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G: Hi Fiorella!

F: Hi, Gloria!

G: How are you doing?

F: Not so good, I'm a little worried but, how about you? You seemed a little bit pissed off?
Did something happen?

G: Yes. A few weeks ago, I bought some headphones online, but I haven’t received them

F: Oh, I told you that online shopping is not reliable, you could have bought them in a store
at the mall, it's safer, but anyway, what did the company tell you?

G: I tried to contact the company, and the problem is that no one’s telling me anything. And
I’m so nervous.

F: This is so irresponsible, you should have certified that the company was original, but they
should notify you if there is any problem with your order, if they don’t give you solutions I’m
afraid that just isn’t good enough, you should contact them, do you have any number?

G: Yes, I have their number, but when I call, the voicemail says “ Sorry. wrong number”. And
after this, I don’t know what else to do. This money wasn’t mine! It was my parent’s money!

F: Unfortunately, this is not the first time this has happened, the same thing happened to my
mom. She ordered a laptop and it never arrived. It is so easy to fall for this scam, they must
have kept the money, and you should report them.

G: Do you have any idea of how difficult that is? What am I supposed to tell my parents that
I took their money and bought some headphones, without their permission.? I should have
told them! Everything is a mess!

F: You are right, you should have asked for permission, although it is not your fault that you
have been scammed, what I think is that there can’t have been a mistake, this is a scam, but
I understand you, the police in our country wouldn’t help much in this case, it is a pity. Every
time this scam becomes more and more common.

G: What if I expose them on Twitter? How do they scam people and criticize their job?
Because what they're doing is so dishonest!

F: What a great idea! If that happened to me I would do the same thing to help other people
who no longer shop there, and bring down their fake business, my mom denounced them
but it did not help much, then I posted it on my social network and many people helped me
to spread it, after that, the company delete their account and no longer exists. Later the
police were able to identify them after many people found the names of the people involved.
G: Yeah I hope so, they need to pay for their crimes and receive a punishment. Because if
they don’t, they will continue to do it

F: Speaking of crime, you won't believe what happened to me...

G: Please, tell me. I was so anxious to know what happened!

F: Last week I was getting late for college, and out of desperation I drove faster than allowed
and the police saw me and gave me a fine

G: Have you told your parents? Well, this shouldn’t have happened If you hadn't driven at
excessive speed. You need to take care of yourself.

F: I am terrified because I haven’t told my parents yet because I’m sure that if they found out
they will punish me

G: They had a lot of reasons to do it! You must have died in that accident!

F: I know I shouldn’t have done it, but I was very desperate I had a very important exam that
day, I know I am guilty of that I will pay with my money.

G: You must have paid the fine because if you don’t do it, you will get arrested.

F: If only we had thought things through better, these things would not have happened to us,
don’t you think?

G: Yes, we need to take more responsibility for ourselves and be more conscious of what
we're doing.

F: That’s right! If we had thought more calmly we wouldn't be this worried, but it's a life
lesson I guess.

G: I think so, I gotta go, see you later.

F: See you later.

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