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Photo by: Cpl. William Jackson (Public Domain) Playing with a watergun at the
Combat Center’s Splash Park, MCAGCC Twentynine Palms, Calif., May 8, 2013.

• Recirculating splash parks have caused several large
gastrointestinal outbreaks in recent years.
• Outbreaks are typically linked to failure of the chlorination/
filtration systems and/or lack of secondary disinfection,
such as ultraviolet light, but may also derive from user
behaviour as well as design and operating conditions.
• This document reviews the literature to identify design,
hygiene, and operational best practices that are thought to
reduce the risk of critical disinfection failures.

To Waste From Potable
Splash parks, also known as splash pads, spray parks, or wet (E.g., storm sewer) Supply
decks, have gained in popularity over the last decade. These
interactive parks are artificially created depressions or basins
into which water is sprayed, splashed or poured onto visitors; b)
water is not permitted to accumulate, but instead drains
immediately out of the play area.1,2 Splash parks may take
one of two basic designs, which influences the associated
public health risks. Non-recirculating or flow-through parks
discharge the water directly to waste and present a relatively
low risk to their users as the design is based on using fresh
potable water (Figure 1a). In contrast, recirculating parks
collect water in an underground tank, apply some form of
water treatment, and re-use the water again (Figure 1b). This Treatment
presents an increased risk of contamination and disease
Storage Tank
transmission that can be mitigated through proper design
and operation.
Figure 1. Depiction of a) a non-recirculating system in
The objective of this document is to identify risks to public which potable water is used once and then discharged
health posed by splash parks, the factors that contribute to to waste, and b) a recirculating splash park in which
this risk, outline practices that can mitigate these risks, and water is collected, treated and re-used.
summarize the existing regulatory environment for these
facilities (see Appendix A for details on Methods). It focuses
on epidemiological risks rather than physical hazards such
as slip and fall injuries, heat stroke, and foot lacerations.

This document was written by

Chris Russell, Interior Health and
Angela Eykelbosh, National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health
Table 1. Selected outbreaks associated with splash parks


FLORIDA (1999) 38 No filtration and inadequate chlorine residual.4
Shigella soni

FLORIDA (2006) Cryptosporidium; Giardia 49 Inadequate chlorination and other operational deficiencies.5

Park was found to be in compliance with operational requirements. No

ILLINOIS (2001) Cryptosporidium 358
secondary disinfection installed.6

Escherichia coli 10 Improper construction of waste water discharge.7

NEW YORK (2005) Cryptosporidium ~4000 No secondary disinfection installed.8

IDAHO (2007) Cryptosporidium 12 No secondary disinfection installed.9

ONTARIO (2013) Cryptosporidium 12 UV light was out of service at time of suspected exposure.10

