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268 | Workers’ Control Workers’ Self-Management in Yugoslavia Gerry Hunaius ‘The Social Context ‘The Yugoslav aystom of Socialism must bo evaluated in terms fof the regdon's Bistory, which continues to hive 2 povetiul impact on the politica sitution# The dominant festues in the history of the Yugoslav people heve been the conflict between nationals and resistance to foreign domination. The Commi= ast Party of Yugoslavia (CPY), founded in 1919, was the fst truly Yangoslay party inthe history of tht country, insofar es it vunlted within ds ranks the many nationltios and minority groups. The national Hberaton struggle during Werld War Tt acted as a strong unifying factor in the birth of the Soest Federal Republic of Yugoslavia? ‘Yopodavia ia a multinational este of over eventy milion ‘inhabitants. The Slev peoples, who consitus « great majority fof the population, belong to Sve main elinic groups: Serbs, ‘Croats, Slovenes,’ Macedonians, snd Montenegtns. Each of ‘these groups has is teritoral center In one of Sve autonomous 1A good if someviat ated introdation 1 the Yogoa eta Is Hosfman and Nui, Yagelvis end the New Commanion, New York, ‘went Century Pu 1962 "Pine oa react ty ofthe anomaly qution In Yoga is Peal Shoup, Communism and te Yugasiey National Qusion, New York: Cousiie Univer) Pres, 968 : Cantomiporary Models} 269 republies, A sixth republle, Bosnia-Heregoving, as a populo- don consisting of Serbs, Croats, and. Yugodav Mosiems. Ta dion to the six republics, (Wo-autonomous provinces have ‘en ested within Serbia, Kosowe-Methoblja (Kosmet) bes an ‘Atbasian tsjonity, and Vojvodina in northern Serbia has a ‘nixed. population iachading & lege aumber of Hungarians ‘Minorities in Yogoslvia make wp abou ten percent ofthe total population, Equality onder the law is guranteed to all citizens Farisle XXX ofthe Constitution. Tnetement to national, ‘acl of religions hated is unconsttdional and a rule ths law is gorouly enforced, "Wien the nation of Yugoslavia was created at the end of ‘World Wer I, twas a country dovasated by war. According to ‘Yugoslav sources, oveetheysixpereet of the country’s indus fey mas deseoyed and some 1,700,000 people had lost thie les Added to thls was tbe esteemely Tow technological and. fcoonomis tase ofthe oounty- Indust development in most ff Yegslevia up fo that period Was concentrated in extractive indosties which were largely in the bands of foreigners. Only in Slovenia and Croatia oid & native industry ext. All these factors tide the tatk of maion-bliding extremely dificul, a edion, many social and economie factors must be kept in india any serious attempt to evaluate the Yugosl experc sentin selmanagement: "The low level of education and industrial experience of ‘reat pizt of the worklag fores, including sections of the managerial personel, The steady stream of peasats desing val aves for the cides bas vasly ineeased the number of tnskled and semisiled workers. While the government has one much to combat Hlteracy and provide vorationa taining the problem lees serious one with dieet implications for the ‘development of slt-managemest "The division between the more industalized northern re- sions and the less developed southern parts of the country? ‘Wile regional equalization isthe official policy of goverament 17h ech/poor divin ofthe county & ety reed tote me tonal gueson, Slovent aed roti ia the nox and parts of Sebi ove ighe ended of lig, Tue est of Vago save deere 270." |" Workers? Control." = [1s fag progr In resort as at been vp o expect “ltae The ltedeion of ore’ schmamapenat 180 tal ie econmefferns of 1965 hve rane! te ous tod the sl ofthe federal governed in lag, he develop eto ouer eons snd hve sed pete be baten Ca > taps and buns‘ bate Sewer he deed tod Sadereroped epi is np of rey pf Fosoiey pol, an eeoeat dete gun te Teel gee at yeh a wel ee poor oa. * The Pollcel Pramesiork ‘Yogoslavia as undergone a sesies of evolutionary polite! changes during the past thity year, The rapidity of sent _nsitutonal changes can perhaps best be understood by viewing ‘them as an attempt to move from a preindustil into an inde teal era whl simultaneously Zortering the yluss of postindus- al society. Tn adation to the cataclysmic changes involved in pursing a. polly of industaization and. decentralization, ‘Yugoslavia is also experiencing a sociopoliical eveluton in autempting fo une hitherto Aoetle natinalties and minority soups within a constantly changing oltial system. ‘The Yugesiav political system in the immediate postwar years vias modeled on that ofthe Soviet Unio, This est psiod ‘came to an end in the ate 1940s wit the break with te Soviet Union. Since 1950, Yugosiavia has been moving toward in- crensod docentalznion of the economy; Iatly this hss also begun to be entended to the polteal/ediinstrativ eroetare, The clevation of the Commune to the “basic sociopolitical community was accompanied by a numberof significant inno- vations. Election of deputies to the Federal Assembly (and the power to reall them) was granted to commune assembles Tn {he early. 