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Cognitive Psychology

What is Cognitive Psychology

Cognitive psychology is the
study of perception, thinking,
reasoning, language, memory,
and decision making.

What are the advantages of

Cognitive Psychology
Cognitive psychology assists us in
better understanding ourselves and
others, learning more effectively,
changing undesirable behaviors, and
controlling some mood disorders. This
research has resulted in the
establishment of new schools and
methods of treating mental disease.

Basic principle of Cgonitive

Cognitive psychology is based on
four fundamental ideas that help
guide the scientific process of
studying how people think and
how those thoughts influence
their behavior. These are the
following principles: perception,
language, memory, and thinking.

Theories of Cognitive
In the area of cognitive therapy, there
are three primary contributing
The rational emotive behavior therapy
(REBT) developed by Albert Ellis
Cognitive therapy (CT) developed by
Aaron Beck
Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT)
developed by Donald Meichenbaum

Examples of Cognitive
Paying attention to something in
the environment, learning
something new, making
judgments, processing language,
feeling and perceiving
environmental cues, solving issues,
and employing memory are all
examples of cognition.

By: Andrea Juárez

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