least because those EU politicians where, for example, Court of Justice adjudicates inter-
who have been dissatisfied with judicial activism institutional disputes and disputes about the division
(representing a minority on most issues) have found of powers between EU institutions and member states.
it difficult to constrain, let alone reduce, the powers Second, there is the role of supreme court, as most
of the CJEU. obviously with preliminary rulings that have as their
The independent influence of the CJEU should not, purpose the uniform interpretation and application
however, be overstated. It operates within a highly of EU law. And third, there is the role of administra-
political context and, as Wincott (1999) has argued, it tive court, as when both the Court of Justice and the
is not normally in a position to create a fully fledged General Court are called upon by private parties to
policy by itself. There are two main reasons for this. offer protection against illegal and/or dubious execu-
First, the Court must usually have a treaty or legisla- tive acts by EU institutions.
tive base upon which to act. This means that its judge- In exercising their responsibilities, the courts,
ments are normally constrained to at least some extent and particularly the Court of Justice, sometimes
by an existing, albeit sometimes very sketchy, policy not only interpret law but also make it. Of course,
framework. Second, judgements can only be issued on judges everywhere help to shape the law, but this is
cases that are referred to the Court. It cannot initiate especially so in the EU where there are lots of gaps to
cases itself. Consequently, as Wincott says, ‘where the be filled in the EU’s legal framework and where the
Court has made a striking contribution to the charac- courts in consequence have much more manoeu-
ter of a particular policy, usually its contribution has vrability available to them than is customary within
been to unsettle an established policy regime or to states. They have used this to considerable effect: to
break up a gridlock … rather than to create a policy help clarify relations between the institutions and
itself’. Court judgements have certainly impacted on between the institutions and the member states; to
EU policy, but the most important impact has often help clarify and extend EU policy in many different
been not so much direct as rather ‘the provocation of spheres; and arguably also to help develop and foster
further legislation’ (Wincott, 1999: 94–5). the EU’s esprit.
Chapter 14
Other Institutions

The European Economic n addition to the EU’s main institutions, which have been examined in the
and Social Committee 247 last five chapters, there exist a large number of other institutions. These
institutions have a variety of roles and purposes. The more important of
The Committee of the
these additional institutions are examined in this chapter.

European Agencies 252

The European Investment
Bank254 The European Economic and Social
The European Central Committee
The Court of Auditors 260 Origins
In the negotiations that led to the Rome Treaties it was decided to establish a
consultative body composed of representatives of socio-economic interests.
There were four principal reasons for this decision. First, five of the six
founding states – West Germany was the exception – had such bodies in their
own national systems. The main role of these bodies was to provide a forum in
which sectional interests could express their views and in so doing could sup-
plement the popular will as expressed via parliaments. Second, the essentially
economic nature of the Community meant that sectional interests would be
directly affected by policy developments and would be key participants in, and
determiners of, the development of integration. Third, it was not thought that
the Assembly (as the EP was then called) would be an effective forum for the
expression of sectional views. Fourth, the institutional framework of the Rome
Treaties was based on the Treaty of Paris model, and that had provided for a
socio-economic advisory body in the ECSC Consultative Committee.
Accordingly, the EEC and Euratom Treaties provided for a common
Economic and Social Committee (ESC). It was to have an advisory role and it was
to be made up of representatives of various types of economic and social activity.
Since 2003, the ESC has called itself the European Economic and Social
Committee (EESC).

The EESC has 350 members. France, Italy, Germany, and the UK have the largest
national representations, with 24 members each, whilst Cyprus, Luxembourg,
and Malta have the smallest representations, with five members (see Table 14.1).

248 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

Table 14.1 Memberships of the European All members are appointed in a personal capac-
Economic and Social Committee and the ity and not as delegates of organisations. However,
Committee of the Regions since most members are closely associated with or are
employees of national interest organisations (organi-
France, Germany, Italy, UK 24 sations that in many cases are affiliated to Euro-
Poland, Spain 21 organisations) it is inevitable that they do tend to act
as representatives of, and be spokesmen for, a cause.
Romania 15
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic 12 *  *  *
Croatia, Denmark, Finland, Greece Hungary,   9 The administrative support for the EESC is organised
Ireland, Lithuania, Netherlands, Portugal, by its Secretariat General. In 2016 there were some
Sweden, Slovakia 800 staff working for the EESC, many of whom – in
Latvia, Slovenia   7 the logistics, IT, and translation departments – were
jointly employed by the Committee of the Regions.
Estonia   6
Cyprus, Luxembourg, Malta   5

Total 350 Organisation

Every two and a half years the EESC elects a President,
The members of the EESC are proposed by national two Vice Presidents, and a Bureau from amongst its
governments and are formally appointed by the Council, members. The Presidency rotates amongst the three
by QMV since the ratification of the Nice Treaty. The groups, with the two groups that do not occupy the
term of office is five years, which may be renewed. Presidency each assuming a Vice Presidency. There
To ensure that a broad spectrum of interests and are 39 members of the Bureau: the President, the two
views is represented, the membership is divided into Vice Presidents, and 36 members drawn from the
three groups that are just about equal in size. Each three groups in equal proportion.
national complement of members is supposed to The main role of the President is to see to the
reflect this tripartite division. The three groups are as orderly conduct of the EESC’s business and to repre-
set out in Box 14.1. sent the EESC in its relations with other EU institu-
tions, member states, and outside bodies. The Vice
Presidents assist the President in these tasks. The main
BOX 14.1 tasks of the Bureau are to provide guidelines for the
EESC’s work, to coordinate that work, and to assist
The three groups of the EESC with external representation.
The groups operate in a somewhat similar fashion
• Group I: Employers. Just less than half of this group
are drawn from industry. The rest are mostly from
to the political groups in the EP. That is to say, they
meet on a regular basis – there are about 90 group
public enterprises, commercial organisations, meetings per year – to review matters of common
banks, insurance companies, and so on. concern, to discuss ongoing EESC work, and (particu-
• Group II: Employees. The great majority in this
group are members of national trade unions.
larly in the more cohesive groups I and II) to attempt
to agree voting positions on proposals and issues that
• Group III: Various interests. About half of this
group are associated with either agriculture,
are due to be considered in plenary sessions. Group
representatives in sections and study groups (see
small and medium-sized businesses, or the below) also sometimes meet together to coordinate
professions. The rest are mostly involved with their activities.
public agencies and local authorities, consumer Most of the work of the EESC consists of giving
groups, environmental protection organisations, opinions on EU-related matters. In a manner similar
and so on. to the way in which the detailed work on opinions in
the EP is undertaken by committees, so in the EESC it
Other Institutions | 249

is mostly undertaken by sections, each of which draws times Commissioners themselves, attend plenaries
its membership from the groups. There are six sections: and meetings of sections. Occasionally ministers
Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environment; address plenaries.
Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) and Economic 5 Above all, as noted above, it issues opinions on a
and Social Cohesion; Employment, Social Affairs and range of EU matters. Opinions are issued in one of
Citizenship; External Relations; The Single Market, three sets of circumstances:
Production and Consumption; and Transport, Energy, • Mandatory referral. Under Article 304 TFEU
Infrastructure and the Information Society. The sec- ‘The Committee shall be consulted by the
tions appoint rapporteurs to prepare draft opinions on European Parliament, by the Council or by the
their behalf. How rapporteurs go about this depends on Commission where the Treaties so provide.’
circumstances and preferences. Usually use is made of a Extensions made in the rounds of treaty reform
study group or subcommittee; assistance may be called since the SEA have resulted in most important
for from the EESC Secretariat; and – a common occur- policy areas now being subject to EESC manda-
rence – help may be sought from, or be offered by, out- tory referral. So, amongst the policy spheres
side interests. In the sections, attempts are usually made on which the EESC must be consulted are
to develop common positions on opinions, though agriculture, freedom of movement of workers,
on controversial issues this is not always possible to internal market issues, economic and social
achieve. In an average year there are usually around cohesion, social policy and the European Social
70–80 section meetings and some 300 meetings of study Fund (ESF), regional policy and the European
groups and subcommittees. (In addition, there are 300– Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the envi-
400 miscellaneous meetings and meetings sponsored by ronment, and research and technological devel-
the three groups. Many of these are concerned in some opment. In addition, under the Euratom Treaty
way with the preparation of opinions.) the EESC has to be consulted on such matters as
Plenary meetings are held in Brussels, over a two- research and training programmes, health and
day period, usually nine or ten times a year. Agendas safety, and investment.
are dominated by consideration of reports from the • Optional consultation. Also under Article 304
sections. The standard procedure for dealing with TFEU, the EESC may be consulted by the EP, the
reports is for each to be introduced by its rapporteur, Council, or the Commission ‘in all cases in which
for a debate to be held, and for a vote to be taken. On they consider it appropriate’. Until the entry into
uncontroversial items the vote may be taken without force of the SEA some 80 per cent of EESC opin-
discussion or debate. ions were based on optional consultation. With
the widening of the scope of mandatory referral
this figure has fallen to around 50 per cent.
Functions • Own initiatives. The EESC has the right to issue
opinions on its own initiative. Thus, in theory it
The EESC engages in a number of activities: can pronounce on almost any matter it wishes.

1 It issues information reports on matters of contem- The EESC normally issues approaching 200 consul-
porary interest and concern. tative documents per year, of which the vast majority
2 It liaises, via delegations, with a host of other inter- are opinions on Commission proposals and communi-
national bodies and groupings. cations, about 20 are own initiative opinions, and 3–4
3 It seeks to promote understanding between are information reports. To illustrate the sort of topics
sectional interests by, for example, organising covered by the EESC, the plenary session of 17–18
conferences, convening meetings, and being repre- February 2016 issued opinions on: the Commission’s
sented at congresses and symposia. annual growth survey for 2016; the Commission’s
4 It seeks to take advantage of various contacts it action plan for a capital markets union; Commission
has with other EU institutions to press its views. proposals concerning indirect taxation, including a
The most regularised of these contacts is with the directive extending the minimum standard rate of VAT;
Commission: Commission officials, and some- and the Commission-led EU enlargement strategy.
250 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

The EESC operates in a reasonably consensual exercising policy influence than activity in the EESC –
manner, with most of its opinions issued unanimously not least because these other channels often offer
or with a very large majority. The EESC is not, how- greater opportunities than does the EESC for influenc-
ever, as concerned as the EP to reach a single position ing policy at the pre-proposal stage.
that excludes all minority views. It is quite possible for Third, and most importantly, the EESC’s formal
minority positions to be attached as annexes to EESC powers are relatively weak. It is a consultative body,
opinions that have received majority support in the with the Council and the Commission not obliged
plenary. to act upon its views and even when its opinion is
required under mandatory referral the delivery of the
opinion can be made subject to a timetable that is so
tight as not to allow sufficient time for a considered
Influence response: the Council and the Commission can, if they
As is well testified in the literature, the influence exer- consider it necessary, set a time limit as short as one
cised by the EESC on EU policy and decision-making month for the submission of an EESC opinion.
is very limited (see Hönnige and Panke, 2013; 2016; Fourth, it is by no means uncommon for proposals
Panke et al., 2015). Evidence of this is provided, for to be referred to the EESC at a stage of policy advance-
example, by the Commission’s follow-up reports to ment when agreements between the key decision-
EESC opinions, which rarely constitute unambigu- makers in the Commission, Council, and EP have
ous acceptance of EESC recommendations but often already been made in principle and are difficult to
include general comments along the lines of ‘The unscramble.
Commission has taken note of the EESC opinion’ or Finally, the members of the EESC serve only on
‘The opinion will be useful to the Commission staff a part-time basis, which places time limits on what
in their exchanges of views with the Council and the they can do. Furthermore, the fact that they serve – in
Parliament.’ theory at least – in a personal rather than a represen-
There are a number of reasons why the EESC has tational capacity means that there are rarely strong
only limited power. First, there has always been a lack reasons for the Commission or the Council to listen
of clarity as to its role in the EU system: is it mainly to them if they do not wish to do so.
a body to represent interests that otherwise would be In consequence, EESC recommendations are usu-
neglected or is it a sort of panel of experts charged with ally only directly taken up if very favourable variables
improving the quality of decision-making? Added to circumstances apply. These include that recommen-
this lack of clarity is the fact that both of these roles dations are: delivered early in a decision-making
have become increasingly difficult for the EESC to use process; are based on specialised and high-quality
with effect: the first because the nature of its mem- information that is not available to, or is not initially
bership has increasingly come to have a rather old- recognised as being important by, decision-makers;
fashioned look and also because corporatist structures and are not too distanced from the initial positions of
themselves are now not so in vogue as they were; the decision-makers.
second because the EESC is but one of many sources
of specialised advice available to the EU’s decision- *  *  *
making institutions. The EESC basically does two things. First, it provides
Second, following on from the last point, the EESC a forum in which representatives of sectional interests
is not the only, and in many circumstances is not even can come together on a largely cooperative basis to
the most important, channel available to sectional exchange views and ideas. Second, it is a consultative
interests wishing to exert pressure on EU decision- organ that provides some limited – though in most
makers. EU policy processes are highly sectoralised cases only very limited – opportunities for interests to
and multi-levelled and offer numerous contact points influence EU policy and decision-making. Whether,
for interests. Direct access to Council representa- taken together, these two functions of the EESC make
tives and Commission officials, and representation it the bridge between European civil society and the
in Commission advisory committees, are generally EU’s institutions that it likes to claim for itself must
seen by interests as being more useful channels for be doubted.
Other Institutions | 251

The Committee of the Regions German and Belgian, the Consultative Council did not
go far enough and they took advantage of the 1990–91
IGC on Political Union to press the case for a stronger
Origins body to be established. Differing views were expressed
in the IGC – with France, Spain, and the UK putting
Regionalism, regional issues, and regional politics up some resistance to the creation of a new body – but
have come to assume a significant role and impor- it was eventually agreed to establish, with full Treaty
tance in the EU. The main factors accounting for recognition, a Committee of the Regions (CoR).
this are:

• There are great variations in wealth and income Membership, organisation,

between member states and between regions in the functions, and powers
member states. The disparities have long produced
calls for compensatory and rectifying measures to The size and national composition of the membership of
be taken at EU level, and these calls have increased the CoR is the same as that of the EESC (see Table 14.1).
as the internal market programme has intensified The members are appointed for a renewable five-year
and as enlargements have resulted in relatively term of office by the Council on the basis of proposals
poor states acceding. from the member states.
• Since the ERDF was established in 1975, regional As to the qualities and characteristics of the CoR’s
and local groupings have had a clear focus for their members, at the time of the creation of the institu-
attention at EU level: the attraction of funds. The tion the TEC simply stated the Committee should
Commission has encouraged subnational levels of consist of ‘representatives of regional and local bod-
government to play a full part in ERDF manage- ies’ (Article 263). The lack of insistence in the Treaty
ment, especially since the launching of its partner- that members should be elected representatives of
ship programme under the 1988 reform of the regional and local bodies led to considerable debate
Structural Funds. in some member states as to who should be proposed
• Partly as a consequence of the financial oppor- for membership, but in the event virtually all of those
tunities offered by the ERDF and other funds, nominated to the CoR were and have continued
but partly too because they do not wish to be to be elected representatives of subnational levels
wholly controlled by their national governments, of government of some kind. Those countries with
many subnational levels of government have clear regional structures – including Belgium, France,
established direct lines of communication with Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Spain – have
­decision-makers in Brussels. Well over 100 regional allocated at least half of their places to regional repre-
governments have their own offices in Brussels. sentatives, whilst countries without regional structures
• Over the years, several transnational organisations have mostly sent representatives from local councils
that bring together the subnational governments and authorities. The ambiguity about whether or not
of different member states have been established members should hold elected office was removed by
to promote common interests and, where appro- the Nice Treaty and confirmed by the Lisbon Treaty:
priate, to make representations and exert pres- members must be elected members of regional or local
sure at the EU level. These organisations include authorities or be politically accountable to an elected
the Association of European Border Regions, the assembly (Article, 300, TFEU).
Assembly of European Regions, the Association
of Regions of Traditional Industry, and the *  *  *
Association of Frontier Regions. The organisational structure of the CoR is similar to
that of the EESC. The planning and overseeing of the
In response to this developing regional dimen- work of the Committee is undertaken by its 63 mem-
sion of Community affairs, in 1988 the Commission ber Bureau, which is made up of the CoR’s President,
established the Consultative Council of Regional and first Vice President, 28 other Vice Presidents (one
Local Authorities. For some governments, notably the from each member state), 28 other members (one
252 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

from each member state), and the chairs of the five the plenary of 10–11 February 2016, six opinions were
political groups (see below). The members of the issued – on such subjects as the innovation and mod-
Bureau are elected for a two-and-a-half-year term. ernisation of the rural economy and the integration of
Most of the work of the CoR is channelled through the long-term unemployed into the labour market –
seven specialised committees, called commissions. and two resolutions – on the annual growth survey for
These are the commissions for: Territorial Cohesion 2016 and threats to the Schengen system of free move-
Policy and EU Budget; Economic Policy; Natural ment of people. Not surprisingly, a theme running
Resources; Environment, Climate Change and Energy; through the opinions and resolutions was, as is usually
Sustainable Development; Social Policy, Education, the case, that subnational levels of government should
Employment, Research and Culture; and Citizenship, play an important role in the identification, manage-
Governance, Institutional and External Affairs. The ment, and evaluation of EU policies that affect them.
commissions report to CoR plenary sessions, of which Within the spheres of its competence, the influence
there are normally six each year. of the CoR is similar to that of the EESC (Hönnige
Unlike in the EESC, political groups, which largely and Panke, 2013: 467). It has much the same (limited)
parallel the main groups in the EP, exist in the CoR. strengths and (considerable) weaknesses, with the
There are five such groups: the European People’s main weaknesses being that it has only consultative
Party (EPP), the Party of European Socialists (PES), powers (and its advice may therefore be ignored)
the Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats and those who it is charged to represent – primarily
for Europe (ALDE), the European Alliance Group subnational authorities in its case – also have other
(EA), and the European Conservatives and Reformists policy process options to utilise, including the Council
Group (ECR). The groups, which have official status itself where the national governments of countries
in the CoR, meet before plenaries to discuss and try to with strong regional governmental structures allow
agree positions on tactics on upcoming business. regional representatives to participate in their Council
Of the CoR’s 550 or so administrative staff in 2016, ‘delegations’ on some issues. The fact is that the CoR
many are, as described above, shared with the EESC. is only one of a number of channels available for
regional interests to make a mark on Europe so it can,
*  *  * therefore, only exercise limited influence.
The CoR arguably has representational (of regional and
local interests) and symbolic (notably of the impor-
tance of regionalism and subsidiarity) functions to exer-
cise, but its most important function and the one where European Agencies
such power as it has is exercised is in respect of advising
on EU policies and legislation (see Carroll, 2011). ‘Agency’ is a word used in public sectors to describe
The range of policies provided for in the TFEU on a myriad of organisations that undertake policy func-
which the CoR must be consulted is narrower than tions whilst not being part of ‘mainstream’ political
for the EESC, but still includes many important areas. and administrative systems. They are in some way(s)
Amongst these areas are economic and social cohe- detached from the formal policy and decision-making
sion, energy infrastructure networks, public health, structures.
transport, enlargement, combating social exclusion, In 1975 the EC established two agencies
the environment, and cross-border cooperation. charged with a variety of information-gathering,
As they can with the EESC, the EP, the Council, or ­information-dissemination, networking and advisory
the Commission can set a time limit on the CoR for tasks. These agencies, which had no regulatory roles
the delivery of its opinion, which can be as little as one or powers and were essentially a mix of research-cum-
month. Upon expiry of the time limit, the absence of promotional bodies, were the European Centre for
an opinion cannot prevent the EP, the Council, or the the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP)
Commission from proceeding. and the European Foundation for the Improvement
An indication of the volume of work undertaken of Living and Working Conditions (EUROFOUND).
by the CoR is seen in its normal adoption of about Since the early 1990s many more agencies have been
50 opinions and up to ten resolutions per year. So, in created. Their creation, which reflects a development
Other Institutions | 253

that has also been taking place at national levels, supervised by four DGs. Other executive agencies
indicates, as Majone (2006a: 191) puts it, ‘the exist- include the Research Executive Agency (REA) and
ence of functional needs that are not met by central- the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized
ized policy-making institutions’. EU functional needs Enterprises (EASME).
that can be at least partly satisfied by using agencies Regulatory agencies – which are sometimes also
include: policy requirements can be examined and known as traditional agencies (because they began
policy deliberations can be undertaken independent to be created before executive agencies) or decentral-
of those who are politically responsible for policy; ised agencies (because they are physically distributed
using less traditional, less hierarchical, and less cen- around the member states) – are more important
trally controlled modes of operation can provide politically than executive agencies. This is because
greater organisational flexibility; the ability to use they usually have a capacity to feed into policy pro-
technical experts in policy areas that are heavily reliant cesses and in some instances they have direct, albeit
on specialised expertise can be increased; some of the tightly controlled, regulatory powers. They are inde-
workload of the Commission can be relieved, enabling pendent, with their own Management Boards (on
it to concentrate on its core responsibilities; in areas which the Commission is usually represented but is
of shared policy competence, agencies can promote always in a minority) and are established on their own
and facilitate EU-member state cooperation which legal bases.
might well be resisted if attempted by EU institutions; A useful way of classifying regulatory agencies, of
and – a functional need that Majone thinks is espe- which there were 36 in mid-2016, is provided by the
cially important – the credibility of long-term policy Commission in a 2008 communication on agencies
commitments can be enhanced if aspects of the policy (European Commission, 2008b: 7). The classification
are removed from the political process and given an is based on the key functions of agencies and, given
independent base. that agencies often perform a number of functions, ‘an
There are now some 40 EU agencies in existence, analysis of the centre of gravity of agencies’ activities’.
with at least one agency to be found in just about The Commission’s classification is used in Box 14.2 to
every area of EU policy activity. They take a number help explain the differing types of regulatory agencies
of different forms. Indeed, such is the variety of their that exist.
organisational natures, their relations to the main As Box 14.2 shows, regulatory agencies undertake
institutions, their competences, and their powers that a wide range of differing tasks in many policy areas.
it is possible to classify them in several different ways. Significantly, however, relatively few exist in highly
An initial distinction needs to be made between politicised, conflictual, and distributional areas, where
executive and regulatory agencies. The former, of governments, operating often though national regula-
which there were six in mid-2016, are established tory authorities, are desirous of maintaining control.
on the basis of a common Council regulation. This So, for example, few agencies are active in the area of
is because they have a common purpose and narrow economic regulation in general and in areas domi-
tasks to undertake: all executive agencies are created nated by network industries in particular.
for a limited period to manage EU programmes. The
fact that the EU’s executive agencies are all located *  *  *
close to the Commission in Brussels – apart from EU agencies – both regulatory and executive – thus con-
the Executive Agency for Health and Consumers stitute a significant part of the EU’s somewhat complex
(EAHC), which is located in Luxembourg – reflects and variegated administration, in which many arrange-
both that they are very much part of the EU’s admin- ments exist to try and ensure policies are developed,
istrative machinery and that they are controlled by applied, and operate as efficiently as possible. But their
the Commission, via ‘parent’ Directorates General. significance should be kept in perspective. Though a
An example of an executive agency is the Education, few agencies, such as the EFSA and the EMEA, do have
Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), a real regulatory impact, for the most part the agencies
which implements aspects of EU programmes in are relatively weak in their powers and are very restricted
such areas as education and training, active citizen- in what they can do. They have been entrusted with
ship, youth, audiovisual, and culture, and which is only limited independent decision-making powers.
254 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

Box 14.2

The differing types of regulatory agencies

• Agencies adopting individual decisions that are legally binding on third parties. Notwithstanding the
wide use of the term ‘regulatory agency’ to encompass all of the EU’s non-executive agencies, most
of the regulatory agencies do not in fact have direct regulatory power. But, a few do, although their
scope for regulating is invariably tightly drawn and limited usually to not much more than issuing
individual ‘technical’ clarifications and updates within the framework of existing EU legislation.
None are empowered to issue general regulatory measures and none have significant discretionary
regulatory powers. Examples of agencies that have such regulatory powers include the Office for
Harmonization in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM), the Community Plant
Variety Office (CPVO), the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), and the European Chemicals
Agency (ECA).
• Agencies providing technical or scientific advice to the Commission and, where necessary, to the member
states. Agencies in this category feed information directly into EU policy forums, principally the
Commission, and make recommendations. They undertake regulatory work, but they are not regula-
tors themselves. For example, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) can assess risks arising from
food safety issues but it cannot itself manage the risks. So, where manufacturers are pressing for geneti-
cally modified (GM) crops to be given access to the EU market, the EFSA makes assessments, but final
decisions on whether or not to give product authorisations are taken by the Council acting by QMV.
(Normally such matters would not reach the ministers, but would be taken by the Commission oper-
ating within its implementation powers. GM-related issues are however, very controversial and high
profile; hence the ministerial involvement.) Of course, since much of the information that the agencies
feed into EU forums is highly technical and specialised in nature, it can be difficult for policy-makers to
challenge and ignore. In respect, for example of the authorisation of pharmaceuticals, which is handled
by the European Medicines Agency (EMEA), Gehring and Kraphol (2007) have shown that although
formally the EMEA only advises the Commission, in practice it is almost invariably the real decision-
maker and operates much like an independent agency. Indeed, they argue that ‘the multi-tiered oversight
mechanism restricts the non-scientific actors involved in the authorization of pharmaceuticals more

Certainly they are not comparable to some of the strong Responsibilities and functions
agencies that have been created in member states.
The main reason for this relative weakness is that the The responsibilities and functions of the EIB are
member states and the Commission do not wish to lose referred to in several articles of the TFEU. Article
decision-making capacity. 309 is especially important: it sets out the task of the
EIB as being to contribute, on a n ­ on-profit-making
basis, via the granting of loans and the giving of
The European Investment guarantees, to the ‘balanced and steady develop-
ment of the internal market in the interests of the
Bank Union’. What this means in practice is that the
Bank’s main job is to act as a source of investment
The European Investment Bank (EIB) was created finance for projects that further EU goals. In so
in 1958 under the EEC Treaty. Its members are the doing, it is by far the largest provider of EU loan
member states of the EU. The Bank is located in finance. In 2016 the EIB granted loans totalling
Luxembourg. €77.5 billion, of which around 90 per cent was in
Other Institutions | 255

Box 14.2 continued

than the agency – as long as the agency adheres to its mandate of producing scientifically convincing
decisions’ (p. 208). In addition to the EFSA and EMEA, other examples of agencies of this type include
the European Railway Agency (ERA) and the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA).
• Agencies in charge of operational activities. Some operational tasks are seen as being best handled
not by the Commission but by agencies that have, or at least can be seen as having, a measure of
distance, independence and in some instances subject specialism. Examples of agencies of this type
include the European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) and the European Border and Control
Guard (EBCG).
An additional reason for the existence of agencies of this sort is that some operational matters have,
prior to the Lisbon Treaty, fallen under the EU’s second and third pillars and, therefore, have not been
within the Commission’s competence. The Lisbon Treaty weakens this rationale in so far as the three
AFSJ agencies – the European Police Office (Europol), the European Police College (CEPOL), and the
European Union’s Judicial Cooperation Unit (Eurojust) – are, as with all former third pillar AFSJ poli-
cies, placed in the TFEU. But, with many of the activities of these agencies involving highly sensitive
matters and the use of specialist practitioners, strong reasons remain for their continuance as separate
agencies. As for the three agencies created under the CFSP/ESDP umbrella – the European Defence
Agency (EDA), the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), and the European Union
Satellite Centre (EU Sat Cen) – the CFSP/ESDP policy areas remain, post-Lisbon, outside the TFEU and
largely based on intergovernmental procedures.
• Agencies responsible for gathering, analysing, and making available relevant information and/or network-
ing. In policy terms, these are the weakest of the regulatory agencies in that they are not usually such
direct policy practitioners. Many of them are akin to think-tanks, with their work being focused
largely on assembling and providing background information and, sometimes, on bringing policy
practitioners together for exchanges on issues of shared interest. Examples of agencies of this type
include the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) the European
Environment Agency (EEA), and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).
• Agencies providing services to other agencies and institutions. There is only one agency that falls full-square
in this category: the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CDT).

the member states and around 10 per cent was in With regard to the loans that are made within the
‘partner countries’ – which are mainly underdevel- EU, two main conditions have to be satisfied for the
oped countries where the funds are used for devel- EIB to consider providing finance.
opment aid and cooperation. First, projects must comply with the policy objec-
Within the broad remit that is given in the TFEU, tives laid down in Article 309 and in the current COP,
EIB policy is framed within Corporate Operational and also with credit directives from the Bank’s Board
Plans (COPs) that prioritise objectives. Central to of Governors. These objectives are interpreted fairly
recent COPs has been an increase in the scale of EIB broadly, but at least one of the following criteria nor-
operations to enable the EU to mitigate the effects mally has to be met:
of, and recover from, the global credit and economic
crisis that set-in from 2008. As part of this, the Bank is 1 Projects must further economic and social cohe-
the main manager of the European Fund for Strategic sion by contributing to the economic development
Investments (EFSI) that was launched in 2014 by the of the EU’s less prosperous regions. Almost two-
incoming President of the Commission, Jean-Claude thirds of EIB loans within the EU are assigned for
Juncker (see Chapter 9). regional development purposes and for helping
256 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

the poorest areas. This finance is used primarily to for industrial projects and up to 20 years or more for
assist with communications and other infrastruc- infrastructure projects).
ture, the productive sector, and capital spending on Two other features of EIB loans are also worth not-
energy installations. ing. First, the Bank does not usually lend more than
2 Projects must support innovation, contribute to the 50 per cent – the average is about 30 per cent – of
competitiveness of EU industry, and help imple- the investment cost of a project unless it is part of a
ment Europe 2020. Under this heading, particular special programme. Borrowers need to find additional
support is given to the introduction and develop- sources of loan finance, with the consequence that the
ment of advanced technology and to the integra- Bank very frequently operates on a co-financing basis
tion of industry at the European level. with other banks. Second, the Bank generally only
3 Projects must be of common interest to several deals directly with large loans – of more than about
member states or to the EU as a whole. In this €25 million. This does not, however, mean that only
connection, major transport and telecommunica- large-scale investment is supported because, mainly
tions developments and the EU’s energy objectives via its global loan facility, the Bank opens lines of
are given a high priority. The EU’s environmental credit to intermediary institutions – such as regional
policies also receive considerable support, with development agencies and, more commonly, national
around half of the ‘environmental loans’ being financial institutions – which lend-on the money in
made to the water sector (catchment, treatment smaller amounts. Global loans, which have been pri-
and supply) and the rest going to projects deal- oritised in recent years in response to the economic
ing with such problems as atmospheric pollution, crisis, account for around 30 per cent of total EIB
waste management, land conservation, and urban lending and are directed principally towards small and
improvement. medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). An administrative
problem with global loans is that the intermediary
Second, projects must be financially and techni- agencies that act on the EIB’s behalf and are delegated
cally viable, and loans must be guaranteed by adequate responsibility for appraising applications and nego-
security. This is because although the EIB is not a tiating with potential borrowers on the basis of the
profit-making body it is not a loss-making one either: EIB’s lending criteria tend sometimes to make their
apart from in certain specified and strictly limited cir- decisions according to traditional banking criteria and
cumstances, the Bank’s loans are not subsidised from with little eye to EU objectives.
the EU budget but must be financed from its own
capital. This capital comes from two sources: paid-in *  *  *
or due-to-be-paid-in capital by the member states, In addition to the activities just described – which
and borrowing – in the EIB’s own name and on its may be thought of as the Bank’s ‘standard’ activities –
own credit – on capital markets inside and outside the certain other activities are undertaken, including the
EU. Of these two sources, borrowing is by far the larg- following:
est element, and since the sums raised must be repaid
from the Bank’s own financial operations it must take • Some projects are eligible for both EIB loan finance
appropriate steps to protect itself. and EU grant aid. When this is the case – and it
A major attraction for potential EIB borrowers is applies mainly in connection with the ERDF and
that loans are offered at very competitive rates. They the Cohesion Fund – the Bank works closely with
are so partly because the Bank enjoys a first-class other interested parties, especially the Commission,
international credit rating and is thus itself able to to work out appropriate financial arrangements.
borrow at favourable rates and partly also because the • The December 1992 Edinburgh European Council
Bank is not profit-making and is thus able to pass on laid the foundations for a European Investment
its favourable rates. Other advantages of EIB loans are Fund (EIF), which was established in 1994 and which
that they are generally made available at fixed interest is designed primarily to assist ­ high-technology
rates, repayments can often be deferred for the first SMEs and those with a high growth potential. This
two or three years, and the repayment periods are assistance is given via a venture capital facility, loan
usually medium-to-long term (between 5 and 12 years guarantees, and direct investment operations.
Other Institutions | 257

Organisation principles. At the same time, however, it is an EU

institution charged with furthering a number of policy
The EIB’s main decision-making bodies are as follows: objectives. These two roles – banker and EU institu-
tion – do not always sit easily together.
The Board of Governors decides on the Bank’s The scale of EIB borrowing and lending is small
subscribed capital and lays down general directives when compared with the total operations of commer-
on the Bank’s activities. It is also responsible for cial banks across the member states. The importance
formally appointing the members of the Board of of the Bank should not, however, be underestimated.
Directors and the Management Committee. The Indeed, it is the largest international financial insti-
Board of Governors is composed of one minis- tution on capital markets and within the EU it is a
ter per member state – usually the Minister of useful source of medium- and long-term finance for
Finance – and normally meets once a year. Certain EU-oriented projects. It complements other public
major Board decisions have to be made unani- and private funding resources for the promotion of
mously, whilst others can be made by a majority capital investment projects that, in general terms, pro-
of members representing at least 45 per cent of mote economic development and further integration
subscribed capital. within the EU.
The Board of Directors has general responsibility
for ensuring that the Bank is managed according to
the provisions of the TFEU, the Bank’s Statute, and
directives issued by the Governors. More specifi- The European Central Bank
cally, the Board has sole responsibility for deciding
on loans and guarantees, raising funds, and fixing The creation of the Bank
interest rates. There are 29 Directors: one Director
is nominated by each member state and is invari- As the EU moved forward during the 1990s with the
ably a senior figure in a national financial institu- construction of EMU, the nature of the institutional
tion or an appropriate national ministry, and one structure within which it would operate was exten-
Director is nominated by the Commission. The sively debated. In the debate, one of the key issues was
Board of Directors normally meets every four to where the balance should lie between politicians and
six weeks. bankers in the determination of the common mon-
The Management Committee controls current etary policies that the single currency system would
operations, makes recommendations to the Board require. There were different views on the question,
of Directors and is responsible for implementing but agreement was reached by the national govern-
decisions made by the Directors. The Committee ments at an early stage of the deliberations, and it
consists of the Bank’s President and eight Vice was specified in the Maastricht Treaty, that bankers
Presidents. It meets at least weekly. should be responsible for the day-to-day management
of common monetary policies. However, it was also
*  *  * agreed – more enthusiastically by some governments
Supporting, and operating under, these decision- than by others – that in exercising their management
making bodies is the EIB’s administration. This is role the bankers should not have a completely free
divided into 11 departments, included amongst which hand: they should be subject, albeit at a general level,
are the General Secretariat and the Legal, Operational to some political direction and accountability.
Services, Projects, and Finance Directorates. In all, the As a result of the debates and agreements of the
EIB employs around over 2,000 staff. 1990s, and with some refinements since, a rather
complex institutional structure was created for EMU.
This structure is set out in Box 18.1 on p. 312. At the
The importance of the EIB heart of the structure is the European Central Bank
(ECB), which is located in Frankfurt. The Bank oper-
The EIB is a bank, not a grant-dispensing body. This ates within the European System of Central Banks
means that it must observe certain basic banking (ESCB), which embraces the national central banks
258 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

of all EU member states, whether they are eurozone on matters that fall within its competence, especially
members or not. where legislation is envisaged, and contributing to the
smooth conduct of policies pursued by the competent
authorities relating to the prudent supervision of
Objectives and tasks financial institutions. This latter responsibility became
acute from 2007 when the European banking crisis
Article 127 TFEU states: showed the flaws in the (then) existing system and the
need for the EU to create a banking union.
The primary objective of the European System What this all means is that the Bank undertakes the
of Central Banks … shall be to maintain price follow tasks:
stability. Without prejudice to the objective of
price stability, the ESCB shall support the general • Sets the interest rates at which it lends to commer-
economic policies in the Union with a view to cial banks in the eurozone, thus controlling the
contributing to the achievement of the objectives money supply and (it is hoped) inflation.
of the Union as laid down in Article 3 of the Treaty • Manages the eurozone’s foreign currency reserves
on European Union. and the buying or selling of currencies to balance
exchange rates.
These two sentences of Article 127 contain the • Ensures that financial markets and institutions
seeds of possible disputes over ECB policies, since are well supervised and that the European bank-
Article 3 TEU identifies Union tasks as including ‘aim- ing system is safe and sound. Under the Single
ing at full employment and social progress’ and pro- Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) that was created
moting ‘economic, social and territorial cohesion, and by the crisis, the Bank directly supervises the larg-
solidarity among Member States’. These are tasks that est banks and oversees national supervisors who
do not necessarily sit easily alongside policies aimed at monitor the remaining banks
ensuring low inflation. This has become a particular • Ensures that payment systems work well.
problem for the Bank since the onset of the economic • Authorises the production of euro banknotes by
and monetary crisis, not least because it has resulted in eurozone countries.
public statements by many EU politicians designed to • Monitors price trends and assesses risks to price
exert pressure on the ECB to prioritise policies beyond stability.
the control of inflation. However, Bank decision-
makers are given a certain amount of protection from
such political pressures in that the Treaty emphasises The organisational structure of
that the ESCB must be independent. When perform- the ECB
ing ESCB-related tasks ‘neither the European Central
Bank, nor a national central bank, nor any member ‘The ESCB shall be governed by the decision-making
of their decision-making bodies shall seek or take bodies of the ECB which shall be the Governing
instructions from Union institutions, bodies, offices Council and the Executive Board’ (Article 129 TFEU).
or agencies, from any government of a Member State
or from any other body’ (Article 130 TFEU). In prac-
The Governing Council
tice, as is shown below, the Bank has sought to balance
its anti-inflationary responsibilities with measures The main responsibilities of the ECB Governing
aimed at promoting economic expansion. Council are:
Article 127 also states that the basic tasks to be car-
ried out through the ESCB are ‘to define and imple- • To adopt guidelines and make the necessary
ment the monetary policy of the Union’, ‘to conduct decisions to ensure the performance of the tasks
foreign exchange operations’, ‘to hold and manage entrusted to the ESCB.
the official foreign reserves of the Member States’ • To formulate the Union’s monetary policy, includ-
and ‘to promote the smooth operation of payment ing, as appropriate, decisions relating to intermedi-
systems’. In addition, the ESCB is charged with pro- ate monetary objectives, key interest rates, and the
viding advice to the Union and national authorities supply of ESCB reserves.
Other Institutions | 259

The Governing Council, which meets twice a exercising, and being seen to exercise, a leading role
month, is made up of the members of the Executive in setting Bank policies for the eurozone and for the
Board and the governors of euro member national broader economic and financial crisis. Under his
central banks (NCBs). Voting in the Governing tenure, he has been known to have policy opponents
Council is based on a rotating system that is related to (mainly advocating greater caution) on both the
the strength of the national economy, the size of the Governing Council and the Executive Board, but he
financial sector, and the capital share in the ECB of has not flinched from pushing – both privately and
governors’ respective member states. The President of publicly – for the eurozone to be defended and for the
the Ecofin Council and a member of the Commission EU and member state governments to be more ambi-
may attend Governing Council meetings, but do not tious and expansionist in their outlooks and policies.
have the right to vote. In these endeavours he has mostly been opposed by
Bundesbank representatives but, crucially, has been
supported by Chancellor Merkel.
The Executive Board
The main responsibilities of the ECB Executive Board
The General Council
So as to ensure eurozone and non-eurozone countries
• To implement monetary policy in accordance are not too separated, the ECB also has a General
with the guidelines and decisions laid down by Council whose membership comprises the ECB
the Governing Council, and in so doing to give President and Vice President and the governors of all
the necessary instructions to the national central the NCBs (that is, from both euro and non-eurozone
banks. states). The four other members of the ECB Executive
• To execute policies delegated to it by the Governing Board may participate in General Council meetings,
Council. but do not have the right to vote.
The General Council has a number of tasks to
Though these responsibilities suggest that the perform, including supervision of the functioning of
Executive Board is the servant of the Governing the post-single currency Exchange Rate Mechanism,
Council, in practice it is very much involved in the considering the monetary and exchange rate policies
formulation of policy, not least in helping to set the of the member states that are not in the eurozone,
agenda and shape the decisions of the Council. and undertaking various advisory, administrative, and
The Executive Board consists of the ECB President, technical duties.
Vice-President, and four other members. They are
appointed ‘from among persons of recognised standing *  *  *
and professional experience in monetary or banking The governing bodies of the ECB are supported by an
matters’ by the European Council acting by qualified ECB staff complement of over 2,500 employees.
majority ‘on a recommendation from the Council,
after it has consulted the European Parliament and
the Governing Council of the European Central Bank’ Functioning and operating
(Article 283 TFEU). The term of office is a non- difficulties
renewable eight years.
The economic and financial crisis has brought the
ECB to the very centre of EU decision-making pro-
The President of the ECB
cesses, with many practitioners and observers look-
The President is the formal figurehead and main ing to it to provide ideas, initiatives, and measures
spokesman of the ECB. There have, to date to stabilise the eurozone monetary system and, more
(autumn 2016), been three Presidents of the Bank: broadly, to help galvanise European economic recov-
the Dutchman, Wim Duisenberg (1998–2003); the ery. In dealing with the increased demands being
Frenchman, Jean-Claude Trichet (2003–11); and the made on it, and the heightened expectations of it, the
Italian, Mario Draghi (2011–). Of these, Draghi has ECB has had to deal with a number of interrelated
been the most influential and high profile, with him difficulties.
260 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

The best known difficulty has been dealing since depositor protections, the management of failing
2009 with indebted eurozone states – notably Greece, banks, and the composition and powers of a super-
Ireland, Cyprus, Portugal, and Spain – all of which, at visory mechanism. On this and related matters
least partly, brought problems on themselves by being legislation has normally been involved, so the Bank
fiscally irresponsible. This was especially so in the case has not been the final decision-taker, but it has
of Greece – whose public finances were so perilous increasingly been an active participant in decision-
in 2015 that even its continued membership of the making processes.
eurozone system was brought seriously into question. Connected with this difficulty of balancing inde-
The Bank’s position on eurozone stability has been to pendence and political tasks, difficulties have also
work closely with other EU institutions – notably the arisen from, as McNamara (2002: 180) has put it,
Commission and the European Council – and the IMF ‘how the ECB can maintain independence and profit
in supporting bailouts, but to do so only on highly from the benefits of political autonomy and at the
conditional terms in which ‘in exchange’ for financial same time be viewed as legitimate and accountable
assistance, mainly in the form of loans, recipient states to the European public’. The fact is that the ECB
have been obliged to pursue more austere domestic enjoys a very considerable independence in respect
policies and be more fiscally prudent. of the eurozone’s monetary policy and some impor-
On a broader front, a central difficulty has been tant EU actors, including some national leaders, have
tensions arising from the above-noted, potentially expressed concerns about this – not least when euro-
conflicting, tasks given to the ECB. One of these con- zone interest rates have been seen as being too high
flicts has been that whilst the Bank is responsible for or (more commonly since the crisis began) too low
pursuing low inflationary monetary policies within for particular national interests. Matters about which
the eurozone, it is also duty-bound to broadly sup- there has been unease include whether the Bank has
port the economic policies of the Union – which in too much power and whether it should be made more
the crisis have increasingly been seen by the member accountable.
states as involving the active promotion of economic A final difficulty has been that the ECB has become
growth and high employment. The Bank has sought the main focus for complaints about the economic
to deal with this problem of potentially conflicting performance of the eurozone. That the performance
tasks by maintaining low inflation targets but, also has been disappointing is undeniable, with growth
taking – especially since Mario Draghi was appointed consistently below 2 per cent since the single currency
President – an increasingly expansionist attitude was launched and with unemployment being above
towards money supply. This latter stance has seen 10 per cent in several eurozone states – including the
it increasing credit to the banking system and, from key states of France, Germany, and Spain. Whether,
March 2015, undertaking quantitative easing (involv- however, the ECB should be held partly to account
ing buying securities, notably government bonds, for this is highly questionable. Most economists point
from banks, with money it has created), both of which to underlying economic structural problems as the
are designed to act as economic stimuli by pumping main ‘culprit’. But the fact is that, as the main physi-
money into the financial system. cal embodiment of the eurozone, the Bank has been a
A closely related difficulty has arisen from the useful and much-used scapegoat.
Bank’s duty to be independent in the undertaking
of its tasks but increasingly having to deal with
matters that are highly political in nature. The just-
cited instance of the Bank being pressurised to con- The Court of Auditors
sider goals other than low inflation in the conduct
of its monetary policies is one such instance. So is The 1975 Treaty Amending Certain Financial Provisions
the Bank’s need in the immediate wake of the bank- of the Treaties …, which entered into force in 1977,
ing crisis to be proactive in helping to lay the foun- replaced the two existing Community audit bod-
dations for a banking union, which has involved ies – the Audit Board of the EEC and Euratom
many politically sensitive decisions having to be and the ECSC Auditor – with a single Court of
taken on such issues as prudential requirements, Auditors. The Maastricht Treaty enhanced the Court
Other Institutions | 261

of Auditors’ standing by raising it to the rank of a fully As with several other EU institutions, the adminis-
fledged Community institution. The Court is based in tration supporting the Court of Auditors is rather
Luxembourg. small in size given the potential importance of the
work to be done. In 2016 just under 900 people were
employed by the Court. Of the near 900, approaching
Membership and organisation 400 were directly engaged in audit duties, 150 were
in the language service, and 100 were in administra-
There are as many members of the Court of Auditors
tive departments. Inevitably such modest staffing
as there are EU states. Each member is appointed for a
resources greatly restricts the number of things the
renewable six-year term by the Council, on the basis of
Court can attempt to do.
one nomination per member state and after consulta-
tions with the EP.
As with Commissioners-designate, the EP uses its
right of consultation to hold hearings with nomi-
Activities of the Court
nees: before the Budgetary Control Committee. Most The main tasks of the Court of Auditors are to examine
nominees are accepted by the EP, but a handful are all EU revenue and expenditure accounts, the same for
not and have been confirmed by the Council against bodies set up by the EU unless the relevant legal instru-
the EP’s expressed wishes. In 2013, for example, the ments preclude such examination, and to provide the
Croatian candidate was confirmed even though he was Council and the EP with a Statement of Assurance
rejected by the Committee by 16 votes to 13 and by the on the reliability of the accounts and the legality and
plenary by 396 to 231. Similarly in 2016, the Maltese regularity of the associated transactions. This activity
candidate was confirmed, despite being rejected by the involves what is known as external auditing, with the
Committee by 17 votes to 9 and by the plenary by 381 ‘spending agencies’ themselves undertaking what is
votes to 229. known as the internal auditing (see Figure 14.1.)
At the time of their appointment, members of the In exercising its responsibilities, the Court engages
Court of Auditors must belong to, or have belonged in two main types of activity.
to, an external audit body in their own country, or The first is to carry out audits, the results of which
be appropriately qualified in some other capacity. As are presented in an annual report, to see whether
with other ‘non-political’ EU bodies, a condition of revenue has been received and expenditure has been
appointment is that the members will act in the gen- incurred in a lawful and regular manner, and also to
eral interest and will be completely independent in the examine whether the financial management of EU
performance of their duties. authorities has been sound. The auditing powers of
The members elect one of their number to be the the Court cover the general budget of the EU, plus
President of the Court. The term of office is three certain financial operations that are not included in
years and is renewable. The President sees to the effi- the budget such as aid to developing countries that is
cient running of the Court and also represents it in its financed by national contributions.
external relations. The auditing of the general budget, the presenta-
The members are assigned a general area of activ- tion of the annual report, and the related process of
ity for which they hold a particular responsibility granting a discharge to the Commission on its imple-
regarding the preparation and implementation of the mentation of the budget, proceed as follows:
decisions of the Court. Each area falls under one of
five audit groups, called chambers, four of which are
responsible for the different spheres of EU revenue
• The Commission is required to draw up, for each
financial year, accounts relating to the implemen-
and expenditure and one of which is horizontal in tation of the budget, a financial statement of the
that it is responsible for coordination evaluation, assets and liabilities of the EU, and an analysis
assurance, and development. Chambers act as filters of the financial year. The main responsibility for
for plenary sessions of the whole Court, which takes collecting and presenting this information (the
all important decisions, by majority vote if need be. internal audit) lies with financial controllers in
the Commission. The documentation must be
*  *  *
262 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

EU level

European Court
(DCs, Internal Audit
of Auditors

Internal External
control audit

Member states’
National audit

National level

Figure 14.1 Overview of internal control and external audit of the EU budget

forwarded to the Council, the EP, and the Court of ing and general expenditure headings – including,
Auditors by no later than 1 June of the following in the report for 2014, competitiveness, cohesion,
financial year. natural resources, and global Europe. It draws
• The Court undertakes its audit (the external audit) from special reports which are compiled during
partly on the basis of an examination of Commission the year (see below) and special annual reports on
documentation and partly on the basis of its own particular activities and EU agencies. Whilst the
independent investigations. The latter is an ongo- annual report has increasingly testified in recent
ing process and involves the examination of records years to improvements in the EU’s, and more
supplied by and requested from EU institutions and especially the Commission’s, financial control and
member states (which in the case of member states operating systems, it has also emphasised that the
means liaising closely with national audit bodies and Court is able only to examine a small proportion of
appropriate national agencies), and when neces- EU expenditure and is simply not in a position to
sary carrying out on-the spot investigations. The give a statement of assurance on the reliability and
purpose of this Court audit is not to replicate what regularity of all financial transactions. Suggestions
has already been covered by the internal audit, but for improved systems and practices accompany the
rather to add an extra dimension to the EU’s overall findings presented in the report.
auditory control by examining the adequacy of inter- • The EP, acting on a recommendation of the
nal procedures – particularly with regard to their Council, is supposed to give discharge to the
ability to identify significant irregular and unlawful Commission in respect of the implementation of
transactions – and to evaluate the extent to which the budget by 30 April of the following year. To
correct financial management (in terms of econ- this end, the EP’s Budgetary Control Committee
omy, efficiency, and effectiveness) is being practised. examines all relevant documentation, particularly
The Court transmits to all relevant institutions any that produced by the Court of Auditors, and makes
comments that it proposes to include in its annual a recommendation to the EP. Normally discharge
report to which it believes there should be a reply is given by the due date, but not always and there
or to which an institution may wish to reply. After have been occasions when discharge has been
receipt of the replies, the Court completes the final deferred until after the Commission has taken
version of its annual report. This has to be commu- remedying measures to deal with the problem.
nicated to the other EU institutions by 30 November. Most dramatically in this context, in March
The annual report, which is normally about 1998 the EP deferred discharge on the 1996 budget
300 pages of tightly compressed information in after a series of cases involving alleged Commission
length, is presented under a general review head- mismanagement and fraud came to light, particu-
Other Institutions | 263

larly in respect of a number of aid programmes. expenditure is ‘paid out’ by national agencies,
When the discharge vote was eventually held, in procedures could be tightened so as to prevent
December 1998, the EP – angered by what it saw member states from imposing the limitations they
as an insufficiently robust Commission response sometimes apply to the audit enquiries considered
to its concerns and aware that in November the necessary by the Court. The Court’s own attempts
Court had again strongly criticised the Commission to extend its influence beyond questions of financial
in its report on the 1997 financial year – voted rectitude into considerations of policy efficiency
against giving discharge, even though the Budgetary could be encouraged, and even formalised. And
Control Committee had voted narrowly (by 14 the particular problem of fraud – much of which
votes to 13) to recommend that discharge be given. occurs in connection with agriculture payments
The President of the Commission, Jacques Santer, and foreign aid contracts – could be tackled more
responded by calling on the EP either to back or to effectively if financial control resources at both EU
sack the College of Commissioners. As was shown and member state levels were increased and if more
in Chapters 9 and 12, the sacking option came close of the proposals that have long been advocated by
to being taken when other causes of dissatisfaction the Court for streamlining administrative practices
with the Commission became caught up in a vote of were adopted.
censure on the College in January 1999. Though the However, considerable progress has been made
vote was not passed, the circumstances that led to it in recent years in improving financial control and
being held paved the way for the events that resulted overseeing, especially since the forced resignation
in the resignation of the College two months later. of the College of Commissioners in 1999 – which
was occasioned in large part because of perceived
The second main activity of the Court of Auditors lax financial management. The Court’s estimate is
is to deliver special reports and opinions on a range of that the overall level of error in financial payments
subjects. Regarding special reports, normally between is currently between 4 and 5 per cent. Though obvi-
30 and 40 of these are issued per year, with topics ously still too high, this is much lower than the
covered in 2016 including support measures for rural approaching 10 per cent figure that was the general
infrastructure, security of energy supply, and technical estimate of the level of financial irregularities before
assistance to Greece. Regarding opinions, about half- the College’s resignation. Much of the credit for this
a-dozen of these are issued each year. They normally progress, which is a consequence of both tighter
are drawn up in one of two sets of circumstances: an financial control mechanisms and the strengthening
EU institution may ask the Court to submit an opin- of a culture of financial responsibility throughout
ion on a matter, usually concerning financial aspects the EU, can be claimed by the Court of Auditors. Its
of draft legislation; the Court’s opinion is required reports have been sharp, critical, and increasingly
prior to the adoption of new or updating legislation difficult for those who are responsible for managing
with a potentially significant financial impact. EU expenditure to ignore.
Two final points about EU expenditure that
should be recognised amidst the hype that often
The effectiveness of financial greets (the usually overstated) allegations of finan-
controls cial mismanagement: the total sums involved are
relatively modest (see Chapter 23 for details) and EU
As the Court continually makes clear, controls over decision-makers, far from being able to be financially
EU revenue and expenditure could be improved. For profligate, are normally obliged to work within tight
example, given that over 80 per cent of budgetary budgets.
Chapter 15

Different Types 265 his chapter examines interests in the EU – that is, it examines EU policy
actors and would-be policy actors beyond those associated with the EU
Access to Decision- institutions and with the official positions of member states.
The chapter begins by examining the many different types of interest that
Influence273 seek to engage with the EU. It then analyses their varying access to decision-
Concluding Remarks: makers and the influence they exercise. The chapter concludes with some
Interests and EU Policy observations on interests and EU policy processes.

Different Types
Brussels has come to compete with Washington as the world’s ‘lobbying
capital’. Lobbying is a billion euro industry, with a very large number of
organisations and individuals seeking to monitor EU activities and influence
what the EU does. However, the exact number of lobbying organisations
and lobbyists in Brussels is impossible to gauge with precision. This is partly
because many of those who lobby do not do so on a full-time basis but also
act in other capacities: for example, as lawyers, accountants, and as business-
men. It is partly also because many of those who are really full-time lobbyists
prefer to present themselves as ‘consultants’, ‘advisers’, ‘policy specialists’,
and the like. Nonetheless, despite these ‘measurement problems’, the normal
estimates of around 9,000 lobbying organisations and 20,000 people making
a living from ‘lobbying Brussels’ give an indication of the scale of lobbying
Lobbying organisations and lobbyists represent and seek to act on behalf
of a range of non-governmental interests. These interests can be classified in
various ways. Four main types are identified here.

Subnational levels of government

As noted in the section on the Committee of the Regions in Chapter 14, many
subnational governmental bodies from the member states seek to influence, or
even play a direct role in, EU policy processes. The degree of their involvement
and activity varies enormously, depending largely on the degree of autonomy
and manoeuvrability they have in their member states and on the impact of
particular EU policies on regional and local matters.

266 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

In member states where there are large and strong those concerned with business and trade matters,
subnational levels of government – such as Belgium, many national interest groups are from non-EU
Germany, and Spain – regional, and to a lesser extent countries: one of the most influential of all is the EU
local, authorities maintain nationally based EU offices Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce
of various kinds and also an office in Brussels. In (AMCHAM-EU).
respect of regional policy and also aspects of such In seeking to play a part in EU processes, most
policy areas as environmental, social, and industrial national interest groups are confined to working from
policy, these offices, especially the Brussels-based their national offices or via a European interest group.
offices, have direct lines of communication with EU However, a few of the larger groups, especially busi-
institutions, notably the Commission. Where subna- ness and agricultural groups, have, in addition to a
tional levels of government are not so well established domestic and a European group base, their own rep-
at member state level, and in policy areas where there resentatives and agents permanently based in Brussels.
is not an ongoing subnational dimension, regional
and local authorities usually work with the EU more
through their national governments and, where Eurogroups
appropriate, through EU-wide liaison organisations.
Eurogroups are groups that draw their membership
from several countries and operate at – and in so
Private and public companies doing seek to represent the interests of their sec-
tor or cause at – the EU level. As with lobbyists, the
Many large business firms, especially multinational number of Eurogroups is difficult to estimate. This
corporations, are very active in lobbying EU insti- is partly because there is no complete central register
tutions. Around 250 firms have established offices of such groups, though since 2011 there has been a
in Brussels, including, to name just a few, Google, voluntary, heavily incentivised, joint Commission–EP
Microsoft, General Electric, Philip Morris, the London Transparency Register of all groups. It is partly also
Stock Exchange, Goldman Sachs, and Volkswagen. because the differences between groups that might be
Adopting, usually, multiple strategies, business lob- considered to be Eurogroups is so great that consider-
bying is channelled through both national and Euro able difficulties arise in deciding which ones should
interest groups (see below), and is also conducted on be counted. As an indication, however, of the scale
a direct basis. Direct lobbying has the advantage of of activity, an estimate can be made of 2,000 formally
not requiring a collective view to be sought with other constituted EU level groups seeking to address EU
firms and also enables sensitive issues to be pursued activities.
when there is no desire to ‘go public’ – as, for instance, Given their particular EU orientation it is worth
when competition and trading matters are involved. looking at Eurogroups in detail.
The motor vehicle industry is an example of a sector
where direct lobbying by firms, and not just European
firms, is common – as is indicated by the fact that
Policy interests
most large motor vehicle companies have lobbying/ The policy interests of Eurogroups naturally reflect
information offices in Brussels. the policy priorities and concerns of the EU. Whist
precise categorisation is all but impossible because of
the often vague self-descriptions of Eurogroups and
National interest groups because too of the often blurred boundaries between
categories, Greenwood (2011: chapter 1) estimates
Many circumstances result in national interest groups that over half of Eurogroups represent business, about
attempting to involve themselves in EU processes. one-third represent citizens’ interests (the environ-
For example, several national environmental interest ment, consumers, youth, and so on), and about
groups have pressed for more effective implemen- 10 per cent represent the professions. Within these
tation of existing EU legislation on the disposal of broad categories a multiplicity of specific interests
sewage into the sea. In some policy areas, especially and groups are to be found. For example, within
Interests | 267

the business category, agricultural interests are a Second, there are variations in terms of whether
major and diverse component, ranging in nature membership is direct or via affiliation. In most cases
from the broadly based Committee of Agricultural membership is based on affiliation by national secto-
Organisations in the European Union (COPA) and the ral or, in the case of a few of the larger Eurogroups,
General Confederation of Agricultural Cooperatives national peak (cross-sectoral) organisations. Since
in the European Union (COGECA), which work very the mid-1980s, however, there has been a growth
closely with one another, which share a secretariat, in direct membership groupings and organisations.
and which seek to represent most types of farmer on The most important development in this regard
most issues, to highly specialised groups representing has been the coming together of major industrial,
the likes of yeast producers and pasta manufacturers. often multinational, companies, frequently as a sup-
The reason why such an array of Eurogroups are plement to their involvement in affiliation-based
active at the EU level is quite simple: pressure groups sectoral groups. Examples of Eurogroups that are
go where power goes. As policy responsibilities – in dominated by large companies are the European
agriculture, in the regulation of the market, in the Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA),
protection of the environment, and so on – have which represents most of the EU’s major car, van,
been transferred from national capitals to the EU, so truck and bus manufacturers, and the Association of
has a Euro-lobby developed to supplement – not to Petrochemical Producers in Europe (APPE). A few
replace – the domestic lobbies. lobbying-related linkages between major companies
are relatively informally based and in some respects
are perhaps more like think tanks and forums for the
Membership generation of ideas than Eurogroups. The best known
example of such a ‘think tank’ is the European Round
The membership of Eurogroups also varies consid- Table of Industrialists (ERT) which brings together,
erably. It does so in four main respects. First, there on an ­invitation-only basis, 50 or so heads of major
are variations in the breadth of the membership European industries. The Round Table produces
base. Some groups – the so-called umbrella groups reports that are intended to identify how the right
– have a broad membership base and are usually conditions can be created for business to flourish.
trans-sector or sectoral-wide in character. Examples Third, there are variations in the representative-
of prominent umbrella groups are BusinessEurope ness of groups. Since most Eurogroups are based
(sic) which was formerly the Union of Industrial and on national affiliates, the number of people they
Employers Confederation of Europe (UNICE), the can claim to represent naturally reflects the factors
European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), the determining group membership at the national level.
European Environmental Bureau (EEB), the European Hence, sectional interests are usually better placed
Consumer Organisation (BEUC), and COPA– than promotional interests. Similarly, amongst sec-
COGECA. Because of the breadth of their member- tional interests, Eurogroups representing interests
ship, some of these umbrella groups have considerable that are well mobilised at the national level, such as
difficulty in maintaining internal cohesion and pre- dairy farmers and textile manufacturers, naturally
senting a common front: ETUC, for example, has tra- tend to be much more genuinely representative than
ditionally had to try to reconcile differences between groups acting on behalf of poorly mobilised sections
socialist, communist, and Christian trade unions, of the population, such as consumers or agricultural
whilst COPA–COGECA has had problems with man- labourers.
aging the varying agricultural sectoral implications Fourth, there are variations in the width of the
of reforms to the CAP. Most groups, however, are EU base of groups. At one end of the spectrum, a few
more narrowly focused than the umbrella groups and groups draw members from virtually all EU states and
seek to speak on behalf of a specific industry, process, often also several European states beyond. ETUC, for
service, or product. Examples of such groups are the example, comprises 90 member organisations from 36
European Construction Industry Federation (FIEC), countries plus 10 European industry federations, whilst
the European Savings and Retail Banking Group BusinessEurope comprises 40 national member fed-
(ESBG), and the European Cocoa Association (ECA). erations from 39 countries. Membership that stretches
268 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

beyond EU states has advantages and disadvantages: central discipline. In addition, key decisions made
on the one hand, it can help to promote international at the centre are frequently taken only on the basis
cooperation and increase group resources; on the other of unanimous votes, though some groups do have
hand, and this is a charge that has frequently been laid provisions for weighted majorities on some issues.
against the likes of ETUC and BusinessEurope, it can These loose structures can weaken the effectiveness
serve to dilute group concentration on, and therefore of Eurogroups by making them slow to react and
influence within, the EU. At the other end of the spec- making it difficult for them to put forward collective
trum, and more typical of Eurogroups than ETUC views that are anything more than rather vague lowest
or UNICE, is the European Committee of Domestic common denominators. At the same time, however,
Equipment Manufacturers (CECED), which seeks to moves to create stronger structures risk groups not
provide a single voice for the home appliance indus- affiliating or national affiliates concentrating almost
try in Europe. CECED has 19 direct members and 26 exclusively on their national activities.
national associations covering 25 countries. The more specialised and poorly resourced groups
usually operate on a fairly rudimentary basis, often
merely via an annual meeting and an executive com-
mittee that meets as required. The large umbrella
The best resourced groups are mostly either large busi- groups, in contrast, usually have a quite elaborate
ness groups – such as the European Chemical Industry organisational framework that typically includes a
Council (Cefic), COPA–COGECA, BusinessEurope, general meeting at least once a year, an executive
Insurance Europe, and the European Federation of committee that meets once every four to six weeks,
Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) – specialist policy committees whose frequency of meet-
or global public interest groups such as Friends of the ing depends on the business in hand, a President, and
Earth and the World Wide Fund for Nature. The most a full-time Secretariat headed by a Secretary General.
poorly resourced groups, which are not of a particular COPA is an example of a group with a highly devel-
type but exist amongst business, public interest, and oped structure (see Figure 15.1).
other groups, usually do not have strong corporate
backing and/or have a narrow membership base.
There are thus wide variations in group resources.
On the one hand, the well-resourced groups such as Eurogroups normally attempt to do two main things.
Cefic and COPA–COGECA, have 50 and more staff First, they seek to gather and exchange information,
and ample and well-appointed accommodation. On the both in a two-way process with EU organs and with and
other hand, there are numerous groups – of which the between national affiliates. Second, they seek to have
European Passengers’ Federation (EPF), which works their interests and views incorporated into EU policy, by
for rail passenger rights, is but one – that do not even persuading and pressurising those who make and imple-
stretch to one employee and that work through affiliates, ment policy. Not all Eurogroups, of course, attempt or
consultants, and part-time and temporary representa- are able to exercise these functions in equal measure: for
tives whose services are called upon as and when they example, in those sectors where EU policy is little devel-
are needed. (It is not difficult to find people prepared to oped, Eurogroups often choose to give a higher priority
act as contract agents: there are around 140 professional to the first function than they do to the second.
public consultancies and 160 law firms based in Brussels
that are willing to take on ‘EU business’.)

Organisational structure Access to Decision-Makers

The organisational structure of most Eurogroups is
The long, complex, and multilayered nature of EU
extremely loose. The central group organs usually
processes provides many points of access for interests,
enjoy only a very limited independence from the
and hence many opportunities for them to keep them-
national affiliates, whilst the affiliates themselves are
selves informed about developments and press their
autonomous in most respects and are not subject to
cases with those who influence, make, and implement
Interests | 269

President and six vice

Two-year term of office.


Policy Coordination Presidium Secretariat

Committee 50 full-time officials. Engage
Composed of one
Senior staff of national in research and prepare
Report to representative from each
affiliates. Examines general reports. Liaise with and lobby
member association.
policy and tries to coordinate Decides COPA policy. Normally EU decision makers, especially
the work and proposals of the Commission officials in DG
meets every two months.
working parties. Meets monthly. Agriculture. The secretariat
is shared with COGECA
(agricultural cooperatives) and
Appoint CEJA (young farmers).
Report to

Specialised Working Parties Assembly

and Sections (most of them Meets whenever necessary.
with COGECA) (50) General debating forum and
Representatives from national considers decisions of
affiliates. Examine policy in Presidium.
their sectors, and also
Commission proposals – often
at the pre-proposal stage. Appoint

Member Associations (60)

Numbers are as of autumn 2016.

Figure 15.1 Organisation structure of COPA

decisions. The main points of access are national therefore exist, and these are largely restricted to the
governments, the Commission, and the European most powerful interests. So, the President-in-Office
Parliament. of a sectoral Council may occasionally meet the
president of a powerful Eurogroup, or a written sub-
mission from an influential interest may be officially
National governments received and circulated prior to a European Council
or Council meeting. More usually, however, the only
A major problem for interests is that they cannot nor- way an interest can hope to establish contact with,
mally directly approach either the European Council and perhaps exert pressure on, the European Council
or the Council of the EU. This is partly because there or the Council is indirectly: through a government or
are practical problems with lobbying what are in governments looking favourably on its cause or feeling
effect international negotiations, it is partly because obliged to act on its behalf.
the meetings are held (mainly) behind closed doors, Much time and effort is therefore spent by inter-
but it is mainly because neither body wishes to make ests, especially national interests, attempting to influ-
itself available, as a collective entity, for regularised or ence the positions adopted by governments in EU
intensive interest targeting. Only a few direct linkages negotiations. In the case of the European Council,
270 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

this task usually has to be undertaken at least at one exercise its own responsibilities efficiently. This is espe-
stage removed because national leaders do not nor- cially so when the Commission is seeking to ‘move into’
mally allow themselves to be lobbied directly. With or expand a policy area. Second, the Commission’s
the Council, however, one of a number of factors may negotiating hand with the Council is strengthened if
result in doors being opened. Amongst such factors it can demonstrate that its proposals are supported
are: some interests, such as most of the major national by influential interests – as, for example, many of its
agricultural groups, enjoy – for a mixture of politi- attempts to approximate European standards are sup-
cal, economic, technical, and other reasons – insider ported by multinational corporations, and indeed in
status with the relevant government departments, some cases may have originated from them. Third, and
which means they are consulted as a matter of course this is in some ways the other side of the coin of the
on proposals and developments within their sphere previous point, if the Commission does not consult
of interest; when a technically complicated matter is with and try to satisfy interests, and advances proposals
under consideration, governments usually seek the to which influential interests are strongly opposed, the
advice of relevant interests at an early stage of the proposals are likely to meet with strong resistance in
Council ­ process – with perhaps Council working the Council and the EP. Fourth, with specific regard to
party members communicating directly with interest Eurogroups, when groups come forward with broadly
representatives; and when the cooperation of an inter- united and coherent positions they can greatly assist the
est is important for the effective implementation of an Commission by allowing it to deal with already aggre-
EU proposal, its views may well be actively sought, or gated views and enabling it to avoid entanglement in
received and listened to if an approach is made. national and ideological differences between sectional
This last point touches on another reason (in addi- interests. For this reason, DGs generally keep ‘recog-
tion to trying to influence Council decision making), nised’ Eurogroups informed about matters that are of
why interests may approach national governments: interest to them and are usually prepared to consult
they may wish to influence the way EU decisions are with them too. (The main reasons for non-recognition
implemented. One way in which they can attempt to are either that an interest has not registered on the
do this is by making their views known to governments Transparency Register or that the Commission does
when measures are being devised to incorporate EU not regard the interest as being a proper Eurogroup
directives into national law. And if relevant ministries – perhaps because it consists of just two or three large
can be persuaded to delay, or not to monitor too closely, companies – or that it is not seen as being very effective
the implementation of directives on, say, the disposal of in ‘delivering’ aggregated and coordinated views.)
pollutants or safety standards in the workplace, some Until about the mid-1970s the Commission dis-
interests may well have much to gain financially. played a strong preference for talking to Eurogroups
rather than national groups, and to national govern-
ments rather than subnational levels of government.
The Commission This attitude, however, has since been relaxed and
most interests of significance, and most interests that
The Commission is the main target for most interests. can provide useful information that is presented in
It is so, primarily, because of its central importance in a clear manner, are able to have their views at least
so many respects: in policy initiation and formulation; considered by the Commission. The ways in which
in following proposals through their legislative cycle; the contacts and communications occur are many and
in managing the EU’s spending programmes; and in are of both a formal and an informal nature. The most
policy implementation. An important contributory frequent ways are set out in Box 15.1.
reason why the Commission attracts so much attention Naturally, the extent and nature of the communi-
is simply that it is known to be generally approachable. cations between interests and the Commission vary
The Commission makes itself available to interests considerably according to a number of factors. A small
because several advantages can accrue to it from so national interest in a specialised area may only require
doing. First, interests often have access to specialised and seek occasional contact at middle-ranking official
information and to knowledge of how things are ‘at the level with one particular DG. In contrast, an active
front’ which the Commission needs if it is to be able to umbrella group may wish to be permanently plugged
Interests | 271

Box 15.1

Ways in which interests can communicate their views to the Commission

• The extensive advisory committee system that is clustered around the Commission primarily exists for
the precise purpose of allowing interests to make their views known (see pp. 149–50).
• Commissioners and DG officials receive numerous delegations from interests of all sorts.
• Representatives of the Commission travel to member states to meet interests and to attend conferences
and seminars where interests are represented.
• A few of the larger Eurogroups invite Commission representatives to attend some of their working
parties and committee meetings.
• Informal meetings and telephone conversations between Commission and interest representatives occur
• Interests present the Commission with a mass of written communications in the form of information,
briefing, and policy documents.
• The Social Dialogue provides for an exchange of views between the Commission and the two sides
of industry. Since 1985 it has regularly brought together representatives from the Commission, trade
union representatives from ETUC and representatives from the two main employers’ and industrial
­organisations – BusinessEurope and the European Centre of Enterprises with Public Participation
(CEEP). The Maastricht Treaty’s Social Charter greatly extended the scope of the Commission’s
­consultations with management and labour and it is even possible for legislative proposals to be
­developed within its framework.

into the Commission at many different points. As an range of powers that interests would like to see exer-
indication of how extensive the links can be, some cised in ways that are to their advantage.
of the access channels available to COPA are worth The most prominent and important of these pow-
noting: about every three months the Presidium of ers are those relating to the making of legislation. As is
COPA meets the Commissioner for Agriculture; the shown in Chapters 12 and 19, the EP exercises a wide
Secretary General of COPA and the Director General range of legislative powers and a very considerable influ-
of DG Agriculture meet regularly and often speak ence over the content of EU legislation. This is most
to each other on the telephone; at all levels, the staff obviously so when the ordinary legislative procedure is
of COPA are in almost constant touch with staff in being used, for it is there that the EP’s powers are at their
DG Agriculture and, less frequently, are also in close greatest. Whilst the Parliament does not normally wish
contact with staff in other DGs – notably DG Budget to exercise its veto powers under the procedure, it usu-
and DG Environment; and COPA is strongly repre- ally makes lots of amendments to proposed legislation
sented, both in its own right and via affiliates, on all and it has a high rate of success in seeing them incorpo-
the Commission’s agricultural advisory committees rated in adopted acts. With over 90 per cent of legisla-
and also on certain other leading advisory committees. tion under the ordinary legislative procedure now being
adopted at first reading, interests lobby the EP even
before the Commission has issued proposals – with a
The European Parliament particular focus on rapporteurs once they are appointed.
Beyond its important position in legislative proce-
It has been very noticeable, not least in the swelling dures, the EP also has other potentially useful tools at its
ranks of lobbyists who attend EP plenaries, that as disposal that can feed into EU law-making and create the
the role and influence of the EP in the EU system has possibility of interests using MEPs to influence the legis-
grown then so has it increasingly attracted the atten- lative environment. These tools include: the production
tion of interests. The EP now has access to a wide of own initiative reports that can pave the way for the
272 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

Commission to come forward with proposals; the power priority to establishing contact with DG Regional
to formally request the Commission to submit legislative Policy. It should also court good relations with
acts; and the access to a range of forums – such as politi- regional and national civil servants since the ERDF
cal group meetings and EP committees – where ideas functions on an EU-national-regional partnership
about legislation are discussed and exchanged both in basis. A chemical company concerned about the pos-
formal sessions and on the margins of meetings. sibility of tighter EU air quality standards is likely
The main lobbying possibilities available to inter- to want to be able to transmit its views to: relevant
ests in respect of the EP are set out in Box 15.2. parts of the Commission – both directly and perhaps
also via sympathetic Eurogroup representatives on
Commission advisory committees; the host national
Which is the most appropriate governments(s) – which are likely to be sympathetic
lobbying channel? to the chemical company’s position if tighter stand-
ards risk leading to unemployment; and to MEPs rep-
Many possible ‘targets’ are thus available to interests resenting the area(s) in which the company is located.
to enable them to try and advance their causes. Which And an environmental group in a member state
are the most suitable, the most available, and the most where the government is not noted for its sympathy
effective channels varies according to circumstances. to green issues is likely to be most effective working as
For example, a local authority that wishes to attract part of a Eurogroup in order to, for example: launch
ERDF funds would, if it is well advised, give a high public information and relations campaigns that help

Box 15.2

Ways in which interests can communicate their views to the EP

• It can be fruitful for interests to directly lobby MEPs, especially rapporteurs and members of committees
dealing with relevant legislation. The relative lack of political group discipline in the EP enhances the
possibility of individual MEPs being ‘persuadable’.
• MEPs and officials engaged in preparing reports for EP committees often approach appropriate interests
for their views, or allow themselves to be approached. This can be for a number of reasons but is usually
because they wish to make use of the knowledge and expertise of interests and/or because the future
progress of reports is likely to be eased if they do not come up against stiff oppositional lobbying from
• Interests have some opportunities for direct contact with EP committees and political groups.
Committees, for example, sometimes hold ‘hearings’ and occasionally travel to member states for the
precise purpose of meeting interest representatives, whilst political groups sometimes allow themselves
to be addressed when they judge it to be appropriate.
• Attempts can be made to encourage MEPs to draw up own initiative reports. If this results in progress,
the Commission and/or the Council might conceivably then be prompted into action of a desired sort.
• Intergroups, which are loosely organised and voluntary groupings of MEPs with shared concerns about
particular issues or areas of activity, are natural targets for interests. For example, interests acting on behalf
of disabled people will clearly wish to be in contact with the Handicapped Intergroup, whilst those acting on
behalf of citrus fruit producers will wish to be in touch with, amongst others, the Israel and the Mediterranean
• A general circulation of literature amongst MEPs may have the effect of improving the image of an inter-
est or changing the climate of opinion in the interest’s area of concern.
• Attempts can be made to persuade individual MEPs to take matters up with governments and the
Interests | 273

persuade the EP to adopt a sympathetic position, and not least because their cooperation is often necessary
perhaps pass a resolution; pressurise the Commission in connection with policies designed, for instance,
to produce legislative proposals and increase its to encourage EU-wide investment, expand employ-
efforts to ensure that existing legislation is properly ment in less prosperous regions, stimulate cross-bor-
implemented; and find a route to the Council via der rationalisations, or improve industrial efficiency.
some of the national affiliates that are leaning on their Examples of economic weight being an important
governments. factor in political influence include: the way in which
the chemical industry – via its Eurogroup Cefic – has
managed to persuade the Commission to investi-
gate numerous cases of alleged dumping; the way in
Influence which the pharmaceutical industry – acting through
EFPIA – has persuaded the Commission to allow it to
The factors that determine the influence exercised by regulate itself rather than be regulated; and the way
interests in the EU are similar to those that apply at the in which the European Steel Association (EUROFER)
national level. The more powerful and more effective has worked closely with the Commission and govern-
interests tend to have at least some of the following ments to limit the damage caused to its members
characteristics: by steel rationalisation programmes and by cheap
external imports. An example of the latter occurred
in July 2016 when duties of between 18.4 per cent
Control of key information and expertise
and 22.5 per cent were imposed by the Commission
Effective policy-making and implementation requires for a period of five years on Chinese imports of
a knowledge and understanding that often can only ‘HFP rebars’, which are used in construction. The
be provided to EU authorities by interests. This obvi- duties were imposed following an investigation by
ously puts interests on which EU policy-makers are to the Commission, which was launched after receiving
some extent dependent in a potentially advantageous complaints from EUROFER on behalf of European
position – as evidenced by the fact that the influence producers.
that interests exercise via official forums is often much
greater in specialised advisory committees than it is in
Political weight
more general settings such as the EESC or the CoR.
Many interests have political assets that can be used
to advantage, usually via governments. For example,
Adequate resources
a national pressure group that is closely linked to a
The better resourced an interest is, the more likely party in government may be able to get that govern-
it is to be able to make use of a variety of tactics and ment to act virtually on its behalf in the Council. At a
devices at a number of different access points. So, with broader level, electoral factors can be important, with
regard to proposed legislation, a well-resourced inter- ministers in the Council not usually anxious to sup-
est is likely to be in a position to feed its views through port anything that might upset key voters, especially
to the Commission, the EP, and perhaps the Council if an important national or local election is looming.
from the initiating stage to the taking of the final deci- Farmers’ organisations in France, Italy, Germany, and
sion. Similarly, a regional or local authority hoping for elsewhere are examples of interests that have benefited
EU funds is more likely to be successful if it employs from the possession of electoral significance.
people who know what is available, how to apply, and
with whom it is worth having an informal word.
Genuine representational claims
National pressure groups and Eurogroups that genu-
Economic weight
inely represent a sizeable proportion of the interests
Important economic interests – be they major com- in a given sector are naturally in a stronger position
panies or cross-sectoral representational organisations than those that do not. The representativeness of
– usually have to be listened to by EU policy-makers, Cefic, for example, is one important reason why the
274 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

chemical industry has been permitted to exercise a exercised by interests, or indeed of any policy actor,
certain degree of self-regulation. is methodologically very tricky. ‘It is, put simply,
incredibly difficult, if not impossible, to categorically
attribute a policy outcome to a specific interest group
activity’ (Chalmers, 2011: 471).
Some interests find it difficult to put forward clear
and consistent views and are thereby weakened. As
was noted earlier, this often applies to Eurogroups, Concluding Remarks: Interests
especially umbrella Eurogroups, because of their
varied membership and loose confederal structures. and EU Policy Processes
Increasing difficulty in maintaining internal coher-
ence and consensus has contributed to a decline in There are both positive and negative aspects to the
COPA’s lobbying influence over the years. involvement of interests in EU processes. Of the
positive aspects, two are especially worth emphasising.
First, interest activity broadens the participatory base
Access to decision-makers
of the EU and ensures that policy-making is not com-
Most of the characteristics just described play some pletely controlled by politicians and officials. Second,
part in determining which interests enjoy good access interests can provide EU authorities with information
to decision-makers and which do not. Clearly, those and viewpoints that improve the quality and effective-
that do have good access – especially if it is at both ness of their policies and decisions. Of the negative
national and EU levels – are more likely than those aspects, the most important is that some interests
that do not to be fully aware of thinking and develop- are much more powerful and influential than others.
ments in decision-making circles, and to be able to This lack of balance raises questions about whether
present their case to those who matter. At the EU level, interests unduly, perhaps even undemocratically, tilt
COPA is, notwithstanding its declining influence, an EU policy-making in certain directions – towards, for
obvious example of such an ‘insider’ interest, whilst at example, a legislative framework that tends to favour
the national level COPA affiliates usually also enjoy an producers more than such ‘natural’ opponents as con-
advantageous position. sumers and environmentalists.
But irrespective of whether interest activity is judged
*  *  * to be, on the whole, beneficial or not, its importance
A number of factors can thus be identified as affecting is clear. Interests are central to many key information
the influence exercised by interests. But, with so many flows to and from EU authorities, and they bring con-
different types of actors and dynamics involved in EU siderable influence to bear on policy-making processes
policy processes, it is necessary to be cautious about from initiation through to implementation. There are
claiming to be too exact in being able to measure no EU policy sectors where interests of at least some
such influence. For, measuring the precise influence significance are not to be found.
Chapter 16
The Member States

The Benefits and Costs he EU exists first and foremost to further the interests of its member
of EU Membership 275 states. It is, therefore, hardly surprising that, as previous chapters of this
book have shown, the member states are core EU actors. This chapter
Institutional and Policy-
Making Arrangements
examines the varying impacts of EU membership on the member states, the
Designed to Maintain ways in which the EU is structured to accommodate and integrate the differing
the Confidence of the interests of its member states, and how the member states behave and act in
Member States in the EU the EU. At the end of the chapter, consideration is given to the relative influ-
System276 ence exercised by states in the EU.
National Orientations
and Approaches 277
The Benefits and Costs of EU Membership
Parliaments287 The EU is a voluntary organisation. No member state will retain its mem-
bership if its national leaders do not judge that the benefits of membership
outweigh the costs. But, states pay a price for EU membership. The nature
Subnational Levels of of the price varies between states but usually has two main aspects. The
Government290 first and most obvious is that there is a substantial loss of national decision-
Citizens’ Views 290 making powers. In a few policy spheres – such as agriculture and external
Political Parties 294 trade – most key decisions are now taken at the EU level, whilst in many other
spheres – such as environmental policy and competition policy – decision-
Interests295 making responsibilities are shared between the EU and the member states.
Which States Exercise There is, in short, a loss – or at least a pooling – of national sovereignty. The
Most Influence? 295 second aspect, which is a consequence of the first, is that states are obliged
Concluding Remarks 297 to participate in and apply some policies that their representatives believe are
not, at least in certain respects, in the national interests. For example, some
governments with coastal waters believe they are not fairly treated under the
Common Fisheries Policy. Several governments believe the CAP has outlived
its time, distorts EU budgetary expenditure to their disadvantage, and should
be fundamentally reformed. And virtually all governments at some time
have been unhappy about competition decisions – most commonly concern-
ing state aid or proposed company mergers – that have been issued by the
Given this seeming heavy price of membership, why are states members
of the EU? Why are they willing to participate in collective decision-making
in important policy areas? Essentially they are so because their national
decision-makers, supported by, or at least with the acquiescence of, large
sections of their populations believe it to be in their national interests to do

