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National Science Review

REVIEW 3: 49–63, 2016

doi: 10.1093/nsr/nww003
Advance access publication 11 January 2016


Special Topic: High Performance Computing

Applying high-performance computing in drug discovery
and molecular simulation
Tingting Liu, Dong Lu, Hao Zhang, Mingyue Zheng, Huaiyu Yang, Yechun Xu,
Cheng Luo, Weiliang Zhu, Kunqian Yu∗ and Hualiang Jiang

In recent decades, high-performance computing (HPC) technologies and supercomputers in China have
significantly advanced, resulting in remarkable achievements. Computational drug discovery and design,
which is based on HPC and combines pharmaceutical chemistry and computational biology, has become
a critical approach in drug research and development and is financially supported by the Chinese
government. This approach has yielded a series of new algorithms in drug design, as well as new software
and databases. This review mainly focuses on the application of HPC to the fields of drug discovery and
molecular simulation at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, including virtual drug screening, molecular
dynamics simulation, and protein folding. In addition, the potential future application of HPC in precision
medicine is briefly discussed.
Keywords: high-performance computing, computational drug discovery and design, virtual screening,
molecular dynamics simulation, protein folding

INTRODUCTION Supercomputing Conference in Austin, America.

According to the 46th edition of the twice-yearly
According to Moore’s law [1], the transistor count
TOP500 list of the world’s most powerful super-
of central processing units (CPUs) increases 1-fold
computers, it has kept the first-place position for six
every 18–24 months. The performance of super-
consecutive times since its appearance.
computers has developed even more rapidly, and
State Key Laboratory The national HPC environment (NHPCE) has
of Drug Research,
high-performance computing (HPC) has become
played an important role in the development of
Shanghai Institute of a strategic technology worldwide [2]. China has
HPC applications in China. The Supercomputing
Materia Medica, made remarkable achievements in the development
Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (SC-
Chinese Academy of of supercomputers, under the support of the Chi-
CAS), one of China’s earliest established supercom-
Sciences, Shanghai nese government, to which the Tianhe series of
puting centres, is the main node and operating cen-
201203, China supercomputers have recently made significant
tre of the China National Grid (CNGrid) Service
contributions. Milky Way-1 was designed by
Environment and Supercomputing Environment of
∗ Corresponding the National University of Defense Technology
CAS (ScGrid). Currently, SCCAS, equipped with
author. E-mail: yukun- (NUDT) in 1983; its appearance made China the
the supercomputer ERA with 2.3 PFlops capacity, third country to design such supercomputers. In
offers excellent supercomputing services for users
1994, Dawning-1 was developed by the Institute of
in China. Other supercomputing centres, such as
Received 30 August Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy
in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Tianjin, and Guangzhou,
2015; Revised 3 of Sciences (CAS), which accelerated the inde-
have been supported by 863 national programmes
January 2016; pendent development of Chinese supercomputers.
since the 10th Five-Year Plan. These supercom-
Accepted 5 January In November 2015, Tianhe-2, developed by
puter centres have more than 1000 users from all
2016 the NUDT, has retained its position as the
over the country, who are not only from basic
world’s fastest supercomputer at the International

C The Author(s) 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of China Science Publishing & Media Ltd. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
50 Natl Sci Rev, 2016, Vol. 3, No. 1 REVIEW

research fields such as mathematics, physics, chem- In recent decades, computational drug discov-
istry, astronomy, mechanics, biology, medicine, and ery and molecular simulation in China have signifi-
earth sciences, but are also from important industrial cantly advanced. Researchers have developed many
sectors including automotive, aviation, aerospace, new drug design algorithms, as well as drug design
nuclear power, steel, shipbuilding, civil engineer- software and databases with independent intellec-
ing, and cartoon rendering. With the improvement tual property, thereby ending a situation of complete
of high-performance technologies, HPC and super- dependence on foreign commercial software. Cur-
computers are being applied to an increasing num- rently, the CDDD field receives consistent financial
ber of emerging fields including deep learning, big support from the Chinese government [7]. In ad-
data mining, computational finance, and precision dition, more than 90 universities and research in-
medicine, with the expectation that it will accelerate stitutions all over the country have established de-
innovation. partments for computational drug discovery. The
Computational drug discovery and design Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica (SIMM) at
(CDDD), also known as computer-assisted drug CAS has developed and compiled a series of drug
design, has undergone significant improvements design algorithms and programs, some of which
since the 1970s. With the rapid development of possess thousands of registered users that are cur-
molecular and structural biology, the 3D structures rently implanted on supercomputers and are widely
and functions of biological macromolecules have used worldwide. For example, the molecular dock-
been determined. Meanwhile, the application of ing software GroupDock, developed by SIMM, has
computational methods to drug discovery and completed parallelization on domestic supercom-
molecular simulation has increased together with puters, which has reached hundreds of thousands of
the rapid advancement of computer science, CPU cores, allowing virtual screening of large-scale
powerful functions of graphic workstations, and databases in a short time. Besides, the development
high-performance computers. Quantum mechanics, of GroupDock is based on the UCSF Dock. It mainly
molecular mechanics, molecular dynamics (MD), deals with the massive docking tasks and optimiza-
and combinations of these methods have been tion of parallelization on China-made HPC systems
widely used in drug development. Traditionally, such as Shenwei. It otherwise performs nearly the
marketing a new drug in the pharmaceutical in- same as UCSF DOCK. The software has become a
dustry is a difficult process that often costs more drug research and development platform based on
than one billion US dollars and takes approximately NHPCE, which promotes innovational drug discov-
10 years. A series of CDDD approaches based on ery and development. With the help of Chinese su-
the 3D structures of biological macromolecules percomputers, SIMM has achieved many things.
(e.g. proteins and nucleic acids), such as the high- SIMM/CAS has established the advanced plat-
throughput virtual screening method, have greatly forms of innovative drug research and development
improved the efficiency of drug discovery. Accord- (Fig. 1). During the implementation of China’s 11th
ing to a United States government report, because and 12th Five-Year Plans, biomedical information
of the application of CDDD, drug development and diverse key technology platforms were prelim-
costs are reduced by around 130 million US dollars inarily constructed and perfected. These platforms
and research time is shortened by a year [3]. included drug design and screening, preclinical
CDDD based on HPC is a combination of phar- pharmacodynamics of novel drugs, and pharma-
maceutical chemistry, computational chemistry, and cokinetics and drug safety evaluations. In addi-
biology using supercomputers, and has become a tion, computational genomics, computational pro-
critical technology in drug research and develop- teomics, computational regulation networks, and
ment. Many CDDD techniques, such as drug vir- computational drug design are playing an increas-
tual screening, MD simulations, and molecular mod- ing number of important roles in the preclinical
elling, can be accelerated by recent technologies stages of the drug development pipeline. Most such
including grid computing, cloud computing, and computation is computationally intensive and re-
accelerating hardware such as graphics process- quires the support of HPC supercomputers. By ap-
ing units [4]. Grid computing, which is generally plying HPC, these technology platforms are able
composed of several geographically distributed su- to produce biomedical big data that include mas-
percomputers, can handle massive computationally sive amounts of pharmacological, pharmacokinetic,
intensive tasks [4,5], and is widely used in high- and pharmacogenomic information with increasing
throughput virtual drug screening, thereby reducing speed. Understanding how to better utilize these
time and cost. The drug discovery grid, a project sup- data (e.g. huge amounts of public information in-
ported by CNGrid, can support massive virtual drug cluding patents) and improving our understanding
screening tasks [6]. of the complex biological processes underlying drug
REVIEW Liu et al. 51

