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At the end of the lessons, students will be able to:
a.) define what is outline
b.) distinguish primary sources and secondary sources; and
c.) explain the content of an outline using notes from primary and
secondary sources.
A. TOPIC: Expand the content of the outline using notes from primary
and secondary sources.
B. REFERENCE: Grade 8 Learning Material, English 8 Quarter 4
C. MATERIALS: Laptop, PowerPoint
D. VALUE FOCUS: Appreciation and Motivation

Teacher’s Activity
Model: The ASSURE MODEL offers a methodical approach to my lesson planning.
This guarantees that learners are actively involved in the learning process and that
instructional materials are centered on reaching learning outcomes.

Learning Materials:
Video viewing- I used video viewing as my motivation to introduce them to the primary
and secondary sources at the same time to show examples that could help them grasp
their ideas on how to outline text.

Writing prompt- I used a writing prompt in their assignment to build an outline in the
given scenario, it will let their creative knowledge flow in doing an essay.

A. Preliminary Activities: (10 min)


Have you encountered primary and secondary sources before?
Our lesson for today is all about outlining using notes from primary and secondary
sources, I'd like you to watch this video presentation to give you a hint about our

Direction: Arrange the unscramble word to guess the correct answer
1.) Is a listing of words in one or more specific languages, often arranged
alphabetically which may include information on definitions, usage, etymologies,
pronunciations, translation, etc. (NDICTIOYAR)
2.) A book or set of books giving information on many subjects or on many
aspects of one subject and typically arranged alphabetically (CYPEEIANCLOD)
3.) A printed publication (usually issued daily or weekly) consisting of folded
unstapled sheets and containing news, feature articles. (PNEAPEWSER)
4.) It is a book in which one keeps a daily record of events and experiences.
5.) They are shorter than books and written about very specific topic

Directions: The following are documents that can be used as sources. Categorize
these sources as primary or secondary sources using the organizer below.


How do we note primary and secondary sources in an outline?
What is the difference between a primary and secondary sources?

In this lesson, you will learn a method of organizing your ideas in a logical order.
It is using an outline, an organized list of what you plan to write about. It is a sketch of
what your paragraph will look like. It is also your guide to keep you attach in organizing
your outline through primary and secondary sources given above.

What is an outline?
Creating an outline is a good step to take while writing your paper. It allows you to
brainstorm new ideas and make sure your paper will be organized, focused and

Many writers find it easier to write from an outline instead of starting from a blank page.

Tips in writing an outline

Identify your topic. ✓
Decide what points you would like to discuss on your paper✓
Put your points in numerical order.✓
Write possible transitions between paragraphs

Here is a sample of outlining a topic extracted from secondary source:

Topic : Chinese Boys and Girls
I. Sports
A. Likes
B. Dislikes
II. Usual Celebration
A. Leisure
a. Description

So let’s extend the outline into a paragraph!

Although Chinese boys and girls have almost no sports like ours, they have many
games and pastimes to while away the hours. It seems, the greatest of all games to them
is kite flying. And I believe that if we had such fascinating and wonderful kites as they
have, we would enjoy this sport, too. On any pleasant day, but especially on Kite Day, the
whole sky is full of kites. They look like flocks of swaying, many colored birds. Some of
them are seven feet from tip to tip, and some are so small, you wouldn’t believe they
could fly at all.

In expanding your outline into a paragraph, one may use sources, such as primary and
secondary source to help you in processing the effective and reliability of your topic.
This will also help you in adding more
ideas. So let’s make it happen, students.
Directions: Read the following report. Organize the information into a topic outline.(DO

Swimming is a lot of fun for people of all ages and children especially love getting in the
water and enjoying themselves. But it is not just fun, swimming also provides loads of
health benefits which can help to keep your children healthy and happy at the same
time ,Swimming keeps your child’s heart and lungs healthy, improves strength and
flexibility, increases stamina and even improves balance and posture Another great
thing about swimming is that children of any age or ability can take part and it is more
accessible for children with additional needs than almost any other sport. Swimming
provides challenges and rewards accomplishments, which helps children to become
self-confident and believe in their abilities Your child will have plenty of opportunities to
make friends and grow in confidence But health, fun, and confidence are not the only
reasons why your child should learn to swim.
Learning to swim also opens up the door to a range of other activities. Swimming
provides challenges and rewards accomplishments, which helps children to become
self-confident and believe in their abilities Your child will have plenty of opportunities to
make friends and grow in confidence.
But health, fun, and confidence are not the only reasons why your child should learn to
swim. Learning to swim also opens up the door to a range of other activities.

Topic: _____________________________
I. ____________________
B. ___________________
C. ___________________
II. ____________________
A. ___________________

Directions: Read the following statements and circle the letter of the correct answer.
1. How does outlining help best in expanding the content?
A. It allows you to explore new sources.
B. It enables you to discover new ideas.
C. It makes your work easier to accomplish.
D. It expands the ideas from one concept to another.
2. What benefit do the readers get in reading an expanded content from an outlined
A. The content will have more presented information.
B. The content will lead to confusing information.
C. The content will give a bigger picture of the concept.
D. The content will provide specific details about the ideas.
3. What is the benefit of using an outline to draft a paragraph?
A. Outline only presents subtopics.
B. Outline allows disarranging information.
C. Outline is a tool used to disorganize written ideas.
D. Outline allows you to compile information and set directions.
4. In writing an outline, what should be considered?
A. No answers are correct
B. Quality of ideas
C. Sentence structure
D. Logical order
5. A Grade 8 student is advised to write a paragraph. He/she would like to have a
lengthy one. In expanding one’s paragraph, which of the following should be his/her
consideration in constructing a paragraph?
A. Write supporting sentence then conclude it.
B. Focus on inconsistent ideas.
C. Focus on primary sources.
D. Draft an outline of the topic, extend possible sources and write an effective and
credible paragraph.
6. Which of the following statements BEST defines secondary sources?
A. A source that provides more credible as evidence.
B. A source that provides raw information and first-hand evidence.
C. A source that gives you direct access to the subject of your research.
D. A source that provides second-hand information and commentary from other
7. Which of the following sentences is NOT a tip in writing an outline?
A. Identify your topic.
B. Put your points in no order.
C. Write possible transitions between paragraphs.
D. Decide what points you would like to discuss on your paper.
8. Which of the following ideas signifies a writer’s purpose in writing an outline?
A. It helps the writer disorganize his ideas.
B. It is a tool for the writer to disarrange ideas.
C. An outline helps the writer to see no picture.
D. A writer finds it easier to write from an outline instead of starting from a blank
9. Encyclopedias, almanacs, book reviews, magazines and commentaries are used in
publication. If you are writer Ken, do you consider these sources as primary source in
your publication?
A. Yes, encyclopedias, Almanacs, et al are samples of secondary source.
B. No, encyclopedias, Almanacs, et al are samples of secondary source.
C. Yes, encyclopedias, Almanacs, et al are samples of primary source.
D. No, encyclopedias, Almanacs, et al are samples of secondary source.
10. Creating an outline is a good step to take while writing your paper. From the tips
learned in writing an outline, what would consider first?
A. Identify your topic.
B. Write possible transitions between paragraphs.
C. Decide what points you would like to discuss on your paper.
D. Put your points in numerical order

Read the commentary by Dr. Takeshi Kasai create an outline using the tips you have
learned in lesson.

Prepared by:


English- Subject Teacher

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