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Q2. Change the tenses in the given sentences from Simple Present to Present Continuous.

a. Simran and Tarun ………………… ready to go home.

b. The old woman ………………………….. on the second bench in the park.
c. Some people …………………………...and ……………………….. our view.
d. The teacher ……………………………... the class how to conduct the experiment.
e. I ……………………………………. the notebooks of all the students.
f. She …………………………..… pale after her illness.
g. My friend and I ………………………… a library for our reference.
h. We ……………………………….. to school in our school van.
i. The Shatabadi Express ……………………………… between Delhi and Amritsar.
j. Suresh …………………………………….. politely with everyone.
k. My mother ………………………………. lunch for the guests.
l. The postman ………………………………. letters.
m. Tejesh ……………………………….. me with my homework.
n. Vivek ……………………………………. poems.
o. Gurmeet …………………………….. a car.
p. Sheep …………………………………….in the field.
q. The son …………………………………….up the sticks together to make a bundle.
r. Prakash …………………………………….the snow off his coat.

Q3. Rewrite the passage changing all the verbs from the simple present to the simple past tense.
Sunil wakes up at 5.00 a.m. when the alarm clock on his phone buzzes. He jumps out of bed and turns it off before
it wakes up anyone else. He switches on the light because it is still dark. He uses the bathroom; then looks for a
clean shirt to wear. He gets dressed and brushes his hair. He goes into the kitchen and makes coffee. Then he
packs his bag for work and makes some sandwiches for his lunch. While drinking coffee, Sunil checks his mail on
his smart phone. He put on his shoes and jacket just before leaving the house. When he leaves home he makes
sure to switch off all lights and fans. He locks the front door and walks to the colony gate to wait for the pickup
taxi. The taxi arrives at 6:00 a.m., and Sunil gets into the taxi. He greets his colleagues who are in the car. The taxi
drops them at work by 7:00 a.m. You can begin this way. Sunil woke up 5.00 a.m., when the alarm clock on his
phone buzzed.
Q1. Underline the verb in each sentence and identify whether the tense is Present, Past or Future.

a. We study English in Mr. Sohan’s class.

b. English was not my first language.

c. I will be a very good English speaker one day.

d. Mr. Javed helps Mr. Sohan teach our class.

e. The students will participate in all the class activities.

f. At Right to Read, Anish and Harish completed the application form.

g. Two new students will join our class tomorrow.

h. Rahul and Himanshu are the boys in our class.

i. Maria and Alisha lived in Mumbai for many years.

j. Their family in Mumbai misses them.

Q4. Fill in the blanks with the correct words chosen from the brackets.

a. Roma ………………….. clothes every day. (is washing/ washes)

b. My brother ………………………….. his homework now. (was doing/is doing)

c. She is always …………………………… of a headache. (complaining/ complains)

d. The carnival …………………….. over several days ago.(was/is)

e. My friends ………………….. yesterday.(came/come)

f. The roof ……………………. during the storm last week. (breaks/broke)

g. My sister ……………………………too slowly. (walking/walks)

h. Mr Ahuja is …………………….. a movie on television. (watches/watching)

i. Q5. Change the verb into the correct form.

a. …………………. (read) your book several times.

b. She ………………………… (wear) that skirt many times.
c. My family …………………………….. (visit) Brazil a few times.
d. I ………………… already …………………….. (eat).
e. Marta …………………….. (finish) her homework.
f. You …………………….. (break) the glass again.
g. They ………………………. (pay) for everything.
h. It …………………………. (never snow) like that.
i. I ………………………………….. (meet) Anna once.
j. We ……………………………. (see) him before.
k. You …………………………. (buy) four cars so far.
l. There …………………………….. (be) many problems.
m. Maria …………………………….. (raise) a monkey. 2
n. The kids ……………………………… (grow) so much!
o. I ……………………………….. (not / work) today.
p. We …………………………. (buy) a new lamp.
q. We ………………………….. (not / plan) our holiday yet.
r. Where …………………………… (be / you)?
s. He ………………………….. (write) five letters.
t. She ………………………… (not / see) him for a long time.
u. ……………………………. (be / you) to school?
v. School …………………………. (not / start) yet.
w. ……………………………….. (speak / he) to his boss?
x. No, he …………………………………… (not/ note) the time yet.
y. Q6. Change the verbs into the correct form.

