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We all jump when we see a spider nearby, even though most spiders are
perfectly harmless. Still, no matter how much you may like spiders, or find them
interesting, take a good look before you reach out to help one return to its home
outside. Is it black? If it is, it may be a black widow- the most dangerous spider in
North America.
Chances are you still only meet a black widow if you got to a dark corner
of your attic or garage. These spiders are only awake at night and they prefer dark
places. Be careful! A shoe that is left in a garage at night can become the perfect
home for a black widow.
A black widow’s bite injects poison into your body. This poison causes
terrible pain in the person bitten, sometimes for days, or every week. Their bite can
ever be deadly to animals and small children! Fortunately, the only time this spider
will bite is a self-defense. For that reason, you need to be especially careful in places
like storerooms. Always look carefully before you stick your hand or foot into boxes
or dark areas.
Most black widows live in the southern part of the United States, but they
have been found in most of the states, as well as in Canada and Mexico. Just to be
safe, keep your eyes open for shiny black spiders living in messy-looking webs, and
keep your hands and feet out of dark places.



We all jump when we see a spider nearby, even though most spiders are
perfectly harmless. Still, no matter how much you may like spiders, or find them
interesting, take a good look before you reach out to help one return to its home
outside. Is it black? If it is, it may be a black widow- the most dangerous spider in
North America.
Chances are you still only meet a black widow if you got to a dark corner
of your attic or garage. These spiders are only awake at night and they prefer dark
places. Be careful! A shoe that is left in a garage at night can become the perfect
home for a black widow.
A black widow’s bite injects poison into your body. This poison causes
terrible pain in the person bitten, sometimes for days, or every week. Their bite can
ever be deadly to animals and small children! Fortunately, the only time this spider
will bite is a self-defense. For that reason, you need to be especially careful in places
like storerooms. Always look carefully before you stick your hand or foot into boxes
or dark areas.
Most black widows live in the southern part of the United States, but they
have been found in most of the states, as well as in Canada and Mexico. Just to be
safe, keep your eyes open for shiny black spiders living in messy-looking webs, and
keep your hands and feet out of dark places.


(Knowledge) 1. What is the dangerous spider in North America?
(Application) 2. Give at least two homes of Black Widow.
(Analysis) 3. Why is it that black widow’s bite is deadly to animals and small
4. Why does a spider bite?
(Synthesis) 5. How to get away from a spider’s bite?

(Knowledge) 1. What is the dangerous spider in North America?
(Application) 2. Give at least two homes of Black Widow.
(Analysis) 3. Why is it that black widow’s bite is deadly to animals and small
4. Why does a spider bite?
(Synthesis) 5. How to get away from a spider’s bite?


This story is about a young boy who got into a fight with his elder brother.
Enoch is his name and his elder brother would always pick on him to the extent of
making him angry and feeling bitter later.

One morning they were at it again. They fought hard and exchanged blows
with each other. Somewhat outmatched because Enoch was wanting in size and
height, he took quite him. His pride and ego suffered the most. The whole incident
left him bitter against his elder brother. As a matter of fact, he refused to neither talk
nor look at his brother. He was grating his teeth with anger for not being able to put
up a square fight.

Bedtime came. Their mother wanted to pacify them and told them to make
up as soon as possible. Enoch was still grumbling, but his eyes were focused
towards the elder brother’s direction. Then the mother spoke to the younger one.
“Don’t you think you should forgive your brother before you go to bed?” Remember
what the bible says,” Don’t let the sun go down on your wrath.”
The younger son looked towards his mother with perplexity. He thought for a
few seconds and then said, “Mother how can I keep the sun from going down?” the
boy’s question revealed that he had no intention of getting rid of his grudge.

So, the mother explained to her younger son and made him understand
what life would be when people hold grudges against each other. It is true that there
are people with unforgiving attitudes and true, too, that we cannot change another
person’s heart.

She further explained that we cannot keep the sun from going down. But we
can keep it from setting on our anger. And that means we must forgive.



