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Exam Night

1. The opposite graph illustrates energy stored molecules in two

cells (A) and (B), which of the following expresses this graph
in an accurate manner?...........
a. The graph (A) represents a liver cell and graph (B) represents a plant cell.
b. The graph (A) represents a muscular cell and graph (B) represents a liver cell.
c. The graph (A) represents a muscular cell and graph (B) represents a plant cell.
d. The graph (A) represents a plant cell and graph (B) represents a muscular cell.

2. Which of the following can be seen by the light microscope? ………

a. A Bacterial cell. b. Virus.
c. nuclear pores in a plant cell. d. Internal structure of mitochondria in an animal cell.

3. Which statement doesn’t agree with the cell theory? ………

a. All the living organisms consist of one cell or more.
b. All cells come from other cells by the division.
c. The cells are basic units for Life.
d. More advanced living organisms are originated from pre-existing living organisms.

4. The components of four different types of food were tested. So, the results were shown as
in the following table, which type of food contains protein, sugar and starch? .....
Benedict’s test iodine test Biuret’s test
a. Blue Orange Violet
b. Orange Blue Violet
c. Orange Orange Blue
d. Blue Blue Blue

5. If you knew that the fibers of flax are characterized by their ability to bear the tensile,
from which of the following tissues do they consist of? ……
a. Parenchyma tissues. b. Xylem tissues.
c. Sclerenchyma tissues. d. Phloem tissues.
6. The organelle that is the most active during doing exercises is ………
a. Ribosome. b. endoplasmic reticulum.
c. Mitochondria. d. lysosome.

7. Xylem tissue is thickened by ………

a. cellulose only. b. lignin only. c. Suberin only. d. cellulose and lignin.

8. Estrogen hormone is from steroids that is synthesized by ……..

a. mitochondria. b. smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
c. rough endoplasmic reticulum. d. ribosomes.

9. A living cell requires an amount of energy (X) that is produced by the oxidation of 5g of
glucose, to obtain the cell the same amount of energy (X) in the absence of glucose, it
should use an amount of fatty acids equal about …….g

a. 3 b. 5 c. 10 d.15

10.The relation between the contrast degree and the wavelength of used beams in
microscopes illustrates in the graph ………

11.A digestive enzyme in human digests its substrate rapidly at the temperature (35°C), what
happens if the enzyme and its substrate work at temperature (50°C)? .............
a. The nature of enzyme is changed and its work stops.
b. The reaction continues with the same rate.
c. The reaction occurs with rapid rate.
d. The reaction occurs with slow rate.
12.In human blood, there are several types of white blood cells that can engulf (endocytosis),
disintegrate and get rid of the microbes, while the plant cell can’t do the endocytosis, this
is due to the presence of ……….
a. the cell membrane. b. Golgi apparatus.
c. The chloroplasts. d. the cell wall.

13.A student examined some plant cells by the light microscope, at the beginning he
obtained figure (A), then he made a certain examination and obtained figure (B) as shown
in the following figure, what did this student perform for obtaining figure (B)?
a. He added a stain on the specimen.
b. He changed the light level.
c. He added ethyl alcohol on the specimen.
d. He used a lens with higher magnifying power than
that of used in the first examination.

14.DNA differs from RNA in that …….

a. DNA structure consists of pentose sugar, while RNA structure consists of hexose
b. DNA molecule contains cytosine base, but it is not found in RNA
c. RNA molecule carries the genetic information, while DNA is used in protein
d. DNA molecule contains thymine, but it is not found in RNA

15.Glucose is absorbed in intestine through ……… epithelial cells.

a. simple cuboidal b. Simple columnar
c. Simple squamous d. Stratified squamous

16.All the following substances may give a negative result with Sudan-4 stain, except ……
a. All substances that consist of monosaccharides.
b. All organic substances.
c. All substances that consist of fatty acids.
d. All complex substances.
17.The following figures illustrate four types of cells of some tissues in the living organisms,
which tissue has the ability to contract? .............

18.The correct pathway to produce peptidase enzyme is …….

a. Ribosomes → Golgi body → transporting vesicles → endoplasmic reticulum.
b. Ribosomes → transporting vesicles → Golgi body → endoplasmic reticulum.
c. Ribosomes → Endoplasmic reticulum → transporting vesicles → Golgi body.
d. Ribosomes → Endoplasmic reticulum → Golgi body → transporting vesicles.