Founctional Targets Lead discovery Preclinical Clinical

genes Market
and optimization research research

Drug target discovery and biochemistry platform

Drug screening and design

Lead optimization platform

Drug preparation technology and quality control

Pharmaceutical preparation and metabolic study platform

Drug safety and pharmacodynamics evaluation platform

Figure 1. Depiction of the innovative drug research and development system.

action and the efficiency of drug discovery are im-

portant issues to address for the future of drug de-
Currently, simulation and 3D structure predic-
tion of protein folding, as well as active compound
discovery against targets from current compound li-
Figure 2. Typical workflow of docking-based virtual
braries, have become important directions for drug screening.
discovery. The simulation accuracy and enrichment
rate of virtual drug screening, to a large extent, de-
pend on computational performance. A supercom- pharmaceutical companies, whereas virtual screen-
puter on the exascale is required for a microsec- ing is primarily applied against new or uncon-
ond simulation of a system containing millions of firmed targets, mainly in the laboratories of aca-
atoms. Innovative drug-related computational ge- demic institutions, to discover potent inhibitors and
nomics, proteomics, network interaction, and drug to explore the mechanism of these unconfirmed
design technologies demand mass HPC resources. targets.
These critical technologies rely on the development
of the next generation of exascale high-performance Drug discovery and validation
computers. It is exascale computing that will be in ur- Within a typical workflow of virtual screening, as
gent demand for personalized drug development in shown in Fig. 2, a compound database including
the next 5–10 years. hundreds of thousands or even millions of small
This review mainly focuses on the application of molecule entries is first screened against the desig-
HPC to the field of drug discovery and molecular nated target protein, via the method of molecular
simulation at CAS in recent years, including several docking. Usually, molecular docking takes a few sec-
cases involving virtual screening (molecular dock- onds to minutes on modern CPUs considering only
ing), MD simulation, and protein folding. Potential the flexibility of small molecules and keeping the
prospects for the application of HPC to precision protein rigid. Thus, virtual screening against a tar-
medicine are briefly discussed. get consumes a great amount of computational re-
sources that only supercomputers can provide. Next,
thousands of compounds with the best docking
Virtual screening and drug discovery scores are kept for structural clustering. Within the
In most cases, the goal of drug discovery is to clustered compound list, about 100 candidate com-
search for potent inhibitors against a target, us- pounds are finally selected for subsequent valida-
ing high-throughput screening or virtual screening. tion. The criteria for manual selection are drug-like
The former approach is more reliable, but is expen- properties and binding modes generated by molec-
sive and time consuming, whereas the latter is a ular docking. To validate the potency of these can-
trade-off between cost and accuracy via the tech- didate compounds, various methods are employed,
nology of high-performance computers. Thus, high- including enzymatic activity assays, enzymatic bind-
throughput screening is widely used against well- ing assays, enzymatic selectivity assays, structure–
established targets, mainly in the laboratories of activity relationship studies, and cell assays. Recent
52 Natl Sci Rev, 2016, Vol. 3, No. 1 REVIEW