276 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

so. National decision-makers (including most UK – most notably by all member states, irrespective
decision-makers, the majority of whom supported of size, having one Commissioner, one seat at the
continued EU membership in the 2016 UK refer- European Council, and one Court of Justice judge.
endum) judge that there is more to be gained from • The formal requirement of unanimity for the
being inside the EU than from being outside. On one taking of some sensitive EU decisions – including
issue in particular – being part of the single market – in the spheres of foreign and defence policy, taxa-
national decision-makers judge EU membership to tion, enlargement, and treaty reform.
be a net benefit, although beyond this the particular • The informal understanding that, even where
balance of perceived benefits and costs varies from QMV is available, decisions are taken by consensus
state to state. For Bulgaria, for example, the benefits and compromise whenever possible.
include the receipt of considerable cohesion funds, • The rotation amongst all member states of the
whilst for Cyprus the provision of soft security pro- Council Presidency.
tection (from possible Turkish aggression) is one of • The existence of a range of EU-level proce-
the benefits. dures to safeguard against ‘free riders’ and poor
A key reason why, as will be seen in Part IV of this ­implementers.
book, the EU has such a varied and diverse policy
portfolio is that it seeks to ensure that the differing These features, and others, thus ensure that the EU
needs and preferences of its member states are pro- is a system in which the exercise of power is widely
vided for as much as possible. shared. To be sure, as will be shown below, it is not
in all respects equally shared by all member states, but
the system as a whole is very far from being a majori-
tarian one.
Institutional and Policy-Making
Arrangements Designed to Europeanisation
Maintain the Confidence of
the Member States in the EU A consequence of being a member state is that
national political, economic and legal systems are
System increasingly being ‘Europeanised’. As part of this,
national political structures, political actors, policy
As well as having a policy portfolio that ensures there processes, and policies are progressively orientating,
are ‘prizes for everyone’, the EU’s institutional and or are being orientated, in a European direction.
policy-making arrangements are also designed in such The extent of the orientating, and of the associated
a way as to promote confidence in the EU system on national adaptations, varies both between and within
the part of all member states. This is done by bas- states. But no states are exempt from the need to
ing the arrangements on a system in which power is accommodate many aspects of national systems to EU
widely distributed amongst the member states, there rules and requirements.
are abundant opportunities for all member states – Because it is mainly concerned with the impact of
even the smallest – to input into policy procedures, the EU on the member states, Europeanisation – or
and there are numerous internal checks and bal- ‘EU-ization’ as Bulmer and Lequesne (2013) sug-
ances. Amongst the most prominent features of these gest it may be better termed – is normally thought
arrangements are: of as being a top-down process. (There is now an
extensive academic literature on Europeanisation.
• The physical ‘presence’ of all member states in all See, for example, Ladrech, 2010; Börzel and Panke,
key EU institutions. As is common in federal and 2016; Featherstone and Radaelli, 2003; Olsen, 2002.)
quasi-federal systems, smaller geographical units However, Europeanisation has an important bot-
(member states in the EU) are ‘over-represented’ tom-up element too in that a key reason national
The Member States | 277

political actors, agencies and sectors have adjusted The founding member states:
to the EU is so as to enhance their ability to commu-
nicate with and influence decision-making at the EU Belgium, France, Germany, Italy,
level. It is with this latter aspect of Europeanisation Luxembourg, and the Netherlands
that the rest of this chapter is mainly concerned.
That is to say, whilst top-down Europeanisation is Since helping to create the EC in the 1950s, four of
not ignored, the main focus is on national inputs the founding states – Belgium, Luxembourg, the
into EU policy and decision-making processes and Netherlands and Italy – have remained firm and
how they have been designed and adjusted in consistent supporters of the integration process. They
attempts to enable them to feed into the processes have almost invariably backed, and sometimes have
in an effective manner. been prominent in the initiation of, the many propos-
The precise nature of these inputs varies between als put forward over the years for further integration-
states, reflecting such factors as different national ist advance. The only significant exception to this is
political systems, traditions, and cultures. In broad the rejection by the Dutch people in a referendum
terms, however, they can be seen as being directed in June 2005 of the proposed Constitutional Treaty.
through seven principal channels: governments, par- The reasons for, and the significance of, this vote were
liaments, courts, subnational levels of government, cit- considered in Chapter 7.
izens’ views, political parties, and interests. However, Germany – or, to be strictly accurate, West
before proceeding to examine these channels, it will Germany up to 1990 and united Germany since –
be useful to begin by placing the inputs that have been has also been a reasonably dependable member of
and are being made through the particular channels the integrationist camp. (German unification took
into a wider context of general national orientations the form of the German Democratic Republic – East
and approaches towards European integration and EU Germany – integrating into the Federal Republic of
membership. Germany, so there was no question of a new state
joining the Community and therefore no question of
normal enlargement procedures applying.) However,
in recent years the German enthusiasm for integration
National Orientations and has wobbled a little, with a reluctance to continue act-
ing as the EU’s main ‘paymaster’ being displayed and
Approaches with reservations about continuing enlargements of
the EU, especially to Turkey, being expressed. What
The circumstances in which the EU’s member has also happened in recent years is that, in response
states founded or became members of the EC/EU to the crises that have hit the EU (see Chapter 1),
were outlined in Chapters 2 and 5. Their general Germany has become the EU’s dominant member
stances towards the integration process and their state and in respect of economic and financial poli-
behaviour within the EU will now be outlined. It cies – especially eurozone-related policies – has acted,
will be shown that whilst there are some similari- albeit somewhat reluctantly, almost as a hegem-
ties in the stances and behaviour of member states, onic power (see Bulmer and Paterson, 2013). The
there are also many very significant differences. increased German dominance has led, however, to
These differences reflect more than anything else some resentment and resistance, as has been seen in
the fact that the member states just are different the resistance of CEECs to Chancellor Merkel’s policy
from one another in numerous respects. Table 16.1 preferences on how to handle the migration crisis (see
shows some of the more obvious differences that Chapters 1 and 20).
exist, but a fully comprehensive table of significant In the early years of the EC, France assumed a very
differences between member states would require wary attitude towards the integration process. This
many pages. was a consequence of President de Gaulle’s hostility
As in Chapters 2 and 5, the states are grouped to any international organisation that assumed supra-
according to when they assumed membership. national characteristics and, thereby, undermined
278 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

Table 16.1 Key information on EU member states*

Population Surface area Size of GDP** Euro Schengen

(millions) (1000 (billion euro) member member
Germany 81.2   357 3,026 Yes Yes
France 64.5   551 2,184 Yes Yes
UK 63.2   249 2,569 No No
Italy 60.8   302 1,636 Yes Yes
Spain 46.4   506 1,081 Yes Yes
Poland 38.0   312    428 No Yes
Romania 19.9   238    160 No No
Netherlands 16.9    42    679 Yes Yes
Greece 11.1   130    176 Yes Yes
Belgium 11.1    31    409 Yes Yes
Portugal 10.6    92    179 Yes Yes
Czech Rep 10.5    79    164 No Yes
Hungary 9.9    93    108 No Yes
Sweden 9.7   438    444 No Yes
Austria 8.6    83    337 Yes Yes
Bulgaria 7.2   110     44 No No
Denmark 5.7    43    266 No Yes
Slovakia 5.5    49     78 Yes Yes
Finland 5.5   338    207 Yes Yes
Ireland 4.6    70    214 Yes No
Croatia 4.2    57     44 No No
Lithuania 2.9    65     37 Yes Yes
Latvia 2.2    64     24 Yes Yes
Slovenia 2.1    20     39 No Yes
Estonia 1.3    45     20 Yes Yes
Cyprus 0.8    0.9     17 Yes No
Luxembourg 0.6    0.3     52 Yes Yes
Malta 0.4    0.3     9 Yes Yes
Total 507 4,358 14,631

* Situation in autumn 2016

** Figures for 2015
Sources: Various, but mainly Eurostat.

French national sovereignty. The economic benefits of still tends to take a more intergovernmentalist stance
Community membership for France were recognised than the other five founding states with respect to the
and welcomed, but they were not to be paid for with powers of the EU institutions. Notwithstanding this
transfers of national sovereignty. Since de Gaulle’s tendency, however, French Presidents have sought to
resignation in 1969, France’s concerns about loss of be prominent in moving integration ahead and have
sovereignty have been less to the fore, though they linked up with others, especially German Chancellors,
have never quite disappeared and even today France for this purpose. So, most notably in this respect,
The Member States | 279

Photo 16.1 Charles de Gaulle, President of The strong preference was for the EC/EU to be con-
France, 1958–69 cerned primarily with market-related matters, and
more particularly for it to direct most of its efforts
towards creating an integrated and largely deregulated
European market. The proper and efficient opera-
tion of this market was not seen to require common
economic, financial, and social policies, let alone a
single currency. As for the political dimensions of
Community/Union membership, the governments
led by Margaret Thatcher and John Major were will-
ing to support the development of intergovernmental
cooperation when that seemed useful – as, for exam-
ple, in the field of foreign policy and aspects of inter-
nal security policy – but they almost invariably sought
to resist supranational developments and any loss of
national sovereignty.
With the election of a Labour government in 1997,
the British stance in the EU became more cooperative,
as was exemplified by the willingness of the govern-
ments led by Tony Blair and then Gordon Brown
to incorporate extensions to supranational decision-
making in the Amsterdam, Nice and Lisbon Treaties,
to provide a lead in the development of EU defence
policy, and to strike a generally positive stance in EU
forums. However, overall under Labour, and then
under the Conservative/Liberal Democrat 2010-15
coalition government, Britain remained in the slow
integration stream, as was demonstrated by the con-
President Mitterrand worked closely with Chancellor tinued unwillingness to join the single currency and
Kohl in the 1990s in driving forward the creation of Schengen systems and by the insistence in the nego-
EMU. However, in more recent years the impact of tiations that led to the Nice and Lisbon Treaties that
Franco-German leadership within the EU has not Britain be given a range of opt-outs – mainly from
been what it was, with the balance of power between measures designed to strengthen the EU’s justice and
the two no longer being, as it was until the onset of home affairs policies.
the crises, more or less equal, but now being decidedly In 2015, a majority Conservative government was
tilted towards Germany. elected to office with a commitment to renegotiating
some of the UK’s membership terms and then hold-
ing an in/out referendum on continued EU member-
The first enlargement round ship. In the negotiations the Prime Minster, David
acceding states: Denmark, Ireland, Cameron, who clearly wanted the outcome of the
and the UK referendum to be a vote to stay in, was forced into a
delicate balancing act: of not pressing the other EU
From joining the Community, the UK was something member states for ‘concessions’ they would not give,
of an awkward partner and played an important role but being seen by British voters to have been ‘tough’
in slowing aspects of the integration process. This was and to have improved the terms of Britain’s member-
especially so during the Conservative Party’s term of ship. As was shown in Chapter 1, he was largely unsuc-
office between 1979 and 1997, when a largely mini- cessful and was unable to overcome the many reasons
malist view was taken of what the EC/EU should be that resulted in a narrow majority of those who voted
doing and what organisational shape it should take. in the referendum to support exit.
280 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

Denmark’s record since joining the Community Nice Treaty. The vote put the implementation of the
has been not wholly dissimilar from that of the UK in Nice Treaty on hold until it was approved in another
that, aware of domestic scepticism about the supposed referendum held in October 2002. The second rejec-
benefits of EC/EU membership, Danish governments tion was of the Lisbon Treaty, in a referendum held in
have tended to be cautious in their approach to inte- June 2008. Again, the implementation of the Treaty
gration. The most dramatic manifestation of Danish had to be put on hold until the vote was reversed in
concern with the integration process occurred in 1992 another ‘second try’ referendum in October 2009.
when, in a national referendum, the Danish people Unlike the two ‘No’ referendum votes in Denmark,
rejected Denmark’s ratification of the Maastricht the Irish rejections were explained primarily not in
Treaty. This rejection, which was reversed in a second terms of eurosceptic sentiments but rather a variety of
referendum in 1993, upset the schedule for apply- domestic political circumstances.
ing the Treaty, took much wind out of the sails of
those who wished to press ahead quickly with further
integration, and resulted in Denmark distancing itself The Mediterranean round
from certain future integrationist projects. As part of acceding states: Greece, Spain,
this distancing, Denmark, like the UK, did not become and Portugal
a member of the common currency system when
it was launched in 1999, and then, in a referendum Since becoming a member state, Greece has generally
held in September 2000, the Danish people rejected supported the advancement of the integration process.
a recommendation made by their government to That said, particular Greek policies, concerns, and
join. Reflecting continuing euro-caution, if not out- special needs have created difficulties: Greece’s rela-
right euroscepticim, the Danes similarly voted, in tive poverty (it is the poorest West European member
December 2015, to reject a government recommenda- state) has contributed to pressures on the EU’s redis-
tion that Denmark’s ‘opt out’ from certain (essentially tributive policies and funds; although it wished to join
supranational) justice and home affairs policies be the single currency from its launch, it was the only
replaced with the possibility of the government being EU member state that was unable to meet the qualify-
able to decide to ‘opt in’. ing convergence criteria for entry into the first wave;
For the most part, Ireland has been a strongly pro- Greece’s long-standing hostility towards Turkey –
integrationist member state. One reason for this has now fading, but not gone – and its complicated web
been that it has been afforded generous treatment of friendships and hostilities with parts of the former
under the CAP and the Structural Funds. Another, Yugoslavia have presented difficulties in the way of
related, reason is that EU membership is commonly EU attempts to develop united and effective policies
viewed as having been a key contributing factor in South-East Europe; and Greece’s special links with
behind the so-called ‘Irish economic miracle’ that saw Cyprus led to it making threatening noises in the
rapid economic growth in the 1990s and early 2000s early 2000s about EU enlargement to CEECs should
and the transformation of Ireland from being one of Cyprus’s application be blocked. Above all, the unsta-
the EU’s poorest member states to one of the richest. ble and debt-ridden nature of the Greek economy and
And a third, and more recent reason, is that the EU the poor state of its public finances has meant that it
is generally seen as having been helpful in assisting has, and continues to be, at the centre of the post-2010
Ireland in dealing with the post-2008 banking crisis. eurozone crisis, whilst its geographical location and its
But, notwithstanding its generally strong pro- porous borders have meant that it also has been at the
integrationist stance, Ireland has created two major centre of the post-2014 migration crisis (on the two
‘constitutional’ problems for the EU, both of them crises, see Chapter 1).
involving decisions not to ratify EU Treaties. In Since their accessions both Spain and Portugal have
both instances the difficulties arose because the Irish broadly gone along with integrationist developments,
government is obliged to seek popular approval of with the former perhaps being a little more integra-
major EU Treaties by referendum. The first rejection tionist than the latter. The fear expressed in some
involved the decision of the Irish people in a refer- quarters before their accession that they would come
endum held in June 2001 to reject ratification of the to constitute a disruptive Iberian bloc has not been
The Member States | 281

realised. As would be expected, they do frequently act together on EU policy matters and would virtually
adopt similar positions on issues of common concern constitute a voting bloc in the Council. Such concerns
but, as with other member states, their preferences on have not been realised. They have not been so because,
specific policy matters often diverge. The single great- apart from generally supporting increased cohesion
est difficulties they, and more especially Spain, have funding (that is, funding that is primarily designed to
created for the EU are: (a) the tough position they help economically less prosperous parts of the EU) and
have (understandably) adopted in seeking to protect collectively resisting in 2015 the Commission’s pro-
themselves when – most notably in the context of the posal to alleviate the migration crisis by requiring all EU
enlargement to the CEECs – it has been suggested that Schengen member states to accept an imposed quota
the support they receive from the Structural Funds of migrants, the CEECs have no more constituted a
should be reduced; (b) their persisting economic cohesive group than have the EU-15. Post the 2004–07
problems (unemployment in Spain reached as high enlargement, the nature of divisions along national lines
as 27 per cent in the third quarter of 2013) and their within the Council and other EU institutions remain, as
related public finance indebtedness, which resulted they have always been, more cross-cutting than cumu-
in them requiring financial bailouts and thus signifi- lative. That is to say, on issues where there are divisions
cantly being part of the eurozone crisis. between member states, more often than not states ally
with one another in different combinations rather than
consistently ally in the same combinations.
The EFTAn round acceding states: But, though the CEECs as a whole have not consti-
Austria, Finland, and Sweden tuted a bloc within the enlarged EU, groups of CEECs do
seek to coordinate their activities in some policy areas.
Since their accession, none of the 1995 entrants has So, the Baltic States – Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania
created any major problems for the EU, although there – frequently liaise with one another before Council
was disappointment in ‘integrationist quarters’ when meetings, including by holding ministerial-level break-
the Swedish people decided in a referendum held in fast meetings. Prior to meetings of the General Affairs,
September 2003 not to join the single currency system. and more especially of the Foreign Affairs, Councils
In terms of distinctive contributions in particular pol- these breakfast meetings often also include the Foreign
icy areas, Sweden, working closely with Finland and the Ministers of the three Scandinavian states – Denmark
EU’s third Scandinavian member state – Denmark – Finland and Sweden. A more structured form of
has been to the fore in advancing EU environmental liaison is attempted by the Visegrad Group, which is
policy and in pressing the case for greater openness and made up of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and
transparency in the EU. The three Scandinavian states Slovakia and which is named after the Hungarian town
have also led the way, working in cooperation with where the group was launched in 1991. The Group ‘is
the Baltic states that acceded in 2004 (Estonia, Latvia, best described as a framework for both internally and
and Lithuania), in developing the EU’s ‘Northern externally oriented subregional cooperation between its
Dimension’ and Arctic policies, which are policies four Central and European member states … (it) can
designed to promote and protect EU and national be considered a permanent feature of the European
policy interests in the Baltic and Arctic seas regions. political landscape’ (Dangerfield, 2009: 3; see also,
Dangerfield, 2008). The Visegrad Group member states
exchange experiences and information across a number
The 10+2 round acceding states: of policy fields and seek to act cooperatively in some.
Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Their greatest cooperative activity since accession has
been in respect of strongly supporting, though not lead-
Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, ing, the development of the EU’s Eastern Partnership
Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, within the European Neighbourhood Policy which
Slovakia, and Slovenia was launched in 2003 to provide an overall framework
for channelling the EU’s relation with its neighbours
Prior to the accession of the 10+2 states, concerns were in the Mediterranean and to the East. (The Eastern
expressed in some EU quarters that the CEECs would Partnership was formally launched in May 2009, in part
282 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

as a counterpart to the Mediterranean Union that was has always been the Cyprus Problem, with Cypriot
launched in 2008.) representatives constantly having to address it one
Regarding individual CEECs having a particular way or another – most particularly by ensuring that
impact on the EU, the two clearest instances concern EU policies do not involve the EU officially dealing
institutional matters. The first involved Poland which, directly with authorities in northern Cyprus and by
even before it assumed membership, joined forces ensuring that pressure is maintained on Turkey to
with (the similarly sized) Spain at the December 2003 assist with a resolution of the Problem. On the par-
European Council meeting to block agreement on ticular issue of the Turkish EU membership applica-
the Constitutional Treaty until both states had been tion, Cyprus has been to the fore in pressing for the
given more votes under the Council’s revised QMV pace of the accession negotiations to be slow until
rules (rules that are now, as scheduled, being phased Turkey has given full recognition to Cyprus and the
out – see Chapter 7). The second instance involved Cyprus Problem has been resolved. This pressing has
the Czech Republic and Poland, both of which – been successful, though it has been greatly assisted by
because they had strongly Eurosceptic Presidents the fact that some other member states – especially
whose approvals were required – were very laggardly Austria, France, and Germany – have, for their own
in ratifying the Lisbon Treaty. Indeed, the signature of reasons, also wanted to see the negotiations with
the Czech President, Vaclav Klaus, was the very last act Turkey be dragged out.
in the Lisbon Treaty ratification process.
More recently, the adoption by some CEECs of *  *  *
distinctive, often nationalist-inspired, stances on par- Croatia, which became an EU member state in 2013
ticular policy matters have also created difficulties. and which, as was noted in Chapter 5, is likely to be
Hungary, for example, has courted good relations seen in time as the first acceding state of ‘the Balkan’
with Russia at a time when the EU has been distancing enlargement round, has integrated reasonably well
itself in response to Russia’s invasion of Crimea and its and has not created any particular difficulties for
support to breakaway elements in the east of Ukraine. the EU.
And the election to office in Poland in October 2015
of the right-wing and nationalist Law and Justice (PiS) *  *  *
party signalled, amongst other things, that in the fore- As was indicated above, attention is now turned to the
seeable future Poland would not be seeking – as it is channels via which member states input into the EU.
obliged to do under its treaty of accession – to join the
single currency system.
Bulgaria and Romania have created problems of Governments
a different kind for the EU, with the corruption in
public life that raised questions about their prepared- Governments are naturally in the strongest position
ness for membership in 2007 continuing to remain of all national actors to control or influence EU pro-
rife. The EU-25 were well aware of these problems cesses. This will be shown by examining their rela-
when they decided to let the 2007 enlargement go tions with the Commission and the Council. (Their
ahead, but hopes that membership would lead to the relations with the European Council are examined
problems being more robustly and effectively tackled throughout Chapter 11.)
have been over-optimistic. In consequence, unprec-
edented supervisory programmes – under the name of
Co-operation and Verification Mechanisms (CVMs) – Influencing the Commission
that initially were supposed to last for just three years,
have remained in place. As was shown in Chapter 9, the system of appointment
As for the two non-CEECs that were part of the to the Commission ensures that all member states are
2004–07 enlargement round – Cyprus and Malta – the represented within it. This, however, does not mean
latter has created no particular problems for the EU that Commissioners or Commission officials act as
since it became a member in 2004. However, looming governmental representatives. Rather, for the most part
over Cyprus’s involvement in ‘normal’ policy areas they look to the EU-wide interest and are not open to
The Member States | 283

instructions from national capitals. But they may, quite weight in the Council and greater administrative
naturally, be inclined to take a particular interest in the resources to bring to bear on particular policy
impact of proposals on their own country. And govern- issues, but also because the smaller states tend to
ments looking for sympathetic ears in the Commission defer to the size and resources of the larger states.
may well make fellow nationals their first port of call The case should not, however, be overstated for, as
(though not necessarily: competent government offi- Thorhallsson (2000), Archer and Nugent (2002),
cials, especially from the Permanent Representations, and Panke (2010; 2011) amongst others have shown,
cultivate a broad range of contacts in the Commission). the governments of the smaller states do often dis-
As well as the use of national contacts, there play characteristics that make it possible for them to
are many other ways in which governments try to participate successfully in Council decision-making
­persuade, influence or bring pressure to bear on the processes. Amongst these characteristics are: more
Commission. Use is made of the many formal c­ hannels informal domestic lines of policy communication;
on which governments are represented, such as the more flexible internal decision-making; the issuing
groups of experts who advise the Commission on all of guidelines rather than instructions to Council
sorts of matters, the committees through which the negotiators; and a focus on a narrower range of
Commission exercises many of its executive functions, policy issues.
and the numerous decision-making meetings that
take place within the Council system from working
party level upwards – meetings that the Commission The importance of the state to particular
virtually always attends. Informal methods range from negotiations
a minister ringing up a Commissioner to a working When an issue is important to a state, its govern-
party representative meeting a Commission official ment is actively involved in Council processes and
for lunch. is likely to ensure that it is represented by senior
It should be emphasised that government influ- figures in Council meetings. When, by contrast, a
ence on Commission thinking is not necessarily a bad state is not much affected by an issue it may send
thing. On the contrary, it can be positively helpful if, junior people to represent it and its representatives
for example, it improves the prospect of legislative may not engage actively in Council deliberations.
proposals being adopted. However, it can become For example, in Common Fisheries Policy (CFP)
unhealthy if governments try to lean too heavily on deliberations the Spanish and Irish governments
their fellow nationals in the Commission or, as occa- are likely to be much more central actors than the
sionally used to be the case but is rarely so now, if clus- Austrian or Slovak governments. Similarly, whilst
ters of nationals have a disproportionate influence on the Maltese government hardly engages in respect of
policy development in a key sector (as was alleged of railways policy (there are no railroads in Malta), it is
the French in respect of agriculture and the Germans highly active in respect of such policy areas as migra-
in respect of competition policy). tion, gambling (there are several casinos in Malta)
and pyrotechnics (fireworks are an important part
of religious feasts on the island).
Influencing the Council
The potential for any government to influence what The desire of the government to play
happens in the Council depends on a number of an active role
factors. Where governments have strong policy preferences
they are likely to be to the fore in the preparation of
position papers and to be highly active in relevant
The size of the state it represents
policy debates and deliberations. This may result in
On most policy issues the governments of the EU’s them playing a crucial role in helping to set policy
larger member states exercise more influence than agendas and establish ‘framework ideas’. Examples of
do those of the smaller member states. This is not governments exercising such a role include Germany
just because the larger states have greater voting in respect of the ‘sound money’ principles of EMU
284 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

and the UK in respect of the liberal principles of the developments. However, as was shown earlier in the
internal market. chapter, it is a relationship that in recent years has
become increasingly balanced towards the German
The capacity of the government to play an side.
An increasingly important aspect of governmental
active role strategies in the EU sees governments linking up with
A government may have clear views on an EU initia- a small number of other governments – perhaps just
tive and may wish to play an active role in supporting one or two – on specific issues, often for the purpose
or opposing it, but be restrained by domestic politi- of launching initiatives.
cal considerations such as a finely balanced coalition
government, opposition from key interest groups, or The procedures applying
possible electoral damage.
Of particular importance here is whether qualified
majority voting is permissible under the relevant
Relations with other governments treaty article(s) and is politically acceptable in the
Cohesive and fixed alliances within the EU between circumstances applying. If it is, concessions and com-
particular governments do not exist. The governments promises might be preferable to being outvoted. If
of small states, for example, do not come together as it is not, any government can cause indefinite delay,
a group, except on some treaty reform issues. Rather, though by so doing it may weaken goodwill towards it
governments come together in different combinations and thus damage its long-term interests. An example
on different issues. Taking Irish governments as an of governments forgoing the use of a veto they would
example, their positions have traditionally been close have liked to have exercised is Austria and Cyprus,
to the positions of the governments of: Spain, Greece which in 2004 and 2005 resisted vetoing the opening
and Portugal on cohesion policy; Sweden and Finland of accession negotiations with Turkey.
on defence; France on agriculture; the Benelux states
on institutional questions; and the UK on taxation The competence of governmental negotiators
and some justice and home affairs matters.
However, some governments do make more of a Given the extensive tactical manoeuvrings involved in
conscious effort than others to seek general under- EU processes, and given that many negotiations are not
standings and cooperation with one or more of their about the broad sweep of policy but are about highly
EU partners. So, for example, the Heads of Government technical matters, the competence of individual nego-
of the three Nordic member states – Denmark, Sweden tiators can be crucial. Are they well briefed and able
and Finland – usually meet before each European to master details? Can they judge how far their nego-
Council meeting to discuss issues of common concern. tiating partners can be pushed? Can they avoid being
The Benelux leaders also often meet before summits. isolated? Can they build coalitions? Can they time their
And, as was noted above, Baltic and Visegrad leaders interventions so as to clinch points? The evidence sug-
and ministers also often get together on a regular basis, gests that variations in such competencies are not so
with the last of these even having institutionalised their much between states as between individual negotiators.
meetings with a rotating Presidency.
The most influential of member state governments The arrangements for linking representatives
to have a close relationship are France and Germany,
which have consciously fostered and maintained close
in the Council with national capitals
working relations since the early 1960s. The so-called There are significant variations in the ways in which
Franco-German axis is no longer as commanding as it governments attempt to manage and control their
was when there were only six member states, or when input into the Council via their representatives. Two
Chancellor Schmidt and President Giscard d’Estaing aspects of this are particularly worth mentioning.
and later Chancellor Kohl and President Mitterrand First, some countries – including Belgium, Italy,
worked closely together, but it still plays an impor- and the Netherlands – generally allow their senior
tant part in helping to shape and set the pace of EU representatives to work within a relatively flexible
The Member States | 285

framework. This is demonstrated by the way in which arrangements: major political and constitutional EU
representatives are often able to negotiate on impor- issues are handled by the Heads of Government,
tant policy matters not just at the ministerial level but assisted by their Foreign and Finance Ministers;
also at the level of senior officials. As well as assist- the formal link between the domestic capital and
ing the functioning of the Council as a whole – by Brussels is generally coordinated through the Foreign
reducing the need for awkward issues to be referred Ministry, the Finance/Economics Ministry, or both;
upwards – manoeuvrability of this kind can be used most ministries in all member states have adjusted
to the national advantage by competent negotiators. their internal structures to meet EU requirements;
At the same time, however, too much independence and despite some convergence, the nature of the
on the part of representatives can lead to the need for coordination arrangements varies considerably
awkward backtracking at a later negotiating stage if a between the member states.
misjudgement is made. In contrast, the representatives
*  *  *
of some other states – including France and the UK –
are generally reluctant and/or are not able to negotiate Some flesh can be put on these general observations by
on policy issues below ministerial level. Whether, as is comparing the arrangements made by three member
sometimes claimed, this greater rigidity improves the states: Malta, which is a small member state with a
consistency and effectiveness of a country’s negotiat- very centralised coordinating system; the UK, which
ing position is doubtful. Undoubtedly, the more that is a large state with a quite centralised coordinating
countries lean in this direction, and all do at times, the system; and Germany, which is a large member state
more that negotiations at the lower Council levels are with a more fragmented system.
limited to technical matters and the more the overall *  *  *
Council process is protracted.
In Malta, a centralised governmental system and
At the most senior Council level – ministerial
a majority party political system have provided a
meetings – there is, of course, not such a problem
favourable base for tight coordinating mechanisms.
of control from national capitals. It is important to
At the heart of the system is the Permanent
ensure that the minister is fully briefed on the national
Representation in Brussels and the EU Secretariat –
implications of proposals and is accompanied by
the latter of which was based until 2013 in the Office
national officials who fully understand all aspects of
of the Prime Minister (OPM) but which has since
agenda items, but the political weight of the partici-
been relocated to the Ministry for European Affairs
pants usually means that, if the will is there, commit-
and the Implementation of the Electoral Manifesto
ments can be entered into without having to refer
(MEAIM). Most matters that require attention are
back for clearance. This is not to say that those in
channelled from the Permanent Representation to
attendance at ministerial meetings can do as they like.
the EU Secretariat, which then hands on the mat-
At a minimum they are obliged to operate within the
ter to the appropriate ministry to coordinate and
general guidelines of their government’s policies. They
prepare a response. The response is returned to the
may also be subject to special national constraints:
EU Secretariat, which then normally refers it for
perhaps occasioned by an inability of the minister to
clearance to the Inter-Ministerial Committee on
attend personally; perhaps linked to domestic political
EU Affairs (IMCEU). Despite its name, the IMCEU
difficulties caused by the existence of a coalition gov-
is composed not of ministers but of permanent
ernment; perhaps caused by a national parliamentary
secretaries (the most senior civil servants) from
committee having indicated concerns; or perhaps a
all major ministries – though usually the latter
consequence of a particular national interest having
are represented by their directors for EU Affairs.
resulted in the establishment of a rigid governmental
(All ministries have such directors, with support
position in advance.
teams – the size of which varies). If the matter is
Second, in all member states arrangements have
politically sensitive or especially important, it is
been established to enable governments to coordi-
referred to the Cabinet Committee on EU Affairs
nate their policy towards and their participation in
for finalisation.
the EU. According to Peters and Wright (2001: 162)
four general observations can be made about these *  *  *
286 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

Like Malta, the UK also has a centralised governmental In Germany a number of factors combine to make
system and (normally) a majority party political sys- coordination on EU matters more difficult than it is
tem. As in Malta these have contributed to the crea- in the UK:
tion of centralised coordinating mechanisms.
The mechanisms themselves are formalised, struc- • The almost constant existence of a coalition
tured, and seemingly well integrated. At the general government and the need to satisfy (though not on
policy level, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office a consistent basis across policy areas) the different
(FCO), the Cabinet Office, and the UK Permanent elements of the coalition.
Representation to the European Union (UKREP) are • The relative autonomy of ministers and ministries
the key bodies: the FCO frequently changes its organi- within the federal government.
sational arrangements for dealing with the EU, with, • The existence of several important coordi-
at the time of writing, a range of units located within nating centres, most particularly based in the
an umbrella Europe and Globalisation Directorate; the Chancellor’s Office, the Foreign Ministry, the
Cabinet Office contains a European Secretariat which, Finance Ministry (for EMU matters), and the
amongst other things, convenes each year around 200 Economics Ministry.
interdepartmental meetings of civil servants attended • The considerable powers of the federal states (the
by representatives from appropriate ministries, includ- Länder) in certain policy areas.
ing one regular weekly meeting that is attended by the • The strong sectoral specialisation allied with loyal-
Permanent Representative; and UKREP – which is for- ties to different federal ministries amongst the
mally an FCO overseas post – acts as the eyes and ears of staff of the German Permanent Representation in
the UK in Brussels. Working together, these three bodies Brussels.
attempt to monitor, coordinate and control overall EU
developments: by giving general consideration to impor- The German system is still able to arrange the
tant matters due to come up at forthcoming meetings; sort of coordinating activities that take place in some
by looking at whether a broadly consistent line is being form in all member states – with, for example, regular
pursued across different policy areas; by trying to ensure meetings being held of representatives from relevant
that ministries have issued sufficiently clear guidelines for ministries at (normally junior) ministerial and senior
representatives in Council meetings; and, in the cases of official levels. But, in consequence of the particular
the FCO and UKREP, giving briefings to representatives challenges it faces, Germany’s European policies are
when appropriate. ‘Above’ these three bodies, but not sometimes less than consistent and Germany’s posi-
involved in such a continual manner, there is a Cabinet tion in EU negotiations often emerges much later than
Committee on European Issues chaired by the Foreign do the positions of governments in more centralised
Secretary, the Cabinet itself, and the Prime Minister. systems such as the UK.
‘Below’ them, each ministry has its own arrangements Fortunately for Germany, having strong and effec-
for examining proposals that fall within its competence tive domestic arrangements for coordinating inputs
and for ensuring that specialist negotiators are well into EU processes is not the only factor in deter-
briefed and fully aware of departmental thinking. Where mining policy influence in the EU. Its position as
EU matters loom large in a ministry’s work, special divi- the strongest single EU state seemingly enables it to
sions or units exist for coordination purposes. avoid being too seriously damaged by this internal
A new ministry to manage the UK’s withdrawal weakness.
from the EU was established after the Brexit referen-
dum in 2016: the Department for Exiting the European *  *  *
Union. So too was a new Cabinet Committee created But whatever the particulars of their arrange-
which, significantly in terms of where the main politi- ments for attempting to influence and shape EU
cal power regarding Brexit was to lie, was to be chaired processes, all governments find it difficult to fully
by the Prime Minister. coordinate their inputs. The reasons for this are set
out in Box 16.1.
*  *  *
The Member States | 287

One of the main reasons for the comparative lack

BOX 16.1 of direct parliamentary control has been that until the
Lisbon Treaty entered into force national parliaments
Reasons why governments find it had no formal EU treaty powers, so governments
difficult to fully coordinate their were in a strong position to choose what to consult
‘inputs’ into the EU their parliaments about. In practice, all governments
consulted their parliaments on fundamental matters
• The EU’s policy portfolio continues to grow,
with decisions being taken in almost all areas of
when the treaties referred to ratification in accordance
with ‘respective constitutional requirements’ (enlarge-
public policy. This applies both to major and ments, treaty amendments, and the EU’s budgetary
long-term decisions, on the likes of EMU and base carry this provision), but otherwise there were
enlargement, and to more specific and technical great variations between the states.
decisions on such matters as the internal market The Lisbon Treaty provided for a narrowing of
and environmental standards. these variations and formally increased the role of
• Many decisions are being made more quickly.
The greater use of QMV means that govern-
national parliaments in the EU system by its inclu-
sion – most particularly in a new Article 12 TEU and
ments can no longer always delay progress on a in new protocols – of a number of provisions specifi-
proposal until they are ready and satisfied. cally designed to increase the role of national parlia-
• The increased scope of EU policy interests
means that there are no longer just a few
ments. The most important of these provisions were
new rights to examine policy documents and draft
domestic ministries – such as Agriculture, legislative acts and a new power to require that draft
Trade, and Finance – which are directly legislation be reconsidered. The Commission had, in
involved with the EU. The ‘Europeanisation’ practice, long forwarded appropriate documentation
of domestic politics and administration has to national parliaments, and indeed since 2006 had
resulted in most ministries in most states being forwarded draft legislative proposals to them at the
affected by, and becoming actively involved same time as doing so to the EP and Council, but the
in, EU affairs. So, for example, as long ago as parliaments had no formal powers to directly input
2001, Wessels (2001) estimated that approxi- into EU processes. Under Article 12 TEU, if one-third
mately one-third of all senior (A-level) German of national parliaments object to a new legislative pro-
Federal Ministry officials were involved directly posal on the grounds that it breaches the EU’s subsidi-
in different phases of the Brussels policy cycle, arity principle the Commission must reconsider the
whilst nearly two-thirds were in contact with proposal. If the Commission then decides to continue
the EU system in some way as part of their with the proposal the matter must be referred to the
normal administrative work. Council and the EP for a final decision if a majority of
national parliaments continue to object. In practice,
this provision – which is commonly referred to as ‘the
yellow card’ procedure – has had little impact, partly
because there is no objective way of determining if a
Parliaments proposal is in breach of subsidiarity.
In addition to the pre-Lisbon lack of treaty-based
Parliaments have much less influence than govern- powers, a number of logistical difficulties arising in
ments over EU developments. Of course, governments relation to advising on EU legislation have also con-
normally reflect the political composition of their tributed to the weakness of national parliaments. The
national legislatures and must retain their confidence, difficulties include: much EU legislation is so techni-
so – in an indirect sense – government activity in cal that it is almost incomprehensible to the aver-
relation to the EU could be said to reflect the parlia- age national legislator; there is little opportunity for
mentary will. But that is a quite different matter from national parliamentarians to consider even the most
direct parliamentary control. important legislation at the formative and crucial
288 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

pre-proposal stage; legislative proposals can change in

nature as they make their way through EU decision- BOX 16.2
making procedures, but it is usually just not practical
for national parliaments to track every change at every Variations in national
step; and QMV in the Council means that a parlia- parliamentary arrangements for
ment whose government has been outvoted has no monitoring and controlling EU
way of calling the real decision-makers to account.
To such logistical difficulties must be added matters
nationally chosen practices, which sometimes also
have weakened the influence of national parliaments. • All parliaments have established an EU commit-
tee or committees of some sort. However,
The varying roles that national parliaments played in
the summer of 2015 following a special Euro Summit whereas in some cases these serve as the main
that authorised an emergency financial bailout for forum for dealing with EU matters, in others
Greece illustrates this: a few parliaments of euro- they serve more as coordinating committees
zone states – including those of Austria, France, and with the detailed work being undertaken by
Germany – held full plenary debates and votes; several appropriate ‘subject’ committees.
parliaments – including those of Estonia, Finland, and • The regularity with which and the circum-
stances in which ministers with EU policy
Sweden – gave their approval by votes in relevant par-
liamentary committees; but in a few parliaments there responsibilities appear before appropriate
was virtually no scrutiny of, and certainly no formal parliamentary bodies to explain and be ques-
approval given to, the government’s actions, at all. tioned about these policies varies considerably.
But notwithstanding such problems and difficul- • Some parliaments have established close work-
ing relationships with their national MEPs,
ties, all national parliaments have established some
sort of specialised arrangements for attempting to deal whilst others have not. In some parliaments –
with EU affairs. In different ways and with different including the Belgian, German, and Greek – the
degrees of effectiveness, these arrangements focus on specialised EU committees include MEPs, whilst
examining proposed EU legislation, scrutinising min- in a growing number of parliaments MEPs are
isterial positions and performances, producing reports used as experts when appropriate.
on EU-related matters, and generally monitoring EU
developments. Amongst the many differences that
exist between the national arrangements three are par- Council meetings are scheduled, but they cannot be
ticularly worth noting. They are set out in Box 16.2. mandated to adopt particular positions.
Despite the changes and adjustments made by par- The three Scandinavian EU member states –
liaments in recognition of the importance of the EU, Denmark, Finland, and Sweden – have similar
it is still, however, inevitably the case that parliaments arrangements to each other and are very much excep-
are, as compared with governments, confined to a tions to the general pattern of legislative weakness. Of
junior role, though one that is generally increasing. the three, the Danish Parliament – the Folketing – is
The position of the Irish Parliament is fairly typi- probably the strongest. There are two main sources
cal. Motivated by desires to increase the extent and of its strength. First, there has been a powerful
efficiency of its control over ministers when they rep- anti-integration sentiment amongst the people of
resent Ireland in the Council and also by a resolve to Denmark since accession in 1973. No Danish gov-
improve the scrutiny of EU legislation, it has changed ernment has been able to ignore the articulation of
its arrangements on a number of occasions over the this in the Folketing, especially since Danish govern-
years. The situation now is that overall EU develop- ments are invariably coalitions or minorities. Second,
ments are channelled mainly through a Committee the Folketing has a committee system – formerly
on the European Union whilst specific policy mat- based on a very influential European Committee,
ters and the scrutiny of EU legislation are handled since 2004 broadened out to include ‘mainstream’
by sectoral committees. Ministers sometimes, but by policy committees – that includes amongst its activi-
no means always, appear before committees when ties close working relationships between Danish
The Member States | 289

parliamentarians and ministers in advance of the In recent years the most important instances of
latter attending Council meetings. The principal national court involvements have been in connection
advantage of the system is that it helps to ensure with Irish ratification of the SEA, German ratification
that agreements reached by Danish ministers in the of the Maastricht Treaty, and German and Czech rati-
Council are not subsequently queried or endangered fications of the Lisbon Treaty. The Irish involvement
at home. The principal disadvantage is that it can occurred in December 1986 when the Irish Supreme
make it difficult for Danish representatives to be Court, by a margin of three to two, found in favour of
flexible in the Council and can result in them being a Raymond Crotty, who had challenged the constitu-
isolated if new solutions to problems are advanced tional validity of the SEA. The judges ruled that Title
during the course of negotiations. III of the Act, which put foreign policy cooperation
(For a detailed account of the powers and proce- on a legal basis, could restrict Ireland’s sovereignty
dures of all member state parliaments, see Hefftler and might inhibit it from pursuing its traditionally
et al., 2015.) neutral foreign policy. The SEA must therefore, they
indicated, be endorsed by a referendum. As a result,
the SEA was unable to come into effect in any of the
twelve Community states in January 1987, as had
Courts been intended, and was delayed until after the Irish
had given their approval in the duly held referendum.
National courts might be thought to have a signifi- Since the 1986 SEA ruling, Irish ratification of the
cant role to play as the guarantors and defenders of EU’s major reforming treaties – those of Maastricht,
national rights against EU encroachment, but in prac- Amsterdam, Nice and Lisbon – has always been
tice they do not. deemed to require approval by national referendum:
The reason for this, as was explained in Chapter 13, which, as is shown later in the chapter, resulted in the
is that the principle of primacy of EU law is accepted entry into force of the Nice and Lisbon Treaties being
by national courts. There were some initial teething considerably delayed.
problems in this regard, but it is now extremely rare The first German national court involvement
for national courts to question the legality of EU pro- occurred when several people – including four Green
ceedings and decisions. The treaties, EU legislation, Party MEPs – appealed to the country’s Constitutional
and the case law of the EU courts are seen as taking Court to declare that the Maastricht Treaty was in
precedence when they clash with national law. The breach of the German constitution, the Basic Law. The
frequent practice of national courts to seek prelimi- appeal was made shortly after the Bundestag and the
nary rulings from the CJEU in cases where there is Bundesrat had ratified the Treaty by huge majorities
uncertainty over an aspect of EU law is testimony to in December 1992, with the consequence that, instead
the general desire of national courts not to be out of of being one of the first countries to ratify the Treaty,
step with EU law. Germany became the very last as the Constitutional
That said, national courts have occasionally sought Court did not issue its judgement until October 1993.
to assert national rights and interests against the EU. In its judgement the Court declared that the TEU did
For example, in a few instances national courts have not infringe Germany’s constitution, but made it clear
refused to acknowledge the legality of directives that that certain conditions would have to be satisfied in
have not been incorporated into national law by the respect of further integration.
due date, even though the CJEU has ruled that in such The second German court involvement and the
circumstances they may be deemed as having direct Czech court involvement both concerned cases taken
effect. Constitutional law, especially as applied to indi- before the national constitutional courts claiming that
vidual rights, has been another area where some asser- the Lisbon Treaty was in breach of national constitu-
tion of national independence has been attempted by tional law. Both cases resulted in delays to national
national courts, though less often since the principle ratifications of the Treaty. In Germany, the Court
of EU law having precedence over national constitu- ruled, in July 2009, that the Treaty would be compat-
tional law was confirmed by Court of Justice rulings ible with German law as long as German law on par-
in the early 1970s. liamentary oversight of EU business was strengthened.
290 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

This was duly done. In the Czech Republic, the • The Committee of the Regions exists for the precise
Constitutional Court ruled, in November 2009, that purpose of enabling EU decision-makers to seek the
there was no conflict between the Treaty and national views of regional representatives on regional issues.
constitutional law. • A few governments – including the Belgian, the
German, and the British – include regional repre-
sentatives in their Council ministerial teams when
Subnational Levels of the domestic responsibility for agenda items is
shared with regional governments as is, for exam-
Government ple, often the case with aspects of such policy areas
as cohesion, fishing, and the environment.
The parts played and the influence exercised by subna-
tional levels of government in the EU were considered The EU may be a long way from the Europe of
in Chapter 14 (in the section on the Committee of the Regions that some advocate and others claim to
the Regions) and in Chapter 15. Therefore, only a few detect, but clearly the national dimension of EU affairs
observations will be made here on key points. has an increasingly powerful subnational element
Subnational levels of government have grown in attached to it.
importance within the EU system over the years, not
least as a result of decentralisation and regionalisa-
tion in several member states. A consequence of this
has been that national authorities, especially govern- Citizens’ Views
ments, have lost some of their power to articulate and
advance ‘the national position’ in EU decision-making Referendums
forums. The extent to which national authorities’
gate-keeping roles have been undermined naturally One way in which citizens can have their say on issues
varies according to a number of factors, most particu- is in referendums. Leaving aside the special case of
larly the national constitutional status of subnational accession referendums which most, though not all,
levels of government, but even in countries where post-foundation states have held prior to their EC/
central powers remain strong – for example, Ireland EU accessions (Cyprus was the only 10+2 state not to
and Denmark – by no means all EU-national official hold one), up to autumn 2016 27 referendums had
communications are channelled through the central been held in member states on direct EC/EU related
authorities. matters. As can be seen from Table 16.2, many of these
Channels of communication between the EU referendums have been concerned with the ratifica-
and subnational levels of government include the tion of EC/EU Treaties.
­following: Whilst referendums do inject an element of direct
democracy into public decision-making, it must be
• Most EU states have subnational levels of govern- doubted whether the referendums listed in Table 16.2
ment of some kind that have offices or representa- have really done much to deal with the much-publi-
tions in Brussels. For example, all of Germany’s cised and debated problem of the EU’s so-called ‘demo-
länder and Spain’s autonomia have offices, as do cratic deficit’. For a number of reasons:
most of France’s regions. The tasks of these offices
include lobbying, information gathering, gener- • Twenty-seven is not very many give the time period
ally establishing contacts and ‘keeping in touch’ involved and the large number of member states.
with appropriate officials and decision-makers, and • Of the 27, 13 – just under half – have been held in
acting as intermediaries between the EU and the just two states: Denmark (six) and Ireland (seven).
regions/localities. • Many of the referendums have been, or have
• Many of the subnational levels of government that become, tangled up with national politics and have
do not have their own offices in Brussels make not, in practice, been primarily about, or focused
use of Brussels-based consultancies and/or have on, the EU. For example, the 1972 French refer-
domestically based EU offices and officers. endum was really designed to boost the legitimacy
The Member States | 291

Table 16.2 Referendums in member states on direct EC/EU issues*

Date Country Subject of referendum Referendum

1972 France Ratification of EU enlargement Yes
1975 UK Continued EC membership Yes
1986 Denmark Ratification of SEA Yes
1987 Ireland Ratification of SEA Yes
1989 Italy Transformation of the EC into an ‘effective union’ Yes
1992 Denmark Ratification of Maastricht Treaty No
1992 Ireland Ratification of Maastricht Treaty Yes
1992 France Ratification of Maastricht Treaty Yes
1993 Denmark Ratification of Maastricht Treaty Yes
1998 Ireland Ratification of Amsterdam Treaty Yes
1998 Denmark Ratification of Amsterdam Treaty Yes
2000 Denmark Whether to join the euro No
2001 Ireland Ratification of Nice Treaty No
2002 Ireland Ratification of Nice Treaty Yes
2003 Sweden Whether to join the euro No
2005 Spain Ratification of Constitutional Treaty Yes
2005 France Ratification of Constitutional Treaty No
2005 Netherlands Ratification of Constitutional Treaty No
2005 Luxembourg Ratification of Constitutional Treaty Yes
2008 Ireland Ratification of Lisbon Treaty No
2009 Ireland Ratification of Lisbon Treaty Yes
2012 Ireland Ratification of Fiscal Pact Treaty Yes
2015 Greece Whether to accept the EU’s terms for a ‘bailout’ No
to Greece
2015 Denmark Whether to allow the government to extend No
Denmark’s involvement in AFSJ activities
2016 Netherlands Whether to approve the EU–Ukraine Association No
2016 UK Whether to remain in or exit from the EU Exit
2016 Hungary Whether to approve the EU’s mandatory reloca- No
tion plan for migrants
* Up to autumn 2016. Voting figures in the referendums are given in the Chronology.

and status of President Pompidou, whilst the 2001 endum campaigns and the 2016 Dutch referendum
and 2008 Irish referendums focused largely around campaign showed that citizens had little informed
‘non-EU’ issues – including dissatisfaction with the knowledge on what they were being asked to vote.
government and the protection of ‘family values’. • Most referendums have not been on issues that
• Few referendums have been on issues that citizens much engage citizens. The clearest exceptions to
really understand in terms of how the referen- this have been: the referendums in Sweden and
dum outcome will impact on them. For example, Denmark on euro membership; the 2015 referen-
surveys during the 2005 French and Dutch refer- dum in Greece on whether to accept the austerity
292 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

conditions being required of it as a price of being public opinion. In recognition of this, the rhetoric
given (another) EU financial bailout; the 2015 of supporters of European integration became more
Danish referendum on whether to give the govern- tempered for a while and the importance of the decen-
ment authority to decide to opt-in to AFSJ activi- tralising subsidiarity principle, which was only briefly
ties from which Denmark currently had opt-outs; referred to in the Treaty, was given a greatly enhanced
the 2016 referendum on whether the UK should status by decision-makers. The 2001 and 2008 Irish
exit the EU; and the 2016 referendum in Hungary referendums might also be placed in this category in
on whether or not to accept EU plans for the that they drew attention to the ‘dangers’ in an ever-
compulsory relocation of migrants. larger EU of permitting national electorates, and
sometimes very small electorates, a decisive influence
The fact is that on major EU issues to which citi- on EU-wide issues.
zens can relate and have an opinion (albeit, often, an Such perceived ‘dangers’ of referendums has had
ill-informed opinion), few referendums have been the effect of reinforcing the EU’s elite-driven charac-
held. This is, of course, primarily because the politi- ter. Indeed, the main reason there has been an unwill-
cal systems of the member states are based on repre- ingness in recent years to tackle euro area problems by
sentative rather than on direct democracy. But, it is treaty reform (which many policy practitioners think
also partly because when there have been pressures is necessary) has been a realisation that – in an era of
on member state governments to hold referendums rising euroscepticism and populism – several member
on EU-related issues they have usually not taken the states would find it very difficult to avoid holding
‘risk’ for fear of citizens giving the ‘wrong’ answer. It referendums on the ratification of a new treaty. And
is significant, for example, that not one referendum on some of these referendums might well not be ‘won’,
euro membership has been held in the member states as evidenced by the fact that all five of the EU-related
that have become euro members, even though – or referendums that were held in 2015–16 were ‘lost’.
more precisely because – there was evidence of sub- Fourth, a few referendums have had very direct and
stantial opposition in several of the states, including specific policy consequences. Amongst the fall-out of
Germany. In the two states where euro membership the 1992 Danish referendum was that Denmark was
referendums have been held – Denmark and Sweden given, as an inducement to approve the Maastricht
– the people voted ‘no’. Treaty, ‘opt-outs’ from EMU and from the projected
This is not, however, to say that there have not been common defence policy. The 2000 Danish and 2003
referendums that have not had a significant impact Swedish referendums resulted in those countries not
on the integration process. Five types of referendums joining the single currency system. And the 2015
have been especially important. Danish referendum, the outcome of which was largely
First, the 2005 referendums in France and the determined by general anti-EU sentiments (especially
Netherlands produced negative majorities on the against its migration policies), prevented the govern-
Constitutional Treaty, which resulted in the (even- ment from acting on its preferred course of action of
tual) abandonment of attempts to ratify the Treaty being more immersed in EU AFSJ policies.
and to its replacement by the Lisbon Treaty. Fifth, the 2016 UK referendum did, as has been
Second, some referendums have delayed treaty shown at several points in this book, result in the UK
ratifications: the 1992 Danish referendum on the triggering the process of exiting from EU membership.
Maastricht Treaty, the 2001 Irish referendum on the
Nice Treaty, and the 2008 Irish referendum on the *  *  *
Lisbon Treaty. Of course, there is one way in which referendums
Third, there have been referendums that have could potentially act as a direct and effective channel
affected public, and especially elite, thinking about for citizen’s views on EU issues and that would be
the integration process. The 1992 Danish and French to hold EU-wide referendums on matters of major
referendums on the Maastricht Treaty drew attention importance. Such was suggested by many ‘pro-inte-
to how European integration was essentially an elite- grationists’ in the context of the ratification of the
driven process and emphasised that it is important Constitutional Treaty. There was, however, never any
for decision-makers not to get too out of step with realistic prospect of an EU-wide referendum being
The Member States | 293

held on the Treaty and nor is there any prospect in much concerned with ‘European issues’ or with the
the foreseeable future of such a referendum being held competence of candidates to deal with European mat-
on any other matter. The main reason for this is that ters. That said, however, the EU has come to feature
EU-wide referendums – especially if their outcomes more than it used to do in national elections, with
were to be binding – would involve what for most EU nationalist and populist parties – which generally are
governments would be an unacceptable ‘transfer’ of of the far-right in their political persuasions and ‘anti-
sovereignty from the national to the EU level. Europe’ in their stances – making electoral progress in
several countries.

European Parliament elections

In contrast with the only occasional and localised Public opinion
opportunities for participation offered by referen- Public opinion towards the EU and its policies
dums, elections to the EP provide citizens with regular is closely and extensively monitored, both at the
and direct opportunities to participate in the political EU level through regular Commission-sponsored
process on an EU-wide basis. (See Chapter 12 for Eurobarometer polls and at national levels through
details of EP elections.) As such, the elections are countless polls conducted on behalf of governments,
seen by some observers as providing the EU with a research agencies, and the media. In broad terms it
democratic base. This view, however, must be coun- can be said that in recent years this ongoing trawling
terbalanced by a recognition that EU issues do not of public opinion reveals three main sets of findings.
directly feature much in the election campaigns and First, across the EU as a whole just under 40 per cent
the elections are not in practice contested by European of citizens have had a positive image of the EU, around
parties standing on European issues. In consequence, 35 per cent have had a neutral image, and just over 20
the elections can hardly be regarded as occasions when per cent have had a negative image. Second, there are
the populace indicate their European policy prefer- large variations between member states in their sup-
ences. The fact that voter turnout is, in most member port for the integration process. Greece and Cyprus
states, low by national standards, and furthermore (reacting to the EU’s imposition on them of tough
has declined across the EU in every set of EP elections austerity policies ‘in exchange’ for financial bail-
since they were first held in 1979 – to such an extent outs) plus, as has long customarily been the case, the
that the overall turnout levels in all elections since UK, have displayed comparatively low levels of sup-
1999 have been below 50 per cent – raises further port, whist Poland, Romania, and Ireland have been
questions about the democratic legitimacy given to the amongst those displaying relatively high levels. Third,
EU by the elections. there are considerable variations also in terms of the
support for EU policy activity between issue areas.
National elections Areas with the highest levels of support are those
that are either clearly cross-national in nature or that
Another way in which citizens can exert an influence seem to offer the greatest benefits from cross-national
on EU affairs via the ballot box is through national policy action. Included amongst these areas are fight-
elections, since most important EU decisions are taken ing terrorism, protecting the environment, scientific
or are co-taken by elected national representatives in and technological research, and foreign and defence
the European Council and the Council. This influ- policies. Areas with the lowest levels of support are
ence, however, is indirect in that national elections are those that seem to be more naturally national and/or
two or three stages removed from the EU. So, in the where the implications of EU involvement can seem to
EU’s parliamentary systems (which the great major- be threatening. Prominent here are pensions, taxation,
ity of member states have): voters elect legislatures, social welfare, education, and health.
from which governments are formed, which send The extent to which governments respond to
representatives to EU summits and Council meetings. public opinion depends very much on their own
The influence also tends to be somewhat tangential ideological and policy preferences, their perception of
in that voters in national elections usually are not the importance and durability of issues, and the time
294 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

remaining until the next election. The existence of, for

example, less than enthusiastic support for European
Political Parties
integration amongst a sizeable proportion of national
electorates may both restrain and encourage politi- Political parties normally wish to exercise power,
cians depending on their viewpoint, but there cer- which in liberal democratic states means they must be
tainly is no automatic relationship between what the able to command popular support. This in turn means
people think about EU matters and what governments they must be able to articulate and aggregate national
do. So, for example, in the late 1990s the German opinions and interests. At the same time, parties are
government did not weaken in its resolve to take not normally content simply to act as mirror images
Germany into the single currency even though polls of the popular will. Drawing on their traditions,
showed that a majority of Germans were opposed to and guided by leaders and activists, they also seek to
the deutschmark being subsumed within the euro. direct society by mobilising support behind preferred
Similarly, the UK government made no move to with- ideological/policy positions. Judgements thus have
draw from the Community in the early 1980s even to be made about the balance to be struck between
though a majority of the British population thought ‘reflecting’ society and ‘leading’ it. Those parties that
it should. But, in different political circumstances lean too much towards ‘leading’ normally have little
three decades or so later, growing euroscepticism – as chance of winning elections, although in multi-party
witnessed particularly by rising support for the United systems they may well still find themselves with strong
Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) – was a major negotiating hands.
factor in driving the government to hold the In/Out Of course, the precise extent to which parties are,
referendum on EU membership. on the one hand, reflecting and channelling opinions
But though there is no automatic relationship on particular issues and, on the other, are shaping and
between public opinion and governmental actions, determining them is very difficult to judge since, in
public opinion does at least exercise an influence most instances, the processes are two-way and inter-
in setting the boundaries in which national leaders related. But whatever the exact balance may be between
must operate. For example, anti-Turkish sentiments the processes, both are very much in operation in rela-
in France and Germany and very low levels of sup- tion to the EU. The experiences of Denmark, Greece,
port for EU enlargement to include Turkey are one and the UK in the 1980s and early 1990s illustrate
reason why French and German leaders have been this. In each of these countries there was widespread
very wary about the prospect of Turkey eventually popular scepticism in the early to mid-1980s about
acceding to the EU. And evidence of growing concern Community membership and this found both expres-
amongst Germans in 2015 about the consequences of sion and encouragement at the party political level,
Chancellor Merkel’s liberal stance to the migration/ with some parties advocating a complete withdrawal
refugee crisis obliged the German government to from Community membership and others expressing
gradually take a more cautious approach to the policy considerable concern about aspects of the implications
problem. of membership – especially in relation to sovereignty.
Public opinion can also be important in that if an As the ‘realities’ of membership began to seep through,
issue is generally accepted as constituting a national however, both public opinion and party attitudes began
interest, or at least commands strong domestic support, to change. So much so that by the early 1990s Greece
then governments are likely to pursue it in the Council. had become one of the more enthusiastic member states
Even if they themselves do not wish to be too rigid, in terms of public opinion and a ‘typical’ one in terms of
they may well be forced, by electoral considerations and the attitudes of its political parties, whilst Denmark and
domestic pressures, to strike postures and make a public the UK, though still in the slow stream, were not lagging
display of not being pushed around. For example, Irish as far behind as formerly they had been.
and French governments invariably favour generous set- Apart from their interactive relationship with
tlements for farmers, Danish and German governments the attitudinal climate in which EU processes work,
press for strict environmental controls, and CEEC gov- political parties also feed directly into EU decision-
ernments argue for increased cohesion operations to making. First, by providing much of the ideological
enable them to modernise their economies. base of the policies of governments and most, if not
The Member States | 295

all, of the leading personnel of governments, they do interests have a number of possible avenues available
much to determine and shape the attitudes, priori- to them to try to influence EU policies and deci-
ties and stances of the member states in the Council. sions. Some avenues are at the domestic level, such
Whilst it is true that many national policy positions as approaches through fellow national MEPs, govern-
are barely altered by changes of government, sig- ment officials, and ministers. Others are at the EU
nificant shifts of emphasis do sometimes occur as, level, such as using contacts in the Commission and
for example, has been demonstrated in recent times the EP. These avenues were discussed in some detail
by elections in Poland: in the November 2007 elec- in Chapter 15, so will not be repeated here.
tion, the Law and Justice party headed government In very general terms, the most successful national
led by the somewhat eurosceptic and unpredictable interests tend to fulfil at least one of two conditions.
Prime Minister, Jaroslaw Kaczyński, was defeated Either they are able to persuade their government that
by the Civic Platform party headed coalition, which there is little distinction between the interests’ aims
resulted in a much more EU-friendly and predict- and national aims. Or they have sufficient power and
able government led by Donald Tusk; eight years information resources to persuade at least some EU
later, in October 2015, a right-wing and populist- decision-makers that they ought to be listened to. A
tinged wave saw Civic Platform swept from power major reason why farmers have been so influential
and Law and Justice returned. Second, even when in is that both of these conditions have applied to them
domestic opposition political parties can influence in some countries. In France, Portugal, Ireland, and
government behaviour in the Council because gov- elsewhere this has resulted in Ministries of Agriculture
ernments do not wish to be accused of being weak perceiving that a major part of their responsibility
or not strongly defending national interests. Third, in the Council is to firmly defend national farming
national political parties are the main contestants in interests.
the European elections and their successful candi-
dates become the national representatives in the EP.
The clearest and most dramatic example in recent
years of a party being elected to power and that result- Which States Exercise Most
ing in a sharp shift in a member state’s stance on a pol- Influence?
icy matter occurred when the radical left-wing Syriza,
party, led by Alexis Tsipras, gained power in Greece As the above sections of the chapter have shown,
in January 2015. It was resolved to resist the austerity member states have many opportunities to feed into
conditions the EU was requiring of Greece as a condi- EU policy processes and play a part in influencing
tion of being given further financial assistance and it policy outcomes. This is so at virtually all policy stages:
spent much of its first few months in office attempt- agenda setting, policy formulation, decision negotiat-
ing to avoid the conditions. As part of its attempts, ing, decision-taking, and implementation.
a referendum was held in which the Greek people But which states exercise most influence? The
rejected austerity (as they would!) and a new election seemingly obvious answer to this question is that
was held (in which Syriza’a mandate was renewed). the larger states do. One reason for this is that the
In the event, however, though it was able to achieve larger states have a wider range of policy interests,
some mild ‘softening’ of the conditions, they mostly and therefore also a greater desire to be active, across
remained in place. They did so mainly because other the policy spectrum than do smaller states. Another
eurozone governments, led by Germany, believed in reason is that the larger states have greater power
more conventional economics resources to display and deploy in policy-making
processes. Some of these resources emanate from the
EU’s institutional structure, with larger states having
Interests greater voting weight than smaller states in a number
of institutions, notably the Council and the EP. Other
Acting either by themselves or through an appropri- power resources stem from the larger states having
ate Eurogroup, national sectional and promotional greater national political, economic, administrative,
296 | The Institutions and Political Actors of the European Union

and other resources to bring to and employ in EU member states of the ‘big four’ – Italy and the UK –
policy deliberations and negotiations. To take just into their mini-club. The simple fact is that, as with all
administrative resources, larger states have many member states, there are significant policy differences
more officials available to sit on expert committees between the large member states.
advising the Commission, to attend Council working Second, if attention is switched to the power exer-
parties, and to prepare for COREPER and ministerial cised by the ‘big four’ on an individual basis, there
meetings. are major differences between them concerning both
The reform of the Stability and Growth Pact the power they have exercised in the EU as a whole
between 2003 and 2005 provides an example of large and the power they have exercised in particular policy
state power. In essence what happened was that areas. Regarding the power they have exercised as a
when a number of small states, including Ireland and whole, it is impossible to be precise about this but
Portugal, began to experience difficulties in the early almost whatever criteria are taken it is clear that Italy
2000s in meeting the budgetary terms of the Pact they has not punched as heavily as the other three. The rea-
were successfully pressurised by the Commission to sons for this are much debated, but certainly include
initiate reforms to bring them ‘back in line’. But when, the frequency of weak and/or unstable Italian govern-
from 2003, France and Germany began to experience ments and the perceived lack of credibility of certain
similar problems, the Commission was less successful Italian leaders. Regarding the varying power the big
and France and Germany were able to drive through, four have exercised in particular policy areas: France
against the Commission’s wishes, a revision of the and Germany, and in recent years more especially
SGP rules. Germany, have done much to set the pace and direc-
Foreign and defence policies provide another illus- tion of EMU: France has been to the fore in ensuring
tration of large state power. These are policy areas the CAP continues to occupy a central policy position;
where operational capabilities – of various forms, but and the UK has been very influential in pressing for
especially, diplomatic, economic, and military – are the further opening-up of the internal market.
crucial if policy is to be effective, so it is no surprise Third, smaller states are not without opportunities
that the key member state actors in these areas have and, as was indicated earlier in the chapter, resources,
been France, Germany, and the UK: the member states to exercise power and influence. Indeed, Arregui and
with the greatest range of overseas interests, contacts Thomson (2009) suggest they exercise an influence
and missions, and the largest military dispositions. in EU negotiations that is disproportionate to their
However, although it is certainly true that in general size. The reason suggested for this is that, as Box 16.3
terms the larger states exercise more influence in the EU shows, a number of factors in the EU’s institutional
than do the smaller states, the generalisation requires and policy-making systems work to the advantage of
some important clarifications and qualifications. small states.
First, EU politics have never assumed a large states Some of the examples that can be cited of small
versus small states character, except when institutional states exercising disproportionate influence are not
issues have been the subject under consideration in surprising given national policy interests and pri-
IGCs. As was intimated in the discussion of national orities. So, Luxembourg has been an important policy
orientations and approaches at the beginning of this player in the field of financial services, Cyprus has
chapter, policy cleavages between EU member states been so in respect of maritime transport (it has the
have tended to be cross-cutting rather than cumula- third largest flagged fleet of all EU states), and Greece
tive. A consequence of this has been that when there and Ireland have been so in the area of the cohesion
have been differences within the EU over policy funds. Other examples are, however, a little more
matters, the larger member states have rarely consti- surprising. For example, Jakobsen (2009) has shown
tuted a bloc. It is true that over the years France and that Nordic states have exercised a major influence on
Germany have worked closely with one another on a the ‘civilian’ aspect of ESDP. Jakobsen concedes that
number of matters, but even during the heyday of the Nordic pressures to advance the civilian ESDP have
so-called Franco-German axis in the 1980s and 1990s been assisted by not being resisted by the ‘big three’
they sometimes parted company on policy matters. ESDP players – France, Germany, and the UK – but,
Moreover, they never brought the other two large nonetheless, the fact is that the Nordics have been
The Member States | 297

harmony of the EU. For the EU is an organisation

BOX 16.3 that states join because they judge there is more to
be gained than is lost from being a member. Were
Reasons why smaller states are a member state to find its interests constantly being
able to exercise a disproportionate denied and overridden, the rationale for membership
influence in EU policy processes would come to be questioned, disillusionment would
set in, and the state in question would likely come to
• They are proportionately over-represented in all
policy-making institutions.
be a very awkward and disruptive partner. ‘Prizes for
everyone’ is a key operational principle of the EU.
• They are advantaged by the continuity of the
availability of the veto in the Council in certain
important policy areas.
Concluding Remarks
• They are advantaged by the prevailing norm in
the Council whereby, even when QMV is avail-
able, the member states always try to accommo- This chapter has shown the many different sorts of
date national interests. inputs that are made into EU processes by the member
• They have fewer positions than large states
on which they wish to take strong stands.
states. The existence of these different and frequently
conflicting inputs present potential obstacles in the
This enables them to focus their political and way of the realisation of a smooth, efficient and deci-
administrative resources on a relatively limited sive EU policy-making machinery. But, if the EU is to
number of issue areas and enables them also to work it is vital that national views and requirements
argue more effectively that important national should be able to be articulated and incorporated into
interests really are at stake when strong stands policy processes, for ultimately the EU exists to further
are adopted. In, for example, Cyprus’s case, the interests of those who live in the member states. If
these issue areas include: corporate law and the citizens of the states and, more particularly, their
taxation (many international companies have political elites, were to feel that the EU was no longer
bases in Cyprus); the regulation of maritime serving that purpose, then there would be no reason
transport (the Cypriot flag is a major flag of for continued membership. The member states, in
convenience for international shipping); and the short, need to have confidence in the EU and the EU
regulation of and assistance for certain service must, therefore, be responsive to its constituent parts.
industries (tourism accounts for approximately There is an emerging body of evidence, grouped
one-third of Cypriot GDP). mainly in the ‘Europeanisation’ literature, indicating
that these constituent parts are becoming increasingly
similar in the nature of their inputs into the EU and
the way they handle EU business. Though, as has been
to the fore in advancing, and participating in, this shown in this and earlier chapters, there still are many
increasingly important dimension of EU external significant differences between the member states
policy. on both these counts, convergences are nonetheless
That smaller states are capable of exercising power apparent. This is particularly the case in respect of
and influence – be it by striking strong positions on policy inputs, but there are also signs of some ‘insti-
particular issues, by being part of ‘winning coalitions’, tutional fusion’. Such convergences can be expected
or by contributing to the creation of consensual agree- to increase if the EU and national levels become ever
ments – is crucial to the effectiveness and internal more enmeshed.
Part IV
Policies and Policy Processes of the
European Union
Part IV examines what the EU does and how it does it.
Chapter 17 Chapter 17 looks at the nature of the EU’s policy portfolio. The origins, the
Understanding EU range, and the distinctive features of the policies are all considered. Particular
Policies themes of Chapter 17 are the breadth and diversity of the EU’s policy interests
and the less than complete nature of many of its policies.
Chapter 18 Chapter 18 focuses on patterns, practices, and features of the EU’s policy-
Policy Processes making and decision-making machinery. Having examined the EU institutions
and political actors in Part III, Chapter 18 considers how the various pieces fit
Chapter 19 together. What sort of policy-making and decision-making systems are they part
Making and Applying of and have they helped to create? A central theme of Chapter 18 is that even the
EU Legislation most general statements about how the EU operates have to be qualified. For one
of the few things that can be said with certainty about EU processes is that they
Chapter 20 are many, complex, and often vary considerably between policy areas. However,
Internal Policies what can also be said is that broad procedural frameworks can be identified.
In Chapter 19, the processes concerned with the making and implementa-
Chapter 21 tion of EU legislation are examined in some detail. The chapter emphasises,
Agricultural Policy and amongst other things, that the institutional balance within legislative processes
Policy Processes have changed considerably over the years as the powers of the European
Parliament have grown to such an extent that in most policy areas it is now a
Chapter 22 full co-legislator with the Council.
External Relations Chapter 20 examines the EU’s internal policies. They are shown to be mul-
tifaceted in nature, but with the more developed of them usually being directly
Chapter 23 linked to the operation of the internal market. They are shown also to be, for the
The Budget most part, relatively cheap for the EU to operate: the biggest spending internal
policies, such as health and social welfare, are still largely national responsibilities.
Chapter 21 considers one particular policy area – agriculture – in depth. As
such, the chapter offers something of a contrast to the necessarily rather gen-
eral approach taken in Chapters 17–20. Agriculture is the subject of this chap-
ter not because of any suggestion that it is typical – the variability of EU policy
processes precludes any policy area being described as such – but because of
its significance in the EU policy context.
The external policies of the EU are increasingly important and these con-
stitute the subject matter of Chapter 22. The examination is undertaken on
the basis of the four main component parts of the EU’s external policies: trade

300 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

policy, foreign and defence policies, development spend it? The budgetary decision-making processes,
policy, and the external dimension of internal policies. which in important respects are distinctly different
In Chapter 23 the EU budget is examined. From from the processes that apply in policy areas, are also
where does the EU get its money and on what does it examined.
Chapter 17
Understanding EU Policies

The Origins of EU Policies 301 his chapter introduces the EU’s policies. It does so by describing the
diverse origins of the policies and by taking an overview of key features
The Range and Diversity
of the policy portfolio.
of EU Policies 303
The Varying Extent of EU
Policy Involvement 304
The Varying Nature of EU The Origins of EU Policies
Policy Involvement 305
The Regulatory Emphasis 306 The origins of EU policies lie in a number of places. So, for example, at a
general level, the changed mood in Western Europe after the Second World
The Patchy and
Somewhat Uncoordinated
War enabled states between which policy cooperation, let alone coordination,
Nature of EU Policies 308 would previously have been unthinkable to begin to work closely with one
another in policy areas where there appeared to be shared advantages from
Concluding Remarks 309
so doing. Staying at a general level, an increasingly important factor since
the Second World War has been the increasingly interdependent nature of
the international, and more particularly of the European, systems, which has
resulted in national borders becoming ever more ill-matched with political
and economic realities and policy needs. The combined impact of the changed
mood and the pressures of interdependence have been significant in helping to
persuade European states to transfer policy responsibilities to a ‘higher’ level in
an attempt to shape, manage, control, take advantage of, and keep pace with
the modern world.
At a more specific level, the treaties are generally seen as key determinants
of EU policy. However, their influence is not as great as is commonly sup-
posed. Certainly they are important stimuli to policy development and they
also provide the legal base upon which much policy activity occurs. For
example, such ‘core’ EU policies as the Common Commercial Policy (CCP),
the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), and the Competition Policy have
their roots – though by no means all their principles – in the EEC Treaty
(later EC Treaty, now TFEU). Similarly, EU involvement with coal and steel
cannot possibly be fully understood without reference to the Treaty of Paris.
But treaty provision for policy development does not guarantee that it will
occur. The limited progress made towards the establishment of a Common
Transport Policy, despite it being provided for in the EEC Treaty, illustrates
this. So too does the non-fulfilment of most of the hopes that were held for
Euratom. Another, and crucially important in its implications for the nature
of the EU, example of limited development of treaty provisions is the only
very partial implementation, until the late 1980s, of Part 3 Title 2 of the EEC


Treaty, under which member states were supposed provisions for such cooperation, and unenthusiastic
to treat their macroeconomic policies ‘as a matter of about subjecting such a sensitive area to the for-
common concern’ and were to coordinate, cooperate malities and restrictions of treaty processes, the EC
and consult with one another on key economic and member states in the early 1970s simply created a new
financial questions. In practice, although there was machinery – which they entitled European Political
cooperation and consultation in these areas – carried Cooperation (EPC) – alongside, rather than inside,
out mainly under the Ecofin Council of Ministers by the formal framework of the treaties. EPC was first
committees of very senior national officials – the states given legal (but not EEC Treaty) status by the SEA,
did not work or act as closely together as the Treaty and this subsequently provided much of the basis
envisaged. Furthermore, one of the key steps towards for the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP)
economic and financial cooperation – the creation in pillar of the Maastricht Treaty. This ‘constitutional
1979 of the European Monetary System (EMS) which, evolution’ of foreign policy highlights a key feature of
amongst other things, was designed to fix maximum the nature of EU policy development: the treaties are
and minimum rates of exchange for currencies in the facilitators and enablers of policy development, but
system – was created outside the treaty framework they are not always the main causes. Indeed, many of
because of concerns in some quarters about the rigidi- the amendments made over the years to the Founding
ties that a treaty-based approach might entail, and Treaties have taken the form of acknowledging and
also because not all member states (notably the UK) giving recognition to changes that have been occur-
wished to be full participants. It was only in 1987–88, ring outside their frameworks.
30 years after the EEC Treaty was signed, that clear, If the treaties thus provide only a partial explana-
formal, and Community-based moves towards eco- tion for policy development, what other factors have
nomic and monetary integration between the member been influential? There has been, and still is, an exten-
states began to be initiated and implemented, but sive academic debate on this question. Since much
even then they were far from being comprehensive in of this debate is examined at length in Chapter 25,
nature. suffice it here to focus on three factors that have been
If treaty provision is no guarantee of policy devel- especially important: the leadership offered by the
opment, lack of provision is no guarantee of lack of Commission; the perceptions of the member states
development. Environmental policy illustrates this. of what is desirable; and the individual and collective
Until it was given constitutional status by the Single capacities of the member states and the EU to translate
European Act (SEA), environment was given no perceptions of what is desirable into practice.
specific mention in the treaties. Yet from the early To begin with Commission leadership, it is gen-
1970s Community environmental policy programmes erally recognised that the Commissions led by
were formulated and legislation was approved. Legal Walter Hallstein (1958–67), Roy Jenkins (1977–81),
authority for this was held to lie in the (almost) and Jacques Delors (1985–95) have been the most
catch-all Articles 100 and 235 of the EEC Treaty (now dynamic and forceful in the Commission’s history.
Articles 115 and 352 TFEU). The former allowed the This is not to suggest that all their ideas and propos-
Community to issue directives for the approximation als were translated into practice, but it is to say that
of laws ‘as directly affect the establishment or func- they were particularly innovative in helping to bring
tioning of the common market’ and the latter enabled issues onto the policy agenda and in pointing to what
it to take ‘appropriate measures’ to ‘attain, in the could, and perhaps should, be done. The ability of
course of the operation of the common market, one the Commission, in favourable circumstances, to
of the objectives of the Community’. Environmental have a real effect on policy development is no more
policy was therefore able to find a treaty base, but it clearly illustrated than in the way the Delors-led
was only a weak one. Commissions helped to force the pace on such key
However, even the most liberal readings of Articles issues as the Single European Market (SEM) pro-
100 and 235 could not stretch to some policy areas, gramme, Economic and Monetary Union (EMU),
but this did not prevent policy development from and the social dimension.
occurring. Foreign policy cooperation prior to the Regarding the perceptions of the member states, a
SEA illustrates this. Aware that there were no treaty fundamental precondition of successful EU policy
Understanding EU Policies | 303

development has been that the advantages of acting

together have been judged by the national govern-
The Range and Diversity of
ments to outweigh the disadvantages. The advan- EU Policies
tages have mostly, though not entirely, been seen to
be primarily economic in kind. So, there has been Many of the EU’s policies and laws centre on the
a broad consensus amongst the governments that promotion and defence of an internally free and
shared policy activity is, on balance, beneficial in externally protected market. Hence, there are policies
respect of the building of a single and integrated that are designed to encourage the free movement
internal market, having a common external trading of goods, persons, services, and capital; there is the
position, and engaging in some collective action and competition policy, which seeks to facilitate fair and
pooling of resources in particular functional and open competition within and across the borders of
sectoral areas. The principal perceived disadvantages the member states; and there is the common external
of acting together have been the loss of national tariff and the CCP. In practice, however, not all of
decision-making powers and sovereignty that trans- these policies are complete or wholly successful. There
fers of power and responsibilities to the EU entails are, for example, still barriers related to company
and the associated limitations placed on the national law and company taxation that can make it difficult
room for policy manoeuvre. Policy areas where these for firms in different member states to engage in
disadvantages have been seen as being especially joint commercial activities. And non-tariff barriers to
problematical, at least by some member states, have internal trade still exist, despite strenuous activity on
resulted in only limited convergence in the positions harmonisation and approximation. In consequence,
of states in favour of joint policy action. This, in turn, the EU is, in some respects, less than the integrated
has resulted in policy development in these areas internal market it is commonly supposed to be.
being, at best, only slow and limited (as with social But in other respects it is more than an internal mar-
welfare and taxation policies), or being accompanied ket in that many of its policy concerns range far beyond
by member state opt-outs (as with the single currency matters that are part and parcel of an internal market’s
and aspects of AFSJ). requirements. The policy concerns of the EU are not, in
As for the capacities of the member states and the EU other words, just concerned with dismantling internal
to operationalise their perceptions of what is desirable, barriers and providing conditions for fair trade on the
there are many problems. At the individual state level, one hand, and presenting a common external trading
a government may be favourably disposed towards front to the rest of the world on the other. There are
an EU initiative but be inhibited from supporting two main aspects to this wider policy portfolio.
it because of opposition from a powerful domestic First, with regard to the EU’s economic policies,
interest or because it could be electorally damag- many of these are not based solely on the non-
ing. Following this through to the EU level, opposi- interventionist/laissez faire principles that are often
tion from just one state, whether it is principled or thought of as providing the ethos, even the ideology,
pragmatic, can make policy development difficult to of the EU. In some spheres the EU tends very much
achieve given the practice of the European Council to towards interventionism/managerialism/regulation,
take its decisions by consensus, the continuing treaty and in so doing it does not always restrict itself to
requirement of unanimity in the Council in several ‘market efficiency’ policies. This is most obviously
key policy areas, and the preference in the Council seen in the way in which the EU’s regional, social,
for progress through general agreement – especially and consumer protection policies, plus much of the
on major issues – even when majority decisions are CAP, have as their precise purpose the counteracting
legally permissible. This situation whereby a majority and softening of nationally unacceptable or socially
of member states is unwilling or unable to oblige states inequitable market consequences. On a broader front,
that are in a minority to participate in policy activities there are the euro-related policies which clearly take
against their will has, along with the above noted vary- the EU – and especially the eurozone – far beyond
ing perceptions of states, further promoted ‘differenti- being ‘just’ an internal market and give it all of the
ated integration’: that is, policy development without characteristics of a monetary union, but only some of
all member states being fully involved. those of an economic union.

Second, the EU has developed policies that are so-called common policies are not in reality totally
not only non-market focused but also non-economic common – and both the CAP and the Common
focused. Of these, the most obvious are those where Fisheries Policy (CFP) allow room for governments to
the member states consult and attempt to coordinate provide national aids and assistance – decisions of any
their positions on key foreign policy and some defence significance normally require at least clearance from
policy questions. In addition to foreign policy and Brussels.
defence policy, there are many other ‘non-economic’ Moving along the spectrum of EU policy involve-
policy areas – such as public health, broadcasting, and ment, there are many policy areas where the EU’s
combating crime – which were long thought of as not interests and competence, though less comprehensive
being the EU’s concern, but where important develop- than in the examples just given, are still very signifi-
ments have occurred. cant and complement and supplement the activities
The EU’s policy portfolio is thus very wide-rang- of the states in important ways. Competition policy is
ing. The main areas of interest and responsibility one example. This seeks to encourage free and open
within the portfolio can be grouped under five broad competition throughout the EU by, for instance, set-
headings: establishing the internal market, macro- ting out rules under which firms can make and sell
economic and financial policies, functional policies, their products, laying down conditions under which
sectoral policies, and external policies. The first four national authorities may assist firms, and imposing
of these are examined in some detail in Chapter 20, restrictions on certain types of company merger.
whilst external policies are examined in Chapter 22. Employment policy is another example, with much of
the EU’s focus in this sphere being on job training and
retraining, facilitating labour mobility, underpinning
safe working conditions, and generally promoting
The Varying Extent of EU employment.
Turning finally to policy spheres where the EU’s
Policy Involvement involvement is at best limited, examples include edu-
cation, health, housing, pensions, and social welfare
The extent of the EU’s responsibility for policy- payments. As these examples make clear, many of the
making and policy management varies enormously policies that fall into this category of low EU involve-
between policy areas. As Box 17.1 shows, it ranges ment are public welfare policies and policies that have
from very extensive involvement in some areas to very major budgetary implications.
marginal involvement in others. This complex mosaic of policy involvement has
In those spheres where significant responsibilities over the years moved almost unceasingly in an incre-
are exercised, policy-making arrangements are usually mentally integrationist direction. The pace of the
well-established and effective policy instruments are movement has varied, both over time periods and
usually available. Where, however, EU involvement within policy areas, but it has been constant. So, if one
is marginal, policy processes may be confined to little looks back to, say, the mid-1970s, many issues that
more than occasional exchanges of ideas and informa- would have been listed then as being in the category
tion between interested parties, whilst policy instru- of very limited policy involvement – such as envi-
ments may merely be of the exhortive and persuasive ronment and foreign policy – are now by no means
kind such as are common in many international marginal. Environment has spawned many policy
organisations. programmes and much legislation, foreign policy
External trade, agriculture, and fishing are promi- has evolved its own machinery and has seen increas-
nent amongst the policy areas where there is extensive ingly coordinated policy development, and both have
EU involvement. Here, most major policy decisions, been awarded treaty recognition. At the same time,
such as those on external tariffs, agricultural support some policy spheres which in the mid-1970s the
mechanisms and payments, and fishing quotas are Community would not have been thought of as hav-
taken at the EU level, whilst their detailed and suppos- ing any competence in at all have assumed significant
edly uniform implementation is left to the member places on the EU’s policy agenda. Examples include
states, acting as agents of the EU. In areas where these defence policy and the various AFSJ policies.
Understanding EU Policies | 305

Box 17.1

The extent of EU policy involvement

Extensive Considerable Policy responsibility Limited EU Virtually
EU policy EU policy shared between the policy no EU policy
­involvement ­involvement EU and the member states involvement involvement
Trade Market regulation Regional Health Housing
Agriculture Competition Industrial Education Domestic crime
Fishing Movement across Foreign Defence
Monetary (for external borders Environmental Social welfare
euro members) (especially for Equal opportunities
Schengen members) Working conditions
Consumer protection
(especially for euro members)
Cross-border crime
Civil liberties

The Varying Nature of EU but have wished to stop short of making laws that
would restrict and bind their own policy choices
Policy Involvement and options. Legal regulation is still very much used
in areas where uniform rules and enforceable rules
EU policy involvement varies not just in its extent but are seen as being necessary – such as external trade,
also in its nature. The most important aspect of this competition, and internal market standards – but
varying nature is whether policies rely heavily on EU in many areas the enforcement of commonality has
law or are more based on voluntary and semi-voluntary been resisted, at least by some member states. Foreign
forms of intergovernmental cooperation. policy – which began to be developed from the early
It used to be the case that in those policy areas 1970s, was given a heightened political importance
where the EU exercised significant responsibilities, and a sharper focus by the Maastricht Treaty, and
well-established and effective policy instruments rest- which has become increasingly operational ‘on the
ing on EU law were almost invariably in place. It used ground’ in the 2000s – is a prime example of such a
also to be the case that where EU policy involvement policy area. The benefits of EU states speaking and
was very limited, policy instruments tended mostly to acting as one on key international issues are recog-
be of the voluntaristic and persuasive kind. However, nised, but such are the political sensitivities associ-
over the years these two generalised statements, and ated with foreign policy – and even more so with
especially the first, have become increasingly less accu- defence policy, which has come to join foreign policy
rate as the EU has made use of an increasing number on the EU’s policy agenda – that it has not been
of diverse policy instruments and mechanisms. politically possible to communitaurise it. Accordingly,
More policy instruments and mechanisms have it rests essentially on intergovernmental cooperation,
been used because as the EU has expanded its policy which does not involve the making of laws but rather
portfolio it has moved into areas where member sees member states agreeing to policy positions and
states have seen advantages in working together policy actions on a voluntary basis.

