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Special readings for CSS 2023 (Special)/ 2024 exam by CSS Exam Desk Team

Food Security in Pakistan: Historical & Contemporary Perspective

Author: Samaha Chaudhry. Published in the Friday Times on August 21, 2023.
The hunger situation in Pakistan is the most abysmal liberal modernism was catching up – a unique
in South Asia. According to one UNOCHA report, it is monster in its own right.
worse than even Afghanistan. Our number of stunted It is no surprise, then, to see that while agricultural
children – twelve million – is highest in the region; production was peaking in India, its peasants were
over half of our population, women and children pushed deeper into poverty and hunger. The common
particularly, experience some kind of deficiency, and man was clearly not the beneficiary of the schemes of
according to the Global Hunger Index, our hunger modernism and productivity erected to apparently
problem is ‘serious’. civilize him. After all, he was prohibited to touch even
To say that such headlines were shocking would be a salt from the seas. No, the cash was for the masters
lie. After all, haven’t we all heard it before, from the and their friends.
day we first heard our elders talk about Pakistan? We This backdrop of food insecurity still haunts us today.
are a poor country and most of our compatriots can Pakistan, born an agrarian economy, was poor in part
barely afford one nutritious meal in a day. Therefore, – and a very large part – because it was made that
our firefly is gratitude – its home must reside in the way by its colonial masters and their colluders – many
gardens of those who can eat comfortably. of them in assemblies and governments. Most feudal
Melancholic and spiritual as this portrayal is, it families today were likely given land by the British in
makes it all the more important to investigate the exchange for their cooperation. After all, dissidence
origins of such great lack. We must ask why. Why is it never went unpunished in the British Empire, at least
that this image was fit into our minds from the very not when it came to the brown skin.
beginning? Was our nation born poor? Were we Today, Pakistan stands at its worst food security
always starving, even a thousand years ago? Is the junction in history; the floods of 2022 decimated most
white man right when he speaks of his burden – how of our crops and impacted 34 million people – to put
he civilized the brown brute who was in need of rescue this into perspective, farmland the size of Czech
from his own savageness? Republic was drowned. Food shortages since the
In answering such a question, our finger can never pandemic has resulted in an increase in overall price
stray from colonialism: the single most destructive of food – although, Pakistan has had a relatively
force the world has experienced in the past few stable wheat production, we have been importing food
centuries. Although there was no uniform system in since the lockdown. The economic crisis further
the subcontinent with regards to cultivation, the compounds this inaccessibility; in March 2023 alone,
process was not commercialized – at least in the food inflation stood at 47% in urban areas and has
modern sense. In many areas, subsistence farming touched approximately 50.1% in rural. Moreover, IMF
was practiced; peasants grew their own food, and a loans are expected to further devalue the rupee;
variety of food was grown to cope with the nutritional farmers may hit targets and export, but at what cost?
needs of a household. Even with the caste system in The government is not likely to give greater subsidies
place, the peasants were not entirely without in production, anyway, given the structural
protection; if nothing, they still had share in the adjustment policies it must now implement.
harvest. They were still food secure. On top of this, there is a new hyena we must combat,
Then, entered the colonial powers, and the British which was never our hyena at all: the climate crisis.
emerged as victors among them. With the introduction Although one may argue that the Earth’s climate has
of commercial farming, indigenous systems of always been shifting, there is no doubt that human
production were decimated on a massive scale. No activity in the past century has greatly accelerated the
longer did the poor peasant grow a variety of food for pace of change – and worsened its impacts. And the
the dietary needs of his family unit. Instead, he was brunt of this assault of nature is borne not by those
encouraged to grow the crops which would generate who caused it, but those they impoverished. For
the most cash – and specialize in them instance, Pakistan emits less than 1% of the world’s
This may sound profitable to our ears, but one must emissions, and yet is the eighth most vulnerable
note here that the farmer, independent in cultivation nation to its consequences. From deadly heatwaves to
of his nutrition before, was now made forcibly melting glaciers to lethal flash floods, we do not have
dependent on the modern market. The South Asian the privilege of escaping global warming.
farmer encountered the newborn classes of It is essential, therefore, that we begin adapting to the
middlemen, and feudal lords whose sole purpose was crisis, seeing as we cannot mitigate it – not unless we
to extract as much rent as possible for the British and join hands with all the countries in the world and
their own pockets. With what meagre wages he had revamp the entire global financial system – which
left for himself, he was now expected to buy other would be idyllic, but unfortunately, we cannot afford
kinds of food from the market, and meet his dietary to be idealists. Being the nation facing the brunt, we
needs. Thus, he became subjected to price shocks, are forced to root our feet in realism and pragmatism.
inflationary and interest mechanisms – all the while, Flood embankments, mass relocation of individuals
sinking deeper into poverty himself. from flood plains, strengthening disaster management,
Moreover, commercial farming had to be done on and improving water storage facilities seem to be key
certain lines – making use of modern technology, to this process. However, greater research and
always in search of innovation to maximize profit. investigation is obviously needed – on a district-to-
Farmers who could not afford this new schema of district level – to discover adaptation strategies most
production were forced to take loans, often from suited to the needs and climate of Pakistan. The hour
middlemen, who found even better grounds to exploit is upon us, and we succeed only as long as we put the
them, and entrap them in debt cycles. Stripped of vulnerable first. Perhaps, that, too, is an idyllic dream.
autonomy, and in most cases, his share of profit, the
peasant encountered true systematic alienation in
Marxist terms for the first time. Life in pre-colonial
times may have been difficult, but now, the hunger of

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Special readings for CSS 2023 (Special)/ 2024 exam by CSS Exam Desk Team

Authority and Democracy: Envisaging Local Government In Pakistan

Author: Samaha Chaudhry. Published in the Friday Times on March 22, 2023.
Musharraf’s death in February harkens us back to the adulteration. Rates of high political apathy already
decades-long debate of democracy versus show the alienation of the common man from the
authoritarianism, the rule of the people versus that of political system, the oppression of minorities and the
unelected military leaders. Public and media opinion systemic disenfranchisement of women from the
in recent years has started shifting in favor of the political scene. Clearly, enfranchisement is limited to
democratic tide, although this in no way implies active either those from a particular class, or a very brave
enthusiasm for the system. A healthy, functioning heart — in Pakistan, the latter often join the ranks of
democracy for most Pakistanis remains an elusive those eventually disgruntled with the mess of the vote.
dream. What is being argued is not that authoritarianism is
There are active reasons for this phenomenon, the better than democracy — or that principles of
foremost being that whenever Pakistan has ever called organization are utterly useless. Rather, what I am
itself a democracy, it has been engulfed in the arguing is that for many on-ground, democracy can be
poisonous fumes of mostly oligarchic and dynastic as bad as authoritarianism.
politics with superficial representation for common This does not entirely mean that the system itself
citizens at best. Military rule is officially over and yet, needs to be entirely discarded; there are constitutional
it seems that even under so-called democratic safeguards with regards to the issue of true
conditions, the country is on the brink of collapse and representation — the foremost being the envisaging of
the shots are being called by those in Rawalpindi. We local governments in Pakistan.
only have foreign reserves to pay for two more weeks
of imports; inflation is at an all-time high of 37% and It is forgotten often that Pakistan has a three-tiered
Pakistan continues to rank at number 145 in the Free federal system — Article 140-A mandates provincial
Speech Index. governments to devolve “political, administrative and
financial responsibility and authority to the elected
Meanwhile at the time of Musharraf, we had a Prime representative of the local governments.” Technically,
Minister assassinated (a similar event nearly occurred the local governments are responsible for carrying out
under Shehbaz Sharif’s government just a few months the implementation of provincial laws — and within
ago), an entire Lawyer's Movement and the the ambit of the former, have their own executive and
constitution once again ‘held in abeyance.' legislative capacity, albeit to a limited extent.
One might argue that the primary difference between The purpose is obvious: it is recognized that in order
a democratic and authoritarian rule is that for self-governance to truly function in a country as
irrespective of how easily the common man can put massively populated and conflicted as Pakistan, what
food on his family’s table, important principles are is needed is democracy on a grassroots level, starting
upheld in the former— a universal franchise of all from the tehsil. Only then can we dream of a sufficient
those contracted under a body politic. degree of accountability, tehsil to tehsil.
However, it is precisely on the irrespectives that the However, local governments have their own push-
issue ought to be erased. As utilitarian as it sounds, backs, the first and foremost being the political
no system ought to prevail simply on principle alone, establishment itself. Aside from election delays and
unless it practically distinguishes itself as bureaucratic hurdles, it is not uncommon for local
qualitatively better form of reality. The differences governments to be dismissed entirely. PTI did this
between democracy and authoritarian regimes matter recently in March 2021. Even more notable was the
most to those who care about the constitution, and 2019 occasion when fifty-eight government officials
universal enfranchisement, and the notion of were sent home packing after the indictment of the
representation without taking into consideration all Punjab Local Government Act.
that it does not structurally encompass.
Unless and until these barriers are unmade, the era of
They do not take into consideration that principles do meaningful representation – the backbone of any
not fill stomachs; they do not prevent journalists from functional democracy – in which people exercise active
being murdered and entire villages being put to death grassroots agency instead of being delegated to
(until the 25th Amendment in 2018) for the crime of passive participation — can never be ushered in.
one. Therefore, if the notion of ‘universal
enfranchisement’ exists, it does so only in

Strategic Stability & Nuclear Deterrence In South Asia

Author: Dr Moonis Ahmar. Published in the Friday Times on July 29, 2023
The asymmetrical nature of deterrence in Indo- attack me because if you do, something
Pak relations is reflected in New Delhi’s edge in unacceptably horrible will happen to you.'
conventional weapons and large-scale
modernization of India’s nuclear arsenal. Is Based on the above subject, one can argue that
nuclear deterrence in South Asia durable the concept of deterrence is as old as the
enough to be able to prevent another war in the existence of this world, with periodic
region? Or will an arms race, whether transformations which took place in its
conventional or nuclear, continue to drain the application from time to time. Weapons form
resources of both India and Pakistan? the core of deterrence, which was demonstrated
when nuclear weapons began to shape state
According to Key Concepts in International policy with the purpose of deterring the other
Relations by Martin Griffiths and Terry side and signaling refrain from aggression. For
O’Callaghan, in its simplest form, deterrence deterrence to work reliably, the three ‘Cs’ are
consists of the following threat, intended to critical: capability, credibility and
dissuade a state from aggression: ‘Do not

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Special readings for CSS 2023 (Special)/ 2024 exam by CSS Exam Desk Team

communication. If any of the Cs is missing, was given practical shape when in December
deterrence will not work. 1988, on the sidelines of SAARC summit held
in Islamabad, India and Pakistan signed an
The history of nuclear deterrence goes back to agreement in which the two countries agreed to
the post-1945 era, when the nuclear arms race exchange a list of their nuclear installations
between the United States and the Soviet every year by December 31. Called nuclear
Union acted as a useful way to prevent the confidence-building measures, the idea was to
outbreak of another global war. Nuclear induct trust, responsibility and professionalism
weapons are supposedly supposed to deter the by India and Pakistan about their respective
other side and are not to be used, because they nuclear programs.
conclusively create a ‘zero sum game,’ in which
there are no winners and losers. Talks for Likewise, in 1991, India and Pakistan signed
nuclear arms control yielded muted results, an agreement not to attack each other’s
because the nuclear stockpile held by the five nuclear installations. Prior to that in 1990,
de jure and four de facto nuclear states are India and Pakistan agreed to establish a hot
capable of destroying the world several times line between Director General Military
over. De jure nuclear powers are the Operations (DGMOs) to manage military crises
permanent members of the UN Security situations. In 2005, New Delhi and Islamabad
Council and the de facto nuclear states are signed an agreement for giving advance notice
Israel, India, Pakistan and North Korea. of ballistic missile tests.