1950s, a conttutosl provision delegted respans- Dilty overall actives not expresly reserved tothe districts the republies, and the Federation, to the lal communes. A year Inter, @ provision was passed stiplating that Iocal ad- “The tem onloplica community eet to communes, proves, requlcsand the Federation Soclopolte rnin lee Us Enew of Commuiay he Soci Allace the ae tony He + Baars awe now been sled sd apace ace tapes 2a er at assembles and counils and no longer to republican and federal =? governmental ageocies. “The 1963 constitution and subsequent amendments initiated ‘number of far-reaching structural changes in the padlamien: tary stem intended to give the sell-managing organizations of sociated labor moce dretinfience in’ representative bodies fn the communal, republican, and federal levels, The federal ausembly now has five councils (chambers), thiee of which represent the functional interests of selfsmanaging working Or tginizatons from the base areas ofthe esonemy, eduction and calor, welfare and public health, Every patlamentary: act mst be posted by to chambers that is, the Chamber of [Nationalities acting in coajunetion with one of the other. four ‘Recent changes in the election of these funcional chambers of the federal and republican assemblies have retained the pins ple of indirect voting” but the eomposton of the electoral body now consist of meimbers of tie commansl assembles and delegates of work communities in the commune (entet prises and institutions), while formerly it was the communal fssombles alone which clected depuis to the, finctional cham- bers of republican assembles and the federal assembly. This ‘ht Ineroased the intucnce of loeal work communities in pelicy raking on the reputlican and federal level Of particular interest isthe fact that university and high schol students have ‘obtained the sight to be elected tothe Chamber for Eacation seed Culture” "Tho fourth cousell (the socioplical couscl) iy olsted aeecly by ctizens in the communes, Finaly, the Come of Nationalities, elected by the assemblies of the republics and provinces on a basis of parity, iste the equal prteipation af the various mationalites and minorities in the policy making of the federal government, "The ene process is geared to replace the “professional polliclan by delegates whe, asa rule, retain their profesional "The ofl degntion ofthese runetoea! chambers is “Cahes "Am Anessnet of he Beton” tn Seat Thought and Pra, 1a (Api fan 1938) 3.9. 272 | Workers’ Control connection with the selmanaging structures that delegated ‘authority to them, The delegates ato responsible to ther voters fand may be recalled. The assemblies are not oly. tegislative bodies but aso function to an increasing extnt as territorial ee management Doles, coordinating aad integrating the mechan fams of the many teltmanagiag enterprises, inttions, and ‘onpanizatons in th estoy ‘Bureaucracy, statism, and opposition to sel-minagement ere otsidred to be the oficiat enemies of the regime. Elabercte ‘provisions have been bul nto the political process to proveat ese tendencies trom gaining the upper hand. Rotation of lected represeataives is meant 10 preside the formation af ower groups and to check polical professionalism, No one ‘an be eleted tothe same post twie (of three times in certain eases) in sucession-* This doet not, however, prevent # deputy ofthe fedotal asembly belag eloced to 8 sepublicen asseably and then reeatecing the federal assembly, The principe of rota tion suffers in practice from oersin defects and et times may sppear to be a game of musical chsrs with functionaries moving from one socioplites organization tothe next (fom the League of Commits tote trade unions, ee.) and back ‘again, Occasionally someone is reteed to males room for a Fhe Soipeical Orentatns For a jong time after the war the Communist Party, later ‘renamed the League of Communist of Yugoslavia (LCY), foneioned as the oxigiatr ofall important legislation, iaelad |ng the decision, in 1960, to introduce seitmanagement, Even 4 DicotScitist democrat i fusdametaliy at cede with ions sarlacenry daocrcy. The later i ue tobe dominated by te Suge for poner amorg esting pastes wih th Yet tlaing 6 ‘monopoly of decionmaling pore. Asrosnaity of depuis to the pala pany In ater of deck damerrays roped x eonlniousceounliy of ested deputins to the conaoeen, oution ond rea of elecied cpus aod ie steston of thes ake {nthe enpectve paces of work ae sn aint Dt of tem of de Soil decry. {Thee a lent of unary in teng® yaad fenconces, (ex penioe) pair i we compare this