a. Kevin ………………………… (go) home by the time I arrived.

b. Ethan suddenly realised that he …………………………….. (leave) his laptop on the train.

c. Mum was annoyed because I ……………………………… (not clean) my room.

d. ……………………….. (they / study) English before they went to USA?

e. We were hungry because we ………………………….. (not eat).

f. My phone didn't work because I …………………………. (not charge) it.

g. Why didn't you want to watch the film? ……………………… (you / see) it before?

h. Sally was embarrassed because she …………………………… (forget) her dad's birthday.

i. The storm destroyed the sandcastle that we (build) ………………………………….

j. He (not / be) ………………………… to Cape Town before 1997.

k. When she went out to play, she (do / already) ……………………………………… her homework.

l. My brother ate all of the cake that our mum (make) …………………………………………

m. The doctor took off the plaster that he (put) ……………………… on six weeks before.

n. The waiter brought a drink that I (not / order) …………………………………………….

o. I could not remember the poem we (learn) ……………………………… the week before.

p. The children collected the chestnuts that (fall) ……………………………………. from the tree.

q. (he / phone) …………………………… Angie before he went to see her in London?

r. She (not / ride) …………………………….. a horse before that day.
Q7. Change the verbs into the correct form.

a. By this time tomorrow, I ……………………………………….. (finish) the project.

b. By 8 o'clock, the kids ………………………………………… (fall) asleep.

c. By tomorrow morning, he ………………………………….. (sleep) wonderfully.

d. By next year, she …………………………………………………. (receive) her promotion.

e. Robin …………………………… (sell) his car by next Sunday.

f. Morgan …………………………… (clean) the entire house by lunch.

g. We ……………………………. (dance) a few dances before midnight.

h. At this time tomorrow morning, they ……………………………… (begin) working.

i. At this time next week, we ……………………………………. (catch) the thief.

j. By 2013, I …………………………………… (live) in Madrid for 5 years.

k. In 2020, they …………………………………….. (work) here for 20 years.

l. By September, Julie ……………………………………….. (teach) us for over a year.

m. By October, I …………………………………… (study) English for 3 months.

n. On Monday, she ………………………………….. (wait) for 2 weeks.

o. Before Saturday, you …………………………………………. (do) all of your homework.

Simple Present or Present Continuous

Q8. Circle the correct option.

a. It rains / It's raining very hard - maybe we shouldn't go out.

b. I eat / I'm eating lunch with my coworkers every day.

c. My son hates / is hating vegetables. He never eats them.

d. William's not home right now. He travels / He's traveling.

e. These shoes don't fit / aren't fitting. I need a larger size.

f. From the tone of her voice, it sounds / it's sounding like she's angry.

g. My sister has / is having long black hair.

h. I usually go / I'm usually going to the gym in the morning.

i. My car is being repaired, so I rent / I'm renting a car this week.

j. I confess / I'm confessing that I have a drinking problem.

k. I just finished the book. Now I understand / I'm understanding why everyone loves this author.

l. They consider / They're considering to buy the house; they said they'll decide by the end of the
m. We currently know / We're currently knowing nothing about the matter.

n. He approves / He's approving of your idea.

o. I've done my part. Now it depends / it's depending on you

p. I have / I'm having a headache, so I have / I'm having trouble in concentrating.

