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Auto Layout in iOS

Understanding Auto Layout

Auto Layout dynamically calculates the size and position of all the views in your view hierarchy,
based on constraints placed on those views. For example, you can constrain a button so that it is
horizontally centered with an Image view and so that the button’s top edge always remains 8 points
below the image’s bottom. If the image view’s size or position changes, the button’s position
automatically adjusts to match.

This constraint-based approach to design allows you to build user interfaces that dynamically respond
to both internal and external changes.

External Changes

External changes occur when the size or shape of your superview changes. With each change, you
must update the layout of your view hierarchy to best use the available space. Here are some common
sources of external change:

 The user resizes the window (OS X).

 The user enters or leaves Split View on an iPad (iOS).
 The device rotates (iOS).
 The active call and audio recording bars appear or disappear (iOS).
 You want to support different size classes.
 You want to support different screen sizes.

Most of these changes can occur at runtime, and they require a dynamic response from your app.
Others, like support for different screen sizes, represent the app adapting to different environments.
Even through the screen size won’t typically change at runtime, creating an adaptive interface lets
your app run equally well on an iPhone 4S, an iPhone 6 Plus, or even an iPad. Auto Layout is also a
key component for supporting Slide Over and Split Views on the iPad.

Internal Changes

Internal changes occur when the size of the views or controls in your user interface change.

Here are some common sources of internal change:

 The content displayed by the app changes.

 The app supports internationalization.
 The app supports Dynamic Type (iOS).

When your app’s content changes, the new content may require a different layout than the old. This
commonly occurs in apps that display text or images. For example, a news app needs to adjust its
layout based on the size of the individual news articles. Similarly, a photo collage must handle a wide
range of image sizes and aspect ratios.

Internationalization is the process of making your app able to adapt to different languages, regions,
and cultures. The layout of an internationalized app must take these differences into account and
appear correctly in all the languages and regions that the app supports.
Internationalization has three main effects on layout. First, when you translate your user interface into
a different language, the labels require a different amount of space. Ger
man, for example, typically
requires considerably more space than English. Japanese frequently requires much less.

Second, the format used to represent dates and numbers can change from region to region, even if the
language does not change. Although thesthesee changes are typically more subtle than the language
changes, the user interface still needs to adapt to the slight variation in size.

Third, changing the language can affect not just the size of the text, but the organization of the layout
as well. Different
erent languages use different layout directions. English, for example, uses a left
layout direction, and Arabic and Hebrew use a right
left layout direction. In general, the order of
the user interface elements should match the layout direction
direction.. If a button is in the bottom-right
bottom corner
of the view in English, it should be in the bottom left in Arabic.

Finally, if your iOS app supports dynamic type, the user can change the font size used in your app.
This can change both the height and the widt
width h of any textual elements in your user interface. If the
user changes the font size while your app is running, both the fonts and the layout must adapt.

Auto Layout Versus Frame-Based

Based Layout

There are three main approaches to laying out a user interface. You can programmatically lay out the
user interface, you can use autoresizing masks to automate some of the responses to external change,
or you can use Auto Layout.

Traditionally, apps laid out their user interface by programmatically setting the frame ffor each view in
a view hierarchy. The frame defined the view’s origin, height, and width in the superview’s coordinate

To lay out your user interface, you had to calculate the size and position for every view in your view
hierarchy. Then, if a change occurred, you had to recalculate the frame for all the effected views.
In many ways, programmatically defining a view’s fra frame
me provides the most flexibility and power.
When a change occurs, you can literally make any change you want. Yet because you must also
manage all the changes yourself, laying out a simple user interface requires a considerable amount of
effort to design, debug, and maintain. Creating a truly adaptive user interface increases the difficulty
by an order of magnitude.

You can use autoresizing masks to help alleviate some of this effort. An autoresizing mask defines
how a view’s frame changes when its supervi
ew’s frame changes. This simplifies the creation of
layouts that adapt to external changes.

However, autoresizing masks support a relatively small subset of possible layouts. For complex user
interfaces, you typically need to augment the autoresizing mask
maskss with your own programmatic
changes. Additionally, autoresizing masks adapt only to external changes. They do not support
internal changes.

Although autoresizing masks are just an iterative improvement on programmatic layouts, Auto Layout
represents an entirely
ntirely new paradigm. Instead of thinking about a view’s frame, you think about its

Auto Layout defines your user interface using a series of constraints. Constraints typically represent a
relationship between two views. Auto Layout then ca calculates
lculates the size and location of each view based
on these constraints. This produces layouts that dynamically respond to both internal and external

The logic used to design a set of constraints to create specific behaviors is very different from the
logic used to write procedural or object
oriented code. Fortunately, mastering Auto Layout is no
different from mastering anyy other programming task. There are two basic steps: First you need to
understand the logic behind constraint
based layouts, and then you need to learn the API. You’ve
successfully performed these steps when learning other programming tasks. Auto Layout is no
The rest of this guide is designed to help ease your transition to Auto Layout. The Auto Layout
Without Constraints chapter describes a high
level abstraction that simplifies the creation of Auto
Layout backed user interfaces. The Anatomy of a Constraint chapter provides the background theory
you need to understand to successfully interact with Auto Layout on your own. Working with
Constraints in Interface Builder descri
bes the tools for designing Auto Layout, and the
atically Creating Constraints and Auto Layout Cookbook chapters describe the API in
detail. Finally, the Auto Layout Cookbook presents a wide range nge of sample layouts of varying levels
of complexity, you can study and use in your own projects, and Debugging Auto Layout offers advice
and tools for fixing things if anything goes wrong.

Auto Layout Without Constraints

Stack views provide an easy way to leverage the power of Auto Layout without introducing the
complexity of constraints.
traints. A single stack view defines a row or column of user interface elements. The
stack view arranges these elements based on its properties.

 axis: (UIStackView only) defines the stack view’s orientation, either vertical or horizontal.
 orientation: (NSStackView only) defines the stack view’s orientation, either vertical or
 distribution: defines the layout of the views along the axis.
 alignment: defines the layout of the views perpendicular to the stack view’s axis.
 spacing: defines the space between adjacent views.

To use a stack view, in Interface Builder drag either a vertical or horizontal stack view onto the
canvas. Then drag out the content and drop it into the stack.

If an object has an intrinsic content size, it appears in the stack at that size. If it does not have an
intrinsic content size, Interface Builder provides a default size. You can resize the object, and
ce Builder adds constraints to maintain its size.

To further fine-tune
tune the layout, you can modify the stack view’s properties using the Attributes
inspector. For example, the following example uses an 88-point
point spacing and a Fills Equally

The stack view also bases its layout on the arranged views’ content
hugging and compression-
resistance priorities. You can modify these using the Size inspector.


You can further modify the layout by adding constraints directly to the arranged views; however, you
want to avoid any possible conflicts: As a general rule of thumb, if a view’s size defaults back to its
intrinsic content size for a given dimension, you can safely add a constraint for that dimension. For
more information on conflicting constraints, see Unsatisfiable Layouts.
Additionally, you can nest stack views inside other stack views to build more complex layouts.

In general, use stack views to manage as much of your layout as possible. Resort to creating
constraints only when you cannot achieve your goals with stack views alone.

