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Made by: Chiel, Aidian, Tycho, Robin and

The Nintendo creator
Nintendo has changed a lot over the years, but who came up with it? Nintendo
was created by Fusajiro Yamauchi. Fusajiro Yamauchi had
a daughter named Tai Yamauchi, who would later marry Sekiryo Kaneda, and a wife. In
1889 he opened a new company, Nintendo Koppai. His company
made playing cards called hanafuda. With two stores, one in
Osaka and one in Kyoto, the company grew more and more, and he
had to hire employees. Fusajiro retired in 1929, after which his son-
in- law took over the company and died in the Second World War.

Led by young Hiroshi Yamauchi (Fusajiro's grandson) after World

War II, the company wanted to expand its businessmodel to everything from a taxi service to Love Hotels. Most of
these moments failed and their Hanafuda sales would fall after the 1964 Olympics. When they were close to bankrupt
cy, the company contacted one of its employees, Gunpei Yokoi, seen by colleagues for his
love of inventing devices and product ideas. Yokoi brought some of
his inventions into Nintendo and Nintendo had a few small hits in these ideas: the Ultra
Hand, the Love Tester and the Ultra Machine, among others. Because of
these successes, Yamauchi decided that Nintendo would become an entertainment and games

Tinkering with solar cells and transistors led Yokoi and another engineer to make a few simple light gun
games, shooting a bottle in the right place would cause it to burst apart, a
toy lion roar, and so on. Moving these to abandoned bowling alleys gave Nintendo their Laser Clay Ranges, where play
ers would put some coins in and shoot at electronic targets installed at the end
of lanes. Although at first successful, the 1973 oil crisis reduced demand for the Ranges, and Nintendo was forced to
take a different path. In the late 70's Nintendo became a real
videogame company. The current owner is Shuntaro Furukawa since june 2018

In 1981 werd het bekende spel

"Donkey Kong" gelanceerd
voor de arcades. Hiermee
hoopte Nintendo om de Noord-
Amerikaanse markt te
veroveren. Hierin is het kleine
mannetje dat de prinses moet
redden nog "Jumpman". Later
werd dit gewoon "Mario".
Nintendo devices
Nintendo has made a lot of popular games. But Nintendo also made some well-known devices. In this article you will
get to know which devices Nintendo has made and when.
The first device ever created by Nintendo is the Game boy. With the game boy you could only play one game. The
game boy was created in 1988, after the game boy was published there were 2
We all once had a Nintendo
devices very similar but just a little different. The game boy pocket was published in
device in our hands, or we
1996 and 2 years later the game boy light was released.
had a device in our
The game boy was very successful, so the game boy advanced series was created.
possession. If not so, your
There were 3 kinds, the game boy advance that was made and released in 2001, the
parents probably had one
game boy advance SP that was released in 2003 and the last one of the
in their hands. My opinion is
game boy advanced was the game boy micro that was released in 2005.
that Nintendo is a great
company, which had brought
Nintendo made its first device with a touchscreen in 2003, that was the
out many games to play on
Nintendo DS. The Nintendo DS was very popular, and you could play
many devices. I also think it’s
multiple games on it. There were 4 verses of the Nintendo DS: the
a great company because
Nintendo DS, the Nintendo DS lite, the Nintendo DSI and the Nintendo
they are very
DSI XL. The Nintendo DS was first released in 2003, the Nintendo DS lite in 2006, the actual in the game market. T
Nintendo DSI in 2009 and finally the Nintendo DSI XL was released in 2010 hink about their newest
device, the Nintendo Switch
Lite. The Nintendo Switch
after the Nintendo DS, the Nintendo 3DS was released. the Nintendo Lite is the better version of
3DS had more buttons on it, so you could play easier and more the Nintendo Switch. The
games. the Nintendo 3DS had 6 different devices: The Nintendo 3DS Nintendo Switch Lite was
(2011), the Nintendo 3DS XL (2012), The Nintendo 2DS (2013), The New Nintendo 3DS sold 800.000 times in the
(2014) the New Nintendo 3DS XL (2014) and lastly the New Nintendo 2DS XL (2017). first month when it came
out. It was a record for
Japan. There are more than
10.000 devices more sold
With the Nintendo switch you can remove the controllers and play than when the Nintendo
with two at the same time and the middle part is a screen to watch on.
Switch came out.
The Nintendo switch was first released in 2017, the Nintendo switch (revise) in 2019 and the
Nintendo switch lite in 2019.
History Of Nintendo
Aidian Harlaar