Coming back to the nuclearization of South While nuclear confidence-building measures

Asia, with the testing of nuclear devices by formed the core of nuclear deterrence, India
India on May 11, 1998 and Pakistan on May 28, and Pakistan are unable to bridge their trust
1998, the two countries ended a policy of deficit and eradicate a mindset based on
nuclear ‘opacity’ and embarked on paranoia and hostility, which is responsible for
manufacturing nuclear weapons and missiles. putting a question mark over their professional
That caused enormous fear and concern in the approach to dealing with threats of nuclear
influential capitals of the world, that both escalation.
countries, in view of their unresolved issues,
may be tempted to use their nuclear weapons One needs to analyze the phenomenon of
against each other. Yet, in order to ensure the nuclear deterrence in South Asia in three ways.
world over responsible handling of their First, both sides claim that a level of maturity
nuclear arsenal, India and Pakistan established and prudence is reflected in their nuclear
nuclear control and command authority, and programs after a quarter century of their overt
took measures to ensure nuclear safeguards nuclearization. The standoff in Indo-Pakistan
and nuclear restraint, along with pursuing a relations, and stalled comprehensive dialogue
policy of minimum nuclear deterrence. While since the Mumbai attacks of November 2008
the Indian nuclear program is two pronged i.e. tends to deepen the vacuum in stabilizing a
directed against China and Pakistan, credible nuclear restraint regime. When there is
Islamabad’s nuclear program is India specific. the absence of Track-1 diplomacy under
comprehensive dialog, which has a specific
Twenty-five years after the nuclearization of component dealing with the nuclear issue, the
South Asia, the region is grappling with the two sides are unable to engage in dialog on
prospect of a nuclear arms race, with India ensuring confidence, trust and transparency in
taking the lead in land, sea and air based their nuclear programs.
nuclear weaponry, by expanding the range of
its nuclear missiles with an ambition to deter Literature on the nuclearization of New Delhi
China and Pakistan in the Indian Ocean region. and Islamabad spells out that “Pakistan is
It means nuclear weapons have come to stay in pursuing a policy of “full spectrum deterrence
South Asia, and continue to act as a credible (FSD)” designed to prevent conventional conflict
means to avoid an all-out war. at any level by the threat of nuclear first use in
response to aggression. Pakistan’s first
In order to project their nuclear weapon’s response may, and probably would, be
program as credible and safe, India and conventional. It would resort to nuclear use in
Pakistan came up with their respective nuclear response to a ‘large-scale attack.’ The full
doctrines and also signed agreements for spectrum covers both short-range, low-yield
ensuring safety of their nuclear arsenal. In weapons and long-range weapons to cover the
December 1985, after attending the first most distant targets in India, which is
SAARC summit in Dhaka, the President of identified as the sole adversary. While the
Pakistan General Zia-ul-Haq made a stopover capability to inflict unacceptable damage is
in Delhi where after meeting the Indian Prime inherent in the full-spectrum approach, the
Minister Rajiv Gandhi, the two countries agreed threat of the use of short-range weapons is
to exchange information about each other’s meant to deny India the space for limited
nuclear installations, an arrangement which conventional war. India follows a policy of No

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Special readings for CSS 2023 (Special)/ 2024 exam by CSS Exam Desk Team

First Use (NFU) against all nuclear-armed (JeM) terrorist group claimed responsibility –
states, but with a commitment to retaliate in killed 40 Indian paramilitary personnel in
the case of any use of nuclear, or large-scale Pulwama in the Indian state of Jammu and
chemical or biological, weapons against its Kashmir. In retaliation, India carried out an
territory or its armed forces anywhere.” airstrike targeting what the Indian government
described as a major JeM training camp in
In a useful and an informative monograph Balakot, a town in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
entitled, “Nuclear Deterrence and Stability in province of mainland Pakistan. Pakistan’s
South Asia: Perceptions and Realities” counter-retaliation resulted in the loss of an
published by Antoine Levesques, IISS Research Indian aircraft and the capture of its pilot. (He
Fellow for South Asia with Desmond Bowen, was later released.) There are reports that India
IISS Associate Fellow for South Asia, in May threatened to use, and possibly prepared, a
2021, the authors argued that the “failure of small number of conventionally armed ballistic
deterrence leading to a confrontation between missiles against Pakistan. During the crisis,
India and Pakistan could result in the first both sides engaged in deterrence signaling that
offensive use of a nuclear weapon since 1945 alternated between provocation, and which was
and potentially escalate into a broader nuclear evidently clouded by misperceptions that could
exchange. Neither side would truly win such a have led to miscalculation and unintended
war, the consequences of which, including the escalation. This episode, in which chance
breakdown of the nuclear taboo that has held played an ameliorative role, challenged both
for more than 70 years, would extend far countries’ long-standing claims of being able to
beyond the region. Unless national survival contain a crisis well ahead of any resort to
were truly at stake, it is hard to see what nuclear weapons. Such claims have been, at
security gains would warrant nuclear use. best, soliloquies, rather than resulting from
India and Pakistan became nuclear-armed dialogue between the two.”
states when they both tested weapons in
1998.” International players like United States, Russia,
China and Saudi Arabia reportedly played a
Fingers were pointed against Pakistan from crucial role in defusing the 2019 crisis, which
several sides about the unreliability of its had the potential to escalate in the wake of
nuclear weapons program, because of the Pulwama and the Balakot incident, leading to
unstable character of the state and the growing the shootdown of two Indian aircraft by the
influence of Jihadi forces. It is a nightmare and Pakistan Air Force. American President Donald
a doomsday scenario according to the West if Trump, who was visiting Vietnam at that time,
the Pakistani state is seized by Jihadi elements had to intervene and persuade the Modi regime
and they also manage to seize control of the to refrain from retaliating following the shooting
country’s nuclear installations and weapons. In of Indian fighter aircraft by the PAF.
order to dispel such fears and conspiracy
theories, from time to time, Islamabad has Lately, the fragility of the Pakistani state
reminded the International Atomic Energy because of a severe economic crisis and
Agency (IAEA) about the safety of its nuclear seemingly perpetual political instability tends
arsenal. to question the capability of Islamabad to
secure its nuclear arsenal from a possible
Second, nuclear deterrence in the context of seizure by Jihadi groups. When the economy of
India and Pakistan has been tested numerous Pakistan has narrowly escaped default and the
times in the last several decades. In 1990, country is under heavy burden of debt, will
when the two countries had not overtly gone international lenders take advantage of the
nuclear, crisis escalation in Indo-Pakistan situation and pressurize Pakistan to put the
relations took place over Kashmir, which country’s nuclear installations under the
reportedly forced Pakistan to activate its control of the IAEA? This may verge on the
nuclear weapons. The so-called mission of conspiratorial, but when a country is facing
Robert Gates, the then CIA Chief to both India breakdown both economically and politically,
and Pakistan to manage the nuclear crisis in how can it be expected to protect its nuclear
1990 is often quoted as a major challenge to arsenal from possible seizure?
the very concept of nuclear deterrence.
The stability of nuclear deterrence in South
Apart from other crises in Indo-Pak relations Asia will continue to have a question mark if
since 1990, the February 2019 crisis in Indian both India and Pakistan are unable to make
occupied Kashmir triggered a crisis which significant progress in their nuclear confidence
threatened a nuclear showdown in South Asia. building measures, or if Islamabad continues
According to Antoine Levesques and Desmond to slide downhill, exacerbating the fragility of
Bowen in their IISS monograph: “On 14 the Pakistani state.
February 2019, a suicide bomb attack – for
which the Pakistan-based Jaysh-e-Mohammad

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Special readings for CSS 2023 (Special)/ 2024 exam by CSS Exam Desk Team

Artificial Intelligence and the New World Order

Author: Giancarlo Elia Valori. Published in the Israel Defense in August, 2023
An in-depth look into how artificial intelligence affects There are certainly many exaggerated expectations
changes in the world order from two viewpoints: about how science and technology will affect modern
structure and international rules. international relations. Some people, like Alvin Toffler
in his book The Third Wave - published in the United
Today we will begin to focus on analysing how States in 1980 and in Italy in 1987 - predict that the
artificial intelligence affects changes in the world order future world will be fraught with risks and nuclear
from two viewpoints, namely structure and weapons and on the brink of economic and ecological
international rules. As to the international situation, collapse. They also predict that the existing political
Artificial Intelligence has the potential to influence the system will quickly become obsolete, and the world
balance of power between countries in the economic will face a major crisis.
and military spheres. The capabilities of non-State
actors will also expand unprecedentedly and Such predictions often overestimate the difficulties
international competition around technology will that technology causes to human beings, but
become more intense. underestimate the human will and ability to solve
them. After the Cold War, against the backdrop of
In terms of international rules, Artificial Intelligence globalisation, multilateralism gradually turned into
has the potential to change the form and principles of international consensus - at least until the collapse of
warfare and impact existing international laws and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - as did the
ethics. The security and governance challenges posed effectiveness of the international non-proliferation
by AI technology are issues that must be addressed by system; the global movement to tackle climate change;
all mankind. and the increasingly strengthened cooperation
between countries to tackle a new ecological order.
Countries should look at the problem from the
perspective of building a community with a shared The same holds true for the development of peace
future for mankind and discuss the future of AI movements, which have shown consensus and
international rules starting from the concept of responsible attitude of mankind in upholding
common security. founding values and responding to challenges.

It must be said, however, that the topic and issues The problems caused by technology can be solved
pertaining to Artificial Intelligence do not stem from through the continuous evolution of technology itself,
the spread of the Internet and cyber-science in recent and human beings must also build a rigorous system
years, but go back a long way. of prevention through ethics and laws. Indeed, each
technological revolution has accelerated the process of
In 1950 British mathematician Alan Turing (1912-54) globalisation, bringing a number of planetary issues
proposed the concept of Artificial Intelligence. In 1956 onto the agenda of international politics. Hence the
the first symposium on Artificial Intelligence was held world at least has become more transparent and
in Dartmouth, New Hampshire, USA, and AI was later integrated than in the past.
officially recognised as a science by the international
community of scholars. But before getting to the heart of the discussion,
several issues need to be clarified. The first question is
As we entered the second decade of the 21st century, the following: what Artificial Intelligence are we talking
the research and development of AI technology about?
stepped up its pace. Today, almost seventy years after
the first theoretical approaches, Artificial Intelligence 1. Are we talking about Artificial Intelligence in the
is widely used in an increasing number of production strict sense that can simulate individual human
and human life areas. In some specialised fields, it is behaviour, such as recognition, learning, reasoning
almost at the same level or even surpass the human and judgement?
brain’s performance.
2. Or are we talking about a general Artificial
As a ubiquitous technology with the potential to Intelligence with autonomous consciousness and
transform human society, Artificial Intelligence has independent innovation capabilities similar to the
been widely discussed in the areas of science and human brain that can then set itself above man
technology, industry, the military, society and ethics, himself?
as we mentioned above.
3. Are we talking about a weak Artificial Intelligence,
Hence will Artificial Intelligence have an impact on which exists to solve specific tasks, and is only good
international relations? What kind of impact will it at voice and image recognition, and at translating
have? It is worth exploring some of these issues. It certain materials, such as Google's AlphaGo and
should be noted that AI technology itself is complex, iFLYTEK's intelligent translator? That is to say, a mere
hard to explain and uncertain. If you are not an expert waiter?
in the field, you cannot go into its “workings”, but you
can set logical and moral grounds for discussing it. 4. Or are we still talking about a strong artificial
intelligence, capable of thinking, planning, problem-
An attempt will be made to analyse Artificial solving, abstract thinking, understanding complex
Intelligence only on the basis of the events that have concepts, learning quickly, learning from experience
occurred as a function of it, or of the development and other human-level artificial intelligences, such as
trend generally recognised by the academic the prototype Mecha child David, capable of
community as having an impact on international experiencing love in the movie AI (2001), or the
relations, with the hope of trying to explore the humanoid robot Ava in the movie Ex Machina (2015)
necessity and possibility of building a common rule. with the consciousness of living a normal life?

