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Subject: Moral Education

Grade- 5
Book 1 Unit-2: Me and My World
Lesson 1: What Do You Mean by Responsibility?
Lesson 2: Assume Self-Responsibility for My Own Good

Learning Objectives:
❖ Define the term ‘Responsibility’ and list different ways we can be responsible.
❖ Examine the importance of assuming responsibility and developing resilience.

General Instructions:
✓ Study from the Moral Education worksheet for your assessments.
✓ Maintain the note book work as instructed by your teacher.

I. Read the questions carefully and choose the correct answers.

1) Which of the following statements is CORRECT about a responsible person?
a. He always shows reluctance to accept any sort of challenge.
b. He becomes impatient during difficult times.
c. He always honours his commitments and completes the tasks beforehand.
d. He never takes the onus of failures of his own actions.
Answer: c. He always honours his commitments and completes the tasks beforehand.

2) The ability to bounce back from difficult situations is called __________________.

a. sympathy
b. generosity
c. resilience
d. responsibility
Answer: c. resilience

3) Which of the following is NOT TRUE about assuming responsibility?

a. Doing what you are supposed to do
b. Thinking before actions
c. Persevering
d. Waiting for others to take up the task
Answer: d. Waiting for others to take up the task
4) Being responsible helps us to develop our personality by increasing our ___________.
a. self-confidence
b. tendency to break commitments
c. pessimism
d. procrastinating attitude
Answer: a. self-confidence

II. Answer the following questions:

1) Explain what is responsibility and mention numerous ways of being responsible towards
Answer: Being responsible means being dependable, keeping promises and honouring our
commitments. This virtue enables us to accept the consequences for what we say and do. It also
means developing our potentials.

Numerous ways of showing self-responsibility

i) Eating healthy food and

having a balanced diet iv) Following a structured study vi) Prioritizing important tasks
ii) Exercising regularly time table vii) Taking care of one's mental
iii) Effective management of v) Maintaining body hygiene health by meditation

2) a. Define the term ‘Resilience’.

b. How can we develop our resilience?
Answer: a. Resilience is a process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy,
threats or significant sources of distress. It means “bouncing back” from difficult experiences.
b. We can develop our resilience by
❖ Creating a personal vision
❖ Being in control
❖ Being flexible
❖ Getting organised
❖ Being able to solve problems
❖ Getting connected with others
❖ Being socially competent
❖ Being proactive
III. Read the paragraph and answer the questions (Personal Responses-To be done in the
Natalie is a hard-working student. She helps out at home, works hard at school and helps her
friends with their work when she can. One day, Mr. Badie, the Arabic teacher, was walking
through the playground when he saw Natalie sitting by herself. She was not eating her breakfast
with her friends and was not playing with them. Mr. Badie went up to her and said, ‘What is
wrong Natalie? Have you and your friends had a fight? Has someone hurt you? It’s not like you
to be sitting alone.’ Natalie said, ‘No, everything is OK with my friends. It is just that I have got
to take responsibility for something I did at home. I broke my sister’s computer and am saving
up to pay for it to be fixed. That is why I had breakfast at home - I don’t have the money to
spend on breakfast here.’

‘Can’t your father buy a new computer or fix the broken one?’

‘Yes, he can.’

‘Hmm .... so, what’s the problem? Can’t you just ask him to get a new one? You are a polite and
hard-working and I am sure he won’t say no.’

‘No, I broke the computer and it is my responsibility to pay for it to be fixed. My father always
says we have to take responsibility for our actions and face up to any problems we have.’
i) How well do you think Natalie handled the situation?
ii) Imagine if you were Natalie, how would you handle the matter?
iii) List numerous ways through which we can express ourselves as responsible individuals.

IV. Critical Thinking Question (To be done in the notebook): How can we use Artificial
Intelligence (AI) to create sustainable environment in the UAE?

V. Cross-Curricular Link- Moral Education and Art (To be done in the notebook)
Design a poster showing your responsibility towards the nature and give a suitable caption to
the poster.

Reflective Log: (To be done in the notebook)

My Reflection

I learnt………………………….
I wish to learn…………………….

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