Nintendo is known for years all around the globe but were did this amazing story of
Nintendo begin. Nintendo is a Japanese company that was founded by a man
called, Fusajiro Yamauchi. Fusajiro was born of the 22 of November and he died in
1940. He founded Nintendo in Kioto, Japan. The exact date was 23 September
1889. The company was first called Yamauchi Nintendo, Fusajiro named it after his
last name, Yamauchi. A Japanese tradition is that the son of the owner overtakes
the company, if the owner retires or died. But Fusajiro did not have any sons to
take over in the family business. To follow the tradition Fusajiro legally adopted his
son-in-law, Sekiryo Kaneda. He then took his wife's last name, Yamauchi. This way he
had a son. In 1929 Fusajiro retired and assigned Sekiryo Kaneda as CEO of the company.

Kaneda renamed the company in 1933 to Yamauchi Nintendo & Co. He did this after he established and joint venture
with another company. Kaneda also only had daughters, so they did the same thing again. They adopted a son-in-law,
named Shikanojo Inaba. He also took his wife's last name, Yamauchi. His name later was Shikanojo Yamauchi. A couple
years later Shikanojo abandoned the family and the family business. He never became the CEO of the family business.
After the abandonment of Shikanojo Yamauchi, his son Hiroshi Yamauchi became the CEO of the
company. Hiroshi Yamauchi had studied and graduated at the Waseda university. In 1965 Hiroshi had hired a
maintenance engineer. his name was Gunpei Yokoi. But a couple years later he got famous, and not because he was
able to repair stuff. This was because of his ability to make things no one was able to make. In 1971 Hiroshi made an
alliance with an American company called, Magnavox. They could produce the same number of games and other stuff
as in Japan, but they would be able to sell them for much more profit then in Japan. Many years of success past by and
then in 1989 they made something that would change the history of videogames.

Nintendo had brought out the Game Boy. The Game Boy was invented by Gunpei Yokoi. He created the Game and
Watch years earlier. This Game Boy came along with a popular game called, Tetris. Because of the price and the
amount of lifetime, the Game Boy was a well sold product on the market.
The day it was brought out, it was sold 118 million times. Super Mario land
was also released at the time for the Game Boy. 43 million copies were
already sold in the first week. Another highlight happened in October 2007, a
lot of years later. The reason why it was so special was, because in that year
the first women became the CEO of Nintendo. Her name was Rose Lappin.
Before she became the CEO, she was a Marketing Manager in Australia. She
did nothing before she was the Marketing Manager. This was most of the
history of Nintendo.
Interview: Tim & his own game
Today our interviewer interviewed Tim, Tim is 9 years old and loves games.

interviewer: “Hi, Tim what’s your favourite Nintendo game?”

Tim: “Hi, my favourite Nintendo game is Mario cart, because I like to race and beat the others.”

interviewer: “And do you have any character you like most?”

Tim: “Yes, I really like Mario because of his funny accent and his funny moustache and hat.”

interviewer: “When did you get your first Nintendo device?”

Tim: “I got a Nintendo DS when I was 5 and always played games on it.”

interviewer: “If you could design a game what would it be?”

Tim: “It would be a maze with cars so you can race in the maze, because I really like mazes and

Interviewer: “That sounds amazing, witch characters would you want to be in your game?”
Tim: “I would like Mario, Luigi, Toad and some bad guys to be in the game.”

Interviewer: “Maybe one day someone will make your game a real game, wouldn’t that be cool?”
Tim: “Yes that would be really cool!”

Interviewer: “thank you for your time Tim, bye.”

Tim: “bye”
Famous games of Nintendo
Nintendo has made a lot of games, the most famous games they made were: Super Mario, Donkey Kong, Tetris and
Wii Sports and I am going to tell you more about these games.