Box 17.2

The nature of EU policy involvement

Heavy Very considerable A mixture of Some legal Largely based
reliance reliance on legal legal regulation ­regulation but on inter-state
on legal regulation and ­inter-state a considerable ­ ­cooperation
regulation ­cooperation reliance on inter-
state cooperation
Trade Regional Industrial Social welfare Health
Agriculture Competition Transport Energy Education
Fishing Environmental Movement across Defence Foreign and defence
Market regulation Consumer protection external borders AFSJ
Monetary Working conditions Macroeconomic Europe 2020 issues
(for euro Equal opportunities Energy (mainly concerning
members) economic growth
and employment)

Much of employment and social policy also illus- to the extent to which policy areas are based on legal
trates how significant EU policy areas can rely heavily regulation or on inter-state cooperation. Some cor-
on intergovernmental cooperation. With employment respondence between the placement of policy areas in
and social policy, however, it is a different form the Boxes can be seen, but so too can some significant
of intergovernmental cooperation than that which differences.
applies in the foreign policy sphere. Like foreign pol-
icy intergovernmental cooperation, employment and
social policy cooperation is based on agreements that
are reached by consensus in the Council and it too does The Regulatory Emphasis
not involve the making of legislation and therefore is
non-binding. But, intergovernmental cooperation in A classic way of distinguishing between policy types is
much of the employment and social policy spheres is in terms of regulatory, redistributive and distributive
different from foreign policy cooperation in that it is policies (Lowi, 1964). Regulatory policies lay down
largely based on what is known as the open method of rules governing behaviour. Redistributive policies
coordination (OMC). As compared with ‘classic’ inter- transfer financial resources from groups of individu-
state cooperation such as exists in the foreign policy als (most commonly social classes), regions, or coun-
sphere, OMC is different in three particular ways: the tries to others. And distributive policies also generally
Commission is extensively involved in the making of involve allocations of financial resources, but not from
much of the policy; the policy itself consists mostly one ‘side’ to another (as from the better off to the worse
of the identification of broad goals, accompanied by off) but rather between alternative users and usually on
guidelines to member states as to how they should be the basis of juste retour (which in the EU context means
achieved; and there is considerable devolvement of member states attempt to draw at least a ‘fair share’
responsibility to the member states as to how each of from the resources available for distributive policies).
them operationalises the pursuit of the goals. (OMC is This scheme of policy types is by no means exhaus-
considered at greater length in Chapter 18.) tive or mutually exclusive, but it is much-used and it
In the same style as Box 17.1, Box 17.2 plots EU is helpful in throwing light on the nature of the EU’s
policy areas along a spectrum, in this case according policy portfolio.
Understanding EU Policies | 307

Regulatory policies themselves for redistributive policies to be transferred

to the EU level, so transfers of sovereignty have been
EU policies have a strong regulatory emphasis. Such seen as being unnecessary. They are seen, for the most
indeed is the extent of the emphasis that Giandomenico part, as being naturally national in character. Second,
Majone has suggested that the EU can be thought of most governments have wished to keep a tight rein on
as being a regulatory state (Majone, 1992; 1994; 1996). EU budgetary expenditure, which means the EU has
The regulatory emphasis of EU policies is most obvi- only modest funds to redistribute. Expenditure on the
ously seen in respect of the internal market, where an Regional and Social Funds – the two main compo-
extensive legislative framework exists to govern the nents of EU cohesion funds – was doubled in 1988 and
operation of the market. This framework covers not then again in 1992, but even with the 1992 increase
just ‘pure’ market activities, such as the rules govern- the overall size of the EU budget was capped at 1.27
ing product specifications and market movements, per cent of total EU GDP. Since the 1992 increase,
but also many policies that though partly regulated cohesion spending has hovered between 35 and 40 per
for their own intrinsic importance are partly regulated cent of total EU budgetary expenditure, but overall
too because they have significant market implications. budgetary spending has been marginally cut as an
Examples of such policy areas are working conditions, increasing number of the member states that are net
consumer protection, and the environment. budgetary contributors have adopted tighter attitudes
The reason that EU regulatory policy is so wide- towards EU expenditure. Key factors accounting for
ranging and has displayed little sign of slowing down in these attitudes are set out in Box 17.3.
its advance is that there is both a demand and a supply
for it. The demand comes from various quarters, but
most especially from large business which wants as BOX 17.3
integrated a market as possible – which means common
rules in all member states – so as to be able to pursue Reasons why (many) member states
business activities with maximum ease. The supply have adopted tighter attitudes to
comes mainly from the Commission, which through
its policy and legislative proposals plays a crucial role EU budgetary expenditure
in setting the regulatory framework. The Commission
produces this supply for a number of reasons. One • Such attitudes conform with the ideological
shift that has taken place virtually throughout
reason is simply that it is much more able to do so than
it is with redistributive or distributive policies. This is the Western world since the early 1990s in
partly because the technical nature of much regulatory favour of a more restrictive stance towards all
policy tends to make it less contentious than the other forms of public expenditure.
two policy types, and it is partly too because most of • The emphasis given in the EU since the early
1990s to the doctrine of subsidiarity weighs
the costs of implementing regulatory policies fall not on
the EU budget but on the budgets of private firms and against EU budgetary expansion.
public authorities in the member states. Another reason • The EMU convergence and Stability and Growth
Pact criteria place a strong emphasis on national
why the Commission produces the supply is, in the view
of public choice theorists, that expanding EU regulatory budgetary discipline, which is a powerful disincen-
powers also expands the Commission’s own powers. tive against being a net EU budget contributor.
• The enlargements of the twenty-first century
have brought many relatively poor countries
Redistributive policies into the EU, which has not encouraged net
The EU does have redistributive policies – most budgetary contributor states to expand redis-
notably in the form of the cohesion funds and the tributive p­ olicies – from which most of them
CAP – but nothing like to the same extent as member have little to gain but for which they must pay.
states have such policies in the form of social welfare, • Germany, for long the major net contributor to
the EU budget, has come to suffer from ‘donor
health and educational policies. There are two main
reasons why EU redistributive policies are not well fatigue’ – largely because of the costs incurred
developed. First, no pressing reasons have presented by German unification.

Distributive policies The closest there is to a clear rationale for the EU’s
policy competences is via the so-called subsidiarity
Distributive policies are not much developed in the principle, which holds that only those policies that
EU. Examples of EU distributive policies include are best dealt with at EU level rather than at national
research and technological development, educa- level become the EU’s concern. The problem with
tion (where there are some training and exchange this principle, however, both as a description of the
programmes), and – if it can be called a policy – the present reality and as a prescription for future action,
siting of EU agencies. On this last ‘policy’, many is that it is vague and question-begging. Descriptions
specialised agencies – ranging from the European of the present and evolving policy framework as being
Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products centred on ‘managed and tempered capitalism’ or
to Europol – have been created in recent years and ‘a controlled open market’ are perhaps of more use
their location has almost invariably been the occa- in capturing the essence of the EU’s policy interests,
sion for wrangling and for dispersal amongst the but they too are still far from wholly satisfactory in
member states. that they do not embrace the full flavour of the array
Much of the explanation for why distributive poli- and varying depths of EU policy interests, nor do
cies are not well developed at EU level is similar to the they draw attention to the conflicting principles that
explanation for the under-development of redistribu- underlie different parts of the policy network.
tive policies: they are seen as being primarily national The fact is that the considerable national and polit-
responsibilities, so only limited budgetary resources ical differences that exist in the EU make it difficult
are made available for them. In Pollack’s view (1994), to develop coordinated and coherent policies based
another key reason is that distributive policies are not on shared principles and agreed objectives. This is so
so tied-in with the operation of the market as are regu- because any policy development at EU level is usually
latory or redistributive policies. Whereas regulatory only possible if searching questions are answered to
policies are very much a consequence of economic the satisfaction of a large number of actors. From the
spillover and redistributive policies are at least in part a viewpoint of the most important actors – the govern-
consequence of member states with specific market dif- ments of the member states – these questions include:
ficulties being given compensation or ‘side-payments’, is the national (or at least government) interest being
distributive policies are not so ‘advantaged’ and are served?; is the cooperation and integration that the
highly dependent on Commission entrepreneurship policy development involves politically acceptable?;
for advancement. and, if the policy sphere does require closer relations
with other states, is the EU the most appropriate arena
in which it should occur? As the EU’s extensive range
of policies demonstrates, these questions have often
The Patchy and been answered in the affirmative, though normally
Somewhat Uncoordinated only after being subject to caveats and reservations
which sit uneasily beside, and sometimes clash with,
Nature of EU Policies one another. But often, too, the responses have been
in the negative, or at least have been so on the part of a
The overall EU policy framework can hardly be said to sufficient number of decision-makers to severely limit
display a clear pattern or coherence. The Lisbon Treaty policy cooperation and integration.
did insert into the TFEU a new Title on ‘Categories Policy development has consequently been as
and Areas of Union Competence’ in which policy much about what is possible as what is desirable. In
areas were grouped into three categories according the absence of a centre of power with the authority
to the Union’s competence within them. However, and internal coherence to take an overall view of EU
as can be seen in Box 17.4, the second and third cat- requirements and impose an ordered pattern, poli-
egories – of mixed and supporting competences – are cies have tended to be the outcome of complex and
vague, and two extremely important policy areas – laboured interactions where different, and often con-
macroeconomic and foreign/defence – are not placed trasting, requirements, preferences, reservations, and
in any of the categories. fears have all played a part. As a result, the EU’s overall
Understanding EU Policies | 309

Box 17.4

Categories and areas of Union competence as specified in the Treaty on the

Functioning of the European Union
• Exclusive Union competence. There are five areas in which the EU has exclusive competence: the customs
union, the establishment of competition rules, monetary policy for the eurozone, the conservation of
marine biological resources under the CFP, and the CCP.
• Shared competence between the Union and the member states. There are 11 areas in which competence is
shared: the internal market, aspects of social policy, cohesion policy, agriculture and fisheries, environ-
ment, consumer protection, transport, energy, the area of freedom, security and justice (AFSJ), research
and technological development, and development policy.
• The Union has competence to carry out actions to support, coordinate, or supplement the actions of the
member states in seven areas; human health, industry, culture, tourism, education, civil protection, and
administrative cooperation.

In addition, certain general principles are identified for other important policy areas not listed in the
above categories. So, for example, the member states are to ‘coordinate’ their economic and employment
policies, and in its external relations the Union ‘shall define and pursue common policies and actions
and shall work for a high degree of cooperation in all fields of international relations …’.
Source: Adapted from Part One, Title 1, Articles 2–6 of The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, apart from the
reference to external relations which is extracted from Article 21 of the Treaty on European Union. The treaties are accessible on
the Europa website.

policy picture is inevitably patchy and rather ragged. partly because national decision-makers have access to
A few policy areas – such as agriculture, fishing, and more policy instruments than do EU decision-makers.
the internal market – are well developed, but other It is mainly, however, because at state level there is
areas that might have been expected to be developed, normally some focus of political authority capable of
are either developed only in uncoordinated and partial offering leadership and imposing a degree of order: a
ways or are barely developed at all. Head of Government perhaps, a Cabinet or Council
This lack of development has resulted in deficien- of Ministers, a Ministry of Economics or Finance, or
cies in many EU policies. As Chapter 20 will show, a dominant party group. In the EU, there are several
industrial policy, energy policy, and regional policy foci of political authority and leadership, but none is
are but three examples of key policy areas where there constituted or organised in such a way as to enable it
are not, if EU effectiveness is to be maximised, suf- to establish an overall policy coherence or to enforce a
ficiently strong or integrated policy frameworks with clear and consistent policy direction.
clear and consistent goals. The frameworks in these
and many other policy areas are too partial and too
fragmented. They are also, often, under-funded.
Of course, similar critical comments about under- Concluding Remarks
development and lack of integration can also be levelled
against many aspects of national policy frameworks. This chapter has emphasised the enormous expansion
But not to the same extent. For, at the individual state that has taken place over the years in the EU’s policy
level, there is, even when the political system is weak portfolio. Some of this expansion has involved build-
and decentralised, usually more opportunity than ing on and out from policy areas that were identified
there is in the EU for direction from the centre. This is in the founding treaties, whilst some has taken the

form of developing policy areas that did not get a enormously between policy areas. It does so in many
treaty mention until the Single European Act at the ways, not least the balance of policy control between
very earliest. the EU and the national levels and the extent to
Such has been the growth of the policy portfolio which policy is based on legal or cooperative policy
that there now are few policy areas with which the instruments. The nature of the variations that exist
EU does not have at least some sort of involve- between policy areas will be explored at some length
ment. But the character of the involvement varies in Chapters 20–23.
Chapter 18
Policy Processes

Variations in EU Processes 311 his chapter examines the nature of the EU’s policy processes. It shows
that the processes are numerous and highly complex in nature, that a
Factors Determining EU
number of factors combine to determine what processes apply in what
Policy Processes 313
policy circumstances, that there are four broad frameworks of policy processes,
The Four Frameworks of that a number of characteristics regularly feature in most policy processes, and
EU Policy Processes 316 that the processes are by no means as inefficient as they are often portrayed
Recurring Characteristics of as being.
EU Policy Processes 320 Broad themes that run through the chapter are the multifaceted nature of
The Efficiency of EU Policy the policy processes and the host of differing sorts of policy actors that interact
Processes325 with one another on the basis of an array of different policy-making rules and
Concluding Remarks 327
procedures. These themes are further examined in the following chapters of
this part of the book.

Variations in EU Processes
There cannot be said to be a ‘standard’ or ‘typical’ EU policy-making or
decision-making process. A multiplicity of actors interrelate with one another
via a myriad of channels.

The actors
There are three main sets of EU policy actors: those associated with the EU
institutions, those with the governments of the member states, and those
with Euro-level and national-level non-institutional and non-governmental
interests. As has been shown in previous chapters, each of these sets of
actors has an array of responsibilities to fulfil and roles to perform. But so
variable and fluid are EU policy processes that the nature of the responsi-
bilities and roles can differ considerably according to circumstances. For
instance, in one set of circumstances an actor may be anxious to play an
active role and may have the power – legal and/or political – to do so. In a
second set of circumstances it may not wish to be actively involved, perhaps
because it has no particular interests at stake or because prominence may
be politically damaging. And in a third set of circumstances it may wish for
a leading part but not be able to attain it because of a lack of appropriate
power resources.
312 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

Box 18.1

EMU policy actors

• The Ecofin Council of Ministers. Composed of national Ministers of Finance from all EU member states,
the Ecofin Council is responsible for the broad outlines of EU macroeconomic policy. The Ecofin
Council also has a number of specific EMU-related responsibilities, including deciding upon whether to
take action against eurozone states with excessive government deficits and deciding on a range of issues
in connection with external monetary and foreign exchange matters. Under amendments made by the
Treaty of Lisbon, only eurozone members can vote when the Ecofin Council takes decisions on matters
that just affect the eurozone.
• The Eurogroup. The Eurogroup was created in 1998 as an informal and unofficial gathering of Ministers
of Finance from eurozone member states. It quickly established itself as an important and permanent
forum, and was given legal status – in the form of a protocol – by the Lisbon Treaty. The Eurogroup
normally convenes monthly, immediately before Ecofin meetings, to discuss matters of shared interest
concerning the eurozone. As the euro crisis intensified from 2010, the Eurogroup became the main crisis
management institution.
• The European Council. The Heads of Government and State are obliged to discuss, under Article 121
TFEU, ‘a conclusion of the broad guidelines of the economic policies of the Member States and of the
Union’, and in practice consider anything else they wish. During the economic and financial crisis, the
European Council was an increasingly active policy player and the taker – often at specially convened
meetings – of many key EMU-related decisions.
• The Euro Summit. Following a first ever meeting of eurozone leaders in November 2008 – that was held
to discuss a coordinated eurozone response to the international financial crisis – eurozone leaders began
to occasionally meet. In 2012 they put their meetings on a formal basis by establishing Euro Summits.
These Summits are supposed to be held at least twice a year, but in practice have been convened as and
when they have been necessary: so, only one was held in each of 2013 and 2014, but – in response to the
Greek crisis – three were held in 2015.
• The European Central Bank (ECB). The ECB was established to manage eurozone monetary policy, but
from the very beginning of the economic and monetary crisis it became involved in broader policy delib-
erations and decision-making that strayed into the territory of fiscal policy. It was a key formulator of
the European Banking System that was created in response to the crisis and is now the principal overseer
of that system.
• The European Commission. The Commission regularly produces policy reports and recommendations on
a wide range of economic policy matters, including EMU. It was, for example, the principal drafter of the
2015 Five Presidents’ Report on the future of EMU. It also has economic surveillance responsibilities and
powers in respect of national economic, and especially budgetary, performances, which were strength-
ened by measures adopted in response to the euro crisis.
• The Economic and Financial Committee of the Council. The Committee’s remit includes all aspects of EU
economic and monetary policies – from the operation of the euro, through macroeconomic policy coor-
dination, to international monetary relations.
• The European Parliament. The EP has few powers in relation to EMU, but does have a range of consulta-
tion and information-receiving rights.

Take, for example, the Latvian government. It has to energy supply from Russia and the annual fishing
a strong direct interest and is actively engaged in EU allocations within the framework of the CFP. It is also
deliberations in respect of, for instance, issues related much affected by many of the EU’s and the eurozone’s
Policy Processes | 313

economic and monetary policies, especially in the often not very well equipped to produce the horse
wake of the global financial crisis which have strongly trading, concessions, and compromises that are so
impacted on the Latvian economy, but in this policy necessary to build majorities, create agreements
sphere its smallness and its marginal economic posi- and further progress. As a result, they have come
tion has meant that its role has been more one of to be supported by a vast network of informal
policy recipient than policy shaper. By contrast, it is and unstructured channels between EU actors,
little affected by, and does not involve itself much ranging from the after-dinner discussions that
with, policy negotiations and decision-making related are sometimes held at European Council gather-
to the EU’s Mediterranean strategy. ings to the continuous soundings, telephone calls,
Box 18.1 further illustrates the range and variety of e-mails, working lunches, and meetings and pre-
major actor involvement by showing the unique cast meetings that are such a part of EU life in Brussels,
in one of the EU’s most important policy areas: EMU. Strasbourg, Luxembourg, and national capitals.
Other policy areas have their own casts.

The channels Factors Determining EU Policy

The channels vary in four principal respects: Processes
1 In their complexity and exhaustiveness. Some types A number of factors can be identified as being espe-
of policy decision are made fairly quickly by a cially important in determining the particular mix
relatively small number of people using procedures of actors and channels that are to be found in any
that are easy to operate. In contrast, other decisions particular context.
are subject to complex and exhaustive processes
in which many different sorts of actor attempt to
determine and shape outcomes. The treaty base
2 In the relative importance of EU, member state,
and subnational processes and in the links between One of the most important things the treaties do is
the three levels. One of the EU’s major structural to lay down different decision-making procedures
difficulties is that it is multilayered, with differ- and to specify the circumstances in which they are to
ing degrees and sorts of power and influence be used. As a result, the treaties are of fundamental
being exercised in different ways at different levels. importance in shaping the nature of the EU’s policy
Moreover, there are often no clear lines of author- processes and determining the powers exercised by
ity or hierarchy between the different levels. institutions and actors within these processes. Box
3 In their levels of seniority. EU policy processes are 18.2 illustrates this point by giving examples of just
conducted at many different levels of seniority, some of the many and varied policy-making and
as illustrated by the numerous forums in which decision-making procedures provided for in the TEU
representatives of the governments of the member and the TFEU. (These procedures are all explained at
states meet: Heads of Government in the European length elsewhere in the book.)
Council; Ministers in the Council of Ministers;
Permanent Representatives and their deputies in
COREPER; and officials and experts in committees The proposed status of the matter
and working parties. under consideration
4 In their degree of formality and structure. By their
very nature, the fixed and set-piece occasions of As a general rule, procedures tend to be more fixed
EU policy processes – such as meetings of the when EU law is envisaged than when it is not. They are
Council, plenary sessions of the EP, and Council/ fixed most obviously by the treaties, but also by Court
EP delegation meetings called to resolve legisla- of Justice interpretations (for example, the obligation
tive and budgetary differences – tend to be formal specified in the famous 1980 isoglucose case ruling
and structured. Partly because of this, they are that the Council must wait upon EP opinions before
314 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

Box 18.2

Illustrations of different policy- and decision-making procedures ­

laid­down in the treaties
• There are three procedures for non-administrative legislation: the ‘ordinary’ (‘co-decision’, pre-Lisbon
Treaty), ‘consultation’, and ‘consent’ (‘assent’, pre-Lisbon Treaty) procedures. Key points of difference
between these procedures include: (1) the EP can exercise veto powers under the ordinary and consent
procedures but cannot do so under the consultation procedure; and (2) there are single readings in the
Council and the EP under the consultation and consent procedures, but potentially three readings – or,
perhaps more accurately, two readings and a conciliation stage – under the ordinary procedure.
• External trade agreements negotiated under Article 207 TFEU (formerly 133 TEC) have their own special
procedure, under which the Commission conducts negotiations under a mandate from the Council and
the Council makes final decisions – either by QMV or unanimity depending on the type of decision –
subject usually to obtaining the consent of the EP.
• The annual budget also has its own arrangements, under which the Council and the EP are joint budget-
ary authorities.
• Under the ‘flexibility’ provisions added to the TEU and the TEC by the Amsterdam Treaty and made
easier to apply by the Nice and Lisbon Treaties, it is possible for a group of nine or more member states
to establish ‘enhanced cooperation’ between themselves and to make use of EU institutions, procedures
and mechanisms. With the exceptions of those policy areas where the EU has exclusive policy compe-
tence and also the CFSP, a decision to so act can be taken by qualified majority in the Council (though
with safeguards built in for member states which object to such a decision being taken) and with the
consent of the EP. In the CFSP field, there must be unanimity in the Council and the EP only has a right
to be informed.
• The CFSP is based on an intergovernmental decision-making framework. Most policy decisions require
unanimity in the Council and consultation with the EP, whilst operational and procedural decisions can
usually be taken by QMV if the Council so decides and without consulting with the EP. Whether or not
the EP is consulted, the Council must keep it regularly informed of policy developments.

giving Commission proposals under the consultation technical than political. Indeed, much of it consists
procedure legislative status) and by conventions (for of updates, applications or amendments to already
example, the understanding in the Council that when existing legislation, often in the spheres of external
a member state has genuine difficulties the matter will trade or the CAP. As a result, Commission legisla-
not normally be rushed and an effort will be made to tion, prior to being introduced, is often only fully
reach a compromise even when QMV is permissible). discussed by appropriate officials in the Commission
When Council and EP and Council legislation is and is then subject normally to much less review – by
being made, it is subject to a full legislative proce- national officials and EP representatives in the manner
dure. As such it becomes the subject of representa- described in Chapter 9.
tions and pressures from many interests, is assessed Where policy activity does not involve law mak-
by the EP and often also by the EESC and the CoR, ing, considerable discretion is sometimes available
and is scrutinised in detail in national capitals and in to decision-makers, especially governments, as to
Council forums in Brussels. By contrast, Commission which policy processes is used and who is permitted
legislation is subject to much less review and discus- to participate. A common procedure when states wish
sion. The reason for this is that Commission legisla- the EU to do something but do not necessarily wish a
tion is normally of an administrative kind – more new law to be made (which may be because there is no
Policy Processes | 315

agreement on what the law should be or because, as processes are likely to be. If, for example, it seems
with foreign policy pronouncements, law is inappro- likely that a proposal for an EP and Council directive
priate), is to issue Council resolutions, declarations, on some aspect of animal welfare will cause significant
agreements or conclusions. These can be as vague or difficulties for farmers, it is probable that the accom-
as precise as the Council wishes them to be. Often, panying policy-making process will display all or most
resolutions and the like can have a very useful policy of the following features: particularly intensive pre-
impact, even if it is just to keep dialogue going, but proposal consultations by the Commission; vigorous
because they are not legal instruments they are not attempts by many sectional and promotional interest
normally as subject to examination and challenge by groups to make an input; very careful examination
other EU institutions and actors. of the proposal by the EP and the EESC; long and
exhaustive negotiations in the Council; considerable
activity and manoeuvring on the fringes of formal
The degree of generality or meetings and between meetings; and, overall, much
specificity of the policy issue delay and many alterations en route to the (possible)
eventual adoption of the proposal.
At the generality end of the scale, EU policy-making
may consist of little more than exchanges of ideas
between interested parties to see whether there is com- The balance of policy
mon ground for policy coordination, the setting of
priorities, or possible legislation. Such exchanges and
responsibilities between the
discussions take place at many different levels on an EU and national levels
almost continuous basis, but the most important, in
Where there has been a significant transfer of respon-
the sense that their initiatives are the ones most likely
sibilities to the EU – as, for example, with agricultural,
to be followed up, are those that involve very senior
external trade, and competition policies – EU-level
officials and politicians – especially if the outcome of
processes are naturally very important. In such policy
deliberations find their way into European Council
spheres, EU institutions, particularly the Commission,
have many tasks to perform: monitoring develop-
Far removed from grands tours d’horizon by senior
ments, making adjustments, ensuring existing policies
officials and politicians is the daily grind of preparing
and programmes are replaced when necessary, and so
and drafting the mass of highly detailed and technical
on. On the other hand, where the EU’s policy role is at
‘administrative legislation’ – most commonly in the
best supplementary to that of the member states – as
form of regulations – that make up the great bulk of
with education and health policies – most significant
the EU’s legislative output. Senior EU figures, espe-
policy-making activity continues to be channelled
cially ministers, are not normally directly involved in
through the customary national procedures, and pol-
the processes that lead to such legislation. There may
icy activity at the EU level is limited in scope.
be a requirement that they give the legislation their
formal approval, but it is Commission officials, aided
in appropriate cases by national officials, who do the
basic work.
Circumstances and the
perceptions of circumstances
The newness, importance, This is seemingly rather vague, but it refers to the
crucially important fact that policy development and
controversiality, or political policy-making processes in the EU are closely related
sensitivity of the issue in question to prevailing political and economic circumstances,
to the perceptions by key actors – especially national
The more these characteristics apply, and the percep- governments – of their needs in the circumstances,
tion of the extent to which they do may vary – what and to perceptions of the potential of the EU to act as
may be a technical question for one may be politi- a problem-solving organisation in regard to the cir-
cally charged for another – the more complex policy cumstances. Do the advantages of acting at EU level,
316 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

as opposed to national level, and of acting in the EU in However, notwithstanding this numeracy of policy
a particular way as opposed to another way, outweigh processes, it is possible to identify broad policy-
the disadvantages? making patterns. Paul Magnette (2005) suggests that
The area of freedom, security and justice (AFSJ) three criteria are especially helpful in enabling such
policy area provides an example of how changing cir- patterns to be discerned. These criteria are: the degree
cumstances can bring about related changes in policy of involvement of institutions that are independ-
processes. The policy area began to be initially devel- ent of government; the decision-making rules in the
oped at EU level from the mid-1980s, largely as a result Council; and the legal character of many decisional
of spillover from the internal market project and the outcomes.
opening-up of borders. However, the development was Using these criteria, four main policy-making
very tentative and was conducted on a strictly intergov- frameworks can be identified. Within these frame-
ernmental basis. Two sets of changing circumstances works there are variations in the specifics of policy
have, however, resulted in national governments giving processes, but the fundamental features are shared.
AFSJ issues a much greater priority in recent years and The frameworks will now each be examined.
being willing to see intergovernmental policy processes
giving way to supranational processes in many AFSJ
areas. One of these changing circumstances has been
The Community method
EU enlargement, which has intensified already existing When the Community was established in the 1950s a
concerns about border controls and related issues such single and relatively simple policy-making system was
as illegal inward movements of people (from non-EU provided for in the treaties. In the words of what for
states to the EU), cross-border crime, and drug traf- many years was a much-used maxim, the essence of
ficking. The other changing circumstance has been the system was that ‘the Commission proposes, the
the increased threat to ‘the West’ from international Parliament advises [on a restricted range of matters],
terrorism, which was first dramatically demonstrated the Council disposes [that is, decides – almost invari-
by the 9/11 attacks in the USA and has since been ably by unanimity], and [where laws are made] the
brought closer to home by many terrorist incidents in Court adjudicates’. This system, which came to be
Europe – notably in Madrid in 2004, London in 2005, known as the Community method, was designed on
Paris in 2015, and Brussels in 2016. These changing cir- the one hand to try and avoid what was seen to be the
cumstances have been instrumental in promoting the paralysing effects of the intergovernmental decision-
more communitarised approach to AFSJ that has been making arrangements of organisations such as the
evident since the late 1990s and which saw the Lisbon Council of Europe and the OEEC, whilst on the other
Treaty ‘transfer’ what remained of the separate AFSJ hand ensuring that national governments had the ulti-
pillar three from the TEU to the TFEU, albeit with the mate control of final decision-taking.
retention of unanimity in the Council for some espe- Over the years the Community method has evolved
cially sensitive JHA issues. in response to changing needs, demands and circum-
stances. Two changes have been especially impor-
tant. First, the powers of the EP have been greatly
extended in the rounds of treaty reform that have
The Four Frameworks of EU regularly occurred since the mid-1980s. From having
initially had only consultative powers, it is now nor-
Policy Processes mally a co-decision-maker with the Council where the
Community method is used – and it is used in over 90
As has been stressed above, there are many EU policy per cent of the cases where EU laws are being made.
processes. Indeed, the Convention that drew up the This change has had the effect of transforming the
Constitutional Treaty identified no less than 28 dis- Community method from a system that was primarily
tinct policy-making procedures on the basis of the based on a Commission–Council tandem to one that
decision-making rules in the Council, the nature of is now based on a Commission–Council–EP triangle.
the EP’s involvement, and the consultative status of Second, the ability of the Council to take decisions by
the EESC and the CoR. QMV has been greatly extended – to such an extent
Policy Processes | 317

has meant that more flexible policy processes than

BOX 18.3 the Community method are sometimes appropriate.
And, in the opinion of Giandomenico Majone, a third
The Community method: reason has been growing suspicions by member states
key features that the supranational institutions, especially the
Commission, have over-used the method because the
• The Commission takes the policy lead and
has monopolistic power over the drafting and
method works so much to their institutional advan-
tage: ‘there is clear evidence that the Commission, and
tabling of legislative proposals. arguably also the Court of Justice, on many occasions
• The Council is always a final decision-
maker, either by itself or with the EP. QMV
have used the Community method well beyond the
limits envisaged by the drafters of the Treaty of Rome,
is normally, but not always, available for the and that the member states have reacted to this lack
taking of Council decisions. of self-restraint by limiting the scope of delegation to
• The EP normally has co-decision-making
powers with the Council under the ‘ordinary
the supranational institutions’ (Majone, 2006a: 616).

legislative procedure’. Where this power is

absent, the EP must be consulted before any Intensive
final decision can be taken.
• The EU’s courts have final jurisdiction over all
EU legislation. Intergovernmental cooperation is a form of policy-
making in which national governments are the key
actors, decisions require unanimous approval by par-
that it is available (though, as was shown in Chapter 10, ticipating governments, and many decisional out-
not always used) for most areas of legislative deci- comes do not involve the making of laws. In the EU
sion-making. Box 18.3 provides an outline of the context, intergovernmental cooperation may thus
key features of the Community method in its cur- be said to exist when: the European Council and/or
rent form. These features are further considered in the Council of Ministers are the sole decision-makers
Chapter 19, where the EU’s legislative procedures are and the Commission and the EP are, at best, to the
examined. margins; QMV is not available and all member states
Because the Community method is the only method can veto a proposed decision to which they object;
that can be used for making EU legislation where a full and decisions that are taken are political rather than
legislative procedure is required, it is still naturally an legal decisions and are not enforceable through the
extremely important policy-making framework. But, EU’s courts. Box 18.4 summarises the key features of
it has declined in relative importance over the years intensive transgovernmentalism.
as other frameworks have also come to be used. A key This form of decision-making was first used in
reason for this use of other frameworks is that policy the early 1970s when the EC began to take steps in
areas and issues have come onto the EU’s agenda the field of foreign policy cooperation. The mem-
where law making has been deemed to be unsuitable ber states became concerned that whilst the EC was
or has been unacceptable to some member states. establishing itself as an increasingly important inter-
This has long been the case with foreign policy, but it national economic actor, and more especially trade
has become so also with such policy areas as employ- actor, its political voice and influence were largely
ment, social, and macroeconomic, where member absent. Accordingly, they began to seek to work more
states have recognised the need for policy coordina- closely with one another on foreign policy issues.
tion but have not wished to make binding laws and But, because of the sensitivities involved in respect
have not wished to be subject to the supranational of foreign policy – not least the fact that it is a policy
elements which the Community method – to varying area where sovereignty sensitivities run high – the
degrees – involves. Another reason for the relative Community method was seen as being unsuitable and
decline is enlargement, which by making the EU not unacceptable. The member states wanted to see how
only much larger but also much more heterogeneous far they could cooperate, not integrate. They wanted
318 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

preliminary and relatively informal discussions on

BOX 18.4 policy matters between middle-ranking officials from
member state Foreign Ministries to formal decisions
Intensive transgovernmentalism: on policy issues made by Foreign Ministers in the
key features Council of Ministers or by Heads of Government in
the European Council.
• The right of policy initiation is not exclusive to
the Commission but is held also by the govern-
Until recently, the other major policy area where
intensive transgovernmentalism featured prominently
ments of the member states. in EU policy processes was AFSJ. Like foreign policy,
• The EP is in a generally weak consultative posi-
tion, with few formal powers other than the
AFSJ was initially developed on a very cautious and
tentative basis – in its case from the mid-1980s – and
power of consent on some types of international also like foreign policy the sovereignty sensitivities
agreements. associated with the policy area meant the Community
• Much policy activity is focused on fostering
cooperation between governments rather than
method could not initially be used. However, though
in its initial treaty appearance – as pillar three of the
on law-making. TEU which was created as part of the Maastricht
• Governments interact with one another on an
intensive basis, both at many levels and in many
Treaty – it was based on firmly intergovernmen-
tal principles, pressures quickly built to make AFSJ
policy areas. more subject to the Community method. This duly
• All key decisions are made by either the
European Council or by the Council of
occurred, with several AFSJ policy area – including
immigration, visa, and asylum – brought into the
Ministers acting by unanimity. EU’s first pillar by the Amsterdam Treaty, and then
with what remained of the third pillar brought into
the TFEU by the Lisbon Treaty. Remnants of intergov-
ernmentalism still remain in the AFSJ area – with, for
also to be firmly in charge of developments rather example, the Commission not having sole legislative
than being dependent in any way on the Commission, proposing rights in some spheres (the only policy area
the European Parliament, or the Court of Justice. where this is so) and with unanimity still required in
Since the taking of the initial steps in the early the Council for some types of decision (though, of
1970s, foreign policy cooperation has developed into course, it is not unique in this) – but, for the most
a major area of EU policy activity, as is shown in part, AFSJ has been ‘communitarised’.
Chapter 22. It is still essentially based on the princi- Beyond ‘regular’ policy areas, there is one other
ples of intergovernmental cooperation on which it type of policy process that is based primarily on
was founded, but the policy processes have inevitably intergovernmental principles: the process that leads
become much more intensive in form as the range to ‘history-making’ decisions. These are decisions
of foreign policy interests, activities and instruments that in some way mark very significant stages or
have grown. Indeed, so intensive have the processes turning points in the integration process. Examples
become that it is clear that the term ‘intergovern- of such decisions include those on the contents of
mental cooperation’ now no longer fully captures the treaties, on the contents of the multiannual financial
nature of foreign policy-making processes and that frameworks, on enlargements, and on major and new
Wallace and Reh’s term ‘intensive transgovernmental- policy initiatives. Decisions of this type have some
ism’ is much more accurate (Wallace and Reh, 2010: quasi-supranational features associated with them –
109–11). Intensive transgovernmentalism captures the they are, for example, often at least partly prepared by
constantly ongoing interactions between representa- the Commission and final adoption of decisions may
tives of the governments of the member states as they require the consent of the EP. Furthermore, though
work with one another on a day-to-day basis to make history-making decisions do not have the status of
EU foreign policy, and increasingly also the linked being law-making decisions, they are decisions that
area of defence policy, meaningful and effective. These national governments are required to abide by, and
interactions take many different forms, ranging from in most cases they are duly transmitted into law by
Policy Processes | 319

the appropriate procedures. But, notwithstanding

such supranational and Community method features, BOX 18.5
the process that leads to history-making decisions
is mainly intergovernmental in character in that The open method of coordination:
national governmental representatives are invariably key features
extensively involved in the preparing of decisions
(this is especially the case in respect of treaty mak-
ing) and, above all, the key decision-makers are very
• Broad policy goals and guidelines are set at EU
level by the Council, acting by unanimity. The
senior members of government, usually the Heads of specificity of the goals and guidelines varies
Government, acting by unanimity. considerably between and within policy areas.
• The policy goals and guidelines are not given
legal status, but are essentially voluntary in
Open coordination nature.

In the second half of the 1990s the EU began to

• Member states draw up national action plans
setting out how they will seek to achieve the
become involved in a number of policy areas where goals and be in conformity with the guidelines.
the governments of the member states felt there was a In drawing up the plans, member states are
need to have a policy approach that would fall some- granted considerable discretion regarding the
where between intergovernmental cooperation and policy instruments and mechanisms they are
the Community method. The former was thought to to use.
be too weak for some emerging policy areas whilst the
latter was thought to infringe too much on national
• Member states submit (to the Commission
and the relevant configurations of the Council)
sovereignty and independence. regular reports on their progress in achieving
The new policy approach that was gradually devel- the goals and meeting the guidelines. Reporting
oped is known variously as open coordination, the obligations can be burdensome, especially for
open method or, to use its full and official name, small member states.
the open method of coordination (OMC). Open
coordination was initially applied to macroeconomic
• The Commission exercises an important role
in assisting with and monitoring OMC activi-
policy coordination, with a system being developed in ties. As part of its activities it produces reports
the late 1990s, known as the Broad Economic Policy that, in addition to disseminating information,
Guidelines (BEPGs), designed to strengthen the coor- are often intended to encourage/pressurise
dination of the broad economic policies of all member member states that fall behind to improve their
states, whether they were to be EMU members or not. performances and so achieve targets. These
At much the same time, OMC began also to be applied reports are publically available and often involve
to aspects of employment policy, where the member (though the Commission customarily denies it)
states were charged by the Amsterdam Treaty with a an element of the so-called ‘name and shame’
responsibility for developing a coordinated strategy approach to policy implementation.
and in particular for promoting a skilled, trained
and adaptable workforce. The March 2000 Lisbon
European Council meeting then gave OMC a major
boost by identifying it as a key policy procedure to be
used in giving effect to the Lisbon Strategy that was What then is the nature of OMC as a policy frame-
launched at the summit. The Strategy had as its central work? The broad features are outlined in Box 18.5, but
purpose making the EU economy much more com- within those features OMC takes a number of forms,
petitive, dynamic, and knowledge-based, and doing so with some forms being tighter and more hierarchical
within a framework in which employment and social than others. Essentially, however, OMC involves the
cohesion are advanced (see Chapter 20 for a fuller governments of the member states, operating nor-
account of the nature of the Lisbon Strategy, and its mally, but by no means always, on the bases of ideas
successor which is known as Europe 2020). and proposals advanced by the Commission, agreeing
320 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

(by unanimity) on policy goals – such as reaching the implementation that the decisions taken by the
target levels for investment in research or launch- supranational institutions regularly have great policy
ing information technology training programmes for significance.
young people – and then seeking to achieve the goals One of these policy areas is competition, where,
not via legal compulsion but via voluntary action. The as was shown in Chapter 9, the Commission has
nature of the action to be taken is set out in national considerable discretion and powers in relation to a
action plans, which often vary considerably in both wide range of matters, including abuse of dominant
ambition and detail. Pressures of various sorts, orches- trading positions, proposed company mergers, the
trated and managed usually by the Commission, are existence of cartels, and state aid to public and private
put on the member states to ‘fall in line’, but national companies. The Commission is always lobbied when
governments are given considerable latitude as to the dealing with competition issues, not least by member
policy instruments they use and there is no question state governments when decisions to be taken are
of legal action being taken against them for failing to seen as having potentially significant consequences
meet policy targets. Amongst the preferred methods for national economies. But though the Commission
of achieving policy aims and targets are the submis- normally seeks to be sensitive to particular national
sion to the Commission and the relevant formation of concerns, final decisions fall to it alone: dissatisfied
the Council of annual national reports, peer pressure, governments may appeal Commission decisions to
bench marking, and the adoption of best practices. the CJEU on points of law, but they cannot ask the
The main disadvantage of the OMC approach Council to overturn decisions on political grounds.
is that it is ultimately voluntary in nature. So, gov- The other policy area is eurozone monetary policy
ernments are not legally bound by agreements and where, as was described in Chapters 1 and 14, the ECB
may not feel very committed to implementing them. has very important sole decision-making responsi-
Where national implementation is poor, there are no bilities. Like the Commission in respect of competition
‘punishments’ that can be invoked against national policy, the Bank is subjected to pressures from member
authorities, other than them being publicly shown state governments – unsurprisingly given the often dif-
to have ‘fallen behind’. Advantages of OMC are that ferent policy needs of eurozone national e­ conomies –
policy remains primarily a national responsibility, but it alone takes key interest and exchange rate
national diversities are respected, and governments decisions. As a result of the economic and financial
may agree to commit to orientations and actions crisis, it has also become involved in the making of
they would not accept if stricter and more manda- decisions with important fiscal implications.
tory policy instruments were being proposed. (Useful
introductions to OMC include: Borrás and Jacobsson,
2004; Schäfer, 2004; Heidenreich and Bischoff, 2008.)
Recurring Characteristics of
EU Policy Processes
Centralised decision-making
A number of general features are characteristic of and
There are two very important policy areas where EU run through EU policy processes. They include vari-
supranational institutions have been given extremely able institutional roles and powers, compromises and
strong and relatively independent decision-making linkages, inter-institutional cooperation, difficulties
powers. The institutions have been given these pow- in effecting radical change, tactical manoeuvring, and
ers because the policy areas concerned have been different speeds.
deemed as needing to be ‘de-politicised’ in the sense
that the decision-makers have been seen as requir-
ing to be shielded from political pressures. In both Variable institutional roles and
cases the powers that have been assigned to the powers
supranational institutions could be seen as constitut-
ing a rather special form of policy implementation The roles and powers of the EU’s institutions and
responsibilities, but such is the extent and impact of of the political actors associated with them vary
Policy Processes | 321

considerably between policy processes and policy Compromises and linkages

areas. This point was suggested above in the examina-
tion of the four policy frameworks, and indeed it may The diversity of competing interests across the member
almost be regarded as a theme of this book so often states, coupled with the nature of the EU’s decision-
is it made – either implicitly or explicitly – in other making systems, means that successful policy develop-
chapters. Attention here will, therefore, be confined to ment is frequently heavily dependent on key policy
the making of a few core observations. actors, especially governments, being prepared to com-
Where legislation is being made, decision-making promise. If actors are not prepared to take a consensual
processes are based on an institutional triangle within approach effective decision-making can be very difficult
which the Commission, the Council, and the EP all although, at the same time, taking such an approach
exercise power and influence and are constantly inter- usually results in actors not being completely content
acting. But, the precise powers and influence of each of with decisional outcomes.
the institutions can vary considerably according to just As part of the process wherein compromises pro-
what is being proposed and what procedure applies. vide the basis for agreements, deals are frequently
The Commission, for example, has very considerable formulated in which different and sometimes seem-
control over administrative legislation, but has much ingly unrelated policy issues are linked. Linking issues
less control over the contents of tabled directives together in ‘package deals’ can open the door to agree-
that are subject to the ordinary legislative procedure. ments by ensuring that there are prizes for everybody
Indeed, it is argued by some observers that once such and not, as might be the case when only a specific issue
directives have been tabled, the Commission, though is taken, for just a few.
continuing to be a policy participant, is sometimes in The European Council has been instrumental in
a position of doing little more than servicing Council– contracting some of the EU’s grander compromises
EP deliberations and negotiations. and linked deals. It has, for example, been key to
Beyond the making of legislation, there is an addi- agreements being reached on the EU’s multiannual
tional array of varying institutional roles and powers. financial frameworks, which involve bringing together
Where, for example, a ‘soft’ policy approach is taken, many different and usually strongly contested mat-
the EP is normally disadvantaged and policy processes ters. So, for instance, after extensive pre-preparations,
resemble more a Commission–Council tandem, as is agreement on the contents of the 2014–20 financial
the case with those parts of the Europe 2020 Strategy framework was eventually reached at the February
that are based on the OMC. In respect of EMU, the EP 2013 European Council meeting (see Chapter 23).
is once more on the margins, much of the Council’s Matters that had been causing difficulties included
role is undertaken in practice by the Eurogroup of the overall size of the framework, the ceilings to be
ministers, and key monetary decisions are taken by imposed on types of expenditure, national net con-
the ECB. And in the CFSP and CSDP spheres institu- tributions to and receipts from the budget, and the
tional positions are different again, with the Council continuance and size of the UK’s rebate.
dominating. This is because of the inter-governmental One of the reasons the European Council has
nature of these policy areas, which means not only that become involved in the construction of overarch-
the unanimity principle prevails in the Council but ing deals of the kind just described is that other EU
also that the Commission does not have exclusive pro- institutions and actors, and EU processes as a whole,
posing rights and the EP is largely restricted to being are ill-adapted to the linking of different policy areas
consulted and being able to tender advice. In addition and the construction of complex package deals. The
to the Council, the European Council sometimes also General Affairs and Ecofin Councils have some poten-
exercises a significant role in respect of CFSP/CSDP tial in this regard, especially the former since its coor-
(as indeed it does in some other policy areas, includ- dinating potential was enhanced by the Lisbon Treaty.
ing economic policy). Another important CFSP/CSDP However, in practice, these Councils do not have the
institutional actor is the High Representative of the authority to ‘impose’ comprehensive solutions on
Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy who, sectoral Councils. As for the sectoral Councils, they do
post the Lisbon Treaty, has a base in both the Council not normally become involved in discussions beyond
and Commission camps. their immediate policy concern, and they certainly do
322 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

not have the means of linking difficulties in their own Inter-institutional cooperation has grown over the
areas with difficulties being experienced by ministers years as the range of policy activities in which the EU is
elsewhere. involved has spread, and more especially as policy pro-
Much EU policy-making and decision-making cesses have become more numerous and more com-
thus tends to be rather compartmentalised, and it is plex. The growth has taken many different forms. So,
within rather than across policy compartments that for example, there has been a mushrooming of infor-
the trading, bargaining, linkaging, and compromising mal contacts between officials of the Commission, the
that are so characteristic of EU processes are mainly Council, and the EP, and it is now commonplace for
to be found. At Council working party level, trading these officials to liaise closely with their counterparts
may consist of little more than an official conceding on policy dossiers. At a rather more formal level, there
a point on line eight of a proposed legal instrument are tripartite meetings – that is, meetings between
in exchange for support received on line three. At representatives of the three institutions – of various
ministerial level, it may result in what amounts to an kinds. For instance, there is a monthly meeting to
exchange of resources as, for example, can happen monitor the progress of proposals identified in the
in the Agriculture Council in respect of decisions on Commission’s annual work programme. There is also
product and income support systems. a monthly meeting of the Presidents of the three insti-
tutions, held during the EP Strasbourg plenary week,
to consider relevant issues. At an even more formal
Inter-institutional cooperation level, several inter-institutional agreements have been
signed to regularise, clarify, and generally facilitate
Three types of cooperation are of crucial impor- inter-institutional relations.
tance to the effective day-to-day operation of the The ordinary legislative procedure illustrates in a
EU. These are intra-institutional cooperation, inter- specific way the growth in inter-institutional coopera-
institutional cooperation, and inter-level cooperation tion. Amongst its consequences it has: (1) encouraged
between EU and member state actors (Vanhoonacker the institutions to devise/accept a compromise text
and Neuhold, 2015). All three types are examined at an early legislative stage; (2) increased the need
throughout this book, but as intra-institutional and for the Council to be sensitive to the EP’s views;
inter-level cooperation were considered at some length (3) made trialogue meetings between representatives
in Part II of the book, there will be a particular exami- of the Commission, the Council, and the EP a vital
nation of inter-institutional cooperation here. feature of much EU law-making; and (4) promoted
Disagreements and disputes between the EU insti- (the already extensive) informal exchanges between
tutions mostly concern policy matters, but they can representatives of the institutions to sound out posi-
also concern institutional matters – especially if an tions, discover what may be possible, and identify
institution is seen to abuse its powers in some way. areas where progress may be made. In short, the pro-
But the extent of inter-institutional disagreements cedure has given a powerful stimulus to a ‘cultural’
and disputes should not be exaggerated, for EU policy change in the relations between the Commission, the
processes are also characterised by close, even intense, Council, and the EP that has been underway since the
inter-institutional cooperation of many different kinds. creation of the cooperation procedure by the SEA. At
Indeed, not only are policy processes characterised by the heart of this cultural change is the notion that the
such cooperation but they are highly dependent on it. If three institutions must work closely with one another,
cooperation was not to be generally forthcoming, pol- and when legislation is being made they must operate
icy processes would be much more difficult, protracted on the basis of a genuinely triangular relationship.
and halting than they are. For example, processes Figures on the proportions of final legislation that
would always be highly conflictual if the Commission are ‘attributable’ to each of the Commission, Council,
and Council were seen by MEPs to be over-dismissive and EP must always be treated with care. They can-
of EP amendments to legislative proposals, whilst they not fully measure the dynamics of inter-institutional
would be extremely inefficient if the Commission, the dynamics and bargaining and the relative ‘success’ of
Council, and the EP did not cooperate with each other institutions in championing their policy preferences.
on legislative planning and timetabling. There are problems, for example, in evaluating the
Policy Processes | 323

relative importance of Council and EP amendments, of moving towards a more liberal model of integra-
as there are also in assessing precisely what has hap- tion, there have been significant differences between
pened when drafts are re-worked to accommodate the governments of the member states on the extent
some, but not all, of Council and EP amendments. to which and the ways in which economic life should
Given, however, that under the ordinary legislative be directed and managed. A third reason why some
procedure all three institutions must judge a draft obstacles to change have increased in force is that pol-
to be at least acceptable for it to be approved by the icy development has inevitably created and attracted
end of second reading, the fact that over 95 per cent interests that have a stake in the status quo. This
of legislation is so approved is testimony to the ‘give- is the case, for example, with agriculture, where
and-take’ that is characteristic of legislative processes. Commission proposals for reform invariably produce
protests from powerful sectional groups and elector-
ally sensitive governments.
Difficulties in effecting radical All this is not to suggest that change and reform
change are not possible. On the contrary, since the mid-1980s
there clearly have been major changes and reforms of
Partly as a consequence of the prevalence of compro- both an institutional and a policy kind. Additions and
mise, much EU policy-making and decision-making amendments to the treaties, the (continuing) inter-
displays a deep gradualism and incrementalism. It nal market programme, the creation and increasing
is just not possible for the Commission, the Council centralisation of EMU, the enlargement process, the
Presidency, a national government, or anyone else, Lisbon/Europe 2020 Strategy, and the movement of
to initiate a clear and comprehensive policy pro- the CAP away from price support towards income
posal, incorporating bold new plans and significant support are but amongst many examples of ongoing
departures from the status quo, and expect it to be changes and reforms. These changes and reforms
accepted without being modified significantly – which have been driven by a range of external and internal
usually means being watered down. Ambitious pro- factors, and have been guided and shaped by com-
posals, such as the much-discussed Services Directive plex interactions between EU and national political
– which is aimed at opening up competition in ser- forces. The existence of obstacles to change does not,
vices industries and which was the subject of long therefore, preclude it occurring, but what it does do is
inter-institutional negotiations between 2004 and to ensure that since just about any policy innovation
2006 – customarily find themselves being smothered is likely to meet with at least some resistance from
with modifications, escape clauses, and long transi- some quarter(s), bold initiatives are always likely to be
tional periods before full implementation. weakened/checked/delayed.
The obstacles to innovation and radical change are
powerful, and stem from a range of different national,
institutional and ideological positions and perspec- Tactical manoeuvring
tives. Moreover, some of the obstacles have increased
in force over the years. One reason for this is that Tactical manoeuvring and jockeying for position are
the way forward is not as clear as it was in the 1960s, universal characteristics of policy processes. However,
when specific treaty obligations were being honoured they are especially apparent in the EU as a result of its
and ‘negative integration’ (that is, the dismantling of multiplicity of actors and channels and the diversity
barriers and the encouragement of trade liberalisa- of its interests.
tion) was generally accepted as the main policy prior- It is not possible to present here a comprehensive
ity. Another reason is that the EU has become more catalogue of the tactical options that are available to
politically and ideologically heterogeneous. This is policy actors. However, a sample of the questions that
partly because of enlargement and partly because the often have to be considered by just one category of key
broad Keynesian consensus on social and economic EU actors – national representatives in the Council –
policy that existed in most Western European coun- will give a flavour of the intricacies and potential
tries until the mid-1970s no longer exists. Although importance of tactical considerations, as can be seen
there has been a measure of consensus on the benefits in Box 18.6.
324 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

issued almost immediately, and Council regulations

BOX 18.6 and decisions can be pushed through via urgent pro-
cedures if the circumstances require it.
Tactical options to be considered As for ‘standard’ EU legislation, decision-making
by national representatives in the processes have speeded up over the years, despite
Council the movement from the one reading consultation
procedure to the potentially three reading ordinary
• Can a coalition be built to create a positive
majority or a negative minority? If so, should it
procedure. Whereas the average time between the
transmission and adoption of a directive was around
be done via bilateral pre-meetings or in an EU 36 months in the mid-1980s, it is now about 19
forum? months (European Parliament, 2014: 10). There are
• Is it necessary, for domestic political purposes,
to formally note dissent on a proposal to which
three main factors determining the speed at which
particular proposals are adopted. First, whether or not
the government is opposed? (Although most they command initial general support in the Council
Council business is conducted behind closed and the EP. Second, whether or not Council and EP
doors, much of what goes on in ministerial negotiators are sufficiently flexible to permit an agree-
meetings enters the public domain. Moreover, ment at first reading (proposals that go to second
since the Lisbon Treaty ‘the Council shall meet readings and conciliations average about 30 months
in public when it deliberates and votes on a before they are adopted). Third, whether QMV rules
draft legislative AU: act’ (Article 16, TEU).) apply in the Council. If QMV is available, ministers
• Is it possible to disguise opposition to a
proposal by ‘hiding’ behind another state?
are not normally prepared to wait – as they must if
unanimity is required – for everyone to agree to all
• Should concessions be made in a working party
or in COREPER to ensure progress, or should
aspects of a proposal. Rather it is customary to give a
government that objects strongly to a proposal time to
they be held back until the ministers meet in the adjust to the majority view – perhaps with encourage-
hope that this will be seen as conciliatory and ment via compromises and derogations – and then
helpful, with the consequence that it might reap proceed, either on the basis of an implicit vote by
dividends on another occasion? officials or an explicit vote by ministers.
• Where is the balance to be struck between being
seen to be tough in defence of the national
Voting is used most frequently in established policy
areas such as trade, agriculture and the internal mar-
interest and being seen to be European-minded ket. As Hayes-Renshaw and Wallace (2006: 298) put it,
and ready to compromise? (Often, on a particu- ‘it seems to be the case that routinized explicit voting
lar issue, some states have a vested interest in at ministerial level or implicit voting at official level
an agreement being reached, whilst the interests occurs more readily in those policy fields where there
of others are best served by the absence of any is a settled rhythm to EU decision-making; where the
agreement and, as a result, the absence of EU default position is that an existing agreement con-
obligations.) tinues rather than that there is no agreement; where
national positions are quite clear; and where habits
of doing business together are fairly well established’.
Decision-making is likely to be at its slowest when
Different speeds a proposal is in a policy area still under construction,
when it is highly contested, when it creates difficulties
EU processes are often criticised for being cumber- of principle for members of the Council and/or EP,
some and slow. Unquestionably they can be so, but when it is not subject to the dictates of a timetable, and
this is far from always being the case. Procedures when QMV cannot be used. In such circumstances the
exist that allow certain types of decision to be made EU’s decision-making capacity can be relatively weak
as and when necessary. So, for example, annual and it can be very difficult for progress to be made.
budgetary decisions are made according to a prede- There may not even be much of a concerted effort to
termined timetable, Commission legislation can be force progress if it is felt in the Council that one or
Policy Processes | 325

more minority states genuinely have considerable dif- by states to what they regard as an excessive transfer of
ficulties with the proposal, for governments tend to be powers to the EU has resulted in many policy spheres
very sensitive to the needs of one another – not least being less integrated and comprehensive in their
because they are aware that they themselves may be in approach than is, from a policy efficiency perspective,
a minority on a future occasion. ideally desirable. Regional policy, industrial policy,
An example of a legislative proposal moving only and environmental policy are examples of policy areas
slowly through the EU’s legislative processes is the where policy responsibilities are shared between the
Commission’s proposal of October 2003 for an EP EU and the states, where frequently the activities of the
and Council regulation concerning the registration, two levels (three if subnational authorities are added)
evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals are not always properly coordinated, and sometimes
(REACH), together with the creation of a European where they are not even mutually complementary.
Chemicals Agency, which was not adopted until EU policy thus tends not to be wholly the outcome
December 2006. Designed to commit firms that manu- of a rational model of decision-making. That is to say,
facture and import chemicals to identify and manage policy is not normally completely made via a proce-
risks, the regulation replaced more than 40 existing EU dure in which problems are identified, objectives are
laws and shifted the burden of proof that chemicals on set, all possible alternatives for achieving the objectives
the market are safe from the public to the private sector. are carefully evaluated, and the best alternatives are
The reason why the regulation took over three years to then adopted and proceeded with. Rather, policy tends
adopt was the existence of sharply differing views within to evolve in a somewhat messy way, which means that
all three institutions: differences that were buttressed models of policy and decision-making other than the
by intense lobbying from the chemical industry on rational model are often also, or even more, useful for
the one side and environmental and consumer inter- highlighting key features of EU processes. Box 18.7
ests on the other. Very broadly speaking, the Council identifies some of these models.
took a ‘business-friendly’ approach, the Parliament
pressed (not least through the tabling of hundreds of *  *  *
amendments) for a tighter regulatory framework, and But, having identified weaknesses in the quality of EU
the Commission sought, whilst being closer to the policy processes, some re-balancing is now in order
Council’s position, to find a consensual way forward. lest the impression be given of a system that is wholly
and uniquely disordered and undemocratic. There are
three main points to be made.
The Efficiency of EU Policy The first point is that, in many respects, EU policy
processes are not so different from national processes.
Processes This is not, of course, to say that important differences
do not exist. The international nature of the EU, for
The EU lacks a fixed, central, authoritative point example, makes for more diverse and more powerful
where general priorities can be set out and choices opposition to its policy initiatives than customarily
between competing options can be made. In other exists within states. It is also the case that EU decision-
words, there is no single framework or mechanism for makers are less directly accountable than national deci-
determining and implementing an overall policy view sion-makers to those who are subject to their decisions.
in which the requirements of agriculture, industry, the Another difference is that the EU’s policy structures
environment, and so on are weighed and evaluated in are more complex, and in some respects collectively
relation to one another and in relation to resources. weaker, than their national counterparts. But recogni-
New policy planning instruments have been adopted tion of these and other differences should not obscure
in recent years, but no EU institution has the power similarities of type – if not perhaps intensity – between
or resources to set a comprehensive EU policy pro- EU and national processes: political interest, policy
gramme and then ensure it is carried through. networks, political elite, institutional, and other models
Within individual policy sectors there are, as has of decision-making can, after all, throw light on fea-
been shown, many obstacles to coherent and properly tures of the latter as well as the former. For example,
ordered policy development. For example, resistance in all member states, especially those with coalition
326 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

Box 18.7

Examples of policy- and decision-making models that can assist in the

analysis of EU policy- and decision-making processes*
• Political interest models can be useful in drawing attention to the interaction of competing interests in
the EU, to the variable power exercised by these interests in different policy- and decision-making situ-
ations, and to the ways in which decisional outcomes are frequently a consequence of bargaining and
compromise between interests.
• Policy network models are useful in focusing on the ways in which in some policy spheres EU decision-
makers and outside interests come together on an at least semi-regular basis for such purposes as infor-
mation sharing, reconciling differences, and making decisions. Policy networks can vary considerably in
character, with some being tight in structure and making provision for frequent intra-network commu-
nications whilst others are relatively loose and provide for only occasional communications.
• Political elite models highlight the considerable concentrations of power, at official and political levels,
that exist across the EU’s policy- and decision-making processes. As at national levels, concentration is
especially marked in sensitive policy areas such as monetary policy and foreign policy, where processes
are more secret and closed than they are in regional or agriculture policy for example. Political elite
models also draw attention to the paucity of mechanisms available to EU citizens to ensure direct
accountability on the part of EU decision-makers. The fact is that decision-making in the EU is not so
tied to or restricted by elections and electoral outcomes as is decision-making at the national level.
• Institutional models emphasise how the rules and understandings via which EU decisions are made do
much to shape the nature of the decisions themselves. That is, the institutional structures and processes
are not neutral. So, for example, when a wide range of national, regional, and sectional interests are
entitled to be consulted before policy can be developed and decisions can only be made by unanimity in
the Council, progress is frequently slow and the outcome is often little more than the lowest common
denominator. When, on the other hand, the process is more streamlined – and permits, for example,
QMV in the Council or the Commission to disburse funds directly – then policy and decision-making is
likely to be more decisive and decisions themselves more adventurous and coherent.

* On models and conceptualisations of EU policy processes, see also Chapters 24 and 25.

governments (which is the norm in most EU states), have been made to initiate rather than just react, to
political accommodation is an everyday occurrence and look to the medium-term rather than just the short-
policy trimming is common. Furthermore, in countries term, and to pull at least some of the pieces together
like Germany and Belgium where there is a consider- into coordinated programmes.
able geographical decentralisation of power, tensions At the level of overarching policy coordination,
between levels of government over who does what and progress towards more forward-looking and coor-
who pays for what are by no means unusual. In short, dinated policy planning has, it must be said, been
many of the EU’s policy-making ‘problems’ – such as only modest, but it is developing. For example, as
the prevalence of incrementalism and of policy slippages is shown in Chapter 23, the financial frameworks
– are by no means absent in national political systems. that have framed budgetary policy since 1988 have
The second point is that not all EU policy processes been based on Commission documents that have
consist of cobbling together deals that can satisfy the sought to deal with at least some central priorities
current complexion of political forces. This certainly is on a multiannual basis. Moreover, since Romano
a crucially important feature, but it does not amount Prodi became Commission President in 1999, incom-
to the complete picture. In recent years, greater efforts ing Commissions have further sought to strengthen
Policy Processes | 327

medium-term planning by issuing at the beginning training programmes. In contrast, specific action
of their terms of office documents setting out policy programmes are more specialised in their areas of
priorities. Designed to provide guidelines for their concern and tighter in their provisions. Examples are
five-year terms, the documents have been followed social research programmes on such matters as safety
up by the issuing of annual work programmes setting in coalmines and industrial hygiene, which are given
out the political and policy priorities for the following appropriations for a given period and provide up to
year. These annual programmes are presented to and about 60 per cent of the cost of approved research
are discussed with the Council and EP in the autumn projects.
of the year before which they are to apply. The third and final ‘re-balancing’ point to be made
Of course, effective EU planning requires that about EU policy processes is that critical judgements
Commission plans and priorities be tied in with those of them ought to be placed in the context of the very
of the other main institutions. This has been some- considerable degree of policy cooperation and integra-
thing of a problem, with both the Council and the tion that has been achieved at the EU level. There is no
EP being protective of their right to determine their comparable international development where states
own priorities – as witnessed, for example, by both have voluntarily transferred so many policy responsibili-
the trio and the individual Council Presidencies set- ties to a collective organisation of states, and in so doing
ting out the goals for their time in office, and both the have surrendered so much of their national sovereignty.
Council and the EP specifying their political objectives It is hardly surprising, given the enormity of the exercise,
at the beginning of the annual budgetary process. that pressures and desires for cooperation and integra-
Nonetheless, collaboration on planning between the tion should so often be challenged, and held in check, by
institutions is improving, with a variety of consulta- caution, uncertainty, conflict, and competition.
tive and information-exchange mechanisms now in
place designed to try and ensure that the three institu-
tions work in the same policy direction.
Coordinated forward thinking and planning has Concluding Remarks
also improved over the years in particular policy sec-
tors, with the existence of medium- to long-term The EU thus has a wide, varied, and in many respects
policy objectives and multiannual programmes. These highly complex set of policy processes. Of course, this
are drawn up by the Commission, usually in consulta- is to some extent also true of the member states, but
tion with appropriate consultative committees and not like anything to the same degree. A number of
committees of experts, and have to be approved by reasons account for the EU’s distinctiveness in this
the Council to be given effect. They appear in various respect, of which the varying preferences of the mem-
forms, including Commission Green Papers, com- ber states regarding which policies they wish to see
munications, and framework programmes and are developed and in what ways are especially important.
designed for purposes such as getting new policy objec- The overall policy process picture embraces a num-
tives off the ground, setting medium-term modernisa- ber of operating principles that feature to different
tion objectives, and initiating action programmes. degrees within particular processes. This is seen most
It is worth saying a little about action programmes evidently in the varying nature of the intergovernmen-
to illustrate how, within specified fields of activ- tal/supranational balance.
ity, a measure of coordinated development over a The chapter has, however, sought to emphasise
planned medium-term period is possible. Action that notwithstanding the seemingly bewildering over-
programmes vary in nature, from the broad and all nature of EU policy processes, some order can be
general to the highly specific. Broad and general pro- brought to them by recognising that they can be seen
grammes typically include measures to improve the as falling within four broad formworks. They are
monitoring and supervision of existing legislation, frameworks, moreover, within which a number of
ideas for new legislation, running a pilot scheme, and recurring features can be detected.
spending programmes. Amongst the fields of activ- A particularly important dimension of policy pro-
ity where such action programmes exist are equal cesses is, of course, legislative processes. These are
opportunities, public health, and access to educational examined in the next chapter.
Chapter 19
Making and Applying EU Legislation

The EU’s Legislative his chapter examines the making and applying of EU legislation. Regarding
Procedures330 the making of legislation, attention is focused on legislation that is subject
EU Legislation After to a full legislative procedure, which means legislation that generally is
Adoption342 thought to be especially significant and/or is concerned with establishing princi-
Concluding Remarks 344 ples. The reason for this focus is that legislation that does not require a full legisla-
tive procedure – which means legislation that is usually narrow in focus and of
an administrative and/or implementing character – was examined in Chapter 9.
By way of introducing ‘the overall shape’ of EU legislative and application
procedures, Figure 19.1 shows their key organisational features and the posi-
tions of the main EU institutions within them. As can be seen, the ‘route’ taken
by proposed administrative legislation is to the right of the figure and that
taken by proposals involving a full legislative process is to the left.


Does not legislate, but may Initiates proposals Charged with ensuring EU law
issue guidelines to the is interpreted and applied
Commission and the Council correctly

‘Political’ and ‘significant’ Administrative legislation

legislation is adopted by is usually adopted by the
the EP and the Council or Commission via
by the Council


works at two levels: works at three levels: Council by the
scrutiny Commission
Plenaries Committees Ministers COREPER Working

Legislation is adopted in three forms

1 Regulations are binding on member states
2 Decisions are binding on those to whom they are addressed
3 Directives are binding as to the result to be achieved, but require transposition by the appropriate national

National authorities, subject to a general supervision by the Commission, carry the main responsibility for
implementing EU law

Figure 19.1 Principal features of the EU’s legislative procedures

330 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

As has been shown earlier in this book (see espe- the cooperation procedure, it is described fully in the
cially pp. 230–1), the volume of EU legislation has third edition of this book [1994]).
fallen considerably in recent years. It has done so as As its post-Lisbon name implies, the ordinary pro-
decision-makers have sought to lighten the EU’s legal cedure is the most used of the EU’s three legislative
load, have become more cautious of advancing legis- procedures. Since its creation by the Maastricht Treaty,
lative proposals in topic areas that are especially con- its remit has been so extended by the Amsterdam, Nice
tested, and have increasingly used non-legally binding and Lisbon Treaties that it is now used for around 90
policy instruments. The fall includes both legislation per cent of legislation. Indeed, in addition to the tell-
requiring a full legislative procedure and administra- ing name change to the procedure made by the Lisbon
tive legislation. The former are commonly, though Treaty, the Treaty further emphasised the procedure’s
certainly not always, issued in the form of directives, mainstreaming by referring to the other procedures
whilst the latter are usually issued in the form of regu- as ‘special legislative procedures’. So widely used is
lations and decisions (see Chapter 13). the ordinary procedure that rather than list its many
However, notwithstanding the fall, legislation applications, Box 19.1 confines itself to listing the
requiring a full legislative process continues to be legislative acts to which the consultation and consent
very important. This was shown in the Commission’s procedures apply: that is the acts that are not subject
Work Programme for 2016, with projected new legis- to the ordinary procedure.
lation including proposals designed to advance such The nature of the EU’s three post-Lisbon legislative
key medium- and long-term programmes and objec- procedures will now be described.
tives as the Digital Single Market Strategy, the Energy
Union, the Single Market Strategy, and the European
Banking Union (European Commission, 2015). The consultation procedure
Prior to the SEA, the consultation procedure was
the only procedure for non-administrative legisla-
The EU’s Legislative tion. However, the creation of the cooperation and
assent procedures by the SEA and of the co-decision
Procedures procedure by the Maastricht Treaty, coupled with
the ‘elevation’ of policy areas from the consultation
Not counting the special cases of the annual budgetary procedure to these other procedures by the SEA and
process (see Chapter 23) and the little-used category the Maastricht, Amsterdam and Lisbon Treaties, has
of European Parliament acts, since the Lisbon Treaty meant that, as Box 19.1 shows, the number of policy
entered into force in December 2009 the EU has had areas to which the consultation procedure applies
three legislative procedures: ‘consultation’, ‘ordinary’ is now limited. Amongst important policy areas to
(called ‘co-decision’ pre-Lisbon Treaty), and ‘consent’ which it still does apply are aspects of social, fiscal,
(‘assent’ pre-Lisbon Treaty). Each of these procedures AFSJ, and citizenship policies.
contains internal variations, the most important of The consultation procedure is a single-reading
which is that QMV is available to the Council for some procedure in which the Council is the sole final
types of decisions whereas unanimity is required for decision-maker. However, it cannot take a final deci-
others. sion until it has received the opinion of the EP. On
Prior to the Lisbon Treaty there was a fourth legisla- some proposals it must also await the opinions of the
tive procedure: ‘cooperation’. This two-reading proce- European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
dure, which was created by the SEA, was widely used and the Committee of the Regions (CoR).
from the entry into force of the SEA until the entry into
force of the Amsterdam Treaty, but the Maastricht and
Amsterdam Treaties combined to virtually replace it by Initiation
the co-decision procedure (see Chapter 6). The Lisbon The starting point of any legislative proposal is when
Treaty saw to the procedure’s complete abolition. somebody suggests that the EU should act on a matter.
(Should any reader wish to know about the nature of Most likely this will be the Commission, the Council,
Making and Applying EU Legislation | 331

or the EP: the Commission because, apart from some on a m

­ atter where citizens consider that a legal act
AFSJ areas, it is the only body with the authority for- of the Union is required for the purpose of imple-
mally to table a legislative proposal, and because of its menting the Treaties.
special expertise in, and responsibility for, EU affairs;
the Council because of its political weight, its position However, as with Council and EP requests, the
as the natural conduit for national claims and interests, Commission is not under an obligation to respond
and its power under Article 241 TFEU to request, by a positively, and in practice it has done so. Only 36 of
simple majority vote, the Commission ‘to undertake the 56 initiatives that were deemed to have been prop-
any studies the Council considers desirable for the erly submitted up to the autumn of 2016 were deemed
attainment of the common objectives, and to submit to be admissible, with the main reason for inadmis-
to it any appropriate proposals’; and the EP because sible submissions being they were judged not to be
of the desire of MEPs to be active and because under within the Commission’s powers: hence the rejections
Article 225 TFEU ‘The European Parliament may, act- of intended petitions on subjects as varied as the abo-
ing by a majority of its component members, request lition of bullfighting, an unconditional basic income,
the Commission to submit any appropriate proposal and stopping proposed trade agreements with the
on matters on which it considers that a Union act is USA and Canada. Of the 36 that were deemed to have
required for the purpose of implementing the Treaties.’ been properly submitted, only three had gathered the
Beyond the Commission, the Council, and the requisite number of signatures, and none of these had
EP there are many other possible sources of EU leg- resulted in new legislation being proposed.
islation, but little progress can be made unless the
Commission decides to take up an issue and draft a
Preparation of a text
proposal. Many factors may result in it deciding to
do so, the most frequent being that such legislation In preparing a text, a number of matters must be care-
is required as part of an ongoing policy commitment fully considered by the Commission in addition to the
or programme. Sometimes, however, it is very diffi- direct policy considerations at issue.
cult, when looking at specific proposals, to determine
why the Commission decided to act and to identify • The proposal must have the correct legal base – that
precisely who originated the initiative. For example, is, it must be based on the correct treaty article(s).
a Commission proposal that seems to have been a Normally this is a straightforward matter and there
response to a Council request may, on inspection, is no room for argument, but sometimes disputes
be traced beyond the Council to a national pressure arise when a proposal cuts across policy areas and
group influencing a minister, who then gradually and the Commission chooses a legal base that is deemed
informally introduced the issue into the Council as by a policy actor to be unsatisfactory. For example,
an option to be considered. Similarly, a Commission a member state that is concerned about the possible
proposal may seem to have been a response to points implications of a policy proposal is likely to prefer
raised in an EP committee or to representations from a procedure where unanimity rather than QMV
Europe-wide interests, but in fact the Commission applies in the Council, whilst the EP always prefers
may itself have dropped hints to MEPs or to interests the ordinary legislative procedure to be used rather
that they should look at the matter (thus reinforcing than the consultation procedure because this gives
the Commission’s own position vis-à-vis the Council). it a potential veto. The question of legal base can
A new and further possible source of legislation was therefore be controversial, and has resulted in
created by the Lisbon Treaty: the European Citizen’s references to the CJEU.
Initiative (ECI). Under Article 11(4) TEU: • Justification of the proposal must be given in
terms of the application of the subsidiarity and
Not less than one million citizens who are nation- proportionality principles. This requirement takes
als of a significant number of Member States may the form of a series of questions on subsidiarity
take the initiative of inviting the European and proportionality needing to be answered in the
Commission, within the framework of its explanatory memorandum that is attached to each
powers, to ­submit any appropriate proposal proposal.
332 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

Box 19.1

Special legislative procedures

I Ad hoc procedures
1 Annual budget – joint decision of EP and Council.
European Parliament acts
2 Statute for Members of the European Parliament (MEPs). (Adoption by EP after obtaining consent of
Council and after consulting Commission.)
3 Provisions governing the exercise of the right of inquiry. (Adoption by EP after obtaining consent of
Council and Commission.)
4 Statute of European Ombudsman. (Adoption by EP after obtaining consent of Council and
Council acts
A  Unanimity and consent of European Parliament
5 Measures to combat discrimination.
6 Extension of citizenship-related rights. (National ratifications also required.)
7 European Public Prosecutor’s Office.
8 Uniform electoral procedure. (On initiative from and after consent of EP. National ratifications also required.)
9 Multiannual financial frameworks.
B  Unanimity and consultation of European Parliament
10 Accession to the European Convention on Human Rights. (Council decision on a proposal from the
negotiator of the agreement [in principle the Commission], with consent of EP.)
11 Measures concerning social security or social protection.
12 Citizenship: right to vote and stand for election in member state of residence in municipal and
European elections.
13 Adoption of measures that constitute a step backwards in Union law as regards the liberalisation of
the movement of capital to or from third countries.
14 Measures concerning passports, identity cards and residence permits.
15 Judicial cooperation in civil matters concerning measures relating to family law with cross-border

• Where appropriate, justification must be given in that officials are or become highly expert in particular
terms of the environmental impact of the proposal. policy areas, and results in the distribution of infor-
This usually applies, for example, to transport and mation about policy proposals being very dependent,
agriculture proposals. in the early stages at least, on the preferred approach
• The probable financial implications for the EU of officials responsible for dossiers.
budget of the proposal must be assessed. Formal communications within the Commission
about a proposal tend initially to be of a vertical rather
The standard way in which proposals are prepared than of a horizontal kind. That is to say, they tend pri-
is as follows. The process begins with a middle- marily to be up and down the lead DG – known as the
ranking official in the ‘lead’ DG assuming the main chef de file – rather than across and between DGs. This
responsibility for the dossier: that is for preparing rather hierarchical and compartmentalised approach
and looking after the Commission’s draft. This way of can make for difficulties, though creative and imagi-
working emphasises individual responsibility, means native officials make appropriate, and if necessary
Making and Applying EU Legislation | 333

Box 19.1 continued

16 Operational police cooperation.

17 Interventions by the authority of a member state on the territory of another member state.
18 Harmonisation of turnover taxes and indirect taxation.
19 Approximation of provisions with a direct impact on the internal market.
20 Language arrangements for European intellectual property rights.
21 Replacing the Protocol on the excessive deficit procedure.
22 Specific tasks of European Central Bank concerning prudential supervision.
23 Social policy: social security and social protection of workers, protection of workers where their
employment contract is terminated, representation and collective defence, conditions of employment
for third-country nationals.**
24 Environment: provisions of a fiscal nature, town and country planning, management of water
resources, land use and the supply and diversification of energy resources.
25 Energy: fiscal measures.
26 Association of overseas countries and territories with the Union – rules and procedure.
27 Jurisdiction of the Court in the area of intellectual property.
28 Modification of the Protocol on the Statute of the European Investment Bank.
29 Union own resources – ceiling and creation of new resources. (National ratifications also required.)

C  Qualified majority and consent of EP

30 Implementing measures of the Union’s own resources system.

D  Qualified majority and consultation of EP

31 Measures to facilitate diplomatic protection.
32 Research: specific programmes implementing a framework programme.
33 Outermost regions.