Present Perfect or Simple Past

Q9. Fill in the blanks with Present Perfect or the Simple Past.
a. I …………………………. a great film yesterday. (see)

b. …………………………………………….. a cheap laptop? (you ever buy)

c. Sujata ………………………. flu last winter. (have)

d. A few days ago we ……………………………. to his uncle. (drive)

e. They …………………………… Wednesday afternoon. (play)

f. He …………………………… the bus to get there. (already take)

g. Last week my rabbit ………………………. away. (run)

h. We ………………………….. a lot last Sunday. (do)

i. …………………………….. to India? (she ever be)

j. I …………………… him last Monday. (meet)

k. She ………………………………………… yet. (not wake up)

l. I ……………………………… her since last Thursday. (not meet)

m. Bob …………………….well last night. (sleep)

n. I …………………… a letter from her two days ago. (get)

o. They …………………………………….. in Germany. (already arrive)

Q10. Fill in the correct form of verbs.
i. I usually ……………………. (go) to school by bus.
ii. Yesterday morning I …………………. (get) up at 6.30.
iii. We needed some money so we …………………… (sell) our car.
iv. "…………………… she ever ………………….. (be) to Spain?"
v. "What …………………….. Piku ………………….. (do) now?"
vi. Please don't make so much noise. I ………………………… (study) for my online degree.
vii. Water ………………………. (boil) at 100 degrees Celsius.
viii. Carol often ………………………. (learn) with her father.
ix. Now Ronit ………………….. (phone) Jill again. It……………… (be) the third time.
x. He ……………………….(phone) her this evening.
xi. It …………………….. (rain) now. It ……………………. (begin) raining two hours ago.
xii. ……………….. you …………………… (hear) anything from Tom since Christmas?
xiii. "……………… it …………………. (rain)?" she always asks (ask) me.
xiv. "………………… you ………………. (go) out last night?"
xv. New York ………………. (be) one of the largest cities of the world.
xvi. This house …………………….. (cost) 35,000 pounds in 1980.
xvii. …………………… John ever ………………….. (win) a prize at a race?
xviii. I …………………. (fall) asleep yesterday when I ……………………… (watch) TV.
xix. George …………………. never …………………….. (be) to Canada.
xx. We ……………………(do) a lot last Sunday.
xxi. I sometimes ……………… (go) to the cinemas.

xxii. Nick ……………………… (work) hard yesterday.
xxiii. I ………………………….. (not find) my ring yet which I ……………………….(lose) at the party yesterday.
xxiv. They ………………………. (build) this castle in 1762.
xxv. Do you like to have something to eat? No, thank you. I ………………………. (just have) dinner.
xxvi. While Tom ………………………. (play) tennis, Ann …………………………. (take) a shower.
xxvii. I …………………………. (see) his dog since yesterday morning.
xxviii. Mike ……………………… (play) with his notebook now.
xxix. ……………. you ………………….. (speak) English?" she was asked.
xxx. When they ………………………. (work) in the garden, the phone ………………………… (ring).
Q1. Underline the verbs and identify the tenses.
a. We study in grade 5.
b. Cricket was never my passion.
c. I will be a very good orator one day.
d. Our neighbours help us whenever we are in need.
e. The students will appear for their final exams.
f. Aanish and Harrison finished their work on time.
g. A new sports teacher will join our school tomorrow.
h. Unnati and Udati are the ones known for their hardwork.
i. Minal and Oliva lived in Lonavla for many years.
j. His friends in Atlanta miss him a lot.

Q3. Tick ( ) the sentence in which the tense has been used correctly.
a. i. Which language do you speak at home?
ii. Which language are you speaking at home?
b. i. I am wanting something cold to drink.
ii. I want something cold to drink.
c. i. Which classes do you teach?
ii. Which classes are you teaching?
d. i. How many children are you having?
ii. How many children do you have?
e. i. I am reading “Daddy Long Legs” these days.
ii. I read “Daddy Long Legs” these days.
f. i. Shazia is living in Kanpur.
ii. Shazia lives in Kanpur.

g. i. Melisa thinks she is clever.
ii. Melisa is thinking she is clever.
h. i. Trees are shedding their leaves in autumn.
ii. Trees shed their leaves in autumn.
i. i. We are knowing the Wadia family for the last twenty years.
ii. We have known the Wadia family for the last twenty years.
j. i. Do you ever see a 3-D film?
ii. Have you ever seen a 3-D film?

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