Evidence of public health risk In addition to gastrointestinal illness, there is also the
potential of contracting a respiratory illness such as
Splash parks have been the source of numerous outbreaks Legionellosis, due to the fact that users may be exposed to
of gastrointestinal illness over the last 20 years in the US and aerosolized droplets produced by spray features.1,15 While
Canada, and the US Model Aquatic Health Code categorizes a literature review did not identify cases of Legionellosis
splash parks as an “Increased Risk Aquatic Venue.”3 Selected linked specifically to splash parks, there have been several
outbreaks are summarized in Table 1. documented cases linked to decorative fountains, which
Cryptosporidiosis was the most common cause of splash- also recirculate and spray water.16,17 Although not the focus
park-associated outbreaks identified in the literature, of this document, splash parks are also a source of abrasion
which is consistent with past studies of recreational water and impact injuries18 and have the potential to cause eye
outbreaks in which Cryptosporidium and Giardia were found injuries if spray features are not designed correctly.19
to be the primary cause of outbreaks in treated recreational
water.11 Factors that contribute to public health risk
Cryptosporidium is a protozoan parasite that forms an oocyst A number of factors increase the risk of an illness or
and is resistant to the levels of chlorine typically used in outbreak associated with splash parks, related to both
recreational water for up to several days.12,13 In order to kill or user behavior and the design and operation of the park.
deactivate Cryptosporidium, treatment methods in addition Users of splash parks tend to be young and/or diapered
to chlorine are required, for example ultraviolet (UV) light. children, which increases the risk of a fecal accident
This was demonstrated during the 2001 Illinois outbreak, in occurring.8,18 Younger users may also engage in other non-
which 358 people became ill, despite satisfactory operation hygienic behaviours, such as exposing buttocks to spray
of the park’s chlorination system.6 features or drinking water directly from spray nozzles,
In addition to Cryptosporidium, water quality analyses carried which can increase the risk of disease transmission.2,8,14,20
out at 29 splash parks in Tennessee found that 21% of water In addition to human users, unsecured splash parks may
samples taken were positive for other indicators of fecal or also be accessed by animals such as dogs, cats, and birds.1
environmental contamination.14 This study was carried out Because splash parks are often unsupervised by park staff,
in response to a salmonellosis outbreak associated with a fecal contamination, whether from human users or animal
Tennessee spray park in 2014. The majority of parks (n = 24) activity, may go undetected.5
analyzed were recirculating systems, and 33% (8) of these Splash parks by nature have many areas that remain damp
tested positive for Giardia, E. coli, Salmonella, or norovirus for prolonged periods, which have been found to contain
(among other indicators). None of the samples from the higher numbers of microorganisms compared to areas
non-recirculating parks (n = 5) analyzed tested positive for that are constantly submerged in chlorinated water.18 Large
pathogenic indicators.14
bather loads relative to volume of water provide increased • Giving consideration to discharging some water from the
opportunity for infected people to transmit infection and reservoir (e.g., to waste, to irrigation) while the park is not
can contribute to increased turbidity, which can affect in operation in order to draw in more fresh water.
disinfection processes.1,8 Splash parks also have reduced • Providing adequate filtration, which is necessary to control
turnover rates compared to swimming pools that recirculate turbidity and ensure that disinfection systems function as
continuously, even when not in use.21 Finally, the use of intended, typically by maintaining turbidity at less than 3.0
foggers, misters or other spray features that generate a fine NTU.22
atomized mist increase the risk of exposure to a respiratory
Installing an adequate disinfection system. This may entail
illness, particularly if water quality is not adequately
increased levels of chlorine compared to a traditional
swimming pool – many jurisdictions require at least
Best practices in design and operation 2.0 ppm.23,24 In addition to traditional pool filtration and
chlorination, a secondary disinfection system (e.g., ultraviolet
A previous water quality survey of 29 recirculating and light, ozonization or microfiltration) should be incorporated,
non-recirculating spray parks found indicators of fecal or as chlorination alone is inadequate to address risks due to
environmental contamination in 21% of all samples, and Cryptosporidium and Giardia.20
all of those testing positive were recirculating parks.14 • Supplying foggers, misters or other atomizing spray
Importantly, no significant association was found between features from a potable water source rather than from
the presence of fecal indicators and factors such as recirculated water.1
inadequate chlorination, the availability of hygienic facilities,
or the presence of signage, indicating that no single factor is
responsible for disinfection failures. These results highlight
the importance of assessing spray parks in a comprehensive
manner and addressing risks through safer design and best
practices for operating and use.
When designing a new splash park, a number of features
can be implemented to limit contamination of the splash
park area and its equipment from the outset:
• Siting the park in a location that minimizes potential
sources of dust, debris, and other contamination, as much
as possible. Fencing may also serve to reduce animal
activity as well as debris carried in by foot traffic.