* The Council may take a unanimous decision, after consulting the EP, to switch to the ordinary legislative procedure (second
subparagraph of paragraph 3 of Article 65 [81] TFEU).
** T he Council may take a unanimous decision, after consulting the EP, to switch to the ordinary legislative procedure for
points (d), (f), and (g) (second subparagraph of paragraph 2 of Article 137 [153] TFEU).

extensive, use of informal communications – through amongst its responsibilities the overall coordination
telephone calls, e-mails, and meetings – with poten- of the Commission’s work schedule) and the Legal
tially interested officials elsewhere in the services so Service (which amongst other things checks the legal
as to ensure that there are not too many inter-service base of proposals).
problems at a later stage of proceedings. When all directly involved Commission interests
Whether or not they are kept fully informed of have given their approval, the draft is sent to the cabi-
developments from an early drafting stage, other nets of the Commissioner and his/her Vice-President
DGs with a possible interest in a proposal must be responsible for the subject. The cabinets, which may
given the opportunity at some point to make their or may not have been involved in informal discus-
views known. This may involve the convening of one sions with Commission officials as the proposal was
or more inter-service meetings. Other Commission being drafted, may or may not attempt to persuade
services with which there must be exchanges and Commission officials to rework the draft before sub-
agreements include the Secretariat General (which has mitting it to the Commissioners for approval.
334 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

When the Commissioners are satisfied, the only is there variation in involvement, there is also
Secretariat General is asked to submit the draft to the variation in knowledge of the Commission’s inten-
College of Commissioners. The draft is then scruti- tions. Sometimes governments are fully aware of
nised, and possibly amended, in a meeting of special Commission thinking, because national officials have
chefs and/or chefs de cabinet. If the draft is judged to been formally consulted in committees of experts.
be uncontroversial, the College may adopt it by writ- Sometimes sectional interests represented on con-
ten procedure; if it is controversial the Commissioners sultative committees will let their governments know
may, after debate, accept it, reject it, amend it, or refer what is going on. Sometimes governments will be
it back to the relevant DG for further consideration. abreast of developments as a result of having tapped
sources within the Commission, most probably
*  *  * through officials in their Permanent Representations.
When preparing a text, officials usually find themselves But occasionally governments are not much aware of
the focus of attention from many directions. Knowing proposals until they are published.
that the Commission’s thinking is normally at its most The time that elapses between the decision to initi-
flexible at this preliminary stage, and knowing too that ate a proposal and the publication by the Commission
once a proposal is formalised it is more difficult for it of its text naturally depends on a number of factors.
to be changed, interested parties use whatever means Is there any urgency? How keen is the Commission to
they can to press their views. Four factors most affect press ahead? How widespread are the consultations? Is
the extent to which the Commission is prepared to there consensus amongst key external actors and does
listen to outside interests at this pre-proposal stage: the Commission want their prior support? Is there
consensus within the Commission itself? Not surpris-
ingly, lapses of well over a year are common.
• What contacts and channels have already been regu-
larised in the sector and which ways of proceeding
have proved to be effective in the past? The opinions of the European Parliament, the
• What political considerations arise and how impor- European Economic and Social Committee,
tant is it to incorporate different sectional and
national views from the outset?
and the Committee of the Regions
• How dependent is the Commission on outside On publication, the Commission’s text is submitted to
knowledge and expertise? the Council for a decision and to the EP and, if appro-
• How do the relevant Commission officials prefer priate, the EESC and the CoR, for their opinions.
to work? The EP is by far the most influential of the con-
sultative bodies. Though it does not have full legis-
Assuming, as it is normally reasonable to do, lative powers under the consultation procedure, it
Commission receptivity, there are several ways in has enough weapons in its arsenal to ensure that its
which external views may be brought to the attention views are given serious consideration, particularly by
of those involved in the drafting of a proposal. The the Commission. Its representational claims are one
Commission itself may request a report, perhaps from source of its influence. The quality of its arguments
a university or a research institute. Interest groups and its suggestions are another. And it has the power
may submit briefing documents. Professional lob- of delay, by virtue of the requirement that the EP’s
byists, politicians, and officials from the Permanent opinion must be known before the proposal can be
Representations may press preferences in informal formally adopted by the Council.
meetings. EP committees and EESC sections may be As was shown in Chapter 12, most of the detailed
sounded out. And use may be made of the extensive work undertaken by the EP on proposed legislation
advisory committee system that is clustered around is handled by its standing committees and, to a lesser
the Commission (see Chapter 9). extent, its political groups. Both the committees and
There is thus no standard consultative pattern the groups advise MEPs on how to vote in plenary.
or procedure. An important consequence of this is The usual way in which plenaries act to bring influence
that governmental involvement in the preparation to bear is to vote on amendments to the Commission’s
of Commission texts varies considerably. Indeed, not proposal, but not to vote on the draft legislative
Making and Applying EU Legislation | 335

Photo 19.1 MEPs voting on a legislative proposal

resolution – which constitutes the EP’s opinion – until For reasons that were outlined in Chapter 12 and
the Commission states, as it is obliged to do, whether which are considered further below, it is difficult to
or not it will change its text to incorporate the amend- estimate the precise impact the EP has on EU legislation.
ments that have been approved by the EP. (Under the In general terms, however, it can be said that the record
consultation, and ordinary procedures, the Commission in the context of the consultation procedure is mixed.
can amend, or even withdraw, its text at any time, apart On the ‘positive’ side, the Commission is normally
from at the third stage of the ordinary procedure.) If the sympathetic to the EP’s views and accepts about
amendments are accepted by the Commission a favour- three-quarters of its amendments. The Council is less
able opinion is issued, and the amended text becomes sympathetic and accepts well under half of the amend-
the text that the Council considers. If all or some of the ments, but that still means that many EP amend-
amendments are not accepted by the Commission, the ments, on many different policy matters, find their
EP can exert pressure by not issuing an opinion and way into the final legislative texts.
referring the proposal back to the committee responsible. On the ‘negative’ side, there are three main points to
A reference back can also be made if the whole proposal is be made. First, there is not much the EP can do if the
judged to be unacceptable. Withholding an opinion does Council rejects its opinion. The best it can normally
not, it should be emphasised, mean that the EP has a veto hope for is a conciliation meeting with the Council (not
power, because it is legally obliged to issue opinions and to be confused with a conciliation committee meeting
the CJEU has referred to the duty of loyal cooperation under the ordinary procedure), but such meetings usu-
between EU institutions. What the withholding of opin- ally achieve little – mainly because the Council has no
ions does do, however, is to give the EP the often useful wish to re-open questions that may put at risk its own,
bargaining and pressurising tool of the power of delay. often exhaustively negotiated, agreements. Second,
336 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

the Council occasionally – though much less than it representatives have two principal tasks: to ensure that
used to – takes a decision ‘in principle’ or ‘subject to the interests of their country are safeguarded, and to
Parliament’s opinion’, before the opinion has even try to reach an agreement on a text. Inevitably these
been delivered. In such circumstances the EP’s views, two responsibilities do not always coincide, with the
once known, are unlikely to result in the Council hav- consequence that working party deliberations can be
ing second thoughts. Third, it is possible for the text protracted. Progress depends on many factors: the
of proposals to be changed after the EP has issued its controversiality of the proposal; the extent to which
opinion. There is some safeguard against the potential it benefits or damages states differentially; the num-
implications of this insofar as the CJEU has indicated ber of countries, especially large countries, pressing
that the Council should refer a legislative proposal for progress; the enthusiasm and competence of the
back to the EP if the Council substantially amends the Presidency; the tactical skills of the national repre-
proposal after the EP has issued its opinion. Moreover, sentatives and their capacity to trade disputed points
there is a Council–EP understanding that the former (both of which are dependent on personal ability and
will not make substantial changes without referring the sort of briefs laid down for representatives by their
back to the EP. In practice, however, the question of governments); and the flexibility of the Commission
what constitutes a substantial amendment is open to in agreeing to change its text.
interpretation and references back do not always occur. Once a working party has gone as far as it can with
a proposal – which can mean reaching a general agree-
*  *  * ment, agreeing on most points but with reservations
The EESC and the CoR are not so well placed as the entered by some countries on particular points, or
EP to influence the control of legislative proposals. very little agreement at all on the main issues – ref-
As was explained in Chapter 14, a major reason for erence is made upwards to COREPER or, in a few
this is that their formal powers are not as great: whilst cases, to a specialised committee – such as the Special
they must be consulted on draft legislation in many Committee on Agriculture (SCA). At this level, the
policy spheres, consultation is only optional in some. Permanent Representatives (in COREPER II), their
Furthermore, when they are consulted the Council or deputies (in COREPER I), or senior officials (as in
the Commission may lay down a very tight timetable, the SCA) concern themselves not so much with the
can go ahead if no opinion is issued by a specified date, technical details of a proposal as with its policy and,
and cannot normally be greatly pressurised if either to some extent, its political, implications. So far as is
the EESC or the CoR want changes to a text. Other possible, differences left over from the working party
sources of weakness include the part-time capacity of are sorted out and, if appropriate, the Presidency
their members, the personal rather than representa- establishes in what circumstances, if any, a qualified
tional nature of much of their memberships, and the majority exists. In the event of no resolution of differ-
perception by many interests and regional bodies that ences being identified or seeming to be possible, the
advisory committees and direct forms of lobbying are proposal is then either referred back to the working
more effective channels of influence. party for further detailed consideration or forwarded
to the ministers for political resolution.
All proposals must be formally approved by the
Decision-making in the Council
ministers. Those that have been agreed at a lower level
The Council does not wait for the views of the EP, of the Council machinery are placed on the ministers’
the EESC, and the CoR before it begins to examine a agenda as ‘A’ points and are normally quickly ratified.
proposal. Indeed, governments may begin preparing Where, however, outstanding problems and differences
their positions for the Council, and informal discus- have to be considered a number of things can happen.
sions and deliberations may even take place within One is that the political authority that ministers carry,
the Council itself, before the formal referral from the and the preparatory work undertaken by officials
Commission. prior to ministerial meetings, may clear the way for
The standard procedure in the Council is for the an agreed settlement: perhaps reached quickly over
proposal to be referred initially to a working party of lunch, perhaps hammered out in long and frequently
national representatives for detailed examination. The adjourned Council sessions. A second possibility is
Making and Applying EU Legislation | 337

that a vote is taken when the treaty article(s) upon a response to concerns about ‘the democratic deficit’,
which the proposal is based so allows. However, as Box and more particularly pressures for more powers to
19.1 shows, unanimity is normally required under the be given to the EP. This was achieved by introducing
consultation procedure. A third possibility is that no a two-reading stage for legislation, and increasing the
agreement is reached and a vote is either not possible EP’s leverage – though not to the point of giving it a
under the treaties or is not judged to be appropriate. veto – over the Council at second reading.
If no agreement can be reached in the Council, the Democratic deficit concerns and pressures from the
legislative process does not necessarily end in failure. EP were also very much behind the creation of the co-
The proposal may well be referred back down the decision procedure in the Maastricht Treaty. Whilst
Council machinery for further deliberations, referred the cooperation procedure had certainly increased
back to the Commission with a request for changes the EP’s influence, it did not give the EP the power of
to the existing text, or referred to a future meeting veto if the Council was resolved to press ahead with a
in the hope that shifts in position will take place and legislative proposal. The co-decision procedure gave
the basis of a solution will be found. If agreement is the EP this power of veto.
reached, the decision-making process at EU level ends The application of the procedure was restricted
with the Council’s adoption of a text. to 15 treaty articles under the Maastricht Treaty, but
was extended by the Amsterdam and Nice Treaties.
However, two of the core policy areas remaining
The ordinary legislative procedure outside of the remit of the procedure – agriculture
and trade – were included in the raft of extensions
The co-decision procedure was created by the to the reach of the procedure that was part of the
Maastricht Treaty. But, it was not named as such Lisbon Treaty, with the consequence that now about
in the Treaty but rather was referred to, throughout 90 per cent of legislative proposals are based on the
the Treaty, by reference to the article that set out its procedure.
provisions – Article 189b. However, since the proce- The nature of the ordinary legislative procedure will
dure provided for co-decision making by the EP and now be described. It will be seen that it is a one-, two-,
Council, it came to be referred to in everyday use as or three-reading procedure, with four stages at which
the co-decision procedure. The Amsterdam Treaty, the legislators can reach agreement and conclude a leg-
which amended aspects of the procedure, similarly islative process. As such, it is a procedure that strongly
did not formally name it, with the consequence that encourages the EP, the Council, and the Commission
under the re-numbered TEC it officially became to engage in intensive and extensive inter-institutional
the Article 251 procedure. The TFEU did finally bargaining. Such bargaining was already developing
formally name the procedure, but in recognition of before the co-decision procedure was established as a
the fact that it would be the dominant procedure result of the creation of the cooperation procedure, but
when the Treaty came into effect, called it not the under co-decision it became an absolutely central part
co-decision procedure but rather the ordinary legis- of the legislative process. The nature of the ordinary
lative procedure. The procedure is set out in Article procedure is such that if the three institutions do not
294 TFEU. liaise and work closely with one another, protracted
The co-decision procedure grew out of and extended delays may occur in the early legislative stages and
the cooperation procedure, which was created by the impasses may occur in the later stages. Since, though
SEA. The cooperation procedure was established for they may disagree on points of detail, each of the insti-
two main reasons. First, it was seen as being neces- tutions normally wants legislative proposals to become
sary, especially with the internal market programme legislative texts, the inevitable requirement is that they
in mind, to increase the efficiency, and more especially spend a lot of time communicating with one another –
the speed, of decision-making processes. This was in forums ranging from a mushrooming number of
achieved by enabling QMV to be used in the Council formal inter-institutional meetings to casual off-the-
when decisions were made under the procedure and by record conversations between key institutional policy
laying down time limitations for the institutions to act actors. Figure 19.2 provides a diagrammatic represen-
during the later stages of the procedure. Second, it was tation of the procedure.
Proposal from the Commission to the EP and the Council
338 |

First reading in the EP, which adopts an opinion with or without amendments

First reading by Council which either:

Adopts the text approved by the EP,

Does not adopt the text approved by
with QMV available
the EP and adopts a common
position, with QMV available


Second reading in the EP (time limit of 3 months)* which can:

Reject the common position by Propose amendments to the

Not take any decision on the
Approve the common position an absolute majority of its common position by an absolute
common position
members majority of its members

Commission delivers opinion

on amendments
Second reading in the Council (time limit of 3 months*), which can:

Approve EP amendments: with QMV available if

Not approve EP amendments,
Commission opinion is positive, by unanimity
with QMV available
if it is negative

Council, in agreement with EP

PROPOSAL ADOPTED President, convenes Conciliation
Committee within 6 weeks

Conciliation Committee can, within 6 weeks:*

Fail to agree on a joint text

Approve a joint text and submit it
to Council and EP


Both institutions adopt the

text within 6 weeks:* Council Either institution fails to agree
by QMV, EP by absolute majority joint text within 6 weeks*
of votes cast


Figure 19.2 The ordinary legislative procedure

| 339

* The periods of three months and six weeks may be extended by a period of one month and two weeks respectively if both institutions agree
340 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

First reading the Permanent Representation of the incumbent

Presidency and from the General Secretariat of the
The pre-proposal processes are much as they are Council. Trilogues try to resolve differences before
under the consultation procedure, though with the formal decisions are taken in the Commission, the
Commission being a little more sensitive to the EP’s Council and in EP committees and plenaries. As such,
likely reactions given its greater powers under the though trilogue agreements are informal and must
ordinary procedure. be approved by the formal procedures applicable
After the Commission has published its proposal, within the decision-making institutions, they have
it is examined by the EP and the Council through become the drivers of the ordinary procedure. In the
their normal mechanisms: that is, with most of the 2009–14 Parliament there were no less than 1,500 tri-
detailed work being undertaken by the relevant EP logues on approximately 350 ordinary procedure files
committee(s) and by Council working parties and (European Parliament, 2014a).
COREPER. If the Council and the EP do not reach agree-
Prior to the Amsterdam Treaty it was not possible ment at the first reading, the Council, on receipt of
for a text to be adopted at the first legislative reading. the EP’s opinion, adopts a common position – with
However, as part of an attempt to streamline what QMV being available for this purpose – or lets it be
was widely agreed to be a somewhat cumbersome known what its common position could and could
procedure, the Treaty made provision for a text to be not include.
adopted at first reading providing the Council and
the EP agree on its contents and that other ‘stand-
ard’ legislative requirements are met – notably the Second reading
EESC and the CoR are consulted as appropriate, and At its second reading, the EP can approve, amend,
amendments with which the Commission does not reject, or take no action on a common position or
agree receive unanimous support in the Council. (This likely common position. To assist the EP in its deliber-
latter requirement applies to all stages of all legislative ations, the Council must provide the EP with an expla-
procedures, apart from the final – conciliation – stage nation of the common position and the Commission
of the ordinary procedure.) must also explain its thinking, including in respect of
Since the Amsterdam Treaty, the number of leg- whether or not it will accept EP amendments.
islative proposals agreed at first reading has steadily If the EP and Council can negotiate an agreed text
increased, to the extent that around 85 per cent are after the former’s first reading but before the latter’s
now agreed at this stage (European Parliament, 2014a). first reading, an early second reading agreement can
A number of factors explain why so many propos- be reached (see Box 19.2). If the EP approves or takes
als are agreed at this early legislative stage, includ- no action on a common position the Council can,
ing: improved inter-institutional cooperation at the within three months, adopt it as a legislative act (using
agenda-setting and policy formulation stages of the the same voting rules as applied at the first reading).
legislative cycle; increased cultural ‘rapprochement’ If the EP rejects the common position by an absolute
of the institutions; and increased familiarity with, majority of its members, the proposal falls. (In prac-
and institutionalisation of, the ordinary procedure. tice this rarely happens.) And if the EP amends the
A key part of the institutionalisation, at all legisla- common position by an absolute majority of its mem-
tive readings, is what are known as trilogues, which bers and the Council at its second reading is unable to
bring together, at appropriate levels of seniority and accept the text approved by the EP, a third legislative
responsibility for the proposed legislation in question, reading occurs.
relevant actors from the Commission, the EP, and the Around 13 per cent of proposals are adopted at
Council. A typical trilogue includes: the individuals/ second reading – with 8 per cent at early second read-
teams mainly responsible for drafting the proposal ings and 5 per cent after complete second readings.
in the DG that is chef de file, plus line managers; the This means that about 98 per cent of proposals that
chair of the committee mainly handling the proposal are adopted by the EP and Council are adopted by the
in the EP, plus the rapporteur and representatives end of second readings (European Parliament, 2014a
of other political groups; and senior officials from and b).
Making and Applying EU Legislation | 341

BOX 19.2

Final agreements under the ordinary legislative procedure

Whilst the ordinary procedure involves three possible readings, there are four stages at which, following
trilogue negotiations, the co-legislators can reach agreement and conclude the procedure.
1 First reading agreement. The co-legislators agree on a compromise text prior to Parliament’s first read-
ing vote. The agreement reached is adopted by the plenary (Parliament’s first reading position) and then
by the Council (Council’s first reading position).
2 Early second reading agreement. The co-legislators agree on a compromise text after Parliament’s first
reading position but before the Council’s first reading position. The agreement reached is then adopted
by the Council (Council’s first reading position) and the EP plenary (as Parliament’s second reading
3 Second reading agreement. The co-legislators agree on a compromise text prior to Parliament’s second
reading vote. The agreement reached is then adopted by the plenary (Parliament’s second reading posi-
tion) and the Council (Council’s second reading position).
4 Conciliation. If the Council does not approve all of Parliament’s second reading amendments, the
co-legislators can agree on a joint text within the Conciliation Committee. The joint text must be
approved at third reading by both the Parliament and the Council.

Source: Adapted from European Parliament, 2014(b): 20.

Third reading If the conciliation committee agrees on a joint

text – and it normally has six weeks to do so – the
This reading – which is known as the conciliation proposal is referred back to the Council and the EP
stage – opens within six weeks of the Council failing for final adoption within a period of six weeks. In this
to approve the text supported by the EP, with the con- final vote the Council acts by QMV and the EP by a
tested proposal being referred to a conciliation com- majority of the votes cast. Failure by the Council and
mittee composed of an equal number of representatives the EP to agree on a text means the proposal cannot
of the Council and the EP. As can be deduced from be adopted.
the figures given above, only a very small number of It is unusual for legislative proposals to fail at this
legislative proposals – mostly confined to very difficult third legislative stage. When a proposal does fail, it is
proposals that are politically sensitive – require the common for the Commission to subsequently re-present
convening of a conciliation committee. Indeed, dur- it in a form that enables it to be approved by the Council
ing the 2009–14 Parliament, only nine such proposals and the EP.
were referred: less than 2 per cent of the total number
of proposals.
Almost 60 people, drawn equally from the Council The consent procedure
and the EP, make up the membership of concilia-
tion meetings, which makes them rather unwieldy for The consent procedure, which was established as the
real negotiations. Accordingly, conciliation meetings assent procedure by the SEA, appears at first sight to
are almost invariably preceded by smaller and more be simple in form, being a single-stage procedure in
informal trilogues. In around half of the cases that which proposed measures have to be approved by
are referred to a conciliation committee, a joint text is both the Council and the EP. The procedure does not
agreed in a trilogue meeting, leaving the full conciliation allow the EP to make amendments, which might be
committee to approve the text without much discussion thought to confine it to a rather limited confirmatory/
342 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

withholding role, but by having the power to say ‘no’ • Some legislation needs to be followed up not just
to proposals it also has the power to indicate to what with implementing legislation but with further
it will say ‘yes’. ‘policy’ legislation. This is most obviously the
However, the procedure is in fact rather more com- case in respect of ‘framework’ legislation, which
plex than initially it appears. This is primarily because is legislation that lays down general principles and
although unanimity is normally required in the basic rules that member states have to follow in a
Council it is not always so, whilst in the EP a majority policy area, but which needs usually to be comple-
of those voting suffices for some measures but an abso- mented by more narrowly focused legislation that
lute majority is required for others. The complexity is covers in a reasonably detailed manner issues/
extreme in respect of breaches and potential breaches initiatives/actions that fall within the remit of the
by member states of the fundamental principles on framework.
which the EU is founded, as the extracts from Article 7 • Legislation that also requires further measures is
TEU post-Lisbon on pp. 116–17 show. the ‘new approach’ legislation that constitutes an
The consent procedure is not used for ‘normal’ important part of the internal market legal frame-
legislation but is mostly reserved for special types of work. Under the approach, the EU does not try
decision, such as certain international agreements, EU to harmonise all the specifications and technical
enlargements, and the multiannual financial frame- standards of marketed goods, but confines itself
works. As a legislative procedure, it is used only for to producing relatively short texts that lay down
new legislation on combating discrimination and for ‘essential requirements’, in particular requirements
legislation that has no clear treaty base. relating to health and safety and to consumer and
environmental protection. As long as member states
abide by the ‘essential requirements’ they can have
their own national standards – subject to them not
EU Legislation After Adoption being protectionist in nature – which are subject
to mutual recognition by other states. However,
There are considerable variations in what happens national standards are generally supposed to be
to proposals after they are adopted as EU legislation, replaced by European standards that are agreed by
what use is made of them, and how they are applied. European standards bodies. The main such bodies
Many of these variations are considered at some are the European Committee for Standardisation
length in other chapters – notably in Chapters 9, 13, (CEN) and the European Committee for
and 16 – but it will be useful to pull together the more Electrotechnical Standardisation (CENELEC). Both
important variations here in order to give an indica- CEN and CENELEC include non-EU countries
tion of the overall picture. amongst their membership, and both use weighted
voting procedures for the taking of final decisions
on standards. Once European standards are agreed,
The need for additional legislation EU states must adopt them within a fixed time
Much legislation requires the adoption of additional limit, and within the same time limit must remove
legislative/regulatory measures: all conflicting national standards.

• Legislation often needs to be supplemented by

implementing legislation so as to fit it to particular The need to transpose legislation
circumstances, to adapt it to changing conditions,
and to keep it up to date. Indeed, on a quantita- Once they have been approved at EU level, regula-
tive basis the vast bulk of EU legislation is imple- tions and most decisions do not require any addi-
menting legislation, usually issued in the form of tional measures to be taken at national level before
Commission regulations and decisions. The ways the scheduled date of application. But directives do
in which most of this legislation is issued are exam- not normally assume legislative force until they have
ined in Chapter 9, in the section on Commission been transposed into national law by the appropriate
rule-making. national authorities. The member states themselves
Making and Applying EU Legislation | 343

determine which are the appropriate national authori- implementation is that the Commission oversees and
ties in their case and by what process the transposition the national and subnational authorities do most of
is to be made. As a result, the mechanisms by which the ‘front line’ work. Only in a few policy areas, of
directives are transposed at the national level varies which competition is the most important, does the
between member states according to differing national Commission directly implement itself. This means
legislative procedures and differing perceptions of the that the Commission needs to move carefully and,
importance of particular directives. The general pat- because it does not wish to stoke up national resent-
tern, however, is for transposition to be achieved by ments, must negotiate and discuss implementing
attaching the necessary legal text to existing legisla- problems with authorities in member states rather
tion, by introducing new legislation, or by adding new than rush to initiate legal proceedings against them.
clauses to already planned legislation. States are given However, despite – or in some respects because of –
anything from a few weeks to a few years to effect the the range of agencies that have some responsibility for
transposition – the final date being specified in the policy implementation and implementation control,
directive – and are obliged to notify the Commission it is evident that all is not well with the application
of the national legislation, regulations, or administra- of some EU policies. Three types of difficulty may be
tive provisions that have been adopted to give formal taken to illustrate the nature of the implementation
effect to each directive. challenge. First, the Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and the
For the most part, transposition is not a major Court of Auditors have identified serious implementa-
problem for the EU, with Commission ‘scorecards’ tion failings in connection with aspects of EU spend-
showing average transposition rates for all member ing, especially in connection with the CAP and ERDF.
states consistently being well over 90 per cent. Some According to some estimates, fraud might account for
states – including Denmark, Malta, and Ireland – do, as much as 5 per cent of the EU budget. Second, there
however, have better average transposition records are a number of high-profile and sensitive policy areas,
than others, with the consequence that there are some of which competition and fishing are examples, where
variations between member states in terms of the national implementation agencies are well aware that
speed at which, and extent to which, directives are vigorous policy implementation could sometimes be
incorporated into national law. There are variations damaging to national interests, and are therefore not
too in terms of the frequency with which states are over-zealous in taking action against suspected irregu-
subject to Commission and Court action for non-, larities. In respect of such policy areas, the Commission
incomplete, and incorrect transposition of EU law. sometimes must, as was shown in Chapter 9, display
political sensitivity. And, third, many implementa-
tion problems arise not from deliberate deception
The need to apply legislation but from incorrect understanding and application of
the EU’s highly complex body of legislation. The con-
Responsibilities for applying EU legislation are trol mechanisms and administrative procedures for
shared between EU authorities and national agencies. applying this legislation have been strengthened over
The main EU authorities are the various DGs that the years, not least in respect of flows of information
are responsible for particular policies: Agriculture, between the Commission and the national agencies.
Fisheries, Regional Policy, Competition, Research, But the fact is that with the Commission being unable
and so on. EU executive agencies (see Chapter 14) also to conduct very much direct surveillance of its own
undertake a limited amount of EU-level implementa- because of limited powers and resources, and with
tion. The national agencies are mainly the numerous much EU legislation being so complicated that it is
national and subnational authorities whose respon- barely comprehensible even to the expert, it probably
sibility it is to collect excise duties, read tachographs, will never be possible to ensure that all laws are fully,
monitor fishing catches, check that agriculture pro- properly, and uniformly implemented.
duce for which payments are made is of the quality Taking this last point a little further, some sense
that is claimed, and so on. of the difficulties the EU has in attempting to apply
In very broad terms the division of responsibilities its policies in a uniform and efficient manner can be
between the two levels in terms of day-to-day policy gauged by reference to the sheer volume of overlapping
344 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

laws that exist in some areas of EU activity and the three-reading procedure. In practice, however, the EP
large number of contracts the EU has to deal with in and the Council agree on the content of most legisla-
some funded areas. Regarding overlapping laws, there tive proposals well before the third stage is reached.
are, for example, over 50 directives in force on label- This working flexibility greatly assists with the pro-
ling, nearly 40 on professional qualifications, over 20 duction of most legislation within reasonable time
on approval of types of vehicles, and around 15 on limits. Of course, particularly controversial legislative
packaging. Regarding the large number of contracts, proposals can run into considerable difficulties, but
development policy makes the point, with over 40,000 that is a consequence not so much of the nature of
development aid projects running at one time. the EU’s legislative procedures as of the political divi-
sions within the EU and of the fact that the EU is not
a majoritarian political system.
The implementation of legislation is a problem
Concluding Remarks for the EU. The difficulty is not so much with the
transposition of EU laws into national law as with
Until the mid-1980s, the EC had a unicameral legisla- the ‘ground-level’ application of EU laws. Some
tive system. That is to say the Council was the sole of the problems that exist stem from attempts to
legislator, with the EP being restricted to a consulta- evade the law, but most are a consequence of unin-
tive position. Starting, however, with the SEA and tended administrative irregularities. The reliance of
continuing through every round of treaty reform since the EU on national agencies for the great bulk of
then, the EP’s powers have been extended, to such direct application of EU laws is a central underly-
an extent that the EU now has a genuinely bicameral ing reason for many of the difficulties. It just is a
legislative system. Few policy areas now remain in fact that, notwithstanding extensive Commission
which the approval of both the Council and EP are not overseeing and promotion of best practice, there
necessary to enable legislation to be made. remain many d ­ ifferences – of size, competences,
The main legislative procedure, the now-named working patterns, and cultures – between national
ordinary procedure, is formally a somewhat complex administrations.
Chapter 20
Internal Policies

Establishing the Internal he EU’s main internal policy interests and responsibilities can be
Market345 grouped under four broad headings: establishing the internal market,
Macroeconomic and macroeconomic and financial policies, functional policies, and sectoral
Financial Policies 352 policies. This chapter examines each of these.
Functional Policies 357
Sectoral Policies 368
Concluding Remarks 370 Establishing the Internal Market
The creation of an open European market based on free and fair competition
has been at the heart of the policy goals of the EC/EU since the early days of the
integration process. Moreover, the rationale for the creation of such a market
has remained virtually unchanged over the years, with the central purpose
of an open European market consistently having been seen as being to assist
economic growth and hence to promote employment and prosperity. The
sentiments expressed in Document 20.1, which are taken from a Commission
communication of mid-2009 on the internal market, could just as easily have
been expressed 50 years previously by the Community’s founders.
But though the creation of an internal market – or common market as it
was originally called – was provided for in the EEC Treaty, it developed only
slowly and for many years only modest progress was made. In the early 1980s,
however, a number of factors combined to convince the governments of the

Document 20.1

The rationale of the internal market

A well functioning single market is essential for creating employment

and growth, and for promoting economic stability. The more effective
the single market is, the more it will improve the business environment,
thereby encouraging firms to invest and create jobs, and the more it will
increase consumer confidence and demand.

Source: Commission recommendation of 29 June 2009 on measures to improve the

­functioning of the single market (229/524/EC).

346 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

member states that a greater thrust was needed: the significant progress towards achieving the free and
sluggish economic growth of the second half of the open market that was specified in the EEC Treaty
1970s was continuing; the Community was clearly had already been made. What the White Paper was
falling behind its competitors (notably Japan and intended to do was to inject a new focus, impetus
the USA) in the new technologies; and there was an and dynamism into a fundamental treaty objective
increasing appreciation that the continuation of still that was proceeding far too slowly and that in some
essentially fragmented national markets was having a respects had gone rather off the rails. Much of what
damaging effect on the economic performance of the was proposed in the White Paper was, therefore, not
EC’s member states. new but had been around for some time – awaiting
Against this background, in April 1985 the decisions by the Council of Ministers.
Commission produced a White Paper Completing The White Paper and its programme to ‘complete’
the Internal Market (European Commission, 1985). the internal market thus need to be placed in the con-
The White Paper identified some 300 measures that text of the Community’s long-standing aim to create
would have to be taken to enable the internal market a common market. That aim was being pursued, but
to be completed, and suggested that 31 December with only limited success, before the White Paper
1992 should be set as the deadline for the adoption appeared, and it has been vigorously pursued since.
of the measures. The European Council, at its June Today, many years after the formal ending of the ‘1992
1985 Milan meeting, accepted the White Paper, and project’, the EU’s agenda continues to be much taken
at its December 1985 Luxembourg meeting agreed up with policies, programmes, and legislative propos-
that both the internal market objective and the 1992 als focused on removing continuing obstacles to free
deadline should be included in the Single European movement in the market place and on ensuring that
Act. Crucially, their inclusion in the SEA involved market efficiency is maximised.
additions and amendments to the EEC Treaty. Article The continuing importance of market-related
13 of the SEA, incorporating a new Article 8A of the policy activity in the EU is a consequence of three
EEC Treaty, was especially important: main factors. First, policy-makers have increasingly
come to recognise the importance of the internal
The Community shall adopt measures with the market – or Single European Market (SEM) or sin-
aim of progressively establishing the internal gle market at it is also known. They have done so
market over a period expiring on 31 December especially as market liberalisation sentiments have
1992 … The internal market shall comprise an engulfed most of the developed world’s economic
area without internal frontiers in which the free thinking since the mid-1980s. Whilst there often is
movement of goods, persons, services and capital resistance to particular internal market proposals,
is ensured in accordance with the provisions of this there is broad consensus amongst both EU-level and
[the EEC] Treaty. national-level policy-makers that an integrated inter-
nal market is desirable. Second, many obstacles to full
The White Paper sought, in essence, to establish market integration continue to exist. There are sev-
the conditions in which market activities – buying and eral reasons for this, including often a lack of political
selling, lending and borrowing, producing and con- will – occasioned more often than not by national
suming – could be done as easily on a Community- protectionist motives. And third, policy-makers have
wide basis as they could on a national basis. The taken an increasingly expansive view of what a fully
hope was that by removing the obstacles and barriers integrated market actually requires – either to make
that sectionalised and fragmented the Community the market function as effectively as possible or to
market, efficiency, growth, trade, employment, and cushion some of the market’s costs. So, for example,
prosperity could all be promoted. In the context of a at the time of the 1985 White Paper the opening up
general deregulatory approach, three sorts of obstacle of national infrastructure industries was not seen by
and barrier were identified as needing to be removed: most policy-makers as being a priority, or even as
physical, technical, and fiscal. being desirable, but views on this began to change
The Commission was not of course starting from greatly in the 1990s.
scratch with its internal market programme, for The EU’s internal market rests on four main pillars:
Internal Policies | 347

1 The Common Customs Tariff restrictions, and measures having equivalent effect are
not permitted. Great steps were indeed quickly made
The purpose of the Common Customs Tariff (CCT), or in the 1960s with the first two of these and, by 1968,
Common External Tariff (CET) as it also is known, is to customs duties and quantitative restrictions had been
further the course of fair and equal internal trading by removed. Measures having equivalent effect, however,
surrounding all of the EU member states with common were more difficult to deal with and still frequently
trade barriers so that goods entering the EU via, say, act, and are used, as obstacles to trade. Attempts to
the ports of Marseilles or Rotterdam do so on exactly eliminate such measures have generated a consider-
the same terms as they do via the airports at Tallinn able amount of EU legislation and much activity in
or Prague. No member state can therefore gain a com- the Union’s Courts.
petitive advantage by having access to cheaper imported In seeking to establish the conditions for the free
raw materials and none can make a profit from export- movement of persons, the Treaty provides for both the
ing imported goods to an EU partner. The CCT takes employed and the self-employed. The free movement
the EU beyond being a free trade area – where, at best, of the former is to be attained by ‘the abolition of any
external tariffs are only approximated – and makes it a discrimination based on nationality between work-
customs union. ers of the Member States as regards employment,
The external tariffs were in place by 1968, to coin- remuneration and other conditions of work and
cide with the removal of internal tariffs, and since then employment’ (Article 45 TFEU). The free movement
governments have had no independent legal authority of the latter is concerned principally with rights of
over the tariff rates on goods entering their country. establishment – that is, with the right of individuals
The terms of trade of the member states are estab- and undertakings to establish businesses in the terri-
lished and negotiated on an EU-wide basis via the tory of other member states. As with the free move-
Common Commercial Policy (CCP) (see Chapter 22). ment of goods, legislation and Court rulings have
If a member state wishes to seek exemptions from, or done much to clarify and extend the free movement
changes to, these terms of trade it must go through the of persons. They have done so in two main ways. First,
appropriate EU decision-making processes. Naturally by providing for mutual recognition of many educa-
there have been frequent disagreements between the tional, professional, and trade qualifications. Second,
states over different aspects of external trade and the by providing key facilitators, notably in the form
CCP – with tariff rates, trade protection measures, and of the establishment of various legal entitlements,
alleged dumping amongst the issues that have created irrespective of nationality and place of domicile, to
difficulties – but the existence of a clear and binding education and job training, health care, and social
legal framework has ensured that, for the most part, welfare payments.
the common external front – protection system it Some of the legislation and Court judgments that
might be called (though reductions in international have promoted the free movement of persons, and
tariffs since the 1960s have greatly reduced the protec- more particularly rights of establishment, have also
tion levels) – has worked. helped to give some effect to the Treaty declara-
tion that there should be free movement of services.
Services, which account for approaching 70 per
cent of EU GDP are, however, far from having been
2 The free movement of goods, wholly liberalised, with many barriers preventing
persons, services, and capital firms from providing services in, or establishing
between the member states themselves in, other member states. As a central
plank in its attempt to tackle this problem, in January
Of these four freedoms, the free movement of goods 2004 the Commission issued a draft services direc-
was the first to be tackled. It is a freedom that, it tive aimed at opening up most of the non-financial
might be thought, would be fairly easy to realise: all services market. From the outset, however, the direc-
barriers to trade must be dismantled according to tive was steeped in political controversy, with dif-
the guiding principles of the TFEU (and its predeces- ferences between EU decision-makers turning on
sors), which state that customs duties, quantitative two points in particular. First, the Commission’s
348 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

proposal that the directive be based on a country of Until the late 1980s only limited progress was made
origin principle – which means that the provider is in establishing the free movement of capital. Treaty
subject only to the law of the country in which the provisions partly explain this, since the elimination of
business is established – met with stiff resistance, restrictions on the movement of capital under Article
not least in the EP. For many, this principle was too 67 EEC Treaty (now abolished) was required only ‘to
liberal and risked standards and levels of social and the extent necessary to ensure the proper functioning
consumer protection being ‘driven to the bottom’. of the common market’. More importantly, however,
Second, there was intense controversy about which and notwithstanding the creation of the EMS in the
sectors and industries, if any, should be excluded late 1970s, the necessary political will did not exist in
from the directive, and on what grounds. Should, for the first three decades of the Community’s life. For
example, health, educational, and cultural criteria be many states, control of capital movements was an
grounds for exclusion, and in what circumstances? important economic and monetary instrument and
Running through both of these areas of disagree- they preferred it to remain largely in their own hands.
ment was a mosaic of factors influencing political However, as part of the internal market programme,
actors, including ideological preferences concern- much of this former resistance was withdrawn or
ing regulatory levels in the market and calculations overcome, and all the major capital markets have –
about how national providers would be likely to subject to a few derogations and some national pro-
fare in a more open market. The EP and the Council tective measures – been theoretically open since 1990.
eventually reached agreement on the directive in But, the protectionist measures coupled with long-
November 2006, but only after its contents had been standing national practices have resulted in complete
considerably watered down: the country of origin free movement of capital still not being fully opera-
principle was virtually dropped and the number of tional. Consequently, as part of its broader aim to
services excluded from coverage by the directive was increase investment in the EU economy, the Juncker
extended. Since the directive became operational, it Commission made the building of a Capital Markets
has been plagued with poor implementation. Union a priority. This Union is aimed primarily at
As for financial services (which includes banking, boosting investment through the creation of a single
insurance, securities, and asset management), progress market for capital by removing barriers to cross-
in opening up and strengthening markets was made border investment, broadening the sources of fund-
under the 1999–2005 Financial Services Action Plan ing, and cutting the cost of raising capital (European
(FSAP). In December 2005 the Commission issued Commission, 2015b).
a White Paper, Financial Services Policy 2005–2010
(European Commission, 2005f) identifying objectives
and proposed actions over the next five years. The
3 The approximation of laws
focus was mainly on consolidation between service and the principle of mutual
providers, and improving supervisory cooperation recognition
and convergence. However, the global financial crisis
has inevitably resulted in EU policy-makers giving Articles 114 and 115 TFEU require that measure be
financial services a much higher and more urgent adopted for the ‘approximation’ of such laws, regula-
policy profile than hitherto. This has led to a spate tions or administrative provisions of the member states
of legislative measures and proposals, most of them as directly affect the establishment or functioning of
designed for the purposes of tightening the EU regu- the internal market. Until the early 1980s, ‘approxima-
latory framework, boosting confidence in financial tion’ tended to be interpreted by EC decision-makers
markets, and making a greater range of funding prod- as meaning ‘harmonisation’. However, from the early
ucts available to prospective investors. Many of the 1980s a more flexible and less rigid approach devel-
measures and proposals have been located within the oped towards differences in national standards and
settings of two of the Commission’s flagship policies requirements. This development followed upon the
of recent years: the creation of a European Banking ‘breakthrough’ Cassis de Dijon case in 1979, when the
Union (see Chapter 1) and of a Capital Markets Union ECJ ruled that products conforming to the standards
(see below). of one member state could not be excluded from the
Internal Policies | 349

markets of other member states unless they could be specifications for products, different health and safety
shown to be damaging to health, safety, the environ- standards, charges for the inspection of certain catego-
ment, or other aspects of the public interest. The ruling ries of imported goods, and taxes that, though nomi-
allowed the Community to be less concerned with the nally general in their scope, have been discriminatory
standardisation of technical details and to adopt a ‘new against imported goods in their effect.
approach’ under which a simpler and speedier process Approximation is thus concerned with the removal
would apply. The main aspects to this process, which of NTBs and is vital if free movement across national
still applies, are: (1) whenever possible, legislation does boundaries is to be achieved. EU directives are the
not seek to harmonise but rather to approximate – main instruments for achieving approximation,
which means that attention is restricted to laying down although many Court rulings have also been sup-
the essential requirements that national standards and portive and helpful. Most approximation law is to
specifications must meet (on, for example, product be found in relation to the free movement of goods,
standards and health and safety conditions); (2) as long although there is also an increasing volume cover-
as the essential requirements are met, member states ing services. Approximation law consists largely of
must mutually recognise the specifications and stand- the setting of common standards on such matters as
ards of other member states; and (3) national specifi- technical requirements, design specifications, product
cations and standards are being replaced by European content, and professional qualifications.
specifications and standards drawn up by European Critics of the EU often present approximation law
standards organisations. as seeking unwanted and unnecessary conformity, and
The need for approximation arises because the sometimes proposals do indeed smack of insensitivity
dismantling of tariff and quota barriers is not in itself to national customs and preferences. Sight should not
sufficient to guarantee free movement. This is most be lost, however, of what approximation is all about:
clearly seen with regard to the movement of goods creating conditions that allow, encourage and increase
where (especially prior to the 1992 programme) many the uniform treatment of persons, goods, services, and
non-tariff and non-quantitative barriers have inhib- capital throughout the EU.
ited, even prevented, free movement across internal
EU borders. These barriers have in the words of the
Treaty, the ‘equivalent effect’ of tariffs and quantita- 4 Competition policy
tive restrictions, and as such have been obstacles to
the creation of a market based on free and open com- The basic rules on competition are outlined in Articles
petition. Moreover, they have tended to be barriers 101–109 TFEU. As is shown in Box 20.1, there are
of a kind that cannot be removed simply by issuing three main aspects to them.
general prohibitions. Many have taken the form of All of the prohibitions identified in the TFEU – on
different national standards, national requirements, restrictive practices, dominant trading positions, and
and national provisions and practices that have been state aid – have been clarified by subsequent EC/EU
adopted over the years. Sometimes they have been law, both in the form of legislation and Court judg-
adopted for perfectly good reasons, but sometimes ments. It has been established, for example, that a
they have been adopted as deliberate attempts to ‘dominant position’ cannot be held to apply on the
protect a domestic market from unwanted competi- basis of an overall percentage market share, but only
tion without actually infringing EU law. Whatever in relation to factors such as the particular prod-
the intent, the effect has been the same: because of uct, the structure of its market, and substitutability.
the need to adapt products to meet the different Similarly, exemptions to state aid prohibitions, which
national standards of different states, and because are only generally referred to in the Treaty, have been
of the need for products to be subject to re-testing confirmed as being legally permissible if they are for
and re-certification procedures, efficiency has not purposes such as regional development, retraining,
been maximised and producers in one member state and job creation in potential growth industries.
often have been unable to compete on an equal basis As was shown in Chapter 9, the Commission’s
with producers in another. Examples of non-tariff Competition DG is vital to the running of EU com-
barriers (NTBs) include different national technical petition policy. Over the years its powers have grown
350 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

GDP. Third, the Commission has used the momentum

BOX 20.1 provided by the spirit of economic liberalisation that
has spread across the Western world since the 1980s to
The main principles of competition be much more vigorous than it used to be in wielding
policy, as set out in the TFEU competition powers to break up long-established and
well-protected national monopolies in policy spheres
• Under Article 101, there is a prohibition on ‘all
agreements between undertakings, decisions
as varied as energy, postal services, and telecommunica-
tions markets. This has been a difficult policy challenge
by associations of undertakings and concerted that has met with stiff political resistance, but consider-
practices which may affect trade between able progress has been, and continues to be, made.
Member States and which have as their object But, the Commission’s role in advancing competi-
or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion tion policy has not been completely unbridled. It has
of competition within the internal market’. long had to be tempered by the EU’s regional and social
• Under Article 102, ‘Any abuse by one or more
undertakings of a dominant position within
policies. It has had to be tempered also by political pres-
sures, with care having to be taken, for example, when
the internal market or in a substantial part of a ruling against state aid could result in major political
it shall be prohibited as incompatible with the problems for the government of a member state. And
internal market in so far as it may affect trade – perhaps above all – it has had to be tempered by eco-
between Member States.’ nomic realities, as has been no more clearly seen than
• Under Article 107, state aid ‘which distorts or
threatens to distort competition by favour-
in positions the Commission has taken in response
to the global financial and economic crisis. Working
ing certain undertakings or the production of with, and on the basis of instructions given to it by,
certain goods shall, in so far as it affects trade the European Council and the Ecofin Council, the
between Member States, be incompatible with Commission has, since the autumn of 2008, promoted
the internal market’. and approved a number of what might be thought of
as ‘anti-competitive’ regulatory measures in the finan-
cial sector. These measures have had the objectives of
‘of ensuring financial stability and restoring lending
to the real economy while safeguarding the internal
and it has become increasingly bold in trying to ensure market, minimising distortions of competition, and
that the market is as open and competitive as possible. paving the way to a return to normal market function-
There have been three main aspects to this. First, it has ing when possible’ (European Commission, 2009d:
become more active in examining cases of apparent mal- Introduction). Prominent amongst the measures pro-
practice. For example, using its powers as investigator, moted and approved have been public guarantees
prosecutor, judge, and jury (though with its decisions and recapitalisations, and ‘anti-competitive’ regulatory
subject to appeal to the EU Courts) the Commission legislation – in such areas as capital requirements,
has been more willing to take action against member credit rating agencies, and solvency.
states in connection with state aid. Second, legisla-
tion designed to broaden the competition policy base
and with it the powers of the Commission have been Problems in ‘completing’ the
approved. A particularly important instance of such internal market
legislation is the 1989 Merger Regulation, which was
revised in 2004 and which gives considerable powers to Clearly much has been and still is being achieved in
the Commission to disallow or set conditions on merg- the move towards creating the EU’s internal market.
ers that it judges will have an adverse effect on compe- However, there is no foreseeable prospect of the EU
tition. Other examples of legislation, in a very different market being as open or as integrated as national
area of competition policy, are the directives that are markets. This is because not all of the barriers to free
designed to open up public procurement – an area of movement will be removed and not all of the national
activity that accounts for around 15 per cent of EU policies that serve to fragment the market will be
Internal Policies | 351

made common. Periodically – usually every three to An example that serves to illustrate this point
four years or so – the Commission issues programmes is a decision taken by the German government in
for further upgrading of the market (see, for exam- December 2007 to announce a minimum wage for the
ple, European Commission 2011a; 2015c), but this is postal sector. The decision was taken as a result of trade
part of an ongoing process rather than a movement union lobbying and pressure from within Germany’s
towards finalisation coalition government by the Social Democrat Party,
The main obstacles in the way of the establishment which both insisted on the minimum wage decision as
of a completely open and integrated market are of a quid pro quo for gradually opening up – as EU legisla-
seven, interrelated, and overlapping, types. tion requires – the domestic postal market. The EU’s
First, there are the somewhat intangible, but none- Competition Commissioner, Neelie Kroes, criticised
theless very important, obstacles arising from differ- the minimum wage decision and claimed it would be
ent historical experiences, cultures, traditions, and at the expense of consumers. But, the Commission
languages. These obstacles are unquestionably being took no formal action against Germany for, as a
broken down, but only slowly. EU laws may, for Commission spokesman said, minimum wages lie
example, oblige public authorities to receive tenders outside of the Commission’s competence (EUobserver,
for contracts from throughout the EU, but laws 13–19 December 2007: 7).
cannot control the many informal processes that Fifth, there are ideological differences amongst EU
often incline national, regional, and local decision- policy-makers concerning where the correct balance
makers to award contracts whenever possible to fellow is to be stuck between regulation on the one hand
national companies. and the operation of an open market on the other. In
Second, some internal market legislation is rather broad terms, ‘regulators’ tend to come from the politi-
loose (because this was necessary to overcome oppo- cal left and ‘free-marketeers’ from the political right,
sition in the Council) whilst some of it is only being but there is not a complete match as, for example, the
weakly applied. Spheres of market activity so affected existence of sometimes largely consensual positions
include aspects of financial services, veterinary and on the need to ensure that business is subject to con-
phytosanitary controls, and the recognition of some trols on environmental pollution illustrates.
diplomas and professional qualifications. Sixth, economists and politicians dispute exactly
Third, there is member state resistance to fully what factors constitute market barriers, what their
opening up certain market sectors that are judged relative importance is, and whether and in what ways
to be – almost invariably for national protectionist EU-level policies are necessary. Prominent amongst
and/or public interest reasons – especially important. the policy areas that are so disputed are: the non-
Energy, transport, and broadcasting are examples of participation of some member states in the single cur-
such sectors, as are such ‘non-economic’ sectors as rency system and hence also their non-involvement
health, education, and social welfare. in the single monetary and exchange rate policies of
Fourth, whilst the ‘four freedoms’ – of goods, ser- the eurozone; the only partial development of com-
vices, capital, and persons – are fundamental EU prin- mon regional, social, environmental, transport, and
ciples clearly rooted in the TFEU and developed in an consumer protection policies; and the diversity of
extensive body of EU legislation and case law, respon- corporate direct taxation systems. Taking just the last
sibility for some policy areas that impact directly on of these policies to illustrate the point, some EU pol-
the existence of the freedoms remains largely with the icy-makers regard a common EU corporate tax base
governments of the member states. This is seen most and an approximation of corporate tax rates as being
clearly with social and labour policy, both of which are essential if competition is not to result in an undesir-
largely nationally controlled. The split in responsibili- able ‘drive the bottom’, whilst others see corporate
ties between the EU and the national levels inevitably tax competition between the member states as being
produces variations between member states in some healthy and not requiring regulation.
aspects of market functioning, but EU policy-makers Seventh, there are problems with policy implemen-
do not always seek to eliminate them – either because tation. The main problem is not so much with the trans-
they do not have the power to do so or because it position of internal market legislation into national law,
would be politically unwise. for the picture there is relatively good with average
352 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

transposition deficits – that is, the number of directives monetary integration had different implications for
that were not transposed in time or in full into national the states, which resulted in them being viewed with
law – in low single figures. Rather, the main problem is different degrees of enthusiasm. Fourth, for some
with the ‘front line’ application of internal market laws states the possibility of ceding key macroeconomic
which, as was shown in Chapters 9 and 19, is primarily and monetary powers to the Community raised fun-
the responsibility of national agencies of various sorts. damental sovereignty questions.
In its monitoring reports – notably the twice yearly But notwithstanding the many obstacles in the way
Single Market Scoreboard – the Commission constantly of policy development, real progress towards at least
describes policy application as being unsatisfactory and monetary integration began to be made in the late
takes many actions against member states – in what 1980s. This progress was, as indeed it still is, driven by
are known as infringement proceedings – for incorrect two main rationales, the relative importance of which
application of EU laws. Amongst the worst offenders has varied amongst policy actors. On the one hand,
are Italy, Spain, Belgium, and Greece. monetary integration has a political rationale, which is
based on a belief that monetary integration inevitably
furthers political integration. And, on the other hand,
there is an economic rationale, which is based on a
Macroeconomic and Financial belief that monetary integration brings a number of
Policies economic benefits and in so doing furthers economic
prosperity. Box 20.2 summarises these rationales and
also identifies the main perceived disadvantages of
The background to and creation European monetary integration.
of Economic and Monetary Union With the potential advantages of monetary integra-
tion increasingly being appreciated by many national
Notwithstanding declarations by the Heads of leaders and with the EEC Treaty having been amended
Government in 1969 and 1972 that their intention by the SEA to include a new chapter on ‘Co-operation
was to establish an economic and monetary union in Economic and Monetary Policy’, the Community
by 1980, only limited practical progress was initially formally embarked on the road to EMU at much the
made. However, the creation in 1979 of the European same time as the internal market ‘1992 programme’
Monetary System (EMS) did provide Community was beginning to be applied. Differences remained
monetary policy with some central structure and between the states over what precisely EMU should
some powers, since amongst its features were: a com- consist of and what should be the timetable for its
mon reserve fund to provide for market intervention; full implementation, but all (apart from the UK) sub-
the European Currency Unit (ecu) to act as a reserve scribed to the broad outlines of the scheme that was
asset and a means of settlement; and, in the Exchange put forward in April 1989 by the Delors Committee
Rate Mechanism (ERM) of the EMS, fixed – though in its Report on Economic and Monetary Union which
adjustable when necessary – bands of exchange for laid the foundations for EMU. The Committee proved
participating currencies. to be the forerunner of the 1990–91 IGC on EMU in
Non-monetary dimensions of macroeconomic that not only did it clear much of the ground for the
policy, by contrast, did not get much beyond being establishment of the IGC, but many of its proposals –
exhortive in nature and only relatively weak policy including the principle of a three-stage transition to
instruments were developed. Attempts to strengthen EMU – were accepted by the IGC and incorporated
these instruments and build up a more coherent into the Maastricht Treaty.
and effective EMU policy framework met with at The Maastricht provisions on EMU and their sub-
least four obstacles. First, there were differences over sequent application were described in Chapters 4 and
which – the economic or the monetary – naturally 6, so will not be repeated here. Suffice it to say that
came first and should be accorded priority. Second, the Treaty established a scheme and a timetable for
the Community’s rather sectionalised policy-making progression to EMU. The main feature of the scheme
mechanisms inhibited an overall and coordinated was increasing coordination and convergence of the
approach. Third, different aspects of economic and economic and monetary policies of all member states,
Internal Policies | 353

Box 20.2

The main perceived advantages and disadvantages of European monetary

• Political. For those who wish to see a more integrated Europe, perhaps a fully federal Europe, monetary
integration is an important building block. As with the coal and steel community, the customs union
and the internal market, monetary integration offers a potential for creating political integration by
economic means.
• Economic. There are several potential economic advantages of monetary integration, including: greater
price transparency; elimination of currency exchange costs; provision of ‘shelter’ when international
currency rates are volatile; and the removal of exchange rate fluctuations between participating curren-
cies. This last advantage is seen by EMU proponents as being vital in making for greater market stability
and in so doing promoting business confidence and hence investment and economic growth.

• Political. Membership of a single currency zone means giving up: the national currency, which in many
states has been symbolically important; and sovereignty – in the sense of formal national control – over
monetary policy.
• Economic. The ‘transfer’ of monetary policy to a central level means that: national governments have
less policy instruments available to them to manage national economies (most particularly, they cannot
adjust interest rates or devalue the currency); there is a ‘one size fits all’ monetary policy, which can
result in interest rate and exchange rate policies that are not suitable for some member states; and
economic problems in one member state (such as high budgetary deficits fuelling inflation) can more
easily spillover into other member states. Crucially, many commentators argue that, in the long term, a
monetary union cannot work without there also being common fiscal policies and a political union.

leading to a single currency in which there would be referendums: in September 2000 in Denmark and
a common monetary policy to be pursued within the September 2003 in Sweden.
framework of a European System of Central Banks Under the terms of their accession treaties, all the
(ESCB). The main feature of the timetable was a three- states that have joined the EU since 2004 are obliged to
stage transitional process leading to the adoption of a eventually become eurozone members, but are not eli-
single currency by January 1999 at the latest. gible to do so until they have completed at least two full
The single currency duly came into operation in years of EU membership and have met the eurozone
January 1999, with 11 of the EU’s 15 member states entry conditions – known as the convergence criteria,
as members – Denmark and the UK used the opt-outs which are set out in Box 20.3. Since they became EU
they had been given in the Maastricht Treaty, Greece members, seven of the twelve 2004/07 entrants have
did not meet the qualifying convergence criteria, duly become eurozone members, with Slovenia joining
whilst Sweden chose not to participate. The 11 became in January 2007, Cyprus and Malta in January 2008,
12 in January 2001 when Greece, having then been Slovakia in January 2009, Estonia in January 2011,
deemed to meet the criteria, joined the single cur- Latvia in January 2014, and Lithuania in January 2015.
rency system. The Danish and Swedish governments Of those post-2004 states that have not adopted the
also tried to take their countries into the eurozone in euro – Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland,
the early 2000s, but were unsuccessful when their peo- and Romania, plus Croatia (the 2013 EU entrant) –
ples rejected adopting the single currency in national their main reasons for non-adoption have been either
354 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

direction and leadership) was hardly to be seen. As many

BOX 20.3 commentators said at the time of EMU’s founding, it
contained basic design flaws – notably being excessively
The EMU convergence criteria based on monetary integration, not having sufficiently
(eurozone entry conditions) robust economic and political underpinnings, and con-
taining a membership that was too disparate for a
• Price stability. Inflation should not have
exceeded by more than one-and-a-half percent-
common currency system. As constructed, EMU could,
perhaps, function tolerably well in good economic times,
age points that of the three best performing but it was always likely to face severe problems when
member states for a period of at least one year. there was an economic downturn and/or features of the
• Sustainability of the government financial position.
The budget deficit or planned deficit should be
system were put under strain. But, EMU’s founders were
keen to advance with the project and so the flaws and
no more than 3 per cent of gross domestic prod- weaknesses were largely set aside in the absence of politi-
uct and government debt should be no more cal agreement on how to deal with them.
than 60 per cent of gross domestic product. As was shown in Chapter 1, the system was put
(There is some flexibility here if deficits/debts under severe strain in 2008–09 when the banking crisis
are declining and rates are approaching the two was followed by a sovereign debt crisis which in turn
reference values.) was quickly followed by a eurozone crisis. A more
• Exchange rate stability. The normal fluctua-
tion margins provided for by the exchange-rate
robust EMU system – with clearly recognised leader-
ship and stronger policy instruments to hand – would
mechanism should have been respected without doubtless have been able to treat this as a manageable
severe tensions for at least two years. In particu- problem, but the EMU system was lacking in both.
lar, there must have been no devaluation against Indebted states – notably Ireland, Spain, Portugal,
the euro. Cyprus, and Greece – needed financial assistance, but
• Interest rate stability. The average nominal
long-term interest rate must not have exceeded
whilst the EMU system as a whole had no major debt
problem it had no automatic central funding system
by more than two percentage points that of available to assist those parts of the system that did
the three best performing Member States for a have debts (the indebted states) and no central author-
period of one year. ity able to create and release new central funds. In
short, it had none of the features of a fiscal union with
Source: Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union: central funds available and/or capable of being raised
Article 140, Protocol 12 (on the excessive deficit procedure), to transfer to those parts of the union experiencing
and Protocol 13 (on the convergence criteria).
severe economic difficulties. As a result, indebted
states were forced to look to other EU states for loans
and other forms of financial assistance, which led
to intense and protracted negotiations (spread over
because they have failed to meet the entry conditions several years with Greece and still not finally settled at
and/or because of political reluctance. the time of writing in autumn 2016) over the amount,
Its membership and economic strength make the nature, and conditions to be attached to whatever help
eurozone the second largest world economy (after the was to be given. This, in turn, led to a complex mix-
USA) and the fourth most populous (with 330 million). ture of disputes, in which economic, monetary and
political matters became intertwined as the eurozone
states adopted different stances on many different
The nature of Economic and matters, with the main line of division being between
Monetary Union those states (led by Germany) that would be providing
financial assistance and those that would be receiving
The design flaws and the resulting crisis it. In essence, the providers – and above all Germany –
EMU was constructed as a system in which the E was thought assistance should be made conditional on
much weaker than the M and in which P (for political the adoption of tough domestic austerity measures
Internal Policies | 355

in recipient states, whilst the recipients (especially Portugal were deemed by the Commission to be non-
Greece) mostly thought this was both not in the spirit compliant, financial penalties were not imposed.)
of EU solidarity and would likely also be economically A key element within the system of the alignment
unproductive. of macroeconomic policies is the European Semester,
which was introduced in 2010 in the wake of the crisis. It
is a cycle of economic and fiscal policy planning, coor-
Key present features of Economic and
dination, and surveillance that is aimed at strengthen-
Monetary Union ing EU governance and policy, not least by bringing
The eurozone crisis has seen some of EMU’s core fea- together policies – especially on economic growth,
tures remaining largely unchanged, but additions and fiscal stability, and promotion of employment – that
refinements have been, and are being, made. There are previously were somewhat disjointed. Much of the
now five central features of EMU. policy coverage of the European Semester applies not
First, eurozone members use a single currency. just to eurozone states but also to all EU states. Since its
From January 1999 the exchange rates between found- launch, the European Semester has progressively been
ing single currency members were irrevocably fixed. extended in scope, with increasing aspects of macro-
In January and February 2002 the national banknotes economic policy being incorporated within it.
and coinage of members were replaced by euro bank- The European Semester has the following key
notes and coins. objectives:
Second, as a result of being part of a single currency
system, eurozone countries cannot take individual • To contribute to ensuring convergence and stability
decisions on what monetary policies – including inter- in the EU.
est rate or exchange rate policies – they should pursue. • To contribute to ensuring sound public finances.
The eurozone has common monetary policies, which • To foster economic growth.
are determined through the zone’s own institutional • To prevent excessive macroeconomic imbalances
structures – at the heart of which is the ECB (see in the EU.
pp. 257–60). The monetary policies of the Bank have • To implement the Europe 2020 strategy, which
a strong anti-inflationary ethos, tempered (though not is a ten-year strategy agreed by the EU in 2010
sufficiently in the view of some EU governments) by aimed at advancing ‘smart, sustainable, inclusive
an eye to other needs of the eurozone’s economy. growth’ and with specific targets set for the likes
Third, the macroeconomic policies of eurozone of raising employment rates, reducing the share of
countries are aligned, but they are not common and early school leavers, and reducing the number of
are in a much softer form than the monetary policies. Europeans living below poverty lines. (On Europe
The framework for this alignment is the Stability and 2020, and its predecessor, the Lisbon Strategy, see
Growth Pact (SGP), which was strengthened in the Buonanno and Nugent, 2013: 186–90.)
2012 Fiscal Compact (see Chapter 1) and which is
based primarily on the budget and public debt ele- The European Semester includes the issuing of an
ments of the convergence criteria. It obliges members Annual Growth Survey (AGS) by the Commission
to practise prudent fiscal policies and, more particu- listing general economic priorities, country-specific
larly, to maintain broadly balanced national budgets recommendations, and monitoring and surveillance
over the economic cycle. Whilst national fiscal policies arrangements. As part of the Semester, eurozone mem-
are interpreted with some flexibility in relation to the ber states submit to the Commission annual sta-
particular economic circumstances applying in mem- bility programmes and non-eurozone states submit
ber states, the key SGP rules are that annual budget- convergence programmes. These stability and con-
ary deficits of eurozone states should not exceed 3 vergence programmes are supposed to respect multi-
per cent of national GDP and that government debt annual policy guidelines that are included in the AGS
should not exceed 60 per cent. Non-compliance with and are agreed by the Council. Amongst information
the terms of the SGP can lead to financial sanctions that must be presented in national programmes are
being imposed on offenders (though, when this was medium-term budgetary objectives setting out how the
first put to the test in mid-2016 when Spain and 3 per cent budgetary target figure and the long-term
356 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

sustainability of public finances will be respected, the eurozone members. The French franc, the German
underlying economic assumptions of the programmes deutschemark, the Italian lira, the Cypriot pound
(especially on growth, inflation, and unemployment), and so on have all been replaced with the euro. This
and a description of measures to be taken to achieve transfer in turn has meant that responsibility for two
the objectives of the programme. The Commission, key policy instruments – exchange rate and interest
working through the Ecofin Council, assesses the pro- rate levels – have been transferred to eurozone-level
grammes and makes recommendations as appropriate. institutions, and that also eurozone states have had to
Non-eurozone members are thus expected to coordi- accept stiff limitations on what they can do in respect
nate their economic policies with the other EU member of domestic fiscal policies.
states. Unlike eurozone members, they cannot be subject It is sometimes suggested that in addition to its
to financial penalties for breaching SGP rules, but they operational importance the creation of the euro also
are obliged to comply with the multilateral surveillance has considerable symbolic significance and that, in
system and to endeavour to avoid excessive budgetary time, it could well provide impetus to the develop-
deficits. For the three states that have chosen not to be ment of a common European identity. Perhaps, but
eurozone members – Denmark, Sweden, and the UK – the lack of empathy that was displayed by eurozone
involvement in the surveillance system is an obligation elites and publics towards Greece in 2015 when a
of EU membership: they are subject to the EU’s exces- Grexit (from the eurozone) seemed possible was not
sive deficit procedure, which means that if they exceed, promising in this respect.
or seem likely to exceed, the 3 per cent budgetary deficit
limit, the Commission can recommend to the Ecofin
Council that the state in question be required to adopt The record and prospects of
appropriate rectifying measures – though neither the Economic and Monetary Union
Commission nor Ecofin can state, other than in the most
general terms, what these measures should be. The relatively short record of EMU is not good. It was
Fourth, as was shown in Chapter 1, a central created mainly to advance European integration and
funding mechanism to assist indebted states was to further prosperity, neither of which can be said to
created during the crisis and is now in place. This is have happened.
the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), which is Regarding advancing European integration, EMU
funded by eurozone states and which has a lending has highlighted the diversity rather than the unity and
capacity of €500 billion. cohesion of EU states, especially since the onset of the
Fifth, measures designed to increase confidence in eurozone crisis. Differences between eurozone and
and give greater flexibility to the European financial non-eurozone countries have become more institu-
system have been both taken and are being put in place. tionalised, whilst within the eurozone some countries
These developments, which are a direct response to the have come to view one another with suspicion and
economic and financial crisis, mainly fall under two distrust. As part of this, there has been some revival of
broad headings: the European Banking Union, which old stereotypes, with ‘industrious and hard-working’
strengthens and centralises the European banking sys- northern states tending to look on southern states as
tem (see Chapter 1); and the Credit Union, which is being lazy and constantly seeking hand-outs.
currently being established and which is aimed mainly Regarding furthering prosperity, the thinking
at enabling and encouraging ‘non-traditional’ lending behind EMU was that this would be created by having
institutions to invest across the EU economy. a more efficient and stable European economic and
monetary environment, which in turn would provide
greater predictability for investments and markets.
The significance of Economic and But, to date: growth rates have been disappointing
Monetary Union (averaging less than two per cent before the crisis, and
then once the crisis hit it was not until 2016 that the
Clearly, the establishment of the single currency has size of the eurozone economy reached pre-crisis, 2008,
marked a major step forward in the European inte- levels (adjusting for inflation)); unemployment rates
gration process and has had a major impact on the have been high (averaging 10 per cent in 2016, but
Internal Policies | 357

much higher in several eurozone countries and with

youth unemployment in several countries being over BOX 20.4
20 per cent); and pre-existing and significant varia-
tions in measures of competitiveness between member Requirements for the euro to be
states have persisted. In consequence, problems have able to match the dollar as an
arisen from the ‘one size fits all’ nature of EMU, with international currency
the national economies of eurozone members clearly
having required different monetary policy rates at dif-
ferent times. • The euro needs to establish long-term creden-
tials as a stable and successful currency. To
The fact is that although some structural weak- date the record has been mixed, with success
nesses of the eurozone system have been addressed, it in that inflation and interest rates have been
still does not contain two key instruments that single low but with less success in that growth and
currency systems arguably need to deal with problems competitiveness have been weak and the foun-
of internal variations in economic performance. The dations of the system have been shaken by the
first of these instruments is mobility of labour, which eurozone crisis.
is very low in the euorozone – largely because of the
legacy of history, cultural and local attachments, and • There needs to be some flattening of the consid-
erable divergences between the performances of
the existence of so many languages. Clearly, this prob- national economies that persist in the eurozone.
lem cannot be improved quickly. The second instru-
ment is the ability of the centre to effect significant • A more developed eurozone financial system is
fiscal transfers. This problem could be tackled with
the adoption of more and much stronger fiscal poli- • The perceived anti-growth bias of the euro –
based on the prioritisation of countering infla-
cies at eurozone level but, as has been seen during the tion that constitutes a core element of the ECB’s
eurozone crisis, suggestions that greater fiscal powers remit – needs to be toned down.
are exercised at the central level always create great
difficulties. There have, for example, been open dif- • There needs to be clearer and stronger euro-
zone leadership. As matters stand, there is
ferences over the contents of policies between, on the uncertainty over, for example, who is ‘Mr/
one hand, ‘expansionist’ politicians (in some states) Ms eurozone’: the President of the ECB?; the
and, on the other hand, perceived ‘cautious’ bank- President of the Eurogroup?; the President of
ers in the ECB and ‘over rigid’ SGP ‘guardians’ in the European Council?; or the Commissioner
the Commission. (Though, in fact, neither the ECB for Economic and Financial Affairs?
nor the Commission have in practice been so cau-
tious or rigid as they are often portrayed.) There have
been differences too between national governments
over their domestic spending, with the governments considerable potential with, for example, the eurozone
of states with high levels of unemployment showing having a GDP that is comparable in size, a population
some reluctance to accept – given that they no longer that is much larger, and an economy that is more reli-
have interest rate or exchange rate adjustments avail- ant on international trade than the USA. But, much
able to them – tight fiscal policies that are judged to needs to happen before the international role of the
be in the general interest of the eurozone. There have dollar can be seriously challenged. Five things in par-
also been differences arising from the broad ideologi- ticular appear to be necessary, as Box 20.4 shows.
cal inclinations of governments, with some inclining
in a Keynesian interventionist direction and others
looking more in a non-interventionist and monetarist
direction. Such differences, and the tensions associ- Functional Policies
ated with them, show few signs of being settled.
As for the frequently asked question whether the The EU has interests and responsibilities in many
euro can match the dollar as an international cur- functional policies: that is, policies with ­cross-cutting
rency, there is a long way to go. There is certainly natures and functional purposes that are more
358 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

specifically targeted than are internal market and JHA field, but progress was only modest in respect of
macroeconomic and financial policies. governments adopting tough collective responses to
Probably the best known of the EU’s functional the JHA problems facing them. Reasons for this were
policies are the area of freedom, security and justice the sensitivity and the complexity of the areas covered,
(AFSJ) policies – formerly (and still sometimes) called plus the intergovernmental basis of JHA, which made
justice and home affairs (JHA) policies – cohesion decision-making in the Council very difficult.
policies, social policies, energy policies, research and Dissatisfaction with the operation of the third pil-
innovation policies, and environmental policies. Less lar resulted in it being the policy area that was most
prominent functional policies include education pol- strengthened by the Amsterdam Treaty (see Chapter 6).
icy, cultural policy, and consumer protection policy. In particular:
Since it is not possible to examine all of the EU’s func-
tional policies here, only the most important and best • Several JHA policy areas – including immigration,
known will be examined. asylum, and refugees and displaced persons – were
‘communitarised’ by being transferred from the
intergovernmental pillar three to the much more
Area of freedom, security and supranational pillar one.
justice policies • The Schengen Agreement – of which most member
states were signatories and which had been devel-
Arguably, more than any other of the EU’s policies, oped, on an extra-treaty basis, since the mid-1980s
AFSJ policy can only be understood if it is firmly to remove most internal border controls on the
placed in the context of its historical evolution. movement of people – was incorporated into the
EU framework. However, Ireland and the UK
(which had never been full Schengen members)
JHA up to the Amsterdam Treaty
were given opt-outs from the consequences of the
From the mid-1970s, the EC member states began to incorporation (in Ireland’s case this was required
exchange information and cooperate with one another because of its common travel area with the UK)
on matters relating to the monitoring and control and Denmark was given a partial opt-out.
of terrorism, drugs, and organised crime. A series of • What remained of pillar three, which was to
mechanisms, which were quite outside the framework continue to be intergovernmental in character, was
of the Community Treaties and which came to be re-focused and re-titled ‘Provisions on Police and
known as the Trevi process, were developed. They Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters’.
brought together, often on a semi-secret basis, officials • The aim of JHA and JHA-related policies was stated
from Interior and Justice ministries, senior police and as being the creation of ‘an area of freedom, secu-
intelligence officers, and ministers. Over the years the rity and justice’ in which there is free movement of
issues covered by Trevi developed – owing in no small persons behind common external borders.
part to the need to dismantle internal border controls
as part of the internal market programme – and by
Growing pressures on JHA policy after
the late 1980s the original ‘threats’ of terrorism, drugs,
and organised crime had been joined on the agenda Amsterdam
by a variety of matters relating to immigration, visas, After Maastricht, and more especially after Amsterdam,
public order, and customs controls. the JHA policy area became subject to intense pressures
This array of policy interests, and the plethora of ad to advance rapidly. Three of these pressures – which
hoc arrangements developed to deal with them, were are closely connected – were (and still are) especially
brought together and strengthened by the Maastricht important.
Treaty. They were so mainly under the intergov- The first has been the continuing opening of the
ernmental third pillar of the Treaty – dealing with internal market and the associated greater ease with
Provisions on Cooperation in the Fields of Justice which internal borders can be crossed. This greater
and Home Affairs (see Chapter 6). The Maastricht- ease of border crossing is, of course, intended to
created third pillar led to much policy activity in the bring benefits to citizens, but it also creates problems
Internal Policies | 359

– concerning, for example, the civil rights of citizens, But, the ‘mainstreaming’ of AFSJ by the Lisbon
residency claims of non-citizens, and cross-border Treaty, and especially the widened ability of the EU to
crimes – that national political and legal systems can- make AFSJ laws by QMV, was not acceptable to the
not adequately manage acting by themselves. UK government. This was partly because, as an island,
The second development has been the revealing, the UK has long viewed its position on issues related
initially through the 9/11 attacks in the USA and sub- to movement of peoples as being different from conti-
sequently in attacks throughout Europe – notably in nental European states – hence the UK’s opt-out from
Madrid in 2004, London in 2005, Paris in 2015, and the Schengen system. It was partly because the nature
Brussels in 2016 – of the extent of the threat posed to of the UK’s legal system is different from those of most
the West by international terrorism. other European states and hence there were concerns
The third development has been rising concerns that the Treaty changes would affect the UK dispropor-
about the porousness of the EU’s external borders as tionately. And it was partly, and indeed mainly, because
increasing numbers of people from third counties – perceived losses of national sovereignty in important
especially from across the Mediterranean and through and sensitive policy areas create considerable contro-
Turkey – have sought to enter and settle within the versy in UK politics, with the consequence that AFSJ
EU. As was shown in Chapter 1, in 2014–15 these was an area where the government was resolved in the
concerns built into a migration crisis, with more than IGCs that produced the Constitutional and Lisbon
620,000 arriving and making asylum applications in Treaties to make a stand. Accordingly, the UK pressed
Europe in 2014 and over 1 million doing so in 2015. strongly for AFSJ ‘protections’ of various sorts and,
in particular, for its existing special status (with the
Schengen opt-out) to be not only confirmed but also
Responding to the pressures
extended. The Lisbon Treaty duly incorporates – in
The EU has responded to the pressures by strength- protocols – arrangements for AFSJ policy development
ening both relevant treaty provisions and laws and that do not necessarily involve all member states. In
policies. particular, there are special arrangements for the three
Regarding strengthening treaty provisions, the states that are not full Schengen members – Denmark,
Amsterdam Treaty had made provision for several Ireland, and the UK. The arrangements are complex,
JHA policy areas to be ‘upgraded’ from unanimity but the key components are:
voting in the Council to QMV after five years. In
December 2004 the member states eventually made • An ‘emergency break’ applies to some types of
these changes. In consequence, since January 2005, AFSJ decisions that allows any state to insist that a
decisions on asylum, illegal immigration, external legislative measure is halted if the measure affects
border controls, and certain civil law cooperation its legal system. The matter is then referred to the
issues have all been subject to co-decision and Council European Council and if no compromise can be
qualified majority voting. found there the member state concerned can opt-
As was shown in Chapter 6, the Lisbon Treaty out of the measure.
completed the movement of AFSJ into the EU ‘main- • Denmark, Ireland, and the UK continue to have
stream’ by transferring what remained of the third pil- special positions in relation to AFSJ matters. There
lar – the Provisions on Police and Judicial Cooperation are differences in the extent and legal nature of
in Criminal Matters – into the TFEU and bringing these special positions, with the UK’s position
most AFSJ policies together in a new Title V of the being the strongest. In broad terms, however, the
TFEU entitled ‘Area of Freedom, Security and Justice’. three states can decide whether or not they wish to
Within Title V the ‘Community method’ is the nor- participate in measures designed to strengthen the
mal decision-making mode, with QMV available in Schengen system (which includes matters related
the Council for all but a handful of policy areas. The to borders, immigration, and asylum) and also to
Lisbon Treaty thus significantly advanced the shift decide whether or not to opt-in to new measures
from intergovernmentalism to supranationalism that concerned with the creation of the AFSJ. (In the
had been underway in AFSJ decision-making since the UK’s case, this has resulted in an almost ‘pick and
Amsterdam Treaty. choose’ approach to AFSJ, with, for example, it
360 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

being a strong supporter of the European arrest amongst its priorities ensuring the legal system can
warrant and of Dublin transfers (see below), but it tackle terrorist threats effectively, preventing radi-
also having many opt-outs.) calisation, and enhancing security at the external
Regarding strengthening laws and policies, since a • Common, and tighter, policies on immigration,
special European Council meeting on AFSJ matters asylum, visa controls, and border management
at Tampere in 1999, the EU has, especially in the first have been adopted, some of them in response to
decade after Tampere, pursued an active agenda. Until the migration crisis that developed from 2014 (see
2014 this was on the bases of five-year programmes Chapter 1, and Buonanno, 2017). In respect, for
and since then has been based on European Council- example, of asylum – which applies to people in
adopted strategic guidelines. Amongst the advance- need of international protection – the EU has been
ments to have been made are: seeking to create a Common European Asylum
System since Tampere. Many legal measures
• Existing supporting institutions have been concerning this have been adopted, and then usually
strengthened – notably the EU’s law enforcement have needed to be updated, to put this into effect,
agency, Europol, which was created in the 1990s with recent (as of the time of writing in autumn
in response to the Maastricht Treaty’s JHA pillar 2016) examples including: the revised qualifications
and also the legal status given to the Schengen directive, which clarifies the grounds for granting
system by the Amsterdam Treaty. Other support- international protection; the revised asylum proce-
ing institutions have been established, including: dures directive, which aims at providing quicker
the European Police College (CEPOL), in 2000; and fairer decisions – especially for unaccompanied
Eurojust, which is an investigation and prosecuto- minors and victims of torture; the revised recep-
rial coordination agency, in 2002; the Fundamental tions conditions directive, which seeks to guarantee
Rights Agency (FRA) in 2007; the European humane reception conditions for asylum seekers;
Asylum Support Office (EASO) in 2011; and the and the revised Dublin regulation (commonly
European Border and Coast Guard (EBCG), which known as Dublin III), which establishes the criteria
in 2016 was created as a strengthened version and mechanisms for determining the member state
of the European Agency for the Management of responsible for examining an application (which, so
Operational Cooperation at the External Borders as to make ‘asylum shopping’ more difficult, under
of the Member States of the European Union previously established Dublin rules is normally the
(Frontex) which had been responsible since 2004 state where the applicant first enters the EU) and
for coordinating the policies and activities prac- enhances the protection of asylum seekers whilst
ticed at the EU’s external borders. the determination is made.
• The twin challenges of international terrorism • The EU is also active in areas as varied as cyber-
and of major cross-border crime have resulted in crime, human trafficking, equal treatment between
an enormous increase in the collection and trans- persons and combating discrimination, and the
fer of data about individuals and organisations production and trading of illegal drugs. Much of
between EU agencies. (Though sensitivities asso- this activity is based on non-legally enforceable
ciated with this have resulted in some aspects of policy goals, aspirations, and best practices that
collecting and transferring data being questioned are identified in a battery of programmes and
and slowed down by the CJEU and the EP.) Anti- strategies of various sorts, but binding laws also
terrorism and the fight against international crime do exist. There is, for example, legislation covering
have also resulted in the adoption of a number of a matter that might initially not to be seemingly
legislative and non-legislative measures, including within the EU’s remit at all: the sexual exploitation
the EU-wide arrest warrant that replaces former of children (European Parliament and Council,
lengthy extradition procedures. 2011). However, this matter does in fact fall within
The anti-terrorist measures have been framed the EU’s remit in that EU law is allowed to specify
by the Juncker Commission within a goal of minimum rules and sanctions for particularly seri-
building an EU Security Union, which includes ous crimes with a cross-border dimension.
Internal Policies | 361

But notwithstanding these and other advances, The main policy instruments of cohesion policy
the period of institutional and policy AFSJ expan- are three funds: the European Regional Development
sion has slowed since 2010–11. Indeed, writing in Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF),
2014, Jörg Monar has gone as far as to state that ‘the and the Cohesion Fund. Together, they are assigned
period of rapid expansion of the AFSJ in the first €351 billion in the 2014–20 spending period: about
decade after the Tampere European Council of 1999 one third of the budgetary total. Following changes
has now definitely come to a stop. There is simply made to improve the operation of the 2014–20 MFF
no sufficient political consensus among the Member (see Chapter 23), the three funds are now linked to
States about the ultimate aims of the AFSJ to warrant two other funds with comparable regional and socio-
more substantial deadline-linked objectives’ (Monar, economic development purposes – the European
2014: 141). Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD),
This lack of political consensus has, as was shown and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund
in Chapter 1, been seen clearly in the inability of the (EMFF). The five funds are located in a common
EU, and within it of the Schengen system, to deal strategic framework and are collectively called the
quickly or effectively with the migration crisis that has European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds.
faced the EU since being triggered from 2011 by the The five ESI funds target a number of thematic
collapse of the ‘Arab spring’ and the increasing inten- objectives linked to the priorities of Europe 2020 (see
sity of the civil war in Syria. below), treaty objectives, and missions of specific
funds. The thematic objectives include:
Cohesion policy
• Strengthening research, technological development
There are a number of policies, grouped under the and innovation.
general name of cohesion policy, that were created to • Enhancing access to, and use and quality of,
provide a partial counterbalance to the ‘natural’ effects Information and Communications Technology (ICT).
of the internal market by promoting a more balanced • Preserving and protecting the environment and
distribution of resources and economic development promoting resource efficiency.
across the EU. The central purpose of cohesion policy • Promoting sustainable and quality employment
thus initially was to reduce economic and social dis- and supporting labour mobility.
parities. It was felt that a vigorous cohesion policy was • Investment in education, training, and vocational
necessary for reasons of social justice and that weaker training for skills and lifelong learning (for a full
parts of the EU economy could become stronger if they listing, see Baun and Marek, 2014: 63).
were given focused and directed assistance. Cohesion
policy also reflected hard political bargaining by the Complex rules exist for the assignment of fund-
governments of those member states that were the ing both between member states and regions but,
main beneficiaries of the policy – as evidenced by the broadly speaking, less developed countries and regions
way in which, prior to the 2004 enlargement, Spain in are allocated proportionately significantly greater
particular threatened to cause problems in other policy amounts. In the period 2014–20, over half of the
areas if cohesion policy was not prioritised/protected/ budget is assigned to less developed regions – that is,
structured in a manner that was to Spain’s advantage. to those with a GDP of less than 75 per cent of the EU
However, since 2006 cohesion policy has also average.
been given another task: to help advance the EU’s Key principles on which the cohesion financial
broader economic growth and increased competitive- instruments are based include additionality, which
ness objectives. As Baun and Marek (2014: 2) put it means EU resources should add to rather than replace
‘while the promotion of regional economic develop- national resources, and co-financing – by which
ment and convergence remains a major goal of cohe- programmes and projects are co-financed by the EU
sion policy, it is now pursued in alignment with the and member states (with member states normally
Union’s growth and competitiveness agenda, through contributing between 15 and 50 per cent of a project’s
targeted investments that address the EU’s strategic costs depending on which fund is being used and the
economic priorities.’ economic situation of the recipient state).
362 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

The scale of the challenge facing cohesion policy is Charter was adopted by eleven of the EU’s then twelve
seen in the fact that around one of three EU citizens – member states – the UK was the exception – at the
about 170 million – live in less developed regions. The 1989 Strasbourg summit and formed the basis for
scale of the challenge is seen also in the wide range the subsequent Social Chapter that the same eleven
of incomes across the EU with, in terms of member states had attached to the Maastricht Treaty in the
states, Luxembourg being the richest member state form of a Protocol and Agreement on Social Policy
and Romania – with a per capita income about seven (see Chapter 5).
times less that of Luxembourg – being the poorest. The Amsterdam Treaty strengthened the treaty base
Of course, cohesion policy is not aimed at completely of social policy in two significant ways. First, the UK,
removing regional and social variations and creating now with a Labour government, removed its objec-
an equalisation of economic activity and economic tions to the Maastricht Agreement on Social Policy,
wealth across the EU, but it is aimed at narrow- with the consequence that the Agreement was incor-
ing the disparities. Increasingly the contribution of porated into the TEC. Second, a new Employment
cohesion policy to achieving this aim has come to be Title was created in the TEC, with a focus on encour-
seen as involving, as noted above, concentrating on aging and exhorting member states to regard the
programme and projects that contribute to promote promotion of employment as a matter of high priority
competitiveness and economic growth. and common concern.
Since the Amsterdam Treaty, employment policy
has duly been given an increased priority in EU think-
Social policy ing, and has featured prominently in EU policy and
decision-making. It has been the central focus of
The EEC Treaty provided for the development of numerous EU reports, publications, and ‘jobs sum-
a Community social policy. It did so in two ways: mits’, and is now a key component part of ‘Europe
Articles 117–22 stated that there should be closer 2020’. In this latter capacity, it (and social policy more
cooperation between the member states in the social generally) has become increasingly interlinked and
field, and particularly specified (in Article 119) that intertwined with economic growth and competitive-
member states should apply the principle that men ness policies.
and women should receive equal pay for equal work; This tying-in of social policy with employment
Articles 123–8 laid the foundation for the European and economic growth policies builds on the way
Social Fund. in which social policy has been viewed in the EC/
Although the ESF was quickly established, little EU context from the earliest days. That is, the EU’s
was done for many years to give effect to Articles social policy roles and responsibilities have always
117–22, apart from some developments – via legisla- been seen as being mainly related to market-related
tion and ECJ judgments – in areas linked to employ- issues. ‘Mainstream’ social policy – dealing with the
ment matters such as working conditions, entitlement likes of welfare benefit rates and entitlements, care for
to benefits, and equal opportunities. However, in old people, and protection of vulnerable ­children –
1989 a major boost was given to social policy when is, like health and education policy, thought of as
the Commission – believing that the internal mar- being primarily a national responsibility. Political and
ket programme should have a ‘social dimension’ – public support for social welfare transfers is tied to
produced The Community Charter of Fundamental homogeneity and so, with there being relatively lit-
Social Rights for Workers. The Charter was inevitably tle developed sense of European-ness amongst most
somewhat general in character and terminology, but European people, the idea of the EU being involved
it contained the fundamental principles that should in social welfare transfers is highly problematical:
apply to twelve main themes. Amongst these themes public opinion, especially in richer states, does not
were: free movement of workers on the basis of equal want it and would not support it. This was clearly
treatment in access to employment and social protec- demonstrated during the Brexit referendum campaign
tion; employment on the basis of fair remuneration; when the leave side made much of popular frustration
freedom of association and collective bargaining; and with the fact that EU workers in the UK were eligible
protection of children and adolescents. The Social to receive social benefits paid for by British citizens
Internal Policies | 363

(even though in the run-up to the referendum, Prime Energy policy

Minster Cameron secured a deal for a longer waiting
period for eligibility. Given the existence of the ECSC and Euratom Treaties,
The strong market-related character of EU social the centrality of energy to any modern economy, the
policy is illustrated by the sort of areas where EU disruption and damage that was caused by oil price
social policy laws most commonly exist, They include: increases in the 1970s, and the immense savings that
health and safety of workers, safety signs at work, pro- the Commission has for years identified as accruing
tection of pregnant women at work, the protection of from an integrated energy market, it is perhaps sur-
young people at work, parental leave from work, and prising that until the late 1980s very little progress was
the organisation of working time. The EU does run a made towards a common energy policy (as opposed
few general social policy programmes of various kinds, to having some policies for particular energy sectors).
including public health programmes and programmes The main obstacle to progress was that the member
to assist the elderly and the disabled, but they are very states – with their differing domestic energy resources,
modest in both nature and funding. differing energy requirements, and large and often
As well as being seen as primarily a national respon- state-owned and monopolistic energy industries –
sibly, there are two other main reasons why ‘main- preferred essentially national solutions.
stream’ social policy has not been much developed. Since the late 1980s, however, there has been a greater
The first is that social welfare provisions and services receptivity to the idea of a common energy policy and
are expensive to operate, with access to them usually in recent years energy policy has come to assume a high
being dependent on some combination of residency profile and priority. This has been stimulated by a num-
and contributions. Untangling these requirements ber of factors, which are set out in Box 20.5.
and creating new financial and entitlement systems
would be both administratively highly complex and
politically charged. The second is that there are many BOX 20.5
different preferences between policy-makers on spe-
cific aspects of social policies, with a broad division Reasons for the increased interest
existing between those who take a pronounced liberal
approach to how the European economy should be in developing EU energy policy
framed and those who take a more social market
approach. The depth of this division should not be • There has been an increasing acceptance that
the energy sector should not be isolated from
over-stated, for all EU governments are concerned
both about market competitiveness and social protec- the internal market but should be subject to the
tions for citizens. But within this broad consensus liberalisation policies that affect other sectors.
there have been and still are clear and persisting dif- • There has been an increasing reliance on exter-
nal suppliers – the EU depends on non-member
ferences between governments as to where the balance
should lie and how extensively EU policies should be countries for 53 per cent of its energy require-
involved in laying down the nature of the balance. ments, with this dependence being as high as
In consequence, as Anderson (2015: 2–4) notes, the 88 per cent in the case of crude oil and 66 per
EU’s role in mainstream social policy tends to take one of cent in the case of natural gas (Panayotopoulos,
two forms. On the one hand it exercises regulatory legal 2015: 2).
powers, with the member states continuing ‘to dominate • The ‘aggressive’ stances adopted by some EU
energy suppliers – especially Russia, which has
the taxing and spending aspects of distributive social
policy, but they do so in an environment in which the withheld supplies from some EU member states
EU sets regulatory boundaries to these distributive poli- for periods – has contributed to energy supply
cies’ (ibid, p. 3). On the other hand, it seeks to promote concerns.
non-legally binding common policies and practices via • The heightened attention given to the need to
take measures to tackle climate change has led
soft coordination, ‘especially in areas where the mem-
ber states jealously guard their social policy-making to an increased interest in measures to save
autonomy, such as pensions and health care’ (ibid, p. 4). energy and promote cleaner energy production.
364 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

As a consequence of the factors identified in Box efficiency. However, several proposals to give the
20.5, attitudes towards EU energy policy have been environmental dimension of energy policy real
changing and there has been a rapid evolution in the teeth by establishing fiscal incentives (for energy
extent of EU policy activity and involvement. It has saving and the reduction of environmental pollu-
been based on three broad aims: creating an internal tion) and disincentives (for polluting) have met
energy market, increasing energy security, and playing with resistance in the Council.
an active role in combating climate change (Buchan, Nonetheless, EU energy and climate change
2015: 346). policies have become increasingly integrated and
Building on existing policies and policy documents, targets for combating climate change emissions
in 2015 the Commission brought the different aspects have periodically been set (see the section below on
of energy policy together when it issued A Framework environmental policy). Given, however, the very
Strategy for a Resilient Energy Union with a Forward- different positions of the member states regarding
Looking Climate Change Policy (European Commission, energy consumption – with all, for example, having
2015d). The Strategy, which was quickly endorsed by different starting points on the use of renewables,
the European Council, has five dimensions: with differing dependencies on heavily polluting
fossil fuels, and with variations in the distribution
• Energy security, solidarity and trust. Initiatives in of energy-intensive based industries (such as steel
this sphere largely focus on: establishing binding and bulk chemicals) – the contents of negotiated
rules at the international level for the sale and outcomes have been hedged with exemptions and
transportation of energy; engaging in an ongoing considerable latitude. For, as with most EU negotia-
dialogue and establishing partnerships with major tions, member states have taken different positions
suppliers, most notably Russia and Middle Eastern on particular matters depending on their current
states; and seeking agreements with new energy situations and their perceived national interests.
suppliers and assisting them with supply arrange- • Research, innovation, and competitiveness. The EU’s
ments where appropriate – as with EU support for approach to energy research and innovation is seen
pipelines from Central Asia to the EU that bypass as being key if the sector is to be a market leader
Russia. in respect of matters as diverse as more efficient
• A fully integrated European energy market. Although energy systems, renewable technologies, and more
many EU rules exist covering different aspect sustainable transport systems.
of energy, the fact is that 28 different regulatory
systems still exist. Integrationist progress has been Energy-related issues – be they focused on mat-
made in a number of areas – including opening ters as varied as the security of supply, the building of
up public procurement in the energy equipment more robust grids, the further liberalisation of gas and
sector, standardisation of energy equipment and electricity, or the more effective implementation of
products, provision of more effective EU-wide existing legislation – thus constitute a key part of EU
regulatory oversight, and some liberalisation of policy deliberations. This is inevitably so given that
energy markets – but the EU’s energy landscape the states are all in different situations regarding both
remains fragmented and insufficiently competitive. their domestic energy capacities and their sources
• Energy efficiency contributing to moderation of of supply and given too that there are many policy
demand. As part of the long-term environmental differences between them on energy-related issues.
goals it set for itself in 2014, the EU aims to improve Given such differences, it can often be very difficult
energy efficiency by 27 per cent by 2030. Numerous for the EU to adopt strong policy stances. Hence, for
schemes and programmes exist to reduce energy example, its constant emphasis on the importance of
consumption, with transport and buildings being diversity of sources rather than a preferred source,
amongst particular targets. which is arguably sensible but is also inevitable given,
• Decarbonising the economy. The EU has long had for instance, the heavy reliance on gas in some states
a variety of programmes with such purposes as (including Italy, Lithuania, and the UK), on petro-
developing alternative sources of non-polluting leum in some (especially Cyprus and Malta), on
energy and reinforcing domestic and industrial nuclear energy in some (especially France), and on
Internal Policies | 365

coal in yet others (especially CEECs). Policy delibera- issues), materials, energy, biotechnology, comput-
tions will thus continue to be highly contested, with ing, environmental issues, and – increasingly –
the projected Energy Union (see above) being treated industrial research related to the internal market.
as a somewhat fluid concept and as a process rather 2 The largest part of EU-backed research consists of
than a clearly identified goal. shared-cost or contract research. This research is not
undertaken by Commission employees but by tens
of thousands of researchers in universities, research
Research and innovation policy institutes, and public and private companies. The
EU’s role is to develop and agree the principles, aims,
There was no mention of research policy in the and conditions of the programmes under which the
original EEC Treaty, but it nonetheless began to be research is conducted, to coordinate activities, and
developed from the late 1970s in response to a grow- to provide some of the finance (usually around 50
ing concern that the EC’s member states were not per cent of the total cost of the research).
sufficiently promoting or adapting to innovation, 3 There are concerted action-research projects where
especially in high-tech and other advanced sectors. the EU does not finance the actual research, but
Recognising, and wishing to promote further, the facilitates and finances the coordination of work
importance of this policy area, the member states being done at the national level. The EU’s medical
added a new title on ‘Research and Technological research programme takes this form.
Development’ (R&TD) to the EEC Treaty via the SEA. 4 Some of the research activity takes none of the
The title has subsequently been strengthened, with the above three ‘conventional’ forms, but consists of
broad objectives of what is now called research and arrangements in which, for example, only some
innovation policy being as set out in Document 20.2. member states participate, or in which the EU
The EU’s research and innovation policy is pur- cooperates with non-member states and interna-
sued, on the one hand, by directly managing and tional organisations. Work undertaken within the
financing research activities and, on the other hand, framework of the 41-member European Research
by attempting to create a framework and environment Coordinating Agency (EUREKA) is of this type.
in which research that falls within the EU’s priorities is
encouraged and facilitated. More specifically, research The EU uses multiannual framework programmes
activity takes four main forms: to coordinate and give strategic direction to its
research and innovation policies and activities. Called
1 Research is undertaken directly by the EU itself at Horizon 2020, the Eighth Programme covers 2014–20
its Joint Research Centre (JRC). The JRC consists and has a budget of €80 billion – an increase of 23
of seven scientific institutes on five sites and has a per cent over the Seventh Programme. Horizon 2020
staff of just over 3,000. Most of the work of the JRC is divided into three main research areas, or pillars:
is concerned with nuclear energy (especially safety ‘Excellent Science’ focuses on basic science; ‘Industrial

Document 20.2

The aims of research and innovation policy as set out in the TFEU

The Union shall have the objective of strengthening its scientific and technological bases by achieving a
European research area in which researchers, scientific knowledge and technology circulate freely, and
encouraging it to become more competitive, including in its industry, while promoting all the research
activities deemed necessary by virtue of other Chapters of the Treaties.
Source: Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Article 179 (1).
366 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

Leadership’ mainly covers new technologies; and average is dragged down by many ‘laggards’ – includ-
‘Societal Challenges’ examines social and economic ing the UK, Greece, and most CEECs.
problems. Like its predecessor, the Eighth Programme Of course, levels of research spending are but one
aims to create a European Research Area (ERA) in of a number of factors that shape economic com-
which a dynamic and knowledge-based EU economy petitiveness and innovation. But, there seems little
is promoted. The ERA seeks: to concentrate research doubt that the relatively low average level in the EU
support on priority research areas; to strengthen the is at least a significant contributory reason to explain-
coordination and coherence of research at European ing why, on most indicators of competitiveness and
and national levels; to strengthen bridges between innovation, the EU does not come out well when
research and innovation; to promote the human compared with its principal competitors in the global
potential for research and the mobility of researchers; market.
and to advance the particular scientific and techno-
logical research needs arising from EU policies.
EU leaders have frequently stressed the importance Environmental policy
of increasing spending on research and periodically
have agreed that at least three per cent of Europe’s There was no mention of environmental policy in the
GDP should be invested in research. This goal has not original EEC Treaty. However, it was incorporated
been met, with the figure sticking at just below two into the Treaty by the SEA. Later treaties have built on
­per cent – which is about one per cent lower than that the SEA provisions.
of both the USA and Japan. Spending in some member The broad aims of EU environmental policy are
states – including France, Finland, and Germany – is laid down in Articles 11 and 191 of the TFEU, the key
in the region of the 3 per cent target, but the overall parts of which are reproduced in Document 20.3.