For more information on using stack views, see UIStackView Class Reference or NSStackView Class


Although the creative use of nested stack views can produce complex user interfaces, you cannot
completely escape the need for constraints. At a bare minimum, you always need constraints to define
the position (and possibly the size) of the outermost stack

Anatomy of a Constraint

The layout of your view hierarchy is defined as a series of linear equations. Each constraint represents
a single equation. Your goal is to declare a series of equations that has one and only one possible

A sample equation
tion is shown below.

This constraint states that the red view’s leading edge must be 8.0 points after the blue view’s trailing
edge. Its equation has a number of parts:
 Item 1.. The first item in the equation
equation—in in this case, the red view. The item must be either a
view or a layout guide.
 Attribute 1.. The attribute to be constrained on the first item—in in this case, the red view’s
leading edge.
 Relationship.. The relationship between the left and right sides. The relationship can have one
of three values: equal, greater than or equal, or less than or equal. In this case, the left and right
side are equal.
 Multiplier.. The value of attribute 2 is multiplied by this floating point number. In this case,
the multiplier is 1.0.
 Item 2.. The second item in the equation
equation—in in this case, the blue view. Unlike the first item, this
can be left blank.
 Attribute 2.. The attribute to be constrained on the second item item—inin this case, the blue view’s
trailing edge. If the second item is left blank, this must be Not an Attribute.
 Constant.. A constant, floating
floating-point offset—in this case, 8.0. This value is added to the valuev
of attribute 2.

Most constraints define a relationship between two items in our user interface. These items can
represent either views or layout guides. Constraints can also define the relationship between two
different attributes of a single item, ffor
or example, setting an aspect ratio between an item’s height and
width. You can also assign constant values to an item’s height or width. When working with constant
values, the second item is left blank, the second attribute is set to Not An Attribute, and the
multiplier is set to 0.0.

Auto Layout Attributes

In Auto Layout, the attributes define a feature that can be constrained. In general, this includes the
four edges (leading, trailing, top, and bottom), as well as the height, width, and vertical and ho
centers. Text items also have one or more baseline attributes.
For the complete list of attributes, see the NSLayoutAttribute enum.


Although both OS X and iOS use the NSLayoutAttribute enum, they define slightly different sets of
values. To see the full list of attributes, be sure you are looking at the correct platform’s

Sample Equations

The wide range of parameters and attributes available to these equations lets you create many different
types of constraints. You can define the space between views, align the edge of views, define the
relative size of two views, or even define a view’s aspect ratio. However, not all attributes are

There are two basic types of attributes. Size attributes (for example, Height and Width) and location
attributes (for example, Leading, Left, and Top). Size attributes are used to specify how large an item
is, without any indication of its location. Location attributes are used to specify the location of an item
relative to something else. However, they carry no indication of the item’s size.

With these differences in mind, the following rules apply:

 You cannot constrain a size attribute to a location attribute.

 You cannot assign constant values to location attributes.
 You cannot use a nonidentity multiplier (a value other than 1.0) with location attributes.
 For location attributes, you cannot constrain vertical attributes to horizontal attributes.
 For location attributes, you cannot constrain Leading or Trailing attributes to Left or Right

For example, setting an item’s Top to the constant value 20.0 has no meaning without additional
context. You must always define an item’s location attributes in relation to other items, for example,
20.0 points below the superview’s Top. However, setting an item’s Height to 20.0 is perfectly valid.
For more information, see Interpreting Values.

Listing 3-1 shows sample equations for a variety of common constraints.


All the example equations in this chapter are presented using pseudocode. To see real constraints
using real code, see Programmatically Creating Constraints or Auto Layout Cookbook.

Listing 3-1Sample equations for common constraints

1. // Setting a constant height

2. View.height = 0.0 * NotAnAttribute + 40.0
4. // Setting a fixed distance between two buttons
5. Button_2.leading = 1.0 * Button_1.trailing + 8.0
7. // Aligning the leading edge of two buttons
8. Button_1.leading = 1.0 * Button_2.leading + 0.0
10. // Give two buttons the same width
11. Button_1.width = 1.0 * Button_2.width + 0.0
13. // Center a view in its superview
14. View.centerX = 1.0 * Superview.centerX + 0.0
15. View.centerY = 1.0 * Superview.centerY + 0.0
17. // Give a view a constant aspect ratio
18. View.height = 2.0 * View.width + 0.0

Equality, Not Assignment

It’s important to note that the equations shown in Note represent equality, not assignment.

When Auto Layout solves these equations, it does not just assign the value of the right side to the left.
Instead, it calculates the value for both attribute 1 and attribute 2 that makes the relationship true. This
means we can often freely reorder the items in the equation. For example, the equations in Listing 3-2
are identical to their counterparts in Note.

Listing 3-2Inverted equations

1. // Setting a fixed distance between two buttons

2. Button_1.trailing = 1.0 * Button_2.leading - 8.0
4. // Aligning the leading edge of two buttons
5. Button_2.leading = 1.0 * Button_1.leading + 0.0
7. // Give two buttons the same width
8. Button_2.width = 1.0 * Button.width + 0.0
10. // Center a view in its superview
11. Superview.centerX = 1.0 * View.centerX + 0.0
12. Superview.centerY = 1.0 * View.centerY + 0.0
14. // Give a view a constant aspect ratio
15. View.width = 0.5 * View.height + 0.0


When reordering the items, make sure you invert the multiplier and the constant. For example, a
constant of 8.0 becomes -8.0. A multiplier of 2.0 becomes 0.5. Constants of 0.0 and multipliers of
1.0 remain unchanged.

You will find that Auto Layout frequently provides multiple ways to solve the same problem. Ideally,
you should choose the solution that most clearly describes your intent. However, different developers
will undoubtedly disagree about which solution is best. Here, being consistent is better than being
right. You will experience fewer problems in the long run if you choose an approach and always stick
with it. For example, this guide uses the following rules of thumb:

1. Whole number multipliers are favored over fractional multipliers.

2. Positive constants are favored over negative constants.
3. Wherever possible, views should appear in layout order: leading to trailing, top to bottom.
Creating Nonambiguous, Satisfiable Layouts

When using Auto Layout, the goal is to provide a series of equations that have one and only one
possible solution. Ambiguous constraints have more than one possible solution. Unsatisfiable
constraints don’t have valid solutions.

In general, the constraints must define both the size and the position of each view. Assuming the
superview’s size is already set (for example, the root view of a scene in iOS), a nonambiguous,
satisfiable layout requires two constraints per view per dimen
sion (not counting the superview).
However, you have a wide range of options when it comes to choosing which constraints you want to
use. For example, the following three layouts all produce nonambiguous, satisfiable layouts (only the
horizontal constraintss are shown):

 The first layout constrains the view’s leading edge relative to its superview’s leading edge. It
also gives the view a fixed width. The position of the trailing edge can then be calculated
based on the superview’s size and the other constraints.
 The second layout constrains the view’s leading edge relative to its superview’s leading edge.
It also constrains the view’s trailing edge relative to the su
perview’s trailing edge. The view’s
width can then be calculated based on the superview’s size and the other constraints.
 The third layout constrains the view’s leading edge relative to its superview’s leading edge. It
also center aligns the view and supe
rview. Both the width and trailing edge’s position can then
be calculated based on the superview’s size and the other constraints.