• Installing an appropriately sized reservoir to assist with
dilution and allow for more effective disinfection. The Photo by: Kids playing in fountain (stock photo).(pic-a-boo/Getty Images)
reservoir should be a minimum of three times the flow rate
of all pumps (e.g., if the flow rate for all pumps is 2,000 There are generally two different ways to supply the reservoir
gallons per minute, the reservoir should be 6,000 gallons.1 water to the spray features:
This helps minimize the accumulation of disinfection • Full flow filtration: the features and filtration are in series,
by-products, assists with maintaining balanced water so 100% of the water fed to the features comes directly
chemistry, and reduces the frequency with which the tank from the filters/filtration pump.
must be drained. The reservoir should be designed to • Partial filtration: the reservoir is filtered, but a separate
allow for complete drainage during routine cleaning and pump draws water from the reservoir and supplies the
maintenance. features, typically at a much higher flow rate.
• Including provisions to allow for the constant recirculation It can be costly to install treatment systems that must filter
and treatment of water, even when the park is not in use. all of the water intended for the features because this flow
This requires the spray features to be supplied from rate is typically much higher than the minimum required to
separate pumps than the filtration and treatment system. achieve turnover alone. As a result, parks may be designed to
Where this is done, the system should be designed so that provide partial filtration. However, in this scenario, the higher
the feature pumps cannot operate when the treatment feature flow rate can introduce turbidity at a rate greater
pump is not running.1 than that which the filters can remove. For this reason, the
ratio of the feature flow rate to treatment flow rate should water that has been used once can be saved and put to
not exceed 3:1 in order to ensure that turbidity does not another use (such as irrigation), these options could be
exceed 3.0 NTU.22 considered as alternatives to recirculation.
Once in operation, there are a number of best practices that
may serve to decrease the risk of a disinfection failure: Current Regulatory Context
• Daily flushing of the park surface to waste prior to operation The degree of regulation of splash parks varies from
to remove any debris that may have accumulated on the jurisdiction to jurisdiction. For example, in some provinces,
surface. This will require the installation of direct-to- such as BC and Alberta, splash parks are captured under the
waste plumbing and valves to ensure that the water is not same regulations that govern swimming pools and other
returned to the reservoir. aquatic facilities.26,27 In Ontario, splash parks are considered
non-regulated recreational water facilities, but are still
• Daily inspection for materials such as animal feces and
subject to some oversight by way of a guidance document
broken glass can minimize the amount of contamination
that establishes operating procedures for such facilities.28
that must be removed by the disinfection system and
In others, these parks fall outside the scope of existing
reduce injuries.
legislation. A similar regulatory context exists in the United
• Regular cleaning to remove debris and disinfect surfaces States, where some jurisdictions regulate splash parks, and
using a sanitizer suitable for the material, particularly in others do not.2
areas that are not adequately sloped to drain.18 Quaternary
While regulatory frameworks that support safe drinking water
ammonia-based sanitizers should not be used as they will
have evolved to acknowledge risks from protozoan parasites
interact with the chlorine used to disinfect the spray water,
such as Cryptosporidium, this is not necessarily the case for
resulting in the formation of disinfection byproducts.25
recreational water. For example, in the United States, the US
• Where permanent rubber surfaces are used, special care Environmental Protection Agency requires water supplies to
should be taken to ensure that they are adequately cleaned achieve a 2-log reduction in Cryptosporidium; however, there
and sanitized.18 is no corresponding requirement for recreational water.8
Finally, a number of educational strategies can be used Likewise, in British Columbia, public water suppliers are
to encourage good hygienic practice among splash park required to achieve a 3-log reduction in Cryptosporidium and
patrons: Giardia,29 but there is no such requirement for recreational
• Using signage and providing facilities to encourage water facilities, including splash parks.30
users to take a cleansing shower prior to entering the
park. Similarly, providing washrooms with diaper-change Conclusion
stations may help to discourage parents from changing Splash parks offer users a fun and economical recreational
infants and toddlers directly on the spray deck. opportunity. Environmental health practitioners can play
• Installing a foot shower that drains to waste (rather than to a role in ensuring that these facilities are designed and
the recirculation system) to allow bathers to clean debris operated in a way that reduces the risk to park users. There
from their feet prior to entering the park. is an opportunity for public health professionals to work with
municipalities and park owners to implement best practices
• Providing signage to discourage users from drinking from
at the design stage, to operate and maintain these facilities
the spray features. Drinking fountains could be provided
in an effective manner, and to encourage hygienic practices
as an alternative.
by park users. At the policy level, there is room to strengthen
• Having supervision of the park may promote good hygienic the existing regulatory context around these parks to better
practices, such as showering and diapering away from the support practitioners in this role.
