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What is SEO

Search Engine Optimization is a process that can help make it easier for people to find your website or
web pages when they search for related topics on a search engine.

2. What is Search Engine?

Search engine is a method by which you can search for any information on internet. It provides a way to
find out what you want to know. You need to enter keywords into the search box and press enter. Then
the web page will list search results based on your keyword search. In that process, you may get links to
pages you want to

3. What is web crawling?

crawling is the process where search engine bots crawl websites for indexing.

4. What is referral traffic?

Referral traffic is the visits you get from third party domains.

5. What is EMD?

EMD or Exact Match Domain is a domain which includes the search phrases.

6. What is Googlebot?

Googlebot is the web crawler software used by Google as a search bot to index a webpage. There are
two types of Googlebot crawlers:

• a desktop crawler
• a mobile crawler

7. What is page speed and why is it important?

Page speed is the measure of how fast the content on your site loads for a user. It is important because
the pages that load faster are more efficient and offer a better on-page user experience. Google also
considers page speed while ranking websites.

Many factors that affect or relate to page speed:

• Page size
• Images, video, and heavy files
• Excess code and Javascript
8. What is Keyword Difficulty?

Keyword Difficulty is a metric used by some tool to determine how competitive a keyword is.

9. What is the definition of a long tail keyword?

Long-tail phrases include more than four words and are very specialized.

10. what is the most important ranking factor?

Quality Content, Technical SEO, Quality & Relevant Backlinks, Mobile First, Page Speed, Brand Strength,
Domain Strength, User experience, Schema Code, Social Signals, Domain Authority, Content-
Type, Content Depth, Content Freshness and etc.

11. What is the Difference between On-Page and Off-Page SEO?

On page seo focuses on the content of your site which will make it easier for people to find you on the
internet. Off page seo focuses more on the external links that are connected to your website. So, If we
have many backlinks on our site it will boost up the popularity of the website.

12. What do mean by the Backlinks?

The backlinks are the links that appear on a website from other websites. If you click on a link on a
website, it will take you to another website. The more backlinks a website has, the more popular it is.

13. What is Keyword?

Keywords are words that are searched by people online. They are the words people use when they are
looking for information on a specific topic. If you want to rank higher in search results, you need to make
sure that you include keywords in your site.

14. What is the purpose of using Keywords in SEO?

Keywords help search engines understand what your page is about. They also help users know what
your page is about.

15. Name different types of keywords.

• Primary Keywords – It is the main keyword that should exist on a webpage. For proper
optimisation of content, this keyword should come in the first paragraph, headings and
subheadings. It should not be overstuffed.
• Related Keywords – It is also known as Latent Semantic Keyword. It is a variation of the primary
keyword that should naturally appear in the on-page content.
16. Explain LSI

LSI Stands for Latent Semantic Indexing Keywords are semantically associated with primary keyword
that visitors used in the search engines.

17. What is Bounce Rate?

It is the percentage of visitors who navigate away or leave a web page without taking an action

18. What are the different categories of SEO techniques?

• On-page SEO – On-page or on-site SEO includes practice strategies to optimize an individual
page on a website and improve the rankings of a website, and earn organic traffic.
• Off-page SEO – This process also refers to techniques for improving a website’s position on the
search engine results page (SERPs).
• Technical SEO – Technical SEO is the process of optimizing a website for crawling and indexing,
and helps search engines access, crawl, interpret, and index the website in a hassle-free

19. What is a SERP?

SERP or search engine result page is the list of results obtained when a user searches for something
online using a search engine, such as Google.

20. What is Google Sandbox?

The Google Sandbox Effect asserts that new sites are often on probation (inside a box) and hence cannot
rank successfully for their most important keywords.

21. What is DA and PA in seo?

DA stands for "Domain Authority" and PA stands for "Page Authority". These are two different metrics
used to determine how important a domain is on the web.

22. What is Robot Tag?

Robots’ tags are a part of the HTML code and are used to control how search engines crawl and index
your website.

23. What is the Characters Limit in Title Tag and Meta Description tag?

Keep your title length around 60-70 characters. For your meta description length, keep it around 160-
170 characters.
24. What is SERP?

Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) are pages that search engines display in their results. They are
basically webpages that contain information that a user may be looking for.

25. What do you understand by H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 & H6 Headings?

H1 is top or main headline, H2 is secondary headline, H3, H4, H5 and H6 are sub-headlines

26. What is the Importance of Meta Title Tag?

The Meta title tag is important for all websites. Meta title tag is used to tell search engine about the
content on your page. The search engine uses this information when crawls a site and shows its results.

27. What is Webmaster Tool?

Webmaster Tool is a web-based tool that allows you to manage and monitor the performance of your
website. It provides you with statistics about your site’s traffic, how many pages are viewed by your
visitors, how often your site is indexed by Google, and how long it takes for your site to load. It also
provides information about your ranking in the search engines and your competitors. Webmaster Tool is
free and easy to use. You can access it from any browser at any time.