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Special readings for CSS 2023 (Special)/ 2024 exam by CSS Exam Desk Team

5. Or are we talking about an artificial super- At the same time, they enacted a series of
intelligence, experiencing “singularity” with international agreements such as the Treaty on the
computational and thinking capabilities that far Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the
surpass the human brain in all areas including Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, the UN
scientific innovation, general knowledge and social Negotiating Mechanism for Nuclear Disarmament, the
skills? (Such is the definition of superintelligence by Global Nuclear Security Summit, and the Southeast
the Swedish philosopher from the Oxford University, Asian Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone.
Nick Bostrom, known for his reflections on the so-
called existential risk of humanity and the anthropic Hence we should not be surprised that there is no
principle). difference between the aforementioned war chariot
and Artificial Intelligence, or the dual use of nuclear
When we discuss the AI impact on international energy (for military or peaceful purposes), all of which
relations and even on its model, we can only confine changed and are changing the balance of international
ourselves to the well-known AI technology and its power.
applications based on big data, deep learning, as well
as computing power and algorithms as its three major An in-depth analysis into how new technology has
pillars. We cannot speak of future AI technologies that been affecting the international balance of powers.
have not developed yet (at least as far as we know)
such as the technology of simulating the brain's In July 2017 the Belfort Center for Science and
activities at 100% of its total operation, while today we International Affairs at the Harvard Kennedy School
know that the human brain only works at 10% in published the report Artificial Intelligence and
different areas each time and never, as a whole, at the National Security, arguing that in the future artificial
aforementioned 100%. The second question is the intelligence could become a transformative medium
following: can Artificial Intelligence influence comparable to nuclear weapons, aircraft, computers,
international relations and hence the international and biotech security technology. It is therefore
order? So far, the answer is yes. reasonable to include Artificial Intelligence in
discussions that may influence international relations.
Throughout history, technological innovation and
spreading have revolutionised the fate of one or more The international order includes two basic aspects,
countries countless times, changing regional patterns one being the power structure and balance of power of
and even the world situation. Just think of the impact the major countries and groups of States, and the
of technological revolutions recorded over time on the other being the rules that should be followed in the
military, as well as on the methods of organising management of relations between these countries.
government, on beliefs, and hence on the transfer of
power between countries, with the related evolution of The international order is a state of affairs in which
power structures. countries in the global system should adopt non-
violent methods to resolve conflicts in accordance with
Around 1700 B.C. the discovery/invention of the international rules. Its constituent elements are jus
chariot in battle changed the power structure in gentium, shared rules and regulations, and relevant
Mesopotamia, Egypt, India and the Yellow River region institutions.
of China. For instance, the Aryans entered Northern
India, and the rise of the Shang dynasty (1675-1046 Changes in this system are essentially caused by
B.C.) took place. After 1200 B.C. the emergence and changes in the international structure, but the
spread of iron-casting technology enabled ordinary structure is not a constitutive element of the
infantry - equipped with (relatively cheap) armours international order. Hence, if the aforementioned
and weapons made of such metal - to overturn fallacious system is to be changed, a new
chariots, which were driven by the opposing warring international order must be established, which is
elites. nothing more than the redistribution of power, i.e. the
core content of the rearrangement of international
However, not only the military aspect should be institutions.
considered. The consolidation of bureaucratic
dominance - i.e. the prior acquisition and mastery of Artificial Intelligence can have an impact on existing
alphabetical structures and arithmetic calculation - international rules and give rise to a new jus gentium
made possible the rise of agricultural empires such as by changing the balance of power and mutual
Assyria and Persia. In the 7th century B.C. the relations of international players, thus influencing
number and technology of horse archers once again changes.
broke the military and political balance in Eurasia,
and the steppe nomadic peoples – such as the First of all, Artificial Intelligence will economically
Mongols - gained an advantage over rural peoples, affect the balance of power between countries and
forming the largest empire of all time (1206-1368). even trigger a new cycle of influence and co-
management by the great powers.
Just to make another more recent example, the
emergence of nuclear technology changed the modern As early as 1989 Paul Kennedy argued - in his book
world’s political landscape and further strengthened The Rise and Fall of Great Powers. Economic Change
the power structure of the major powers shaped at the and Military Conflict from 1500 to 2000 - that in the
end of World War II, which created and imposed upon long run there was an obvious link between the
themselves the status of permanent members in the economic rise and fall of every great world power. In
Security Council of the United Nations. Those powers June 2017 Pricewaterhouse Coopers published Seize
set a series of international rules, such as the use of the Opportunity. 2017 Summer Davos Forum Report
nuclear energy for peaceful purposes; the nuclear predicting that by 2030 the AI contribution to the
States’ commitment to the non-proliferation of nuclear world economy would reach 15.7 trillion US dollars
weapons, and the non-nuclear States’ access to and that the People's Republic of China and North
peaceful nuclear technology. America were expected to become the largest
beneficiaries, totalling 10.7 trillion US dollars.

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Over and above the economic issue, Artificial

In September 2018 the report Frontier Notes: Using Intelligence will militarily change the balance of power
Models to Analyse the Impact of Artificial Intelligence between countries. Proponents of military AI believe it
on the World Economy, published by the McKinsey will subvert the form and style of warfare. Armoured
Global Institute, estimated that Artificial Intelligence or mechanized warfare uses materials to release
would significantly improve overall global productivity. energy, relying on oil and steel, whereas computerised
Excluding the impact of competition and warfare uses networks to gather energy, relying on
transformation cost factors, Artificial Intelligence information, links and connections. According to
could contribute an additional 13 trillion US dollars to current expectations, once warfare enters the AI era, it
global GDP growth by 2030, with an average annual will be a confrontation of robots and automation,
GDP growth of around 1.2 per cent. controlled by the aforementioned AI.

This is comparable to or greater than the It can be expected that, under AI conditions, elements
transformative impact of many other technologies of warfare such as combatants, battle concepts and
throughout history, such as steam engine in the 19th winning mechanisms will change completely. In a
century, industrial production in the 20th century, traditional war, even if there is a gap in terms of
and information technology in the current century. weapons and training levels between the opposing
The report also pointed out that countries and regions sides, the disadvantaged side can anyway fight with
(mainly developed economies) with leading positions in favourable times and places, superior strategies and
Artificial Intelligence can achieve economic growth of advanced tactics. For example, during the wars in Iraq
20 to 25 per cent on current basis, while emerging and Afghanistan, improvised explosive devices (IED)
economies may only record half this rate. caused problems for the US and Soviet armies in the
latter country.
The Artificial Intelligence gap can lead to further
deepening the digital divide. Artificial intelligence can Under the conditions of intelligent warfare, instead,
change the global industrial chain. The new the technological contribution of one side through AI
industrialisation represented by industrial robots and will quickly create an overwhelming advantage on the
smart manufacturing will lure the manufacturing battlefield, thus making it impossible for the weaker
industry back to developed economies, and will impact side to define an effective observation-judgement-
the de-industrialisation of many developing countries decision-action cycle, always remaining in a passive
sooner than expected. Hence opportunities would position.
remain locked in the country that provides “only” the
resource or raw material. In its report Artificial Intelligence Changing the World,
the Brookings Institution put forward the concept of
The development and implementation of Artificial “hyperwar”, i.e. war is a process of race against time
Intelligence require a lot of funding, high-tech content, and usually the side with the fastest decision-making
and can lead to changes in the employment structure, and execution process will prevail. The decision-
making highly repetitive and low-tech jobs gradually making speed of the AI-assisted command and control
disappear. system will far exceed that of the traditional mode of
warfare - combined with the automatic weapon
Moreover, in another McKinsey report from 2017, system that can autonomously decide to launch lethal
based on research into 46 countries, it was predicted weapons - and will greatly accelerate the warfare
that by 2030 as many as 800 million people worldwide process, so that a new expression - “extreme speed
would lose their jobs and be replaced by automated warfare” - will and must be coined to describe this
robots. There will be a massive displacement of jobs mode of warfare.
worldwide similar to that seen in the early 20th
century, when most of the world's jobs moved from Regarding the latter, the article What Happens When
agriculture to industry. At the same time, the Your Bomb-Defusing Robot Becomes a Weapon,
widespread implementation of AI technology will also published by Caroline Lester on the website The
increase the demand for professionals in this field. Atlantic on 26 April 2018, used many analyses to
show that military robots can significantly reduce the
According to the research, there are three types of threat of roadside bombs, with all due respect to Iraqi
countries that are most likely to benefit from the and Afghan patriots.
development of AI technology.
Artificial Intelligence will also lead to revolutionary
The first type consists of countries with first-rate changes in military equipment. Unmanned lethal
advantages in Artificial Intelligence - such as the automatic weapon cluster combat could become the
United States and China - and they are all favoured. protagonist and the main combat method in future
The second type is represented by capital- and
technology-intensive countries with a small Once the aerial drone, the unmanned submarine, the
population or a downward trend, such as Japan, ground robot, the unmanned tank, the war of attrition
South Korea and Singapore, which not only have the and sea tactics are perfected, they will make large-
capital and technical conditions to develop Artificial scale weapon platforms - such as aircraft carriers and
Intelligence, but can also use the AI development to fighter aircrafts - complex and expensive, as the latter
compensate for a lack of total population or a are less advantageous from the viewpoint of warfare
downward trend, as well as an ageing population cost and combat effectiveness.
structure and other disadvantages.
It is as if an F-35 fighter jet, with a single cost of
The third type includes countries with more scientists, hundreds of millions of dollars and with one man on
mathematicians, engineers or States that value and board fighting a group of low-priced armed drones, is
appreciate vocational training related to science, equivalent to shooting mosquitoes.
technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

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What needs to be explained is that there is still great indeed, Artificial Intelligence, which until yesterday
uncertainty about the AI impact on armies: it is not seemed like science fiction, with yesterday's eye
known to what extent and how this impact will projected onto today may seem uchronia, but is
manifest itself. In the discussion held at the objective reality.
Conference Artificial Intelligence and Security of the
7th World Peace Forum at Tsinghua University in July Exchanges between peoples are in line with the
2018, some experts pointed out that although the common interests of all States. In today's world, a new
future development trends of machine learning in step of scientific and technological revolution, as well
industrial robots, material science and other as industrial transformation, proves to be each time a
technologies can be generally studied, the specific profound development. The system of global
impact of the mix of these technologies on future governance is deeply changing and the international
warfare cannot be accurately assessed. model is affected, thus speeding up the process.

In the first thirty years of the 20th century, European The interests of all countries are interwoven and
military powers such as Germany, Great Britain, the destiny is shared. Cooperation and mutually beneficial
Soviet Union, France and Italy developed tank, aircraft, relations - in the case of bilateral relations - are
missile and radio communication technologies. becoming the general trend. Peace, development,
Nevertheless, it was only after Germany had waged cooperation and mutual gain would be the trend of
the Blitzkrieg in World War II that the world the present times, even if not yet achieved due to the
discovered that those new technologies together could needs and demands of the international war industry
bring such unimaginable changes to warfare. Now, (see the case of the Ukraine-Russia war).
regardless of algorithmic warfare or similar tactics, the
heated debate in strategic circles is still to analyse the After all, no one can cope with the various challenges
AI impact on the operations of a single technology. facing mankind alone, and no country can turn
geographically into an island closed in on itself, such
Without a holistic understanding of the military as the United Kingdom which dominated the world in
applications of AI technology, the planned the 19th century, also thanks to its physical
countermeasures could become a costly and configuration, later followed by its former colony,
unnecessary new Maginot Line. namely the United States of America.

Prof. Valori now looks at where the world is heading, Openness brings progress and, conversely, isolation
whether it will be more open or closed, more will inevitably leave those that supports it behind. If a
cooperative or more confrontational country wants to develop and thrive, it must grasp,
follow and adapt to the general trend of world
The global changes at the turn of the two millennia development, otherwise it will inevitably be left behind
and the epidemic of the century are currently by History. The desired project of a new world
intertwined. The world economy is struggling to economic order firmly pursues a strategy for
recover and is facing many complex challenges. liberalising and facilitating trade and high-level
Economic globalisation is facing headwinds. Where is investment policies, and promotes the creation of a
the world heading? Will it be more open or more pattern of contacts and relations linking land, sea,
closed than now? Cooperation or confrontation? overseas, East and West, which are the fundamental
promoters of a common global open-minded approach.
This is the reason why it is necessary to continuously
emphasise the need for building an open world They are the pivots of a stable source of strength and
economy. There must be no restraints or reversals of power for global economic growth, regulated by the jus
the trend. We need to be on the right side of history, gentium.
expanding relentlessly by fully opening up to every
innovation we can control, such as, hopefully, Building an open world economy is an unavoidable
Artificial Intelligence - inter alia - about which we will prerequisite to advance and adhere to the common
speak later in connection with a new economic world values of all mankind. Countries have different
order. We need to build a community with a shared histories, cultures, systems and levels of development,
future for the whole of mankind. but the people of each State pursue the common
values of peace, development, equity, justice,
The planet is circumscribed: there are no more terrae democracy and freedom for all mankind: gens una
nullius - in the broadest sense - to be conquered, or sumus. The common value of all mankind embodies
peoples “to be educated” through the bogus, consensus on the respect for the values of each
mystifying and hypocritical “white man's burden” or different human civilisation. It represents mankind's
various divining “manifest destinies” to be imposed on common quest for a better future and is also an
others with smart bombs or humanitarian wars. important symbol of human progress.