successful applications of virtual screening in our lab difficile infection, due to drug resistance. Sortase A
are briefly introduced below. is a transpeptidase that anchors surface proteins
Protein arginine methyltransferases (PRMTs) in the envelope of S. aureus, and mutant sortases
are important for chromatin remodelling, signal are unable to cause bacteraemia or sepsis in mice.
transduction, and RNA metabolism. Various dis- Through virtual screening and structural opti-
eases, such as cancers and cardiovascular disorders, mization, a series of inhibitors were identified that
are associated with the aberrant activity of PRMTs. blocked the activity of sortase in vitro and in vivo.
Through the combination of virtual screening and ra- These inhibitors protected mice against lethal S.
dioactive methylation assays, several hits were iden- aureus bacteraemia without affecting staphylococcal
tified as inhibitors with micromolar potency against growth in vitro. Thus, these sortase inhibitors may
PRMT1. Among these hits, two compounds showed act as an anti-infection therapy to protect high-risk
even higher potency than the well-known PRMT in- patients from hospital-acquired S. aureus infection,
hibitor AMI-1. They achieved inhibition by directly without incurring the side effects of antibiotics [11].
targeting substrate H4 rather than PRMT1. One As a rich source of compounds for drug discov-
of these two compounds also significantly inhibited ery [12], natural products, especially traditional Chi-
the proliferation of castrate-resistant prostate cancer nese medicines (TCM), have been attracting at-
cells [8]. tention in recent years. Various in silico methods
The DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) have been applied in TCM studies to identify po-
found in mammals are DNMT1, DNMT3A, and tential natural ligands for targets [13]. As an exam-
DNMT3B, which are attractive targets in cancer ple, the case of molecular docking discovered that
chemotherapy. The first DNMT to be character- sieboldigenin can bind to the pocket of soybean
ized, DNMT1, is responsible for maintaining the lipoxygenase (SLOX) with an IC50 of 38 μM [14].
DNA methylation pattern of the genome. Most Artemisia annua (qinghao) was discovered as an in-
of the existing DNMT inhibitors are nucleoside hibitor of SARS-CoVMpro (coronavirus main pro-
analogues that can cause toxic side effects. Through teinase) by the combination of molecular docking
a combination of docking-based screening and bio- and fingerprint studies [15]. Besides, several natu-
chemical assays, a novel non-nucleoside DNMT1 ral product databases based on TCM are available
inhibitor named DC 05 was identified, which for virtual-screening campaigns, such as Universal
inhibits DNMT1 at low micromolar concentrations Natural Product Database, Chinese Natural Product
and has remarkable selectivity against other similar Database and iSMART [12].
methyltransferases. After similarity-based searching,
analogues DC 501 and DC 517 showed even
higher potency than DC 05. All three compounds Target identification via molecular docking
significantly inhibited the proliferation of two As the central technology of computer-aided drug
cancer cell lines [9]. design, molecular docking is not only applied in vir-
Polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) modu- tual screening for drug discovery, but also aids with
lates the structure of chromatin and transcriptional target identification. Over the past few years, SIMM
repression by trimethylating lysine 27 of histone H3 has participated in research into target identification
(H3K27me3), which is necessary for the protein– with international colleagues using this technology.
protein interaction between the catalytic subunits The pleiotropic lipid mediator sphingosine-1-
EZH2 and EED. Aberrant PRC2 activity has been phosphate (S1P) can act independently of its mem-
broadly implicated in cancer initiation and pro- brane receptors through an intracellular mechanism.
gression, making it a promising target for cancer Sphingosine kinase 2 (SPHK2), one of the isoen-
therapy. Through a combination of docking-based zymes that produce S1P, is associated with his-
virtual screening and biochemical assays, an FDA- tone H3 and regulates histone acetylation via S1P,
approved drug, astemizole, was identified as an in- which specifically binds to the histone deacetylases
hibitor against the EZH2-EED interaction of PRC2. HDAC1 and HDAC2 to inhibit their enzymatic ac-
This work highlighted the therapeutic promise of tivity [16]. On the other side, FTY720 (fingolimod),
treating PRC2-driven human cancers via targeted an FDA-approved drug for the treatment of multiple
disruption of the EZH2-EED complex [10]. sclerosis, has beneficial effects in the central nervous
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus system that are independent of its effects on immune
(MRSA) is the principal cause of hospital-acquired cell trafficking, although the mechanism is not cur-
infection, which manifests as an infection at the rently well understood. FTY720 is phosphorylated
site of surgery, bacteraemia, and sepsis. Frequently, by SPHK2 in the nucleus, after which it binds and
prophylaxis of MRSA infection with antibiotics fails inhibits HDACs, enhancing specific histone acetyla-
or leads to nosocomial diseases such as Clostridium tion. Having identified the possible binding mode of
REVIEW Liu et al. 53

