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First of all, bullying is an issue that has been affecting the social life of
individuals for generations. Firstly, there are a lot of forms of bullying
such as cyber-bullying, emotional bullying, verbal bullying, and
emotional bullying. Both adults but mostly kids have become bullies
for various reasons such as lack of social skills and not being able to
solve social problems. In addition, there might also be problems in
their personal life at home and at school such as rejection and
isolation by others. Bullies engage in hurtful behavior for numerous
reasons, first they engage in bullying as a way to feel more powerful
and in control, apart from this bullies often bully individuals that have
lower social status to exploit the vulnerability of these people to gain
more power to cover their own insecurities.
Bullying always leave indelible scars on its victims both physical and
mental. For example studies has shown that bullying has caused
depression and anxiety and the victims do not trust people easily
anymore. Furthermore the impacts of bullying often carry on until
adulthood affecting the social skills and mental health. In addition
not only the victims experience the consequences but also the bullies
themselves as they become more aggressive. Additionally, feeling
guilty is also one of the consequences as when they get mature they
finally realize the harm they have causes to their victims. Overall the
effects there are solution that can take action to finally give an end to
bullying. To kick things off an environment where victims of bullying
can freely report bullying without fear can be created at school.
Besides that the government can enforce anti bullying laws that
include penalties for bullies or protection for victims to make sure
that bullies understand the consequences of their actions. A solution
for cyber bullying might be to teach individuals how to collect
evidence of getting cyber bullies that can be useful in taking legal
in conclusion the issue of bullying demands our attention. I believe
that if you are not part of the solution the you are part of the
problem as the problem of bullying that has tortured individuals for
years will not be solved by itself. Finally bullying is like a fire if we
manage to put it out now it will be easier and it will cause less

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