Notice that each layout has one view and two horizontal constraints. In each case, the constraints fully
define both the width
th and the horizontal position of the view. That means all of the layouts produce a
nonambiguous, satisfiable layout along the horizontal axis. However, these layouts are not equally
useful. Consider what happens when the superview’s width changes.

In the first layout, the view’s width does not change. Most of the time, this is not what you want. In
fact, as a general rule, you should avoid assigning constant sizes to views. Auto Layout is designed to
create layouts that dynamically adapt to their environm
ent. Whenever you give a view a fixed size,
you short circuiting that ability.

It may not be obvious, but the second and third layouts produce identical behaviors: They both
maintain a fixed margin between the view and its superview as the superview’s wid
width changes.
However, they are not necessarily equal. In general, the second example is easier to understand, but
the third example may be more useful, especially when you are center aligning a number of items. As
always, choose the best approach for your pparticular layout.

Now consider something a little more complicated. Imagine you want to display two views, side by
side, on an iPhone. You want to make sure that they have a nice margin on all sides and that they
always have the same width. They should al
so correctly resize as the device rotates.

The following illustrations show the views, in portrait and landscape orientation:

So what should these constraints look like? The following illustration shows one straightforward
The above solution uses the following constraints:

1. // Vertical Constraints
2. = 1.0 * + 20.0
3. Superview.bottom = 1.0 * Red.bottom + 20.0
4. = 1.0 * + 20.0
5. Superview.bottom = 1.0 * B
Blue.bottom + 20.0
7. // Horizontal Constraints
8. Red.leading = 1.0 * Superview.leading + 20.0
9. Blue.leading = 1.0 * Red.trailing + 8.0
10. Superview.trailing = 1.0 * Blue.trailing + 20.0
11. Red.width = 1.0 * Blue.width + 0.0

Following the earlier rule of thumb, this llayout

ayout has two views, four horizontal constraints, and four
vertical constraints. While this isn’t an infallible guide, it is a quick indication that you’re on the right
track. More importantly, the constraints uniquely specify both the size and the locatio
location of both of the
views, producing a nonambiguous, satisfiable layout. Remove any of these constraints, and the layout
becomes ambiguous. Add additional constraints, and you risk introducing conflicts.

Still, this is not the only possible solution. Here is an equally valid approach:
Instead of pinning the top and bottom of the blue box to its superview, you align the top of the blue
box with the top of the red box. Similarly, you align the bottom of the blue box with the bottom of the
red box. The constraints are shown below.

1. // Vertical Constraints
2. = 1.0 * Supervi + 20.0
3. Superview.bottom = 1.0 * Red.bottom + 20.0
4. = 1.0 * + 0.0
5. Red.bottom = 1.0 * Blue.bottom + 0.0
7. //Horizontal Constraints
8. Red.leading = 1.0 * Superview.leading + 20.0
9. Blue.leading = 1.0 * Red.trailing + 8.0
10. Superview.trailing = 1.0 * Blue.trailing + 20.0
11. Red.width = 1.0 * Blue.width + 0.0

The example still has two views, four horizontal constraints, and four vertical constraints. It still
produces a nonambiguous, satisfiable layout.

But which is better?

These solutions both produce

oduce valid layouts. So which is better?

Unfortunately, it is virtually impossible to objectively prove that one approach is strictly superior to
the other. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses.

The first solution is more robust when a view is remov

ed. Removing a view from the view hierarchy
also removes all the constraints that reference that view. So, if you remove the red view, the blue view
is left with three constraints holding it in place. You need to add only a single constraint and you have
a valid layout again. In the second solution, removing the red view would leave the blue view with
only a single constraint.
On the other hand, in the first solution, If you want the top and bottom of the views to align, you must
make sure their top and bottom constraints use the same constant value. If you change one constant,
you must remember to change the other as well.

Constraint Inequalities

So far, all of the samples have shown constraints as equalities, but this is only part of the story.
Constraints can represent inequalities as well. Specifically, the constraint’s relationship can be equal
to, greater than or equal to, or less than or equal to.

For example, you can use constraints to define the minimum or maximum size for a view (Listing 3-

Listing 3-3Assigning a minimum and maximum size

1. // Setting the minimum width

2. View.width >= 0.0 * NotAnAttribute + 40.0
4. // Setting the maximum width
5. View.width <= 0.0 * NotAnAttribute + 280.0

As soon as you start using inequalities, the two constraints per view per dimension rule breaks down.
You can always replace a single equality relationship with two inequalities. In Listing 3-4, the single
equal relationship and the pair of inequalities produce the same behavior.

Listing 3-4Replacing a single equal relationship with two inequalities

1. // A single equal relationship

2. Blue.leading = 1.0 * Red.trailing + 8.0
4. // Can be replaced with two inequality relationships
5. Blue.leading >= 1.0 * Red.trailing + 8.0
6. Blue.leading <= 1.0 * Red.trailing + 8.0

The inverse is not always true, because two inequalities are not always equivalent to a single equals
relationship. For example, the inequalities in Listing 3-3 limit the range of possible values for the
view’s width—but by themselves, they do not define the width. You still need additional horizontal
constraints to define the view’s position and size within this range.

Constraint Priorities

By default, all constraints are required. Auto Layout must calculate a solution that satisfies all the
constraints. If it cannot, there is an error. Auto Layout prints information about the unsatisfiable
constraints to the console, and chooses one of the constraints to break. It then recalculates the solution
without the broken constraint. For more information, see Unsatisfiable Layouts.

You can also create optional constraints. All constraints have a priority between 1 and 1000.
Constraints with a priority of 1000 are required. All other constraints are optional.

When calculating solutions, Auto Layout attempts to satisfy all the constraints in priority order from
highest to lowest. If it cannot satisfy an optional constraint, that constraint is skipped and it continues
on to the next constraint.
Even if an optional constraint cannot be satisfied, it can still influence the layout. If there is any
ambiguity in the layout after skipping the constraint, the system selects the solution that comes closest
to the constraint. In this way, unsatisfied optional constraints act as a force pulling views towards

Optional constraints and inequalities often work hand-in-hand. For example, in Listing 3-4 you can
provide different priorities for the two inequalities. The greater-than-or-equal relationship could be
required (priority of 1000), and the less-than-or-equal relationship has a lower priority (priority 250).
This means that the blue view cannot be closer than 8.0 points from the red. However, other
constraints could pull it farther away. Still, the optional constraint pulls the blue view towards the red
view, ensuring that it is as close as possible to the 8.0-point spacing, given the other constraints in the


Don’t feel obligated to use all 1000 priority values. In fact, priorities should general cluster around the
system-defined low (250), medium (500), high (750), and required (1000) priorities. You may need to
make constraints that are one or two points higher or lower than these values, to help prevent ties. If
you’re going much beyond that, you probably want to reexamine your layout’s logic.

For a list of the predefined constraint constants on iOS, see the UILayoutPriority enum. For OS X,
see the Layout Priorities constants.