passe wih the Tet Tomairan pace ie iste imei posta on. | Contemporary Models} 27a today, deciions of national importance usually originate with tho leadership of the Leagoe. On the Leal tev the League is suppoted to provide guidence and leadership without exerci ing direct conirol. The probit of transforming elt fom an fongan of power and contol ton ideological and political vanguard is one of the most comple iaues fasing the LCY. increasingly, atleast on the local level, the League's expected 'o define probems, elaborate gosls and mike its nluene tlt ‘hough example and discussion, Individual members of the League are expectd to take an active pat inthe sel manage- seat bodies. ‘The actus iofuenee of the League on seltesamagement bodies wihiaoxterprits waves from cate fo ease. Present ends in League membership ars somewhat dstrbs tng in terms ofthe fatto of solf-management Studley iaeate ‘hat the amber of highly sklled blue-collar workers who are members of the Leabue fas stadly facressed diag the past ight years, while a tho sate tine the number of Buc-calet workers on the whole fas ireated less rapidly thon’ the auinber of white-collar workers. Horvet argues thatthe mental Sty of the white-collar worker in Yogesavia is closer to the burcavcrste mentality than that of the blue-collar worker. Tho contination of his tend within the LCY may pose a furs ‘heat othe system of elemanagement. Cotes of the LCY js om the increase among prominent communist. Mijalko Todorovic, secretary of the League's Ex- cutive Commitize, commented at the Ninth Session of the Central Commitee: “The League's pislpal weakness today springs primatly from it ell evergreat amalgamation with power, the slow proces of democratization of relation witha fs ‘unsuitable structure, and the Kéeoloieal heterogeneity - among its reeks." ln 1968, the meehip ofthe LCY wae 4146064. 4 Alters Meir, Seine ot autgetin: Feaperence yagelve (ase Eons ds Sai, 161), 9.84 hd Haan aad Nea op Por futher deal se: Brasko Hoc, An Exty on Yaptey Sor ‘ley Whe Pais, N.Y. ltr Aran Sees Poe 90, Shake Todorov, "A" Revlannery Vaaguart~ The Abiing ‘eed of our Slenening Cammy” in Soc Thoxght end Prete, Nes 31 Guj-Septenber 68). 7 ‘The we of other sociopolitical organizations ax transmlsion bets forthe pay ideology and paces sno longer acceptable In practic, organizations such as he trade unlone. and the Socialist Alliance" are going through a period of adjustment and change. These organizations are meant to provide channels for political expression. They are also suppose to perform te alice tsk of coordinating, linking selesting, and modityng ‘the numerous intatives, pressures and proposals of individuals tnd se-managing bodies The fact tha the clash of contradic: tory demends at times leads these organizations to resort tothe te of power san illustration ofthe extrome complexity oftheir sion duriag the present tasatonal phase, Sore Comments on the Economy “The Yugostayaystem of soil ownership and workers self. ‘management can be viewed as one in which lebor employs pital instead ofa sytem in which capital employs labor, a8 5 the case under caphalisa.”™ Theoretically all elizens for: sss ownernip rights and delegate authority to manage progerty to autonomous enterpies and Lanttions which in fart are ‘managed by ihe workers diets or through this elesed organs of selfmenagement. Three Key economic componeats act at workin the Yugoslav economy: 1, Workers setmanagement of te pubily owned eatet= ese 2, Socal planning, which consis ofan intricate network of eaterprise plans, commie plans, snd indicative planaing by republican and federal agencies, 3. The market mechanism, Integration of the Plans and activites of individual enter- Te Soi Allance 2 man ersaition of oer eat ion tueniar I ew out of the Peoples Front hich tan before World ‘War Ind whieh played an port prt a he Libecon seg (2341-5), While the Socal Allnce stacy Coxsmi si te Sonsini, aeceps be tae sctnptons of the apoyo {wo abd enrhp i ade up largely of membas of he Legh Coeraits 3 Ths ermal borrowed som Jol Dilan, "Yugo Pe {ng nd he Publier” incopped, 960 F a Contemporary Models / | 276 peises is now increasingly being transfered to antonomous sssocintions of progucets, economic chambers, end. other groups. The flow of command hat been partly revesed™ and the individual cateprise is increasingly becoming the foeal point and ocginetor of important decisions relating to planning, ‘production, and investment (the latter in ecoperaion with the ‘banks). This transfor of government functions to autonomous jos of producers is one step toward the nel goal of ithering away of the state” ‘The proces of decentralization, economls deckion making, and the Inerase in reliance on the market mechani culm ‘ted in the reforms of 1965 which teanfered to the enter ses and banks the bulk of the