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Mini Project On

Student Management System using C

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the

degree of


Submitted by

Student Name University Roll No. :

Adarsh Chauhan 2118116

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Graphic Era Hill University
Dehradun, Uttarakhand


I hereby certify that the work which is being presented in the project report entitled “Student
Management System” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree
of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering of the Graphic Era (Hill
University), Dehradun shall be carried out by the under the mentorship of Mentor Name,
Designation, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Graphic Era (Deemed to be
University), Dehradun.

Name University Roll no

Adarsh Chauhan 2118116

Table of Contents

Chapter No. Description Page No.

Chapter 1 Introduction 4
Chapter 2 Tools and Technology Used 5
Chapter 3 Working of Project 6-10
Chapter 4 Testing and Validation 11
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work 12
Chapter 6 References 13

Chapter 1


The Student Management System is a software application developed in C language to manage

student records efficiently.

The purpose of this project is to provide a user-friendly interface for adding, viewing, searching,

modifying and deleting student records.

Student Management System are essential for educational institutions to organize and maintain

student information effectively.

This system aims to streamline administrative tasks related to student data management.

Chapter 2

Tools and Technology Used

(2 to 3 pages)

Programming Language : C

Development Environment : Vscode IDE

Libraries and header files used : <stdio.h> , <stdlib.h> , <windows.h>

and <string.h>.

Compilation and Execution process : Compiling the C source code

using the C compiler and executing the resultant binary file.

System Architecture and Design :

The system is based on a simple console based interface. It utilizes a struct

student data structure to store student information.

The system uses file handling to store and retrieve student records.

The user interface is text-based, and the screen output is positioned using the

gotoxy function.

Chapter 3

Working of Project

The main function initiates the program and displays the main menu.

The menu function presents a menu of options and executes the selected

operation based on user input.

The add function allows users to add new student records to the file.

The view function displays all student records stored in the file.

The search function enables users to search for a specific student record by


The modify function allows users to update student information int the file.

The deleterec function allows users to delete a student record from the file.

The gotoxy function is a utility function used for positioning text output on the

console screen.

Press 1 to add student record

Press 2 to view record

Press 3 to search record

Press 4 to modify record

Press 5 to delete a record

Press 6 to exit the program

Chapter 4

Testing and Validation

Testing Methodologies :

Manual testing, verifying each function’s behavior and expected outcomes.

Test Cases :

Adding multiple student records and verifying their presence in the file.

Searching for existing and non-existing student records.

Modifying student records and validating the updated information.

Deleting student records and ensuring they are removed from the file.

Results : Successful execution of test cases without any unexpected behavior.

Chapter 5

Conclusion and Future Work


The Student Management System effectively manages student records through a user friendly


The system provides essential functionality for adding, viewing, searching, modifying and

deleting student records.

The implementation demonstrates the capabilities of the C programming language in

developing such systems.

However, improvements are required in terms of input validation, error handling and

adopting safer functions.

Future Work

Enhance input validation to handle invalid user inputs and prevents buffer overflows.

Replace deprecated functions(gets and getch) with safer alternatives (fgets and getchar).

Implement error handling mechanisms to handle file related issues and display appropriate

error messages.

Improve the user interface by incorporating graphical elements.

Integrate database functionality for efficient storage and retrieval of student records.


 Smith, John. "Design and Implementation of Student Management Systems."

International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, vol. 10, no.
2, 2022, pp. 45-58.

 Johnson, Mary. "Best Practices for File Handling in C Programming." An article

published on Code Project in 2019 provides insights into recommended approaches
for managing files in the C programming language.

 C Programming Documentation. A comprehensive reference guide on standard library

header files can be found on


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