Intrinsic Content Size

So far, all of the examples have used constraints to define both the view’s position and its size.
However, some views have a natural size given their current content. This is referred to as their
intrinsic content size. For example, a button’s intrinsic content size is the size of its title plus a small

Not all views have an intrinsic content size. For views that do, the intrinsic content size can define the
view’s height, its width, or both. Some examples are listed in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1Intrinsic content size for common controls

View Intrinsic content size

UIView and NSView No intrinsic content size.
Defines only the width (iOS).
Defines the width, the height, or both—depending on the slider’s
type (OS X).
Labels, buttons, switches, and text
Defines both the height and the width.
Text views and image views Intrinsic content size can vary.

The intrinsic content size is based on the view’s current content. A label or button’s intrinsic content
size is based on the amount of text shown and the font used. For other views, the intrinsic content size
is even more complex. For example, an empty image view does not have an intrinsic content size. As
soon as you add an image, though, its intrinsic content size is set to the image’s size.
A text view’s intrinsic content size varies depending on the content, on whether or not it has scrolling
enabled, and on the other constraints applied to the view. For example, with scrolling enabled, the
view does not have an intrinsic content size. With scrolling disabled, by default the view’s intrinsic
content size is calculated based on the size of the text with
out any line wrapping. For example, if there
are no returns in the text, it calculates the height and width needed to layout the content as a single
line of text. If you add constraints to specify the view’s width, the intrinsic content size defines the
ight required to display the text given its width.

Auto Layout represents a view’s intrinsic content size using a pair of constraints for each dimension.
The content hugging pulls the view inward so that it fits snugly around the content. The compression
resistance pushes the view outward so that it does not clip the content.

These constraints are defined using the inequalities shown in Listing 3-5.. Here, the IntrinsicHeight
and IntrinsicWidth constants represent the height and width values from the view’s intrinsic
content size.

Listing 3-5Compression-Resistance
Resistance and Content
Content-Hugging equations

1. // Compression Resistance
2. View.height >= 0.0 * NotAnAttribute + IntrinsicHeight
3. View.width >= 0.0 * NotAnAttribute + IntrinsicWidth
5. // Content Hugging
6. View.height <= 0.0 * NotAnAttribute + IntrinsicHeight
7. View.width <= 0.0 * NotAnAttribute + IntrinsicWidth

Each of these constraints can have its own priority. By default, views use a 250 priority for their
content hugging, and a 750 priority for their compression resist
ance. Therefore, it’s easier to stretch a
view than it is to shrink it. For most controls, this is the desired behavior. For example, you can safely
stretch a button larger than its intrinsic content size; however, if you shrink it, its content may become
clipped. Note that Interface Builder may occasionally modify these priorities to help prevent ties. For
more information, see Setting Content
Content-Hugging and Compression-Resistance
Resistance Priorities.

Whenever possible, use the view’s intrinsic content size in your layout. It lets your layout dynamically
adapt as the view’s content changes. It also reduces the number of constraints you need to create a
nonambiguous, nonconflicting layout, but you will need to manage the view’s content
content-hugging and
resistance (CHCR) priorities. Here are some guidelines for ha
ndling intrinsic content

 When stretching a series of views to fill a space, if all the views have an identical content
hugging priority, the layout is ambiguous. Auto Layout doesn’t know which view should be

A common example is a label and text field pair. Typically, you want the text field to stretch to
fill the extra space while the label remains at its intrinsic content size. To ensure this, make
sure the text field’s horizontal content
hugging priority is lower than the label’s.
In fact, this example is so common that Interface Builder automatically handles it for you,
setting the content-hugging
hugging priority for all labels to 251. If you are programmatically creating
the layout, you need to modify the content
content-hugging priority yourself.

 Odd and unexpected layouts often occur when views with invisible backgrounds (like buttons
or labels) are accidentally stretched beyond their intrinsic content size. The actual problem
may not be obvious, because the text simply appears in the wrong locat location.
ion. To prevent
unwanted stretching, increase the content
content-hugging priority.
 Baseline constraints work only with views that are at their intrinsic content height. If a view is
vertically stretched or compressed, the baseline constraints no longer align pro properly.
 Some views, like switches, should always be displayed at their intrinsic content size. Increase
their CHCR priorities as needed to prevent stretching or compressing.
 Avoid giving views required CHCR priorities. It’s usually better for a view to be the wrong
size than for it to accidentally create a conflict. If a view should always be its intrinsic content
size, consider using a very high priority (999) instead. This approach generally keeps the view
from being stretched or compressed but still proprovides
vides an emergency pressure valve, just in case
your view is displayed in an environment that is bigger or smaller than you expected.

Intrinsic Content Size Versus Fitting Size

The intrinsic content size acts as an input to Auto Layout. When a view has an intrinsic content size,
the system generates constraints to represent that size and the constraints are used to calculate the

The fitting size, on the other hand, is an output from the Auto Layout engine. It is the size calculated
for a view basedd on the view’s constraints. If the view lays out its subviews using Auto Layout, then
the system may be able to calculate a fitting size for the view based on its content.

The stack view is a good example. Barring any other constraints, the system calcul
calculates the stack
view’s size based on its content and attributes. In many ways, the stack view acts as if it had an
intrinsic content size: You can create a valid layout using only a single vertical and a single horizontal
constraint to define its position. But its size is calculated by Auto Layout
it is not an input into Auto
Layout. Setting the stack view’s CHCR priorities has no effect, because the stack view does not have
an intrinsic content size.

If you need to adjust the stack view’s fitting size rela

tive to items outside the stack view, either create
explicit constraints to capture those relationships or modify the CHCR priorities of the stack’s
contents relative to the items outside the stack.

Interpreting Values

Values in Auto Layout are always in points. However, the exact meaning of these measurements can
vary depending on the attributes involved and the view’s layout direction.

Layout Value Notes

Height These attributes can be assigned constant values or

The size of the view. combined with other Height and Width attributes.
These values cannot be negative.
Layout Value Notes


Bottom The values increase as you These attributes can be combined only with Center Y,
move down thehe screen. Top, Bottom, and Baseline attributes.

The values increase as you
move towards the trailing
edge. For a left-to-right
right layout
directions, the values increase These attributes can be combined only with Leading,
as you move to the rright. For a Trailing, or Center X attributes.
left layout direction,
Trailing the values increase as you
move left.
These attributes can be combined only with Left, Right,
and Center X attributes.

Avoid using Left and Right attributes. Use

Us Leading and
Trailing instead. This allows the layout to adapt to the
view’s reading direction.
The values increase as you
By default the reading direction is determined based on
move to the right.
the current language set by the user. However, you can
Right override this where necessary. In iOS, set the
semanticContentAttribute property on the view
holding the constraint (the nearest common ancestor of
all views affected by the constraint) to specify whether
the content’s layout should be flipped when switching
between left-to-right and right-to
to-left languages.

Center Center X can be combined with Center X, Leading,

X The interpretation is based on Trailing, Right, and Left attributes.
the other attribute in the
equation. Center Y can be combined with Center Y, Top, Bottom,
Center and Baseline attributes.