remalning investment resources stil in the hands of the sociopolitical communities” The market fores were further srengened by a relation of price regulation and the redueton of balers to impos. The cone verily of eurency, one ofthe declazed sme of the govern- sent, is meant to factate Yugosava’s partipation in the ‘world market. ‘Thus the use of markets to allocate resources t the micro- level coexists with socal ownership and the use of social plan ning to achieve macrosconomle objectives” ‘The debate 2 Alter World War 1 he fow of emma isthe eeneaty org sate wih the ctl agence of feral goverment ted pacedel, a {Beeson anes wd he decorates one daete far aoe Ae amer of ertepries) tote Ind exer, Wik tbe eo. °. Promtion ofthe direct interest of te works in their work and their most ellecive participation in the manage nent of ell productive and other activites. ‘The internat organirtion of the entrpsse is reputed bs statue, Since the passing of Amendment XV, the ony stuc- tural legal requirement is the establishment of ¢ worker coun Gl Other snd adilonal vel-mansgement bodies are 10 be regulated bythe nates ofeach enterprise. Tn coatrest fo the vertically (hieraehicall) structured inds- tal organizaors where stafus, prestige, rewards, and power Jncrease as we sscend the pyramid, and administrative and leg lative power ulfed in management, the Yugoisy mode) Hotlzontelly (Gemorstieally) seuctored. with te following feats 1 Decision-making powor is divided by lstngubhing ‘beeen administrative and leysative power 2, The veto power i in the hands ofthe general member- ship ois elected representatve bodies instead of being ia the hands ofthe dresoe or general manages, 3, Tenure, adaisson, and dismissal of all ptronnel is decided by the general riembership or i representatives. ‘Adinistrzors are lected and recalled, depending on how saceessful they are in the view of the general membership end lected organs. ‘The divsion between administrative ard legislative power implies two borerchle, One, concerned with self-management, Includes the working unis, the workers counel the managing ‘board andthe eiretor, The second hierarchy approximates the convectional chain of command with workers on one end, i, See leo Antic ,pasgragh 2 of the 1969 Catton of acsrRy. ‘eaah Ads, laura! Democracy Yuga Sethe Bet of ‘Deena on Oraetionl Behavior, New York: The Free Pre, 9th aes. = fellod by supervisor and heads of working ini eon! tn to a ee Aone ee Sey tegen sy SRS ca Care ot [Signal mace ueiai Eanes ie adr ss ea = and mane The Organizational Framework in Enterprises Yeestay enterprises operete within a framework of woskes' > foltmanagemect. The sopreme authority within eeeh ener 5 the workers’ collective which coasist of all membem of the “© Ralaeprise, In all but the smallest enterprises, the worker lect ‘wotkers! council which meets approximately once a month and “S chatged with making decisions on all major funetios ofthe ‘ Raleprie (prices on its prodvets whenever tkeze are not come tolled, production and fnanca! plan, gore Bras allocation of et income, budget ee). ‘The worker soanei lets a management board, in pacts largely fo to own racks; which acts as executive agent. Al lea thee ‘quarters of the members of the management foard must be Producton worker.* The bon mests more frequenly ihee the workers’ council and works ia close cooperation wih the Ezectos, who is an ex ofcio meimber. The wosken’ coun lected for a period of two years, half of is members elcted ‘every year Its composition is supposed to approximate the rato 13. Kori, V. Res, EB Tenabaum, Conral, Patipetion, end bectvenesr in Four’ Yugiey Intl Orcecton’ tote, jana Cane 969,» ewe bs ees suprrted hy Dr. Rrsko Hert ats seminar ge 8 de Amgen Unhersty, Watiutn, BGs Novant a Thi provilon a races, feguenty ved, io etme poditon workers znd emplpts: Mowat the YWosken’ counll ere usually open and trey member ofthe ‘working collective is eniled to atend, Decsonae mae By ~ ‘aor vote andthe member ofthe cine, nhtaly orp 4 group, canbe sealed byte electors, No one can be Sced {ce insccsson fo the worker’ coun and note han fee in siccesion fo the management board*" The manngewe board i elected fora period of one year ands answer for 48 work to the worker’ councl, which may recall Indi © ‘members or the whole board at any tine, Sonics oa mnages ‘ment boards and works count is oorary and merbern oo not recive payment. The sretr ie th etal adminitve amanagr ofthe enterpi, He a respon for he dept any ore ond Be pene Cari a ye tations, In theory, but aly intequety in prate e a = teremoved by the woth coun Mh aa ee team atte ving Then rat i omit the enterprise i the emergence of the Working (or economia) Ualt# The working Uait may repcesent depart or a 21 int clear wat es Aednest XV ha blo th ro. iat, i sna dro ao ete aod denon so Witae yt nok ea