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“The best book I ever read”

Title: Holes

Author: Louis Sachar

My Mini-review: Stanley Yelnats, a boy who can’t even afford a lawyer, gets
framed for stealing shoes that he didn’t even know who or where they came
from. And even worse, he gets sent to labour camp to dig holes all day! At camp,
not only does he make friends, he discovers many story’s and sets off for an

I give this book 3 stars

The inside Scoop

I am 11 years old. I am in 6th grade. My teacher is Mr.Wai
The members of my family are My Mom, Dad and my brother.
Some of my friends are Darren, Arjun, Adam and Dylan.
My favorite food is Pizza. My favorite sport is soccer
My favorite song is Stereo Hearts my
favorite school activity is Math and Drama
When I grow up I want to be a soccer player
Meet my Hero

Freekickerz is a Youtube channel. They show soccer in their videos, I learn a lot
from them. They are like an inspiration to me. Their videos aren’t just teaching
me tricks, and fancy shots, there’re probably teaching me German! (The leader is
German)They also have a lot of great reviews on soccer shoes, which are pretty
interesting. They are one of my hero’s!

“Andrew takes a “face” at the new appealing attraction”

A new attraction has opened up at Blue Mountain, as Andrew passes by he sees a

new attraction that many people are lining up for. The Apex Bag Jump, he sees
many people line up to jump down from a crazy height. He can’t resist, “Can I go
on the Apex Bag Jump?” said Andrew. Later that day, there he is, standing up on a
platform, ready to fall, he jumps and… HITS the target! “He’s safe!” As he comes
back he smiles, “Let’s do that again” (a moment of silence) OK! From that day on
he wasn’t scared of heights

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