Super Mario: Nintendo has made a lot of Mario's, the first one was Super Mario Bros that came out on July 14th,
1983. It is about a giant turtle named King Koopa who stole the Mushroom kingdom, the princess of the Mushroom
king named Peach was the only one who could end the spell that King Koopa placed on the kingdom. King Koopa knew
that and kidnapped Peach, the king of the Mushroom king asked an Italian plumber named Mario to rescue the
princess. In the game are you Mario trying to save Princess Peach. There is also a Super De advocaat die
Mario Bros 2 and Super Mario Bros 3 because it was a great success Nintendo made Nintendo verdedigde
more Mario's like Super Mario Kart what came out in 1992, you are racing against other was John Kirby. Ik
players with a Nintendo character. Nintendo released a total of 10 Mario karts over 9 hoor je al denken
devices. "Hmm wacht eens!
Nintendo heeft toch
Donkey Kong: Donkey Kong was one of the first games Nintendo made, it was released ook een personage
on July 9th, 1981. The game is about Pauline who was kidnapped by a big monkey named dat Kirby heet?". Dat
Donkey Kong and Mario must save her by going upstairs and dodging the tons and klopt ook! Nintendo
hammers that Donkey Kong throws. The game has 3 levels if you passed level 3 you do heeft het roze figuurtje
de naam Kirby
the levels again but then it is harder until you were hit by a ton or hammer. In total there
gegeven als dank aan
are 3 types of Donkey Kong: Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr and Mario vs Donkey Kong.
John Kirby voor de
overwinning in de
Tetris: The goal of Tetris is to make a horizontal line of blocks that are falling, you can rechtszaak
make a horizontal line by moving the blocks midair. If you made a horizontal line the line
will disappear and then can you make a line again. If the blocks stacked at the top your
gone and you can start over. The release date was July 6th, 1984, but it becomes famous around 1989 because if you
bought a Gameboy, you got Tetris with it.

WII sport: with Wii sport you could do exercise online, you are getting the game if you bought a Wii, you could do 5
sports: tennis, baseball, bowling, golf and boxing. Wii sports is working with a remote control with a movement
sensor, the movement sensor is catching your actions and putting them in the game because of that it looks like you
are moving the player. In May 2009 was Wii sports the bestselling game in the world, Nintendo decided to make part
2 on July 24th, 2009, came Wii Sport Resort. Nintendo added 10 new sports at the game they were: sword fighting, golf
racing (racing on a jet ski), frisbee, archery, table tennis, kayaking, cycling, basketball and sky sports.
nintendo caracters
Nintendo has made a lot of games with a lot of characters in it. Here in this article, you will get an idea of how many characters
Nintendo has made, how they were created and when.
In the game Legends of Zelda there has been a lot of character in a lot of different games. The most showing characters and the
most important are:
 Link
 Zelda
 Sheik
 Tetra and the other bad guys.
In the series of games is link the most important person and the character you use the most, his job is to defeat Tetra and her
bad guys. In the meantime, he gets help of a princes named Zelda, which in a couple of games hid herself as Sheik to not be
Link and Zelda are a good team together because they stand for the ‘good’, because link stands for courage and Zelda stands for
wisdom. Tetra is the reincarnation of Zelda and stands for wisdom, only she belongs to the bad guys.
There are also a couple of other character who play a small but sometimes an important role in the story of the game, which are:
 Tingle, who sells maps.
 2 witches named Koume (Firewitch) and Kotake (Ice witch)
 And the 9 varieties: Hylian (pointy ear people), Kokiri (immortal people), Koroks (forest spirits), Gorons (mountain
people), Zora (fishy people), Gerudo (desert thieves), Minish (mouse-like people), Kikiwi (Bokoblins people)

Nintendo has made a lot of Mario related games like: Super Mario Bross, Mario Kart, a lot of versions of Super Mario 3D and
the newest Super Mario Odyssey.

Character who come the most in the Mario Games are: We all have a favorite game Character, with all sorts of games
 Mario there are many, many choices to choose from. My personal
 Luigi favorite is Donkey-Kong. This is because he's very big and
 Donkey-Kong strong. He's also afraid of nothing, which is very hard. Donkey
 Princess Peach Kong appeared for the first time in The Donkey Kong Game, I
 Toad think it's very original. When its first introduce people were
 Bowser trying to get the highest score. The record is held by Hank
 Yoshi Chien, he got 1.138.600 points and it has not been beaten by
anyone ever since.
The less showing characters, but who do appear are: Diddy Kong.
 Princes Daisy
 Waluigi
 Koopalings
 Wario
In the Mario games Mario is the most important and it mainly revolves around Mario, Luigi or Donkey Kong. They are the
characters you play the most, the other important characters are characters that you can also play or are enemies. And princes
Peach you can’t play but that’s the character which Mario has to save all the time.
Nintendo word search
m w i g e d s y e t
a s e m a g p j l e
r t h o l m a k o t
i g i u l p e h s r
o g j l a a o b n i
e n i n t e n d o s
i i d p e a c h c y
w y a m a u c h i s

Mario Games
Gameboy Japan
Nintendo Wii
Luigi Peach
Yamauchi Console
Tetris Ds
rescue Peach.
Without the mushroom you can’t pass the ghosts

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