Building an open world economy is an inevitable The fact of building an open world economy, of
choice in line with the historical trend of equal fostering economic globalisation in a more open,
development, or rather with the elimination of colonial, inclusive, balanced and win-win way for everybody, of
neo-colonial and imperialist remnants. Equal pursuing cooperation instead of war and/or political
economic globalisation is the only way for the confrontation, of embracing openness instead of
development of human society. Economic narrow-mindedness, of pursuing mutual benefit and
globalisation is historically the objective prerequisite avoid a zero-sum game means to consciously promote
for the development of social productive forces, and adherence to the common feelings and sentiments of
the inevitable result of scientific and technological all mankind.
progress has given great momentum to world
economic growth. Practice has shown that the peaceful development of
the world is inseparable from mutual openness and
It has favoured the flow of goods and capital, the tolerance. Any unilateralism and extreme self-interest
progress of science and technology and civilisation: are totally unworkable. Engaging in “inner circles”

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must also be fully rejected. The same holds true for Based on these principles, not only will individual
triggering confrontation along outdated ideological people gain momentum for development in the future,
policy lines, which in the past meant oppressing the but the world will benefit even more. To this end, on
weak so that the winner could take it all. The the one hand, it is crucial to establish an overarching
particularism of self-styled economic-political and vision, and to firmly pursue a mutually beneficial
ideologically imposing elites is an increasingly narrow strategy of openness for all. This means going global
blind alley. Believing to be the repository of truth and with a proactive attitude, and insisting on the
wanting to impose one's own model on States, implementation of broader cooperation between States,
countries and nations, as well as peoples, is a moral so that a wider scope and deeper awareness of
and above all a factual crime. openness to the outside world can be reached. Only
by taking action in this world will we be able to
Only with a highly responsible attitude towards the achieve a higher level of participation.
future and the destiny of mankind can we promote the
construction of an open world economy, and practise The system of an open economy will step up the
global governance with broad consultation as a joint construction of a new development model with the
contribution to shared benefits. Support exchanges domestic cycle as the main structure and national and
and mutual learning between different sources of international cycles promoting each other, so as to
knowledge is the right way for the world to grow wider. create new advantages in international economic
This means being on the right side of History and cooperation and free competition.
continuing to promote the construction of new
economic and political world orders. On the other hand, we need to promote the
construction of a new type of international relations,
Mankind is currently emerging from a particular to adhere to the correct concept of justice and
historical period. The Covid-19 epidemic has fully interests in international trade, and to oppose all
affected the planet and we have sustained global forms of protectionism, hegemonism and Cold War
changes not seen for more than a century, as a mentality. Not only does this encourage countries to
reminder of the Spanish flu pandemic. The global make full use of their comparative advantages and
industrial and supply chains have been affected. jointly optimise the allocation of global economic
There have often been cases of unilateralism, resources, but it also fosters the construction of a
protectionism and interstate bullying, i.e. risks and global value chain for shared benefits that can
uncertainties in the international community. The promote a global market for the benefit of all parties.
world, however, has not returned to a state of total This means creating a free multilateral and non-
mutual closure and separation. Open cooperation is discriminatory trading system for the benefit of global
still maintaining itself as a historical trend and the economic stability, post-Covid recovery and
possibilities of common benefits for all are still what sustainable development.
people, namely citizens, want and desire.

China and the new Middle East

Author: Dr Murad Ali. Published in the The News International in May 2023
Due to its growing role in the Middle East, China is It must be emphasized that rivalry between Saudi and
emerging as “an economic heavyweight…a diplomatic Iran, where the former is the largest oil producer in
lightweight and…a military featherweight” in the OPEC, and the latter is also a major player, is a
region (RAND Corporation). decades-long tussle to gain predominance in the
Middle East. This battle for regional supremacy has
There is no doubt about the conclusions asserted in been shaped by multiple factors comprising the clash
one of the 2016 studies of the American think tank, of their respective religious identities, political
although Beijing still has minimal security or military ideologies, and core national interests. In this rivalry,
role in the region as compared with that of the US; its oil is an integral part and due to this international
diplomatic position has certainly magnified than how powers find it hard to stay away from the region.
it was in the past. The international community was
certainly taken aback by how China silently but Keeping in view their historical mistrust, the role of
successfully brokered a truce between Saudi Arabia Beijing has been hailed by most countries – sans the
and Iran, two illiberal regimes which are exceptionally US/Israel and the likes – in bringing Riyadh and
oil-rich countries in the volatile Middle East. Tehran to the negotiating table. Commenting about
their conflict, Saudi King Fahd once lamented in 1988:
It is too early to celebrate the deal and be sanguine “I don’t know where it will end…Iran has harmed
about the prospects of this rapprochement for the relations not only with us but also with its neighbors
region and beyond, including its implications for and the whole world…Iran has tried many times to
Pakistan which has friendly ties with both countries. undermine security in the Gulf region, the Arabian
Having said that, it is expected that the mending of Peninsula, and the world. What has Iran gained? Iran
fences between the two countries could bring has gained nothing”. At the same time, he also added:
considerable ease for Pakistani policymakers as they “we cannot change the geographic reality of Iran, and
have consistently struggled to strike a balance while Iran cannot change our geographic reality”.
choosing Riyadh over Tehran.
This is a fact that needs to be realized not only by
The recent opening of the Mand-Pishin ‘border Riyadh and Tehran, but all countries enmeshed in
sustenance market’, the first of the six such initiatives endless boundary and other disputes, including
planned on the border of Balochistan, Pakistan’s Islamabad and New Delhi. Mutual coexistence should
largest province by area and the Iranian province of be the norm. But alas, it is not so in most cases,
Sistan-Baluchestan, the country’s second largest particularly when one party is replete with hubris,
province out of 31 provinces in terms of size after fuelled by material superiority or ideological
Kirman, and many other such economic and trade superiority or both.
initiatives would at least not summon the kingdom’s

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If countries and their leaderships remain mired in international sanctions, Riyadh-Tehran hostility took
historical wrangles and do not want to talk to each a new turn when in January 2016, a furious mob
other at all, it will be a zero-sum-game for all. Those vandalized and scorched the Saudi embassy in Tehran.
nations can truly prosper that are able to get rid of
historical baggage and move ahead. There is no doubt In a tit for tat, Saudi Arabia responded expeditiously,
that both Saudi and Iran used to regard each other ordered its diplomats to leave Tehran and told Iranian
with immense scorn and their hatred for each other diplomats to leave Saudi Arabia within 48 hours. This
was rarely muted. particular episode was the harbinger of another dark
chapter in the increasingly deteriorating Riyadh-
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s current supreme leader Tehran bilateral ties. It was also a reminder of how
(in office since 1989), used to denounce the Saudi Saudi-Iran rifts have metastasised into various
royal family as “sinful idols of arrogance and theatres including Syria, Yemen, Iraq, and elsewhere
colonialism”. In a tit for tat, Crown Prince Mohammed throughout the Middle East and even beyond. The
bin Salman, widely known as MBS, used to always Saudi-Iran hostility has had violent repercussions.
assert that “if you see any problems in the Middle And like several Middle Eastern countries, the
East, you will find Iran”. Hence, given the intensity of economic and geopolitical implications of the
hatred and animosity, the current reconciliation is by competition are deeply felt in Pakistan as well.
no means a modest achievement of not only Beijing,
but also of Riyadh and Tehran to bury the hatchet China definitely deserves kudos for what it has
and move on. accomplished regarding the Middle East in a world
plagued by war after war.
At the same time, it must be remembered that there
have been such episodes of understanding in the past At the same time, what prompted Beijing to intervene
too. For example, from 1998 through 2001, the and quell hostilities at a time when the US and its
leadership in both countries issued statements about allies are bitterly embroiled in the Ukraine theatre?
collaboration that are reminiscent of today’s Well, China imports huge oil from hydrocarbon-rich
friendliness. Prince Nayef bin Saud, the Saudi interior Iran and Saudi Arabia. Iran’s vast oil reserves,
minister, once declared that: “We consider Saudi discovered in 1909 by the British, where the Anglo-
Arabia’s security as Iran’s security and Iran’s security Persian Oil Company (APOC) reaped equally
as our security”. Iran’s ambassador to Saudi Arabia significant dividends, made Iran a weighty oil
went even further by stating that “Iran’s missile producer.
capabilities are at the disposal of the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia”. He added that “our relations with The Shah’s Iran emerged – as Daniel Yergin in his
Saudi Arabia have reached a historical stage where we Pulitzer Prize winner book ‘The New Map: Energy,
are complementing one another”. Climate, and the Clash of Nations’ has described – as
a ‘vital gas station for the British empire and the
However, several ill-fated events later brought an end United States, at least until the 1979 revolution’.
to the Saudi-Iran détente and resulted in renewed and Similarly, three decades later, in 1938 Saudi Arabia
fiercer rivalry. Specifically, the victory of Ahmadinejad followed the same path, rather it surpassed Iran when
in the 2005 presidential election reversed the course American surveyors discovered an inexhaustible
of their bilateral ties. Formerly a mayor of Tehran and supply of oil in Saudi deserts.
a veteran of the Revolutionary Guard, he renewed his
pledge to return Iran to its revolutionary course and Here, another major player entered the world of oil
assert itself as “the preeminent power of the region”. when the Saudis announced the arrival of the Arabia
American Oil Company (Aramco); by 1949 it was
Hence, old mutual suspicions and mistrust based on producing over half a million barrels of crude per day.
the fundamental incompatibility of the two For China, both Saudi Arabia and Iran are vital
governments and two systems, “one powered with sources of its oil needs today. Called the ‘world’s
revolutionary zeal and the other the status quo – one factory’, China is the world’s largest trading nation
Shia, the other Sunni” were reinvigorated once again. and importing approximately 38 billion kilograms of
Tehran’s interventions in Lebanon, the fall of Saddam oil from all Middle Eastern sources in 2000 to roughly
in 2003 and the subsequent Sunni-Shia civil war once 187 billion kilograms in 2017.
again brought the two countries on a collision path.
The Middle East has been a source of 50 per cent of
In another theatre, the Houthi advances in Yemen China’s total oil imports since 2000. Keeping in view
started ringing an alarm bell in Riyadh. As Saudi its current growth and future demands, it is projected
Arabia shares an eleven-hundred-mile porous border that by 2040, about 80 per cent of the oil China
with Yemen, the rise of the Houthis was a big gain for utilizes will come from abroad, the Middle East being
Iran. One deputy of Ayatollah Khamenei declared that a pivotal region to cater to China’s energy demands.
the capture of Sanaa was “a victory” for Tehran,
jubilantly adding that Tehran now controlled four Given this, China has significant economic interests
Arab capitals: Baghdad, Beirut, Damascus and Sanaa. in the Middle East. However, it is not a one-way traffic.
Saudi really felt threatened because Riyadh realized Like several other regional markets where China is the
that an Iranian encirclement would be an undeniable largest trader, Beijing is also a key exporter of
reality, something which must have given sleepless manufactured goods to Middle Eastern markets. It is
nights to the monarchy, resulting in the ill-fated because of Beijing’s tremendous manufacturing
Yemen war. prowess that President Obama in his autobiography ‘A
Promised Land’ asserts that “Americans bought cars
The implementation of Iran’s nuclear deal in January from Germany, electronics from South Korea, and
2016, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of practically everything else from China”.
Action (JCPOA) which led to the easing of US, EU and
UN sanctions, further confounded the security To some extent, the same is the case with Middle
dilemma of the Saudi Kingdom and its allies in the Eastern bazaars. The region buys all types of
Gulf region. Two weeks before the lifting of manufactured goods from China – from factory

