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16/12/21 23:11 Extraordinary Quiz | Textbook Units 4-5: Revisión del intento

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Área personal  Mis cursos  SHI107 - 2021-4  Week 7  Extraordinary Quiz | Textbook Units 4-5

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Comenzado el jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2021, 22:39

Estado Finalizado

Finalizado en jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2021, 23:10

Tiempo empleado 31 minutos 27 segundos

Puntos 14,00/20,00

Calificación 3,50 de 5,00 (70%)

Pregunta 1 Listen to the conversation. Then circle the word or phrase that correctly
Finalizado completes each sentence.

Puntúa 1,00 sobre


According to Paul, not as many people who work in banks wear

conservative clothes. 1/10
16/12/21 23:11 Extraordinary Quiz | Textbook Units 4-5: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 2 Read the article. Then answer the questions. Circle the correct answers.
Finalizado Standards for fashion and appropriate dress are always changing. What is
Puntúa 1,00 sobre fashionable or trendy in one generation may be seen as in bad taste or
1,00 inappropriate in another. In the past, there was much more formality in
how people dressed. For example, appropriate work attire included a
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modest dress for women and a suit and tie for men. If you wore those
clothes today, you would probably feel overdressed in most offices. We
have much more choice now.

It’s not just trends in clothing that have changed. Other fashions are
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different now, too. One significant trend is the increase in body art. Fifty
years ago, body art, including tattoos and body piercings, was rare in
Western society. Very few people got tattoos perhaps because a majority of
people disapproved of them and even associated them with criminal
behavior. Until very recently, it was not considered appropriate for people
to show their tattoos or piercings at work, so most people with tattoos
covered them in formal settings. They probably felt self-conscious because
other people always stared at them. And although body piercing has a long
history, going back 5,000 years, piercings were not considered in good
taste until recently.

The pubic impression of body art began to change in the 1960s, as many
standards for dress and behavior became more relaxed. Pierced ears
became trendy and widely accepted, but only a few people got piercings in
other parts of their body. At the start of the trend, most of the people
getting piercings were women who got pierced ears, but soon a lot of men
were doing it, too. The first people to embrace tattoos as a fashion were
musicians and athletes and most of them were men. It was a way for them
to rebel against society’s rules and to show that they were different. Soon,
other celebrities, especially movies stars, including a lot of women,
followed suit and began to get tattoos as well. Body art has become
especially popular among teenagers, and they often do it as an expression
of individuality and self-confidence. Today, tattoos and piercings—in the
nose, mouth, and other parts of the face and body—can be seen on all types
of people. Most people don’t even give smaller, more subdued examples of
body art a second thought.

Still, it is too early to say that body art has achieved widespread social
acceptance. In some professions, such as the military and law
enforcement, people are still required to wear long-sleeved shirts to cover
tattoos on their arms and remove their piercings when they are at work.
However, plenty of people now starting their careers got tattoos or
piercings when they were students. The majority of people get them
between the ages of 18 and 22. Eventually, when more and more of these
people become leaders in society and business, body art will no longer
seem wild or even unusual. When we see a tattoo or body piercing on a
president or prime minister, that’s when we’ll know that body art has been
fully accepted by society.

What does the author mean when she says women “followed suit”?

a. wore pants

b. did the same thing

c. went behind them 2/10
16/12/21 23:11 Extraordinary Quiz | Textbook Units 4-5: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 3 Select all the answers that correctly complete each sentence.

Puntúa 1,00 sobre _____ doctors say the tapeworm diet is dangerous. It will be difficult to
1,00 find a doctor who is willing to recommend it.
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a. Few

b. Most

c. All

d. Plenty of
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16/12/21 23:11 Extraordinary Quiz | Textbook Units 4-5: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 4 Read the article. Then answer the questions. Circle the correct answers.
Finalizado Standards for fashion and appropriate dress are always changing. What is
Puntúa 1,00 sobre fashionable or trendy in one generation may be seen as in bad taste or
1,00 inappropriate in another. In the past, there was much more formality in
how people dressed. For example, appropriate work attire included a
srabedis ediH

modest dress for women and a suit and tie for men. If you wore those
clothes today, you would probably feel overdressed in most offices. We
have much more choice now.

