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1.Why it is critical to question the history of Western Europe and oversimplified

antagonistic frameworks of human difference.

It is necessary to question Western European history and oversimplified oppositional

frames of human difference because, in a society where profit rather than human necessity

defines what constitutes the good, there will inevitably be some group of people who can be

dehumanized and forced to occupy the position of the inferior through systemic oppression.

Consequently, it is equally imperative to refute the notion that human diversity can be reduced to

a dichotomy. Working-class individuals, elderly individuals, and women make up the plurality of

this social group (Rothenberg et al., 2019).

2. An example of Lorde's concept of the mythical norm.

The tendency of white feminists to prioritize the oppression they encounter due to their

gender, while disregarding the oppression experienced by other women due to their ethnicity,

class, sexual orientation, or age, exemplifies Lorde's notion of the mythical norm.


Audre Lorde posits that the individuals who have instituted the mythological standard

within a given civilization wield the greatest authority and privileges. This is defined as being

Caucasian, masculine, slender, youthful, heterosexual, Christian, and financially secure in the

United States.

The social structure of this society is comprised of strata of oppression and privilege. The

conviction that various facets of an individual's identity—race, sexual orientation, gender, and so

forth—are interconnected and function similarly within the same authoritative structure. Audre

Lorde, the author and lesbian activist, is one example. Tyranny can manifest from various

origins, and she possesses limited resistance to it. As with the rest of us, she possesses a

multifaceted personality that defies reduction to a single characteristic; she is greater than the

total of her parts (Rothenberg et al., 2019).



Rothenberg, Paula, S. and Christina Hsu Accomando. Race, Class, and Gender in the United

States. Available from: University of Alabama, (11th Edition). Macmillan Higher

Education, 2019.

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