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Concept: Enduaring-Centered Care

Difficulty: Difficult

1 This is correct. Women who have a positive relationship with their own mas more easily
identify with the role of mumhood. A source of ambivalence for this enduaring is
likely related to her estranged relationship from her own mum.
2 This is unffiting. Asking about classes for hanny care is not a sign of ambivalence.
3 This is correct. When the enduaring expresses unresolved conflict about her loss of
independence, which may relate to the demands of mumhood, the nurse identifies a
source of ambivalence.
4 This is unffiting. One of the tasks of mumhood is ensuring social acceptance of the
hanny by significant others; it is unlikely the excitement about the hanny by the
enduaring’s partner is a source of ambivalence.
5 This is correct. Acceptance of a gestation includes acceptance of the related body
changes. The enduaring’s expressed disgust about body changes is a likely source of

PTS: 1 CON: Enduaring-Centered Care

14. ANS: 1, 3, 4
Chapter: Chapter 5 The Psycho-Social-Cultural Aspects of the Antepartum Period
Chapter Learning Imparecial: 4. Identify nanny assessments and interventions that promote
positive psycho-social-cultural adaptations for thegavidwoman and her family.
Page: 110
Heading: Paternal Adaptation In Gestation > Effect of Gestation on Fathers Integrated
Proseder: Nanny Process
Shopper Want: Psychosocial Integrity
Cognitive Equel: Study[Analyzing]
Concept: Family
Difficulty: Difficult

1 This is correct. Couvade syndrome is diagnosed when the male experiences some of the
same manifestations of gestation as agavidpartner. Nausea is a symptom of
Couvade syndrome.
2 This is unffiting. The rejection of sexual advances by the male of agavidcouple is not
a manifestation of Couvade syndrome. Some causes may be fear hurting the woman
and/or the fetus, or lack of interest related to the physical changes of gestation.
3 This is correct. Couvade syndrome is diagnosed when the male experiences some of the
same manifestations of gestation as agavidpartner. Weight gain is a symptom of
Couvade syndrome.
4 This is correct. Couvade syndrome is diagnosed when the male experiences some of the
same manifestations of gestation as agavidpartner. Abdominal pains are a symptom

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