19.Examine the following graphs that illustrate the relation between the number of amino
acids in polypeptide chain and the number of water molecules that release when forming
the chain, which graph represents the polymerization reaction? …………

20.The microscope that may be used to study the details of the cell surface is ……..
a. compound light microscope. b. transmission electron microscope.
c. Scanning electron microscope. d. simple microscope.
21.The part that regulates the cell activities is ………..
a. nucleus. b. endoplasmic reticulum. c. lysosome. d. Golgi apparatus.

22.From the principles of the cell theory is …………

a. All the cells contain nuclei.
b. All the cells contain organelles.
c. The cell is the structural unit of living organism.
d. The cell contains water.

23.Glucose molecules are formed in ……..

a. Parenchyma cells. b. companion cells.
c. Sclerenchyma cells. d. tracheids.

24.Which of the following choices links the cells with their function in a correct form? ......
Storage Transport and support Transport of O2
a. Red blood cells Xylem cells Parenchyma cells
b. Parenchyma cells Xylem cells Red blood cells
c. Xylem cells Sclerenchyma cells Parenchyma cells
d. Parenchyma cells Sclerenchyma cells Red blood cells

25.All the following are produced from the hydrolysis of simple and complex lipids, except

a. Cholesterol b. Testosterone hormone c. Estrogen hormone d. Phospholipids

26.The length of the nerve cells is because……….

a. They gather with each other forming nerve fibers.
b. They gather with each other, forming muscle fibers,
c. They transfer the nerve impulses to long distances away from the body
d. They have the ability to contract and relax.
27.The opposite figure represents a primitive organism
“Euglena”, what is the microscope that was used at
first time to observe the Euglena?.........

a. b. c. d.

28.Head and limbs move due to the contraction of …….. muscles.

a. unstriated voluntary b. unstriated involuntary
c. striated involuntary d. Striated voluntary

29.Which of the following represent(s) the communication system in the body cells? ............

a. Endoplasmic reticulum b. Nerve cells c. Lysosomes d. Golgi bodies

30.From the opposite figures, what is the name of the scientist who stated this principle that
represents a principle of the cell theory? ..........

a. Virchow.
b. Van Leeuwenhoek
c. Schwann.
d. Robert Hooke.

31. Which of the following illustrates the elements and basic units that are used in the
building of macro-molecules?

Macro-molecules Elements Basic units

a. Lipids Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen Amino acid
b. Protein Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen Fatty acid
c. Starch Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen Glucose
d. Phospholipids Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen Fatty acid
32.Xylem is similar to phloem in each of them ……
a. transfers food substances that formed in leaves.
b. transfers water and salts in one direction only.
c. is thickened by lignin.
d. is a vascular tissue.

33.Which of the following is not considered a source of energy in the cell?

a. Glucose. b. Lactose. c. Insulin. d. Starch.

34. The two opposite figures illustrate the

respiratory system in human and an
alveolus surrounding by blood capillaries,
which label represents a cell?

a. (A) b. (B) c. (C) d. (D)

35.Which of the following structures contains genes?

a. Plasma membrane of a certain animal.
b. Cytoplasm of an animal cell.
c. Nucleus of a plant cell.
d. Vacuole in a plant cell.

36.The organic molecules that consist of one fatty acid are………

a. fats b. Waxes c. phospholipids d. oils

37.Which of the following doesn’t agree with the principles of the cell theory? …..
a. Living cells consist of one cell or more.
b. New cells are originated from pre-existing cells.
c. Primitive organisms are originated from complex organisms.
d. The cells are the functional units for all living organisms.
38.The following figure illustrates an experiment of the digestion of albumin protein by
pepsin enzyme that is extracted from the human stomach, in which test tube will protein
be digested rapidly?

39.Engulfing cells are a type of white blood cells that engulf and digest the bacteria and
debris cells, what are the organelles that will share more in the digestion of these
a. Mitochondria b. Lysosomes c. Golgi bodies d. Ribosomes

40.The scientist who could see green algae by using a microscope with magnifying power
may reach about 180 times of their real size is ………
a. Virchow b. Robert Hooke c. Van Leeuwenhoek d. Schwann

41.Which of the following statements is correct? ............

a. Simple sugar consists of polysaccharides.
b. Protein consists of amino acids.
c. Glycerol consists of fatty acids.
d. Nucleotides consist of nucleic acids.