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machinery and electronic equipment to clothing and MBS also expressed his desire to integrate the
shoes. Not to forget here are ‘Made in China’ prayer kingdom’s Vision 2030 with China’s own overseas
caps, prayer mats, prayer beads and other various initiatives. The then Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi
commodities that visitors bring from Saudi Arabia reciprocated, asserting that “China and Saudi Arabia
when they visit the kingdom for Hajj or Umrah. have achieved fruitful results in practical cooperation
as the two countries seek greater complementarity
Over the last decade and a half, the region has between the Belt and Road Initiative and the Vision
imported more from China than from the US. Like 2030 of Saudi Arabia”.
many other regions, trade growth between China and
the Middle East since the mid-1990s has been With or without the BRI, China has emerged as a
consistently spectacular. Between 1993 and 2016, global heavyweight when it comes to financing and
China’s exports to the Middle East grew from about $3 executing mega infrastructure projects, particularly in
billion to $124 billion. The region’s share of global the construction sector. For instance, research shows
Chinese exports has doubled since 1993, and now that “in 2017, seven of the ten largest construction
accounts for six per cent of China’s total. firms, by revenue, were Chinese”. Similarly, as per
another study, China has surpassed other nations as
While all this was prior to 2016, following the launch it has gained unrivalled capacity to implement mega
of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the Middle East construction projects at home and abroad. It is
has been on President Xi’s radar as the BRI situates because of this unmatched potential that among the
Iran, along with Turkey, Egypt, and Israel, as transit 20 largest construction contractors, 14 are Chinese,
nodes in the grand web of infrastructure projects while six are from the EU and there are none from the
intended to connect continental Eurasia from east to US.
west. In Saudi Arabia too, Chinese companies have
established and continue to operate several transport Given the dominant role that China now plays in
facilities, including those utilized by millions of global transportation infrastructure, Riyadh’s
Muslim pilgrims visiting the kingdom for the annual prospects for achieving the much-vaunted Vision
Hajj. 2030 dream of becoming a logistics hub in the region
will also depend, to a considerable extent, on how the
All of this means more Chinese investment, more Kingdom allures Chinese actors. While China is
Chinese workers, and greater Chinese stakes in the already active in this sector in the region, as of 2016,
region. Some estimates suggest that by the end of more than 160 Chinese companies were operating in
2014, there were over 160,000 Chinese contractors the Kingdom. In 2018, Chinese firms won 13 per cent
based in North Africa and the Middle East. This of contracts across the Middle East region, including
number will certainly swell once BRI projects are fully work on five major energy projects in Saudi Arabia.
operational in the region.
In sum, Beijing is in many ways an ideal partner for
During his 2019 visit to China, signalling that Riyadh the Saudis as well as the Iranians, who like many in
was eager to promote partnerships beyond the US and Pakistan have been full of praises for the ‘China
Europe, Prince Muhammad bin Salman was given a model’ as a means to achieve economic reforms even
warm reception in Beijing. During the visit, he at the cost of political liberalization. However, while
announced a slew of agreements worth $28 billion, the US has certainly receded, focusing more on the
including a $10 billion plan for Saudi Aramco to Indo-Pacific theatre and the Ukraine war, it still has
partner with two Chinese companies to build a new substantial security (and economic) interests in the
refining and petrochemical complex in the Chinese region and will never like the idea of playing second
coastal city of Panjin in the central Liaoning province, fiddle to the Chinese in the region dominated
situated on the northern shore of the Liaodong Bay. primarily by the US since WWII.

Is there light at the end of the tunnel?

Author: Tabish Gauhar. Published in the The News International in July 2023
The man on the street is least concerned with the inflation, and the small and large industries that drive
technical reasons behind the recent back-breaking economic growth and create jobs.
increases in electricity and petrol prices that have
sharply eroded their monthly disposable income. By comparison, the much-richer Europeans were
shielded from last year’s energy price shock (due to
It is also Human Nature 101 that we instinctively seek Russia’s invasion of Ukraine) with almost $650bn of
simplistic answers and solutions that inadvertently subsidies, while much-poorer Pakistanis could not be
create false narratives and allow actual factors off the because we had to restore the IMF bailout package
hook without explanation. But to sustainably fix a and did not have the same financial wherewithal. In
structural problem, one must first diagnose its root any case, subsidies are neither the right answer nor a
causes before offering tailored remedies that may work sustainable structural solution to Pakistan’s energy
within the peculiar ecosystem in which it exists. problem.

On a purchasing power parity basis, it is perhaps safe Contrary to popular belief, electricity theft and bill
to say that the current energy prices in Pakistan are defaults are not the primary causes of power tariff
unsustainable for its residential, commercial, and increase. In fact, the regulated tariff determinations
industrial customers. It is a standard economic now assume an almost barebone ‘line losses’
textbook theory that the true cost of service should be allowance and a 100 per cent bill recovery ratio. Of
recovered from ratepayers, other than the most course, the actual aggregate technical & commercial
vulnerable segments that may remain subsidized via losses are higher in at least half of our distribution
targeted social security programs such as companies, but those incremental losses are not
BISP/Ehsaas. There is no (or very little) money in our necessarily or formulaically passed through to the end
federal budget to provide across-the-board relief to consumers.
average middle-class folks bearing the brunt of

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Nonetheless, the last-mile distribution sector will suffers in the do-nothing scenario, and that we can
continue to financially bleed and provide apply the lessons learnt from Pakistan’s relatively
unsatisfactory service without a customer-centric successful experience of liberalizing the
mindset that is impossible for state-owned natural telecommunication and banking industry.
monopolies to evolve. Their managements and boards
must be handed over to the private sector in an open What to do with legacy power purchase agreements?
and transparent process, alongside an equitable The chief culprit behind the increase in electricity
sharing of liability between the federation and rates is the host of legacy power purchase agreements
provinces per the spirit of 18th Amendment and that successive governments signed with foreign and
recent NFC Awards. domestic investors to set up independent power
projects in Pakistan.
Privatization, in any shape or form, without
competition, would however be a big policy mistake All these IPP deals are on ‘take or pay’ basis, providing
and a recipe for disaster. Since DISCOs have already almost guaranteed and very healthy returns under
lost exclusivity in their franchise zones, the wheeling sovereign cover, with dollar indexation, and several
(tolling) regime needs to be operationalized so that the other financial and contractual incentives.
bulk power customers can freely choose their electron
supplier. In a controlled manner, the market should It is easy, with 20/20 hindsight, to question the
be further liberalized to allow all consumers (including wisdom of policymakers to bind the country into long-
residential) the option to also choose their service term commitments on such unsustainable terms and
providers. To achieve this milestone, implementation conditions. It is, however, also true that no electricity
of the wholesale commodity market (CTBCM) needs to is worse than expensive electricity, and that we should
progress at God’s speed. be thankful for at least having the generation
infrastructure in place even if it is more than our
In a deregulated, multi-seller and multi-buyer model, actual needs today.
the biggest beneficiary will be the consumer who only
cares about affordable tariff and uninterrupted supply Notwithstanding the strong correlation between
of service that the prevailing system is unable to economic growth and electricity consumption,
provide. The biggest losers will be those DISCOs Pakistan’s economy can simply ill afford to pay Rs40-
whose prime customers will switch to cheaper and 50 for each unit of electricity produced by the
more reliable suppliers of electrons on the same wires. imported coal and LNG-based power plants. A primary
Unless they too are free to source their own supplies driver of the Rs2,500bn circular debt choking the
(that is: not forced to buy expensive power from the power sector is the fixed capacity charges that have
national pool) and set their own non-regulated tariffs now reached almost Rs2,000bn per year. With more
to effectively compete on a level playing field. than 20,000 MWs of additional ‘committed’ projects in
the pipeline at various stages of construction and
It is, however, the state’s responsibility to provide development, this continually rising must-pay cost
energy, as an essential service, to all people regardless cannot simply be ‘passed through’ to consumers in
of their profile and creditworthiness. Therefore, a the name of economic orthodoxy.
‘social cost’ will necessarily be imposed on the DISCOs
(even if they are privatized) that ultimately must be In fact, increasing rates depress overall electricity
funded by the federal and/or provincial exchequer to demand resulting in a higher per unit tariff for all.
provide societal justice without compromising the Customers are also forced to conserve (not necessarily
business case. a bad thing on its own), and incentivized to steal,
default or switch to captive sources of supply, while
In an ideal scenario, the most efficiently run the system’s fixed charges keep rising. Peel the onion
distribution companies should be allowed to charge a and you will find this happening at all levels, making
relatively low power tariff to their consumers without the entire sector unviable.
cross subsidizing their fellow countrymen in the loss-
making DISCOs as is currently the case. This, of As a general principle, reopening signed and sealed
course, is easier said than done as it will open a can contracts -- voluntarily or otherwise -- is a double-
of worms in other spheres (such as gas, water, and edged sword that damages long-term investor
agriculture) and require a lot of political will to do confidence or exposes the country to international
away with the ‘uniform’ nationwide electricity tariff arbitration. The sanctity of contracts should be
policy in vogue. But a differentiated, performance- maintained even though our economy continues to
based tariff regime would incentivize healthy pay a heavy price to arguably make those deals
competition among various distribution franchises in ‘bankable’ at the outset. Nonetheless, we need to
the long run. reprofile the front-loaded debt of the newer IPPs to
provide some breathing space to the ratepayers in the
In any case, Islamabad needs to realize that it cannot next 3-5 years.
and should not continue to run these last-mile
operations and cede their management control to the Debt restructuring is a controversial topic in Pakistan,
private sector and local governments. The fear of although it is common all over the world for
letting go, equally pronounced among the politicians financially distressed borrowers and their lenders to
and bureaucracy, may be justified because it is find new common ground when needed. Yes, we will
venturing into unknown territory, but it is mostly end up paying a bit more in absolute terms by
parochial in nature. The ability to provide jobs to stretching the loan tenor but need to provide some
constituents, influence transfers and postings, and tariff relief to consumers in the short-to-medium term
steer development funds for political purposes, is one but only if this is done as part of a holistic reform plan
of the main attractions of maintaining the status quo for the sector.
across the board.
The massive devaluation of the rupee against the US
The top leadership and decision-makers must realize dollar, alongside the major recent jump in
that it is the common consumer that ultimately international fuel prices, has also significantly

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contributed to the overall increase in consumer tariffs IPPs and redeploying the capital to build cheaper wind
in Pakistan. The exchange rate is related to a and solar hybrid plants, and desalination plants along
country’s macroeconomic fundamentals and not much the coastal belt. With the right policy framework and
can be done by the power-sector practitioners to avoid minimal red tape, we could use this money to also
its adverse impact. However, the freezing of the finance private projects across a wide spectrum
USD/PKR rate under the older IPP contracts must including mining of battery raw materials, nature-
have arrested some of the recent tariff increases but based carbon offsets, electric buses, electric rickshaws,
probably not enough to move the needle appreciably. and smart grids.

On the fuel side, we should do whatever it takes to Demand-side management is an uninteresting, yet
convert all existing imported coal power plants to crucial, area that does not receive enough attention
cheaper indigenous Thar lignite as expeditiously, from policy makers. A MW saved is a MW generated.
technically, and logistically as possible via the railway Our building codes and energy efficiency standards for
network. Several feasibility studies and analysis have consumer appliances sold on the market are not best
already been done on this public private partnership in class and must be urgently revised to promote
model to reduce consumer tariff and save foreign conservation and productivity. We employ slab rates
exchange. and peak/non-peak tariffs as financial incentives but
very little has been done to educate the consumer on
A technical reason behind monthly tariff increases is how to reduce their electricity bills beyond just
the so-called violation of merit order dispatch policy replacing incandescent bulbs with LEDs.
which basically means that the least cost generation
principle is not always followed. There are often In the developed markets, various consumer
constraints such as transmission bottlenecks not yet distributed energy resources, such as rooftop solar PV
fixed, or contractual imperatives (must-run coal and home batteries, are now being connected to the
plants, for instance), but mostly it is due to distribution grid in a bi-directional and AI-driven
suboptimal fuel mix and availability caused by late digitized relationship between multiple sellers and
ordering and/or lack of funds. Although governments buyers of electricity. This not only reduces peak load
and power companies are loath to admit it publicly, but also the quantum of investment required to
circular debt chokes liquidity and flow of capital in the upgrade the transmission infrastructure as the energy
system resulting in unavailability of (imported) fuel sector “electrifies” further. The power sector is being
especially during the summer season. decentralized the world over and should also be
decentralized in Pakistan.
And this is also why consumers still experience
unplanned loadshedding from time to time, even when Long addicted to cheaply priced natural gas,
Pakistan’s current installed generation capacity Pakistan’s existing indigenous reserves are projected
exceeds peak demand. Simply put, if we don’t have to fully deplete within the next decade or so. Gas is
enough money to buy petrol, it does not matter how used in our country to cook food, heat homes,
many cars are idly parked in our garage that we are generate electricity, manufacture fertilizer, produce
nonetheless paying for in fixed costs. heat for process industries, and fuel CNG vehicles. Its
allocation among provinces, and various categories of
The cost of renewable energy has come down users, has always been a political and constitutional
appreciably over the past decade, thanks to hot potato.
technological improvements and the Chinese
‘economies of scale’ manufacturing miracle. In most We have also not had a major new discovery for some
instances, their total cost of generation is now less time despite a series of policies rolled out to
than even the ‘marginal’ fuel cost of imported coal, incentivize exploration and production of onshore,
LNG and oil-fired power plants operating in Pakistan. offshore, conventional, and tight, natural gas. Barring
It, therefore, makes economic sense to replace these a stroke of luck, we are likely to enhance our
hydrocarbon-based assets with newer wind and solar dependance on imported liquified (and cross-border
power to reduce overall consumer tariff. piped) natural gas in the coming years, unless we
reduce its demand in the economy.
However, without addressing the legacy fixed costs of
older generation plants, such ribbon-cutting optics We would be able to better manage the gas demand
are not the structural solutions and hard choices the and supply equation if domestic space heating and
sector requires. We need to consider these ‘stranded’ cooking gets electrified to a large extent in urban
costs part of the national debt and a budgetary line areas, or green hydrogen (produced by electrolyzing
item spread over the entire economy. While not a water using renewable energy) replaces it in urea and
solution per se, this accounting treatment would steel production. Likewise, it would help reduce gas
relieve power-sector consumers from bearing the demand if new wind and solar power plants alongside
entire financial load of prior policy actions and grid-connected batteries increasingly replace gas
inactions. turbines, and the LPG footprint is expanded for
commercial and residential heating and cooking.
From gas addiction to green innovation.
To help transition to clean energy, developed countries Suffice it to say that each of these workstreams
(including the USA, EU, and UK) have pledged funding requires a coherent set of enabling policies and
for developing nations in the form of grants, low regulations to allow the private sector to make the
interest loans and private investments. South Africa economics work and play its due role. For instance,
($8.5bn), Indonesia ($20bn), and Vietnam ($15bn) are without effectively curbing the smuggling of LPG (also
the first three beneficiary countries under a Just diesel) across the Iranian border on which an entire
Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) program, while informal ecosystem depends, no related policy would
India and Mexico are next in line. ever work.

