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Education should be accessible to people of all economic backgrounds.

levels of education, from primary school to tertiary education, should be free.
To what extent do you agree with this opinion?

Schooling must be reachable to society from all the financial degrees. All the sections of literacy from
elementary school to university have to become free. In my opinion, to prepare the next generation
for life, every child has to go to school and become knowledgeable. To make this system work, we
should provide it free of charge.

The main responsibility of the government or the authority that is controlling and becoming a force
above society is to take care of their citizens. Furthermore, the priority of the government is to
extend its own lifespan as long as possible and the best way to survive against time is to educate their
people and make them ready for keeping the system working according to conditions that are

Many states around the world have its free universities which present different levels of competency
for its citizens and students from different countries, they are the most convenient places to be
educated since experts and eye-catching scholars give lectures on certain fields.

For each person who is irrelevant from it is wealth level has to get a specific level of literacy until
becoming an adult and provided by the government more easily to the public. This is a better
investment decision to spend resources on its citizens than earning money from education

With fast pace of modern life more and more people are turning towards fast
food for their main meals.
Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
Swift rate of modernized mortality, increasing communities are considering fast food as their essential
food. From my perspective, the advantages like quick consumption, easy accessibility, and affordable
prices are more dominant than the disadvantaged outcomes.

In today's world, if we can define this period with an idiom, it should be time is money, so in order to
gain time for working or spending it as we like to, we prefer to consume less time on making and
eating. Looking in that way we solve our daily nourishing with fast production and consumption, it
has become more reachable anywhere or anytime when required. For example, as a remote worker, I
always have to respond loads of questions coming from clients and I need to rush to save time for

On the other hand, consuming too much fast food may cause health problems due to unbalanced
nutritional values for example obesity, diabetes, and weight gain. However, limited eating of them
and balancing the diet with other meals can solve the health problems. Fast food does not necessarily
involve harmful ingredients, even a quick salad or fresh fruit cans be ….
To sum up, the properties of fast food like reasonable figures, reaching easily, and rapid process which
is adapted to the high-speed lifestyle of society and improve the numbers of customers step by step.

Some people think that the government should be responsible for crime
prevention, while others believe that it is the responsibility of the individual
to protect themselves.
Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
Several citizens believe that authorities must manage lawbreaking activities and their consequences,
while the other part of society thinks that having the power to defend itself against any harm or
handing justice on its own is a personal matter.

From the perspective of some individuals, authority enforces or implements the rules to everyone
without any favor at least, it has to be in a decent way which is why people now still believe the
system works equally and according to the constitutional state. Moreover, there should be a figure
that is a deterrent to people who are willing to commit a crime or any mistake that has a punishment
in law when it occurs and they are going to know the penalizing is certain. For example,

On the other hand, acting as a single person can decide the solution without distraction, sometimes
the local forces cannot make it on time to interrupt or intervene, and importantly it fastens the
processes also formality of paperwork. However, behaving with emotions and judgment can
sometimes cause more trouble than the problem itself, like making it more complicated or wrong
decisions can lead to some issues for the person who is involved who was not guilty. Furthermore,
this situation may cost an innocent life or has a negative impact on family members, which is not

In conclusion, part of the individuals argue that the regime has to ensure illegal acts prevention,
whereas the others part still consider that individuals to guard themselves. The obvious thing for me
is that a symbol of power should continue to enforce rules to prevent injustice to make the system
work in a proper way.

Global warming is one of the biggest threats to our environment.

What causes global warming?
What solutions are there to this problem?

Over the years growing problem of the world's rising temperature is another great danger to our

The human causing Greenhouse gas emissions, fossil fuels, industrialization, urbanization,
Renewable energies Energy & water efficiency Sustainable transportation Responsible consumption &
recycling Sustainable agriculture & forest management

The pie chart shows the amount of money that a children's charity located in the USA spent and
received in one year.

The given pie charts present information about money that is funded for young people in the USA
and that is consumed and collected in twelve months. Units are measured by percentage.

At first glance, it is clear that most of the income is collected from donated food and the money spent
on program services, both around 53 million dollars.

The main part of the revenue is donated food 86.6% which is a very far ratio from the second income
which is 10.4%. Conversely, the money that comes from the government and investors is equal with
0.2%. The total money that is funded accounts for higher than the amount consumed approximately

The basis of the cost goes to the program services nearly equal to 96%. Other spending rates are for
raising funds and management which make up 2.6% and 1.6%, respectively. The rest of the money is
saved in the budget of the childcare charity organization.

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