Document 20.3

The aims of EU environmental policy as set out in the TFEU

Article 11
Environmental protection requirements must be integrated into the definition and implementation of the
Union policies and activities, in particular with a view to promoting sustainable development.
Article 191
1 Union policy on the environment shall contribute to the pursuit of the following objectives:
• preserving, protecting and improving the quality of the environment,
• protecting human health,
• prudent and rational utilisation of natural resources,
• promoting measures at international level to deal with regional or worldwide environmental prob-
lems, and in particular combating climate change.
2 Union policy on the environment shall aim at a high level of protection taking into account the diver-
sity of situations in the various regions of the Union. It shall be based on the precautionary principle
and on the principles that preventive action should be taken, that environmental damage should as a
priority be rectified at source and that the polluter should pay.
Source: Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Articles 11 and 191.
Internal Policies | 367

Since Community environmental legislation began 7 To better integrate environmental concerns into
to appear in the early 1970s, a number of operating other policy areas and ensure coherence when
principles have been developed, amongst which are creating new policy.
sustainability, preventative action, the polluter pays, 8 To make the Union’s cities more sustainable.
shared responsibilities of different levels of govern- 9 To help the Union address international environ-
ment, and integration of environmental concerns into mental and climate challenges more effectively.
other policy areas. As they have been developed, these
principles have – as Document 20.3 shows – been given Three points in particular are worth emphasising
treaty status. They have also been incorporated into EU about these objectives.
legislation as appropriate and where possible. The first is that they reflect how the discourse of
So extensive has the development of EU envi- environmental policy has changed. ‘Environmental
ronmental policy been, that there are now some 160 issues are no longer primarily approached from the
environmental directives and 240 environmental regu- perspective of environmental protection, but they are
lations in force (Delreux and Happaerts, 2016: 13). framed as a contribution to economic growth or com-
They cover matters as diverse as water and air pollution, petitiveness’ (Delreux and Happaerts, 2016: 36). They
disposal of chemicals, waste treatment, the promotion are seen as constituting an important element of eco-
of increased sectoral bio-diversity, and the protection nomic policy, as the frequent use of such catchphrases
of endangered species and natural habitats. Alongside, as ‘the green economy’, ‘green jobs’, and ‘sustainable
and supporting, the legal instruments are several other growth’ demonstrates.
types of policy instrument, ranging from information The second point is that some of the objectives,
campaigns to arrangements for the collection of envi- most obviously those related to climate change, can
ronmental data. The latter is the particular responsibil- only be effectively pursued at the global level. The
ity of the European Environment Agency, which was EU has, for some years, sought to make itself a global
established in 1994 and is located in Copenhagen. policy leader on climate change and, as part of this,
Many of the EU’s environmental policy instru- has set ambitious goals for itself. The latest goals to
ments, both legislative and non-legislative, have been date are those agreed at the October 2014 European
designed to give effect to the series of Environmental Council meeting which set the following main targets
Action Programmes that have been adopted since for the EU by 2030:
1973. The Seventh Programme, which was adopted by
the EP and the Council in November 2013 (Decision • At least a 40 per cent reduction in EU greenhouse
No 1386/2013) and which covers the period up to gas emissions from 1990 levels (broken down into
2020, is entitled Living Well, Within the Limits of Our nationally binding targets). This policy of bringing
Planet. Building on, but also extending, existing prac- down emissions has been driven since 2005 by the
tices, the Programme sets out nine priority objectives: Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), which sets
limits on the total amount of certain greenhouse
1 To protect, conserve and enhance the Union’s gases that can be emitted by industry. The limits
natural capital. are reduced over time, so that total emissions fall.
2 To turn the Union into a resource-efficient, green, • At least a 27 per cent energy efficiency increase
and competitive low-carbon economy. from 1990 levels (non-binding).
3 To safeguard the Union’s citizens from environ- • At least 27 per cent of energy to come from renew-
ment-related pressures and risks to health and able resources (binding only at the EU level).
4 To maximise the benefits of the Union’s environ- However, although the EU has taken an advanced
ment legislation by improving implementation. position in setting targets for tackling climate change
5 To increase knowledge about the environment and problems, it has, to date, had only limited success in
widen the evidence base for policy. persuading other parts of the world to follow its lead.
6 To secure investment for environment and climate Indeed, one of the EU’s major failures on the world
policy and account for the environmental costs of stage was at the 2009 UN Copenhagen conference on
any societal activities. climate change when, despite constant EU urging for
368 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

binding targets to be set for restricting greenhouse The most obvious example of a sectoral policy
emissions, none could be agreed. Accordingly, a less is the CAP, which consumes around two-fifths of
ambitious and lower profile approach was taken in EU budgetary expenditure and where most major
respect of the December 2015 UN Paris Climate policy-making responsibilities have been transferred
Summit, where the EU and 195 countries made greater from the member states to the EU. The CAP is exam-
progress than ever before in establishing a new frame- ined in some detail in Chapter 21. Another, though
work of international cooperation on climate change. more modest and less comprehensive example of
The third point – improving the implementation a sectoral policy is atomic energy where, for exam-
of EU environmental laws – arises both as a result of ple, important research work is undertaken on the
a general concern in the EU to improve the imple- more economical use of atomic energy and on safety
mentation of legislation but also because implementa- standards.
tion is seen as being especially problematical in the Two of the EU’s other sectoral policies cover fish-
environmental sphere. One of the reasons for this is ing and shipbuilding.
expense. Much environmental legislation requires
major capital expenditure – by private industry and/or Fishing
public agencies – if standards set in EU laws are to be
met. It is, for example, very costly for many national After years of discussion and the periodic issuing
authorities – especially in areas of high population of laws regulating aspects of the industry, a legally
density – to fund the measures required to meet the enforceable Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) was
standards specified in the bathing water directive: a agreed in 1983. The essential rationale of the CFP is
directive that is, in consequence, notorious for poor to ensure that fish stocks are exploited responsibly,
implementation. Another, related, reason why envi- with due care for the marine ecosystem and with the
ronmental policy implementation is frequently dif- interests of fishermen and consumers protected as far
ficult is that member states often have very different as possible. The main pillars of the CFP are set out in
starting points on environmental issues. These differ- Box 20.6.
ences can arise from such factors as: varying industrial The CFP has major problems, which are caused by
make-ups (and therefore different concentrations two interrelated reasons. On the one hand, there is an
of polluting industries); established policy practices over-capacity, which leads to over-fishing, which in
(regarding, for example, the proportions of waste that turn results in depleted – and in some cases endan-
are recycled, incinerated, and sent to landfill sites); gered – fish stocks. On the other hand, there are the
views on what constitute environmental threats (for difficulties of Fisheries Ministers, some of whom are
example, there are long-standing differences between subject to intense pressures from their domestic fish-
member states on the ‘threats’ posed by genetically ing industries to maximise their permissible catches,
modified organisms – GMOs); and cultural traditions to be able to make scientifically based decisions on
(such as very different attitudes towards the shooting who can catch what and when.
of migratory birds). However, the 2014 reforms offer some basis for
hope. So too do recent reports of fish stock recover-
ies in some areas with, for example, in the north-east
Atlantic area, the North Sea, and the Baltic Sea more
Sectoral Policies than 50 per cent of fisheries being at sustainable levels
in 2014 compared with 14 per cent in 2009 (European
Some EU policies are directed towards specific eco- Commission, 2015e).
nomic sectors. A few such policies – covering coal and Fishing is an example of a policy that is ‘mar-
steel, atomic energy, agriculture, and transport – were ginal’ for many states but that is extremely impor-
explicitly provided for in the founding treaties. Others tant to some. Indeed, were it not for the existence
have their origins in a combination of factors, includ- of the CFP and the restrictions on fishing that it
ing difficulties in adjusting to changed market condi- involves, two non-member EU states (Norway
tions, rapid sectoral decline, and effective political and Iceland) would in all probability have become
lobbying by interested parties. members.
Internal Policies | 369

Box 20.6

The main pillars of the Common Fisheries Policy

• Access. All waters within the EU’s exclusive fishing zone, which extends to 200 nautical miles from its
coastlines, are open to all EU fishermen, though how much each can catch is controlled (see below).
However, within a 12-mile limit of their own shores member states may reserve fishing for their own
fishermen and those with traditional rights.
• Conservation. Under reforms that came into effect in 2014, the EU aims to achieve ‘maximum sustain-
able yield’ – that is, the largest catch possible without depleting a species’ stock. The fishing of stocks is
controlled by annual total allowance catches (TACs), which are set within multi-annual management
framework plans that are designed to protect, and in appropriate cases to enable the recovery of, stocks.
TACs are divided into national quotas. The size of TACs and quotas are set in December each year by
the Council, on the basis of proposals from the Commission which acts on scientific advice. Domestic
political pressures invariably result in the Council setting higher limits for at least some species than are
proposed by the Commission.
TACs and quotas are notoriously difficult to enforce and there is known to be widespread abuse, with
the landing of fish that are over quota or undersized. The EU has tried to tackle the problem by strength-
ening policy implementation mechanisms. Amongst the mechanisms in place are the following: all EU
fishing vessels are required to have a fishing licence on board; Commission inspectors (of which there
are only a few) have the right of unannounced arrival in ports and on vessels; and use is made of satel-
lite technology to monitor fishing activities. In March 2005 the Council approved the establishment of a
Fisheries Control Agency to strengthen enforcement coordination and efficiency. Amongst the respon-
sibilities of the Agency are the development of EU-wide standards for training inspectors and organising
the deployment of surveillance resources.
As part of the reforms that were introduced in the CFP in 2014, measures were put in place to end the
much criticised system of obliging fishermen to throw caught fish that were not within their quotas back
into the sea.
• Financial measures. The European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), which also was newly estab-
lished by the 2014 reform and which has a budget of €6.5 billion for the period 2014–20, is available
for a variety of purposes. These include processing and market development projects, safety schemes,
redeployment measures, and assistance with conversions of fishing boats and equipment so as to remove
environmentally destructive fishing practices.
• External negotiations. Negotiations with non-EU countries on fishing – which mostly concern access to
waters and the conservation of fish stocks – are conducted by EU representatives on behalf of all member

Shipbuilding two factors: on the one hand, years of state aid by

European governments to national shipbuilders so
Rather like fisheries, shipbuilding’s central problem as to keep them in business; on the other hand, very
has been over-capacity. But whereas with fisheries low prices being charged by competitors – especially
the over-capacity has been created by insufficient fish in China, Japan, and Korea which build around 80
stocks, with shipbuilding it has been caused by being per cent of the world’s seagoing vessels
insufficiently competitive on world markets. This To deal with shipbuilding’s over-capacity and
lack of competitiveness has arisen essentially from lack of competitiveness, EU shipbuilding policy has
370 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

been focused around three broad and interrelated innovation at the core. However, nothing much was
objectives: said about the availability of new money.

• Rationalisation – by means of a controlled cut-back

in capacity.
• Enhancing productivity and competitiveness of the Concluding Remarks
industry, especially in those segments of shipbuild-
ing where the EU maintains a world position. This chapter has shown the very wide range of the
These segments mainly cover small to medium- EU domestic policy involvement and has also shown
sized ships in high technological areas of produc- that the extent and the nature of the involvement
tion, such as advanced container vessels, tankers, vary considerably between policy areas. Two factors
chemical and gas carriers, and dredgers. are particularly important in explaining this varying
• Providing restructuring opportunities for areas extent and nature.
affected by rationalisation and retraining opportu- The first is the relationship of policies to the opera-
nities for individuals who are made redundant. tion of the market. Broadly speaking, it can be said
that the more policies directly impact on the market
A key policy instrument in respect of the first and then the more there is EU involvement. So, for exam-
second of these objectives has been a tightening of ple, the EU is heavily involved in setting standards for
rules on state aid. The rules are now comparable to marketed products and practices, laying down and
those for other industries, with aid being permissible applying competition rules, and promoting measures
for some modernisation and restructuring activities that will increase market efficiency, but it is much less
but largely prohibited for contract-related operating involved in areas such as criminal law and road safety.
aid. Another policy instrument, of vital importance in Where the impact of policies on the operation of the
respect of the second objective, has been liaising and market is disputed by the member states and where
negotiating with international competitors on ending there are strong differences between member states
aid to the shipbuilding industry. However, although as to whether competition between them on market-
international agreements have been made (under the related policies is or is not desirable, then the EU’s
auspices of the OECD and the WTO) aimed at elimi- policy involvement tends to display some mixture of
nating all existing measures or practices constituting the following: it is only partially developed, as with
obstacles to normal competitive conditions, there labour market policy; it is heavily reliant on ‘soft’ pol-
have been problems with their full application (as icy instruments, as with much of social and employ-
there have been with most international rules on state ment policy; and it does not involve all member states,
subsidisation and support). A third policy instrument, as with the single currency and the Schengen system.
used for the third objective, has been ERDF and ESF The second factor is cost. The EU does not have a
assistance for regional development and for the re- large budget. There is, of course, an element of cause
training of workers. as well as effect here. That is, on the one hand, a cause
A new Commission policy document was issued of the EU not having a large budget is that the tradi-
in 2013 in response to the crisis in the industry. tional areas of high public expenditure – such as social
Called LeaderSHIP: The Sea – New Opportunities for welfare, education, and health – are generally seen as
the Future, it identified four main pillars for action being ‘naturally’ national policies and not candidates
for ‘achieving a strong, sustainable and competi- for being much developed at EU level. But, on the
tive maritime industry in 2020’: the development of other hand, there is also an element of effect in that
employment and skills; the improvement of market the EU’s relatively small budget and the resolve of the
access and fair market conditions; access to finance; budget’s main ‘paymasters’ (northern EU-15 states)
and research, development and innovation (European to keep the budget small means that it is difficult to
Commission, 2013b). Significantly, the language used develop ‘spending policies’ except – as with environ-
and the proposed actions contained in the document mental policy – on a basis in which the EU regulates,
were much like those being used in other sectors, guides, and encourages but the costs of policy imple-
with the requirements of greater competitiveness and mentation are met at national levels.
Chapter 21
Agricultural Policy and Policy Processes

The Common Agricultural his chapter examines what is perhaps the most notorious of the EU’s
Policy in Context 371 policies: the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). It does so by consid-
ering the nature of its controversiality, why agriculture has been singled
What is Special about
out for ‘special treatment’, the current operation of the CAP, the impact of
the CAP on both agriculture and other EU policies, and the CAP’s policy
How the Common processes.
Agricultural Policy Works 376
The Impact and Effects
of the Common
Agricultural Policy 380
The Common Agricultural Policy in Context
Policy-Making Processes 381
Management and Despite the fact that it accounts for only just over 1 per cent of EU GDP and
Implementation of 5 per cent of EU employment, agriculture looms large in the life of the EU.
the Common Agricultural
It does so for five main reasons. First, the economic impact of agriculture is
greater than indicated by the figures just given, for in addition to farming
Concluding Remarks 385 itself there are many industries that are closely linked to agriculture and are
dependent on its success. These industries include agro-chemicals and fer-
tilisers, agricultural equipment, food processing, veterinary medicines, and
financial services. Second, the EU has, via the CAP, major policy-making
and decision-making responsibilities for agriculture. Indeed, agriculture is
the most integrated of the EU’s sectoral policies. Third, as a major recipient
of EU funds – accounting for around 40 per cent of total annual budgetary
expenditure – agriculture is central to EU budgetary deliberations. Fourth,
there is a greater institutional presence and activity in the agricultural field
than in any other: the Agriculture Ministers normally meet more frequently
than all other Councils except for the Foreign, Ecofin and General Affairs
Ministers; Agriculture Council meetings are prepared not by COREPER
but by a special body, the Special Committee on Agriculture (SCA); the
Agriculture Directorate General is by far the largest of the Commission’s sec-
toral DGs; and there are far more Council working parties and Commission
management and advisory committees in the sphere of agriculture than in
any other single policy area. Fifth, agriculture is the most controversial of
the EU’s policies, with the member states disagreeing on many issues, most
notably the extent to which and the ways in which the sector should be
For its supporters, the most important benefits accruing from the CAP are a
plentiful and stable food supply and the maintenance of productive activity in

372 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

the countryside. The CAP is seen also as an important Important though it was, however, the Franco-
symbol and indicator that real policy integration is German ‘deal’ is only part of the explanation of why
possible at EU level. Those who criticise the CAP are agriculture, from the earliest days of the Community,
thus liable to be attacked both on technical and effi- was given an elevated policy status. For the fact is that
ciency grounds – with the claim that national solutions when the CAP was being created none of the then six
would be much less satisfactory – and more broadly for member states seriously objected to it in principle –
lacking a European spirit – with the assertion that this the Netherlands, for example, was a strong supporter
most integrated of EU policies should not be under- – though there were differences between the states on
mined. For opponents of the CAP, economic efficiency the pace of the CAP’s construction and the precise
is the key issue, with criticisms focusing especially on nature of its policy instruments. This consensus on the
the subsidisation of wealthy farmers and agri-com- existence of the CAP was a result of a shared recogni-
panies, high prices for consumers, the production of tion that agriculture required special treatment.
farm surpluses, the cost of disposing of the surpluses, Today, despite the EC and now the EU having
and the damage caused to agriculture in the underde- greatly increased in size, despite the circumstances
veloped world when the surpluses are disposed of via and conditions of agriculture having dramatically
subsidised ‘dumping’ on the world market. changed, and despite the CAP having caused major
Yet even amongst those who are most critical of difficulties and disruptions to the whole EU system,
the CAP, few seriously challenge the view that there agriculture is still generally regarded by the national
should be an EU agriculture policy of some kind. governments as requiring special treatment. Many of
Certainly no member state government believes that the reasons for this are much the same as they were in
the agricultural edifice should be wholly uprooted the EC’s early days. Others are more recent. The rea-
and policy returned completely to national capitals sons can be grouped under two general headings: the
(though UK governments have come close to this distinctive nature of agriculture and political factors.
position). The view that there is something special
about agriculture, something that distinguishes it
from other sectoral activities and merits it receiving The distinctive nature of
advantageous treatment, still strikes a chord with EU agriculture
decision-makers – though it does not command such
strong support as in the early days of the EC. Most governments of the industrialised world take
the view that agriculture is not like other areas of eco-
nomic activity. It is special and as such merits special
treatment to encourage, assist and protect it. In the
What is Special about EU, five main arguments have been advanced in sup-
port of this view, the relative importance of which has
Agriculture? varied over time.
The first argument – which, with CAP reforms
The attention given to agriculture in the EEC Treaty over the years, is not as important now as formerly
and the subsequent creation of the CAP after long it was – stems from the fact that agricultural prices
and often tortuous negotiations in the late 1950s/early are subject to considerable fluctuation if they are not
1960s is often seen as being part of a trade-off between subject to public intervention and regulation. This
France and Germany. There is some truth to this view. is largely because, even with modern farming tech-
In exchange for the creation of a common market in niques, agricultural supply is heavily dependent on the
industrial goods, which the French feared would be weather. Agricultural price instability is seen as being
greatly to Germany’s advantage, France – with its large undesirable for two reasons. First, if prices suddenly
but uneconomic agricultural sector – would benefit go up, inflation is immediately fuelled (given that
from an agricultural system that, though also in the food constitutes around 20 per cent of the budget of
form of a common market, would be based not on free the average EU citizen). Second, if prices fall too low,
and open market principles but on foundations that farmers may not be able to make an adequate living
would protect farmers from too much competition. and may be forced off the land. Even those who are
Agricultural Policy and Policy Processes | 373

able to stay in farming may experience severe difficul- has obliged decision-makers to take a broader view of
ties as a result of high debt loads on land and capital what should be the content and priorities of agricul-
purchases. tural policy.
The second argument is that reliance on imports
for vital foodstuffs creates a potential vulnerability to
outside pressures. In the early years of the EC, when Political factors
memories were still fresh of wartime shortages and the
international trading climate was strained, this argu- The agriculture sector enjoys political assets that have
ment played an important part in encouraging a drive been translated into influence on EU policy. Four of
for greater self-sufficiency. However, in the relatively these assets are especially important.
calm international trading conditions that now exist,
and with many of the foodstuffs produced in the EU 1 Since the CAP was established, the governments
being in surplus – including cereals, dairy produce of those states that benefit most from CAP finan-
and beef – it is an argument that, though still heard, is cial transfers have been strong defenders of the
less weighty than it used to be. system. The line-up of these states has not been
The third argument asserts that because people wholly consistent over time as circumstances have
must have food, insufficient domestic production changed, but in recent years the most prominent
means the gap between output and demand has to opponents of reductions in EU expenditure on agri-
be met by imports, with potentially damaging conse- culture have included France (which accounts for
quences for the balance of payments. Moreover, since 20 per cent of total EU agricultural production and
the demand for food is fairly inelastic up to necessity which is the most notable permanent member of
levels (as long as income allows it, food will still be the ‘anti-reform’ club), Germany (which accounts
bought even if prices go up) the economic vulner- for 12 per cent), Spain (which also accounts for 12
ability of an importing state is high. This balance of per cent), and Ireland (which accounts for 2 per
payments argument used to be important in helping cent and where agriculture accounts for just 2 per
to underpin the CAP, but it has not been so forceful cent of national GDP, but where agriculture looms
since the early to mid-1970s when Community prices large in the national ‘psyche’).
became significantly higher than world prices and 2 At the national decision-making level, Ministries
Community production began to move significantly of Agriculture have traditionally tended to be
into surplus. slightly apart from mainstream policy processes,
The fourth argument suggests that farmers should and since 1958 this has been reproduced at the
be encouraged to stay on the land for social and EU level with the position of the Agriculture DG
environmental reasons. Sometimes such calls have an in the Commission. All policy-makers in all areas
idealistic tone to them, with pleas that a populated of policy do, of course, attempt to use their own
countryside is part of the natural fabric or the sugges- expertise, knowledge and information to provide
tion that management of the land is a desirable end themselves with some insulation from the rest
in itself. Rather more hard-headed perhaps are the of the decision-making system, but agriculture
arguments that land that is not managed often reverts is particularly well placed to do this. Its suppos-
to scrub which is inimical to bio-diversity, and that it edly distinctive nature, the complexity of much
is both undesirable and potentially dangerous to allow of its subject matter, and the customary close
farm incomes to deteriorate to the point that poor relations between agricultural decision-makers
farmers and agricultural workers are forced to move and producers, all combine to make it difficult
to the towns in search of employment that often does for ‘outside’ decision-makers to offer an effec-
not exist. tive challenge or alternative to what is presented
The fifth argument is that agriculture must be to them. That all said, in some member states
treated with particular care because it is intrinsically this ‘separateness’ of Agriculture Ministries is
linked with food health and safety. A series of food now being diluted, with agriculture increasingly
scares in Europe since the mid-1990s has brought this becoming part of more broadly based environ-
consideration firmly onto the political agenda and ment/rural affairs departments.
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3 Farmers enjoy considerable electoral weight. Even The influence of this agricultural lobby has declined
though their relative numerical importance has over the years, but it is still a significant force in the
declined over the years – in 1958 around 25 per cent EU. It is worth setting out the reasons why this is so.
of total EC employment was in agriculture, today the
EU figure is just over 5 per cent – the agricultural vote
The sheer size of the lobby is formidable
is still significant. The significance varies from state
to state. The size of the domestic population engaged It operates at two levels, the national and the EU.
in agriculture is one important factor in determin- At the national level there are considerable varia-
ing this significance: proportions vary considerably, tions in the pattern and strength of agricultural repre-
with, for example, around 14 per cent of the working sentation. But in all member states there are groups of
population in Poland engaged in agriculture, 12 per some kind that have as their main purpose the utilisa-
cent in Greece, 11 per cent in Portugal, and 2 per cent tion of whatever devices and channels are available to
in Belgium. Another consideration is the direction of them to influence both national and EU agricultural
the agricultural vote. In some member states the agri- policy (within the general principles of the CAP,
cultural vote is disproportionately directed towards member states enjoy a considerable policy discretion).
small parties which, benefiting from proportional At the EU level the large number of Euro-agric
representation, can be key players in national politics groups means that lobbying activities across the
and government. On the whole, farmers, especially agricultural sector are almost continuous. COPA–
richer farmers, incline towards Centre-Right and COGECA moves on the broadest front, and with
Right parties, with the consequence that it is they, over 50 full-time officials is by far the best resourced
rather than parties of the Left, that are usually the and staffed organisation (for further information
strongest defenders of agricultural interests in EU on COPA–COGECA see Chapter 15, and COPA–
forums. But this inclination to the Right does not, COGECA’s website at The
in most countries, amount to an exclusive loyalty, more specialised groups – such as the mustard mak-
so few parties can afford to ignore the farmers: at a ers (CIMCEE) and the butchers (COBCCEE) – are
minimum, all parties must give the impression of much more modestly provided for and at best may
being concerned and solicitous. have just one full-time member of staff working in
4 In most EU countries, farmers have long had very an office made available by a national affiliate. But
strong domestic organisations to represent and since the interests of these small groups are usually
articulate their interests. When it became clear narrowly drawn this is just about enough to allow
in the 1960s that much of agricultural policy and basic lobbying and representational requirements to
decision-making was being transferred to Brussels, be fulfilled – holding meetings and consultations with
similar organisations were quickly established at decision-makers, feeding information through to the
Community level. As early as 1963 approaching EU institutions and to members, and preparing policy
100 Community-wide agriculture groups had been and briefing documents. If necessary, reinforcements
formed. Today the number is around 130. The are usually available from national and Euro-umbrella
most important of these groups is the Committee associations.
of Agricultural Organisations in the European
Union–General Confederation of Agricultural Agricultural interests generally enjoy good
Co-operatives in the EU (COPA–COGECA),
which is an alliance of umbrella or peak organisa-
contacts with, and access to, decision-makers
tions attempting to represent all types of farmers Again, this factor operates at both national and EU
on the basis of affiliation through national farming levels. At the national level, influence with govern-
groups. Beyond COPA–COGECA and a few other ments is vital, not only because of their control over
overarching organisations, specialist bodies exist to nationally determined policies but also because they
represent virtually every product that is produced are the route to the Council. Most governments are
and consumed in the EU and also all participants in at least prepared to listen to representations from
the agricultural process – farmers most obviously, national agricultural interests, and some engage in a
but also processors, traders, retailers and so on. virtually automatic consultation on important issues.
Agricultural Policy and Policy Processes | 375

There are a number of reasons why governments are A major reason for their weakness is that whereas
generally approachable in this way: there may be a farmers constitute a clear section of the population
pre-existing sympathy for the interests’ views; a fuller with a readily identifiable common sectoral interest,
picture of what is going on in the agricultural world is consumers and environmentalists do not have such a
made possible; policy implementation may be made group consciousness, are more widely dispersed and,
easier; and political support may be generated by in consequence, are just not so easy to mobilise or
being sympathetic – or at least by giving the impres- organise. So although there are many more consum-
sion that the government and the interest are as one. ers than there are farmers in the EU, the largest of
If, despite being seemingly listened to by its govern- the Euro-consumer groups – the European Bureau
ment, a national agricultural interest is dissatisfied of Consumers’ Associations (BEUC) – has a staff of
with what is agreed in the Council, the government only 20 or so. This is sizeable enough when compared
can always try to blame ‘the awkward Italians’, ‘the with most Eurogroups, but it pales in comparison
impossible Greeks’, or ‘the immovable Poles’. with the massed ranks of the agricultural associations.
At the EU level, the Commission is the prime tar- Moreover, the BEUC has to cover the whole spectrum
get for agricultural interests. For the most part it is of relevant EU policies: agriculture takes up only part
very willing to listen. Indeed, it has encouraged the of its time.
establishment of Euro-agric groups and readily makes Additionally, in terms of access to decision-makers,
itself available to them. Close Commission–group the farmers’ ‘rivals’ do not as a rule enjoy the ‘insider
relations are viewed by the Commission as being status’ granted to much of the agriculture lobby. They
extremely useful: the groups can contribute their rarely have a ‘sponsoring’ ministry in the way that
knowledge and experience, which may improve policy; agricultural interests do. Nor are they necessarily con-
the Commission can explain to the groups why it is sulted by the Commission on agricultural matters as a
engaging in certain actions and thus try to sensitise matter of routine, nor automatically called in for dis-
them to Commission concerns and aims; face-to-face cussions when something of importance or potential
meetings can help break down barriers and resist- interest arises. The fact is they do not have the politi-
ance arising from suspicions that ‘the Eurocrats’ do cal and economic power of farmers, they cannot offer
not really understand farming practicalities; and if trade-offs in the way of cooperation on policy imple-
Eurogroups can do something to aggregate the con- mentation, they are – in some instances – relative late-
flicting national interests and demands that inevitably comers, and a few – notably the more radical greens
arise in relation to most proposals, they can consider- – are seen as not conforming to established values and
ably simplify the Commission’s task of developing the rules of the game. Some of the more respectable of
policies that are acceptable and can help to legitimise these ‘oppositional’ agriculture groups have their foot
the Commission as a decision-maker in the eyes of the in the EU door – BEUC, for instance, is a recognised
Council and the EP. All that said, however, it is the ‘social partner’ – but none has quite entered the room
case that since the mid-1980s the Commission, though in the manner of the agricultural lobby.
maintaining close links with the agricultural lobby, has
been less influenced by it. A major reason for this is
Agriculture has powerful friends
that the Commission has been obliged to try to reform
the agricultural sector, whilst organisations such as Whilst farmers and those directly engaged in the agri-
COPA–COGECA have been, in Grant’s words, ‘seek- cultural industries have been the most obvious ben-
ing to defend the ancient regime’ (Grant, 1997: 170). eficiaries of the CAP, others have gained too, notably
the owners of land. Huge profits have been made by
The agricultural organisations are not coun- investment institutions, financiers, banks, industrial
corporations, and private landlords from the rising
terbalanced by strong and vigorous groups
value of land that has been associated with the CAP.
advancing contrary attitudes and claims Many of these interests have direct access to decision-
‘Natural opponents’ to agricultural organisations makers, indeed are themselves amongst the decision-
do exist – consumers and environmentalists most makers in some governments, and have sought to use
­notably – but they are relatively weak in comparison. their influence accordingly.
376 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

Unity has been a source of strength with policies and decisions affecting their sector.
Disruption of transport networks is a particularly
Despite the great range of interests represented, the favoured tactic. Whilst decision-makers never care
agriculture lobby was, until the early 1980s, more or less to admit that they have been swayed by direct action,
united in its aims: it pressed for comprehensive market there is no doubt that farmers’ militancy has affected
regimes for as much produce as possible and it sought at least some of those who are responsible for running
the largest price increases it could get. Since that time, EU agriculture.
however, as significant steps to bring spending on agri-
culture under control have been taken and as EC/EU
enlargements have made the interests of the agricultural
sector more divergent, the unity of the lobby has been
subject to increasing strains and its effectiveness has How the Common
accordingly been weakened. Sectors have vied with one Agricultural Policy Works
another as increasing attention has had to be paid not
only to the size of the cake but also to the way in which Title III of the TFEU (Articles 38–44) – the contents of
it is cut. Increasing competition within the agricultural which are still much as they were written for the EEC
sector has been no more clearly demonstrated than by Treaty, save for the removal of redundant transition
the division in recent years between COPA–COGECA measures and some updating (notably on decision-
and the European Farmers Organisation (CPE) which making procedures) – sets out the general rationale
represents small farmers. In the context of agricul- and framework of the CAP. The objectives of the CAP,
tural reform discussions and negotiations, CPE has which are reproduced in Document 21.1, are exactly as
been much more in favour than COPA–COGECA of they were in the 1957 Treaty.
the redistribution of support to small farmers and of Beyond setting out general aims, the Treaty does
broadly based rural development activities. not have much to say about the content of agricultural
policy. This content rests on four broad operating
Farmers sometimes resort to direct action principles, the first three of which were adopted by the
Council of Ministers as early as December 1960. The
In some EU countries, farmers sometimes take mat- four principles are now described.
ters into their own hands if they are dissatisfied

Document 21.1

The aims of the CAP as set out in the 1957 EEC Treaty and in the TFEU

The objectives of the common agricultural policy shall be:

(a) to increase agricultural productivity by promoting technical progress and by ensuring the rational
development of agricultural production and the optimum utilisation of the factors of production,
in particular labour;
(b) thus to ensure a fair standard of living for the agricultural community, in particular by increasing
the individual earnings of persons engaged in agriculture;
(c) to stabilise markets;
(d) to assure the availability of supplies;
(e) to ensure that supplies reach consumers at reasonable prices.

Source: Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Article 39 (1).

Agricultural Policy and Policy Processes | 377

A single internal market various compensation schemes designed to enable

farmers to take agricultural land out of production, to
Agricultural goods are supposed to be able to flow diversify land use, and to take early retirement.
freely across internal EU borders, unhindered by But just as the reforms of the 1980s alleviated
barriers to trade and unhampered by protection- rather than solved the CAP problem, so similarly did
ist devices that might distort or limit competition. the more radical reforms of 1992. By the mid-to-late
However, it is not a free trade system based on pure 1990s pressures for further fundamental reform were
market principles because support mechanisms of again building, which resulted in another major round
various sorts exist. of reforms in 1999. The main features of these reforms
Until the early 1990s, the support mechanisms followed upon the principles of the 1992 reforms with,
were almost exclusively based on a price support on the one hand, further removals of and significant
system. This was extremely expensive to finance, for cuts in support prices and, on the other hand, a
three main reasons. First, many products were pro- strengthening of direct compensatory aid to farm-
duced in amounts that were surplus to EU require- ers and of incentives for diversification. There were
ments. High guaranteed prices were the main reason also extensions to rural development policy, which
for these surpluses, but improved farming techniques resulted in rural development coming to be regarded
and the concentrated use of agri-chemicals also played as the second pillar of the CAP.
a part. Second, most products were protected and As with the 1992 reforms, the 1999 reforms were
supported by a market regime, known as a common quickly seen as not having been sufficiently radical.
organisation of the market (COM). Different regimes Amongst reasons for this were that they did not make
provided different forms of protection and support provision for any significant overall decrease in CAP
– so that in practice there were many agricultural expenditure and that they did not go far enough to
policies rather than just one – but about 70 per cent of meet WTO demands for a reduction of agricultural
products were beneficiaries of support prices of some trade distorting support mechanisms. Accordingly,
kind. Third, apart from a brief interlude in 1974–75, further reforms were agreed by the Council in 2003,
EU agricultural prices were consistently above world the principal measures of which continued in the
prices, which meant that it was not possible to export tradition of the 1992 and 1999 reform rounds with:
surpluses without suffering a financial loss. Several further reductions in support prices, where they con-
devices were used to deal with the surpluses, all of tinued to exist; an intensification of support measures
which had to be financed from the EU budget. for environmental protection and rural development;
Reforms in the 1980s designed to curb agricultural and a further major movement in the direction of
output had some effect, but not enough. Accordingly, separating – or ‘de-coupling’ to use the technical
internal demands for further reform soon arose, with term – financial support for agriculture from produc-
pressures focused especially on the large propor- tion levels. As part of the de-coupling, most financial
tion of the EU budget – over 60 per cent in the late payments to farmers were moved to a Single Payment
1980s – that was allocated to the CAP and the waste of Scheme (SPS) (called a Basic Payment Scheme from
agricultural over-production. At much the same time January 2015), in which a single payment was based
– the late 1980s and early 1990s – the EC came under on past payments, acreage, and land use. In a system
increasing pressure from outside – most particularly known as ‘cross-compliance’, payments were made
from the USA – to fundamentally reform the CAP so conditional on farmers meeting specified standards on
that the EC market would be made more open and a range of farming practices, including food safety and
subsidised EC produce would not be ‘dumped’ on animal welfare requirements. To curtail the much-
world markets. These twin pressures, internal and criticised practice of most of CAP funding being given
external, led, after extensive internal deliberations and to large farmers and agri-companies, limits were
external negotiations, to agreement in 1992 on major placed on the maximum size of individual payments.
reforms of the CAP. At the heart of these reforms was Savings resulting from the imposition of these limits
a bearing down on prices on the one hand and a shift were re-directed to rural development.
from price support to income support on the other. After the 2003 settlement, the process of improving
Included amongst the income support measures were the management of the agricultural market continued.
378 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

The general framework of the settlement remained Box 21.1. In consequence of the changes, income sup-
firmly in place, but a variety of specific measures port has generally replaced price support, EU prices
were taken with a view to streamlining and simplify- are now much closer to world prices, and farmers are
ing CAP operations. As part of this, the remaining 21 now being seen not just as agricultural producers but
CMOs were replaced with a single CMO (reflecting also as custodians of the land.
the continuing movement away from price to income However, sight should not be lost of the fact that
support), simpler rules were adopted on such matters not all has changed. As Garzon (2006) has observed
as market intervention and refunds, and hundreds of ‘Europe has not fully embraced the new paradigm of
legal acts were either repealed or consolidated. market liberalism. Public intervention remains high,
Another round of agricultural reform was agreed in in particular in supporting farmer income. The logic
2013, setting out changes to be implemented during of alleviating market instability in the name of the
the period of the EU’s 2014–20 multiannual financial social objective of providing farmers with a fair stand-
framework (see p. 423–4). The Commission initially ard of living is still present.’ This public intervention,
proposed a number of quite radical measures, most even though it is of a very different kind to formerly,
notably: (a) a proportionately more equal distribution ensures that the CAP continues to loom large in the
of funding between the member states (CEECs had EU’s budget and ensures too that the EU continues to
been inequitably treated in the 2006–13 MFF); (b) a be pressed by trading partners to move further in the
‘greener’ CAP, with increased support for environmen- direction of market liberalisation.
tal protection and rural development; (c) payments to
be targeted more to active farmers, rather than all land- Community preference
owners benefiting; and (d) more discretion to be given
to member states as to how funds should be spent. The EU market is protected from the global mar-
However, as is shown below, though the essence of the ket. Since world prices are normally lower than
Commission’s proposed measures remained in place, EU prices, free access onto the EU market would
the force of many of its specific proposals were watered
down as they passed through the Council and the EP.
BOX 21.1
*  *  *
A mixture of endogenous and exogenous factors The principal changes to the CAP
have thus combined since the late 1980s to produce system in the 1990s and 2000s
very strong pressures for fundamental reform of the
CAP’s market system. The most important of these
factors have been: market imbalances arising from • A movement away from the former policy of
high guaranteed price levels. Most intervention
the CAP’s structure – especially high prices and over- prices have either been removed or reduced to
production; the dominating position of the CAP much lower levels – levels that are, in effect,
in the EU’s budget; rising international dissatisfac- safety net levels.
tion with the distorting effects of the CAP on world
agricultural trade; and the increasing importance on • Price level support for farmers has been largely
replaced by income support payments that are
policy agendas of newer issues that are of concern to made by a Basic Payment Scheme (formerly the
society, notably food safety, rural development, and Single Payment Scheme). Most payments have
sustainable environmental protection. been de-coupled from payments for production
The pressures to which these factors have given outputs.
rise have been such as to produce major rounds of
CAP reform in 1992, 1999, 2003, and 2013. These • A much higher priority is being given to ‘newer’
policy concerns, including rural development,
reforms have not been as radical as the Commission environmental protection, and food safety.
would have liked, but taken together they have been There is less emphasis on highly intensive and
sufficiently extensive as to bring about a fundamental productive farming and more on resource
change in the nature of the CAP’s internal market. The protective farming.
three main dimensions of the changes are set out in
Agricultural Policy and Policy Processes | 379

clearly undermine the CAP system. Community this has been replaced by two funds: the European
preference, in the form mainly of import tariffs, is Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF), which
therefore required. (The terms ‘Union preference’ or finances market measures and direct payments to
‘European preference’ are not much used.) Export farmers, and the European Agricultural Fund for
refunds – that is subsidies to EU agricultural export- Rural Development (EAFRD), which finances rural
ers – also used to be an important mechanism of development support. The change was made partly
Community preference (accounting for almost one- to modernise financial control and management
third of the CAP budget in the late 1980s and early practices and partly to reflect the changing nature of
1990s), but rising world prices and the dismantle- the CAP – in particular the fact that under the CAP
ment of domestic price support has resulted in their reforms agricultural policy had come to be more
decline, and planned elimination by the end of 2018. clearly based on two pillars, with pillar one focusing
The mechanics of the preference system and the tar- on direct financial support measures and pillar two
iffs imposed vary according to the market regime for on rural development.
the product concerned. Financial support available for agriculture in the
Protectionist measures do not apply to all agri- EU is not, it should be stressed, confined to the direct
cultural imports into the EU from all states. As is funding provided for agriculture in the EU budget.
explained in Chapter 22, the EU has negotiated Some funds are available from other EU sources,
arrangements whereby a large number of countries including the European Investment Bank (EIB). By
are given special access to EU markets for at least far the greatest additional funding source, however,
some of their products, including agricultural prod- comes from national exchequers: member states are
ucts. So, the EU grants ‘generalised preferences’ to allowed to assist their farmers in many ways, provided
developing, and especially least developed, countries, they do not – in the judgement of the Commission –
which results in the abolition or reduction of tariffs distort competition or infringe the principles of the
on many agricultural products intended for process- market. Taking the EU as a whole, on average national
ing. Under the Cotonou Agreement, virtually all of public expenditure accounts for about 30 per cent of
the agricultural exports of the African, Caribbean and total public expenditure on agriculture, though in
Pacific (ACP) countries are allowed free access to the some states it is significantly higher.
EU market. (It should, however, be pointed out that
these ‘concessions’ do not stem simply from generos-
ity and good-will. Much of the produce falling under Allowance for national variations
generalised preferences and the Cotonou Agreement
is tropical in nature and not in competition with EU As the previous paragraph implies, in addition to
produce.) the three CAP operating principles that were agreed
Over and above the various special forms of access by the Council of Ministers in 1960, and which still
to the EU market given to developing countries, it constitute the formal operational principles, a fourth
should be noted that the general impact and extent – unofficial – principle may also be said to exist: allow-
of the Community preference system has been greatly ance for national variations.
reduced since the early 1990s. This has occurred as tar- The CAP is not as common or as integrated as it
iffs have been generally reduced in response to GATT/ usually is portrayed as being. To be sure, the CAP lays
WTO pressures and as the CAP has moved away from down a policy framework within which member states
product price guarantees to income support. must operate. But that framework has never been a
complete straitjacket.
One reason for national variations is the differing
Joint financing nature of agricultural economies and structures across
the EU: a phenomenon that has increased in scope
The CAP is financed jointly by the member states and intensity as the EU has enlarged. So extensive are
out of the EU budget. The main funding mechanism the differences – arising from such factors as topogra-
used to be the European Agricultural Guidance phy, weather conditions, and the average size of land
and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF), but since 2007 holdings – that it has always been necessary to have a
380 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

policy framework that allows for variations that meet • Agricultural efficiency has increased enormously
specific needs and circumstances. A second reason for as a result of modernisation and rationalisation.
national variations is differing policy choices of gov- Because of the large number of variables involved,
ernments. Some governments, for example, have been it is difficult to be precise about agricultural effi-
much more inclined than others to make available to ciency, but one indication of the advances made
their farmers – after receiving Commission approval under the CAP is seen in the fact that at a time
that CAP rules are not being breached – national when the number of people engaged in agriculture
financial and other forms of assistance. And a third has dropped by well over 60 per cent on average
reason is that, as Greer (2005: 3) puts it, ‘There are in the EU-12 states (the pre-1995 EU members)
still important areas that are not covered by EU-level since the CAP was created, volume outputs have
policy making or where the reach of the CAP is weak. steadily increased – at an average of approaching
These include important supply side matters such as 1.5 per cent per annum since the early 1970s. That
research, education and advice, and some sectors are said, it might be asked whether the overproduction
not subject to common market organisation (potatoes of certain products (which still exists, though not
for human consumption, for example).’ in so acute a form as before the reform process
Significantly, the reform rounds since 1992 are got underway in the late 1980s) and the encour-
resulting in the CAP become ever more diversified agement that high levels of support have given
and less common. One reason for this is the increased to many who would otherwise have left the land
emphasis on ‘non-agricultural’ aspects of land use. to stay on their farms, is wholly consistent with
Another reason is that the reforms have built-in a ‘ensuring the rational development of agricultural
considerable measure of national discretion, so that production’.
in respect of some measures and activities states • Agricultural incomes have grown roughly in paral-
can choose from an approved EU menu. The 2003 lel with incomes in other sectors. However, this
and 2013 reforms in particular made provision for overall average masks enormous variations, both
national flexibility with, states, for example, being between large farmers (who have done very well
given considerable manoeuvrability as to how they for the most part – because they own most farm-
calculate direct payments to farmers. land) and small farmers, and between produc-
The calls that are sometimes made for a ‘re- ers of northern temperate products (notably
nationalisation’ of agriculture have made little head- dairy produce, cereals, and beef, which have been
way, and are unlikely to do so in the foreseeable the main product beneficiaries of the CAP) and
future. However, it is undeniable that the Common producers of other (mainly Mediterranean) prod-
Agricultural Policy displays a considerable measure of ucts. The post-1992 direct payment systems have
national variations. been partly designed to offset these distortions.
• Markets have been stabilised, in the sense that
there have been no major food shortages and
The Impact and Effects of the EU prices have escaped the price fluctuations
that have occurred in the world market on some
Common Agricultural Policy products.
• The EU is now self-sufficient in virtually all
Whether the CAP is to be regarded as a success or of those foodstuffs its climate and topography
not naturally depends on the priorities and interests allow it to raise and grow. In 1958 the then six
of those making the judgement. Since, however, the member states produced about 85 per cent of
issue has caused so much controversy it is a question their food requirements; by the early 1990s the
that merits some attention here. This will be done then 12 member states were producing around
initially via assessing the success or otherwise of the 120 per cent. This latter figure has now dropped
five aims that were originally set out for the CAP in in the wake of the CAP reforms, but surpluses
the 1957 EEC Treaty and which, in the TFEU, remain still exist in most product sectors. The move-
unchanged to the present day (see Document 21.1). ment beyond self-sufficiency to the production
Agricultural Policy and Policy Processes | 381

of surpluses has been expensive in that it has Consumer Protection and by the creation of the
only been possible to dispose of the surpluses at European Food Safety Authority which was estab-
considerable cost. lished in 2002.
• The exclusion of cheaper (often much cheaper) Fourth, protecting the EU market from cheaper
produce from outside the EU means that the world produce, and the release onto the world market
aim of ‘reasonable prices’ to the consumer has of subsidised EU produce, has distorted the interna-
had a low priority. The undeniable fact is that tional division of labour and the rational utilisation
within the EU the principal beneficiaries of of resources.
the CAP have been large agri-companies and Fifth, in international debates and negotiations
farmers, whilst the main losers have been poor concerning development policies and the problems
consumers. of ‘the Global South’, there has been an increasing
emphasis in recent years on the perceived damaging
Beyond an assessment of the CAP through its five effects of the CAP. This has been partly because NGOs
Treaty aims, five other significant consequences of the such as Oxfam have given more attention to anti-CAP
policy are also worth noting. campaigning.
First, the CAP’s strong position in the EU’s
budget has unquestionably made it more difficult
for other policies to be developed. The financial
perspectives that have been in operation since 1988, Policy-Making Processes
coupled with the series of reforms to the CAP, have
brought agriculture under greater financial control, Prior to the reform process that began with the
but it still accounts for around two-fifths of the total 1992 reforms, agriculture was a highly distinctive
budget. policy-making sphere. This was mainly because
Second, the CAP has been the source of many many key decisions were made as part of a regu-
disagreements and tensions both within the EU lar, and usually highly complicated, process: the
and between the EU and non-EU states. For exam- annual price review. Many non-price elements
ple, within the EU, France’s generally protectionist were swept up in reviews and became components
attitude towards the CAP has frequently caused it of what customarily were highly complex and
to be at loggerheads with other member states over interconnected packages by the time final agree-
aspects of agricultural policy. As for its effect on ments were made. The core of the packages usually
relations between the EU and non-EU states, the consisted of a range of price increases, adjustments
CAP has fuelled many trading disputes between the to produce regimes, and statements of intent about
EU and other agricultural exporters, both within the future action.
WTO framework and bilaterally. The phased reductions in prices since 1992 cou-
Third, the intense farming practices that the CAP pled with the associated switch from price support
has encouraged have had damaging implications for to income support have resulted in the annual price
the environment, and arguably also for food safety. review disappearing. As this has happened, policy-
It is only in recent years that these damaging impli- making and decision-making processes for agriculture
cations have begun to be properly addressed. In have become more like the processes that exist in
the case of the environment, this has been achieved other policy sectors. However, the importance, range,
by making protection of the countryside a theme and complexity of the CAP, plus the ever-changing
of the reform rounds since 1992 – for example, nature of the world’s agricultural markets, means that
by making some direct aid conditional on farm- there are still significant variations from the ‘stand-
ers adopting production methods that respect the ard’ EU model. The principal variations are now
environment and bio-diversity. Food safety issues explained, by looking at the roles of the three main
have been addressed in a number of ways, including institutional actors on CAP policy, with particular
by detaching most of the responsibility for it from reference to how they combined to put in place the
DG Agriculture and attaching it to DG Health and 2013 reform package.
382 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

Commission initiation and Against the background of these pressures, the cen-
tral thrust of recent Commission proposals has been
formulation to champion movements towards a more market-
Whereas the policy initiation and formulation respon- based and environmentally sustainable system, in
sibilities of the Commission in many sectors are which farmers are protected by direct payments. It has
mainly concerned with creating a policy framework, in done this by launching and steering reform processes,
agriculture they are inevitably directed more towards with its ideas initially being set out in communications
improving the efficiency of one that already exists. and consultation papers of various sorts and later in
As part of this drive for greater efficiency, since the legislative proposals (see Box 21.2 for its actions in
late 1960s the Commission has been proactively in respect of the 2013 reforms).
the forefront of attempts to bring about fundamental In this process of agricultural decision-making, the
reform of the CAP. Since the mid-1980s there have lead within the Commission is inevitably taken by the
been five major ‘rounds’ of CAP reform, each of which Commissioner and the DG for Agriculture and Rural
has been led by the Commission. The first round Development. However, they no longer have the near-
resulted in a political agreement on reforms being monopoly control over agriculture policy they used
reached in 1988, the second in 1992, the third in 1999, to enjoy. As pressures for reform of the CAP have
the fourth in 2003, and the fifth in 2013. The reform increased and as perceptions of the nature and the
rounds have been driven by a number of factors, the implications of agricultural policy have been broad-
most important of which were initially deteriorating ened, so have other parts of the Commission come to
market conditions, increasing surpluses, and recur- have a say and to exercise an influence. Amongst the
ring budgetary problems, and more latterly have been other parts of the Commission to have inserted them-
international pressures against the EU’s high levels selves, or to have become drawn, into agricultural
of protectionism and subsidisation, and domestic policy are Health and Food Safety, Environment, and
pressures for a ‘greener’ Europe and for funds to be Trade. Taking Trade, the Trade Commissioner and
directed in a fairer and more targeted manner. DG Trade have become key players as international

Box 21.2

Main stages in the making of the 2013 reforms

November 2010 The Commission issues a communication on the future of the CAP, includ-
ing identifying possible reforms (European Commission, 2010).
October 2011 Following up on feedback to the 2010 communication, the Commission
issues draft legislative proposals.
February 2013 The European Council agrees on the main spending limits (including on
agriculture) in the 2014–20 multiannual financial perspective.
March 2013 Council reaches agreement on its general approach to the Commission’s
proposals for CAP reforms.
March–September 2013 Council and EP negotiate, and reach political agreement, on CAP reforms.
September–December 2013 Council and EP negotiate and reach agreement on the Council’s draft legisla-
tive proposals (which give legal form to the September political agreement).
March 2014 Commission issues the first delegated and implementing acts giving effect to
the reforms. Neither the EP nor the Council raise any major objections to
the acts.
Agricultural Policy and Policy Processes | 383

trade pressures have played an increasing role in driv- holding at least 50 votes per year. In proportionate
ing the agricultural reform process. So, although the terms, however, the Agriculture Council’s ‘lead’ in
Agriculture Commissioner, Mariann Fischer Boel, the usage of QMV is now shared with several other
was present at the December 2005 Doha Round nego- Council formations, as QMV has become more
tiations in Hong Kong where agreement was reached, commonly used throughout the Council system
amongst other things, on the phasing-out by 2013 of (see Chapter 10).
all first world agricultural export refunds, the EU’s
‘main player’ was the Trade Commissioner, Peter But though the operation of the Agriculture
Mandelson. Council is reasonably ‘normal’ in terms of formal
But though the Commission has exercised a procedures, it is distinctive in a number of ways. One
‘primary role’ in putting reforms onto the politi- of these ways is that the Agriculture Council is, of all
cal agenda and in determining the nature of final the formations of the Council, the formation that has
agreements (Cunha and Swinbank, 2009: 259), the traditionally been the most reliant on issue linkages
Commission’s proposals have habitually been and package deals for the conduct of its business.
watered-down by the Council and, since the Lisbon However, in recent years this use of linkages and
Treaty, also by the EP. It is, therefore, to the Council packages to increase negotiating flexibility and create
and the EP that we now turn. room for agreements has not been so prevalent. This
is because the margins for manoeuvre available to
the Agriculture Ministers have been reduced by the
Council decision-making use of multiannual planning within financial per-
spectives, by the disappearance of the price review,
The formal processes of Council decision-making in and by the phasing-out of separate product market
the agriculture sphere are relatively straightforward: organisations. But though wide-ranging wheeling
and dealing is not now so characteristic of the
• Regarding legislative procedures, the Council’s Council as it used to be, it certainly still exists – most
position is not as powerful as it was. Until the especially when important decisions have to be taken
Lisbon Treaty entered into force, legislation was on, for example, Commission reform proposals or
made mostly on the basis of the consultation positions to be adopted in external agricultural trade
procedure, which meant that although the EP negotiations. In such situations, agreements are usu-
could press its policy preferences on the Council ally only possible if they are based on a recognition
it did not have the ability to insist on them. The of the different interests and priorities of the member
Lisbon Treaty changed this situation, by ‘elevating’ states: some states, for example, are net exporters of
agricultural legislative processes to the ordinary’ agricultural produce whilst others are net importers;
legislative procedure, which means that laws deal- some have temperate climates whilst others have
ing with agricultural matters now need both EP Mediterranean; some have mainly large and efficient
and Council approval. farms whilst others have many small and inefficient
• Regarding decision-making in the Council, agri- family-based units; and some have vast tracts of ‘less
culture was one of the very few areas where the favoured’ land whilst others have very little. The
use of QMV was provided for in the 1957 EEC existence of such differences is a key reason why the
Treaty. Initially because of French resistance and taking of Council decisions on agricultural matters
then because of what became a prevailing norm can be so protracted: it took, for example, over two
that EC decisions should be consensual, QMV was years of negotiations before the Council could agree
not in practice used for many years. But, when its on a common position on what became the 2013
use became more acceptable from the early 1980s reforms.
the Agriculture Council quickly took advantage This diversity of interests and priorities in the
and became the Council formation to use it most. Council make it very difficult for it to be a pro-active
In terms of the number of usages this continues to policy-maker and, in consequence, makes the Council
be the case – with Agriculture Ministers (in what is heavily reliant on the Commission for ideas. Of
now the Agriculture and Fisheries Council) usually course, this also applies to most Council formations,
384 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

but not generally to the same extent. As Daugbjerg the areas where the EP’s powers remained weak. This
(2009: 399) has observed of CAP reform processes: was partly because although the EP was a co-decision
maker with the Council on the EU’s annual budget,
Within the Council of Agricultural Ministers, it is it could only make recommendations to amend what
the norm that the Commissioner’s proposal forms was known as compulsory expenditure, which con-
the basis of the discussions aimed at consensus. Af- sisted almost entirely of agriculture. It was partly also
ter the Commissioner’s proposal has been formally because agriculture was one of the remaining policy
presented to the Council, farm ministers seldom areas where the EP’s legislative powers were based on
put forward alternative proposals … In the history the consultation procedure. This allowed the EP to
of CAP reform, the Council, as a whole, has been make recommendations to, and exert pressure on, the
status quo minded and, thus, not a driving force Commission and the Council, but did not permit it to
behind reform; rather it has been an obstacle for insist that its views be accepted.
farm commissioners to overcome. This is not to suggest that the EP did not exert
influence on agricultural policy before the Lisbon
A distinctive feature of Council agriculture policy Treaty entered into force. It scrutinised both policy
processes that has become less sharp over the years and legislative proposals and it had some successes in
is the relative isolation of the processes from other helping to shape outcomes. Garzon (2006), for exam-
policy areas. Until the late 1980s, agricultural policy ple, suggests that the Agriculture Committee played a
processes were largely confined to a somewhat closed crucial role in helping to devise an acceptable formula
group of specialist policy actors in the Commission on de-coupling in the 2003 CAP reform round. It is
and the Council. The specialised nature of these also the case that the Parliament’s influence over agri-
actors was emphasised by the way in which DG culture had increased as a result of agriculture policy
Agriculture was widely viewed as being not quite a broadening out to include aspects of related policy
‘normal’ DG and by the privileged position of the areas – such as environment and food safety – where
Special Committee of Agriculture in undertaking for the co-decision procedure applied. Overall, however,
the Agriculture Ministers the preparatory work that agriculture was an area of comparative EP institu-
COREPER undertakes for other Council formations. tional weakness.
(On the SCA, see p. 169.) Agricultural policy-making The position changed, however, with the Lisbon
still remains a little isolated from ‘the mainstream’, Treaty because the Treaty ‘rectified’ the EP’s two
but an increasing enmeshment with other policy areas weaknesses: the distinction between compulsory
means that it is nothing like as isolated as it was and expenditure and non-compulsory expenditure was
that the circle of Council actors involved in agricul- abolished, so the EP’s budgetary powers over agri-
tural policy formation in the EU has widened con- cultural expenditure were thereby increased; and
siderably. So, for example, non-Agriculture Councils agricultural law-making became subject to the
– especially Foreign Affairs (which is responsible for ordinary legislative procedure, so the EP gained co-
external trade), Ecofin, and Environment – often equal powers with the Council over the making of
express views and make decisions that have direct agricultural legislation. The transforming effect of
implications for agriculture. Given the segmented this latter change was no more clearly seen in 2013,
nature of Council structures, this can create problems when there were exhaustive negotiations – many
in terms of developing rounded and properly inte- of which were conducted in numerous trilogues –
grated policy. between the Council and EP on the Commission’s
proposals for CAP reform. Amongst changes made
to the reforms as a result of EP pressure and insist-
European Parliament ­ ence were more payments to be directed to young
decision-making farmers, to small farmers and to active farmers
(with it being made much more difficult for entities
As was noted in Chapter 12, the powers of the EP have such as airports and sports clubs to claim support),
increased greatly over the years. However, until the and for there to be a better distribution of funds
Lisbon Treaty came into effect agriculture was one of across the EU.
Agricultural Policy and Policy Processes | 385

Management and covered by implementing acts were rules for direct

payments, support measures in the wine sector, and
Implementation of the work programmes to support the olive oil sector.
Common Agricultural Policy As a result of logistical necessities, agriculture is far
ahead of any other policy area in terms of the number
of legal acts in force, apart from external trade. Most
Because of the nature of the CAP, the EU is much of the law is highly specific, covering such matters as
more involved in the management and implementa- product specifications, market intervention instru-
tion of agricultural policy than it is in most other ments and mechanisms, and payment-related issues.
policy spheres. The Commission, and particularly DG There is, seemingly, nothing especially ‘political’ about
Agriculture and Rural Development, are central in such acts, but whilst they may appear to be technical
this regard. They oversee the operation of the whole and ‘non-political’ they might in practice well involve
system, adjust it as necessary and, as far as possible, try the Commission doing things that amount to rather
to ensure that the national and regional agencies that more than the simple application of tightly drawn rules.
undertake the frontline implementation of policy – Many decisions on, for instance, intervention and sup-
national Ministries of Agriculture, intervention agen- port systems are taken within margins of manoeuvre
cies, customs and excise authorities and so on – fulfil that give the Commission at least some flexibility. This
their obligations in a proper manner. In consequence flexibility can result in the Commission’s choices hav-
of these responsibilities, DG Agriculture and Rural ing important financial implications for producers,
Development is one of the largest DGs, with around traders, processors, and the EU budget.
1,000 staff divided into 11 directorates. The Commission also has room for manoeuvre
Much of what the Commission does in managing in how it deals with the many national and regional
the CAP involves making ‘administrative’ legislation. agencies that undertake, on the basis of shared man-
This is no more clearly seen than by looking at what agement, most of the direct policy implementation. It
followed the political agreement reached between the is, moreover, a room for manoeuvre that has broad-
EP and Council in September 2013 on the reformed ened as the CAP has been reformed for, as was noted
CAP. The first step to giving the agreement legal force above, a significant degree of decentralisation has
was the issuing (by the Commission) and then the been built into the reform processes. Key features of
passing (by the EP and the Council) of four ‘basic’ the decentralisation that have increased management
regulations, which were made by the ordinary legisla- flexibility include: some direct payments are allocated
tive procedure. These regulations set out general rules to member states in the form of ‘national envelopes’,
on rural development, direct payments to farmers, which national authorities manage according to their
market measures, and ‘horizontal’ issues covering own criteria and requirements; many rural develop-
such matters as funding and controls. They also made ment measures are co-financed with member states;
explicit provision for the regulations to be followed and member states must have in place rural develop-
by more specific acts, which are normally issued in ment programmes that require Commission approval
the form of either Commission delegated acts (which before EU funds can be released. Such decentralisation
supplement or amend legislative acts) or Commission requires the Commission to frame its relations with
implementing acts (which are designed to ensure that national agencies more in terms of being a partner
all legislative acts are applied in a uniform manner than an overseer.
in all member states). (See Chapter 9 for a descrip-
tion of how such Commission acts are made and are
overseen by the EP and Council.) Consequently, the
Commission began adopting appropriate delegated Concluding Remarks
and implementing acts from March 2014. Delegated
acts covered topics as varied as public intervention The CAP has been the subject of considerable reform in
expenditure, requirements related to the agricultural recent years. The core feature of the reform programme
products benefiting from private storage aid, and rules has been to replace a system that used to be based pri-
in the fruit and vegetables sectors. Amongst topics marily on support prices by a system that now is based
386 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

primarily on direct payments to farmers. Another key over-subsidised EU produce on world markets. Inside
aspect of the reform has resulted in the CAP becoming the EU, sharp differences still exist over important
less focused on matters related to food production and aspects of agricultural policy: where should the bal-
more concerned with wider environmental, rural devel- ance be struck between market efficiency on the one
opment, and consumer protection issues. hand and the granting of support to the agriculture
However, the reforms that have been and are sector on the other?; and in so far as support is to be
being made have not solved all of the CAP’s prob- given to agriculture, how ought it to be distributed,
lems. Outside the EU, many countries, not least the and in what form?
USA, continue to be dissatisfied with what they Agricultural policy will thus continue to loom large
regard as a still over-protected EU market and still on the EU agenda.
Chapter 22
External Policies

External Trade 387 he EU is an important actor on the world stage. It is so partly because of
its size and resources and partly because of its ability to act in a united,
Foreign and Defence
or at least coordinated, manner in a range of external policy contexts
and settings.
Development Policy 411 There are four main aspects to the EU’s external relations: trade; foreign,
The External Dimension of security and defence; development; and the external dimension of internal
Internal Policies 414 policies. Each of these will be examined in this chapter.
The Consistency and
Representational Problems 415
Concluding Remarks 416 External Trade
The EU in the world trading system
The member states of the EU present a united front to the world in respect
of international trade and they act as one in contracting the terms of trade
agreements. If they did not do so the unified internal market would not be
The main foundations of the united front are the Common Customs Tariff
(CCT) – or Common External Tariff (CET) as it is also known – and the
Common Commercial Policy (CCP). Together, the CCT and the CCP enable,
indeed oblige, the member states to act in common on matters such as the
fixing and adjusting of external customs tariffs, the negotiation of customs
and trade agreements with non-member countries, and the taking of action to
impede imports – this being most likely when unfair trading practices, such as
dumping and subsidies, are suspected.
The EU conducts trade negotiations in many forums: with single states;
with other regional groupings, such as the European Free Trade Association
(EFTA) and the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN); and in
international frameworks, of which the most important is the World Trade
Organisation (WTO) – which has more than 160 members and which collec-
tively accounts for over 96 per cent of global trade and global GDP.
In these forums the EU is able to bring very considerable economic and
trading strengths to bear, as Box 22.1 shows.
The combination of these economic and trading strengths, allied with the
fact that in trading forums the EU acts on most matters as a single bloc, means
that the EU is an extremely powerful world trading force.

388 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

Box 22.1

Economic and trading strengths of the EU

• The combined gross domestic product (GDP) of the EU-28 in 2015 was around €14.8 trillion, making it
the world’s largest economy. In percentage terms it accounted for around 22 per cent of world GDP, as
compared with around 20 per cent for the USA and 10 per cent for Japan.*
• The EU accounts for around one-fifth of world exports and imports (excluding internal EU trade),
which is slightly more than the USA and much larger than Japan (which accounts for around 7 per cent).
• The EU market, with around 510 million people (about one-seventh of the world’s population), is much
larger than both the US market, which numbers just over 290 million people, and the Japanese market,
which numbers around 130 million.
• Many of the countries and groupings with which the EU negotiates on trade matters are heavily reliant
on the EU market for their exports – either for reasons of geography (as most obviously with non-EU
European countries) or historical linkage (as with former French and UK colonies).

* These figures vary according to the measuring criteria that are used. For example, Webber (2016) quantifies the respective EU,
USA, and Japanese percentage shares of the world economy in 2014 as being 16.9, 16.4, and 4.4.