42.Bone tissue contains ……. element.

a. iodine b. calcium c. magnesium d. iron

43. Doctors advise the patients with anemia to eat food containing ………
a. carbohydrates b. mineral salts, especially iron
c. mineral salts, especially iodine d. lipids
44. The opposite figure represents a muscle…..
a. The wall of digestive canal.
b. The wall of heart.
c. The human leg.
d. The diaphragm of respiratory system.

45.From the opposite figure, which of the following graphs represents

a relation between number (X) and the activity of this organelle?........

46.The Conversion of oil from the liquid state to solid state by adding hydrogen is due to the
conversion of ………
a. chemical bonds between its atoms into ionic bonds
b. trihydric alcohol into monohydric alcohol
c. Saturated fatty acids into unsaturated fatty acids.
d. Unsaturated fatty acids into saturated fatty acids.

47.It can be differentiated between the different white blood cells by using a compound
microscope through each of the following, Except …….
a. Using the dyes.
b. The shapes of different nuclei.
c. Using the microscope with magnifying power = 1000x
d. Using the microscope with magnifying power = 2000x
48.The following figures illustrate 6 cells, which of the following are plant cells and which
of them are animal cells?

Plant cells Animal cells

a. (3),(2) & (4) (1), (6) & (5)
b. (3), (1), (6) & (5) (2) & (4)
c. (2) & (5) (3), (1),(6) & (4)
d. (1), (6) & (4) (3), (2) & (5)

49.In researches of the biochemical analysis techniques, new basis appeared to determine the
relationship and relevance between the organisms through the determination of the
arrangement and sequence of nucleotides in the nucleic acid (DNA), according to that the
scientists use……
a. Light microscope. b. Simple microscope
c. transmission electron microscope d. scanning electron microscope

50.On placing a living cell of the human liver in a nutritive medium containing a radioactive
phosphorus isotope (P32), which of the following molecules in the cell contains this
radioactive isotope? …......
a. Glycogen b. Albumin protein c. DNA d. Glucose
51. A student examined a transverse section in a herbaceous plant stem, he found that it
contained a tissue whose cells are rectangular in shape and thickened by cellulose
substance and chloroplasts, according to the student’s observation, we conclude that this
tissue acts on …….
a. supporting the plant and storage the starch.
b. supporting the plant and performing the photosynthesis process.
c. the aeration for the plant and storage the starch.
d. the aeration and performing the photosynthesis.

52.If you knew that when two molecules of monosaccharides are linked together, a molecule
of water is removed. What is the number of water molecules produced on the formation
of 5 maltose molecules? ……….
a. 9 b. 5 c. 4 d. 1

53.In the two following figures, cell (B) stimulates the cells (A) to contract, this process is
benefit in ……….
a. the movement of food inside the digestive canal.
b. the pumping of blood from the heart in the blood vessels.
c. the raising up of a book from the office.
d. the secretion of milk outside the breast.

54.Which of the illustrated structures in this figure is produced by

the organelle that is responsible for aggregation of the proteins
and insertion of some changes on them?
a. (W) b. (X)
c. (Y) d. (Z)

55.The ability of the wax covering plan leaves to decrease the water loss, because…….
a. It contains monohydric alcohols.
b. it is from organic compounds.
c. it is from macro-molecules.
d. It contains fatty acids.
56.The plant cell loses its ability to divide income of the absence of …..
a. ribosomes b. centrosomes c. dictyosome d. some cytoplasmic genes

57.Which of the lines illustrated in the opposite figure expresses

an enzymatic reaction inside the stomach, if the hydrogen ion
concentration (pH) of the stomach decreases from 1 to 2 at
time (T)?
a. W b. X
c. Y d. Z

58. Two opposite figures illustrate a principle upon which

the cell theory depends, who is the scientist stated this
a. Schwann b. Virchow
c. Schleiden d. Van Leeuwenhoek

59.The following figure illustrates the blood flow through an artery:

Which of the following illustrates the structure of each

of (X) and (Y)?...