ee ne ‘Fora pro «were een i nl fo ten wrk oC i nl ea” ev a eed hcl ed pena ose abil ana, ps he tactny mene ot Renee That sun beeen pla ee og roan a8 wor sch waront Eee ae SSfernnion wane etary pa art con TAIT pact fo cue he eet ee png a Spots me el sw a U5 Sorte! om be wie tal oto a a A $e wong oar —Reesrmir esi te aro i der ofa of ita ge un tnd des of te wong casa) toa eee arse tila ferent exten se ee i orf Re Roth ane Dace ect Se waren ie aero 2 eee “fiesta oe Tal el deo oe eS: eri ath ee fon Boge ne gong sea me ficer f th enterprise he is alreetlyresponibie to the sexent orton” comei; at the same tine he fs supposed to set ca lf ofthe wider community. He resins a Yeto power oe ania 2.37, ey Ore LT aee ‘oni to lay an iiponant part inthe development of the enterprise, Presres pt on the dietor to mainsn eonomle fd wt the same time adhere o atonal guieles comticd wih his esponibity co he selfmanagement bodes bane ag X increasingly more eifcul to tac qulifed peopl tthe ton elds he dct a mil ain cx thy oh Si ae oe 258 Ge ned cache ep sas tal ted ocnates Isa or eae it decor ae arse aah lysis poten ey a The cess pet Een uty ta ha earea ee ie won ent pd cy oa ace Sr can oe ono srouting ei oe lirector is the fact that, uot recently, his role was cixcush stsoy sino psn fad eae ISS sf mera Cheng eat ne = Sete titres elim ae wtedpanret Sen fe 90) Ct pg of Ando XV) sates vel eet Spe © aie Sates ea Wil el ate sce hale ey ee Fos for uc sett nde Elna ote Ses Now cane tee Ace Suds lS ees i Ile one cure a te fe ar item your Sprain Soa oe Shy ect ot nen, as Soe Sos pantie yh pte ne see i ea es Se Sut er Bt nt ao Brat Sn ss 8 Cp ym OS ae Scien oy thom pe ish soni cla a at 284 | Workers’ Control The Collegium and the Extended Collegium: Tee Coleg fs composed af the top administrators, ineleding the heads of eparimeats, and is presided over by tho dreetor. Its purpoie is to sid the director in earring out the polils ofthe enterprise entrusted to hi, The Callogum has no decision-making power and performs, in essence, he fonction of a stff meeting ‘Tho Extended Collegiam includes foremen and experts in addition to the top adminisuation, It discusses matters ub- ited ot bythe Colegium. The Politkal Akave: Tae Politika Aktive, another nonelee- tive body which lke the preceding two, exists fa most every enterprise, comprises all sections ofthe selfsmanaged enterprise, In addition to top management, the heads of all governing bodies ace represented as are the seceetarss of the plant com mitts ofthe League, the ado union, and tho Youth Brigade, ‘The existence ofthese thro groups i nt stipulated by ly enterprise sinus, According to Adlon, “ei ease functioning seems to be dictated by organizational necesito central, unifying group is nesded a8 a centripetal force when the |-~ organization's authorty and power are highy segmented “Informal Groupe: Ytormal sroups within enterprises include ‘the many clubs estabshed hy the local trade union branch and the Youth Brigtde, end the Majstors (masters) composed of ‘led workers who replete machines thts, 2727 dbase were renomintes, (24 wee 01 genomiated aod ware paced by ew apoiaimeets: It ls tring to aot that ‘Shout to percent of deine (in energie) are womte, Tic per ‘tgs Incas lo ove thiten percent in Sosa Sie Tetons (Siatneht Gotiniak dugcinie 169, Bre: Feel Itt fe Sains 6 and 71). Salat ont a . ‘w acoring f Alle, he Major ace a bighly sb up end very lnenl (td, 27) 8 a senDigs Contemporary Models | 205 Integration, Supervision and Protection Internal Supervision 1m very sea sent, the various sltmunagemect bodes within an eters ze soperisory Bote Te internal eae fan enerpee are pclaed wis, both within and onde the ester, andthe soclopolialSxpanalon i he com ‘mune st Wel the comin astmbly ar expected 1 at om any epi or anaocal actives within the eerie. Each ieee lige into 8 ‘aetwork of internal and extemal rg agen sad Sane which bind othe wit Import futon ofthe inter) supervisory mechan sn entre ir petfoed ty the uniform natioasocountng ‘sem weh poral compare analyes ona eve bythe comune, te bes, and tho vastus inppectosten The eit secountat of the eterpse paw hey ol hore. He ttle ely indepeaden of the sellmanagenent odie and is ep pointnart nd dmieal mast be approved by the commit ‘roan repors ar ual sbi tothe wore man- fagument bodies by the cit sccountat i pect.” Adinintatctve Superson A number of specie supervisory bodies within the wider community have th right to beckon the legality of te operae toa of the enerpes and the accurney of it report tthe ‘communal, publics, aad federal authors, ‘Yoposiay enterprises are public institutions. Wolo dirét administrative Interference in the work of the soltmeneging bodies of an enterpcke is not permited, it nevertheless cannot lose ts door to the authorities, The nancial inspection ‘sWortr?Adeageent in