Working with Constraints in Interface Builder

There are three main options for setting up Auto Layout constraints in Interface Builder: You can
drag between views, you can use the Pin and Align tools, and you can let Interface Builder set
up the constraints for you and then edit or modify the results. Each of these approaches has its own set
of strengths and weaknesses. Most developers find that they prefer one approach over the others;
however, being familiar with all three approaches lets you qquickly
uickly switch between tools based on the
task at hand.

For all three options, start by dragging your views and controls from the Object library onto the scene.
Resize and position them as needed. When you place a view on the canvas, Interface Builder
matically creates a set of prototyping constraints that define the view’s current size and position
relative to the upper left corner.

The app can build and run with the prototyping constraints. Use these constraints to quickly visualize
and test a user interface,
nterface, but then replace the implicit constraints with your own explicit constraints.
Never ship an app with prototyping constraints.

As soon as you create your first constraint, the system removes all the prototyping constraints from
the views referred to by the constraint. Without the prototyping constraints, your layout no longer has
enough constraints to uniquely size and position all the views. It becomes an ambiguous layout. The
affected constraints suddenly appear in red, and Xcode generates a num
ber of warnings.

Don’t panic. Just keep adding your constraints until your layout is complete. As soon as you add one
constraint, you are responsible for adding all the constraints needed to create a nonambiguous,
satisfiable layout.

For more information on fixing layout warnings and errors, see Debugging Auto Layout.

Control-Dragging Constraints

To create a constraint between two views, Control

click one of the views and drag to the other.

When you release the mouse, Interface Builder displays a HUD menu with a lis
list of possible

Interface Builder intelligently selects the set of constraints based on the items you are constraining and
he direction of your drag gesture. If you drag more or less horizontally, you get options to set the
horizontal spacing between the views, and options to vertically align the views. If you drag more or
less vertically, you get options to set the vertical sspacing,
pacing, and options to align the views horizontally.
Both gestures may include other options (such as setting the view’s relative size).


You can use the Control-drag drag gesture both on items in the canvas and on icons in the scene’s
document outline. This his is often useful when trying to draw constraints to hard
to-find items, like the
top or bottom layout guides. When dragging to or from the document outline, Interface Builder does
not filter the list of possible constraints based on the gesture’s direct

Interface Builder creates the constraints based on the views’ current frames. Therefore, you need to
position the views carefully before you draw the constraints. If you line up the views based on
Interface Builder’s guidelines, you should end up wit
withh a reasonable set of constraints. If necessary,
you can always edit the constraints afterward.

dragging provides a very quick way to set a constraint; however, because the constraint’s
values are inferred from the scene’s current layout, it is ea
sy to end up off by a point. If you want finer
control, review and edit the constraints after you create them, or use the Pin and Align tools.

For more information on Control-dragging

dragging constraints, see Adding Layout Constraints by Control-
Dragging in Auto Layout Help.

Using the Stack, Align, Pin and Resolve Tools

Interface Builder provides four Auto Layout tools in the bottom

right corner of the Editor window.
These are the Stack, Align, Pin, and Resolve Auto Layout Issues tools.

Use the Pin and Align tools when you want fine control when making constraints or when you want to
make multiple constraints at once. As an added advantag
e, when you use these tools, you don’t need
to precisely place your views before creating the constraint. Instead, you can roughly set the relative
position of the views, add your constraints, and then update the frames. This lets Auto Layout
calculate the correct positions for you.

Stack Tool

The Stack tool allows you to quickly create a stack view. Select one or more items in your layout, and
then click on the Stack tool. Interface Builder embeds the selected items in a stack view and resizes
the stack too its current fitting size based on its contents.


The system infers the stack’s axis and alignment from the initial relative position of the views. You
can modify the axis and alignment (and set the distribution and spacing) using the Attributes
Align Tool

The Align tool lets you quickly align items in your layout. Select the items you want to align, and then
click the Align tool. Interface Builder presents a popover view containing a number of possible

Select the options for aligning the selected views, and click the Add Constraints button. Interface
Builder creates the constraints needed to ensure those alignments. By default, the constraints do not
have any offset (the edges or centers are aligned with each other) and none of the frames are updated
when the constraints are added. You can change any of these settings before creating the constraints

You typically select two or more views before using the Align tool. However, the Horizontally in
Container or Vertically in Container constraints can be added to a single view. You can use the
popover to create any number of constraints at once
once—though itt rarely makes sense to create more than
one or two at a time.

For more information, see Adding Auto Layout Constraints with the Pin and Align Tools in Auto
Layout Help.

Pin Tool

The Pin tool lets you quickly define a view’s position relative to its neighbors or quickly define its
size. Select the item whose position or size you want to pin, and click the Pin tool. Interface Builder
presents a popover view containing a number of options.
The top portion of the popover lets you pin the selected item’s Leading, Top, Trailing, or Bottom edge
to its nearest neighbor. The associated number indicates the current spacing between the it
items in the
canvas. You can type in a custom spacing, or you can click the disclosure triangle to set which view it
should be constrained to or to select the standard spacing. The “Constrain to margins” checkbox
determines whether constraints to the supervi
ew use the superview’s margins or its edges.

The lower portion of the popover lets you set the item’s width or height. The Width and Height
constraints default to the current canvas size, though you can type in different values. The Aspect
Ratio constraint also uses the item’s current aspect ratio; however, if you want to change this ratio,
you need to review and edit the constraint aft
after creating it.

Typically, you select a single view to pin; however, you can select two or more views and give them
equal widths or equal heights. You can also create multiple constraints at once, or you can update the
frames as you add the constraints. A
fter you’ve set the options you want, click the Add Constraints
button to create your constraints.

For more information, see Adding Auto Layout Constraints with the Pin and Align Tools in Auto
Layout Help.
Resolve Auto Layout Issues Tool

The Resolve Auto Layout Issues tool provides a number of options for fixing common Auto Layout
issues. The options in the upper half of the menu affect only the currently selected views. The options
in the bottom half affect all views in the scene.

You can use this tool to update the views’ frames based on the current constraints, or you can update
the constraints based on the views’ current location in the canvas. You can also aadd missing
constraints, clear constraints, or reset the views to a set of constraints recommended by Interface

The commands to add or reset constraints are discussed in greater detail in Letting Interface Builder
Create Constraints.

Letting Interface
rface Builder Create Constraints

Interface Builder can create some or all of the constraints for you. When using this approach, Interface
Builder attempts to infer the best constraints given the view’s current size and position in the canvas.
Be sure to position
sition your views carefully
small differences in spacing can result in significantly
different layouts.

To let Interface Builder create all the constraints, click Resolve Auto Layout Issues tool > Reset to
Suggested Constraints. Interface Builder creates all the required constraints for the selected views (or
for all the views in the scene).

Alternatively, you can add a few constraints yourself, and then click the Resolve Auto Layout Issues
tool > Add Missing Constraints. This option adds the constraints needed to have a nonambiguous
layout. Again, you can add constraints either to the selected view or to all the views in the scene.

