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KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO-1 CUTTACK SUBJECT: ENGLISH CORE (Core 301) Class: XI PROJECT WORK 1, Prepare an Investigatory Project on any one of the topics: (Use proper Format) Format 1. Cover Page with title of project, school details/details of students.( Science Project File with Brown Paper Cover) 2. Front Page ( Project Name, Name, Class, Section, Roll No) 3. Index 4. Certificate 5, Acknowledgement 6. Introduction 7. Discussion on the Chapter 8. Other significant themes, findings, information, notes, summary ete 9. Interview and Case study 10. Report on Interview (1000 words) 11. Message 12. Conclusion 13. Bibliography (lise paper clips, sketches, chart, diagram, photos etc) Topics (from the text) 1. the Last Lesson 2. Lost Spring 3. Deep Water 4. The Interview 5. On the Face of It 6. Aunt Jennifer's Tigers 7. A Roadside Stand 8. The Enemy 9. Memories of Childhood 10. Poets and Pancakes To :s (Beyond the Text) 1. E Waste Management 2. Slums in Indian Cities 3. Child Labour and Its Eradication 4. Hazardous Effects of Plastic 5. Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav 6. Promotion of Tourism in India 7. Impact of Inflation 8. Agriculture in Coastal Odisha 9, Social Media and Students 10, Women Empowerment PROJECT WORK 10 MARKS INTERNAL ASSESSMENT SPEAKING SKILL 05 MARKS USTENING SKILL 05 MARKS TOTAL 20 MARKS Submit your project by 20-12-2023 PROJECT PRESENTATION-21-12-2023 to 23-12-2023 TIME-3-4 minutes for individual presentation Thank you ALL THE BEST

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