Yagotta, Geers atonal Labo ‘ots, 196, gp 83-4 This dion apple 0 the Duo plo 16 Ihe psig ot needa farvke. warrants special attention, Since 1960, the finandlal inspection servi ts been part of the “social socouating Service,” and a such, is attached to the National Bele The foclat accountng service is an autonomous insttion whics Keeps tack ofthe vse made of all scil propery. Ie malaaing accounts for each enterprise and makes regular tports to pore mment agencies, icing the local commune. ls reports ave to the relevant workers council thus iting © lationship between th faancial inspection serfoe And the setmnagement bodies within the enefpie, The ie ‘spection serve res to a considerable extent on the coopera: fon of the chiet accountant of the enter, The oval Secountng service can, on is own autho, hold vp any ‘uceguar or unlawful transaction by the eaterpese and it eax oc the accouns involved as preceutionesy messur At ine fame time, eatrpisas have boen given the euthorty 10 appeal financil and edministrmtve actions on the part ef the seal accounting service to the ecaroml courts which have the pover to annul the decision # Social Control and Iniegration ‘The gradval reduction of administrative conte throughoet the Yugoslav socioeconomic system i pacing added tespone ‘ity onthe socepoltial organizations, The League of Con. ‘uals, and the trade unions in paula, are expected fo act 8s intgrative forces in relation to the selnagenent Sodce {in enterprises end insttions. The local commune petfosas ¢ similar service wih rege tothe enerpies located witha te boundaries, The administrative contois dlseweed in the preseing sex. tion ate intended to provide lca! suo whe jem tO determine thele own estnomi sod socal Policies in relation to that ofthe enterprise ‘The entire system of socal contol Is highly complex, not he economic cous can ala reve deco thea by te a isin depainens of the Beat commune, whch hae es ce nan SEE ony bese oh ge munbe opin ited ut the tema th ce ws coe ena ined edo pan ae as ena On te bra oy a's abc ng Sind pee ple op See ‘Stn alte mcrae esis ca mie oan laa teas Ser i of ti sete ming sore We el Stn The omnia area ey felts py nas poe wee or es Sopra ino, eng Enaon noe ie ted ote peo ea Sa ae Shenstone oa ae 2 eter princi sac ea toto of nce spina ar Someta eromcaiee fata eer set ea peas nephie iv scion be eee het ct Eye Teco roo ape ak 8p We nde Sete etpns es cmse Sat odes fet ep ee irae ie Pn be ee dee aon io te diene ein ee ae Stop kno ote Cnet Say Yoon ean a fem to ue of Corn ane 9 Seer boi ste toi eat oat at oe cokes Sans ae sores mddeneqrtiemagtiog ees Sena eate ase ste ng gs a 208 J Workers’ Controt ‘A quick roviow ofthe specif functions of the most impor- tant crganzations and istttions of socal control will us- trate the complexity ofthis aspect of heir work. “The most importat elemeat of socal conttl is the eon mune, The dividing line between the autonomy ofthe entxprise Tad ihe eommune’s power of socal contol continees to bo & Subject of controversy. tis only very recently thatthe courts Fane Gegua to pass judgment on disputes belveon communcr ft ealrpisesUnll © sufficient number of precedents has been accumulated, We can expect his controversy to continue. in a number of fel, the commune as the loge sight to intervene in the eis of the enterprise, while ia cher areas its ower ere limited to maklag recommendations which coosti- tee moral and politcal presure of tho wider community ox the actives of the eerie, The problem of combining he ‘Wonomy of the self-managed enterprize with th interests of the wide community one of the min eonceras of Yugosavs ‘The solution to this problem is esenal forthe realization of Socialist democracy. “The diving force behind the system of workers’ management fs the dateibution of not income of the enterprise ts also ons © of the feuee which frequently brings about confit between the {terest ofthe workers and those of te wider community, and it has apparently been ono reason forthe introduction of the ‘elerendu within the enterprise. According to one sud, most Of the referenda eld Sa Yugoloventerpses between 1953 and 1960 have dealt withthe dstbution of net income. This a particulary serious problem for those communes whose bud- etary resources are Inadequate, In such instaness, the com- ‘mune is foreed to rely on the cooperstion of the enterprises ‘with is arson. “Yugoslav observes aro continually discussing the problem es Workers! Management i Yapelaa . 