This approach lets you rapidly build a nonambiguous, satisfiable layout, but unless the user interface
is straightforward, the
he resulting layout may not behave the way you want. Always test the user
interface and modify the constraints until you get the intended results.
Finding and Editing Constraints

After you’ve added a constraint, you need to be able to find it, view it, an
andd edit it. There are a number
of options for accessing the constraints. Each option offers a unique method of organizing and
presenting the constraints.

Viewing Constraints in the Canvas

The editor displays all the constraints affecting the currently sele
cted view as colored lines on the
canvas. The shape, stroke type, and line color can tell you a lot about the current state of the

 I-bars (lines with T-shaped

shaped end
end-caps). I-bars
bars show the size of a space. This space can be
either the distance between
tween two items, or the height or width of an item.
 Plain lines (straight lines with no endend-caps). Plain lines show where edges align. For
example, Interface Builder uses simple lines when aligning the leading edge of two or more
views. These lines can alsoso be used to connect items that have a 00-point
point space between them.
 Solid Lines. Solid lines represent required constraints (priority = 1000).
 Dashed Lines. Dashed lines represent optional constraints (priority < 1000).
 Red Lines. One of the items affec
ted by this constraint has an error. Either the item has an
ambiguous layout, or its layout is not satisfiable. For more information, see the issues
navigator or the disclosure arrow in Interface Builder’s outline view.
 Orange Lines. Orange lines indicate that the frame of one of the items affected by this
constraint is not in the correct position based on the current set of constraints. Interface Builder
also shows the calculated position for the frame as a dashed outline. You can move the item to
its calculated
culated position using the Resolve Auto Layout Issues tool > Update Frames command.
 Blue Lines. The items affected by the constraint have a nonambiguous, satisfiable layout, and
the item’s frame is in the correct position as calculated by the Auto Layout engine.
 Equal Badges. Interface Builder shows constraints that give two items an equal width or an
equal height as a separate bar for each item. Both bars are tagged with a blue badge containing
an equal (=) sign inside.
 Greater-than-or-equal
equal and less
less-than-or-equal badges. Interface Builder marks all
constraints representing greater
greater-than-or-equal-to and less-than-or-equal--to relationships with a
small blue badge with a >= or <= symbol inside.

Listing Constraints in the Document Outline

Interface Builder lists all the constraints in the document outline, grouping them under the view that
ds them. Constraints are held by the closest view that contains both items in the constraint. For this
calculation, each view contains itself and all its subviews, and the top and bottom layout guides are
contained by the scene’s root view.

Even though constraints could be spread around the outline, most constraints end up under the scene’s
root view. If you want to make
ke sure you’ve found all the constraints, expand the entire view hierarchy.

The constraints are listed using pseudocode. These listings are often long, and they frequently start
with a similar set of views, so you may have to increase the width of the out
line before you can see
meaningful information. Selecting a constraint in the outline highlights that constraint in the canvas.
Use this feature to help you quickly identify the constraint you want to examine.

For simple scenes, the outline is a great pla

ce to glance over all the scene’s constraints. However, as
the layout becomes more complex, it quickly becomes hard to find specific constraints. You are often
better off examining the constraints one view at a time
either by selecting the view in the canvas
canv or
by examining the view in the Size inspector.

Finding Constraints in the Size Inspector

The Size inspector lists all the constraints affecting the currently selected view. Required constraints
appear with a solid outline, and optional constraints app
ear with a dashed outline. The description lists
important information about the constraint. It always includes the affected attribute and the other item
in the constraint. It may also include the relationship, the constant value, and the multiplier or rat
The diagram at the top of the above scre
enshot shows which attributes are affected by constraints.
You can filter the list of constraints by selecting one or more of the diagram’s attributes. The list then
shows only those constraints affecting the selected attributes.

For more information, see Viewing the Complete List of Layout Constraints for an Item in Auto
Layout Help.

Examining and Editing Constraints

When you select a constraint either in the canvas or in the document outline, the Attribute inspector
shows all of the constraint’s attribu
tes. This includes all the values from the constraint equation: the
first item, the relation, the second item, the constant, and the multiplier. The Attribute inspector also
shows the constraint’s priority and its identifier.

The constraint’s identifier property lets you provide a descriptive name so that you can more easily
identify the constraint in console logs and other debugging tasks.

You can also mark the constraint as a placeholder. These constraints exist only at design time. They
are not included in the layout when the app runs. You typically add placeholder constraints when you
plan to dynamically
ynamically add constraints at runtime. By temporarily adding the constraints needed to create
a nonambiguous, satisfiable layout, you clear out any warnings or errors in Interface Builder.

You can freely modify the Constant, Priority, Multiplier, Relation

Relation,, Identifier, and Placeholder
attributes. For the first and second item, however, your options are more limited. You can swap the
first and second item (inverting the multiplier and constant, as needed). You can also change the
item’s attribute, but you cannot
nnot change the item itself. If you need to move the constraint to a
completely different item, delete the constraint and replace it with a new constraint.

Some editing is also possible directly from the Size inspector. Clicking the Edit button in any of the
constraints brings up a popover where you can change the constraint’s relationship, constant, priority,
or multiplier. To make additional changes, double
click the constraint to select it and open it in the
Attribute inspector.

For more information, see Editing Auto Layout Constraints in Auto Layout Help.

Setting Content-Hugging
Hugging and Compression
Compression-Resistance Priorities

To set a view’s content-hugging

hugging and compression
resistance priorities (CHCR priorities), select the
view either in the canvas or in the document outline. Open the Size inspector, and scroll down until
you find the Content Hugging Priority and Compression Resistance Priority settings.

You can also set the view’s intrinsic size in Interface Builder. By default, Interface Builder uses the
size returned from the view’s intrinsicContentSize method. However, if you need a different size
at design time, you can set a placeholder intrinsic content size. T
his placeholder affects the size of the
view only in Interface Builder. It does not have any effect on the view at runtime.
For more information, see Setting the Placeholder Intrinsic Size for a Custom View in Auto Layout

iOS-Only Features

iOS adds a few unique features that interact with Auto Layout. These include the top and bottom
layout guides, a view’s layout margins, a view’s readable content guides, and a view’s semantic

Top and Bottom Layout Guides

The top and bottom layout guides represent the upper and lower edge of the visible content area for
the currently active view controller. If you don’t want your content to extend under transparent or
translucent UIKit bars (for example, a status bar, navigation bar, or tab bar), use Auto Layout to pin
your content to the respective layout guide.

The layout guides adopt the UILayoutSupport protocol, giving the guide a length property, which
measures the distance between the guide and the respective edge of the view. Specifically:

 For the top layout guide, length indicates the distance, in points, between the top of a view
controller’s view and the bottom of the bottommost bar that overlays the view.
 For the bottom layout guide, length indicates the distance, in points, between the bottom of a
view controller’s view and the top the bar (such as a tab bar) that overlays the view.

These guides can also act as items in a constraint, supporting the top, bottom, and height attributes.
Typically, you constrain views to the top layout guide’s bottom attribute or to the bottom layout
guide’s top attribute. The guides also provide topAnchor, bottomAnchor, and heightAnchor
properties, to simplify the programmatic creation of constraints.