It’s not just trends in clothing that have changed. Other fashions are
draobhsad esruoC

different now, too. One significant trend is the increase in body art. Fifty
years ago, body art, including tattoos and body piercings, was rare in
Western society. Very few people got tattoos perhaps because a majority of
people disapproved of them and even associated them with criminal
behavior. Until very recently, it was not considered appropriate for people
to show their tattoos or piercings at work, so most people with tattoos
covered them in formal settings. They probably felt self-conscious because
other people always stared at them. And although body piercing has a long
history, going back 5,000 years, piercings were not considered in good
taste until recently.

The pubic impression of body art began to change in the 1960s, as many
standards for dress and behavior became more relaxed. Pierced ears
became trendy and widely accepted, but only a few people got piercings in
other parts of their body. At the start of the trend, most of the people
getting piercings were women who got pierced ears, but soon a lot of men
were doing it, too. The first people to embrace tattoos as a fashion were
musicians and athletes and most of them were men. It was a way for them
to rebel against society’s rules and to show that they were different. Soon,
other celebrities, especially movies stars, including a lot of women,
followed suit and began to get tattoos as well. Body art has become
especially popular among teenagers, and they often do it as an expression
of individuality and self-confidence. Today, tattoos and piercings—in the
nose, mouth, and other parts of the face and body—can be seen on all types
of people. Most people don’t even give smaller, more subdued examples of
body art a second thought.

Still, it is too early to say that body art has achieved widespread social
acceptance. In some professions, such as the military and law
enforcement, people are still required to wear long-sleeved shirts to cover
tattoos on their arms and remove their piercings when they are at work.
However, plenty of people now starting their careers got tattoos or
piercings when they were students. The majority of people get them
between the ages of 18 and 22. Eventually, when more and more of these
people become leaders in society and business, body art will no longer
seem wild or even unusual. When we see a tattoo or body piercing on a
president or prime minister, that’s when we’ll know that body art has been
fully accepted by society.

What will it mean when we have a president with a tattoo?

a. More and more people will want to get tattoos.

b. Tattoos will no longer be considered funky.

c. Tattoos will be an expression of self-esteem. 4/10
16/12/21 23:11 Extraordinary Quiz | Textbook Units 4-5: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 5 Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Not all the words will
Finalizado be used.

Puntúa 1,00 sobre

srabedis ediH

centered confidence confident content critical esteem image


People with low self- esteem often see themselves as failures.

draobhsad esruoC

Pregunta 6 Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Not all the words will
Finalizado be used.

Puntúa 1,00 sobre


centered confidence confident content critical esteem image

pity I
wish I had more self- confidence ; then I wouldn’t be so nervous

when I meet new people.

Pregunta 7 Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Not all the words will
Finalizado be used.

Puntúa 1,00 sobre


centered confidence confident content critical esteem image


She’s worried everyone is going to laugh at her new short haircut. She’s
feeling self- conscious .

Pregunta 8 Listen to the conversation. Then circle the word or phrase that correctly
Finalizado completes each sentence.

Puntúa 0,00 sobre


Margaret thinks that Paul’s clothes might be in bad taste 5/10
16/12/21 23:11 Extraordinary Quiz | Textbook Units 4-5: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 9
Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Not all the words will
Finalizado be used.
Puntúa 1,00 sobre

srabedis ediH

centered confidence confident content critical esteem image


A positive self- image is the result of feeling good about the way you
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look, feel, and act.

Pregunta 10 Listen to the conversation. Then circle the word or phrase that correctly
Finalizado completes each sentence.

Puntúa 1,00 sobre


Paul’s new boss usually wears casual clothes to work.

Pregunta 11 Combine the two sentences, using a possessive gerund to express

Finalizado something you

Puntúa 0,00 sobre don’t like. When using an apostrophe, use this one [ ' ] instead.
1,00 Example: My roommate smokes. / It really bugs me.

__My roommate's smoking really bugs me.__

My students send text messages in class. / It annoys me.

My students’ sending text messages in class annoys me .

Pregunta 12 Listen to the conversation. Then complete each sentence with a word
Finalizado from the box. Not all the words will be used.

Puntúa 1,00 sobre


courteous dishonest imaginable impolite irrational mature

rational unacceptable

Antonio thinks the students should be more mature . 6/10
16/12/21 23:11 Extraordinary Quiz | Textbook Units 4-5: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 13
Listen to the conversation. Then complete each sentence with a word
Finalizado from the box. Not all the words will be used.
Puntúa 1,00 sobre

srabedis ediH

courteous dishonest imaginable impolite irrational mature

rational unacceptable
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Jessica thinks the teacher is being irrational by not asking the

students to turn off their phones.