(X) (Y)
a. Simple tissue Cell
b. Organ Simple tissue
c. Compound tissue Cell
d. Compound tissue Simple tissue
60.Which of the following statements is correct about the unsaturated fats? ……
a. They are more common in animals than plants.
b. They are more common in plants than animals.
c. They are solid at the room temperature.
d. Monohydric alcohols enter in their structure,

61.The opposite figure illustrates some cells that may present in the …………
a. digestive canal b. blood
c. the lining of kidney tubules d. stomach wall

62.On chewing a piece of bread for some seconds, we found that its taste is sweet.
From the previous, we can conclude that saliva in mouth contains an enzyme that
hydrolyzes ….…..
a. starch to glycogen b. glycogen to starch
c. starch to cellulose d. starch to maltose

63.The opposite figure illustrates the light microscope, the magnifying power
of this microscope is …….
a. 30x b. 100x c. 300x d. 3000x

64.In an experiment, it was added a substrate (S) in conical to equal amounts of the enzymes
E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7, where the following diagram illustrates the pathway of this

After 15 minutes from the beginning of the reaction, it was added an inhibitor for enzyme
(E3) and the reaction was left till its ending, which result do you expect to happen? ……….

a. Decreasing the rate of the production of (U) substance.

b. Increasing the rate of the production of (Z) substance.
c. No effect on the rate of the production of (Y) substance.
d. Increasing the rate of the production of (V) substance.
65.The cell dies on removing each of the following, except……..
a. nucleus b. cell wall
c. cell membrane d. ribosomes

66.The microscope that is used to see the cell in this figure is…….
a. Simple microscope b. compound light microscope
c. Transmission electron microscope d. scanning electron microscope

67.To form a chain of polypeptide from 3 different amino acids linked together in several
times with varied arrangements. So, the maximum number of the types of formed
polypeptide chains is……..
a. One chain b. Two chains
c. three chains d. Six chains

68.If you knew that flax fibers are characterized by the ability to bear the tensile, which of
the following tissues do you believe that they are formed?..........
a. Parenchyma tissue b. Xylem tissue
c. Sclerenchyma tissue d. Phloem tissue

69.Which of the following represents the correct arrangement for the components of
multicellular living organism from the simplest to the most complex? …......
a. Cells – Polymers – Organelles – Tissues.
b. Polymers -Cells – Organelles – Tissues.
c. Organelles – Polymers – Cells – Tissues.
d. Polymers – Organelles -Cells – Tissues,

70.Which of the following represents an organ?...........

71.From the opposite figure, the reason of un movement
of protein molecules from inside to outside of the cell
is the presence of…
a. nucleus.
b. cytoplasm.
c. plasma membrane.
d. Lysosomes.

72.If you knew that the binding of two molecules of glucose in which the removal of a water
molecule takes place, the molecular formula of the polymer that consists of four
molecules of glucose is…………
a. C24H48O24 b. C24H44O22 c. C24H42O21 d. C18H30O15

73.The cell can be magnified one million time of its real size by using ………..
a. glass lenses b. Electromagnetic lenses c. Centrifugation d. platinum lenses

Temperature pH
74.The opposite table illustrates four test tubes that contain a. 27 2
equal amounts of starch with the salivary enzyme, in b. 37 2
which test tube is the starch hydrolyzed rapidly?.......... c. 27 7
d. 37 7

75.The opposite figure represents a vital process that

occurs in ………….
a. mitochondria b. chloroplast
c. Golgi body d. Leucoplast

76.To form a chain of polypeptide from 3 similar amino acids linked together in several
times with varied arrangements. So, the maximum number of the types of formed
polypeptide chains is……
a. one chain b. two chains c. Three chains d. six chains
77.By using the opposite figure that illustrates

An experiment for a researcher, where he left the insect

to feed on the plant sap by piercing its mouthparts in the
plant and he made a transverse section in the plant stem
to know the region where the proboscis of insect was
inserted, then he performed the chemical analysis for
the liquid that found inside this vessel, he found that it
contained sugars, from the previous, we conclude
that this site is …………

a. tracheids b. Xylem vessels

c. Sieve tubes d. Xylem parenchyma cells

78.Which of the following is correct about the formation of starch from

a. It is consumed energy in it.
b. It is required to form peptide bonds.
c. The reaction occurs only in animal cells.
d. The chemical bonds of monosaccharides are broken.

79.Phloem tissue contains sieve tubes and companion cells, the sieve tubes provide the
companion cells with the required energy to transport the food substances resulted from
the photosynthesis process from the leaves to all the plant parts, ………
a. The two statements are correct.
b. The first statement is correct and the second is wrong.
c. The first statement is wrong and the second is correct.
d. The two statements are wrong.

80.Each of centrosome, centriole and centromere ………..

a. Consists of two molecules.
b. Presents in the centre of an organelle of the cell organelles.
c. Presents in the brain cells.
d. is related to the cell division.

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