Trade policies practices. Anti-dumping measures are mainly taken

against Asian countries.
The EU presents itself as being committed to a liberal The most obvious sectoral sphere of EU protec-
trade policy and as having as its main focus in exter- tionism is agriculture, which has long been sheltered
nal trade negotiations the opening up of markets. from the full rigours of external competition by
Priorities for the EU in external trade negotiations domestic support to agricultural producers and trad-
include: the lowering of international customs duties; ers on the one hand and high tariffs on imports on the
the removal of non-tariff barriers to trade; and the other. Under WTO pressures, however, the EU has
opening up of hitherto restricted spheres of trading been changing these policies and since the mid-1990s
activity, especially those, such as financial services, in has been moving away from price support to income
which the EU, or at least some of its member states, support, has been removing export refunds (which
are strong. have been a particular target for other agricultural
It is a liberal trading policy, however, that is not exporting countries because of their distortion of
always pursued with complete consistency or uni- world agricultural markets), and has been lowering
formity. The governments of the member states fre- agricultural tariffs (see Chapter 21 for details). Other
quently seek to cope with ‘special’ national economic sectors that have attracted EU special protection
circumstances and accompanying political pressures include the motor vehicle industry, which has been
by pressing for the EU to adopt protectionist meas- assisted by export restraint agreements with Japan,
ures. EU trade policy is thus concerned not only with and textiles, where there have long been restrictions of
promoting the general liberalisation of trade but also various sorts on imports from the Far East.
with ensuring that the consequences of this are not Beyond ‘strict’ trade issues, the EU often has to
damaging for its member states. This results in trade deal with, and indeed brings, other issues into trade
policy also being much taken up with matters such as negotiations. This is part of a general process whereby
the seeking of special exemptions from general trade the international trade agenda has been expanded
agreements, the negotiation of ‘orderly marketing’ and politicised over the years. So, politically sensi-
agreements with more competitive countries, and the tive trade-related matters such as labour standards
imposition of anti-dumping duties where competitor and environmental protection increasingly feature in
countries are seen as engaging in unfair competitive trade talks, as do issues concerning human rights. The
External Policies | 389

EU takes, in relative terms, an ‘advanced’ position on Trade and trade-dominated

such matters.
All of these trade and trade-related principles and agreements
practices were affirmed and updated in a comprehen- The EU has trade agreements, or agreements in which
sive October 2015 Commission communication enti- a substantial part of the content is concerned with
tled Trade for All: Towards a More Responsible Trade trade, with just about every country in the world.
and Investment Strategy (European Commission, These agreements take a number of different forms,
2015g). Directed at making EU trade policy more both in terms of the extent to which they remove
responsible by basing it on core principles – of barriers to market access and the number and range
effectiveness, transparency and values – the commu- of non-trade matters that are covered. Some of the
nication included an updated prioritisation of trade agreements are best viewed as being part of the EU’s
policies and negotiations. These priorities show the development cooperation policies and, as such, are
sheer scale of EU trade policy activities, with the iden- considered in the section on development cooperation
tified priorities including: later in the chapter. Trade agreements that are not
part of development cooperation policy are of three
• Concluding major ongoing rounds of negotia- main types. In ‘ascending’ order – from minimalist to
tions, especially on the (stalled) Doha Round of maximalist – they are:
the WTO, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment
Partnership (TTIP) with the USA, the EU–Japan
free trade agreement (FTA), and the EU–China Trade agreements
investment agreement. (All of the latter three were These are based on Article 207 TFEU, which obliges
opened in 2013.) the EU to operate a CCP. The opening paragraph of
• Opening new negotiations in the Asia-Pacific Article 207 is set out in Document 22.1.
region, including FTAs with Australia, New Article 207 agreements may be preferential or
Zealand, the Philippines, and Indonesia. non-preferential in kind, but they are all subject to
• Modernising existing FTAs (including with Mexico the general framework of international trading rules
and Chile) and the customs union with Turkey. established within the framework of the WTO. These
• Deepening relations with African partners. rules prohibit preferential agreements unless waivers
are negotiated.
Amongst these priorities, most attention has been But though Article 207 agreements must be estab-
given to TTIP. This has been because of: its impor- lished on WTO rules, general WTO-led multilateral
tance (the USA is the EU’s biggest trading partner and trade negotiations have made little progress in recent
an agreed TTIP would be by far the world’s largest years as a result of the stagnation and then the virtual
trade agreement in terms of its foreseen economic ending (in 2015) of the Doha Round that sought
gains); its scale (it covers not only free trade but also to liberalise world trading rules and practices. The
many sorts of ‘behind the border’ and new trade- talks foundered on a number of differences, mainly
related issues – including mutual recognition, public between developed and developing countries – espe-
procurement, and best practices); its controversiality cially concerning agriculture and also demands from
(including on what and what not should be covered, wealthier countries that rapidly developing countries
whether EU standards are endangered, and – a particu- should be less protectionist. In consequence, the EU
lar contended matter – the proposed investor-to-state has increasingly followed the USA’s example of engag-
dispute mechanism (ISDS), which many have feared ing in ‘competitive liberalisation’ and seeking trade
would enable large firms to seek compensation outside agreements, including FTAs, via bilateral negotiations.
normal judicial processes); and its wider significance, The Lisbon Treaty strengthened the EU’s position
with TTIP perceived by both the EU and the USA ‘as a in respect of negotiating trade agreements by explic-
strategic response to the changing global trading order’ itly listing services, intellectual property and foreign
(in particular, the challenges from emerging econo- direct investment in Article 207 and giving them treaty
mies) and with it ‘having the potential to kick-start the status as exclusive Union competences. Formerly,
WTO negotiations again’ (Gstöhl, 2016: 2). the Union’s exclusive trade policy competence had
390 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

Document 22.1

Extract from Article 207 TFEU (on the Common Commercial Policy)
1 The common commercial policy shall be based on uniform principles, particularly with regard to
changes in tariff rates, the conclusion of tariff and trade agreements relating to trade in goods and
services, and the commercial aspects of intellectual property, foreign direct investment, the achievement
of uniformity in measures of liberalisation, export policy and measures to protect trade such as those to
be taken in the event of dumping or subsidies. The common commercial policy shall be conducted in the
context of the principles and objectives of the Union’s external action.

largely been restricted to trade in goods, so the Lisbon Association agreements

changes marked a considerable advance in the EU’s,
and with it the Commission’s (as the EU’s main trade These are based on Article 217 TFEU, which states
negotiator) position. However, so as to provide a that ‘The Union may conclude with one or more third
measure of continuing national protection, unanim- countries or international organisations agreements
ity (rather than the normal Article 207 provision of establishing an association involving reciprocal rights
QMV) was retained in the Council for the taking of and obligations, common action and special proce-
decisions in especially sensitive areas – including in dure.’ Typically, association agreements include highly
respect of cultural and audio-visual services where preferential access to EU markets, the prospect of a free
trade agreements ‘risk prejudicing the Union’s cul- trade area eventually being formed between the signa-
tural and linguistic diversity’ (Article 207: 4(a)). tories, economic and technical cooperation of various
sorts, financial aid from the EU, political dialogue, and
– in some cases – the prospect of the associated coun-
Trade and economic cooperation agreements tries eventually becoming members of the EU.
There are currently three broad categories of states
The Treaty base of these agreements depends on their that either have, or are in the process of negotiating,
precise nature, but there is usually some combination association agreements with the EU. First, there are
of Article 207 and at least one other article. So, Article countries that are seeking and have realistic prospects of
218 of the TFEU, which sets out procedures for the EU membership. Turkey is in this category. So are most
contracting of external agreements, is almost invari- of the states of the Western Balkans – Albania, Bosnia-
ably used, whilst Article 209 applies when there is a Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, and
development cooperation dimension to agreements. Serbia. All of these Western Balkan states are part of the
The number of trade and cooperation agreements has EU’s cooperation process for South-East Europe which
increased enormously over the years and their scope includes the negotiation of association agreements that
has steadily expanded. At their core are trade prefer- contain trade, cultural, and political cooperation aspects
ences of various kinds and usually also assistance of that have as their main purpose the promotion of, and
some sort from the EU to the other signatory(ies). assistance with, internal reforms and development. The
In some cases, as with partnership and coopera- agreements explicitly hold out the prospect of future EU
tion agreements with several states that were part of membership and are very much part of a pre-accession
the former Soviet Union, free trade is an eventual strategy that is designed to assist economic liberalisa-
objective. Since the late 1980s, political conditions tion, market adjustment, and political democratisation.
– usually concerning human rights and democratic Second, there are several Mediterranean states – includ-
processes – have routinely been part of cooperation ing the Mashreq and Maghreb countries – that constitute
agreements. part of the EU’s Mediterranean policy. The prospect of
External Policies | 391

EU membership is not part of these association agree- its control and the Commission wanting and needing
ments. Third, there are the non-EU members of the enough manoeuvrability to enable it to be an effective
European Economic Area (EEA) – Iceland, Norway, and negotiator.
Liechtenstein. The EEA is the deepest of the EU’s trad- Second, the different national interests and prefer-
ing agreements in that it involves not only free trade in ences of the member states can create difficulties in the
goods but also extends the EU’s other so-called freedoms Council. Apart from differences that arise on specific
(of services, capital, and people) to the three EEA states. issues, there is a broad underlying difference, with
some countries – including France, Italy, Spain and
*  *  * Greece – tending to favour a measure of protectionism
With each of these three types of agreement – trade, and other countries – led by Germany and the UK –
cooperation, and association – containing variations tending more towards trade liberalisation.
in both scope and depth, the EU is thus involved in a Third, problems can arise within the Commission,
wide and complicated range of agreements with trading with disputes between Commissioners and between
partners. The agreements can be thought of as consti- DGs about where policy responsibilities lie and who
tuting a hierarchy of preferences in which the EU and has a legitimate interest in particular external trade
the other signatory(ies) of agreements are, moving from policies and agreements.
the bottom to the top of the hierarchy, bound together Fourth, now that almost all trade agreements are
in increasingly open market access arrangements and in subject to the EP’s approval, the Parliament has, in
an array of complex and varied forms of cooperation. customary manner, strongly asserted itself and used
its Lisbon-given powers to the maximum. For exam-
ple, shortly after assuming its strengthened powers in
Policy processes 2010, it insisted, as a condition of its approval, that
human rights, labour, and environmental protections
Trade agreements used to be the responsibility of the be inserted into trade agreements with Columbia
Commission and the Council. However, the Lisbon and Peru. In 2012 it rejected, because of civil liberties
Treaty brought the EP very much onto the decision- concerns, the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement
making stage. It did so in two ways. First, the adoption (ACTA) that was aimed at preventing copyright
of legislative measures defining the framework for infringements. And since the TTIP negotiations
implementing the CCP were made subject to the ordi- opened in 2013, it has made its views known to the
nary legislative procedure – under which the EP is a co- Commission and the Council on many issues (not
decision maker with the Council (see Chapter 19 for a least on ISDS), both via plenary-approved resolutions
description of the procedure). This means that the EP and by exchanges in EP committees.
has co-equal powers with the Council on such mat- The fifth area mentioned above, and the one that that
ters as trade preferences for developing countries and has the potential to cause difficulties, is national ratifica-
protections (such as anti-dumping measures) against tions. As noted in Box 22.2, only Council and EP approval
unfair competition. Second, the EP was given signifi- is necessary for trade agreements, but such agreements
cantly greater powers in respect of the negotiation and increasingly include matters that, strictly speaking, go
contraction of trade agreements, including needing to beyond trade and include the likes of regulatory, social,
give its consent before agreements can be ratified. environmental, and consumer protection issues. This
The normal procedure for contracting trade agree- resulted, in 2016, in the Commission conceding that
ments is set out in Box 22.2. The powers of and the the long-negotiated EU–Canada trade agreement, called
relations between and within the EU institutions in the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement
connection with the making of trade agreements are (CETA), was in fact a mixed agreement, which meant
such that tensions of various sorts are by no means that it also needed the ratification of member states. This,
uncommon. Four areas cause particular difficulties, in turn, resulted in some member states insisting that dec-
and a fifth has the potential to do so. larations be attached to CETA addressing national con-
First, the power balance between the Council and cerns and also resulted in the Belgian government being
the Commission can be very delicate, with the Council initially unable to ratify the agreement because it was not
trying to ensure that the Commission remains under supported by, as it was obliged to be if Belgium was to
392 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

Box 22.2

The ‘standard procedure’ for contracting an external trade

(Article 207 TFEU) agreement
• The Commission makes a recommendation to the Foreign Affairs Council that the EU should seek to
conclude a trade agreement with a third country or organisation. (There is no separate Trade Council,
but at the Foreign Affairs Council trade matters are usually handled by Trade Ministers rather than
Foreign Ministers.)
• COREPER discusses the Commission recommendation and places it on the agenda of the Council. The
Council takes a decision as to whether negotiations should proceed. In making its decision the Council
may, on the basis of proposals drawn up by the Commission and perhaps modified by COREPER, give
to the Commission a negotiating directive, set of guidelines or – to use the most commonly used, but
not most accurate term – a mandate. The Council normally, though not always, can take decisions by
qualified majority vote, but in practice it usually proceeds by consensus.
• Working within the framework of the directive it has been given by the Council, the Commission negotiates
on behalf of all EU states. The Trade DG normally takes the lead role on behalf of the Commission, but other
DGs – including Development, Competition, and Agriculture – are also involved if they have a direct inter-
est. How much room for manoeuvre the Commission has when conducting negotiations varies according to
the circumstances. Usually, differences of both principle and special interest between the member states result
in negotiating directives being fairly tightly drawn – often reflecting a compromise between those countries
tending towards protectionism and those favouring a more free trade approach. While Commission offi-
cials acknowledge privately that Council negotiating directives are usually less of a dead weight than is often
supposed, the Commission’s flexibility in negotiations can be constrained by the necessity of not disturbing
compromises that have been agreed only with difficulty in the Council. (Although it should also be said that
it is not unknown for the Commission to use Council reins to the EU’s advantage: during negotiations it can
be helpful to say in response to an unwanted proposal, ‘the Council would never agree to that’.)

ratify, the regional assemblies representing the French- also for cooperation agreements that cover areas
speaking parts of Belgium. The very nature of EU trade for which unanimity is required for the adoption
policy processes was thus brought seriously into question of internal rules. Second, because cooperation and
with, in particular, doubts being expressed about whether association agreements have a broader coverage
major and complicated trade deals, such as those being than trade agreements, more policy actors – in the
negotiated with the US (in TTIP) and Japan, could in the Commission, Council, the EP and the European
future be viewed as constituting EU level-only processes. External Action Service (EEAS) (see below on the
Doubtless in the wake of the troubles in ratifying CETA, EEAS) – are necessarily involved. So, for example, if
procedures will have to be clarified to establish if, to what a CFSP element is included in an agreement the High
extent, and in what ways the EU has sole competence to Representative and the EEAS are amongst those
contract all types of trade agreements. with an involvement, as is the EP’s Foreign Affairs
Committee. Similarly, if an agreement includes a
*  *  * cultural cooperation element the Commissioner and
As for the making of cooperation and association the DG for Education and Culture, plus the EP’s
agreements, there are three ways in which their Education and Culture Committee, are amongst
decision-making processes differ from trade agree- the significant participatory actors. Third, the wider
ment decision-making processes. First, unanimity range of policy issues included in cooperation and
in the Council is more common, with it being a association agreements means there is more room
requirement for all association agreements and for cross-policy ‘trading’ and haggling between EU
External Policies | 393

Box 22.2 Continued

• Throughout the period of the negotiations with trading partners, the Commission must report regu-
larly to and consult the Council’s Trade Policy Committee. This committee is chaired by the rotating
Council Presidency and normally meets weekly to review, discuss, and make decisions on trade agree-
ments that come within the scope of Article 207 TFEU. The Committee meets at two main levels: full
members and deputies. At full members’ meetings, which are held at least once each month, national
‘teams’ are usually headed by senior officials from the national ministries responsible for trade and the
Commission ‘team’ is normally headed by the Director General of DG Trade. Full members’ meet-
ings usually focus on general trade issues, especially when these issues have reached an advanced or
political stage in particular negotiations. At deputy members’ meetings, which are held three times
a month, national ‘teams’ are composed of officials from either relevant national ministries or the
permanent representations in Brussels and the Commission is represented by officials from DG Trade.
Deputies’ meetings deal with detailed policy matters. The Trade Policy Committee, which sometimes
meets in other configurations to deal with particular aspects of trade policy – such as services, invest-
ment, and mutual recognition agreements – is supported by specialised subcommittees that deal with
particular topics.
• Since the Lisbon Treaty came into effect, the Commission must also report regularly to the EP
(in practice the Parliament’s International Trade Committee) on the progress of negotiations.
• During particularly difficult or important negotiations, the Commission may return to the Council
for clarification of the negotiating directive, or for an amended directive that might break a deadlock.
The Council’s Trade Policy Committee can adjust negotiating directives, but anything that is especially
sensitive or political is normally referred to COREPER and, if necessary, to the Foreign Affairs Council
(Trade) for further discussion. In any case, decisions taken by the Trade Policy Committees must always
be endorsed by COREPER and the Council before entering into effect.
• At the (apparent) conclusion of negotiations the Commission may initial negotiated settlements. But,
Council approval and EP consent is necessary before agreements can be formally authorised and signed.

actors. For example, the EP has long pressed the As with trade policy, the resources need to be har-
importance of the political dimensions – including nessed and used in an effective manner if the EU’s
human rights issues – of association and coopera- potential as a foreign policy actor is to be realised. The
tion agreements. TEU, under which all the treaty provisions regarding
foreign and defence policies fall, certainly obliges the
member states to try to act in common whenever pos-
sible. So, for example, Article 24 of the Post-Lisbon
Foreign and Defence TEU includes:
Policies Within the framework of the principles and
objectives of its external action, the Union shall
Resources and problems with conduct, define and implement a common
their usage foreign and security policy, based on the devel-
opment of mutual political solidarity among
Just as it has with trade policies, the EU has consider- Member States, the identification of questions
able resources at its disposal in respect of pursuing of general interest and the achievement of an
foreign and defence policies. The most important of ever-increasing degree of convergence of Member
these resources are set out in Box 22.3. States’ actions.
394 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

Box 22.3 Box 22.4

EU foreign and defence policy Obstacles preventing the EU

resources from being able to fully utilise its
potential foreign and defence policy
• The EU’s membership of 28 member states.
Some of these states – notably Germany, France, resources
Italy, Poland, Spain, and the UK – are, in global
terms, of at least middle-ranking size and status. • The EU is not a state and therefore does not
• Many EU member states, and increasingly the
EU itself, have extensive diplomatic experience
have the (usually) long-established ‘givens’
that help to focus national foreign policy. Most
and skills, and also special links with many parts notably, there is no national territory to protect
of the world. and no national political, economic, social and
• Two EU states – France and the UK – are
nuclear powers.
cultural interests to promote. The EU’s territory
does not ‘belong’ to it in the way national terri-
• Two EU states – again France and the UK –
occupy two of the five permanent seats on the
tory ‘belongs’ to member states, and the EU’s
political, economic, social and cultural interests
United Nations Security Council. are by no means clearly defined.
• The collective spending of the member states • Many member states, especially the larger ones
with long histories of being influential on the
on defence is second only to that of the USA
amongst the world’s powers. One result of EU world stage in their own right, are reluctant to
defence expenditure is that there are more full- lose control of policy areas that are so associated
time European troops than there are American. with national influence, sovereignty, and identity.
• The EU’s powerful economic and trading • Some member states traditionally have had
special relationships with particular parts of the
capacities are crucial, with international rela-
tions now less focused than they used to be world that they are anxious to maintain.
on ‘traditional’ political and military issues • There are sometimes differences between EU
states on foreign policy questions arising from
and much more focused on economic and
economic-related issues. such matters as geographical locations, conflict-
ing national needs (e.g. energy dependence),
and ideological orientations.

The Member States shall support the Union’s • Virtually all decisions, apart from some policy
implementing decisions, must be taken by
external and security policy actively and unreserv- consensus in the Council.
edly in a spirit of loyalty and mutual solidarity and
shall comply with the Union’s action in this area. • In the especially sensitive area of defence policy,
there are differing national perspectives on
The Member States shall work together to whether a distinctive, let alone a comprehensive,
enhance and develop their mutual solidarity. They European defence orientation and capacity is
shall refrain from any action which is contrary to desirable. This feeds into many specific policy
the interests of the Union or likely to impair its questions, including whether and to what extent
effectiveness as a cohesive force in international the defence resources of individual states should
relations. be matched and made mutually compatible.
The Council and the High Representative shall (As long as defence expenditure decisions are
ensure compliance with these principles. taken solely within a national framework, there
are naturally major problems at European level
But, notwithstanding this forceful language, the EU of duplications, of the non-inter-operability of
has considerable difficulty in maximising its potential by equipment, and of shortfalls in expensive and
acting in a united manner. With trade policy the EU is not sophisticated high-tech hardware.)
only able, but is obliged by treaty, to act in a wholly united
External Policies | 395

way, but with foreign and defence policies there are, as defence policy potential is thus unrealised. For this
Box 22.4 shows, many obstacles in the way of a joint and reason, the EU is often described as being a ‘civilian’
effective marshalling of potential power resources. or ‘soft’ international power, which means that whilst
There are thus many factors preventing the EU it exercises a significant influence on the world stage
from being as effective an international player in the in such areas as trade, finance, and the environment,
foreign and defence policy spheres as it is in the trade its contribution is relatively modest in the ‘tradi-
policy area. These factors include the nature and num- tional’ and ‘hard’ external policy areas of foreign and
ber of the many differences between member states, defence policy.
the close relationship between foreign and defence This said, however, the extent to which the EU is
policy with national sovereignty, and the requirement unable to use its foreign policy resources should not
that most foreign and defence policy decisions must be overstated as, with growing international inter-
be taken by consensus in the Council. On these last dependence, traditional foreign policy has become
two points, the continuing ultimate independence of increasingly enmeshed with soft external policies,
the member states in the foreign and defence policy including trade and aid. So, even where the seemingly
areas is no more clearly seen than in two declarations most traditional type of foreign policy differences with
on the common foreign and security policy that were other international actors exist, such as with Russia
attached to the Lisbon Treaty, extracts from which are following its annexation of Crimea in 2014, the EU
reproduced in Document 22.2. often has potentially powerful instruments to employ
Because of the difficulties of fully harnessing and in an attempt to exercise influence – in this case,
utilising resources, much of the EU’s foreign and mainly trade and other economic sanctions.

Document 22.2

Extracts from Declarations 13 and 14 of the Treaty on European Union

13 Declaration concerning the common foreign and security policy
The Conference underlines that the provisions in the Treaty on European Union covering the Common
Foreign and Security Policy, including the creation of the office of High Representative of the Union for
Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and the establishment of an External Action Service, do not affect the
responsibilities of the Member States, as they currently exist, for the formulation and conduct of their
foreign policy nor of their national representation in third countries and international organisations.
The Conference also recalls that the provisions governing the Common Security and Defence Policy do
not prejudice the specific character of the security and defence policy of the Member States …

14 Declaration concerning the common foreign and security policy

… the provisions covering the Common Foreign and Security Policy including in relation to the High
Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and the External Action Service will
not affect the existing legal basis, responsibilities, and powers of each Member State in relation to the
formulation and conduct of its foreign policy, its national diplomatic service, relations with third coun-
tries and participation in international organisations, including a Member State’s membership of the
Security Council of the United Nations.
The Conference also notes that the provisions covering the Common Foreign and Security Policy do not give
new powers to the Commission to initiate decisions nor do they increase the role of the European Parliament.
The Conference also recalls that the provisions governing the Common Security and Defence Policy do
not prejudice the specific character of the security and defence policy of the Member States.
396 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

The evolution of the EU’s foreign by the member states that the EU ought to be doing
rather more than issuing general and often anodyne
and defence policies declarations, or, very occasionally, imposing mild
Notwithstanding the many difficulties and obsta- economic sanctions against a state to indicate the EU’s
cles that characterise the foreign and defence pol- disapproval of a policy or action. Five factors have
icy areas, important and significant developments been especially important in stimulating this change.
have occurred within them since foreign policy was First, the ending of the Cold War and the col-
first launched under the name European Political lapse of communism in the Soviet bloc and the
Cooperation (EPC) in 1970. Although the foreign and Soviet Union transformed the nature of international
defence policy areas are, of course, closely entwined, power relationships. In particular: the international
they have tended to be developed within the EU in political context in which Europe found itself changed
somewhat separate ways, so the story of their evolu- dramatically, with a shift of focus from the global
tion will be taken separately here too. East–West dimension to regional issues and conflicts;
strategically, Europe was no longer squeezed between
two superpowers, with little choice but to ally itself to
Foreign policy
one – the USA – in a more-or-less subservient man-
Initially on a tentative basis, and quite outside the ner; and the bases of power relationships altered, with
framework of the Community Treaties, in the 1970s nuclear and military capacity becoming less impor-
and 1980s the member states increasingly cooperated tant and economic strength and geographical posi-
with one another on foreign policy matters – to such tion becoming more important. In this ‘new’ world,
an extent that by the mid-1980s there were few major in which international relations have become more
international issues upon which the EC did not pro- fluid and the nature and future development of the
nounce. The developing importance of foreign policy European continent has been far from clear, the EU
cooperation was recognised when EPC was accorded countries naturally have increasingly looked to play
its own section – Title III – in the SEA. However, a leading part in guiding and managing events. In so
unlike certain other policy areas that were also recog- doing, they have been given encouragement by the
nised in the SEA, Title III was not incorporated into USA which, though sometimes troubled when the EU
the EEC Treaty. This was mainly because the member has been seen to be acting too independently, has been
states were unwilling to allow the normal Community anxious to lighten some of its international and, more
decision-making processes to apply to foreign policy. especially some of its European, commitments.
As a result, EPC continued to be – in a manner that Second, German reunification increased the pres-
echoes to the present day – much looser and more sure for there to be an EU foreign and security
voluntaristic in nature than most other policy areas policy EU framework within which Germany is clearly
with which the Community concerned itself. No laws located and to which it is firmly attached. The much-
were made within EPC, most decisions were arrived at quoted determination of EU leaders, not least German
by consensus, and no state could be prevented from leaders themselves, in the early 1990s to ensure there
engaging in independent action if it so chose. is a European Germany rather than a German Europe,
But although the SEA signalled the increasing has been seen by many as needing to apply not only to
importance of EU foreign policy and facilitated its economic policies but also to foreign and security pol-
further development, until the early 1990s the EU’s icies given the sensitivities associated with Germany’s
international standing continued to be very much past and the actual and potential political turbulence
that of an economic giant on the one hand and of a to Germany’s east and south.
political pygmy on the other. That is to say, it exer- Third, the EU’s responses to the post-1991 break-
cised considerable international influence in respect of up of Yugoslavia and the subsequent hostilities in the
economic, and especially trade, matters, but its voice Balkans were widely recognised as being inadequately
did not count for a great deal in respect of political prepared, developed and mobilised. EU states contrib-
and, more particularly, security and defence matters. uted in various ways and through various forums to
Since the early 1990s, however, this situation has been policy formulation and the setting up of peacekeeping
changing as it has come to be increasingly accepted and humanitarian operations, but there was no clear,
External Policies | 397

consistent, or coordinated EU response to the situation. and humanitarian assistance – incorporated into
What leadership was provided to deal with the turbu- the TEU; the Maastricht-inserted reference to ‘the
lence in the Balkans came mainly from the USA. In eventual framing of a common defence policy’
partial reaction to this ‘failure’, the security and defence was upgraded to ‘the progressive framing of a
aspects of EU foreign policy have been considerably common defence policy’; and support mechanisms
developed, though not the EU’s military capability. were strengthened with the creation within the
Fourth, since the 1990–91 Gulf War it has been Council of a CFSP High Representative and a
demonstrated on several occasions that EU foreign Policy Planning and Early Warning Unit.
policy will always be restricted in its effectiveness if • The Nice Treaty further strengthened the poten-
it is kept too apart from security and defence policy. tial of CFSP, principally by enabling enhanced
The coordination of diplomatic action and the impo- cooperation – which had been provided for under
sition of economic sanctions are all very well, but the Amsterdam Treaty to enable member states
they clearly have limitations. Events in North Africa to go forward with an initiative that not all states
(especially the 2011 uprising in Libya), in the Middle supported – to be used for the implementation of
East (especially the civil war in Syria from 2012), and CFSP joint actions and common positions that do
the Russian incursions in Eastern Ukraine from 2014 not have military or defence implications.
– in none of which has the EU been able to intervene, • The Lisbon Treaty sought to give foreign policy
or threaten to intervene, in a military manner – have a greater coherence, in particular by replacing the
amply shown this weakness. two existing main foreign policy posts – of High
Fifth, and in response to the factors just identified, Representative for the CFSP and Commissioner for
starting from the base created by the SEA, treaties External Relations – with a single post of High
have provided for significant advances in foreign and Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and
security policy cooperation, albeit on a basis that has Security Policy, and by providing for the creation of,
maintained its essentially intergovernmental nature. with the EEAS, an institution that looked something
The relevant contents of the treaties were set out in like an EU Foreign Ministry. (On both the post-
Part II, so only a brief summary of the most salient Lisbon High Representative and the EEAS, see below.)
points will be given here:
The various factors that have just been identified
• The Maastricht Treaty provided for a Common have enabled the CFSP to be greatly developed since
Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) to constitute it was initiated in the early 1970s. The extent of the
the EU’s second pillar. The key elements of the development should not, however, be exaggerated, for
pillar were: (1) the general objectives of the CFSP, there cannot yet be said to be a coherent and cohesive
to which member states were expected to conform, EU foreign policy based on a united political strategy
were identified; (2) the pillar rested on an intergov- that stems from shared understandings of what the
ernmental decision-making base, with decisions EU’s foreign policy interests and priorities are and
to be taken by unanimity; and (3) the CFSP was should be. It is also the case that for some member
to include security issues, ‘including the eventual states, especially ‘the big three’ – France, Germany,
framing of a common defence policy, which might and the UK – EU foreign policy is not necessarily seen
in time lead to a common defence’. as taking precedence over national foreign policy.
• The Amsterdam Treaty strengthened the Maastricht Indeed, EU foreign policy is sometimes viewed, and
provisions in a number of ways. In particular: also used, as a sort of ‘top-up’ to national foreign pol-
QMV became possible for some policy implemen- icy: an additional mechanism for furthering national
tation decisions; a ‘constructive abstention’ device interests, and sometimes a useful framework for
was introduced, allowing a state not to apply a deci- allowing the EU to deal with issues (such as human
sion that otherwise bound the EU; security policy rights violations in economically important coun-
was advanced a little, with the Petersberg Tasks – tries) that states prefer not to manage themselves.
which were first identified at a 1992 Western However, these reservations notwithstanding, a
European Union (WEU) conference and which foreign policy of sorts certainly exists. Its nature will
are focused on crisis management, peace-keeping be further examined later in the chapter.
398 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

Defence policy a different stance towards conflicts than the USA, but
would be unable to do so; and the EU manifestly did
Security and defence policies have been a particu- not have the rapid and efficient decision-making pro-
larly difficult area in which to develop EU inter-state cesses that the management of conflicts require.
cooperation, let alone integration. One reason why The big defence policy ‘breakthrough’ came in
they have been so is that security and defence are December 1998 when, at a Franco-British summit
closely associated with the very essence of national in St Malo, the two countries that had been almost
sovereignty. Another reason is the different security at opposite ends of the debate about European and
and defence capabilities of the member states. A third American orientations in foreign and defence policy,
reason is the varying degrees of willingness by the signalled a convergence in their positions by calling
member states to use armed force when pressed. And for the creation of a clearer and stronger EU security
a fourth reason is differences between member states capability within the NATO framework. The principal
regarding their attitudes and degrees of commitment significance of St Malo was that not only did the UK
to the various security/defence organisations that end its opposition to defence policy being considered
exist in the modern world. On this last point, NATO in the EU context, but it made clear its intention to
and the transatlantic relationship have been especially play a leading role in developing the policy sphere.
problematical, with six EU states not being NATO The references to security and defence in the TEU
members (Austria, Cyprus, Finland, Ireland, Malta, could thus start to be given some real effect.
and Sweden) and with a range of opinion existing After St Malo, EU security and defence policies
amongst the EU states as to how tightly Europe should advanced in a number of ways (see pp. 381–3 of the
be tied in with the USA. Of the large member states, seventh edition of this book for details). In particular:
the UK has taken the most pro-USA position, whilst a clear emphasis was placed on conflict prevention
France has been the most reticent and the most force- and crisis management as the core tasks; provision was
ful champion of European independence. made for the creation of a ‘headline goal’ European
However, notwithstanding these difficulties, the EU Rapid Reaction Force of 50,000–60,000 persons capa-
did, as was shown above, begin to engage with security ble of being rapidly deployed (in practice, it has not
and defence policies from the early 1990s, albeit initially been created); provision was also made for rapid reac-
somewhat tentatively. The engagement was occasioned tion ‘battle groups’, made up normally of around 1,500
largely by Europe’s fragmented and hesitant responses personnel from three or four states (in practice, whilst
to the conflicts in the Gulf and then the break-up of some battle groups have been created, none have been
Yugoslavia, where it showed itself to be capable of con- deployed); and from 2003 CSDP missions of various
tributing to post-war stabilisation and reconstruction sorts began to be created for the purpose of undertak-
but only marginally to military intervention during ing Petersberg-focused operations (see Box 22.5).
hostilities. Towards the end of the 1990s, the continu- As a further ‘contribution’ to the policy advance-
ing turbulence in the Balkans, and especially the crisis ment, the Lisbon Treaty:
in Kosovo, displayed Europe’s weaknesses and reliance
on the political will and military assets of the USA in 1 introduced a – qualified and hedged – mutual
a particularly stark manner and fully brought out the defence clause, under which if a member state is
need for a greater European independent capability in the victim of armed attack on its territory the other
relation to security operations. member states are obliged to provide it with assis-
The conflicts in the Balkans were instrumental tance, subject to conditions;
in producing pressures from the USA for more bur- 2 accorded security and defence policy its own
den-sharing by Europeans. They also resulted in the section in the TEU, whilst emphasising that it is an
Europeans being increasingly obliged to face the unsat- integral part of the CFSP;
isfactory features of their military position: as long as 3 symbolically re-named the policy area, which had
the EU lacked an effective military operational capabil- come to be collectively known since the Helsinki
ity, the USA would take the policy lead in dealing with summit as the European Security and Defence
conflicts on the continent of Europe; there might be Policy (ESDP), the Common Security and Defence
circumstances in which the EU would wish to adopt Policy (CSDP).
External Policies | 399

Box 22.5

Core features of the Common Security and Defence Policy

• The CSDP is limited in its security aims to the Petersberg Tasks, broadly defined. ‘Traditional’ defence is
left to NATO or national efforts.
• Petersberg-related tasks are undertaken by CSDP missions and operations, which vary greatly in their
focus, their compositions, and their sizes. Most missions employ a staff number of between 500 and
5,000 personnel. Since the first mission in 2003, over 30 have been deployed. In mid-2016, 16 CSDP
missions were operational, including the EU Border Assistance Mission (EUBAM) in Libya, the EU
Military Advisory Mission in the Central African Republic (EUMAM RCA), and the EU Advisory
Mission (EUAM) in Ukraine.
• The CSDP is firmly located within NATO and the transatlantic alliance. The EU will act ‘autonomously’
only when NATO chooses not to act.
• The main decision-making processes of the CSDP are intergovernmental. This is no more clearly
demonstrated than by it being left entirely to national governments to decide to which, if any, EU civil-
ian and military missions they will contribute, by how much, and in what ways.
• There is not, nor is there to be, a European army. Certainly the battle groups are capable of being mobi-
lised by autonomous European action, they do have a European command chain, and they do draw on
European military resources. However, they are not standing forces, each country retains control over the
number and deployment of its troops, and there is no common uniform. Battle groups are best thought
of as a mechanism for allowing troops to be called up to undertake military-based fire-fighting operations.
(In practice, although over 30 battle groups had been constituted by mid-2016, none had been deployed.)
• The CSDP project is open in that the EU wishes to receive contributions from non-EU NATO members
and from EU applicant states.

An important aspect of the policy advancement of these tasks may contribute to the fight against
that has been underway in the 2000s is that an increas- terrorism, including by supporting third coun-
ingly broad view has been taken of what is necessary if tries in combating terrorism in their territories.
the EU is to have effective security and defence poli- (Article 43:1 TEU)
cies. The broadening is reflected in the increasingly
diverse range of CSDP missions the EU has in the However, extensive though the advancement of
field, virtually all of which are staffed mainly by a vari- security and defence policy advancement has been,
ety of civilian, police, and technical experts rather than it should not be overstated. As Box 22.5 shows,
military personnel. It is reflected also in the Lisbon much of it has been firmly framed within a number
version of the TEU which, codifying what the EU had of enduring and core features, of which the most
increasingly been doing in practice, gives an expansive important are a clear intergovernmental base, a com-
interpretation of the Petersberg Tasks by stating that mitment to the Atlantic Alliance, and a limitation
the tasks in which the Union may use civilian and on the sort of operational tasks in which the EU will
military means shall include: engage. Member states periodically issue and dis-
cuss proposals for further reinforcing solidarity and
joint disarmament operations, humanitarian and improving capability, as in September 2016 when
rescue tasks, military advice and assistance tasks, Germany and France set out plans for closer EU
conflict prevention and peace-keeping tasks, tasks defence cooperation, including for a new command
of combat forces in crisis management, including centre involving the sharing of specified resources
peace-making and post-conflict stabilisation. All and tasks. But though such proposals usually meet
400 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

with support from some member states and thereby Policy aims
offer the opportunity for ‘permanent structured
cooperation’ (created by the Lisbon Treaty to enable Having established that the EU has considerable
more militarily capable states to cooperate on speci- resources at its disposal in the foreign and defence pol-
fied CSDP matters if they so choose), in the event icy spheres, and having established also that the policy
only limited advancement of cooperation tends to be areas have – notwithstanding the many obstacles in
made – not least because many states have reserva- their way – developed considerably since their origins
tions of various kinds. in EPC, attention is now turned in this and the next
section to the aims of the policies and the instruments
*  *  * that are available to try and give them effect.
A useful way of thinking of just how far EU security The first thing to be said about the aims is that
and defence policies have developed ‘in the field’ is to those of the CFSP and the CSDP are, of course, one
distinguish between three types or levels of policy. and the same since the CSDP is, in effect, an opera-
tional arm of the CFSP. The overall policy aims of the
• Soft security policy focuses on the promotion of CFSP are based on a number of general guiding prin-
peace and security and uses non-military tools for ciples that are set out in Article 21 of the post-Lisbon
this purpose. Examples of EU soft security devices TEU, which is reproduced in Document 22.3.
include, at a general level, the EU enlargement As specified in Article 21 TEU, the EU thus has a
process, and at a more specific level the Regional number of foreign policy goals, at the heart of which
Cooperation Process (for South Eastern Europe) in are such ‘worthy’ intentions as promoting peace,
which a range of trade, aid, and political coopera- democracy, liberty, and human rights. The TEU does,
tion instruments feature. The appointment of EU of course, identify policy aims only in very general
‘special representatives’ (of which there are nine at terms and it is left to policy documents and policy
the time of writing) to address problems in trouble actors to develop more specific aims and objectives
spots may also be regarded as essentially soft policy and to specify the precise nature of policy instruments
instruments. Amongst locations in which such EU and the circumstances in which they should be used.
representatives have been appointed in recent years Particularly important documents in this respect
are the Balkans, Afghanistan, the Middle East, and have been a European security strategy issued in 2003
the Horn of Africa. entitled A Secure Europe in a Better World (European
• Hard security policy involves being prepared to Council, 2003b), and a global strategy issued in 2016
use a capability, including a military capabil- entitled Shared Vision, Common Action (Mogherini,
ity, for such purposes as conflict resolution, 2016). Particularly important policy actors have been
peace-keeping, and peace monitoring. These are the European Council, the Foreign Affairs Council,
precisely the sort of operations that make up the and the High Representative.
Petersberg Tasks and to which CSDP missions Although it is not explicitly mentioned in the
and battle groups can be deployed (see Box 22.5). Treaty, a particular focus of EU foreign policy is
However, in practice, no battle groups have been cultivating cooperative and stable relations with, and
deployed, whilst most of the missions that have promoting ‘western’ democratic values and practices
been created are mainly not at the ‘hard’ end of in, neighbouring states to the south and east. As such,
security operations and consist largely of non- enlargement policy – which, as Chapter 5 showed,
military personnel who assist with such tasks as makes much of the political conditions states wishing
establishing law and order, building independent to accede to the EU must meet – is a key foreign policy
and effective police forces and judiciaries, and focus. So too is the European Neighbourhood Policy
institution-building. (ENP), which was launched in March 2003 with the
• Defence policy, as traditionally understood, has at aim of developing ‘a zone of prosperity and a friendly
its core using military force, if necessary offen- neighbourhood – a “ring of friends” – with whom
sively, for the defence of territory and for ‘high the EU enjoys, close, peaceful and co-operative rela-
security’ reasons. The EU is not involved in using tions’ (European Commission, 2003). The ENP was
and is not seeking such a capability. not started from scratch but rather built on existing
External Policies | 401

Document 22.3

Article 21 of the Treaty on European Union (on the principles guiding its
external relations)
1 T he Union’s action on the international scene shall be guided by the principles which have inspired its
own creation, development and enlargement, and which it seeks to advance in the wider world: democ-
racy, the rule of law, the universality and indivisibility of human rights and fundamental freedoms,
respect for human dignity, the principles of equality and solidarity, and respect for the principles of
the United Nations Charter and international law.
The Union shall seek to develop relations and build partnerships with third countries, and international,
regional or global organisations which share the principles referred to in the first subparagraph. It shall
promote multilateral solutions to common problems, in particular in the framework of the United Nations.
2 The Union shall define and pursue common policies and actions, and shall work for a high degree of
cooperation in all fields of international relations, in order to:
a) safeguard its values, fundamental interests, security, independence and integrity;
b) consolidate and support democracy, the rule of law, human rights and the principles of interna-
tional law;
c) preserve peace, prevent conflicts and strengthen international security, in accordance with the
purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, with the principles of the Helsinki Final
Act and with the aims of the Charter of Paris, including those relating to external borders;
d) foster the sustainable economic, social and environmental development of developing countries,
with the primary aim of eradicating poverty;
e) encourage the integration of all countries into the world economy, including through the progres-
sive abolition of restrictions on international trade;
f) help develop international measures to preserve and improve the quality of the environment and the
sustainable management of global natural resources, in order to ensure sustainable development;
g) assist populations, countries and regions confronting natural or man-made disasters; and
h) promote an international system based on stronger multilateral cooperation and good global
3 The Union shall ensure consistency between the different areas of its external action and between these
and its other policies. The Council and the Commission, assisted by the High Representative of the Union
for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy shall ensure that consistency and shall cooperate to that effect.

bilateral relations between the EU and mainly former resulted in it, in effect, being sub-divided into two
Soviet states to the east and north African and Middle more regionally directed initiatives: the Union for the
Eastern states to the south and south east. As such, Mediterranean, which was launched in 2008, and the
action plans – covering mainly trade, aid, and political Eastern Partnership, which was launched in 2009.
and cultural cooperation – have been negotiated with The ENP was launched at a time when the notion of
ENP states on individual bases, rather than collectively the EU being surrounded by a ‘ring of friends’ was real-
as part of an overall ENP action programme. The istic, but in recent years it has looked more like a ‘ring
aim of the ENP has been to place the EU’s bilateral of fire’, with the collapse of ‘the Arab Spring’ to the
relations with its neighbours within a more coher- south, the Russian intervention in Ukraine to the east,
ent and ordered framework. However, concerns that and, slightly further away, the turbulence in the Middle
the ENP focus has been too broad to be effective has East. The reality is that the EU’s (still remaining) hopes
402 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

that neighbouring states can be ‘westernised’ have not TEU and TFEU), the EU has many potential policy
been realised, with many of them having displayed a instruments at its disposal for use in specific situations:
deep aversion to reform. The EU has reacted to this
and to related increasing concerns about migration, • It can adopt actions and positions on the basis of
the threat of international terrorism, and external Article 25 (b): (i) and (ii).
turbulence with an upgrading of the importance it • It can use diplomatic channels to exert political
attaches to stabilisation in the neighbourhood. In pressure: there are few significant foreign policy
the words of a 2015 joint communication from the issues upon which an EU statement or declaration
Commission and the High Representative setting out is not issued.
the bases of a ‘new’ ENP: ‘In the next three to five years, • It can, especially in its relations with less developed
the most urgent challenge in many parts of the neigh- states and states with which it has association or
bourhood is stabilisation’ (European Commission and cooperation agreements, make use – in both ‘offer-
High Representative, 2015: 3). ing’ and ‘withdrawing’ ways – of trade benefits,
More broadly, as the 2016 global strategy docu- economic and financial assistance, and technical,
ment shows, this increased emphasis on European scientific, cultural and other forms of cooperation.
stabilisation reflects something of a downgrading of The use of these types of instrument involves the
the (largely unsuccessful) values-based foreign policy CFSP ‘using’ the economic strength of the EU.
approach and a move in the direction of realism. • It can, as was noted above in the account of the devel-
‘Principled pragmatism will guide our external action opment of EU defence policy, utilise its growing capa-
in the years ahead’ (Mogherini, 2016: 8). In this con- bility in putting together civilian, police, and military
text, five priorities have been identified: enhancement missions. However, a military capability is only avail-
of the security of the Union; investing in state and able for very restricted purposes. Furthermore, there
societal resilience to the East and the South; promot- are, for the reasons that are set out in Box 22.6, major
ing an integrated approach to conflicts; supporting obstacles in the way of the capability being much
cooperative regional orders; and assisting with the further developed on an EU-wide basis.
development of a global order based on sound govern-
ance principles (Mogherini, 2016: 9–10).
Examples of foreign policy in
Policy instruments
Much of EU foreign policy is, by its very nature, con-
On the basis of Article 25 of the TEU (see Document ducted on an ongoing basis in incremental, informal,
22.4) and also of a number of other treaty articles (both unrecorded, and diplomatic ways. Its exercise is thus

Document 22.4

Article 25 of the Treaty on European Union (setting out the means by

which the Union shall conduct the CFSP)
The Union shall conduct the common foreign and security policy by:
a) defining the general guidelines;
b) adopting decisions defining:
(i) actions to be undertaken by the Union;
(ii) positions to be taken by the Union;
(iii) arrangements for the implementation of the decisions referred to in points (i) and (ii); and by
c) strengthening systematic cooperation between Member States in the conduct of policy.
External Policies | 403

Box 22.6

Obstacles to the EU developing a fully fledged security and defence policy

• A number of member states, especially those with a tradition of neutrality or semi-neutrality, are – for
ideological and historical reasons – reluctant to overdevelop security and defence policies.
• Security and defence policies raises sovereignty concerns for virtually all member states.
• Security and defence issues still sometimes divide member states in terms of both ends and means. This
was demonstrated most dramatically in 2003 when the EU split over the US-led invasion of Iraq: the
UK, Denmark, Italy, Spain, and most of the (soon-to-become EU members) CEECs were prominent in
supporting the invasion, whilst France, Germany, Belgium, and Finland were prominent in opposing it.
• Many member states see no need to take EU security and defence policies too far given that other defence
options are available to them. The most obvious of these options is NATO, to which most EU states belong.
There is little desire to downgrade NATO’s role or to loosen the EU’s bonds with the USA. Additional
security and defence options include the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE),
which has been active in the Balkans, and the ad hoc coalitions of ‘the willing and able’ that are constituted
from time to time – such as France and the UK cooperating in the bombing of Libya in 2011.
• Without significantly higher levels of expenditure on security and defence, the EU will continue to be
heavily reliant on NATO/the USA for such key military resources as satellite technology, heavy airlift,
logistical support, and some armaments. Within the EU a variety of means are being used to enhance the
capacity of European security and defence – including work by the European Defence Agency (which was
established in 2004) to improve the availability, mobility and deployability of forces, the interoperability
of equipment, and the procurement of munitions – but the reality is that there is no immediate prospect
of the EU being able, let along willing, to embark on a major military campaign without US assistance.

often not recognised. EU foreign policy is also often taken to normalise relations between the two. The
not recognised because it is inextricably linked with key reason for the EU’s success was that the regu-
trade and development policy and is heavily reliant on larisation of relations between Serbia and Kosovo
their policy instruments. was made conditional for the opening of member-
It will, therefore, be useful to cite here a few exam- ship negotiations with Serbia and the opening of
ples of external policies that clearly have been shaped accession agreement talks with Kosovo.
and driven largely by foreign policy considerations. • Following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991,
the EU sought cooperation with Russia and vice
• After Kosovo declared independence from Serbia versa. However, though some progress was made
in 2008, relations between the two were tense. over the years in achieving this, primarily via
The former pressed for international recognition improved commercial relations, a running prob-
whilst the latter insisted that Kosovo remained lem always was, as Forsberg and Haukkala (2016: 1)
part of Serbia. EU mediation ensued, even though have put it, differences between the EU and Russia
five member states – Cyprus, Greece, Romania, on whose terms the cooperation should be carried
Slovakia, and Spain – for a mixture of reasons, out. In an attempt to give the cooperation a boost,
including empathy with Serbia and not wanting to the EU’s language was upgraded at a summit
encourage ethnic-based pressures for separateness, between President Putin and the Presidents of
were refusing to officially recognise Kosovo as an the European Council and the Commission in
independent state. The mediation was successful in January 2014 when the two EU Presidents talked
that between 2013 and 2015 a series of steps were of the prospect of free trade from the Atlantic to
404 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

the Pacific and of a common economic space from the CFSP as it has in relation to most other policy
Lisbon to Vladivostok. This was, however, to no areas and also that the jurisdiction of the EU’s
avail, when Russia, annoyed with its very limited courts has not extended to the CFSP.
success in creating a Eurasian Economic Union • They are intergovernmentally based. CFSP processes
(EEU) and Ukraine’s ‘turn to the West’, annexed have not been so subject to the ‘supranational drift’
the Crimea in March 2014 and began militarily that has characterised other policy areas, where
intervening in eastern Ukraine. In reaction, the unanimous decision-making in the Council has
EU imposed economic sanctions on Russia which, generally been replaced by the availability of QMV
though they continue to date, have been the cause and where the EP has moved from a position of
of internal differences between member states. adviser to co-decision maker. Some QMV is now
Amongst the member states least favourable to available in the Council for CFSP matters, but
stiff sanctions have been Spain, Cyprus, Greece, not for significant policy-making decisions, and
Hungary, and Italy. though the role of the EP has been advanced it is
• The EU was a leading participant (with the USA) in still largely restricted to a consultative role only.
the negotiations that led in 2015 to Iran halting its • They rest on extensive inter-state consultations. Whilst
nuclear development programme ‘in exchange’ for virtually all EU policy activity involves extensive
the lifting of economic sanctions against it. consultations between representatives of the member
• As noted above (see Box 22.5), the EU has deployed states and relevant EU-level practitioners, CFSP
over 30 CSDP missions and operations. Most of policy processes are particularly centred on an inten-
these have been civilian or civilian-dominated, but a sive network of consultative arrangements. There are
few have had significant military dimensions, includ- almost constant contacts and rounds of meetings at
ing anti-piracy operations near the Somali coast and political and official level, mostly designed to try and
military training missions in Mali and Niger. ensure there is a maximum information flow and
as much cooperative activity as possible. In these
As these varied examples show, the EU thus has ongoing contacts and meetings, policy options and
a highly active foreign policy. It does not however, possibilities are discussed, and what is feasible and by
involve hard security policy aims or instruments, what means normally gradually emerges.
as the EU’s absence from military intervention or • They have their own institutions. Since the
involvement in such troubled neighbouring states as Amsterdam Treaty the CFSP has had, with the High
Libya, Syria, and Ukraine demonstrate. Representative, its own distinctive institutional
position. This position was considerably revamped
and strengthened by the Lisbon Treaty, which gave
Policy processes the CFSP an administrative base separate from the
Commission and the Council – with the creation
Because of the politically sensitive nature of much of the European External Action Service (EEAS).
of their policy content, CFSP/CSDP policy processes
have never been part of the EU policy process ‘main- The roles and powers of the CFSP’s main insti-
stream’. (Because CFSP/CSDP processes are, for the tutional actors, and how they interact with one
most part, one and the same, to avoid possible confu- another in CFSP policy-making processes, will now be
sion only CFSP will be used below.) Rather, the pro- described. Figure 22.1 outlines the main processes in
cesses display four distinctive features: diagrammatic form.

• They are separately provided for in the treaties. The European Council
Throughout the rounds of treaty reform that began
with the SEA, CFSP processes have not been placed Article 26 of the TEU – most of which is reproduced
within the TEC – now TFEU. In the SEA itself they in Document 11.4 on p. 197 – states that:
were ‘self-standing’ and since the Maastricht Treaty
they have been located within the TEU. This has The European Council shall identify the Union’s
meant, amongst other things, that the role of the strategic interests, determine the objectives of and
Commission has never been as strong in relation to define general guidelines for the common foreign
External Policies | 405

European Council

Foreign Affairs High Representative European Commission

Council (chaired by - HR is a Vice-President
HR) - Foreign Policy Instruments
Political and
Security Committee
European External Action Service* Military Committee

Africa Americas Human Rights, Civilian Planning Crisis European

Global, and and Conduct Management Union Military
Multicultural Issues Capability and Planning Staff (EUMS)

* The EEAS has a complex hierarchy and internal structure. Only a few of its organisational units are indicated here.

Figure 22.1 Principal features of CFSP and CSDP decision-making structures

and security policy, including for matters with meetings which bring together representatives of the
defence implications. member states. In ‘descending’ hierarchical order, the
nature of the tiered structure is as follows:
Working through and with the Foreign Affairs
Council and the High Representative, the European • The Foreign Affairs Council. Prior to the Lisbon
Council is thus responsible for the overall direction Treaty coming into effect, Foreign Ministers met in
of the CFSP. In practice, how closely the European the General Affairs and External Relations Council
Council becomes involved in this depends in large part (GAERC). However, as part of the Treaty’s attempt
on the interests and priorities of its President and his to strengthen the CFSP’s institutional base, a sepa-
relations with the President of the Commission and rate Foreign Affairs Council was created. It meets
the High Representative. The first President, Herman about once a month, with Defence Ministers also
Van Rompuy, did not become much involved, partly attending when appropriate and with additional
because he was largely preoccupied with the eurozone meetings being convened when necessary. In addi-
crisis. His successor, Donald Tusk, has seemingly been tion to formal Council meetings, informal weekend
a more active participant. gatherings are periodically held.
In addition to laying down guiding principles, This formation of the Council also covers CCP
the European Council also commonly pronounces (trade) issues. Agendas are therefore organised
on, and if necessary decides on actions in relation to, in such a way that CFSP and CCP items are kept
important foreign policy issues of current concern. So, separate as far as possible, so that foreign ministers
for example, amongst issues considered at meetings in do not (normally) have to deal with CCP agenda
2015 and 2016 were Syria, Libya, Russia/Ukraine, and items and trade ministers do not have to handle
the European Neighbourhood Policy. CFSP items.
The Foreign Affairs Council is chaired by the
High Representative except for trade issues where,
The Council
like other formations of the Council, the chair is
The Council is at the very heart of CFSP processes. taken on a rotating basis by the member state hold-
Most of its work is channelled via a tiered structure of ing the Council Presidency.
406 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

The Foreign Affairs Council is the main deci- commits the Union and it must ‘refrain from any
sion-making body of the CFSP. Operating within action that might conflict with or impede Union
the context of such general policy guidelines as action’.
have been issued by the European Council, it • The Committee of Permanent Representatives
makes, or for routine matters formalises, most (COREPER). As was explained in Chapter10,
CFSP decisions. For new and politically impor- COREPER is composed of the Permanent
tant decisions unanimity is the ‘default’ decision- Representatives of the member states to the EU.
making requirement, but for operational matters It meets in two formations – COREPER I (Deputy
involving the adoption of Union positions, actions Permanent Representatives and COREPER II
and decisions QMV is normally available, though (Permanent Representatives). CFSP matters are
with the proviso that no vote can be taken if a dealt with by COREPER II. The Commission is
member state objects ‘for vital and stated reasons usually represented at COREPER II meetings by
of national policy’. In such circumstances, the the High Representative or her representative.
High Representative searches for a solution accept- Meeting weekly, COREPER II acts on CFSP
able to the member state and if this is not possible matters primarily as a transmission and filter-
the matter may be referred by the Council, acting ing agency between the Political and Security
by QMV, to the European Council for a decision Committee on the one hand (whose decisions it
by unanimity. Another option for a state that is can discuss, but not change) and the Foreign Affairs
uneasy about a proposed decision is to abstain and Council on the other.
to accompany its abstention with a formal declara- • The Political and Security Committee (PSC, which
tion. If it does this, it is not obliged to apply the is often referred to by its French acronym of
decision, though it must accept that the decision COPS – for Comité Politique et Securité) was created

Photo 22.1 A meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council, 16 November 2015

External Policies | 407

in 2000/01 as part of new structural arrangements Asia; some deal with themes, for example, disar-
to handle the ESDP. The PSC is chaired by a mament, and human rights; and some deal with
representative of the High Representative and its operational matters, for example EU representa-
membership consists of officials at ‘senior/ambas- tions in third countries and the performances of
sadorial level’ from the member states’ Permanent CSDP missions.
Representations to the EU in Brussels. From time to
time the PSC meets at the level of Political Directors
The High Representative of the Union for
(who are very senior officials based in national
Foreign Ministries) – though the Directors gather Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
periodically on an informal basis in any event. The Amsterdam Treaty created a new position of
The PSC is in many ways the ‘lynch-pin’ of the High Representative for the CFSP. The position was
CFSP. It meets normally twice a week to exercise a created partly for the purpose of raising the profile of
number of key responsibilities, including keeping EU foreign policy by giving it a human face and partly
track of the international situation as it concerns to strengthen the capacity of the EU to achieve coop-
the CFSP, assisting with the definition of CFSP eration between the member states on foreign policy
policies, providing political direction on the devel- matters. So as to ensure that the post would command
opment of military capabilities and on dealing with respect and be high profile, Javier Solana, the Secretary
crisis situations, and monitoring the implementa- General of NATO, was appointed to be the first (and,
tion of agreed policies. as it turned out, the only) occupant of the position.
The PSC has been involved in some mild insti- However, although Solana was quickly seen to
tutional rivalry with COREPER, with both bodies be doing a good job, institutional limitations of his
displaying a willingness to assert themselves. Turf post soon became apparent. Three limitations were
battles have, however, always been contained, on especially important. First, the Commission contin-
the basis of the PSC recognising that its communi- ued to have an External Relations Commissioner,
cations with the ministers must be channelled via which inevitably resulted in uncertainties regarding
COREPER and COREPER accepting that it does the leadership positions and the responsibilities of the
not interfere too much with the PSC’s decisions. Commissioner and the High Representative. Second,
The PSC is supported by a number of specialised the GAERC continued to be chaired by the Foreign
committees and groups, including: Minister of the state holding the Council Presidency,
• The Correspondents’ Group. Composed of those which further compounded leadership and responsi-
officials who are responsible for the coordination of bility questions. Third, the High Representative had
CFSP inside Foreign Ministries, and with the EEAS no significant independent powers: he was very much
in attendance, the Correspondents’ Group meets at the servant of the national Heads of Government
least once a month. As well as acting as a key liaising (in the European Council) and the national Foreign
mechanism between Foreign Ministries, it regularly Ministers (in the GAERC).
deals with business coming up from the working In an at attempt to tackle these problems, the
groups with which the PSC does not have the time or governments of the member states included in the
the inclination to deal. Correspondents are respon- Constitutional Treaty what amounted to a merging of
sible for much of the day-to-day liaison between the the posts of High Representative and Commissioner
Foreign Ministries of the member states. for External Relations into a single post, which they
• Working groups. There are usually around 30 or titled Union Minister for Foreign Affairs. Designed to
so working groups in existence, most of which are give CFSP a more visible ‘human face’, this new post
permanent but a few of which are ad hoc. A total of was retained in the Lisbon Treaty but, for reasons
between 250 and 300 working group meetings are that were explained in Chapter 7, the symbolically
held each year. The groups are composed of senior charged title – which in popular parlance was quickly
diplomats – often departmental heads – from the shortened to EU Foreign Minister – was dropped and
member states, plus the EEAS. Some working replaced with the more cumbersome title of High
groups deal with regions, for example the Middle Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and
East, Central and South America, and South-East Security Policy.
408 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

The High Representative’s institutional position appointed to date: the first, in 2009, was the UK Trade
is complex, with the incumbent having a base in Commissioner, Catherine Ashton; the second, in 2014,
the Commission, the Council and the EEAS: she is was the Italian Foreign Minister, Federica Mogherini.
a member and a Vice-President of the College of Regarding the powers of the High Representative,
Commissioners and is, in effect, the Commissioner the Lisbon Treaty did not advance these much beyond
for External Relations (and, as such, chairs the group the powers of the High Representative position that
of external relations Commissioners – see Chapter 9); Solana had held. The relevant articles of the TEU
she chairs the Foreign Affairs Council, other than are studded with phrases such as: ‘The common and
when trade items are on the agenda; and she is the security policy shall be put into effect by the High
head of the EEAS. Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and
This complex position is paralleled by an almost Security Policy and by Member States, in accordance
comparably complex appointment process. The with the Treaties’ (Article 24); ‘The Council and the
European Council initiates proceedings by making High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs
a nomination, by QMV if necessary, with the agree- and Security Policy shall ensure the unity, consistency
ment of the President-designate of the Commission. and effectiveness of action by the Union (Article 26);
However, because the High Representative is also a and ‘the High Representative of the Union for Foreign
Commissioner, the nomination is only confirmed Affairs and Security Policy … shall contribute through
when the whole College is approved by the EP: his proposals towards the preparation of the common
which only occurs after all Commissioners-designate, foreign and security policy and shall ensure imple-
including the High Representative, have given sat- mentation of the decisions adopted by the European
isfactory accounts of themselves before EP commit- Council and the Council’ (Article 27). But, the TEU
tee ‘hearings’. Two High Representatives have been also makes for potential problems and uncertainties

Photo 22.2 The second High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy:
Federica Mogherini
External Policies | 409

with its inclusion in Article 15 – which covers the made new arrangements by providing for the creation
responsibilities and powers of the European Council of a new European External Action Service. The EEAS
President – of the following sentence: was duly launched in January 2011.
The EEAS is the EU’s diplomatic service. As such,
The President of the European Council shall, at it has a responsibility for the coordination of all of the
his level and in that capacity, ensure the external EU’s external policies. However, it does not directly
representation of the Union on issues concerning handle all of the external policies itself, for many
its common foreign and security policy, without of these remain housed in the Commission. So, for
prejudice to the powers of High Representative of example, as was noted above, trade is mainly man-
the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. aged by the Commission’s DG Trade, whilst other
policy areas that are largely managed by Commission
So, the High Representative’s roles are established DGs include development policy, humanitarian aid,
in the TEU as being ones of proposer, promoter, European neighbourhood policy and enlargement
facilitator and implementer, but in practice much negotiations, and energy policy. Very close working
depends on the role perceptions of the European relations between the EEAS and the Commission are
Council President. What, however, is clear is that thus vital.
neither the European Council President nor the High The policy work of the EEAS is undertaken mainly
Representative are major independent decision-mak- at its headquarters in Brussels, where over 1,500 of
ers: the making of key policy decisions is left to the the 3,900 or so employees of the EEAS are based.
European Council and the Council. Operational work is undertaken by the delegations
The difficulties entailed in exercising the High and offices the EEAS is responsible for running
Representative’s multiple roles are seen in the many throughout the world (see below).
criticisms to which Ashton was subject for not attend- The EEAS is structurally and financially independ-
ing enough College meetings, for not being sufficiently ent of the Commission and the Council, although, as
briefed when chairing Council meetings, for not being noted above, its head – the High Representative – has
sufficiently involved with the EEAS (which was being a foot in both camps. Moreover, most of its staff
created on her watch), and for not being sufficiently have strong Commission and/or Council links, with
visibly present when emergency situations requiring EU most of them having been recruited either from the
aid occurred. Under Mogherini, with the EEAS estab- Commission and the Council or from national diplo-
lished and with routines and expectations more firmly matic services.
in place, such criticisms have been less frequently heard.
One of the most frequently heard criticisms
CSDP bodies
of Ashton was that she was ‘more Council than
Commission’. Mogherini is more firmly placed As was explained above, CSDP processes are being
between the two institutions. A reason for this is that incorporated into the description here of CFSP pro-
she has been pushed by Juncker who, concerned that cesses because they are in most respects one and the
the Commission’s external powers should not decline, same. However, in one important respect they are
insisted at the time of her appointment that she physi- different because they have two preparatory bodies
cally base herself alongside the other Commissioners that are exclusively concerned with the CSDP. These
in the Berlaymont Building and that she chair the bodies – which along with the PSC were each created
newly established Commissioners’ group responsible by a Council decision in January 2001 (see Official
for coordinating EU external relations (see Chapter 9). Journal, 44: L27, 30 January 2001) – are:

European External Action Service • The European Union Military Committee (EUMC)
is composed of the Chiefs of Defence, represented
The CFSP/CSDP used to be administratively sup- by their military delegates except in circumstances
ported by the Commission’s DG for External Relations which require the Chiefs themselves to meet. The
and by a number of organisational units within the functions of the EUMC include providing military
Council’s Secretariat. However, the Lisbon Treaty advice and making recommendations to the PSC
410 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

and the High Representative, acting as the forum retains when CFSP actions involve the use of policy
for military consultation and cooperation between instruments that are managed by the Commission –
the member states in the field of conflict prevention such as trade, aid, and economic sanctions. For then,
and crisis management, and undertaking various the Council can only act on the basis of Commission
evaluative and advisory tasks in crisis management proposals. And a third way is when the Council is reli-
situations. The Committee normally meets weekly. ant on it for specialised information and advice.
• The Military Staff of the European Union (EUMS)
consists of military personnel seconded from the The European Parliament
member states. The staff are part of the EEAS and,
working under the direction of the EUMC, they The European Parliament’s roles and powers in rela-
provide military expertise and support for the tion to the CFSP are set in Article 36 of the post-Lisbon
CSDP, including on intelligence, situation assess- Treaty TEU, which is reproduced in Document 22.5.
ments and strategic planning. What the Article 36 provisions amount to in prac-
tice is that unless special circumstances apply – as, for
The Commission example, when a foreign policy issue is linked to an
association or cooperation agreement and the consent
Since the 1981 London Report the Commission has procedure thus needs to be used – the EP is largely
been ‘fully associated’ with the work carried out in the confined to advisory, monitoring, and holding-to-
foreign policy field. However, the intergovernmental account roles on foreign policy.
nature and treaty base of foreign policy has meant Of course, these roles are not unimportant, but they
that the Commission’s position has always been much are not policy- or decision-making roles. The nearest
weaker in the foreign policy context than it has in the EP comes to having a role in CFSP decision-making
respect of external trade policy. is during the budgetary procedure when the EP has the
The post-Lisbon Treaty arrangements, with their opportunity to raise foreign policy issues. It can do this
creation of the High Representative and the EEAS, because all CFSP administrative and operational expend-
have partly weakened the Commission’s institutional iture is charged to the EU budget, except for operations
position in respect of foreign policy, But, nonetheless with military and defence implications and cases where
in a number of ways it continues to exercise significant the Council acting unanimously decides otherwise.
powers. One of these ways is via the High Representative
who, as was shown above, is a leading member of the Delegations and missions
Commission and who, in that capacity, is charged with
the coordination of all EU external policies. Another The development since the Second World War of
way is through the strong position the Commission rapid international travel and instantaneous electronic

Document 22.5

Article 36 TEU (setting out the EP’s CFSP roles and powers)
The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Presidency shall regularly
consult the European Parliament on the main aspects and the basic choices of the common foreign and
security policy and the common security and defence policy and inform it of how those policies evolve.
He shall ensure that the views of the European Parliament are duly taken into consideration. Special
representatives may be involved in briefing the European Parliament.
The European Parliament may ask questions of the Council or make recommendations to it and to the
High Representative. Twice a year it shall hold a debate on progress in implementing the common foreign
and security policy.
External Policies | 411

communications has undermined much of the role clearly demonstrated than in the fact that the EU’s
and value of diplomatic representations as a means member states provide around 45 per cent of all
for countries to communicate with one another. international development aid, whilst the EU itself
Nonetheless, embassies, delegations and missions are provides another 10 per cent. In the related area of
still used to promote and defend interests abroad. international humanitarian aid, the EU’s member
Because it is not a state the EU is not able to maintain states provide around 25 per cent of the total and the
overseas embassies, but it does have an extensive net- EU provides around 30 per cent.
work of external delegations: over 140 in third countries The reasons for the EU’s active engagement in
and five delegations to international organisations. (It development policy are a mixture of the historical,
might be added here – and this exemplifies the impor- the moral, and the economic: historical in that some
tance of the EU to the outside world – that over 170 EU countries, notably France and the UK, have long-
countries have diplomatic missions officially credited established ties with parts of the developing world
to the EU.) Prior to the entry into force of the Lisbon as a result of their colonial past; moral in that EU
Treaty, these external delegations were delegations of governments believe, although with different degrees
the Commission, but the Treaty’s granting of legal sta- of enthusiasm, that something should be done about
tus to the EU enabled them to become EU delegations. world poverty and hunger; and economic in that
They now operate within the framework of the EEAS. developing countries account for around 30 per cent
Overseas representations are, of course, concerned of EU exports, and the EU is highly dependent on the
with many issues other than foreign policy – most nota- developing world for products such as rubber, copper
bly, the promotion of trade and, in the case of national and uranium.
representations, the safeguarding of citizens’ interests.
The CFSP is, however, a matter that both embassies of
the member states and EU delegations seek to promote. Policy content
In this context Article 35 TEU states that:
EU development policy has ‘as its primary objective
The diplomatic and consular missions of the the reduction and, in the long term, the eradication of
Member States and the Union delegations in third poverty’ (Article 208 TFEU). The achievement of this
countries and international conferences, and their objective has always been at the heart of EU devel-
representations to international organisations, opment policy strategies and policies, as numerous
shall cooperate in ensuring that decisions defining communications, documents and declarations that
Union positions and joint actions pursuant to [the have been issued over the years show. For example,
CFSP] are complied with and implemented. a major strategy paper – The European Consensus on
Development – that was adopted in 2005 in a joint
Article 35 underpins the development of processes statement agreed by the Council, the representatives
that have been long underway, whereby embassies of the governments of the member states meeting
of EU member states in third countries and delega- within the Council, the European Parliament and the
tions attached to international organisations exchange Commission declared:
information and coordinate activities. For example,
member state ambassadors to the UN meet weekly to The primary and overarching objective of EU
coordinate policy, and member states’ voting cohesion development cooperation is the eradication of
averages over 90 per cent in the General Assembly (Jin poverty in the context of sustainable development,
and Hosli, 2013). including pursuit of the Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs).
The eight MDGs are to: eradicate extreme
poverty and hunger; achieve universal primary
Development Policy education; promote gender equality and empower
women; reduce the mortality rate of children;
The EU and its member states are major actors in improve maternal health; combat HIV/AIDS,
international development policy. This is no more malaria and other diseases; ensure environmental
412 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

sustainability and develop a global partnership for In addition to general forms of assistance, the EU
development. (European Parliament et al., 2005: provides additional assistance and aid to countries
4 and 5) with which it has special relationships. Most of these
special relationships take the form of economic, trade,
In similar vein, the replacement of the MDGs in industrial, technical and financial cooperation agree-
2015 by a new framework, resulted in a Commission ments. The most important and most wide-ranging
communication that opened with: agreement is the Cotonou Partnership Agreement,
which was signed in June 2000 and entered into force
Eradicating poverty and achieving sustainable in April 2003. The Agreement links the EU with 79
development are fundamental global challenges African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries, most
affecting the lives of current and future genera- of which are countries with which at least one EU
tions and the future of the entire planet. These member state has historical links, most commonly as
challenges are universal and interrelated and need a colonial power. Scheduled to last for 20 years, but
a global response. Addressing them requires strong with five-year reviews built in, the Agreement replaced
political commitment and determined action at the Lomé Conventions which framed EU–ACP rela-
all levels and by all stakeholders. (European tions from 1975. The Cotonou Agreement continues
Commission, 2014b: 2) with many of Lomé’s core features, including: duty-
free access to the EU market for virtually all ACP
Such identifications by the EU of development pol- exports; schemes to stabilise export earnings; and the
icy priorities, have also emphasised a number of other European Development Fund (EDF), which provides
values, goals and principles underlying EU develop- financial assistance for development projects in ACP
ment policy, including that development should be countries.
based on respect for human rights, fundamental free- But Cotonou has also involved significant changes
doms, democracy, and the rule of law. to the Lomé system. These changes have been driven
The most widely available form of development primarily by: a recognition that many ACP states have
assistance is the EU’s generalised preferences (GSP) not improved their economic independence and have
scheme, under which preferential trading access to not been properly integrated into the world economy;
the EU market is given to developing and vulnerable an acknowledgement of the increasing diversity of
countries in the form of the reduction and/or removal ACP states; and WTO pressures arising from the fact
of tariffs and quotas, subject to rules of origin require- that the non-reciprocal and preferential nature of the
ments and subject also to volume limits for some trade aspects of the EU–ACP relationship are incom-
products. Countries benefitting particularly from patible with WTO rules. The main changes to have
EU GSPs are the world’s least developed countries been introduced by Cotonou are:
(LDCs), which since 2001 have been grouped under
the ‘Everything but Arms’ (EBA) system under which • Reflecting a more general change of emphasis
all of their exports apart from arms and ammunition in EU development policy to take into account
are given duty free access to the EU market. LDCs are the increased differentiation between developing
also intended to benefit from a reformed GSP system countries, the Lomé system of uniform prefer-
that came into effect in 2014, which resulted in high ential trade access has been replaced by the crea-
and upper-middle income (previously) underdevel- tion of reciprocal and regionally based Economic
oped countries losing their eligibility for preferences, Partnership Agreements (EPAs) involving groups
which has thus enabled the EU to focus more on of ACP countries. ‘Trade not aid’ is the mantra,
countries in most need. with greater encouragement being given to more
Other generalised form of EU development policy ‘South–South’ economic activity. Trade liberali-
include food aid (which is sent to countries with sation is seen as being crucial to increasing trade
serious food shortages) and emergency aid (which development and investment opportunities that
involves aid of an appropriate sort being made avail- match local conditions.
able to countries stricken by natural disasters and • Increased emphasis has been attached to more
other crises). self-reliance, with the role of the private sector in
External Policies | 413

stimulating enterprise in the ACP states being given years on promoting greater cooperation, consistency,
much attention. coherence and complementarity between EU and
• Political cooperation and conditionality have been member state policy activities.
stepped up, with greater emphasis being given to
strengthening democratic processes, good govern-
ance, respect for human rights, and civil society in Policy processes
the ACP states.
The EU makes all sorts of decisions in connection with
Development aid is financed in two ways. First, its development policy. Just as in other policy areas,
non-EDF aid is funded by the EU budget. Accounting the actors involved and the procedures that apply vary
for around 4 per cent of the budget, about half of this enormously.
aid is used to provide financial assistance to non-ACP With regard to the actors, the most important
countries and about half is used for food aid purposes. players are: the Foreign Affairs Council (Development
Second, EDF aid, which accounts for about 30 per cent Ministers attend the Foreign Affairs Council when
of total EU spending on development cooperation, agenda items concern them); the Commissioner
is funded by special contributions from the member for Development; the Development DG; the EP
states. The eleventh EDF covers the years 2014–20 and Committee on Development; the diplomatic missions
totals nearly €32 billion (at 2016 prices). Taking EDF of developing countries in Brussels that are accredited
and non-EDF aid together, the principal beneficiaries to the EU (which undertake a variety of liaising and
are sub-Saharan Africa (which receives almost 60 per information-providing functions); and the EU delega-
cent), southern Asia (about 10 per cent), and Latin tions in developing countries (which, amongst a wide
America and the Caribbean (also about 10 per cent). range of functions, have management responsibilities
It should be stressed that EU development policy for development aid projects).
is conducted alongside national policies. Unlike with With regard to decision-making procedures, these
trade policy, the EU does not have exclusive com- are dependent on the type of decision envisaged. For
petence in the area of development policy. In some example, if the Council is intending to issue a declara-
aspects of development policy the EU takes the leading tion or a resolution on a matter, it consults the EP but
role whilst in others the member states are the main does not need its approval and can move at its own
players and the EU is confined to, at most, supple- pace – which may mean proceeding very cautiously
menting, complementing and coordinating national and only after lengthy deliberations on proposals
development policies. So, the trade aspects of devel- from the Commission and/or from a specially con-
opment policy are necessarily the EU’s responsibility, vened Council ad hoc working party. If a trade-only
but the states are much more prominent in respect of agreement is envisaged, Article 207 applies – which,
financial assistance. as was noted earlier in the chapter, means that the
Strains have sometimes arisen between member Commission and the Council are the key actors, QMV
states and between member states and EU institutions can be used in the Council, and the EP has the power
(especially the Commission) regarding development of consent. If cooperation or association agreements
policies. This has been largely because there are dif- are proposed, QMV is available in the Council for
ferences between member states regarding their aims, most cooperation agreements, there must be unanim-
priorities, and interests on development policy issues. ity for association agreements, and the EP again has
As commercial pressures have come to increasingly the power of consent.
impinge on aspects of development policy, so have As was shown above, the Cotonou Agreement is the
such strains tended to increase. Particular problems most important of the numerous agreements to which
have arisen when states have sought to use trade and the EU is a party in connection with its policy on
aid for the purpose of promoting national political development cooperation. It is therefore worth saying
and economic interests. a little about how it functions, for the Agreement has
In consequence, in an attempt to ensure the poli- its own institutional structure, which is largely the
cies and activities of the EU and its member states structure passed down from the Lomé Convention.
match, much emphasis has been placed in recent There are three principal bodies in the structure. The
414 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

first is the Council of Ministers, which is composed of key principle of ‘parallelism’ was firmly established, by
the members of the Council of the EU, a member of which the exercise of internal law-making powers by
the Commission, and a member of the government of the EU in a particular policy area was taken to imply
each ACP country. The Council meets at least once a that it also had the power to negotiate and conclude
year to take whatever major political and policy deci- international agreements in that area. This principle
sions are necessary under the Agreement. Decisions was acknowledged in a new Article 216 that was incor-
are taken by ‘common agreement’. If there is a dispute porated in the TFEU by the Lisbon Treaty:
between the ‘two sides’ binding arbitration applies.
The second body is the Committee of Ambassadors, The Union may conclude an agreement with one
which is composed of a representative of each EU or more third countries or international organisa-
state, a representative of the Commission, and a rep- tions where the Treaties so provide or where the
resentative of each ACP state. The Committee meets conclusion of an agreement is necessary in order
at least twice a year and is charged with assisting and to achieve, within the framework of the Union’s
advising the Council of Ministers, monitoring the policies, one of the objectives referred to in the
implementation of the Agreement and the progress Treaties, or is provided for in a legally binding
towards its objectives, and generally supervising and Union act or is likely to affect common rules or
coordinating the work of the many committees and alter their scope.
subsidiary bodies that exist under the general umbrella
of the Agreement. Finally, there is the joint Assembly, The procedural arrangements by which the EU con-
which is made up of equal numbers of MEPs and ACP tracts external agreements on internal policy issues are
members of parliament or national representatives. It set out in Article 218 of the TFEU. Different procedures
meets twice a year and acts as a general advisory and apply depending on the nature of the agreement con-
deliberating body. cerned. A relatively straightforward agreement with no
major institutional or budgetary implications is subject
to much the same procedure as applies to trade agree-
ments under Article 207. In contrast, agreements that
The External Dimension of are constituent elements of more wide-ranging coop-
eration or association agreements are subject to more
Internal Policies demanding requirements – including, in some cases,
the necessity of unanimity in the Council.
Many of the EU’s internal policies have significant Another complication is that the EU does not nec-
external dimensions. For example, transport policy essarily have the exclusive right to negotiate external
involves dealing with neighbouring countries on road agreements on internal policies. Rather, there are
transit arrangements and with countries throughout many mixed competences where policy responsibili-
the world on numerous air and maritime transport ties are shared between the EU and the member states.
issues. Energy policy includes dealing with countries This results in there being two main ways, with varia-
that are suppliers of energy to the EU about rights, tions within each, as to how the EU is represented and
guarantees, and terms of access. And environmental conducts itself in international negotiations in such
policy includes dealing with countries near and far on policy areas. On the one hand, where there is exclusive
such issues as climate change and many aspects of air, EU competence, as with fisheries, the Commission
land, and water damage and pollution. is the sole EU representative and negotiator. On the
Prior to the Lisbon Treaty, the EU did not have other hand, where there is a mixed competence, as
explicit treaty powers to act as the external repre- with environmental policy, the Commission acts on
sentative of the member states in such policy areas. behalf of the EU but, where no common EU position
However, the ECJ had established that the EU did has been internally agreed, national representatives
have implied external powers in respect of policy areas may act on behalf of their member states.
falling within its internal jurisdiction. Just how exten- The distribution of competences is highly complex
sive these implied powers were, and in what circum- in some policy areas, with overlapping competences
stances they applied, was frequently contested, but the making it difficult for the EU fully to coordinate its
External Policies | 415

inputs in international forums and negotiations. This Similarly, the EU’s 2016 global strategy document
can naturally weaken the EU’s influence. But, the emphasises the importance of a consistent Union in
extent of the weakening should not be overstated. external affairs: ‘We must become more joined-up
In the environmental policy sphere, for example, the across our external policies, between Member States
EU is, notwithstanding having suffered setbacks (see and EU institutions, and between the internal and
Chapter 20), a major global player and is party to, and external dimensions of our policies’ (Mogherini,
an influential voice within, more than 30 different 2016: 11).
multilateral environmental agreements – including But, ensuring consistency – over time, between
agreements on the protection of the ozone layer, the individual external relations policies, and between
transboundary movement of hazardous wastes and policies at the EU and the national levels – is a major
their disposal, desertification, and the protection of problem. The lack of ‘across the board’ policy towards
the marine environment. Indeed, in some environ- China and Russia exemplifies this, with some member
mental policy areas – including climate change and states, especially large states, tending to leave much of
biological diversity – it is not going too far to describe the democracy/civil liberties dimension of relations to
the EU as virtually a global policy leader. the EU and downplaying these in bilateral relations.
A key reason why the EU is often able to exert a As Box 22.7 shows, there are several overlapping and
significant external policy influence in internal policy interrelating reasons why EU policy consistency is
areas is that it is usually well prepared for negotiations often difficult to achieve.
with third parties. Even when there have been internal Procedures, mechanisms, and arrangements have,
disputes, accommodations – on competences, policy of course, long existed to try and maximise consist-
goals, and who is to take the negotiating ‘lead’ – are ency. Crucial in this respect have been the convening,
usually agreed before external negotiations begin. at different levels of seniority, of numerous intra- and
Furthermore, during the course of external negotia- inter-institutional meetings with the specific purpose
tions EU ‘coordination’ meetings are normally held as
and when they are deemed necessary.
Box 22.7

The Consistency and Reasons why external policy

Representational consistency can be difficult for
Problems the EU

The coordination of EU external policies has become • The great spread of the EU external relations’
interests and activities.
increasingly necessary as they have become increas-
ingly multidimensional in character. For instance, • The diversity of actors and processes that
are involved in EU external relations policy
the numerous cooperation and association agree- processes.
ments that the EU has concluded with third countries
typically include a battery of, as appropriate, trade, • The differing powers of the EU in different
policy contexts, with particular problems arising
development, and democracy-building/human rights when competence is shared between the EU and
measures, plus provisions for political dialogues. the member states.
As can be seen in Document 22.3, the conclud-
ing paragraph of Article 21 of the TEU emphasises • The differing powers of EU actors in differing
spheres of external relations.
the importance of the Union ensuring consistency in
the different areas of its external relations. Clearly, if • The conflicting orientations and preferences of
the member states on many policy issues.
consistency is not achieved the efficiency of external
policies is undermined and the EU’s potential to exer- • The varying levels of EU policy development –
from the CCP to the (still) emerging defence
cise a significant and effective influence on the world’s policy.
stages is reduced.
416 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

of ensuring external policies and activities are coor-

Concluding Remarks
However, it was in large part so as to enable
policy inconsistencies to be tackled more effectively This chapter has demonstrated that the EU can be
at the highest level that the Lisbon Treaty created the thought of as being a partially constructed interna-
position of High Representative. Under Catherine tional actor in that it has an ‘ability to function actively
Ashton this appears to have had only limited effect, and deliberately in relation to other actors in the inter-
but under her successor, Federica Mogherini, and the national system’ (Groenleer and Van Schaik, 2007:
simultaneous installation of Commissioners’ Groups 972). However, this notwithstanding, it can be argued
by Jean-Claude Juncker (see Chapter 9), high-level that the EU’s international standing and influence
coordination has become much more institutional- have weakened in recent years. Certainly, for instance,
ised and systematic. So, the Commissioners’ Group the EU has become a less attractive model for other
on External Action (CGEA), which Mogherini chairs, regions to emulate, as demonstrated by the declining
brings together all relevant Commissioners (usually interest of other regions in creating a common cur-
with their Directors-General also in attendance) on rency. There has been an apparent decline in the EU’s
an at least monthly basis. The CGEA is supported by transforming normative power, with its attempts to
a joint secretariat drawn from the Commission and democratise and politically liberalise the Balkans and
the EEAS. CGEA meetings are preceded by meetings North Africa making only limited headway. And the
of relevant cabinet, DG, and EEAS officials. (On the EU has been largely confined to the sidelines in respect
CGEA, see Blockmans and Russack, 2015.) of dealing with such pressing problems as the collapse
The consistency problem is closely related to the of the Arab Spring, the horrors of the Syrian civil
EU’s external representational problem that is encap- war, and the increasing international assertiveness of
tured in the question first allegedly posed by the US Russia (see Webber, 2016 on this ‘decline thesis’).
Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, in the early 1970s Nonetheless, it has been suggested in the chapter
– who speaks for Europe? When the EU acts on the that although the EU may exercise only a modest
world stage the nature of its representation can vary influence on the world stage in respect of its foreign
considerably according to circumstances. Even after and defence policies, it exercises a major influence in
the ‘streamlining’ of the EU’s external representation respect of trade policy and a a significant influence
by the Lisbon Treaty, this situation partly continues. in respect of development, environment and certain
So, for example, in charged political situations the lead other policies. In short, the EU has significant external
representation is likely to involve some combination policy outputs and corresponding significant impacts
of the European Council President, the President of on non-member state international actors and inter-
the Commission, the High Representative, and quite national issue areas.
possibly also the Head of Government or Foreign To enable it to exercise influence, the EU uses a
Minister from the Presidency-in-Office. In addi- range of modes of governance. At one end of the spec-
tion, some member states, especially larger member trum, the dominant mode in the area of trade involves
states, may also seek to act in an individual capacity. the empowerment of EU institutions, including of the
Where, by contrast, international monetary matters supranational institutions. At the other end, the domi-
are under consideration, the representation is likely nant mode in the area of foreign and security policy
to involve some combination of the Finance Minister involves horizontal intergovernmental cooperation,
from the Presidency-in-Office, the Commission Vice- with only very limited powers being given to EU insti-
President for the Euro and Social Dialogue and/or the tutions. (On modes of governance in the conduct of
Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs EU external relations, see Dominguez, 2016.)
(both of these seeking to represent the EU-28), the A central question that is likely to loom large in
President of the European Central Bank, the President the future is whether the EU will advance from being
of the Eurogroup (both seeking to represent the euro- a modest player to becoming a major player in the
zone), and national Finance Ministers and national foreign and defence policy fields. Considerable doubts
Central Bank Governors (especially from the member must exist about this, for though mechanisms to ena-
states outside the eurozone). ble it to do so have been strengthened over the years,
External Policies | 417

they are still essentially intergovernmental in character. weaponry. Attempts are being made to improve this
As several observers have noted, the CFSP has been situation – not least via the European Defence Agency –
‘Brusselised’ – with the creation of an extensive institu- but efforts to persuade EU governments to work more
tional system – but it has barely been ‘communitarised’ closely together in this highly sensitive policy area
in the sense of becoming subject to supranational remain difficult.
drive, decision-making, supervision, and enforcement. But, it should not be assumed that all political will
But the development of a greater institutional is lacking and that further integrationist advances can-
capacity will not in itself be enough to enable the not be made in the CFSP and CSDP spheres. There
CFSP and the related CSDP to deepen. The political may be major obstacles in the way, but much of what
will to use and take advantage of the capacity is also used to be seen as almost insurmountable barriers
required. For reasons that have been outlined in this have been removed in recent years. For example: the
chapter, such political will is not always forthcoming. special relationships that some EU countries have
To cite just one example of an area where a stronger with particular parts of the world have become less
collective political will is required, it is accepted by vir- problematical as historical ties have been loosened;
tually all informed observers that defence expenditure the difficulties created by the quasi-neutrality of some
in the EU is not used to maximum effect. Amongst member states have largely been overcome since the
the problems are: too many operating systems and end of the Cold War; and, for a host of reasons, EU
forms of hardware that are not inter-operable; too member states – including those that have been most
many duplications; and in a world where the nature concerned about the preservation of national sover-
of security threats has changed dramatically in recent eignty – have increasingly come to regard both foreign
years, too many states are spending too much on per- and defence policy issues as proper and legitimate
sonnel and not enough on research and sophisticated matters for the EU agenda.
Chapter 23
The Budget

The Budget in Context 419 he EU budget is examined in this chapter. The chapter begins by showing
that although the budget is large in absolute terms, it is not so when set in
The Multiannual the context of total EU wealth or total public expenditure in the EU. The
Financial Frameworks 420
next two sections examine the EU’s two main budgetary mechanisms: multian-
The Value of and the nual financial frameworks (MFFs), which are seven-year programmes that trans-
Prospects for MFFs 425 late policy priorities into maximum annual spending amounts over the period
The Annual Budget 425 of the frameworks; and annual budgets, which are set within the context of the
Concluding Remarks 432
MFF applying and which detail EU resources and expenditure in particular years.