Interface Builder automatically offers the top and bottom layout guides as options when creating
constraints to the root view’s top or bottom edge as appropriate. If the layout guide is the view’s
nearest neighbor, Interface Builder uses the guide by default. When using the Pin tool you can switch
between the layout guide and the root view’s edge, as needed. Just click on the disclosure triangle.

Layout Margins

Auto Layout defines margins for each view. These margins describe the preferred spacing between the
edge of the view and its subviews. You can access the view’s margins using either the
layoutMargins or layoutMarginsGuide property. The layoutMargins property lets you get and set
the margins as a UIEdgeInsets structure. The layoutMarginsGuide property provides read-only
access to the margins as a UILayoutGuide object. Additionally, use the
preservesSuperviewLayoutMargins property to determine how the view’s margins interact with its
superview’s margins.

The default margins are 8 points on each side. You can modify these margins based on your app’s


The system sets and manages the margins of a view controller’s root view. The top and bottom
margins are set to zero points, making it easy to extend content under the bars (if any). The side
margins vary depending on how and where the controller is presented, but can be either 16 or 20
points. You cannot change these margins.
When constraining a view to its superview, you typically use the layout margins instead of the view’s
edge. In UIKit, the NSLayoutAttribute enumeration defines a number of attributes to represent top,
bottom, leading, trailing, left, and right margins. It also includes attributes for the center X and center
Y relative to the margins.

In Interface Builder, Control-dragging a constraint between a view and its superview uses the margin
attributes by default. When using the Pin tool, you can toggle the “Constrain to margins” checkbox. If
it’s checked, the resulting constraints use the superview’s margin attributes. If it’s unchecked, they use
the superview’s edges. Similarly, when editing a constraint in the Attribute inspector, the First Item
and Second Item’s pop-down menus include a “Relative to margin” option. Select this item to use the
margin attribute. Deselect it to use the edge.

Finally, when programmatically creating constraints to the superview’s margins, use the
layoutMarginsGuide property and create constraints to the layout guide directly. This lets you use
the guide’s layout anchors to create your constraints, providing a streamlined API that is easier to

Readable Content Guides

The view’s readableContentGuide property contains a layout guide that defines the maximum
optimal width for text objects inside the view. Ideally, the content is narrow enough that users can
read it without having to move their head.

This guide is always centered inside the view’s layout margin and never extends beyond those
margins. The size of the guide also varies depending on the size of the system’s dynamic type. The
system creates wider guides when the user selects larger fonts, because users typically hold the device
farther from them while reading.

In Interface Builder, you can set whether the view’s margins represent the layout margins or the
readable content guide. Select the view (typically the view controller’s root view), and open the Size
inspector. If you select the Follow Readable Width checkbox, any constraints drawn to the view’s
margins use the readable content guide instead.


For most devices there is little or no difference between the readable content guides and the layout
margins. The difference becomes obvious only when working on an iPad in landscape orientation.

Semantic Content

If you lay out your views using leading and trailing constraints, the views automatically flip positions
when switching between left-to-right languages (like English) and right-to-left languages (like
Arabic). However, some interface elements should not change their position based on the reading
direction. For example, buttons that are based on physical directions (up, down, left, and right) should
always stay in the same relative orientation.

The view’s semanticContentAttribute property determines whether the view’s content should flip
when switching between left-to-right and right-to-left languages.

In Interface Builder, set the Semantic option in the Attribute inspector. If the value is Unspecified, the
view’s content flips with the reading direction. If it is set to Spatial, Playback, or Force Left-to-Right,
the content is always laid out with the leading edges to the left and trailing edges to the right. Force
Right-to-Left always lays out the content with the leading edges to the right and the trailing edges to
the left.

Rules of Thumb

The following guidelines will help you succeed with Auto Layout. There are undoubtedly a number of
legitimate exceptions for each of these rules. However, if you decide to veer from them, pause and
carefully consider your approach before proceeding.

 Never specify a view’s geometry using its frame, bounds, or center properties.
 Use stack views wherever possible

Stack views manage the layout of their content, greatly simplifying the constraint logic needed
for the rest of the layout. Resort to custom constraints only when a stack view doesn’t provide
the behavior you need.

 Create constraints between a view and its nearest neighbor.

If you have two buttons next to each other, constrain the leading edge of the second button to
the trailing edge of the first. The second button generally should not have a constraint that
reaches across the first button to the view’s edge.

 Avoid giving views a fixed height or width.

The whole point of Auto Layout is to dynamically respond to changes. Setting a fixed size
removes the view’s ability to adapt. However, you may want to set a minimum or maximum
size for the view.

 If you are having trouble setting constraints, try using the Pin and Align tools. Although these
tools can be somewhat slower than Control-dragging, they do let you verify the exact values
and items involved before creating the constraint. This extra sanity check can be helpful,
especially when you are first starting out.
 Be careful when automatically updating an item’s frame. If the item does not have enough
constraints to fully specify its size and position, the update’s behavior is undefined. Views
often disappear either because their height or width gets set to zero or because they are
accidentally positioned off screen.

You can always try to update an item’s frame, and then undo the change, if necessary.

 Make sure all the views in your layout have meaningful names. This makes it much easier to
identify your views when using the tools.

The system automatically names labels and buttons based on their text or title. For other views,
you may need to set an Xcode specific label in the Identity inspector (or by double-clicking
and editing the view’s name in the document outline).

 Always use leading and trailing constraints instead of right and left.

You can always adjust how the view interprets its leading and trailing edges using its
semanticContentAttribute property (iOS) or its userInterfaceLayoutDirection
property (OS X).
 In iOS, when constraining an item to the edge of the view controller’s root view, use the
following constraints:
o Horizontal constraints. For most controls, use a zero-point constraint to the layout
margins. The system automatically provides the correct spacing based on what the
device is and how the app presents the view controller.

For text objects that fill the root view from margin to margin, use the readable content
guides instead of the layout margins.

For items that need to fill the root view from edge to edge (for example, background
images), use the view’s leading and trailing edges.

o Vertical constraints. If the view extends under the bars, use the top and bottom
margins. This is particularly common for scroll views, allowing the content to scroll
under the bars. Note, however, that you may need to modify the scroll view’s
contentInset and scrollIndicatorInsets properties to correctly set the content’s
initial position.

If the view does not extend under the bars, constrain the view to the top and bottom
layout guides instead.

 When programmatically instantiating views, be sure to set their

translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints property to NO. By default, the system
automatically creates a set of constraints based on the view’s frame and its autoresizing mask.
When you add your own constraints, they inevitably conflict with the autogenerated
constraints. This creates an unsatisfiable layout.
 Be aware that OS X and iOS calculate their layouts differently.

In OS X, Auto Layout can modify both the contents of a window and the window’s size.

In iOS, the system provides the size and layout of the scene. Auto Layout can modify only the
contents of the scene.

These differences seem relatively minor, but they can have a profound impact on how you
design your layout, especially on how you use priorities.

Programmatically Creating Constraints

Whenever possible, use Interface Builder to set your constraints. Interface Builder provides a wide
range of tools to visualize, edit, manage, and debug your constraints. By analyzing your constraints, it
also reveals many common errors at design time, letting you find and fix problems before your app
even runs.

