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What is women's day and why is it celebrated?

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International Women's Day (IWD) is a global holiday celebrated annually on March 8 as a focal
point in the women's rights movement, bringing attention to issues such as gender equality,
reproductive rights, and violence and abuse against women.

Significant activity is witnessed worldwide as groups come together to celebrate women's

achievements or rally for women's equality. Marked annually on March 8th, IWD is one of the
most important days of the year to: celebrate women's achievements.

“ A woman is like a tea bag – you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.” –
Eleanor Roosevelt.

“ The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it.” – ...

“ A woman with a voice is, by definition, a strong woman.” – Melinda Gates.

WHY DID International women's day begin?

The day's origins date back to the beginning of the 20th century: in 1908, thousands of women
marched through New York City, demanding better working hours and pay. A year later, the
Socialist Party of America declared a Women's Day.

Why did International women's day start?

It began in New York City on March 8, 1857, when female textile workers marched in protest
of unfair working conditions and unequal rights for women. It was one of the first organized
strikes by working women, during which they called for a shorter work day and decent wages.

El 8 de marzo de 1908 ocurrió una tragedia que marcó la historia: 129 mujeres murieron en un
incendio dentro de la fábrica Cotton, de Nueva York, Estados Unidos. Este hecho ocurrió
después de que se hayan declarado en huelga para pedir a su empleador una reducción de la
jornada laboral a 10 horas, un salario igual al que percibían los hombres que hacían las mismas
actividades y mejoras en la condiciones de trabajo.

Decidido a no cumplir con estás demandas, el dueño de la fábrica ordenó cerrar las puertas del
edificio para que las mujeres desistieran. Eso resultó en la muerte de las obreras, ya que no
pudieron salir del establecimiento cuando este se prendió fuego. Tras este hecho, en Estados
Unidos, se llevaron a cabo varias movilizaciones para reclamar por el fallecimiento de estas
trabajadoras y para pedir por la igualdad de género.

Women around the world are celebrating International Women's Day — and calling for equity.

The event has been celebrated in some form for more than 100 years, starting in the early
1900s as women fought for the right to vote and better working conditions in the
industrialized world. Today, millions of people are expected to take to the streets in rallies,
demonstrations and celebrations around the world.
MORE: International Women's Day 2023: What's happening around the world?

This year's theme for International Women's Day is #EmbraceEquity — a call to recognize "that
each person has different circumstances, and (allocate) the exact resources and opportunities
needed to reach an equal outcome," the International Women's Day website states.

"Equity isn't just a nice-to-have, it's a must-have," the website says, noting that participants
can share or send in images embracing themselves as part of the theme. "A focus on gender
equity needs to be part of every society's DNA."

For the United Nations, the 2023 theme for International Women's Day is "DigitALL: Innovation
and technology for gender equality," highlighting gender gaps in STEM education and careers
— and calling attention to the online harassment many women face.

International Women's Day is also a reminder of the long road ahead. U.N. Secretary-General
António Guterres warned Monday that women’s rights are being “abused, threatened and
violated” around the world and gender equality won’t be achieved for 300 years without
urgent action.

Credit: AP

Women activists shout a slogan during a rally celebrating International Women's Day in
Jakarta, Indonesia, Wednesday, March 8, 2023. (AP Photo/Tatan Syuflana)

He pointed to Afghanistan where “women and girls have been erased from public life,” said
girls going to school risk kidnapping and assault in many places, and noted troubling global
statistics in education and tech industries.

When is International Women's Day?

International Women's Day is on Wednesday, March 8, 2023. It is celebrated on March 8 each


What is the history of International Women's Day?

The first National Women's Day was celebrated on February 28, 1909. The United Nations says
it was designated by the Socialist Party of America to honor women in the garment industry
who went on strike in New York to protest working conditions.

In 1910, attendees at the second International Conference of Working Women, a gathering of

women from activist and political organizations in Copenhagen, approved the idea of an
international day for women. Several European countries observed the day the next year on
March 19. The earliest events around International Women's Day included rallies for the right
to vote and against gender discrimination, as well as women's anti-war protests and strikes in

March 8 has been the holiday's official date since 1914; organizers moved it to match up with
Russian women's commemorations on Feb. 23 on the Gregorian calendar.

The UN officially recognized International Women's Day in 1975. The celebration isn't a federal
holiday in the U.S., though March is officially Women's History Month. According to the
International Women's Day website, nearly 30 countries have adopted the day as a national

The International Women's Day website provides a detailed timeline of the day's history.

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