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Dr. Purvang Dalal

Head of EC Department
Dharmsinh Desai University

Subject: Issues Faced by Students in the EC Department


We hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits.We are writing this to bring to your
attention the concerns and challenges that students in the EC Department have been
encountering. We would like to highlight the problems faced by the students as follows:

1. Fee Increase: We, as students, would greatly appreciate clarification regarding the recent
increase in fees by 1000 rupees. Understanding the purpose behind this increase is essential to
ensure transparency and help us plan our finances accordingly.

2. Untidy Classrooms: The cleanliness of our classrooms has been a persistent issue. We
kindly request regular cleaning and maintenance of the classrooms to create a more hygienic
and pleasant environment for learning.

3. Non-functional Power Supplies in Labs: Many of the laboratories within the department are
currently experiencing problems with their power supplies. This issue not only disrupts our
practical sessions but also impedes our ability to conduct experiments and gain hands-on
experience. We kindly request that attention be given to rectifying these power supply issues.

4. AC/DC Supply Problems: It has come to our attention that there are ongoing problems with
the AC/DC supply in some of the labs.We kindly urge the department to address these problems
promptly to ensure uninterrupted practical sessions.

5. Malfunctioning Lab 2 Instruments: The instruments in Lab 2 are not functioning properly,
which greatly hampers our ability to conduct experiments and acquire the necessary skills and
knowledge. We kindly request to be relocated to Lab 5, where the equipment is in proper
working order, allowing us to make the most of our practical sessions.

6. Timings for C Division: Since semester 3, the C Division has consistently followed the
timing of 10:45 AM to 5:30 PM. However, we were initially informed that the timing would be
altered during alternate semesters. We kindly request that our timing be changed starting from
Phase 2 itself.

7. Timetable Revision: We kindly request a revision of the current timetable. As per the
existing timetable, there are supposed to be five-minute breaks between lectures, but these
breaks are not being implemented.
8. Saturday Holidays in Odd Semesters: We were under the impression that odd semesters
would have Saturdays designated as holidays. However, this is not the case for us. We kindly
request clarification and alignment with the proposed holiday schedule to avoid any confusion or
scheduling conflicts.

9. Lighting and Fan Issues: Class 20 is currently experiencing problems with several lights not
functioning. Additionally, the faculty fan is not working, making it difficult for faculty members to
teach in the scorching heat. There is a non-functional fan in Lab 4.We kindly request that this
fan be repaired promptly.

10. Insufficient Number of Fans: With the recent rise in temperature, the number of fans in the
classrooms is inadequate. Students sitting in the corner rows, next to the walls, are particularly
affected as the airflow from the fans does not reach them. We kindly request an assessment of
the fan distribution and urge the department to take appropriate measures to ensure proper
airflow for all students, regardless of their seating position.

11m. Projector Brightness: The brightness of the projectors in the classrooms is excessively
high, causing strain and discomfort to our eyes. We kindly request a reduction in the brightness
level to ensure a healthier visual experience during lectures, mitigating the risk of eye fatigue
and related problems.

We kindly request your immediate attention to these matters and eagerly await your response
outlining the actions to be taken.We remain hopeful that our concerns will be addressed

Thanking you in anticipation.


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