28. What is Google Analytics?

This is almost always the first Google Analytics interview question you will face. Google Analytics is a
free web analytics tool offered by Google to help you track and analyze the performance of your

29. What is an XML Sitemap?

An XML sitemap is a file that describes the content on your website. It helps search engines crawl your
site, index your pages and display them in order to users. The sitemap can be created manually or using
a sitemap generator. What are the advantages of having an XML sitemap? Having an XML sitemap
makes it easier for search engines to find all your content.

30. What is an HTML Sitemap?

HTML sitemap is a web page where users can able to access the list of pages in a proper structure,
organized in a way that they can understand and navigate the site smoothly.

31. How many H1 Headings can we have in a page?

Your website should have only one h1 tag. If you have more than one h1 tag on a page, change the
other h1 tags to an h2 or h3.

32. What is Google Spider, Robots and Crawlers!

Google spiders search the web looking for links to other websites. Robots do the same thing, but they
also follow links to other pages. Crawlers are a third type of robot. They are used to find information on
the internet and then use that information to create new content on a website.

33. What is Keyword Density?

Keyword density refers to the number of times a keyword is used in relation to the total words in an

34. What is robots.txt?

The robots.txt file is a text file that defines the search bots to be excluded from your website. The
robots.txt file is used by search engine spiders (also called “crawlers” or “spiders”) to help them navigate
your site and determine which pages to index. It is typically located in the root directory of your web

35. What do you know about Black Hat SEO?

Black hat SEO is when a person uses tricks to manipulate search engines so that their website appears
higher in the search results. This can be done by using keywords that are too broad or too specific,
adding hidden links to other websites, and manipulating the meta tags.

1. What 4 Major activities Search Engine Do?

• Crawling
• Indexing
• Retrieval
• Result

36. What is meant by Retrieval?

Retrieval in search engine is the process of fetching the desired content from a database.

37. What Factors on Page SEO includes?

Keyword Research, URL Optimization, Meta Tags optimization, Header Tags, Content Optimization
38. What Factors Off Page SEO includes?

Commenting, Forums, Influencer Outreach, Guest Author Broken Link Building, Social Networking, Social
Bookmarking, Questions & Answers, Newsletters

39. What is Google Discover?

you can get updates for your interests, like your favorite sports team or news site, without searching for

40. What is Backlink Building?

Backlinks are links from other websites to yours, and you can’t build your website rank without it.

41. Explain any 5 SEO Algorithms!

• Google Panda algorithm: Google Panda is a major change to Google's search results
ranking algorithm that was first released in February 2011. Google is trying to reduce low quality
sites (content farms) by lowering their rank and bringing back high-quality sites near the top of
the search results.
• Google Penguin algorithm: The update to the search engine's algorithm is called
"Penguin" and is designed to combat link building and link spam.
• Hummingbird: The Hummingbird update was a major rewrite of Google's search algorithm
that endeavored to understand natural language and context.
• Mobile: Google’s new mobile-friendly algorithm will affect only searches made on mobile
devices, giving a boost to mobile-friendly pages and pushing non-mobile-friendly pages down.
• RankBrain: RankBrain is a system by which Google can better understand the likely user
intent of a search query.

42. What does BERT Algorithm do?

it can be used to help Google better discern the context of words in search queries

43. What does E A T stand for?

E-A-T means Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness

44. What does URL stand for?

URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator.

45. What is the difference between Inbound Links and Internal Links?
Internal links are internal pages within your website. They can be used to link to another page within
your site. Inbound links are external links that point to your website from another site.

46. What is the Difference between No Follow and Do Follow Link?

Dofollow links are a way to pass on authority to a website, while a nofollow link does not pass on link

47. Name some of the best SEO plugins for WordPress.

• Yoast SEO
• Rank Math
• All in one seo

48. How can you optimize the website which has millions of pages?

With a website that has millions of pages, you are talking about the eCommerce website

I will suggest you to find out the best keywords based on your product and services and put them with
the best descriptions on the website. The best thing about the big website is that it's been indexed so
quickly, and you've submitted the sitemap. Maintaining a cache and indexing your website is the key to
success for the big website.

49. Which SEO tools do you regularly use?

Various tools can make SEO jobs more accessible, and choosing the best one depends on your needs.

• ahref
• kwfinder
• sem haste
• quack SEO
• Moz

50. Explain Image Alt Text.

describes an image on a web page.

51. What is page speed?

Page speed refers to how fast your site loads for a user

52. What is an SEO-friendly URL?

SEO-friendly URLs are short and keyword-rich URLs that are optimized for SEO.
53. What is a TLD?

TLD or the top-level domain is the last part of an Internet address or the part of a domain that comes
after the dot, like com, org, or net

54. What is ccTLD?

ccTLD or country code top-level domain extension assigned to a country.

55. What method do you use to redirect a page?

In general, 301, 302, and Meta Refresh are the two most widely used redirects.

301, "Moved Permanently"—recommended for SEO

302, "Found" or "Moved Temporarily."

56. What are anchor texts?

Anchor text is the clickable text in a hyperlink.

