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The Unani System of Medicine also called Unani tibb,, Arbian Medicine or Islamic Medicine is a traditional system of

healing and preventing diseases based on the Greek philosophy of Humors put forward by Hippocrates. The Islamic
rulers and physicians of the Arbian Countries adopted Unani medicineand further develop it. The procedures to enhance
the efficiency of the medicine like distillation, sublimation, calcinations and fermentations were discovered some of the
eminent Arab, scholars to give final shape to Unani Medicine were BuAli Sina (Avicenna), Jabir Bin Hayyan, Abdul Qasim
Zohrari, and Abu al-hasan al-tabri etc. The Humeral Doctrine describes precence of four Humors in the human body.

 Dam (Blood)
 balgham (phlegm)
 safra (yellow bile)
 sawda (black bile)

Each person having unique humoral constitution when this humoral proportion becomes disbalaced disease sets in.

The Unani Medicines help the body to region the power of self preservation and restore the humoral eqilibirium.

Unani Medicine is effective in chronic disease like Arthritis, Digestion Disorders Sexual Problems, Leucoderma,
Psoriasisand many others which are resistant to allopathic medicines.

Principles of treatment:s

1.) Ilaj bit Ghija (DietoTherapy) => Alteration, Restriction & Prohibition of certain foods are advised
2.) Ilaj bit Yad (Regimenal Thrapy) => These include:
 Hijamah (Cupping)
 Dalak (Message)
 Steam Bath, formentation
 Enema, Taaliq (Leeching)
 Exercise as per the need of the patient
3.) Ilaj bil Dawa (Pharmacotherapy) =>Medicines of Herbal, Mineral or Animal Origin are prescribed



For the maintenance of good health six essential factors are required know as

Asbaab-e-Sittah Zarroriyah

1.) Hawa (Good Air)

2.) Makool wa Mashroob (Healthy Food & Drink)
3.) Harkat wa Sukoon Badaniya (Body Movment & Rest)
4.) Harkat wa Sukoo Nafsaniya (Psyhic Activeness & Repose)
5.) Naum wa Yaqza (Sleep & Wakefullness)
6.) Isthifaragh wa Ithibaas (Evacuation waste products & Rentention of Good Bye products one or many)

Excess or Deficiency of any of the above factors cause Marz or Life style Diseases.

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