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Q1: Tests proved that the remains of a man who drowned in Brazil in 1979 were those of

this notorious Nazi doctor?

The crrect Answer is: Josef Mengele

Q2: This "Lonesome Dove" author dedicated his novel "The Desert Rose" "To Lesley, for the
use of her goat"?

The crrect Answer is: Larry McMurtry

Q3: In 1934 he & his followers began a 6,000-mile march from Jiangxi province to the
village of Yan'an in northern China?

The crrect Answer is: Mao Tse-tung

Q4: This Diaghilev dancer is buried near the great French dancer Auguste Vestris in

The crrect Answer is: Nijinsky

Q5: Flour from Washburn Crosby Company won this in 1880 & was renamed for it, still the
name of the brand?

The crrect Answer is: Gold Medal

Q6: Cloves of this are sometimes placed in a bridal bouquet for good luck?

The crrect Answer is: garlic

Q7: Expelled from a Bible school at age 15, this country-rock star is known as "The Killer"?

The crrect Answer is: Jerry Lee Lewis

Q8: The Great Global Cleanup & Taking Climate Action are things you can learn about on the
website named for this day created in 1970?
The crrect Answer is: Earth Day

Q9: In 1953 he told visitors, "There is one thing about being president--nobody can tell you
when to sit down"?

The crrect Answer is: Eisenhower

Q10: A local cop, J. Edgar Hoover, Wyatt Earp et al.?

The crrect Answer is: lawmen

Q11: (Hello, I'm Armin Shimerman.) A knowledgeable Ferengi knows there are 285 rules of
this, the 1st one being "Once you have their money never give it back"?

The crrect Answer is: acquisition

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