20. Tate tae ben n- toc wea movaag otcns of ais ave bi views dick fom bee of he yoring olestve: The redstn fie eteceen ‘nut puna th plementation of he lo he woking ello Tepe ofthe vw eld bythe manaring ora, The vse oF the ‘Rlsrenars does at hoveve,neceary ate cu of ites bee - Eyer he woking clase of an etre andthe ier commun Contemporary Models 209 posed by the exstsace of two forms of self-management within the commune. ‘This uaresoWed problem can be sated in the following questions: to what extent i there x basic contradic. tion between sellsmanagement in the enterprise and ia the ‘commune? To what extent do these two unlts of sll-manage- Inent oveclap in their decisionmaking authority? Inefar os there exists a basic contradiction, to What degiee i it orgeiza- flonal and structural, and to what extent is it based on real economic and polite! diferenes in the stated goals of enter frnee sane comnnines? To what extent docs commune “locale fim” lead to “eommusal owsrship” and to What exert docs the same phenomenon in an enteprie lead to an attude of 88 opposed fo the declared aim of soa ‘onmeship © Practice over the past few years supports dhe view thet there sr, a presen, to separate forms of sllmanagement ia the ‘Somme, each witha disdnctexstnce of i own. Bodh forces fof sellmanagement represent an element of dzect democracy ‘which {slatzaded to lead to the gradual withering eway of the stats. The enterprise represents the clearest form of collective fellinaoageoent. Disect decision making by the wockers is becoming increasingly common, both through the use of ret- ferenda and the ineresing importance of the economic tai, ‘The same (end is only slowly gaining momentum in the com uns, where dtet decision making i less requent ‘There seem to be two basle responses to the contredictions between group intrest and. general interest within the com- mune. A'large aumber of observers view the conflict as a avceisary and dynamie past of a growing Socilist society, [emediss are not tobe found by replacing the system producing these conics but rather by adaptations and «continuous proest ‘of eduention and petsuaslon. The experience gained by hun- ‘dreds of thousands of czens who serve on the various self. ‘management bodlos In entrpeise, communes, sociopolitical We are net staring to the eal dele of crocs and ommsnal cae, bat he toa site ox he pt of te el ‘suming orgs of eles and commen which tele ee baste sors the Seca demacrocy estaged by te Consoles organizations, and republican and! federal aseralis is flt to ‘be one of the best ways to create an atttade which wil har smonize individual and group interest with that of the wider community, Another view ses the solation in the formation ofa uniform system of seifmanagemeat within the commune which would respect the internl antonomy of the enterprise But WOU s+ ‘ordinate it to the commune in al quetions of eommunewice importance, ‘Today virally all eateprises are grouped in voluntary sssoelatons according tothe type of thelt economic scl ‘This form of economle cooperation was provided fr by legs ‘on passed in 1965, but it was not unl four yeas Iter thatthe practice became widespread, According to Yagosay sources, fe mot frequent motives for association in industry ae: “Joint production and joint siles; adjustment of production prograns sand specialization with a view to ensuring a beter tization of ‘productive facilites; joint purchase and uso of license) joint ‘purchueof primers and other materials; imports and export ‘f good; joint design, investment, assembly, overhaul, research ‘nd sila operntions; and joint use of equipment and install Alone ‘Membership inthe “economic chambers” is compulsory for ail enterprises and other economic organizations, They. are formed on a terrtoral bats within th federal escnomie chars ‘oer. According to the law, the economic chambers cannot limit the selfmanagement and the Independence of enterprises, and flr resolutions teks the form of recommendations. ‘helt infuence is, however, great, To. considerable exteat they fonction 28’ the extended arm of the central government. Ta 1958, representatives of the govemment became members of the governing bodies of the chambers along with th reprerenta- tives of enterpries, According to Holman and Neal ths new fompostion of the economic chambers, which makes them ‘epresentatve of enterpries and of government, I a tpieelly “Yugslay solution insofar as it delegates toa nongovernmental foe Monavec (editor i chit) Twenty Yer of Yager Bear ‘omy (Begrade Medunarosa Stamp leer 1961), gp a ee wOUe! of: agency an activity which would otherwise be a function of goverment" One Yugoslav observer has recently compl that “the unigue Caambers of Economy should really be sl ‘governing organizations of the economy and not jst rensmis- sion points’ betnees th state and the economy."