Pregunta 14 Combine the two sentences, using a possessive gerund to express

Finalizado something you

Puntúa 0,00 sobre don’t like. When using an apostrophe, use this one [ ' ] instead.
1,00 Example: My roommate smokes. / It really bugs me.

__My roommate's smoking really bugs me.__

I don’t appreciate it. / You left dirty dishes in the sink.

I dont appreciate your letting dishes in the sink

Pregunta 15 Listen to the conversation. Then complete each sentence with a word
Finalizado from the box. Not all the words will be used.

Puntúa 0,00 sobre


courteous dishonest imaginable impolite irrational mature

rational unacceptable

Antonio suggests that people in small towns are more rational

than people who live in big cities. 7/10
16/12/21 23:11 Extraordinary Quiz | Textbook Units 4-5: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 16 Read the article. Then answer the questions. Circle the correct answers.

Puntúa 1,00 sobre Students Work in their Communities to Reduce Urban Crime
Crime is a fact of life in a lot of urban areas. Some people just ignore the
problem, but other people want to get involved and find a way to make
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their communities safer. Some of these people are students who

participate in service programs around the country. Not only are these
young people finding ways to help their communities, but they are also
helping prevent and control crime.
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Neighborhood watch

Students in neighborhood watch programs are working with local police

to tackle crime. Pairs of students stand watch in local homes and
businesses during times when most crimes typically occur so that they
can keep an eye out for suspicious activity and report what they see to law
enforcement. This gives law enforcement the opportunity to act
immediately. Not only do neighborhood watches help cut down on crime,
but they also spread awareness about crime prevention. Students in the
program understand that neighborhoods are safer when people look out
for each other.

Shoplifting education

Shoplifting has become a particular problem at shopping malls in major

cities around the country. People take small items and clothing without
paying for them, hoping they will not get caught. Often these shoplifters
are young students with no other criminal record. Although many of them
are just doing it for fun, if they are caught, a criminal record could create a
lot of problems in the future, especially related to employment. In this
program, older students help educate younger students about the
consequences of irresponsible behavior such as shoplifting.

Assistance for seniors

Unfortunately, senior citizens often become crime victims because

criminals think older people make easy targets. In this program, students
are matched with senior citizens in their community. The goal of the
program is to prevent crimes against senior citizens from occurring either
by having the students accompany them to their appointments and/or by
helping them with their errands. The students also stop by the seniors’
homes to check on them once a week to make sure they are safe and in
good health.

Safety education

In this program, older students teach younger children about how to stay
safe in their communities. They give the young children advice about
walking in pairs or groups instead of by themselves. The younger children
are also told to avoid carrying devices like tablets or smart phones or
wearing expensive jewelry. The older students warn the children not to let
their guard down and to stay aware of their surroundings. If someone they
don’t know approaches them, they should either find an adult, such as a
teacher or a family member, or shout as loud as they can.

Programs like these are making a positive contribution to urban

communities around the country and encouraging young students to
become mature and responsible adults.


What is one piece of safety advice taught to the children?  8/10
16/12/21 23:11 Extraordinary Quiz | Textbook Units 4-5: Revisión del intento

a. Play your music or games at a low volume so you can hear things
around you.

b. Make sure you know the quickest way to a safe place.c. Remain calm
and quiet if someone suspicious tries to talk to you.
srabedis ediH

Pregunta 17
Write antonyms for these words, using negative prefixes.

Puntúa 0,00 sobre

Example: polite ______impolite________
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courteous uncourteous

Pregunta 18 Write antonyms for these words, using negative prefixes.


Puntúa 1,00 sobre Example: polite ______impolite________


responsible irresponsible

Pregunta 19
Combine the two sentences, using a possessive gerund to express
something you
Puntúa 0,00 sobre don’t like. When using an apostrophe, use this one [ ' ] instead.
Example: My roommate smokes. / It really bugs me.

__My roommate's smoking really bugs me.__

My students send text message in class. / It annoys me.

My students' sending message in class annoys me

Pregunta 20 Combine the two sentences, using a possessive gerund to express

Finalizado something you

Puntúa 1,00 sobre don’t like. When using an apostrophe, use this one [ ' ] instead.
1,00 Example: My roommate smokes. / It really bugs me.

__My roommate's smoking really bugs me.__

I was really upset about it. / She lied to me.

I was really upset about her lying to me .

◄ Unit 5: Graded Exam Ir a... Audio podocast | Histories' … 9/10
16/12/21 23:11 Extraordinary Quiz | Textbook Units 4-5: Revisión del intento

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