deck, and result in quicker detection and response to fecal
accidents. However, there is some evidence of limited Acknowledgements
benefit from an on-site supervisor.2
The authors would like to acknowledge the contributions of
In addition to the above, communities should carefully
Michele Wiens (NCCEH), Ralph Stanley (Peel Public Health),
evaluate the costs and benefits of recirculating splash-park
Douglas Sackett (Council of the Model Aquatic Health Code),
water. Non-recirculating parks present a relatively low risk
Heather Florence (Vancouver Island Health), and Rupert
to their users. Where water conservation is not a significant
Benzon (BC Ministry of Health).
factor and sprayed water can be drained to waste, or where
1.Kebabjian RS. Interactive water fountains: the potential for disaster. J 17.Haupt TE, Heffernan RT, Kazmierczak JJ, Nehls-Lowe H, Rheineck B,
Environ Health. 2003;66(1):29. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. Powell C, et al. An outbreak of Legionnaires disease associated with a
gov/pubmed/12879577. decorative water wall fountain in a hospital. Infect Control Hosp Epidemi-
ol. 2012 Feb;33(2):185-91. Available from:
2.Nett RJ, Tobin R , Sheehan A, Huang W-T, Baughman A, Carter K. Nonhy-
gienic behavior, knowledge, and attitudes among interactive splash park
visitors. J Environ Health. 2010;73(4):8. Available from: https://www.ncbi. 18.Davis TL, Standridge JH, Degnan AJ. Bacteriological analysis of indoor and outdoor water parks in Wisconsin. J Water Health. 2009;7(3):452-63.
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3.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Model Aquatic Health Code:
a national model swimming pool and spa code (2nd ed). Washington, 19.Duma SM, Bisplinghoff JA, Senge DM, McNally C, Alphonse VD. Eye
DC: CDC; 2016 Jul. Available from: injury risk from water stream impact: biomechanically based design pa-
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4.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Outbreak of gastroenteritis
associated with an interactive water fountain at a beachside park--Florida, 20.Bancroft JE, Keifer SB, Keene WE. Shigellosis from an interactive
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5.Eisenstein L, Bodager D, Ginzl D. Outbreak of giardiasis and cryptosporid- 21.Stanley RR. Splash pads and public health. Developing and establishing
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2006. J Environ Health. 2008 Oct;71(3):18-22; quiz 49-50. Available from: from: html.
6.Causer LM, Handzel T, Welch P, Carr M, Culp D, Lucht R, et al. An outbreak 22.New York Department of Health. New York State Sanitary Code Subpart
of Cryptosporidium hominis infection at an Illinois recreational waterpark. 6-3 Recreational aquatic spray grounds. (2006). Available from: https://
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23.Indiana State Department of Health. How to shock the pool (chlorinate
7.Gilbert M, Srour L, Paccagnella A, MacDougall L, Fung J, Nelson E, et to breakpoint). Indianapolis, IN: Environmental Public Health; 2012. Avail-
al. An outbreak of Escherichia coli O157: H7 associated with a children’s able from:
water spray park and identified by two rounds of pulsed-field gel electro-
24.Government of Western Australia. Aquatic facilities. Water spray/play
phoresis testing. Can Commun Dis Rep. 2005;31(12):133-40. Available
ground application, design & operating requirements. Environmental health
guide. East Perth, WA: Government of Western Australia, Department of
8.Clark BT. Cryptosporidiosis: a recreational water threat that hasn’t gone Health; 2013. Available from:
away. J Environ Health. 2007;69(10):65. Available from: https://www.ncbi. Corporate/general%20documents/water/PDF/Guidelines-for-water%20 spray-playgroundsV2.ashx.
9.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Outbreak of cryptosporidio- 25.British Columbia Ministry of Health. Guidelines for pool operations
sis associated with a splash park-Idaho, 2007. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly version 2. Victoria, BC: Ministry of Health; 2014 Jun. Available from: http://
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view/mmwrhtml/mm5822a2.htm. tions_guidelines_jan2014_final.pdf
10.Hopkins J, Hague H, Hudgin G, Ross L, Moore D. An outbreak of 26.Province of Alberta. Alberta Regulation 293/2006. Public Health Act.
Cryptosporidium at a recreational water park in Niagara Region, Canada. Public Swimming Pools Regulation. Edmonton, AB: Government of Alber-
J Environ Health. 2013;75(9):28-33. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm. ta. Available from: cfm&leg_type=Regs&display=html.
11.Craun GF, Calderon RL, Craun MF. Outbreaks associated with rec- 27.Province of British Columbia. Pool Regulation, BC Reg 223/2015.
reational water in the United States. Int J Environ Health Res. 2005 Victoria, BC: Government of British Columbia. Available from: http://www.
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28.Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Operating procedures
12.Carpenter C, Fayer R, Trout J, Beach MJ. Chlorine disinfection of for non-regulated recreational water facilities guidance document. Ottawa,
recreational water for Cryptosporidium parvum. Emerg Infect Diseas- ON: OMHLTC; 2010. Available from:
es. 1999;5(4):579. Available from: programs/publichealth/oph_standards/docs/guidance/guidance_wa-
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--Tennessee, 2014. J Environ Health. 2017 06;79(10):8-12. Available from: 30.British Columbia Ministry of Health. Guidelines for pool design version 2. Victoria, BC: Ministry of Health; 2014 Jun. Available from: http://www2. Man H, Bouwknegt M, van Heijnsbergen E, Leenen EJ, van Knap-
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A cluster of cases of nosocomial legionnaires disease linked to a contam-
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Appendix A – Methods