Interface Builder can manage an ever-growing number of tasks. You can build almost any type of
constraint directly in Interface Builder (see Working with Constraints in Interface Builder). You can
also specify size-class-specific constraints (see Debugging Auto Layout), and with new tools like
stack views, you can even dynamically add or remove views at runtime (see Dynamic Stack View).
However, some dynamic changes to your view hierarchy can still be managed only in code.

You have three choices when it comes to programmatically creating constraints: You can use layout
anchors, you can use the NSLayoutConstraint class, or you can use the Visual Format Language.
Layout Anchors

The NSLayoutAnchor class provides a fluent interface for creating constraints. To use this API, access
the anchor properties on the items you want to constrain. For example, the view controller’s top and
bottom layout guides have topAnchor, bottomAnchor, and heightAnchor properties. Views, on the
other hand, expose anchors for their edges, centers, size, and baselines.


In iOS, views also have layoutMarginsG

layoutMarginsGuide and readableContentGuide properties. These
properties expose UILayoutGuidee objects that represent the view’s margins and readable content
guides, respectively. These guides, in turn, expose anchors for their edges, centers, and size.

Use these guides when programmatically creating constraints to the margins or to readable cont

Layout anchors let you create constraints in an easy

read, compact format. They expose a number
of methods for creating different types of constraints, as shown in Listing 13-1..

Listing 13-1Creating layout anchors

1. // Get the superview's l

2. let margins = view.layoutMarginsGuide
4. // Pin the leading edge of myView to the margin's leading edge
5. myView.leadingAnchor.constraint
constraint(equalTo: margins.leadingAnchor
leadingAnchor).isActive =
7. // Pin the trailing edge of myView to the margin's trailing edge
8. myView.trailingAnchor.
.constraint(equalTo: margins.trailingAnchor
trailingAnchor).isActive =
10. // Give myView a 1:2 aspect ratio
11. myView.heightAnchor.constraint
constraint(equalTo: myView.widthAnchor
widthAnchor, multiplier:
2.0).isActive = true

As described in Anatomy of a Constraint

Constraint,, a constraint is simply a linear equation.

The layout anchors have several different methods for creating constraints. Each method includes
parameters only for the elements of the equ
ation that affect the results. So in the following line of
1. myView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: margins.leadingAnchor).isActive =

the symbols correspond to the following parts of the equation:

Equation Symbol
Item 1 myView
Attribute 1 leadingAnchor
Relationship constraintEqualToAnchor
Multiplier None (defaults to 1.0)
Item 2 margins
Attribute 2 leadingAnchor
Constant None (defaults to 0.0)

The layout anchors also provides additional type safety. The NSLayoutAnchor class has a number of
subclasses that add type information and subclass-specific methods for creating constraints. This helps
prevent the accidental creation of invalid constraints. For example, you can constrain horizontal
anchors (leadingAnchor or trailingAnchor) only with other horizontal anchors. Similarly, you can
provide multipliers only for size constraints.


These rules are not enforced by the NSLayoutConstraint API. Instead, if you create an invalid
constraint, that constraint throws an exception at runtime. Layout anchors, therefore, help convert
runtime errors into compile time errors.

For more information, see NSLayoutAnchor Class Reference.

NSLayoutConstraint Class

You can also create constraints directly using the NSLayoutConstraint class’s
convenience method. This method explicitly converts the constraint equation into code. Each
parameter corresponds to a part of the equation (see The constraint equation).

Unlike the approach taken by the layout anchor API, you must specify a value for each parameter,
even if it doesn’t affect the layout. The end result is a considerable amount of boilerplate code, which
is usually harder to read. For example, the code in Listing 13-2 code is functionally identical to the
code in Listing 13-1.

Listing 13-2Directly Instantiating Constraints

1. NSLayoutConstraint(item: myView, attribute: .leading, relatedBy: .equal,

toItem: view, attribute: .leadingMargin, multiplier: 1.0, constant:
0.0).isActive = true
3. NSLayoutConstraint(item: myView, attribute: .trailing, relatedBy: .equal,
toItem: view, attribute: .trailingMargin, multiplier: 1.0, constant:
0.0).isActive = true
5. NSLayoutConstraint(item: myView, attribute: .height, relatedBy: .equal,
toItem: myView, attribute:.width, multiplier: 2.0, constant:0.0).isActive =


In iOS, the NSLayoutAttribute enumeration contains values for the view’s margins. This means that
you can create constraints to the margins without going through the layoutMarginsGuide property.
However, you still need to use the readableContentGuide property for constraints to the readable
content guides.

Unlike the layout anchor API, the convenience method does not highlight the important features of a
particular constraint. As a result, it is easier to miss important details when scanning over the code.
Additionally, the compiler does not perform any static analysis of the constraint. You can freely create
invalid constraints. These constraints then throw an exception at runtime. Therefore, unless you need
to support iOS 8 or OS X v10.10 or earlier, consider migrating your code to the newer layout anchor

For more information, see NSLayoutConstraint Class Reference.

Visual Format Language

The Visual Format Language lets you use ASCII-art like strings to define your constraints. This
provides a visually descriptive representation of the constraints. The Visual Formatting Language has
the following advantages and disadvantages:

 Auto Layout prints constraints to the console using the visual format language; for this reason,
the debugging messages look very similar to the code used to create the constraints.
 The visual format language lets you create multiple constraints at once, using a very compact
 The visual format language lets you create only valid constraints.
 The notation emphasizes good visualization over completeness. Therefore some constraints
(for example, aspect ratios) cannot be created using the visual format language.
 The compiler does not validate the strings in any way. You can discover mistakes through
runtime testing only.

In Listing 13-1, the example has been rewritten using the Visual Format Language:

Listing 13-3Creating constraints with the Visual Format Language

1. let views = ["myView" : myView]

2. let formatString = "|-[myView]-|"
4. let constraints = NSLayoutConstraint.constraints(withVisualFormat:
formatString, options: .alignAllTop, metrics: nil, views: views)
6. NSLayoutConstraint.activate(constraints)

This example creates and activates both the leading and trailing constraints. The visual format
language always creates 0-point constraints to the superview’s margins when using the default
spacing, so these constraints are identical to the earlier examples. However, Listing 13-3 cannot create
the aspect ratio constraint.
If you create a more complex view with multiple items on a line, the Visual Format Language
specifies both the vertical alignment and the horizontal spacing. As written, the “Align All Top”
option does not affect the layout, because the example has only one view (not counting the

To create constraints using the visual format language:

1. Create the views dictionary. This dictionary must have strings for the keys and view objects
(or other items that can be constrained in Auto Layout, like layout guides) as the values. Use
the keys to identify the views in the format string.


When using Objective-C, use the NSDictionaryOfVariableBindings macro to create the

views dictionary. In Swift, you must create the dictionary yourself.

2. (Optional) Create the metrics dictionary. This dictionary must have strings for the keys, and
NSNumber objects for the values. Use the keys to represent the constant values in the format
3. Create the format string by laying out a single row or column of items.
4. Call the NSLayoutConstraint class’s
constraintsWithVisualFormat:options:metrics:views: method. This method returns an
array containing all the constraints.
5. Activate the constraints by calling the NSLayoutConstraint class’s activateConstraints:

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