interactions is helpful for predicting therapeutic

benefits or the side effects of drug-like molecules.
Target prediction and identification is of high signif-
icance to drug discovery and research. However, it is
a laborious and time-consuming task if undertaken
by experimental approaches alone. Thus, there is
an urgent need to develop efficient computational
methods that can detect the targets of chemical com-
pounds. Recently, Li et al. [21] developed a reverse
ligand–protein docking programme, TarFisDock,
to search for potential ligand–protein interactions
through the screening of the potential drug target
database. The identification of the enzyme pep-
tide deformylase (the target of natural product
N-trans-caffeoyltyramine) in Helicobacter is re-
Figure 3. Docking of P-FTY720 into the pocket of HDAC2. garded as a successful application of TarFisDock
The green stick at the centre of figure is P-FTY720. The sur- [13]. Liu et al. proposed a reverse pharmacophore
face represents HDAC2. mapping strategy, via which a web server called
PharmMapper was established to predict potential
drug targets [22].
FTY720 within the pocket of HDAC via molecular With the exponential growth of bioactivity data,
docking, as shown in Fig. 3, it was concluded that it has become increasingly difficult to handle the
FTY720 may be a useful adjuvant therapy to facili- large-scale interaction data of small molecules and
tate the extinction of aversive memories by targeting their targets via traditional computational strate-
HDACs [17]. gies. Thus, target prediction can be considered a big
IRF1 is essential for the IL-1-induced expression data problem. Liu et al. [23] developed a ligand-
of the chemokines CXCL10 and CCL5, which re- based target fishing method based on 2D finger-
cruit mononuclear cells to the sites of sterile in- print similarity rankings with data fusion, which is
flammation. Once produced, IRF1 acquires Lys63 suitable for large-scale drug target prediction be-
(K63)-linked polyubiquitination mediated by the cause of its simple algorithm and fast calculation
inhibitor of apoptosis cIAP2, which is enhanced by speed.
the bioactive lipid S1P. In response to the stimu- A ligand-target reference library was established
lation of IL-1, cIAP2 and the sphingosine kinase that could be updated over time with the increas-
SphK1 (which are responsible for the production of ing availability of bioactivity data. This library cur-
S1P) form a complex with IRF1, leading to its ac- rently contains 533 drug targets and 179 807 active
tivation. After confirmation that S1P directly binds ligands, of which each target has its own ligand set.
to cIAP2, molecular docking was used to explore the Based on the large reference library, the similarity fu-
binding mode of S1P with cIAP2 [18]. sion scores between a query molecule and each lig-
Tumour necrosis factor (TNF) receptor- and set were calculated as the corresponding target
associated factor 2 (TRAF2) is a key component in scores of this molecule, using the Tanimoto coeffi-
the NF-κB signalling cascade triggered by TNF-α. cient [24] of ECFP4 fingerprints [25]. Finally, the
TRAF2 binds to Sphk1, which is one of the isoen- top targets ranked by fusion scores were considered
zymes that produce S1P, a prosurvival mediator as the potential targets of the query. A 10-fold cross
in cells. Sphk1 and the production of S1P are validation was adopted to evaluate the performance
necessary for lysine-63-linked polyubiquitination of the similarity fusion schemes or KNN fusion. Sim-
of RIP1 and NF-κB activation. With the molecular ilarity Ensemble Approach (SEA) [26], a statistics-
docking of S1P into the pocket of TRAF2, this work based chemoinformatics approach, was also tested
highlighted the important role of Sphk1 and its in parallel with our fusion schemes for comparison. It
product S1P in TNF-α signalling and the canonical was demonstrated that KNN fusion performed bet-
NF-κB pathway in inflammatory, anti-apoptotic, ter than SEA on a reference set and that 3NN out-
and immune processes [19]. performed the most. The target prediction accuracy
of the 3NN fusion strategy would be improved with
Target prediction for drug reposition the increasing size of the reference set, which shows
Drug targets are commonly associated with a desir- that the strategy could be applied to better deal with
able therapeutic effect or an unwanted adverse effect the problem of big data on active ligands. On the
[20]. The identification of potential ligand–protein two external test sets compiled from DrugBank and
54 Natl Sci Rev, 2016, Vol. 3, No. 1 REVIEW

Table 1. Web servers for target prediction in China.

Server name Description Website

TarFisDock Identification of potential target candidates for a given small

molecule via a ligand-protein reverse docking strategy
PharmMapper Searches for potential drug targets using the pharmacophore
mapping approach
DRAR-CPI [29] Prediction of adverse drug reactions and rug repositioning based
on mining the chemical-protein interactome
iDrug [30] A versatile web server capable of binding site detection, virtual
screening hits identification and drug targets identification
TarPred Detection of potential ligand-target interactions utilizing 2D
fingerprint similarity rankings with data fusion

Therapeutic Target Database, the 3NN scheme also prediction of new therapeutic targets and potential
exhibited its greater accuracy on the top 20 pre- toxicity for biologically active compounds, which has
dictions. Another point of note is that this method drawn an increasing amount of attention in recent
could successfully predict 62 of 65 new drug targets years. The in silico tool TarPred is useful and mean-
identified by SEA. ingful for target prediction in several cases. More-
In order to further verify the effectiveness of the over, it can be applied as a prefilter for drug devel-
approach on practical cases, target prediction was opment and could provide some crucial guidance
made for nine drugs withdrawn from the market be- to drug repurposing. Several online web services
cause of hERG toxicity [27] using the 3NN fusion for target prediction in China are summarized in
scheme. In this test, hERG was identified in the top Table 1. Several of these web services are supported
20 target lists of 7 of 9 drugs, and for terfenadine, by HPC servers, which can make the computation
sparfloxacin, and droperidol, their interactions with time to reduce radically.
hERG were ranked in first place. Furthermore, the In addition, on the platform of the Tianhe-2 su-
therapeutic targets of nine drugs were all in the top percomputer, SIMM has performed a number of cal-
20. These results demonstrate that the 3NN fusion culations regarding drug repositioning (old drugs for
scheme performs well on the prediction of both ther- new uses) using large-scale virtual screening.
apeutic targets and off-targets.
To make this method more convenient, a user-
friendly web server was developed, called TarPred The use of HPC to fight against infectious
[28], for the prediction of therapeutic benefits and diseases
side effects of query molecules. TarPred is freely Early warning and response to newly emerging infec-
accessible at For tious diseases before they become pandemic, which
chemicals queried by users, TarPred accepts both is an important part of the national emergency re-
graphical and SMILES format input. After the calcu- sponse system, requires the support of HPC. The
lation, which takes only 10–15 minutes, the top 30 period of a week to a month after the emergence
interacting targets ranked by 3NN score were listed. of a new infectious disease is the most critical time,
TarPred also provides detailed information, such as during which there is usually an absence of effective
BindingDB and DrugBank names, Gene IDs and drugs and vaccines. However, the development of
predicted diseases. The disease information associ- new vaccines takes at least 3 to 6 months, and the
ated with targets was extracted from the Compara- traditional process of developing new drugs requires
tive Toxicogenomics Database and integrated into 8–10 years.
the web application. The information provided by Fortunately, drug discovery based on HPC sys-
TarPred is useful for understanding the functional tems can reduce these time periods and boost so-
mechanisms and safety profiles of bioactive ligands. cial confidence in the handling of epidemic situa-
Entecavir and Salvianolic acid B were selected as tions. For example, in a situation where only small
case studies to validate the effectiveness of TarPred, molecule flexibility is considered alongside lower
and the results produced successfully predicted their calculation precision, and by employing all the com-
targets. putational resources of Tianhe-2, virtual screening
As a quick and low-cost method, computer-aided of almost all known compounds on the world can
target identification plays an important role in the be finished within 1 day. If protein flexibility is
REVIEW Liu et al. 55