# ‘The Protective Functions of Courts, Sociopottical Organttae tions, and the Federal Labor Inspectorate In theory, al enterpcses are expected to protect the workers fn the exercie oftheir constttional sights, A worker may take his grievances tothe worker’ council, the managing board, the recor, te local tade union ot League branch, ot in estan specified instance, 1 the courts. Sze the Worker councils are the most vita units on the enterprise level, most grievances seem to be haled by them, Provisions for court action, however, do exit, The consta- tional court may intervene atthe: roquest of individual, the ‘working collective or a seeton threo, a well as by rues! of" the assemblies of sociopolitical orgenzations, in cet of a” olation of the selmanaging rights of workers and in eases of Violations of the law, of the satutes of an enterprise The constitutional court has enniled regulations adopted by enter- pses, such os decision stipulating a deduction from a ‘worker salary, this "being appraised a having the character of Be, Tn cases which do mot deal with constitutional jesus, a osu and Noa opt, 2 The ans ste hat te cham tre ae Inesingly oxepite eh the propane enocemect sverment estou ad at sot ter econ re aly le yoo eaurpen, “OvchantersA Form od Bxgcenion ofthe Sel Organon of he Beonomy™(aaged), Prive! Preated (Ble), December 3 B67, 99 ana December 2,187, pT JPRS. 460%, p38) ‘Mla Balog, "Foreyors”" Laws of Brpizs and tations, ‘cleo of "Yaoslay Laws, Volume Xi Belgrade Smite ob ‘Comparative La, 1968 p12 The lrg numberof eget ose ‘rons wes tbody nla (pace fore yee Petes and ee elfcmmgingeefanestons and by macro eo Polit ennatins Yop Srey (Belgrade), Auge 96 B®) 292 | Workers’ Contro! worker who has exhausted the posibilis of protest open to fim within the enterprise and has had the Baal decision of the ‘worker council go agsost him, may, if he considers that hit ‘boen violated, take the dlgpue to a cout of general Jrisdicon.* Enlrprses may refec mutual dipotes to permanent courts of clusion for sedement. These courts are formed atthe level ‘ofthe republican and fedeeal economic chambre a8 well ain ‘communes as spcied by federal law. A similar fonction is performed by economic cours which are situte in most large economic centers throughout Yugoslavia. The hierarchy of (hese cours extends from the loeal level to the constituent _epublis, to the supreme esonomie out in Belgrade "The federal Inbor inspectorale, and those of the republics, have at thee dsponl teams of labor inspectors who have the power t enter an enterprise at anytime curing working hous ‘without peior noice." Their main task is to check on the adherence to safety regulations and rules forthe provecton of ‘An cases of a violation of aay safety regulation, the labor inspector bas the power to order the elimination ofthe dafect, ‘within time limi specied by hip. ‘Tho Establishment of Personal Income “Paymsit according to work done” isthe governing principle of the preset system in Yugotavie, This i een as ¢ transitional prineiple during the present Socialist stage. At the same dae ik [s regarded at sn edeationa tool texning each worker to make his own decisions based on a systsm of rewards and punish- 1 mun on Mutual Begloyment Relators Ia the 'i4 Oktobu’ la are 115 p10. Sr proviso sorpmts n Roles of other entre ‘ai Law of terres” erties 06nd 207, pp. 69-0. Vicks Hrs, “Bsonomlc Coir” Jugsovestt Pree, No, 1 (blonde), Nove 196, gp 593-8 JPRS: 4035, 21 ‘bese fo Pomlgate 2 aie Act Rerecng the Protection of Aabor ride 108), slcben! Lit, No. 38 (Osim) Apel 5 1365 ‘ntemational Labo Os, Lepatne Sere 1965—You 3,> 1.) "Acie 104,105 388108, 13. Contemporary Models / 208 rents which eocourage sol-guidance. Indvideal workers ae revved for coopertingwita their group (csualy thee work ‘ng wnit) and are ona asoording to the performance of the ‘roup, Perzonal income can be ether a fied salary a ¢ variable Salary dependent onthe income of the working unit etd that of the enterprise In prasie the worker saes Inthe prof of his working unit and the prof of hs entaxprise, Base salary is detained by job evaluation * Tho erucsl problem of esisshing the value of labor, however, snot yet been solved. Earnings forthe ame kind of work diler greatly. According to one Yugoslav ‘iter, these dierencs are Sroguenly as much as $0 percent sand vometimes even 100 percent ‘The Disibusion of Income nthe Enterprve The basi economic eategories ia the system of income dis- ‘sibution ate: gross income (Lota receipts), operating expenses, eprocaton tot income, cn legal and contrecual cbligations ‘ofthe enterprise and peeonal income, ‘Toll income ir the amount tat remsine after deduction of ‘operating expenses and. depreiations from gross income. ‘ter dedetlo (from the total income) of contractual obiga- lds, minimum sum for personal income (based on the tai ‘mum level eablshed by Jaw) and tho part earmarked forthe use of the wider community (tones), the remainder i divided by the se-manegement bodies into the personal income fund es aes opt 20-40. "The esi or ana able eanarni Ie « coment fstare of te Yow eee, Wage diferentaton nthe conomy Moen

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