The Budget in Context

Despite the considerable attention it has received over the years and despite the
political tensions it has often generated, the EU’s budget is relatively small in
size. In 2016 it totalled €155 billion in commitment appropriations and €143.9
billion in payment appropriations, which though large sums in absolute terms
represented only 1 per cent of the total Gross National Income (GNI) of the
member states and just over 2 per cent of their total public expenditure.
The reason why the budget is so small is that most of the policy sectors that
make up the bulk of public expenditure – education, health, social welfare,
defence and so on – are primarily the responsibility of the member states.
Many of the EU’s policy activities, such as those concerned with the regulation
of the market, involve little in the way of operational costs. When EU policies
do involve significant costs, for example when they impose an obligation to
invest in large capital expenditure to conform with EU legislation on the qual-
ity of air or drinking water, the financial impact usually falls not on the EU
budget but on private sector firms and public authorities in the member states.
The relative modesty of the size of EU budget should therefore be borne in
mind when assessing the budget’s financial and policy impact. The fact is that
in overall economic terms the impact of the budget is slight. It cannot and does
not serve to bring about a major transfer of financial resources from national
exchequers to the EU level or vice versa. It does not move great amounts of
money around and across the EU on distributive and redistributive bases. And,
as Begg (2005: 10) observes:

compared with established federations in which the federal level has sub-
stantial resources and plays an important part in macroeconomic policy,

420 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

the economic significance of the EU budget is expenditure, sought to use annual budgetary negotia-
minor. (Italics in original) tions to advance its institutional position and to re-
balance budgetary expenditure.
The budget has thus not been an engine of the The first three of these reasons for the budgetary
European integration process. Nonetheless, it certainly crises led to the conclusion of a complicated deal
merits examination. One reason why it does so is that at the 1984 Fontainebleau European Council. Key
it generates considerable political heat and attention, elements of the deal included new rules on budget-
especially when the EU’s multiannual financial frame- ary discipline, a formula for reducing UK budgetary
works are being considered and negotiated. A second contributions, and an expansion of resources through
reason is that whilst the size and economic impact of the setting of a new 1.4 per cent ceiling for VAT from
the budget are small, they are far from being wholly 1986. The Fontainebleau agreement was, however, too
negligible. A third reason is that an understanding of little too late, in that no sooner had the 1.4 per cent
the nature of the debates and discussions surrounding ceiling been introduced in 1986 than it was exhausted
the EU’s budget is important to an understanding of and the Commission was forced to open a new cam-
the nature of the EU’s policy portfolio. And a fourth paign for a further expansion of the revenue base.
reason is that budgetary processes are an important That campaign culminated in the 1988 Brussels
component part of what is a theme of this book, and summit which brought a further, and compared with
especially of Part IV: the highly variegated nature of Fontainebleau much more radical, reform designed
EU policy and decision-making processes. to deal with the EC’s recurring budgetary difficul-
ties. The Brussels reform was operationalised in an
Interinstitutional Agreement on Budgetary Discipline
and Improvement of the Budgetary Procedure, which
The Multiannual was signed by the Presidents of the Council, the
Financial Frameworks Commission, and – highly significantly in institutional
terms – the EP (European Communities, 1987). The
importance of the Interinstitutional Agreement was
The origins and purposes that it contained a formal commitment by all three
of MFFs institutions to conduct annual negotiations on the
budget within the framework of a financial perspective
In the early 1980s the EC was plagued by budget- for the years 1988–92. Included in the perspective was
ary crises, with each annual budget being the focus an expansion of resources through the creation of a
of sharp and protracted political conflicts within new budgetary resource based on the Gross National
and between the Commission, the Council, and the Product (GNP) of each state, which was linked to an
Parliament. There were four main reasons why budg- expanding spending programme subject to the limita-
etary tensions were never far from the surface. First, tion that the total amount of resources for any one
the EC was faced with increasing financial obligations, year could not exceed specified percentages of the
not least in respect of the CAP which at that time total GNP of the Community for the year in question:
accounted for around 70 per cent of total budgetary the perspective started with 1.15 per cent for 1988 and
expenditure and which the UK government thought rose to 1.2 per cent for 1992.
was over-privileged. Second, budgetary resources – The 1988 Interinstitutional Agreement set a prec-
which consisted of customs duties, agricultural lev- edent for future budgetary decision-making. It did
ies, and a proportion of Value Added Tax (VAT) up so because since 1988 all of the EU’s annual budgets
to a 1 per cent ceiling – could not generate enough have been set within MFFs – or financial perspectives
income to meet the financial obligations. Third, the as they were called until they were accorded treaty sta-
UK government under Mrs Thatcher was campaign- tus and officially named MFFs by the Lisbon Treaty.
ing vigorously to reduce what it saw to be excessive What financial perspectives/frameworks have done is
UK net budgetary contributions. Fourth, the EP, dis- to set for a fixed period – of seven years apart from the
satisfied with both limitations on its budgetary powers five-year period of the very first perspective – annual
and with the lack of resources available for non-CAP maximum limits (ceilings) on EU expenditure as a
The Budget | 421

whole and for the main categories (called headings) wanting their benefits protected. A third reason was
of expenditure. The periods covered by the four MFFs that some states, most notably the UK, believed that
since the 1988–92 perspective have been 1993–99, previous MFFs had left a central budgetary problem
2000–06, 2007–13, and 2014–20. largely unresolved – the budgetary imbalance caused
The contents of and the political machinations by the fact that the CAP was accounting for over 40
surrounding the 1993–99, 2000–06, and 2007–13 per- per cent of budgetary expenditure. And a fourth rea-
spectives are set out in previous editions of this book son was that 26 of the (then) 27 member states wanted
and will not be repeated here. Suffice it to give just a to remove, or at least greatly reduce the size of, the
brief summary of key features of the making of these UK abatement, which was seen as being no longer
perspectives and of their contents. Regarding the mak- justified given the accession in 2004–07 of so many
ing of the perspectives, in all cases the Commission poorer states and given also the increased prosperity
set the ball rolling with the issuing of proposals. The of the UK since the abatement principle had been
issuing of the Commission’s proposals was then fol- established in 1984.
lowed by long and strongly contested negotiations As can be seen in Box 23.1, the deliberation and
between the member states, which culminated in deals negotiation process in making the 2014–20 MFF for-
being struck at European Council meetings. The EP mally lasted from June 2011, when the Commission
did not directly participate in the negotiations prior issued the first version of its proposals (European
to the summits, and nor was it able to exercise much Commission, 2011b), until mid-2014 when the
influence after the summits – when inter-institutional Commission, Council and EP reached final agree-
agreements formalising the contents of the perspec- ment on the MFF’s contents and on related legislation.
tives were again contracted. Regarding these contents, However, in reality the process lasted considerably
the most important features were: a slight increase in longer than these three years since the Commission
spending resources, but with totals being limited to had, as it constantly is, been long engaged in MFF-
just over 1 per cent of EU GDP; further stabilisation related discussions with outside parties.
of agricultural expenditure; initial increases in funding In launching the formal process in 2011, in a
for structural operations and then stabilisation of this Communication entitled A Budget for Europe 2020
expenditure; continuation of the existing four revenue (European Commission, 2011b), the Commission
resources, though with some modifications – as in the proposals included: the total size of the MFF be
1993–99 perspective so as to make them weigh less increased by 4.8 per cent and that ceilings be imposed
heavily on the poorer states and with, for the same rea- on expenditure of 1.14 per cent of EU GNI for pay-
son, the revenue base being modified in the 2000–06 ments and 1.24 per cent for commitments; the titles
perspective by reducing the VAT element and increas- of some expenditure headings be changed to reflect
ing the GNP element; and no major changes in the policy developments and priorities; spending on mar-
abatement arrangements for the UK. ket-related CAP measures be gradually reduced, as
part of a long-term aim to gradually decrease spending
on agriculture as a proportion of the budget; the UK
The making of the 2014–20 MFF abatement problem (which was referred to only indi-
rectly) be tackled within the framework of the creation
The processes leading to the adoption of the EU’s of a generalised corrective mechanism designed to
fifth MFF, covering the years 2014–20, were, as had ensure that no state made excessive net contributions
become customary, both protracted and somewhat to the budget.
heated. One reason for this was that the Commission, Over the following months the Commission’s
the EP, and some member states wanted to see the proposals were considered by policy actors in the
overall size of the budget significantly increased. member states and at EU level. Numerous sugges-
Another reason was that many national positions tions/demands for changes were put forward, mostly
that had caused problems in negotiations on previ- along predictable lines – particularly with net con-
ous financial frameworks were inevitably re-activated, tributor states pressing for the overall size of the MFF
most particularly with net contributors to the budget to be cut and net beneficiary states pressing for it to
wanting their contributions cut and net beneficiaries be increased. The general intention was to try and
422 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

BOX 23.1

Main stages in the making of the 2014–20 MFF

June 2011 In a communication, the Commission proposes the 2014–20 MFF (European
Commission, 2011b). The overall amount proposed is €1.025 billion in commitments
(1.05 per cent of EU GNI) and €972.2 billion in payments (1 per cent of EU GNI),
which amounts to an overall increase of 4. 8 per cent. Expenditure on both agriculture
and cohesion is planned to be reduced and on areas such as research and innovation,
telecoms infrastructure and external relations is to be increased.
June 2011– Detailed discussions and negotiations on MFF ‘headings’ and on dependent sectoral
February 2013 programmes are ongoing within and between the Commission, EP and the Council.
Many of these are conducted under the ordinary legislative procedure, since new legal
bases are required for expiring and new programmes. (The MFF required around 75
legislative acts to be passed.)
During this period, the positions of key budgetary players are fairly clear. For
instance, in September 2011 eight member states (all net contributor states) issued a
joint position paper saying that austerity measures at national levels must be paralleled
at the EU level. The EP, by contrast, also in September 2011, broadly supported the
Commission’s more expansionist position.
November A European Council meeting fails to agree on a compromise MFF advanced by its
2012 President, Herman Van Rompuy. Net contributor states are especially opposed.
February 2013 Following extensive negotiations between member states, the European Council agrees
its position. Overall ceilings are reduced from the Commission’s original proposal to
€959.9 billion for commitment (1 per cent of GNI) and €908.4 for payments (0.95 per
cent of GNI). As part of this, most headings are cut.
March 2013 The EP rejects the European Council’s position. It subsequently presses for: (a) greater
flexibility in budgetary management, mainly so as to allow for the use of unspent appro-
priations; (b) a mid-term review of the MFF.
June 2013 Following intense negotiations, the Presidents of the Commission, the Council and the
EP reach a political agreement on the MFF, which accommodates the EP’s two main
demands. The agreement is then approved by the European Council (late June) and EP
plenary (early July).

reach an overall settlement at the November 2012 the succeeding summit, in February 2013, to find
European Council meeting and to this end Herman an acceptable compromise, not least since a political
Van Rompuy, the European Council President, liaised deal on the framework would need to be followed by
closely with the member states and submitted a com- implementing legislation and because also spending
promise agreement to the summit. However, it proved programmes needed to be planned.
to be unacceptable, especially to net contributor states An agreement was duly reached at the February
The failure to reach an agreement at the November summit, albeit only after exhaustive prior nego-
2012 summit was not a disaster since the MFF was tiations at sub-European Council levels and at the
not scheduled to come into force until January 2014. summit itself. This was then followed by the custom-
But the failure did greatly increase the pressures on ary extensive and intensive Commission–Council–EP
The Budget | 423

negotiations, but with the latter’s position being tiveness – which, with an increase of 37 per cent
stronger than with previous MFFs because the Lisbon compared to the 2007–13 MFF, is proportionately
Treaty had given the Parliament the power of consent the most expanding heading of the entire MFF –
over the budget, which meant it had been given a for- include research and innovation, infrastructure,
mal veto power. At its March plenary the Parliament and SMEs.
duly used its increased power to reject the February • Sustainable growth: natural resources This is the
summit agreement. But, with the timetable press- second largest spending heading, accounting for
ing and also with political realities meaning that any 38.9 per cent of the MFF total. The title of the
re-opening of spending levels would result in major heading is again misleading for, as with smart and
political problems and long delays, the Parliament inclusive growth, three quarters of spending within
did not much contest the figures that had been agreed the heading is directed in a traditional way: in this
by the European Council in February. Rather, in case to CAP market-related expenditure and direct
the post European Council negotiations it primarily payments. The volume of direct CAP expenditure
pressed two matters: (1) room for greater flexibility is, however, scheduled to decline during the MFF.
in budgetary management, so as to ensure all appro- Most of the remaining expenditure within the
priations were actually spent and also to more easily heading is used for rural development, environ-
enable transfers both between and within headings mental, and climate action purposes.
and between financial years; (2) a mid-term review of • Security and citizenship This heading, which
the MFF in 2016. accounts for only 1.6 per cent of the MFF total, is
With the customary give-and-take of inter-insti- available for programmes dealing with the likes of
tutionary negotiations very much being displayed, internal security, asylum and migration, and food
the EP’s demands were largely met and a political safety. Naturally, in the wake of the migration and
agreement between the Presidents of the Commission, terrorism crises in Europe since 2015, the sum
Council and EP was reached in June. This was quickly allocated is widely seen as not being sufficient and
followed by the European Council and the EP plenary has had to be supplemented by various emergency
agreeing to the MFF. and flexible ‘special instruments’ that can be used
on top of MFF ceilings.
• Global Europe A range of activities in the area of
The contents of the 2014–20 MFF external relations fall under this heading, including
the funding of the European Neighbourhood Policy,
Table 23.1 sets out the main ceilings on expenditure pre-accession assistance to EU applicants, and
contained in the agreed 2014–20 MFF (adjusted to humanitarian aid. (The European Development
2014 figures), using the official expenditure headings. Fund (EDF) is funded directly by member states
The meanings of the headings are now explained, as and not by the EU budget.) This heading accounts
are their relative spending levels as compared with for 6.1 per cent of the MFF.
previous MFFs.
• Administration Consisting mainly of EU staff sala-
ries and accommodation, administration costs
• Smart and inclusive growth Accounting for 47 make up 6.4 per cent of the MFF.
per cent of total MFF expenditure, this is the
largest spending heading. The title of the head- The total MFF spending figures, with 1.11 per cent
ing is somewhat misleading as three quarters of of EU GNI appropriated for commitments and 1.15
spending under the heading is used for traditional per cent for payments, were marginally lower than the
cohesion policies, notably the European Regional comparable figures in the 2007–13 MFF. So was the
Development Fund (ERDF) and the European percentage of own resources as a percentage of GNI:
Social Fund (ESF) (see Chapter 20), though this 1.23 per cent as compared with 1.24 per cent in the
time with tackling youth unemployment particu- 2007–13 MFF.
larly prioritised. The less prosperous member states The total size of the MFF was much closer to the
are the main beneficiaries of the EU’s cohesion expressed original wishes of the EU’s net contributor
policies. Policies in the subheading on competi- states, who wanted an outcome close to the status quo,
424 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

Table 23.1 MFF 2014–20*

Spending heading 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total


1 Smart and inclusive growth   72.3   75.3   78.6 82.5 509.1

1a Competitiveness for growth and jobs   20.1   21.2   23.1 25.1 142.1
1b Economic, social, and territorial cohesion   52.4   54.0   55.7 57.3 366.8
2 Sustainable growth: natural resources   60.2   60.3   60.4 60.4 420.0
of which: market-related expenditure and   44.9   44.9   44.9 44.9 312.7
direct payments
3 Security and citizenship    2.5    2.7    2.8 3.01   17.7
4 Global Europe    9.4    9.8   10.3   10.5   66.3
5 Administration    9.9   10.3   10.8   11.3 70.0
Total commitment appropriations 154.4 158.4 163.0 167.6 1108.3
as a percentage of GNI 1.15% 1.13% 1.12% 1.11% 1.11%
Total payment appropriations 142.8 149.1 153.4 156.3 1024.0
as a percentage of GNI 0.92% 0.93% 0.93% 0.91% 0.95%
Own resources ceiling as a percentage of GNI 1.23% 1.23% 1.23% 1.23% 1.23%
* The figures are for commitment appropriations. Only the main expenditure headings and the year figures for 2017–20, plus the
2014–20 totals, are entered here. The figures are adjusted for 2014 prices, in billion euro.
Source: European Commission (2013e).

than it was to the positions of the Commission, the legislation, each of the last three MFFs – those of
EP, and the net beneficiary states, who wanted to see 2000–06, 2007–13, and 2014–20 – have taken over
the size significantly increased. Nonetheless, the agree- two years to resolve. If, however, preparation by the
ment contained, like so many EU agreements, many Commission is added on to the beginning of the pro-
compromises. One such compromise involved the UK cess, then the time period is at least doubled.
rebate being retained, but reduced in size. Another Second, the processes are highly politicised and
compromise involved the Council agreeing to the EP’s contentious – a key reason, of course, why they are
insistence on greater flexibility in budgetary manage- protracted. Differences between the member states
ment, especially in respect of the use of unspent funds, take different forms, reflecting the nature of national
and the holding of a mid-term review. economic needs and political preferences, but most
boil down to each state wanting to contribute as little
as possible to, and extract as much as possible from,
Features of the making of MFFs the budget. The differences that exist are sharpened
by the fact that because decisional outcomes are
A theme of this book is that EU policy- and decision- expressed in numerical figures, it is quite clear who
making processes are highly varied in nature. In this are ‘the winners’ and ‘the losers’ when decisions are
context, four particular characteristics of the making made – which is not generally so much the case when,
of MFFs merit particular identification. for example, internal market or environmental policy
First, the processes are protracted. If they are meas- decisions are being made.
ured just from the Commission’s issuing of its propos- Third, all final decisions ‘on the Council side’ are taken
als to final adoption of the necessary implementing at the highest political level on an intergovernmental
The Budget | 425

basis. That is to say, they are taken by the European specifying ceilings on all categories of EU expenditure
Council acting by unanimity. This is because of the they impose budgetary discipline. Third, by greatly
considerable significance and high-profile nature of restricting what can be done within the annual budg-
the decisions being made: as was shown in Chapter etary process, they help to ensure that although there
11, there are now few major EU decisions that are not are disagreements between the participants in the
either made by or at least approved by the national annual process there are not full-scale political fall-
leaders. A related feature of the decision-making pro- outs every year.
cess on the Council side is that the overarching nature The value of the use of MFFs was formally recog-
of matters covered by MFFs coupled with the fact that nised by the Lisbon Treaty when, for the first time,
final decisions are ultimately taken by the European they were given treaty status. Their binding nature
Council means that most of the Council preparatory is clearly set out under Article 312 TFEU which
work is channelled through the General Affairs Council specifies:
rather than the Ecofin Council.
Fourth, the processes are characterised by par- The annual budget of the Union shall comply with
ticularly intense inter-institutional interactions and the multiannual financial framework …
bargaining, which take place often in trilogues at
varying levels of seniority. (Fox (2014: 2) estimates The financial framework shall determine the
that more than 360 trilogues were needed from the amounts of the annual ceilings on commitments
start of 2014 until the final settlement on the MFF.) appropriations by categories of expenditure and
The need for such intense inter-institutional rela- of the annual ceiling on payment appropriations.
tions has been especially so since the EP was given
the power of consent in the Lisbon Treaty, even As for the contents of future MFFS, there seems
though national governments still exercise more little prospect of radical changes. Whilst disputes
influence than the Parliament over final decisions. between the member states can certainly be antici-
This greater role of national governments was dem- pated, they are likely to continue to be over largely
onstrated by the EP not challenging the 2014–20 familiar issues: the total size of the budget, the propor-
headline figures once these had been agreed at the tionate net contributions (including national rebates),
February 2014 summit, and with the final agree- and the amounts to be assigned to the CAP, to cohe-
ment being much closer to the European Council’s sion polices, and to emerging priority policy areas
position than it was to that of the EP. Nonetheless, such as migration, research, and innovation.
armed now with the power of consent, the EP did
act with greater strength and authority in respect of
the 2014–20 MFF and was able to press for its pref-
erences earlier in the decision-making process and
with greater muscle.
The Annual Budget
The composition of the budget
The Value of and the Following a decision by the member states in 1970,
Prospects for MFFs the funding of the budget was changed between 1970
and 1975 from a system based on national contri-
As has just been shown, MFFs generate much political butions to one based on ‘own resources’. A major
heat and controversy. But, they also serve at least three reason for introducing this change was that it would
useful purposes. provide the Community with greater financial inde-
First, by acting as medium-term budgetary plan- pendence. The member states would determine the
ning instruments they allow the EU and the member upper limit of the own resources, but the resources
states to use EU funds in more measured and ordered themselves would belong to the Community and not
ways than otherwise would be possible. Second, by the states.
426 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

Since the creation of the GNP-based resource in Precisely what proportion of total budgetary reve-
1988, the own resources have consisted of the following. nue comes from each resource is naturally determined
primarily by the rules governing the resources. As was
• Traditional own resources. These consist of two indicated above with reference to the VAT resource,
component elements. First, Common Customs these rules change periodically. However, the propor-
Tariff duties and other duties, which are collected tions also vary a little from year to year according to
in respect of trade with non-member countries. such factors as trade flows, world agricultural prices
Second, agricultural levies, premiums, and other and output, and national growth rates.
duties, which are collected in respect of trade with But though there are small changes from year to
non-member countries within the framework of year, over time there has been a very considerable shift
the CAP. (These differ from customs duties in that in the direction of a heavy reliance on the GNI-related
they are not fixed import taxes, but are fluctuat- source. Table 23.2 shows how marked the shift has
ing charges designed to have the effect of raising been since the mid-1990s.
import prices to EU levels.) There are also certain
internal agricultural levies and duties, notably *  *  *
connected with the sugar market, most of which As regards the member states and budgetary resources,
are in the course of being phased out. Germany, France, Italy, and the UK are the largest
• The application of a uniform percentage rate to the gross contributors to the revenue pool. However,
VAT assessment base. This is determined in a stand- France, Italy and the UK are not so large net contribu-
ardised manner for member states (although this tors: France because it is a major beneficiary of the
still permits states to have some variation in their CAP; Italy because it benefits significantly from the
national VAT rates). In order to reduce the regres- CAP and the Structural Funds; and the UK because
sive aspect of this element of budgetary resources, of the abatement on its contributions. Germany is by
rule changes to the uniform rate and the assess- far the largest net contributor, followed by, in relative
ment base have been made over the years so as to terms (as a percentage of GNI), the Netherlands, the
reduce the proportionate share of this resource. UK, Sweden, and Austria.
• The application of a rate to a base representing the
*  *  *
sum of member states’ GNI at market prices. The
rate is determined under the budgetary proce- The Parliament and the Commission have long pressed
dure in the light of the total of all other revenue for an overhaul of the resources system, arguing that
and the total expenditure agreed. Key features it is too complicated, and lacks transparency, fairness,
of this resource are that it introduces into the and democratic accountability. The heavy reliance on
EU’s revenue system a link with ability to pay, the GNI-based resource, which has the appearance
and it can be easily adjusted to bring budgetary of a direct transfer from member states, has been
revenue into balance with budgetary expenditure. seen as a particular weakness. But though there is
Reductions to the VAT component of budgetary wide agreement amongst most practitioners that the
resources, plus declining revenue from customs resource base should be more clearly self-funding,
duties and agricultural levies occasioned by falling
world tariffs, have meant this GNI component has Table 23.2 EU budget resources compared over
become by far the EU’s most important income time*
• Other income. There is also some miscellane- Type of resource 1996 2009 2014
ous income coming from, amongst other places: Traditional own resources 19 16 12
balances carried over from previous financial years
(this will decline under the 2014–20 MFF); income VAT-based resource 46 17 12
taxes paid by EU staff; fines paid by transgressors GNI-based resource 30 63 69
of EU laws (especially competition laws); and Other 5 4 7
contributions made by non-member states to EU * Figures in percentages
programmes in which they participate.
The Budget | 427

deep differences between the member states has, to to new policy needs and initiatives. Reflecting the
date, resulted in little progress being made on what the outcomes of deliberations and negotiations on such
nature of a revised base should be. questions, measures designed to bring about a partial
shift in the EU’s pattern of expenditure have been
important features of all MFFs. The most important
outcomes of these measures have been the above-
The most striking feature of EU expenditure has long noted reductions in expenditure on the CAP and very
been the very high proportion assigned to the CAP. considerable increases in the late 1980s and 1990s in
For much of the 1970s and 1980s the proportion was spending on cohesion policies.
well over 70 per cent. Even though that proportion has As for current volumes and proportionate amounts
since fallen considerably, agriculture still accounts for of expenditure, Table 23.1 and the accompanying text
over 35 per cent of total budgetary expenditure (esti- set out and explain the expenditure figures for the
mating the exact figure is complicated by close inter- period of the 2014–20 MFF. Spending on agriculture
relationships between CAP, rural development, and and cohesion policies account for approaching 70 per
environmental spending). As was shown in Chapter cent of the total.
21, two main factors account for this very strong posi-
tion of agriculture in the budget. First, agriculture has
seen a greater transfer of financial responsibility from The making of the annual budget
national budgets to the EU budget than any other
major policy area. Second, agriculture is heavily sub- Until the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, the
sidised – formerly through price support, now mainly procedure for making the EU’s annual budget was
through direct income support. protracted, complicated, and favoured the Council
On a rational and common sense basis this can hardly over the EP even though the approval of both institu-
be justified. Agriculture appears to be proportionately tions was necessary for the budget to be adopted. (For
overfunded, whilst many other policy areas – such as an account of the pre-Lisbon Treaty procedure, see the
research policy, energy policy, and external policies – sixth edition of this book.)
appear to be underfunded. Certainly the considerable The Lisbon Treaty made important changes to the
sum assigned to the CAP means that the EU’s financial budgetary procedure. The changes had the three pur-
ability to tackle such pressing problems as research poses that are described in Box 23.2.
under-investment, technological change, and unem-
ployment is limited. However, budgetary expenditure,
like budgetary income, is not determined by ‘objective’
criteria but by political interplay. And, as was shown in BOX 23.2
Chapter 21, in that interplay there are many powerful
forces that wish to maintain high levels of spending on The purposes of Lisbon Treaty
agriculture: governments anxious to receive farmers’ changes to the annual budgetary
votes do not wish to upset this often volatile section of procedure
the electorate; net beneficiaries of the CAP (both states
and sectional interests) are not inclined voluntarily to
surrender their gains; and agriculture is regarded by • To make the procedure simpler, by changing it
from a two-reading procedure to a one-reading
many decision-makers as ‘special’. procedure with conciliation.
However, notwithstanding these obstacles to
reform, pressures to ‘re-balance’ budgetary expendi- • To make the procedure shorter, which the simpli-
fication of the procedure facilitated.
ture have had a clear effect since the mid-to-late
1980s. Attention on reforms has been focused pri- • To give the Council and EP equal powers, by
abolishing the previous distinction between
marily on the imbalance between CAP and non-CAP compulsory expenditure (which was dominated
spending, on the levels and types of assistance that by CAP spending and where the Council had
should be assigned to assisting less prosperous states more power) and non-compulsory expenditure.
and regions, and on the financial support to be given
428 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

The formal rules of the budgetary procedure are use of activity-based budgeting (ABB), which is based
set out in Articles 313–316 of the TFEU, which are on the structuring of costs and expenditure around
diagrammatically presented in Figure 23.1. However, policy areas and activities so that a clear comparison
as with all EU decision-making procedures, the for- can be made between the results achieved for a policy
mal rules provide but a framework that in practice with the resources used for that policy.
is fleshed out and adapted by the budgetary actors in Inevitably, the process of preparing the draft budget
response to pressures, necessities, and convenience. results in those who are undertaking the drafting being
The main stages in the making and the implemen- subject to submissions and pressures from many sides:
tation of the annual budget are now described. from other parts of the Commission; from institu-
tional and national representatives; and from sectional
interests. The Budget Commissioner (who in the new
Preparation of the Draft Budget
arrangements established in the Juncker College is also
As part of its provisions for simplifying and speeding a Commission Vice-President – see Chapter 9) and
up the annual budgetary decision-making process, the officials from the Budget DG hold numerous meetings,
Lisbon Treaty ‘pushed back’ the start of formal budg- both formal and informal, to enable many of these inter-
etary proceedings, which begin with the issuing of the ested parties to have their say. One of these meetings is
draft budget by the Commission. The Commission is a formal trilogue meeting, at which delegations from
not now expected to issue its draft budget in the early the EP and the Council meet with the Commission to
spring but rather later in the year – with 1 September discuss the possible priorities for the budget. Naturally,
being the last possible date. In practice, it issues the in these meetings those with the best chance of achiev-
draft in the late spring/early summer. ing some satisfaction and influencing the Commission
The drawing-up of the draft budget by the are those that carry political weight and/or are already
Commission is the most important part of the budget- in tune with the Commission’s thinking.
making process since the budget that is finally adopted Once the process of preparing the draft budget is final-
does not depart too much from the Commission’s ised, the contents are presented by the Commissioner to
initial proposals. This is because the annual budget the College of Commissioners who must (at least even-
must be set within the MFF applying. The ability of tually) agree to the whole package. Once they do, the
the Commission to use the draft budget as a vehicle contents officially become the draft budget.
for changing EU priorities is thus naturally lim- The Commission presents the budget in both
ited. The constraints are not, however, total and the commitment appropriations (the funding that can
Commission does have some manoeuvrability below be agreed in contracts in a given year) and payment
and within MFF expenditure ceilings. appropriations (the funds that are actually to be paid
The prime responsibility within the Commission out). Naturally, the former are always greater than the
for drawing up the draft budget falls to the Budget latter. The spending plans of the budget are grouped
Commissioner and the Budget DG. In preparing the under the broad headings of the MFF applying, which
draft, they have over the years had to make significant for the 2014–20 MFF are set out and explained earlier
adjustments to traditional ways of working so as to in the chapter. Within each heading, hundreds of
improve strategic planning and programming and budget lines identify the funding proposed for specific
to match budgetary expenditure more closely with policies, programmes, and projects.
political priorities. So, for example, the College of
Commissioners, the Ecofin Council, and the EP each
Council and EP readings
specify their political priorities for the budget before
the draft is finalised and the Budget Commissioner The key provisions under which the EP and the
and the Budget DG are expected to take note of these. Council consider, and ultimately reach agreement on,
Another adjustment, which has been increasingly the annual budget can be seen in Figure 23.1. The key
developed since the early 2000s, is framed within the provisions outlined there are as follows:
broader development of the use by the Commission of
activity-based management for planning, budgeting, • The Council shall adopt its position on the draft
managing, and reporting on results. This involves the budget by 1 October.
The Budget | 429

Submits DB by 1 September

Adopts its position on the DB by QMV and transmits it to the EP by 1 October

within 42 days
Approves the position of the
Council or takes no decision
Budget is adopted
Adopts amendments by MCM

within 10 days
Approves EP amendments
Budget is adopted
Does not approve all the
amendments or takes no decision

Conciliation Committee
within 21 days
No agreement
submits a new DB
Agreement between representatives of the Council
(by QMV) and the EP (by MMC) on a joint text.
within 14 days

– rejected by EP (by EP rejects (by MCM) EP approves and – approved by EP and

MCM) and Council and Council approves Council rejects Council
(by QMV) – approved by one
– rejected by one institution and the
institution and the other takes no
EP may, within 14
other fails to take a decision
days, confirm some or
decision – neither institution
all of its amendments
takes a decision
by MCM and 3/5 of the
votes cast
Commission submits a
new DB
Budget is adopted

Key: MCM: majority of its component members

MMC: majority of its members on the Committee
DB: draft budget
QMV: qualified majority vote

Figure 23.1 The annual budgetary procedure

430 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

• If within 42 days of receiving the Council’s posi- to the hundreds of amendments to the draft budget
tion the EP either approves the position or has not that are customarily put forward from various parts
taken a decision the budget is deemed to have been of the EP. Much rests on the liaising, organising, and
adopted. (Neither of these eventualities is likely.) leadership skills of the chair of the Committee on
• If within 42 days the EP adopts amendments by Budgets and the appointed rapporteur.
a majority of its component members (the likely
eventuality) a Conciliation Committee, composed • The powers. MFFs mean that not only the
of an equal number of members of the Council and Commission but also the Council and the EP
the EP is convened. operate within tight constraints throughout the
• If within ten days of receiving the EP’s amendments budgetary process. There are only limited opportu-
the Council approves all of them, the Conciliation nities for increasing or decreasing the draft budget
Committee does not meet. (This is most unlikely.) and for cutting or expanding particular headings
• The Conciliation Committee shall have the task, and subheadings during the budgetary procedure.
within 21 days of being convened, of reaching an In consequence, there is not a huge gap between
agreement on the budget by a qualified majority the overall positions of the Council and the EP.
of the Council representatives and a majority of Usually, the Council proposes a budget that is €2–3
the EP representatives. If no agreement is reached billion smaller than the draft budget whilst the EP
within the 21 days, the Commission shall submit a proposes a budget that is €3–4 billion higher.
revised draft budget.
Nonetheless, in preparing their positions and in
• The joint text that is agreed in the Conciliation
inter-institutional negotiations the Council and EP
Committee is referred to the EP and Council for
invariably make many hundreds of amendments
their agreement within 14 days. If one of the insti-
to the draft budget, even though the net decreases
tutions rejects the joint text, the Commission must
customarily proposed by the Council and the
submit a revised draft budget (though in the case
increases proposed by the EP are relatively small.
of EP approval and Council rejection, EP amend-
ments can be retained only by a vote of the major-
ity of component members and three-fifths of the • The extent of the inter-institutional liaison. There
is extensive inter-institutional liaison throughout
votes cast).
the budgetary process, with post-first draft delib-
erations and negotiations stages involving not
This formal description of the roles of the Council
just the final decision-makers on the budget – the
and the EP in the budgetary process lays down a
Council and the EP – but also the Commission.
required framework. However, it does not bring out
Indeed, the Commission is actively involved in
the many important non-formal aspects of Council
all decision-making settings on both the Council
and EP activities and roles. Four of these are especially
and the EP sides and in the numerous trilogues
that are convened. However, after the presentation
of the draft budget the Commission is cast in an
• The actors. On the Council side, the detailed work
essentially servicing capacity: responding to what
of examining the budget is undertaken by the
happens in the Council and the EP and doing what
Budget Committee – a working group of national
it can to bring the two sides together.
officials – which reports to COREPER, which in
turn reports to the Ecofin Council. (Unlike MFFs, • Timetable. The budgetary procedure is unusual in
the wider EU decision-making context in that it
where the General Affairs Council is the responsi-
operates according to a tight and stipulated time-
ble Council formation.) Where there is rigidity in
table, which is set out in Figure 23.1. Under the
the negotiating positions of member states, much
ordinary legislative procedure, the Council and EP
of the responsibility for finding a solution falls to
can normally take as long as they need establishing
the Council Presidency, aided by the Commission.
their first reading positions, but under the budget-
On the EP side, the Committee on Budgets is the ary procedure both are time constrained from the
lead committee. Its work includes bringing coherence moment the Commission issues its draft budget, as
The Budget | 431

indeed is the Commission constrained in respect January. This is precisely what happened with five
of when it issues the draft. The existence and of the first nine budgets after the introduction of
exigencies of the timetable introduce an urgency direct EP elections in 1979 (the budgets of 1980 and
into budgetary decision-making that is not always 1984–88).
found in other spheres of EU decision-making. However, the adoption of MFFs and the greater
frequency of inter-institutional contacts and agree-
That said, the time restrictions listed in Figure ments have removed, or at least blunted the sharpness
23.1 do contain some limited flexibility, though not of, many of the problems that occasioned the non-
in respect of the necessity of the Commission having adoption of budgets in the 1980s and none has failed
to produce its draft budget by 1 September at the to be adopted in time in recent years. Were one to be
latest and the Council and the EP having to agree on so, a fall-back position would come into play allowing
the budget itself by the time of the beginning of the for funding to continue until a new budget is agreed,
financial year on 1 January. Some such flexibility was but only on the basis of what are known as ‘provi-
displayed in 2015 in respect of the making of the 2016 sional twelfths’, which means that spending would be
budget, when a very smooth process (as compared limited to the monthly average expenditure of the pre-
with most previous years) saw the Commission’s vious year, plus an allowance for inflation. Therefore,
draft issued in late May and agreement by the policies would not collapse, but some payments would
Council and EP being given in November rather have to be suspended and some programmes, espe-
than, as is customary, in December (see Box 23.3). cially new ones, would have to be delayed.

Non-approval of the budget Implementation of the budget

If a budget is not agreed between the EP and the The implementation of, and the monitoring of the
Council by December, it naturally cannot come into implementation of, the budget may also be considered
effect at the beginning of the financial year on 1 as part of the budgetary process. Only a couple of

Box 23.3

Key dates in the making of the 2016 budget

27 May The Commission tables its draft budget. €153.5 billion is assigned to commitments
and €143.5 billion to payments. This represents a 1.6 per cent increase on the 2015
budget. Policy areas favoured with larger increases include research and innova-
tion, education and training, and internal security. These figures are later slightly
amended twice, on 26 June and 14 October, to increase support for farmers and for
dealing with the migration crisis.
May– November The Council and the EP prepare and then, in light of Council–EP exchanges and
negotiations, adjust their positions.
4 September The Council formally adopts its position.
28 October The EP formally adopts its position.
29 October Conciliation Committee negotiations open.
14 November Agreement on the final budget in the Conciliation Committee. €155.0 billion is
assigned to commitments and €143.9 to payments.
24 November Council unanimously approves the text approved in the Conciliation Committee.
25 November EP approves the text, by 516 votes to 179, with 8 abstentions.
432 | Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union

general points will be made here about these activities, must be laid mainly at the doors of the national agen-
however, since both have been given attention else- cies, which are responsible for about 80 per cent of
where in the book, notably in Chapters 9, 14 (in the direct payments. But, nonetheless, the fact is that the
section on the Court of Auditors), and 19. EU’s standing is not enhanced when implementation
The first point is that, as with other aspects of inadequacies occur.
EU policy implementation, much of the ‘front-line’
budgetary implementation is undertaken by national
agencies in the member states. The Commission
makes transfer payments to the agencies – which are Concluding Remarks
mainly, although by no means exclusively, national
and regional governmental bodies – and they manage The EU budget finances many EU activities and oper-
them on the Commission’s behalf. This delegation to ations. But the budget is relatively small in size and
member state agencies does not, however, absolve the therefore its policy impact is limited. This is no more
Commission from overall responsibility for the execu- clearly demonstrated than in the fact that whereas
tion of the budget, and for this purpose it has a battery public expenditure by the member states accounts
of administrative structures and arrangements to deal for around 48 per cent of EU GNI, EU expenditure
with such matters as the drawing up of tenders, the accounts for only about 1 per cent.
issuing of contracts, and the handling – either directly Because of the desire of member states, especially
or indirectly – of payments. net budgetary contributor states, to ensure that EU
An indication of the scale of the activities involved income and expenditure remain relatively small, the
is provided by the fact that the Commission is respon- budget has provided only very limited opportuni-
sible for some 400,000 or so financial transactions a ties to forge and drive integration processes and
year, including approaching 300,000 payment orders. policy change. MFFs have allowed for some use of
These range from large CAP and cohesion policy the budget to guide incremental policy development
transfer payments to employees’ travel expenses. and have enabled the budget to become the instru-
The second point is that the implementation of ment for modest policy reform, but they can hardly
the budget has attracted considerable unfavourable be said to have been mechanisms for effecting radical
attention, though perhaps less so in recent years as policy shifts.
EU, and especially Commission, financial control But notwithstanding its relative smallness, the EU’s
systems have been strengthened and as the Court of budget has been the focus of very considerable politi-
Auditors has reported decreased levels of inappropri- cal attention. MFFs have been the main subject of this
ate spending. Nonetheless, much of the media and focus – because their final contents are agreed, usually
euorosceptic outlets are always keen to report and only after exhaustive and heated negotiations, at the
highlight mismanagement and fraud in the imple- highest political levels and also because they provide
mentation of EU policies. The Commission is keen the framework in which the size and nature of annual
to point out that most of such problems as do occur budgets are determined.
Part V
Conceptualising and Theorising

The previous chapters of this book have been concerned with identifying
Chapter 24 and analysing the principal features of the evolution and nature of European
Conceptualising integration and the European Union. Chapters 24 and 25 have much the same
the European Union focus, but take a different approach. They do so by stepping back from log-
ging and analysing ‘the facts’ to examining the insights that are provided by
Chapter 25 conceptual and theoretical perspectives.
Theorising European There are, it should be said, some who question the value of conceptualis-
Integration and EU ing and theorising, with doubts and reservations usually focusing on what are
Politics seen to be poor, and potentially misleading, ‘matches’ between over-simplistic
models on the one hand and complex realities on the other. This is, how-
ever, a minority view and most EU academic commentators take the general
social science position that the development and use of concepts and theories
enhances the understanding of political, economic, and social phenomena by
framing, structuring, and directing observation and interpretation.
Chapter 24 examines the merits of trying to conceptualise the overall nature
of the EU and describes some of the main conceptualisations that have been
Chapter 25 examines theoretical approaches that have been used to try and
explain the key features of the integration process and particular aspects of the
functioning of the EU.

Chapter 24
Conceptualising the European Union

Difficulties in Conceptualising onceptualising, which essentially means thinking about phenomena
the European Union 435 in abstract terms, is very much part of EU Studies. It is so because
academic commentators normally want to get beyond collecting and
Three Key Concepts:
Sovereignty, assembling facts and move to generalisations about the nature and significance
Intergovernmentalism, and of the facts. This is viewed as being important both in its own terms and as an
Supranationalism436 essential prerequisite for explanatory theorising.
Conceptualisations of the
Numerous attempts have been made to pinpoint the essential features of the
EU’s Political System 439 EU in conceptual terms or, as it is often put, to capture ‘the nature of the beast’.
Problems in doing this are examined in the opening section of the chapter.
Concluding Remarks 445
Attention is then focused on two central features of the conceptual literature. The
first of these features is three key concepts – sovereignty, intergovernmentalism,
and supranationalism – that are habitually employed when assessing the political
character of the EU in conceptual terms. The second feature is conceptualisations
of the EU as a political system, with some of the best-known and well-established
conceptualisations being examined in the later parts of the chapter.

Difficulties in Conceptualising the European

What are the EU’s core organisational features and what type of political system
is it? These are difficult questions to answer. They are so for at least four reasons.
First, the EU itself has never sought to describe or define its political charac-
ter in any clear manner. The closest it has come to doing so is in the Common
Provisions of the TEU, which do say something about the general nature of the
EU, but only in rather vague and ‘feel good’ terms. Since the Amsterdam Treaty,
and unchanged by the Nice and Lisbon Treaties, Article 1 TEU states that:

This Treaty marks a new stage in the process of creating an ever closer
union among the peoples of Europe, in which decisions are taken as openly
as possible and as closely as possible to the citizen.

Article 2 TEU, in its post-Lisbon Treaty form, states:

The Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom,
democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, includ-
ing the rights of persons belonging to minorities.

436 | Conceptualising and Theorising

Second, as the above extract from Article 1 TEU intergovernmentalism, and supranationalism. These
suggests, the EU is, and always has been, in constant concepts therefore merit special attention.
transition. Its character has changed considerably over
the years as the integration process has deepened and
widened. Its nature has never been settled. For exam- Defining the terms
ple, its legislative processes have become progressively
more supranational since the mid-1980s, as evidenced Sovereignty is an emotive word, associated as it is with
by the much greater use of QMV in the Council and notions of power, authority, independence, and the
the growing power of the EP, but its principal inter- exercise of will. Because of its emotiveness and its
governmental institution – the European Council – is associations, it is a word to which several meanings are
also generally seen as having enhanced its powers and attached. The most common meaning, and the one
standing in recent years. that will be employed here, refers to the legal capacity
Third, the EU is a highly complex and multifaceted of national decision-makers to take decisions without
system. This means that there are abundant opportu- being subject to external restraints. This is usually
nities for different characterisations of the system to called national, or sometimes state, sovereignty.
be generated by different focuses of analysis. Is, for Intergovernmentalism refers to arrangements
example, the focus to be on the EU as an actor or as an whereby nation states, in situations and conditions
arena? If the latter, is the focus to be on its territorial they can control and operating mainly through their
or its sectoral character? governments, cooperate with one another on matters
Fourth, in important respects the EU is unique. It of common interest. The existence of control, which
is so, for example, in the way it embodies both supra- allows all participating states to decide the extent and
national and intergovernmental features in its system nature of the cooperation in which they engage, means
of governance, and in the extent to which it embodies that national sovereignty is not directly undermined.
shared policy responsibilities between different levels Supranationalism involves states working with one
of government. A perfectly reasonable answer to the another in a manner that does not allow them to
question ‘What type of political organisation/system retain complete control over developments. That is,
is the EU?’ is thus that it is not of any type – or, at states may be obliged to do things against their pref-
least, not of any established type – at all. Rather it is erences and their will because they do not have the
sui generis – the only one of its kind. power to stop decisions. Supranationalism thus takes
inter-state relations beyond cooperation into integra-
*  *  * tion, and involves some loss of national sovereignty.
Given this uncertainly and complexity, a useful way of
beginning to analyse the conceptual nature of the EU
is to examine three core concepts that feature promi- The intergovernmental/
nently in almost all relevant discussions and analyses. supranational balance in the EU
In the 1960s the governments of five of the Community’s
then six member states were willing to permit, even to
Three Key Concepts: encourage, some movement towards supranationalism.
President de Gaulle, however, who wished to preserve
Sovereignty, ‘the indivisible sovereignty of the nation state’, was not.
Intergovernmentalism, and In order to emphasise this point, and more particu-
larly to prevent certain supranational developments
Supranationalism that were due to be introduced, he withdrew France
in 1965 from most of the Community’s key decision-
As indicated in earlier parts of this book and through- making forums. The outcome of the crisis that this
out this chapter, much of the debate amongst prac- occasioned was the 1966 Luxembourg Compromise
titioners and observers about the nature of the EU which, though it had no legal force, had as its effect
has centred on the related concepts of sovereignty, the general imposition of intergovernmentalism on
Conceptualising the European Union | 437

Community decision-making processes: the powers • Virtually all major decisions on the general direc-
of the Commission and the EP were contained, and tion and policy priorities of the EU are taken in the
decisions in the Council came customarily to be made European Council: that is, in the forum contain-
– even where the treaties allowed for majority voting – ing the most senior national representatives. Only
by unanimous agreement. rarely does the European Council take decisions
The first enlargement of the Community in 1973 by majority vote. As for EU legislation, all impor-
reinforced intergovernmentalism, bringing in as it did tant decisions need the approval of ministers in
two countries – Denmark and the UK – where there the Council, with some key Council decisions,
was strong domestic opposition to membership and including those of a constitutional or fiscal nature,
where supranationalism was viewed with suspicion. requiring unanimous approval. Where QMV is
International economic uncertainties and recession permissible, attempts are always made to reach
in the 1970s also encouraged intergovernmentalism, a consensus – especially if a state declares it has
since they forced states to look rather more critically important national interests at stake.
at the distributive consequences of Community poli- • The Commission and the EP, the two most obvi-
cies, produced a temptation to look for national solu- ous ‘supranational political rivals’ to the European
tions to pressing problems, and resulted in greater Council and the Council in that their responsibil-
caution about the transfer of powers to Community ity is to look to the EU as a whole rather than to
institutions. specific national interests, are restricted in their
However, intergovernmental attachments and decision-making powers and cannot impose poli-
pressures were never able, and never have been able, cies that the representatives of the member states
completely to stop the development of supranational- do not want.
ism. The treaties, increasing interdependence, and the
logic of the EU itself, have all ensured that national Of the supranational characteristics of the EU, the
sovereignties have been fundamentally, and argu- following are particularly important:
ably progressively, undermined. Indeed, not only
has supranationalism become embedded in the EU • The Commission does much to frame the EU policy
system, but since the mid-1980s it has been given a agenda. Moreover, though it may have to defer to
considerable boost as the states have adopted a much the European Council and the Council where major
more positive attitude towards its development. They decisions are involved, it is an extremely important
have done so partly because the effects of the delays decision-maker in its own right when it comes to
and the inaction that intergovernmentalism spawns secondary and regulatory decision-making. Indeed,
have become more obvious and more damaging, in quantitative terms most EU legislation is issued
and partly because it has been recognised that as the in the name of the Commission.
number of EU member states has grown, over-rigid • In the Council, QMV is now common. This is
intergovernmentalism is a greater recipe than ever for partly a result of changing norms and expectations,
stagnation and sclerosis. and partly a result of the treaty reforms that have
The EU thus displays both intergovernmental and brought about extensions of the policy spheres in
supranational characteristics. The principal intergov- which QMV is permissible.
ernmental characteristics are as follows: • The influence of the EP on EU decision-making
is considerable. This influence has been greatly
• In many of the major areas of public policy – enhanced over the years by treaty reforms, espe-
including foreign affairs, defence, fiscal policy, cially by the creation of the co-decision procedure
social welfare, education, health, and criminal by the Maastricht Treaty and its extension by the
law – decisions are still mainly taken at the national Amsterdam, Nice, and Lisbon Treaties.
level. Each state consults and coordinates with its • The force and status of decision-making outcomes
EU partners on aspects of these policies, and is is crucial to EU supranationalism, for clearly the
increasingly subject to constraints as a result of EU could hardly be described as supranational if
EU membership, but ultimately a state can usually its decisions had no binding force. Indeed, some
decide for itself what is to be done. do not and are merely advisory and exhortative in
438 | Conceptualising and Theorising

nature. But many do, and have legal status. EU law process of working together is resulting in the EU
constitutes an increasingly prominent part of the states becoming ever more intermeshed and inter-
legal systems of all member states, takes precedence dependent. This is no more clearly seen than in the
over national law should the two conflict, and in ‘tying’ effect of many aspects of their relationships and
the event of a dispute finds its final authority not shared activities: tying in the sense that it is not pos-
in national courts but in the interpretations of the sible for them to be reversed without creating major
EU’s own courts. constitutional, legal, political, and economic difficul-
ties at both the EU and the national level (as Brexit is
Sometimes it is suggested that one or the other demonstrating!).
of intergovernmentalism and supranationalism has Clearly a central aspect of the intermeshing and
increased in importance in terms of the EU’s opera- the interdependence, and one of the principal dis-
tions. In recent years, for example, ‘new intergov- tinguishing characteristics of the EU, is the way in
ernmentalism’ has become modish, with it being which the member states have voluntarily surren-
suggested that since Maastricht there has been a dered some of their national sovereignty and inde-
‘tendency towards European integration without pendence to collective institutions. However, viewed
supranationalism … predicated on an increasingly from a broader perspective, the EU is not only the
deliberative and consensual approach [in intergov- cause of a decline in national powers but is also a
ernmental forums from European Council level response to decline. This is because much of the
downwards] to EU decision-making’ (Bickerton, rationale of the EU lies in the attempt – an attempt
Hodson, and Puetter, 2015a: 1). In this view, there for which there is no international parallel – on the
has been an integration paradox, with integration part of the member states to increase their control
being pursued at an unprecedented rate, but with of, and their strength and influence in, a rapidly
member states resisting transfers of power to the changing world. Although all of the states have res-
supranational level. ervations about, and some have fundamental criti-
However, as this book shows, whilst the relative cisms of, certain aspects of the EU, each has judged
importance of intergovernmentalism and suprana- that membership enhances its ability to achieve cer-
tionalism has varied over time, both remain very tain objectives. The precise nature of these objectives
important features of the functioning and nature of varies from state to state, but in virtually all cases
the EU. This is no more clearly demonstrated than the main priorities are the promotion of economic
in the influence exercised by the Commission: on the growth and prosperity, the control of economic and
one hand it is unquestionably an important motor in financial forces that are not confined to national
the European integration process, but on the other it boundaries, and the strengthening of political influ-
is constrained by the preferences of the governments ence. Insofar as these objectives are being attained,
of the member states. As Mark Pollack has put it in it can be argued that the diminution in the role of
analysing the role of the Commission in terms of the state and the loss of sovereignty that arises from
principal-agent relationships, ‘Supranational auton- supranationalism is counterbalanced by the collec-
omy and influence … is not a simple binary matter of tive strength of the EU as a whole.
obedient servants or runaway Eurocracies, but rather Indeed, since international change and develop-
varies along a continuum between the two points’ ing global interdependence have resulted in all of the
(Pollack, 1998: 218). member states experiencing a considerable de facto, if
not de jure, loss of national sovereignty quite irrespec-
tive of the loss that is attributable to EU membership,
A pooling and sharing of it can be argued that the discussion about national
sovereignty? sovereignty, in the classical sense of the term at least,
is no longer very meaningful. Rather it should be
The EU is quite unique in the extent to which it recognised that the only way in which EU states can
involves states engaging in joint action to formulate retain significant control of their operating environ-
common policies and make binding decisions. As the ments is by pooling and sharing their power and their
words ‘joint’, ‘common’, and ‘binding’ imply, the sovereignty.
Conceptualising the European Union | 439

Conceptualisations of the the references to them – with the consequence that they
still have only unofficial status. The EU enjoys some
EU’s Political System sovereignty – as witnessed by the primacy of EU law
and the fact that EU jurisdiction applies to the whole
Recognition of the fact that the EU is in important EU population – but the reach of that sovereignty is
respects a unique political system, does not mean that confined to the policy areas where the EU’s remit is
attempts should not be made to conceptualise it. The established. Likewise, the EU does command some
reason for this is that conceptualisation can help to legitimacy, but it is generally weak. Regarding internal
highlight the EU’s essential features, and in so doing legitimacy, there is general agreement amongst observ-
can draw attention to those features that are distinc- ers that there is no EU demos – a shared sense of com-
tive and those that are found elsewhere. mon identity amongst citizens – whilst opinion surveys
Not all of the conceptualisations that have been show that the internal authority of the EU system is
offered and developed in the literature can be explored somewhat thinly based. Regarding external legitimacy,
here. Attention is necessarily restricted to some of the this is firmly established and (generally) uncontested
more commonly used conceptualisations. only in respect of the Common Commercial Policy
(CCP). And as for monopoly of governance, far from
being in a position of dominance the EU monopolises
States and intergovernmental governance in only a very few policy areas, and even
organisations then it is highly dependent on the member states for
policy enforcement. To these ‘weaknesses’ might be
A useful starting point in attempting to conceptual- added the very limited development of EU citizenship,
ise the EU is to compare it with the most important the EU’s comparatively limited financial resources, and
political unit of the international system, the state, arguably too its increasingly differentiated character in
and with the customary way in which states interrelate such core policy areas as monetary and AFSJ policy.
with one another on a structured basis, the intergov- The EU thus falls a long way short of being a state,
ernmental organisation (IGO). as statehood is traditionally understood. However, the
Definitions of the state are many and various. concept of the state is still of some use in helping to
Generally speaking, however, the key characteristics of promote an understanding of the nature of the EU. It
the state are seen as being those set out in Box 24.1. is so for two reasons. First, as has just been shown, the
The four features of the state set out in Box 24.1 EU does display some of the traditional characteristics
do not all need to be present in a pure, undiluted and of a state. Second, the realities of traditional statehood
uncontested form for a state to exist. They do, how-
ever, need to feature prominently and to constitute the
essential bedrock of the system. With the EU there is BOX 24.1
no doubt that all four features are present, but they are
so only in partial ways. So, territoriality is present in Key characteristics of ‘the state’
the sense that the EU’s territory is the sum total of the
member states’ territory. But, enlargements mean it is
an almost constantly shifting territory. Furthermore,
• Territoriality – the state is geographically based
and bound.
the EU can hardly be said to ‘own’ the territory in the
sense that member states can be said to own their ter-
• Sovereignty – the state stands above all other
associations and groups within its geographical
ritory. In part to add credence to this territorial dimen- area and its jurisdiction extends to the whole
sion of its existence, the EU has created some of the population of the area.
symbols of statehood with a flag, an anthem, and an
(almost) common passport. But, the upgrading of the
• Legitimacy – the authority of the state is widely
recognised, both internally and externally.
first two of these symbols by giving them official recog-
nition in the Constitutional Treaty was widely seen as
• Monopoly of governance – the institutions of the
state monopolise public decision-making and
being a contributory reason for the difficulties in get- enforcement.
ting the Treaty ratified, so the Lisbon Treaty removed
440 | Conceptualising and Theorising

are breaking down in the modern world, most par- non-majoritarian institutions exist – most notably in
ticularly under the pressures of international interde- the form of the Commission, the Court of Justice, and
pendence. So, for example, no modern state can now regulatory agencies – that collectively constitute virtu-
be regarded as being fully sovereign in a de facto sense, ally an independent fourth branch of government.
and the EU member states cannot even claim that they Another conceptualisation of the state that is help-
are fully sovereign in a de jure sense. These changes ful is Vivien Schmidt’s notion of the EU as a regional
in the realities of statehood mean there must also be state (Schmidt, 2004; 2006; 2009). This conceptualisa-
changes in how the state is conceptualised. And in tion, Schmidt readily acknowledges, may be objected
such new conceptualisations – involving, for instance, to on the grounds that the EU is clearly not a fully
notions of the regulatory state and the regional state – developed state, and indeed that ‘conventional’ states
the EU displays many state-like features. are its component members. But, the combining of
The notion of the EU as a regulatory state is a con- the two words ‘regional’ and ‘state’ does draw our
ceptualisation that has attracted much attention, due attention to core EU features. So, ‘regional’ implies
in large part to the extensive work of Giandomenico some of the differences between the EU and nation
Majone (1992, 1994, 1996) on the subject. The regu- states, such as the shifting nature of the geographical
latory state model conceptualises the EU in terms boundaries, the shared powers and sovereignty, the
both of its functions and its institutional structure. fragmented democracy, and the differentiated partici-
Regarding its functions, the EU is seen as not being pation in some policy areas. ‘State’ highlights the fact
greatly involved in distributive or redistributive poli- that the EU does have state-like features, including
cies but as being extensively involved in regulating strong central powers in a number of policy areas, a
such policy areas as competition, environment, prod- highly developed system of governance, and a legal
uct quality, and health and safety at work. A number of system in which EU law takes primacy.
factors are identified by Majone as explaining this reg-
ulatory focus, including pressure from business firms *  *  *
for there to be a fully integrated internal market and Turning to IGOs, their key characteristics are as set
a reluctance on the part of member state governments out in Box 24.2. Paul Magnette (2005) argues for the
to permit the large budget that redistributive poli- usefulness of the IGO conceptualisation when try-
cies require. Regarding the EU’s institutional struc- ing to understand the nature of the EU. The EU is,
ture, Majone argues that a range of regulatory and he acknowledges, more sophisticated and developed

Box 24.2

Key characteristics of intergovernmental organisations

• IGOs are based on treaties between states in which representatives of national governments come
together to cooperate on a voluntary basis for reasons of mutual benefit. They offer a way for states to
work together without formally conceding national sovereignty.
• IGOs usually have very little, if any, organisational autonomy, with decisions customarily made by a consen-
sus between member states. They normally have a permanent secretariat, but it has few independent powers.
• IGOs normally have few instruments to enforce their will on reluctant member states. But, since
noncompliance is likely to bring a state’s membership into question, there are strong pressures for states
to comply. A few IGOs – most notably the WTO – adopt a quasi-judicial approach to decision imple-
• IGOs vary greatly in their focus, purpose, and geographical reach.

There are about 250 IGOs in existence. Amongst the best known are the UN, the OECD, NATO, the IMF,
and the Council of Europe.
Conceptualising the European Union | 441

than the likes of NATO and the Council of Europe, Different interpretations within the EU of the
but nonetheless ‘the best way to understand the EU’s nature of federalism were no more clearly demon-
structure and functioning is to see it primarily as an strated than in the run-up to the 1991 Maastricht
intergovernmental organization’ (ibid.: 3). Central summit, when the UK government became embroiled
to Magnette’s position is that the most useful way in a sharp clash with the governments of the other
of viewing EU institutions is not as external agencies member states over whether there should be a refer-
imposing their views on unwilling national authori- ence in the TEU to the EU as ‘evolving in a federal
ties but rather as frameworks or networks in which direction’. The clash centred in large part on different
national actors attempt to coordinate their interests understandings of what ‘federal’ entails and implies,
and policy preferences. The EU ‘is a set of institutions with the UK government giving the word a much
and rules designed to strengthen the European states more centralist spin than other governments. Indeed,
by encouraging them to cooperate … The EU is not the solution that was eventually agreed upon – to
about depriving the states of their sovereignty. Rather remove the offending phrase and replace it with a
it is about encouraging them to exercise their preroga- statement that the Treaty ‘marks a new stage in the
tives in new and more cooperative ways’ (ibid.: 3). process of creating an ever closer union among the
Magnette’s view, whilst thought-provoking and peoples of Europe’ – seemed to many EU govern-
interesting, is not, it has to be said, widely shared. ments far more centralist in tone than did the original
Most observers see striking differences between the formulation.
EU and IGOs: Academic commentators too have not been in
complete accord on the precise nature of federal sys-
• The EU has a much more developed and complex tems. In broad terms, however, most would regard the
institutional structure than is found in IGOs. The key characteristics of such systems as being as set out
standard pattern of advanced IGOs – permanent in Box 24.3.
secretariats and attached delegations – is perhaps, In applying the federal model to the EU it is readily
in a much grander and more elaborated form, apparent that the EU does display some federal traits:
replicated in the EU with the Commission and the
Permanent Representations, but to these are added • Power is divided between central decision-making
many other features. institutions (the Commission, the Council, the EP
• No IGO has anything like the policy responsibili- and so on), and regional decision-making institutions
ties of the EU, in terms either of breadth or depth. (the governing authorities in the member states).
In terms of breadth, few significant policy areas • The nature of the division is specified in constitu-
have completely escaped the EU’s attention, whist tional-like documents (the treaties) and there is a
in terms of depth many important initiating and supreme judicial authority (the EU’s courts) with
decision-making powers have been transferred the authority to adjudicate in the event of disputes
from the member states to the EU authorities. over the division.
• The EU has progressed far beyond the intergovern- • Both levels do have important powers and respon-
mental nature of IGOs to incorporate many suprana- sibilities for public policy – with those of the central
tional characteristics into its structure and operation. level appertaining particularly, but by no means
exclusively, to the economic sphere.
In terms of state and IGO conceptualisation, the
EU is thus perhaps best thought of as being less than At the same time, however, it is also clear that in
the former but more than the latter. some respects the EU falls short of the federal model:

Federalism • Although power is divided between the central and

regional levels, some of the responsibilities that lie
Interpretations of the nature of federalism vary. This at the centre are heavily dependent on the acqui-
is not surprising when systems as diverse as Germany, escence of the regional units (the member states)
India, Switzerland, and the USA are amongst those if they are to be exercised. This is most obviously
that describe themselves as being federal. the case where the unanimity rule applies in the
442 | Conceptualising and Theorising

part of this policy balance, the control of taxation

BOX 24.3 and financial resources is still overwhelmingly with
the member states.
Key characteristics of federal • Those policy spheres, which in ‘conventional’
political systems federal systems are normally thought of as being
the responsibility of the central authorities, in
• Power is divided between central decision-
making institutions on the one hand and
the EU are primarily national responsibilities.
Foreign affairs, security and defence, and citi-
regional decision-making institutions on zenship rights are being developed at the EU
the other. level, but so far only to a limited degree and
• The nature of this division of power is speci-
fied in and is protected by constitutional docu-
on a largely intergovernmental basis. Currency
control is the most obvious exception to this, but
ments. Disputes over the division are settled by not all member states are members of the single
a supreme judicial authority. currency system.
• The division of power between the central and
regional levels is balanced in the sense that both
• The central authorities are not able to use ‘legiti-
mate violence’ in ‘EU territory’.
have responsibilities – although not necessarily
wholly exclusive responsibilities – for important This balance of characteristics combines to suggest
spheres of public policy. a system that does not fully embrace all the traits of the
• Modern realities dictate that in practice the
division of power cannot be over-rigid. Rather,
classical federal system, but is not as far removed from
the federal model as is usually supposed (for support-
some policy responsibilities inevitably overlap ing argument along these lines see: Sbragia, 1992;
and intertwine. In short, the only viable form of Keleman and Nicolaidis, 2006; Burgess, 2009). At a
federalism in the modern world is cooperative minimum, the EU may be said to embody the federal
federalism. principle of combining in a territorial and contractual
• Whilst the policy content of the division of
power can vary, some policy areas are primar-
sharing of power a degree of unity on the one hand
with a respect for the interests and partial autonomy
ily the responsibility of the central level because of regional units on the other. Moreover, it is clear
they are concerned with the identity, coher- that over the years the movement of the EU progres-
ence, and protection of the system as a whole. sively has been in a federal direction. The Maastricht
Such policy areas normally include foreign Treaty was, as Koslowski (1999) has observed, espe-
affairs, security and defence, management of the cially significant in this respect. It was so most obvi-
(single) currency, and specification and protec- ously with its provisions for institutional deepening.
tion of citizens’ rights – or at least the more But it was so also with its establishment of Union
important of these rights. citizenship, albeit in a weak form, and its ‘codification’
of the principle of subsidiarity which may be seen as
an embryo federal principle ‘governing the scope of
Council, as for example, in respect of decisions on EU policy-making and thereby fram[ing] the political
enlargement, foreign and defence policy, and fiscal relationship between the EU and its member states in
measures. federal terms’ (ibid.: 574).
• The policy balance is still tilted towards the member So the EU may perhaps be thus conceptualised as
being a quasi-federal system. Or, if that is thought
states. The degree of tilt is much less than it was
before the ‘re-launch’ of the Community in the to overstate the degree of centralisation that exists,
mid-1980s, but apart from market-related policies it might be better labelled as a confederation, albeit
the member states are still mostly in control of one of a special sort. The distinction between federa-
public decision-making. This is reflected in the fact tion and confederation is fuzzy, but in essence it rests
that policy areas that involve heavy public expendi- on the amount of power exercised at the central and
ture – such as education, health, social welfare, and regional levels, with confederations being systems in
defence – are still essentially national policies. As which the balance is very much tilted to the regional
Conceptualising the European Union | 443

level. Insofar as the EU is a union of previously sov- intergovernmental level, where governments negotiate
ereign states created by treaty in which supranational with one another in EU forums.
institutions exist but whose range of powers fall short A much-employed version of the core state-centric
of the powers exercised by their counterparts in model is consociationalism. Originally developed –
established federal systems, it certainly displays some notably by Arend Lijphart (1969) – to throw light on
distinctive confederal traits. how some democratic states that are sharply divided
internally are able to function in a relatively smooth
and stable manner, consociationalism has been cham-
State-centrism and pioned as a model that can provide valuable insights
consociationalism into central features of the functioning of the EU.
Consociational systems, of which the clearest example
State-centric models of the EU are advanced by those in Europe is Belgium, are normally portrayed as dis-
who take an intergovernmental view of the integration playing the features that are set out in Box 24.4.
process. As such, they portray the EU as having the Just as there are variations of the core state-centric
following features at its core: model, so have the main features of the consociational
model been developed and directed by analysts in
• The system rests primarily on states that have various ways. In the EU context, a leading such ana-
come together to cooperate for certain specified lyst is Paul Taylor (1991, 1996), who sees the model
purposes. as extremely valuable in helping to explain the nature
• The main channels of communication between EU of the balance between fragmentation and coop-
member states are the national governments. eration/integration in the EU, the mutual dependence
• The national governments control the overall between the member states and the collectivity, and
direction and pace of EU decision-making. the ability – which does not imply inevitability – of
• No governments, and therefore no states, are the system as a whole both to advance and maintain
obliged to accept decisions on major issues to stability.
which they are opposed. At the heart of Taylor’s analysis of the EU is
• Supranational actors such as the Commission and the notion of there being a symbiosis – a mutual
the EU’s courts do not have significant independ- dependence – between the participating segments
ent powers in their own right, but function essen- of the consociation (the member states) and the
tially as agents and facilitators of the collective will collectivity of the consociation (EU structures and
of the national governments. frameworks). This symbiosis is seen as enabling many
of the costs of fragmentation to be overcome, whilst
From this shared core, state-centric models branch at the same time preserving, and in some ways even
out into a number of directions, most of which involve strengthening, the power and authority of both the
some ‘softening’ of the core’s hard edges. Variations segments and the collectivity. A particularly important
occur in respect of such matters as the dynamics of aspect of this last point is the assertion that EU mem-
inter-state relations, the nature of the policy role and ber states do not lose significant power or authority by
impact of non-state actors, and the importance that is virtue of their EU membership.
accorded to national domestic politics. Chryssochoou (1994, 1995, 1998, 2009) and Costa
The last of these variations has produced a concep- and Magnette (2003), who too are exponents of
tualisation of EU policy dynamics as being conducted the consociational model, also emphasise this point
on the basis of a two-level game, in which state-cen- about the retention of fundamental sovereignty. For
trism is combined with a domestic politics approach Chryssochoou (1994: 48), the EU is a confederal
(see Bulmer, 1983, on this latter approach). In the two- consociation in that it is a system in which there is
level game conceptualisation, most famously advanced ‘the merging of distinct politically organised states in
by Putnam (1988), the governments of member states some form of union to further common ends without
are involved in EU policy-making at two levels: at the losing either national identity or resigning individual
domestic level, where political actors seek to influence sovereignty’. The internal mechanisms of the EU –
the positions adopted by governments, and at the which are seen as being largely under the control of
444 | Conceptualising and Theorising

Box 24.4

Key features of consociational political systems

• There is societal segmentation (which may or may not be geographically demarcated) and there are
several politically significant lines of division.
• The various segments are represented in decision-making forums on a proportional basis, though with
minorities often being over-represented.
• Political elites of the segments dominate decision-making processes. Interactions between these elites are
intense and almost constant.
• Decisions are taken on the basis of compromise and consensus. The majoritarian principle, whereby
a majority can proceed even if it is opposed by a minority, is not normally employed, especially
when major or sensitive issues are involved. Decisional processes are characterised by bargaining and
exchanges, whilst decisional outcomes are marked by compromise and are frequently little more than the
lowest common denominator.
• The interactions between the segments, and particularly between the elites of the segments, can be both
positive and negative with regards to promoting solidarity: positive in that links are established and
community-wide attitudes can be fostered between the segments; negative in that since the very rationale
of consociationalism is the preservation of segmented autonomy within a cooperative system, segments
may be tempted to over-emphasise their distinctiveness and moves towards over-centralisation may
become occasions for resentment and unease within the segments.

state executive elites – are constituted, Chryssochoou have given it a particular emphasis and spin. At the
suggests, so as to ensure that vital national interests general political science level, viewpoints included in
are not ‘mystically subsumed by the force of common the new governance approach are that government
interests in a neofunctionalist fashion’ (ibid.: 55). now involves a wide variety of actors and processes
The view that EU membership does not of itself beyond the state, the relationships between state and
fundamentally undermine the sovereignty of member non-state actors have become less hierarchical and
states is of course widely contested. Some of the con- more interactive, and the essential ‘business’ of gov-
testants suggest that multilevel governance provides ernment has become the regulation of public activities
a more useful way of conceptualising and modelling rather than the redistribution of resources. As applied
the EU. to the EU, the new governance perspective

is that the EU is transforming politics and govern-

Multilevel governance ment at the European and national levels into a
system of multilevel, non-hierarchical, deliberative
The conceptualisations considered so far are, broadly and apolitical governance, via a complex web of
speaking, located within a comparative perspective. public/ private networks and quasi-autonomous
Their concern is whether and to what extent the EU executive agencies, which is primarily concerned
‘matches’ established models of governance. However, with the deregulation and reregulation of the
those who are firmly of the view that the EU is very ­market. (Hix, 1998: 54)
much sui generis – or, as it is sometimes put, n = 1 –
naturally wish to develop new conceptual ideas and Taking just one of these strands of the new gov-
models. ernance, much has been heard since the early 1990s
In this context, some EU scholars have drawn on of the merits of conceptualising the EU as a system
the developing political science interest in what is of multilevel governance. Advocates of this concep-
commonly referred to as ‘the new governance’ and tualisation usually specifically set themselves against
Conceptualising the European Union | 445

the state-centric model, suggesting that the latter is supranational and subnational levels really do have
too simple in its emphasis on the pre-eminence of the power and influence they are claimed to have.
state executives as actors and decision-makers. The Supranational levels are seen by state-centric observ-
great importance of national governments is not ers as being largely subject to state-level controls
denied, but the claim that they dominate and control (mainly through the various organs of the Council),
decision-making processes most certainly is. whilst subnational levels are considered to have little
Following the scheme initially put forward by room or potential to make a significant impact on
Marks, Hooghe, and Black (1996) and subsequently policy outcomes. Is it not the case, multilevel govern-
developed and used by, amongst others, Bache and ance critics argue, that in some member states there
Flinders (2004) and Stephenson (2013), three main is no robust subnational level of government, and
characteristics can be seen as lying at the heart of the is it not also the case that there is little evidence of
multilevel governance model of the EU. These charac- subnational actors exercising much of a policy role
teristics are set out in Box 24.5. beyond the sphere of cohesion policy from which the
On the basis of the characteristics identified in Box advocates of multilevel governance draw most of their
24.5, multilevel governance thus conceives of the EU as empirical evidence?
a polity, or at least as a polity in the making, in which
power and influence are exercised at multiple levels
of government. National state executives are seen as
extremely important actors in the EU arena, but the
Concluding Remarks
almost semi-monopolistic position that is ascribed to
them by many state-centrists is firmly rejected. Conceptualising enables observers of the EU to
Critics of the multilevel governance conceptu- step back from the immediacy and details of par-
alisation naturally focus particularly on whether the ticular structures, processes and outcomes to ask more

Box 24.5

The multilevel governance model of the EU

• Decision-making competences lie with, and are exercised by, not only national governments but also
institutions and actors at ‘higher’ and ‘lower’ levels. At the EU level, supranational actors – of which the
most important are the Commission, the EP, and the EU Courts – exercise an independent influence
on policy processes and policy outcomes. In many member states subnational levels exercise signifi-
cant powers, with regional and local authorities able to engage in policy activities that are not (wholly)
controllable by national governments.
• Collective decision-making by states at the EU level involves a significant loss of national sovereignty,
and therefore a significant loss of control by national governments. The intergovernmental view that
states retain the ultimate decision-making power is rejected, largely on the grounds that ‘(l)owest
common denominator outcomes are available only on a subset of EU decisions, mainly those concerning
the scope of integration’ (Marks et al., 1996: 346).
• Political arenas are interconnected rather than nested. So, rather than national political activity being
confined to the national arena and national inputs into EU decision-making being channelled via
state-level actors, a variety of channels and interconnections between different levels of government –
­supranational, national, and subnational – exist and are important. ‘The separation between domestic
and international politics, which lies at the heart of the state-centric model, is rejected by the multilevel
governance model. States are an integral and powerful part of the EU, but they no longer provide the
sole interface between supranational and subnational arenas, and they share, rather than monopolize,
control over many activities that take place in their respective territories’ (ibid.: 347).
446 | Conceptualising and Theorising

general questions about the overall nature of the EU of course, much debated, with the precise meaning
and its key features as a system of governance. As such, of terms and the extent to which they exist ‘on the
conceptualising assists in enabling a broader perspec- ground’ being often disputed. The conceptualisations,
tive to be gained than is possible if a wholly detailed the language, and the points associated with them that
and/or empirical approach is relied on. have been examined in this chapter are not, therefore,
In the sense of capturing all aspects of the EU’s to be evaluated in terms of whether they are defini-
character, conceptualisations do not seek or claim to tively right or wrong, but rather in terms of whether
be all-embracing in nature. Conceptualisations of the they are more or less useful. Do they alert us to, and
‘wholly adequate’ sort are just not possible given the perhaps help us to understand, core features of the
EU’s multifaceted nature. Rather, conceptualisations EU? As such, conceptualisations are potentially mutu-
seek to draw our attention to core aspects of the EU, ally complementary, as, for example, Fabbrini (2016)
such as its (alleged) federal and/or multilevel character indicates when he argues that the EU is best viewed
and whether or not its member states have lost sover- as a ‘supranational union’ in respect of the making of
eignty as a result of their membership. regulatory rules but as an ‘intergovernmental union’
The answers to questions concerning, for exam- in respect of the making of strategic decisions on mat-
ple, whether or not the EU is a federal system are, ters of high domestic political salience.
Chapter 25
Theorising European Integration
and EU Politics

Theorising European heorising, which means positing explanations of phenomena, has
Integration: Grand Theory 448 constituted the base of much academic writing on European integra-
Theorising the Functioning tion and EU politics. Broadly speaking, this writing is of two main
of the EU: Middle-Range types. First, there are attempts to theorise the general nature of the integra-
Theory454 tion process. Such theorising is not as fashionable today as it once was, but it
Using Differing Theoretical is still seen by most scholars as being worthwhile, and it certainly marks the
Approaches to Explain Decision- point of departure for a great deal of other theoretical work. Grand theory, as
Making in a Particular Policy general integration theory is commonly known, is studied in the first section
Area: Enlargement 457 of the chapter. Second, there are attempts to develop theoretical approaches to
Concluding Remarks 459 particular aspects of the functioning of the EU, especially policy and decision-
making. Operating at the middle-range level, or as it is sometimes called the
meso level, rather than at the general level, this has been a major growth area in
scholarly work on the EU in recent years. It is the subject of the second section
of the chapter.
As will be shown, within each of these two broad types of theoretical
work there is a wide range of different approaches. An underlying theme of
the chapter is that the existence of many approaches is inevitable given the
multi-dimensional nature of European integration as a process and the EU
as an organisation. No single theory is capable of explaining everything. The
complexities are such that different sets of theoretical tools are necessary to
examine and interpret them.
Before proceeding, three cautionary notes must be issued.
First, there is considerable overlapping and intertwining between the many
different dimensions of the theoretical ideas that are described and analysed in
the chapter. So, for example, much middle range level theorising draws heavily
on broader integration theory.
Second, the range of theoretical approaches to the study of European inte-
gration and the EU is so great that only some of them can be considered here.
Taking, for example, integration theory, Haughton (2016) suggests that recent
theory contains four ‘new routes’: alternative approaches – which use a number
of different disciplinary and non-mainstream paths; adaptation approaches –
which adapt and refine existing frameworks; combinational approaches – which
seek to blend and synthesise different theories; and disintegration approaches –
which indicate reasons why the integration project is in danger of unravelling.
Clearly, it is not possible to examine all of these approaches here. Attention is
necessarily restricted to the main established approaches, which have been, and
still are, both important in themselves and in permeating most of the integra-
tion theory literature.

448 | Conceptualising and Theorising

Third, the focus here is largely restricted to political is widely seen as being helpful in explaining the rea-
science approaches to theorising. Other disciplines do, sons for, and the course of, the European integration
of course, have their own approaches. process.

