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Dr. Ma.

Rebecca Campued-Castillo


1. Which pertains to the most superficial layer that is thin a vascular keratinized
A. Epidermis
B. Dermis
C. Subcutaneous tissue
D. Nailbed

2. The following are the different types of skin lesions used to describe during physical
examination, except:
A. Macule
B. Papule
C. Pustule
D. Pruritus

3. Which among is described as a small, flat spot, up to 1.0 cm?

A. Macule
B. Patch
C. Papule
D. Plaque

4. Which among is described as an elevated superficial lesion 1.0 cm or larger?

A. Macule
B. Patch
C. Papule
D. Plaque

5. What lesion is described as a small circumscribed elevation of the epidermis filled

with purulent fluid?
A. Vesicle
B. Pustule
C. Bulla
D. Wheal

6. What lesion is described as a circumscribed, raised lesion consisting of dermal

edema and is also known as hives?
A. Papule
B. Patch
C. Nodule
D. Wheal

7. When screening for skin lesions particularly nevis that need to be differentiated from
melanomas, the Mnemonics ABCDE-EFG method is used. Which below is considered
in characterizing melanomas, except:
A Asymmetry
B Border irregularity
C Color variations
D Diameter <5mm
E Evolving
E Elevation
F Firmness
G Growing progressively

8. Which is the most sensitive of the above criteria for differentiating melanomas vs
benign nexus, and once established based on a reliable history would prompt biopsy
is a benign-appearing lesion.
A. Border irregularity
B. Evolving or Change
C. Elevation
D. Firmness

9. Which is described as a minute, slightly raised tunnel or small erythematous papules

in the epidermis, commonly found on the interdigital finger webs/webspaces and on
the sides of the fingers?
A. Pustules
B. Bullae
C. Skin Tags
D. Burrow

10. This describes a focal hair loss with a clearly demarcated round or oval patches of
hair loss, usually affecting the young adults and children. There is no visible scaling
or inflammation.
A. Alopecia Areata
B. Trichotillomania
C. Tinea Capitis

11. This condition of the nails pertains to the painless separation of the nail plate from
the nail bed that may be caused by fungal infection, injury, reactions to chemicals or
other systemic diseases.

A. Clubbing
B. Paronychia
C. Onycholysis
D. Leukonychia

12. Which among the disease entities best describes the lesion shown below? This is a
case of a 70 yo/male who is a farmer, with a variegated color and has melanocytic
features on dermoscopy.

A. Benign Nevus
B. Kaposi’s Sarcoma
C. Melanoma
D. Basal cell carcinoma

13. A 7 year old kid was diagnosed to have Congenital Heart Disease. Upon examination
of the nails, you saw this finding. Please describe the terminology seen.
A. Paronychia
B. Leukonychia
C. Clubbing
D. Beau Lines

14. Patient K.C. who is a 16 years old male, came in for itchiness and painful pustular
lesions on the face. What is the most likely diagnosis and management?
A. Bacterial folliculitis - topical antibiotic
B. Furuncle - IV antibiotics
C. Multiple Pilar Cysts - excision
D. Acne Vulgaris - oral antibiotic/Benzoyl Peroxide/Isotretinoin/Antihistamine
15. This is a case of a 51 years old, male, paraplegia wherein the lesion was described to
be in localized area with nonblanchable to blanchable erythema over the sacral area.
What is the underlying skin lesion/problem in this case?

A. Burns
B. Contact dermatitis
C. Cellulitis
D. Decubitus Ulcer

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