This review was conducted in response to queries from public health practitioners seeking scientific evidence regarding
splash pads and public health risks, including but not limited to Giardia, Legionnaire’s disease, norovirus, and rashes/
irritations. This review also sought information on guidance, regulation, or inspection of splash parks or similar facilities
with fountains or other features not in continuous contact with water.
The information reviewed here includes peer-reviewed academic studies, as well as gray literature from public health
agencies. Dissertations and conference proceedings were excluded. English-language articles were identified by Medline
and CINAHL (EBSCO) and Google Scholar using the following search terms (variants and Boolean operator combinations

(“interactive fountain” OR “interactive water fountain” OR “wet deck” OR “water park” OR “waterpark” OR “splash pad”
OR “splash park” OR “wave pool” OR “water features” OR “spray pad” OR “spray park” OR “kiddie pool” OR “water play”
OR “water toy and park” OR “spraypark” OR “splashpark” OR “spray fountain” OR “water sprinkler fountain” OR “aquatic
playground” OR “aquatic facility*”)
(health OR illness OR injuries OR injury OR sanitary OR disease OR Hepatitis OR giardia OR fungal OR fungus OR e-coli
OR legionnaire OR crypto OR shigell* OR fowleri OR amoeba OR norovirus OR bacterium OR irritation OR rash OR
(rule OR guidance OR guideline OR regulation OR operation OR legislation)

The search results were subjected to title and abstract review to identify relevant documents, which were then subjected
to full-text review. In addition to database searches, documents relevant to the topic were solicited from public health and
industry experts, and drawn from the reference lists of the documents reviewed.

Photo by: Ruth Hartnup - “Spray park at Rocky Point Park” - This file is licensed under the Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) license.

Permission is granted to reproduce this document in whole, but not in part. Production of this document has been made possible through
a financial contribution from the Public Health Agency of Canada through the National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health.

© National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health 2017

200-601 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V5Z 4C2
Tel: 604-829-2551 | Fax: 604-829-2556 |
ISBN: 978-1-988234-14-4

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