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Culturism and sexims

During the course of history there always main topics that were very delicate at the
time,example religión,science,nazis,etc.But in the 21 century there are two topics that really
shouldnt be talk about or there is no need to talk about those two topics are culturism and

But what are they?. Lets star by culture is a set of knowledge, ideas, traditions and customs
that characterize a people, a social class, a time, etc.In this time many are going tos ay that are
victims of a foreing culture only becuase of their color of skin or relatives without ever
experience such culture in the first place,they didnt go there, were not born there,or never
took the time to live thereand they they know best that the other who live there.Sexism is
another card or excuse that people use esspecially women saying that everything is either
insulting or hurtfull to them, sexims is use when something wrong is happening to them and
they dont accept responsibility of their action

I coclude that we are in 21 century we are past those time of invasión slave trade or saying tat
women are only useful in the kitchen and in the bed.If you cant take action or accept your
mistake and you need to put the blame on others that have nothing to do whith you, you have
failed as a adult.

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