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Dear Sir,

I would like to report a report on the interview results for the Customer Service Staff location taken on
20th June 2022.

In this round of interviews, we have 3 candidates for this position as follows:

The First candidate:

- Name: Mary Janes
- Experience: fresh graduate in marketing, great communication skill, none experience, eager to learn
new things, good impression.

The second candidate:

- Name: Jack Field
- Experience: 1 year experience, graduate in tourism, great communication skill, great problem – solving
skill, suitable for the position.

The third candidate:

- Name: Charles Johnson
- Experience: Fresh graduate in business, great communicaton skill but lack of problem – solving skill,
none experience.

Through the interview, I made a careful consideration and decided to choose Jack Field for job vacancy
and Mary Janes for intern.

Thank you for your time.


Tran Thi Thanh Tuyen

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