One potential use of a similar JETP initiative for Like power, the gas market also needs to be
Pakistan could be the early buyout of idle oil based deregulated and liberalized by removing all

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impediments to the direct exchange of molecules (via import substitution) but without public funding
between sellers and commercial & industrial buyers. support. This can only happen if their investment
The government should just be a ‘matchmaker’ cases allow them to set their own ex-refinery prices,
between foreign suppliers (whether from Azerbaijan or implicitly benchmarked against market competition
Russia) and our domestic fertilizer and export- from importers, traders, and state controlled PSO with
oriented textile companies seeking state subsidies in almost 60 per cent market share (alongside Parco).
the name of regionally competitive energy tariffs. It is
true that from a pure economic standpoint, our value- For a transparent price discovery mechanism in real
add industries should have preferential access to time, mobile app technologies and a petroleum
indigenous natural gas vis-a-vis domestic heating and commodity exchange (like the electricity trading
cooking. platform under implementation phase) should be
employed. Regulatory enforcement agencies would
However, our socio-political ground realities are such also need to keep a close eye on any price
that households will always have priority over local manipulation, collusion, and cartelization attempts. A
gas production. It also makes little sense for the state huge fear of the unknown, exacerbated by a couple of
to import expensive LNG and sell it to residential country-wide fuel shortages and dry outs in the recent
customers at highly subsidized rates. While this has past, prevents policymakers from taking this leap of
been a major driver of the gas sector’s own circular faith in the market. The sooner they get over it, the
debt problem hiding below the radar, PSO’s LNG- better for everyone including the consumers.
related receivables of Rs450bn highlights that serious
disconnect. Since taxes and levies are regressive in nature, and
across-the-board fuel subsidies unsustainable, the
The government must also let the private sector decide government should launch a targeted, fiscally tenable,
whether to set up more LNG import terminals (at their and foolproof relief program for motorcyclists and
own cost and customer risk) by removing all obstacles rickshaws. Another way to lower the price of petrol
to their accessing the common pipeline infrastructure and diesel in Pakistan is to reduce their long-term
or using cryogenic road tankers. Like the power demand by increasing the penetration of electric cars,
DISCOs, our two state-controlled Sui gas distribution buses, rickshaws, and motorcycles. The e-mobility
companies will likely lose some of their best transportation sector is growing rapidly elsewhere due
commercial and industrial customers to cheaper and to falling battery costs, improving technology,
more reliable private suppliers -- unless they too are regulations, subsidies, expanding charging
allowed to source (and sell) their own gas from infrastructure footprint, and more EV manufacturers
wherever (and to whomsoever at whatever price) on a entering the space.
level playing field.
However, this will have to go hand in hand with
But no matter how we slice and dice it, the state will power-sector reforms in Pakistan to reduce the
have to recognize the previous take-or-pay contracts charging cost, improve quality of supply, and
signed with LNG suppliers and terminals as its strengthen the grid infrastructure. The domestic
sovereign liability that may, or may not, be fully automobile industry would also need to step up to
recovered from consumers. Yet again, there are no free locally assemble and manufacture affordable EV
lunches or quick fixes on the table here but spurring vehicles to support electrification of the transportation
overall economic activity with more affordable private space, if an enabling set of policies and incentives are
energy should hopefully compensate for such in place.
‘stranded’ costs in the long run.
In summary, there could well be more than one way to
Energy solution: less, not more, govt skin the energy cat, but daily firefighting and band-
The Russian invasion of Ukraine, and massive aid treatments will not address the sector’s systemic
currency devaluation, are the top two ingredients of issues. Make no mistake about it, structural reforms
the petrol (and diesel) ‘bombs’ thrown on motorists in and turnarounds are long and painful journeys, are
Pakistan recently. not a win-win for all, and require a paradigm shift in
thinking and approach. If we truly believe the
Since most of our crude oil and refined petroleum customer is king, all other considerations and current
products are imported, we remain at the mercy of practices that do not serve their needs ought to be set
international oil commodity markets that no longer aside. The bottom line is that we need less (not more)
swing by OPEC’s actions alone. The government’s only government in the show by restricting its role to
significant lever is the quantum of taxes and levies policymaking and regulatory oversight only.
that it prescribes in the retail consumer prices to meet
its budgetary needs. As a fundamental principle, the state must now stop
offering its sovereign balance sheet to energy suppliers
It also fixes the oil marketing and distribution margins, and instead direct them to sign corporate agreements
and the prime minister personally approves uniform with commercial and industrial customers at non-
country-wide petroleum prices every two weeks. regulated tariffs. A light-touch government footprint
Despite (or because of) this tight regulatory embrace (other than for truly strategic G2G transactions or the
and market intervention, everyone including the local financing of nuclear, dam-based hydro, and cross
refineries, oil marketing companies, retail dealers, as border energy projects) is needed for a more
well as consumers, is unhappy and struggling to sustainable and cost competitive sector.
make ends meet. Although deregulation and price
liberalization will not immediately reduce retail prices Reforms are frustrated by deeply entrenched vested
of petrol and diesel in Pakistan, the sector needs these interest groups who want to continue extracting rent
reforms to incentivize long-term investment and from the same broken system. It is a collective failure,
planning. and lack of will and imagination, that we are still
following the 1990s investment model.
For example, Pakistan’s five domestic refineries must
be upgraded and modernized to save foreign exchange

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A unified federal ministry of energy, alongside judiciary, media, civil society, among others) to protect
independent regulatory agencies, is a simpler and the public interest.
more effective organizational structure for the
executive. Yes, we need to enhance the institutional Relinquishing control will not be easy for the
and personnel capacity of Nepra and Ogra but that is government, but it is a way forward in the right
part of the evolutionary process. No one is arguing to direction. Finally, it will be tough to turn Pakistan’s
give carte blanche freedom to the private sector to loot energy sector into an island of excellence if it remains
and plunder the public under some misguided laissez- surrounded by a sea of chaos. Macroeconomic and
faire capitalist ideology. Far from it, we have more political stability are, therefore, indispensable allies
than enough checks and balances in our ecosystem and prerequisites of a successful turnaround in the
(executive, bureaucracy, regulators, parliament, coming years.

The Trinity of Taxation in Pakistan

Author: Ausaf Ashraf & Saud Bin Ahsen. Published in the The Daily Times in August 2023
The purpose of the Government is to uphold and uses concepts such as the Stanford Sociologist W.
protect the natural rights of its citizens. So long as the Richard Scott’s trichotomy of Regulative, Normative
Government fulfils this purpose, the laws given by it and Cultural Cognitive pillars and explains how the
are valid and binding but, when it ceases to fulfil them, normative and cultural-cognitive approaches may be
then the laws would have no validity and the used for nudging citizens to be more responsive
Government can be thrown out of power. In Locke’s taxpayers.
view, unlimited sovereignty is contrary to natural law.
The government derives its authority to collect taxes Starting with Culture is that complex whole that
from the constitution which is the ‘grundnorm’. includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom,
According to Hans Kelsun, the grundnorm is a part of and any other capabilities and habits acquired by
a normative theory of law and the constitution is the man as a member of society. More aptly, culture in
highest form of normative structure. each society and organization is mobile, and is derived
from a complex relationship between everyone in
In taxation, this normative structure provides the society and organization; it includes what those
social contract between the people and the individuals “think” (i.e., ideas, knowledge etc.) and
government. People reside their trust in the “do” (i.e. their behaviours and habits) as a member of
government by electing the public representative and a society or organization.
giving them authority to levy taxes and the
government is bound to spend the revenue so The term “culture of taxation” is not used frequently
collected on the social and economic well-being of the in social science literature. A country-specific tax
people. culture is the entirety of all relevant formal and
informal institutions connected with the national tax
As Pakistan is facing the challenge of low tax system and its practical execution, which are
collection, a detailed gap analysis was completed by historically embedded within the country’s culture.
the World Bank, which indicates that Pakistan’s tax The tax culture is the relationship between taxpayers
revenue potential would reach 26 per cent of GDP if and tax collectors in a tax system. The values and
tax compliance were raised to 75 per cent, which is a attitudes of people in a society or an organization,
realistic level of compliance for lower-middle-income both positive and negative, toward the tax system are
countries (LMICs). This means that the country’s tax part of the culture of taxation.
authorities are currently capturing only half of this
revenue potential. From the tax collector’s side, the cultural issue is
about the use of discretion. How do tax collectors use
However, recent studies have indicated that tax their authority to deal with a taxpayer? If tax
collection could be enhanced by improving tax culture collectors feel that they have more power than
and removing the trust deficit between taxpayers and taxpayers, the posture of tax collectors is likely to
tax collectors through positive changes in their dominate the taxpayer. The behaviour of the actors in
mindsets. Therefore, the challenge for Pakistan is to a tax system is important.
transform its tax culture which is shaped by
interaction among the trinity of taxation i.e. the tax The behaviour of taxpayers is about their decisions
policy givers, tax collectors, and taxpayers. regarding tax compliance, tax avoidance, and tax
evasion. The decision to comply with the tax law
The literature on taxation in Pakistan brings forth two depends on the cost-benefit ratio in terms of the value
sets of terms seeking to explain our lackluster tax of the tax evaded amount and the tax with penalties if
performance i.e. terms related to tax policy and tax caught. The tax and penalties are payable only if there
governance e.g. distortionary exemptions, concessions, is a high probability of being caught. The higher the
weak enforcement, low compliance by taxpayers, probability of detection the more is compliance as the
reliance on indirect taxes and issues in improving tax tax and penalty amount is higher than the original tax.
administration. The second set of terms emanating
from literature on public finance treats tax governance Tax Morale is also an essential part of tax culture. Tax
as a science and identifies its various characteristics morale is the intrinsic motivation of individuals to pay
such as buoyancy of the tax system, tax elasticity and taxes which is determined by several factors. Trust in
tax yield as explanatory variables. government institutions plays a significant role in tax
morale and emanates from a perception of fairness.
Now, we will explore the origins of these terms and Once people perceive the tax system and tax
the phenomenon associated with them in the authorities as fair, they will have more trust in those
mindset of the tax collector, tax policy giver and authorities and vice versa. Thus, the degree of tax
taxpayer and then develop a collective picture to show compliance might rely on how people consider
how the respective mindsets about these three sets of themselves and interpret their situation relative to
actors, through their mutual interaction, constitute a others and they might not pay taxes if they perceive
tax culture which is unhealthy. This op-ed series also unfairness. Tax Policy Maker: Tax law and policy

