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Observing wave pattern

Amplitude: a measurement of the wave strength when a thing vibrates or oscilate

To notice that how much power is released from the source you can observe the distance
between the tip of the wave to the line in the middle the longer the distance, more strength
is released from the source,the particles moves intensely. In contrast, the shorter the
distance, the less strength will be release, the practical would move calmly.

frequency: the number of waves that pass a fixed point in unit time.

Higher frequency means that the wave is more deser and low frequency causes the
wave more split up. The more frequency of the wave is released every parcels
moves in a small amplitude. The less frequency of the wave the bigger amplitude
there is in each particles
So from the observation above we can know that the higher the frequency the
smaller the amplitude. The lower the frequency the bigger the amplitude.

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