considered with higher calculation precision, the virtual screening task with more than 42 000 000
current computational power should be elevated by small chemicals can be completed within 1 day. The
one or two orders of magnitude. That is, exascale cal- combination of HPC and high-efficiency platforms
culation can meet the demand. that enabled our country has the ability to deal
In the research and development of drugs against with the super-high-throughput screening tasks of
major malignant infectious diseases, drug virtual handling the acute infectious diseases.
screening becomes more useful due to time limita-
tions and the fact that related experiments cannot
be carried out directly. Therefore, upon the sudden MD simulation
outbreak of a new pandemic, the discovery of effec- With constant improvements in both computer
tive drugs against new diseases from a list of current power and algorithm design, MD simulation has be-
drugs by applying high-performance computers is an come a powerful research tool for drug discovery
efficacious way of responding to new infectious dis- over the last few decades. MD simulation calculates
eases. We have successfully fought against the SARS the time-dependent behaviour of a molecular system
[31–36] and influenza viruses [37–44] by employ- and examines the dynamics of atomic-level phenom-
ing CDDD approaches and HPC. During the discov- ena that cannot be observed directly. By exploiting
ery of anti-SARS agents, an in silico virtual screening the full power of current HPC platforms on a given
approach was applied to against the small molecules scientific problem through effective utilisation of all
database. As a result, several compounds were dis- available resources (CPUs, memory, and in many
covered as potential drug leads, which offered pos- cases, input/output (I/O)), MD simulation exerts
itive measures against SARS [31,36,45]. CDDD an ever growing role in the life sciences and drug dis-
approaches also played an important role in the de- covery. In the following section, we will discuss our
velopment of the famous drug Tamiflu, which is now application of MD simulation with the help of three
used against the avian influenza viruses. case studies.
In the design of drugs against avian influenza
viruses, virtual screening was performed by us-
ing multiple compound libraries (ACD, CNPD, Identification of dynamic conformations and
SPECS) with more than 900 000 compounds, pre- allosteric binding sites not available from crys-
dicting more than 100 potential neuraminidase in- tal structures
hibitors. Computer-aided structural modification Just as a single photograph of a runner tells lit-
and drug synthesis was performed, and nearly 280 tle about her stride, the static models produced by
analogues of oseltamivir and zanamivir were de- NMR and X-ray crystallography provide limited in-
signed and synthesised. A total of 12 neuraminidase formation. Meanwhile, MD simulation can deliver
inhibitors of avian influenza were discovered with an ensemble of conformations, which promote un-
enzyme activity similar to that of zanamivir and ef- derstanding of the dynamic processes underlying re-
fective in vivo. These 12 inhibitors possess indepen- ceptor activation [48,49].
dent intellectual property rights, 2 of which have Through 2 μs MD simulations on the apo
satisfactory activity. Several further lead compounds glucagon receptor (GCGR) and glucagon-bound
with innovative structures, independent intellectual GCGR performed using GROMACS4.6.1 package
property rights, and activities similar to zanamivir [50], we recently discovered that full-length GCGR,
(which can act against the virus at a viral level) have a potential drug target for type 2 diabetes [51], has
been acquired. Furthermore, drug candidates for two conformations: an open conformation stabi-
preclinical studies have been determined. Therefore, lized by the peptide glucagon and a closed confor-
it is evident that virtual screening based on HPC sys- mation in apo-GCGR, in which the extracellular do-
tems can remarkably improved the efficiency of drug main (ECD) forms extensive contacts with the seven
discovery and drug compound optimisation. transmembrane (7TM) domain (Fig. 4A). The two
Recently, the virtual screening platform conformations are very different from the full-length
mD3DOCKxb [46] was developed by the com- GCGR-glucagon model constructed using crystal
bination of NUDT, SIMM, and the National structures [52] (Fig. 4A). This was the first re-
Supercomputer Center in Guangzhou. It is a Many port of the putative closed state of GCGR at the
Integrated Core enabled version of D3DOCKxb atomic level, consistent with hydrogen/deuterium
[46,47]. The authors accelerated the Lamarckian exchange (HDX) results and validated by disulphide
genetic algorithm deeply, and achieved 12× to 18× cross-linking studies. GCGR belongs to the secretin-
sppdup. Based on such platform, SIMM carried like (class B1) family of G-protein-coupled recep-
out a virtual screening project on the Ebola virus tors (GPCRs) [53] in humans, which are activated
on Tianhe-2. Using all of Tianhe-2’s resources, a by endogenous hormonal peptides and play causal
56 Natl Sci Rev, 2016, Vol. 3, No. 1 REVIEW