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affect taxpayers’ behaviour, especially when the tax friendly mindset setting the tax machinery at the
system is complex. The complexity of the tax system is operational level usually complains about
the sum of compliance costs and administrative costs. unrealistic and unevenly distributed text collection
Several studies find that high compliance costs are targets. The collection targets are assigned not
responsible for large informal sectors in developing giving due consideration to the ground realities and
countries. A good tax system needs to be least the potential of the area or a group of taxpayers.
distortionary, have ease of collection, not discriminate, The follow-up of the text collection targets by the
and be politically acceptable but Pakistan’s tax policy senior management is made minutely and on a
is not based on these well-known and clear principles. day-to-day basis which forces the field officers to
Ad-hoc tax revenue-enhancing measures through adopt every means to achieve the tax collection
SROs and mini-budgets have developed a complex tax targets ignoring the genuine grievances and
system that confounds principles of rational tax policy. problems of the taxpayers.
 Multiple fora and excessive litigation: The taxpayer
Exploring the tax collector mind set in Pakistan: has the choice to avail of any available forums
The tax collector in Pakistan generally thinks that the which include regular appeal, revision, ADRC,
taxpayers in general are tax evaders and do not want Federal Tax Ombudsman, and writ petition before
to discharge their tax obligations voluntarily. In order the Honourable High Court. Excessive litigation
to make them pay their due taxes under the law they and delays in decisions by the courts in tax cases
need to be regulated and tax laws need to be enforced are also among the factors that shape the mindset
strictly. This perception has evolved over time. With a of a tax collector. Hard-working and honest text
strong colonial legacy of bureaucratic behaviour, there collectors are discouraged. They lose their
is a disconnect between the tax collector and the motivation to positively and systematically conduct
taxpayer in terms of trust and cooperation to work for the tax audits of the defaulters. The higher courts
the common good of society. There are many reasons are liberal in granting stays even without taking
that can be traced to understand the level of distrust into account the departmental viewpoint. Judicial
and clash of divergent mindsets like the Colonial activism has contributed to developing distortion in
legacy. the smooth and speedy realization of due taxes.
 Weak internal accountability: Internal
The British rulers created an administrative system accountability and check and balance an integral
with the motive of strengthening their rule. After components of an organization guaranteeing its
independence, the colonial system of laws and transparency and efficiency. A strong internal audit
administration was adopted with little changes. The system also brings a balance to the working of the
bureaucracy joining the service in the newly officers. It ensures the quality in the delivery of
established country continued with its colonial service and sustainability of the organization in the
mindset. Largely the mindset of being the servants to medium to long run. An efficient internal audit
the public could not be inculcated. The tax-collecting system safeguards the taxpayers from excesses
machinery was also not an exception. The behaviour and non-professional treatment. Unfortunately, the
with the public continued to be of the master instead internal audit and accountability system of the
of being a public servant. No concept of facilitation in Federal Board of revenue is not so efficient, robust,
a true sense could ever be embedded in the overall and unbiased. The least favourite officers are
approach of the tax bureaucracy as well. The tax posted in internal audits. Therefore, the week
collector in traditional society places less emphasis on internal audit system has been instrumental in
guiding and facilitating the taxpayer and instead developing a mindset of the tax collectors to act
prefers to impose enforcement measures and create a according to their whims instead of following the
nuisance. They do not communicate with each other laws and rules in letter and spirit. In addition to
in a friendly manner. The tax collector does not want this, the ill-planned and non-integrated IT system
to go to the grassroots level and interacts with his of FBR has paved the way for tax collectors to avoid
client who is contributing to the national exchequer. due control and accountability.
This mindset is counter-productive to the healthy tax  Misuse of Tax Money: The taxpayers have a feeling
culture as the policy formulation and implementation of mistrust and obscurity against the government
are done without contextualizing the local and as to the fact that the funds generated out of their
cultural dynamics. taxes are not properly used rather, they are
mishandled. In this background, many taxpayers
Other reasons include a lack of professional capacity don’t feel the moral obligation to fulfil their part of
and proper training, Unrealistic collection targets, the social contract between the state and its
Multiple fora and excessive litigation, Weak internal citizens as long as the state doesn’t fulfil its duties
accountability, and Misuse of Tax Money. toward the general public.

 Lack of professional capacity and proper training: Focusing on the taxpayer’s mindset in Pakistan.
Ever since the reform efforts have been launched Following human nature and economic rationale, no
by successive governments the focus on improving one wants to part with his hard-earned money even in
and enhancing the professional capacity of the tax the shape of tax being a contribution to enjoy a
collectors was missing. There has never been a civilized society. Smart taxpayers avoid taxes by
well-thought-out and concrete human resource staying within the legal framework whereas
development strategy building the professional scrupulous ones would opt for tax evasion which is
capacity of the text collectors in a systematic liable to legal action.
manner. Isolated training programs with subjective
selections have been launched but there has never The taxpayer’s mindset develops in response to
been a comprehensive well-planned training and government legislation and tax policies. In our culture,
capacity-building strategy keeping in view the ever- the taxpayer believes that Pakistan inherited tax laws
changing requirements of a modern revenue from the colonial era the focus of which was to extract
agency. the maximum without any consideration for economic
 Unrealistic collection targets: Besides other growth and social welfare. Even today our economy is
obstacles in the way to developing a taxpayer- dependent on foreign loans for running day-to-day

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state business and these loans have attached collection from that of the optimum level. The
conditionalities that are not business-friendly. The problem needs to be tackled in a well-defined
policy interventions by the government under the conceptual framework. Following W. Richard Scot’s
direction of donors like the International Monetary institutional theory of Regulative, Normative and
Fund (IMF) are considered an erosion of state Cultural-Cognitive approaches policy actions can
authority. be proposed and categorized within the three
conceptual streams.
Moreover, it is believed that the governments are not  Policy actions: The exemptions and concessions
representatives who legislate under the dictation of should be rationalized and restricted to the extent
the foreign lending agencies and the pressure groups of general public welfare and the promotion of
within the country an example of such legislation is economic activity. To improve the trust of the
the Income Tax Ordinance 2001, which was drafted by masses in general and the taxpayers in particular
an Australian and went through 322 amendments the exemptions allowed to accommodate the elites
before the date of its enforcement as it conflicted with of the society should be withdrawn. The distortions
earlier legislation and the administrative framework of in the tax laws like presumptive tax regime and
the Income Tax department. Other reasons are also block taxation should be removed without yielding
taken into consideration below. to any pressure group or lobby to avoid the
complication of tax laws, increase revenue and
 Penalty/ Prosecution against tax defaulters: In our provide a level playing field for all taxpayers.
culture seeing is believing. The compliance by the Alternate Dispute Resolution Committees should
taxpayers improves if there is a probability of being be decentralized at the regional level to make it an
caught and a certainty of penalty. When tax effective forum to resolve the issues of the
defaulters are let off scot-free due to the legal and taxpayers involving factual controversies to create
administrative weaknesses then other persons also confidence in the taxpayer in the tax system and
feel encouraged to follow suit which promotes the promote a healthy culture. A full-fledged
culture of tax evasion. The compliant taxpayers prosecution department manned with experienced
lose trust in the system feel demoralized and lawyers is proposed on the pattern of the Advocate
consequently avoid paying their due taxes. General’s office to defend the tax appeals efficiently
 Non-user-friendly Information technology: and expeditiously. It is also proposed that the
Automation and IT intervention have been number of forums should be reduced to three i.e.
introduced to facilitate the taxpayers and are Commissioner Appeals, Federal Tax Courts and the
appreciated by the taxpayer however the IT Apex Court. The departmental officers should not
interventions are not user-friendly and operate in be posted in any appellate forum. The first forum
silos. The semi-literate population is not inclined to may take up appeals about factual issues and
use this software with ease and comfort. Delayed small cases. The tax court should have jurisdiction
Refunds: The taxpayers have a persistent issue of to accept appeals with legal issues and cases of
delayed refunds due to the confiscatory medium to large taxpayers. There should be a time
withholding regime. The compliant taxpayer has no limit for all forums to decide the cases keeping in
option to avoid this tax. The legislature has view the principle of time value of money.
provided a mechanism for a refund of excessive There is no second opinion on the importance of IT for
deductions but the department under pressure to an effective, transparent and robust tax system.
meet budgetary targets delays the refund without Integrated on real real-time basis, user-friendly and
any legal basis. This is another discouraging factor reliable IT systems are the most important factors in
that hinders the taxpayer from fulfilling his tax promoting the trust of the taxpayer in the system
obligations and becoming a compliant taxpayer. saving him from hassle and exploitation and creating
 Tax Litigation: The individual taxpayers and the ease of doing business for compliant taxpayers.
corporate entities earning huge profits usually  Administrative measures: Market-based
adopt the litigation and stay by the courts as a tool compensation package linked with a well-defined
to delay or avoid their due tax liabilities. The tax qualitative and quantitative performance
evaders compare the cost of litigation over the monitoring system and strong internal
period vis a vis their due tax liability and prefer to accountability would be greatly helpful in
go for the legal shield instead of depositing their modifying the mindset of the tax collector freeing
taxes. This practice by many taxpayers encourages him from the compulsions of sustenance and
the culture of preferring litigation instead of helping to change his attitude towards the taxpayer.
discharging the text liability as a responsible South Asian culture believes in heroic traditions.
citizen. The lawyer community is the impetus of The person known for his good deeds is respected
this culture. In the backdrop of the above analysis, and treated as distinguished. Using the tradition of
it can safely be concluded that there is a distrust the region public acknowledgement and
among the three stakeholders of the tax culture i.e., appreciation of highest paying taxpayers would
tax policymaker, tax collector, and taxpayer. They also promote the tax culture.
are operating in their spheres with their specific
mindsets which has led to a lack of mutual trust
among the three stakeholders resulting in low tax

Reviewing Pakistan’s climate action

Author: Shafqat Kakakhel. Published in the The Daily Times on May 11, 2023
It is gratifying to see that the National Security attempts to present a broad- brushed tour d’ horizon
Dialogue, which has emerged as an important of Pakistan’s climate change agenda.
national security forum, will address the existential
threat of climate change at its third session. Led by The robustness of a country’s climate action is
Federal Climate Change Minister Sherry Rehman, a predicated on five essential prerequisites, noted below:
panel of eminent Pakistani and foreign experts will
discuss various aspects of the global climate crisis One, a political commitment by the national
and its ramifications for Pakistan. This article leadership to support the efforts of the international