1. The story tells of a fight between_______________.

a. two brothers b. two cousins c. two friends d. twins

2. The fight usually starts from the _________________.

a. cheerful one c. younger one

b. more intelligent one d. elder one

3. One morning, they fought hard and Enoch ________________.

a. got more beatings c. was helped by his friend

b. outdid his opponent d. ran as fast as he could

4. Anger filled the heart of ___________________.

a. the elder one c. the more intelligent one

b. the younger one d. the cheerful one

5. The bible tells us not to let the sun set on a ______________.

a. dream b. marry making c. work d. quarrel

6. The one who was hurt had no intention of ____________.

a. forgiving his opponent c. eating that evening

b. sleeping that evening d. running away

7. When people hold grudges against each other, life would be ________.

a. short b. simple c. happy d. miserable

8. An unforgiving attitude ______________-.

a. is good b. is bad c. is praiseworthy d. shows determination

9. We keep the sun from setting on anger by _________________.

a. crying b. talking it out c. cursing d. Forgiving

10. This selection teaches us to _______________.

a. pick a square fight c. forgiving those who has wronged us

b. run away from an opponent d. adopt the saying,”a tooth for a tooth,”
“It Is Not ‘Why’ But ‘What’”

When any misfortune or ill luck comes our way we often ask, “why me,
God? Why should this happen to me?” then when we examine ourselves as to
whether we are right in professing our faith. Would it be better to ask, ‘What can I
learn from this? What is God teaching me?

The story was told by a missionary in China many, many years ago about
a woman who boarded a train with her in Europe. The first thing the missionary
noticed was her radiant face so sweet that troubles seemed far from existence. They
talked of anything under the sun, and her face would brighten up when mission and
religious work was discussed. Obviously, she had not experienced trying

As the train spread off and their talked turned to an intimate conversation,
the missionary observed that the woman’s right hand was missing, and in its place
was a steel hock. As their talk continued, the missionary learned that this lady friend
had been sent home to die. So, she returned to her native country Sweden, bought a
farm and worked daily.

One day, while she was working on a threshing machine her right hand
was cut. It was a big blow, a great misfortune in her life, but she accepted it as one
of life’s trials. She continued: When my hand was cut off, I immediately looked up
and said,” Lord, what do you really want me to do now that my right hand is gone?
What work? I am not asking why but what?

What a brave woman! She deserves all the praises this world possesses
with her unflinching courage. Her strength of character is really commendable. God
used her to turn her farm into a home for the aged, the sick and the feeble. She is
still there bringing blessing to the unfortunate.

How many adverse circumstances come into your life? Our nature is to
question God’s designs and workings. He just wants you to show the genuineness of
your faith and the adequacy of his grace. So, stop asking why. God will show you

Direction. Fill in the blank with the correct word to complete the sentence.
1.This is a story of a woman who had been a __________________.
a. teacher b. social worker c. missionary d. secretary
2. She is from __________________.
a. Denmark b. Sweden c. Holland d. America
3. When misfortune strikes, one often says, _________________.
a. “Oh my God!” c. “God, what have you done?”
b. “Why me God?” d. “God, please help me.”
4. This story is told by a missionary to _________________.
a. Russia b. Malaysia c. China d. India
5. Because she contacted lung disease she returned to her country and worked
every day in a _______________.
a. factory b. home for children c. religious house d. farm
6. A threshing machine cut her _______________.
a. right leg b. right hand c. left hand d. left leg
7. Usually it is the word why asked if one is unfortunate. To the woman it was
a. Where? b. Who? c. What? d. How?
8. Where missionary religious work was mentioned, the woman’s face would
a. get tense b. sober down c. brighten up d. become sad
9. In spited of the misfortunes that befell her, she is a ____________ woman.
a. forgiving b. brave c. hopeful d. patient
10. What she did upon her return to her native country was make a home for the
a. strong, young and healthy children c. simple, hardworking and industrious
b. aged, the sick and the weak d. noble, honest and independent

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