57. What is a canonical issue?

Canonical issues are most frequent when a webpage/website has many URLs that contain the same or
comparable information. For example, and

58. What is Search Engine Submission?

Search engine submission is a processing of submitting your website to popular search engines to make
sure it gets crawled and indexed.

59. What is Blog Commenting?

Blog Commenting is a process of adding comments on blog posts with a relevant backlink to your

60. What is a link audit and why should you do one?

A link audit is basically an audit of the links that point to your website, the backlinks. SEO experts to link
audits prior to doing a link building campaign, but also to make sure external links are of the quality you
want to help with SEO.

61. How to remove toxic links to a site?

First, use a link checker tool to find out the toxic links to the site, and then use the ‘Google Disavow’ tool
to remove the link.

62. How do you use social media marketing for SEO?

The degree to which social media influences search rankings is not known, but social media still matters.
For example, it can help you get backlinks when you share website content via social media platforms,
and it builds your brand, which makes your website more likely to get the clicks on the search results

63. How do you see SEO and PPC working together to improve results?

This is another SEO interview question you’ll answer based on your experience, but some specifics you
might mention include how PPC can be used to drive traffic while waiting for pages optimized for SEO to
start ranking. Also, we no longer have keyword research tools just for SEO, so we have to use PPC tools.
PPC can be used to try out a keyword before committing to using it for SEO.

64. What is your approach to developing an SEO strategy?

Again, you’ll answer this question based on your own experiences and knowledge. Factors you might
mention include knowing the short- and long-term goals, knowing the competitive landscape,
understanding the audience, etc. But how you as an SEO expert go about developing the strategy will
probably be unique to your experience.

65. Why do internal links matter?

Internal links are links within your website linking to another page within your website. Internal links
help all of the content on your website to get crawled and ranked.

66. What are outbound links?

Outbound links are links that links your website to another website.

67. How do you use content marketing for SEO?

Content marketing is crucial to effective SEO because Google wants quality content, it gives you content
to optimize for SEO, and it creates content other websites will link to (when done right). Content
marketing is often done via a blog, but content can be created in many other forms as well, such as
video, podcasts, infographics, ebooks, and so on.

68. Which are the major Google updates that have impacted SEO?
Panda and Penguin were the two most significant Google updates, although the search giant is
constantly making changes to its search algorithm. Panda was introduced in 2011 and targeted poor
quality content. The Penguin update was released in 2012 and targeted spammy link building
techniques. Both are regularly updated by Google.

69. Which Webmaster tool do you use and why?

Google Webmaster Tools is a set of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tools provided by Google to help
you manage your site's visibility in Google Search results. They are now grouped and kept within Google
Search Console, and they give you all the information you need to boost your search ranking.

Google Webmaster tool is a robust tool that allows website owners to track how their sites interact with

70. Name the important Meta tags in SEO and mention their character limits.

• Title tag — Google shows 60-70 characters

• Meta Description tag — 160-170 characters
• Robots Meta tag – It has four main values (follow, index, nofollow, noindex)

71. What are the black hat SEO practices to avoid?

The following are the list of black hat SEO practices to avoid: keyword stuffing, link exchange, buying
links, link farming, PNB, link hiding, Cloaking or doorway pages.

72. What are the common SEO mistakes?

• Not optimizing for the right keywords

• Not having unique title tags and meta descriptions
• Using the same anchor text for every link
• Focusing on link quantity over link quality
• Using poorly-written content

73. What are Black Hat and White Hat SEO?

Black Hat SEO refers to the unethical methods and techniques that are used by people to get a high
ranking on the SEO search engine result page for their website. These methods and techniques are not
acceptable by search engine guidelines. The other method, known as White Hat SEO refers to the
practices that are acceptable by search engine guidelines
74. What will you do if your website is banned by the search engines for black
hat practices?

If a website is banned by the search engines for black hat practices, then one can apply for re-inclusion
after rectifying the wrongdoings.

75. What is SEO Audit?

SEO Audit is an activity of evaluating the health of the website. There are multiple sections involved in
SEO audit like On-Page, Off-Page and Technical SEO.

76. Which tool is the best for keyword research?

• Semrush Keyword Tool

• Google Trends
• AnswerThePublic
• AHREFS keyword explorer
• Keyword tool io
• Kwfinder
• Google keyword planner
• Moz
• Ubersuggest
• Long Tail Pro

77. Which tool is the best for content optimization?

• SurferSEO
• Neuron writer
• Strell

78. Which tool is the best for backlink analysis?

• Ahrefs
• Semrush
• Majestic SEO
• cognitiveSEO
• SEO SpyGlass
• Moz Link Explorer
79. Which tool is best for SEO Audit?

• Screaming frog
• Semrush
• Ahrefs
• Google Search Console
• SEOptimer
• SEOquake
• Moz
• SEO Site Checkup

80. Which tool is best for CopyWriting?

• Peppertype ai
• Copy ai
• Copymatic
• Jarvis
• Closerscopy
• frase

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