members of voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channels,

is occluded [54–58], as shown in our simulation
on the Kv1.2 that there were internal and exter-
nal water crevices (Fig. 4B). However, in the sim-
ulation of the KCNQ2 channel, another member
of Kv channels and an anti-epilepsy target, a cav-
ity filled with water molecules appeared in the VSD
(Fig. 4B). As the volume of this space is ∼170 Å3 ,
we guessed that a potential-binding pocket was lo-
cated in the KCNQ2 VSD. Based on the docking
model of ztz240 (a KCNQ2 activator reported pre-
viously [59]) to the KCNQ2 homology model, one
MD simulation on the ztz240/KCNQ2 complex
was conducted by using GROMACS 4.5.4 package
[50], which provided a structural binding model for
ztz240. Further mutagenesis and electrophysiolog-
ical studies validated this activator-binding pocket
in the VSD of KCNQ2 [60] (Fig. 4B). Subsequent
structure-based virtual screening targeting the iden-
tified pocket discovered nine activators with five
new chemotypes, two of which exhibited significant
anti-epilepsy activity [60] (Fig. 4B). These results
demonstrate the capability of the KCNQ2 VSD to
accommodate small chemical ligands. The new func-
Figure 4. Efficient use of MD simulation applications on HPC infrastructures. (A) Iden- tionality of the gating charge pathway offers new
tification of open (blue) and closed (red) states of full-length GCGR in MD simulations insights into the therapeutically relevant KCNQ2
of full-length GCGR model (grey). The structures of full-length GCGR and glucagon channel.
(green) are shown as cartoons and glucagon is semi-transparent. (B) An activator-
binding pocket was discovered in the VSD of the KCNQ2 potassium channel and nine
activators were identified through structure-based virtual screening. The surface of Differential regulation of highly homologous
water molecules in MD simulations of Kv1.2 and KCNQ2 channels are shown in blue,
receptors by small molecules
with VSDs in grey cartoons. Residues involved in interactions with ztz240 in the binding
Biomacromolecules sharing high-sequence identity,
model of ztz240 in the VSD of KCNQ2 are displayed as green sticks. Ztz240 is depicted
as yellow sticks. The fragments orientated toward the intracellular end of the VSD in as well as similar structures, play distinct roles
the chemical structures of nine identified activators are highlighted in yellow, while in pathology. Beside subtle differences in them-
the other ends are highlighted in blue. (C) PIP2 interactions with the closed and open selves, the environment they belong to and their
states of the KCNQ2 channel in MD simulations. PIP2 molecules are depicted as yel- interactions with their surroundings, such as small
low spheres. S2-S3 loops and S4-S5 linkers in KCNQ2 are highlighted in magenta and molecules, contribute to their different functions.
green, respectively. Residues contributing to the stable binding of PIP2 are shown as Because MD simulation enables us to investigate
sticks, such as positively charged residues in the S2-S3 loop and K230 in the S4-S5 atomic interactions at a very detailed level, it can be
linker. successfully applied to identify and predict the differ-
ential regulation of highly homologous receptors.
roles in many diseases, ranging from diabetes and os- As an example, we will first show its successful
teoporosis to anxiety. As there are several conserved application to predict interactions of phosphatidyl-
structural features and ligand interaction hotspots in inositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2 ) with the KCNQ2
secretin-like class B GPCRs, the relative movements channel. PIP2 is a phospholipid component that is
and interaction dynamics of the ECD and 7TM do- enriched at the plasma membrane, and a substrate
main of full-length GCGR provide useful informa- for a number of important signalling proteins in-
tion to guide the design of new experiments to in- cluding the Kv channels [61–64]. Though PIP2 al-
vestigate class B GPCR structure–function relation- ters the physiological function and pharmacologi-
ships. cal selectivity of KCNQ channels [65–67], the ef-
In addition, the protein motions offered by MD fects and interactions of PIP2 on KCNQ channels
simulation provide essential information for the are not well understood. To predict the interac-
identification of druggable allosteric sites that are tions of PIP2 with the KCNQ2 channel, 200 ns all-
not visible in static structures. Previous studies have atom MD simulations on both the open and closed
shown that the voltage-sensor domain (VSD) of conformations of the KCNQ2 channel were per-
Shaker and Kv1.2-2.1 chimaeric channels, which are formed using GROMACS 4.6.1 package [50,68].
REVIEW Liu et al. 57

Simulations with two different force fields yielded ingly important role in the development of novel
similar PIP2 interactions: PIP2 preferentially inter- pharmacological therapeutics.
acted with K230 in the S4–S5 linker of the open-
state KCNQ2 channel, whereas it contacted K160 NUMD: a new approach for simulating protein
and other positive residues in the S2–S3 loop of the
conformational changes and free energy
closed state (Fig. 4C). These interactions were dif-
ferent from the PIP2 –Shaker and PIP2 –Kv1.2 inter- profiles
actions [69]. Consistently, the effects of PIP2 on Large-scale conformational changes of proteins are
KCNQ2 were also different relative to the Shaker not only related to the biological functions of the
and Kv1.2 channels. The results indicate the diver- proteins, but are also associated with the binding
sity of PIP2 effects on Kv channels. The mechanism of ligands or drugs. MD simulation has emerged
we proposed for the action of PIP2 on the KCNQ2 as a practical approach for exploring protein dy-
channel is consistent with the reported subtype sen- namics but is still unequal as a generally applica-
sitivity of PIP2 to Kv channels [70,71] and indi- ble strategy to explore large-scale protein confor-
cates that PIP2 may exert specific effects on KCNQ1 mational transitions. Considering the structure of
channels [68]. Thus, MD simulation is an effective the new generation supercomputer, we developed
method with which to analyse protein–lipid interac- a new approach, called NUMD, to deal with large-
tion. scale protein conformational movement, which is
MD simulation has also been successfully ap- a combination of normal mode analysis and um-
plied to identify cholesterol binding for a vari- brella sampling MD simulation. This new approach
ety of GPCRs [72–75]. Of interest are the two can produce thousands of the protein conforma-
major β-adrenergic receptor subtypes β1AR and tions along the conformational transition pathway,
β2AR, which share 76% sequence identity and are and each conformation can be simulated simultane-
highly similar in structure but have distinct and ously with thousands of CPUs. Therefore, compared
sometimes opposing effects in both cardiovascu- with other widely used MD approaches including
lar physiology and the pathogenesis of heart fail- NAMD, GROMACS, and AMBER, the new code is
ure [76,77]. Because β1AR and β2AR are sub- specifically suitable for HPC to delineate atomically
types specifically compartmentalized on cholesterol- detailed conformational transition pathways and the
enriched caveolae or lipid rafts, two 8 μs MD sim- associated free energy landscapes. Its application on
ulations of β1AR and β2AR embedded in a 2:1 1- three well-known protein systems (adenylate kinase
palmitoyl-2-oleoyl phosphatidylcholine-cholesterol (AdK), calmodulin (CaM), and p38α kinase) in the
mixture membrane were performed using the GRO- absence and presence of their respective ligands re-
MACS 4.5.3 package [50] to compare the poten- vealed that the predicted conformational transition
tial cholesterol-binding sites for β1AR and β2AR. pathway and thermodynamic observables were in
Big differences were observed in the cholesterol in- good agreement with experimentally and computa-
teraction sites between β1AR and β2AR, which are tionally determined ones (Fig. 5). Thus, this simple
relevant to cholesterol-mediated dimerisation and approach offers a generally applicable strategy by us-
the allosteric regulation of receptor activity [78]. ing HPC for probe intrinsic or ligand-induced large-
Our MD simulations provide valuable clues regard- scale protein conformational transitions and the as-
ing cholesterol binding to β1AR and β2AR and shed sociated free energy landscape [79,80].
light on general determinants of cholesterol binding
to GPCRs. Protein folding: conformational transition
Thanks to the efficient computational resources of amyloid β-peptide (Aβ)
of the National Supercomputing Center in Jinan, Protein folding is the physical process by which
the National Supercomputing Center in Tianjin a polypeptide folds into its 3D structure, from a
(Tianhe-1A) and the Tianhe Research and Devel- random coil to its characteristic protein functional
opment Team of the NUDT (Tianhe-2), the above- shape or conformation. The correctly folded pro-
mentioned studies have been accomplished. Be- tein structure or conformation is essential to the
cause the biological systems studied using all-atom protein’s biological function. A failure to fold into
MD simulations can be very large, comprising mil- the native structure may produce inactive proteins,
lions of atoms, the calculations required are often too but misfolded proteins may also have modified or
complex and computationally intensive for even the toxic functionality. For example, aggregated proteins
best supercomputers. It is clear that there is room for are associated with illnesses such as Alzheimer’s dis-
improvement. Steady growth in HPC has made MD ease (AD) and Parkinson’s disease. MD simulation
simulation spans wider spatial and temporal ranges is a good tool for the study of protein folding and
and resolutions, which are likely to play an increas- dynamics in silico. AD is a progressive, irreversible
58 Natl Sci Rev, 2016, Vol. 3, No. 1 REVIEW