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community to address the looming climate emergency initiatives concerning mitigation, adaptation and
and reinforce the resilience of the key economic capacity development. In 2013, the Ministry of
sectors, the citizens, and ecosystems to adapt to the Climate Change crafted a ‘Framework for the
adverse impacts of an increasingly volatile climate Implementation of the NCCP’ which prioritized the
through policies implemented in collaboration with all implementation of water and energy initiatives.
stakeholders. Follow-up on the policies has been insufficient. The
most notable climate projects are those developed
Two, active participation in regional and global and funded by the World Bank and the Asian
discourses for forging consensus on the climate Development Bank. Pakistan has also developed
change challenges and responses. several sectoral policies related to climate change
imperatives, namely the National Water Policy
Three, development and implementation of policies (2018), the Alternative and Renewable Energy
and plans of action for contributing to the realization Development Policy (2020), and the National
of the global agenda as well as adaptation to the Electric Vehicles Policy (2020). The National Water
impacts of climate change on the national economy, Policy includes a dozen or so major initiatives for
human security, and ecology. integrated water resource management. The
Energy Policy aims at producing 8000 MW of
Four, climate change governance comprising electricity from renewable sources by 2025 and
institutions operating at national and sub- national 20000 by 2030 representing 20 and 30 per cent of
levels for assessment, policy formulation, and action, the total energy produced in the country. The
as well as periodic review and monitoring of progress Electric Vehicle Policy contains targets and
achieved or missed, resource mobilization; and incentives aimed at capturing 30 per cent of all
passenger vehicles and heavy duty truck sales by
Five, resources (technical, technological, financial and 2030 and 90 per cent by 2040. Pakistan has also
human) mobilized from domestic and external sources submitted its Nationally Determined Contribution
and optimally deployed. to Climate Change (NDC) to the UN CC Secretariat
in 2016 and its revised version in 2021. The
Let’s see how Pakistan fares with regard to the mitigation measures in the NDCs include planting
aforementioned criteria. ten (10) billion trees, a 50 per cent reduction in
projected GHG emissions (subject to international
 High-level political commitment: The National grant finance), and increasing the share of installed
Security Policy of Pakistan (NSP) (2022-2026) capacity through renewable sources such as solar,
refers to Pakistan’s acute vulnerability to climate wind, and biomass to 30 per cent. Together with
change and proclaims the objective of “a climate higher investments in hydropower projects, the
resilient Pakistan that prioritizes climate country’s share of clean energy would reach 60 per
adaptation, sustainable water management and cent by 2030. The NDCs also refer to the increase
disaster management”. It aims to achieve the water, in the country’s protected areas, including national
food, health, and energy security of Pakistan. In parks, a number of nature- based ecosystem
recent years our leaders have attended the annual rejuvenation projects and recharging groundwater
climate change summits convened by the UN aquifers. In July 2022, the government, in close
secretary-general and reiterated Pakistan’s collaboration with the UN system, developed the
commitment to the global climate goals enshrined ‘Living Indus’ programme for ecosystems
in the Paris Agreement and elaborated by the restoration and climate adaptation comprising
annual climate conferences (aka COPs). Their nearly two dozen projects and initiatives aimed at
statements are disseminated at home. Although developing a sustainable, climate resilient Indus
the effects of climate change must be tackled in Basin such as clean energy schemes, sustainable
Pakistan’s coastal regions, cities and rural areas, groundwater governance, eco-tourism, biodiversity
the heads of our provincial governments and conservation, and eradication of plastic pollution.
autonomous regions seldom speak about climate The Living Indus programme will cover all the
change. However, with the support of domestic and provinces and autonomous regions and promote an
external partners the provinces have formulated ecologically vibrant and climate resilient Pakistan.
comprehensive climate change policies. The  Climate change governance (institutional
implementation of those blueprints has been arrangements): In 2017, Pakistan’s parliament
uneven, though. The provincial governments say adopted a National Climate Change Act which
they lack the financial and human capacities to qualifies as the most significant milestone in the
develop and implement climate change related evolution of the country’s climate agenda. The Act
policies. creates a robust institutional architecture for
 Participation in regional and global conferences: addressing all aspects of climate change. The Act
Our leaders’ participation in global climate establishes a National Climate Change Council
meetings has been mentioned earlier. Tragically the (NCCC), chaired by the prime minister or a
main regional cooperation organization, the South minister nominated by him/her.The council is
Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (Saarc) mandated to approve climate related policies and
has become dormant since India scuttled the 16th coordinate their implementation. The Act envisages
Saarc Summit due to be hosted by Pakistan in a National Climate Change Authority (NCCA) to
Islamabad in November 2016.The environment serve as the main mechanism for the entire
ministers who had played an important role in spectrum of climate change policies, plans of
catalyzing regional climate change initiatives have action, projects for external funding etc. It also
also become silent.The South Asia Cooperative provides for a Climate Change Fund for climate-
Environment Programme (SACEP) has been doing related activities.
useful work but lacks political clout.
 Policies and strategies for action at federal and The present government has established the National
provincial levels: The Climate Change Policy of Climate Change Council which has held its first
Pakistan (NCCP) issued in 2012 and its updated meeting chaired by the prime minister. The other
version released in 2022 contain scores of policy provisions of the Act have not been operationalized

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Special readings for CSS 2023 (Special)/ 2024 exam by CSS Exam Desk Team

despite the persistent demands by civil society. The

absence of a robust governance apparatus has The operationalization of the Climate Change Act
impeded climate action. It has also compounded the would not only energize Pakistan’s climate-related
challenges facing the small, poorly resourced, and activities but also enable the MOCC to pay more
overworked Ministry of Climate Change to handle its attention to the follow up of the other MEAs in
exponentially increasing workload thanks to the coordination with the relevant s ministries.
willingness of a number of friendly countries such as
the US, China, the UK, Germany, the Republic of Resources (mobilization and deployment): The MOCC’s
Korea, and Japan to support Pakistan’s climate budget has all along been one of the smallest among
change related plans. There is a pressing need for federal ministries. Over the years, Pakistan has
more proactive climate diplomacy. received funding for around 35 or projects from the
international funding windows such as the Global
The Ministry of Climate Change (MOCC) being the Environment Facility (GEF), the Multilateral Fund
officially designated focal point for climate change established under the Montreal Protocol for the Ozone
represents the country at all major climate change Layer, and more recently the Green Climate Fund
meetings, especially the annual COPs, the Petersburg (GCF) and the Adaptation Fund (AF).
ministerial meeting, the inter-sessional conference
held in June, and the summit convened by the UN Pakistan has been one of the smallest beneficiaries of
secretary general in autumn. The MOCC also serves global climate funding, mainly due to its lack of
as the focal point for all the dozen or so multilateral institutional capacity.
environmental agreements (MEAS) ratified by Pakistan,
including the biodiversity, ozone protection,
desertification and waste and chemicals conventions.

Revisiting National Security Policy 2022-2026

Author: Dr. Ikramul Haq. Published in the Minute Mirror on March 6, 2023
Pakistan, from its inception, was envisioned as an Gender Gap report has ranked us at 145th, right
Islamic welfare state, internationally relevant and above Afghanistan. The report states that Pakistan is
aligned with universal principles of justice, equality, a country where women have the smallest share of
and tolerance. Seeking a peaceful neighborhood based senior, managerial and legislative roles (4.5%), even
on mutual co-existence, regional connectivity, and lower compared to other developing nations like
shared prosperity. Being secure and economically Jamaica, where women represent 56.6% of workers in
resilient, and empowered by diversity of culture and that category, or Togo, which has the highest share of
demographic dividends, ensuring fundamental rights women in senior roles, at 70.1%.
and social justice without discrimination on the basis
of caste, creed, or belief. Promoting good governance The United States Commission on Religious Freedom
through strengthening of institutions, transparency, (USCIRF) in its report [Religious Freedon in Pakistan
accountability, and openness as articles of faith— 2022] claims that Pakistan is a country of 96.3%
National Security Policy of Pakistan 2022-2026 Muslims, a mix of Sunni and Shia (approximately 10-
15% Shia), 0.2% Ahmadi, Hindu and Christian, 1.6%
The National Security Policy of Pakistan 2022-2026 and Sikhs, Buddhists, Baha’is, and Zoroastrians
rightly identifies the key factors that are important for represent 1.0%.
averting potential threats to our existence and for
ensuring Pakistan’s prosperity. However, despite The report specifically highlights growing intolerance
knowing the way forward towards stability and for religious diversity fueled by extremism and existing
security, our rulers—civil and military alike—have problematic Pakistani legislation, citing recent attacks
failed to implement the requisite policies for reaping on religious minorities in the country. The report of
their benefits. The principle of universal justice is the USCIRF reveals that 84 individuals were charged
most important element for any national security under the blasphemy laws in 2021, apart from the
vision. Unfortunately, institutions responsible for incident of mob incited killings, including that of
dispensing justice appear quite indifferent. Since its factory manager Priyantha Kumara, a Sri Lankan
existence, Pakistan’s justice system has been working national. It also mentions the case of Muhammad
against the spirit of universal justice. Consequently, Mushtaq, a mentally challenged man from Khanewal,
we have been placed in the list of countries performing who was accused of burning the holy Quran and was
poorly with reference to abiding by Rule of Law. stoned to death and his body hung from a tree.

Through the Constitution (Eighteenth Amendment) The report further pinpoints incidents of target killing
Act, 2010 [“18th Amendment”], the government’s of a Christian Priest in January 2022, death of two
executive branch was removed from the process of Sikh businessmen brothers and a man professing
appointment and removal of judges to allow Ahmadiyya faith, killed by a seminary student in
independence of judiciary but with unfettered powers Okara District, Punjab. These and many unreported
including self-accountability, this needs episodes not only testify to the poor performance of
reconsideration. Post 18th Amendment analysis of our country’s institutions for maintaining the spirit of
judicial performance shows that some decisions of the equity, but also confirm rising level of religious
courts have caused global embarrassment while those intolerance in the society. Assurance to all citizens of
challenged at international forums have resulted in equality, religious freedom and equal opportunities
huge losses to the national treasury. are prerequisites for stability and prosperity.

For evaluating judicial effectiveness, two important The national security vision of any nation state
aspects among others are quality of judgements envisages peaceful neighbourhood based on the
delivered and inclusion of women in higher judiciary principle of mutual co-existence. However, Pakistan
in accordance with their proportion in the population. remains perpetually in conflict with its neighbours,
We have failed to ensure both. The 2022 Global especially India. Pakistan and India may have political

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Special readings for CSS 2023 (Special)/ 2024 exam by CSS Exam Desk Team

differences but they have never treasured their economic progress. In the past five years, we had six
common heritage in terms of history, culture, finance ministers, with each of them coming up with a
language, music, food, crops, so as to forge peace and different model to run fiscal affairs. Due to these
tranquility in the region. A prudent foreign policy varied approaches the most needed International
requires that both countries should maintain good Monetary Fund (IMF) Extended Fund Facility (EFF)
relations so that they can reduce their massive Programmes could not be completed within the agreed
defence expenses and divert these for the welfare of time frame. Moreover, repeated violations of agreed
their masses. conditions with the lender of last resort have created a
huge trust deficit. Resultantly, they are reluctant to
Pakistan and India have the capability to be good execute staff level agreement after the Ninth Review.
trade partners. Despite sharing many similarities,
both countries are a consistent threat to each other’s Delay in reaching an agreement with IMF is increasing
existence and are not ready to initiate dialogue to our economic difficulties. Our external financing
address their unresolved disputes. Similarly, Iran’s needs have reached alarming levels as for the ongoing
relations with Pakistan are not ideal either. Iran’s year we have to pay US$20.49 billion, whereas for
government believes that Pakistan is responsible for next four years, estimated payments are on an
its security related issues. average US$25.23 billion per year. These numbers are
exclusive of the additional impact that can arise due
Pakistan is a host to around three million Afghan to current account deficit as mentioned by the IMF in
refugees and supports Taliban government in its reports.
Afghanistan against opposition from the West. Despite
sharing borders, culture and religion, Pakistan and Pakistan’s average annual gross financing
Afghanistan hold opposing views on many issues. requirement in next four years will be around
While Afghanistan blames Pakistan for toeing US$37.5 billion. However, our current foreign
America’s hostile policies towards it in the past, exchange level shows that external debt servicing
Pakistan considers that Taliban-supported banned becoming due in one month is US$2.7 billion and
Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) is responsible for between 1 to 3 months it will rise to US$3.8 billion.
terrorist incidents within its borders [see also, A The country has very low levels of foreign reserves.
lesson from the Taliban]. Furthermore, delay in signing the IMF programme will
push us into more problems. Without resumption of
The China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is the programme, it would be an uphill task to seek any
aimed at promoting and strengthening regional bilateral or multilateral monetary help to save
connectivity. This initiative is considered as game Pakistan from rescheduling external loans.
changing for Pakistan and the entire region. However,
we have failed to maximise gains from the second Our political leaders, beyond party affiliations, should
phase of CPEC—though the first one was completed realize that merely writing wish lists in the national
during Pakistan Muslim League’s (Nawaz) tenure security policy and acting contrary to them will not
(2013-18). bring us any good. The current political and economic
affairs are posing real threat to our national security.
The pace of completion of the second phase of CPEC We must devise a strategy for the implementation of
based on promoting industrial cooperation, trade, our national security vision contained in National
agriculture and socio-economic development, slowed Security Policy of Pakistan 2022-2026, starting with
down during the coalition government of Pakistan judicial reforms, followed by formulating a prudent
Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) as it could not get proper and pragmatic foreign policy.
attention of our authorities. Despite taking massive
loans and making economic/industrial zones,
Pakistan failed to set up new industries vital for GDP
growth and for creating employment opportunities. As
a result, in the last four years, we have failed to
improve our GDP growth. This has led us to a position
where gigantic debt repayments, coupled with
insufficient revenue generation capacity, pose grave
national security risk. Due to our casual attitude
towards CPEC, China is not happy with us either.

Another important factor for national security is

economic prosperity that comes with political stability.
However, due to continuous intervention in state
affairs by powerful institutions, we could not frame
prudent and pragmatic policies for streamlining our

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

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