Theorising European Neofunctionalism

Integration: Grand Theory The foundations of neofunctionalism were laid in the
late 1950s and during the 1960s by a number of US
Many scholars of European integration have explored academics, of whom the most prominent were Ernst
ways in which the overall nature of the integration Haas (1958) and Leon Lindberg (1963).
process might be theorised. The purpose of such In its classic formulation, neofunctionalism
exploration has been to develop a broad understand- revolves largely around the concept of spillover, which
ing of the factors underlying European integration takes two main forms. The first form – functional
and in so doing to facilitate predictions of how spillover – arises from the interconnected nature
integration is likely to proceed. This search for what of modern economies, which makes it difficult to
is commonly referred to as ‘grand’ theory – that is, confine integration to particular economic sectors.
theory which explains the main features of the inte- Rather, integration in one sector produces pressures
gration process as a whole – began soon after the for integration in adjoining and related sectors. The
European Community was established in the 1950s, second form – political spillover – largely follows
with US scholars leading the way. However, after on from economic integration and has a number of
about 15 years of considerable activity and published dimensions: national elites increasingly turn their
output, interest in grand integration theory declined attention to supranational levels of activity and deci-
from the mid-1970s as disillusionment set in with sion-making; these elites become favourably disposed
what had been and could be achieved by such theory. towards the integration process and the upgrading
Furthermore, the EC itself became less interesting, of common interests; supranational institutions and
with its seeming retreat into retrenchment and even non-governmental actors become more influential
sclerosis. There followed a lull of ten years or so in in the integration process, whilst nation states and
which little was published in the sphere of grand governmental actors become less influential; and the
integration theory. This lull ended in the mid-to-late increasing importance of integration generates pres-
1980s when interest was re-stimulated by the ‘re- sures and demands for political control and account-
launch’ of the integration process through the SEM ability at the supranational level.
and SEA in 1985–86 and with the appearance on the With its emphasis on spillover, early neofunc-
academic scene of new scholars who believed that, tionalism thus suggested, though it certainly did
though early grand theory may have had its limita- not regard as inevitable, the progressive develop-
tions, the raison d’être of grand theory – to further ment of European integration. Drawing heavily on
understanding of the general character of European the experience of the ECSC, which had played such
integration – was as valid as ever. an important part in paving the way for the EEC,
A notable feature of the re-awakened interest in integration was seen as promoting further integra-
grand theory, which still continues, is that much tion. The slowing down of the integration process
of it has centred on debating the respective merits following the 1965–66 crisis in the EC and the world
of, and developing more sophisticated versions of, economic recession of the early 1970s was thus some-
the two theories – the foundational theories one thing of a jolt for advocates of neofunctionalism. For
may call them – that dominated the early years of far from policy integration proceeding apace and
European integration theory: neofunctionalism and political behaviour and decision-making becoming
intergovernmentalism. Another prominent feature increasingly supranational in character, policy inte-
has been the extensive use that has been made, in gration did not develop in the manner that had been
various ways, of interdependency theory, which is anticipated whilst political behaviour and decision-
not especially focused on European integration but making remained essentially nationally based and
Theorising European Integration and EU Politics | 449

conditioned. As a result, neofunctionalism lost much (1993: 43) have explicitly argued that ‘the legal inte-
of its gloss and appeal, not least when its foremost gration of the Community corresponds remarkably
figures – Haas and Lindberg – retreated from it and closely to the original neofunctionalist model’, and
suggested that future integration theory would need that the Court has not only had considerable scope to
to give greater recognition to, amongst other things, pursue its own agenda but has frequently done so in a
nationalism and the role of political leadership. manner that favours integration.
Since the late 1980s, however, as the pace of Much of the work of Wayne Sandholtz and Alec
integration has again picked up, there has been a re- Stone Sweet (Sandholtz and Stone Sweet, 1998; Stone
assessment and a partial comeback of neofunctional- Sweet and Sandholtz, 1997) is informed by neofunc-
ism, albeit often in a ‘disguised’ form. As Philippe tionalism, though like Tranholm-Mikkelsen and oth-
Schmitter (2004: 45) has observed ‘Real live neofunc- ers they too look on original neofunctionalism as
tionists may be an endangered species, but neofunc- wanting – not least, in their view, in an inability to
tionist thinking [is] very much alive, even if it [is] explain why integration should advance via spillover in
usually … re-branded as a different animal.’ some policy sectors and not in others. Building from
Jeppe Tranholm-Mikkelsen (1991), in a much- a broadly neofunctionalist base, Sandholtz and Stone
quoted article, argued that much of the ‘new dyna- Sweet draw on other approaches and ­perspectives –
mism’ in Western Europe from the mid-1980s can be notably globalisation and transactionalism – to advance
explained in neofunctionalist terms, though he also a theory to explain the development of supranational
emphasised the importance of factors that were not governance in the EU and why the extent of the devel-
part of the original neofunctionalist position – such opment varies so much between policy sectors that
as forceful political actors and changes in the external the EU is perhaps best regarded not as a single regime
security environment. His main conclusion was that but as a series of different regimes. The starting point
although neofunctionalism may be dealing only with of their explanation is that globalisation has led to a
‘some parts of the elephant … it appears that those growth in cross-border economic transactions (trade,
parts are amongst the ones that make the animal move’ investment, production, distribution) and communi-
(ibid.: 319). Tranholm-Mikkelsen exemplifies those cations which have produced pressures both for the
who have argued that although original neofunction- removal of cross-border barriers and for the creation
alism may have had its limitations and faults – most of EU-wide rules and regulations. These pressures
notably by being over-deterministic and not giving have resulted in the creation and development of EU
due allowance to the continuing importance in the policies and policy arenas in which supranational
European integration process of the (often distinctive) institutions have key policy management and policy
interests of member states and their representatives – promotion roles. Integration has thus been sustained
it still has, especially when updated and modified, in a number of ways, including by a continued expan-
considerable theoretical value. Evidence cited to sup- sion of transnational exchanges and by the suprana-
port neofunctionalism’s case relates both to functional tional institutions seeking to widen and strengthen
and to political spillover. In respect of functional the frameworks with a view to further controlling the
spillover, reference is most commonly made to the transnational exchanges. As Sandholtz and Stone Sweet
internal market, where the original ‘requirements’ make clear, the key constituent elements of their theory
for the completion of the market have steadily been are thus ‘prefigured in neofunctionalism: the develop-
expanded to include, amongst other things, the social ment of transnational society, the role of supranational
dimension, the single currency, and a measure of fis- organizations with meaningful autonomous capacity to
cal harmonisation. In respect of political spillover, pursue integrative agendas, and the focus on European
the great advances in supranational decision-making rule-making to resolve international policy external-
since the mid-1980s are commonly cited, with ‘the ities’ (Sandholtz and Stone Sweet, 1998: 6). They
motor role’ of the Commission, the common use of build on these elements to develop a theory in which
QMV in the Council, and the EU Courts’ support for ‘[t]ransnational exchange provokes supranational
much integrationist activity all seen as falling within organizations to make rules designed to facilitate and
the neofunctionalist framework. Indeed, with regard to regulate the development of transnational society’
to the role of the Court of Justice, Burley and Mattli (ibid.: 25). In seeking to answer the question why
450 | Conceptualising and Theorising

integration proceeds faster and further in some policy within and beyond states, can exercise some influence
areas than in others they ‘look to variation in the levels on developments, but not a crucial, and certainly not
of cross-border interactions and in the consequent need a controlling, influence. This focus on states – and
for supranational coordination and rules’ (ibid.: 14). the associated perception of states having their own
Neofunctionalism in its various forms has been distinctive national interests which they vigorously
criticised on a number of grounds, in particular defend, especially in the spheres of high politics
for undervaluing the government-determined frame- (foreign policy, security and defence) – has resulted
works within which supranational actors operate, for in intergovernmentalists tending to emphasise, as
not paying enough attention to member state resist- Stanley Hoffmann (1966) put it, ‘the logic of diversity’
ance to aspects of the integration process, and for still rather than ‘the logic of integration’.
being implicitly deterministic. But whilst neofunction- For many years Hoffmann was the foremost pro-
alism does clearly have its weaknesses, it continues to ponent of this interpretation of European integration,
have considerable explanatory usefulness. Recognition but in the 1990s Andrew Moravcsik (1991, 1993, 1995,
of this results in many scholars continuing to extol 1998) established himself as its leading exponent. Just
the merits of neofunctionalism and to work within a as Tranholm-Mikkelsen and others built on early
neofunctionalist framework. Arne Niemann (2006), neofunctionalism to develop a more sophisticated
for example, advances a refined and sophisticated ver- theoretical framework, so Moravcsik performed a
sion of neofunctionalism to help explain EU decisions. similar service for intergovernmentalism. He called
At the heart of his refinements is the identification his framework liberal intergovernmentalism.
of five types of spillover (functional, political, social, There are three main components of liberal inter-
cultivated, and exogenous) and a clear recognition of governmentalism. First, there is an assumption of
the existence of countervailing forces that can result rational state behaviour, which means that the actions
in integrationist advance not being inevitable. And, of states are assumed to be based on utilising what are
in an application of neofunctionalism not normally judged to be the most appropriate means of achieving
employed – to horizontal integration (that is, to the their goals. Second, there is a liberal theory of national
geographical extension of integration) – Catherine preference formation. This draws on a domestic poli-
Macmillan (2009) suggests that neofunctionalism tics approach to explain how state goals can be shaped
provides a useful theoretical framework for enlarge- by domestic pressures and interactions, which in turn
ment. (For fuller introductions to neofunctionalism, are often conditioned by the constraints and oppor-
see: Jensen, 2016; Niemann and Schmittter, 2009; tunities that derive from economic interdependence.
Saurugger, 2014.) Third, there is an intergovernmentalist interpretation
of inter-state relations, which emphasises the key role
Intergovernmentalism of governments in determining the relations between
states and sees the outcome of negotiations between
Intergovernmentalism has its origins in international governments as essentially being determined by their
relations theory, and more particularly the realist tra- relative bargaining powers and the advantages that
dition within that theory. Put simply, realism is cen- accrue to them by striking agreements. Agreements
tred on the view that nation states are the key actors are deemed to be most likely when there is a conver-
in international affairs and the key political relations gence of national preferences, especially between the
between states are channelled primarily via national governments of large and powerful states.
governments. Unlike neofunctionalism, realism does Because liberal intergovernmentalism advances
not accord much importance to the influence of such a clear and, in important respects, almost uncom-
supranational or transnational actors and only limited promising framework, and because it is seen by many
importance to non-governmental actors within states. as just not fitting the facts in an era of multiple inter-
As applied to European integration, intergovern- national actors and complex interdependence between
mentalism thus explains the direction and pace of the states, it has inevitably attracted criticism. Four criti-
integration process mainly by reference to decisions cisms are particularly worth noting.
and actions taken by the governments of European First, it is suggested that Moravcsik is too selec-
states. There is a recognition that other actors, both tive with his empirical references when seeking to
Theorising European Integration and EU Politics | 451

demonstrate the validity of his framework in the EU decision-making has attracted particular criticism,
context. More particularly, he is considered to focus with several empirically based studies claiming to
too much on ‘historic’ decisions, most notably the show that the Commission does exercise an independ-
making of EU Treaties, and not enough on more com- ent and influential decision-making role, be it as – the
monplace and routine decisions. To over-focus on metaphors abound – an animateur, a policy entrepre-
historic decisions is seen as distortional, since not only neur, or a motor force (see, for example, Nugent and
are such decisions untypical by their very nature, they Rhinard, 2015 and 2016). Such studies do not, it has
also necessarily emphasise the role of national gov- to be said, convince Moravcsik that the Commission
ernments since they are channelled via the European and other supranational actors are doing much more
Council. than responding to an agenda set by the governments
Second, it is argued that liberal intergovernmental- of the member states. As he has put it:
ism concentrates too much on the formal and final
stages of decision-making and pays too little attention intergovernmental demand for policy ideas, not the
to informal integration and the constraints that such supranational supply of these ideas, is the funda-
integration imposes on the formal decision-makers. mental exogenous factor driving integration. To
For example, Wincott (1995), in an early response to a very large extent, the demand for co-operative
Moravcsik, argued that the SEM programme and the policies creates its own supply. (Moravcsik, 1995:
SEA, which Moravcsik suggested were the outcome of 618, emphasis in original)
negotiations between national actors, are in important
respects better viewed as the formalisation by national So, like the ideas contained in later neofunctional-
governments of what had been happening in practice ism, the ‘basics’ of the liberal intergovernmentalist
for some time. interpretation of the integrationist process are much
Third, critics argue that insufficient attention is debated, and also contested. Much of the debate has
paid to the ‘black box’ of the state, and more especially taken, and is taking, place in the context of refining
to disaggregating the different parts of government. and adapting intergovernmentalist stances in response
According to Forster (1998: 364), this means that liberal to ‘new facts’. For example, the so-called ‘new inter-
intergovernmentalism provides an inadequate account goverrnmentalism’ makes much of the position of the
of how governments choose their policy options: European Council as the ‘new centre of political grav-
ity’ in the EU and emphasises that member states have
The formation of objectives, the pursuit of strate- become increasingly reluctant to give new powers to
gies and the final positions adopted are every supranational institutions, especially the Commission
bit as disorderly and unpredictable as domestic and the CJEU (see Bickerton, Hodson, and Puetter,
policy-making. Politics is not always a rational 2015a and b).
process: ideology, belief, and symbolism can play Intergovernmentalism thus clearly has consider-
as important a role as substance. (ibid.: 364) able explanatory strengths. In its later – more nuanced
and sophisticated – forms in particular, it provides a
Fourth – and this is probably the most commonly reminder of the important role of states and govern-
voiced criticism of liberal intergovernmentalism, and ments in the EU. (For fuller introductions to inter-
indeed of any form of intergovernmentalism – it is governmentalism and liberal intergovernmentalism,
accused of grossly understating the influence exercised see: Cini, 2016; Saurugger, 2014; Moravcsik and
in the European integration process by supranational Schimmelfennig, 2009.)
actors such as the Commission and the EU Courts,
and transnational actors such as European firms and
interest groups. Many academic commentators have Interdependency
provided evidence of EU supranational bodies seek-
ing to enhance their autonomy and influence and Whilst both neofunctionalism and intergovernmen-
having considerable success in so doing. Moravcsik’s talism recognise that external factors have at times
portrayal of the Commission as exercising the role of triggered the pace and nature of European integra-
little more than a facilitator in respect of significant tion, both theories are concerned primarily with the
452 | Conceptualising and Theorising

internal dynamics of integration. Interdependency, or to control the hunting and killing of whales, states
in contrast, has been used by scholars of European now come together in many different ways, in many dif-
integration to place integration in the wider context ferent combinations and for many different purposes.
of growing international interdependence. Interdependency theory is distinctive from neofunc-
Interdependency theory was initially developed in tionalism and intergovernmentalism in that it empha-
the 1970s, most famously by Robert Keohane and sises that much of the European integration process is
Joseph Nye (1977). Its central thrust when applied to explained by factors that are global in nature, and it
European integration is that the integration process emphasises too that many of the systemic features of
should not be viewed in too narrow a context. Many the EU are found elsewhere in the international system,
of the factors that have influenced its development albeit less intensively. Interdependency is also different
have applied to it alone, but many have not. This is from neofunctionalism and intergovernmentalism in
seen most obviously in the ways in which post-Second that it has been less intensively applied to European
World War international modernisation in its vari- integration and partly in consequence is less rigorous
ous forms – including increased levels of wealth, vast and systematic in the explanation it offers. Whilst
increases in world trade, the technological revolution, those who have engaged in the theoretical debate on
and the transformation of communications – has the nature of the integration process have recognised
promoted many different forms of political and eco- the importance of global interdependency, they have
nomic interdependency. These in turn have produced tended to do so as part of the framing background
a transformation in the ways in which different parts rather than as central causation. It is not possible to
of the world relate to and come into contact with one point to any major scholar who has advanced interde-
another. For example, there has been a steady increase pendency as the sole cause of the European integration
in the number and variety of international actors – both process. As Carole Webb wrote in the early 1980s:
above and below the level of the nation state – and a
corresponding weakening of the dominance of states. For most students the concept of interdependence
An increasing range of methods and channels are used has been used to explain the conditions under
by international actors to pursue their goals, with rela- which governments and other economic actors
tionships between governments, for instance, no longer have to contemplate some form of collaboration;
being so controlled by Foreign Offices and Ministries but unlike the approach of integration theory, it
of External Affairs. The range of issues on international does not necessarily help to define the outcome
agendas has grown with, in particular, traditional ‘high’ very precisely. (Webb, 1983: 33)
policy issues (those concerned with security and the
defence of the state) being joined by an array of ‘low’ This lack of precision in interdependency theory
policy issues (those concerned with the wealth and is most obviously seen in the fact that, as O’Neill
welfare of citizens). And paralleling the change in the (2000: 131) has put it, its ‘narrative apparently con-
policy content of international agendas there has been firms neither an intergovernmental, confederal nor a
a decline, in the Western industrialised world at least, supranational prognosis … Governance per se is not
in the use of physical force as a policy instrument, with the central issue.’ Rather, the central issue for interde-
conflicts over the likes of trade imbalances and currency pendency theory is the role of inexorable transnational
exchange rates not being resolved by armed conflict but forces buffeting nation states. As such, interdepend-
by bargaining, adjusting and compromising. ency in the European integration context is perhaps
Interdependence theory is thus useful in helping to best thought of as an approach and/or a perspective
set European integration within the context of the rapid rather than as a theory.
changes that are occurring throughout the international
system. This system is becoming, like the EU system
itself, increasingly multilayered and interconnected. The future of grand theory
Whether the purpose is to regulate international trade,
to promote the efficient functioning of the international Social science theories never satisfy everyone. Whatever
monetary system, to set international standards on phenomena they are seeking to explain and what-
packaging for the transportation of hazardous material, ever forms they take, they almost invariably attract
Theorising European Integration and EU Politics | 453

criticism for being deficient in important respects. a result of enlargement, of incentives for institu-
Commonly identified deficiencies include focusing on tional change. (ibid: 22)
only part of the phenomena under examination, being
too general in scope and/or formulation, being exces- Regarding interdependence:
sively time-bound, and being insufficiently empiri-
cally grounded. [t]he 1992 program was … strongly affected by
European integration grand theory has not been events in the world economy outside of Europe –
exempt from such criticisms. Indeed, it has been espe- especially by concern about international competi-
cially prone to them given that the European integra- tiveness. (ibid: 19)
tion process is so complex, so constantly changing,
and so capable of being viewed from different angles. Regarding intergovernmentalism, they considered
But, as with other social science theories, European that the precise timing of the burst of integration was
integration theories do not lose all value because crit- due
ics can show them to be less than complete and final
in the explanations they offer. Rather, grand theories not only to incentives for the world political
can be of considerable value in furthering understand- economy and spillover but also to intergovern-
ing of the integration process by offering particular mental bargains made possible by convergence of
insights into it, by providing partial explanations of preferences of major European states. (ibid: 25)
it, and by promoting further work and thought on it.
Of course, as long as existing theory is seen to be Others too have argued that the limitations of
deficient in certain respects there will be attempts traditional models make a synthesising approach
to improve upon it. In this context an increas- essential (see, for example, Haughton, 2016). So, it is
ingly important feature of the theoretical debate on now widely recognised that a comprehensive theory of
European integration is the attempt by many theorists integration must include findings about state behav-
to move beyond what is now widely viewed as the iour, about EU institutions, and domestic politics.
over-narrow and restrictive nature of the jousting But, in addition, additional dimensions must now be
between classical intergovernmentalism and classical included, such as the wider contexts of globalisation
neofunctionalism. theory and differentiation theory.
One aspect of this new theorising is the develop- Over 20 years ago, Michael O’Neill (1996: 81)
ment of theoretical explanations that, although emerg- observed that European integration theory
ing from one or other of these two schools of thought,
are much more complex, sophisticated, and nuanced has been a constantly shifting dialectic between
than the theories in their original formulations. events as they have unfolded on the ground, and
Another aspect of the new theorising is the attempt the efforts of scholars to track and accurately
to bring together key features of the traditional explain them … the paradigms and the intellectual
theories and link them, as appropriate, to relevant tension generated by [the theoretical discourse on
parts of other theories. Robert Keohane and Stanley integration] have helped to map more accurately
Hoffmann (1991) were amongst the advance guard the actual developments in European integra-
in taking such an eclectic and synthesising approach, tion, and to clarify our understanding of what the
using it in their analysis of the quickened pace of inte- process means.
gration, particularly institutional integration, in the
1980s. Essentially they argued that neofunctionalism, This still very much applies today. Doubtless,
interdependency, and intergovernmentalism all had theorising will become more sophisticated and
something to contribute to the explanation of why nuanced as new theory builds on previous theory
the integration process was ‘re-launched’. Regarding and as the integration process itself continues to
neofunctionalism: develop. But the essential purpose of grand theory
will remain unchanged: to assist understanding and
[s]pillover took place not as a functional expansion explanation of the nature of the European integra-
of tasks but rather in the form of the creation, as tion process.
454 | Conceptualising and Theorising

Theorising the Functioning integration but rather to help them to examine aspects
of EU’s politics.
of the EU: Middle-Range Of course, EU politics are complex, so unsurpris-
Theory ingly a large number and variety of middle-range
theoretical approaches have been used to assist expla-
nation of them. This is intellectually healthy for fur-
Whereas grand theory looks at the nature of the inte- thering understanding of the nature of the EU since
gration process as a whole, middle-range theory looks no one theoretical prototype is capable of capturing
at particular aspects of the process. More especially, it the essential nature of the many different facets of EU
focuses on the politics and policies of the EU: on how politics. To take, for example, the area of activity that
the EU functions and on what the EU does. has been the main focus for middle-range theoris-
In recent years, much scholarly attention has ing, policy processes, there is no reason to expect any
shifted in the direction of this less embracing theo- one theoretical approach to be wholly satisfactory.
retical endeavour. There are two main reasons for this. After all, there are many different types of EU policy
First, there has been an increasing feeling that grand process, with variations including the extent to which
theory is inherently limited in what it can achieve. It is processes are more or less hierarchical or horizontal,
prone, critics argue, to falling between two stools. On are more or less majoritarian or deliberative, and are
the one hand, if it restricts itself to identifying only more or less experimental in character. Furthermore,
major causational factors it inevitably misses, or at within each policy process there are several stages –
least does not adequately recognise, the many different from problem identification, through policy initia-
dimensions of the integration process. On the other tion, to policy implementation and policy evaluation.
hand, if it attempts to encompass all the dimensions And each policy area has its own troupe of policy
of integration it becomes too complicated and difficult actors, drawn mainly from the public/state sector, but
to operationalise. Better, the argument runs, to be less sometimes also from the private sector.
ambitious and to focus only on parts of the integration To illustrate middle-range theorising in the study
process and the EU, especially the more important of EU politics, and more especially on EU policy
parts. Second, as the European integration process has processes, two of the more important approaches will
intensified, so has the EU attracted the attention of now be considered: new institutionalism and policy
an increasing number and range of scholars. It used networks. It is to be emphasised that they are both best
to be the case that most of the European integration thought of as being approaches rather than full-blown
scholars who were interested in theorising and con- theories because they are still very much in develop-
ceptualising were steeped in and made extensive use ment, arguably have greater descriptive than explana-
of international relations theory. This has become tory uses and powers, and have only a very limited
much less so in recent years, with many scholars today predictive capability.
taking the view that European integration should be
studied not just through a traditional international
relations approach but also, and arguably more so, New institutionalism
through other subdisciplines of political science. If
it is the case, as many of these scholars suggest, that Much has been heard since the late 1980s about the
the EU is a polity, albeit one without the usual lines merits of new institutionalism. In essence, new insti-
of authority and control, then does it not follow that tutionalism has at its core the assertion that institu-
approaches that are deemed to be suitable for the tions matter in shaping the actions of political actors
study of conventional polities – most notably states – and in determining decisional outcomes. As such, new
might also be suitable for the study of the EU? Those institutionalism emerged largely as a reaction against
who answer this question in the affirmative have par- the rationalism and behaviouralism which was so
ticularly advocated the merits of using the approaches influential in social and political science circles in the
of comparative politics, governance, and public policy 1970s and 1980s, especially in the USA.
studies. Scholars find such approaches useful not In what ways is ‘new’ institutionalism different
because they wish to examine to examine European from ‘old’ institutionalism? The main difference is
Theorising European Integration and EU Politics | 455

that whereas old or traditional institutionalism did

not go much beyond analysing the formal powers and BOX 25.1
structures of decision-making institutions, new institu-
tionalism defines institutions in a very broad sense to The focus of the three new
incorporate a wide range of formal and informal proce- institutionalisms
dures, practices, relationships, customs, and norms. As
such, new institutionalism is much more all-embracing
and expansive in its concerns and interests.
• Historical institutionalism concentrates on the
distributions of power that are produced by
Beyond a core shared interest in institutions institutional arrangements, the ways in which
broadly defined, new institutionalism spreads out in these arrangements result in ‘path depend-
different directions. As Hall and Taylor (1996) have encies’ and ‘unintended consequences’, and
noted, there are at least three analytical approaches the relationships between institutions and
within new institutionalism: historical institutional- other factors that shape political activities and
ism, rational choice institutionalism, and sociological outcomes such as economic developments and
institutionalism. The core features of these institu- ideological beliefs.
tionalisms are set out in Box 25.1.
All three variants of new institutionalism have
• Rational choice institutionalism is especially
interested in the extent to which and the ways in
been employed in respect of European integration which institutions shape, channel, and constrain
and the functioning of the EU. Brief summaries of the rational actions of political actors.
these employments now follow (for fuller overviews
see Pollack, 2009; Saurugger, 2014; and Schneider and
• Sociological institutionalism focuses particularly
on how institutional forms and practices can
Aspinwall, 2001). often be culturally explained.

*  *  *
Historical institutionalism has been used most par-
ticularly to show how the taking of EU decisions at
Rational choice theory has at its core the assertion
one point in time constrains the behaviour and policy
that political actors behave in ways that enable them
options of decision-makers at future points of time.
to maximise their interests. The interests are exog-
Decision-taking is seen to make for a path depend-
enously determined (by the ‘objective’ situations in
ency which, though possible to be disturbed in cer-
which actors find themselves) and are mainly focused
tain circumstances, does make for a persistence and
on economic-related issues. When deciding their
endurability of institutional and policy choices. It is
courses of action political actors in effect undertake a
seen as making also for an increase in the independ-
cost/benefit analysis of what the courses available will
ence and powers of the supranational institutions,
produce. As regards the operation of the EU, a much
which are usually delegated responsibilities for see-
explored theme in the rational choice literature is that
ing to the application of EU decisions – this increase
governments cede powers to the EU level because they
being one of the unintended consequences of EU
derive a variety of benefits from so doing, prominent
decision-making that historical institutionalists make
amongst which are reducing transaction costs through
much of. Prominent users and developers of historical
enhanced policy development, policy effectiveness,
institutionalism have included Simon Bulmer (1994,
and policy compliance. (For overviews of rational
1998, 2009) and Paul Pierson (1996) who have both
choice and EU integration and politics, see: Pollack,
advanced the merits of the approach for analysing
2006; Scully, 2006.)
and, as Bulmer puts it, ‘capturing’, political and policy
Rational choice institutionalism is thus naturally
activity in the EU’s increasingly multilayered system.
much taken up with throwing light on the motiva-
More specifically, Bulmer has advocated and employed
tions of member state governments in the integration
the framework of a ‘governance regime’ for analysing
process, but it also attempts to demonstrate the con-
the EU at the policy-specific or subsystem level.
sequences of different EU decisional rules for actors’
*  *  * behaviour and influence. Amongst the things rational
456 | Conceptualising and Theorising

choice institutionalists have shown are the different interesting applications of social constructivism to EU
restrictions placed on policy actors under different enlargement policy, as is shown below.)
decision-making procedures and the varying inter-
actor relations and policy impacts that are thereby
created. For instance, QMV in the Council has been Policy networks
shown not only to produce the expected increased
efficiency in Council decision-making but also to have The policy networks approach can be thought of as
beneficial effects for the Commission and EP, with an application of new institutionalism in its broadest
policy outcomes being closer to their preferences as sense. The approach is used to describe and analyse
a result of dissenting national government positions policy processes and policy outcomes.
being more easily by-passed. Simply put, policy networks are arenas in which
decision-makers and interests come together to
*  *  * mediate differences and search for solutions. Policy
As applied to the EU, sociological institutionalism is networks vary in character according to three key vari-
the most under-used of the three branches of new ables: the relative stability (or instability) of network
institutionalism. Insofar as it has been used, much of memberships; the relative insularity (or permeability)
it has been for the purpose of examining the attitudes, of networks; and the relative strength (or weakness)
motivations and behaviour of people working for and of resource dependencies (Peterson, 1995: 77). From
in the EU institutions. There is, for example, now an these variables a continuum emerges:
extensive body of literature on Commission officials,
showing amongst other things how they identify much At one end are tightly integrated policy com-
more than do ordinary citizens with Europe and with a munities in which membership is constant and
supranational perspective of how the EU should func- often ­hierarchical, external pressures have mini-
tion (see: Hooghe, 2001 and 2005; Trondal, 2007). mal impact, and actors are highly dependent on
Staying with the Commission, authors such as Bellier each other for resources. At the other are loosely
(1997) and Cini (2000) have highlighted clashes in integrated issue networks, in which membership
the administrative culture of the Commission with, is fluid and non-hierarchical, the network is easily
for example, officials in DG Competition displaying permeated by external influences, and actors are
a stronger attachment to liberal market principles highly self-reliant. (ibid.: 77)
and less sympathy for selected public intervention in
the pursuit of non-market goals than officials in DG The EU is seen by those who champion the policy
Regional Policy and DG Environment. An assump- network approach as particularly lending itself to the
tion made by sociological institutionalists is that emergence of such networks (see, for example, the
such cultural values and differences are important volume by Kohler-Koch and Eising (1999) which
because they shape actor choices and behaviour. views EU policy processes as being essentially based
Whereas rationalist approaches assume actor choices on a system of network governance). Amongst factors
and behaviour are mainly determined by a ‘logic of identified as being conducive to policy networks are:
consequences’, sociological approaches give greater the informal nature of much EU policy-making; the
weight to a ‘logic of appropriateness’: that is, what multiplicity of interests at EU level that are anxious
is the appropriate thing to do in this situation and to have access to policy-makers; the highly technical
this set of circumstances? More broadly, sociologi- – almost non-political – nature of much EU policy
cal institutionalism has blended with constructivist content; the powerful policy positions held by senior
approaches to the study of European integration officials, especially in the Commission and especially
and the EU, where attention is directed to examin- in the early stages of policy-making; and the heavy
ing and establishing how the likes of political space reliance of officials on outside interests for infor-
and institutional and individual identities, roles and mation and advice about policy content and policy
values are socially constructed. (On social construc- implementation.
tivism and European integration, see Checkel, 2006; The existence, the types, and the influence of net-
Wiener 2006; Schimmelfennig, 2001 and 2002 provide works vary considerably across the policy spectrum.
Theorising European Integration and EU Politics | 457

Networks of a policy community type are often bear on and by providing differing insights into the
found in areas where EU policy is well established, European integration process and the EU.
where an organised ‘clientele’ exists, and where The way in which the use of differing theoreti-
decision-makers benefit from the cooperation of cal perspectives can further understanding can be
interests. Examples of such policy areas include agri- illustrated by taking two of the most important theo-
culture and research and development. In contrast, retically based approaches to EU studies and applying
issue networks are more common where EU policy is them to a particular policy area. The perspectives are
not well developed, where the policy debate is fluid rationalism and constructivism, which in recent years
and shifting, and where such organised interests as have loomed large in debates on EU theorising. The
do exist have few resources to ‘exchange’ with deci- policy area is enlargement which has, since the ‘easy’
sion-makers. Consumer protection policy and much 1995 enlargement round, attracted much theoretical
of environmental and social policy are examples of attention given the difficulties involved in achieving
policy areas where issue networks are commonly ‘horizontal integration’.
The usefulness of the policy networks approach
is not, it should be said, accepted by all EU analysts. Rationalist approaches
Amongst the reservations that have been expressed are
that it cannot deal with the making of major direc- As was noted above in the outline of rational choice
tional decisions, it has little predictive capacity, and it institutionalism, rationalist approaches are based on
cannot capture the extreme fluidity and fragmented the assumption that policy actors are motivated by
nature of EU policy processes. There is doubtless self-interest to maximise utility. Their interests derive
much in such criticisms, but they are arguably partly not from ‘within’ the actors but rather from the
based on overstated understandings of what advocates ‘given’ circumstances in which they find themselves.
of the model claim on its behalf, which is that whilst Economic self-interest is usually seen as being espe-
policy networks assist analysis and understanding of cially important, not least by proponents of the best
the relationships between different levels of govern- known rationalist approach in EU theorising: liberal
ment and of interests, they are not the only variable intergovernmentalism.
in play in policy processes. For other variables to be Wholly rationalist actors thus: establish their goals
captured, policy network analysis often works best, on the basis of what serves their (largely exogenously
as Peterson (2009) has pointed out, when deployed determined and primarily materially based) interests;
alongside other theoretical accounts of EU politics and identify the possible ways of achieving their goals;
policy-making. make decisions on the basis of an evaluation of all the
possible options, with a ‘logic of consequences’ deter-
mining final decision-making.
Applying this approach to enlargement policy,
Using Differing Theoretical to what extent can the post-1995 enlargements and
the opening of accession negotiations with other
Approaches to Explain applicants be explained in terms of net advantages
Decision-Making in a for existing member states? Well, for many EU policy
practitioners the challenges and negativities of enlarg-
Particular Policy Area: ing the EU to ‘difficult’ applicants have been, and still
Enlargement are, at least partly offset by positive considerations.
Two considerations are especially important:
A central theme of this chapter has been that the exist-
ence of differing theoretical approaches in EU studies
• Economic advantages. A larger internal market
creates considerable market and business oppor-
should not be viewed as being a problem. Rather, the tunities for existing EU states. This is all the more
existence and use of differing approaches furthers so when acceding states have relatively inefficient
understanding by bringing differing perspectives to and under-invested economies, as has been the
458 | Conceptualising and Theorising

case since the EFTAn round with all would-be CEEC accessions were those less prosperous states on
EU states (with the exception of the short-lived the EU’s western side – Ireland, Spain and Portugal –
Icelandic application). The 2004/07 enlargement which would not only be unlikely to gain much from
added about 105 million people to the EU’s popu- the larger market but would be threatened with reduc-
lation and therefore also to its internal market, the tions in their Structural Fund support as much poorer
Balkan states will eventually add about another 20 countries than themselves joined. Such states facing
million, and should Turkey ever become a member losses were, however, as Schimmelfennig (2010: 48)
there could be another 80 million or so. puts it, ‘compensated by discriminatory membership’:
• Political and security advantages. It is in the EU’s that is, the EU took advantage of the asymmetrical
interests that neighbouring states – and especially nature of enlargement processes (in which potentially
those with which it shares borders – should have acceding states are in much the weaker negotiating
solid and stable liberal democratic political systems. position) to impose accession conditions that reduced
More broadly, the promotion of liberal democracy the cost of enlargement for existing member state los-
and of respect for human rights has increasingly ers to the point that enlargement became acceptable
become a central feature of EU foreign policy, and to them.
enlargement policy has virtually become a part So, a rationalist approach is helpful in understand-
of foreign policy. With the CEECs, it came to be ing the EU’s approach to enlargement. The approach
accepted by the EU’s member states in the early suggests that in the 2004/07 enlargement round exist-
to mid-1990s that early EU membership would ing member states calculated that whilst enlargements
assist the CEECs to consolidate their newly based almost invariably involved some costs for them, these
democratic systems – both by bringing them inside were outweighed by benefits.
‘the democratic fold’ and by subsequently opening That there must be such an outweighing is increas-
them up to the possibility of sanctions in the event ingly applied to applicants currently ‘in the queue’,
of any democratic ‘slippage’ (under Article 7 TEU, with all Balkan applicants being obliged to wait until
which provides for suspension of EU rights if a a number of accession conditions are met. Similarly
member state is in serious and persistent breach of with Turkey – whose membership is widely seen as
the Union’s founding principles of liberty, democ- bringing far more costs than any previous applicant
racy, respect for human rights and fundamental state – the EU has already set in place a number of
freedoms, and the rule of law). protections for itself and has made clear that member-
Beyond promoting the consolidation of liberal ship will not be possible unless Turkey becomes more
democracy, enlargement to CEECs and to South economically robust and politically liberal. It also will
Eastern Europe has also been seen to provide other have to wait at least another decade, by which time the
possible political and security advantages. One of EU will doubtless be more differentiated in character
these is that an enlarged EU clearly carries more and therefore more capable of incorporating a state
weight in its external relations and dealings. And that is in important respects ‘different’.
in the particular case of Turkey, its accession could
provide valuable bridges between Europe and the
Middle East and Asia and between the West and Constructivist explanations
the Islamic world.
Sociologists, and more particularly constructivists,
The extent to which, and the intensity with which, take as their starting point for explaining recent
such motivations in favour of enlargement have been EU enlargement developments the fact that whilst
felt in member states has varied, both at a general enlargement has certainly offered opportunities to
level and in terms of attitudes towards particular existing member states it also has presented them
applicants. Germany was the EU-15 state with most to with stiff challenges and unwanted consequences.
gain from admitting the CEECs, primarily because of From this, it is concluded that the actions of EU
its geographical position and the market opportuni- member states cannot be wholly explained in rational
ties and security assurances enlargement to the East or instrumental terms. If they had acted purely on the
offered to it. The EU-15 states with least to gain from basis of their own national interests and preferences
Theorising European Integration and EU Politics | 459

regarding the future nature of the EU, some member themselves of the communist system that Western
states should have voted to reject the applications of Europe so opposed for the 40 plus years of the Cold
at least some of the applicants. That they did not and War, it was seen as an obligation in many EU govern-
have not done so means that these member states have mental circles to help CEECs to realise their ambitions
not been driven, or at least not completely driven, by to become prosperous and democratic states within
‘objective’ national political and economic situations ‘the European family’ of nations. Would it, it was
and needs. So, a non-rationalist explanation must be argued, be not only irresponsible and churlish but
sought. Constructivists find this explanation in social forgetful and unprincipled not to accommodate such
identities, norms and values. CEEC needs and desires? As Sedelmeier has put it:
As applied to the admission of the CEECs,
Schimmelfennig (2001, 2002) has emphasised the col- The discourse of a collective EU identity,
lective identity and obligations that can exist between ­characterised by a responsibility towards the
liberal democratic states and argues that once the CEECs, became a central aspect of EU policy.
case for a rapid enlargement to CEECs began to be ­(Sedelmeier, 2000: 269)
pressed – by the European Commission and some
EU-15 states – states that were reluctant became swept Constructivist explanations may also be applied
up in an unfolding ‘rhetorical commitment’ to fledg- to the Balkan and Turkish applications. Taking the
ling and neighbouring democratic states that led to a Turkish application, they can help explain why in
‘rhetorical entrapment’: the second half of the 1990s and the early 2000s the
EU moved from its preferred policy – of being close
By argumentatively entrapping the opponents of to Turkey but stopping short of holding out the pos-
a firm commitment to Eastern enlargement, they sibility of membership – to giving Turkey a foresee-
[the supporters of enlargement] brought about able membership perspective. The gradually evolving
a collective outcome that would not have been ‘upgrading’ of language – which can be traced through
expected given the constellation of powers and European Council Conclusions – produced a situation
interests. (2001: 77) that made it progressively difficult for doubters and
opponents to backtrack. Notions of collective identity
Sjursen (2002) argues in similar vein, though for and kinship-based duty are by no means as strong
her the key driving factor was kinship-based duty in respect of Turkey than they were in respect of the
rather than a sense of obligation to fellow liberal CEECs, which helps explain why the Turkish applica-
democracies. She argues that the 2004 enlargement tion is seen as presenting a unique challenge for the
is to be understood, in part at least, in terms of the EU and why some prominent EU politicians have not
existence of a community-based European identity, hidden their opposition to eventual Turkish member-
even though it is not a fully understood or defined ship. But feelings of at least some shared identity with
identity. The decision to admit CEECs ‘against’ many Turkey – emanating in part from shared membership
self-interests demonstrates, she argues of European and Western organisations, in part from
empathy with Turkey’s (currently stalled) liberalising
that in order to trigger a decision to enlarge, and democratising reform programmes, and in part
s­ omething more than instrumental calculations from a sense of responsibility towards an Islamic state
and something less than a selfless concern for that is looking to Europe and the West – do exist in
­human rights has been at play. (p. 509) many European governing quarters

Taking Sjursen’s argument a little further, it cer-

tainly is the case that EU politicians generally have
felt that the uniting of most of the continent within Concluding Remarks
the EU framework is a good thing in itself, quite apart
from the specific advantages it can bring. In the case A wide variety of theoretically informed approaches to
of the CEECs, these feelings amounted in the 1990s the understanding and study of European integration
almost to a moral duty. Having seen the CEECs rid and the operation of the EU have been explored in this
460 | Conceptualising and Theorising

chapter. All have been shown to be subject to criticism frequently used of these tools. They have been shown
and to expressions of reservation about their useful- to further understanding by drawing attention to,
ness. For example, of the three grand theories that and highlighting, key features of both the European
were considered, amongst the central ‘charges’ laid integration process as a whole and of EU processes,
against neofunctionalism and intergovernmentalism structures, and outcomes.
are that both press their side of the case too hard and As to the future of theoretical work on European
both disappoint when applied empirically over time, integration and the EU, two new(ish) developments
whilst the central weakness of interdependence is seen seem likely. First, it seems probable that the crises
to be its lack of a regional focus. in the EU will help to stimulate new thinking and
But theories and methodological approaches that new, or at least moderated, approaches to both grand
are based on them, should be judged not only on their and middle-range theory. Indeed, such theorising
deficiencies but also on what they can contribute to is already underway, as is seen, for example, in the
knowledge. In this regard there is, as has been shown, articles in a special 2015 issue of Journal of European
extensive merit in much of the theoretical work that Public Policy on the crises and theoretical perspec-
has been undertaken on European integration and the tives (Ioannnou et al., 2015). Of particular interest
EU. There may be no one body of work that has been in this context of new thinking is likely to be the
able to capture and explain all aspects of European future continuity and overall nature of the EU. To
integration and the EU reality, but that is only to be date, most theoretical work has assumed European
expected. After all, as Hix (1998: 46) has observed, integration will continue, albeit in adjusted form,
there is no general theory of American or German but this assumption is now being brought into ques-
government, so why should there be one of the EU? tion. Zielonka (2006 and 2014) is prominent amongst
Rather, we should recognise, as Sandholtz (1996: 426) those who have suggested that the EU will become
has put it, ‘that different kinds of theories are appro- less centralised and more pluralistic, whilst Webber
priate for different pieces of the EU puzzle’. (2014 and 2017) goes so far as to raise the possibility
This notion that different kinds of theories should of European disintegration Second, also influenced,
be used for different purposes is now a working but not wholly driven, by the crises, more is likely to
assumption of most EU analysts. It is seen indeed as be heard from voices and approaches that are located
being essential to ensure that no one type of theory is away from the theoretical mainstream and that make
the victim of overstretch and that no aspect of inte- different disciplinary contributions. Here, too, the
gration is analysed via inappropriate theoretical tools. ball has already been set rolling, not least by a special
Different approaches can be potentially complemen- 2016 edition of the Journal of Common Market Studies
tary rather than competing. devoted to dissident voices theorising Europe from a
A mixture of theoretical tools must therefore be variety of, often under-heard, perspectives, including
utilised when analysing European integration and sociology, feminism, and critical theory (Manners and
the EU. This chapter has examined some of the most Whitman, 2016).
Chapter 26
Present Realities and Future Prospects

The European Union and

the Changing Nature of the The European Union and the Changing
International System 461 Nature of the International System
The Uniqueness of the
European Union 462 The EU should not be viewed in too narrow a context. Whilst many of the
The Future of the European factors that have influenced its development apply to it alone, many do not.
Union463 This is most clearly seen in the ways in which global modernisation and inter-
dependence, which have been crucial to the creation of many of the central
features of the EU, have produced similar effects elsewhere in the international
system – albeit usually to more modest degrees. Indeed, the EU can be viewed
in many ways as a particularly intensified form of internationalisation.
Of the many ways in which modernisation and interdependence have trans-
formed the international system, one of the most important has been in the
challenges it has posed to the ability of politicians to control events and forces.
Of course, states have never been completely isolated islands in the sense of
their leaders being able to act wholly independently and take whatever deci-
sions they liked in the pursuit of national interests and preferences. In Europe
this has been so especially for small states, but it has applied also to large states
such as France and Germany in as much as many of their policies – most
obviously their trade policies – have necessitated establishing relations and
concluding agreements with other countries.
Since the Second World War, and more especially since the 1970s, inter-
national considerations have borne down more strongly than ever before on
domestic decision-making. This is seen most strikingly in respect of economic
and monetary policies, where the increasing importance of non-state actors
and of international financial mobility have resulted in the representatives of
states having to be extremely watchful when taking what may appear to be
purely domestic decisions. So, for example, a government wishing to increase
corporate tax rates to help finance social welfare policies has the legal authority
to act, but in practice it may well be prevented from doing so for fear that such a
decision will result in nationally based multinational corporations transferring
investment to other countries that provide more favourable fiscal locations.
The international system has thus become more complex and intercon-
nected. As it has done so, states have come to work much more closely with
one another, both in terms of the issues they discuss and negotiate, the mecha-
nisms through which they do business with one another, and the instruments
they use to pursue policy goals. Regarding the issues, traditional foreign policy
and security issues remain important, but so now are issue areas that used

462 | Conceptualising and Theorising

to barely feature on the international agenda, such First, the EU is structurally highly complex, with
as the environment and justice and home affairs. many more institutions, policy actors, and decision-
Regarding the mechanisms, whereas relations between making arrangements and processes than are found
governments used to be dominated and controlled in other international organisations. Regarding the
by national leaders and diplomatic corps, now many institutions, there are five ‘core’ institutions – the
branches and layers of government are involved in Commission, the Council, the European Council,
‘external relations’ of some sort. And regarding the the EP, and the CJEU – plus a battery of supporting
policy instruments, policy matters as varied as trade and specialised institutions, including the EESC, the
disputes, sluggish global economic growth, and pro- CoR, and the ECB. The responsibilities and powers
tection of endangered animal and plant species cannot of these institutions varies considerably between
be tackled by that most traditional policy instrument policy areas, with there being few areas in which
of larger states, armed force, but rather must rely on there is not a considerable interdependency between
international bargaining and compromising. at least three of the core institutions. Regarding the
Another and very important way in which states policy actors, in addition to those associated with
have reacted to modernisation and interdependence the EU’s own institutions there are a host of actors
has been via the creation of international organi- associated with the member states, non-member
sations. Countless such organisations – each with states, and sectional and promotional interests.
different memberships, functions, powers, and struc- Regarding the decision-making arrangements and
tures – have been constituted since the Second World processes, there are nearly thirty distinctive proce-
War. So, to cite just a few of those in which European dures laid down in the treaties, many with their own
states are involved: global organisations include the internal variations.
UN, the IMF, and the WTO; Western-dominated Second, other international organisations do not
organisations include the OECD, NATO, and the have so broad a range of policy responsibilities and
Group of Seven/Eight (G7/G8) (though the last of powers as the EU. Whereas the EU is involved, to at
these, which has never been an organisation as such least some degree, in just about every sphere of public
but rather a semi-structured forum for summit and policy, other international and regional organisa-
sub-summit level meetings of leading nations, is now tions tend either to have a very broad focus but with
seemingly being replaced by the more global Group decision-making mechanisms that make it extremely
of Twenty (G20); and European organisations include difficult for the potential to be realised – such as
the Council of Europe and the OSCE. the UN and the Council of Europe – or to have a
Amongst this array of organisations with which restricted focus – such as the WTO, NATO, and the
European states have been and continue to be associ- International Maritime Organisation.
ated, the EU stands out as by far the most important. Third, whereas other international and regional
Within its framework, the transformations in the organisations are essentially intergovernmental in
international system noted above – in issues, mecha- character, the EU is in many important respects
nisms and policy instruments – have all been devel- supranational. This supranationalism is seen most
oped to an intense degree. This development has made particularly in the frequent usage of QMV in
the EU unique amongst international organisations. the Council, in the Commission’s wide-ranging
­executive powers, in the EP’s considerable legisla-
tive powers, and in the primacy of EU law. It is true
The Uniqueness of the that the crises the EU has experienced in recent
years have, arguably, given intergovernmentalism a
European Union boost – notably with the increased tendency for all
major crises-related decisions to be taken at, or at
The nature of the EU’s uniqueness was explored at least to be channelled through, European Council
length in Chapter 24, but a few key points regarding meetings – but this notwithstanding, the fact is that
its uniqueness as compared with other international supranationalism has also been extended, particu-
organisations, including regional organisations, bear larly via increased powers for the Commission and
further emphasis and development here. the ECB.
Present Realities and Future Prospects | 463

These characteristics of the EU do not make it a the Commission’s proposals that migrants should be
state, but they do make it the world’s most highly forcefully distributed around the member states on a
developed regional organisation and political system. proportionate basis (European Commission, 2015f).
The extent to which key actors are motivated to
support or oppose an initiative depends on many
things. Perception of merit is obviously central, but
The Future of the European this can be offset by other considerations. For exam-
ple, a government may fiercely resist a proposal in the
Union Council not because it regards it as innately unsound
but because acceptance could be electorally damaging
Factors affecting prospects or could lead to problems with an important domes-
tic pressure group. The rising tide of euroscepticism
There are many pressures on the EU to continue across much of the EU in the wake of the crises has
advancing the integration process. Some of these naturally inclined many governments to become more
come directly out of the crises that were examined cautious about what EU measures they support.
in Chapter 1, such as the pressures on the eurozone Leadership has long been a weakness of the EU in
states to move towards some sort of fiscal union and that there is no strong and central focus of decision-
the pressures on the Schengen states to have tighter making authority. The Commission, the European
and better financed migration policies and controls. Council, and the Council Presidency have long pro-
Other pressures are more long-standing and general, vided the main institutional potential sources of lead-
such as: a need to be more internationally competitive ership, but their ability to get things done has been
to be able to take on global trade challenges; a need subject to limitations. When attempts have been made
to be more integrated to be able to better deal with to provide forceful leadership – by, for example, the
the transnational character of problem areas such as Commission and/or the European Council President,
the environment, energy supply, and terrorism; and a an informal coalition of states, or, as has been much
need to be more responsive to the integration that is evidenced during the eurozone and migration crises,
occurring outside formal EU processes through devel- Germany – there usually has been resistance. But, as
opments as diverse as industrial mergers, closer cross- well as being a weakness, the dispersed nature of lead-
border banking and other financial arrangements, and ership in the EU has also been highly functional in that
population movements. it has helped to provide for the balance of interests
How the EU will respond to these and other pres- the EU system requires if member states are to have
sures will depend on a number of factors, the most confidence in it.
important of which are perceptions, support and
opposition, and leadership. *  *  *
The importance of perceptions is evidenced by the Perceptions, support and opposition, and leadership
way in which the prospect of progress is considerably are of course not static, but rather are in constant
enhanced when all of the member states perceive an transition. Over the years they have undergone sig-
initiative to be broadly desirable, or at least regard nificant changes, in ways that have facilitated integra-
the costs of not proceeding as being too high. Very tionist developments. The factors accounting for the
frequently, of course, there is no such common per- changes are many and varied, as has been shown at
ception, especially when new types of development several points in this book. For example, the increas-
are envisaged and/or initiatives have sovereignty or ing and inescapable competitiveness, interdepend-
clear distributional implications. Examples during ence, and liberalisation of international economic
the crises of there being no common perceptions life have resulted in EU political actors coming to
on extremely important policy matters include the take an increasingly broader view of the required
lack of much support for the Four/Five Presidents’ breadth and depth of the internal market programme.
Reports arguing the necessity of the eurozone moving Similarly, the collapse of communism in Central and
towards a fiscal union (Van Rompuy et al., 2012, and Eastern Europe required a fundamental re-thinking
Juncker et al., 2015), and the lack of enthusiasm for of the EU’s enlargement strategy. In such changing
464 | Conceptualising and Theorising

situations, EU political actors have sometimes taken states do not consistently dominate and also that no
advantage of the leadership opportunities that have state or states are continually in a minority and thus
been provided. permanently aggrieved.
But although the integration process continues to In some processes, the consensuality has, it must
move forward, there are still formidable obstacles to be said, had a decided ‘forced’ character. This is the
further integration. This is no more clearly seen than case when it has only been possible to take decisions
in the different public positions taken by the govern- by unanimity, for then consensus has not just been a
ments of the member states on the future shape of desirable way of making decisions, but rather the only
the EU. On the one hand, there are those who tend way. Treaty revisions, enlargement decisions, foreign
towards a ‘maximalist’ position – such as the Italians and defence policy matters, and legislation covering
and the Belgians – who are generally enthusiastic fiscal policy are all still of this type. However, even in
about economic, monetary, and political union and the (now many) policy areas where QMV is available
who do not automatically recoil at the prospect of a in the Council for the making of legislation, consensu-
federal Europe. On the other hand, there are those ality continues to constitute an important part of the
who are more cautious – as most notably have been operating context.
the British, but also including the Danes, the Swedes, The importance of consensuality as a virtual cul-
and several of the 2004/07 acceding states – who tend tural norm in the EU system was no more demon-
to prefer cooperation rather than integration and still strated than after the May 2014 EP elections, when
make much of the importance of preserving national populist and nationalist parties, mostly of a euroscep-
independence and sovereignty. tic and far-right nature, received a record number of
votes and seats. In reaction to this, the political centre
drew together to constitute what virtually amounted
Challenges to a governing bloc. Following extensive discussions
and exchanges between leading representatives of the
Of critical importance in determining the future evo- European Council, the Commission, and the EP, an
lution of the EU will be how it handles the many chal- informal agreement was reached between the main
lenges that are facing it. The nature and responses to centrist forces on political priorities and the political
the various policy challenges, including those coming ‘spoils’ that awaited being distributed. Regarding the
out of the crises, have already been examined at some latter, there was agreement that since the centre-right
length in the book, so will not be re-examined here. EPP had emerged from the elections as the largest
What, however, will be examined are two governance group in the EP it was entitled to be the main benefi-
challenges. Governing by consensus and governing by ciary, but this would have to be balanced by suitable
permitting flexibility have long been central features ‘prizes’ for the other main centrist groups – notably
of EU governance and have hitherto been crucial in the centre-left S&D and, to a lesser extent, the lib-
enabling policy processes to operate with a reasonable eral ALDE. For the most senior posts, the agreement
degree of harmony. Now, however, both are showing resulted in: Juncker (EPP) being nominated by the
signs of wear, and perhaps of being overstretched. European Council as Commission-President desig-
nate; Donald Tusk (EPP) being appointed European
Council President; Federica Mogherini (S&D)
Governing by consensus
being nominated for the dual-hatted post of High
As has been shown throughout the book, a central Representative and Commission Vice-President; Frans
feature of EU processes is that most of them oper- Timmermans (S&D) being appointed by Juncker as
ate on the basis of consensus, sometimes explicitly the Commission’s First Vice-President; and Martin
and sometimes implicitly. A key reason why so much Schultz (S&D) not being opposed by the other large
consensus has been possible, even when policy differ- centrist parties in his wish to be (unprecedentedly)
ences have been sharp, is that EU political dynamics re-elected as EP President.
are favoured by the fact that many of the policy dif- Consensuality and a willingness of centrist forces to
ferences between the member states are cross-cutting work together thus very much continue, but they are
rather than cumulative – thus ensuring that the large being put under increasing strain as euroscepticism,
Present Realities and Future Prospects | 465

populism, and nationalism strengthen and as main- judged to be inappropriate or over-rigid, inter-state
stream political parties feel obliged to, at least par- relations have taken other forms. For example, as long
tially, respond accordingly. The UK government has, ago as the early 1970s European Political Cooperation
of course, led the way in expressing and responding to (as foreign policy was known) was developed along-
eurosceptic sentiments, but there have also been some side, but outside, the formal Community structures.
signs of non-consensual attitudes being expressed by Even today, foreign (and external security) policy is
prominent politicians and major political parties on assigned a separate treaty location (in the TEU) to
particular issues in other member states, especially other EU policies.
in CEECs. Since the mid-to-late 1990s the increasing use of
This is certainly not to suggest that all policy- new modes of governance has further increased flex-
making will necessarily become more difficult. As ibility within the EU. The ‘new governance’, which
was shown in Part IV of the book, EU policies are in has impacted widely on Western public policy and
constant evolution, with some of the more significant administration, has a number of dimensions. One is
advances in recent years having been in highly prob- the ‘outsourcing’ of public policy functions to agen-
lematic areas. For example, there has been the shift cies that are not fully part of the central administrative
of the CAP from being a price support system to an system. Another dimension involves public policy and
income support system and the movement of AFSJ administration placing less emphasis on traditional,
policies into the EU ‘mainstream’. ‘top-down’, legislation-based forms of operation and
But it is to suggest that if consensuality continues more emphasis on flexible, often network-based, and
to becomes increasingly fragile, then the appearance frequently semi-voluntary forms of policy develop-
on the EU’s agenda of politically sensitive and sharply ment and practice. In the EU context, use of this
contested issues will create considerable problems for approach is seen in the open method of coordination
policy-makers. Situations could increasingly arise that (OMC), which has been used particularly in social and
result in decision-making processes leading to one of employment policy-related areas and which involves
only three possible options: no decision being made; a relatively loose form of policy activity, based essen-
only an unsatisfactory decision – of the lowest com- tially on the identification of policy targets that mem-
mon denominator type – being made; and a decision ber states are pressurised – but are not compelled – to
being made that does not commit all member states. meet by benchmarking and peer review.
Of course, there have long been elements of all of A particularly important form of flexibility in the
these possible outcomes in the EU’s history, but if, as EU is differentiation: that is, policy development and
seems possible, the EU’s agenda increasingly takes on activity in which not all member states are involved.
issues that touch directly on national sensitivities – The European Monetary System which was developed
such as policies that are borders-related, fiscal-related, from the late-1970s on a partial membership basis was
and security-related – then their number is likely the first instance of differentiation. It was followed
to increase, and consequently also the EU’s policy by the development of the Schengen system from
problems. the mid-1980s. Differentiation was then given treaty
Indeed, the last of the above-named policy authorisation by the Maastricht Treaty, which identi-
options – decisions being made that do not include fied EMU and the social dimension as policy areas that
all member states – is part of what has increasingly could be developed without the participation of the
become a core feature of the EU. It is a feature that full complement of EU states. The Amsterdam, Nice,
now arguably embraces the EU’s greatest challenge: and Lisbon Treaties then generalised and strength-
allowing for diversity whilst maintaining unity. ened the Maastricht ‘dispensation’ by providing for
‘Provisions on Closer Cooperation’ (later re-named
‘enhanced cooperation’), which authorised a speci-
Governing by permitting flexibility
fied minimum number of member states (nine in the
In response to the different requirements and propen- Lisbon Treaty) to develop a policy within the Union
sities of its member states, the EU has long provided framework, subject to conditions.
for a limited flexibility and diversity in its structures In addition, the Lisbon Treaty considerably wid-
and policies. When ‘standard’ methods have been ened the treaty base of internal flexibility by including
466 | Conceptualising and Theorising

new opt-ins and opt-outs for some states in significant enlargement and as the expanding policy portfolio
areas of EU activity. So, the UK and Ireland were given have combined to make it increasingly unlikely that
the right to choose whether or not they wished to be all member states will wish to, or will have the capac-
involved in policies designed to strengthen the AFSJ. ity to, swim abreast. But, increasing flexibility raises
And in a protocol attached to the Treaty, the UK fundamental questions about the nature of the EU.
and Poland, later joined by the Czech Republic, were If the EU is to continue to narrow the base of the
assured that the Charter of Fundamental Rights would required acquis – that is, the common core that all
create no new rights for their citizens. member states must accept – how far can it go with-
Since the Lisbon Treaty, two treaties signed in out undermining the Union’s very essence? At what
2012 outside the EU’s ‘official’ treaties – the Treaty point, if any, does differentiation risk escalating into
Establishing the ESM (signed by all eurozone mem- disintegration?
bers) and the Fiscal Pact Treaty (signed by all EU However these questions are answered, one thing is
member states except the Czech Republic and the clear: flexibility is increasingly raising questions about
UK) – have further added to the EU’s differentiated just what it means to be an EU member state. In this
mosaic. context it will be instructive to see how close the UK
Flexibility in various forms has thus become an seeks to be to the EU after Brexit, and how close it is
accepted part of the EU system. It has done so as permitted to be.
Chronology of Main Events in the European
Integration Process

1947 March Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands agree to establish a customs union.
Subsequently an economic union is established in October 1947 and a common customs
tariff is introduced in January 1948.
March France and the United Kingdom sign a military alliance, the Treaty of Dunkirk.
June General George Marshall, United States Secretary of State, offers US aid for the economic
recovery of Europe.
September Sixteen nations join the European Recovery Programme.
1948 March Brussels Treaty concluded between France, the UK and the Benelux states. The aim is
to promote collective defence and improve cooperation in the economic, social and
cultural fields.
April Founding of the Organisation for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC) by sixteen states.
May A Congress is held in The Hague, attended by many leading supporters of European
cooperation and integration. It issues a resolution asserting ‘that it is the urgent duty of
the nations of Europe to create an economic and political union in order to assure secu-
rity and social progress’.
1949 April Treaty establishing North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) signed in Washington
by twelve states.
May Statute of Council of Europe signed in Strasbourg by ten states.
1950 May Robert Schuman, the French Foreign Minister, puts forward his proposals to place
French and German coal and steel under a common authority. He declares ‘it is no longer
the moment for vain words, but for a bold act – a constructive act’.
October René Pleven, the French Prime Minister, proposes a European Defence Community (EDC).
1951 April European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) Treaty signed in Paris by six states:
Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands.
1952 May EDC Treaty signed in Paris by the six ECSC states.
July ECSC comes into operation.
1954 August French National Assembly rejects EDC Treaty.
October WEU Treaty signed by the six ECSC states plus the UK.
1955 June Messina Conference of the Foreign Ministers of the six ECSC states to discuss further
European integration. Spaak Committee established to study ways in which a fresh
advance towards the building of Europe could be achieved.
1956 June Negotiations formally open between the six with a view to creating an Economic
Community and an Atomic Energy Community.

468 | Chronology of Main Events in the European Integration Process

1957 March The Treaties of Rome signed, establishing the European Economic Community (EEC)
and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom).
1958 January EEC and Euratom come into operation.
1959 January First EEC tariff cuts and increases in quotas.
1960 January European Free Trade Association (EFTA) Convention signed in Stockholm by Austria,
Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, and the UK. EFTA comes into force
in May 1960.
December Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Treaty signed in
Paris. OECD replaces OEEC and includes Canada and the United States.
1961 July Signing of Association Agreement between Greece and the EEC. The Agreement comes
into effect November 1962.
July–August Ireland, Denmark, and UK request membership negotiations with the Community.
1962 January Basic features of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) agreed.
July Norway requests negotiations on Community membership.
1963 January General de Gaulle announces his veto on UK membership.
January Signing of Franco-German Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation.
July A wide-ranging association agreement is signed between the Community and 18 under-
developed countries in Africa – the Yaoundé Convention, which enters into force in
June 1964.
1964 May The GATT Kennedy Round of international tariff negotiations opens in Geneva. The
Community states participate as a single delegation.

1965 April Signing of Treaty Establishing a Single Council and a Single Commission of the
European Communities (The Merger Treaty).
July France begins a boycott of Community institutions to register its opposition to various
proposed supranational developments.

1966 January Foreign Ministers agree to the Luxembourg Compromise. Normal Community processes
are resumed.
1967 May Denmark, Ireland, and the UK re-apply for Community membership.
July 1965 Merger Treaty takes effect.
July Norway re-applies for Community membership.
December The Council of Ministers fails to reach agreement on the re-opening of membership
negotiations with the applicant states because of continued French opposition to UK
1968 July The Customs Union is completed. All internal customs duties and quotas are removed
and the common external tariff is established.
1969 July President Pompidou (who succeeded de Gaulle after his resignation in April) announces
he does not oppose UK membership in principle.
July Signing of the second Yaoundé Convention. Enters into force in January 1971.

December Hague summit agrees on a number of important matters: strengthening the Community
institutions, enlargement, establishing an economic and monetary union by 1980, and
developing political cooperation (i.e. foreign policy).
Chronology of Main Events in the European Integration Process | 469

1970 April The financial base of the Community is changed by the Decision of 21 April 1970 on the
Replacement of Financial Contributions From Member States by the Communities’ Own
Resources. The Community’s budgetary procedures are regularised and the European
Parliament’s budgetary powers are increased by the Treaty Amending Certain Budgetary
Provisions of the Treaties.
June Preferential trade agreement signed between the Community and Spain. Comes into
effect in October 1970.
June Community opens membership negotiations with Denmark, Ireland, Norway and the UK.
The six accept the Davignon report on political cooperation. This provides the basis for
October cooperation on foreign policy matters.
1972 January Negotiations between the Community and the four applicant countries concluded.
Signing of treaties of accession.
May Irish approve Community accession in a referendum.
July Conclusion of Special Relations Agreement between Community and EFTA countries.
September Majority vote against Community accession in a referendum in Norway. Danes approve
October Community accession in a referendum.
October Paris summit. Heads of Government set guidelines for the future, including reaffirma-
tion of the goal of achieving economic and monetary union by 1980.
1973 January Accession of Denmark, Ireland, and the UK to the Community.
January Preferential trade agreement between the Community and most EFTA countries comes
into effect. Agreements with other EFTA countries come into force later.
1974 December Paris summit agrees to the principle of direct elections to the EP and to the details of a
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (the establishment of which had been
agreed at the 1972 Paris and 1973 Copenhagen summits). It is also agreed to institution-
alise summit meetings by establishing the European Council.
1975 February Signing of the first Lomé Convention between the Community and 46 underdeveloped
countries in Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific (the ACP states). The Convention
replaces and extends the Yaoundé Convention.
March First meeting of the European Council in Dublin.
June A majority vote in favour of continued Community membership in UK referendum.
June Greece applies for Community membership.
July Signing of the Treaty Amending Certain Financial Provisions of the Treaties. This
strengthens the European Parliament’s budgetary powers and also establishes the Court
of Auditors.
1976 July Opening of negotiations on Greek accession to the Community.
1977 March Portugal applies for Community membership.
July Spain applies for Community membership.
1978 October Community opens accession negotiations with Portugal.
1979 February Community opens accession negotiations with Spain.
March European Monetary System (EMS) (which had been the subject of high-level negotia-
tions for over a year) comes into operation.
May Signing of Accession Treaty between Community and Greece.
June First direct elections to the EP.
470 | Chronology of Main Events in the European Integration Process

October Signing of the second Lomé Convention between the Community and 58 ACP states.
December For the first time the EP does not approve the Community budget. As a result the
Community has to operate on the basis of ‘one-twelfths’ from 1 January 1980.
1981 January Accession of Greece to Community.
October Community Foreign Ministers reach agreement on the London Report, which strength-
ens and extends European Political Cooperation (EPC).
1983 January Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) agreed.
June At the Stuttgart European Council meeting approval is given to a ‘Solemn Declaration on
European Union’.
1984 January Free trade area between Community and EFTA established.
February The EP approves The Draft Treaty Establishing the European Union.
June Second set of direct elections to the EP.
June Fontainebleau European Council meeting. Agreement to reduce UK budgetary contribu-
tions (which Margaret Thatcher had been demanding since 1979) and agreement to
increase Community resources by raising the VAT ceiling from 1 per cent to 1.4 per cent.
December Signing of the third Lomé Convention between the Community and 66 ACP countries.
December Dublin European Council meeting agrees budgetary discipline measures.
1985 June Signing of accession treaties between the Community and Spain and Portugal. The
June Commission publishes its White Paper Completing the Internal Market.
June Milan European Council meeting approves the Commission’s White Paper. It also estab-
lishes an Intergovernmental Conference to examine various matters, including treaty
reform. The decision to establish the Conference is the first time at a summit meeting
that a decision is taken by a majority vote.
December Luxembourg European Council meeting agrees to the principles of the Single European
Act (SEA). Amongst other things the Act incorporates various treaty revisions and
confirms the objective of completing the internal market by 1992.

1986 January Accession of Spain and Portugal to Community.

1987 June Turkey applies for Community membership.

July After several months delay caused by ratification problems in Ireland, the SEA comes
into force.
1988 February A special European Council meeting in Brussels agrees to increase and widen the
Community’s budgetary base. Measures are also agreed to significantly reduce expendi-
ture on the CAP and to double expenditure on the regional and social funds.
June The Community and Comecon (the East European trading bloc) sign an agreement
enabling the two organisations to recognise each other. As part of the agreement the
Comecon states officially recognise, for the first time, the authority of the Community to
negotiate on behalf of its member states.
June Hanover European Council meeting entrusts to a committee chaired by Jacques Delors
the task of studying how the Community might progress to Economic and Monetary
Union (EMU).
1989 April The ‘Delors Committee’ presents its report (the Delors Report). It outlines a scheme for
a three-stage progression to EMU.
June Third set of direct elections to the EP.
June Madrid European Council meeting agrees that Stage 1 of the programme to bring about
EMU will begin on 1 July 1990.
Chronology of Main Events in the European Integration Process | 471

July Austria applies for Community membership.

September– The collapse of communist governments in Eastern Europe. The process ‘begins’ with
December the appointment of a non-communist Prime Minister in Poland in September and ‘ends’
with the overthrow of the Ceausescu regime in Romania in December.
December Signing of the fourth Lomé Convention between the Community and 68 ACP
December Community and USSR sign a ten-year trade and economic cooperation agreement.
December Commission advises Council of Ministers to reject Turkey’s application for Community
December Strasbourg European Council meeting accepts Social Charter and agrees to establish an
Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) on EMU at the end of 1990. Both decisions taken
by 11 votes to one, with the UK dissenting in each case.
1990 April Special Dublin European Council meeting confirms the Community’s commitment to
political union.
June Dublin European Council meeting formally agrees that an IGC on Political Union will
be convened.
July Cyprus and Malta apply for Community membership.
October Unification of Germany. Territory of former East Germany becomes part of the
October Special Rome European Council meeting agrees that Stage 2 of EMU will begin on 1
January 1994.
December The two IGCs on EMU and on Political Union are opened at the Rome summit.

1991 July Sweden applies for Community membership.

August– Break-up of the USSR.
December The Maastricht Treaty is agreed by the European Council. The Treaty is based on three
pillars: the European Communities, a Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP),
and Cooperation in the Fields of Justice and Home Affairs (JHA). The European
Communities pillar includes the strengthening of Community institutions, the exten-
sion of the Community’s legal policy competence, and a timetable for the establishment
of EMU and a single currency.
December Association (‘Europe’) Agreements signed with Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland.
1992 February The Maastricht Treaty is formally signed by Foreign and Finance Ministers.
March Finland applies to join the EU.
May After several months’ delay caused by a Court of Justice ruling, the EEA agreement
between the EC and EFTA is signed.
May Switzerland applies to join the EC.
June In a referendum the Danish people reject the Maastricht Treaty by 50.7 per cent to 49.3
per cent.
September Crisis in the ERM. Sterling and the lira suspend their membership.
September In a referendum the French people endorse the Maastricht Treaty by 51 per cent to 49
per cent.
November Norway applies to join the EU.
December In a referendum the Swiss people vote not to ratify the EEA by 50.3 per cent to 49.7 per
cent. Amongst other implications this means that Switzerland’s application to join the
EU is suspended.
472 | Chronology of Main Events in the European Integration Process

December Edinburgh European Council meeting agrees on several key issues, notably: (1) Danish
opt-outs from the TEU and any future common defence policy; (2) a financial perspec-
tive for 1993–99; and (3) the opening of accession negotiations in early 1993 with Austria,
Finland, Sweden, and Norway.
1993 February Accession negotiations open with Austria, Finland, and Sweden.
April Accession negotiations open with Norway.
May In a second referendum the Danish people vote by 56.8 per cent to 43.2 per cent to ratify
the Maastricht Treaty.
June Copenhagen European Council. It is agreed that CEECs wishing to become members of
the EU shall do so once they meet specified economic and political conditions (the
Copenhagen criteria).
August Following great turbulence in the currency markets, the bands for all currencies in the
ERM, apart from the deutschmark and the guilder, are increased to 15 per cent.
October German Constitutional Court ruling enables Germany to become the last member state
to ratify the TEU.
November TEU enters into force.
December Settlement of the GATT Uruguay Round.
1994 January Second stage of EMU comes into effect.
January EEA enters into force.
March Committee of the Regions meets for the first time.
March Austria, Finland, Sweden, and Norway agree accession terms with the EU.
April Hungary and Poland apply for membership of the EU.
June Fourth set of direct elections to the EP.
June In a referendum on accession to the EU, the Austrian people vote in favour by 66.4 per
cent to 33.6 per cent.
June Corfu European Council. The UK vetoes Belgian Prime Minister, Jean-Luc Dehaene, as
the new Commission President.
June Jacques Santer, the Luxembourg Prime Minister, nominated as the new Commission
President at a special half-day European Council meeting in Brussels.
October Referendum in Finland on EU membership. The people vote in favour by 57 per cent to
43 per cent.
November Referendum in Sweden on EU membership. The people vote in favour by 52.2 per cent
to 46.9 per cent.
November Referendum in Norway on EU membership. The people reject accession by 52.2 per cent
to 47.8 per cent.
1995 January Austria, Finland and Sweden become EU members.
January EP votes to confirm the Santer Commission: 418 votes in favour, 103 against, and 59
abstentions. The Commission is subsequently formally appointed by the representatives
of the member states.
March Schengen Accord implemented by seven EU member states: Germany, France, Belgium,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Spain, and Portugal.
June Romania and Slovakia apply to join the EU.
November Latvia applies to join the EU.
December Estonia applies to join the EU.
October Lithuania and Bulgaria apply to join the EU.
1996 January The Czech Republic and Slovenia apply to join the EU.
March The IGC provided for in the Maastricht Treaty is formally opened at a special Heads of
Government summit in Turin.
Chronology of Main Events in the European Integration Process | 473

May The UK government announces a policy of non-cooperation with EU decision-making

following a Council of Ministers decision not to agree to a timetable for the lifting of the
export ban on UK beef products.
June A formula for ending the UK’s non-cooperation policy agreed at the Florence European
1997 June Amsterdam European Council agrees to the Treaty of Amsterdam. The Treaty fails to
provide for the institutional change that enlargement will require, but does contain some
strengthening of EU institutions and policies.
July Commission issues its Agenda 2000 programme, which contains recommendations on
how enlargement to the CEECs should be handled and how EU policies – especially the
CAP and the Structural Funds – should be reformed.
October Amsterdam Treaty formally signed by EU Foreign Ministers.
1998 March Accession negotiations formally opened with Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic,
Slovenia, Estonia, and Cyprus.
May At a special European Council meeting in Brussels it is agreed that eleven states will
participate when the euro is launched in 1999: France, Germany, Italy, Belgium,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Finland, and Austria.
May Denmark and Ireland hold referenda in which the Treaty of Amsterdam is approved.
1999 January Stage 3 of EMU and the euro come into operation, with eleven of the EU’s fifteen states
participating. The non-participants are Denmark, Greece, Sweden, and the UK.
March The College of Commissioners resigns following the publication of a highly critical
report by the Committee of Independent Experts.
March At a special European Council meeting in Berlin, the Heads of Government reach agree-
ment on Agenda 2000 measures. The measures include a financial perspective for 2000–06,
and CAP and Structural Fund reforms. It is also agreed to nominate Romano Prodi,
the former Italian Prime Minister, to succeed Jacques Santer as Commission President.
May Treaty of Amsterdam enters into force.
May EP endorses Romano Prodi as Commission President-designate by 392 votes to 72, with
41 abstentions.
June Fifth set of direct elections to the EP.
September Prodi Commission assumes office after the EP endorses it by 414 votes to 142, with 35
December Helsinki European Council meeting takes key decisions on EU enlargement. These
include that negotiations will be opened in early 2000 with six more applicant states and
that Turkey will be viewed as having candidate status. The summit also decides that the
EU will establish a Rapid Reaction Force, 50,000–60,000 strong, by 2003.

2000 February The IGC provided for in a protocol attached to the Amsterdam Treaty is opened.
February Accession negotiations are opened with Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Romania,
and Malta.
June The Cotonou Agreement, a twenty-year Partnership Agreement replacing the Lomé
Convention, is signed by the EU and 77 ACP countries.
September In a referendum the Danish people reject membership of the euro by 53.1 per cent to
46.9 per cent.
December Nice European Council agrees to the Treaty of Nice. The Treaty consists mainly of a
range of institutional reforms designed to prepare the EU for enlargement.
474 | Chronology of Main Events in the European Integration Process

2001 January Greece becomes a member of the eurozone.

February Treaty of Nice is formally signed by EU Foreign Ministers.
June In a referendum, the Irish people reject the Treaty of Nice by 54 per cent to 46 per cent
on a low 35 per cent turnout.
2002 January Euro coins and notes come into circulation and the national currencies of the 12
euroland countries are phased out.
March The Convention on the Future of Europe opens under the chairmanship of Valery
Giscard d’Estaing.
October In a referendum the Irish people approve the Treaty of Nice by 63 per cent to 37 per cent
on a 48 per cent turnout.
December Copenhagen European Council meeting takes key decisions on enlargement. These
include: ten states (Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania,
Malta, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia) are deemed to have completed accession negotia-
tions and will join the EU on 1 May 2004 subject to ratification procedures having been
completed; Bulgaria and Romania will be able to join the EU in 2007 if they make satis-
factory progress in complying with the membership criteria; the December 2004 summit
will authorise the immediate opening of accession negotiations with Turkey if the
Commission makes a recommendation to this effect based on Turkey having continued
with its reform process.
2003 February The Treaty of Nice enters into force. Croatia applies to join the EU.
March In the first referendum to be held in the ‘2004 enlargement’ round, the Maltese people
vote to join the EU by 53.6 per cent to 46.4 per cent on a 91 per cent turnout.
April In a referendum, the Slovenian people vote to join the EU by 89.6 per cent to 10.4 per
cent on a 60.3 per cent turnout.
April The Treaty of Accession is signed in Athens by representatives of the EU-15 and the 10
applicant states with which negotiations have been completed.
April In a referendum, the Hungarian people vote to join the EU by 84.0 per cent to 16.0 per
cent on a 45.6 per cent turnout.
May In a referendum, the Lithuanian people vote to join the EU by 91.0 per cent to 9.0 per
cent on a 63.4 per cent turnout.
May In a referendum, the Slovak people vote to join the EU by 92.5 per cent to 6.2 per cent
on a 52.1 per cent turnout.
June The Convention on the Future of Europe agrees on the contents of the Draft Treaty
Establishing a Constitution for Europe.
June In a referendum, the Polish people vote to join the EU by 77.5 per cent to 22.5 per cent
on a 58.8 per cent turnout.
June In a referendum, the Czech people vote to join the EU by 77.3 per cent to 23.7 per cent
on a 55.2 per cent turnout.
July The Cypriot House of Representatives votes unanimously to approve Cyprus’s Treaty of
Accession to the EU. (Of the ten states to sign the April 2003 Accession Treaty, Cyprus is the
only one not to hold a referendum.)
September In a referendum, the Estonian people vote to join the EU by 66.8 per cent to 32.2 per cent
on a 64.0 per cent turnout.
September In a referendum, the Latvian people vote to join the EU by 67.0 per cent to 32.3 per cent
on a 72.5 per cent turnout.
September In a referendum, the Swedish people vote against membership of the euro by 56.1 per
cent to 41.8 per cent on an 81.2 per cent turnout.
October The IGC charged with negotiating a Constitutional Treaty is opened.
Chronology of Main Events in the European Integration Process | 475

December The Brussels European Council meeting fails to agree on the contents of the
Constitutional Treaty and the IGC is suspended.
2004 March Macedonia applies to join the EU.
March The Brussels European Council meeting decides to re-start the IGC, with a view to the
Constitutional Treaty being agreed at the June European Council.
May Ten countries become members of the EU: Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia,
Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia.
June Sixth set of direct elections to the EP.
June The European Council agrees on the contents of the Constitutional Treaty.
June At a special meeting of the European Council it is agreed that Portuguese Prime Minister,
José Manuel Barroso, will be nominated to be President of the European Commission.
July José Manuel Barroso is approved by the EP by 413 votes to 251.
October Barroso withdraws his College-designate from the process of EP approval so as to avoid
the possibility of rejection. Following two personnel changes and other portfolio changes
the EP gives its approval to the Barroso College by 449 votes to 149, with 82 abstentions.
October The leaders of the EU’s member states sign the Constitutional Treaty in Rome.
December The European Council agrees that accession negotiations should be opened with Croatia
in March 2005 and with Turkey in October 2005, provided certain conditions are met.
2005 March The Spanish people vote in a referendum to ratify the Constitutional Treaty by 76.7 per
cent to 23.3 per cent on a 42.3 per cent turnout.
May The French people vote in a referendum not to ratify the Constitutional Treaty by 54.9
per cent to 45.1 per cent on a 69.7 per cent turnout.
June The Dutch people vote in a referendum not to ratify the Constitutional Treaty by 61.7
per cent to 38.3 per cent on a 63 per cent turnout.
July The Luxembourg people vote in a referendum to ratify the Constitutional Treaty by 56.5
per cent to 43.5 per cent on a 90.5 per cent turnout.
October The EU opens accession negotiations with Turkey and Croatia.
December The European Council agrees on the contents of the 2007–13 financial perspective.
2007 January Bulgaria and Romania become members of the EU.
January Slovenia becomes a member of the eurozone.
December The Treaty of Lisbon is formally signed.
2008 January Cyprus and Malta become members of the eurozone
June In a referendum, the Irish people reject the Treaty of Lisbon by 53.6 per cent to 46.4 per
cent on a 53.1 per cent turnout.
December Montenegro applies for EU membership.
2009 January Slovakia becomes a member of the eurozone.
April Albania applies for EU membership.
July Iceland applies for EU membership.
October In a referendum, the Irish people endorse the Treaty of Lisbon by 67.1 per cent to 32.9
per cent on a 58 per cent turnout.
November The Czech President, Vaclav Klaus, completes the ratification process of the Lisbon
Treaty by putting his signature to it.
December The Lisbon Treaty enters into force.
December Serbia applies for EU membership.
476 | Chronology of Main Events in the European Integration Process

2010 February The EP gives its approval to the Barroso II College, by 488 votes to 137, with 72
2011 January Estonia becomes a member of the eurozone.
December During the European Council meeting, all national leaders except those of the Czech
Republic and the UK agree in principle to sign a Fiscal Compact Treaty.
2012 January In a referendum, the Croatian people vote to join the EU by 66 per cent to 33 per cent
on a 44 per cent turnout.
June In a referendum, the Irish people endorse the Fiscal Pact Treaty by 60.3 per cent to 39.7
per cent on a 50.6 per cent turnout.
2013 July Croatia becomes an EU member.
2014 January Latvia becomes a member of the eurozone.
October The EP gives its approval to the Juncker College by 423 votes to 209, with 62 abstentions
and 52 not voting. The College assumes office on 1 November.
2015 January Lithuania becomes a member of the eurozone.
July The Greek people vote in a referendum – by 61.3 per cent to 38.7 per cent on a 62.5 per
cent turnout – to reject the EU’s terms for a financial bailout.
December The Danish people vote in a referendum – by 53.1 per cent to 46.9 per cent on a 72 per
cent turnout – not to approve the government’s request for authorisation powers to enter
AFSJ policy areas from which Denmark had previously opted out.
2016 February Bosnia and Herzegovina applies for EU membership.
April The Dutch people vote in a referendum – by 61 per cent to 39 per cent on a 32 per cent
turnout – not to approve the EU–Ukraine Association Agreement.
June The UK votes to leave the EU by 51.9 per cent to 48.1 per cent on a 72 per cent turnout.
October The Hungarian people vote – by 98.4 per cent to 1.64 per cent on a 44 per cent turnout –
not to permit the EU to be able to mandate Hungary to resettle non-Hungarian refugees
in Hungary.
Guide to Further Reading

Official European Union Official European Union Sources

Sources 247
National Government The EU issues a vast amount of material, most of which is available in paper
Sources 248 and electronic forms. Paper copies are usually published by the Office for
Periodicals, Newspapers, Official Publications of the European Union (EUR-OP). Electronic copies
and Journals 248 are usually accessible via the EU’s website, Europa, the URL of which is www.
Web Sources 248
The treaties should naturally be consulted by all those who wish to under-
Books 249 stand the nature and functioning of the EU. They have been published in sev-
eral editions by, amongst others, EUR-OP and Sweet & Maxwell, and are also
available on the Europa website.
The Official Journal of the European Union (OJ) is issued on most workdays
and provides an authoritative record of decisions and activities of various
kinds. It consists of two main series, each of which have sub-series. The ‘L’
(Legislation) series is the vehicle for the publication of EU legislation. The
‘C’ (Information and Notices) series contains a range of information, includ-
ing resolutions adopted by EP plenaries, EESC opinions, Court of Auditors
reports, Court judgements, Commission communications and notices, and
Commission proposals for Council legislation.
The General Report on the Activities of the European Union is published
annually and provides a useful summary of both institutional and policy devel-
opments. Where necessary it can be supplemented by the annual reports that
are published by most of the institutions.
The most detailed analysis of and information on EU policies is usually
to be found in documents produced by the EU institutions, especially the
Commission and the EP. Leaving aside one-off publications, these appear in
three main forms. First, serialised reports are issued on a regular basis and
cover just about every aspect of EU affairs. For example, Eurobarometer con-
sists of reports on public opinion in the EU, with standard editions appearing
in the spring and the autumn and special editions also periodically being
issued. Second, an enormous volume of information is issued by the Statistical
Office – known as Eurostat – on matters ranging from energy consumption
patterns to agricultural prices. Useful general publications from Eurostat
include Europe in Figures and Eurostat Yearbook. Third, there are Commission
documents (COMDOCS), which cover many matters including programme
reports, policy reviews, and, most importantly, proposals for legislation.

478 | Guide to Further Reading

National Government Web Sources

An enormous amount of information about European
integration and the EU is available on the web.
The governments of the member states produce
Attention here is directed to a few of the most useful
a considerable volume of documentation on the
websites, some of which are gateway sites in that they
EU. The precise nature of this material varies,
provide links to more specialised sites. Most of the
but it mostly consists of a mixture of ‘state of
sites listed have free access.
play’ reports, reports from relevant parliamentary
As was noted above, the Europa website is immensely
committees, and information pamphlets/booklets/
valuable for accessing official EU information. It pro-
packs. Because many of the latter are intended to
vides links to an enormous number of webpages
stimulate a greater public awareness of the EU, or
covering EU institutions, policies, documentation,
are designed to encourage business to take advan-
and developments. The many different webpages on
tage of EU policies, hard copies are often available
Europa can be accessed either by logging onto the
free of charge.
Europa site and then following links or by accessing
The Foreign/European Ministries of all member
webpages directly. So, for example, the URL of EUR-
states have websites with useful information on the EU.
Lex, which gives access to the full text of COMDOCS,
EU legislation, and to the latest editions of the Official
Journal, is
Other official EU sites well worth visiting include
Periodicals, Newspapers, and those of the European Commission offices around
Journals the world. The site of the Commission’s Delegation to
the USA, for example, is quite excellent. It is at www.
A daily update of events is provided in The Europe A very useful repository of research materials and
Daily Bulletin, which is published by Agence Europe. articles on European integration is located at: http://
European Voice, published by the Economist Group,
is an excellent weekly newspaper on the EU, which also Up-to-date news coverage and articles exist at:
has specialised reporting sites – on, for example, busi-
ness and on lobbying.
The Economist is a weekly news magazine that • EUobserver:
includes a useful section on the EU. • European Voice:
In most member states the ‘quality’ press provides • EurActiv:
a reasonable review of EU affairs. In the UK the most • European Sources Online: www.europeansources.
comprehensive coverage is provided by the Financial
Academic articles on the EU are to be found in Two prominent academic associations with helpful
a number of places. Particularly useful academic websites are:
journals include Journal of Common Market Studies,
Journal of European Public Policy, Journal of European • The European Union Studies Association at www.
Integration, European Union Politics, Current Politics
and Economics of Europe, European Foreign Affairs • The University Association for Contemporary
Review, Common Market Law Review, and European European Studies at
Law Review.
The JCMS Annual Review of the Union is very useful The websites of useful research institutes include:
for monitoring each year’s developments. It is pub-
lished by Blackwell and also appears (in the autumn) • Centre for European Policy Studies:
as a special issue of the Journal of Common Market • Centre for European Reform:
Studies. • Notre Europe:
Guide to Further Reading | 479

Books Bond and Feus (2001), Galloway (2001), and Laursen

(2006). On the Constitutional Treaty, see Church and
Phinnemore (2005). On the Treaty of Lisbon, see
The number of books published on the EU is now Phinnemore (2013) and Craig (2013).
voluminous. Only a very brief indication of what is
available is attempted here, with references being con-
fined to books in English and with preference being The institutions and political
given to recent publications.
The titles listed are grouped into very broad sec-
tions. The boundaries between the sections are far Peterson and Shackleton (2012) examine all of the
from watertight. EU’s institutions.
On the Commission, see Nugent and Rhinard
(2015) and Kassim et al. (2013). On the Council, see
General books on the Hayes-Renshaw and Wallace (2006) and Naurin and
government and politics Wallace (2008). On the European Council, see Wessels
(2015), Foret and Rittelmeyer (2014), and Putter
of the EU (2014) (the latter of which also looks at the Council).
On the EP, see Corbett, Jacobs, and Neville (2016)
McCormick (2017), Cini and Pérez-Solórzano
and Ripoll Servent (forthcoming). For non-lawyers,
Borragán (2015), Bache et al. (2015), Hix and Høyland
amongst the best books on EU law and the EU’s courts
(2011), and Lelieveldt and Princen (2011) are amongst
are Mathijsen (2013), and Hartley (2014). Greenwood
many good introductory texts.
(2017) provides a comprehensive review and analysis
The (post-2007–08) crisis in the EU is examined in
of interests in the EU.
Dinan, Nugent and Paterson (2017).

Policies and policy processes

The historical evolution
Buonanno and Nugent (2013) provide a comprehen-
Dinan (2014) provides a highly informed and readable sive account. Wallace, Pollack, and Young (2015) and
account of the integration process since the Second Richardson (2012) provide overviews of most EU
World War. Stirk (1996) examines the integration pro- policies. Versluis et al. (2011) provide a more meth-
cess since 1914 and Urwin (1995) does so from 1945. odologically focused account.
A collection edited by Dinan (2014) includes some Useful books on new bases of EU policies and
interesting essays on selected topics. policy processes include Kölliker (2005) and Leuffen
It is always helpful to consult primary sources and et al. (2013) on differentiation; and Majone (2005),
an easy way of doing this is through readers. The fol- Büchs (2007), and Linsenmann et al. (2007) on new
lowing are all useful: Giustino (1996), Harryvan and modes of governance.
van der Harst (1997), Salmon and Nicoll (1997), and On particular policy areas, the vast literature that
Stirk and Weigall (1999). is available includes: Pelkmans et al. (2008) on the
Memoirs of the Founding Fathers merit attention. internal market; Chang (2016) and Marsh (2009) on
See especially Monnet (1978) and Marjolin (1989). EMU; Hill (2012) on the CAP; Schubert et al. (2016)
Milward (1984, 2000) has written detailed and on energy policy; Baun and Marek (2014) on cohesion
challenging analyses of the early years of European policy; Anderson (2015) on social policy; Delreux and
integration. Happaerts (2016) on environmental policy; Cini and
On the EU’s treaties, see Church and Phinnemore McGowan (2009) on competition policy; Keukeleire
(2002) and Christiansen and Reh (2009). On the and Delreux (2014) and Smith (2014) on foreign policy;
Maastricht Treaty, see Church and Phinnemore and Howarth on external security and defence policy.
(1994), Corbett (1993), and Duff et al. (1994). On the Amongst the many useful sources in the growing lit-
Amsterdam Treaty, see Dehousse (1999), Duff (1997), erature on Europeanisation and the impact of the EU on
and Monar and Wessels (2001). On the Nice Treaty, see member states are Grabbe (2005) and Ladrech (2010).
480 | Guide to Further Reading

The member states and the EU institutionalism – Schneider and Aspinwall (2001) and
Pollack (2003); federalism – Laursen (2010).
There is a rapidly developing literature on the ­member
states and the EU, some of which is comparative in
nature and some of which consists of single state Theorising
studies. A good place to start is Bulmer and Lequesne
(2013), which combines both comparative and single Books providing an overview of European integration
state approaches and also contains very useful reading theory include Chryssochoou (2009), Wiener and
lists. Zeff and Pirro (2014) is also useful. Diez (2009), and Saurugger (2014).
Books examining European integration through
particular theoretical lenses include Moravcsik
(1998) via a liberal intergovernmentalist perspective,
Conceptualising Bickerton et al. (2015b) through a new intergovern-
mentalism perspective, Niemann, (2006) through a
Books explaining and/or using particular conceptu- neofunctionalist perspective, and Beach (2005) via a
alisations include: consociationalism – Chryssochoou (qualified) supranationalist perspective.
(1998 and 2009); multilevel governance – Hooghe Much of the debate on integration theory has
(1996), Hooghe and Marks (2001), and Jordan and been conducted through articles in academic ­journals.
Schout (2006); policy networks – Peterson and Readers that bring together key writings include Nelsen
Bomberg (1999), and Bache and Flinders (2004); new and Stubb (2014) and Eilstrup-Sangiovanni (2006).

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