Figure 5. Schematic representations of NUMD application on three well-known protein systems (adenylate kinase (AdK),
calmodulin (CaM), and p38 kinase). The ‘apo’ represents the ligand-free conformation, ‘complex’ means ligand-bound state.
The order parameterDrmsd is defined as the difference in RMSD values of each structure from the reference starting and
final states [80].

neurological disorder and the most frequent cause of for self-assembly, MD simulations, complementary
senile dementia. Two pathologically characterized to the standard tools of structural biology such as
hallmarks of AD are the appearance of extracellular NMR and X-ray diffraction, appear to be a useful tool
senile plaques and intracellular neurofibrillary tan- with which to obtain atomic level insights into the
gles [81,82]. The major constituents of the plaques structures as well as the conformational changes of
are amyloid β-peptides (Aβ) of 39–43 amino acids, Aβ, a prerequisite to the development of more spe-
which are produced by the sequential action of β- cific drugs with optimal affinities for Aβ monomers
and γ -secretases on the amyloid precursor protein or toxic oligomers.
[83]. Aβ40 and Aβ42 are the two most abundant We performed multiple parallel MD simulations
Aβ isoforms, with the only difference found at their with a total of 850 ns on both the wild-type pep-
C-termini, where the latter has two more hydropho- tide and its mutant [90]. In aqueous solution, an α-
bic residues. It has been demonstrated that Aβ42 is helix to β-sheet conformational transition of Aβ40
more neurotoxic than Aβ40, and that an increased was observed and a completed unfolding process
Aβ42/Aβ40 concentration ratio correlates with the of the peptide from helix to coil was traced by our
onset of AD [84,85]. MD simulations. Structures with few short β-sheets
Extensive experimental and theoretical studies and helices were identified as intermediate states in
exploring the structures of monomeric as well as ag- the unfolding pathway of Aβ40 (Fig. 6). Four tan-
gregated Aβ have revealed remarkable molecular- dem glycines (G25, G29, G33, and G37) at the C-
level insights, including a key point at which the terminal of Aβ40 were found to account for the
structural feature associated with different mor- short β-sheet formation. Further mutation of these
phologies of Aβ are distinct [86–89]. This implies glycines to alanines almost abolished the β-sheet
that the peptides are able to adopt a diverse set of formation and increased the content of the helix
conformations in which the anti-parallel or parallel component instead (Fig. 6). In the lipid bilayer of di-
β-sheet is often the key structural element. There is a palmitoyl phosphatidylcholine, the major secondary
dire need for structural studies of Aβ monomers and structure of Aβ40 is helical; however, the peptide
aggregates at the atomic level, to answer crucial ques- tends to exit from the hydrophobic region and lie
tions such as when and how the β-sheet structure is down on the surface of the bilayer. Overall, these re-
formed and why Aβ42 aggregates more rapidly and sults provide an annotation of conformational tran-
severely than Aβ40. In view of the high propensity sition in relation to the dynamic process of Aβ
REVIEW Liu et al. 59

Subsequent structure optimization of DC-AB1

was performed and nine compounds with higher po-
tency were obtained [92]. In particular, one of the
nine new compounds not only suppressed the ag-
gregation of Aβ but also dissolved the preformed
fibrils in vitro. Cellular assays revealed that it has
no toxicity to neuronal cells. Moreover, it can ef-
fectively inhibit Aβ42-induced neurotoxicity and in-
crease cell viability. Therefore, based upon the in-
termediate structure of Aβ revealed by MD simula-
tions, virtual screening together with further struc-
ture optimization has resulted in a lead compound
for the development of a drug against AD.
Characterizing the conformation dynamics of
monomeric Aβ40 and Aβ42 is a prerequisite to
comprehending the Aβ self-assembly pathway and
the differences between the two peptides. In a recent
Figure 6. MD simulations of the conformational transition study, we set out to investigate the conformation
of Aβ and design of an aggregation inhibitor targeting the dynamics of Aβ40 and Aβ42 by exploring the im-
intermediate structure of Aβ resulting from simulations. pact of intramolecular interactions on conformation
dynamics using equilibrium MD simulations [93].
Our 40 μs-scale simulations revealed heterogeneous
exiting from the membrane and entering into aque- conformation ensembles of Aβ40 and Aβ42 that en-
ous solution. It is beneficial to understand the under- compassed ∼35% β-strand and ∼60% unstructured
lying molecular mechanism of Aβ aggregation and coils. Two conformational states were identified in
design compounds that can inhibit the formation of both isoforms: a collapsed state (CS) that resembles
oligomers as well as amyloid fibrils (Fig. 6). the structural motif of face-to-face hydrophobic clus-
The α-helix/β-sheet intermediate structure re- tering in amyloid fibrils, and an extended state (ES)
vealed by our simulations has a core domain con- that carries the structural feature of anti-parallel β-
stituted by the segment of residues 24–37, of which sheets observed in amyloid oligomers. This observa-
four residues (Gly25, Gly29, Gly33, and Gly37) tion is in line with previous NMR studies. In Aβ40,
are essential to β-sheet formation. Chemical com- the C-terminus remains unstructured and rarely in-
pounds that lock the structure of Aβ into the α- teracts with other parts, therefore, the hydropho-
helix/β-sheet intermediate state could possibly in- bic clustering is loosely structured and the peptide
hibit Aβ fibrillation. Targeting this intermediate assumes an ES with high probability. In contrast,
structure, a virtual screening based on molecular the C-terminus of Aβ42 adopts a β-strand struc-
docking was performed with the goal of discover- ture that strongly interacts with segments E3-R5
ing small molecule inhibitors that interrupt the for- and V18-A21. The active associations of this ex-
mation of the pleated β-sheet structures involved tra β-strand lead to a more compact hydropho-
in amyloid fibrils via binding to the intermediate bic collapse and prevent the isoform from form-
structure [91]. One of the docked compounds, DC- ing the ES. Based on our structural characterization,
AB1, was shown to effectively inhibit the aggre- we propose that the aggregation begins in the CS,
gation and fibrillation of Aβ by thioflavin T fluo- and that the propensity of the various isoforms to
rescence assay, atomic force microscopy, and poly- self-associate into a particular form is encoded in
acrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis. Meanwhile, their equilibrium conformational states. As our sim-
CD spectroscopy measurement revealed that the β- ulation results demonstrate that the probability of
sheet component of Aβ increased in the presence of Aβ42 staying in CS is significantly higher than that
DC-AB1, suggesting that the binding of DC-AB1 to of Aβ40, the enhanced aggregation propensity of
Aβ stabilized the β-sheet structure of the peptide. the former could result from the consequent low-
Taken together, our study not only demonstrated ered energy barrier for nucleate formation. Besides,
that the α-helix/β-sheet intermediate structures re- a greater resemblance to fibril structure is observed
vealed by the aforementioned simulations could be in the CS of Aβ42, including increased occupancy
used as a binding target for inhibitor design, but also of the β-strand at V18-A21 and I31-M35 and com-
provided new insights into the molecular events in- pact hydrophobic collapse. These structural advan-
volved in the conformational transition of Aβ pep- tages could also contribute to the effectiveness of
tides in fibrillogenesis. nucleation.
60 Natl Sci Rev, 2016, Vol. 3, No. 1 REVIEW

Future perspectives: personalized cal data and biological information, provides an op-
drug discovery (precision medicine) portunity for future biomedical research and person-
based on HPC alized medicine studies [97]. It also requires a new
generation of HPC architectures and diverse tech-
Precision medicine is also known as ‘P4 medicine’ nologies, data mining systems including omics infor-
[94], which refers to predictive, personalized, pre- mation, inscription data, clinical data, and even fi-
ventive, and participatory medicine. Owing to the nancial data.
rapid pace of human genome research and high- In conclusion, in the age of precision medicine
throughput technologies, personalized medicine is and big data, opportunities and challenges exist to-
expected to become a new paradigm of future health- gether. HPC systems are increasingly essential com-
care [95]. Personalized medicine will be likely to af- ponents, which can compute, analyse, and integrate
fect society in many aspects [96]. Radical changes raw data efficiently, because of the large size of
to medical practice and the pharmaceutical industry most biomedical data. In order to make personalized
will be involved. medicine more efficient and accurate, the tools and
Currently, personalized medicine is leading the algorithms for integrating and analysing biomedical
third wave of drug discovery. The United States in- data need to be developed and improved [98].
troduced a ‘precision medicine initiative’ in early
2015, in order to promote the development of per-
sonalized medicine, hoping to lead a new era of med- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
ication and healthcare. The rapid development of su- We thank the SCCAS, the Shanghai Supercomputer Center, the
percomputers will play a significant role in the de- National Supercomputer Center in Tianjin, and the National Su-
velopment of ‘precision medicine’, and will greatly percomputer Center in Guangzhou for supporting our virtual
strengthen the computation and data analysis ability screening and dynamic simulation projects.
of genomics. Under the vigorous promotion of high-
performance computers, precision medicine based
on genomics and personalized drug research and dis- FUNDING
covery should greatly improve therapeutic effects, by This work was supported the National High Technology Re-
employing personalized accurate treatment of ‘the search and Development Programme of China (2012AA020301,
remedy to the case’. The discovery and validation 2012AA01A305), the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KSZD-EW-
of functional genes and targets in the early stages L09-4), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China
of drug research and development lead discovery (81230076, 21210003).
and optimization, and the platform of drug virtual
screening and design must be based on HPC infras-
tructure. REFERENCES
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